#apologies for the long and crappy caption
clonerightsagenda said: please tell me more about the clone @consolecadet said: 👀
Reel you in with Clone Angst huh :)
YEAH this was kind of a spinoff of an old NaNoWriMo novel that never got finished about a kind of shitty run-down cyberpunk future + a recent idea about treating body-mods like tattoos, in that there are Trends and very different connotations based on what kind you have and how rich you are
The four main characters are,
Tanith, the fabled "good cop" who saw police as upholding Law and Order in an increasingly corrupt and crappy world, and then when on the force tried to challenge the police abuses she was seeing actually happen. She got fired real fast and then the police have been hassling her ever since. Now she's a dockworker or something similar. She has tough, strength-augmenting cyborg mods from her time as a cop, though, because that's the next step in the Militarization of Police; on a police officer it's tough and scary and Respectable in a threatening I-have-power way, but they're similar mods that a lot of working-class physical-labor people get, so not on a cop, they're kind of a, oh you're sort of trashy and lower-class look. But her job pays fine, there's a union even if it's not a particularly effective one, there are long stretches of time she can listen to mediocre podcasts as she does her job, and it's not existentially fulfilling but it's respectable work that's not existentially soul-killing either unlike her old job as an officer. Her hobbies these days include keeping her head down and minding her own business because she will still get hassled if any of her old cop "buddies" are around.
Abby, her roommate and de facto best friend. Has a humanities degree in a world that does not value those at all. Works part-time in the local public library trying to keep it afloat, but they get hardly any funding; does freelance captioning/copyediting/video editing gigs to make ends meet, trying to stay ahead of machine learning that can do each gig more cheaply. She is trans and is saving up for gender affirming surgeries; this is like, Type 2 of body-modifications here. Not cyberpunk cyborg stuff, just... trans body modification for Gender Reasons that is also out of reach. (Dream goals also include cat ears, though. She's trans, she's been body-modding slowly through hormones for ages, if she gets up the money for surgery she is also gonna try to get cat ears.)
Tanith's Ex-Police-Partner, still on the police force, considers what Tanith did a betrayal and really resents her. Has cooler, tougher cyborg strength-augmenting body-mods. Cyborg cop because ballooning police budgets get put somewhere. On-and-off in contact with Tanith, trying to get her to repent. Apologize. Absolve her.
And Clone Girl who I haven't settled on a name I like for, 17 and cute and who Abby meets when she seems to be living at the library. She has no obvious mods at all, but has rich-people genetic tweaks like flawless skin and hair, and she looks distinctively like one of the Obscenely Wealthy CEO Types in the city. So, she's from a rich family, but also homeless and afraid. What gives.
When it becomes obvious Clone Girl is living at the library and refuses to go to any of the (underfunded, understaffed, overcrowded) shelters in the city, Abby offers to put her up in the apartment she and Tanith share for a while.
However, Tanith's Ex Partner (and whole Ex Force) is looking for a suddenly Missing Person, the daughter of Rich CEO.
Somehow it comes out that Clone Girl is... a CLONE! (shocking twist). Not Rich CEO's natural daughter, but a clone, who was created and raised so that aging Rich CEO can transfer her brain into Clone Girl's body and be young again. Clone Girl is a body mod. Or... was. She found out about the plan somehow, and understandably not wanting her brain to be scooped out before her 18th birthday, ran away. But having grown up relatively secluded, she wasn't encouraged to develop a personality because she'd never get to grow into it anyway, or much knowledge about the world because a docile idiot is the ideal Clone Body, she doesn't really know what to do about that. (The reason they have her awake at all is that previously they tried to grow a body in a vat but it turns out to have a healthy body humans need to like... move, and exercise, and get sunlight and touch.) And now there's a statewide missing person case because Rich CEO wants her unwilling body donor back and also doesn't want news of this plan to get out.
And uh Tanith and Abby are now harboring a teenager who will be killed if they send her back but they will super duper get arrested for kidnapping if they get found out. And Tanith's ex-policemates have no love for her and would LOVE for her to turn out to be a criminal and absolve themselves. Tanith has been avoiding doing things that would get her in trouble but she can't just avoid making decisions now.
It'd be a story about autonomy bodily and otherwise and also Clone Rights. I'm not sure where it goes from here but. I think about them sometimes.
