#anyways i would adore more people to know this bit so i can say 'crisscross' at you whenever i want to do you work for you lol
pagesofkenna · 4 months
I think about the 'crisscross' joke in the Crash Pandas oneshot all the time and no one ever gets what I'm referencing, so I finally compiled the entire bit into a single video for everyone who forgot this oneshot existed
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littencloud9 · 1 month
chuuran + "how did we get here?"
kunichuuzai + braids
HII <3 have some chuuran post-novel shenanigans. the makeout session is indeed canon to me
"How did we get here?" Ranpo asks. Chuuya grits his teeth. "Are you seriously asking me that right now?" Ranpo shrugs. They ran into Chuuya on their way to one of their missions (though Chuuya strongly believes it wasn't accidental, that damn detective loves making his life harder on purpose), and told him they were lost. Somewhere, somehow, Chuuya ended up giving them a ride. Except now they're in the middle of fucking nowhere, even more lost than before. It doesn't help that Chuuya's phone is dead—he had an overnight mission and is utterly exhausted—so they can only wait for one of Ranpo to call one of their coworkers to come pick them up. And, well, Chuuya could just leave Ranpo here and head on home, but the thought of abandoning them when they're so prone to getting lost is a bit unsettling. Not that Chuuya cares about Ranpo. He cares more for the people Ranpo will run into, and make their lives living hell. Someone finally picks up Ranpo's call. "Kunikida-kun! Hello!” Chuuya crosses his arms, leaning against the hood of his car. Ranpo gazes at him, an unnerving smirk on their lips. "Oh, I'm okay. I got lost. But I found company!" There's muffled sounds from their flip phone. Ranpo's grin widens. "Yeah. I'm with Chuuya! Uh huh, that one. Don’t worry, he can’t outsmart me, I’ll be okay.” Chuuya’s eye twitches. “Mhm. I promise we won’t fight. What? Yeah, we won’t fuck either, you—" Chuuya doesn’t hear the rest of it, for he’s too busy choking on his own saliva and giving Ranpo the most appalled stare. The moment Ranpo tucks their phone away, Chuuya explodes. “What the fuck! Why would you say that?!” Ranpo gives him an innocent smile and Chuuya seriously considers homicide. “What? You’ve certainly tried to before.” Chuuya recalls heated kisses hidden from public’s eye and blushes furiously. “We did not fuck in that book. Don’t make shit up.” “Could’ve fooled me with how loud you were—” He slams his hands over their mouth. “Kill yourself,” he hisses, to which Ranpo only laughs again.
kunichuuzai… ougfjfjdkfnfj
“Sincerely, Chuuya,” Dazai laments, “you suck at this.” “Shut the fuck up!” Kunikida winces at the slightly harsh tug on his hair. Chuuya immediately apologises, dropping a kiss on his shoulder, before going back to cussing Dazai out. Kunikida likes braiding hair. Sometimes he helps Kyouka or Naomi braid their hair on relaxing days in the office. It gives him something to do with his hands, and it’s an elegant hairstyle to have. However, since he lost his hands and regained them again, his hand tremors have made it hard to do so. Sometimes he can’t even pick up a pen, and it dampens his mood greatly. His hair has remained unbraided since then, and though he won’t say it, it fills his heart with bitterness. That is, until his partners decided to learn how to braid hair. Whether it was for his sake is unclear, but that’s how he ended up here, sitting crisscrossed on the floor, with his hair being tugged in all directions. He can’t see what’s going on, but the side Dazai’s braiding is going notably smoother than Chuuya’s side. Dazai has always been skillful with their hands anyway. Chuuya isn’t bad either, but he keeps falling for Dazai’s provocations, so it’s probably what’s affecting the process. Knowing those idiots, they’ve turned it into a competition for who can braid better anyway. Kunikida smiles to himself. What losers. …He adores them incredibly. When they’re done, Chuuya passes him a mirror. Two twin braids run down his back, tied with red hair ties at the end. They’re a little wonky, but weaved between the strands are layers of love and care. “I love it,” Kunikida whispers. His partners grin at him through the mirror and he can’t help but laugh. “Thank you.”
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thesoobfiles · 4 years
one stubborn senator – a. skywalker
Words: 2.1k
Summary: Senator (L/N) of Kyoi knows what she wants and she wants Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; however, she’s also very stubborn and refuses to acknowledge her feelings for the prophesized Chosen One. Will her false front crumble when a certain Skywalker is assigned to be her escort?
A/N: this story is inspired by write-i-do’s drabble, ‘The Senator’. i suggest reading it because it’s great and maybe you’ll have a better grasp on this one. i might have used some of it (i hope that’s ok) in order to keep true to the drabble… also, Kyoi is not a real Star War planet. anyways, i really hope you guys like it, especially @write-i-do. since it’s based off your drabble and i don’t want to disgrace it with this madness… enjoy!
Anakin thought he was a generally lucky person; however, his luck seemed to change whenever you were involved. Whenever he wished to talk to you, you were always whisked away by another; whether it be Senator, clone or Jedi. He thought he had finally caught a break when he was assigned to be your Jedi escort.
Anakin waltzed up to me and began his introduction, “Senator (L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m-“ He was quickly cut off with my snippy remark.
“Anakin Skywalker. Yes, I’m aware; I’ve seen the holo-net before...” I said, unimpressed, “Decorated General, poster boy of the Republic as well as close, personal friend of the Chancellor.”
“What kind of Senator would I be if I didn’t know who you were?” I asked, a bit coldly; however, Anakin couldn’t help the blush that bloomed across his cheeks.
He cleared his throat, trying his best to hold some semblance of professionalism, “With the pleasantries out of the way, shall we get going?” I looked downwards at his extended hand and turned away with a huff.
“Why did the Council send you anyways?” I asked, making my way to the door, “It’s not like I can’t take care of myself; plus, I think you’re much more useful on the battlefield.” I said as I finally exited the room and left behind a much frazzled Jedi.
Little did he know, your distant behavior didn’t express how you truly felt; it was a front to hide your adoration for him.
