#ask the neverland team
professor-fanalia · 9 months
HAITUS LEAVE - Due to Hospitalization
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Professor Kryspyn: "I do apologize for the lack of response, and the lack of answers but I greatly appreciate everyone's patience. I'm here to provide a quick update as to why we've been unable to answer and the low number of updates about Rejuven isles in general. This is because one of our own professors, Professor Fanalia is due for a hospital surgery the next coming week because of some great pains in her lower abdomen. So, until our dear professor goes through the surgery appointment, and recovery period, I please ask for your patience again."
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roosterforme · 2 years
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All Bradley Bradshaw, all the time. 18+ only.
Welcome to my masterlist! I've got a little bit of everything TG:M around here from short one-shots to long series. I mainly write for Rooster, but the other Daggers have found their way here as well. Take a look around below the cut!
Rooster x Reader one-shots masterlist
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader one-shots
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Everything from my Is It Working For You? (Roo and Baby Girl) universe Rooster x Reader:
Rooster x Reader one-shots masterlist
Is It Working For You? (18 Part Series)  Rooster has had his eye on you all week at work, and now you’re at the Hard Deck looking too good to be true.  
Stories (in order) to accompany Is It Working For You?:
Underneath It All (Kinktober challenge) You and Bradley discover each other's kinks, and nobody is disappointed. (can be read alone)
Take It Off You ask Bradley to shave off his mustache. The regret is instant. (can be read alone)
Lips on You When Rooster upsets you at the Hard Deck, he earns your forgiveness with his mouth and his tongue. 
Meet the Parents Bradley meets your parents and wishes you could have met his.
The Craftsman You and Bradley go house hunting and are in complete agreement over what you see.
Take Me to Neverland You and Bradley celebrate Halloween with the Dagger crew before sneaking off together. (can be read alone)
A Little Present "What if you just let me fuck you real quick, Sweetheart? I'll fill you up and leave you with a little present, and then you can be on your way." (can be read alone)
The One Where He Puts His Foot in His Mouth Bradley takes his stress out on you, and you let him know that's unacceptable. 
A Preview of the Weekend You and Bradley christen your new office. (can be read alone)
Sounds Ideal Having you in his living space makes everything seem better and brighter to Bradley. 
The Gray Sweatpants For you and Bradley, sharing a home comes easily. He is always willing to put in the extra work to make you happy, and he will do it wearing his gray sweatpants and a smile. (can be read alone)
Boys Night In The boys make Bradley self conscious about you, and you give them a formal dressing down.
Behind Closed Doors Bradley swore you did it on purpose. The way you looked at him as he tried to get to work on time was highly distracting. (can be read alone)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Rooster Bradley joins you when you visit your parents for Christmas. Everything seems to be fitting together perfectly for him. 
Five More Minutes It's your birthday, and you're kind of annoyed that Bradley never asked when it was. 
King of the Road When Bradley picks you up from a night out, you thank him orally on the ride home. (can be read alone)
A Rooster to Care for Me Bradley loves to take care of you when you have your period. (can be read alone)
Just Desserts Rooster only has eyes for his girlfriend and her baked goods. (can be read alone)
We Broke the Bed You and Bradley manage to break your Queen bed. Time to upgrade to a King.
The Deployment Diaries (25 Part Series) It is time for Bradley to leave on deployment. Being separated from each other is not something either of you want.    
Suddenly and Unexpectedly Bradley gets called back to Top Gun for a special assignment. One of the members of the team has his heart suddenly and unexpectedly skipping a beat. (prequel story!)
Hands to Yourself Normally Bradley would encourage you to touch him as much as you want, but not when you've invited everyone you know over for a cookout.
I'm So Hot For You Bradley makes you some homemade hot sauce to show his love and appreciation for you being his sexy nurse.
Caught in the Act When you arrive home early to find Bradley in bed watching a dirty video, you're only a little surprised to find it's the one you made together.
Gonna Make You Sweat Bradley is determined to get back in peak physical condition, but you are more of a distraction than he anticipated.
A Love You Don't Find Everyday (25 Part Series) Sometimes plans change, and you don't always agree on everything, but you and Bradley have what you need to make it work.
It's Okay, Daddy's Here Even after your honeymoon is over, you find yourself needing your husband all the time. One Saturday, when Bradley is out with the guys, you have an itch you just can't scratch by yourself. When he comes home and finds you a desperate, horny mess, he assures that "It's okay, Daddy's here." 
Playing From the Rough Bradley agrees to play in a charitable golf tournament as long as you tag along. When he tells off a professional golfer for being rude and then beats him at his own game, Bradley braces himself for the consequences. But it's you the professional decides to take it out on. Guess he didn't get the memo: don't mess with the Bradshaws.
Scenic Route You can't wait to head back to the east coast for Christmas with your husband and your parents. But when your travel plans start to unravel, Bradley shows you what's really important. And you remember you already have everything you really need no matter where you are.
The Dirty Details The details of how Bradley lost his virginity come as a surprise to you. When you learn how and why he became a consent king, your heart breaks for him. You vow to do everything you can to always make him feel as loved and comfortable as he makes you feel, in and out of the bedroom.
The Birthday Blues Bradley loves celebrating your birthday. It's his favorite day of the year. But you're almost too upset to celebrate, and you don't seem to want to tell him why.
Ready, Rough and Unromantic When Bradley has a rough day at work, he knows the only thing that will make him feel better is his wife. But will you let him dominate you? Will you let him use you just how he needs to? He shouldn't have been surprised by your answer or your response to him.
Champ, Sport, Buddy You decide to try out a few new nicknames on your husband. He's quick to remind you that there is a short list of names that are acceptable.
Always Ever Only You (35 Part Series) As newlyweds, you and Bradley know what you want. But sometimes wanting something isn't enough when those things suddenly seem unattainable. But you do have each other, and you fight to try to remember that.
Party of Three, Checking In According to Bradley, your pregnancy was one of the most exciting things that had ever happened. He could see and sense the small changes in your body, and he was already getting into dad mode. And now, after weeks of waiting, he could finally talk about it whenever he wanted to.
Go Big or Go Home Once your husband gets going, it's hard to reel him in again. Now that you've told everyone that you're pregnant, you realize he's always going to go a little over the top for you and the baby. But you let him get away with it, because nothing feels quite as important as the love he has for you.
Too Much to Lose Leaving for deployments had always been rough, but then Bradley met you, and the time apart and risk involved made the ache even stronger. But nothing felt quite as isolating and scary as acknowledging that he had to leave his pregnant wife with an uncertain future. Now more than ever, he had too much to lose.
In the Line of Duty During preparations for a dangerous mission, Bradley finds comfort in writing his thoughts down for his unborn child to eventually read. There's always a chance that he won't make it back, and his final plans involve safeguarding the most important item he brought on his deployment with him.
Aim for the Sky (Multi-part Series- ONGOING) You seem to fall in love with your husband a little bit more every day. He's never shy about letting you know that you are the center of his attention. With a baby on the way, you and Bradley enter a new era together, and you're all too happy to share him with the Nugget. Parenthood is an even more exciting prospect with an enthusiastic partner, and if you manage to get your heart's desire, you know you would do everything you can to keep it.
B&BG Headcanons
The What If Collection
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Everything from my Old Habits Die Hard (Beer Boy and Sugar) universe Bradley x Reader:
Old Habits Die Hard  (17 Part Series) Fuckboy!College!Bradley falls for the most unexpected girl. But she's the one who can see past his scars and the doors he keeps closed.
