#aspecies positivity
I used to have a kintype.... turns out that was a manifestation of my trauma. Now I'm on Abilify and I'm Aspecies😎
I'm not human, I'm not anything. I'm just me🥰
As of 1/21/2024, I'm hoping I actually become more active on this blog!
Please suggest Kin Pride Flags I can make✨️
My main blog, @pickle-the-lad, I have no idea what's going on there🦋
My name is Dylan Edward Auburn Kolin Floyd Cougill✨️
I use it/its pronouns🍄
I'm pan-bellusromantic, abro-aceflex🏳️‍🌈
I prefer dehumanizing language but any is fine🌸
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hxseok-honee · 2 years
control || royal personnel [UPDATED]
Let this file be shown to contain regularly updated personnel and activity records, to be accessed by its primary holder, His Majesty the King, under the guidance of its secondary holder, His Royal Advisor. 
Signed, Min Yoongi His Majesty the King Member of the Ruling Court
//energy manipulation: the willful creation or destruction of physio-emotional balance within the target’s body. wielder can additionally experience the physio-emotional state of another in their vicinity. able to be used on the self.//
- sought out by His Majesty the King after the restructuring of the Ruling Court in the Eastern Seascapes
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- rose quickly to General status due to uncanny speed and combat abilities
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//sensing: the ability to locate and identify the presence of others at a variable distance from the wielder. the degree of accuracy and maximum range at which a target can be sensed is subject to training. gift is opposite and equal to that wielder who holds the gift of masking. wielder is able to sense that which has been masked, with variable difficulty subject to training. gift is not transferrable.//
- Prince and heir to the Nexus
- twin brother of Princess Jung, existence previously unknown
- Gift seems to complement that of his sister, who is able to mask her presence to most at will
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//masking: the ability to hide or conceal the presence of the wielder at will. the degree of strength of the mask is subject to training. gift is opposite and equal to that wielder who holds the gift of sensing. gift is not transferrable[??].//
- Princess and second heir to the Nexus
- twin sister of Prince Jung, heir to the throne
- Gift seems to complement that of her brother, who is able to sense her presence and the presence of others in variable distance.
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- aura is able to be manipulated, both at will and of its own discretion
- able to sense that wielder which has been masked, at maximal clarity
- at times is unaware of himself -- to be determined if he or another is in control in these moments
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keachassistants · 25 days
How is virtual assistant useful?
Do your weekdays suffer from being swallowed up by daily chores and email inbox overflow? You're not alone. In the frantic environment of the speedy day, everyone could do with some little assistance. Here is where virtual assistants can be your savior to perform tasks for you.
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VAs stands for Virtual Assistants. They are the remote executives who offer administrative tasks as well as other technical and creative support activities to people and businesses. They are co- situatedin the offices where they can work for you round the clock and offer a very flexible and cost- effective service enabling you to concentrate on important tasks and boost your productivity.
''Here's how a VA can be your personal superhero''
Tame the Task Monster: VAs effectively take care of the mind-numbing administrative process that steals away your day sometimes. They will be able not just to make appointments and manage priority ticket-handling but also do data entry or even organize travel for you to save your time and energy.
Become a Focus Force: In effect, a VA delivers you the much-needed freedom to focus on key areas of your business instead of being preoccupied by the need to do the tasks yourself. It can make a tremendous difference whether it is growing your business, undertaking new art projects, or building stronger relationships with family; a personal assistant will facilitate this.
Expertise at Your Fingertips: Many VAs sometimes has all kinds of skills related to social media management, bookkeeping, and graphic design as well. This feature you avail the consulting service thus saving the huge cost of salaried employee.
Work-Life Balance Warrior: Examining the lack of a sustainable work-life balance? A VA is not just someone who helps you recover your free time but a VA is more than that. Task assignment increases your ability to achieve better outcomes and reduce your stress level. Hence, you can be physically and mentally healthy without getting exhausted.
Virtual assistants are a valuable tool for anyone who wants to;
1. Increase productivity
2. Improve efficiency
3.Taking away the need to waste so much time on dealing with the stuff that's not really important.
4.Through theses trainings, acquire aspecialized skills
Reduce operating costs
Ready to have an experience of the rogue-like game "Virtue Goblin?" Just a little homework might be enough to enable you to find a virtual assistant who is both reasonably priced and who meets your special requirements. It is of no matter what career you are into - at any point you may find yourself either as an entrepreneur with positions to fill, or a freelancer with inbox to empty, or you could be a person with desire to get more done.
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honeyfromtherockblog · 8 months
Be Different
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If we think of something different we usually think of something weird or strange. Most things that are different or new to us are strange or….outstanding. If we for example see five black cats and one pink cat, the pink one will stand out to us,right? That is because a pink cat is not normal for us, it is different. But just because something is different doesn‘t mean that it is bad or weird, it just draws attention to it’s self,because others aren‘t used to it. And it we aren‘t used to something we may think it is odd,but just because we think something is odd doesn‘t mean that it is odd. I hope you guys know what i mean.