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tehgreeneyes · 7 years
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CS Halloweek » Oct 27th: Myths, Legends, and Fairytales » Cinderella AU
Young deckhand Killian Jones has spent most of his life serving on a ship of a ruthless captain Silver. He had dreams of becoming a lieutenant, and eventually a captain of his own ship. However, his dreams would have to wait, until his debt to Captain Silver was paid. Luckily, he befriended some of the more seasoned crew members, who wanted a better life for their young friend. The perfect occasion arrived in a form of an open invitation to all bachelors of the kingdom to attend a ball. Killian was not thrilled about it, but the thought of being somewhere else, even for a night seemed appealing enough. With the help of his fairy godmother, Killian was ready for the ball in no time. He danced the night away with none other than the princess Emma herself. However, the night had to end sometime and for him it was with the clock striking midnight. This meant the spell would be broken and he would return to his raggedy old self. So, he ran as fast as he could, not hearing the princess asking him to wait. What he did not expect was for the kingdom to go on high alert, looking for a young man who has captured the princess' heart. He was not the only one who has felt the connection the night of the ball it seems, for he has made an impression on the princess too. Needless to say, they were reunited and were excited to experience the happily ever after together. 
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tardis-stowaway · 5 years
Ten years after the Not-pocalypse, Adam Young, age 21 and recently graduated from university:
-Works in a crappy retail job and lives in a tiny, crappy flat in London
-The crappy flat has no sound insulation, so he’s always hearing the absurd amount of movement from the people in the flat above and the really loud but not quite intelligible conversations from the people in the flat next door. It’s a long way to the nearest public park, and he misses the green of home.
-Is not all that good at his customer service job, with the exception that if a customer is irrationally angry about something, he says he wants to make sure he understands the problem and repeats their complaint back to them with this look in his eyes, and they universally back down and often apologize. His coworkers love him for it. Everything else is just drudgery.
-Single, despite his best efforts. Okay, maybe not his best efforts, but some efforts.
-Knows that his childhood was uncommonly idyllic at least partly due to his powers. He’s not entirely sure how his life went quite so off the rails lately.
-Maybe his powers have faded gradually since he rejected his destiny, or maybe it’s just that on some level he absorbed the expectation that being in one’s early 20’s means being broke and a little lost, and the expectation made it happen whether he wanted it or not.
-Or maybe he just should’ve chosen a more employable course of study at uni instead of comparative religion. In his defense, it seemed relevant to his life.
-Spends much of his free time on climate crisis activism. He’ll be damned (ha) if he stood against the forces of Heaven and Hell, the Four Horsepeople of the Apocalypse, and his own birthright to preserve the continuing existence of humanity on the Earth only for humans to blunder into destroying themselves unintentionally through greed and shortsighted decisions.
-He’s been doing this since he was twelve, when Brian sent the Them’s group text an article about the group Extinction Rebellion with the caption “named for us?? :)” Adam had laughed, then actually read the article. Within a week he’d convinced the Them and a dozen of their classmates to show up at the next town council meeting with a list of sustainability demands.
-No matter how many civil disobedience events he takes part in, he never seems to get arrested. Adam suspects it’s his supernatural entity privilege. Pepper says it’s probably mostly that he’s white and great at charming his way out of trouble.
-He’s still friends with all of the Them, but they don’t live especially close together. He does have a flatmate, an American who Adam met at uni.
-At this point you, a genre-savvy reader of much Good Omens fic and meta, are probably seeing the word “American” and thinking that Adam is flatmates with Warlock Dowling. For once, you are wrong. 
-Adam’s flatmate is Jesus.
-Not Jesus Christ, but a young man named Jesus Dominguez, pronounced the Spanish way (like hay-soos).
-Jesus is from Southern California, and he talks more than a little bit like a surfer stereotype. He’s got warm brown skin, shoulder-length dark hair in perpetually-mussed waves, and a little beard. He’s kinda leaning into the look  to mess with people, but it’s also the same style found on at least a third of the other male-presenting hipsters in London.
-When he learned that he was going to share a flat with someone named Jesus, Adam called Crowley and Aziraphale. He’s never been gladder that he stayed in touch with them, because he NEEDED someone who understood how the Antichrist and Jesus sharing a flat sounded like the setup for a joke or a sitcom. Crowley did indeed laugh out loud, then told Adam that as a fellow lapsed member of the forces of Hell, he could personally recommend sharing quarters with a heavenly adversary. Aziraphale just muttered “oh, stop” at Crowley.
