#are we going mad max again
jinwoowoohoo · 8 months
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Jinjin solo magazine [ ON YOUR MARK ]
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alfryco · 18 days
Someone (two someones) is getting thrown into a Mad Max AU and it's a battle between soapghost or alfreyco, either way someone is suffering (it's me, because I have to write either way OTL)
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2022 Year End Summary
What happened this year, hmmm, let's see what I can remember...
April: Mad Max, the Road Warrior Kitten arrived.
There had been a couple of stray cats hanging around the farm for some weeks and we'd been feeding them. The female was beautiful, the male was HUGE. This is the female, who would later be called, 'Mama'.
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We were worried she might be pregnant, but turns out she was just putting on weight because of getting fed on the regular. She showed up pretty soon with two kittens...
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The kittens would hide under the vehicles and if you looked at them, they would CLIMB UP INTO THE UNDERCARRIAGE. I had to scare them out of the motor compartment of my car before I drove it that first week after they showed up. I was so paranoid about one of them still being in there, I stopped several times while driving from the farm to my house to check. My BF was not so thorough before he left to drive to my house, 60 miles away over country roads, interstates through Tampa, and stop-and-go city streets. He got to my house on a Tuesday and on Thursday, when he was getting ready to go back, we heard it. The meow! This kitten had not only survived the ride (that road has some seriously huge bumps! I don't know how he stayed in!), but then STAYED UNDER THE TRUCK FOR TWO DAYS with no food or water! HE WAS TINY. Just over 1 pound...
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He's lived with me at the beach, traveling back and forth with me to the farm every week, but always an indoor cat since then. He's grown into a Big Boi ...
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After many years of resisting getting another dog, it seems like the universe conspired to place another little life in my home. I'm fine with it.
We got his mom fixed a bit after this. We don't know what happened to the other kitten, but the BF says he saw the other kitten at the farm when he got back that Thursday, so he didn't make the ride.
Here is mama kitty on the way to be spayed. It took us a whole week to trap her -- she's smart! I would've offered her a home indoors, but she went BAT SHIT CRAZY when confined, it just wasn't going to work. She remains living at the farm, free and doing as she pleases.
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Also in April: Hit my highest weight in the last SEVERAL YEARS at 331.
September: We sold the farm.
(Don't worry, I made arrangements for mama kitty and her boyfriend, they are still there, being fed and taken care of).
For the last 12 years we have been dividing our time between our 10 acre farm and a house near the beach. They are about 60 miles apart. I would go up there on the weekends, (Friday night-Monday morning), and he would come down to my house during the week (Tuesday morning-Thursday morning). This gave us both some 'me time' and was the best of both worlds -- beach and country. However, the BF has some serious health issues and they have only gotten worse the last couple of years. I was having to pick up more and more of the work and it was just becoming too hard for me to handle it all, so, we made the decision to sell the farm and both live at the beach full time. This happened VERY QUICKLY. Like, he made the call on a Monday and by the next Monday there was a relator out taking pictures and by later that week we had a contract on it. This is all great except for the fact that there was 32 years of JUNK in the house and the outbuildings and barns that had to be dealt with and I was the only one healthy enough to do it.
I ended up working myself into an infected/ulcerated toe, walking 25k steps a day for WEEKS as I cleaned and hauled stuff away, donating, trashing, or moving stuff to my house. Moving stuff to my house meant I had to make room for it, so there was more sorting, trashing, and donating to be done from here to make room for the stuff from the farm. It was a NIGHTMARE and I still don't have everything put away, the garage is stacked with boxes of garage stuff that needs to find a place to be put away.
October: BF needs stent in carotid artery.
Since all his doctors were still 60 miles away, this meant driving those 60 miles up to the hospital there, and then even after he was released, more driving up there for the follow ups. During this time also, his eyesight started to become an issue. Apparently, this is common after having new lenses put in during cataract surgery, which he'd had some years before. But that meant, even when he was cleared to drive, he couldn't, so I was spending hours and hours every week driving him to doctors appointments. At this time I tried to get in to see a doctor of my own about my toe, which was clearly infected, my whole foot was starting to swell up and turn red, but every appointment was weeks out. Finally we got the BF in to see the eye specialist and they lasered this cloudiness away and he could drive again. Thank goodness!
November 15: Got in to see podiatrist about toe
The news was rather alarming, enough so that it scared me into going back on keto, and while I have 'cheated' at Christmas and Thanksgiving, overall I have kept to the low carb lifestyle in an effort to get my undiagnosed diabetes under control. I have neuropathy in both feet; he said I missed being able to feel about half of the little 'pokes' he did with a needle thing. I, of course, knew I had that, but in my defense, I've had numbness in my feet since I was in my 30s, I think brought on by doing high impact aerobics on hard flooring for several years. I simply ignored it when it got worse.
I also made an appointment with a primary care doctor-- the first I've had in about 8 or 9 years. That appointment is January 4th, so we'll see how bad everything is then.
December 31:
I'm down about 10 pounds since November 15th, which I would've hoped for more, but down is better than up, right? I have been staying true to low carb for the most part, trying to heal this toe, which is still not healed. I am not supposed to walk on it at all, but that has never happened. I did stay off it quite a lot at first, but that just isn't sustainable, and I have to workout to lose weight and also help the blood sugar and blood pressure numbers.
Throughout the year, I have been working out 3x a week doing Plyojam and Yoga via Zoom, but have not done much more than that. I know I need to do more, so have committed to a 30 minute workout every day. Thus far I'm on a streak of 12 days; when I workout later today, it will be 13. Hoping to keep this going all through next year and add in more walking as soon as I feel like my toe can handle it.
Here's where I am right now. It pains me to post these, but I want to be honest about my condition and have these for comparison later...
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Next jeans goal:
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So, here we go again. Into a new year, trying to get healthy AGAIN. I don't have specific goals other than that -- work out more as possible, eat keto/low carb, get blood sugar and blood pressure under control, feel better.
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local-magpie · 9 months
apparently some people think you can get addicted to too many orgasms from sex toys or something?? and im. babe i assure you, anyone who needs to crank multiple out particularly often is faced with the alternative of wandering around vaguely distracted and horny all day
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jjeremysstash · 11 months
so like.... you can't read nimona on internet anymore because it was turned into a book like........
that's fucked up?
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verstappen-cult · 25 days
Mad Max (angry kind of frustrated max verstappen) like barging through the paddock mad - when he sees her (reader) his anger falls and he gets teary and turns into clingy breakdown maxie
… just a cutesy idea i had
thx byeee💗💗
Max is having an awful weekend. The car is shit, and everyone is asking him why he didn’t participate in the run for Senna that Seb organized, and he is just so tired of repeating the same thing over and over again because, apparently, everyone wants to hate on him this weekend.
He just finished with an interview, very abruptly after the reporter acted unprofessional. He really doesn’t care that everyone is going to be talking about that for the rest of the weekend too.
“Max,” His PR officer says, touching his shoulder to make him stop walking. “the reporter wants to talk.”
Max scoffs, rolling his eyes. “About what? If he isn’t going to apologize, then I don’t have anything to say.” He walks away when from the corner of his eye sees a few reporters and cameras pointing his way. Max knows that he should apologize to her later, for leaving like that, but now he just wants to get the fuck out of the paddock and hope for the best for qualifying tomorrow.
He’s walking fast, very fast, avoiding eye contact and every fan that tries to make their way towards him. He doesn’t care about being disrespectful now, they need to respect him and his time too.
But then someone is grabbing him by his arm and he just can’t take it anymore. Max turns around, only to find his favorite person looking at him with a worried expression on her face.
“Maxie?” You ask, leaning a little closer and cupping his cheek. “Gemma told me what happened, you want to talk about it?”
And suddenly he is at a loss of words, the urge to cry making it hard to think straight.
Max can only shake his head, eyes filling with tears in just a couple of seconds. And, knowing him like the palm of your hand, you see right through him.
