#ask kuri
pitiable-arisen · 4 months
for the dragonborn ask meme: 2, 10, 17, 22, 27!
Doing this for Sifkni, I might go back and do for my other Dragonborn characters bc I have a few!
2. What “class” do they follow (i.e. warrior, archer, mage, thief, etc.)
Sneak Archer. Everyone’s favorite. She does eventually learn how to properly wield a one-handed sword.
10. Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
Companions. 10000% Companions. If there was a hunting guild, she would join that.
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
Sifkni will wear leather and boiled leather armor if she needs to. Otherwise a simple cotton tunic and cotton breeches. Neutral brown colors. She wears furs in fall and winter (basically when the weather permits). She prefers comfort and function over style and looks. Of course, she never had the chance to actually dress up due to her upbringing.
22. Which Daedric Prince(s) do they end up most aligned to, if any? Which artifacts do they own and which do they actively make use of?
She is a Hircine worshiper already. She has no items. I’m still debating if I will let her get a ring or Savior’s Hide. She’s already been blessed by Hircine.
27. If your Dragonborn were an in-game boss fight, what would their lair be like? What enemies would help them in the fight (if any) and what quest might lead to another hero having to fight them?
A cave that leads into a forested area. Very comfy. Wolves and Werewolves would help and spawn in depending on players level. I doubt the Companions would actually help defend her if she became a boss. Ofc she would have several phases. Human, werewolf and some Dragonborn werewolf thing. As for a quest, it would have to be a Hircine or Werewolf related quest. Possibly starting with hunting a creature and gaining a letter to a location or something.
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coochiekrab · 5 months
the community demands a miserable christmas kuri pinup
But anon its January
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shalpilot · 3 months
I know this will sound stupid, but how does Tyro feel after fleeing roethbar's island? Whats the Nautilus pirates next course of action?
One of the first things she feels is angry. Even through her tears, she’s furious with Habba for not trying to save Odette. She can’t even begin to consider the idea that Odette couldn’t be saved. Habba, even with all his abrasiveness, doesn’t want to just tell her that, so he takes the brunt of her verbal attacks. She does start hitting him, but it’s more weak, desperate clinging at him, and that’s when Kuri steps in and just… sits her down. He doesn’t say anything to Habba but just by stopping Tyro from attacking him there’s already more of a connection between them than there ever was before. Tomorrow, he will voice support for letting Habba stay on the crew. He will say it’s because he seemed like a “decent enough” fighter and that he can “carry their stuff around for the,” but… still much better than it was before. Despite everything, he’s just happy his sister is alive. He feels selfish. Habba is used to death, used to getting yelled at, but now he is adamantly determined to become a part of the crew. If he can do one good thing, it’s keeping these kids safe. (note: they’re… both in their 20s. Habba thinks they’re teenagers and this misconception will not be corrected for a while.) He saw how out of their element they were when the fighting started and he can help with that. He’s got plenty of experience. He kind of sees himself in them. But unlike him, these two have all the freedom in the world. And he wants to make sure that doesn’t change.
They really have to get their ship repaired.
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I'm just pulling numbers off the top of my head let's say 1, 9 and 17 for Kuris for the situation asks? I am not looking at the questions so ... good luck!
1. Your character is being offered three wishes by a genie. The usual rules reply. What do they wish for? First wish: To have Little Ru survive. Second wish: An official pardon so he can live openly and without fear of being pulled up on having gone AWOL. Third wish: To get to live as long as his wife and daughter. You know, simple things - he doesn't want to live forever, doesn't want to be rich or famous, he just wants to live and have his family live. 9. Your character has been invited to a prestigious formal event. What do they wear? What do they do when they get there? Honestly this isn't a man you invite anywhere posh or decent. He's halfway feral and only not the rest of the way there because of Venna's influence on him. That said, he does look remarkably good in a suit. Once he gets there, he knows the only thing worth doing at swanky events is raiding the food and drink tables. Yes he's getting hammered no he's not going to be aware how much of a tit he's making of himself nor does he care. 17. Your character has been captured by pirates! The pirate captain gives your character one minute to convince him to let them live. What do they say? Look I'm not saying he needs 10 seconds to pull up his catalogue of works but 10 seconds to pull up his catalogue of works and 50 to force the pirates to watch enough to agree to let him fuck his way out of that situation. Failing that he's just gonna point out he's the only living family of a spectre and do they really wanna get themselves on the radar of that?
