#as thomas’s self preservation janus knows that if thomas is doomed they’re all doomed
there’s something to be said about the fact that janus is the most professional out of all the sides. i genuinely think that he’s the only side playing his part because it’s his job, and not because he has any personal feelings attached.
virgil showed signs of genuinely wanting to be accepted and loved by thomas and the other sides. logan definitely values thomas’s validation a lot and becomes sad when he doesn’t get that validation. remus.. might actually be the second most professional side. but since he seems to work under janus (janus sending him over to thomas and telling him what to do), i guess a lot of that professionalism comes from janus himself. remus isn’t as stupid as he seems obviously, but he doesn’t have a clear-cut agenda like janus does.
i just think it’s interesting to see a side who is only concerned with thomas’s well-being because it’s their job and they want to do a good job. even janus’s frustration at thomas not taking his advice and later his excitement about thomas acknowledging his points came off to me as someone dealing with their kinda shitty boss (no offense to c!thomas, i just imagine that’s how janus views him lol). of course, janus has some fun at his job but i mean, i would too if no one ever listened to me and i’m automatically labelled as the bad guy.
all of this is slowly beginning to change since janus seems to be getting closer to patton but i guess we’ll have to wait and see if they actually become friends or if they’re more like coworkers on friendly terms.
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his name was chad - chapter 1
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: All the sides Rating: Teen & up (see Warnings) Relationships: Lamp (with a focus on Logince and Moxiety), Dukeceit Warnings: Language, sexual humor/innuendo, mostly non-graphic violence, temporary major character deaths, minor animal death (not all of these are in this chapter, but I like to put general fic warnings on the first chapter) Word count: 1782 Notes: Based on that one short Thomas made ages ago; fic is mostly to be treated humorously. 
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My writing masterpost
Summary:  “We thought it’d be fun to make an apocalypse game!” Roman explained. “One we can fully immerse ourselves in!” “Well, technically,” Remus put in, “it’s part apocalypse, part western, part post-apocalypse, part zombie apocalypse—” “No! No zombies! We’ve been over this!” Roman snapped. “Right, right, I keep forgetting. Part horror, part thriller, part mafia game, part—” “I think we get the picture,” Logan interrupted. “A mishmash of ‘edgy’ genres you both enjoy, am I correct?”
 Chapter 1
“Everyone!” Roman shouted from the common area at the top of his lungs. “Hey, everyone, c’mere! Right now!”
“What the hell do you want?” Virgil demanded, rising up at once.
“Wait, wait, wait wait wait. Logan! Patton!” Roman called for their other boyfriends.
Remus popped up between Roman and Virgil, making them both jump. “Janny!” he added in an ear-grating shriek.
“What on earth is the matter, Roman?” Logan inquired as he and Patton made their way into the room.
Roman glanced around just as Janus rose up in the corner, taking up residence lurking in a dramatic puddle of shadow. “Good, everyone’s here. Come see what me and Remus made!”
“Oh, you mean the thing you two have been holed up working on for two weeks now that nobody has been allowed to ask about?” Logan said, sounding interested.
“Yeah, that!” Roman grabbed his and Virgil’s hands. “Everyone come on!”
Patton followed just behind his three boyfriends; Remus and Janus, somewhat surprisingly, followed at a more leisurely pace, Janus leaning on Remus as he wrapped an arm around Janus’s waist, held his hand, and talked a mile a minute in a voice too low for the others to make out.
Roman led the group to the workshop he and Remus shared, having everyone gather in a huddle around a table with a large piece of fabric covering whatever was on it. “Ready?” he asked dramatically.
“No, can I take a nap first?” Virgil inquired sarcastically.
“Some other time, my stormy darling. Behold!” Roman drew the cloth away with a flourish.
“Ooh, it’s a little world!” Patton exclaimed.
“Fascinating,” Logan commented, leaning closer to examine the miniature landscape, dotted with buildings and trees. “What is it for?”
“It’s a game!” Remus piped up from the back of the group. He let go of Janus and elbowed his way between Virgil and Patton. “And we’re going in it! Blood and guts and gore and death!”