-Adam moved to London because it was easier to get to the important protests there, and because he was curious. He spent the first six months desperately homesick for Tadfield. The city was so crowded but somehow he still felt so alone, other than Jesus.
-Then a midnight fire-alarm in their building sent him and Jesus into the streets along with dozens of their neighbors. Adam finally met the people in the flat above theirs who made all that moving around noise. They were an older couple who took ballroom dancing lessons at the senior center and liked to practice at home. Mrs. Kapoor tried to teach Adam how to foxtrot right there on the pavement in the middle of the night. He stepped on her feet, but since he was in bare feet and she’d actually taken the time to find shoes it wasn’t a big deal.
-Meanwhile Jesus was finally talking to the loud young men from next door. By the time Adam wandered over, Jesus had learned their names (Leon, Seamus, and Nazim) and secured an invitation for the two of them to come over to watch Saturday’s football match, and to join their next D&D campaign (“just no more  paladins,” said Nazim). Adam looked forward to finding out whether it was the D&D or the football that was the cause of more yelling.
-As the evacuation stretched on with no hint of either actual fire or clearance to go back inside, the building’s children began to get fussy. Adam found a coin on the ground (successfully picking it up, because Crowley didn’t make it to this neighborhood very often) and proceeded to distract them with stage magic.
-He initially learned stage magic from Aziraphale, but he’s better at it than the angel ever was. He hardly cheats physical reality at all. The kids love it.
-When the fire department finally gives them the clearance to go back inside, Adam’s stomach rumbles. “Is anyone else hungry?,” he asks, to a chorus of agreement. It’s too late for any nearby takeout, but Jesus chats with their neighbors about options.
-Jesus enlists Adam’s help in going from flat to flat gathering ingredients from everyone, and before long they’re serving fish tacos and grilled cheese sandwiches to a small crowd of pajama-clad people. It’s 2 am, but everyone is smiling, or at least has contentment at the edge of their yawns.
-The next day, Mrs. Kapoor brings Adam and Jesus a spider plant cutting, because she thought their flat looked too bare. Adam texts a picture of it to Crowley and receives back lengthy instructions on watering, pot size, soil, and the most effective threats for the species.
-Five months later, the local planning council has an intense debate about why crime rates in one neighborhood have dropped by 75% since their last meeting. They each try to claim credit for their pet civic projects. Actually, it’s because Adam Young has started to love London, or at least his nook of it.
-Buskers soon realize that certain tube stops are generating far more tips than they ever have before, with no obvious demographic shift accounting for the change. The common ground is that these are the stops on Adam’s commutes to work and his activist meetings. He can only occasionally spare a tip himself, but his enjoyment of the music is contagious.
-Even after the breakthrough, not every day is good. On a late summer day that just happens to be the anniversary of the day the world didn’t end, Adam comes home from a protest fuming.
-“Dude, you okay?” asks Jesus, looking up from his guitar. (Jesus sometimes goes to protests with Adam, but not usually the ones where they’re planning on breaking laws. “I’m a brown-skinned foreigner, man. Do you think I’ll get away with what you get away with? I’m not ready for that yet,” he says, and Adam can’t argue.)
-“The media barely showed up at our event, probably because it was about a million degrees and even though that’s exactly what we’re protesting, nobody wants to be out in it. Six of our people passed out from the heat and three got arrested. They still didn’t arrest me, but I got pushed over and cracked my phone screen. On my way home, some drunk on the tube vomited on my shoes. Our green jobs bill still doesn’t have the votes in Parliament, and have you seen the latest news on the Antarctic ice sheets?” Adam kicks off his shoes, then collapses dramatically onto the futon and groans.
-“Sounds rough,” says Jesus.
-“I should’ve just ended the damn world when I was eleven and I had the chance. Would’ve been quicker,” Adam mutters.
-Jesus gets up and goes to the kitchen. He brings Adam a beer. “You don’t mean that, bro,” he says.
-Adam sighs, accepting the beer. “I suppose not.”