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
Any kimono or other chestnut patterned object? Or a legend? Chestnuts have been present in Japan since before rice.
Chestnut or 栗 kuri can indeed be found used as patterns, for kimono, obi and any knick knack like boxes, plates, sword guards, etc. On the blog, you can find some here.
Tbh, rice was mostly reserved to the elite for a super long time, and common people eat other cereals, like millet. Chestnut were an afordable food, eaten in Japan since at least Jomon period, easy to store and packed with nutriments.
Kurigohan (chestnut with rice) is still nowadays a well loved autumn dish. Their auspicious golden colors also makes them suitable to be served for celebrations in place of the usual auspicious sekihan (red beans and rice).
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utane · 2 years
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A couple MMC Deadlock pictures I took while waiting for a video to render
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vtuberconfessions · 2 months
im from twitter. but do you have any idea as to why vtrainbow twt page is locked???!
Might be because of something to do with recent controversies. Kuri may be pretty edgy, but his livestreams and threads doing deep dives into some more obscure topics can be pretty informative.
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fawnnbinary · 1 year
Ultramarine, Rebecca purple.
But I also think of you as my sweet little sibling sometimes. Weird.
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kjdhkjgh okay but I'm so flattered?? my big sister kuri who lives in a teacup :P
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bluesthebest · 6 months
Pecks his cheek.
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He quickly pecks him back.
"Hey Red!"
Happy to see him Blue had something for him. "Wait here" He ran to the closet and rummaged around, before finding it. It was a tiny box and a large coat. He handed him both items, hoping it wasn't too weird but inside the case was a titanium ring, simple design with a red line engraved and a pretty heavy looking coat inside it's original bag.
"I know its weird but I figured it would be nice to switch styles up once in a while."
The ring had a date engraved inside the it.
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kurixta · 1 year
Hello fellow transfem volo fan, I wanna share a thingy with you (if u don't mind)
Immortal transfem Volo is modern day Cynthia.
She got better and less sick in the head and cringes at her old self trying to end everything because of dysphoria /j do with this what you will
eh im personally not a big fan of the "Volo is Cynthia" headcanon
I love both characters, and I think the women should coexist. Even be besties, if you will.
Cynthia just grows up with this "aunt" around she doesnt know much about, but enjoys her stories of legends and the past. It's a treat everytime she visits
Eventually, she starts to notice that this aunt has not aged one bit as the years went by. Volo would end up telling her the truth. After getting over THAT whole situation, they bond closer and hang around more often.
Anyway anyway, the whole reason im being very adamant on drawing a lot of trans fem volo recently was cause the only content before was her as cynthia. Let them be their own gals, and shine in their own ways
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dudebroship · 1 year
Okay, so we there talking about this and we think it would be a good idea if we pick a certain members to olny have questions asked about them while the rest of us go on break. The reason we're doing this is because some members haven't been given asks yet, and some members need more questions about them. We're doing this tomorrow, and here are the members you can ask about
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We will announce when this ends with a post
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pitiable-arisen · 9 days
Hey you! You’re finally awake!?
Hey mutuals and followers! I know you’ve got those sweet sweet TES ocs. Why don’t you send them my way and I’ll doodle them for you!?
They’ll be pencil sketches! (I haven’t set up my brushes in sai yet, so I’m not able to do any digital art yet; I’m lazy) but you can reblog or dm me or send an ask or something! You can even dm on discord (arisenlicious) if you prefer.