Right Girl, Wrong Time (10 Part Series) Sequel to Old Habits Die Hard! Beer Boy and Sugar may have spent years apart, but their ten year college reunion proves they have always been part of the same equation. 
Pour Some Sugar On Me Bradley loves it when you take time out of your busy day to give him a little treat. He knows how smart and capable you are, and he is going to work so hard to be your star student.
The University of Sugar You take Bradley to a work happy hour, but nothing about it makes him happy, since your boss is clearly flirting with you. Was that man blind? Could he not see your engagement ring? Bradley was ready to fuck some sense into you. And you were so willing to let him.
One Night in Vegas After you move in with Bradley, it doesn't take long for you to settle in to your life together. He makes dinner, you eat it. You make a mess, he cleans it up. He proposes in the most endearing way, you say yes. And then both of you spend one perfect night in Vegas. 
The Adventures of Dr. Tits Jake gives you the world's most obnoxious nickname. Bradley has an identity crisis. And you're the one making sure everybody gets home safely on New Year's Eve.
You may also enjoy... Adult Education (23 Part Series) Jake ends up sitting in on a college physics lecture purely by accident. He's rewarded with a cute smile and a cheap beer when he defends the professor. But since when is he like Bradshaw, getting turned on by math and college classrooms? (Part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own. Covering the Classics (Multi-part Series- ONGOING) Bob never experienced a romantic relationship like the ones his friends have found. He silently craves the love and attention that he used to think were only real in novels and works of fiction. Then he meets a mystery woman who turns out to be the new literature professor at San Diego State University, and he starts to believe he could have a non-fiction love as well.
Math For Aviators It's your fault that Bradley finds math so sexy now. When he surprises you by sneaking into one of your lectures, he gets rewarded with a little time alone with the professor after class.
Sloppy Math Homework Bradley is the first one to admit that he always has been and always will be a sucker for how smart you are. There's something so hot about you in teacher mode, and he loves it when you take charge. But he's in for a surprise when you dole out a new kind of punishment for turning in sloppy work that leaves him fully at your mercy.
Khaki, White and Blue Three different uniforms on him. Three different rides for you. But there's just one man who can get you off with his words, his actions and a well placed thigh.
Smarter Than the Average Beer Boy After months of attending your lectures, Bradley has honed his math skills beyond his wildest expectations. A night out with the boys reveals just how smart and endearing your husband is even when he has a hangover.
The Grateful Dad When you lose Bradley's favorite possession while you're away for a work conference, he starts to panic when you get home. 
The Grateful Dad Part 2 Bradley can't believe you and he are about to be parents. Just when he was getting used to the idea of how his life would be, the two of you get an unexpected surprise. And by your third trimester, when you make a promise to him and then break it, he's left to deal with some things in his own.
Beer Boy and Sugar: The Lost Years Beer Boy and Sugar taught each other how to love during the months they spent together as seniors at the University of Virginia. The following ten years they spent apart were interwoven with memories and regrets as they both grew into their careers and experienced new things. But you never forgot about the best boyfriend you ever had, and Bradley's thoughts frequently returned to the woman who effortlessly shaped him into a man.
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Everything from my Batting Practice (Coach and Kitten) universe Bradley x Reader:
Batting Practice (33 Part Series) Bradley gets roped into helping Bob coach tee ball, even though he knows nothing about kids. But he is immediately charmed by his team and one of the moms.
You may also enjoy... The Curveball (13 Part series) Bob x OC Molly from Batting Practice! When Bob started coaching a tee ball team with Bradley, he was surprised to find how much he enjoyed it. But the last thing he expected was to fall in love with Molly, the beautiful and exciting aunt of one of the players on the team. Bob is hooked after one look at her, but he's afraid that he could never be enough.
It Won't Be Long How are you supposed to tell your family that you have to leave? Especially when everything still feels new and flawless and beautiful? Bradley knows it will be rough to break the news to you, but telling Everett will be so much worse.
You Can Handle It When your husband dominates on the pitchers mound in his recreational league game, you're a little bit turned on. But when you get him alone in the dugout, you realize that having your big, sweaty pitcher all to yourself might just be your fantasy.
That's My Boy Bradley gets caught up in his emotions after Everett turns twelve. As his son gets older, he realizes that days spent playing baseball in the park together will grow fewer in number. He wants to make all of them count.
Draft Day If Bradley knew anything about his son, he knew Everett wouldn't be happy with a normal job. Not after wishing and hoping to play major league baseball for most of his life. But when Draft Day turns out even better than expected, Bradley becomes a viral sensation.
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Other Rooster x Reader series fics:
It’s the Concussion Talking (2 Part Series) When he wakes up to find the most perfect woman nursing him back to health, Bradley tries his best to put the moves on her.
Two to Tango  (4 Part Series) Bradley isn't afraid of a little competition between the Naval aviators and Air Force pilots. And when you prove to be as good as you claimed, he refuses to back down.
Airplane Mode (2 Part Series) When Bradley finds himself on a commercial flight with the cutest flight attendant in the world, he can't keep himself from flirting with you.
How You Play the Game (9 Part Series) Bradley always loved October because of the World Series. He never expected a mix-up with the ticket he won to bring something as spectacular as you into his life. But time is fleeting, and now baseball is the last thing on his mind.
Pink Christmas (2 Part Series) Flying in the annual holiday air show dressed as Santa Claus was just something Bradley considered to be part of his job. But when he meets an inquisitive little girl and her beautiful mom, suddenly he wants to make all of their Christmas wishes come true. The only problem is, your daughter actually believes he's Santa, and he's not sure how he's going to keep up the charade when he wants to pursue you as just Bradley.
The Younger Kind (63 Part Series) As a single dad trying to start dating again, Bradley feels like he's constantly running in circles. Hiring a twenty-four year old student to babysit should have made things easier, but no matter how hard he fights it, you're too irresistible to stay away from. 
The Intern (Multi-part Series- ONGOING) You barely have a minute to yourself after graduating at the top of your Ivy League class before your father insists you find an internship. Your days of lounging by the pool and partying are numbered as he has an endless parade of his colleagues visiting the house. But one of them is familiar to you in a way that warms your skin just like the San Diego sun. And it turns out, Bradley Bradshaw may just have the answers to all your problems. And those answers might be waiting for you on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea.
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw (Multi-part Series- ONGOING) After Bradley breaks things off with his girlfriend just days before the start of a deployment, he expects a few lonely months of nobody writing to him or waiting for his return. But the fateful arrival of a package from a class of fourth graders learning about aviation changes everything. Suddenly he has a group of inquisitive pen pals that he's more than happy to converse with, and their pretty teacher is someone he finds he wants to get to know better, too.
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Hangman x Reader (hey, who the fuck let Jake in here?)
Jake Seresin masterlist
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Bob x Reader (welcome to my masterlist, Bobby!)
Bob Floyd masterlist
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Rooster x Reader x Hangman (really not sure how this happened)
Rooster x Reader x Hangman masterlist
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Miscellaneous Top Gun goodies masterlist
I do not consent to my work being copied, translated or published elsewhere. Please consider all content 18+
Thank you to @sylviebell and @beyondthesefourwalls for making the Rooster currency and my masterlist header respectively!