-He drinks his beer. Dog, now grey-muzzled and slow, shuffles over to curl up at his feet. Adam pulls out his phone, which is cracked but still seems functional. He’s got a text from Aziraphale.
-“Dear Adam,” the text begins, because Aziraphale might have finally deigned to learn to text but he steadfastly refused to adopt its stylistic conventions, “I hope that you have returned safely from today’s protest. I’m very proud of your continuing efforts, and though he won’t admit it I know that Crowley feels the same. Please write back at your earliest convenience. Fondly, Aziraphale”
-Adam texts back to reassure the angel, who will doubtless pass it on to Crowley, then he texts similar reassurances to his parents and to Mrs. Kapoor upstairs. He’s still figuring out this adulthood thing, but he’s got a lot of parental figures looking out for him. His Infernal Bio-Dad isn’t one of them, and that’s the way Adam likes it.
-Through the open window comes the sound of music blasting from a car stuck in traffic below. Freddie Mercury and David Bowie are singing:
And love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night, And love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves.
-He turned down the chance to rule the world, and he’d make the same choice again, but he still feels a certain proprietary responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants. His father—his real, earthly father—didn’t raise him to shirk responsibility, and he’s not one to cave under pressure.
-Life is hard, people are mostly idiots, and the world is coming apart at the seams, but it’s his messed up life and his idiotic people and his beautiful, half-broken world.
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The Astronomer and The Florist (Chapter 6)
Summery: Anxiety over feelings, dissing Michael, and FLIRTING!!!
Ships: Analogical & Royality
Warning: really cheesy flirting and a shared hatred for Michael
-let me know if I need to add more warnings-
Logan worked diligently until his phone went off. He looked over at his phone and saw that there was only 15 minutes until he was able to go home. He also saw that Virgil had just texted him.
Logan looks down at his map, and figured he could complete it tomorrow. He was so filled by anger and hatred that it was already 3/4 of the way done.
Logan packed everything up, and then headed for the door. As soon as he was outside he check to see what Virgil texted him.
VIRGIL: Hey Logan. I hope I’m not bothering you at work, but I was just wondering what type of container you want a bouquet put in?
LOGAN: Preferably a toilet or something that would hurt when I break it over his smug, overconfident, insufferable head.
Virgil didn’t respond, and Logan started to wonder if he should have been less harsh. Then his phone deemed.
VIRGIL: Patton said no to the toilets, so how about an ugly vase? That way you don’t feel bad for breaking it???
Logan busted out laughing, instantly growing more fond of Virgil.
LOGAN: That sounds wonderful! I’m sorry, I had a bad day at work. I went to go get your Plus 1 Card for the party, and Michael was there. He said some other rude things that made me upset and then he insulted and made comments about you, and I almost punched him.
VIRGIL: Oh damn Lo! I’m sorry you had such a crappy day, but please don’t get fired on my account. So if you did, I might be able to convince Patton to hire you at the flower shop!
Logan chuckled at that as he walked into his living room. He sat on his couch and realize that he never told Virgil about Professor Sanders.
LOGAN: Actually, I might have a job lined up already.
VIRGIL: Oh? Do tell
VIRGIL: Does the job have anything to do with the ‘thank you’ bouquet?
LOGAN: Yes, as a matter of fact it does. After we had stopped texting last night I contacted my old Astronomy Professor. I told him about what you help me realize, and he said that he is retiring and he’s going to ask the board on Friday if I can be his successor!
VIRGIL: That’s awesome Logan! I’m glad I could help, but please don’t credit me too much. All I did was suggest it.
Logan chuckled at Virgil’s modesty.
LOGAN: Virgil, without you I never would have contacted Professor Sanders, and I never would be able to give Michael his ‘fuck you’ bouquet.
VIRGIL: This Michael guy sounds like an asshole though
LOGAN: Oh, Michael N. Oshow is the King of assholes
VIRGIL: Wait, I know that name...
Virgil looked over at Patton, who was trying and failing to look like he isn’t reading over Virgil’s shoulder.
“Hey Pat, does the name Michael Oshow ring any bells?”
Patton thought for a minute, and then raised his hand.
“Oh, I know! That’s Elliot’s ex!”
“Ohhh!” Virgil exclaimed, realization covering his face.
Logan reread the text, trying to think of a time when he overheard Michael talking about an Elliot. Coming up with nothing, he decided to ask Virgil about it.