Refs can be art or screenshots! The more you give the better I can capture your character! Feel free to also scream about them as well!
They can be from any Elder Scrolls game and any race. (I need more practice with Argonians but I’m not afraid to draw them!)
You can see examples of my art under the tag ‘kuri does art’
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coochiekrab · 2 years
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little bit of sinus damage
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shalpilot · 3 months
OUUGH..... im invested in your ocs now...... may we learn more??????
Okey dokey :3 here's some stuff about Tyro & Kuri!
Tyro and Kurione are siblings by adoption :) they grew up on an island in the grand line together. Their mom ran a museum filled with artifacts n specimens from her travels that was the main source of income for the island (tourist attraction/researchers). One day while messing around they find a weird fruit in the back archives and For Science … Kuri eats it and WHOOPS now he has a weird devil fruit power and is completely liquid for several hours. When he. Solidifies. again they tell their mom who ends up getting FURIOUS at them. Turns out she has not been making enough money to support them or the island and has been selling exhibits to black market traders to scrape by and that fruit was going to have them set for life. It was already sold; just not handed off… so they’re in big fucking trouble. Their mom ends up hiding them and trying to make an excuse to the people she sold the fruit to but they don’t take it well and the museum ends up getting destroyed with her inside. Several several years pass and Tyro and Kuri end up becoming pirates to catalogue species of the grand line but also to hopefully get strong enough to declare their island their territory to protect it from another incident like that.
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SO NOW. As a kid Tyro would talk in a very proper dialect and was generally like, oddly stiff for a kid. She also would absolutely refuse to talk about her life before coming to the island for a VERY good reason- Reiya (her adoptive mother) brought her there as a final favor for her friend who was the queen of another island (gasp!) She had a pearl paramecia fruit (I know they’re technically natural but it’s like, symbolic that she’s not a logia I prommy) and was being exploited to keep the kingdom wealthy. She ran away with Tyro and was going to escape with Reiya but ended up getting caught so she passed Tyro on to Reiya and begged her friend to keep her daughter safe. So she did.
here's a big ramble about Kuri too!
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While he is somewhat protective of Tyro he does also know she can hold her own and isn't too worried about her when they get in like, normal fights against pirates who aren't just stupid strong like Roethbar. WHICH I SHOULD NOTE- he was the thing that set off Kuri's obsession with strong pirates, it did actually start out as gathering information for tactical reasons but the more time he put into learning about cool guys the more Kuri was like ohhhh fuck they're so cool they,re so fuckignh cool....
They'll do ur typical sibling bickering but they do love each other and would never get actually mad about it. Tyro does hold being captain over him whenever Kuri's like I'm The Older One Let Me Handle This which he will always groan about because she did become captain via coin flip (that he called, btw. just saying.)
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aight [cracks knucles] situation asks, gimme uhhh [rolls d20] solo 11 and 24 for avi kuris and tyk, and group 8 for the coyotes natch
11. Your character has to spend a whole day indoors. What do they get up to? AVITUS: Spending time indoors isn't a challenge for him actually - especially if he gets to pick one (or both!) of his boyfriend options to keep him occupied. On the schedule is sleeping in late, snuggling up to only half pay attention to the TV and ordering in enough food to propel them back into a food coma. And failing those options. Fucking. He's a big fan of that as a way of spending the day indoors. KURIS: This actually would be a challenge for him!!! In later years, it gets easier as he gets more paranoid and arthritis catches up with him, but on the whole, he actually likes going outdoors and simply being outside; it's something he got used to on Omega but in the years after that, he's very happy to feel the sun on his face again. Realistically though, baking with an audiobook or talk-show playing softly to keep him from being too alone with his thoughts is a great way to while away the hours - even better if he can convince one or both of his family members to hang out with him whilst working. TYKSE: To be honest, persuading her not to spend all day inside is more of a challenge than the opposite; Ora might have shitty bandwidth but by god she's still gonna find a way to make gaming with her extranet friends work. If her parents wanted her to, gasp, see the sun periodically? Well maybe they should've picked some place to live where she'd be able to have more friends. (They do, in fact, make that a reality eventually, and she STILL spends all day inside if she can get away with it.) 24. Your character has been challenged to a duel by a skilled fighter. What incentive would convince them to accept? How would they prepare for the fight? Do you think they would win? (bonus: which other character do you think the challenger could be?) AVITUS: Getting him not to accept would be a bigger challenge tbh. This asshole loves a fight and he's ready for it 24/7. Equally, there's pretty good chances he's winning. Even if it's not in a domain he's all that practiced with, there's a lot to be said for just being feral and hard to kill (he's made a career out of combining those talents). Preparation is for smarter people, just going in like a wild animal has always served him well.