God has called us to be different, outstanding,to be set apart from the world. He tells us to be the light of the world (matthew 5:14), he is the light in our lifes right? Since we encountered him our lifes got a lot brighter. It is important that we show the world this light, so that the world may also encounter him. We should also be the salt of the world ( matthew 5:13). This maybe a stupid example but if we are the salt…and the kingdom of God is the soup…and we have no flavour…than what good are we for the soup? I really hope you guys know where I‘m going. We need to show the world that we are diferent by doing good, because then we will stand out to other people in a positive way, and when they know that we are follower of christ that will shed good light on the kingdom of God. We don‘t do good to get saved, we do good because we are saved!
But why would we even want to be like the world? This world will end and everyone of this world will also end. We are not of this world, we are just living on this world. It is hard to not be of this world, it is hard to stand out,it is hard to be different, aspecially as a teen. But it will be worth it in the end. Would you rather gain the world but lose your life ,or would you rather lose your life for christ and gain eternal life (luke 9:23-26) ? We should live for him because he died for us. We need to take up our cross daily, we need to sacrifice him everything we are, we can‘t do that if we live in the pattern of this world ( galatians 2:20 and romans 12:1+2). Why would we want to be liked by the world if we can be liked by our creator? We should want to be liked by him (psalm 19:14). Everything we do should be for his glory.When we gave our lifes to christ he renewed our hearts and washed us clean from sin, only because of him we have a clean heart. That is why we should act form our good heart (luke 6:45).
I hope I inspired you and maybe you learned something new. I hope everyone has a great day,Jesus loves you <3
Bye xoxo
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nataliadochim · 11 months
Natalia Dochim has a thing for cats. She loves flowers, too. She works as a nurse at a reputable hospital and occupies the position after graduating. Cats hold aspecial place in Natalia Dochim heart.
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ulec-elec · 3 years
Who wants more next gen hcs???
Ra is basically the fun dad who fails to set guidelines while Harpy‘s out there yelling „language!“ and „posture.“ 20/7
Since both had very fucked up parents
Ra try’s to give the kids as much freedom as possible, trying to understand their problems
Harpy wants to be there for her children and wants to set their path for a good future. He would kill for her kids, literally.
They deny it but it‘s obvious who‘s who‘s favorite
Ra‘s fav is Maat due to her being a happier version than Harpy, embracing her musical interest while having a positive outlook on the world.
While Harpy‘s favorite is Aton since can be as chaotic and loud as his father while still trying his best on improving his skills.
Maat and Aton Are Twins, Maat is older by fifteen minutes. (She never gets tired of mentioning that)
Both of the kids are analytical and work on their skills constantly, like their mom
Rather social like their dad.
Aton means sundisk/ literally sun
Maat is the goddess of honesty (and the daughter of the sun god Ra)
(Ra‘s dad named them)
Aton has dislexia, so he has problems with writing and reading. But he‘s good with anything sciency (Math, Physics) he also likes sports a lot, he‘s aspecially good in hand to hand combat.
Maat, like her mother has inherited a demon. Not intentionally ofc. It was hidden in the contract that harpy singed to get her full demonic powers.
She is good with words and very good at languages but fails at anything remotly connected to science. She did ballet and took singing lessons for a long time.
Tho being two of the most powerful ppl in the whole scare school they still argue like five year olds.
Aton is scared of insects while Maat has a dismay of rodents.
Maat inherited a lot of Harpy‘s genes. Therefore she understands any kind of bird, has the pointy teeth and the feathery hair.
Aton sucks at aiming so you‘ll never see him using a bow on his own terms.
Both are remotly Moro-sexual
(Hint, Mona and Nick)
Since their Parents have a very close relationship with an almost dream like love story these two are very pining.
Maat pined for Nick even before he transitioned
And Aton has the tendecy to fall for every girl that talks to him.
Jacob is their damage control
They take fighting lessons since the royal family gets attacked a lot. Especially after Ra had to banish his own parents and now has major trustissues with his own royal guard.
Aton gets trained by Hot Thot Ramses and Maat by her own demon. (A fancy crow man in a suit)
Like mentioned before Harpy is very protective of her children. So she doesn’t really like Mona and Nick who are both
Chaotic eneties who listen to punk music and swear a lot in their native language.
Ra thinks his kids have the grated taste lmao „ah I see you have your mothers taste in partners“
Ra and Harpy used to babysit Jacob a lot which where a big struggle as soon as the sleepwalking and talking started.
When you wake up at four am looking at a tiny kids in his pj‘s saying. „*instert scary thing to say.“ over and over again you get scared yeah.
I want to mention that Ra is still freaked about that. Kinda.
Ra is the kind of Parent who makes stupid jokes at the kitchen table to embarris his kids in front of their guests
(Mona and Nick he‘s the funniest guy in the underworld)
Harpy never gets tired or babying them.
Ra and Harpy Are the lovey dovie kind of parents that are an embarrassment to their children. (Flirting, giggling, joking.)
Ra is trying to legalize weed in Kairo but Harpy wants to stop him from doing that.
Ra talks harpy usually writes down their Final idea and thinks it trough. But they work together in developing it.
Harpy can‘t talk infront of a large amount of people and she‘s terrible with names.
