#art of yoga nidra
enchantedpen01 · 2 months
You know in the current times that we live in, we generally believe in working fast, easting fast, being competitive, knowing what’s going on around in the world with a few clicks and in a few seconds and most of all we have come down to making a small world of stress, anxiety and scrolling through the phone without worrying about our sleep. And in most of the cases now people just can’t sleep…
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gorgeouslypink · 11 months
Why They Entered the Void and You Haven't
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One of the most popular things that I hear from my anons is complaints about how other people are able to enter the void so easily whereas the anon has been trying so hard and struggling forever. This was something that frustrated me a lot during my void journey too. I would log onto tumblr and everyday people who had just found out about the void state would meditate for 5 minutes and enter or just set an intention to wake up in and wake up in the void state and get to live their dream life. Something that really frustrated me was subliminals. Subliminal comment sections would be flooded with people who listened once or twice and entered whereas I would consistently listen for weeks and not get any tangible results. Even on my page, I always talk about compatibility but why are some people compatible with certain methods and others aren't, especially when you want to enter a certain way that so many people have entered but can't. It's super annoying and frustrating which sparks questions: why is it so easy for some people and not for others? why did they enter and you haven't?
The answer is very easy: the law of assumption!
I genuinely don't care if your a states girly or affirm and persist girl or a SATS girl or a subliminals girl or whatever else, all of these methods come back and tie into the main principal behind loa: Whatever you assume is true is the truth. Your assumptions harden into fact and become your reality. This is the basis of the law and it dictates our lives and it is the ideology behind all the methods as well. And this is why some people enter the void easily or with a certain methods while others struggle for months. We are all Gods but the difference between all of us is our assumptions and our assumptions are what leads to our compatibilities and our experiences during our void state journey.
This is why my favorite void tumblr era was the self concept/void concept era. Tumblr was overflowing with success stories for one simple reason; people weren't struggling over methods, they went straight to the root problem which was their void concept and once they fixed that, their 3d had no choice but to obey.
This is why I hate when people start complaining about methods or how challenges don't work or about bloggers. The problem will never be something external, the problem has always been you and your void concept.
You don't believe in loa. Kinda weird how you believe in the void state but not loa but just keep trying different methods and hopefully you find one compatible with you and your assumptions right now. Good luck! But if you understand what I'm saying, then there are 2 ways that we can go about this:
1. Fix your void concept. Choose whatever method you want. All of them work. States works, Intention works, Affirm and Persist works, Subliminals work, SATS works (personally my own recommendation), all the methods work. I highly recommend reading some manifestations books and trying to understand the law yourself (my personal recommendation is At Your Command by Neville Goddard, just search it up on Google and a free pdf pop ups). Understand the law and you will realize how imperative it is for life in general and the way you interpret the law will show you which method to pursue. Edward Art started off reading Neville and he interpreted the law into the practice of states which has been helping many people. I read a few of Neville's books and how I interpreted it lead me to SATS. Maya (@charmedreincarnation) who I think is one of the best bloggers on here for loa intepreted the law and uses intention. Do your own reading and see how you interpret it. Once you change your assumptions and fix your void concept, you are guaranteed to enter the void. It doesn't matter if you want to wake up in it or use yoga nidra, you will enter because that's how your assumptions will be.
2. The second way was the method I shared before my hiatus, but I think Maya's directions for it are more clearer so make sure to read this. Basically, in this method is just the intention method but on crack. The specific steps puts you in the ideal place where your intention will manifest do if you just intend to wake up in the void state, it will. You are using the law to use your advantage but are bypassing the things that hinder manifestations from being instant. Here are two success stories using this method: one and two.
I recommend combining both these ways and just entering tonight. For whatever reason, you can't do the second way, I don't want to hear any complaining. You know the problem is you. Use the first way, fix your void concept, and enter the void state. If you ask me, Im always going to be recommending SATS but just read Neville's books on your own and see what speaks to you. I also really recommend watching this wizardliz video for motivation.
I believe in you guys and I can't wait to see all the success stories.