I hope my cold demeanor wasn’t too much... Just wait until my Senator friends hear about this one! How lucky I am to have the Anakin Skywalker assigned to me! I thought with excitement as I made my way onto my ship, Anakin not far behind me.
He walks on the ship and heads for the cockpit, throwing a glance your way. You’re sitting on the bench attached to the wall with your legs crossed one over the other and your eyes closed; a mix between a scowl and a blank expression over taking your features. He continues his trek to the pilot’s seat and sits down, defeated.
Even with her face in a scowl, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve had the pleasure of casting my gaze upon. He thought while preparing for take-off.
I wonder the purpose of her prickly exterior… Anakin began to ponder, whenever I see her conversing with others, she always has a magnificent smile on her face and her eyes twinkle with joy… Perhaps the next time we engage in conversation, I can try and sense what the issue is… Anakin decided as he notes the ship is approaching the Kyoi system.
He puts the ship on autopilot as he heads to where you’re seated. Your face is still contorted into the blank expression from earlier as you appear to be… meditating? Your hands rest on your knees and you rest crisscrossed on the floor.
Has she been sitting this way for the entirety of the trip?
“Senator, we-“
“We’ve entered the Kyoi system, I know.” I respond with my eyes still closed, “Did you know it’s considered rude to interrupt meditation, Master Jedi?” I say as I open my eyes and tilt my head up, Anakin’s face coming into view.
“I apologize, I’ll-“
“No, it’s fine. The aura has dissipated anyways…” I reason as I leave my spot on the floor to walk up to Anakin, “and yes, I have.”
He furrows his brows in confusion, “You have what?”
“I have been sitting that way for the entirety of our journey.” I reply coolly as I make my way to the cockpit, sitting in the co-pilot seat and overseeing the rest of the trip to Kyoi.
“I didn’t say that out loud… How did you know?” Anakin asks curiously as he reclaims the seat of the pilot.
“The ability of telepathy is rare among my people. Many years ago, telepaths were hunted and killed for being… different.” I say, looking out the large window that separates the cockpit from the vast, emptiness of space, “Our ways have changed since then; however, there are still those who hold strong grudges against telepaths.”
“Do you wish to expose me, Master Skywalker?” I ask, turning in his direction. His mouth hangs open before he quickly closes it.
“No! Of course not!” He rambles out, “I was just unaware of this part in your history…” He trails off.
“Not many are; consider yourself lucky…” I say as I flip the switch that opens the door of my ship and leave him with his thoughts.
He does not remain there long as he hurriedly joins my side.
We exit the ship and head for my residence near the crystal caves.
The walk is filled with silence and Skywalker’s mind runs like a faucet; thought after thought entering his mind.
I wonder how much longer the walk to her home is... I’m not complaining, just curious…
The terrain here is wonderful… This is truly an amazing place to live, unlike Tatooine… I wonder if the crystal caves are anything like Ilum…
I wonder what I could do to change her attitude towards me…
Oh, an interesting thought indeed; but, in order to hide my affection, I’m afraid my attitude won’t be changing anytime soon, darling.
-like? Wait, I forgot she was a telepath… what if she’s listening?!
Anakin’s eyes glance over at me and my eyes are trained on the path in front of us. His gaze returns to the front and his thoughts continue. However, I’ve decided I shouldn’t abuse this power; I wouldn’t want anyone listening in on my thoughts…
While (Y/N) has left Anakin to his thoughts, Anakin has not left (Y/N) to hers.
Almost home, a little longer on this path and we’re there. Wait. We. Anakin and I… Oh my stars, I never took into consideration that he’d be in my house... THE Anakin Skywalker, in my house; how unnerving…
I wonder how much longer I can really keep this up… Why waste time hiding my adoration when I can just say, ‘Anakin Skywalker, I love you.’…
Actually, that might come off a bit high strong and this is only our first meeting… But, he’s so amazing… It’s honestly hard NOT to adore him… He fights selflessly for the Republic and his compassion knows no end; not to mention he’s crazy good-looking.
Anakin raises his eyebrow and smirks in the Senator’s direction; however, she is none the wiser and is completely lost in her thoughts.
I mean, wow. His shoulder-length hair looks so soft and lush I just want to run my fingers through it all night… Seriously, what kind of hair products is he using?
Anakin holds back the urge to laugh.
He also smells amazing. I have no idea how, but he does. He spends his days fighting, probably sweating buckets, and he still smells great. Do all Jedi’s smell this good?
Probably not; Padmé actually insisted I try this new body wash because ‘It’s better than the cheap crap the Jedi make you use.’
And his skin is practically flawless… I have no idea how, but I’ll have to ask what his skincare routine is…
Also thanks to Padmé; she’s vowed to provide me with all of my toiletries from now on because she despises how much chemicals are in the ones the Jedi give us…
He looks up to see that they are within a 10 foot radius of Senator (L/N)’s home.
I’m impressed. She does a really good job of making it seems like she hates my guts. It’s crazy how she can keep such a straight face when her thoughts run rampant like this…
It’s a shame the Jedi are so conservative…
She walks up to the door and places her palm on a rock next to the door; it’s flat and embedded into the structure as if nothing was there.
Those robes probably cover up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know…
I’m dragged out of my thoughts and stop walking in when Anakin bursts out laughing. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him with confusion as he doubles over with laughter. An unexpected noise, but a pleasant one. Who knew Anakin Skywalker’s laugh was such as blessing to hear?
“You, Senator, are a master of deception.” Anakin manages between laughs as he tries to catch his breath.
“How so, Master Skywalker?” I ask curiously, walking the rest of the way in my house with Anakin right behind me.
“How can you look so stern yet think such thoughts?” He asks with a smirk as he shuts the door behind him.
My eyes widen at the accusation and I swallow the lump in my throat, “What thoughts?”
“Shall I repeat them for you?” He asks with that glorious smirk on his face.
He holds up one finger, “My compassion knows no end,” My eyes widen once again.