Ra Never gets tired of phrasing harpy, especially in front of everyone. „That‘s my wife! She‘s so smart.“
„Applaud for my gorgeous wife, couldn’t make it without her.“
Harpy is all red trying to wave it off
These people cannot have one (1) single vacation without being attacked by somebody.
Ra is the only one not that found of fighting but he‘s usually good at dodging and de escalateing (or he calms the people who are stuck with them down) in emergencies he can do the ty lee shit and set a punch the way that it termporately paralyzes the body part.
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a-dorin · 4 years
Can I get a ship? Either from marvel or star wars. I’m female. I’m 5’5 with tan skin and straight black hair that reaches my hips and brown/black eyes. I’m very sarcastic and I am a great listener. I love kids as well, aspecially babies. My favourite colours are beige, black and red. I‘d be a sith, a first order member or team iron man if I could be. I love your Acc so much 🖤🖤🖤
i ship you with..
tony stark aka iron man
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the multi-millionaire was quite the ladies man. he never intended to settle down or find a permanent life partner. he was ready to live a life of luxury, surrounded by endless women, cars, and alcohol. that was until he met you.
you were employed to be a part of his public relations team, as you specialized in celebrity management. tony wasn’t exactly thrilled at the idea, but his assistant pepper urged that it was necessary.
at first, tony didn’t even call you by your name. his endearing nickname for you was “damage control.” which, was not a name you were particularly fond of.
as you spent more time with tony, he realized that there was more to you than just your position. you were a great listener, and good with kids. he would rant to you, expecting you to brush him off, but rather, you would give your advice, in detail no less. you showed him that you cared about him more than the salary, as well as the press.
tony realized he loved you one night, while you were sitting on his couch, downstairs in his lab. you were watching a tangled, tears in your eyes as the boat scene came onscreen. you told him that their love was pure, which made it so beautiful.
that was when he told you, taking your hand into his, intertwining your fingers together. he admitted that he loved you, and that his love for you was undoubted and pure, just like eugene and rapunzel’s. you threw your arms around him, tears of joy streaming down your face.
since that night, tony has always made sure that you were his top priority, no matter what. sure, he spoiled you, but nothing was better than seeing your gorgeous face at the end of a long day.
tony stark loved you endlessly, and you loved him more than anything in the world.
who knew you would’ve fallen for iron man?
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panna-acida · 5 years
How about your favorite ship for that ship ask? ;)
please send me a ship and I will tell you 
who’s the cuddler: Steve, but Tony is close behind, and he is in the second position only because he just love to melt in the big hug that Steve gives him, randomly at every hour of the day. It’s just perfect for Tony.
who makes the bed: no one, they both just leave the bed like that and move out for the day. But it happened that Tony sleeply took the bed cover and pushed thm up, only to flop down on the half done bed (this happen when he is half asleep and past binge workshop tired)
who wakes up first: Steve, only because he goes to run with Sam in the morning, but when he is back, and after a refreshing shower he just goes back to bed to cuddle Tony and to try to wake him up, for whatever reason. Breakfast, Work, or just because he is horny...
who has the weird taste in music: Steve, oh totally Steve, maybe (listening to Tony) is because he is an old man to heart, or maybe (listening to what Steve says) because he loves to watch Tony cringe at every song he puts on
who is more protective: Steve, because after waking up in a new century with no one, he is scared, scared to the bone to love his home, his love, everything again. Even if he knows that Tony is strong, but he is just scared to no end.
who sings in the shower: Steve, but if they take the shower together the both love sing the very corny song, harmonizing together really well.
who cries during movies: Steve, he is just soft and love romcom of every type, and for that Tony love to tease him (even if in his heart just love the same movie as much as Steve, and Steve knows that really well, that’s why he watch this movies when Tony is aound)
who spends the most while out shopping: Tony, he loves shopping and for that he needs to thanks Pepper. Steve is just there smiling, and waiting for Tony to find what he needs.
who kisses more roughly: Both, aspecially after mission, they just don’t care, sometime they literally crush against each other. PDA be damned.
who is more dominate: Steve, because is just rooted in his being. He loves giving order and Tony just loves to gives in... especially when they are alone.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 100000/10 what can i say, they are perfect in every universe ♥
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cormorantrant · 3 years
Historical moment! Made a fanart based on a reference picture with the head of a character. Full body drawing. Still need to figure out feet or rather boots but made it through with arms! Of course I would like to make him smiling widely with his hands on his hips but smiles are beyond me for now and hands in such position is a 50/50 so... But it is a first time when I did the combination and did it with a ccrayon and not drawing vector shapes over reference layers. And actually made it without planing for ages and never trying. Such an achievement! The latter one aspecially. No going sarcastic over us, brain! We did good.
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aspecies-positivity · 5 months
You are not broken. Not everyone vibes with the idea of being a part of a species. You're just as much a part of the otherkin community (if you want to be) as any other non-human♡
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chemicalblogs · 3 years
High-Performance Polyamides Market Forecast to 2027 Available in New Report
High Performance Polyamide belongs to aspecial class of polyamide, they can be formulated to offer improved properties when compared with conventional polyamide. They exhibit good impact strength, exceptional stiffness, and high dimensional stability. Other advantages include high chemical resistance, low moisture absorption, and excellent heat stability even at elevated temperature. With the aforementioned reasons, the High-Performance Polyamide are widely utilized in numerous end use industries such as sports & leisure, electrical & electronics, aviation & automobile, medical, and other.