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voidarchivefiles · 11 months
Ancient void practices
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I went through some success stories and tagged the ones that entered the void through yoga nidra and lucid dreaming cos these two ancient practices have always fascinated me since they're deeply centred around our state of consciousness and are also known portals to out of body experiences/shifting/the void. Read them if you need some motivation! Also see my recent post on lucid dreaming if you're interested in entering the void through that.
Anyway, if you have doubts about the void, I think a great anchor is leaning into practices that have roots dating back to ancient times and researching them and of course, reading more widely than just Tumblr. When you do this, you'll know that this state isn't something that was invented by Tumblr and has existed since.. forever because well, it's pure consciousness lol. And the void/turiya/samadhi has been known way before Neville's time. From my research, it's the main goal of yoga practitioners as well but they pursue it for the purpose of enlightenment and peace as opposed to manifesting desires.
The rest of this post is a dump of interesting excerpts from my research on yoga, samadhi and turiya and its links to manifesting, reality shifting and the void state. You can also do your own research although there's no need to overdo it :)
This extract seems to be talking about reality shifting/manifesting/instant creation. I am curious on where we could learn more about yogis doing this!
Trapped in Your Own World Many yogis have created their own worlds and been trapped in realities like this. I am going into an area which is a twilight zone, but there are many yogis who have created their own world around themselves. A yogi goes into a cave and actually creates his own universe and lives there. This is not a joke. He creates everything that he wants – his own kind of planets, his own kind of earth, his own kind of everything – and lives there very happily. A universe is contained inside the cave. You can create a whole universe in an atom’s space because “here and there” and “this much and that much” are a creation of the mind. There are many yogis like this, but they are no closer to realization than you. He lives in a different world, that is all. He is probably more caught up than you, because he is also the creator. He has learned the art of creation. This does not become an ultimate release. This just becomes a different kind of action, a different way of doing things. An artist draws a new world on a canvas. A yogi actually creates it. The artist’s creation is two-dimensional, whereas the yogi’s is three-dimensional. This is more deceptive. An artist can get so involved in the world he is creating that he starts believing it is true, and it is true for him. A poet believes that whatever he writes is the truth. Similarly, a painter deeply involved in what he is doing believes what he is painting is the truth. When two-dimensional things are like this, if you create three-dimensional things around yourself, you are definitely going to be more caught up with them. Source
To be honest, I have no idea what the difference is between samadhi and turiya in yoga terms. I tried looking into it but it's still not clear to me. If you research into both terms, they come up with very similar definitions.
Yoga nidra and the void (turiya)
By means of Yoga Nidra, skilled practitioners seek to access Turiya, not just when in meditation or absorbed samadhi states, but in all variations of consciousness- encompassing waking, dreaming and deep sleep. They seek lucidity in all states. Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that guides us beyond mind and in fact turns mind upon itself where its obscuring nature is dissolved to reveal the inner Light that is perennially Bright, with eyes closed or open. Source
What is turiya?
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Source: Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Awakened Clarity by Tracee Stanley
Turiya is not a state apart from the grosser states but pervades all levels of reality as superconsciousness. Ramana Maharshi interprets turiya as the natural state that permeates the other states, the only whole reality. The Mandukya Upanishad discusses turiya as pure consciousness, which is indescribable, incomprehensible, and unthinkable by the mind, but ultimately realized as the one true self. Source
The four states of consciousness are jagrat, svapna, shushupti and turiya. Jagrat is waking consciousness, svapna is the dream consciousness, shushupti is the deep sleep consciousness and turiya is higher consciousness which is beyond all previous states. Entering the state of turiya requires inner silence. It can be achieved when the mind is free of mental blocks and bondages with time and space. The goal of yoga and meditation is to achieve turiya, where oneness is felt with the universe. Source
There are three states only, the waking, dream and sleep. Turiya is not a fourth one; it is what underlies these three. But people do not readily understand it. Therefore it is said that this is the fourth state and the only Reality. In fact it is not apart from anything, for it forms the substratum of all happenings; it is the only Truth; it is your very Being. The three states appear as fleeting phenomena on it and then sink into it alone. Therefore they are unreal. Source
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wololo-01 · 20 days
toppat week 2024 day 19: design a Toppat
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My (not) first copperright fachild!! :D
I took longer on this one because I'm a bitch with beautiful hairs style on Pinterest 😭
some of her Backstory:
Her name is solaria copperbottom but she like more to be called solara, she was first "adopted" by Terrence and was designated as a future toppat and Killing Machine, Terrence forced her into very hard and advanced fighting and defense training and be the Executioner in the execution of many people and Toppats, she was kept in an isolated part of the airship so as not to have 'distractions' during her training, Her only reason for still being there in the clan was that Terrence promised to help the orphanage financially while she was in the clan, What was ultimately discovered to be a lie after the orphanage was destroyed.
