#as of gen 9 he would have *drumroll*
glassroo · 7 months
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happy 3 years to this image!! i coloured it :))
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radbutsafe · 3 years
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1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
A three! I think I’m mid range cause I ain’t terrible but there is still shit I gotta improve and grow in my writing
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to manifest what canon won’t give me and to write more! (though yes it is mainly about the smooching and the— I’ll stop there LOL)
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hm! My weird research details? I’m that “fun fact, did you know...” in my fics sometimes LOL! I plan on giving a penthouse for erina in a fic and I went through penthouse listings in Japan for floor layouts and locations💀 my research gives me inspo and depth to stuff I think I lack in comparison to others sometimes.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
In terms of fellow fic writers, one of them I can’t name here but she’s an inspiration with her exceptional gift for prose period and her lovely skill at comedy! I want to be as funny as her when I write, I love her ironic situational humor. Other fic writers are @takoyakitenchou, @royaldragonsevgisi15 who I always love sharing ideas with and motivate me to create more! For non-fic writers it would be V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, Oda, and Horikoshi! The last two may be mangaka, however they are writers as well to create their stories! The depth these creators have given their worlds and interesting characters theyve given life to are all what I aspire to be like!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
so far uh?? hm everything I’m currently writing are wips lol!! im proud of my wip that has been nicknamed ‘soma panics’ that is a multi-chapter fic that spans like probs 20 plus chapters maybe
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
dialogue! it’s so much fun! and character thoughts. I’ve said to people I may be better suited for script writing
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
I think it’s description, of like setting and showing action. also an expansion of my vocabulary LOL
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
erina! I think it’s because canon has shown us many of her different faces and range of emotion.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
SOMA!! chill ass mofo whos more carefree compared to the common shonen protagonist! for other shokugeki characters I’m not sure just yet because I haven’t flexed my fingers enough for the rest of them.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
I guess I should say romance cause that’s what I mostly write LOL!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
sorina and I try to get them to smooch eventually KEK and yeah it’s..usually romantic fluff lmao
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
HONESTLY ALL OF THEM but “soma panics” is my brain child
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
pretty sure it’s digimon....
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
currently shokugeki no soma!!!!
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
uhhhh I guess SNS? LMAO fandoms...all have their quirks to them.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
characters cuddling!!!! or getting the urge to smooch!!!!
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
unrequited love GOOD FUCKIN BYEEEEEE
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
I have plot ideas thst can be wild potentially but so far nothing fits this criteria so far that I actually have written.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
depends on the fandom, but if written well, all of it!
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
shippy 100% like I said I like smoochin
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
romantic is...*drumroll* SORINA! platonic, soutaku and erina and alice!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Sometimes! There are times songs will be on loop and times I just shuffle a playlist. and if I’m writing in random bursts it’ll be with no music but it really does depend lmao I think music is when I’m forcing myself to write?
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
completely independent ideas, I’ve realized in the past prompts shoot me in the foot often unless I luckily figure something out. but I’m often driven by my own sporadic self interest with shitty ping ponging attention
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
multi-chap I guess cause I can post without being finished LOLLL but tbh can I really answer? I haven’t finished anything.....
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I can’t answer this question imo because I haven’t finished a fic yet so technically stuff could all fit in the one fic?
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
MYSTERY AND CRIME! I love the genre and I have plot ideas once a blue moon but I can’t dive in because I want to make details that work and reduce plot holes where suspension of disbelief isn’t as needed. I need to study it more (I need to study all the details for any of my fics imo to be confident sometimes LOL)
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
I don’t think I can say one comment was the nicest because I’ve gotten comments that have given me quite the smiles to my face many times! I know this is a cop out but it’s true!
and also rad. i am never this vocal about my emotions like EVER but this needs to be said your fics are obviously far from perfect, as are mine and everyone else's. but the thing about your works is that they're so well-sanded that it's impossible to find any rough edges or faults in them in terms of cohesion to a plot. your cast is never OOC and the amount of effort you devote to developing your takes on the characters as accurately as possible is unimaginably awe-inspiring.
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
I’d like to believe I take it often well to try and improve because that’s always my goal. if someone is rude lol that’s not constructive snd is unhelpful. If I disagree with criticism I’ll explain why !
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Not yet, but I have some plot ideas I think will let me test this.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
F L U F F.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
elliott fuji, a japanese-american award winning photographer who is erina’s boyfriend in ‘soma panics’ which..causes soma’s panic LOL he’s 30 with slightly wavy black hair. I still haven’t pinpointed his personality just yet...he kind of humble brags for sure an artsy fucker and flirts maybe I’ll make him a lil shy though. he teaches sometimes, and becomes an adjunct photography professor in Tokyo so he can be with erina.