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formulapop-cb · 3 months
The Bahrain Grand Prix have ended and we got the results. I belive it won't be a surprise that the winner was Christopher, but let's hear a few words from our top 10 finishers:
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Christopher: I think the team did a good job in the break, i was a little surprised about how fast our pace was but we won, so. Good job team, let's continue next week!
Hyunjin: I feel absolutely happy about the race. I had some good overtakes and then i was able to keep my place as well. Amazing, amazing race and i can't wait to see the rest of the season.
Seonghwa: What a day we had today! The car was amazing, the race was fun, i had some great overtakes. I got P3 which is amazing but now it's time to snatch that first place from Chris.
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Hongjoong: Wish i could say the same as Seonghwa. Though P4 is a great place i had some struggles with the car and i wasn't able to show the potential of it. Hopefully next week will be better.
Mingi: It is P5 there. Not the best result and not what i expected but it's still a great place. Though next time i'll catch the others for sure.
San: P6 it is..It isn't horrible in fact i am happy compared to where we were at last year but i still belive i could've done a better job so i feel a little bittersweet. Anyway, it's time to rest and then continue with next week. Hopefully it will be better than today.
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Yunho: P7 baby! I definitely jinxed my luck yesterday but the car was still good enough so i think i will be able to bring an even better performance out of it. Let's see each other next week!
Felix: If we count the fact that i got 10 places better than last year, i feel great about my place. Knowing the fact that our car is where it has to be also makes me feel great. But that i couldn't do better than P8 does not..
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Changbin: P9 is not too bad is it? Definitely wanted more and better but the others were simply just quicker than us. We'll catch them next week though.
Jeongin: First points of the season!! I feel happy. Christopher did amazingly so did the others, but i'm ready to hunt them down one by one~ they won't even notice when i'll pass by them.
New fans? @secretscb @mxthxbot @welcometosector1 @mirage-ocs @redlight-cb @model-boyscb @teyvatcb @screamcb @livealittleoc-cb @kardpackcb @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @silcntxnight @domrachaa @k-half-blood @oppositesattraxt @coffeexdreamcb @folklore-cb @johnnys-toes-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @neverland-fairies @yxjmn @urluvlyfe @weeb-wonwoo @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @kq-rescuecenter @theinvitation-bot @fallenangels-cb @grim-johnny @neonvandalsxcb @dark-dream-cb @demonljy @heartsteel-cb @godscb @androidmuses @fntsybot @obsession-cb (an ask to +/-)
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sarahalainn · 2 months
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Polymanga - Suisse. Quelle organisation ! Quelle gentillesse ! Quelle patience !
Chère Suisse, vous m’avez séduite ! Merci infiniment.
Les Suisses sont vraiment polis et gentils (j’ai été surprise d’entendre les jeunes dire "volontiers" à la dédicace).
Merci encore ! Quelle salle ! Vous étiez tous magnifiques ! J’espère avoir encore l’occasion de jouer devant vous.
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J’ai pu être moi-même grâce à un environnement très amical et positif. J’ai ressenti la même chose en rencontrant le public, ce qui est sans doute une caractéristique de la culture animés/jeux vidéo.
Je me suis vraiment senti à la maison et j’espère que je pourrai régulièrement revenir en Suisse.
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Thank you for such a warm welcome... especially when my voice failed me.
The concert on the first day was changed literally at the last minute to a talk show with a phenomenal solo performance by Benyamin Nuss - saved the day!
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One week after the convention and I am still recovering... I had a full anime/VGM vocal repertoire ready just for Polymanga, but due to "extinction de voix", I could only play the violin on the first day. One was my original piece "Animus", and I decided to play "Isabella's Theme" from "The Promised Neverland" too. Everything was improvised on stage - didn't even know what Benyamin was going to play but conveniently all his pieces were linked to very personal experiences I had with Japan. But people were so kind to say things like they discovered different sides to me. I somehow managed to talk, a lot more than what was originally planned!
It was difficult to accept that my voice completely disappeared (hasn't really happened since I was 13 in Australia?) especially after an extremely smooth rehearsal. But gosh the team who also do the Montreux Jazz Festival were la crème de la crème ! Their professionalism is truly unrivaled. Not to mention the completely improvised shows... so intuitive. No one knew what was going to happen over the next 2 days.
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À la dédicace le premier jour, so many Xenoblade fans came. Those who attended the second day will know I tried to sing just one excerpt of the ending theme "Beyond the Sky". The second day was originally meant to be a talk show, but I was still doing everything I could to sing and somehow managed to squeeze a few tunes out, including "Eight Melodies" from “Earthbound” (ou ‘Mother’ en japonais) and "Isabella's Lullaby" TPN. Again on the second day, I had no idea if I could sing and when I would do so, so a huge bravo to the team who were on point!
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My throat aside, I was surprised at how comfortable I was talking to you on stage and in person. Maybe it was a language thing. Maybe the Swiss/Polymanga audience were just so nice. Maybe the questions you all asked were interesting and different! I was able to be myself. Such a positive, friendly environment. I felt the same vibe from many of you too. I guess we all owe that in part to the anime, game, culture world.
I hope that there will be another opportunity to perform for you again.
I felt so at home that maybe one day in the future I'd like to call Switzerland a second home!
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heliads · 2 years
I think this is how you request? I’ve never requested anything before >w<
But before I do that I wanted to applaud you for all your hard work!!! You are such an amazing writer, one of favorites atm, and you definitely deserve some praise!!!
For my request, I’m not sure if you are still into Ouat or Peter Pan from the show, but I’m like, obsessed. I’ve had this soulmate idea in which Peter pan’s plan to steal the heart of the truest believer failed, so now he has to take the heart of his soulmate. This is harder for him because he doesn’t know how to love. He hates it out of fear of what it could do to him, yknow yknow? So he goes along with the plan and he captures her. He expects her to fight back but she doesn’t. In fact, she’s quite happy to give up her heart for him if it meant that she wasn’t useless. (She had no family other than her sister, who had recently died. She’s lived her whole life feeling unvaluable). Over the past few days, they get to know each other, and he starts to feel bad that he was her soulmate. Like, why does such a sweet girl have to be his??? How could she just be fine with giving up her heart, HOW COULD SHE BE FINE WITH HIM NOT LOVING HER WHEN SHE CLEARLY DESERVES ALL THE LOVE HE COULD GIVE HER?!?!
She just tells him that a soulmates job is to make their lover happy, and if this made him happy then she would gladly give him her heart. It’s not like he’s doing it just for himself anyway, he is doing it for all the lost children in the world.
After he finishes the setup necessary for the ritual, he takes his soulmate to Skull rock. By the point, Peter isn’t even sure if he wants to steal her heart anymore. Could he have fallen in love this quickly???
But she encourages him to do it, despite being frightened of it herself. Before he takes her heart, Peter asks her if she had any last words. She quietly mumbles that she loves him more to an anything. She then asks him if it will hurt, to which he responds by saying that he’ll numb the pain as much as possible.
Going against his better judgement, Peter kisses her softly as he takes her heart. She immediately passes out. Peter pan has big boy realization and can’t bring himself to kill her, so instead he puts her heart back in and kisses her in the hopes she will come back to him.
Insert fluffy ending here with more kisses!!
I am so so so sorry in advance if this is super specific or doesn’t make any sense. I’ve just had this idea stuck in my head for months and it won’t get out. Of course, you can add or change the idea to make it simpler for you to write!! Take as much time as you need and have an amazing day!!!