Some of the prominent factors that positively influence the growth of High-Performance Polyamide Marketare increasing industrialization, improving standard of living, and rising consumption of High Performance Polyamide. Moreover, increasing demand from sports & leisure industry as well as continuous growth of electrical & electronics sector drives the growth of the market. Rapid urbanization coupled with increasing disposable income in developing economies likely to fuel the growth of the market during the review period. However, High Performance Polyamide are relatively expensive than the other conventional polyamide, which may hinder the growth of the market. Moreover, increasing threat form hybrid polymers as a substitute is predicted to hamper the market growth.
Competitive Analysis:
The major players operating in the High-Performance Polyamide Market include BASF SE (Germany), Evonik Industries (Germany), Royal DSM N.V. (the Netherlands), Arkema SA (France), KURARAY CO. LTD (Japan), Solvay (Belgium), SABIC (Saudi Arabia), DuPont (U.S.), LANXESS (Germany), Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Japan), and others.
Get a Sample Report on High-Performance Polyamides Industry Market https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/4460
Market Segmentation:
The Global High-Performance Polyamide is categorized based on product, end use industry, and region. On the basis of product, the market is classified into PA11, PA12, PA46, PA9T, polyphthalamides (PPA), polyarylamide (PARA). Among these, PA11 is expected to be the largest market segment, in 2016 due to its easy availability and cost-effective nature. Moreover, PA11 finds a broad range of application in automotive, sports, and electronics. PA9T is predicted to be the fastest growing segment on account of its high adoption rate in numerous end use industries. Furthermore, it exhibits outstanding thermal stability and chemical & mechanical resistance. With the above-mentioned properties it is widely used in the manufacturing of various application such as coolant systems, pumps & valves, shaft seals, surgical equipment, and electronics product. On the basis of end use industry, the market is segmented into aviation & automobile, electrical & electronics, sports & leisure, medical and others. Other end use industry include building & construction and oil & gas. Among these, aviation & automobile holds the largest market share in 2016 and is predicted to continue its dominance on account of increasing demand in the manufacturing of exterior and interior components in the aviation and automobile industries. Moreover, rising usage of these polymers in the manufacturing of hydraulic control lines, siphon string, and pipe liners is estimated to propel the demand for High Performance Polymer.
Regional Analysis:
Asia Pacific is predicted to be the largest High Performance Polyamide Market followed by North America and Europe due to rising demand from aviation, automobile, electrical & electronics, and medical industries. Developing countries such as India, China, Vietnam, and Malaysia are the fastest growing markets for the High-Performance Polyamide and is predicted to grow with the same pace over the forecast period. North American High Performance Polyamide Market is predicted to witness a steady growth since the U.S. and Canada are among the major contributors in the regional market growth due to expanding healthcare sector. In Europe, High Performance Polyamide Market is estimated to grow with the significant rate on account of wide utilization in automotive sector. The Middle East & Africa is estimated to witness an average growth owing to rising investment in construction sector.
Get More Professional and Technical Industry Insights @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/high-performance-polyamide-market-4460
NOTE: Our Team of Researchers is Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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bestdjkit · 4 years
In My Elements Announces Second Event After First Goes Down With Zero COVID-19 Cases
After a successful first event, In My Elements (IME) retreat is announcing a second, fall edition featuring 2-part covid testing and active safety measures on September 25th – 27th.
The inaugural event was announced back in June. Contrary to any other festival out there right now, In My Elements featured intensely strict COVID-19 testing with tests prior to arriving and a second test on-site. This 2-part testing ensured that no attendees had COVID prior to arriving or upon arrival, and were able to safely stay on the compound with little to no social distancing.
At the time, Your EDM wrote, “None of this is to say that the chance of contracting COVID-19 from In My Elements is reduced to zero.” However, In My Elements shared yesterday that they had ZERO reported cases of IME attendees testing positive after the summer retreat.
IME will institute the same 2-part testing for its second edition:
Part 1: The week leading up to the retreat guests will take a test at one of our certified testing locations in multiple cities. Results will be reported before the retreat. Although testing kits may vary depending on your location, our preferred test is the Mako Medical TaqPath COVID-19 Combo Assay with 100% PPA and 100% NPA. At home mail-in tests are available as an add-on to your ticket for an additional fee.
Part 2: When guests arrive on site, their cars will be guided into distanced parking spaces where they will take an active COVID-19 rapid test. Results will be received in about 30 minutes and guests will be directed into the event grounds. This test will be a Sofia 2 SARS Antigen FIA with 96.7% PPA and 100% NPA sensitivity, manufactured by Quidel.
And even better news, with advancements in testing technology and testing now free nationwide, IME is able to bring down the total ticket price by $150. Artists are TBA but tickets are on sale now. Between now and Friday, IME is offering aspecial friends and family price until this Friday 8/21 at 11:59 EST. Use code ELEMENTAL to get your deal.
