#aph iceland headcanons
1-800-helltalia · 2 months
Nordic 5 body language headcanons
Iceland is a huuuge sloucher, despite his brother's complaints. His upper body leans sideways very subtly, as well, but this is because he has scoliosis. By default, Emil always has one hand on his hip or the small of his back: this boy is the king of back pain. He's pigeon-toed and walks at an average pace.
He slouches even more when he sits, often crossing his ankles. Unless he's occupied with something, he keeps his hands folded in his lap. Emil generally sits really politely; bro is just there. He tends to avoid eye contact, as it makes him uncomfortable, but can tolerate it in formal/serious settings.
When bored or anxious, he'll tap his fingers together. He'll also drum his fingers against a flat surface, but very quietly. What a guy.
Norway stands straight and elegant, one foot in front of the other, his shoulders back but not enough to be cocky. A firm believer in good posture, he's not afraid to correct the other Nordics when the need arises. He'll keep his arms crossed or his hands on his hips, and he treads lightly but quickly.
Sitting down, Lukas will cross his legs, usually resting his ankle on his other knee. Bro can actually sit pretty still with his hands folded neatly on his crossed knee, not moving a muscle. Though he's not the biggest fan of eye contact, he'll use it to get his point across or when he's being serious. Sometimes, he stares without really realizing it.
It's rare for Lukas to fidget. When he does, though, it's more-often-than-not a brisk foot tap. Mathias thinks it's eerie how still he can be.
Denmark stands with his head held high, his shoulders thrown back, and his arms crossed over his chest, though he does have the tendency to slouch when he's tired. He walks a bit faster than average with a swagger in his step, but he's able to stop very abruptly in his tracks, an actual menace to anyone walking behind him.
When sitting down, Mathias is a compulsory man-spreader and leg bouncer. He'll also rest his arms on the back of the seat, if possible. He loves to take up as much space as he can. He's not afraid of eye contact whatsoever, which can be rather terrifying paired with his blue eyes. Please, God, someone get this man some brown contacts.
Mathias also has a bad habit of drumming rather loudly on flat surfaces, much to the annoyance of his fellow nations. Be patient with him, doctors have yet to find ADHD meds that will actually work for him.
Sweden, like Lukas, stands very straight, but will slouch when he needs to accommodate for his height. He either walks very slowly or is near-impossible to keep up with: there's no in-between. He's duck-footed and has a heavy tread.
Berwald is also a man-spreader, though he knows how to stay in his own bubble. As a larger man, he's highly conscious about the space he takes up and tends to be more conservative with it. He usually rests his hands on his knees when he sits. Eye contact isn't very complicated with Ber; if he's talking to you, he's making eye contact. If he's not, he isn't.
If there is space available, Berwald will pace back and forth when tense or thinking. If he can't, he'll resort to less active stims, such as knuckle cracking.
Finland stands with a slouch, too, though it isn't as nearly as pronounced as Emil's. When walking, his pace depends on who he's with; if he's on his own, however, he takes his time, often stopping to stretch. Tino is surprisingly heavy-footed for someone of his stature.
He sits slightly forward with his legs crossed, his hands folded primly on either the table or his knee. In more informal settings, Tino may even tuck his feet under his body. If he's sitting beside Berwald, he'll lean affectionately against him. He uses eye contact when needed, his gaze being the least overwhelming of the Nordics. He's very reassuring to be around.
When nervous, Tino clears his throat a lot. He also stims by bouncing his leg and fiddling with his clothes.
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milaisreading · 6 months
If the Nordic 5 were your lawyers:
Sweden: Is there on time, but forgot all his papers.
Denmark: Your honor, my client slayed. Literally and metaphorically!
Norway: Uses his fairies to leave false evidence to convict someone else
Iceland: I am literally neurodivergent and a minor!
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bitterpaskel · 8 months
Aph Iceland whipping out one of these bad boys during a world meeting.
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fireandiceland · 6 months
Gamer girl Liechtenstein, she got her xbox passed down from Prussia who switched to playstation after America kept begging him to since Denmark is still a pc only guy. They are not done trying to convince him to get a playstation though.
