#ask a justie
itookyoudown · 1 year
Alright, so I am new to the fandom, and while I have so many asks because I am INCREDIBLY invested in this show, I figured I'd start out with a "simple" one, maybe. What do you believe is the thematic symbolism of Raylan's hat and what it means when he doesn't wear it?
hi justie! welcome to the madness. when/if you're ever ready to come off anon, there's lots of blogs here for you to follow and we have a discord.
i love this question! thanks for popping into my ask box. i could write any entire essay on this with diagrams and screenshots, but i'll try to keep this short for now.
first off, i think it needs to be mentioned that the most obvious symbolism/use of the hat is how it immediately signifies to the audience that Justified isn't a typical cop drama, it's a modern-day western. a cowboy hat on top of the protagonist's head immediately clues you into that (plus it's sexy af let's be real).
beyond that, i think the hat is a mask for Raylan and he uses it to both comfort and empower himself. the same way he uses his star as a shield to get away with his outrageous behavior. Raylan swaggers around as a cool cowboy and has an asshole authority figure persona. and like most social masks, i believe it's simultaneously both true and un-true.
the color of Raylan's hat also has its very own symbolism. it's not a white hat (the official color is silverbelly), because Raylan isn't actually a hero. he's just the protagonist of the story.
as for what it means when he doesn't wear it...from what i can remember from watching (and rewatching the show), Raylan sometimes takes off his hat to be polite, but he isn't consistent about it. he wears it inside frequently. i don't think i can really ascribe any particular symbolism to when he doffs it VS when he doesn't. he just seems practical about both taking off + putting on his hat.
i will say however that he does seem to use the brim of his hat to hide his eyes sometimes. and in his intimate scenes with his lady friends, he doesn't leave the hat on (such a shame).
that's just what i think though! justies what do y'all think about raylan and his stetson?
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mueritos · 9 months
I find it funny you post things about the wrong people becoming therapists yet you want to be a social worker and actively defend rapists and abusers 💀
CW: mentions of SA/cycles of abuse.
you must think you're really clever. the therapy industry has a huge amount of problems (like any other industry built on service to other humans, like the medical industry), and i think even the people who want to work within the therapy field (whether as a psychiatrist, a counselor, a therapist, a social worker, a sex therapist, etc) can still critique the many issues within it, mainly the racism, eurocentrinism, and the individualistic values that much of talk therapy promotes. I don't know where you got the second part of your statement, because not only is it widely inaccurate of what I was thinking of doing in social work, it also is just not a great idea to hold about people who work with people who do harm.
there are therapists/social workers who work exclusively with cops/law enforcement, and ethically those people CANNOT work with people who are victims of law enforcement or people who "break the law" (incarcerated folks). It just doesn't work, because if you work with both, it can create a conflict of interest. this is the same with people who work with victims of assault (SA or not). these therapists/etc who work with victims of assault/abuse CANNOT work with abusers. The same is vice versa, as in people who work with those who do serious harm cannot work with their victims.
I think your self righteousness is misplaced. You clearly have a lot of work to do in regards to removing your own feelings and judgement from the work that many therapists and social workers do. I don't know if you know this, but everyone (yes, even people who do serious harm) are deserving of basic human necessities, like oh i don't know. Housing, healthcare, or therapy. It is not my job as a future social worker to judge people, that is wickedly different from holding someone accountable. Judging is like sending someone to prison for 25 years, further removing them from the communities and resources that could generate accountability. Further, no one can hold anyone accountable unless said person consents to being held accountable. There are different procedures for whether they do or not. My job, as a future social worker, is to help people, because I believe all people deserve to ask for help and receive the help that they need.
Not sure if you know, but I'm against incarceration/punishment. I believe we hold punishment as the way to "teach people a lesson", but if you do not work with people and actively step in and disrupt cycles of trauma (housing crisis, hunger, substance abuse, interpersonal abuse, racism, ableism, etc), you will only find that people re-offend unless they are given the resources they need to be better. Yes, there are people who genuinely want to do harm, but harm does not exist in a vacuum, and if you are unwilling to acknowledge that, then I genuinely wish compassion to anyone who slips up around you and shows you that anyone is capable of any level of harm.
People who do serious harm are victims of the same cycle abuse as everyone else. You white knuckling your self righteous black and white morality is the reason why you cannot understand that even the worst kinds of people deserve the same access to care as victims of harm. You think that people who work with individuals who do harm as them defending them, when the reality is many of us with the brains built to do this kind of work want to stop this harm and correct abusive behavior. Unfortunately for you, people are capable of change. No one is asking you to like anyone or their actions (because I don't have to like the people I work with either, freak), but what people like me are asking you is to accept the fact that all people do harm, and when people are given the community and resources to, they can change for the better and recognize the serious harm they have caused.