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oh this idea >>
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Peter Pan is really out of luck. No, really. He says this about once a decade, when his latest plan for glory goes a little topsy turvy, but it’s real this time. Peter has finally caught his last break, found himself in a trap that he just can’t slip. Peter can name a fair number of people who’d be just delighted to hear that the King of Neverland has finally lost his way, but Peter himself isn’t one of them. 
That probably has to do with a little something about how he’s going to die. Peter always knew his life came with strings attached, namely the giant hourglass ticking down his last hours until he finally croaked, but for some reason he always thought that he’d be able to find his way out of it. Peter is a mastermind at exploiting loopholes, but despite all of his centuries of figuring things out in the nick of time, he may have just now met his match. 
Peter thought he had it settled when it came to the heart of the truest believer. Kidnap a kid and carve out his vital organ, that’s all it took. It should have been an easy task, too, certainly within Peter’s grasp. It’s a shame the truest believer also came with a team of die-hard do-gooders ready to tear the world apart to save their son, but who could predict something like that?
Henry Mills was Peter’s last chance, though. Or, to be specific, the last chance that Peter even remotely wanted to consider. He has explored all other opportunities, never given up hope on finding another way, but at last, he’s going to have to admit it. Peter is going to have to do the one thing he swore to always avoid. 
Peter can feel the eyes of the other Lost Boys on him now, silently waiting for him to make the inevitable call. They’ll support him in whatever choice he makes to save himself, of course; Neverland disappears when Peter dies. He’s sworn that he’ll ship them all off to safer shores should that day arrive, but no one wants that, either. The Lost Boys have always had a chance to leave, they just never took it because this life on Neverland was always preferable to anything else. 
He knows what he has to say, though. Peter has known it for a while. The one last gamble he could possibly deal, the last chance he will ever have to not die before a month is out—
His soulmate. 
This is the one option Peter was really hoping to avoid. Something about the whole soulmate affair has really bugged him all this time. Forget the odds of ever finding your soulmate when he’s immortal living on an island where no one could track him down if they dared, Peter isn’t the type of person who makes sense in the whole soulmates agenda. Peter doesn’t like weaknesses, and having someone out there who’s supposed to mean the world to you, love above all else, makes his skin crawl.
Technically, he supposes his soulmate isn’t a weakness at a time like this. In fact, his soulmate is going to be the only thing capable of making Peter strong again. See, if he wants to go on living, he can sacrifice someone else’s heart to the magic of Neverland:  that of his soulmate.
Anyone else would call it cruel. Peter is not anyone else, which is why he’s considering this. To be honest, he really hadn’t wanted to go anywhere near his soulmate, but he’s not so averse to the whole concept that he’d go into a grave rather than risk it. Peter clings to life like no one you’ve ever seen before, and he’s going to keep on doing it, soulmates be damned.
Peter can’t quite put a finger on why he has such a strong dislike of the soulmates thing. Maybe it’s because understanding the soulmate predicament would make him open to such weaknesses as love brings. Love is for fools who have nothing else to give, kids and blind men who would plunge a knife into their own chests if it meant meeting somebody who was supposedly meant for them. The only thing that Peter has ever needed in this world is his immortal youth, and if a soulmate were ever to get in the way of that, he’d take them out himself.
That’s the plan, at last. Peter doesn’t have to worry about the time it could take to track down his soulmate. He’s had his shadow keep vague tabs on them for no particular reason. He’ll tell himself it’s so he can head the other way if they ever draw near, but it’s not like that’s actually a good excuse. No one comes near Neverland unless they can avoid it or they’re one of his kind. Clearly, Peter’s soulmate would never be the type to fit in here, because soulmates are a sham. Peter refuses to believe anything else.
Still, he has to meet them, has to look them in the eyes as he carves the heart from their chest. It’ll be quick and clean, that’s all Peter needs. After that, he can live forever with another weight lifted from his shoulders. Two weaknesses removed from Peter’s world:  death and love. What more could he possibly want?
Peter actually goes to the trouble of locating his soulmate himself. This job needs to be clean, he can’t afford to have any more storybook heroes on his tail. Look how well that turned out with Henry. This is Peter’s last shot, after all; it happens without error or it doesn’t happen at all.
To his surprise, it’s relatively easy to find his soulmate. She’s walking alone at night when he finally comes to her world, trading a dimly lit house for a chilly twilight. The walls are silent, still as a grave, and the girl doesn’t look back once as she leaves. Strange.
Peter waits until she’s out of the line of sight of the house just in case, then starts following her. Once they’ve turned off of the street, Peter quickly closes the distance between them. The girl turns to stare at him, and her eyes widen. She must be feeling it too, then, the rushing feeling in her chest. Peter’s hit by it now too. He didn’t ever wonder what it would be like to meet one’s soulmate, so the reaction of being in such close quarters to the one person designed for him takes him by surprise.
Peter bites back an unwelcome smile and a rush of butterflies to his stomach. “I’m going to need you to come with me,” he says. He’s got a knife in his hand just so she gets the point. Like he said, no slip ups. Not this time.
He’s expecting a fight. That’s how Peter would react if someone approached him at night with a weapon, after all, yet for some reason his soulmate just nods. “Alright,” she replies.
Peter blinks in surprise. “Alright? I’m kidnapping you.”
“Alright,” she repeats, this time with a soft smile, “are you, though? You look really confused about it.”
“Yeah,” Peter says without thinking, “you seem like you’re not taking this seriously. Aren’t you going to try to run or something?”
The girl lifts a shoulder. “Where would I go? Besides,” she adds with a small laugh, “you’re my soulmate. That seems like a fascinating kidnapping to me.”
Peter thinks he’s gone out of his mind. “I’m going to kill you. This is not fascinating. I need your heart so I can live forever.”
His soulmate tilts her head to the side as if considering something, and then nods. “Okay.”
He must be crazy. “Why is that okay?”
The girl spreads her hands. “I have nothing. Nobody left, no family. It would be something to let someone live forever, wouldn’t it? Once you see enough death, you start to wish somebody could do it. If all it took was my heart, I think that’s a fair price. Where are we going, soulmate?”
Peter almost opens his mouth to stop her before he remembers that this is what he wants, someone willing to give up their heart so that he could live. This is actually the best possible scenario, but then why does his chest twinge with something almost like guilt when he nods and gestures towards the sky? And, upon seeing his soulmate’s face light up as she realizes that they’re to fly to Neverland, why does Peter feel like a monster for giving this girl a snapshot of all that she could have had if he hadn’t been afraid of her and taken her to his island for any reason other than sacrificing her heart?
It doesn’t matter what this girl thinks. What matters is Peter staying alive. He can focus on that, not the way the eyes of his soulmate shine with all the stars as they fly through the night air, how Peter feels more powerful than he’s ever felt before because they’re so close to each other. Y/N— he doesn’t remember asking her name, but he must have at some point because it’s now folded carefully within the depths of his memory— makes him feel strange. Better. More alive. 
It’s distracting, and Peter can’t take another distraction right now. He all but abandons her to the wilderness of the island when they touch down on Neverland, muttering something about needing to get something before disappearing again. 
To her credit, Y/N seems surprisingly good at navigating this strange new world. She finds her way to the Lost Boys’ camp within a few minutes, and by the time Peter plucks up the courage to head there as well, she’s already locked in conversation with a few of the boys. Even Felix is nodding along. Some unwelcome voice in the back of Peter’s head tells him that she fits into Neverland so well for a reason, but he refuses to listen. 
