godsfavoritescientist 5 months
Ford is so aplatonic coded, to me,
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ix-c-999 1 year
I think it's so based of me that I'm a (partially) alloromantic asexual who prefers QPRs to romantic relationships
like due to the dilution of the term QPP and amatonormativity, I think most people who had both romantic and queerplatonic relationships would be expected to prefer a romantic relationship
but no, I'm someone who can experience romantic feelings in a romantic relationship and I would honestly prefer that my relationship with a partner were platonic
It's true that this is informed by a degree romance repulsion I have, so I do have factors that another grayromantic may not have but. yeah, no amatonormativity for me
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Ok I'm doing it I'm making an intro. Heyos I'm ponfarr/azzi(spelled like 5 dif ways) whatever comes up in your mind when you think of me. If you must refer to me I use any pronouns bc why not and uh yea. This blog is just me reposting random stuff.
If any mutuals wanna talk on discord just message me
Have a great day
#birb for bird stuff
#q u a n k for quark
#spiderversebrainrot for spiderverse stuff
#go2brainrot and #go2 spoilers for good omens s2 stuff
#barbiebrainrot for barbie stuff
#tag game
#ask game
#ponfarrasks for random asks
#hobie brown cosplay for my upcoming hobie cosplay
#transtapeposting for transtape updates
#aspecposting for aspec stuff
#azzi writes for random stuff I write
#them mf cloned tyrone for they cloned tyrone
#afropunk for mainly afropunk stuff
#capitalism can die for general punk and anti capitalist stuff
#love and sex from an aroace for updates abt my love and sex class
#the yearning yearns for aspec yearning
#azzi's random thoughts for random shit I say
Link to previous pinned thing
Secret thing
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