Not everyone who goes into this work wants to aim their energy into the "socially acceptable" work. I think social justice morality and the sanitization of revolutionary politics has rotted our brains into believing that we must do and be the most "woke" person ever, channeling our energy into victims of harm. But what we fail to recognize through that is that some people would rather divest their energy into de-radicalization of fascists, or others want to put their energy into theory, others want to learn how to connect with the land and be sustainable, and others want to learn how to help others. And just like them, there are people who are willing enough to use their skills and compassion for conflict/resolution, accountability practices, and to help those who have harmed. Because, unfortunate for you, activists should NOT be juggling being the theorist, farmer, therapist, spiritualist, leader, mediator, protestor, rioter, etc and etc. Some people are simply built to put their energy into what they are good at. This doesn't mean that the farmer does not encourage the theorist to continue thinking and writing their theory. And I am sure the theorist, one who cannot farm and till, is grateful for the skills the farmer brings once dinner comes around.
it's funny really because I still am not sure about what I want my focus to be in social work, and for you to assume that I am "defending" abusers/rapists by thinking about working in extremely hostile, tense, and exhausting environments in the attempt to disrupt cycles of violence is me "defending" these individuals...it just reveals more about you than myself, anon. Many people already work with abusers/rapists (many of those therapists being victims of abuse/SA as well), so you may as well call the ones who are actually doing the work rn "defenders" of abuse. see how that bodes for you.
that's all I have to say.
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the-vaniville-kids · 1 month
If it helps, Justy is the name of a guy.
Trevor: guy name- guy name- dead guy name? Maybe it’s a way to remember a long lost loved one?? But sand-? Sand man?? Mister sand man???????
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norgbelulah · 7 months
Listen you said as many as I wanted, you said that:
“Baby,” Boyd said, taking Raylan’s face in his hands. “We’re going to be fine.” He was talking true here, Raylan knew, but his expression changed and he didn’t look him in the eyes as he added, “It’s easy to start over with that kind of money. We wouldn’t even have to go nowhere--”
“And watch them rip apart the hills? Pollute your precious hollers?” Raylan hissed, pulling away. He couldn’t talk about it without getting pissed. His head hurt so fucking much.
“Later,” Raylan said, pulling out his phone. “I wish you’d’ve said something, really, because I have to call Art now. Her wanting the property puts me far enough in this shit that I can’t be a part of the detail. It’s a conflict of interest, no matter what we do now.”
“What we do?” Boyd asked quietly. “It’s still just your land, Raylan.”
“Fuck off, Boyd,” Raylan growled. “I’d have married you years ago if that was something we could do.”
Boyd leaned back in his chair, eyes wide, at that and Raylan wondered if that was something he shouldn’t have said when they were fake fighting like this.
They stared at each other for a solid minute at least and Raylan couldn’t hold it in anymore. He said, “I’m sorry I said, fuck off and then that, I--”
Boyd smiled and shook his head. “Go make your phone call, baby.” He didn’t even add anything about the fake argument. “Tell Art--”
Omggggg. I'm SO glad you picked this to ask about because just right before this part is one of my favorite exchanges I have ever written. It's basically what I now think of the thesis of this entire fic series. Boyd and Raylan could never have come this far together if not for Raylan letting Boyd live in his house and nest in his heart and refuse to leave. Okay??
This part:
“We can start over,” Boyd said. “We’re good at that.” Raylan looked at him like he was crazy. “No, we’re not.” They’d never started over at anything. The only reason any of this was happening was because of the house, that they needed, because they couldn’t make a change without a crutch. It was just built up and built up from everything that happened before and the house was the foundation.
And then Raylan spirals because he can't see a way out of this situation even though he knows Boyd is actively taking it in hand. (He's going to figure it out, Raylan!!) And part of Boyd's plan is to get this exact reaction from Raylan, because he needs to convince Carol Johnson he really is on her side and also make things difficult for her because Raylan is so adamantly opposed to selling. But! He doesn't expect Raylan to profess his unshakeable commitment to their relationship in that very moment!
Boyd in this fic, even up until now, does not think about the house in Harlan as theirs, per se. It's Raylan's house. Always has been. He thinks of their apartment in Lexington way more as something they share. But he spent so much time over the years working on the house, specifically FOR RAYLAN, that it's like really hard for him to take on any kind of ownership for himself until Raylan is like, yeah but we would be married by now???? If life was fair??? SO ITS YOUR HOUSE TOO BOYD.
I'm also like perpetually *kisses fingers* at myself for immediately having Raylan apologize. He's Just! So! Hungover! that he cannot control his mouth or his emotions and they are all over the place because he is so! pissed! off! at Carol Johnson! This "oh shit I really said that just now" moment for Raylan is so funny and sweet. I love them so muchhh.