Solaria met Reginald and RHM months later after investigating the isolated part of the airship, she was removed and hidden from Terrence in Reginald and RHM's dormitory who took great care of her, Generating a great solaria respect for copperbottom and RHM in that time (Which remains firm to this day), After Suave's dethronement And Reginald becoming leader, finally coming out of the shadows and living a life in the Clan.
Things about her:
As said, Solaria despite having been officially adopted by Reginald and RHM, she prefers to call them boss During working hours or Mr. Reginald and Mr. Right hand man, However, she sees them like her officially dads, although she doesn't call them that.
Solaria has developed a (platonic) love and respect for many members including her new family, which tends to make her even very protective of many of them.
Solaria has better agility and good performance with weapons like knives or guns,
In addition to practicing art Márcia, she also loves learning another type of meditation like chakra and metta, But she more into yoga nidra
Her favorite type of music genre is jazz, Calypso and electric swing While in instrument it is cello and keytar and celesta
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omshantiomyoga · 6 months
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India
 Best yoga teacher training in Rishikesh – Yoga Ashram in India affiliated with Yoga Alliance, USA provides yoga courses for beginners to Advanced in Rishikesh India. The beginner's course includes asanas, meditation, pranayama and mantra-chanting, the study of Vedic sciences, and cleansing of mind, body, and soul.
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200 hours Yoga Certification is the very first step for any aspiring Yoga Teacher / Instructor to teach this ancient art of health, harmony, and well-being on a worldwide level. This is one of the most acceptable minimum standards set by an organization to teach Yoga in recent times. Credit goes to Yoga Alliance, USA for all the efforts made to bring an idea of ​​regulation over learning and teaching Yoga by setting up the designations for Yoga Ashram and Yoga professional's world over.
200 hours of yoga teacher training in India by Yoga Alliance accredited best yoga schools in India. Om Shanti Om Yoga Ashram offers the best yoga certification programs by certified yoga instructors.
Our vision is: We will try our best to provide what is best for you!” It is designed for those who are interested in Yoga as a career, self-knowledge, mindful awakening, and also for leisure. Genuinely, the asanas of Hatha Yoga originally have a spiritual purpose within Hinduism, the attainment of `Samadhi a state of meditative consciousness taking oneself from ignorance into a knowledgeable person. This Yoga Teacher Training Course will bring spirituality, unity, egoless, togetherness, holistic, inner happiness, fun, enjoyment, laughter ever after, and understanding the unconditional love by the end of the session. It is a total self-awareness to gain everything in life but to live in nothingness. Just live in simplicity! Is the secret of answers for all the human sufferings. We emphasize spirituality, cultivating the basic rules and discipline in life. This Course is hectic but comprehensive to train the students to be disciplined in life and to build the strength for mental and physical faculties. Nevertheless…no worry that we still give you full relaxation, love, and care, enjoyment with inspiration.
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The 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh India at Om Shanti Om Yoga School is designed to develop Yoga Teaching skills by understanding the root principles of ancient yoga traditions. The course is ideal for those who aim to take Yoga teachings as a profession as well as for those who want to experience and follow yoga as a path of holistic living.
» Develop a daily practice of kriyas, asanas, pranayama, bandha, mudras, and dhyana.
» Delve deeper into Yoga Anatomy and Physiology.
» Introduction to Structural Yoga Therapy.
» Study philosophy from the classical treatises of Yoga (Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hathayoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, and the Upanishads).
