sitstaystoned · 11 months
it's called duckweed. one hit and you'll be lining up behind mom
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marinebioblr · 5 months
Close encounters!
My beautiful koi betta Bisby has had a jumping spider neighbor taking advantage of her tank light to hunt bugs under for some time, and recently they met face to face! Very happy to capture each of them acknowledging the other - and Bisby's quick look back at me as if to say "you're seeing this too right?!" 🧡
Edit ✨️ For all those concerned, yes, she does have a lid! I'd just cleaned and was hanging out right there where I filmed from at my office desk. If you are new to fish keeping, please invest in a good lid or when picking setups, favor tank kits that include one!
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montereybayaquarium · 3 months
Meet Chica the giant Pacific octopus and dive behind the scenes with senior aquarist René! 🐙
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xbizzit · 1 year
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New beta fish + some blue neons . . . #betafish #neonfish #aquaristic (at zhk Fondovi zhilishta, Sofia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfuZE-Idw1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
God I hope that environmentalists, conservationists, zookeepers, etc. can figure out a way to unionize. I have no clue how a strike would work bc that would lead to our life's work being destroyed. If we stopped protecting these animals, ecosystems, etc. they would die. But it's horrible that getting a paid job is so freaking difficult bc you have to volunteer first, many positions require at least a college degree, and then when you finally get the job you're paid squat. Zookeepers usually have at the very least a bachelor's, most have doctorates. And get paid bupkis. But if we try to fight for higher wages we are called selfish and we are taking already limited resources away from those who need it most. Accredited zoos have to make difficult decisions to protect endangered species all the time, such as the Copenhagen Zoo deciding to put down a genetically invaluable Giraffe in order to make space for others.
I was able to ask one of the previous directors of the national zoo, "what is being done to insure fair wages for zookeepers, and expand opportunities to those who do not have the resources to volunteer?" I think I surprised her, but she said they were having workgroups and meetings on that issue. I believe that the national zoo has recently opened internships specifically for those with little experience, especially people of color, so that they can get training that will help them break into the field. I think they are paid but I'm not sure.
I don't think it's selfish for us to want to be able to afford rent, food, maybe a vacation once in a while too. We need to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our earth the best we can.
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tankorado · 2 years
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aquariumpacific · 1 month
Our podcast, Aquarium of the Podcific, is back for season two! Join hosts Erin Lundy and Madeline Walden on a deep dive of Aquarium of the Pacific animals, conservation efforts, careers, and more.
We are off to a ray-ly good start this season with Aquarist Sarah Nevarez! Sarah talks about her experience caring for the aquarium's rays, their silly behaviors, and how closely they are related to sharks.
Aquarium of the Podcific is available everywhere you listen to podcasts.
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ajomagurd · 10 months
Soooo, i got a pet leech.
His (their? Its?) Name is Larry. I got him from a swamp in Tacoma.
He seems like a *Placobdella* leech, usually feeding on snails and frogs. But i got him to feed on me.
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Here he is all stretched out, lounging.
The thing is, there are so few resources about how to care for leeches, especially of this variety. Does anyone know? Any fellow leech lovers on tumblr have any idea about what they need to be happy?
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i love the good aquarium au! i want to see the fishes happy 🩷o🩷 How do the sirens interact with mc in this version? 🩷
Sans: He has to wait much longer than his bad AU counterpart to get to 'play' with her. This aquarium is very safety-focused, and unwilling to have anyone even near his open tank, let alone in it. Despite his obvious obsession and courting displays, Mc remains safely behind thick barriers and high out of his reach- the only chance he'll get is if he proves he can behave, and Mc herself is the one who approaches management about the subject of swimming with him.
Her presence clearly has benefits on him, so she spends a lot of time on his shifts, talking to him from up on the railings or entertaining him through the glass, sometimes just doing homework by the dappled blue light of his tank. He does occasionally attempt to pull her into the water, whether he's breaching and knocking the railing or grabbing a feeding pole and yanking it (in the hopes of yanking her in with it)... but he's always unsuccessful.
It gives them time to get to know one another more. Time for him to mellow, realise that just because she leaves when her shift is over doesn't mean she won't come back. Time, so that when they do finally make physical contact, it's a gentle and mutual experience that leaves him feeling like things in his world are going to be okay.
Red: Again, poor Red has to wait a lot longer in this AU to get to swim with his girlfriend. But not as long as Sans. Since Red's so well behaved with humans, his keepers interact with him a lot more closely (albeit while wearing plenty of hand and arm protection), giving him lots of chances to flirt with her close-up. He gets many more opportunities than Sans to show that he can behave with her; though 'behaving' still includes grabbing her butt if she lets her guard down too long.