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: In My Elements Announces Second Event After First Goes Down With Zero COVID-19 Cases
from Best DJ Kit https://www.youredm.com/2020/08/19/in-my-elements-announces-second-event-after-first-goes-down-with-zero-covid-19-cases/
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political-affairs · 11 years
The Syrian civil war
  The Syrian civil war,[52] also commonly known as the Syrian uprising,[53] is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Syrian Ba'ath Partygovernment and those seeking to oust it. The conflict began on 15 March 2011 with nationwide demonstrations, as part of the wider protest movement known as the Arab Spring. Protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971, as well as the end to nearly five decades of Ba'ath Party rule.
In April 2011, the Syrian Army was deployed to quell the uprising, and soldiers were ordered to open fire on demonstrators. After months of military sieges,[54] the protests evolved into an armed rebellion. Opposition forces, mainly composed of defected soldiers and civilian volunteers, became increasingly armed and organized as they unified into larger groups. However, the rebels remained fractured, without organized leadership. The Syrian government characterizes the insurgency as an uprising of "armed terrorist groups and foreign mercenaries".[55] The conflict has no clear fronts, with clashes taking place in many towns and cities across the country.[56]
The Arab League, United States, European Union, Arab States of the Persian Gulf, and other countries condemned the use of violence against the protesters. The Arab League suspended Syria's membership because of the government's response to the crisis, but it sent an observer mission in December 2011, as part of its proposal for peaceful resolution of the crisis. A further attempt to resolve the crisis was made through the appointment of Kofi Annan as aspecial envoy. On 15 July 2012, theInternational Committee of the Red Crossassessed the Syrian conflict as a "non-international armed conflict" (the ICRC's legal term for civil war), thus applying international humanitarian law under the Geneva Conventions to Syria.
On 2 January 2013, the United Nationsstated that the war's death toll had exceeded 60,000;[57] on 12 February, this figure was updated to 70,000.[45] According to various opposition activist groups, between 50,000 and 63,735 people have been killed,[28][44][58]of which about half were civilians, but also including 26,110–27,900 armed combatants consisting of both the Syrian Army and rebel forces,[28][59] up to 2,505 opposition protesters[42][43] and 1,000 government officials.[31] By October 2012, up to 28,000 people had been reported missing, including civilians forcibly abducted by government troops or security forces.[60] According to the UN, about 1.2 million Syrians have been displaced within the country.[48] To escape the violence, hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees have fled to neighboring countries. In addition, tens of thousands of protesters have been imprisoned and there were reports of widespread torture and psychological terror in state prisons.[61][62] International organizations have accused both government and opposition forces of severe human rights violations.[63][64] However, human rights groups report that the majority of abuses have been committed by the Syrian government's forces, and UN investigations have concluded that the government's abuses are the greatest in both gravity and scale.[65][66][67]
Assad regime
Main article: Modern history of Syria
The Ba'ath Party government came to power in 1964 after a successful coup d'état. In 1966, another coup overthrew the traditional leaders of the party, Michel Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar.[68] In 1970, the Defense Minister Hafez al-Assad seized power and declared himself President, a position he would hold until his death in 2000. Since then, the secular Ba'ath Party has remained the dominant political authority in a virtual single-party state in Syria, and Syrian citizens may only approve the President by referendum and – until the government-controlled multi-party 2012 parliamentary election– could not vote in multi-party elections for the legislature.[69]
In 1982, at the height of a six-year Islamist armed insurgency throughout the country, Hafez al-Assad conducted a scorched earth policy against Islamist-held quarters inside the town of Hama to quell an uprising by the Sunni Islamist community, including the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists and others.[70]This ruthless crackdown became known as the Hama massacre, which left tens of thousands – both armed insurgents and civilians – dead, although estimates of the death toll still vary.[71]
The issue of President Hafez al-Assad's succession prompted the 1999 Latakia protests,[72] when violent protests and armed clashes erupted following the 1998 Syrian People's Assembly elections. The violent events were an explosion of a long-running feud between Hafez al-Assad and his influential younger brother Rifaat.[72] Two people were killed in fire exchanges between Syrian police and Rifaat's supporters during a police crackdown on Rifaat's port compound in Latakia. According to opposition sources, denied by the government, the protests resulted in hundreds dead and injured.[73] Hafez al-Assad died one year later, from pulmonary fibrosis. He was succeeded by his son Bashar al-Assad, who was appointed after a constitutional amendment lowered the age requirement for President from 40 to his then age of 34.[69]