Anyway this is a great little collection of scenes and writing about how good it is is actively making me want to rewatch through season 2 so I can try and fucking untangle what needs to happen to end this beautiful story! AND THEN I want to write several little short fics about parenting Loretta and getting married for real and and and
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chaesonghwas · 2 months
last line tag
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
I AM SO LATE AND I'M SORRY I LOVE U ALL <3333 @duquesademiel @espithewarlock @crimsonicarus
wip 1 pierre/charles
“No,” he chuckles and shakes his head, sitting down on the edge of the pool next to Charles. “Do you mind if I join you for a while? George’s snoring has been insufferable lately.”
wip 2 arthur/oscar
If there’s anything he knows how to do, it’s how to take advantage of a gap.
wip 3 pierre/charles
Inconvenient, to say the least, because Charles is a civilised adult and he’s not going to wank in an airplane bathroom.
tagging @your-littlesecret @pinkierre @yukierres @wolfiemcwolferson and whoever else feels like doing ittt💖
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justworthlessreblogs · 3 months
sometimes I wonder why they named her Cure Pekorin and not Cure Donut. it’s not bad, per se, she just sounds out of place next to her sister cures
yeah! cure donut is a perfectly fine name, while cure pekorin is very out of place (and disappointing since it's her civilian name too). i'm wondering if it's because they didn't want to waste a name like donut on a cure that appears for 2 or so episodes, but considering we had a cure ange literally the very next season (even though there was a cure ange in heartcatch) it kinda defeats that point
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acorrespondence · 7 months
From "i put this heavy heart in you":
“Hello?” says a voice over the line.
“Shit. You ain’t Raylan,” Boyd says. He steps out onto the porch and closes the door behind him. 
“Ah... no. Look, this line isn’t really for personal calls—“
“Well,” says Boyd, “I happen to have some information as pertains to the two enterprisin individuals busted out of Big Sandy this very night.”
There’s a pause. “All right,” the voice says eventually. It’s a slow drawl, professional enough, though something about it strikes Boyd as bored, maybe even sarcastic. Although he supposes he’d be aggravated himself, having to answer another man’s phone half past four in the morning. “What is your information?”
Boyd looks out at the headlights flashing by, the roads here never quiet, even in the small hours before dawn. “Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens was ten, fifteen minutes out of Parisville on the Mountain Parkway towards Big Sandy as of 9:20 this evenin. However, if you were to contact the prison, I fear you might find that Raylan Givens never made it back to survey the livin quarters of the escapees, as he was intended to do. I believe he encountered a gas station he saw as suspicious—and I have an inkling his suspicions may’ve proved founded.”
“And… how do you know this?” asks the voice slowly. Suspiciously. Boyd supposes it must sound like an awful lot of detail, to someone who hasn’t spent the last three hours turning every facet over in his head like seaglass, holding each one up to the light, waiting for something to shine through.
Boyd sees no cause to lie. He smiles into the mouthpiece, the one that shows every tooth in his head. “Well, Deputy, I was on the phone with him when he happened upon the very service station in question.”
The deputy on the phone makes a skeptical noise. “And you think this has somethin to do with the escaped convicts?”
“I do believe that to be the likely case, yes,” says Boyd. His hand flexes around the phone, a movement only half-conscious. He only notices when the plastic case creaks. “And if it ain’t, then, when you find him, you tell that fucker to answer his goddamn cell phone.”
The deputy snorts. “All right. Thank you for your information. And what is your name and loca—“ 
Ah, the phone call. As we know from later on in this chapter, the guy who answers the phone is Tim (and I do hope I did a good enough job characterizing him that this was clear even before he confirms it in the car on the way to Shirley’s later). He is going to be so bummed when he finds out that Raylan came out to Rachel first, after he laid such nice groundwork for such a confidence, but boy is just too subtle for his own good. Of course, this was a large part of the point of this scene: much of this fic deals with being closeted, how and when to come out, the fact that queer people often have to come out over and over again, and the fact that they can be out in some places or to some people but not others; if coming out should ever be necessary and the ramifications of that decision; etc. So, this is the first instance of anyone having cause to question whether or not Raylan is straight. Since Tim in this fic (and in canon, let’s be honest now) is gay, I gave that honor to him. He’s the one most likely to draw the correct conclusion.
I’m so glad you picked this bit, I was very proud of my Tim voice here; plus, it’s the first instance where we hear Boyd talking to someone he doesn’t live with, so I got to really stretch my vocabulist muscles. I know I’ve talked about it before, though I can’t remember where—possibly DMs with @boydcrowdr?—but based on my extensive rewatching of canon I came to the conclusion that Boyd’s language isn’t quite as elevated with the people he’s closest with, including Raylan. I’ve incorporated this quirk of character into my fic, and so while he always has a big vocabulary and likes to throw some impressive words in at random, I’ve written his everyday dialogue more casually so far. He’s at his most verbose when he’s a) defensive or b) trying to get someone (or a group of someones, as it were) to do something. Here, he’s stressed, at a disadvantage, and trying to convince someone of something, so it was fun to let loose on the eloquence front. The hope is that, upon close inspection, the fic hints at Boyd’s state of mind, as well as his intentions, in accordance with how pedantic he’s being.
I think Boyd’s feelings are pretty clear through the narration, but as for Tim, I think he starts the conversation annoyed and confused, but then gets intrigued, and by the time he hangs up he’s feeling pretty amused and obviously curious, which leads him to go fishing the next day, when he has Raylan as a lone captive audience. Prior to this call, he was stuck in the office doing boring shit in the middle of the night because of this prison break bullshit, his new colleague is out doing all the legwork Tim would much prefer to be doing right now, so this ends up being a pretty interesting event to cut through the boredom. Ultimately, he doesn’t regret picking up Raylan’s desk phone; his night would have felt a lot more pointless and monotonous if he hadn’t. Plus, you know. It’s nice not to be the only one.
