edenfenixblogs · 4 months
So what is your favorite cookie? Or sweet/pastry in general? Or, if not much a fan of sweets, what sort of dessert type thing then?
Tell me your secrets of deliciousness!
I'm a fan of lemon cookies and macadamia nut cookies personally, and I do enjoy cookies and cream ice cream or really any kind of cheesecake ice cream. And also just cheesecake. I am fond of cannoli too!
Oooooh! I love this question!!!! I love sweets. I don't like overly swet things but I do love sweets so much that my sister, @will-write-for-food nicknamed me "Sweets" in high school.
Fave all time desert: Fruit custard tart. From the moment this scene occurred in Matilda, there has never been a more magical dessert to me. I dreamed of trying one for a long time after I saw the scene, and when I did finally have one it was one of the few times in my life where expectations were exceeded.
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My childhood icon.
Fave dessert category: Pies!!!!!!!
Fave cookie: Can't beat a good chocolate chip.
Fave biscuit (British): Chocolate Digestives
Uno Reverse Card! What about you!?
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rabid-catboy · 2 months
Favorite thing about Mr. G'raha Tia?
Ohhh that's hard to say 😭 there's so much I love about him... His love of reading is really endearing to me, for one thing. Scholar guy::))). But also his unerring belief in the wol is really sweet.. and how excited he is to hang out with his hero always. Sorry I'm rambling now but also the bit in endwalker where the people were turning into blasphemies(? Unsure if that's the right word but gestured) and he managed to stay calm and help other people from turning. And the fact he lead the crystarium so well. Really admirable in my opinion.. also the ear wiggles. The ear wiggles are extremely cute
(Sorry I did not mean to make this this long but oh well)
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shinjiro-aragaki99 · 17 days
Sending this your way, feel free to ignore~.
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
My dogs Boomer, Stella, and Jiu-Huo. I spend most of my days with them as I don't have much contact with other humans. I like it when they play with me and each other.
Persona 3, my current special interest. Especially the character Shinjiro Aragaki, since I relate to him a lot. I also like Koromaru because he's a dog (Shinjiro also likes dogs a lot).
My husband, who lives in Sweden (not legally married because I'm disabled). One of the few people in real life who understands me. I might actually get to visit him in Sweden this year. I hope to move there eventually.
Peridot, an AR creature breeding game I've been playing for a year now. I'm always wondering what I'm going to hatch next. This game was able to get me to leave the house after stuff happened since it's a game made by Niantic.
The glowing mushroom lamps I have in my room. They came from an Etsy shop located in Ukraine called TheSnowmade. I've gotten quite a few of them over the years.
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dawnscales · 2 months
Purim asks 9 and 13! Also happy Purim!
super late answer because I guess dumblr just decided not to give me a notification about this,,,, but thanks for the asks !!!
9. Ever wore a mask for a costume?(covid masks count if they're an integral part of the costume)
when I was little I went as a crying clown / wore one of those carnival masks from Venice during Purim! otherwis I have worn masks for cosplay, drama class and carnival in the EU.
13. Tell us of a character you headcanon as Jewish and how you think they'd celebrate!
Definitely Vash the Stampede from Trigun. Considering the story plays in like 4k+ years A.D in space, I am not sure he'd celebrate it the way we do but he'd at least read the story maybe try to cook something if he isn't currently running away from the law.
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determinate-negation · 5 months
https://www.tumblr.com/arandomshotinthedark/736993951241928704/its-slide-69-theres-several-slides-of-concern ..are they purposely not getting the point??? does that not show that young people also want jewish ppl to be safe?? am i reading it wrong?