» Introduction to Ayurveda and Marma Points.
» Design and teach a 90-minute asana class to your peers which incorporates these components.
» Plan and teach a 30-minute presentation to your peers regarding yoga-related topics (ie, Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, yogic diet, anatomy, physiology, chakras, philosophy, mudras, Mantra Chanting & Keertan, etc.)
» Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, detox juices, and teas
» Weekend excursions
» Yoga Material ( books, yoga t-shirts, ayurvedic body massage, etc)
» One the Himalayas sightseeing trip
» Private Accommodation USD 1200
All this knowledge will make you a pure soul, intelligent human, and peaceful man to understand the balance of body and life!
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prettymindset111 · 1 year
Hey Sophie
I could use a bit help here. I've been trying for 6 months now. I tried everything; subs, scripting, challenges, yoga nidra, sc, even took a break even after all this, I'm not able to enter void. Idk what am I doing wrong. My morale is going down, but I can't bring myself to abandon void and move on cuz I want it for sure. What should I do?
edward art on youtube 🫶 and @remcycl333 I don’t like the void or affirming anymore I am more associated with the actual root teachings of the law of assumption
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theteamacre · 9 months
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all zodiac sign meanings and vibrations
Live discussion @ 130 pm, monday 9/11 via facebook.com/teanconstellations
or https://www.tiktok.com/@teaandconstellations?_t=8fRSS8QBlk2&_r=1
all of the zodiac signs embody different energies, and while none are better than the other, each sign holds a negative and positive frequency that can be used to its benefit or to its detriment.
there’s no bias held between any of the energy of the signs. all working differently yet together to build a natal chart.
the mindset that there is one that is better than the other is a perception that holds trauma through that zodiac sign.
in my Live discussion next week we’ll talk about how all zodiacs can experience both the negative and positive energies!
love donations and offerings are appreciated 🫶🏽
images do not belong to me unless stated otherwise. art by @ anewspecimen via instagram.
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womenhealthcare2 · 10 months
Motherhood Unplugged: Cultivating Mindfulness through Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy is a miraculous journey that brings forth profound physical and emotional changes. Expectant mothers undergo a beautiful transformation as they nurture new life within them. However, the whirlwind of emotions, bodily changes, and anticipation can sometimes become overwhelming. In the midst of this transformative process, the practice of pregnancy yoga offers a serene oasis to cultivate mindfulness. Motherhood unplugged, as we call it, allows women to connect deeply with themselves, their bodies, and their growing babies. In this article, we explore the art of mindfulness in pregnancy yoga and how it can enhance the entire journey of motherhood.
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The Essence of Mindfulness in Pregnancy Yoga:
Mindfulness, in essence, is the practice of being fully present in the moment without judgment. It involves becoming aware of one’s thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surroundings. Pregnancy yoga provides a safe space for expectant mothers to explore mindfulness in a profound and nurturing manner. By consciously connecting with their changing bodies and the life growing within them, women can embrace each moment of pregnancy with a heightened sense of awareness and gratitude.
Cultivating Body-Mind Awareness:
Pregnancy yoga lays the foundation for expectant mothers to develop a profound sense of body-mind awareness. Through gentle and purposeful movements, women learn to listen to their bodies, understand their needs, and acknowledge their limitations. This mindful approach fosters self-compassion and acceptance, allowing women to adapt their practice to the unique needs of each moment in their pregnancy journey.
Breath as the Anchor:
The breath serves as a powerful anchor in pregnancy yoga. Practicing conscious and deep breathing techniques not only calms the mind but also connects the mother with her growing baby. Breathing practices, such as diaphragmatic breathing and alternate nostril breathing, create a sense of unity between the mother and the child, promoting a nurturing environment for both with breathing exercises, chanting the mantra, and reading the spiritual books comes under Garbh Sanskar which helps in intellectual and healthy baby development.
Embracing the Present Moment:
As the due date approaches, expectant mothers might find themselves consumed with thoughts about the future – labor, delivery, and the responsibilities of motherhood. Pregnancy yoga acts as a gentle reminder to anchor one’s consciousness in the present moment. By embracing the “here and now,” women can alleviate unnecessary stress and anxiety, empowering them to tackle each moment as it comes.
