#asmr playlists
asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
Ayo, Erik has established a timeline, I'll fix my playlist soon.
Avior still hasn't got a stamp for the space in the overarching sense yet so they probably won't move until then.
I'm not in the lieu to post Patreon content so sorry I can't share the timeline site with y'all.
(edit: nvm, he's made the link public!)
~ Dari
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mintygreencake · 2 months
Little reminder,
Your faves would not be alive if it wasn't for Milo Greer. And I stand by that, because if Asher stayed in the ward any longer I promise you he'd be on t-shirt. That also goes for Damien, David, Lovely and most likely Huxley. 💀 (Probably Sam and Vincent too cuz I know they wouldn't last too long)
Your faves would have been your favorite clothing brand by the time the department gathered their forces.
Just another reason why Milo Greer is THAT guy, shout out to my man he just built like that 😭
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washa · 1 month
Redacted Memes (again)
(i think this is like the fourth one i've done, also strong language ig for this one😭 )
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theoldkyokodied · 3 months
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And here it is, my macdennis brainworms compressed into a playlist, for anyone who wants to ingest them <3
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free-boundsoul · 6 months
Ten bucks David was going to shift for Angel on their 1 year anniversary but because Angel mentioned it, he refused to do it because now it was 'their idea' and he didn't want to be seen as the romantic sap in the relationship
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eeperpeepr · 17 days
so fool!milo has teeth and back problems
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chazzielynx · 1 month
Avior: "Human nature is a funny business, isn't it."
Starlight: "Now why didn't the poets come to you, Mister Walking Thesaurus. They'd have saved themselves a lot of time and trouble."
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darling-solaire · 1 month
So guyyyss do you think Gavin viewed average hookups as something mundane and more of a chore before meeting freelancer
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erial-c · 2 months
relistening to guy's playlist ( again . for the nth time) and after listening to the valenweek audio i so desperately want one of honey and guy early into their relationship . because why was he so cute in that one
"you're a jerk." (laughter) "well... i like jerks."
what if i DIED .
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zeerohpunk · 9 months
a monarchal summit afterparty but its just a bunch of hundred(s) yr old vampires gettin down to white girl music
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asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
I want to get into the frosthaven storyline but I’m having trouble with where to start. Is there a master list somewhere or do I just have to keep scrolling back?
Okay, there isn't one official list for the Frosthaven storyline?? It's kind of a pain, I'm not sure if anyone else has made one???
I tried to order things in my own playlist as best I would but it is unofficial and subject to my human error -
I'm what you call a "timeline goblin"? I like things laid out in order, you feel me?
So I don't mind sharing mine.
I might have missed some videos though, anyone else is free to check it over for me. ^^;
I hope it helps! :)
~ Dari
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Yo yo got any lovely/vincent headcannons?? Any thots thoughts??
Vincent / Lovely Headcanons
✩ Vincent has dragged Sam clothes shopping with him in several unsuccessful attempts to get him to wear something fun to the summit
✩ Lovely joked about blood bags being CapriSuns for vampires soon after they turned and Vincent had to go to a different room to recover
✩ Fred and his progeny view Vincent and Lovely as their cool aunt/uncles 
✩ Vincent and Lovely have at least three sets of those goofy matching T-shirts - e.g. “I’m insane” “I love crazy bitches”
✩ Vincent has bangs that cover his eyes if he doesn’t style them - sometimes Lovely puts them up with a hair tie and calls him a unicorn
✩ Vincent and Lovely have matching necklaces they wear every day
✩ When Vincent was still trying to be all cool and flirty to convince people to let him feed, he’d practice smirking and making “seductive faces” 
✩ After turning, Lovely still tried using their electric powers for like a month, just desperately hoping they’d still work somehow
✩ After the Adam incident, Vincent would periodically get up during the night to look around the house and check the wards along with all the doors and windows to make sure no one could possibly hurt Lovely again
✩ They unironically enjoy holding pinkies because they think it’s cute
✩ They would absolutely try those new Skittles drink things
✩ Vincent rolls his eyes when Lovely calls him “my prince” but secretly likes it
✩ Lovely tried to put one of those little koolaid packets in a blood bag once, it was disgusting
✩ Vincent doesn’t eat popcorn often because it gets stuck in his teeth, but when he does he puts m&ms in it
✩ When they’re bored, Lovely opens all the doors in the house and just runs through the house like the Benny Hill theme personified
✩ Growing up, Vincent had a poster of his dream car on the ceiling above his bed
✩ William acts like he’s Lovely’s grandpa - if they casually mention liking something in front of him, he’ll get them a lifetime supply the next time they visit
✩ Before turning, Lovely once got a set of those flimsy plastic neon vampire teeth, put them in their mouth, and gave Vincent their best impression of him
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milogreer · 4 months
huxley backpedaling TWICE in the bowling with the bois audio ("you're stuck with me" and "we can go back to my place and play video games") because he's so eager to make friends with the crew but he's constantly afraid he's gonna blow it by being too overbearing ☹️ this is so unfun right off the back of valenweek 2024. goddamn
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everyone give it up for some of the best character writing i have ever SEEN
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capitalisticveins · 5 months
OH ALSO HAPPY 2 YEARS TO SAM AND DARLIN aka the two with debatably the best playlist on the channel
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pycth · 6 months
Template made by @xanyiaz , you genius, I love you for this idea 👀✨
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