After all, Y/N is only here temporarily. She knows it, too, which just makes Peter’s unsettled surprise grow more intense. She doesn’t try to run or flee her fate in any way. Instead, she asks Peter questions about the magic of Neverland, what it would be like when her heart has been traded in and everything is as it should be. After some initial hesitation, Peter talks. He talks more than he thinks he has to anyone else, and comes away from every conversation feeling a surprising lightness in his chest. 
A couple of days pass after his soulmate arrives on Neverland, and Peter begins to realize that if he wants to get through this at all, he’s going to have to plan the ritual sooner rather than later. Already, something almost like guilt is pricking at the edges of his consciousness, making Peter wonder if this is really something he could do. To tear the still-beating heart out of Y/N’s chest, even with her explicit permission, seems somehow so wrong that even Peter with all his centuries of depravity feels like he’s missing something. 
It will come, though. This will pass. Peter has the Lost Boys depending on him. Peter himself knows nothing about death, that grand adventure that he has yet to experience, and he plans on keeping his demise to the distant future, if it ever does happen at all. He has to kill Y/N, even if it feels like he’s killing himself in turn. 
The hour arrives at last, Peter makes sure of it. He takes Y/N’s hand and they fly to Skull Rock, out of the judging eyes of the other Lost Boys. Those that were so keen on him finding any way to live now seem less sure of Peter Pan’s divine right to never fail. Peter isn’t sure of it either. 
The only one who’s sure of anything is Y/N. She watches him with those same bright eyes as Peter reminds himself of words to spells. He had wondered if her quiet strength would desert her when the moment of her actual death arrived, but she remains just as brave as ever. That marks her as better than Peter, he supposes. 
At last, when he can push it off no longer, Peter turns to her again.
“It’s time,” he murmurs. 
Y/N nods once. “It’s okay.”
How like her, to absolve him of this last guilt. He doesn’t deserve this. Maybe this is why Peter has avoided the topic of soulmates all this time— he wasn’t afraid of a weakness but the knowledge that he would never be good enough for anyone. Especially not a soulmate like Y/N. 
Peter squares his shoulders, reaches for her. “Is there anything you want to say? You know, before–”
He stops himself before the treacherous words come out. Before he kills her. Before he rips her heart out of her chest, ending the life of the one good person in his life, the one person he had been sent to love and instead ended up murdering just so he could have more years of empty life.
Y/N flinches slightly, and Peter realizes that she actually is terrified despite her calm front. “I don’t know,” she whispers, “Maybe that I love you. More than anything. If this is what it’s like to have a soulmate, to feel like this, I’m glad I got it.”
Peter must have reacted strongly, because she holds up a hand to stop Peter’s response. “I know it’s bad timing, but I wanted to say it once. You have to do this, Peter. Not just for you but all of the Lost Boys, everyone you haven’t saved yet. Promise me, won’t you? Promise me you’ll find all the kids who need you. You’ll have all the time in the world to do it. Bring them home.”
“I promise,” Peter says hollowly.
Y/N jerks her head up and down, a trembling acceptance. “Alright, then.” She eyes him cautiously. “Do you think it’ll hurt?”
Yes, he wants to say. “I’ll try to make any pain as little as possible.” He owes her that much.
Y/N flashes him a quick smile that neither of them believe. “Do it.”
Peter stares at her, and before he can stop himself, he leans forward slightly and kisses her. It is a mistake in anyone’s book, but Peter can’t help it. It goes against his better judgment, his limited common sense, but it also gives him a rush from head to toe that he could not explain if he tried.
Y/N’s eyes are shut, which makes it easier. Peter plucks her heart from her chest as easily as if it were a single emerald leaf from a tree. Instantly, Y/N crumples to the ground. Peter looks at her body in a tangle of limbs on the floor of the cave, and he knows. He can’t do this. It is the only thing that will save his life, and it is too great a price to pay.
Within a second, Peter puts Y/N’s heart back in her chest. She still doesn’t stir, and Peter finds himself swept away on a tide of fear, utterly wracked with the horror that maybe he was too late, that his realization took just too long to come about. He kisses her again in the hopes that it might do something, anything. He’s heard that soulmates are supposed to have a special kind of magic in them; if the stories were true, if there is anything left to Y/N and Peter, let it go all to her. Let her wake up. Please.
Y/N lets out a shuddering gasp and sits up. Peter’s breath leaves him in a rush and he clutches her to him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders as if she’s giving him strength instead of the other way around.
“You’re alright,” he says weakly. It’s as much to reassure him as her.
Y/N shakes her head against his chest. “Didn’t it work? It should have worked, Peter.”
Peter pulls away briefly, unwillingly, so he can look at her again. He doesn’t know how much time he has left now, but he’d gladly spend the rest of them just watching the sun set in her eyes. “I couldn’t do it. I can’t kill you, Y/N.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “No. No, you had to do this. You’re going to die.”
He lifts a shoulder. “I’ve lived a long time. You deserve your shot at life, just like me.”
Y/N opens her mouth to argue against this, and then she falls silent. Peter furrows his brow, confused at her sudden hesitation, and then he realizes that the entire room seems to be glowing. He turns around to see what Y/N’s looking at, and then he sees it and loses the ability to function.
The hourglass is glowing. As Peter watches, all of the grains that had been steadily collecting at the bottom fly up to the top, and this time, they stay there. Even after Peter waits, they refuse to fall. For some reason, he is no longer capable of dying, at least not through the steady progress of time that had once marked his centuries.
It must be the soulmate thing. It’s the only thing Peter can think of, that something must have come of the bond between him and Y/N. It’s funny, isn’t it, that Peter has spent all of this time running from the mere mention of a soulmate and now she’s the one to save his life?
He faces her once more, and this time, he lets himself smile back at her. “I think we’re alright.”
She laughs. Peter thinks he could listen to the sound on repeat for days at a time. “I think we’re more than alright, actually.”
For once, Peter does not have any cause to fear. He has his life, but more than that, he has his love. Love is not something to shun or hide, it makes him strong. He holds out a hand for Y/N and helps her up. They have a new life to lead, hundreds of thousands of lifetimes until time itself ceases to function. Peter thinks it’s just about enough time to get started.
requested by @hinayugi, i hope you enjoy!
ouat tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie, @w1shes43, @lost-ender
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ijboltaerae · 10 months
happily never after
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SUMMARY ⭑ in which kim gyuvin gets a job at disneyworld and accidentally decks his boss, guest relations employee y/n, on his second day of work
CHARACTERS ⭑ kim gyuvin x fem!reader, ? x fem!reader, zb1, lesserafim yunjin, aespa ningning, evnne seungeon, fromis9 and loona cameos
GENRE ⭑ fluff, crack, nonsense, social media au, slight enemies to lovers, idiots to lovers
WARNINGS ⭑ cursing, nsfw and kys jokes (the fic itself is sfw), slight drug mentions (jokes), dumb humor, ignore timestamps 🙏
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✧˖°. employee files ⭑ guest relations team ⭑ costume department
CLOCKING IN 【┘】 ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
hour one. neverland any bitches
hour two. yeah its winnie the fucking pooh bitch
hour three. attenzione freddie fazbear
hour four. #winniethepoohapologizetoy/n
hour five. dommunity service
hour six. wiping out taerae's lineage
hours loading.......
pls send an ask if you would like to get added to the taglist!!