Bashar al-Assad, who speaks English fluently and whose wife is a British-born and British-educatedSunni Muslim,[55] initially inspired hopes for democratic and state reforms; a "Damascus Spring" of intense social and political debate took place from July 2000 to August 2001.[74] The period was characterized by the emergence of numerous political forums or salons, where groups of like-minded people met in private houses to debate political and social issues. Political activists such as Riad Seif, Haitham al-Maleh, Kamal al-Labwani, Riyad al-Turk and Aref Dalila were important in mobilizing the movement.[75] The most famous of the forums were the Riad Seif Forum and the Jamal al-AtassiForum. The Damascus Spring ended in August 2001 with the arrest and imprisonment of ten leading activists who had called for democratic elections and for a campaign of civil disobedience.[72]Opposition renewed in October 2005 when Syrian Christian activist Michel Kilo collaborated with other leading opposition figures to deliver the Damascus Declaration, which criticized the Syrian government as "authoritarian, totalitarian and cliquish" and called for democratic reforms.[76]
Main article: Demographics of Syria
The Assad family comes from the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi'ite Islam that comprises an estimated 12 percent of the total Syrian population.[77] It has maintained tight control on Syria's security services, generating resentment among some Sunni Muslims,[78] a sect that makes up about three quarters of Syria's population. Ethnic minority Syrian Kurds have also protested and complained over ethnic discrimination and denial of their cultural and language rights.[79] When the uprising began,Bouthaina Shaaban, a presidential adviser, blamed individual "radical extremist" Sunni clerics and"takfiri" preachers for inciting Sunnis to revolt, such as Qatar-based Yusuf al-Qaradawi called for in his heated sermon in Doha on 25 March.[80] The Syrian government allegedly has relied mostly on Alawite-dominated units of the security services to fight the uprising. Assad's younger brother Maher al-Assad commands the army's elite Fourth Armored Division, and his brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat, was the deputy minister of defense until the latter's assassination in the 18 July 2012 Damascus bombing. Because the government is dominated by the Alawite sect, it has had to make some gestures toward the majority Sunni sects and other minority populations in order to retain power.
Discontent against the government was strongest in Syria's poorer and more radical Sunni areas.[81]These included cities with high poverty rates, such as Daraa and Homs, rural areas hit hard by a drought in early 2011, and the poorer districts of large cities. Socioeconomic inequality increased significantly after free market policies were initiated by Hafez al-Assad in his later years, and accelerated after Bashar al-Assad came to power. With an emphasis on the service sector, these policies benefited a minority of the nation's population, mostly people who had connections with the government, and members of the Sunni merchant class of Damascus and Aleppo.[81] By 2011, Syria was facing a deterioration in the national standard of living and steep rises in the prices of commodities.[82] The country also faced particularly high youth unemployment rates.[83]
he state of human rights in Syria has long been the subject of harsh criticism from global organizations.[85] The country was under emergency rule from 1963 until 2011, effectively granting security forces sweeping powers of arrest and detention.[86]The Syrian government justified this by pointing to the fact that the country has been in a continuous state of war with Israel. After taking power in 1970, Hafez al-Assad quickly purged the government of any political adversaries and asserted his control over all aspects of Syrian society. He developed an elaborate cult of personality and violently repressed any opposition, most notoriously in the 1982 Hama massacre. After his death in 2000 and the succession of his son Bashar al-Assad to the Presidency, it was hoped that the Syrian government would make concessions toward the development of a more liberal society; this period became known as theDamascus Spring. However, Bashar al-Assad is widely regarded to have been unsuccessful in implementing democratic change, with a 2010 report from Human Rights Watch stating that he had failed to substantially improve the state of human rights since taking power, although some minor aspects had seen improvement.[87] All political parties other than the Ba'ath Party have remained banned, thereby leaving Syria a one-party state without free elections.[86]
Rights of free expression, association and assembly were strictly controlled in Syria even before the uprising.[88] The authorities harass and imprison human rights activists and other critics of the government, who are oftentimes indefinitely detained and tortured in poor prison conditions.[88] While al-Assad permitted radio stations to play Western pop music, websites such as Amazon.com,Facebook, Wikipedia and YouTube were blocked until 1 January 2011, when all citizens were permitted to sign up for high speed internet and those sites were allowed.[89] However, a 2007 law requires Internet cafes to record all comments that users post on online chat forums.[90]
Women and ethnic minorities have faced discrimination in the public sector.[88] Thousands of Syrian Kurds were denied citizenship in 1962 and their descendants continued to be labeled as "foreigners" until 2011, when 120,000 out of roughly 200,000 stateless Kurds were granted citizenship on 6 April by a decree of president Bashar al-Assad.[91] Several riots prompted increased tension in Syria's Kurdish areas since 2004. That year, riots broke out against the government in the northeastern Kurdish-Assyrian town of Qamishli. During a chaotic soccer match, some people raised Kurdish flags and the match turned into a political conflict. In a brutal reaction by Syrian police and clashes between Kurdish and Arab groups, at least 30 people were killed,[92] with some claims indicating a casualty count of about 100 people.[93] Occasional clashes between Kurdish protesters and security forces have since continued.
Arab Spring
Main article: Arab Spring
In December 2010, mass anti-government protests began in Tunisia and later spread across the Arab world, including Syria. By February 2011, revolutions occurred in Tunisia and Egypt, while Libya began to experience a civil war. Numerous other Arab countries also faced protests, with some attempting to calm the masses by making concessions and governmental changes.