He lifts another finger, “You wish to run your fingers through my hair all night,” I can feel the heat beginning to form in my face as he slowly walks towards me.
Another finger joins his other two, “and my personal favorite, how these horrid Jedi robes could possibly be covering up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know.” He finishes with a triumphant grin. By the time he’s finished, my entire face is flushed and my heart is beating out of my chest. I collapse on my couch and bury my face in my hands.
“How embarrassing! Having such thoughts about a man who is forbidden from forming attachments…” I mutter from within my hands. I feel the couch cushion on my right sink and an arm wrap around my shoulders.
“If it’s any consolation Senator, I think you’re compassionate as well. Fighting for your people not on the battlefield, but in the Senate chamber.”
“And your hair looks as soft as it is feels.” He says as he takes a piece and twirls it around his fingers.
“And fortunately, your people are not as conservative as the Jedi.” He finishes as his fingers stroke the skin of my upper arm. I remove my hands from my face, sit up and look in his direction, “Are you flirting with me, Master Skywalker?”
His signature smirk returns as his beautiful blue eyes look straight at my (E/C) ones, “Would it be so bad if I was?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite in fact; however, what about the Jedi code?” I ask, concerned.
He looks thoughtful, facing forwards and he stops stroking my arm.
I would leave the Jedi Order for you.
“What?!” I exclaim and push him away, his hand dropping from my arm, “No, you can’t do that.” I say, crossing my arms.
“You’ve probably trained your whole life to be a Jedi! You can’t give that up; especially not for me!” I say, surprised by his words.
“I’m only 21, Senator. My whole life only consists of 21 years and 12 of those years were dedicated to becoming a Jedi.”
“That’s more than half of your life!”
“So far…” He counters, “I’ll hopefully live many more years and I wish for those years to be by your side.” Anakin looks over at me and grabs my hands.
I look him; I look into his captivating blue orbs and really think about how he’d give up everything to be with me and we’ve only just met.
“2 years.” I say. He raises his eyebrow in return and I elaborate further, “If you still love me in 2 years, you can leave the Jedi Order and I’ll accept what I assume is your proposal.”
“Deal.” He replies with a toothy grin.
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Little Bird - Mini
 Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls 'cause she has powers she doesn't know about. And then some day she's in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.
Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader
Chapter: Mini Story
A/N: Okay so I am not going to do official chapters but I think I will release a few mini stories about their lives together. Not sure how many I will do. I am really loving how adorable Loki is and his interaction with the reader. If you want to be tagged let me know. Hope ya’ll still enjoy it!
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Chapter One       Chapter Two
“This is so not fair.” You whisper, out of breath.
             Loki’s lean figure slightly leans forward, hovering over your own. His breathing is heavy and his hair tries to cling to what is left of his bun. You take in a few deep breaths of your own and ignore the sweat dripping off of your body. The team has been making you physically train. Not with your powers but with punches, kicks, and flips. When they said you would get to train, you initially thought this meant you would get to control these so-called powers you seem to possess. Apparently not!
“Once you can control your own body during a fight, controlling your powers will become easier.” Loki grins. “Besides, I like you on the floor gazing up at me.”
             Loki takes pride in his little bedroom comment. Meanwhile you swing your leg around and knock him off his feet. A thud on the mat tells you that he is down and is time to get up. Using the little energy you have left, you push your body up into a standing position. Much like the way Nat or Steve do during a fight that in your opinion is a show-off move. Regardless, one night you asked Nat to teach you. You figured there may be some satisfaction in executing it one day. Funny how the time comes sooner than expected.
             Looking down at the god beneath you, you can’t help but allow a well deserved smirk to take residence across your lips. This is the first fight you have won, hopefully it won’t be the last. Taking in Loki’s appearance, you begin to understand what is so appealing about being the one left standing. The dominant person standing.
“Don’t get used to it, little bird.” Loki breathes. “I’ll get my rematch later.”
“STOP!” Tony’s voice booms through the intercom. “I can’t take any more of your sexual banter in the training room. Keep it in the bedroom!”
             A faint spread of heat rushes against your cheeks from Tony’s comment. Despite what most would think by looking at you, you are quite a private person about that area of your life. You know Tony is all talk and doesn’t mean anything by it. He doesn’t even know what is going on behind closed doors at the compound. It would be quite shocking for them all to find out.
             Tony gets called out for a meeting at Stark Industries and allows you to call it an early day. Thankfully he had to take Wanda and Vision so even they couldn’t make you practice meditating on your powers. Feeling them as a part of yourself and not as a threat, and accepting them. It will allow you to hone your powers and use them. Seems like there is a lot of stuff they are making you do first before actually letting you use your powers. Meanwhile, you’re sure they just went at it themselves without all this mumbo jumbo.
             Following Loki back to his bedroom you are lost in thought about how to improve at your training so you can get to the next level. It barely registers that you sit on his bed crisscross as Loki disappears to the closet to change out of his training gear. With the snap of his fingers, you are now out of your own training gear and in your favorite pair of sweats and tank top.
“Time for a rematch.” Loki’s low deeps voice appears behind you.
             His arms wrap around your torso and his fingers attack your stomach. You cry out in laughter and pain as you try to pry his hands off of you. As a child your father would constantly tickle you, usually in surprise attacks like this one. Twisting your body in his arms, you manage to face him. Loki’s smug face peers down at you. He thinks he has won. Guess again.
             Suddenly his fingers are no longer moving. His arms are slowly unwrapped from your body. Their movement falters for a moment as Loki attempts to fight back, but you quickly regain control. Electricity thrums through your arms as your magic overpowers his. You manage to lift his arms above his hands against his bed railing. With a bit more concentration you will a free length of lace to wrap a nicely tight bow across Loki’s wrists. Now you are the one looking smug.
“You’ve been practicing without me.” Loki is breathless once again. “I have to say, if I wasn’t a bit terrified I would be 100% turned on.”