“You want to leave? Back to the hotel?”
Max nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I just need,” He bites his lower lip, noticing a few people around that can’t stop looking at you two. “to grab a few things from my drivers room.”
You hold his hand, squeezing slightly. “We can ask Gemma to do that.”
Max feels relieved because he really doesn’t have the strength to stay a second longer in this place.
The car is already waiting for you when you walk out of the paddock. You let Max get in first before climbing inside and sitting by his side.
No one says anything for the first half of the way, but then Max is turning around and looking at you with a pout on his lips. And you can only open your arms.
Max rests his head on your lap for the rest of the way, your fingers massaging his scalp as you patiently wait for him to start talking.
“I’m having a bad weekend.” He says after what feels like hours. “I don’t want to think. I just want to sleep.”
“You can sleep, baby. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” You lean down to place a kiss on the top of his head. “You need to rest.”
Max sniffs, “Would you hold me? Please?”
“I’m never letting you go.”
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verstarppen · 9 months
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summary; mercedes is a just a tiny bit worried about your dates with their archenemesis
pairing; max verstappen x fem! mercedes admin! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; due to popular demand here's the part 2; i see your comments: you asked and i deliver 🫶 [ series masterlist ]
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell63, carmenmmundt and 299,546 others
mercedesamgf1 have some tits to distract you from that crash
view all 12,291 comments
gerogerussell63 Does your boyfriend know you're posting this
mercedesamgf1 his tits are bigger why would he care
ceruleanwilliams it worked
honeyvettel FOR FREE????
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liked by schecoperez, maxverstappen1, christianhorner and 166,267 others
redbullracing Hot weather 🤝 Ice Baths, sorry for the wait. 😉
view all 56,342 comments
mercedesamgf1 booo post the vertiddies
goatlonso GIRL THIS AIN'T YOUR PRIV ACCOUNT strawberryrosberg TEARS
ynusername sorry correct account this time boooo post the vertiddies
schecoperez No comment lewishamilton Really? Seems like you always have an opinion ynusername can we go back to the more pressing issue lewishamilton Don't you already stare at his chest enough maxverstappen1 She does? ynusername ACCUSATIONS
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liked by mickschumacher, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 295,199 others
ynusername us during wig gate btw
view all 86,280 comments
lewishamilton Blocked and reported
danielricciardo Things I ate and survived: That
ynusername i am in awe of your slaynergy (slay energy) mickschumacher 🙏🙏🙏
georgerussell63 Y'all hear something
ynusername stay mad georgerussell63 Praying for your downfall.
lionkingseb wig gate is more entertaining than anything during silly season
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynusername, pierregasly and 740,191 others
charles_leclerc This is my official audition for the next wig gate model. I'm ready 👠
view all 200,024 comments
ynusername are you sure this isn't an audition to date my boyfriend
charles_leclerc Never insult me like this ever again
arthur_leclerc jumpscare
maxverstappen1 I'll be frank, I dropped my phone.
charles_leclerc Hi, Frank ynusername wow i wish you dropped your phone when you look at me 💔💔😩 maxverstappen1 I would drop everything for you ynusername oh 🤭 charles_leclerc Get out of my comments and get a room.
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liked by maxverstappen1, mickschumacher, charles_leclerc and 101,736 others
ynusername he's just a little guy
view all 42,009 comments
lewishamilton Please stop putting him on my timeline
ynusername this is your purgatory
patiencesainz i keep forgetting this man is 1.81cm
gonestappen LOOK AT HIM
georgerussell63 I wish instagram would create a muting posts feature
ynusername woomp woomp
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pic credits: pinterest and instagram
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 month
Pairing: Mafia!Max x Wife!Reader
Rating: PG-17
Words: 1.3K
Warnings: Kidnapping, major angst, Mad!Max etc.
Requested: Yes/No
A/N: Soooo I chanaged the request and I apologize for that as I barely changed request but I felt like the children being taken would've fit better. Hope you love it!
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Standing outside the school, you hold your little bump, smiling as you wait for the twins to come running out into your arms. You still can't believe you're wearing heels, but they help you see over some of the other parents, able to see all the babies come running.
Your guards stand on either side, your outfit perfect for the weather, a little blue dress that is flexible with your growing stomach. You see your twin's teacher and wave, wondering where your 5-year-old boys are. "Oh, Mrs. Verstappen, did one of the boys leave something?" Your guard's heads move around the yard quickly, trying to find the boys. "What do you mean, leave something?" You try to clamp down the panic. Maybe they had already rushed out of the building, and you didn't see them, and they're trying to find you.
"Two of your guards came to get them; they left about two hours ago." Taking a deep breath, you feel your world shift hearing that. "No, none of my guards came to get the boys." The teacher's eyes go wide, and you let out a little chuckle. "No, no, they must still be here. FABIAN! CASPER!" Your scream breaks across the yard, parents and children all looking at you as the guards rush around looking for the twins.
"Mrs. Verstappen," The teacher tries to touch you, but you back up, putting a protective arm around your stomach. "No! WHERE ARE MY SONS!"
Max has never moved so fast in his life, breaking every traffic law, as three huge black SUVs tried to keep up with him, but there was no point. He was driving far too fast for them to keep up. Pulling up to the school, he slams the car in park as hoards of police move around. Getting out of the car, he first clocks your sobs.
"Schat!" Max screams and shoves past the police, crumpling to his knees and holding you close. "Where are my babies? Where are they!" You sob, sitting on one of the benches. Max has you close, trying to keep his anger in check, needing to be there for you.
"Baby, sweet angel, you must calm down. You might hurt the baby. Take deep breaths, please, for me." Max begs, his eyes wide and wild; you nod, trying to calm down as Max's men finally arrive and rush into the school. The police know better than to get in the way.
Taking deep breaths, you shake, Max kissing your hands and all over your face. "We'll find them, I promise to you. I won't come home without our sons," he promises, kissing your wedding ring. Maxie, it's almost time for dinner. They're going to be hungry, tired, and scared." You sob again, Max growling, pulling you into his arms.
"Sir! We found something!" Max turns their head, seeing his men as people still run around and searching the area. "I'll be back, I promise. Take my wife home, now," He snaps, the men nodding as you sob harder, holding one of the twin's jackets. Max stares at the small article of clothing and feels his heart stop. His boys, his soul, and his babies have been taken, and he doesn't know by whom. Or who would be stupid enough to do it?
Throwing the school door open, he breaks the window and splits the wood as he stalks into the office. "There," They point at the computer showing the screen as the two boys walk with the two men, Max noticing the tattoos on their hands. "Goddammit! How the fuck, did you miss having two of our ENEMIES HERE!" Grabbing anything he can reach, he throws it, watching as it shatters to the floor and breathes heavily.
"Find my sons, or else people will start losing their heads. FIND ME BOYS NOW!" Max roars, the men scattering like bugs as he breathes heavily, staring at the frozen image of Fabby laughing while Casper looks scared. "Cassie, Fabby, I'm coming, I swear," Max whispers.
"Fabby, I'm scared. said Daddy and Mommy here." Casper whimpers as Fabian moves closer to his baby brother, ensuring he is safe. "Don't worry, Daddy come." Fabian knew this wasn't right, and Casper was far more scared and gentler than him. Fabian holds his brother closer, and Casper starts to cry as they sit in the small, cramped, dark room. "Okay, Cassie, okay," Fabian whispers.
They both jump, screaming as they hear loud explosions and screams in Dutch and another random language. "Where. Are. My. Children?" Casper perks up, hearing their daddy's voice. "DADDY!"
Max rips his head to the side and feels his blood run cold, seeing they are inside a box. Running over, he trips as he rips the lead off with his bare hands, blood everywhere, as he looks down at his babies. "Cassie, Fabby," He whispers, and Fabian and Casper look up at him.
