#as ever im really just looking at kanji choice
littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Shihouin[四楓院] Chika[千日]
Shi[四]: "4"
Hou[楓]: "Maple(tree)"
In[院]: "Temple/House(of governmetn)/Institution"
Chi[千]: "1,000"
Ka[日]: "(The)Sun"/"Day"
Given the naming pattern with Yoruichi and Yuushirou reading "Night 1" and "Night 4 Son", it would follow that Chika's name here reads as "1000 Days" or "1000th Day" A curious notion when the Shihouin crest has a moon on it, which was obviously where the night motif in the later heirs came from. Is Chika a blacksheep of the family for not having a night name? Or did the Shihouin change their motif at some point from day/sun to night/moon?
And very noticeably he's wearing what looks like a chinese style of lamellar belt(it's hard to say when there isn't an accompanying suit of armor to go with it) but it evokes to me a lot of Ming dynasty period pieces(or alternatively very anime-ass Romance of the Three Kingdoms designs) and incidentally Journey To The West was written in the Ming Dynasty, and combined with his complexion and his distinctive Xiangyun[祥云]:"auspicious clouds" scarf (and of course my ongoing crackpot theory about there being an unspoken theme of pre-Japanese Buddhism underlying the foundation of Soul Society) makes me think he's specifically Indian but having travelled East across China(or whatever the Soul Society equivalents are)
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Izuhara[嚴原] Kinroku[金勒]
Izu[嚴]: "Strict/Stern"
Hara[原]: "Plain/Field/Wilderness"
Kin[金]: "Gold"
Roku[勒]: "Bit/Bridle(like a horse's)"
Makes him sound like a wild stallion type who was only tamed by being bribed with wealth and luxury. At first glance I had pegged him for a cold corporate or medical type, but looking at him again he has a certain yakuza look about him too. Less an overt thug and more a grifter, a penny pincher, a coldblooded loan shark type, and this name seems to vibe with that. It's hard to tell but it looks like he has the archetypal yakuza/laborer bellywarmer like Tetsuzaemon did too.
Shijima[志島] Chikiri[知霧]
Shi[志]: "Will/Resolution/Ambition"
Jima[島]: "Island"
Chi[知]: "Wisdom/jnana"
Kiri[霧]: "Mist/Fog/Haze"
Same root word Shi[志] as in the Shiba family and in Okikiba Genshiro's given name. Weird that all three of these are associated with the water; waves/ripples, islands, and distant waters.
The given name is fun because it seems to describe him as wise but in a hazy way, his wisdom is obscured or unclear; whether that means it's unclear to others, or even to him isn't clear. Either one seems to fit his kind of disheveled appearance.
Now that we can see him properly, he kind of reminds me of Wonderweiss.
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Obana[尾花] Danjirou[彈児郎]
O[尾]: "Tail"
Bana[花]: "flower"
Dan[彈]: "Bullet/Pellet/(musket)Ball"
Ji[児]: "newborn baby"
Rou[郎]: "son"
On the one hand the compound [尾花] appears to refer to "(ear of) Japanese pampas grass" which is also known as the Chinese Silver Grass. But it's also part of the compound [鸟尾花] refering to the Crossandra infundibuliformis, the Firecracker Flower. And also [鸢尾花] referring to irises in general. Since, as the 5th division captain, he's not the one with an iris insignia, I'm going to go with the silver grass reference. It does evoke a certain rugged and pastoral landscape that seems to suit the rustic almost hick-ish vibe he has going on.
As for Bullet baby.... I have no idea what to make of it...
Saitou[齊藤] Furofushi[不老不死]
[齊]: "...-Like/as if..."
[藤]: "Wisteria"
[不老]: "No grow old"
[不死]: "No die"
"Wisteria-like" has obvious evocations in her hair color and pigtails. The given name all together is actually a phrase meaning "immortality/perpetual youth." Pretty straight forward.