Anyway. Liechtenstein playing call of duty or some other first person shooter with the boys Hongkong and Iceland and she effortlessly destroys them both. That’s what a little training with Switzerland does to a girl 💅
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
Hello there! I don't know if the inbox is open but could I request the Nordics (separate) with a darling (romantic) who just keeps questioning why they chose them of all people as they continue to try and leave them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
matthias honestly see's his darlings insecurity as fishing for compliments - normally he would shower them in verbal affection, especially if asked, but assuming that this is just after getting caught trying to escape, he's a bit pissed. "i don't know, i could probably find someone better couldn't i" yes this little shit is using his darlings moment of self consciousness as manipulative ammunition.
his darling is probably crushed at his words, matthias feels a bit bad seeing how their face falls, but it's for the best. if things go as planned, his darling will start to put more effort into the 'relationship', and stops trying to escape.
or his darling could completely shy away from him after hearing his words, smart decision, darling, if he see's how dejected they are, matthias is going to feel really bad.
he didn't mean it, min elskede!, he was just in a bad mood, it's like when you're feeling insecure and try to up and leave!. please forgive him.
it's best not to drag this out any further, and take the apology and pampering, lest matthias starts to think his darling is attempting to manipulate him, and believe me, you do not want to entirely loose his trust.
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lukas wonders the exact same thing sometimes. he really tried to shake his obsession, it's not like he wants to be so attached to his darling but he is.
he doesn't answer his darling initially, too busy enchanting the basement to keep them from trying to escape again. this likely puts his already distressed darling on the edge, and might lead them to think he's decided to dispose of them when he doesn't come and visit for the next week.
the darlings words linger in lukas's mind; if he hadn't already kidnapped them, he might have tried to distance himself from them and focus on his responsibilities as a big brother and a country (to no avail), but he can't risk his darling going off and telling everyone about what he had done, so, in that week he decides to put his darling out of their misery.
finally, after a week, he re-emerges into the basement, with a tray of food in his hands, his darling is soiled and starving at this point, so they don't fight back when he hand feeds them the love potion infused fiskesuppe.
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tino's heart just about breaks upon hearing his darlings words - it all makes sense now! his darling does love him, they just struggle with insecurities, that he clearly desperately needs to address.
so, if his darling doesn't like physical affection, verbal affection or being smothered, they just made the stupidest decision of their life; tino now dedicates his days to boosting his darlings self esteem. best to go along with his self love boot cam, he'll forget all previous grievances.
but assuming 10 hours of standing naked in front of a mirror complimenting themselves just creeps them out, and they still want to escape from tino's clutches; they once again try to leave when the chance presents itself.
finland goes absolutely insane, no one can calm him down when he realises his darling isn't home when he returns from the latest world meeting - after all he did for them? were they even being sincere or was it all another ploy to escape?! throw all previous trust out the window, once he gets his darling back he's going full tiger mum.
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"who made you think this" berwalds instantly ready to throw hands, start a war, go viking mode. it's simply incomprehensible to him that his darling doesn't adore themselves as much as he adores them.
it must be someone's elses poisonous words corrupting his darling self image, probably denmark, or maybe prussia, germany and austria, or it could be-
if berwald hadn't kidnapped his darling yet, expect to wake up in his house the next morning - clearly his darling is being horridly abused by the people they surround themselves with to think that they aren't worthy of love.
whilst he wasn't planning on pursuing a romantic relationship with his darling, and was content in his position as their guardian angel, if it's what he thinks they need, he'll do whatever he must to ensure their wellbeing.
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here we have the angsty teenager, who immediately takes it as his darling mocking him. fine! be that way, he didn't even like them that much to begin with (lies). once he realises how immature he's being, he panics.
did he just ruin his entire relationship with his darling over his own insecurity? emil screams into his pillow when it occurs to him that his darling was being sincere. even if they weren't, he couldn't stay away from them for that long. if he wasn't already stalking them, he's picked up the habit now: they hate him so how else is he to get his fill of them?.
after a few months of being estranged, emil works up the courage to make amends. but it isn't the same, his beloved is on edge, they don't trust him like they used to. it drives him to absolute insanity loosing the closeness he once had with his darling.
he doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he just follows and watches them in a desperate attempt to get close to them again.
eventually, his brothers get concerned, lukas can't stand to see his baby brother so distressed, so he does what all good brothers do and puts icelands darling under a love potion. to emils horror. at first he thinks they've come around, but is quick to become suspicious of the sudden affection he's receiving.
emil will demand lukas undo the love potion, when his darling is back to their senses he's so embarrassed, he stutters apologies, as the door opens.
norway walks in with a suitcase, "here's all their stuff" "WHAT"
isn't norway a great big brother kidnapping icelands darling for him.