             Leaning your body over his, you look deep into his eyes as you bring your face closer. As your lips meet, every nerve in your body is engulfed in flames. Never in your entire life have you met someone that makes you feel as alive as Loki. Even a simple kiss excites everything inside of you, even your bones. Never have you felt like losing such control but yet feeling as safe as could be. But before either of you could get carried away, you break the kiss and sit at the end of the bed.
“Definitely less terrified.” Loki gleams toward you. “Though we still need to be careful.”
             Loki’s reminder saddens you. With a flick of your wrist Loki is released from his lace bondage. He is the one person in the world that you want but yet you cannot fully have him. Tony’s remark earlier left you a little flustered. Only because the two of you haven’t actually had sex yet. Neither one of you is in a big rush, but since you can’t it makes you want it more. Funny how that is always the case?
             It was Loki’s idea. Since no one is sure of the full extent of your powers, he thinks it is best to keep emotions from an all-time high. You agreed and still do, most of the time. You often wonder if he is as miserable about it as you are. He doesn’t show it and you do your best to hid it as well. It isn’t always easy to be so close to him, alone, and not get what you want.
Sometimes you think Loki has another motive behind why you two should delay. He said he could be dangerous if he gets carried away. Since he has arrived in your life, outside of watching you sleep, you have been getting to know a lot about his past. He isn’t always eager to share but he does anyway. Some things take longer than others to surface but you know he is going to tell you in his time. You don’t want to rush him, but this particular comment definitely has peaked your interest.
“The first night in my room umm…” your cheeks turn a light pink as you think of the right words. “What did you mean by ‘I can get dangerous if I get carried away’?”
“I was hoping you didn’t remember that.” Loki lets out a shaking laugh. He takes your hands in his and concentrates on them instead of meeting your gaze. “I am not Asgardian like my brother. My birth father is from another realm where he is king of these horrible beasts.”
             Loki’s voice begins to waver. He takes a moment to calm himself before continuing. His breathing is uneven still as he recalls all that he has learned about his heritage.
“Basically they are ice monsters. Cold is their pleasure and they have no problem harming anyone to get what they want.” Loki sneaks a glance at you to gage your reaction. “My natural form is a lot.. bluer, colder. I highly suggest you never touch me in this form. Legend says a single touch can turn anyone into frozen stone. I’ve never tried it, and I really do not want to start with you.” Loki sighs and you know he is finally getting to his point. “I am afraid that if we are intimate with one another I may lose control and my glamour will fade, revealing my true form. I worry that it will frighten you, and I worry of what I can do to you.”
             You see that what is left of Loki’s calm and collected façade begin to fade. Obviously this isn’t a topic that he talks about often, and you feel honored that he could share it with you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you sit on his lap and wrap your legs around his torso. As you stroke your fingers through his hair you feel a wet cold tear fall against your bare shoulder. Loki has been in pain a great deal of his life and has mastered the art of silent crying. You hope one day it won’t have to be so silent around you.
“Thank you for sharing with me.” Your voice is low, calming, soothing. “I believe we are what we decide to become, not who we are born. You may be blue and able to freeze things, but you are anything but a monster.”
             Loki’s grip around your hips tightens as you speak. Most people in the past, even his brother, has written him off as the bad guy. Until recently did people begin to see the hero and ally that Loki has always wanted to become.
“You’re my hero, Loki.”
             Loosening your hold on him, you peer into his tear stricken eyes. Leaning in close, you kiss his cheeks just below the eyes. Kissing away his tears. Revisiting Loki’s gaze, you look for an indication to stop but you find nothing. Again you lean in close and lightly brush your lips against his.
             The fiery heat radiates off of your body like before. Though something is different this time. A cool electrifying current passes through, starting at your lips and spreads through your whole body. The feeling excites you as you realize this streak is coming from Loki. He is letting down his walls little by little, staying up enough to keep you safe.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You assure him.
“Neither am I, little bird.” Loki’s cold breath brushes away your heated exterior. Quickly he gazes into your eyes before connecting his lips with yours once more.
Taglist:@drabby-abby​ @senpaiweird​ @clairewinchester14 
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twisted-broth · 5 years
Can you write something with reader making scarves and hats for the Sides and/or the Egos? -&
Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took so long but I hope you like it
Warnings: small mention of choking, Remus
Anti can’t have a scarf cuse the fuzz would irritate his next wound
So he gets a cute black hat
Will only wear it when he has no other choice
Complains that it’s itchy and doesn’t go with his look but he actually really appreciates it
Schneeps scarf would be the same blue as his mask
Sad that he can’t wear it while working but will definitely wear it all other times
Fiddling with the tassels at the end helps him calm down after a stressful day
Robbies hat is purple with white polka dots
Oh my god you could not have made him happier he loves it so much
Will wear it all the time no matter the weather
He’s always a little chilly so it works out
Chase would get a grey and blue striped scarf with the bro average logo on the ends
Loves showing it off in videos but would refuse to sell copies as merch it’s just for him
Holds it close when he’s sad because it reminds him that someone loves him
Jackie’s scarf would be the same red as his uniform so that he could wear them together
It motivates him when he’s fighting crime because he remembers the people that he needs to protect
JJ’s scarf would be sepia and it has little reel things at the ends like the ones at the sides of old film you know what I mean
He wears it with a knot in the front so he can tuck it into his vest it looks very dapper
Honestly like exactly what his outfit was missing it’s perfect
Marvin’s scarf would be white with the card suits repeated along it
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s working because he’s afraid of it getting ruined
Honestly like his most prized possession tho
It also goes great with his hair
Sanders Sides:
For the original four sides, you would make them scarves that match their Christmas sweaters
Logan’s would be white with those color squares on it
He would really appreciate how it’s not too outrageous and thinks it looks very smart
Likes to wear it when he reads if he’s not in his unicorn onesie