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Shigyou[執行] Nobutsuna[乃武綱]
Shigyou[執行]: "execution/enforcment"/"executive/executor"*
No[乃]: "<possessive indicator>"
Bu[武]: "Military/Martial"
Tsuna[綱]: "Cord/Rope"
*can also refer to a "lead monk performing various tasks in a (buddhist)temple" although his overall appearance is anything but monk-like; certainly there are other captains here that would suit that reading better. So, the "rope or military enforcement."
(The random 3rd division guy with the "Winter Whistle" sword was named Taketsuna[武綱])
Katoribatsu[鹿取抜] Unsai[雲齋]
Ka[鹿]: "Deer"
Toribatsu[取抜]: "Drain/Extract"
Un'[雲]: "Cloud"
Sai[齋]: "<indicates a penname>"
Ok, first of all... "Deer Extraction"??? And then her given name is either "Penname: Cloud" or if taken together [雲齋]: "cotten drill" as in the twill weave fabric used for things like khakis?? But that feels like a weird way to go. She is quite bookish looking (i mean... as if she can avoid it in the proximity of Nanao and Risa...) so perhaps she's an author on the side? Hence the penname. But as for the deer collecting... it feels like a weird way to phrase it, but I'm assume it's trying to conjure a disney princess-like scene of her attracting deer to her to show her purity and trustworthiness? Maybe???
Also she has a distinctive, Zhōngguó jié[中國結]: "Chinese knot" ornament at the end of her naginata(?) which wasn't shown in the poster. Although the coloration on this sheet is oddly gold rather than the more typical red. What is probably the most common and recognizable design is the Pán zhǎng jié[盤長結], sometimes called an "endless knot" or "eternal knot" and is used to represent various Buddhist virtues.
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Kumoi[久面井] Entetsu[煙鐵]
Ku[久]: "A long time"
Mo[面]: "Face/Mask/Surface"
I[井]: "Well(water source/hole in the ground)"
En'[煙]: "Smoke"
Tetsu[鐵]: "Iron"
He sounds and looks very much like a jailer/torturer, not unlike some vibes Urahara's backstory gave off. Kumoi's zanpakuou is also a Tiěbiān[鐵鞭], a sectioned iron rod, part of a broader family of weapons/tools all called "iron whips."
Interestingly it's the same type of weapon Sui-feng's bankai, Jakuhou Raikouben[雀蜂雷公鞭], is named after.
Outokawa[王途川] Furuoki[雨緒紀]
Ou[王]: "King"
To[途]: "Road/Way"
Kawa[川]: "River"
Furu[雨]: "Rain"
O[緒]: "Cord/String(of an instrument)"
Ki[紀]: "Era/Period(of time)" or "Rule/(Written)Record"
"King's Way River" is a very pompous sounding family name... Interestingly the name Furuoki uses the kanji [雨] for rain, but is pronounced here like furu[降る] which is the verb for "to fall" referring specifically to rain or snow. The "Era of Rain(fall) String." It might be a stretch but I want to interpret that as the lines of rain falling being equated to the string of an instrument, and by proxy comparing the sound of rain fall as music.
But alternatively it could be another play into Kubo's on-again-off-again rain symbolism. Sometimes it's Ichigo's depression, sometimes it's Uryuu's legacy as the last Quincy, sometimes it's Orihime making confusing statements about joining earth and heaven, in direct contradiction to her Tanabata namesake... Is it "The Rule of Rainfall" as in the downpour comes eventually no matter how you run from it? Or as in, heaven and earth are joined eventually if your just wait? Or as in heavens will be clouded over and separated eventually? Or as in, relief comes eventually and even the worst drought can't last forever?