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way to reinforce kunuk's belief that he and his darling are soulmates, reader. just when he thinks his darling can't get any more perfect for him, they say this. it's kinda disturbing to see the heart eyes he gives them as they pour out their heart to him, probably sobbing too.
he immediately counters with his own belief that he isn't good enough for his darling, but he loves them so much that he's gotten past that to bring them together (kidnap them).
if anything his darling made him more attached to them, he goes from being attached at the hip with them to being their conjoined twin; if kunuk wasn't open with them before, he sure as hell is now. if he was, all boundries between him and his darling fade at this point.
kunuk also uses his darlings insecurity as a way to isolate them from others; no one understands them like he does, as no one understands him as they do, so what's the point of going to america's birthday bash when he and his darling could stay home and cuddle?
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adelheidsideblog · 27 days
these type posts got me thinking.. what type of ppl do you think the nordics would be into?
Bear with me! I know more about the nordics than other characters (and more about Matthias than the others) but I might still get things wrong!
Mathias loves more feminine to androgynous partners (male and female)
Really has a thing for more petite partners that he has to look down to talk to
With that being said I feel like he loves everything between curvy and slender
Really likes when his partners have good hair. Not necessarily long hair (although he does like that) but good hair.
Tits man
I don't necessarily feel like he has a set physical type, but tends to go for blonds
Definitely appreciates partners who are bigger than him, wether that means curvy people or just muscular
He does have a thing for strong partners, especially if they don't look traditionally buff
Is more of a thigh/ass person
His "type" ranges from Matthias to Natalia
Also likes smaller partners, usually on the feminine side (male or female)
Prefers plumper bodies
In general prefers partners with a "cutesy" aesthetic
Is more of a stomach/thighs person
His type is Tino, basically
Likes his partners to be bigger than him, wether that's taller or curvier or more muscular
Likes when his partner gives him scary dog privileges
Definitely appreciates busty figures
I don't think he has a preference, as far as tits/ass/thighs/etc
Appreciates a good set of arms and hands
Personally I headcanon him as ace so this really does not apply, hope that isn't disappointing
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ifeelingteal · 1 month
Hello everyone!
I'm announcing a thread (a few posts) that will be about Nordic 5 color sheet/palettes.
These will be my headcanons about the skin, hair and eye tones of these characters. I'll also compare them to anime palettes.
I want to not only share headcanons, but also talk about the peculiarities of human pigmentation. So in these posts I will also indicate what the tones would look like in real life (for example, there is no purple eye color).
Each post will be dedicated to a concrete character of the Nordic 5 and will be accompanied by illustrations that you can use as references (if you want).
The first post will be released on 5th of May
I will be very grateful if you share this content with other hetalia fans!
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arina-nov-talking · 1 year
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More silly horses!! 🎠
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darcymariaphoster · 6 months
Iceland bites. Hard.
Norway and Denmark have trauma from his biting when he was a child
Everyone thinking Finland is the feral one but it was actually Iceland as a child. He's nicer now. But just imagine him baring his teeth and Norway and Denmark when he's annoyed so they just leave him alone. 😆😆😆
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hkxice · 2 years
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Scrapped comic that I never finished. The headcanon logic of it was that Iceland didn't want Hong Kong to teach him personally because it might involve him touching his hand, so to avoid hand-touching, he learned how to use them on his own.
"Look, I learned how to use chopsticks. Now you don't have to touch my hand."
"Um, okay? I don't really know what you're talking about, but I'm happy you learned."
Yeah, it's roundabout convoluted, but I think it would be up there with Ice's pattern of thinking.
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1-800-helltalia · 2 months
denmark lavender, sweden patchouli, iceland musk, vanilla finland, jasmine norway
Lavender: How do they calm down in moments of major stress?
Mathias, despite his laidback disposition, really doesn't cope well with stress at all. In the moment he'll seem like he isn't taking any of it seriously whatsoever; he turns to humor in an attempt to calm himself down. He'll be smiling and cracking jokes, but all the while his shaking hands are buried deep in his pockets as he desperately tries not to lose his cool. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Patchouli: What sort of outdoor activities do they enjoy most? Do they get the chance to do that activity often?
Berwald is an avid outdoorsman; when he's not building furniture, he can be found chopping wood or hiking. He especially loves the repetitive monotony of chopping wood, as it gives his body something to do while his mind wanders in thought. He also has superb wilderness survival skills and will occasionally disappear into the woods for a few days to test his knowledge, much to the dismay of the other Nordics.