first of all this poll was done with a sample size of 2000 people and it doesnt specify how many of them were 18-24 but i imagine it wouldnt be more than half of the total sample size so theyre basing these statements off the results of what maybe less than 1000 said they think in an online poll. no one should be drawing any grand conclusions from this. this is your brain on positivism. so honestly this garbage isnt even that relevant. but anyways, op of this post is assuming that israel not existing = kill all the jews, so i dont respect their opinion and i disagree. so theyre purposefully reading it how they want idk. if you look at the other questions they have in the survey, you can see other people wanting jews to be safe, as you said, and the way the questions are framed in this poll is quite frankly ridiculous, its just obviously biased and already on a lot of anti-left wing and zionist assumptions. for example right wing political movements are not even an option here. anyways if you see people acting hysterical about polls with small sample sizes and biased phrasing i just ignore it personally
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timetravellingkitty · 1 month
Hmmm soooo, someone I followed reblogged this and I don't agree- but just wanted to know your thoughts bec.. 💀
literally just proving this post right lmao
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shametheshadow · 2 years
Might make a new tumblr account. I have only passing interest in FR anymore and this has long since not been a flightrising blog. I'm not a fandom type person so I'm not surprised. I've almost always been someone who enjoys things in their own corner.
Part of me just hates it here and hates how hard it can be to remember that tumblr and the people on it absolutely do not represent most people online or in the world as far as weird takes and skewed priorities go. But I also do really like some of the people that I've followed or been mutuals with @arandomshotinthedark you are so damn reliable for advice and I have nothing but endless admiration for you. I wish I weren't so bad at just talking to people. Like you, Pardra, Denurising, and Haranarei were some of the only people who actually made me keep tumblr for a loooong while, especially in my really low phase because you guys were always so nice but I was too shy to reach out on my own. And @pumpkin-bread I know most of our interactions are me buying and obsessing over your dragons, but seriously you've always come off as so sweet and have repeatedly inspired me to continue playing FR. I hope life treats you well.
But yeah, I'm torn. Maybe I'll make a new tumblr more for my art and writing, and do some more sharing of other things I like. Might still follow some flightrising things, but I think I'm ready to do some moving on.
Also I can finally stop getting notifications for that one post I made that now has almost 100k reblogs. Yes. Yes, I do know I used a thick red outline to circle the thing about dragon neopets when there was funnier stuff on the list... I made the post FOR dragon neopets. Please people, stop messaging me about it TT_TT
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cynicaldesire · 3 years
So what are your thoughts on season 4? Lay them on me!
My husband and I binged the entire Season 4 over the course of the weekend. We watched 6 episodes, then the last 4. We had a lot of feelings on it for a lot of reasons, mostly because I’m a writer, my husband is an artist, and we’re both critics because we have created work in the past.
My husband’s final rating was 6/10, wouldn’t watch it again but he wanted to give credit to the animators and staff that worked on it. I said I would give it a 4/10. It was so... disappointing. I’m gonna go on a bunch of rants about why I was displeased, so if you want to maintain your positive experience, you don’t have to continue.
So, before I get into the writing, I just want to point out that the sound design, music, and voice acting were all either poorly mixed because of COVID in-home booths or just shitty. The music didn’t pop off with any homages to actual game music and I couldn’t hear it most of the time. The voice acting of most of the cast was pretty great, but I hate Alucard’s voice. The murmuring breathy whispers of most of the cast is just annoying to me, but that’s a personal preference, I know. But a lot of other things didn’t have proper weight or punch to match what was happening.
The animation was also wildly inconsistent. My husband pointed out, again, COVID, so the animators were all probably working from home on deadlines and the Art Director, the guy meant to keep all the art on-model and consistent, probably wasn’t available to check work and send it back to the animators for changes. Or, there wasn’t sufficient time between when the animators sent there work in for changes to be requested. Don’t get me wrong, like with the voice cast, some of the animation was fucking sick, but it was just weighed down by all the poorly masked 3D shortcuts or off-model art.
(One of the things I kept thinking of when gore would happen was the Mortal Kombat devs that got PTSD from having to look at images of gore for the Fatalities. And I was like this isn’t worth all that. Fuck.)
Greta was fine, but she seemed flat. I’ve made her character before and been disappointed in how cool and nonchalant she is. She seems to be too good and relaxed at everything going on. That might’ve been the voice actor, but honestly? She fell flat for me. I didn’t not like her, she just didn’t feel very... well written? Like I said, she reminded me very much of a character I would make at first pass. And while I don’t mind or disagree with the choice to make her a love interest or even a close friend of Alucard, there was not enough buildup for it. Probably because she felt so flat to me.