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sewmice · 3 months
Hai as a decently new utapri fan I wanted to ask your opinion on how new fans should get into utapri after finishing the anime. Should they play through the otomes games or maybe try listening to the Masterpiece shows instead?
Welcome to Utapri! I hope you're enjoying the ride so far! And as someone who has been here for 12 years, welcome to Utapri hell, this is your life now! (with love of course)
Since the Masterpiece shows are all alternate universes/acting, it doesn't technically matter? So the real question is, do you like the idol side or the romance side more? Idol side, go for the masterpiece shows. Romance go for the games. And honestly switch around as you please. Just get to SOME game knowledge at some point because that's where you really learn about the boys after all. Personally it's best to know at least a little from everything.
Also the next most important thing will be whether you know Japanese or not. Because currently the anime, movies, and Starish special are the only things available in English. So what you can enjoy is more limited. Shining Live was in English for it's lifespan, and has some archives out there. Live Emotion we can only hope will have an English version but we do not know currently.
Now my answer to assist gets real long so gonna put it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
If you know Japanese, absolutely go enjoy the otome games, all of which have updated ports on the Switch! The release order and thus suggested order would be Repeat, Amazing Aria and Sweet Serenade, Debut, All Star, and finally All Star After Secret. And one day we'll have Dolce Vita.
If you want Quartet Night, while you meet them in Debut, their routes start with All Star. Ringo and Ryuuya have routes in Sweet Serenade and All Star if you're looking for them. Mitsuo in Amazing Aria is well....you'll see.
If you don't know Japanese, I still suggest looking into the games, but your options are more limited. ShiningWonderland has a fantastic crew pushing out translations. They're working on Repeat for Starish and All Star for QN currently. Couple of the routes are finished for at least one ending and others seem to be nearing completion. But I can't speak for that team past that. They are all wonderful people though!
If you don't mind getting a shortened, not amazing experience. There are some old summaries floating around from Breadmasterlee. Those, plus some friends who could understand enough, were how I learned parts of the games back in the day. Not the preferred experience though.
You could also technically struggle your way through with like Google Lens translation? Definitely not recommended though.
As for the masterpiece shows, again if you know Japanese, just enjoy them. If you wanna know what order they released in, the sets were as follows: Masquerade Mirage, Tenka Muteki no Shinobimichi, and Joker Trap Bloody Shadows, Pirates of the Frontier, Every Buddy!, and Polaris Lost Alice, Trios, and The Forest of Lycoris Dreaming of OZ, Never Again Neverland, and Faust Last Cantata
I know that next to last set, the Shining Masterpiece Shows, have translations by Kanasmusings. You can also find translations for some other dramas there, and subtitles for a majority of the stage plays (you will need your own file or DVD/BD).
The most recent Dramatic Masterpiece Shows seem to be works in progress at the moment. I know utapri-translations-uuuu is working on Heavens! And the CDs can be found in my masterlist.
The older ones I don't know off the top of my head if translations exist at all.
There are also Discord servers amongst the community, some public and some private, with resources and amazing people. But I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be to post the public ones. They don't allow piracy so as much as I push buying legally, uh, understandably linking from my blog publicly feels wrong. You can very likely find said discords via the Twitter fandom. Or talk to me in DMs.
This is a lot of info I know. Trying to cover as many bases as I can off the top of my head! Enjoy Utapri!
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
Sully Family Modern AU Headcanons
Characters: Jake, Neytiri, Kiri, Tuk, Neteyam, Mo’at, Lo’ak
Warnings: None :)
Summary: Just some headcanons of what the Sully’s would be like in our modern world
Taglist & Masterlist
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Jake would def be a military dad and sometimes be doing too much but Netyiri always drags him back to earth
Goes all out for his kids’ extracurricular activities. He’s always there with a camera or trying to tell his kids what to do
Sometimes can get hard on his kids (esp Lo’ak) bc he wants to them to not make the same mistakes he did
Runs a nonprofit to help warriors who lost their limbs and/or struggling with PTSD from the first war
A girl dad all the way, he folds so hard when it comes to Kiri and Tuk
Is best buds with Tonowari and is always trading embarrassing stories with him
Much to their children’s dismay
Sometimes they go on camping trips together
Loves to prank his children and embarrassing them lovingly
Finds it hard to talk about Tommy and Tsu’tey but wants his kids to know their uncles so he pushes through
Listens to classic rock and country, you cannot tell me otherwise
Tries (and fails) to get his kids into it
Neytiri humors him at times and would admit (not to his face tho) that some of it is good
She is an instructor at a really good archery school
Loves to drink tea and Kiri always buys her different kinds from her “impulsive drives”
Still does all of the kids’ hair and retwist Jake’s locs for them
Save money and she makes it into a self-care for the person
And the kids do her hair as well
Is a mama bear and not afraid to tell someone off to protect her family
Is really into sustainable to protect Pandora
She mostly listens to podcasts but has a shared playlist with Jake
Teaches her kids self-defense and takes it very seriously
Helps out with fundraising for her kids clubs and schools if needed
But not really involved in the pta unless it involves her kids directly
She respects boundaries but really hates it when her family is in distress and won’t say anything
Goes on walks and hikes with Jake
They have a weekly date night to de-stress from the kids
School President and captain of whatever school team he plays for. Maybe soccer or volleyball
Girls, guys, honestly anyone whoever is attracted to guys def looked Neteyam’s way twice
But all those good looks but no rizz at all
What a shame
Lo’ak said it skipped Neteyam and went straight to him
Into mangas but his taste in them are all over the place. One day reading Haikyuu the next reading The Promised Neverland
Big 180
Similarly, his tastes are the same in music. Some day into indie the next heavy rock. But if asked, his favorite is indie full stop
Would be valedictorian of his school and all the teachers love him
Saved up for his first car and would die before he lets Lo’ak get behind the wheel
Road rage driver and got it from his parents
Is a tutor who does it for money but will help someone outta the kindness of his heart if needed
Feel immense pressure to be the best at everything he does. Which leads to burnout and his family stepping in
That intervention led to lots of hugs and tears
Promises to do better on Jake’s part
Had a Hamilton the musical phase, and sometimes will go back to the songs he really likes
Really into crystals, plants, and herbalism
Has a garden in their backyard that is extremely well-taken care of
Into activism for many groups but her main focus would be the environment
Doesn't want Pandora to turn into Earth now
Has a well-known blog dedicated to plants and helps inform ppl about the dangers of greenhouse emissions
Her fashion taste is long but breathable dresses and doc martens
Goes thrift shopping with Neytiri and that's how she met Tsireya and her mom
While their moms had a rocky start the two girls were besties since the beginning
Prolly sapphic if I'm being honest with you
The only one that Neteyam trust with his car
A vegan and convinced her family to have non-meat Mondays
Has been bullied in the past for being “weird” and now has a silver tongue. People think twice before saying something slick to her. Bc it’s either her words or her brothers’ fist
Cuts her own hair. The first time was an impulse but she loves the way it looks so she continued
Has this really calming presence around her that attracts ppl but she prefers to do her own thing.