Musk: What do they usually smell like, or what does their home usually smell like?
Emil has a slight eggy-sulfur smell around him at all times, no matter how clean he is— it's especially noticeable when he's been sweating. He's rather self-conscious about it and has tried almost everything to get rid of or at least mask it, to varying results. His usual go-to is to douse himself in a sweet, powdery anise cologne.
Vanilla: What is a food or scent that carries a lot of nostalgia for them? How do they feel if they smell it now?
Tino has a special fondness for more Christmas-y scents, such as gingerbread, cinnamon, and peppermint; they remind him of when he was younger and had first taken on his role as a Santa. Due to that reason, he tries to keep those smells at hand year-round. When he's upset or anxious, they bring back the exhilarated joy he felt on his first sleigh ride. On the other hand, he hates the smell of sunflowers, as they bring back bad memories of the time he spent under Russia. Just the sight of them is enough to make him shudder.
Jasmine: What makes them feel beautiful?
There are a handful of things that make Lukas feel beautiful; he's a rather vain man, though that's not something he generally lets others know. Simple things such as winning a game of chess or watching how the sun hits his skin make him feel beautiful, but he considers himself to be the most beautiful when he's bathing. He has an intricate self-care routine and delights in brushing his hair. He could stand naked in front of the mirror for hours, just admiring his own body.
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these-weirdnations · 10 months
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Some drawings of hetalia pets! I was originally going to think of headcanons for them but I don’t got any, except Neds rabbit’s name is Wilma :]
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fireandiceland · 6 months
America is a playstation guy. Australia too.
Canada is an xbox guy.
The Nordics are PC gamers, though at heart Iceland’s an xbox guy together with Hong Kong and Liechtenstein.
Japan is a Nintendo gamer, mostly switch nowadays. Chine doesn’t admit it but he also likes the switch for its games.
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1p Denmark/Mathias Køhler
Dress up (him as a Viking)
His partner wearing lingerie
Bathtub sex
Mild Bondage
Getting his back scratched up by your nails
1p Finland/Tino Väinämöinen
Being praised
Receiving pegging
Cute dress up on partner
Cute bondage
Being submissive/bottoming
Threesomes with a few select countries as the third participant
1p Iceland/Emil Steilsson
Dress up sex (with you as a snow white fox human, aka ears and tails that are white)
Also bathtub sex, but bubble bath mostly
Innocent partner
White lingerie, yeah there's a thing for stuff that's white like snow, probably because of the insane amount of snow in his country at times
1p Norway/Lukas Thomassen
Giving praise
Wearing tradional clothing during sex
Has a thing for magical humanoid beings (cough cough like an elven princess)
He has a thing for a mischievous partner, he won't admit that of course, but he's mischievous in secret so having someone who matches that energy is fun. Fun random fact, when in poly relationship he'd prefer a mischievous partner and an intelligent partner who is somewhat innocent, so he gets a good mix of fun
1p Sweden/Berwald Oxenstierna
Willing to share but only with Finland
Giving double penetration
Having a partner small than him
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betty-bourgeoisie · 1 year
I'll say this, I've identified as aroace for over a decade now and I am unimaginably tired of the "baby's first ace rep" type fanwork that this fandom has been churning out since 2014, so next time you're writing about a Hetalia character being aspec, please just consider some of these prompts:
- Political unions are shown multiple times in Hetalia to be analogous to marriage. How does this impact an aro nation? Is marriage even considered romantic in this context? Is romance even an achievable goal for nations to begin with? If not what does it mean for a nation to be aro? And if these marriages are romantic in nature how does that impact an aro nation's political prospects?
- How do the nations view sex? Is it a means to an end in political negotiations? Is it something reserved only for intimate partners? How would your answer to that question impact an ace nation? Would it influence their actions or standing on the world stage? Would it impact their ability to build an intimate relationship with another nation? Is sexual attraction even a factor for nations or is sex just one of those things like war or paperwork that you have to do sometimes when you're a country?
- Most countries have a carefully crafted image on the world stage that's meant to appeal to tourists and/or foreign diplomats. How would being aro impact a nation like France whose global image is heavily centered around love? How would being asexual impact a nation like Iceland whose government actively promotes the attractiveness and physical beauty of both it's landscape and it's people? Is a nation's personal identity influenced by their global image?
Like. the idea of ancient immortal beings choosing to identify with these very modern, very human labels is actually an incredibly interesting premise but I am desperate for people to world build that shit.
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