Before the uprising in Syria began in mid-March 2011, protests were relatively modest, considering the wave of unrest that was spreading across the Arab world. Syria remained what Al Jazeera described as a "kingdom of silence", due to strict security measures, a relatively popular president, religious diversity, and concerns over the prospects of insurgency like that seen in neighboring Iraq.[94]
Minor protests calling for government reforms began in January, and continued into March. A "Day of Rage" was called for by activists in Syria to occur on 4 February via social media websites Facebook and Twitter. However, protests failed to materialize within the country itself.[95]
The unrest began on 15 March in the southern city of Daraa, sometimes called the "Cradle of the Revolution". The city has been straining under the influx of internal refugees who were forced to leave their northeastern lands due to a drought which was exacerbated by the government's lack of provision.[96] The protests were triggered by the incarceration and torture of several young students, who were arrested for writing anti-government graffiti in the city.[97] Demonstrators clashed with local police, and confrontations escalated on 18 March after Friday prayers. With thousands protesting, the clashes resulted in several civilian deaths. On 20 March, a mob burned down the Ba'ath Party headquarters and other public buildings. Security forces quickly responded, firing live ammunition at crowds, and attacking the focal points of the demonstrations. The two-day assault resulted in the deaths of fifteen protestors.[84]
Meanwhile, minor protests occurred elsewhere in the country. Protesters demanded the release of political prisoners, the abolition of Syria's 48-year emergency law, more freedoms, and an end to pervasive government corruption.[98] On 16 March, some 200 people gathered in front of the Interior Ministry in Damascus, calling for the release of political prisoners.[99] These events lead to a "Friday of Dignity" on 18 March, when large-scale protests broke out in several cities, including Banias, Damascus, al-Hasakah, Daraa, Deir az-Zor and Hama. Police responded to the protests with tear gas, water cannons, beatings. At least 6 people were killed and many others injured. Over the course of the uprising, protests often gathered after Friday communal prayers at central mosques.[100]
On 25 March, mass protests spread nation-wide, as demonstrators emerged after Friday prayers.[84]Over 100,000 people reportedly marched in Daraa,[101] but at least 20 protesters were reportedly killed. Protests also spread to other Syrian cities, including Homs, Hama, Baniyas, Jasim, Aleppo, Damascus and Latakia. Over 70 protesters in total were reported dead.[102]
Military operations
As the protests and unrest continued, the Syrian government began launching major military operations to suppress resistance, signaling a new phase in the uprising. On 25 April, Daraa, which had become a focal point of the uprising, was one of the first cities to be besieged by the Syrian Army. An estimated hundreds to 6,000 soldiers were deployed, firing live ammunition at demonstrators and searching house to house for protestors, arresting hundreds.[128][129] Tanks were used for the first time against demonstrators, and snipers took positions on rooftops. Mosques used as headquarters for demonstrators and organizers were especially targeted.[128] Security forces began shutting off water, power and phone lines, and confiscating flour and food. Clashes between the army and opposition forces, which included armed protestors and defected soldiers, led to the death of hundreds.[129][130] By 5 May, most of the protests had been suppressed, and the military began pulling out of Daraa, with some troops remaining to keep the situation under control.
During the crackdown in Daraa, the Syrian Army also besieged and blockaded several towns around Damascus. Throughout May, situations similar to those that occurred in Daraa were reported in other besieged towns and cities, such as Baniyas, Homs, Talkalakh, Latakia, and several other towns.[131]After the end of each siege, the violent suppression of sporadic protests in the area continued throughout the following months.[132]
The military crackdown, led by an Alawite government, worsened tensions between Sunnis and Alawites in the country. A 17 May report of claims by refugees coming from Telkalakh on the Lebanese border indicated that sectarian attacks may have been occurring. Sunni refugees said that uniformed Alawite Shabiha militiamen were killing Sunnis in the town of Telkalakh. As the uprising progressed, sectarian elements increasingly emerged from the conflict.[133]
Defections and resistance
When the uprising began in mid-March, many analysts believed that the Syrian government would remain intact, partly due to strict loyalty tests and the fact that most top-position officials belonged to the same sect as Assad, the Alawites. However, in response to the use of lethal force against unarmed protesters, many soldiers and low-level officers began to desert from the Syrian Army. Many soldiers who refused to open fire against civilians were summarily executed by the army. The first defections occurred during the April Daraa operation.[84] The number of defections increased during the following months, as army deserters began to group together to form fighting units. As the uprising progressed, opposition fighters became more well-equipped and organized, and senior military officers and government officials began to defect as well to the opposition.[134] Some analysts stated that these defections were signs of Assad's weakening inner circle.[135]
The first instance of armed insurrection occurred on 4 June in Jisr ash-Shugur, a city near the Turkishborder in Idlib province. Angry protestors set fire to a building where security forces had fired on a funeral demonstration. Eight security officers died in the fire as demonstrators took control of a police station, seizing weapons. Clashes between protestors and security forces continued in the following days. Some security officers defected after secret police and intelligence agents executed soldiers who refused to shoot civilians. On 6 June, Sunni militiamen and army defectors ambushed an group of security forces heading to the city. More security officers were killed when the city's security headquarters was overrun; 120 security forces were reportedly killed on that day. In response, the government sent troops supported by 200 military vehicles and helicopter gunships to the city. Fearing a massacre, insurgents and defectors, along with 10,000 residents, fled across the Turkish border.[84]