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Zenjou[善定] Jiuhin[寺有嬪]
Zen'[善]:"Virtue/Goodness/Good deeds
Jou[定]: "certainty/reality/samadhi"
Ji[寺]: "temple"
U[有]: "bhava/becoming/existence"
Hin'[嬪]: "court lady/virtuous woman/concubine"
So I can't quite tell if Kubo's just leaning into the on'yomi here, or if he's specifically aiming for a Chinese reading. I want to say On'yomi, but it is fairly close to the Chinese reading Shàndìng[善定] Sìyǒupín[寺有嬪] it's just the dìng[定] vs jou[定] throwing a wrench in it. And I'm hung up on Jiuhin's name sounding Chinese because with the mandarin style collared shirt and the fact that he has... for some reason two... queue... it all points to a distinctly Chinese influence in the design.
Arguably the face paint could also be pulled erroneously from the brooder aesthetic of Chinese opera --as in maybe Kubo was going for a Chinese opera inspired look, but what's here definitely isn't accurate to the style-- but it feels very in line with Kubo's own funky sensibilities either way.
Sakahone[逆骨] Saizou[才藏]
Saka[逆]: "Reverse"
Hone[骨]: "Bone"
Zou[藏]: "Hidden"
....the idea that this decrepit old man is named "Reverse Bones" as if he's like that because his bones are just "wrong" is for some reason hilarious and horrifying to me. "Hidden Talent" seems self-explanatory given he looks like he should barely be able to move, let alone fight or kill a person.
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
opinion on dynamight? :D
okokokok if ur honestly... asking—i dont have any genuine hate for the name dynamight. its cute its fun and its very 4 year old kacchan. BUT i have this theory that it isnt his actual hero name. maybe i possibly am reaching very far and will pull a muscle with all this stretching and jumping to conclusions but... here are
Farfetched Reasons Why I Think DynaMight Isn't Bakugou's Final Name (SPOILER ALERT, duh):
1. It's too similar to his previous rejected names
We all remember how in the start of the series, Bakugou's whole naming problem stemmed from the extravagance and... overbearingness of his chosen aliases. From the most famous 'Lord Explosion Murder', the written kanji version being '爆殺王' and pronounced as 'Bakusatsuo'. In comparison, we have DynaMight: The God of Great Killing Bomb—which, taking the latter part is written '大爆殺神' in kanji and pronounced 'daibakusatsu-shin'. For a name that took maybe 4 or 5 years to FINALLY get introduced, its oddly similar to all the names that were already rejected or shot down. They even use 2 of the same kanji characters which denotes that they may even be said in the same aggressive tone like how it is in English (but take this point with a grain of salt bc i am NOT formally educated in Japanese.)
2. Narrative-wise... the timeline placement of the reveal just doesn't make sense.
I dunno about you, but in the middle of the war during the deconstruction of the pro-hero society seems like one of the weirder places to put Bakugou's hero name reveal. Especially when its something that doesn't have an immediate link or visibility to Bakugou's character aside from his personality. We've already seen that Bakugou's supposedly changed a LOT ever since his first days at UA—so I find it weird that in the MIDDLE OF HIS CHARACTER ARC and not even ten chapters after Bakugou Katsuki: Rising (where *ahem* important things occur...), we get a name like this which is awfully reminisce of Bakugo's choices pre-character development. Why make us wait so long if it was gonna be something so similar? Is the only change/nuance going to be the All Might pun? Hori-sensei may give us answers soon, but for now the timing seems incredibly out of place.
3. The other characters don't take it seriously.
Most of the other characters including the likes of Spinner absolutely do not take it seriously. Iida and multiple other actors at the scene poke criticisms at it and react in the same way class 1A did when Bakugo introduced Lord Explosion Murder. The only positive reaction being Mirio, who we all know is the human version of sunshine and puppies (and also just a really good senpai). The key reactions I wanna note are Deku's and Best Jeanist's.