So, after California, we now have all the most important players from the Marshals’ office at three different places when it comes to their knowledge of Raylan being queer: Rachel, who he told outright; Tim, who guessed correctly; and Art, who’s still in the dark. This, of course, adds several delicious layers of tension that are very fun to work with. And the one of the three who has the most reasonable argument to claim that he should know is the only guy who doesn’t.
(Ask game here)
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skelingtonsderek · 7 months
*rolls up days later* anyway from remembrance for the DVD commentary
Three days later, Raylan comes home for the weekend, presses his grimed lips to Boyd’s ear while he shaves ginger for a pot of chicken soup to start the chilling Autumn weather on, and lays a worn paperback on the counter at Boyd’s elbow. On the cover, a red headed swords-person, exploding skulls. Curiously, he peels back the cover page with careful, ginger covered, fingers, to find Tim’s messy scrawl. 
Don’t read too much into it,
The next day, Boyd sends Raylan to work with a thick copy of Legitimate Dangers in which he has writ, 
Read into it,
Mrs. B Givens-Crowder
“I see you two have mended your electric fences,” Raylan remarks, reading the note. There’s a twist to the smile on his face, a glitter in his eyes as he automatically leans in to receive a kiss upon his cheek.
“Am I going to need to start buying audiobooks so as to decode your two’s cryptic messages again?”

Boyd, chest aching, lungs swelling to burst, pulls Raylan back in, presses his lips and hands and chest and belly against Raylan, mining deep within his eager mouth for that sticky sweet noise he makes when surprised. The book drops heavy and loud to the floor as he repurposes his hands to hold on tight to Boyd. 
“Thank you, Raylan Givens.” 
“What? For being your delivery boy?”
“For having faith in me— in us.”
Raylan hums, voice rasping deep in his throat as he replies, “How grateful are you?” 
“Let me show you, baby.” 
Smiling, eyes glittering, Raylan allows Boyd to lead him to the kitchen table where they sup for the second time together that morning. Though, this time not on eggs and toast but a more substantive, filling thing. 
More?? I get more? Thank you! I'm actually really attached to this part. I think I'm getting better at these things maybe. Let's see how I do and thank you!!
For the DVD commentary meme
From Remembrance.
Three days later, Raylan comes home for the weekend, presses his grimed lips to Boyd’s ear while he shaves ginger for a pot of chicken soup to start the chilling Autumn weather on, and lays a worn paperback on the counter at Boyd’s elbow. On the cover, a red headed swords-person, exploding skulls. Curiously, he peels back the cover page with careful, ginger covered, fingers, to find Tim’s messy scrawl. 
The start of this section is so important to me as someone who believes that Raylan Givens would drag home any old shit like a cat bringing you squirrel guts. So he comes in all gross from work and just plops this down but Boyd over here is making ginger chicken soup which is a food (as far as I'm concerned) of healing. It's filling, nutritious and ginger is a very clearing food. Very good to have when you're sick and in a sense Boyd Has been so he's making this here and it's going to Clear The Air so to speak.
Now the book. THE BOOK. We all know Tim reads like high fantasy shit. Like he has absolutely read like The Queen's Sword and knows Ursula K Le Guin by heart. It was very important that the book be about a sort of hopeless romantic who is more brawn than brains, preferably queer... So Tim hands Gideon the Ninth to Raylan Givens and says, "Please give this to your husband," like ex-squeeeeeeeze me.
This is him simply reaching out though. Saying, Yes I'll be your friend. Yes I know we're going to be Weird about it. Yes I am hopelessly in love with you but don't worry I would literally kill everyone and then myself for you
The next day, Boyd sends Raylan to work with a thick copy of Legitimate Dangers in which he has writ,  Read into it, Mrs. B Givens-Crowder
And Boyd does what Boyd would: be incredibly difficult and convoluted about it. He sends Raylan back with an incredibly thick collection of modern american poetry. Boyd's answer is not direct or simple or easy but he isn't and he thinks Tim will appreciate that about him.
“I see you two have mended your electric fences,” Raylan remarks, reading the note. There’s a twist to the smile on his face, a glitter in his eyes as he automatically leans in to receive a kiss upon his cheek. “Am I going to need to start buying audiobooks so as to decode your two’s cryptic messages again?”
This is me, standing in front of you, saying out loud for the world to hear: I fully believe that if Tim and Boyd were BFF's like they are here they would both find great joy directly and explicitly tormenting Raylan.
Boyd, chest aching, lungs swelling to burst, pulls Raylan back in, presses his lips and hands and chest and belly against Raylan, mining deep within his eager mouth for that sticky sweet noise he makes when surprised. The book drops heavy and loud to the floor as he repurposes his hands to hold on tight to Boyd.  “Thank you, Raylan Givens.”  “What? For being your delivery boy?” “For having faith in me— in us.”
