kr120 · 2 years
At last, chapter 9, 10 & 11 are posted
Have fun reading (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
At last, chapter 9, 10 & 11 are posted
Have fun reading (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
Chapter 8 is up!
Finally MC reached to the underworld!
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
Chapter 6 & 7 are out (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
Sorry for the delay had a busy week +had to do a lot of re writing to cover up some points!
Hope u enjoy reading it & as always, comment & let me know what you think
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
Thank you for sharing your story 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
Thank you for creating the tarot deck (even thou I don't actually have it but maybe someday)
Thank you for creating Heart hunter game I absolutely love their interactions AND the post cards that I wish I can have them in reality
I'm so sorry for what you have gone through & hope you're in a better place & feeling great (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
Arcana Fans,
Can we talk about the Tarot Decks? The Arcana Tarot Decks. I’m proud of them. It also ends in a painful memory. They are, all in all, the high and low of my time at Nix Hydra
In short: I’m one of the main people that made Arcana Tarot Decks a reality.
My job was answering emails, monitoring the Arcana social media tags, and generally having my finger on the pulse of the community. I knew that, by a wide margin, Tarot Decks were the biggest request. My coworker (who shall remain nameless for their privacy) was part of the team that made the Arcana and knew how much Tarot resonated with fans. This co-worker and I fought for about 1-1.5 years getting them greenlit.
In all honesty, they were a completely audacious idea. Nix Hydra didn’t make much money from merchandise. Maybe $100 a month. The cost of an *initial* run of Arcana Tarot Decks would take something like $25,000 to get going. This is because of creating the art, securing people to help package/ship them, actual costs of packaging/shipping itself, and more. Also, my partner on the project was very insistent that we work with a company that produced them at an extremely high quality with gold trim edges. Gold trim edges was important (they were right).
So, the Nix Hydra merch store made less than $200 a month, and my coworker and I were trying to pitch something that would COST $25,000~ to get started. If it made $25,000 back, that’s still a waste of time because it means we would have made the same money just skipping the whole thing.
This next part is fuzzy, but if I remember right, we tested the waters with stickers. We stocked Arcana stickers to see how quickly they sold. They sold fast. Like… fast. This was good. It was our test case to at least prove that “People want Arcana Merch”. It heated the iron, and my coworker and I struck. We got the approval!
So here’s the most nerve wracking moment of my career here. I’ve been in the game industry 12 years, but I’ve never run a merchandise store Nix Hydra. Even after that, I sent out a few sticker sheets every month. Forget about convincing a company to invest $25,000~ into my mad idea. And then… if they DID sell. What, then!? I always have a lot of anxiety, and I kept thinking of ways it could go wrong. What if I broke some international shipping law? What if I did the math wrong and operated at a loss? What if the site charged people the wrong amount? I KNEW the Tarot Decks would sell, but that was scary, too!
The day came that we flipped the switch. I was so excited. I was so excited! I was so… scared. At this point, all that was left was to see if we could make above the starting amount…
We made about $200,000 in the first 24 hours. Now, this was 3-4 years ago, so I may be SIGNIFICANTLY off. But my point is that we made six digits very quickly. By this same time tomorrow, this went from “Gunpowder and Coworker’s brassy, sassy idea” to “Merch is a hit! What’s next?”
Over the next few months and weeks, we had a joyful hectic hell of the best anxiety. Problems would come up. We’d knock them down. We’d run out of storage space in the office and it would look almost comical. We’d have truckloads of shipment issues. I soon found out that simply taking the packages to the post office was its own complicated project. All of this expanded into hiring people to help with merch. These people were extremely passionate about The Arcana and began to be advocates for what merch to add next. I could gush about how amazing they are for hours, but for privacy’s sake, I’m refraining from saying much about my coworkers.
So like that, we went from “Merch doesn’t sell” to “We need a merch department” in a few months. By the time I left the company, the CEO (you’ve seen his name around) projected the Merch alone to be a $1M a year revenue stream. I don’t know if we ever hit that goal. My point was that he felt it was possible, which made me happy.
