schnozzbun-art · 5 months
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From Parts Unknown - Part 5
Dusty's noticed how much Brad relies on his pills.
Dusty's noticed a lot of things, things he can share with no one.
How long until these secrets eat him alive?
If a pre-flash fic about Dusty Armstrong's fraught home life with Brad sounds interesting for you, maybe give it a read! Thank you to @bakk0 for this awesome art!!! Here's a close up of Dusty under the read more, he came out wonderful.
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asal-bts · 25 days
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yukina-otome · 1 year
I rarely if ever talk about MCL on my tumblr, simply because i have stopped playing it long time ago.
But hearing that my first ever otome crush, armin, was coming back, i have decided to play his alternate life route. And i liked everything about it.
The angsty tension of episode 1, the sweet fluff of episode 2. And i had expected i would like episode 3 just as much.
Oh, how wrong i was.
Seriously, the episode started well. Armin and Candy were having a conversation in her room. Alexy comes and Armin hides because.....euh.......just because. Thankfully, the hidden relationship doesnt last long as Alexy bust them pretty quickly.
And you know how much beemov love their hidden relationships.
MC tells Armin she is scared and wants to have more time together before they officially get back together. And Armin tells her he never stopped loving her all these years. And that's super sweet.
Anyways, 300 AP wasted on how to eat cupcakes and both of them decide to go to cosy bear café to the cupcake workshop.
For now everything is well. Then comes Clemance and the jealousy bullshit. And I'm like, why?!
If we chose to not make him jealous and focus on our cupcakes: Which is the best of the two endings in my opinion.
why doesnt he say anything to clemance? Do we really have to intervene to make her stop ? Can't he say something to her?
Something like "Excuse me, maam. But you are being overly touchy feely and that makes me uncomfortable." But no candy needs to be the one to intervene to stop her.
Cause of course, if a man does not have a girlfriend you are free to touch him as much as you want. 😒
Anyways, all ends well, Candy and Armin goes to the park to decide who has the best looking cupcakes. Armin loses and MC asks him to kiss her. He happily accept, he tells her how much he loves her and that he does not wanna live without her ever. How much her not being in his life for 3 years made him feel like he was carrying a heavy weight etc.
They kiss and finally officially get back together yay!
Now to the worst ending.
If you decides to make him jealous by flirting with poor hyun.
I mean why would she do that? That's so toxic.
Yes,armin has never gotten jealous.
Yes,i did wanna see armin jealous since episode 33 of HSL.
But not like that. It was so childish and cringe. And poor Hyun who really thought MC was into him.
Anyways MC ends up not focusing enough on her cupcakes and they look horrible. After the end of the workshop, Armin is angry and he takes MC to his appartement, locks the door while looking at her with an animalistic gaze (her words not mine), and tells her that seeing her seducing another man has made him angry and horny and she needed to take responsability for that.
Um...Mister...slow down. Because:
1-You two are not dating yet. She told you she was feeling scared and not ready yet.
2-You did not even have your first kiss yet. (The mall one doesnt count).
Anyways here, you get to choose if you have sex with him or not. I dont know what happens if you refuse and If someone knows please tell me.
But when you accept, the two have beastly, angry jealous sex on his desk.
And it was super hot, don't get me wrong. But this is not what i expected of their first time after a 3 year long breakup.
This is not sex between two people who had a terrible break up and spent 3 years missing each other only to finally find each other again.
I had expected something more.....vanilla.
I mean at least do it on the bed. At least tell her that you love her and officially get back together then do the crack crack boom boom.
But no, they do the deed, then Candy says "Wow, ok. My legs are still shaky. Best sex ever, lets get back together."
Anyways I hope you all get my point. I'm dissapointed.
It would have been better with some slight changes:
-MC and armin go to the cupcakes workshop.
-Clemance flirts with Armin but MC helps him before he has the time to say anything.
-They have fun baking together and laugh at how bad they both are.
-After the workshop they go to the park and the confession from the first route happens wirh the illustration.
-Then now that they are officially together, they go to his appartement to eat the cupcakes and watch a movie.
-They start making out and here you can have a choice of having sex with him or not.
-If you do, they have sex. It doesnt matter if its not that vanilla because here they had there confession, expressed their feeling and are officially back together. You get the nsfw illustration.
-If you dont want to do it yet, the two watch the movie and cuddle, have long converstations about super hero and video games and fall asleep cuddling on his bed.
