#arr yume
crescent-maple · 2 years
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gaku and nyx 
“waiting for you is worth it. it’s always worth it.”
“i don’t mind waiting another thousand years for you.”
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starrysnowdrop · 13 days
Why Hali/Aymeric?
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This is something that I’ve been wanting to write up for a long time now, and I’ve finally been able to get my thoughts down properly. For those who have been around for a while might be used to my ship by now and can see how their chemistry is, but I know I have some newer followers that might be interested in this explanation. Or perhaps you’re just curious even though you’ve been here forever. Either way, I thank you in advance for taking your time to read this! See under the cut below.
So, you might or might not know that Hali is actually not my first WoL OC, even though she is pretty much my only WoL OC now. Before Hali was created, I had an Auri Hingan Samurai woman named Yume, whom I had created back in 2019, shortly after the release of Shadowbringers. I didn’t realize it at first, but because of how I had written Yume, as a stoic, no nonsense warrior through and through, but also someone who was dealing with a lot of trauma and trying to find purpose in her life, I soon had a hard time shipping her with anyone. Over the years I had tried shipping Yume with Cid, G’raha, and I briefly thought of Artoirel, but before any of them, my first choice of an NPC ship was Aymeric.
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Why Aymeric? Well, it took me quite a while to realize that a huge part of me wanting to ship Yume with Aymeric as a first choice was a very personal one. Aymeric was the first character in FFXIV that I completely fell for. Though I enjoyed the characters of Cid, Haurchefant, and G’raha in ARR, it wasn’t until we meet Aymeric that I had gotten attached to the world and the story through finding a favorite character of my own. Aymeric is so special to me, and that made me try to ship my only WoL at the time with him. But as you can see, that ultimately didn’t work out.
It didn’t work out because Yume and Aymeric didn’t vibe well with each other. There was a severe lack of chemistry between the two. I had realized that Aymeric is much too polite and respectful of decorum to break Yume out of her shell to make a deeper connection than just comrades that respect one another, and I didn’t think Yume was the kind of person that Aymeric would come to love either, as she would likely remind him of the many Ishgardian nobles that he was around all the time, for many reasons which I won’t elaborate on here due to brevity. And as I didn’t have any other OCs at the time, continued developing Yume and an NPC ship with Aymeric was discarded. Although I personally was very saddened by that, I thought it was the right decision for both characters.
Yet, I continued having trouble writing any kind of ship with Yume. After a few years, as I kept getting frustrated with the ships I was trying to write for her, I got inspired to make another WoL OC that would be different from Yume in every way. She actually would end up being much more of a self insert than I ever expected, but nonetheless I fell in love with the pink haired, happy go lucky Lalafellin woman who would become Hali Aloke, my pride and joy.
As I got Hali through base ARR and into the ARR patches, I didn’t have any intention on trying to ship her Aymeric and to try a WoL x NPC ship with him a second time, as I actually had intentions to ship Hali with Krile later on in her WoL journey.
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But everything changed once Hali met Aymeric in 2.4, the lead up to Heavensward. I saw them in the cutscenes together, and as ridiculous of a height difference they had, I still couldn’t help but giggle and squeal whenever they were together. They just were incredibly adorable, and I couldn’t hold myself back. I just had to try to ship Hali with Aymeric.
So I decided to try to write a few prompts with them together and see how their dynamic was. And it was even better than I had expected. Their chemistry was so amazing, and the dialogue between them flowed quite effortlessly. Not only was I highly impressed and kept getting inspired to write more and more, but I got a ton of positive feedback from so many people telling me that they loved Hali and Aymeric together.
And I guess that was that. I have never looked back since. Hali x Aymeric are my everything (well fandom wise of course); my ship makes me so damn happy. Just looking at them makes me smile and want to write and gpose more. I can’t get enough of them. It’s to the point now that I don’t know if I could ever write a ship better than Hali x Aymeric. And you know what? I don’t even want to try at this point.
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I still can’t fully comprehend how a pink haired, bubbly, sunshine of a lalafellin woman and a noble, brave, and charismatic Ishgardian knight could be such a beautiful and dynamic couple that would not only bring me endless joy but also keep inspiring me far more than anything else I’ve ever written. It is utterly beyond my comprehension, but somehow it works. And I am forever grateful that I just followed my heart and wrote what I wanted, and not for anyone else’s approval, but my own.
I somehow hope this helps inspire someone out there to not be afraid and just go for the ship they want to write for, despite what the fandom at large says. Trust me, it’s worth it.
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starlit-seadragon · 1 year
Been a little shy and dragging my heels, but I'd like to introduce you to my WoL, Yume :D
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Name: Shirayume (Yume) Fugetsu (later, de Borel)
Origin: Sui-no-Sato
Occupation: Warrior of Light, adventurer, omnicrafter
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 26 when ARR begins
Height: 155 cm
Social status: As of EW, betrothed to Ser Aymeric de Borel of Ishgard
Fighting style: primarily a healer. She hoped to learn astromancy in Ishgard but was not permitted entry and instead began training as a conjurer in Gridania. (Main: WHM & AST) Through her adventures and ordeals, she has picked up various other styles of fighting. (canonically: DRK & NIN & RDM & DNC)
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leonasbitties · 4 years
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my handwriting gotten messy over break 🙈
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maeykoh · 5 years
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
OH SHIT YUME ITS THE TWEELS BIRTHDAY! We know that everyone is horny as fuck for the birthday boys so why dont we have some sweet crumbs to balance the spice? I give you all creative freedom and access to the sugar stock!
Yume is still crying in disbelief that she got the tweels birthday wrong omg
Chewing on the piece of cake you innocently plopped inside your mouth, you blinked as Floyd suddenly leaned towards you, opening his mouth in anticipation. You were clueless at what to do at first, Floyd definitely looked like he was expecting you to know so it got you sweating a little bit. However, as his body childish swung from side to side and multiple glances over to the cake you’re eating, you got a rough idea. Scooping out another piece, you gestured this one to him and allowed him to take the bite. “Here you go.” You said, lighting up as Floyd happily took it.
“So yummy~!” Floyd said with his mouth full, cream left on his cheek as he excitedly bounced in his seat. Seeing how much of a child your senior is, it made you smile in a way as he actually looks rather innocent to you right now. “I don’t know what you’re doing but for some reason, everything that Little Shrimpy feeds me tastes so much more delicious~!”
“How do you do that, Little Shrimpy~? Tell me, tell me~! Is it magic?” Floyd cooed, leaning closer to you and opening up his mouth again. “More, more~! Feed me more~!”