- On Best Jeanist's reaction
BJ (its for shortening purposes i SWEAR) is seen to depict a lacklustre, disinterested, and almost even dissappointed response. As Katsuki's mentor figure and someone that was implied to have inspired Bakugou to reconsider his hero name—I find it odd that he was depicted to disapprove of it so offhandedly. His arrival and participation at the war was something I very much looked forward to due to the amount of things that Bakugou might do now that he knew Best Jeanist was still alive a la shounen anime 'I'm empowered by my mentor figure' style. I think that if Bakugou were to do a name reveal, he would've chosen something that Best Jeanist would immediately recognize as something resultant of Bkg's character development.
- On Izuku Midoriya's reaction (or lack thereof)
I won't elaborate bc it will actually take me weeks to formulate an essay, but Deku is currently at the epicenter of a lot of Katsuki's character development. From One for All to the tear jerking panels of Chapter 285, we know that Deku inexplicably is the no. 1 person that wants to know Bakugou's hero name.
So why isn't he there?
We don't get to see Deku's reaction to Bakugous huge name reveal because he's too far and too busy fighting. You'd a thunk that if it was so significant and powerful, Deku's reaction would come out. While it IS possible that Deku's reaction is on another chapter entirely bc he's just THAT excited about it, I highly doubt Bakugo would announce such a thing where Deku could not hear.
But Codi! you say, arms sore and floppy from reaching so far with me. Why? Why would Bakugou make and announce a fake name then?
Well. Prepare your ankles because I am about to jump to some even FARTHER conclusions.
First of all, they ARE in the middle of a war. Bakugou, while heavily injured, still is smart enough to see what's happening and be able to parse when they're on the losing end. Mans is a 4/5 on the intelligence rank if I'm not mistaken, and it's pretty obvious the heroes are losing. The whole hero society has been absolutely turned up on its head with the Todoroki Family Drama, and I think that Deku jumping back into the fight is the best indication that Katsuki will follow suit. I think that Deku knew about the hero name DynaMight before hand, ESPECIALLY because it sounds like something only he and Kacchan could come up with (the All Might pun is just TOO good ok). I think that there's a reason Bakugou's okay with Deku being so far away when he reveals it
But what of it?
I think that to understand Bakugou's decision to name reveal now involves taking a look into the actual name DynaMight/Dynamite.
Dynamite, as we know, is an explosive made from nitroglycerine and stabilizers in 1867. The reason it became so popular was that it helped with a lot infrastructure projects to speed up construction and mining. It was available soon as well in the civillian market because of its powerful but controlled explosions. Instead of a fiery explosion that burned for extended periods of time, nitroglycerine was more of a one and done kind of explosion.
Later, it was used as a military weapon that caused mass destruction and a sudden interest for innovations in explosives. Alfred Nobel, who's name you now might recognize, was ashamed of his past inventions and alias as 'The Angel of Death' (Bakusatsuo, anyone?). He hated the fact his explosives had been used to cause war and death and thus created the Nobel Peace Prize so that his name would be associated with Peace and Hope instead.
If you're picking up what I'm reaching really hard for... then you already know.
The reason I think Bakugou faked DynaMight as his hero name is to act as an actual sort of Dynamite in the tide of the war. I think this was, in actuality, a code word or even tactic of some sorts for an actual plan he had with Deku. Now that he's both revealed his name AND joined the fight again, the attention of all the villains and actors (including us, the audience) are on him and him only. Because 'Dynamite' is a controlled explosion. Because 'Dynamite' works once nefore its done its job. Because Bakugou mfing Katsuki does NOT wanna be associated with his past decisions and history of destruction and wants his name to be a symbol of winning and saving.
A symbol of peace.
Or. maybe its actually just DynaMight. idk. who knows? Maybe Im just really really really really deep in denial.
Thanks for reading!
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0verstepping · 3 years
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
86: What is my current desktop picture?
97: Had sex in public?
106: Been to a wedding?
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
119: Learned another language?
136: Was I named after anyone?
137: Do I like my handwriting?
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
76) I don’t think he has one or would ever. Single names are way more ominous, creepy, and make someone seem super important or powerful.