LOGAN: Um, who’s Elliot?
VIRGIL: Elliot is this really sweet friend of mine who dated Michael. Michael turned out to be a complete douche and treated Elliot awfully. Luckily, with a bit of help, Elliot was able to figure out that they relationship was toxic. Elliot told me that Michael is still a little bitter because Elliot broke up with him, and not the other way around.
LOGAN: That’s truly awful! Since you already know about Michael, and how he can be, if you don’t want to go to the Party anymore I understand.
VIRGIL: Ha! You can’t get rid of me that easily! I don’t care of Michael will be there, I just want to go with you.
Logan smushed his face into a pillow, not caring that no one could see him blushing. He was happy to stay smothering himself until his phone went off again. He quickly picked it up and read the text from Virgil.
VIRGIL: that is, if you still want me to go?
LOGAN: Of course I do! Nothing would make me happier, I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.
VIRGIL: Pshh, I can just punch Michael for you. I’m sure Elliot would love it too, as long as you caught it on video *wink wink*
Logan laughed at Virgil’s antics. LOGAN: are you suggesting that I record you assaulting my bosses nephew?
VIRGIL: Not when you put it like that! That sounds awful!
VIRGIL: I want you to record me punching a guy who is a jerk to you and an asshole ex to a good friend.
LOGAN: well, that actually sounds like it would be amusing.
VIRGIL: Yeah, but how about we stop talking about Michael and start talking about us.
Logan didn’t respond as fast, so Virgil went back over his last text. He then realized something.
VIRGIL: I’m sorry! That sounded awfully presumptuous of me, please don’t be mad!!!
After a minute and a half, Logan started texting back. So Virgil deleted the 5 paragraph apology he had written out, but still copied it, just in case.
LOGAN: Sorry, I was making something to eat. And it’s not presumptuous of you at all. I gave you a bouquet of flowers that meant ‘thank you’ and ‘I like you’, and then proceeded to ask you out on a romantic outing. You said yes, so naturally I wouldn’t mind talking about an ‘us’
Virgil stared at his phone, his mouth hung open. Patton giggled at his expression.
“You better close your mouth or you’ll catch flies!”
Virgil closed his mouth and started texting Logan again.
VIRGIL: You mean that?
LOGAN: Of course. Naturally, I would like to get you know you a bit better first, but I think that you are an attractive, sweet, intelligent, and caring person. And know this after only two days. I would love for our relationship to grow into something more in the future.
Virgil was full on blushing at this point, and smiling like a doofus. He started texting again, and Patton snuck a picture of him.
Patton sent the picture to Logan with the caption-
‘Look how happy you make him! ’
Logan open a text from Patton, who’s number Virgil had given him yesterday as an precaution.
It was a picture of Virgil, smiling one of the most gorgeous smiles Logan had ever seen, with a faint blush across his cheeks. Logan read the caption and Felt an overwhelming sense of happiness erupt in his chest.
PATTON: oh, by the way, you break his heart and all use Roman to find whatever brings you the most joy and all destroy it.
PATTON: I hope you have a nice night and stay safe!
Logan reread those last texts from Patton multiple times. Patton seem like he couldn’t hurt a fly, and now he had Logan slightly terrified of him.
Logan swallowed, and then opened a new text from Virgil.
VIRGIL: I would like that too! I’m super excited to spend time with you at the Party tomorrow, and maybe next time we could go stargazing??
VIRGIL: You could show me the stars from Mind Palace Meadow!
VIRGIL: or we could just go get coffee 🤷‍♂️
Logan smiles at his phone, think of just how adorable Virgil is. He knows he has only known hind for two days, but it feels like so much longer.
LOGAN: Why not both? After I get my whole job thing situated, I can show you my favorite spot in the meadow, we’ll go stargazing, and then we can get some coffee afterwards. Or before, whichever you prefer.
Virgil full on squealed. Like, legit squealed. Patton was so shocked that he fell off if his stool.
After making sure Patton is ok, Virgil told him how Logan basically just asked him out on a second date. But, one that felt like it would be considered the first date.
Patton jumped up and down and hugged Virgil. He then sent Virgil home to get some rest!
(Read: He sent Virgil home so he could fangirl to Roman privately.)
Virgil laughed and headed out the door. He then got a thing on his phone, reminding him that he never texted Logan back.