“I don’t think it’s magic though? I can’t even use that...” You sweatdropped but proceeded to feed the excited twin more pieces of cake, enjoying the way his cheeks would move as he chew. You have no clue what he was trying to imply but you decided to go along with him for now. You grabbed a tissue nearby and wiped away excess cream near his lips which earned you a boyish giggle from the guy.
Floyd seemed a bit more energetic than usual, probably because it’s his and his brother’s birthday. You find it really cute actually, he was usually the clingiest one out of the two but today, he just seem like he wanted to be spoiled rotten. Of course, you don’t really have the reason to deny that kind of request so you didn’t mind at all.
“Floyd, you shouldn’t casually cling onto (Y/N)-san like that...” A voice far calmer than Floyd’s rung in the room and looking up met you face to face with his brother, Jade. He was wearing the same outfit as him, signifying that this day is not only special for just one person. Despite having the same face, Jade was much more refined than his twin, his signature smile still painted a smile on his face as he stepped inside. “You’re going to bother her in this case.”
“Eeh~ Don’t be a killjoy, Jade! It’s fine, it’s fine~!” Floyd said as he suddenly wrapped his arms around you, startling you slightly to the point that you almost dropped the plate of cake you were holding. “Little Shrimpy looks like she’s having fun too though~”
“How about you try to acting a little carefree too, Jade~? It’s our birthday, after all~!” Floyd suggested, laughing as he nuzzled against you. “Little Shrimpy thinks so too, right~?”
“Of course! Jade-senpai should just relax on his special day too!” Jade could only blink at those words, seeing as you smiled at him. He looked to the side, placing his hand on his mouth as if he was thinking deeply. He watched as you plopped another piece of cake inside Floyd’s mouth, his brother looking so ecstatic during all of it that it startled Jade for a bit. His brother had never been this close to someone other than him and Azul before, let alone a mere human like you. So, suffice to say that he’s caught off-guard, he always thought Floyd was just playing with you.
“...Well then, if you don’t mind...” Jade said, a smile gracing his features as he gracefully sat beside you and Floyd, his posture fine and well-trained. Your mouth couldn’t help but to open, dumbfounded as the usually serious and cunning Jade Leech turned to you and closed his eyes before opening his mouth. The slight blush appearing on his cheeks was proof that he wasn’t used to such actions.
You blinked as your mind went blank for a second, but a sweat dropped down your forehead. This was kind of...You can’t find the right words to say but seeing Jade with his eyes close and mouth open, looking all vulnerable like this without instructing you on what to do, it made your heart race. He looked quite erotic too, not that you’ll ever say it out loud. Meanwhile, Floyd shifted beside you, pouting. “Eh, what are you doing, Jade? If you want Little Shrimpy to feed you, you gotta wait for your turn!” Floyd whined. “Get your own cake too!”
However, despite the constant whines of his brother, Jade remained his position, patiently waiting for your move which only irked his other half. Because of this, you couldn’t help but to giggle, lifting up another piece of cake towards him. “Here you go.” You said, the fork reaching inside his mouth, the sweet taste of the cake engulfed his taste buds.
The taste actually captured Jade off-guard, it still has the same flavor as the cake he had before but somehow, it felt special. Opening up his eyes and seeing your gentle smile directed at him was magically adding more spice to the food. Floyd was right, simple food does taste better when you’re the one who’s feeding it to him. What a mystery, you even had Jade this stumped about it.
“Eh!? Little Shrimpy, you traitor! That was supposed to be for me~!” Floyd whined louder as he began to shake your shoulders. “You’re already cheating on me, that’s so unfair! Little Shrimpy~!”
You nervously giggled at Floyd’s outburst, slowly becoming dizzy on the way he was racking your body. “S-Sorry, I’ll give the next bite to you, okay...?” You said, just to calm him down but was met with nothing but puffed cheeks as response from the guy. You resorted into patting his head as the final line of defense, luckily, Floyd accepted such gesture and nuzzled closer to you, muttering about stuff.
Covering his mouth as he chewed the sweet cake, Jade had turned his eyes on your every move. “...It’s delicious.” He said, making you turn your head towards him. “Can I please have more?”
“Gladly!” You said, scooping another piece and before the whining eel on your shoulders could complain about it, Jade already went forward and bit the cake off the fork. You felt bad for betraying Floyd once again but Jade genuinely looked happy being fed like this. He was less messier than his brother but somehow, just at this moment, he carries the same childish energy around him. It was endearing and you couldn’t help it.
...But then again, you felt the hands around you tighten which sent shivers down your spine. “...Little Shrimpy, you’re such a liar.” You heard Floyd right at your ear, his voice sounding a little less enthusiastic and you knew from past experience that it’s never a good thing. He puffed his cheeks, scrunching his eyebrows down. “I can’t trust you anymore! Hmph!”
“E-Eh...Floyd-senpai...?” Though he said that and looked away from you, he never let go of your body. It’s funny actually, it seems like he wanted to sulk but his body is just refusing to leave from yours. Anyway, it’s not good to keep Floyd in this mood, so you tried to shift your attention back to him again. You gestured another piece of cake in his direction but the guy just refuses to look back at you, pouting all the way. You sweatdropped, this was definitely going to be a challenge. “H-Here you go, this one is for you, Floyd-senpai~! Aah~!”
Jade smiled at the sight of the stubborn pouting Floyd as he swallowed the cake he received. “(Y/N)-san, if Floyd doesn’t want it then, would it be fine if I could have it?” He said, his smile suddenly contorting into a mischievous smirk which immediately got on Floyd’s nerves. “He doesn’t seem to be in the mood so-“
“Who said I don’t want it!?” Floyd yelled as he aggressively mauled the piece of cake before you could even react. “Arr eath whafever Wittwe Sswiphy fhed mmhe! Ifh ghod!”
You sweatdropped. “I didn’t have a single clue on what you said but you might choke, so eat slowly, okay?” You nervously giggled, patting Floyd’s head, feeling his mood getting lighter with the way he nuzzled back onto you again.
Jade gave a chuckle as well before scooting closer to you. You glanced at what he was going to do, only for you and Floyd to flinch when he dropped his head onto your other shoulder. “...I can see why Floyd is always wrapping his arms around you.” He said, closing his eyes in relaxation as if he was just at a warm fireplace. He turned to look at you, in which induced a small blush on your cheeks, especially when he gave a gentle smile. “You’re very warm.”
Ah, what a different side to Jade that you have come to see this special day. He was someone you were unable to read from the very first day, the only times his true emotions let out is when it’s so blatantly obvious that he was going to commit yet under shady business. But this time, you saw another side to him, an unexpected gentleness residing in him. It was your first time seeing how vulnerable he is, chuckling by your shoulders like this.