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
a cook is unfashionably late in realizing his feelings.
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I am a slow. so slow. motivation who is she? I also write out of order, unfortunately a bit too often.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
this should be for the fic ‘soma panics’ it’s either megumi or satoshi talkin to him rn, I’m leaning towards satoshi
“You thought she would always wait for you, didn’t you Soma-kun? To always welcome you home.”
Soma drags his palms down his face and groans. He doesn’t like this at all. He doesn’t shy from confrontation but this is a whole different ballgame. Soma doesn’t play any ball.
“I guess..?” Is his reply, because he thinks he isn’t sure how to answer that.
“You guess?”
Just being questioned again is enough to crack Soma’s pathetic facade as if it was dropped chinaware and he lets out the longest sigh.
Coming home means coming home to Nakiri Erina too.
Nakiri Erina is his forever.
this is @takoyakitenchou’s excerpt she’s most proud of that I’ve written, which is also from you guessed it, the long fic soma panics
SOMA: I am, I mean I will be, I swear I will always come home to you, not spend as much time abroad, once I’m done with work I’ll come right back. I’ll make sure to message you. Nakiri, I’m in love you with you. Maybe for a really long time. You know how I say I dedicate my food to you? My dad—my dad said that the key to become a good chef is to find someone to dedicate your cooking to. A special someone. For my dad it was my mom, you know? For me it’s...
(this is a good piece of dialogue tbh so I am also proud of this)
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I’ve mentioned it throughout this but the WIP I’ve nicknamed ‘soma panics’ is something I’m super excited to write, but it’s going on slowly...and almost completely out of order. out of all of my writing it showed off that particular habit of mine, along with “what is this, a shoujo manga?!” though the latter is currently being written chronologically now that I’ve posted chapter one and is pretty solid in direction. it was originally supposed to be a one shot but I got impatient and wanted to post at least something for the sorina / soueri fandom.
however, because ‘soma panics’ (I won’t call it that LOL) is my baby I want to keep true to my rule of refusing to post it until I have a draft of the entire fic finished and I’m satisfied with the main points pretty much. due to my writing out of order, I’m worried I’ll change my mind about scenes or want to reflect things in earlier chapters for later ones etc etc
I joined the SnS fandom extremely late, as season five was airing. I was a fan of the manga five years ago and dropped it because I forgot to check for updates when I caught up 😔 I really want to bang out the different fics and aus for sorina that I have before the fandom fizzles out entirely but tbh I’m writing for myself, I’m manifesting what I want to see and I’ll just share it with all my friends to read if no one else will. cause I’m slow broski I dunno what writing fast even is like LMAO I do really want to write faster though, so I can contribute more and let the words free from the discord dms....
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Tag, and a lot of Mordin
I was tagged by @natsora​ ! Thank you !
I tag whoever wants to do this ! (I’m sorry I can’t think of a lot of questions and I’m drowning under work right now so I can’t be super involved ._.) (hopefully it will get better later on)
1. Who is your single favourite character in the Mass Effect world?
*unclimactic drumroll* Urdnot Wreav ! Mordin Solus, to absolutely nobody's surprise.