Overall, on the writing front, I will say that it felt very... first draft. Like no one had an opportunity to look it over and say “Maybe don’t give Saint Germain’s whole motivation and backstory in episode 3?” Or not telegraphing the Death inclusion, or like... There’s so much that was just so poorly handled to me. There’s so many ways I personally would have done it differently or how it could’ve been handled better. There were so many characters that just stated their motivations and repeated them over and over again.
Isaac: ends last season hating humanity and having no reason to challenge that belief. Hates Hector for betraying Dracula. Full of hate and rage. This season: Opens with all his Night Creatures repairing a city, earing berries, and completely at peace with his past and his life. Flyseyes is there for ONE scene and never heard from again. And Isaac literally goes from that to invading Carmilla’s castle to DISAPPEARING. WHY?
The sequence with Isaac invading Carmilla’s castle was hilarious, too. Who the fuck is the hot demon? Some demon from the Wiki. Whomst were the fuckin human blokes with crossbows? Literally just human blokes with crossbows that they hired from a town somewhere else because apparently they didn’t have enough forces??????? The ring Hector ends up cutting off is never actually shown to force him to do something against his will? The fucking slave ring is also openly displayed in a bunch of other places and never utilized. It’s a useless McGuffin.
Carmilla descended into madness, or progressed through her logical steps violently due to solitude? And then when Lenore asks her what her motivations are, Carmilla tries to be coy and not answer the question so they end up having the same dialogue like 4 times? Lenore is somehow SURPRISED? Like, all of these people were human at some point, and that shit is never addressed, or if it is, it’s not remembered.
Hector was also here. He made a night creature, helped Isaac kill Carmilla - why did she explode so violently? - and then chilled in the castle the rest of the time. Like, nothing bad happened to him other than his finger. Which, show his hand every time he’s on screen, remind the audience of his injury. Isn’t it cool and edgy and shocking?
Saint Germain being just a shitty carnal entity was boring. He had a girlfriend he wanted to save so he could get laid, SNORE. When they showed her, she looked like Maria from Symphony of the Night, which has an ending that heavily implies her and Alucard hook up, so I was irritated that they coopted her appearance for this woman with no speaking lines that led Saint Germain to the Infinite Corridor.
Like, everything around Saint Germain’s story was pretty cool. If they hadn’t shown up literally in episode 3 through a sudden flashback his story and his motivations and also he’s the villain, the mystery of what he was doing was interesting. And for it to all just be told to us upfront? And then he just fucking died?
I had no fucks to give for Varney/Death. Death is not mentioned at any point before this season, he shows up seemingly randomly at the end as the Big Bad, and he’s just a big skeleton asshole. Ratko was at least a little interesting, but also wtf was he there for?
I also didn’t much care for Zamfir. I felt like there should’ve been two characters in her place. If one of them was crazy and the other was following their orders without knowing they were crazy? Cool. If she was crazy and didn’t ACKNOWLEDGE she was crazy? Better than what we got. The knights and the Underground Court and all the shit with Targoviste? Boring. Because, specifically, it demands a lot of suspension of disbelief that I didn’t have at that point.
Who the fuck was Dragan? What were all the monsters attacking the castle? Awful convenient for Alucard to have a shield now. He also had a bunch of skill from the SotN game, like the wolf form and the winged cape. Why did that one vampire have big bat wings and never again? Why did Varney call like literally everybody on the mirror phones? Why did he know to do that? Why did Saint Germain know him? WHERE DID TREVOR GET THE OTHER WHIP?
Trevor and Sypha were honestly probably the best handled. Sypha was herself but bigger and stressed. Trevor was also very tired and still a monster hunter. My husband was very happy with the “We’re just two sides of the same coin” philosophy Trevor had with Death, like Geralt feeling like a monster because he’s a Witcher. The idea that they aren’t exactly human and cause so much death but to the monsters. He wanted that explored. I was too busy being frustrated at the huge flashy animation fight to even remember that Trevor had said anything like that.
The magical weapons in Targoviste were cool plot devices. Much like with Varney and the mirrors and so many other things, it felt like they were there because the plot demanded it, not because there was some natural story for it outside of when Trevor and Sypha showed up.