Dare you say that it was actually cute.
“What are you doing, Jade!? This is my spot, you know~!” Floyd puffed his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your neck, almost to the point of strangling you. “Let go of my Little Shrimpy~”
Jade merely smiled as calmly as ever. “No, I don’t think I want to.” He said and wrapped his arms around your waist as tight as the arms around your neck. “You were the one who said that I should act all carefree just for this day, correct?”
Jade gave him the smuggiest smirk he could give, making his brother growl in response. “So, there’s no harm in having (Y/N)-san to spoil me a little too, right?” He said, tilting his head to the side with a close-eyed smile.
“U-Um...I-I’m kinda getting...” Ah, that’s no use. These twins are definitely in their own little world now, you know them well enough to know that it’s always been like that. The hands on your neck and waist are pulling you on two different directions, you actually feel like you gonna dislocate a bone or two. But ignoring these two’s silly little feud, they genuinely feel a lot more livelier than before and that’s the good thing. Knowing that knowledge alone, you were glad despite how suffocating it felt on your physical body.
Putting the plate of cake down on your lap, you pat the twins’ head, letting them off their steam. Honestly, it was the only gesture you could do without the risk of breaking apart in two. You kinda feel like a mother of two rebellious but lovable children, it’s troublesome but the outcome is just worth the risk. You just hope Azul wouldn’t be too surprise when he opens the door and finds these two eels exceeding over a hundred and ninety centimeter in height crushing on your poor little body. Three bodies are a bit of handful right now.
This fic includes a high risk of Tweels Diabetes! (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
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aikakyu · 3 years
arr tumblr nation !!! bc of my latest reblog i got curious so i wanna know if you guys self-ship/yume with the characters too! as for me i self-ship with gaku <3 feel free to talk about your ships here and maybe even make art of them !! ^^
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porta-decumana · 3 years
You know exactly who I’m going to ask about... Cid! Oh and Gaius too in case you haven’t been asked about the hubby yet!
How I feel about the character: I love Cid.  I feel like it would be very hard not to like Cid.  He’s just genuinely such a good person?  I think he’s the first character in ARR that I really liked because I could tell the writing team put a lot of effort into his character.  And I’m glad he shows up so frequently in other side content because I like to see what shenanigans he gets dragged into. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Yume/Cid is the ultimate OTP with Nero/Cid and Mikoto/Cid coming into 2nd and 3rd respectively.
Non-romantic OTP: Cid/WoL in the sense that the WoL is not romantically involved with Cid.  So basically Cid and Kaida.  I headcanon that they’re good friends and vent to each other often!  Especially Kaida to Cid, I feel like he probably knows a lot more about her than most of the Scions do at this point.  Especially her drinking habits, when she can be convinced to partake of alcohol.
Unpopular opinion: My unpopular opinion is that the fandom should appreciate him more.  I feel like he often gets overlooked for characters like G’raha or Emet-- both of which are also good characters.  But Cid’s had a lot of good depth added to him over the expacs and I think he deserves more love than he gets.  Especially after the start of the Bozja questline, holy cow.  I remember liking Cid a lot before that but the Cidception quest really made him shoot into my top 5 for favorite characters.
What I wish would happen: I really want Cid to fly us to the moon quite literally and if it doesn’t happen, I will riot.  I specifically want the WoL to come barging into the Ironworks and being like “Cid, we gotta go to the moon” and Cid is just like “what” and Nero is just laughing hysterically in the background.  And then they both make it happen and Cid literally pilots the ship into space and comes with us and we have a great time on the moon before Ishikawa annihilates us with more Amaurot lore and feels.  ALSO I WANT CID AND GAIUS INTERACTIONS, PLEASE SE, GIVE THIS TO ME.
How I feel about the character: Oh where do I begin.  I started off feeling very ambivalent about Gaius.  I thought he was an effective villain in ARR but that was about it.  When he came back, I felt very neutral because back then, everyone just assumed he would be back.  I thought he looked hella fine though lmaooo.  And then I really started getting invested in him uhhh right before Werlyt started actually.  The ShB scenes with him and Estinien were so great and I really starting thinking HARD on his character.  The implications of indoctrination, the fact that he was Solus’s right-hand for so many years... and I fell in love with his character.  
OTP: Gaius/Kaida forever, goodbye.  Other Gaiusfuckers are also welcome but you must understand that I am a bit biased.
Non-romantic OTP: So this is kind of wild.  Gaius/Emet-Selch and PURELY because the possibilities with their relationship as boss and henchman are absolutely intriguing to me and I’m sad no one talks about this nearly enough.  Emet-Selch has 1 line in-game about Gaius and I wish we knew more.  I can imagine it was a very one-sided relationship with Emet-Selch probably being amused with Gaius at best and Gaius being the Good Soldier Boy(tm) and protecting his liege.  His sword is called Heirsbane for a good reason and I can only imagine how someone as powerful as Emet-Selch felt when he saw Gaius continually putting down usurpers in his name.  Probably something to the effect of “oh that’s cute, he thinks he’s protecting me” while also continuing to play his role as a very mortal emperor of Garlemald.
Unpopular opinion:  OH WHERE TO BEGIN.  I’ll do one that won’t involve me writing a novel.  I see a lot of depictions of Gaius where he’s shown as very emotionless and stoic and I don’t necessarily agree with that.  I think he’s an incredibly emotional character (5.5 showed that imo) but he’s constantly torn between practicality and his feelings.  He’s a military leader, he knows there’s a time and place for everything.  But he isn’t entirely heartless, just reserved in showing emotion because of his past experiences.
What I wish would happen: Gaius becomes the leader of Garlemald just to dissolve the empire after realizing the atrocities caused by his people. He sets up a Republic and continues working as a politician to help Garlemald recover from years of manipulation and indoctrination by the Ascians.  He and Allie live together and are happy.
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Author Interview
Tagged by: @yunohawkeye (on Misguide), @ayakashiramblings and @humi-and-co
Name: let’s say that Hyolf.
Fandoms: IkeSen, IkeVamp, IkeRev, Ayakashi Romance Reborn, MLQC (a bit), Obey Me, Shall We Date games in general, Lovestruck games in general
Where do I post: here and Ao3
Most popular One Shot: Call His Name (IkeVamp)
Most popular Multi-chapter story: Out of Time (IkeSen)
Favorite story you wrote: Shogetsu’s Room. 
A story you were nervous to post: Feral is a Wolf’s Fate. Otome fandom isn’t exactly thrilled for slash but here I was, posting slash, and with a shitload of content warnings.