Connecting with the Baby:
Pregnancy yoga offers a unique opportunity for expectant mothers to forge a deeper connection with their unborn babies. Meditative practices, such as yoga nidra or loving-kindness meditation, create a sacred space for communication between the mother and her child. This connection goes beyond the physical and allows a heartfelt bond to form, fostering emotional well-being for both mother and baby.
Empowering for Labor and Beyond:
Mindfulness cultivated through pregnancy yoga not only benefits expectant mothers during pregnancy but extends its impact to labor and beyond. By training the mind to remain focused and centered, women can approach labor with a sense of calm and strength. Moreover, the practice of mindfulness equips mothers with invaluable tools to navigate the challenges and joys of motherhood with grace and resilience.
Pregnancy is a transformative and awe-inspiring journey that deserves to be experienced mindfully and unconditionally. Motherhood unplugged through pregnancy yoga allows women to savor the present moment, cherish their connection with their growing baby, and embrace the evolving realities of motherhood. By nurturing mindfulness, expectant mothers can navigate the uncertainties and joys of yoga during pregnancy with a profound sense of grace, gratitude, and self-awareness. As they embark on the path of motherhood, they carry with them the gifts of mindfulness, empowering them to embrace the journey ahead with love and mindfulness.
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slotmoara · 1 year
How to Be a Yoga Instructor: 6 Things You MUST Know Before You Begin
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Yoga is Not Just For The Experts Number one, being a yoga teacher is not about being able to do all the fancy, complicated poses, like headstand, or forearm stand, or some of the arm balances.
What it’s actually about is cuing, which means effectively using your voice to tell people what to do with their bodies, and compassion.
So cuing and compassion.
So don’t get down on yourself if you can’t do all the super fancy things, because really good teachers are about great cuing and being extremely compassionate and loving with their students.
After all, yoga is a form of healing arts.
This doesn’t always come naturally to everyone and that’s okay. You can develop it with hands-on experience and will likely learn it in your teacher training education.
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Understand the Yoga Alliance Number two, certification in the yoga world is something that’s very much in flux. Yoga’s not really regulated by the state or at the national level.
So you can pay Yoga Alliance for permission to use their RYT trademark after your name, but it doesn’t actually, really mean anything at the government, state, or national level. Yoga Alliance certifications don’t expire, but they do lapse. If you choose to register with the Yoga Alliance, you’ll need to do a few things every year or two to maintain your certification.
So it may or may not be worth doing, based on your personal goals.
If you wanna deep-dive with me into what certification really means, I absolutely suggest you listen to this podcast, where I go into a lot more detail.
So what is an RYT certification for, then?
It’s mostly for yoga and fitness studios in the US to assure that the yoga instructors they hire have completed a minimum level of education as a yoga instructor. It doesn’t, however, ensure that you actually practice yoga, that you have any teaching skills, or that your training program was of high quality.
While it is certainly helpful when applying for a teaching job at a yoga studio, it’s not necessary for other more lucrative teaching gigs (like being an online yoga instructor).
If you’re clear about your goals for your training program, then you’ll be more clear about whether or not an RYT certification is necessary.
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Choose a Teacher Training Program Number three, you definitely wanna do some kind of yoga teacher training (YTT).
Beyond the certification that formal training provides, there are several major benefits to taking YTT that will take your commitment to yoga practice to the next level.
The most common format is to do what’s called a 200-hour teacher training.
So you cover a lot of material in 200 hours, everything from teaching, anatomy, and philosophy. You wanna do research on where you do this 200-hour training because it’s really gonna teach you everything you need to know about how to be a successful teacher.
슬롯사이트 While most yoga studios will focus on vinyasa yoga or vinyasa flow in their certification program, you can totally choose a yoga instructor training that focuses on the yoga and meditation style that most interests you. There are many types of yoga, from restorative yoga, prenatal yoga, yoga Nidra, and Ashtanga yoga, to yin yoga, you definitely have a lot to choose from.