At this point, Boyd has been living with an intense anxiety that if Raylan found out what Boyd had done before he lost his memory that he wouldn't accept Boyd any longer. Yeah, they had that fight in the mountains and this is after a goodly chunk has been resolved that will be but that doesn't mean that Boyd thought perhaps there wouldn't be somewhere in which he would suffer for how he feels he has wronged Raylan. Considering what happened with Winona (now that Boyd knows it) considering how heart sick Raylan gets over everything and how LONG he persisted, Boyd is grateful.
It's more than that, though. The other things: they were big gestures and promises- things Boyd knows can be broken or taken or faked- but this, the small things, the quiet stuff that Raylan excels at so much... Hard to fake. Taking up reading the weird shit Tim and Boyd would read together just so he can be part of the conversation... To Boyd that means everything.
Raylan hums, voice rasping deep in his throat as he replies, “How grateful are you?”  “Let me show you, baby.”  Smiling, eyes glittering, Raylan allows Boyd to lead him to the kitchen table where they sup for the second time together that morning. Though, this time not on eggs and toast but a more substantive, filling thing. 
I felt it very important to show the difference between how difficult, laborious, their affections for each other were and them finding a way back to the domesticity and mundane that they would have had before The Incident.
The casualness and the ease... the lack of fraught emotions and struggle... The story needs it. This is the real pay-off; being able to see them easy and happy and familiar with each other again.
They spent this entire time re-earning the privilege of loving each other and the reader had to spend that whole time there as well, mired in that confusion and pain and anxiety... the both needed a chance for that comfort of normalcy. Which I had hoped to provide with this whole passage from start to finish.
This is a hero's journey where the hero has managed to return home, changed, yes, but the fields of home while he was away have also changed, have grown and been left fallow in order to better grow with him on his return. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the fields grow richer and in this case the two are one and the same.
That's why the end of it is calling their fucking on the kitchen table a "more substantive, filling thing" because it is.
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scrimbum · 9 months
finished season 2.
Tumblr media
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espithewarlock · 22 days
I opened Tumblr today for the first time in like a week and this was the first thing I saw and I'm just 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Thank you so much!! 💚 I love you and everyone else in our crazy little community. You're such a beacon of light and positive energy and I hope you are having the BEST day!!! 🥰🫶😘
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itookyoudown · 4 days
look i know it's a lil bit annoying for lifelong justies to see the sudden swell of newbie justies watching the show due to actor blorbo simping but i for one think it's genuinely hilarious that JCP didn't kickstart a new generation of justies no no it was caused by an entirely different goddamn show where people want to fuck noseless walton goggins looking like he was dipped in anti-sunscreen.
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buckisbi · 7 months
For "with the taste of your lips, I'm on a ride":
And listen, Raylan is under no illusion his relationship with Boyd is healthy. The other boy could be sweet as apple pie (the real thing, not Mags's. Although Mags's probably was the perfect metaphor for their relationship) one day and grabbing Raylan by the throat hard enough to leave bruises that last days the next. (Boyd said it was for looking elsewhere but Raylan wasn't. Why would he?) But Raylan loves it. He's sure there's something in there about not recognizing love unless it's tinged with violence but he doesn't care. At least he's pretty sure Boyd loves him. He knows he loves Boyd and that's enough really. He's just a little worried if he voices it Boyd won't say it back or worse, he'll think Raylan is too clingy and leave him.
(Love, Willow)
Aaah thanks justie!
A fun fact about this paragraph is its the first I wrote for this fic and was originally at the beginning! But then I like leaving the fic in this series (and in general honestly) with these little bits of self reflection from the characters.
They are so so toxic and dysfunctional and codependent and deeply madly in love.
The mags's apple pie metaphor is something i was so proud of I was like this is clever.
Recognizing love without pain is something I heard ages ago i don't even remember when or where that I think really encapsulates a lot of the dynamic here.
Their relationship in this verse is so like. Theres never really any point where there's clear lines drawn around it theyre not referred to as boyfriends or anything of the like. I dont think they really know quite how to define what a relationship looks like or at least raylan doesn't. These are two toxic damaged people latched so closely together.
Boyd has literally killed for raylan he doesn't want him looking to anyone else but raylan still questions his commitment (hello abandonment issues). He worries hes too much for boyd someone who is also Very Much.
Boyd's actions described even in the paragraph directly, very literally clinging, completely contradict raylan's worries. But that cognitive dissonance was important i felt to show. They're very very messy people and I think thats beautiful.
(Love, raylan)
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norgbelulah · 7 months
Wait, can I do two? If I can, then from "to know me as hardly golden is to know me all wrong":
When he can’t stand her anymore, Boyd joins him in the bar and she pouts and tries to touch him until Raylan shoves her away. Boyd meets her eyes for half a second and she recoils from his look more than she does from Raylan’s rejection.
“Stay gone,” Boyd says and sits down beside him.
She flees the bar as Raylan turns to him. Elbows on the bartop, Raylan leans into Boyd, brushing his forehead and nose across his cheekbone, to the sweet spot beneath his ear. He stills there and breathes while Boyd eyes everyone else until they look away.
“I ain’t sorry,” Raylan tells him.
“I don’t care,” Boyd replies.
Raylan laughs, but it’s hard and broken. Boyd kisses his cheek. “You done now?”