How do you choose your titles: ...with greatest pain. I almost never have ideas for the titles, so they're generally not very creative. Unless everything starts with a title. (I still cannot get over the fact I had a story with an epic title of Weeping Gods and forgot the plot completely and entirely...)
Complete: I… did I ever finish a fic? Oh wait, yes. Out of Time - because it was supposed to be a flash fic. Ended up having 3 chapters and being closer to a novellete.
Incomplete: Thundering Hooves, Forgotten Dreams , Feral is a Wolf’s Fate from those I started posting. On my hard drive I have many more.
Do you outline?: Almost never, but I write mostly one-shots. However, there is often a long thought process behind a fic. Especially with smut, I generally need a fixed idea what exactly I want to show and how. There’s a lot of planning, and smut fics are those you wouldn’t expect intense analysis of, but here I am, weighing all aspects and trying to find a perfect blend. Same goes for some angsty fics.
Coming soon/Not started yet:  lol there's too many to list them! I have a long multivolume series planned for IkeSen (Grand Duchy series, around 10 long fics), Accretion for IkeRev, Wolves for MidCin, space fantasy for ARR, fantasy AU and custom MCs for IkeVamp, and a long fic for Obey Me.
Do you accept prompts: Yes, though haven’t said that officially yet XD
An upcoming story you’re excited to write: 
Tagging... uhh, didn’t everyone pretty much already got a tag? @towa-no-yume? @alloveroliver? @volixia669? @dear-mrs-otome? @nyktoon-in-otomeland? and anyone who wants!
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crescent-maple · 2 years
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Arr yume angst.
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starrysnowdrop · 9 months
Thoughts on Hali’s EW Journey
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Hali has officially finished her Endwalker journey! 6.0 is done and the 6.X patches and all the EW side content await! I have many thoughts about this, and it felt so different playing it through on Hali vs Yume, so I have an overwhelming urge to tell you all how it went!
Because I will be long winded I’m sure, plus the many spoilers, it will be under the cut.
First of all, I felt from the very beginning of the expansion that this felt like this was Hali’s story, and finishing 6.0 solidified for me that Hali was meant to be my main WoL and Hali’s Unsundered was Azem.
Why is that? Well, I had played through the entire MSQ on Yume before I even created Hali, and I can tell you that though I personally was emotionally invested in the EW story before, it still didn’t feel like it really fit Yume that much. She was not as connected to the events as Hali is, and in several ways. Yume is still way more connected to SB and ShB, as she is the one who takes on the light from the lightwardens and has permanent changes to her body and aether as a result of the light corruption, not to mention her connection to G’raha and all.
Hali, on the other hand, is absolutely the spotlight WoL of HW and EW. For HW, it’s her finally facing the fact that those she cares about can get hurt and even die, and sometimes there’s nothing she can do about it, ie: Haurchefant and Ysayle. Secondly, HW is when her story with Aymeric largely happens, of course.
For EW, it feels especially personal for Hali for a number of reasons. First, she goes back to her home of Old Sharlayan and Labyrinthos for the first time since she left home without a word to her parents. She sneaks into Sharlayan under an alias and wears a disguise, but she is still caught in Labyrinthos and must face her parents and the Forum for her being a fugitive. Hali is confronted with the knowledge that her parents were both directly involved in the plot to escape from the Final Days, which Hali has a hard time with. She is very angry that her parents kept the secret from her for her whole life, and she is also upset at them for trying to convince her to leave with them instead of staying and fighting for everyone. For Hali, EW is when Hali must face her past, and try to reconcile with her parents in order to save the star and make a brighter future for all.
Another element that is personal to Hali is her connection with Fandaniel, specifically her past life as Azem when she and Hermes were once in a romantic and sexual relationship. Though these two souls were once in love, they were torn apart and went on completely different paths. While Hali doesn’t have any romantic or sexual interest in Fandaniel or Hermes, she does get a deja vu feeling when she is around them, which she believes might be her soul recognizing his soul from their past lives. She feels sorry for how deeply in despair Fandaniel/Amon/Hermes was, and she wishes that she could have helped him, but in the end, she gives him hope that he can find the answers in his next life.
I also found that Hali is much more connected to dynamis than Yume is, especially when in her canon, Hali almost turns into a blasphemy herself after her confession of love to Aymeric and feeling an overwhelming panic take over her with Aymeric’s reaction. Hali feels her emotions very deeply and wears her heart on her sleeve, so her journey of discovering what dynamis is and then using it to keep the light of hope alive in Ultima Thule, and in her battle with the Endsinger, it all just felt so satisfying to play through. Not just her being a Warrior of Light, but Hali as a person went on this incredible journey of self discovery from her leaving Sharlayan and coming to Eorzea in ARR, to saving the star and finding happiness with the man she loves in EW.
Endwalker overall was incredibly enjoyable on Hali’s playthrough, but the one thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the last solo duty when the WoL fights Zenos. When I went through it on Yume, it felt so unnecessary, but it did not feel too jarring because of who Yume is, and she would understand Zenos. Hali, on the other hand, would not.
Why is that? Well, Hali is not a warrior like Yume is, as she’s first and foremost a healer. Yes she has some really powerful offensive spells and abilities that she can use to hold her own in battle, but it’s not her main focus nor her goal. She’s of the mindset that she’s there to ensure that everyone comes back alive, and she would not want to fight Zenos. In fact, she’d more likely try to bring him back with her and then let him go, because she not only would not want to fight Zenos and 1) kill him, 2) give him the satisfaction of a fight because why would she reward him after everything he’s done, and 3) she’s not going to put herself in danger once the Endsinger is dealt with. Hali is coming home to Aymeric in one piece damn it, and she just would not fight Zenos and take that chance of not keeping her promise. So yeah, overall I just hated the last solo duty on Hali’s playthrough.
I think that’s all the blabbing I’ll do for now. I just wanted to say that I’m glad that I got to experience EW all over again and on a character that really felt personal to me and who really was meant to go through that journey. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading!! 💖
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plcyersandpieces · 6 years
RWBY Character Music Themes
Hey hey Tumblr FNDM!  I figured that with a new season, and a new year, I ought to update that list of musical themes I once had.  Music is pretty important in RWBY, of course--it tells as much of a story as the actual show does.  In addition, music sets the mood and tells us more about someone’s personality; most characters get their own leitmotif.  Granted, that’s what happens in most shows--but we all know RWBY isn’t most shows. :P
So with all that in mind, I went through my pretty hefty collection of videogame and anime soundtracks, along with other music, to choose music that reminds me of the various characters in RWBY.  These aren’t lyrical, for the most part (those that do have lyrics should be from fictional languages without a translation); I wanted the music to capture a character’s personality without words.  But these are also my own interpretation of what’s canon--not even headcanon.  Some folks may not agree with some of my choices, and that’s cool!  I’d love to hear what other folks may think.