Virgil’s is purple with grey patches and streaks of gold to represent the storm cloud
Becomes a huge comfort item for him. Whenever he’s cuddled up in his jacket he tucks his face in it and is just surrounded by warmth and happy
He tends to poke through the crochet holes with his fingers. It’s a nervous habit but it calms him down
Romans scarf would be white with diagonal red stripes like his sash that are lined with gold and it has gold tassels 
He is so proud of it like if anyone so much as looks at it he’s on a spiel about his wonderful (friend or s/o), Y/n and how they made it specifically for him and wow aren’t they so talented
He used to dislike winter but now looks forward to it so he can whip out the scarf
A little jealous that you made one for everyone tbh
Patton’s would be that light blue and would have a line of little cats and dogs
It’s super soft he probably sleeps with it sometimes
He literally adores it
A scarf for Deceit would look like a yellow snake, scales and all
It even has a little tongue poking out it’s sooo cute
Gets really upset that he can’t tell you how much he likes it but you get the idea 
Really makes him feel like part of the group
A scarf for Remus would be a green ombré with the same gold trim as Roman
A little glittery to match his sash 
He’s super dramatic with it
Flicks it over his shoulder like a diva with a boa
Basically they all love it and would die for you
NateWantsToBattle Egos
I only know a few so apologies
You would make Natemare a metallic purple beanie that matches his eye makeup
Goes really well with his hair
Likes wearing it in the videos of some of his calmer songs
Perfect for the fall cuse the purple contrasts all the orange leaves which makes for the cutest wallpaper if you manage to snap a picture
It’s just super cute okay
For Phantom you would make a red scarf that matches his shirt
It has some silver detailing at the ends that’s reminiscent of claws and it looks really cool when it moves
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s out because he’s gotta keep up the intimidating vibe but he loves wearing it at home
Purposefully keeps the house a little colder than necessary just so he can feel comfortable with it on
If you complain about it being too cold he’ll wrap both of you up in the scarf so now you can’t escape
I meant that in like a cute way but it came out very threatening 
You would make Natpai a beanie to go with his uniform
It’s black with a white lining and smaller gold trim
He def wears it to school when it starts getting colder 
Knows better than to say you made it for him cuse you would be hunted 
It looks really good all together tho
Iplier Egos
For my own sanity I’m only gonna do a couple but you’re free to request for any other egos. These are my defaults so specify if you want others
A scarf for Dark would be like the same grey as his skin, but it would have a bit of blue on one end and a bit of red on the other
Not really a huge fan of it but he knows you put a lot of work into it so he wears it anyway
If any other ego tries to make fun of it anti he will make them regret it
It starts to grow on him after a while
Wilford would, of course, get a classic bubble gum pink scarf that matches his mustache
You may have slipped a bit of bubble gum extract on to it so it smells like bubble gum
His face lights up when he gets it and he will hug you so tightly you might lose a rib
Wears it all the time except when he has an interview because he still wants to show off his bowtie
He won’t be as subtle as Dark if someone insults it. He will just shoot them.
You get a scarf for each Google with their corresponding color and maybe a few black lines to make it resemble a circuit board
Points out that he’s a robot and doesn’t need to stay warm
You just roll your eyes and wrap it around his neck
He looks confused, but he doesn’t take it off and eventually grows used to it
Will probably forget it’s there at some point and if someone points it out he’ll look down and smile and realize he needs it for other reasons
You make the Host a black scarf with quotes from his favorite book written in white
It’s really a lot of effort to put in for someone who can’t see
He still really appreciates it and almost never takes it off
Deathly afraid that some of the blood from his eyes will drip onto it so you help reassure him and change his bandages more often
You would make Bing a scarf that matches his shirt which is black with the yellow Bing symbol
Calls it “super rad bruh” which is probably a good thing
At one point he’s wearing it while skateboarding and it somehow gets stuck in the wheels which leads to Bing falling down some stairs and almost choking to death but it’s still pretty funny
You have since banned wearing a scarf while skateboarding
He spends a really long time trying to fix the damage that was done to it so you won’t be upset
It doesn’t turn out good, per se, but it’s nice that he tried
Bim Trimmer’s scarf would be pretty simple, black with crisscrossing grey lines
Doesn’t wear it on screen bc he’s clearly a professional but will wear it when he goes out of the house
Okay but if you guys were on a coffee date or something and he’s wearing the scarf it would be super cute
He’s a little easier to talk to when he’s wearing it. It humbles him
You make a light blue scarf for reporter Jim and a red one for cameraman Jim
It’s honestly so you can tell them apart easier
When you give it to them, reporter Jim goes on a very long-winded observation on the color and craftsmanship
“Look at this expert handiwork, Jim! And what’s that? Why it’s a knot, carefully concealed by the rest of the material. This is a rare sighting.”
Once the cameras aren’t rolling, they individually come up to you and give you a hug and tell you how much they appreciate it
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ssa25 · 4 years
Miss You - NaruHina
Rating: T
Inspired by Ed Sheeran's 'I don't need your money'. 
It was just a call. 
And now he was here. 
At a small rest stop, more than halfway to Konoha from Suna. His beanie pulled over his ears to keep out the cold, as he sipped on a cup of latte. He wasn't fond of caffeine in general, but he needed it right now. To wake all his senses after the short nap he took inside his car. And to prepare him for the awfully monotonous ride to his hometown.
It was almost the end of December, and he had put on his thick down jacket and fleece gloves to keep warm. A small backpack carrying a spare t-shirt and one pair of undergarments lay in the passenger seat. He had planned to clean his laundry that weekend. But then he made a sudden change of plan less than 12 hours back. After that last call with his girlfriend. His beautiful and adorable Hinata.
As soon as he felt recharged, he dropped the paper cup into the recycle bin and headed for his car. He still had 6 hours worth of distance to cover. 
When he turned on the radio, it was playing a depressing love song. It made him frown and he switched the station abruptly. 
When he felt all eyes on him, inside the crowded elevator, he realised he had said it out loud. He just muttered a half hearted apology, and continued looking at his phone.
18 missed calls, 2 voicemails and 1 message. 
He opened the message first. It was from Hinata. 
'I have been trying to talk to you all week. I know you're busy. But I wish you would atleast call me back. Even if for just a little bit.' 