You can do a 200-hour training all at once, in a month-long in-person intensive, over the course of many weekends, or you can even do a 200-hour training online. There are a lot of different types of training depending on the style of yoga, like:
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Get Some Practice Teaching Yoga Step number four is, you want to practice… so teach. I think a lot of people think they’re gonna do their 200-hour certification and feel really confident right off the bat.
The reality is it takes years to build up that confidence, to have a presence in your teaching, to really have a strong voice.
So you wanna start practice teaching everyone you can.
Teach your mom, your dog, anyone who’ll listen to you. Offer free yoga classes and practice yoga both on and off the yoga mat.
Just start logging those teaching hours, because, just like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you’re gonna get.
While you certainly learn to teach in training courses, it doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily ready to do so. Just like knowing the yoga asanas doesn’t mean that you can stick them, knowing teaching methodology doesn’t mean that you’re ready.
So get as much experience as you can!
You Might Also Like: 13 Yoga Playlists for Every Style and Taste
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Start Making Money Teaching Yoga Step five is charging 릴게임 money for people to take your classes. This could mean that you’re teaching in a studio, or maybe you’re hosting events in your home.
Maybe you’re teaching in corporations, like you’re going into businesses, and teaching there, or partnering with local restaurants to have yoga and wine nights.
You could lead retreats.
You could teach yoga online, like me.
There have never been more opportunities to find success as a yoga teacher in the way that you really enjoy, and are passionate about.
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Build a Mailing List ASAP Step six is to start a mailing list.
Have a way that you can keep in touch with the people who come and probably really enjoy your classes.
To me, this is even more important than most other marketing tactics as a yoga instructor. It will help keep you top of mind so that when your network needs a yoga teacher, they know to come to you.
Get Yoga Insurance And last, but not least, don’t forget to get yoga insurance. Once you have that, you are truly in business, and I will link to beYogi, which is my top pick, in the cards and description below.
If you’re considering the yoga teacher training journey, I have dozens of free podcasts all about how to pick a training that best meets your needs, the exact questions to ask, tips and tricks to make the most out of your training experience, and how to know if you’re ready to take the plunge.
And, of course, I offer an online yoga teacher training course that will walk you through all of it.
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spirituality2242 · 2 years
Online Meditation Teacher Training Course
Meditation needs no introduction. It’s a process of re-training ourselves to a) improve focus, b) improve relaxation, c) unwind stress, d) improve mindfulness and e)spiritual development.Meditation Teacher Training focuses on learning and teaching different Meditation techniques and Yoga Nidra. The emphasis is on the theory of Meditation an also the practice. Students are expected to learn, practice and also to teach meditation. This helps in continuation of their personal practice for their own benefit and also to share meditation with their friends, family members and students.
• If you have been practicing yoga, intensively and continuously, and want to move to the next level.
• If you want to learn how to get harmony between body, mind and soul.
• If you want to deepen your personal asana and • meditation practice.You want to learn and practice in a compassionate and non-competitive yet challenging environment.
• If you are looking for a comprehensive, safe, well/structured, anatomically precise yet intuitive approach.
• If you wish to explore the subtler and deeper level of awareness.
• If you have a strong desire to share this art of living with others.
• If you are ready to learn yoga beyond asanas.
Link is here
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mahiyogaschool · 16 days
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Yin Yoga Teacher Training 100hr Yoga Alliance Accredited 💯
We have been busy facilitating wonderful things behind the scenes.
We are honored to have facilitated first #yinyogateachertraining in person with these wonderful and creative trainees. Who are now confident, creative, professional, intuitive, and highly recommended yin yoga teachers.
👉 This training was crafted by Amy with the guidance of a traditional Chinese medicine professional. With the cherry on top morning Yang therapeutic yoga to balance the yin.
For 10 days we shared the following:
* 🧘‍♀️ The art of instructing, observing, and adjusting the main 25-yin yoga poses (plus a few extras) * 📜 The history and development of yin yoga * ☯️ Yin philosophy and the 5 elements * ⚛️ The practical application of the 12 main meridians * 🌟 Fascia and its relatively to movement and yin yoga * 🤲 Myofascial release and adjustment * 💆‍♀️ The nervous system including the vagus nerve * 🧠 Brain wave frequency * 🌌 Yoga Nidra * 🌀 Sequencing * 🌬️ Pranayama * 🧘‍♂️ Meditation
If you are interested in joining us for training we are running a few more before heading to Wales for summer, where we will offer the training during August.