… which brings me to how the story ends painfully. I have moderate ADHD. I personally think it’s severe, but my doctor says moderate, so hey. I tend to fall behind on assignments a lot. I also tend to get distracted super easily. It can ruffle feathers in a work environment. I did not realize how much. See, this project was in full swing, my work was going well, and I had also designed all the gameplay of Heart Hunter (that was me! I’ll write a post on that later). I felt good about all of this. I had a meeting with the CEO and was going to ask him for a raise.
“[Name], just so you know, I sometimes sit and my desk and go over the pros and cons of letting you go.” He said it conversationally. It was casual to him. My stomach fell out. I asked him why, and it turned out that he was being very, very literal.
See, he made a pros and cons list of every thing he likes about me and every thing that he doesn’t. I’ll spare you the whole list, but in the Cons side was “Doesn’t focus on work all 8 hours of the day”. I was flabbergasted and told him “But… I do a lot of projects. And YOU said the merch store is estimated at $1M a year!” At this point, it is extremely important to note that nothing about the merch store was in my job description besides “Ship stickers and answer emails”. Literally everything I mentioned above were things I did in my spare time without being asked. Out of love for the company.
“Yes, I agree that you’re very passionate and creative. See, I put that on the list!”
He points to the Pros and Cons list. “passionate and creative” is cancelled out by “doesn’t focus all 8 hours of the day”. It was a tie. The project I co-led started a whole new department and seven-digit (estimated) revenue… it wasn’t even the only one I did (Heart Hunter was also a side project, albeit one I was assigned). And all of that, in his mind, was cancelled out by “doesn’t work all 8 hours a day”.
I never got a raise. I never got a bonus. I never even got job security. None of it mattered to him.
I started looking for a job the next day.
There’s more to the story, but I think this is the main point. This is the best and worst of Nix Hydra. It was a place where people like my coworker and I would make extra time to work on new things simply because we believed in our work that much. Where players joyfully supported our work because it resonated with them. Where new employees would be so passionate about their work that they would keep an entire department afloat on their own fantastic ideas. It was also a place where none of this could even amount to job security or recognition. It was frustrating, and it was joyful.
I meant every single smile at a public event. So did every member of the team that was there. It was never “just PR”; it was people who were over the moon to get to help create these stories and worlds and moments. We loved it. But management never loved us back. And that stung.
Thank you, every single person who posted their tarot decks. Who put them into your cosplays. Who did readings.
Thank you everyone who posted your Heart Hunter moments. Who shared the postcards I fought tooth and nail to see in the game (It was SO difficult to convince some people that “postcards would be the type of reward players want”).
My entire life, I’ve had joyful moments in games and game communities. My lifelong dream was to help make those moments come alive for others. When you all celebrated this game and those aspects of it, that was very genuinely a lifelong dream come true.
Thank you for reading this. And also The Arcana.
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kr120 · 2 years
I've now posted the 4th & 5th chapters and also fixed some spelling mistakes that slipped my eyes T^T sorry about that
I'll be rebloging this post for updates
Comments on the story are more than welcomed, I want to know what you think and any improvement you suggest (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Also, go check @beanswrites
& enjoy her stories (◡ ω ◡)♡
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
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Thank you for your patience and sorry for making wait (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
I now present to you my MC x Asra fanfic (Defying Univers) ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
that was inspired from @beanswrites
I've now posted the 1st 3 chapters of 20 on Wattpad and Ao3
Here are the links and hope you enjoy
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kr120 · 2 years
After 20 chapters (≧▽≦)
Now comes editing the last 11 chapters and checking that everything is connected
I've created an Ao3 account as well, so I'll be posting here soon the first 3 chapters in both Wattpad and Ao3 with the links
So stay tuned
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I'm almost there!