End of the episode.
What do you guys think?
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andreytarkosvky · 11 months
Bu ülkeye ve bu hayata dair hiçbir şeyin, hiçbir zaman benim dilediğim gibi olmayacağını biliyor, artık bundan acı duymuyorum.
Kader: Zeki Demirkubuz,
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arathergrimreaper · 11 months
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Helluva Boss (Web Series) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Blitzo/Stolas Goetia, Millie/Moxxie (Helluva Boss), Asmodeus | Ozzie/FizzaRolli Characters: Blitzo (Helluva Boss), Stolas Goetia, Moxxie (Helluva Boss), Millie (Helluva Boss), Loona (Helluva Boss), Octavia Goetia, Striker (Helluva Boss) Additional Tags: striker dies, idk if he is considered a major character, I guess so?, i like him for the record, just he dies here, so if that bothers you then walk away little lamb walk away, Blood, Violence, Guns, Gun Violence, Dark Humor, Asphyxiation, just for a moment but it's there, Gore, Medical Procedures, Medical Inaccuracies, Stitches, Blood and Gore, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Death, Psychological Trauma, but this is a slow burn i guess, Slow Burn, Major Character Injury, Minor Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Impalement, Animal Death, they aren't real dogs but you know, Stabbing, animal bites, Nosebleed, Burning, Surgery, Cauterization, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, homophobic stella, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cannibalism, Kinda?, i mean they're demon sooooo Summary:
Stolas takes a big risk, but it's Hell. If you can't take risks there, where can you?
Blitzø thinks that 'love' is at the top of the list of risks he doesn't even want to look at. Then again, when has he ever been in the habit of doing what's best for him?
Nothing like a near-death experience to put it all in perspective.
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anyagotawhetstone · 2 years
New chapter of A Shot At Love!
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nelielombrelune · 2 years
Does anyone have screened Kentin's sexy scene in AL or know where I could find it please ? 🤗
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pinkkroyce · 9 months
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liars & players - asal
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belitonginfo · 11 months
Wow! Ternyata Ada Dua Pemuda Asal Belitung Hacker Kelas Dunia
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BELITUNG, belitonginfo.com - Tidak banyak orang tahu kedua sosok pemuda asli Belitung ini berhasil mencuri perhatian dunia sebagai hacker, Kamis (25/5/2023). Tapi bukan sembarangan hacker, kedua pemuda yang bernama Remond dan Budi ini merupakan seorang Bug Hunter atau mencari celah amanan dari sebuah sistem keamanan. Tak tanggung-tanggung, bahkan pihak perusahaan raksasa sekelas Google pun mengakui kehebatan mereka. Remond berada di peringkat 1300 dunia. Sedangkan Budi menunjukkan kecerdasan luar biasanya dengan peringkat 645 yang mengagumkan. Sebagai Bug Hunter, dedikasi dan semangat mereka dalam mengeksplorasi kelemahan sistem telah menjadi kunci kesuksesan mereka. Mereka memiliki keahlian unik dalam mencari dan melaporkan kelemahan dalam produk Google, yang membantu meningkatkan keamanan dan privasi pengguna di seluruh dunia.
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Sebagai seorang bug hunter, Budi memilik nama yang lebih dikenal dengan SecAnalysts. Sedangkan Remond mengunakan nama aslinya, yaitu Remond Billputra. Bug hunter adalah orang yang secara aktif mencari dan melaporkan kelemahan dalam perangkat lunak atau sistem komputer. Prestasi Remond dan Budi membuktikan bahwa bakat luar biasa bisa muncul dari tempat tak terduga. Mereka telah menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa prestasi luar biasa dapat diraih oleh siapa saja, tanpa memandang usia atau latar belakang.
