#anyways whatever i'm tired i'm going to bed
coquettebratzdoll Β· 1 day
ᑣ𐭩 ‒qκͺ†ΰ§Ž Λšβ‹…
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Making this post in case anybody else had this question. Please note that although I am directing the post to Starlight, anyone can take this advice.
So my secret to believing in yourself is to just do it. Ik it's sounds hella unhelpful so lemme elaborate.
So you didn't specify how exactly you wanted to believe in yourself. Do you want to believe that you can shift ? That you deserve to shift ? Something else ? Regardless, it doesn't matter so much as there are ways that you can start:
1. Robotic affirmations - these are exactly as they sound. You just choose an affirmation and repeat it over and over again. It doesn't require you to actually believe in what you're saying, as your subconscious mind is always impressed. It will take whatever you give it without question or filter. It's great cus it will build whatever belief you want over a period of time. I recommend saying the affirmations when you are going to sleep, in the state akin to sleep (stat), immediately after you wake up, and any time you are left with your thoughts (like making your bed, or brushing your teeth). These times are more convenient as you aren't doing much anyway. Plus, when you are sleepy or tired, you are less likely to refute whatever you think.
2. Subliminals - these are great for you if you can't robotically affirm. Instead of what you're used to, let's make it fun ! Find ones with music that you like. Dance, sing, draw, do whatever while listening to it. If you want to sleep to them, many creators have rain versions, which are more relaxing and calming. This, this, this, and this are self-concept subliminals that I really like and use whenever I'm feeling down. Find some that resonate with you and have fun with it !
3. Vaunts - I already made a post discussing this in more detail. The basics are that vaunts are affirmations that you say to sorta 'brag' about your desire. This is really easy to do. It's just faking it till you make it. Don't see your results yet ? Yes you do what are you saying πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ ?? Don't stress with it. Make it up as you go.
4. Shadow work - according to Google, "uncovering the hidden parts of your psyche to understand yourself more, heal from old wounds, and improve relationships. In other words, it's the work you do on the darker side of yourself that you don't want or cannot see." To summarise, this is doing certain things (usually asking and answering questions to yourself) to really discover things about yourself. It is useful to unpack why exactly you don't believe in yourself.
5. Journaling - this relates to the shadow work point. Whether you use a physical notebook or the notes apps, it's great to write down how you feel as you feel it. Acknowledging your feelings is really important. It can really help once you allow yourself to feel the full extent of any emotion (whether 'negative' or 'positive') is a healthy habit to have. I personally use the digital version of @anemoiashifts shifting journal. Look into some that fit your style
6. Actually applying the law 🫣 - there is no other way around it. Although the above methods can help out, you still need to actually apply the law of assumption I order to benefit. As I (sorta) explained in the affs section, we are constantly manifesting - whether aware or not. Whatever assumption you persist in the most will harden into fact. Assume that you have a strong sense of self belief, and you will (hence the 'just do it' comment above).
That's all for now. I hope it can help you !
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clhampir Β· 1 month
one of my least favorite themes about the internet lately is non-american people complaining that americans are talking about american-centric issues on the internet and being like "nOt EvErYtHiNg ReVoLvEs ArOuNd YoU iDiOtS" and it's like. yeah buddy. that's why we didn't apply it to anywhere else in the world. we're talking about the specific issues we are facing as americans living in the states. the reading comprehension is atrocious
#like idk how to tell you that not every american you interact with is gonna be living a rich life in a mega mansion free from strife#the vast majority of us are living under a religious rule disguised as democracy with our own police force killing us in droves every day#your biased view of the states as this place with no pain and suffering is harmful and people are dying in our streets#and its always from these people who think they're communists who care about the collective good and i just. man. i don't understand#i don't understand the disconnect. we're a part of this conversation too the real issues we face are getting real people killed#especially when its coming from leftist non-americans to leftists americans. its like#you KNOW i don't support my country why are you berating me for talking about the real problems we're facing?#individual leftist americans don't make the policies that are killing other countries and i think those conversations are allowed to be two#separate entities without people screaming at us for talking about the atrocities we're facing just bc our government that we have lost#control of is doing things we do not consent or agree to#like fuck dude. americans are still PEOPLE#we are still SUFFERING#and to be clear this isn't to take away from suffering from anyone else this is specifically about when someone from the states complains#about something happening IN THE STATES and non-americans butt in to make a comment about it not being all about us like#baby WHAT#anyways whatever i'm tired i'm going to bed
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silverskye13 Β· 3 months
In which there is talk of the tournament.
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deoidesign Β· 12 days
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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yangjeongin Β· 2 years
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I swear, this is the last ever New Year that I ring in with people who don't value me or my time and efforts. This is the last year that I spend the holidays etc feeling utterly despondant and miserable. This is the last time I spend the 2 weeks that encompass Christmas, New Years, and my birthday with my cunt of a mother and sister. They have had almost 25 of them in some way or another, and this is their last. I'm done.