Most of these will go to YouTube, but some may go to Soundcloud or KHInsider.  KHInsider links should have an embedded MP3 file in the linked page to listen to.
So without further ado, here we go~
Headmaster Ozpin - Treize Khushrenada - The Man Who Makes History - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Glynda Goodwitch - Light of Silence - Chrono Trigger, arr. Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
Professor Peter Port - Flying Boatmen - Porco Rosso
Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck - The Hunt: Going Green - Twister
Summer Rose - Arcadia - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Taiyang Xiao Long - Totems of the Grizzlemaw (Revisited) - World of Warcraft: Legion
Raven Branwen - Scarlet Raven Tavern - World of Warcraft: Taverns of Azeroth
Qrow Branwen - Curse of the Worgen - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Ruby Rose - Battle vs. Lord Blazer - Wild ARMs: Music the Best ~Rocking Heart~
Weiss Schnee - Nightsong - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Blake Belladonna - Kindred - League of Legends
Yang Xiao Long - Thrash Pack - Pyre
Jaune Arc - Revived Power ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Nora Valkyrie - Another Winter - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Pyrrha Nikos - Canticle of Sacrifice - World of Warcraft: Legion
Lie Ren - Yasuo, the Unforgiven - League of Legends
Coco Adel - Winter Fashion - Richard Neale
Fox Alistair - Silence ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)
Velvet Scarlatina - There’s Only One Family Named Schrodinger - Wild ARMs: Advanced 3rd
Yatsuhashi Daichi - Demon Lord Ninetails - Okami
Cardin Winchester - People Without Hope - Chrono Trigger
Russel Thrush - Village of the Barbarois - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Dove Bronzewing - Neko-ou - Neko no Ongaeshi
Sky Lark - Under Her Control - Final Fantasy VIII
At the Club
Hei “Junior” Xiong - Kinetic - DJ Sona - League of Legends
Melanie and Miltia Malachite - Teaser - Gresby Nash
Ask the Rats
Roman Torchwick - All Bets Are Off - Cuphead
Neopolitan - Lutece - Bioshock Infinite
Lusus Naturae
Dr. Merlot - Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Wild ARMs: Advanced 3rd
Amber - Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Techno - Vanessa Mae
Lisa Lavender  - Death Report - Undertale
Shopkeeper - Sore wa Himitsu desu - Slayers Next
Tukson - Galka - Final Fantasy XI
Zwei - Dogsong - Undertale
Leonardo Lionheart - Sadness-colored Sandglass - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Sun Wukong - Zidane’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Scarlet David - Knights of the Sea - Pyre
Sage Ayana - Tides of War - World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Neptune Vasilias - Super Galaxy Rumble - League of Legends
Arslan Altan - Path of the Huojin - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Bolin Hori - Northern Country Kamui - Okami
Reese Chloris - Skate or Live - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Nadir Shiko - Johnny of the Robo Gang - Chrono Trigger
The Boy with Two Souls
Oscar Pine - Farm Boy - Final Fantasy VII, remastered by Sean Schafianski
The Branwen tribe - Talon Sheath - Pyre
Vernal - Force Multiplication - Horizon Zero Dawn
General James Ironwood - Demacia Rising - League of Legends
Specialist Winter Schnee - Freya’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Penny’s Team
Penny Polentina - NE ZU MI - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Ciel Soliel - Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X
Flynt Coal - Tank! - Cowboy Bebop
Neon Katt - Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri - League of Legends
Jacques Schnee - Invasion of Torushina - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Whitley Schnee - Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
Klein Sieben - A Mole Man - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Henry Marigold - Grand Duchy of Jeuno - Final Fantasy XI
Pilot Boi - Sky Dance - Pyre
Nebula Violette - Look to the Skies - Angela Little, Lee Groves
Dew Gayl - Oklahoma - Downdraft - Twister
Gwen Darcy - The Cello Song - Steven Sharp Nelson
Octavia Ember - Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - League of Legends
Brawnz Ni - Under the Progress - Parasite Eve
Roy Stallion - Maki Ya - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Nolan Porfirio - Boss Battle 2 - Legend of Dragoon
May Zedong - Pretty Pounding - Michael Clark
Ghira Belladonna - Valley of the Four Winds - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Kali Belladonna - Gondola no Yume - Aria the Animation
Saber Rodentia - Night Howlers - Pyre
High Leader
Sienna Khan - The Proving - Horizon Zero Dawn
Adam Taurus - Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun - League of Legends
Lieutenant - Materia - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Corsac and Fennec Albain - The Emperor of Eternal Darkness - Okami
Ilia Amitola - Helix - Break of Reality
Yuma - Revival of Alseides - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Trifa - Medicine Eater - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Salem - Leylines - World of Warcraft: Legion
Arthur Watts - Karazhan Opera House - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Tyrian Callows - Kefka - Final Fantasy VI, arr. Malcolm Robinson
Cinder Fall - Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace - League of Legends
Hazel Rainart - Spirit Guard Udyr - League of Legends
Emerald Sustrai - Enter the Dragonslayers - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Mercury Black - Grand Cross - Final Fantasy IX, arr. The Black Mages
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starrysnowdrop · 4 months
Top 5 Memories (from MSQ, raiding, with your FC, anything!)
This was also asked by @tallbluelady and @arinaxiv, thank you both so so much!! 🥰💖
Oohhh this is such a tough one. But I’ll try! Let’s see…
Because some of these are major spoilers for the MSQ, I will put my answers under a cut. The list is not in any particular order.
1) Haurchefant’s Death - This was the first major event that I remember from the MSQ that truly stuck with me. Sure the Bloody Banquet was a big deal, but when I first played the game, I wasn’t as attached to the characters as I am now, so it wasn’t as impactful to me the first time around. Mind you, I’ve played FFXIV since ARR came out, so this was many years ago and my love for the game has grown over time. So the first major thing that hit me in the feels so damn hard was Haurchefant’s death. I hadn’t cried for a character in a game since FFX, so it hit me really hard. It still is difficult rewatching the cutscenes in the Vault, so I’m still not over it.
2) Dinner with Aymeric - Even before the dinner scene, I really loved Aymeric as a character, but I think I didn’t fall head over heels for him until the dinner. Even before I made a WoL OC at all, it was here that I started shipping WoL/Aymeric more than any other ship. So this really was the scene that started it all.