“Fuck you.”
Boyd smiles and they go home and do it for hours.
I think what I love most about this bit of this fic is that it's an illustration that like, everything that criminal!Boyd and Raylan do is a performance. Like, in canon, so much of what Boyd has to do to be a successful crime boss etc etc is put on a show. So in this fic, when Raylan is mad at Boyd--when their entire life and relationship is a performance for all of Harlan County--he fuckin tells everyone by flagrantly carrying on with some girl he doesn't care about. It's a performance of public infidelity and private frustration but also a way to show people he's still...a man, too I guess? Like, see everyone? I have no trouble getting a woman, I'll get one when I'm pissed off at my boyfriend who I CHOOSE to be with, and we can still fuck you up etc etc
A lot of my headcanons/interpretations of Boyd/Raylan just generally have to do with carving out specifically how bisexual Raylan Givens is, like how he operates and also performs his bisexuality. Like, because of his clear attraction to and gift for seducing beautiful women, I find it hard to make a case that he's specifically gay in fic unless it's a comp het style situation (which is a thing I did not know existed when I wrote this fic).
Boyd, for the most part (since so much of what he does is a performance canonically and I think that could be argued extends to his relationships) I have no problem writing as gay. Often I like to think of him as kind of demisexual, as we only see him really fall in canon for someone he's known all his life, who's been close to him. So in fic, when you add in a lifelong love of his coal-mining buddy, like, it's not hard to make that leap.
Also also, I think when I was writing this I wanted to use this scene to make clear that like, Boyd knows Raylan is staying in Harlan, doing all these terrible things, because he loves Boyd so there isn't very much Raylan could do or anything he could ask for that Boyd wouldn't forgive or give to him. Boyd has the life he wants at Raylan's sufferance. He's got to be flexible or he might lose him.
This answer feels all over the place. Anyway, these boys are working through some stuff and I love them because they are tiny babies who barely know what they are up to. I'm not sure I thought about them that way when I wrote this, but I am older now and so that's how I feel about it these days. They're trying so hard and they're having a rough time, but they're gonna make it because of the power of true love!
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Assign a Taylor Swift song to Boyd Crowder 🥰
Oh, justie, what have you done. It is impossible for me to do just ONE song for Boyd, so instead, I'll do one song from each album 💛
[Edit: 1989 and Lover I couldn't figure out, but I did the rest lol. annnnd we're just going to ignore the "one per album" rule because I couldn't contain myself]
Debut: "Cold As You"
I mean...
"You put up the walls and paint them all a shade of gray // And I stood there loving you, and wished them all away // And you come away with a great little story // Of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you"
I'm just thinking about teen!Boyd and his growing feelings for Raylan, just for Raylan to leave Harlan and Boyd, when it all became too much. That and the frustration of being kept like a secret when Boyd kept him like an oath...
Fearless (Taylor's Version): "Change" and "You're Not Sorry"
Again, teen!Boyd is something that can be so personal.
"And it's a sad picture, the final blow hits you // Somebody else gets what you wanted again and // You know it's all the same, another time and place // Repeating history and you're getting sick of it // But I believe in whatever you do // And I'll do anything to see it through"(Change)
"Looking so innocent // I might believe you if I didn't know // Could've loved you all my life // If you hadn't left me waiting in the cold"(You're Not Sorry)
Do you ever just think about how bitter and lonely Boyd must have been as a kid?? I always picture him as those lone wolf kind of kids, no one wanting to mess with Bo Crowder's enigmatic boy. But he finally finds a friend, builds a relationship, a friendship, a bond, and what does his friend do? He leaves. He does what Boyd can't, and Boyd resents him. AHHHHHH!!!!
Speak Now: "Haunted" and "Story of Us"
"Stood there and watched you walk away // From everything we had // But I still mean every word I said to you // [Sh]e will try to take away my pain // And [sh]e just might make me smile // But the whole time I'm wishing [sh]e was you instead" (Haunted)
Something something Boyd is moving on to Ava because she is an unsevered tie between him and Raylan...
"And you're doing your best to avoid me // I'm starting to think one day I'll tell the story of us // How I was losing my mind when I saw you here // But you held your pride like you should have held me" (Story of Us)
1.01 BOYD!!!
Red (Taylor's Version): "Run"
It's giving Ava/Boyd feels...
"There's been this hole in my heart // This thing was a shot in the dark // Say you'll never let 'em tear us apart // And I'll hold onto you while we run (and we run, and we run, and we run) // Like you'd run from the law (and we run, and we run, and we run)"
1989: ----
sorry, I don't think 1989 fits with Boyd at all.
Reputation: "I Did Something Bad"
I, personally, like to think of "he" as Bo, especially considering how Boyd was with him in season one. Boyd would do anything to stick it to Bo, and that is exactly what this song is about.