"Daddy, uppie!" Cassie whispers, holding his arms out; Max throws his gun away and grabs the boys, lifting them out and holding them close to his chest. Sliding down, he starts to cry, having been so terrified. "Daddy, I stayed strong for Cassie," Fabian whispers, his bottom lip jutting. Max sniffles, crying as he covers Fabby in kisses as Casper, sweet little Cassie, finally being safe, sleeps in his father's arms.
"You're so brave, my strong little cub." Max sobs and Fabian finally starts to cry. "Daddy, home." Max nods, standing on shaking legs, running on pure terror and adrenaline.
"Casper! Fabian!" You cry as Max enters the house holding the boys. "Mommy! Hungry!" Caspian laughs, and you sob, seeing they are okay as Max sits them down. They come running into your arms. "Are you and the baby okay?" Max whispers, sitting on the floor with you as the boys cuddle into your arms. We're okay now." Max nods and pulls you three into his arms.
You don't ask him about the tear stains, nor do you question the blood all over him either. "They're not going back to that school," Max makes a face, and you sigh as Casper and Fabby start to fight. "Yeah, it might've burned down," You can't help the wet chuckle that leaves your throat as you cuddle closer to your husband. Max sighs, "We need to go to bed," Max whispers, taking Casper, who giggles and snuggles into Max while Fabian gets sleepy in your hold. 
Nodding, you take the boys to the bathroom, running a bath as the house crawls with guards. "We're never leaving them," You whimper as you help them undress. Max nods. He'd been scared before, but this terror he felt when he got the phone call stopped his world. Max couldn't breathe; he was terrified in a way he never wanted to feel again. The boys giggle and play in the bath as you stare at his hands. "They're fine, just some cuts." He explains, and you grab his hands, kissing them gently. 
"Thank you, thank you for bringing our boys home." Max looks down and pulls you into his chest. "I'll always bring them home," Caspier yawns loudly, and you smile, both of you picking a twin up and getting them dressed in their favorite PJs. "Want to sleep with Mommy and Daddy?" Max asks; even if they said no, he wasn't going to allow it; he couldn't let them out his sight, terrified he'd wake up, and they'd still be gone. 
"Yes!" They both giggle, and Max gently tosses them onto the bed as you climb in, wearing one of his shirts, Max. He undresses and cleans himself up as he stops and stares at Fabby curled on your chest practically, sleeping, and Cassie is sitting up, trying his hardest to stay awake. "Cuddles, Daddy." Max smiles softly, climbs into the bed, and pulls Cassie, you, and Fabian close, kissing each of you. Max takes a deep breath and sighs, closing his eyes as he listens to the soft breathing of his babies. 
They were okay. 
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f1dev1l · 1 month
pairing: lando norris x f!reader
summary: the social posts from landos girlfriend during miami
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yourusername posted to their story
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yourusername 20m
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liked by landonorris and 6,098 others
yourusername BOYFIE WON THE MIAMI GP SO ENJOY A HIM PHOTO DUMP!!!! to say how proud i am would be an understatement. lan you are so hardworking and absolutely deserve this win so much and i am so so insanely proud of you, can't wait to see you at the top of more gps. LOVE YOU LOTS STINKY! 🤍
view all comments.
landonorris FIRST
landonorris LOVE YOU SMELLY 🤍
landonorris come cuddle me please ↳ yourusername you are actually mad clingy ↳ landonorris shut up and come here ↳ yourusername ok ↳ user1 what is going on in the house of commons 😭
user3 Y/N being the #1 lando fan as always ↳ yourusername proud to be of service 🫡
oscarpiastri please control your chihuahua he's barking at me again ↳ yourusername i don't have a dog??? ↳ oscarpiastri i'm talking about lando ↳ yourusername I LEFT FOR ONE SECOND ↳ landonorris one second too long, i literally won a race
user4 lando not beating the clingy allegations as always
maxfewtrell congrats lan, i guess ill give the #1 wag spot to y/n ↳ yourusername are you insinuating you had it ↳ maxfewtrell yes
user5 max fewtrell my favorite wag ↳ maxfewtrell YES
landonorris SMELLY ↳ yourusername OMG IM COMING HOLD YOUR HORSES ↳ user6 this is actually insane
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A/N HI. sorry this is short, i was bored and wanted an excuse to use those screenshots I stole from tiktok. but i hope you enjoy, asks and questions are open, have a lovely day you slays!
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youaresimplylovely · 1 month
can we get max being clingy even in the paddock pls 🙏
Big Baby
𝖯𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖢𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗒!𝖬𝖺𝗑 𝖵𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝗑 𝖦𝖿!𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝖭𝗈𝗇𝖾! 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝖼𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗑 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽! 𝖠/𝖭: 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗌!! 𝖨'𝗆 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗈 𝗄𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗀𝗀𝗀
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To say that "The Max Verstappen" was a tough guy was wrong. People always say he's not soft-hearted and he's just tough as a rock. Boy were they all wrong, yes he is you man well rephrase that a bit. He's your big baby. Who knew that Max would be such a soft big baby on his girlfriend.
It was Sunday, the race day. Your most favorite day of the weekend race but something was different. This Sunday you and Max didn't drive to the paddock together which was odd because Max always wants to be next to you all the time. Although he did say he had to attend a meeting that's why he can't go with you.
You arrived in the paddock bright and early, you smiled greeting the other drivers who arrived early too. You take the paddock pass that was in your pocket, giving the lady who was the one monitoring the gate with a nod. Beep! The paddock pass scanned as you entered the paddock.
Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice calling your name out. "Baby! Baby! Wait for me! Schatje!" The voice called out for you, turning your head around with a smile on your face to see Max but something was wrong. He didn't have his pass. Your eyes widened seeing him climb over the turnstile gate.
"Wait Maxie" You exclaim, hurriedly finding his pass that was well with you and it was placed on the very bottom of your purse.
"Sir-" The lady uttered, reaching her hand out to try and pull Max out but she was too late.
A loud laugh erupted from you, seeing your boyfriend run to you and pull you in his arms. "God i missed you so much." He mumbles, his hands grazing all over you body.
"It was only 30 minutes baby." You mumble, giving him a peck on his cheek.
"Let's go get breakfast hmm?" You hum, letting go of his hand that was holding yours. God, you shouldn't have done that.
Max stared at you and at your hand that you let go of. His eyes blinking profusely, he was speechless. He stood there, frozen at what just happened. "You're breaking up with me!?" He utters dramatically, his mouth wide open and hands pointing at yours with a gasp erupting his mouth.
Your eyes widened, turning your head around to look at Max. You couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Baby!" You giggle, gently grabbing his hands to hold them back. "i let go for a second." You smile softly.
"Exactly! So you want to break up with me??" His eyebrows furrow as he looks at you with a cute but questioning face.
"What? Baby! No! I only let go cause I was gonna grab my phone." You assure him.
"oh okay." He smiles happily again. Suddenly, he carried you in his arms bridal style while giving you kisses on your neck.
"Max! We're in public." You mutter, chuckling nervously at the people who were staring at you two. "This is gonna be a long day." You mumble.
Few minutes later, you and Max finally arrived at the eating area. Thankfully, he finally put you down which he was not happy about. Max was clinging onto your back wrapping his arms around you while he kisses you from behind.
You reach out to grab a plate and tongs to get food for you and Max but you couldn't. Because of Max's tight grip on you, you could barely do anything.
"Maxie baby, I need to get food for us." You put the plates and tongs down as you turn around to face him with a serious face.
"But-" He finally realized you were serious, he gave you a pout and puppy eyes. He mumbles groans, he wasn't mad at you, he was mad at the food for taking the time of his girl when she's supposed to spend time with him!?! He sat on one of the chairs, patiently waiting for you as he stared at you.
After you finally finished grabbing food for you and Max. You set the food down on the table as you were about to sit, Max immediately grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap. He smiled at you cutely, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You chuckle at his cute behaviour, you grab a piece of bread and feed it to him. He opens his mouth as he ate it, his hands caressing your back while he stares at you. "I love it when you feed me." He smiles, giggling.
You smile, giving him a kiss on the lips as you two enjoyed your time in the paddock.