He quickly opened the call log to see that Hinata had tried to call him 16 times in the past 8 or so hours. And left him a voicemail.
As soon as he reached his floor, he quickly dashed out to get some signal on his phone and check her voice message first. 
'Naruto, it's me… Hinata… Umm… Call me when you get this message.. Bye.'
She sounded a little off. After being in a relationship for almost an year, he knew her well enough.
It had been three months since he had to temporarily move base to Suna. His former tennis coach had recommended him to the famous multiple Grand slam winner of the yesteryears, by the name of Hatake Kakashi, who cherry picked his pupils and lived in the bustling city of Suna. And now he was training his ass off to make his debut at the first pro-tournament of next year. 
He was well on his way to achieve his goals, but his personal life seemed to involuntarily suffer. 
It was already dark outside, he looked at the time. Hinata was probably already asleep, she wasn't much of a night owl. Especially considering how early she woke up in the mornings. But he had to try. 
So he quickly got to his car, and turned on the heating, before dialing her number. 
She picked up on the fourth ring. 
"Naruto?", her voice sounded a little nasally and tired. Did she cry? 
"Hey Hinata… Uh, were you sleeping?" 
"Not really.", he knew she probably said it to not make him feel guilty about waking her up. "How are you?" 
He pushed his head back into the seat and felt like a prick for missing her calls. Anyone else would be shouting and screaming at him right now, but no, not her. That sweet girlfriend of his was still worried about him. 
"I'm fine Hinata. I just… I'm so so sorry for not talking to you these past few days. My schedule's been crazy. That lunatic Kakashi is having me run from home to the gym to the court without a break." 
"Hmm…. I.. I guess you are too busy.." 
She sounded a little melancholic and he had to ask. 
"Baby, are you alright?... What's the matter?" 
There line was silent for a few seconds, before he heard her sniff. 
"I just… I just missed you." 
"I know babe. I miss you too. So much, I can't even begin to tell you. But we agreed to do this, right? You pushed me to take up this opportunity and told me that we can weather the long distance.", he reminded her gently.
"I know… But…", she had started weeping softly. "Sometimes, its just a little hard. Sometimes, when my day goes a little wrong, I just miss your presence." 
"What happened? What went wrong?", now he was worried. 
"Nothing serious… There was a surprise assessment today and I just didn't do very well on it…. Then, at the canteen, I saw Shikamaru and Sai with Temari and Ino… They were inviting me to go to a karaoke place with them… But I just didn't want to… Last time, I hung out with them, I just felt so awkward and silly by myself…. And then, on my way back home today, Hidan was-"
Naruto was livid hearing the jerk's name. "What? What did that asshole do?" 
"........ Just his usual lewd comments. ", she replied hesitantly. 
He sighed heavily and brushed his hand through his hair. "I told you to get someone to walk back home with you. Why didn't you listen? Shall I call Kiba and ask him-" 
"No.", she said firmly. "Kiba already has his hands full with Tamaki and helping out his parents' at the store. And anyway, I had the situation under control. My pepper spray is always in my bag." 
"Hinata… Pepper spray is not enough. If Kiba is busy, maybe Shino could do it." 
"You're being unreasonable."
"I'm being unreasonable?", he was not having it. Hidan was a nuisance even when he was around in Konoha. But now, without him there, he had every reason to be worried. "Is it unreasonable for me to worry about my girlfriend?"
"No, but asking other people to fill in for your absence is also not right."
Okay, she probably didn't say it to make him feel bad. But he still did. 
"My absence was a mutual decision Hinata… Why are you making it seem as if I'm the bad guy?" 
She gasped at his insinuation. "I-.. I never said you were the bad guy. I just said that I missed you. Isn't that normal for me to feel, when we haven't spoken in almost a week??" 
"I know that we haven't… But atleast I text you as often as I can… You have to understand that I'm almost half dead at the end of each day… And by the time I make it back home, I know you would be sleeping… And anyway, I am doing all of this for us Hinata… For both of us…. I need to be financially secure before I can ask you to marry me…"
"You know I don't care about money." 
"You don't. But your father does. And he is not wrong. It never hurts to live comfortably. I just need your support for the next few months, and then we will be together, I promise."
"Ofcourse, I will always support your dreams.", she replied solemnly. "I should sleep now. Take care Naruto."
And the line went dead. 
He wanted to hit his head somewhere whenever he recollected her let down voice. He knew she supported his passion for tennis and his goal of becoming a Grand slam champion. But the distance was just too hard for both of them. Her father was too strict and did not allow her to travel further than a 10 mile radius from home by herself. And he wasn't exactly swimming in cash to take frequent trips to Konoha. His godfather Jiraiya, who had adopted him after his parents' early demise, only made enough to get by, as an erotic novelist. 
It wasn't the best case scenario for them, but he knew they had to make it work. He could not lose her, even the thought of it was paralysing. She was an angel, a literal angel, who blessed him with her affections. When he told her apologetically, a month back, that he might not be able to make it to Konoha for Christmas or her birthday or the new year, she did not get angry or sulky. Especially, since it would be her first birthday since they got together. Instead, she forgave him and later, agreed to his lewd request for phone sex. And he was beyond grateful for that. 
He could see the sun rising on the horizon of  the green winding hills as he drove. He had to make it to her before she went out that day. It was her birthday. He had to beg his coach to let him off for that weekend. And he was going to make it up to her. 
When he finally turned the corner to her father's more than modest four bedroom house, it was just past 7 am. He parked his car outside and got off while dialing Hinata from his phone. It took her a while to pick up. 
"Hello?... Naruto?"
She had definitely slept in for longer than usual.
"Hey sleepyhead… Happy birthday!" 
She hummed lazily, and he could imagine her smiling. "Thank you Naruto."
He shivered at the way she said his name, so soft yet sensual, in her sleepy tired voice. Soon, soon enough, he will have her in his arms. 
"I love you babe." 
"I love you too…. Naruto, I'm sorry I was being whiny yesterday…" 
"Don't say that Hinata… I'm sorry for missing your calls… And for being a jackass… I'm really really sorry." 