3) Shadowbringers. All of it. - Not too much to say here, but ShB was a complete roller coaster ride that I didn’t want to get off of, and even after EW and looking forward to DT, ShB is my favorite expansion and it was right after ShB launch that I decided to create Yume, my first WoL OC. So I have fond memories of playing ShB the first time through.
4) Zodiark Fight - Also not too much to say here, but this is my favorite trial in the game so far, for not only the shock of fighting Zodiark at lvl 83, but the fight itself is so epic. I don’t think I ever freaked out over a trial as much I did with Zodiark, in a good and challenging way I mean.
5) Creating Hali - What can I say? I had Yume and other OCs for years, but I never felt as much joy and fulfillment as when I created Hali and started writing her story. I still can’t even describe it that well, but it seemed that with Yume, there was always something about her story that I wasn’t satisfied with, so I was constantly changing things up to try and “fix” it, but as soon as I made Hali, it all fell into place. It truly feels like I finally found the right OC. Hali truly is the one that I was meant to write for, and I couldn’t be happier.
Thank you so much for the ask @mimble-sparklepudding!! 🥰💖
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Hali x Aymeric Ship Timeline: ARR - EW
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Just like I did for Yume x G’raha, I am writing out the ship timeline for Hali x Aymeric because I like keeping one as an easy reference when I’m writing my fics, and I’m sure some of you are curious as well. Don’t worry, I’m still going to write out all of this in fics, but I can be slow with my writing most of the time, and I tend to jump around a lot, so this might help readers out to keep everything straight.
This post will cover everything from their first meeting in the post-ARR patches up to the current patch, which at the time of posting this is patch 6.4. If there are any changes or additions to this timeline at all, I will be sure to let everyone know via my pinned post.
Since it will be long, its all under the cut below. Thank you very much for reading!
Hali and Aymeric first met as it happened in canon, where Aymeric specifically requested to meet Hali when Alphinaud went to try to establish diplomatic relations with a representative of Ishgard.
Aymeric first heard about Hali through Estinien, when she helped to heal her friend and fellow Warrior of Light @traveler-of-light’s Astrid Lucis in battle with the Azure Dragoon. Hali had performed powerful magicks that Estinien had never seen before, and Estinien’s account of the incident intrigued Aymeric.
Hali’s first impression of Aymeric was that he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, and everything about him, including his voice, his demeanor, his confidence, it all instantly attracted Hali to him.
Aymeric was shocked when he met Hali, in more ways than one. He was well aware that Hali was a lalafell, but he wasn’t prepared to be so drawn to her. He found her to be beautiful, intelligent, funny, and incredibly charming, and he just wanted to know more.
The next several months, while dealing with Iceheart and the heretics, when Hali and the Scions fought in the battle against the dragons on the Steps of Faith, and even after the Scions and Warriors of Light are taken in by House Fortemps, Hali and Aymeric were cordial with each other, and they had only purely professional interactions for some time.
This purely professional relationship between them began to change after the events of the Vault. Hali was at Aymeric’s bedside in the infirmary the whole time while he recovered from his injuries. Aymeric was incredibly touched by how thoughtful, caring, and selfless Hali was, as she helped the chirurgeons in his treatment, made him all his meals, and kept him company.
Aymeric finally had the chance to ask Hali more about herself, and she asked about him in turn. They both realized that despite them coming from much different backgrounds and having much different life experiences, they still had much in common, as they shared the same interests, held the same values, and dreamed of similar futures.
After Aymeric’s recovery, they became close friends, but deep down, their feelings for each other grew, and though neither were aware of it at the time, they began to fall in love.
The event that actively made each of them aware that they had feelings for each other was after Aymeric’s attempted assassination. As he was fighting for his life, he only had one thing on his mind: he wanted Hali to be by his side. He was calling out to her, and Captain Whitecape sent a message to Hali to come as quickly as she could, because Aymeric needed her. Hali ran to him, devastated that he had almost died, but instantly relieved when Aymeric regained consciousness.
Since it was in the middle of the night when she got there, Aymeric offered to share the bed with her. They ended up falling asleep in bed together, as Hali unconsciously moved over towards Aymeric and began to cuddle with him. This momentarily woke Aymeric up, but he realized in that moment that not only did he not mind it, he had never been so happy and felt so much love before. It hit him that night, that he was indeed in love with Hali.
Hali was so incredibly embarrassed the morning after, because she had no idea what she had done, and though Aymeric tried to tell her that he had never slept more soundly and that he didn’t mind it at all, Hali was mortified and she insisted that for all of the following nights, she would sleep in a separate bed, to which Aymeric agreed, as he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable, but deep down he couldn’t help but be disappointed.
It took Hali a little while longer for her to realize that she was in love with Aymeric, and it took a heart to heart conversation with her friend Emmanellain to do so. Once she figured out what is truly in her heart, she tries to hide and suppress her feelings from Aymeric, never wanting to let on that she loves him, as she thinks that he would never return her affections.
After the end of the Dragonsong War, Aymeric decided that he would confess his feelings to Hali, so he invited her to a private dinner at Borel Manor so that he could tell her how he felt and ask her if he could court her properly. Before he has a chance to say anything to her, the dinner is interrupted by a summons for Hali to return to Fortemps Manor right away. They walk hand in hand back to Fortemps Manor, both feeling as though they had almost confessed their love to the other.
Hali gets wrapped up in the mystery of the Warriors of Darkness, and then the Ala Mhigan Resistance after that. Aymeric is confronted by Artoirel, who suggests that Aymeric should keep his feelings for Hali to himself, as not only is Hali not a noble Ishgardian woman, but an outsider and a lalafell. Artoirel says that the populace would not approve of Aymeric’s choice of partner, regardless if she is a Warrior of Light, and it might further divide the people.
After taking some time to consider Artoirel’s words, Aymeric decides to keep his feelings hidden, for the time being. He worries that perhaps Artoirel is right, and if someone were to attack Hali like they attacked him, Aymeric would never forgive himself. He also believes that Hali would be better off not being tied down to Ishgard, and he wishes for her happiness above all else.
Unknowingly, Hali overhears part of Artoirel and Aymeric’s conversation, and she is thinks that Aymeric is not interested in her, but he is much to kind to say it to her face. Hali runs away from Fortemps Manor, distraught and heartbroken.
Aymeric senses that something has changed between Hali and himself, as he notices that Hali has been speaking only professionally to him and can barely look at him. When he speaks with Hali about it, he realizes that she overheard what Artoirel said about her, but he tells her that he in fact does not want to distance himself from her. Though the misunderstanding is cleared up, they still are hiding their true feelings from each other as they turn their attention to the situation with Ala Mhigo and Garlemald.