Lando, who was jaw dropped and eyes opened seeing you two. "I literally tried to give him a french fry the other day and he said 'no'." He says in his sarcastic and disgusted voice. "While this woman feeds him a piece of bread and he's like a big baby." Lando rolls his eyes.
"For the last time, you're not the girlfriend." Charles mutters at Lando as he looks at him with a glare on his face eventually smiling at you and Max.
and if u want to be added on my taglist u can reply hereee <3
@euphoricchills @charlesleclerx @Inchident-jgp @amethyst-bitch @dr4g0ngirl @likedbygaslyy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @httpstoyosi @bibissparkles @lokideservesahug @hiireadstuff @urfavouriteanon @darleneslane @shelbyteller @spookystitchery @justtprachisblog @alliwantisadonut @kika-writes @casperlikej @funnelcakeee @xoscar03 @snapeeballsack @silverxxs-world @thearchieves @destinyg237 @juliee4everial @thebasicbiatch @glossiersworld @aadu2173 @honethatty12 @halleest @janeholt3 @callsignwidow @evie-119 @exotic-iris13 @dark-night-sky-99 @delululeclerc @eiaaasamantha @hrts4scarr @felicityforyou @sya-skies @hockeyboysarehot
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lxclerc · 2 months
𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ─ 𝐨𝐛𝟑𝟖
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summary: when max verstappen’s adopted little sister starts soft launching, the whole grid launches an investigation on who it might be
pairing: ollie bearman x f2 driver! max verstappen’s adopted sister! reader
faceclaim: no one in particular
note: i accidentally published this before it was finish so now i’ve completely lost the request but anyways the request really was just about max being reader’s grid dad but i ran with it a little
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ twitter
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.ೃ࿐ yourusername posted on her story!
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landonorris replied to your story: it’s like you have a death wish
yourusername: shut up
landonorris: rest in peace to the unlucky guy 🫡
arthur_leclerc replied to your story: soft launching knowing mad max is your warden is insaneee
yourusername: i just got that dog in me ig
arthur_leclerc: never ever say that again
paularon_ replied to your story: so long, ollie. it was good knowing you, mate ✊
yourusername: so dramatic for no reason
maxverstappen1 replied to your story: that better be just be some stranger you picked up on the side of the road to tie your shoelaces and not a boy you went around japan with when you told me you were only going out with your team
yourusername: remember that you love and adore me and i am 17 years old and can make my own decisions
maxverstappen1: nice try. who is he?
yourusername: no ❤️
ੈ✩‧₊˚ messages
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ instagram
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liked by olliebearman, maxverstappen1, paularon_ and others
yourusername suzuka, youve been very nice to me 🫶
view all comments…
user1 the way she ran to max’s arms after the podium 🥹
user2 a red bull girl with her red bull dad
user3 so we’re not going to talk about the 3rd pic?
maxverstappen1 who is he and why are you going on dates without telling anyone? what if something happens to you and no one knows where you are or who you’re with?
↳ yourusername calm down, we were with the team 🙄
↳ user4 overprotective dad max is so adorable i cant lie
↳ user5 if they were with the team, does that mean the guy’s also part of the team? another driver maybe?
↳ user6 user5 youre onto something
victoriaverstappen je bent geweldig, mijn meisje. blijf stralen ❤️ (you are amazing, my girl. keep on shining.)
↳ yourusername ik hou zielsveel van je, v 💕 (i love and adore you to bits, v)
paularon_ congrats or whatever
↳ yourusername jealousy doesnt suit you
↳ paularon_ nvm fck u 💕
arthur_leclerc stop winning
↳ yourusername get a seat first ❤️
olliebearman congratulations, yn! another trophy to bring home ❤️
↳ yourusername thank you, ollie!
use7 the difference between paul and arthur then ollie bye i love their friendship 😭
landonorris girlll who is heeeee
↳ yourusername no ❤️
↳ charles_leclerc come on, at least give us a clue
↳ carlossainz55 is he also a driver? what team does he driver for?
↳ yourusername yall are grown ass men way too interested in a teenager’s love life. absorb some sunlight
↳ user8 she gagged yall im afraid 😭
ੈ✩‧₊˚ messages
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ instagram
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liked by olliebearman, paularon_, arthur_leclerc and others
yourusername hello, lover ❤️
view all comments…
olliebearman my girl ❤️❤️
olliebearman love you to the moon and to saturn 💫
↳ yourusername buzz lightyear’s got nothing on us frfr
↳ arthur_leclerc why can’t you be normal?
↳ yourusername ollie loves me with all the weirdness and shit
↳ olliebearman yeah that’s about right
↳ arthur_leclerc 🤮🤮
↳ user1 arthur is your regular third wheel bff
paularon_ ollie’s trying to keep his cool in the comments but he’s red as a tomato
↳ olliebearman shut the hell up no im not
↳ yourusername youre not? 🥹
↳ olliebearman i mean of course i am got me giggling and shit too
↳ paularon_ you’re both disgusting
user2 arthur and paul are so over them 😭
user3 i fucking knew the back of that head was familiar!!!!
user4 oh? OH!
user5 idk what hurts more. the fact that i no longer have a chance with ollie or the fact that i no longer have a chance with yn
user6 waiting for max’s comment
maxverstappen1 you better watch it the next time you step in for either carlos or charles, bearman 🙂
↳ yourusername you promised
↳ maxverstappen1 i promise i’ll carve charles’ appendix out myself so ollie and i can face each other on track man to man
↳ olliebearman i- sir?
↳ charles_leclerc mate, what the fuck did i do to you
↳ yourusername maxie come on. you promised me you’d be nice
↳ maxverstappen1 fine 🙄
maxverstappen1 dinner’s at 8 on tuesday. don’t be late
↳ olliebearman yes, sir 🫡
user7 not charles getting dragged into it 😭😭
↳ user8 max is just completely unable to go through a conversation without mentioning charles ♡ liked by yourusername
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liked by victoriaverstappen, olliebearman and others
yourusername it was truly unfortunate for max to find out that his cat is also now in love with ollie
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user1 omg sophie and victoria also joined the dinner 😭
↳ user2 girlie really introduced her to the whole family
↳ yourusername well actually max invited them along to try and intimidate ollie but jokes on him, they loved him
↳ user3 yn and ollie to max when vic and sophie ended up loving ollie: oh how the turntables
maxverstappen1 sassy is NOT in love with a ferrari driver
↳ yourusername one thing you, sassy and i have in common with
↳ user4 yn truly is just a lestappen truther
olliebearman sassy 🫶
↳ yourusername oh i guess ill just die then
↳ olliebearman my love beautiful angel girlfriend yn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourusername better
↳ arthur_leclerc did you just get jealous over a cat?
↳ yourusername did you really just lose your seat?
↳ yourusername it’ll get old when you get your seat back
↳ arthur_leclerc that’s getting old 🙄
user5 each and every day, arthur tries to come for yn’s neck and each and every day, yn gags him
paularon_ olliebearman in a scale of 1-10, how scary is it to face mad max head on?
↳ olliebearman just peachy 👍 (i nearly shat my pants)
charles_leclerc does this mean that max’s promise is null and void?
↳ maxverstappen1 none of you figured out who it is 🤷
↳ yourusername what promise?
↳ maxverstappen1 ….nothing
landonorris i can’t believe we didn’t figure out it’d be bearman
↳ george_russell it seems so obvious now
↳ alex_albon i asked him straight on and he lied to my face
↳ olliebearman i was terrified max would find a way to run me over with his rocketship if i even dare utter it
↳ alex_albon yk what absolutely valid
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also this turned out wayy longer than i meant it to which is why it took so long.