Definitely into hip-pop,rap, and r&b (I will not be convinced otherwise)
Wears a lot of street wear style clothes but those Nike techs got him in a chokehold
Always in detention for fighting someone or playing a prank that blows up in his face
Room a mess 24/7 but somehow has an order to it that only he understands
Like Neytiri or Neytam would ask him to find something and he’ll get it within 5 seconds
One of those to joke flirty with a lot of girls but if it’s someone he really like (like Tsireya for example) he get real shy around her
Owns a skateboard and is always at the skatepark. It’s how he made peace with Rotxo after their lil scuffle on the first day of school
And by proxy Ao’nung
When he wants to, he can get really deep and have personal conversations with a person
Will probably play a sport like hockey or something that’s really action based
He got that W rizz on lock, at least that’s what he claims
Into animes like Blue Lock, AOT, Chainsaw man
But can't get into the mangas for some reason
When he was younger a stray dog saved him. Convinced his parents to adopt the dog. Named him Palkan
An iPad kid and loves Toca Boca
Also kids bop and the family hates it
She’s a picky eater
Bc the songs are just stuck in their heads
Wants to do every sport and join every club.
Settled on girl scout for the cookies and friends, but mostly cookies
Charges her family extra for boxes
Always gets her way bc everyone is wrapped around her finger
And honestly, Jake and Neytiri gave up on parenting
Definitely called Ao’nung a penis face at least once
After that Jake and Neytiri had a serious discussion around what can and cannot be said around a 7 year old w/ the older kids
Has caught Lo’ak sneaking out on multiple occasions and uses it to blackmail him
Most ppl (at least Tsireya) think he’s a loving older brother. But the fam knows something is up
Is not in charge of packing her own lunch bc it's literally all junk food
Once a month,she, Kiri, and Neytiri have a girl’s day. Each of them can choose what they do each month.
Gets the most money from Grandma when birthdays comes around
She is in love with Starbucks and mainly spend her cash money on getting drinks that sounds or looks good. If she don’t like the drink, then she gives it to Kiri to finish them
Spoils her grandchildren way too much
But there is not much Jake and Neytiri can do about it
Says she has no favorites but it is 100% Kiri
Still thinks about her dead husband and is sad that he’ll never meet his grandchildren or his son-in-law
Has seen and know it all
If the kids are having trouble they go to her for advice but she so wise in all matters
Has traveled the world more than once and would love to do it again
But is still a homebody
Really spiritual and it’s something she and Kiri bond over
For all her loving, she will give her family a harsh talking to if needed
Total badass, where you think Neytiri got it from?
Like, repost, comment if you wish. See ya in the next one 👋🏿
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neverland93 · 4 months
Peter Pan Imagine/Wait
“I’ve waited and waited and waited for you!” You yell at Peter while throwing anything you can manage as he’s dodging every single one.
“Can you do me one more favor?” He asked with confidence
“For fucks sake what else do you want from me?!” You scream
“Wait for me a little bit longer?” He says with sorry eyes
You half laugh and roll your eyes
“When are you done with Neverland? When are you coming back to Storybook for good?!” You ask him with fire in your eyes
But Pan knew he would never actually stay in Storybrooke
He just wanted you, selfishly, so he kept promising you he would leave Neverland and join you, Emma and her team, knowing damn well that it would never happen.
“Give me a little bit more time.” He comes closer to you and rubs your cheek
You look down not wanting to look at him
He lifts your chin with the tip of his finger
“Peter Pan Never Fails.” He winks at you and walks towards the window, preparing to jump out as he flys his way back to Neverland.
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incorrectneverland · 1 month
My brain won’t let it go so I’m gonna get this out real quick: never again au the movie
Peter feels unloved and rebellious which puts him in the sigh of a gang group called the lost boys. The lost boys are a gang who work under their leader known as Blackbeard who runs the underground group which he calls Nederland. Black beard sees Peters raw talent as a new tool that he could use and has the lost boys convince him to run away and join them. Cue hook and zarina trying to together as they piece together clues about their son and the life they didn’t know he’s been leading. The two are on a mission to find their lost son and bring him home. Tinkerbells faries can be a honor society for achieving young women, the neverland gangs can be the mermaids/the pirates/the Indians/the lost boys and black beard can be the main villain. Phew, thanks for letting me get that out
Oooooh! Nice ideas! I think I will steal the lost boy gang idea of you don't mind of course (and if the au haunts my Brian enough to draw it again)
I can totally see suburban au (what I call it but the never again au is a good name) Hook being like "Those grubby orphans are bad influences on you boy." And Peter being all "Why should I care about what you think? You're never here codfish."
Then that Convo secretly sticking in his brain as he stares off into space while Zarina yells at him for not keeping closer tabs on Peter before they team up and find him.
And yes the honor society for high achievers... brilliant will probably steal that tooo.
I'm not super jazzed about bringing blackbeard into the story... except as Hooks dad because that is a piece of fan art I made once you are reminding me of but I feel like he should have a different name... blackbeard just doesn't really work as the name of a guy who isn't a pirate. Fun idea tho!
As for the mermaids and a indians idk where to put them in most aus so I just kinda ignore them most of the time. Don't get me wrong Tiger lily is girllboss and the mermaids are funny as hell and petty with cool designs, I just don't find them as interesting as they could be writing wise...
unless I'm bringing the Athena(Ariel's mom) x Captain Hook crack ship into this but that's...that's a whole ass other conversation. This post is so loooong thank you for your ask!
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spiritmoodboards · 4 months
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Pokemon Team for Shanti (The Jungle Book) and Jane Darling (Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland) For @casinotrio1965 c: Hope you like!
Send an ask, we're open!
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professor-fanalia · 2 years
Have you or any of your staff had a Pokémon use helping hand them and for what?
Professor Kryspyn: "Yes! A chance to praise 2 of my biggest best partners in the Nursery, One My Charizard Mama, the warmest soul you'd ever meet, capable of mothering struggling juvenile Pokémon better than I could, without her natural ability I would still struggle with incubating many eggs in get in mg section of the facility, there's nothing but sheer respect for her, ooh another would be my buddy Tike not only the Mudkip that really started it all for me, but he's such a great Pokémon for being that playmate a lonely Pokémon needs, Little…well I guess my now not so little tike is the best partner to go to for aiding in socializing Pokémon in general, these or my two shining lights, though i have so much more we'd be here so long haha!"
Doctor Elias: "I can say with Certainty that I get lots of help in my portion, and they are all super helpful, in think one Pokémon what is with me pretty much most of the day has to be me and my Luxray, the ability to understand a quick check on the health of bones, makes checking physical injuries go much quicker so I can aid in a timely manner, and really its such a small portion of what's done. A big part of it though is if it weren't for my team I feel like I'd be truely nothing or at least lacking in efficiency."
Professor Fanalia: "I believe they were asking about the move Helping hand."
Professor Kryspyn: *Sheepishly smiles* "Oh, hehehe."
Professor Fanalia: "We rarely use it on ourselves, but when we do, its mostly to help with chores around the island, like collecting wood, planting trees, gardening and so forth. It's like gaining energy after a good long rest, or a good meal, but a boost. We also have a few assistant Pokémon that stay beside other Pokémon that require assist through their daily life 24/7. Just like how some humans have assistant Pokémon; some of our patient Pokémon have assistance too. They use to move to help elderly Pokémon."
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casinotrio1965 · 9 months
Disney Descendants : Tiger Peony Scene from Return to The isle of the Lost
In the past, the only way to get to Neverland was to fly. Just like the Isle of the Lost, there had been no usable bridge connecting the tiny island to the mainland, so the fairy court used to leave a bottle of fairy dust at the dock. Then visitors would sprinkle it on themselves while thinking happy thoughts, lifting into the air and floating to Neverland. When Ben was little, he had loved to travel by fairy dust, but when King Beast and Fairy Godmother decided that even this magic was against Auradon policy, a proper bridge was built.