84) Invisibility, probably. Just fits with my personality
86) Actually just green because i used wallpaper engine and i guess thats what it is when you turn it off? lmao
97) I’ve jerked off and gotten a blowjob in public, but not full sex.
106) Not since i was like 4 but i will be going to a friends later on this year if it doesnt get canceled.
114) Nope, i skipped out on mine because i had no date and i just felt like bad about the whole thing. I saw Streetlight Manifesto instead with a friend who was going to her boyfriends Prom at another school instead on a different day.
115) Yep, only a few times and only once i was old enough to remember. Went to Jamaica on a family vacation in 8th or 9th grade. Fucking hated it.
119) Couple of years in high school i took Spanish but thats the extent. Looked into Japanese but learning katakana, hiragana, and kanji just was to much.
136) My middle name after an uncle on my bio fathers side that ive never met.
137) Fuck no its terrible lmao
144) I used to be really afraid of it and now im kinda casually afraid. Like run back to my room after going to the bathroom or checking behind the curtains when its pitch black kinda afraid of the dark.
0 notes
harmonaka · 7 years
do ALL of the oc asks (or just some of ur Favs) for ur fav oc!! :0
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Ayako Hatori. I picked the last name randomly, but Ayako is written with the kanji for “coloring.” So her name is basically color child.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
SHSL Rhythm Gamer. She can full-combo things that should probably be impossible.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Well. A lot of her childhood was spent as a Monokuma Kid, so like… y’know. Before that, though, she lived a pretty normal life. She liked the arcade, and would frequently skip class in order to visit it. Leading to the bad memory, her mother wasn’t very pleased with that.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
She was close with her mom. Her dad left her mom when Ayako was young.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Ayako had one sister, who is as of now unnamed because I’m lazy. They were very close. Ayako’s older sister was an adult during the Towa City thing, so she’s hecking dead.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
AYAKO DOES NOT! LIKE! SCHOOL! She’s bad at it and not trying is easier than trying only to get her hopes of a good grade crushed :’)
She’d probably like art class most. She wouldn’t even follow the instructions but–
Or possible P.E.
She hates pretty much the rest of it.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
She was probably kinda popular as a kid?. She had that sort of personality that made her get along well with kids. She *probably* would. I only use her in an rp group, though, so like… Not really.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
Nope and nope. She likes animals to an extent, though. She thinks they’re kinda messy and as much as she loves them (especially dogs,)  she wouldn’t want the responsibility of taking care of them.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Eh. Just average. Not great, not bad. Average.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
She gets along with them alright! She’s pretty good with kids, and kids tend to like her. She’d be a fun parent. The kind who impulse-buys you video games.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nah. She eats too much sugar, though, and she probably needs to stop that.
12. What is their favourite food? 
Does konpeito count?
13. What is their least favourite food?
That kind of chocolate that has like no sugar? Like, extremely dark chocolate.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
At least once in her life, she’s gone an entire day eating entirely candy. THAT’S SO UNHEALTHY AYAKO PLEASE STOP
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Mmmm, not sure. I don’t think she ever really learned. She’d probably be able to make something decent with some help, but alone, it would probably be kinda bad.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
… Rainbow stationery. She’s got a special box full of the stuff. Pens, paper, glitter, glitter glue, stickers. Please stop her, she’s going to decorate everything.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Horror, mystery, stuff. Probably on the opposite end there, also any and everything cute.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Educational stuff. Boooooring.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Yes and yes. She’ll probably try to dance. And fail.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
She can be short-tempered, but she tries not to be. She’d probably yell at you.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
She’ll say things to people’s faces… She probably doesn’t have a favorite, though? This is subject to change.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Better with faces than names. A pretty average memory, leans more on the good side until it comes to school. Between short-term and long-term memory, no idea what would be more helpful with rhythm games. Whichever would be more useful.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
She will sleep ‘till noon if you let her and she’ll stay up all night. No impulse control on this girl. She can sleep just about anywhere, but she loves soft things.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
She thinks she’s funny. She uses a lot of sarcasm in her jokes. She’s not that funny, but she thinks she is.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Her response to most emotions is play rhythm games. 