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archiverstappen · 3 months
appendix touch ✧ max verstappen
max verstappen x ferrari! fem! reader
the beloved ferrari heiress just had her appendix removed, and now the whole world is convinced that she's going to start an epidemic
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 1.735.028 others
yn_ferrari I understand that, without my agreement, my father has put out an instagram story this afternoon that makes it seem like I’m dying. This is true, I do feel like I’m dying. I’m having my appendix removed.
view all 1.832 comments
maxverstappen1 Will get that win for you 💙
↳ yn_ferrari no, thanks ❤️
↳ papaferrari Please let Carlos/Charles win for Y/N’s faster recovery 😊
oscarpiastri 🤨
↳ yn_ferrari poet of the century
alex_albon Been there, done that
↳ yn_ferrari teach me your ways, master
username get well soon mother
carlossainz55 Get well soon, mi hermana 😂
↳ yn_ferrari soy lago
↳ landonorris stop copying me 😒
charles_leclerc Fake 🤭
↳ yn_ferrari i’ll pinch your appendix with my bare hands so you’d know how it feels
↳ alexandrasaintmleux 😨
↳ yn_ferrari look away, my love 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
scuderiaferrari Get well soon, Boss ❤️
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liked by papaferrari and 2.736.991 others
scuderiaferrari Patient 0, Patient 1, and Charles 😄 The gang is finally back in a land down under 🦘
tagged yn_ferrari, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc
view all 2.155 comments
papaferrari My children 🧒🧒🧒
username favorite trio ever
username the fact that we won't be seeing them together again next year 😞
yn_ferrari admin... what's with the caption? 🙂
↳ scuderiaferrari Hi boss, please don't fire me
charles_leclerc I'm a survivor ❤️‍🩹
↳ yn_ferrari you're next 👹
↳ papaferrari Don't say that kind of thing, I can't have all of my children go through the same surgery three weeks in a row
↳ charles_leclerc 🤪🤪🤪 yn_ferrari
↳ carlossainz55 We'll try again next time yn_ferrari
username she's got that appendix touch, because every appendix that she touches starts to burst 🤷‍♀️
↳ yn_ferrari HELP 💀
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 3.283.332 others
yn_ferrari beyond proud of what you guys achieved today, words can't describe how i feel! and no, contrary to popular belief i had nothing to do with max's dnf 😮‍💨
ps. someone said i've got the appendix touch, soo... if you're interested just hit me up
view all 3.122 comments
maxverstappen1 🙍‍♂️
maxverstappen1 Enjoy it while it lasts, Schat 😑
↳ yn_ferrari I will 😽
redbullracing You're temporarily banned from our garage🙏
↳ yn_ferrari I DIDNT DO ANYTHING?!
↳ redbullracing A source spotted you touching the rear wing of Max's car 💔
↳ yn_ferrari THAT'S A LIE.... scuderiaferrari STEP UP?
↳ scuderiaferrari Sorry, we're too focused on celebrating P1 and P2
↳ mercedesamgf1 Wow, can't relate scuderiaferrari
username why is there a video of you running down the pitlane after race, pls explain 😭
↳ yn_ferrari i was watching the race with max at red bull’s hospitality 🏃‍♀️💨
carlossainz55 Us 1 - Appendicitis 0 🍾
↳ yn_ferrari yes sir 🫡
charles_leclerc Can I have my appendix removed too? papaferrari
↳ papaferrari No
landonorris Do mine next, I need to win
alex_albon Can I have my appendix removed again?
↳ yn_ferrari control your man lilymhe 😭
↳ lilymhe bffr 🤬
↳ yn_ferrari rrrAAAGHHHH 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
scuderiaferrari We're so happy, our appendix literally burst 🥹
↳ username new merch idea?
↳ scuderiaferrari Noted 📝
papaferrari Dinner on me tonight 😎 carlossainz55 charles_leclerc
↳ charles_leclerc Finally
↳ carlossainz55 On my way!
↳ maxverstappen1 Can I come too?
↳ papaferrari I guess so, Y/N would be mad if I didn't invite you
↳ charles_leclerc Max got a pity invite 🤭
↳ lewishamilton Can i come? 🤔
↳ carlossainz55 My wound is still fresh...
pictures (c) to pinterest and instagram
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h4m1lt0ns · 2 months
episode fourteen :: HEAR ME OUT.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴various, lewis hamilton x y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔girl you will not believe who texted y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔ wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕ excessive cussing, none.
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y/n: i’m sorry who is this?
xxx-xxx: it’s kelly
y/n: ?
y/n: kelly piquet?
xxx-xxx: unfortunately
xxx-xxx: its an emergency.
xxx-xxx: and girl to girl, we NEED to talk.
y/n: OH?
xxx-xxx: i need to see you.
xxx-xxx: will u be at the qatar gp?
y/n: yes!! we can talk there, but is it urgent?
xxx-xxx: i know what you’ve seen from me gives u every reason under the sun to not even want to breath the same air as me but this is for your safety.
y/n: i got you.
y/n: see you tomorrow.
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y/n: if you’re available for gossip irl raise ur hand
angel carmen: no bc what where you doing with that demon i thought you knew better
princess george: explain pls 😐
chal eclair: hurry up and explain bae, alex is spamming me and she’s fuming 😍
y/n: she’s spamming me too 😭
wifey lily: the girls gc is going OFFFFF
girlfriend kika: for good fucking reason
girlfriend kika: fucking explain yourself y/n
PIERRE GASLYYYY: kika’s so mad i think she might explode 😭
alabono: lily too 😭
chili!: well good thing none of them are here bc y/n would gotten assaulted
angel carmen: yeah
babygirl alex: exactly
girlfriend kika: what carlos said
wifey lily: hm.
y/n: 😟
y/n: meeting in george’s drivers room?
my baby lando: on my way !!!!
chal eclair: we all are
︴# ⸝⸝ : ★ real life ¡ ⌕ ⸝⸝ ﹒ ﹕
“everyone here?” y/n asks as everyone tried to cram in between two chairs and a sofa. “yep” carlos squeaks with charles and lando on top of him on a lazy chair, “yeah, mate” george says, him, alex, and pierre on the sofa while daniel and yuki shared the second chair.
“girls?” y/n looks at her laptop. kika, carmen, alexandra and lily were on a zoom call. “all here” kika gave a thumbs up as y/n sat in the middle of the floor. “girl.” y/n says, “oh, this is gonna be good” lando giggles, “so kelly originally texted me the day champagne, sex and anxiety dropped and i didn’t recognise the number” y/n began.
“i thought she was someone else because the number was unknown but then she was like ‘girl to girl we need to talk’, so i was a bit like, oh?, y’know?” y/n says as she passes her phone to the boys so they can read the messages.
“and when we met earlier, she was like-”
“sorry, did i miss anything?” lewis rushed into the room, seemingly a bit out of breath. “no, it was just about to begin” carmen’s slightly distorted voice says. lewis not so subtly checks y/n out, licking his lips, pierre and daniel give each other a knowing look with charles and lando give y/n a little smirk and she mouths ‘shut up’.
“is that a chair?” george chuckles, lewis placed a chair he had brought with him next to the sofa and shrugged, “well, i knew there wouldn’t be space here” lewis said as he set the chair down. he was about to sit when he notice y/n was on the floor, “wait, you come sit on it” lewis tells y/n.
“no, no, it’s okay” y/n smiles, “doll, i don’t want you sitting on the floor, it’s cold” lewis shakes his head. the rest of the drivers all quietly giggle and nudge each other as the girls text each other something about how lewis was calling you ‘doll’ in front of everyone.
“well it’s here if you need it” lewis says as he sits on the chair.
“guys, hold on, so, what did kelly say?” alex asks.
“yeah, she was like ‘i got your number from max’ phone, sorry to contact you on your personal number, blah blah blah, how was your day?’ all that, but that doesn’t matter” y/n continued, “bro, she’s breaking up with max”
charles gasps, “no, she’s not!”
“did he cheat on her too?” george asks
“here we go again” yuki chuckles.
so many questions were being asked all at once, “boys, shut up so we can understand!” kika exclaimed and the boys quickly settled down again. “they’re breaking up because of me” y/n added and the noise began once more.