She laughed and replied. "Apology accepted… Oh, it's 7.20… How are you not at the gym?" 
"Hey Hina…", he decided to break the surprise to her. 
"There should be something for you at your door. Can you get to the window and check on it?"
He kept his eyes fixed on the large glass window to the left. 
"For me?", she asked. "Naruto, you shouldn't have… You know-" 
She came in view, and gasped in surprise upon seeing him leaning casually on his car and smiling up at her. Hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes, she dropped the phone and sprinted down. 
Seconds later, the front door opened, and she ran and leapt up into his open arms, her legs crisscrossing behind his back. Their lips and tongues met in feverish rush, that conveyed their longing without the need for any words. His hands tightened around her waist to stick her chest close to his and just feel her curves through her satiny pajamas. She moaned in response and continued to accept his hungry onslaught while grazing her fingers through his overgrown hair above the neck.
He desperately wished to feel more of her. So, without further thoughts, his right hand moved down to cup and squeeze her fleshy ass. 
They both broke off their very public display of affection to turn to the grim figure at the door. Hiashi Hyuuga glared daggers at Naruto, as Hinata slipped down his body to gain her footing on the pavement. She even noticed some of the morning joggers rooted in their place nearby with their mouth agape, and the ever nosy neighbour Mrs. Terumi peeping through her window. Feelings of mortification at their uninhibited show, sank in making her turned-on blush become even more intense. 
"I see you are finally back. Did you give up your sport?", Hiashi bit the passive-aggresive comment at him. 
"Never Sir.", Naruto gave him a triumphant smile while he wound his arm around Hinata's waist pulling her at his side. "Just here for the weekend. For Hinata's birthday." 
He saw from his side of his eyes, Hinata looking up at him with a mixture of awe and adoration. Then she turned to his car and asked him worriedly. 
"Did you drive all the way Naruto?"
"Yep. For you baby.", he said winking at her. 
"Get inside both of you.", Hiashi ordered them. "People have already got an eyeful. No need to give them an earful."
Naruto grinned shamelessly at the old man, before heeding his advice and following his girlfriend inside. He had not made any particular plans, but he was sure they would have a wonderful reunion and birthday celebration. Maybe, after breakfast, over at his godfather's apartment. Who was conveniently out of town for the whole week. He looked down at their clasped hands and then at the gorgeous long hair swishing just above the equally gorgeous backside of his girlfriend, and sighed contently. It felt good to be back home. 
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someonexsomeone · 6 years
You Meet On a Show [Idol Edition] - Monsta X (Hyungwon)
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Part four! I just realised I’m writing them out of order, but I’m basically just writing them as I get hit with inspiration.
NOTE: A.K.A making another comeback. Hyungwon this time! It’s not so much a show-show that you meet on, but more of meeting because of a show. I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Warnings: fluff. modeling. confusing?
Word Count: 1590 (oh my god whoops)
You were having just a little bit of trouble wrapping your head around this. Even as you sat in the chair, wearing nothing but your underwear, people rushing around you doing your hair and makeup. Even as the outfits were perfectly hanging next to you without a wrinkle in sight. Even as the rest of the models walked around you. Even as the music pumped so loudly you could feel it in your bloodstream. It was just something you never expected to do. But, especially within in the last few years, your wildest dreams had come true. Getting more successful in your career, your lovinging group right by your side, and now you were going to be apart of Seoul Fashion Week. You couldn’t believe it - out of everyone they could have picked, they picked you? You weren’t even the visual of your group. Your manager was very quick to inform you that the man running the show this year had a young daughter, Yuri, absolutely adored you, and was the one to suggest you for the show. She was even there to greet you as you entered the building. She hadn’t left your side until very recently and you had to admit you missed her. She was basically the only thing calming your quaking nerves.
“You look absolutely beautiful!” the makeup artist said as she put the final touches on your face. You smiled brightly at her, which made her squeal. “You are going to do amazing. Let me help you get into this dress.” Once the dress was on, all hell broke loose. People were running, shoes lost, hair flying all over the place. The show was set to start in less than a minute, and the large monitor displayed the designer stepping out to present the show. Your hands were shaking so bad, your knees knocking together in a panicked rhythm. You were surprised you were still standing, especially with the huge heels wrapped around your calves. Maybe it was because you were matching your breath to your steps. Or maybe it was because you were admately staring down at the ground, making sure you didn’t roll your ankle.
It was probably the ladder. You only say so because your laser like focus caused you to completely miss the presence of the incredibly tall idol in front of you. In retrospect, it was almost impossible to miss him. He had an aura around him that drew people in, but also made them fear the power he had. He was a head taller than any male there, and almost taller than the models in deadly heels. He was simply standing there, watching intently as a woman shakily fastened his cuffs on. He looked just as surprised as you did when your eyes met, the disaster of colliding momentarily lost as your eyes met. Both held recognition, both held confusion.
What was he doing here?
“(Y/N)! You’re needed in places!” Your name being called pulled your out of the gaze. You bowed quickly, hoping for forgiveness for your clumsiness, before rushing out of sight. Hyungwon simply watched you walk away, his wrist still held out despite the woman already being done.
You killed it. You knew you did. Despite being completely nervous backstage, once the stage lights hit you, it was as if you were possessed. You exude confidence once the performance started, and you were positive you had your career to thank for that. Conditioning at its finest. When you walked off stage, Yuri was right there, throwing herself at you to give you a congratulatory hug. You were too busy cheering along with her to notice Hyungwon walk past, his eyes too focused on your interaction that he almost tripped over some wires on the ground. The fond smile didn’t drop until it was his turn to walk.
It took much longer than you thought to get out of hair and makeup. The extensions alone took more than 30 minutes to get out. By the time you were finished, back in your comfy jeans and sweater, the last runaway of the night was already underway. It was the longest by far, sporting more than 100 pieces that required the models to stand tall lest they trip over the crisscrossing fabric. You almost wanted to stay longer, watch the models and get a closer look at the beautiful designs, but your manager was trying to get you out of there before the show finished. After all, you had a long drive to make it to a filming tomorrow.