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
She won’t cry in front of someone. Ever. Unless she has absolutely no choice, OR they’re a person she trusts deeply. Jokes about her intelligence or lack of skill in something make her sad. She’ll be sad for a little before she gets just… angry.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Death. She really doesn’t wanna die. She’ll do her best to pretend she’s not scared of anything.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
It depends on who that person is, and how bad the fear is. If it’s someone she cares about who’s very scared of something, she may get kind of protective, but unless it’s serious, she’ll probably tease them.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Yes, if playing DDR counts as exercise. She’s also going to be joining the cheer squad. I don’t think she’d act too much different pre/post workout?? Shrug emoji.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Okay, she doesn’t usually drink, no, but she’s been drunk once. She’s kind of an emotional baby when she’s drunk, but also she’d flirt with anyone. she got drunk the other day, got her first kiss, and just devolved into a giggly mess for a minute there it was so cute tbh
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
RAINBOWS!!!!!! PASTELS!!!!! NEON!!!! ALL THE COLORS!!!! OH MY GOSH SO MANY COLORS. I’m not sure what kind of shops particularly, but… She’s got tons of clothes. All different colors. She loves flashy stuff. In the way of sleepwear, she probably has a few very-oversized t-shirts and she’ll just wear that to bed, with optional sweatpants. 
She’ll wear a little makeup, sometimes, but for the most part, not all that much. She doesn’t wanna just sweat it off or something. For special occasions, definitely. Her hair’s blue and I want to touch it. I don’t actually know how to describe the style it’s in, but like… It looks like GUMI’s hair? Similar style.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
She’s got a bit of muscle! 5′2. She’s very confident about her body, actually. She has a lot of secret insecurities about herself personality-wise and she doesn’t think she’s exceptionally pretty in the face, but she does like her body.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
She loves that romancey stuff sometimes, okay. She will deny it adamantly, but. Unguilty pleasure is everything else, okay.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Rhythm games, obviously. She’s kind of got an eye for decorating, too. She can sing, too.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Not particularly. She’s kind of a slower reader. … Maybe some poetry. Not most. Fiction > nonfiction any day.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Tenacity. Not giving up on new things when you don’t get them right. She wishes she was better in school. Even with her best efforts, she still has C’s, mostly.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Texting or IMing people is always easiest.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
She likes ‘em, but honestly doesn’t need them.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
She’s pan. Generally, personality is more important than looks in her opinion, but being attractive definitely doesn’t hurt anything. She probably likes weird-colored hair. Loves it. 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
She just… wants to improve herself. She doesn’t have any specific goals,  but she would really just like to find something other than rhythm games that she’s naturally good at and use that to get a job. Rhythm games are probably not going to support her forever.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
She likes summer and spring. Sunny weather is her favorite and she’s better in the heat. She doesn’t really like the cold. Or the rain. She’ll complain in both of those.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
She tends to brag a lot – trying to seem like she’s confident when she’s not. It makes her come off as vain and self-centered. She really has a lot of insecurities and that’s her way to try and seem cool.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
She tries. She TRIES. She is horribly stressed and awkward through the whole thing, though. She would dislike it a lot because she’d feel so pressured not to mess up.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
She just went to her first party recently. She’s… not entirely sure how she feels about them. They’re okay. She’d probably try to be pleasant. If she was dragged along, she’d probably just follow her friend around the entire time.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
She has a charm bracelet from her sister. It’s got a broken clasp, but she still has it saved somewhere.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? 
Ayako’s essentials include clothes, a hairbrush, toothbrush/toothpaste, her phone, charger, headphones, and a portable battery. I’m assuming this isn’t like one of those questions about like. A deserted island.