... In this AU, the aquarium knows Red considers her his mate. Mc does too. After she was suddenly hired, the first thing management did was put her on a pretty intense and in-depth learning course. Now even if he's flirting like a siren she knows exactly what's going on. Initially, it made the aquarium cautious about letting her swim with him- but since he's never going to be released, it might be alright after all. It does make life easier when it comes to things like giving him medicine; he doesn't bite when it's his mate doing the medical checkup.
Skull: Mc ends up interacting physically with Skull a lot sooner than anyone intended. At first, there was obviously zero contact thanks to his kill, she'd only even THINK of interacting physically with Skull if she was completely confident he'd never hurt her. And that kind of confidence would only come from a long while working with him, perhaps years.
... Thing is. He's a clever boy, he wants Mc's affection. And he won't wait years. He makes a 'hobby' out of breaking security measures and pulling her into the tank- at first it's a terrifying incident, but as it happens over and over, it loses its shock value and becomes something of an in-joke at the aquarium. Especially since he never actually does anything... just pulls her in, cuddles her, then politely sets her back on the side of the tank like nothing happened. No matter what they do, Skull just finds increasingly more and more complicated and innovative ways to snatch her into his pool.
Eventually, they can clearly see he's not going to kill her- and they decide it's probably just easier for everyone if she interacts with him in person. He's going to grab her anyway, may as well let him do it before he finds a way to break every security measure they have.
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antique-symbolism · 5 months
Love and light to fantasy writers who describe loose dragon scales as colourful and iridescently gorgeous but I have to wonder if that would actually be the most likely biological possibility. I got a molted turtle scute at work today and I'm kind of thinking shedded dragon scales might just look like fucked up fingernails
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gayforthesun · 6 months
For anyone interested in my crayfish: Scissoring molted on Friday and now has absolutely massive pinchers
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Look at how chunky!! and colorful!! For comparison, here’s how his claws looked before the molt (left) vs today (right)
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lshark-cs · 3 months
[Video description: a gray triggerfish sees his reflection in my phone camera and tries to investigate]
Wesson is an absolute treasure. He makes the hardest days as an aquarist worth my while.
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everyone say hi to bing
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and bong
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aquabasedesign · 8 months
The Art of the Planted Aquarium 2023 / Live Aquascaping Contest
Two weeks ago I was at a German live aquascaping contest and set up this aquarium.
It is a Dennerle Nano Tank with 35l. It was a lot of fun to set it up.
The aquarium has reached the 4th place at the nano category.
Here you can see a small process of the set up.
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orowyrm · 2 months
Is keeping sea slugs difficult? I love them and probably won't get them anytime soon because cats but if I ever do...
i’d say it’s pretty difficult, yeah. depends on what species you’re looking at, but all nudibranchs (and ‘things-that-get-labeled-as-nudibranchs-even-though-they-technically-aren’t, like the blue velvet slugs i just got) are very picky eaters and will often Exclusively eat one type of food down to species. the ‘easiest’ are probably lettuce slugs, as they’re algae grazers, but even then some say they’ll only eat certain species of macroalgae.
i have two species of slugs in my nano reef right now— berghia nudibranchs and the blue velvet slugs. i bought them because i have an excess of pest animals that they both prey on exclusively (aiptasia anemones for the berghia and flatworms for the velvets) and can’t control these pests via chemical means (for the safety of the other animals in my tank) or mechanical (they’re very hard to fully remove and i have hand tremors anyway), but it’s often accepted that if you don’t have a good supply of what these guys eat, they’ll starve to death pretty fast.
of the two, i’d honestly say the berghia nudis are generally easier to keep - lot of people will breed them and just keep a separate tank full of aiptasia to feed them with, since they’re very fast growing anemones. blue velvets are a bit harder because they’ve got short lifespans as-is and flatworms are hard to get ahold of except for by accident, while some people purposefully culture and sell aiptasia as feeders.
i’m taking a STRONG gamble with my slugs, and honestly i’m only doing it because i have a fair amount of confidence in my ability to maintain good water conditions, but even then it’s not bulletproof. they’re one of those things where even if you do everything “right”, they still might not thrive because we don’t really know them as well as we know, say, shrimp or corals just yet. for me this is really my only option for handling my flatworm problem, so i’m taking that risk, but it may not work out and i’m prepared for that outcome.
i’m hoping the will continue to improve when it comes to getting better at keeping and breeding these animals, though, because they’re very cool! while i can’t say i’d want to see them wild-caught in the pet trade, the ability to aquaculture them would be a huge step. and it would be wonderful to see them in aquariums more often :)
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marinebioblr · 4 months
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I don't get to see my pygmy corydoras too often, as they are my nocturnal crew in my interspecies neon tetra tank, but every so often they do cute shit like hang out together on the anubias 🌿
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