So don't wait and Register Now!
DM us for more information Or 🌐 Visit: mahiyoga.com 📞 Contact: +91 82192 06238 ✉[email protected]
Yoga teacher training in India, Yoga teacher training in Dharamshala, Yoga teacher training course in varkala, Yoga teacher training course india Yoga Teacher training in Goa
200 hours yoga teacher training in India dharmsala yoga teacher training in India varkala Multi style yoga teacher training Yin yoga teacher training
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anandamyogaschool · 2 months
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Learn to lead deep rest: Yoga Nidra at Anandam Yoga School, starting July 2024!
Discover the art of deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra at Anandam Yoga School. Starting in July 2024, this full-time course runs from 06:30 am to 07:00 pm daily for 21 days, suitable for all levels.
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yinandmeditation · 2 months
Take a deep dive into the ancient yogic art and science of deep relaxation and manifestation. Learn how to offer fulfilling, inspiring, and compassionate Yoga Nidra sessions for yourself or others in this self-paced 35hr Online Yoga Nidra Training.
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gutundgesund · 3 months
Achtsamkeit in der Schwangerschaft: Ihr Leitfaden
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Die Schwangerschaft ist eine aufregende und transformative Zeit im Leben einer Frau. Während viele Frauen sich während dieser Phase auf das Wohlbefinden ihres ungeborenen Kindes konzentrieren, ist es genauso wichtig, sich selbst gut zu versorgen. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Achtsamkeit in der Schwangerschaft Ihr Wohlbefinden steigern kann und lernen Sie entspannende Übungen für diese besondere Zeit. Schlüsselerkenntnisse: - Achtsamkeit in der Schwangerschaft kann das Wohlbefinden steigern. - Achtsamkeitsübungen sind eine gute Möglichkeit, sich während der Schwangerschaft zu entspannen. - Die eigene körperliche Fitness in der Schwangerschaft ist wichtig für das Wohlbefinden von Müttern und Kindern. - Yoga-Nidra kann Schwangere bei der Vorbereitung auf den Geburtsprozess unterstützen. - Achtsames Muttersein ermöglicht eine tiefere Verbindung mit dem Baby und stärkt das Selbstvertrauen als Mutter. Warum ist es ratsam, fit in der Schwangerschaft zu bleiben? Die Bedeutung von körperlicher Fitness während der Schwangerschaft kann nicht genug betont werden. Es ist nicht nur vorteilhaft für die werdende Mutter, sondern trägt auch wesentlich zum gesunden Wachstum und der Entwicklung des ungeborenen Kindes bei. Die Schwangerschaft ist eine Zeit intensiver körperlicher Veränderungen, und eine aktive Lebensweise kann helfen, diese Veränderungen besser zu bewältigen und die Schwangerschaft insgesamt angenehmer zu gestalten. Fitness während der Schwangerschaft stärkt das Herz-Kreislauf-System, reduziert das Risiko von Schwangerschaftsdiabetes, hilft bei der Gewichtskontrolle und lindert Rückenschmerzen. Darüber hinaus fördert körperliche Aktivität das emotionale Wohlbefinden und verbessert die Schlafqualität. Um während der Schwangerschaft aktiv zu bleiben, gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten, wie zum Beispiel Schwangerschaftsmeditation und Entspannungstechniken für Schwangere. Diese können helfen, den Geist und den Körper in Einklang zu bringen und eine tiefe Entspannung zu erreichen. Durch regelmäßige Meditation und Achtsamkeit können Sie Stress abbauen und sich auf das Wohlbefinden von Ihnen und Ihrem Baby konzentrieren. Fit in der Schwangerschaft: Tipps und Empfehlungen Um während der Schwangerschaft fit zu bleiben, ist es wichtig, auf verschiedene Aspekte zu achten. Hier finden Sie einige Tipps und Empfehlungen, um Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden zu fördern. Professionelle Begleitung Es empfiehlt sich, während der Schwangerschaft professionelle Begleitung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Ein Achtsamkeitstraining für werdende Mütter kann Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihren Körper besser zu verstehen und gezielte Übungen durchzuführen, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse einer Schwangeren zugeschnitten sind. Ein erfahrener Trainer oder eine Trainerin kann Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihre körperliche Aktivität anzupassen und sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich wohl und sicher fühlen. Ausreichend Flüssigkeiten und ausgewogene Ernährung Eine gesunde Ernährung während der Schwangerschaft ist von großer Bedeutung. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie ausreichend Flüssigkeiten zu sich nehmen, um Hydratation sicherzustellen und den Körper gut zu versorgen. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit frischem Obst und Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und ausreichender Proteinquelle kann Ihnen helfen, alle benötigten Nährstoffe aufzunehmen und Ihren Energiehaushalt zu unterstützen. Regelmäßige Arztbesuche und geeignete Sportbekleidung Regelmäßige Arztbesuche sind unerlässlich, um die Schwangerschaft und die körperlichen Veränderungen zu überwachen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie immer bequeme und geeignete Sportbekleidung tragen, um optimalen Komfort und Bewegungsfreiheit zu gewährleisten. Beim Training sollten Sie achtsam sein und stets auf Ihren Körper hören. Nehmen Sie Rücksicht auf eventuelle körperliche Einschränkungen und passen Sie die Intensität und Art des Trainings entsprechend an. Gruppenaktivitäten und Unterstützung Engagieren Sie sich in Gruppenaktivitäten für Schwangere oder suchen Sie Unterstützung von anderen werdenden Müttern. Der Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten kann nicht nur motivierend sein, sondern Ihnen auch neue Perspektiven bieten und Ihnen das Gefühl geben, dass Sie mit Ihren Erfahrungen nicht alleine sind. Zudem können Sie gemeinsam Achtsamkeitsübungen für Schwangere durchführen, um sich zu entspannen und den Fokus auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und die Verbindung zu Ihrem Baby zu legen. Entspannungstechniken integrieren Neben gezielten Übungen können Sie auch Entspannungstechniken wie Meditation und Atemübungen in Ihren Alltag integrieren. Diese können Ihnen helfen, Stress abzubauen, zur Ruhe zu kommen und Ihre innere Balance zu finden. Setzen Sie sich regelmäßig bewusst mit sich und Ihrem Baby auseinander und nehmen Sie sich Zeit für sich selbst. #gesundheit #fitness #lifestyle #beziehungen #achtsamkeit Original Content von: https://www.gutundgesund.org/ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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melissaabbottyoga · 3 months
Reposing in the Life Force Yoga Nidra with Crystal Bowls & Chou Gong
Embark on a transformative journey with me, Melissa Abbott, author of “Yoga Nidra Illuminated” and “Tārā Illuminated The Mandala of the 21 Tara’s” My lifelong love for meditation and Hatha Yoga has led me to explore various practices, including art, sound healing, and teaching yoga. I am dedicated to the practices of Śaiva Tantra, Vajrayana, Dakini, and Tara, and through my podcast, I aim to…
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prettymindset111 · 1 year
I don't understand what I'm missing. I've Tried every single method and 'non-method'? I tried yoga nidra, theta waves, affirmations, stopping all methods and just accepting that I'm the master of void. But idk I still haven't tapped in. Ik you might want to say that if I truly believed that I was in the state of being the void master I wouldn't have written this ask. Ik yes. But I've been doing the state for months too! I've did it to the point where my mind just Fully accepted that I'm a void master. But still not entering after till months make me doubt. And if it still hadn't worked, am I doing something wrong? Or what else way of getting into void? (Yes I wanna get into my DR with void, cuz I want to experience the peace of void). Please help:(
i’m not really an expert at the void i’ve only got there once and manifested something non materialistic . but bae like let me be blatantly honest with you and tell you that you don’t know anything about the law and that you should read the edward art series it will truly help u understand and manifest your desires ….
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