"I never trust a narcissist // But they love me // So I play 'em like a violin // And I make it look oh so easy // 'Cause for every lie I tell them // They tell me three // This is how the world works // Now all he thinks about is me"
Lover: ----
Folklore: "exile," "seven," and "hoax"
1. do I say ava/boyd or raylan/boyd?? neither - it's a boyd&johnny song
"I think I've seen this film before // And I didn't like the ending // You're not my homeland anymore // So what am I defending now? // You were my town // Now I'm in exile, seein' you out" (exile)
2. Okay, so canon kind of confuses me on how long Raylan and Boyd have known each other, so this could go into headcanon territory, but imagining little Boyd trying to comfort little Raylan because they both have shit fathers, and they want to run away together to be pirates :(((
"And I've been meaning to tell you // I think your house is haunted // Your dad is always mad and that must be why //And I think you should come live with // Me and we can be pirates // Then you won't have to cry // Or hide in the closet // And just like a folk song // Our love will be passed on"(seven)
3. "hoax" reminds me of Boyd after Bo murders his group in season one, and I like to think of this as Boyd losing his faith in God.
"Stood on the cliffside // Screaming, "Give me a reason" // Your faithless love's the only hoax // I believe in // My only one // My kingdom come undone // My broken drum // You have beaten my heart" (hoax)
Evermore: "cowboy like me" -> this feels too obvious, is there an edit for this yet??
I mean, this is just Boyd and Raylan through the series.
"And the skeletons in both our closets // Plotted hard to fuck this up // And the old men that I've swindled // Really did believe I was the one // And the ladies lunching have their stories about // When you passed through town // But that was all before I locked it down"
Midnights (3am edition): "Midnight Rain"
It's about how Boyd is an ever-evolving chameleon, and Raylan refuses to change himself, sticking out like a sore-thumb
"My town was a wasteland // Full of cages, full of fences // Pageant queens and big pretenders // But for some, it was paradise // He stayed the same // All of me changed like midnight"
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singsweetmelodies · 7 months
Tag - you're it! 💙Post a snippet of one of your works and send this ask to five other people.
OOOOHHHH this is such an awesome ask game idea!! i LOVE it - and thank you so much for thinking of me 🥰🥰❤️ now, unfortunately the fic i've been working on the most lately is the [redacted] fic, which much as i might want to, i'm not allowed to share any snippets of publicly. i am being Very Good and following f1 big bang rules 🙏
luckily, i also have my trusty 2023 kisses fic <333 which has been a little on the back foot lately, i'm afraid, but i did update it yesterday and make myself giggle quite a lot with this bit:
Charles can't stop thinking about sex with Pierre. 
It's more than a little embarrassing, and also horribly inappropriate, because here he is, on holiday with his family. With his mother. He's sure it must be some kind of crime to think about sex when your mother is present. 
But Charles can't help himself. 
thank you again for tagging me!! 😍🥰 ABSOLUTELY LOVED DOING THIS :DDDD can't wait to pass it on!
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acorrespondence · 7 months
Miami, Part 2:
Boyd comes back when the kitchen’s quiet to find Lissy scowling and kicking at the closest leg on the kitchen table, the shoes Raylan already bullied her into leaving scuffs on the paint. He raises his arms and fixes her with a look. “What is goin on with you, girl?”
Her brows are drawn down, shadowing her eyes like storm clouds. Threatening rain, if he’s reading the sky right. Raylan got like this sometimes, as a child, and there was just no moving him. Boyd crouches in front of her. “I ain’t mad, baby,” he says. He takes her head in his hands, strokes her baby-fine hair, the strands slipping through his fingers when she shakes her head. “I just want you to talk to me. I can’t help you feel better ‘less I know what’s wrong.”
She looks away, toward the battered white refrigerator. Boyd tries not to look at it, sitting bare where once it was covered over in so many family photos and baby pictures and bizarre elementary school art projects you couldn’t tell the color of it. “I don’t wanna leave Bumblebee,” she mumbles.
Boyd pauses. He breathes in. She’s a lot like Raylan, and he knows that cost her something to say. “Oh, honey, no. We’re takin Bumblebee with us.”
She looks at him. “What?”
“Yeah,” he says, hands still smoothing down her hair. “She’s comin too.”
“Oh.” She tugs at the hammer loop on her overalls, looks down as she fusses with it, just as loath to show embarrassment as she was to show the sadness come before. She drags her toe over the linoleum, leaving scuffs there, too, little marks for the house to remember her by. Whatever transplant Raylan’s boss lines up to lease the house will see those lines and know the place has already been laid claim to, a truth writ in these little signs of a life that’s forever tied to its furniture, its floors—its very foundations.
Boyd tugs gently on a lock of her hair. When she looks up, her eyes are solemn and a little glassy, still, the remnants of tears shining in the light that spills through the window over the sink. “What put that notion in your head?”
“Alex Rivera had to give his dog away.”
“Did he?”
She nods, looks down again. “When he moved.”
“Well, that is a shame.” Boyd untangles her fingers from the hammer loop and takes her little hand in his. “I can assure you, we will not leave our sweet Bumblebee behind.”
“You promise?” she asks, one corner of her mouth pinched in. It looks like Raylan’s, when he can’t quite figure the lay of the land. It makes Boyd smile.
“Cross my heart and hope to die,” he says, grinning at her until her mouth tugs up in response. “Might leave your daddy behind, though.”