Even so, Ben couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed that he wouldn’t be flying anywhere that day.
He dropped Chad off at school and was in Neverland by midafternoon, driving across the bridge and onto the winding, curvy roads of the hilly island. He thought he was following the map correctly, but it looked like he’d taken a wrong turn somewhere, and instead of arriving at the fairy homestead, he found himself parked next to a group of tepees.
Ben left the car to ask for directions. There weren’t that many other people around, and Tiger Peony, Tiger Lily’s daughter, was the first person he encountered.
“Hey, Ben,” she said, when she saw him. “Come to gloat?”
“Excuse me?” he asked, before realizing she meant the tourney game that Neverland’s team had lost the day before. “Yeah, sorry about that. Lost Boys played hard.”
“Everyone’s bummed,” she said. “Mom’s already sworn to train a bunch of new recruits. What are you doing here?”
“I’m headed to Fairy Vale,” Ben said, “and I got lost. Can you show me the right way?”
“Sure,” she said. “Are you here about the dragon?”
Ben stopped. “How do you know?”
“Everyone knows. It’s Maleficent, isn’t it?”
“Actually we don’t know for sure,” he said. “That’s why I’m here.” Tiger Peony seemed to think that was a reasonable answer, and didn’t ask anything more. She pointed back down to the forest. “You just make a left at the waterfall instead of a right, and the road should take you straight to the Great Oak in the vale. They’ll be waiting for you.”
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formulapop-cb · 3 months
What a weekend we had here in Australia. The Ferraris were amazing, the Mclarens kept their pace and in an overall view we had a positive end for the week.
But let's talk about a few negatives that ruffled some feathers between the fans and even some drivers. First and all, the swap between Yoohyeon and Gahyeon. If you missed out Yoohyeon had a huge crash on FP2 resulting in the team to give Gahyeon's car to the older driver in the hopes of some new points. Unfortunately it did not work out well, but it's fair to mention how selfless was Gahyeon with agreeing to the swap.
After that the weekend went well up until the Grand Prix. Right away on the second lap we lost Christopher as the Red Bull's brake blew up in flames making him retire from the race. Resulting in Seonghwa being able to lead the race. After a few laps Yunho lost the car as well, as the Mercedes' engine stopped resulting him retiring from the race as well. The drivers did well around the race overall but at the last lap unfortunately Mingi had a huge crash resulting him with DNF as well. Mingi is okay, and was able to leave the track on his legs but unfortunately the car is completely broken.
Now let's hear some words from the drivers as well
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Christopher: This race did not go as planned, i would like to apologize for it. I know it's not my fault but it still happened. The team and i'll work on getting the car back and running and i'll do my best to make sure that nothing like this will happen again.
Seonghwa: It's unfortunate with what happened Chris, but i feel so absolutely happy and i'm very proud ot my team and my teammate. I know this win wouldn't have happen if i don't have such an amazing car to drive. I only have positive feelings right now, and i can't wait to see of how will the rest of the races will go like. Also big, big congrats to Hongjoong for second place, and for San for the third place!
Hongjoong: It's been so long since we have had a 1-2 result, i still can't belive it's real and happened. We have to move on to the next race with such positivity and who knows, maybe next time it will be my time to win~
San: What a race we had! What. A. Race. We had a great speed, the cars were able to keep up with the others and we got our first podium as well! I am so happy i can't belive it! Also gg for the team and Felix as well, after all he got P4!
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Hyunjin: Not a result we wanted but the result we got. Let's hope for something better for next time.
Jeongin: It was a close call i belive i would've been able to get higher but we didn't had enough pace just yet. Unfortunately Changbin received penalty, but let's hope that next time things will go better. Let's see each other in Suzuka next!
Handong: Finally we got some decent points and actually got somewhere. I'm excited and i'm positive that we'll be able to do better, so let's hope that we'll be able to prove that in Suzuka!
And with that the weekend have ended. The drivers had a long race with some, problems here and there but ended with some great results. Don't forget we'll see each other in 2 weeks next time, and in Suzuka! We wish everyone a happy and peaceful weekend.
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dasenergi-diary · 6 months
Hello, friends. Last night I hung-out with Geronimo in Long Beach playing trivia at his local pup. We had dinner and exchanged gifts. Spending quality time together around the holidays is a long tradition of ours. We have a lot of happy holiday memories. I wish we lived closer together.
Unfortunately our team (Let the fun be GIN) lost by only two points! That is just two questions! And there were two questions I knew the answer to (The Missouri River and the Justice Department) that I was out-voted on. We could have won! Oh, well. A good time was had by all and second place is still respectable.
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Here is a picture of our team from last night! (They are mostly Geronimo's neighbors.)
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And if you are curious what kind of questions are asked, there are 8 rounds, and each round has a theme. I made screenshots of Round 6.
Read the directions in the screenshot below first, and then I will help you out with the first one.
Apple, Corn, Crush Candy Apple, Candy Corn, Candy Crush 1 = Candy
Grace, Lego, Never Graceland, Legoland, Neverland 2 = Land
1+2 = Candyland
We got them all correct. Can you?
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askauradonprep · 2 months
Disney Descendants : Tiger Peony Scene from Return to The isle of the Lost In the past, the only way to get to Neverland was to fly. Just like the Isle of the Lost, there had been no usable bridge connecting the tiny island to the mainland, so the fairy court used to leave a bottle of fairy dust at the dock. Then visitors would sprinkle it on themselves while thinking happy thoughts, lifting into the air and floating to Neverland. When Ben was little, he had loved to travel by fairy dust, but when King Beast and Fairy Godmother decided that even this magic was against Auradon policy, a proper bridge was built.
Even so, Ben couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed that he wouldn’t be flying anywhere that day.
He dropped Chad off at school and was in Neverland by midafternoon, driving across the bridge and onto the winding, curvy roads of the hilly island. He thought he was following the map correctly, but it looked like he’d taken a wrong turn somewhere, and instead of arriving at the fairy homestead, he found himself parked next to a group of tepees.
Ben left the car to ask for directions. There weren’t that many other people around, and Tiger Peony, Tiger Lily’s daughter, was the first person he encountered.
“Hey, Ben,” she said, when she saw him. “Come to gloat?”
“Excuse me?” he asked, before realizing she meant the tourney game that Neverland’s team had lost the day before. “Yeah, sorry about that. Lost Boys played hard.”
“Everyone’s bummed,” she said. “Mom’s already sworn to train a bunch of new recruits. What are you doing here?”
“I’m headed to Fairy Vale,” Ben said, “and I got lost. Can you show me the right way?”
“Sure,” she said. “Are you here about the dragon?”
Ben stopped. “How do you know?”
“Everyone knows. It’s Maleficent, isn’t it?”
“Actually we don’t know for sure,” he said. “That’s why I’m here.”
Tiger Peony seemed to think that was a reasonable answer, and didn’t ask anything more. She pointed back down to the forest. “You just make a left at the waterfall instead of a right, and the road should take you straight to the Great Oak in the vale. They’ll be waiting for you.”
Tiger Peony seems smart and helpful. And a little competitive.
And oh boo. The policy ruins all the fun. Well, if you follow it anyway. Although I guess it'd be a bad look if the council itself wasn't.
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