They both know that they will be away from each other for the foreseeable future, and they tell each other how much they will miss the other. Aymeric surprises Hali with a special gift: a hair ornament adorned with snowdrop flowers. Aymeric explains that the snowdrops remind him of her, as she has brought hope to the people and to Aymeric in particular, and he wanted to give her a gift that would remind her that she always has a home to return to in Ishgard.
Along with the hair ornament, Aymeric gives her a new term of endearment: he calls her “my snowdrop”, which feels incredibly intimate, despite the fact that neither of them have revealed their true feelings for each other. They also decide to write letters to one another while they are apart.
Hali and Aymeric spend a lot of time apart as Aymeric is working with the rest of the Eorzean Alliance forces as they fight against the Empire in Ala Mhigo while Hali goes to help liberate Doma, then she returns to Gyr Abania to go rescue Krile before the Battle for Ala Mhigo. The two are briefly reunited before the battle, to which they are both so happy to see each other that they immediately embrace. But they both have their duties, so the reunion doesn’t last long.
They are reunited a few more times over the course of a few months during several alliance meetings discussing battle strategies. Hali and Aymeric witness Thancred collapsing after the mysterious voice is heard only by the Scions, and soon the Scions fall unconscious one by one.
During the Battle at Ghimlyt Dark, while in the midst of fighting Elidibus, who has taken over Zenos’ body, Hali’s fellow WoL Yume falls unconscious on the battlefield after they both hear the mysterious voice once more. Before the Ascian can strike, Estinien comes to help. Hali instructs him to take Yume to safety while she holds off the enemy. Estinien agrees and whisks Yume away, leaving Hali to take on Elidi-Zenos on her own. She holds him off for a time, but then she is critically injured and Elidi-Zenos teleports away.
Estinien brings Yume to Aymeric and the Ishgardian forces, informing Aymeric that Hali was holding off the Ascian on her own, but she is going to need help. Aymeric runs to find Hali, and finds her alive but weak and unable to move. Aymeric immediately teleports Hali directly to Ishgard, where she is tended to by the best chirurgeons in the city.
While Hali recovers, Aymeric remains by her bedside, fearing the worst but praying for the best. After a few days, Hali awakens to hear Aymeric singing an Ishgardian lullaby to her. Aymeric is overjoyed to see her awake and recovering well, but knows that he must return to the frontlines soon and Hali will be expected to resume her duties after she recovers. He tells himself that once things have calmed down with the Empire, and once he is certain that she will be safe in Ishgard, he plans to tell Hali the truth of his feelings.
Once Yume awakens and Hali recovers, the remaining WoLs seek out the beacon at the base of the Crystal Tower to help their fellow scions. They are then transported to the First.
Hali and her fellow WoLs are on the First for about a year in total, which translates to only a few weeks on the Source. Hali has Feo Ul send Aymeric her letters to him in the meantime, which confuses Aymeric greatly the first time he meets Feo Ul.
Once everyone is back on the Source, Hali is able to meet Aymeric in Ishgard when she goes there to help get some ceruleum in order to find the cure for tempering. Hali and Aymeric are overjoyed to see one another again, even with their reunion being as short as it is.
Aymeric sends Hali on her way back to Revenants Toll with an entire airship and as much ceruleum as the airship can carry. Cid is stunned to see how much Aymeric helped Hali, but everyone else knows exactly why, though Hali is still clueless.
Hali and Aymeric can’t rest for long, as the Towers pop up all over Eorzea and the Far East, and Hali encounters Fandaniel in Ala Mhigo, hearing his declaration to bring back the Final Days. They are soon thrown into the next conflict with the Telophoroi this time.
The two meet in a series of meetings to unite all of Eorzea, including all of the tribes, in order to fight against the Telophoroi and help prevent the Final Days. Aymeric looks to Hali to name the new alliance, which Hali is instantly embarrassed about being put on the spot, though Aymeric’s intentions were to recognize how much Hali has done to bring peace to Eorzea, as he first met Hali for that very reason. Hali decides that it should be named “The Grand Company of Eorzea”, as that was Alphinaud’s dream.
Following the battle at Carteneau, Aymeric offers to bring the Scions back to Revenants Toll aboard his airship. During the trip, Hali soon falls asleep in Aymeric’s arms due to her exhaustion. While holding his beloved close, Aymeric asks Estinien for a huge favor: to keep Hali safe, as he himself cannot be there to protect her due to his duty to Ishgard. Estinien promises his friend that he will keep Hali safe, as Estinien himself owes Hali for helping to save his life.
As Aymeric and the rest of the Grand Company of Eorzea are fighting off the Telophoroi, Hali and the Scions are able to secure passage to Old Sharlayan via Krile and the Students of Baldesion.
Since Hali is a Sharlayan fugitive and is forbidden from returning to her homeland after bringing Sharlayan Astromancy to the Ishgardians, she must sneak into Sharlayan with a disguise and a alias. Hali wears a simple Spriggan coat and glamours herself to give the illusion of having light blue curly hair, presents herself as a conjurer from Gridania, and gives her name as Galanthi.
When Hali is questioned by the immigration officer, Hali panics because she completely forgot to come up with a surname and not just a given name. She blurts out her name as “Galanthi Borel”, to the shock of all her fellow WoLs and Scions. Not only does Hali blurt out that her surname is Aymeric’s name, but Galanthi is the Ilsabardian term for the snowdrop flower, so she has all but revealed how she really feels about Aymeric.
At the meeting in Ala Mhigo for the Ilsabard Contingent, Hali is reunited with Aymeric briefly, and they embrace each other in the sight of all the Scions and General Raubahn. Aymeric expresses his disappointment at not being able to go to Garlemald with her, but he knows that she will be protected, as Estinien had promised, though Hali is still unaware of that promise.
After Zodiark is killed by Fandaniel, the final days are upon the star once more. Hali is informed that there has been a blasphemy sighting in Ishgard, and Aymeric has asked for Hali’s help in finding and defeating it. Hali assists Aymeric and Artoirel with the investigation, and they all soon defeat the blasphemy near the airship landing in the Vault.
During and after the investigation, Hali encounters Aymeric several times where he is staring out into the Sea of Clouds deep in thought. Aymeric doesn’t divulge to her then what exactly he was thinking about, as he just says that he has had a lot on his mind, and tells Hali to not worry about him.
In truth, Aymeric is happy that Ishgard is now fully moving forward as a nation, and especially now that the Church has been reformed and is moving in a new direction. Though he still fears for Hali with the Final Days, he is more hopeful than ever that she will succeed. He decides that once the threat to the star has been eliminated and peace is restored once and for all, he will confess his love to Hali. Even if she doesn’t return his feelings, he feels that she has the right to know, but he doesn’t want to distract her from her duty at that time.