Writing the 9th chapter and probably will end it on the 11th or 12th chapter!! Then editing/ might re edit
But I'm so hyped and actually afraid, I haven't been writing for so long but this inspiration didn't stop and actually wrote the 1st 3 chapters in one night (pulled it through till 3 am)
Not to mention this is my 1st fanfic ever!!!
Anyways, I really hope I wrote it good
Personally, for someone who's writing after a decade or so, it's pretty good but I'll let you judge later when I publish it on my wattpad
Also, this fanfic was inspired from @beanswrites which I can't be thankful enough for her (人*´∀`)。*゚+
I wanted to finish it all at once for many reasons, the biggest one is to not regret :D
Till then, hope you leave me some encouraging comments (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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kr120 · 2 years
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*Ahem* Did I say will end at chapter 12!! (≧▽≦)
Anyways, 16 is for real my last chapter, I promise (ㆁωㆁ)
So after writing it, I'll re edit the first 3 chapters and upload them in my wattpad: R120Karya
Will put the link here once I do publish them, hopefully around 4-5 days maximum
Stay tuned (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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I'm almost there!
Writing the 9th chapter and probably will end it on the 11th or 12th chapter!! Then editing/ might re edit
But I'm so hyped and actually afraid, I haven't been writing for so long but this inspiration didn't stop and actually wrote the 1st 3 chapters in one night (pulled it through till 3 am)
Not to mention this is my 1st fanfic ever!!!
Anyways, I really hope I wrote it good
Personally, for someone who's writing after a decade or so, it's pretty good but I'll let you judge later when I publish it on my wattpad
Also, this fanfic was inspired from @beanswrites which I can't be thankful enough for her (人*´∀`)。*゚+
I wanted to finish it all at once for many reasons, the biggest one is to not regret :D
Till then, hope you leave me some encouraging comments (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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kr120 · 2 years
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I'm almost there!
Writing the 9th chapter and probably will end it on the 11th or 12th chapter!! Then editing/ might re edit
But I'm so hyped and actually afraid, I haven't been writing for so long but this inspiration didn't stop and actually wrote the 1st 3 chapters in one night (pulled it through till 3 am)
Not to mention this is my 1st fanfic ever!!!
Anyways, I really hope I wrote it good
Personally, for someone who's writing after a decade or so, it's pretty good but I'll let you judge later when I publish it on my wattpad
Also, this fanfic was inspired from @beanswrites which I can't be thankful enough for her (人*´∀`)。*゚+
I wanted to finish it all at once for many reasons, the biggest one is to not regret :D
Till then, hope you leave me some encouraging comments (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
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kr120 · 2 years
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A lil doodle fart!
Can you count the half moons 🌙 in her hair!?
0 notes
kr120 · 2 years
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A lil quick doodle of him till I finish his fanfic TvT
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kr120 · 2 years
Portia: anyone else d—
Julian: depressed?
MC: dead?
Asra: drained?
Lucio: disliked?
Portia: ... done... with the work Nadia gave us.
Julian, MC, Asra, Lucio:....
Portia: what is wrong with you people??
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kr120 · 2 years
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I re read book Strength and haven't been okay since. Book Strength is what essentially hooked me to Asra's route. The entirety of the time spent in Nopal was so magical and cute and domestic. But it also had very clever narrative "strengths" ( 🤡 ) and some questionable undertones that I've only come to identify recently.