But the single most disappointing thing was Vlad and Lisa living at the end. They didn’t want to see Alucard, absolute shit move regardless of their reasoning. The fact that they still went by Vlad and Lisa Tepes was bound to get back to Alucard somehow. And I... Being in Japan and engaging with a lot of Japanese media, I understand the way they use God is similar to the way they use Spirits, or Kami or something. God being used by a Western author makes it so wildly different. But I’m also... pretty against the idea of God in general, so the whole idea that “God” said Dracula and Lisa deserved a second chance is boring. Like, there’s so much wrong with this ending. It was only there for the shippers, probably.
Anyway. 4/10, wouldn’t watch again.
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g0dtier · 4 years
arandomshotinthedark replied to your post: i think the ways the news views the protests in...
Depends-does your media lump in looters with the protesters? Because there’s a serious issue of that and people defending anything wrong that happens as justified. Police station being burned down? That’s justified. Burning down a small business is not. It’s a clusterfuck because people are either using the looting to detract from the issue or trying to treat the looting as legit protest when it’s not.
no one is lumping in anyone with anyone, thats the point. its neutral journalism
we get news about the atmosphere in minneapolis without painting the protestors as right or wrong but rather explaining the reason. the protestors are pissed at the way the death of george floyd was handled. there’s no “they’re right” or “they’re wrong” in our news. it’s just the facts of the situation and the reason of the people for doing what they do
imo, kaepernick kneeled and people had a problem with that as well. peaceful protests dont work clearly. my preferred method would be a peaceful protests but black people get shit for everything in america, so i dont blame them for this rn. at least, im not surprised it happened. a small business being burned down isn’t justified depending on the business, but target burning down certainly is
also i think we should remember that even if people ARE being shitholes and looting for no reason (some might have a reason idk), thats still not on black people to justify to us. imo, when i was 15 i got sick and tired of being all “oh yeah im not one of THOSE” to cishets who hated flamboyant LGBT people because i didnt realise that lumping a group together after an incident like this makes no sense. something our news media (usually) gladly realises
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actualmanedrasa · 5 years
arandomshotinthedark replied to your post ““this decision cannot be appealed” …tumblr…….. u idiot…”
Clearly, your love of moths is too sinful for tumblr.
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seghs24 · 5 years
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Oof kfgjkfg sorry I never saw this and I’m just replying now!!
For armor I was wearing the full Kushala Daora Alpha set (fully augmented and upgraded)
My weapon was the Tyrannis Glaive II IG with a blast Kinsect (can’t remember which one it is exactly but it’s a white moth) with one Health augment.
I also used the Vitality Mantle and Temporal Mantle.
Usually I absolutely suck at fighting even normal Kushala Daora but with the negate wind affect my armor had and the fact I also had someone on the team giving buffs with a Hunting Horn we did awesome!
Also just an FYI if you’ve never fought AT Kushala, flash bombs don’t do shit to him. Usually you can flash him out of the sky to stop him from flying all over God’s fucking creation but AT doesn’t care about flash bombs, they just make him wiggle around a bit.
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edenfenixblogs · 2 months
Oh, it's your birthday today? Happy birthday! Hope the day is wonderful for you!
Ah! Thank you! You are such a tremendous and strong person. Before most people found my blog, you found my blog. Your intelligence and support and kindness and care during these past months is something for which I will treasure, remember, and be grateful for the rest of my life.
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rabid-catboy · 2 months
Rawr and whatnot::3
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bukbot · 6 years
Screwdrivers are a great drink. Would you like one?
A great horned.
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acornrising · 6 years
arandomshotinthedark replied to your post “ugh I gotta make some hard choices and maybe boot a few dragons cause...”
Makes me wish hibernal den was a thing now.
I was SO hoping it’d be released concurrent or prior to NotN but it doesn’t seem like it will be as of last update.
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shreedle · 6 years
arandomshotinthedark replied to your post: ��Final Fantasy. I have no idea which ones you've...
If you haven’t, look up Gilgamesh as he is in FF12. I think that’s one of the hammiest Gils I’d come across.
If I remember right, all the Gilgameshes are implied to be the exact same person, so I totally believe it. XD Not much one can do when wandering between universes then make up some lines.
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