KURIS: Honestly , similar to Avitus, he's pretty much always dtf (down to (fucking) fight). That said, he might think twice if it's specifically meant to be a fight with a weapon he's not familiar with. Give him enough time and he's learnin' to fight that way though! Aside from that, threatening a child or just plain insulting him or anyone he cares about is guaranteed to get him ready to have a go at it. TYKSE: Kiddo inherits one thing from her mother (well, two if you include the whole being asari thing) and that one thing is a shred of self preservation. Or at least, she got it somewhere, her mom has less sense than her though. Either way, there's next to nothing that'll entice her into a fight. Which is sensible because she's been coddled enough by her parents that she's pretty shit in a fight. Not a bad shot if you give her time and, sure, she can get herself out of trouble if backed into a corner but she's not a soldier and ain't that a luxury. 8. Your characters have been invited to a fancy dress ball, and their costumes must fit a group theme. What do they wear? I'm legally obliged to say that they all come as "back end of pantomime horse". That's my answer. All 3 of them are the back end of a horse.
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creamecream · 1 year
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Chestnut grunted as he was pushed up against the door, which had been shut fairly harshly behind him. the satyr demon growled, a smirk on his face as he pulled himself up, wrapping his arms and legs around Lucious, the other man’s hands quickly falling to Kuri’s bottom to keep him up as the two devoured each other’s mouths.
Lucious staggered backward while holding the other demon, his knees hitting the couch, making him sit down harshly, jostling the snake dozing upon his hat.
Lucious started, continuing to kiss Chestnut, pulling away only halfheartedly. “Wait, wait, wait-” Lucious mumbled until Petunia hissed in his ear. Kuri huffed, releasing the demon prince’s mouth and starting in on Lucious’ neck, biting down hard.
“Sorry ‘Tunia-!” Lucious squeaked out the last part of his snake’s name as Kuri undid the top few buttons of Lucious’ shirt and bit down particularly roughly on the other’s chest. the demon prince quickly picked up the snake and let Petunia slither down his arm, the snake tossing the two men a grumpy look as they immediately went back to making out.
“You’re so hot,”
Chestnut all but purred, falling completely into purring when Lucious chuckled lightly against his lips. “So hot, so good to meeeee~” Chestnut rested his head against Lucious’ shoulder, the wine he had at dinner starting to catch up with him. “Mine, mine, mine, all mine.” Chestnut nuzzled into Lucious’ neck, pressing sloppy kisses to his jaw. “No one else, just mine, but I’m not even worthy to be in your presence.” Kuri pulled away and looked Lucious in the eyes, his face flushed and a gentle smile on his mouth.
“I want you to marry me, please?” Chestnut whined, before looking away and covering his face. “Oh god, I had a whole thing planned! I’m a goddamn fuck upppppp...”
Lucious had frozen at Chestnut’s words, his nails digging into Kuri’s hips. “A-are you serious?” Lucious asked tentatively, interrupting Kuri’s self-flagellation.
Lucious belongs to @abyssnighthawk
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