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kristie-rp · 5 years
[2018] Michael & Lucas: Origins
When Michael is born, his parents name him Mizushima Miko. He is their second son: his older brother is Mizushima Juuki. Juuki immediately adores Miko; he’s fascinated and spends as much time as he can watching over his little brother. It’s actually a considerable amount of time: he is still too young to go to school, and his parents are too paranoid to trust a sitter – but they are also far too busy to make time to actually look after their children. 
Juuki is primarily alive at this point thanks to an aunt that visits at least once a week, a woman who claims to be their mothers sister and who looks absolutely nothing like either of their parents. Tamie, the woman he calls aunt, teaches him everything he can grasp to make baby Miko’s life easier. 
It’s enough, in many ways. Miko grows up both easier and harder than Juuki. The youngest boy is not comfortable around his parents, is quiet and watchful whenever possible. He learns young that it is more effective to babble at Juuki after prolonged periods of quiet than it is to cry, because if he cries, one of his parents may come in. 
One of Miko’s earliest memories – certainly the first to involve either of his parents – is of his mother leaning down into his crib. She is wearing all black, with a scarf of sorts around her neck, and something protruding from her back, held in place by a strap. In the memory, he stares first at the tail end of a military-issue machine gun that is on his mothers back as she kisses his tiny cheek, and then at her face as she pulls the scarf up to cover everything except for her eyes. “Sleep well, my precious baby,” she says in the memory, and then disappears into the night. 
They grow up in a house that is big and empty, surprisingly so considering Aunt Tamie and their parents and their parents co-workers are coming and going all the time. Juuki continues to do everything he can to raise Miko without attracting their parents attention, and they never talk about it. To Miko, this is normal; to Juuki, this is better. Tamie especially expresses her pride in him, over and over again, and tells them in her own gruff way that she is there for them before either of their parents. 
It is not until Miko is old enough to be sort-of independent that the two boys are sent away to a boarding school outside the city their parents house is in. Tamie tells them it is an international school, and that it is for the best. Their parents say it is in their own best interests to go without complaint, and Juuki doesn’t complain, because he knows by now that having an armoury as an accepted norm in his childhood is not a good thing, and he’d rather Miko escape it. Miko doesn’t complain because he takes too many cues from Juuki, and doesn’t feel enough attachment to either of his parents to protest. It’s not that they’re negligent (though they are) or distant, exactly; it’s just that Juuki is a better caregiver than them, and his brother is only three years older. 
Juuki takes to math and socialising with absolutely anyone who will talk to him. He finds it impossible to be consistent: to his desk partner in math, he is intelligent and quick-witted, to the girl who sits with him at lunch, he is quiet and sarcastic. There are more personalities that he tries on the same way others try on clothes, and the only one that sticks is the caring older brother. 
Miko takes to school in general, but he does not get flawless grades. He averages B’s and C’s and to Juuki he seems quietly content, though he worries that his little brother is having trouble interacting with other people. It’s not a baseless concern, it’s a fair one: Miko did not know other people when they lived in their parents house, and was always content to depend on Juuki for whatever company he wanted. That continues as months turn into years at the international school, and for all Juuki wishes Miko would learn to do more, he seems perfectly satisfied with offering shy smiles to whoever Juuki forces him to hang around with. 
Juuki resolves to do something to help Miko, because this can’t be healthy – except before anything can change, Tamie appears to pick them up from school. She does not explain to the headmaster or teachers or to Miko and Juuki, instead bundling them into her car. It’s black and inconspicuous. Juuki finds a pistol in the glovebox when he reaches for the gum she used to keep there, and stares at her with wide eyes, weapon limp in his hands. “Auntie?” 
“I have some bad news,” she says as lightly as she can. 
From the backseat, Miko clears his throat. “Did our parents get executed for betraying Yakuza?” 
Juuki whips around to stare at his little brother, wide eyed. He knows his parents aren’t the best people, aren’t necessarily nice, but they aren’t abusive. But Miko sounds so certain, so matter of fact, that he’s inclined to believe it. After all, Miko is the observant one. He’s the one who would know. 