LOGAN: i’m sorry, was that too much too soon?
VIRGIL: Sorry, I’m walking home and forgot to text you back. I would love to go stargazing with you. We could get coffee before hand and then go eat breakfast afterwards.
Virgil made it all the way home and into his bedroom before Logan texted him back.
LOGAN: Excellent.
LOGAN: It’s a date then.
Virgil dropped his phone onto his bed and then squealed into his pillows, feeling like a teenage girl but not caring in the slightest.
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fangirlfanwritings · 6 years
Jake Gyllenhaal Imagine
First off you are a fabulous writer! Thank you so much for these lovely imagines. Can you please write one with Jake Gyllenhaal where the reader is college student whom he has been dating for about a year & Jake's very very possessive about her and so when her ex posts a very old pic of them on Instagram & makes it seem recent when Jake's away he gets mad & fights with the reader before breaking up & leaving her heartbroken. Later he learns the truth & apologises & they reconcile? Thank you 🙂 AN: Y/E/N: Your Ex’s Name
You walked into your apartment and put your backpack on the table before letting out a huff as you sat down on the couch. It was the first time you got to relax all day after a long day of classes and you were looking forward to spending your weekend sitting back, drinking some wine, and spending time with your boyfriend.
You heard the door open and you assumed it was your roommate until you heard the voice. “Y/N.”
“Jake?” You heard him let himself in. “What are you doing here?” You watched as he stomped in and wore a serious look on his face. “What’s up?”
“Did you just get home?”
“Um, yeah? You know my last class gets out at 3. What’s wrong?” He lifted his phone up and you took note of the picture that came onto his screen. It was a picture of you and your ex boyfriend, who had broken up 7 months before you and Jake met and started dating, at the bar you and your friends frequently went to. You and him were holding each other close in the photo and smiling largely at each other.
“What is this?”
“It’s an old picture. Where did you get that?”
“An old picture, huh? Then why did Y/E/N post this last night and caption it “A great night and some more great memories?””
“What?” You got up and took his phone, looking closely at the photo. “I don’t know but it’s from when we were dating!”
“Didn’t you and the girls go out for drinks last night at the bar?”
“Yes. Me and the girls. Not me and Y/E/N.” The heated look he was giving you showed you what little faith he had in you. “You seriously think that I would go out and cheat on you like that? Really? You have that little trust in me?”
“There’s a picture of you two together that he posted last night….when you were out at that bar,” he seethed!
“How many times do I have to tell you, that is from nearly three years ago when we were dating. That is not from last night, I swear!”
“I can’t believe you’re lying right to my face,” he threw his hands up and stormed out of your place. Your heart broke at the sound of the door slamming shut. After a year together he was so quick to distrust you.
You settled for grabbing the ice cream in your freezer and retreated to your room to spend the rest of your weekend in pajamas and watching sappy movies.
Friday turned to Saturday and your roommate and friends were constantly at your door trying to get you to go out to dinner or see if you wanted to come out and watch a movie in the living room. You still weren’t up for it and said no to all their advances; you just didn’t feel like leaving the comfort of your bed.
It was late Saturday night when there was a knock on your room door. “Guys, I really don’t want to come out still.”
“It’s me.” Your heart stopped and you automatically became angry from how he had treated you.
“Go away, Jake.”
“Y/N, I’m coming in.” As soon as he peeked his head if you threw the pillow at him. “I guess that’s fair.”
“I don’t want to see you right now.”
He sat cautiously at the foot of your bed. “I came to apologize.”
“I don’t want your apologies.”
“Well you’re going to get them. I looked back at the picture this afternoon and saw some of the comments on it. Your friends were all commenting about how it was old. Some of his friends even joked that he was hung up on you.”
“Oh, wow. You mean I wasn’t cheating on you at the bar Thursday night?” You said extremely dryly. “That’s good to know.”
“I know, I’m a jerk. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions-”
“You should have trusted me, Jake! You should have listened to me when I told you that that picture was from years ago! You broke my heart the other day.”
“I know and I never wanted to do that. Ever. And I never well again. I know it’s no excuse, but you know how protective I am of you. I love you and I guess that when I saw it I automatically assumed that you had moved on to someone closer to your age and better than me.” The pang of sadness in his voice was enough to make you overlook his semi-crappy apology. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Why are you laughing?”