She gives him a weird look. Boyd laughs, tugs her head forward into a kiss at the crown. Hands on his knees, he pushes himself upright and drops a gentle hand on her head. 
I’m really glad you picked this scene, because it’s a pretty good encapsulation of the way I write kids. I think one of the most important things to remember writing children is that their goals and priorities very often don’t match up with those of the adults. While it might seem at first glance that they share the same concerns as their parents, the reasons for their reactions are often very different. So what are the kids’ priorities? Pemberley is very watchful of her parents, but she has no real investment in any of their specific concerns; what she cares about is how their worries and the state of their relationship will affect her. She doesn’t care about Raylan’s job, but she cares that it means she’s going to have to move to a school where she doesn’t know anyone; that it means she has to move from the house she loves to a place where she doesn’t even remember living. Meanwhile, Felicity’s concerns are even more immediate than that. I think she’s at an age where she has issues even conceptualizing a place she has no reference for, and so it becomes less about what might be waiting for her in Kentucky and more about what she’s being made to leave behind.
She knows that she’ll be leaving the house and yard behind, which makes her sad and mad but not worried, really, and she knows that her sister and parents will be coming with her. So what worry could she have that might get lost or go unnoticed in the pile of other worries that everyone else is bringing to the table? What’s a possible point of uncertainty that feels immediate, conceivable, and relevant to her life? The specific worry I alighted upon was inspired by a childhood friend of mine who had to move into an apartment that didn’t allow pets, and so had to give her dog away. I remember being deeply empathetic because I had a cat myself, and I think Lissy would have felt similarly disturbed by this notion even if she didn’t at the time think of it as a possibility for herself, so it made sense that she might get this idea into her head.
I was pretty proud of this metaphor; comparing anger/upset feelings to storm clouds is a very cliche thing, but I like to sometimes take a really obvious metaphor and sort of tilt it around to try and find some untapped facets of it. So I went from anger like storm clouds >> rural tendency to be more tapped into nature >> reading the sky, and then through that kind of tie into something that comes up later in the fic (taken from canon) about Raylan reading Arlo’s moods. A lot of this fic is about inheritance in an abstract sense, what these men pass onto their kids both with and without realizing it. Arlo compares his father to a thunderstorm and Raylan compares Arlo to a tornado, so this metaphor being used for Lissy implies that she inherited their tempers.
I’ve talked about this before, I think mostly with you in the comments, but I think that Boyd’s most lasting damage from Bo’s abuse comes not from the violence itself but from the fact that he didn’t even try to understand Boyd and didn’t trust him to be able to comprehend the reason behind Bo’s instructions and expectations. He wanted Bo to a) endeavor to find out why he was acting the way he was, b) acknowledge the validity of those reasons, and c) clue Boyd in to why different behavior was expected. Because these were all things he wanted but never got from his father, he takes great pains to offer them to his children.
I just think Boyd is the kind of guy to clip a million things to the refrigerator. I think when he was growing up the kitchen was very much his mother’s domain, and therefore a place he remembers fondly. Though he likely expected Boyd’s mother to manage their interior design, Bo was probably very strict about what was allowed to be displayed throughout most of their house, because the image that was being put forth mattered a lot to him. However, I think the kitchen, because he considered it a woman’s space, would have been subject to less policing by Bo, and so I think Boyd’s mother plastered the fridge with photos of and art by her boys, and Boyd chooses to emulate this. I think Raylan appreciates it—even if outwardly he complains about things getting knocked off of it every five seconds—because he likes having tangible proof that his children are happy and safe and cared for: that his influence on them isn’t doing irreparable damage.
While Boyd would have jumped to explain himself in this way to his daddy, he knows that Raylan has trouble ceding emotional ground—admitting something is bothering him is exposing an exploitable weakness—and sees the same trait in their daughter. Also like Raylan, she feels this way about basically every emotion except anger, so her embarrassment to have worried over nothing is just as important to hide as the worry in the first place: it serves as further damning evidence that the worry was there in the first place, because losing Bumblebee would have hurt her, and she doesn’t want to acknowledge that vulnerability.
This is a recurring motif that comes up a lot in this story, the idea of certain kinds of wear and tear to a house or room being physical evidence of love, contrasted with other kinds of damage that come from neglect.
Lissy tugging at the hammer loop on the hip of her overalls is kind of a callback to the way Raylan is always resting one hand on his holster, or flipping back his jacket to show off his holster, etc. Both Raylan and Boyd are fidgety assholes, so both of their kids are too. But Boyd’s usually comes from a spillover of excess emotion, whereas Raylan’s is used to distract from his emotions long enough to repress them. Boyd taking her hand here is an indication that he sees how she feels and wants her to share it with him instead of hiding it.
She’s not feeling her most trusting at the moment, when her parents just turned her life so fully upside-down, so she doesn’t know if she should trust Boyd’s answer. And then he tired to reassure her and cut the tension with a joke, and the very idea that her parents might willingly separate is so baffling that it works. She doesn’t even think for a second to add this to her list of worries, and it implies that Boyd wouldn’t leave the cat any more than he’d leave Raylan, which is a more binding promise than the words alone could ever be.
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