Tamie’s hands are white where they grip the steering wheel, and she directs Juuki to dig through the glovebox to find the papers she actually meant for him to find. There is a passport there for each of them, and plane tickets. They are Japanese passports, which makes sense, considering they are Japanese – but the names are written in English characters, not Kanji or Hiragana or Katakana. Juuki squints at it, interpreting the Romanized characters only thanks to the past few years of English classes. “Lucas?” he asks slowly, reading the name from alongside his own face. “And – Michael?” 
“Your idiot parents,” Tamie starts. She pauses to clear her throat. “Your brother is correct. Your parents are – were – Yakuza, and they made mistakes. Their superiors found out.” She softens her voice to say, “I’m sorry, Juuki, but your parents are dead.” 
He stops for a moment then, processing. “But then – what? I want to see them.” 
“No, you don’t,” Miko says quietly. Still in the backseat, he does not move. “It’ll be better if you remember them alive. Then you – we – get to pretend. Right?”
Tamie nods once, sharply – slowly. For all she isn’t really their aunt, at least not biologically, she does care for them. That is part of why she is here now. “I want you both to know that lying to you has been difficult.” 
Miko swallows, Juuki rubs at his eyes. He doesn’t want to be sad that his parents are gone – they really, really haven’t ever been that great – but he can’t help it. They were more attentive with him than they were with Miko; that’s just a fact, a consequence of him being an only child for a few years. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Juuki asks. His voice has risen an octave. 
And Tamie talks and talks and talks, explaining everything. How their parents are, were, high ranking Yakuza, high enough to be a problem, but not high enough to be on top. About how their home has been a base of operations for much longer than Juuki has been alive, that it has only been a permanent residence for just that long. How their parents are too proud to split custody, about how it took Tamie most of Miko’s life to convince them that it would be best to send them to an international school to learn, to pick up skills and contacts that would make them useful to them in the long run. And she talks about how her name really is Tamie, and no, she isn’t really related to them. She is Japanese-Filipino, which explains why Juuki always believed that she wasn’t their biological aunt, and she was chosen to be one of three undercover Interpol agents infiltrating the Yakuza. It just so happened that Tamie’s in was their parents. She explains in great detail how she has never precisely cared for their parents except in the way you might care for a distant cousin, but that she has always loved Juuki, and always loved Miko, as long as they’ve been alive. This has been her mission for as long as Juuki has been alive, if not a little longer – she is vague on the details – but when the higherups got word that there was a leak within the Yakuza, and investigated enough to pick up the one that existed between Tamie and their parents, well – she is absolutely certain that twisting the arm of her handler until she had a way out of the country for the boys she loves like her own is the right thing to do. And that’s why she did it. 
“So,” she finishes awkwardly, “I, um. If you want, they’ve agreed to let me have sole custody of the two of you. But we cannot stay here, or anywhere in Japan – there is too much risk that the Yakuza will track you. Which is why your passports have American names on them.” She pauses and bites her lip, and it’s such an unusual show of uncertainty on her that Juuki almost smiles. “You wouldn’t be able to be Miko and Juuki any more, except when you are absolutely certain you’re in private. And I can’t guarantee your safety forever, but I know – I will do everything in my power to give you normal lives. As much as can be expected.” 
Juuki – Lucas, now, he supposes – listens, and he wonders if it would be cruel to point out that she has not given them much of a choice. It is no choice, really, when their options are either to reject her and end up alone in a foreign country where Miko – Michael – does not speak the language, and Lucas can barely read it – or they can accept her offer, and get something like a trusted relative out of this. 
It’s no offer at all, really. 
“We want whatever you can provide,” Miko says – Michael says. Lucas pinches himself. Michael, Michael, Michael.
He resolves then that he will do anything to keep his little brother out of trouble, no matter what level of his own integrity it challenges. He can do this one thing for him, be there for him in a way their parents never were. 
It’s the least he could do, really – or at least as he sees it.
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