“she better not be blaming that on you” lando rolled his eyes.
“what do you mean because of you? you didn’t do anything” carlos frowned.
“i just know he cheated on her” yuki laughs.
“oh my god, all of you shut up!” lily exclaims.
“no, no, wait, max has been, allegedly, loosing his mind. kelly said that ever since they announced their relationship, hes been obsessing over me. to an almost dangerous level” y/n begins again. “define obsessing” george says.
“kelly said that when heartbreak syndrome came out, he was hyper fixated on the songs. he would analyse each song, line by line to figure out which line are about him.” y/n explain. yuki’s eyes widened while charles, lewis and lando physically recoiled. “he also tried to send me a cease and desist because some of the songs were ‘too specific’” she added.
“and also-”
“no, hold on, can we talk about this? because my body had a visceral reaction” lando interrupted with a dramatic hand on his chest. “yeah, that’s a bit much” lewis nodded, pierre muttered something into his hands while carlos looked just befuddled.
“wait, y/n, there’s more? you said also?” carmen frowned. “yeah, so, remember when kelly used to copy me on social media, girl, hold on” y/n got up and began pacing around the room, “apparently, max was forcing her to copy me so she looked like the crazy obsessed one” y/n said, “shut up, no he did not!” pierre said, “girl, yes he did! because he was stalking my accounts with her account” she added.
“what the fuck?” carlos asked and daniel had a frightened look on his face. everyone in the room had shocked looks on their face as they stared at each other. all those months of what seemed like kelly copying and shading y/n was all of max’s doing. “she also said that when i signed with mercedes, he like, lost it.”
“lost it? or lost it?” kika asked, “lost it.” y/n answered. “he was up there breaking things, screaming, crying, just loosing his mind” y/n explained. “heh, he just like me for real” lando chuckled, then everyone glared at him. “i’m so funny” he added.
“did she mention the billboards thing?” daniel asked. y/n nodded as she stood next to lewis, placing a hand over his shoulder. lewis, almost subconsciously, wrapped his arm around y/n’s waist. charles and george smirked at y/n and she gave them a look that said ‘I will throw my shoe at you’. “kelly overheard max literally orchestrating the whole thing on a phone call with the red bull employees, and not only were they going to burn billboards, they wanted to burn the merch stands and my signing booth.”
“okay, what the fuck?” carlos asks again as the girls gasp. “oh? oh, he was serious serious” charles says as he half covered his mouth in shock. “what do you mean the signing booth? you could’ve gotten hurt.” lewis tightened his grip on y/n, as he says with a frown making daniel and alex nod in agreement. “yeah! that could’ve gone really fucking bad” yuki crosses his arms over his chest.
“I wanna say something crazy” y/n began.
“yeah, let’s not…” carmen said, “let’s use our critical thinking, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn’t do crazy things!” alexandra sarcastically giggled, “max was doing crazy things and look where that got him” she added. “depends on what the crazy something is” daniel said, “hey! don’t enable her!” kika scolded him making him raise his hands, “i’m just saying that if-”
“I want to talk to max.” y/n said, and everyone went quiet.
“what?” alex, george and carlos asked in unison, looking confused. “really?” charles asked as him, lando and pierre looked grossed out. “woooooow” yuki deadpanned, him and daniel were visibly upset. alexandra and carmen sighed in disappointment and lewis.. looked angry.
“you’re not seeing him” lewis said.
“no you-” lewis inhaled deeply before continuing, “doll, he could’ve hurt you. you heard what his girlfriend said.” he said as he stroked her waist. charles and lando smirked at her, “what did I just say?! critical thinking skills!” alexandra frowned.
“y/n, babe, i don’t have the patience.” lily said with a huge fake smile, y/n put her hands up defensively; “but i have a plan, okay, here me out.” she says.
“okay, let her cook-” lando began, only to be swiftly cut off by george, “no! she’s done cooking for today. banned from the kitchen.”
“guys, oh my god, please.” y/n whined, “i just wanna ask him about some things!” she added. yuki sat up, “i’ve been saying, let me speak to him for months but no one is letting me near him.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “you’re gonna stab him, bro, no!” pierre half chuckled, “…fair.” yuki grumbled.
“there is nothing, nothing, that you and that sloth can talk about.” carlos began, “not a single thing.” he added. “but!” lando clapped, “okay.. devil’s advocate-”
“shut the fuck up.” the girls cut him off, and he placed the dramatic hand back on his chest.
“y/n” lewis said with a soft smile as he pulled her on his lap. george and alex elbowed each other while charles, lando and carlos tried their best (worst) to keep their giggles down, and yuki and pierre took photos to send to kika later.
y/n’s heart beat a bit faster and she founded herself at a loss for words, “you’re not safe around him. if there’s something you want to ask him, ask his girlfriend to communicate it to him. there’s no reason for you to break no contact after all he did. he’s disrespected you and your name in public, has stalked you, damaged private property with your face on it, do i need to keep going?” lewis asked.
y/n shook her head, “n-no, you d-don’t” she quietly answered.
“so what are you gonna do?” lewis asked, “not talk to max… privately.” she answered, he was nodding along, then he stopped. “you… what?”
“y/n, i will leap through this screen and stab you” alexandra threatened. “can we hear her out?” lando asked, “no!” the girls jumped at him again, the dramatic hand returned for a third time, “you’re just gonna let them yell at me like that?” he whined
“maybe you should hear me out!” y/n said, and there was a loud, collective of disappointment and annoyance. “and, yes, they’re your aunts, im your mother.” she answered lando.
“listen, next grand prix, all of you can be there, i just wanna ask him about the bullshit that he’s been doing.” she explained.
everyone looked at each other then at y/n, “really?” charles asked, “please?” y/n begged. “i’m in! sounds messy” lando giggled. kika chuckled, “no wonder you’re a PR nightmare.”
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f1smutwriter · 3 months
|𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬 (𝐦𝐯𝟏, 𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔)
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Dom!Max x Sub!Charles x Sub!fem reader
Summary: Charles wants to break the rules but she’s not sure. They both get punished for touching each other without permission
Warnings: SMUT! Dom/subs situation, punishment, oral (fem rec), threesome, praising, degrading, unprotected sex (girl don’t even thing about it), pet names (good boy/girl, princess, baby boy, my love etc), bondage, sex toys, dirty talk, anal, subspace, overstimulation, and way more that I might have missed
Notes: This was a request but I did something completely stupid. So if you’re the one who requested this here it is again I’m sorry for not tagging you. Hope you like it!
“Please mon amour he won’t find out, just need your help baby” Charles begged me while rubbing his hard cock through his pants. He’s been begging me for about 30 minutes wanting to be inside me since max wasn’t there to help him. “But Maxie is gonna get mad don’t want to get punished cha” I whimpered to him while squeezing my thighs as he rubs them both with his hands.
“He won’t punish us, please baby need your pussy” he whimpered to me holding my hips slowly moving them to my clothed pussy. I whined feeling his hands over my wet pussy making me grind on his hand needy. “See you want it to please we just have to be quick” he explained to me making me give in to the pleasure.
“Promise that Maxie won’t get mad” I asked him innocently not knowing if he was telling the truth or not. “I promise he won’t get mad” he insisted making me nod and let him touch me. Once I gave him the nod he started taking off my clothes one by one. Once he was done taking off my clothes he started kissing me making me whimper against him. He took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his underwear. He rubbed my wet folds making me squeal from the sudden pleasure taking over my body.
“Need your cock cha please” I begged him slowly going into that fuzzy mind set I always get when I’m with him or max. Once he heard me beg for his length he slowly takes off his underwear showing me his cock leaking with pre-cum at the angry red tip. He runs his tip against my throbbing clit making me whimper more for him pleading for him to push Inside me. He finally pushed himself inside me making us both moan out in unison. He starts thrusting picking up a pace that we both liked. He was moaning and whimpering feeling my tight wet walls around his leaky cock.