“You think Y/E/N is better than you? He’s a party boy who has a dim future ahead of him. So what if he’s my age? He’s an ass and you aren’t. Well, you were yesterday but that’s a little detail.”
“Can you forgive me?”
You put a hand over his, “I think I can.”
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fataliitea · 7 years
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finally! at long last! my tracer in all her glory! apologies i tumblr makes the image look crappy but please enjoy my 4 hours of work!
also, yes there is a tiny chronal accelorator on her back because of a personal headcanon. don’t like? don’t reblog. simple as that
Transparent included! free to use on things with credit
Please do not delete caption, repost without permission or tag as kin
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carriejonesbooks · 6 years
So, Carrie’s been thinking a lot about success lately and if you check out her blog you’ll see she’s had a heck of a last two weeks trying to define success and come to terms with it and all that.
But here’s the thing. Nobody wants to fail. You can talk about loving the process and that’s important, but striving for success is also important. For authors, getting a mindset for success can be… well, almost impossible.
Three Hot Tips For Success After Screwing Up
Look for Inspiration – Spend 10 minutes with things that inspire you. For some people that’s music, poetry, dogs, being outside, listening to an awesome podcast.
Don’t be Rigid – Understand that no matter how well you plan, life is chaos. If your plan has a glitch, a swerve? Don’t let that freak you out so much that you stop. Be flexible like you do yoga all the time or something.
When you Mess Up Learn From It – Dwelling in mistakes and failures keeps you in those places mentally. Stepping back and wondering, “What can I learn from this so next time I rock it?” That’s what makes a success mindset.
Dog kissing helps
Dog Tip for Life: When you meet people who suck, thank them in your head for teaching you whatever they taught you. Write down how you are a better dog because you learned something from them. Yes, that ‘something’ might be to stay away from men who smell like asparagus and like to kick, but it’s still a life lesson. You’ve learned it.
Look, Mom! It’s a podcast.
Writing Tip of the Pod: Mistakes happens. That’s okay. It’s how you recover from mistakes, from bad plots, crappy sales, rejections  – that is what makes the difference. Question your story constantly. Ask other people who are honest to check it out.
We all make mistakes, but what makes some people a still a success is that after they realize that they’ve made a mistake that’s hurt other people or themselves or their organization, they acknowledge it, apologize for it, and try to do better.
That’s it. Three steps.
Acknowledge it.
Apologize for it.
Educate yourself and do better.
That’s important in relationships, too. Saying you’re sorry is a promise to try to not repeat the hurt you’ve caused and/or the mistake you made.
Carrie’s Writing News
I’ll be at Book Expo America in NYC on June 1 at 11:30 – 12 at the Lerner booth signing copies of the Spy Who Played Baseball. A week before that,  I’ll also be in NYC presenting to the Jewish Book Council . Come hang out with me!
To find out more about my books, there are links in the header. And if you buy one? Thank you so much. Let me know if you want me to send you a bookplate.
The podcast DOGS ARE SMARTER THAN PEOPLE is still chugging along. Thanks to all of you who keep listening to our weirdness. We’re sorry we laugh so much… sort of. Please share it and subscribe if you can.
Carrie has started a tongue-in-spoon subgroup in her blog all about cooking vegetarian recipes as a writer. It is silly. The recipes still work though. Check it out here.
There are white beans in this image. Try to pretend they aren’t there, okay?
The awesome six-month-long Writing Barn class that they’ve let Carrie be in charge of!? It’s happening again in July. Write! Submit! Support! is a pretty awesome class. It’s a bit like a mini MFA but way more supportive and way less money.
Look. A typewriter.
These books are out there in the world thanks to Tor.
What books? Well, cross Buffy with Men in Black and you get… you get a friends-powered action adventure based in the real world, but with a science fiction twist. More about it is here. But these are fun, fast books that are about identity, being a hero, and saying to heck with being defined by other people’s expectations.
This quick, lighthearted romp is a perfect choice for readers who like their romance served with a side of alien butt-kicking action –School Library Journal
What Make Some People a Success Even When They Mess Up All the Time So, Carrie's been thinking a lot about success lately and if you check out her blog you'll see she's had a heck of a last two weeks trying to define success and come to terms with it and all that.
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