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mildmayfoxe Β· 7 months
you guys would not fucking believe it but i just counted all the prints ive been doing in the past week and a half and it's 109 counting some journals i threw some cover prints on. and 43 of them were two color so really 152!!!!! no wonder i've been feeling fucking crazy!!!
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maranull Β· 11 months
I know I've said I'm not writing a full x reader fic, but listening to girl in red's watch you sleep is really pushing it.
I might. Might! Give in and do a small one-shot around the song with Meli.
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running-in-the-dark Β· 5 months
just almost dropped a glass I was holding and the panicked feeling I got from it was so bad I almost passed out lol
I guess it's time for bed
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violetsareblue-selfships Β· 10 months
good morning! <3
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ankle-beez Β· 2 years
(Read tags before interacting)
there are so many things i wanna say about people i used to be friends with but i try to keep this blog free from that kinda drama so I'll be the bigger person and avoid that kinda talk. I will say tho the one I had the most severe falling out (and made one of my friend circles incredibly hostile in the last couple months we were friends with them) currently ships Minecraft streamers together and defends Dream every time he fucks up horribly so i came out the other end unscathed
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aro-aizawa Β· 1 year
i swear the absolute HEIGHT of total happiness is when a long fic wraps up with a wonderfully happy ending
#shut up danni's talking#it is literally the pure unrestrained delight of wish fulfillment#you've gone on this big huge long journey with these characters through all the struggles and hardships#you've seen every time these characters stumble and you've seen them doubt themselves#and yet. and yet there is always happiness. there will always be happiness.#it makes my heart so overwhelmingly light with joy and it tints my world view with such wonderful shades of roses#my face aches with how much i'm smiling as the story wraps up and how light and free my whole body feels#i want to jump up and skip with how happy i feel#even if usually whenever i do end up finishing these long fics/series/whatever i'm always so tired#because i'd've stayed up and powered through to the very end so i could lay in bed and just... soak in the bliss#i think. it's my life goal to make something that inspires the same thing in others.#i cannot begin to even emphasize how much love i feel in my heart right now for so many things#i want to speak long flowery words of praise for hours because of how overjoyed i feel#and i know its just a shadow of a thing. the biggest escape possible but by god i will take whatever pockets of sheer joy i experience#i'll hold them so tight and i will defend these with great passion because no matter how insignificant the source#i want to bask in this feeling for as long and as often as i like#so here's my recommendation: if you're the kind of person who can get completely absorbed by something like i do#and you have a long thing that you've been eyeing but the length intimidates you then absorb it anyway#take that chance that the thing you're slightly iffy on will be worth it because ohhh chase that feeling whenever you can#that is hopefully my final nugget of words that i give you otherwise i can and will go on forever
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custer-mp3 Β· 2 years
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#anyway. about to try a new brace but it's gonna be 97 degrees here all week & i already feel like i'm being hit with a bat repeatedly#like all my injuries are all ON at FULL BLAST on top of the swelling pain and whatever my feet are doing#i'm getting nerve shocks in my hands too#ON TOP OF MY ENTIRE RIGHT HAND FEELING LIKE A BALL OF CHEWED MEAT DUE TO AN INJURY SUSTAINED IN 2018#my fkn BINGO WINGS hurt and i have never even injured those#i am going to have a πŸ™‚ full scale πŸ™‚ mental πŸ™‚ breakdown by wednesday at the latest#truly be lucky if i make it through the next 48 hrs without landing in the ER as a hazard to myself cuz everything hurts just too damn much#i'm already at the 'scared to sleep' portion of the festivities cuz for DAYS i have been TRYING to sleep and not actually been able to sleep#cuz it's already too hot (moderate 80s) and hurts too bad#thursday night i slept in 15 minute increments#friday night was a little better i got like. an hour to an hour and a half at a time.#then yesterday i slept all day in 20-50 minute bursts and when i went to bed i once again slept in 15-30 minute increments#it's too hot i'm in too much pain there is no comfortable position nothing that can be done with the pillows. nothing#so lmaoooooooooo i'm scared to even TRY to sleep tonight cuz i know if it doesn't work i'm gonna SNAP but i'm already so so tired so like#truly have no choice#WORKED OPEN TO CLOSE TODAY 🌈 GONNA DO THE SAME THING TOMORROW 🌈 THEN HAVE 2 DAYS OFF WHEREIN I TRY TO REST BUT JUST LAY HERE & SWEAT & GR#OAN IN PAIN 🌈🌈🌈🌈#I LOVE BEING ALIVE EXISTENCE IS IN NO WAY A BURDEN#thanks domestic violence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🌈
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marshmellowtea Β· 16 hours
the video i'm watching about the mario series took a pivot to ~disproving~ a common fan theory and i had to turn the video off this is so obnoxiously spiteful and uninteresting which is a shame because i was enjoying it before then
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audiovisualrecall Β· 19 days
Love how I can ruin something so easily