“You feel so good. M’not gonna last. Your so tight” he whimpered to me making my walls clench around him. We were so into each other we didn’t hear the door open or close. He was thrusting harder and harder making me scream out his name. Max heard everything and he was pissed. He knew what we were doing. So he walked to our room opening the door and watching Charles plow his cock into my soaking cunt. I opened my eyes to see Charles but instead I see an angry max behind him.
“Cha stop it” I whined to him pushing his chest so he stop thrusting into me. “Maxie is-“ I say before getting cut off my Charles. “Maxie is not gonna know please baby I’m so close” he whined thrusting faster making me yelp out when I feel his tip brush my g-spot.
“Oh so I’m not gonna know” Max said loudly behind him making his cock slip out so he can turn around. Max was pissed. He had a raging hard on but his body spoke different. “Was gone for an hour and you couldn’t wait for me Charles. But not only you couldn’t wait you had to bring our good girl into this” he growled to Charles slowly walking over to the naked man.
“M’sorry, w-was hurting a-and you said I couldn’t touch myself anymore” he stuttered scared knowing he was gonna get punished for his actions. “Aww the slut is sorry. What are you sorry for, I’m surprised you didn’t have her fuck you, can never go a day without being full can you” Max shouted before grabbing Charles cock and squeezing it. That made Charles whimpered and it made me gasp from the sight in front of me. “Baby girl” Max called out to me.
“Yes daddy” I say my voice sounding so little compared to his. “Who started it” he asked wanting to know an answer knowing I was gonna tell the truth. “I did daddy” I lied to him not wanting Charles to get punished badly.
“Are you lying to me princess, because you know daddy doesn’t like liars” he warned me giving me his famous stern look, the same look he gives us when we do something we should have. I gulped slight still wanting to protect Charles. “Yes daddy I know, I started it asked cha to fill me up because I missed you” I whimpered to him not making eye contact with his dark lustful eyes.
“See now I know you’re lying, because when you lie you don’t look at me. So why are you lying to me baby girl. What happened to my good girl, Charles is my brat but you you’re my angel” he said disappointed that I was lying to him to protect Charles. “Wanted to protect cha don’t want him to get punished” I cried to him softly finally looking up at him showing him the sad look on my face.
“You hear that Charles she wanted to protect. My sweet angel wanted to protect my naughty brat. What do you say Charles what do you say to our baby girl” Max grumbled in his deep dominant voice that makes us straight up instantly. “Thank you angel” Charles whimpered to me still feeling Maxes hand around his throbbing cock.
“Princess would you do daddy a favor” he mumbled to me, making full eye contact. “Can you go get me the hand cuffs and the cock ring for brat” he grunted to me in his deep voice making me nod and Charles whimpered knowing exactly what cock ring he was asking for. The cock ring that vibrates around his shaft but doesn’t let him cum. I quickly get up going into the closet grabbing the things he wanted before putting them on the bed.
“And you go lay on the bed. Now” he demanded Charles before Charles goes and scurry’s off to the spot where he always gets tied up to. “Your gonna watch me fucking out girls pretty pussy while your stuck. Do you understand” he growled to Charles while cuffing his wrist around our headboard, all Charles can do is nod whimpering as Max slips the cock ring on him.
Max slaps his thigh and grabs his face. “You know the rules. We use our words got it” he growled to him animalistic tone making Charles whine softly. “Yes daddy I understand” Charles moaned softly to him bucking his hips up. “Good boy” Max mumbled before turning on the cock ring which vibrated at the bottom of his shaft. Charles yelps from the sudden vibration making him tug on the hand cuffs that had thick fur on them so it doesn’t hurt our wrist.
“Angel what’s your color” Max questioned rubbing my cheek with his thumb making me look up with him with such pure eyes. “Green daddy” I whispered to him as Charles moans and whines in the background. “Charles what’s your color” Max asked him watching Charles buck his hips and tremble in pure pleasure. “G-green” he squealed feeling his first orgasm but not being able to let it out due to the cock ring.
“Lay down baby, daddy’s gonna taste this pussy okay” he told me before laying me down as Charles watches my every move. Max slowly runs his fingers through my folds making me gasped loudly from sensitivity. “Aww is my princesses pussy sensitive” he teased circling my clit with his thumb. All I could do was whine out making him slap my clit hard. I yelped out before soft tears run down my face. “Do I need to remind you both the rules. You both speak with words do you understand” he said pissed at the both of us. “Yes daddy” we say in unison.
“My good little sluts, but you your not a slut angel you can go a day without being filled, but you Charles always need your tight hole filled with daddy’s cock huh” Max taunted watching the younger boy cry out from the pure overstimulation. “Y-yes, always need your c-cock” Charles cried out throwing his head back in pleasure and pain.
“Imagine what all your friends would say if they saw you like this. Showing them how much of a slut you are for me. How much you begged to get filled up by my cock” he taunted his while circling Charles sensitive nipple with his finger. “Now watch me eat our girls pussy okay” he says before leaning down to my pussy spreading it slight to see my clit. He kitten licks my clit softly making me gasp from the sudden sensation. Before I know it he’s feasting on my pussy like he was starving. Licking, sucking, nipping. Everything that made me feel rush of pleasure. I moaned out his name while pulling his hair.
“Nu uh don’t moan mine name moan his name” he mumbled against my pussy wanting me to moan Charles name while he eats my cunt. So I do what he says. “Charlie feels s-so good” I cried out while looking at Charles seeing him cry out from not being able to cum. All he can do was whimper and cry not being able to touch me at all. I feel max suck on my clit harshly making my thighs tremble around his head. “D-da-daddy too much” I squealed feeling him suck my sensitive clit.
But he doesn’t stop all he does is abuse my clit knowing that will make me cum faster. I feel the familiar knot in my stomach about to snap. “Daddy need to cum. Can I please cum” I begged for permission to release the knot. All he did was hum a yes in my trembling pussy making me cum all over his face with a scream. He cleaned me up with his tongue dragging out my orgasm. Once I finally cum down from my high, I’m deeper into the fuzzy headspace and he knows it.
“Maxie m-may I please cum” Charles begged with dried tears on his cheek. All max did was chuckle at him taking off the cock ring and un cuffing him. “Took your punishment so good my good boy. Go grab me the lube and I’ll fuck you while our angel rides your pretty cock okay” he said softly the softest he’s talked to Charles today. Charles nod softly slowly getting into that headspace as well kissing max and me softly. He got up and grabbed the lube giving it to max.
Max slowly puts lube on his fingers and Charles hole to prep him making the trembling boy gasp from the cold sensation. Max rubbed the rim of his hole before slowly sticking a finger in him. Charles let out a loud moan miss the feeling of being full. Max slowly starts to scissor another finger into him to stretch out the ring of muscle. Max pushed his finger deeper curling it into Charles pressing the tip of his fingers into Charles prostate making Charles cry out.
“I think your stretched out enough baby boy” Max says to the whimpered boy before putting lube onto his cock. Then max looked at me “ready princess” he asked me before slipping his cock into Charles tight hole making them both groan. I slowly move closer to Charles cock sliding my pussy back onto it for the second time that night. “S-so full” Charles gasped out feeling Maxes cock deep inside him. While I fuck my pussy onto Charles cock making him feel extra pleasure. Me and Max move at the same pace making us all moan out. The room was filled with pornographic moans from the all of us letting the pleasure take over our body’s.
“M-maxie gonna cum” Charles yelled out loudly as I go faster on his cock. “Me too” I cried out feeling his tip hit nothing but my g-spot. “Come on my sluts, cum for me. Cum for daddy” Max growled before pounding into Charles hole hitting his prostate over and over again making Charles let his warm seed in me. That triggered my orgasm, I tighten my already tight walls around him making me cum all over his cock. Once I tightened he squeezed his hole around max for the overstimulation. Max moans loudly cumming in Charles before panting and slipping out softly making Charles whine from the lack of fullness.