“What?” Patton inquired, sounding distinctly nervous.
“What do you mean, in it? What do you mean, death?” Virgil demanded.
“Oh, cool your tits, the death is just for realism,” Remus said, waving his hand.
“That is not reassuring!”
“No, no, wait, listen!” Roman interrupted frantically. “He’s explaining it all wrong! Virgil, listen, I promise it’s not that bad!” He paused. “Well.”
“See?” Virgil pointed an accusing finger at him. “What the hell are you two up to?”
“We just thought it’d be fun to make an apocalypse game!” Roman explained. “One we can fully immerse ourselves in!”
“Apocalypse?” Virgil demanded, sounding torn between delight and outrage.
“I don’t know…” Patton put in hesitantly.
Logan looked up from where he had still been examining the table. “This is an impressive level of detail work, Roman, Remus. You should be proud of yourselves.”
“Don’t encourage them!” Virgil snapped. “Not when they’re apparently trying to get us all killed for fun!”
“What?” Logan blinked. “Oh, that. I imagine it will be harmless.”
“Yeah!” Remus backed him up immediately.
“Yeah,” Roman echoed a beat later, less certain.
“Logan,” Virgil said, “they are trying to put Patton in an apocalypse. In what world is that a good idea for anyone?”
“Well, technically,” Remus put in, “it’s part apocalypse, part western, part post-apocalypse, part zombie apocalypse—”
“No! No zombies! We’ve been over this!” Roman snapped.
“Right, right, I keep forgetting. No zombies yet. But it is part horror, part thriller, part murder mystery, part mafia game, part—”
“I think we get the picture,” Logan interrupted. “A mishmash of ‘edgy’ genres you both enjoy, am I correct?”
“Oh, that’s a good way of putting it.” Remus nodded.
“It will be fun, I promise,” Roman said. “We made it! Just for everyone in this room! So it’ll be okay. We made such cool character designs for everyone, you’re going to love it, just please can we play just one time please?” He turned pleading eyes on all three of his partners.
“And you’re sure this will be safe?” Logan asked, just to be sure. Both Patton and Virgil looked too nervous for his liking and could likely use the reassurance.
“Absolutely!” Roman assured him.
“Probably,” Remus amended.
“Shut up! We know what we’re doing!” Roman smacked his brother’s arm.
“The effects will look, feel, sound, and smell realistic,” Remus said. “Try not to die gruesomely. Or don’t, it will be lots of fun to watch guts going everywhere.” He lit up and looked over at Roman. “Hey, can we add—”
“For the sixteenth time, we said no zombies on the first run!” Roman stamped his foot.
“Boo.” Remus rolled his eyes and glanced back to Patton. “But yeah. It’s safe from the outside. We’ll just be on the inside, you know?”
“What does that mean?” Patton asked nervously.
“Don’t worry about it,” Remus said instantly, grinning very wide indeed.
“Patton.” Roman took both Patton’s hands in his own. “I would never ask anything of you if I wasn’t perfectly sure I could keep you safe. It’s all just effects, I promise.”
“You’re sure?” Patton said.
“I promise,” Roman repeated. He glanced up at Virgil, who was hovering darkly just behind Patton’s shoulder. “And that goes for everyone here, Doom and Gloom.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes and looked over at Janus, who was standing a little distance away from the rest of the group, examining his gloved nails. “And what do you think of all this?” he demanded suspiciously.
Janus looked up, blinking comically wide and raising his eyebrows. “Hm? Oh, I’m sorry, I was under the impression that you ‘don’t like liars.’ Why would you ask me?”
Virgil growled under his breath. “You know you’re self-preservation too,” he snapped.
“Oh, yes, of course, it’s just fun to make you admit it.” Janus gave Virgil a very self-satisfied grin.
Virgil glared at him. “Just shut up and answer my question. Are you going in there?” He pointed at the landscape on the table.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided.” Janus shrugged, seeming disinterested. “You should definitely go, though, I’d love to watch you get taken out by tripping on a rock or something.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
Janus smirked. “I suspect your boyfriend collection would be unhappy with that idea.”