In June and July, protests continued as government forces expanded operations, repeatedly firing at protesters, employing tanks against demonstrations, and conducting arrests. The towns of Rastan and Talbiseh, and Maarat al-Numaan were besieged in early June.[136] On 30 June, large protests erupted against the Assad government in Aleppo, Syria's largest city.[137] On 3 July, Syrian tanks were deployed to Hama, two days after the city witnessed the largest demonstration against Bashar al-Assad.[138] On 31 July, a nationwide crackdown nicknamed the "Ramadan Massacre" resulted in the death of at least 142 people and hundreds of injuries.[139] Some besieged cities and towns were described as having famine-like conditions.[140]
On 29 July, a group of defected officers announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which would become the main opposition army. Composed of defected Syrian Armed Forces personnel and civilian volunteers, the rebel army seeks to remove Bashar al-Assad and his government from power. This began a new phase in the conflict, with more armed resistance against the government crackdown. The FSA would grow in size, to about 20,000 by December, and to an estimated 40,000 by June 2012.[141]
On 23 August, a coalition of anti-government groups was formed, the Syrian National Council. The group, based in Turkey, attempted to organize the opposition. However, the opposition, including the FSA, remained a fractious collection of political groups, longtime exiles, grass-roots organizers and armed militants, divided along ideological, ethnic or sectarian lines.[142]
Throughout August, Syrian forces stormed major urban centers and outlying regions, and continued to attack protests. On 14 August, the Siege of Latakia continued as the Syrian Navy became involved in the military crackdown for the first time. Gunboats fired heavy machine guns at waterfront districts in Latakia, as ground troops and security agents backed by armor stormed several neighborhoods, causing up to 28 deaths.[143] Throughout the next few days the siege dragged on, with government forces and shabiha militia continuing to fire on civilians in the city, as well as throughout the country. The Eid ul-Fitr celebrations, started in near the end of August, were muted after security forces fired on large demonstrations in Homs, Daraa, and the suburbs of Damascus.[144]
During the first six months of the uprising, the inhabitants of Syria's two largest cities, Damascus and Aleppo, remained largely uninvolved in the anti-government protests.[145] The two cities' central squares have seen organized rallies of hundreds of thousands in support of president Assad and his government.[146]
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cancerabcs · 4 years
Telemedicine: Tips for your Appointment
Have a virtual doctor's visit coming up? Follow these tips to make the most of it.
The universal response to the COVID-19 virus we have seen by medical providers involves converting many face-to-face appointments to virtual or telemedicine appointments.
  Telemedicine (also known as telehealth) substitutes a direct, face-to-face visit with your doctor with a virtual visit with your doctor. 
Do you have a telemedicine appointment coming up? Here are some tips to help you make the most of the virtual meeting.
Make Your Appointment
Many doctors, especially the providers who are associated with larger institutions use a special website or App to request an appointment or to set up an interaction. Call their office and ask what is the procedure they are using.  If they do have aspecial way to connect to make an appointment ask them to send you the details; this will likely be an email with a link to click or phone number to call.
Check Your Tech
Once you have the app or software on your computer, you may need to register or create an account. Have your insurance identification (ID) number handy – you might need it. 
You may be able to enter some health information before your appointment, if you are asked go a head and be as complete as you can.
You should also take a moment to figure out the best position for your computer or mobile device so that you and your doctor can see and hear each other clearly during the upcoming appointment. Be aware of the lighting and try to be sure your face is illuminated. 
 Spend a Few Minutes Getting Ready
In order to utilize all your time on the call with your doctor come prepared with the standard things you will probably be asked about before you can discuss your specific concerns— so, write it down before your visit:
Names of all the medicines you take.
The actual dosages and timing.
How often you take the medicine.
The doctor who prescribed the medicine.
The date of next refill.
Any issues you are having around the medications.
Include on your list all the natural supplements or vitamins you take even if they don’t require a prescription.  
Then jot down:
Any chronic conditions or major events from your medical history, such as surgeries or any reason you were in the hospital.
Allergies and reactions you have experienced.
How you’ve been feeling lately, both physically and emotionally. 
Any symptoms to talk about? When did they start and how often do they happen? 
The rest of the questions or concerns you have.
Having this information in writing will help make sure your appointment is a success and you cover all your concerns.  
 Set the Scene
Remember, your family members might be going in and out of the room while you are on your call.  It is best to find a quiet, private space where you feel comfortable sharing information and questions with your doctor. Tell anyone else in your home that you will be on the call and ask them to be as quiet as possible and try to avoid coming into the room or interrupting.
Wrap It Up Before You Disconnect
Look over your list of questions to be sure you got everything answered and you understood everything that was explained.
Check your medicine list and ask the doctor about refills.
Let the doctor know if you had any difficulty on the call and need anything repeated or cleared up.
Ask if you should schedule a follow-up visit (either in-person or virtual).
Thank the doctor for their time and their consideration.  
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