Hali returns to Sharlayan and once the plan is in place to have the Scions travel to Ultima Thule at the edge of the universe to confront Meteion and save the star, Krile goes to Hali and tells her that she wants Hali to be happy, and to find love once the battle is over. Hali realizes then that she has already found love, and she doesn’t want to have any regrets before the final battle, so Hali thanks Krile and rushes off to find Aymeric.
Once she arrives in Ishgard, she rightfully guesses that Aymeric will be home, as it was so late in the evening. After a very surprised Aymeric comes to the door, Hali can’t hold back as both her tears and her words come out all at once. Hali tells Aymeric that she is in love with him, and that she always has been, which leaves Aymeric speechless.
Before Aymeric has a chance to respond, Hali starts to have a panic attack, and the black cloud surrounds her, the beginning of turning into a blasphemy. In her panic, Hali runs away from Aymeric and heads towards the airship landing, trying to stay away from anyone who might get hurt after she turns.
Hali thinks that she is going to die, but before the transformation happens, she feels Aymeric’s arms around her, holding her tightly against him. He tells Hali to breathe, to stay in the present moment, and to focus on his voice. Once the black cloud dissipates, Hali looks up to see Aymeric smiling brightly with tears in his eyes, elated that Hali is alright. Overcome with emotion, Aymeric leans in and kisses Hali, to which Hali returns his affection once she realizes what’s happening. Aymeric tells Hali that he loves her too. After sharing a moment, Aymeric insists on bringing Hali back to his manor so they can talk without being out in the cold, and Hali agrees.
Back at Borel Manor, the two explain why they kept their feelings hidden for so long, but in the moment, they both feel so foolish for not telling each other sooner. In between passionate kisses and touches, Hali promises that she will save the star, and that she will return to Aymeric safe and sound, which Aymeric responds with his full confidence that she will do just that.
The next morning, Hali goes back to Sharlayan, with Aymeric accompanying her, so she can leave for Ultima Thule. Aymeric meets Hali’s family before he watches as the Ragnarok leaves the star, and he prays with all his heart that Hali will return safely. Hali has found a renewed sense of hope, knowing that the man she loves is praying for their victory and is waiting for her back home.
After the battle, Hali returns to the star, and Aymeric is waiting for her as he said he would, with her family right there next to him. Hali can’t help herself as she jumps down from the Ragnarok, right in the water, runs to Aymeric, and leaps into his arms. With a kiss, Aymeric welcomes Hali home, and everyone celebrates the Scions’ victory.
Immediately following the Scions’ victory, Hali moves in with Aymeric, who gifts her with her own suite in Borel Manor. Hali and Aymeric sleeping in separate bedrooms doesn’t last long, but Hali has many of her belongings in her suite regardless.
A few months later, the couple officially announce their courtship and make their debut as a couple at an Ishgardian Ball to celebrate the Scions’ victory over the Endsinger. Hali and Aymeric dance and drink the night away, and when they go back to Borel Manor, they make love for the first time; they lose their virginity to each other that night as well.
Currently, Hali and Aymeric are just spending as much time together as they can, with Hali recently taking Aymeric on a much needed vacation to Thavnair, and they are having fun on their private island whenever possible. Not only their friends and family, but also the people at large are already referring to Hali as “Lady Borel”, even though they are not yet officially engaged, let alone married.
That’s all I have for now! If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much, especially if you actually read all of this. I hope you enjoyed this, and please look forward to the full fic series, which I hope to actually someday finish. Until then, this will exist. 💙
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starrysnowdrop · 4 months
Top 5 Jobs (ICly and/or what you prefer to play) (Hiiii Hali! How are things going? ^.^)
Hey sweetie!! 👋 I’m doing really good, and I hope you are too my friend!! 🥰💖
Soooooooo Top 5 Jobs! Let’s goooooo!!
1) Astrologian
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Need I say more??? AST is the best job! Hands down!! I’ve loved AST since it came out as I have always loved the aesthetic and it’s a healer job, so as a healer main I was naturally drawn to it. It’s Hali’s main job for a reason, and even if I add more jobs to her canon, AST will always be #1.
2) White Mage - I’ve played XIV since ARR went live, and WHM was my first job I ever played. It’s also one of my favorite FF jobs from other FF games, so it has a special place in my heart.
3) Dancer - DNC has my second favorite aesthetic out of all the jobs. It’s GORGEOUS and it’s FUN! Can’t beat that.
4) Red Mage - RDM is actually the job I go to the most when doing roulettes, as I love being able to heal and rez if necessary, and it does decent damage as well. I haven’t added it as a canon job for any of my OCs though because I’m not super fond of the fact that I feel like you MUST wear red for the aesthetic (Red isn’t my favorite color, sorry).
5) Samurai - My favorite melee job and it was Yume’s main canon job, so it holds a special place in my heart for that reason alone. It also has my favorite job quest storyline.
Thank you so much for the ask @eorzeanflowers!! 💖
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starrysnowdrop · 11 months
Welcome to my Newest Followers! 👋😁
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As we not only recently had the Reddit exodus but another large exodus from Twitter yesterday, and I noticed so many new people who started following me, a bunch in just the last 24 hours, I figured I should make a welcome post!
First of all, I am Yume, and that’s also the name of my first WoL OC that I have written for (that character is on hiatus right now however), but my girl that has taken over my brain is my pink lala AST WoL OC Hali and her tall elf boyfriend who desperately needs a vacation! Your first stop on my blog should be my Pinned Post, as that’s where you will find links to the most important and relevant information on my character and my ship! That’s where you will find Hali’s character profile, along with my fanfiction Masterlist of everything I’ve written for Hali so far, and a ship timeline for Hali x Aymeric’s development from ARR through EW!!
I also reblog quite a bit from others, and if they are a mutual, I will use the tag #my mutuals. If it’s an aesthetic post or a post that inspires me in some way, I will use any of the following tags: #hali aesthetic, #hali inspiration, or #hali/aymeric inspiration. The other category of reblogs you’ll find here are of Hali’s man! My reblog tag for Aymeric is #stupid sexy elf man in case you want to go drool. You’re welcome.
Last but not least, never hesitate to talk to me! I promise I won’t bite! You can DM me here, send me an ask, as my asks are always open and anon is on, or you can find me over on Discord with the exact same name: starrysnowdrop!
That’s about it! Hope you enjoy Tumblr, and happy scrolling everyone! Welcome to the Hellsite (affectionate)!!!
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