Remond Dan Budi Jadi Panutan Hacker Belitung
Kesuksesan Remond dan Budi juga memberikan inspirasi bagi anak-anak di Belitung. Mereka menjadi panutan bagi generasi muda untuk mengejar impian mereka dan tidak merasa terbatas oleh lingkungan mereka. Remond dan Budi membuktikan bahwa dengan keinginan dan tekad yang kuat, tidak ada batasan dalam menguasai dunia teknologi dan berkontribusi dalam keamanan siber. Prestasi mereka juga memiliki pengaruh global dalam bidang keamanan digital. Keberhasilan mereka sebagai Bug Hunter Google telah meningkatkan reputasi Indonesia di dunia teknologi. Mereka telah membantu meningkatkan keamanan dan privasi pengguna di seluruh dunia melalui penemuan kelemahan dalam produk Google. Para bug hunter seperti Remond dan Budi mendapatkan penghargaan dan pengakuan atas kerja keras dan dedikasi mereka. Melalui situs Bug Hunters Google, mereka menerima apresiasi dan dukungan dari komunitas keamanan digital. Kesuksesan mereka diharapkan dapat menginspirasi anak muda untuk mengejar impian mereka dan berinovasi di bidang teknologi. Proses pelaporan bug yang ditemukan oleh bug hunter beragam tergantung pada kebijakan dan prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh pengembang perangkat lunak atau penyedia layanan. Setelah bug dilaporkan, pengembang akan menganalisis dan memperbaikinya. Bug hunter yang menemukan bug signifikan dan berdampak tinggi pada keamanan dapat menerima penghargaan. Selain itu, bug hunter juga terlibat dalam komunitas bug hunter yang aktif. Mereka berbagi pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan teknik dengan sesama anggota komunitas. Kolaborasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keamanan sistem komputer secara keseluruhan. sumber:https://bughunters.google.com/leaderboard Jangan. Lupa. Kunjungi. Facebook (Dengan Kamu. Mengklick. Link. ini. Kamu. Akan. Masuk. ke Facebooknya. Belitong Info). Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin , Tumblr , Medium Kami. atau. bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat Berita kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami. Read the full article
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Terseret Ombak, Seorang WNA Asal Turki Nyaris Tenggelam di Pantai LV8 Tibubeneng
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG - Seorang wanita Warga Negara Asing (WNA) asal negara Turki yang diketahui bernama Kyuncu (36), hampir saja meregang nyawa saat sedang berenang dan terseret arus ombak di Pantai LV8, Tibubeneng, Kuta Utara, Badung, pada Sabtu (16/7/2022) sore. Berdasarkan keterangan pihak Kepolisan Sektor (Polsek) Kuta Utara, kejadian berawal dari adanya laporan masyarakat, yang menyaksikan peristiwa tersebut bermula dari korban berenang di pantai tepatnya di Resturan Fiins Club. Tiba-tiba korban terseret arus ombak sampai ke pantai belakang LV8 Jalan Berawa, Desa Tibubeneng. Mendengar adanya laporan tersebut, Polsek Kuta Utara langsung menerjunkan Tim UKL yang dipimpin Pawas IPTU Oktamawan Abrianto dan meluncur ke TKP untuk mengambil langkah-langkah lebih lanjut. "Saat kejadian korban terus berupaya minta pertolongan dan alhasil sekitar pukul 18.15 WITA dilihat oleh sesama WNA asal Austria yang saat itu sedang melakukan Surfing, dan langsung melakukan pertolongan dibantu anggota Security Finns dengan menggunakan papan surfing untuk menyelamatkan korban ke pinggir pantai sehingga korban bisa dalam keadaan selamat," terangnya. Selanjutnya korban langsung diarahkan untuk segara mendapat pertolongan medis terdekat di Klinik Hydro, Jalan Tegal Gundul, Desa Tibubeneng, Kecamatan Kuta Utara, Badung. "Di sekitar TKP kita imbau kepada pengunjung pantai untuk saat ini tidak melakukan aktifitas berenang. Mengingat cuaca sedang tidak bersahabat sangat berbahaya bagi pengunjung yang tidak bisa berenang," pungkas IPTU Oktamawan. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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schnozzbun-art · 1 year
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Part 4 of from From Parts Unknown, my pre-flash Dusty Armstrong fic, is out now! Thank you so much to @corsomondo for the art! It was so fun to collab with you! Read it here!
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asal-bts · 1 month
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andreytarkosvky · 10 months
En güzelin en çirkine dönüşebildiğini görebilecek kadar uzun yaşamakmış yazgım.
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arathergrimreaper · 11 months
New chapter of A Shot At Love and it features the girls being sneaky and having adventures. We stan that kind of thing around here.
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anyagotawhetstone · 1 year
A new chapter of A Shot At Love just dropped. Just thought y'all ought to know. Anya out.
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trulyatessfan · 2 months
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(shoutout to @anxietyfluffy cuz thats based on his HC of Asal being Palestinian)
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