steambaka · 7 years
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-Apamar. Charts, metrics and politics of space, Centre d’Arts Contemporàbies, Barcelona, 2010-2011. “The projects intersect through proposing alternatives to the representation of space, its interpretation and how to live in it,” and “In this sense, Beirut: Mapping Security by Mona Fawaz, Ahmad Gharbieh and Mona Harb, depicts the numerous types of security measures that have been established in municipal Beirut as a result of the armed conflicts the country has witnessed since the 70s. Sara Nelson Wright’s visual mapping of six individuals’ travels in Brooklyn, Locations and Dislocation, is a reflection on the effects of gentrification and urban expansion. In LRPT (La región de los pantalones tranfronterizos), the Tijuana-based collective Torolab makes visible the transnational mobility of the inhabitants of the twin cities of Tijuana and San Diego. Isaki Lacuesta and Isa Campo visit Places that do not exist, and provide us with an account of the reality of these places that have disappeared from Google earth for being protected areas. Geografie dell’Oltrecittà and Agroculture nomadi of Stalker/Primavera Romana are common design projects that generate and share social knowledge and awareness on urban changes, while Guifi.net in Catalunya, Mapeo Colectivo from Iconoclasistas in Buenos Aires, and Mapping the Commons, Athens by Hackitectura.net all spur us into participation with the aim of creating common resources.” The extraordinary show was curated by Maral Mikirditsian, Ramon Parramon and Laia Sole. 
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rosacomes · 5 years
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L’aire i el gest
No hi ha res que separi l’aire del gest. I, enmig, no hi puc posar la cinta mètrica per apamar-ne la tangent o calcular-ne bé el volum.
Per allà on el dit s’erigeix i el braç s’arbora, l’aire recula i s’abraça de nou al contorn, ignorant l’empremta dels angles que s’han succeït, l’un darrere l’altre, davant d’un ull meravellat.
Algun dia sabré si l’aire es fa més dens segons el grau de la bellesa. Si s’eriça ell també quan intueix la infinitud d’aquest encís intractable.
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