“Fuck off, you know I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Oh, is it bullying Virgil hours?” Remus inquired, looking up from the landscape on the table.
“No, hey, wait—” Patton began in protest.
“Shush, Daddyo, it’s all in good fun,” Remus said without looking away from Janus.
“Isn’t it always, darling?” Janus responded as if Patton’s interruption had not taken place.
Remus grinned. “Ooh, fair point.”
“I hate you guys,” Virgil announced.
Janus blew him a kiss. “Thank you ever so much.”
Remus draped himself over Virgil, with his chin resting on Virgil’s shoulder. “So whatcha talking about?” he asked.
“This loser won’t tell me if he’s participating in the game or not,” Virgil snapped, jerking a thumb at Janus.
“Ooh, ‘loser.’ Very nice. Classy. Screams ‘seventh grade,’ that’s how you know it’s a mature and grownup insult,” Janus commented.
“Baby, you aren’t playing?” Remus gave Janus a pair of very distressed, pleading puppy dog eyes. “I worked so hard on it! You’re going to be so sexy, I made you such a cool backstory!”
“No, no, of course I’ll play,” Janus assured him composedly. “I was only messing with Virgil.”
“Hey!” Virgil snapped.
“I’d love to see all the horrors your mind has come up with,” Janus went on with a startling sincerity, serenely ignoring Viril. “You’ll have to be sure and show me everything.”
Remus lit up. “Oh, I will!” He pushed away from Virgil and ran to take both Janus’s hands in his own. “I made you a whole lair thing, it’s so cool, it has so many—”
“Why don’t you show me?” Janus inquired, raising one of Remus’s hands to his lips to press a kiss to it.
Remus vibrated with excitement. “Yeah, okay!” He glanced over at Roman.
“You can go ahead early, you have a little more setup to do anyway,” Roman said, waving his hand. “We’ll catch up to you.”
Remus grinned and drew Janus close by the waist—and they both vanished.
Virgil yelped, looking distinctly alarmed.
“Never fear!” Roman assured him. “They’re just in the game!” He pointed down at the landscape; two little tokens, in green and yellow, had appeared on it. “Is everyone ready to go?”
“How long will this take, again?” Logan asked.
“A couple of hours,” Roman said. “Time goes slower inside the game by default, but Remus and I can mess around with it a little if we need to.”
“And the goal of the game?” Logan asked.
“To have fun! Also not die. There’s a little bit of a story but there’s also lots of room to play around. Don’t worry, the only thing that happens if you die is you’re out of the game and you come back here. The winner gets a minifigure of their character! And bragging rights.”
Logan and Virgil both perked up at this second prize. Roman snickered. “So, is everyone ready?” he asked again.
“I just feel like it’s a little scary…” Patton said.
“Oh!” Roman snapped his fingers. “I knew I was forgetting something. We made a filter for you, Pat! It puts you on easy mode. Way less things will want to attack you. And me and Remus both have some of our mod abilities available for emergencies if you need us to change something!”
Patton thought about this for a minute, then nodded. “Okay. I think I can try it out, then.”
Roman grinned and kissed his cheek. “How about you, Gerard Gay?” He looked over at Virgil. “You in?”
Virgil grumbled to himself for a moment, then shrugged and nodded. “Yeah, fine, whatever. Jan went in, and he’s a better judge of safety than you or Remus.” He glanced away and mumbled, “Plus it sounds really cool, or whatever.”
“Normally I would be very offended, but I’m just happy you want to play.” Roman offered Virgil a dazzling smile. “Logan?”
“I will participate. I am curious to see what you have come up with.”
“Oh, I love you all so much!” Roman declared. “Alright, everyone come over here.” He shuffled them around until each of them was holding somewhere on one of his arms. “Now, the game will drop us in randomly within a certain area and timeframe, and then we just have to find each other! Have fun—it’ll start off easy and get more challenging as we get used to it!”
Roman pulled at the fabric of Thomas’s imagination itself, and there was a funny yanking feeling in everyone’s gut, and the world went dark for just a second.
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