For starters, Book Strength has very obvious and strong contrasts to the reversed ending, but it also felt like we were really seeing Asra for the first time in his route. His domestic nature with MC. His cautious and protective nature that's collectively adorable, pitiful and valid. How he indulgently wants to spend as much time as possible with MC (even when it's clearly not the best time for it) And especially now that he can put his guard down since his feelings have been returned! And yet you can still tell that somethings holding him back, the worries that cloud his excitement. Even the small interaction with Saguaro was a genius and missed opportunity on elaboration. His aggressive and guarded response to Saguaro was telling of the dangers he's had to look out for when traveling and could have even been a short glance at the hardships he's faced in his youth. It was all so charming, Asra stole my heart in Nopal and he still hasn't given it back 😤
Contrarily, some things didn't sit right with me in Book Strength too. From early on in Asra's route there's been support from the narrative to criticize Asra's feelings for MC. Options like "I want to go somewhere more remote" and "I had a good dream about the two of us vanishing in our own world together" being the reversed choices may have been a direct nod to the bad ending, and could have been a reference to Asra's decision to avoid the situation with Lucio by taking MC to Nopal ie "their own world together somewhere remote". But it still holds the tone of disapproval towards Asra's true feelings for MC, and what it means to spend time together alone with him. Especially due to the nature of these options being the “reversed” choices, they're no longer a character preference but instead act as a narrative tool to pick up problems in Asra’s behavior that MC cannot indulge. And in so, it enforces the narrative that spending time alone with Asra is “bad”.
You could argue that it is “bad” because Asra has spent so much time warped around MC, or that MC needs to break out of their shell and see the world and indulging Asra would stifle them. But it's a weak and unsupported argument.
Firstly, Asra doesn’t stifle MC’s growth. Asra wasn't forcing MC into solitude to recover, he would only decline MC accompanying him on his own travels because of the dangers it could have on MC. He does not control MC's every action since he never stops MC from pursuing anything or anyone on his route or any of the others. But not standing in someone's way isn't the same as encouraging them, so you could argue that Asra doesn't encourage MC to grow because he's too concerned for their wellbeing? Wrong. When has Asra not pushed MC to grow? From the first book in his route, he trusts in MC's strength and encourages MC to enter the magical realms, in the second book he's taking MC to the cave to strengthen and test their magic. In the third book he's teaching MC new magical spells and giving them the reigns to develop their own methods. Every book has tons of hints of him encouraging MC to test their limits, and somehow these efforts are belittled or ignored and instead the narrative implies that by spending time with Asra MC relies on him too much and can't become independent, meanwhile every minute we spend together with him he's only been encouraging MC to become better?
Secondly, Asra's concern and attention with MC is entirely justified? I don't feel like I have to spell it out but I will just to be safe. MC's death traumatized Asra, his denial and grief forced him to do things that defied the laws of nature and because of this MC was brought back to life but with none of their memories or strength, which he obviously feels responsible for. He spent the last three years owning up to that responsibility and rehabilitating the person he cares about the most. But suddenly, his actions are too obsessive and should be called out? All while simultaneously criticizing him for traveling too much and not being present for MC. The narrative contradicts itself by implying that he's not present either and calls him out for "vanishing often" in Wheel of Fortune (upright choice). In doing so it implies that Asra is often absent, and his absence impacts MC and those around him. And now somehow, being with Asra or being apart from him impacts them both negatively? Which is it? Is he too obsessive or neglectful because it can't be both.
This has been a frustrating experience with Asra's route specifically because often the narrative felt weak, inconsistent and contradictive. Almost as though the writers would often change their minds on what it is that the want to say about Asra and MC's relationship. And I think it's because of these inconsistencies and lack of identity in themes that many readers had a hard time understanding and connecting with Asra.
There's a lot, and I mean a lot, that irritates me about Asra's route. So it was nice to re read Book Strength and find a few gems in the rough. It was nice to be reminded of the few (but strangely intensely impactful) aspects I liked about his route ♥︎
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kr120 · 2 years
Tokoyami: 🎶So raise a glass to freedom
Eri: Raise a glass?
Tokoyami: Raise a glass.
Eri: Glass of what?
Tokoyami: Apple juice.
Eri: Delicious!
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kr120 · 2 years
I'm really proud how it turned out, after trace lining it for a better quality & my coloring improved ☆
I've uploaded it to my shops & u can have it as a wallpaper from teespring
(Sorry not Sorry) uploading this with squares
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