2. Why is that character your favourite?
A lot of reasons. So many I'm afraid I'm going to forget the two-third of them. So I'm going to make a bullet-point list, in no particular order. - Smart in an enthusiastic way, unapologetically passionate. - Asexual yet sex-positive. SERIOUSLY how many characters are pictured with those combined traits?! - Confident. He knows his value, and he doesn't need you, the player, to “make” him, which tends to make me a bit cold towards characters looking up to you for shaping their own identity. This self-reliance is incredibly strong. Not even the genophage doubts makes him question whether or not he's able to do great work. I totally aspire to become like him one day. - Yet he's not a cloaca about it. :3 He's still compassionate and interested in others, doesn't think the rest of the world is “less” for not being able to compare to his skills. - Do what he needs to be himself. Doesn't care at all what other people might think of any of his habits, and he knows it has nothing to do with his capacities- maybe it's linked, who knows. - Considers creativity and art as an essential part of expression. So no clear separation between science and creativity in his worldview, which I'd consider absolutely great. - His conflict is fascinating. I'd argue we have a case of moral/philosophical truth vs scientific/factual truth. Both of these truth coexist within the genophage, the truth that the process in inhumane and morally condemnable, yet there is the truth that the krogans make it very clear that they will avenge themselves if given the chance. Mordin has to bear both truths, and choose, arbitrarily, which matters more, while being perfectly aware that none truly does. Not going to enter genophage discourse zone in this post but there is a lot going on with this whole affair, especially on political grounds with species other than the krogans themselves. :/ All of that jazz to say Mordin's journey truly reminds me of Andreï Sakharov, the scientist behind the Tsar Bomba during the Cold War -maybe one day I'll make a post on the similarities, because they are striking and give more depth to the Genophage conflict overall. - So I'd argue also that his “redemption arc” in Mass Effect 3 is more a shift of perspective, a voluntary blinding of one side of those truths to suit a specific context, which was Wrex/Bakara and the Reaper Conflict. I'm not comfortable with the glorification of self sacrifice for a greater cause so that might alter my views here, but I'm not sure his claim of being entirely responsible and having to fix it all by himself is entirely fair to the reality of what happened. So that leads me to my next point. - Mordin looks like he's coping well, but he doesn't. From the moment he left Tuchanka to the end of Mass Effect 3, he constantly punishes himself in very subtle ways, puts his life in danger again and again when other solutions could have been thought out (I think of the entire Omega situation, or hell, even the Suicide Mission at large). Also, until the very end and maybe his time with Bakara if we're generous, he's entirely lonely in a struggle that is a thousand years old. That's a lot to survive. - all of that coexists within the person that happily sings Gilbert and Sullivan to humanity's greatest war hero. - also a smartass - brutal, in a flawed detached way that speaks volume of where his mind currently is Many other things. I've written an entire page, I should calm down and focus. :3
3. Did you start playing Mass Effect from the first game?
No, I started from the 2, then 3, then finally the first one, after many years of circling between 2 and 3.
4. City living or rural living?
I can't really answer, because I like extremes. I like city life when it's high tech city life, meaning rich city life, with all the package. I like rural living when you live in a old stone house in the middle of nowhere with barely a road to go there. Both are great, but right now, I'm more in the mood for rural stuff -and social isolation :33
5. Single favourite piece of story, fanfic or otherwise
I don't know T_T I'm very very bad at picking favorites. I read so much books and fics that were amazing in their own specific ways. I'm sorry I can't answer this one.
6. Who did your Ryder / Shepard romanced?
I played different Shepards, all femSheps (I tried male Shep so many times, but I can't make a custom face that satisfies me, and I cant really seem to get into the voice acting either). I tried Garrus, Thane, Liara and Kelly Chambers -which was strangely maybe my favorite one ? I wish we could romance Jack as femShep as well. No romance completely satisfied me though.
As for Ryder, I couldn't play long enough to settle for anyone, but to be fair the only one I wished we could romance was Kallo, and. Well :(
7. Sweating in the desert or freezing in the north pole?
Freezing in the North Pole hands down. Even though I would like to see a desert once.
8. How do you describe your writing style? Outliner or winging it?
In english, a bit wordy, a bit dramatic too. I'm going to refine it I hope. In french, my style is sharper, and slightly more organic. I'm an outliner, even if I used to wing it when I was younger.
9. Favourite food
Anything japanese-ish. Also gnocchis. Great comfort food for me.
10. Have you played any Dragon Age games?
Not yet ! I intend to, the serie always made me curious, but I want to completely exhaust my passion with Mass Effect and my current WIP before risking to fall in love with anything else.
11. Hopes or wishes for the next Mass Effect game.
Meaning. MEANING. Meaaaaning. mmmeaaaning. Which means smart narrative design, strong characters, strong stakes. Strong undertanding of Bioware’s own references and worldview for sharper writing. A more risk-taking artistic direction than MEA (which I thought was very bland and made no statement besides « we're a next gen sci-fi title!! » :/). And I know it's too much to ask, but I would love the level design to stop trying to go open world at all cost for any given reason, because that's not Bioware's forte and it deters from the creative control over the mood of their settings. (also yes maybe an asexual salarian romance option OKAY I SAID IT HAPPY NOW)
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Day 1 / Jan 1
Introduction ; Day 2
Gen. 1-3
Genesis opens with God(s)[1] creating the world. The order is as follows:
Light; Separation of Day and Night
A firmament between the water (the Sky)
The dry land, Earth, and the Seas; Grasses, herbs and other plants
The luminaries (the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars)
Aquatic animals and birds
Land animals, livestock, and drumroll please Humanity[2]! He gave plants as food to every animal, including humans
On the seventh day He rested
That's the version that Gen. 1 tells, but literally in the next chapter, we're presented with a plantless, humanless world. In this version, a mist from the ground makes all the plants grow and God personally creates Adam out of clay. God then plants a garden in Eden, with two very special trees. He also outright violates the laws of geography and makes 4 rivers come out of Eden. These being the Pishon in Havilah, where there's gold, bdellium, and onyx stone; the Gihon in Cush; the Hiddekel (Tigris) in Assyria; and the Euphrates. God tells Adam that he can eat any fruit he wants execpt for the one[3]. He also lets Adam give a name to every animal, and clearly Adam was on something when he called a frog, a "Mountain Chicken". God decides that being the only human in existence must be pretty lonely, and so he knocks Adam out, takes out one of his ribs, and makes Eve.