#actually id say love how depression can do so but i dont have to behave irritably just bc my brain feels unmoored and unhappy for no good#reason. i dont have to make it everyone elses problem#i wasnt trying to! but i cant communicate hey i feel like x and thats making me feel y and i dont know what to do about it#i just.. why dont they ask 'Why?' when i get like that. i want them to notice that I'm acting uncharacteristically and say something so that#i can go oh yeah thats dumb and idk why sorry yeah#but theyre reacting like its not obvious when i pointed out that this happens and that i want them to ask me 'why'#yeah is it fair to expect that if them? no. but idk what else to do abt it bc i am incapable of makingany other decision#im ANGRY#I'm disappointed i didnt get to be here for the yard sale and help them#I'm frustrated i had to be at work even though i was superfluous there today#I'm disappointed and frustrated that they dont want to try a yard sale again another week#like maybe a warmer and nicer weekend and puttinf more signs up will result in more traffic to the yard sale!#theyre giving up on it and i wanted to do a yard sale and didnt get to bc i had to be at work instead and now i wont gwt to again bc they#dont want to plan another yard sale bc theyre exhausted by it#i missed out and i wanted to do a yard sale so bad and didnt get to be here for it!#I'm frustrated that qe wont do another yard sale#and I'm unhappy that they didnf trust that i could clean up and brinf stuff inside at least like theyre tired so why are they doinf the work#let me help! i want to feel like i helped! I'm useless i dont do anything! but i was fold i cant do it on my own and wouldnt know where they#wanred to put stuff#like yeah i cant move the tables on my own into the shed. fine. but the boxes of stuff??? she could have come and directed me instead!#so like. fine i wont help. and then i got up and came to fuckinf help anyway even tjo apparently i wouldnt have done it right on my own#and shes like that attitude wasn't helpful like neither was what you said!#i know I'm not smart or helpful and just an annoying tag-alonf overgrown child but i wanted to do something#if it was my oldest sister insisting she could do it they wouldnt have protested!#whatever I'm stupid and reactive and i could have said like that makes me feel like u think i cant help and that feels shitty#whatever#I'm just. i hate existing its too frustrating and complicated and i havw no choice in the matter and i want to just curl up in bed and do#nothing and go nowhere and not talk to anyone and not do my medication bc i wont have insurance if i dont go to work bc i wont have the job#which means i can never do that bc unfortunately the result of not taking my medication scares me more than i hate having to be a person#i hate being a person but being sick is infinitely worse so
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featherymainffins Β· 3 months
Binge-reading Dungeon Meshi because it's the only thing standing between me and suicide ngl.
#it at least gave me the single molecule of mental energy required to force myself to eat at least one slice of bread#because it's like the physical energy is there sure but mentally I'm like 'noooooo I don't want to eat anything i hate food#all food tastes bad and i hate life and i want to eat nothing at all and furthermore i need to lose weight so i should starve myself'#I'm thinking that it might actually make me last until I either convince the crisis center that I'm for fucking real for real#or until my appointment with the school counselor. which idk when would be because i was supposed to go on the#2nd of April but i guess there might be holidays because he called me when i was atva lecture but i couldn't take it#because i had a lecture and he hasn't called since but I'm assuming#that hell call again and that he wants to let me know that the date is impossible#but I want to like wait and see what he says. and if he goes like 'oh actually im on a long vacay now goodbye forever'#or whatever I'll just go '...slay' and ride my ass to the hospital tomorrow.#show up at the crisis centre looking exactly like the patients with chronic pain who report pain 7 while looking unphased#like 'hello i am an active danger to myself I can't get out of bed most days; i need 16 hours of sleep to function for 4 hours#my meds have stopped working I haven't eaten anything but exactly 2 pancakes and a slice of bread in the past 4 days#and i exhibit a strong refusal to change this marked by thoughts present in people affected by eating disorders. no activity#feels fun anymore and they were marked by a strong sense of anxiety a few days ago but now i just feel nothing at all.#at this point I'm not even refusing to do any of my hobbies because im increasingly afraid of failure and its#consequences while being hunted for sport by anxiety from the opposite end telling me that i need to finish 50 masterpieces#immediately or nobody will ever like me again and they'll all see me for the talentless fraud i am. at this point i just don't care.#i don't do anything because i feel sluggish and my body is heavy and I'm so so tired and I'm tired of being awake and I can't think straight#also i think i might be going into a psychotic episode again.'#they're gonna tell me to get the fuck out of their faces anyway but it's worth a try.#like idk i feel like they might kinda listen because yesterday I guess they wouldn't have but today i have stopped caring about cars#and looking both ways. which is like. not a good sign probably. also yesterday i was still somewhat able to talk to people#even though i was in a very irritated and drained out state but today I'm feeling like if anyone even fucking attempts to talk to me#or if i hear any loud fucking sound at all I'm just gonna punch myself in the head until the pain drowns out all the sound
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