Max gets up and go gets a wet towel to clean us up with me and Charles both in the deep fuzzy mind set cuddling together. Max comes back and cleans up the cum out of mine and Charles hole. He threw the towel on the floor bringing us into his lap as we babbled nonsense to him. “Did so good, my good girl and good boy. Made daddy so proud” he praised us running his fingers through our hair.
“Come back to me daddy doesn’t want you to get sick. Come back to me” he said not wanting us to get sub drop again like we did last time. We slowly come back to him our babbling becoming less and less. Once we finally came back we cuddled deeper into him slowly falling asleep in my arms. “I love you so much” he whispered to us both before we fall asleep feeling same.
Notes: that was very intense. Again the request are open please leave me some so I can post for you guys. This was a request I’m sorry I couldn’t tag you I’m still new at this. But anyways I really hope you guys liked this!
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beiasluv · 6 months
christmas spirit’s | f1 grid
a/n: super rushed but enjoy 💀💀
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liked by username, username and 76,727 others
view all 3,764 comments
username mans knew that she loves f1 dilfs and went with it
username I NEED to see Jenson reaction
username NO because Sebastian IS her mentor 😩
username I FEEL SO BAD FOR YN 😭
username RIGHT
username 😭😭
username I wouldn’t be mad if I was gifted the three branches of government
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liked by yourinsta, landonorris and 524,626 others
carlossainz55 ¡feliz navidad! from the sainz’s 🎄
view all 101,261 comments
username carlos is in spain (without the s)
username another one ticked off the list 😭😭😭
username ikr???
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and 361,155 others
alex_albon wishing everyone a very happy christmas from the albons!
view all 89,621 comments
username sad day to be an albon fan
username girl imagine being a logan stan
username you’re either american or american. either way, he is definitely back in florida
username ngl I’ll let him spend any day with lily. a win is a win
username get a fucking life yall it’s just a party
username it’s LIFE
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liked by arthur_leclerc, yourinsta and 861,718 others
charles_leclerc family dinner from the leclerc ❤️🎄
view all 275,255 comments
username okay mr. host candidate, pack it up rn
username so no one is going to mention that yn goes on to like every single post 😭😭
username and lando.
username they plotting sumthinh
username tell me that bitch didn’t lie to us 👹
username that’s mean. do it again
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liked by oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and 861,517 others
yourinsta new player contract?? 🤭
view all 341,255 comments
carlossainz55 ankles still working?
landonorris at least I’m better than you
yourinsta she was a fairy 🤭🤭
username YN IS IN THE UK 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🦅🦅🦅
username so bf??? 🤭😭😭😭
username football girlie here but gah daium yn looks so fine 😩
username the crossover we never (kinda) expected 👹
username so…the party?
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 385,288 others
yourinsta happy holidays and making cookies!
view all 86,626 comments
landonorris where’s mine
yourinsta burnt 👹
username switching sides
username maybe she’s not planning something after all 😔✊
yourinsta SAY SIKE RN 🤭
username WHATHDG
landonorris 4h
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yourinsta 2h
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landonorris 23m
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liked by username, username and 97,277 others
f1gossips photos of the F1 Christmas party parties last night were leaked. lando norris comfirmed as the party host and special guests of carlos sainz, nico hulkenburg, max verstappen, pierre gasly, kika gomes, yn ln, and charles leclerc himself. monte carlo confirmed.
- admin
view all 1,097 comments
username please tell me yn took that picture of Charles
username queen getting back for his present
username no she was a savage last night 😭
username Queen was roasting no one with hesitation
username AS SHE SHOULD
ngl guys, I actually finished the mark webber one first and then the poll shifted 👹👹👹👹
if you guys enjoyed it, any interaction would be appreciated. if not, then why the fuck not? 😘
today’s a great day to get out and take care of yourself 🫶
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“The demon is back.” Eddie pokes into Steve’s side to wake him up.
“Babe, please go back to sleep.” Steve shoves his face into the pillow, making his voice muffled.
“Steeeeve.” Eddie whines, “It’s really there I swear this time. And I locked the door so I know it’s the demon again. Nothing else can get inside.”
“Eddie.” Steve squishes his face even deeper into the mattress. “You do this at least once a week. I love you; I do. But I never look because there is no demon. And every morning, you wake up fine. So please, go back to sleep.”
“What if I promise never to mention it again if it’s not really there? Will you look then?” This time Eddie’s voice wavers, his actual terror showing.
Steve sighs and shifts his head to look at Eddie, “This is really freaking you out, huh?” He says it kindly. Steve can tell this is serious to Eddie. So even if he doesn’t believe it, Eddie does. And what’s important to Eddie is important to Steve.
Eddie nods back furiously.
“Okay, I’ll look.” Steve shifts his head towards the other side, where the chair by the window sits. There, sitting in that corner is a dark shadowy figure. “Oh.”
“See! I told you! Demon! Oh god, it’s gonna get us.” Eddie throws his hands up. Even though he’s terrified, he’s accepted defeat.
“No.” Steve says calmly. “It’s just El.”
Eddie pauses his rant, “What?”
“It’s just El. In the corner. She does that sometimes, watches people she cares about until she falls asleep. To make sure they’re safe.” Steve looks at Eddie.
“The door was locked! How are you so calm about one of the kids just watching us at night?”
“Honey, she has mind powers. I don’t think a flimsy lock from Home Depot is going to stop her.” Steve deadpans before shrugging, “And it’s El. She could ask me to kill a man, and I probably wouldn’t even ask questions.”
“What if she asked you to kill me?”
“I’d be conflicted.”
“I want to be mad, but honestly I think I’d hand you the knife.” Eddie sighs, looking down at Steve.
Steve scoffs, “Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t stab you. I’d obviously sneak some kind of poison into your honeycombs. Way less messy.”
Eddie goes back to nearly shouting, “Why have you thought about this?!”
“Honestly, I have a lot of intrusive thoughts. I just don’t speak them out loud.”
Despite the fact they are actively talking about his murder, Eddie can’t help but get all gooey with Steve in their bed. “Is this why you don’t get mad when I think aloud? Another reason why you just get me. Adding that tally to the ‘why we are great together’ column.”
“Yes, we’re pretty amazing. Can we go back to sleep now?” Steve smiles.
“Yes—wait, no.” Eddie corrects himself, getting himself back on track. He loves this man, but he is a sneaky little minx. “Why did El never say anything? I mean, this is not the first time I accused her of being a demon. Hell, we’ve been talking for literally five minutes, and she still hasn’t said anything. Also, what if she walked in on us doing, ya know, adult stuff?” Eddie blushes at the end. He’s acting like he hasn’t been whispering way worse things in Steve’s ear every night.
“First off, she won’t walk in on that. Apparently Max taught her about happy screams a long time ago.”
“Yeaaa. Second, I’m pretty sure she’s asleep right now.”
Huh, now that Eddie thinks about it, he does hear soft little snores. Which is weird since neither he nor Steve snores, and they are both, ya know, awake.
“And I don’t think El speaking in a dark corner would have helped your fears. Like imagine just hear her soft “Hello” at 2 a.m.” Steve raises an eyebrow.
“I—okay I got nothing.”
“Fantastic can we go back to sleep now?”
Eddie gives one last shout, “You’re not going to stop her?”
“Are you going to tell her no? And make her worry?”
Eddie slinks down into the covers, “...no.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Eddie curves his body into Steve’s, seeking him out. Steve wraps his arms around Eddie, securing him to his chest. “Thank you for indulging me.”
Steve hums. “Anything for you baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Eddie kisses Steve lightly.
“I love you both as well.” El’s voice suddenly speaks into the silent room.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie screams.
Steve can’t help the giggles that come out of him. He tries to smother them into Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie can’t find it in himself to be mad.
some people seemed interested in more el + Steve sibling energy. And they are a sibling-like duo I love. So here’s a little something but more steddie involved. I think all three of their relationship would be very sweet. Both Eddie and Steve would protect el. I hope you enjoyed :)
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