Enter Chapter 3, which opens with a snake[4], not Satan himself, decieving Eve into eating the one thing she wasn't supposed to. Eve makes Adam eat with her, and they both get a wicked knowledge hangover. They realize they're naked so they make clothes and hide themselves. God eventually finds out and he curses everyone involved. He cursed Adam with manual labor, Eve with a painfull childbirth, and the snake with limb loss. He also speaks the Protoevangelion (Gen. 3:15), Greek for "First Good News", which is a promise that humanity will one day redeem themselves. After all of this, he exiles[5] them out of Eden and places some Cherubim on guard duty.
Now we have talk about what name the authors use for God, because it points to what was happening when Genesis was getting compiled. From Gen. 1:1-2:3, the author uses "El"/"Elohim", but then when the narrative switches, the name also switches to יהוה. This points to there being atleast 2 authors who wrote parts of Genesis, which were then combined into one[6]. Because remember, this was written and told over hundreds of years with different traditions and tellings emerging in different parts of the Yahwistic/Jewish lands. This also explains the discrepencies between Gen. 1:1-2:3 and everything after.
Let's actually dig into these names. First up, El/Elohim. This word literally means "deity", cognate with Arabic "Allah". This was used as the name of the Canaanite chief deity, El, who was the father of all the other gods and had a wife, Asherah. When the Israelites grew distinct from their Canaanite origins[7], this name got attached to the god of Israel. This name was also sometimes given to the storm god Ba'al, who then influenced or got absorbed into the god of Israel. This would make some sense since God is absolutely a storm god[8].
One note about El is that his name turns up much more frequently in Theophory. For example, after Jacob fought with God, he was renamed to Isra-el, not Isra-jah. It seems that while El was quickly getting syncretized with Yahweh, the little things in Israel's culture still hadn't changed too much from Canaanite ways
Next up, Yahweh (יהוה). Not a lot is known about the origins of both the name and the entity. Some say the explanation in Exodus is correct, with YHWH being the 3SM conjugation of the copula. Others say that it's from a shortening of the phrase ˀel ḏū yahwī ṣabaˀôt which means "El who creates the hosts", which brings us back to El. Still others say it comes from a place name. Another theory says that Yahweh isn't even native to the Palestine/Canaan area, but instead being from somewhere in the south. Honestly just go read the Wikipedia article.
There are still two things left that I want to dump on you. First is the similarity between the Bible and the texts of neighboring lands, like the Ba'al Cycle, Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish. I'll leave links, you can go read them for yourself[9]. As for the second, the utter lack of Leviathan[10] in the Geneis creation narrative. In other books, like Job, God is described as fighting the sea monster in order to bring about order. Think about that.
That's it for today, but there's weirdness in store for tomorrow as well, when we discuss the Nephilim and the Flood.
1: Trey the Explainer: The Sons of God
4: 43alley: Evolution of Satan
5: OSP: Judaism
8: Sigalius Myricantur: Pagan Origins of Judaism
10: Trey the Explainer: Leviathan
1: Henotheism; Canaanite Religion
2: Lilith
6: Documentary Hypothesis
7: Historicity of the Bible
9: Ba'al Cycle
2: Was Adam a Hermaphrodite?
3: 'Paradise Lost': How the Apple became the Forbidden Fruit
6: Who Wrote the Bible? (Part 1): The Old Testament
How did we get the Bible? A quick summary of biblical composition throughout history
Bible Readings: Gen. 1-2 and Gen. 3-4
Unfortunately, the Ba'al Cycle text is really hard to find online for free, so I just linked the Wikipedia article
"Behold, I will do a new thing. It springs out now. Don’t you know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19 WEB
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