You swung your handbag over your shoulder, one foot already out the door before a small voice stopped you.
“(Y/N)!? (Y/N), where are you?!” Your eyes immediately found her in the crowd, nearly getting plowed over by staff and models alike. You paid your manager no mind as you immediately dropped everything, rushing over to her. In one quick motion, you scooped her up, moving to stand along a wall. “(Y/N)! I found you!”
“Yuri, what were you doing? You could have gotten hurt!”
“I need you to come with me! It’s an emergency.” All she had to do is bat her eyelashes at you and you were like putty in her hands. You couldn’t imagine saying no to her. You only had a second to send your manager a look before you were whisked off by the young girl. She held your hand tightly as she pulled you through crowds of people, not even bothering about the people she pulled you into. You barely had a moment to apologize before she was pulling on your hand again. Around about, left and right, you were so disoriented that you barely recognized the place. You only hoped that wherever Yuri was taking you would be for an actual emergency.
“Daddy! Daddy! I found her!” Up ahead there was a large group of people, all huddled together and whispering frantically. You recognized a few people - a designer, Yuri’s father, and the kind lady who did your makeup -  who were all moving around one man. One man you knew very well. Your cheeks burned when you saw him, your head instantly going down. “Here she is!”
“Yuri! Is this where you went?! I have people looking all over for you!” Her father pulled her off the ground and into his arms, hugging her tightly before settling her on his hip. You couldn’t help but awe at the sight.
“But I found her!” All eyes were on you as Yuri pointed, your cheeks once again heating up. Everyone around you were dressed in clothes made for this event, glitz and glam, while you stood in your comfy clothes. No make up, hair a mess. You were wearing flip flops! Everyone’s eyes made you feel that much heavier.
“And who are you?” You instantly bowed to Yuri’s father, perfectly bending at the waist to show upmost respect.
“My name is (Y/N). I am apart of A.K.A, and a model in an earlier show.” He nodded slowly, glancing once at Yuri, who was looking at you with star filled eyes.
“Ah. So you’re the singer my daughter talks so highly of.” You couldn’t meet his eyes, instead staying bend down. “Will she do, Kim?” The designer looked you up and down once, before the group erupted once again.
“She will have to do. Hyungwon, go to your place. She will be there as soon as I can.” Once again your arm was grabbed, pulling you in all different directions. The makeup artist looked apologetic as she had to rough handle you, but the show was going to start soon, and they had less than 20 minutes to do hair and makeup that should take an hour. They wasn’t any time for pleasantries. While getting smacked in the face with foundation, the designer explained that the original model accidently broke her foot on the way over here, and since it was the last show, most models had already gone home. It was a miracle that you were there, and with minimum tailoring, you were in the showstopping piece. It was a modern take on a princess gown, and Hyungwon is your prince. The whole show was dedicated to his niece, who loved fairy tales. You couldn’t help but awe, which made him blush. That is, until he practically pushed you into Hyungwon, your que to walk only seconds away.
“Oh! I’m so sorry. I always seem to be tripping today.” You stood once again, about to step away from him, but he was quick to wrap your hand around his arm.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to catch you if it happens again.” Your eyes met. The music was blasting. His eyes were practically glittering in the backstage lighting. There was so much you wanted to say. You admired his music, you admired his personality. But it seemed the only thing to come out of your mouth was, “wow”.
“I-I mean, my name is (Y/N). We haven’t been properly introduced yet-”
“I know who you are. I am a big fan of your music. I’m Hyungwon. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” You cheeks flushed once again, but before you could say a word, a staff member was directed you two forwards.
You snuck a peek at him halfway through the show, only to meet his eyes once again. You looked beautiful, he whispered. If he hadn’t been holding your hand, you were sure you would have collapsed.
Shownu | Wonho | Minhyuk | Kihyun | Hyungwon | Jooheon | I.M.
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missingmywing · 7 years
Clack Week 2017 Day 4
Day 4: Uniform/Make-up
. . . . .
Arching his back as he stretched, Zack let out a low groan of relief. These constant monster extermination missions were killer. If this kept up, he’d be too exhausted to go on any dates!
He grinned to himself, thinking of the cute blond that he hadn’t managed to ask out yet. He would. Eventually. Cloud was just always busy with missions or training or-
Zack sighed, smile fading as he tipped his head back.
Who was he kidding? Cloud was adorable and sweet and kickass and- and-
And Zack was too much of a wimp to actually take the dive. It was stupid, of course. Even if Cloud said no, it wouldn’t change anything. Zack would grin and whine and pout and Cloud would roll his eyes and laugh at him, calling him a dork and saying he wasn’t falling for his player wiles. They would keep training, and Cloud would keep getting better. Zack just… didn’t want to hear a no. He wanted to be able to hold Cloud’s hand, give him cheesy kisses at the most cliche times, wanted to be able to shower him with affection- well, more affection. He wanted so much, and he knew how much it would hurt to be told no.
Zack pouted, tugging at his bangs as he got on the elevator to head up to his rooms.
“Pouting again, puppy?” A man was already leaning against the wall, book in his hands.
Zack sent the redheaded mage a glare. “Shut up, Genesis.”
The commander smirked. “My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honor remains.”
Zack scowled, “I don’t need dating advice from you.” He crossed his arms petulantly.
“Apparently,” Genesis retorted dryly, “you do. You’re mooning again, meaning you still haven’t asked your little trooper out.”
“It’s not that easy!”
“You, Zack Fair, serial heartbreaker-”
“-are saying that it’s difficult to ask someone out.”
“I’m not a serial heartbreaker.”
“You do have a certain reputation.”
“And that,” Zack sighed, running a hand through his hair, “is part of the problem. He’ll probably think I’m kidding or messing around. He has more reasons to say no than to say yes. I just… don’t want to hear the no.”
Genesis sighed, shaking his head. “Honestly… Will the outcome be worse than what you have now?”
“Will the outcome be worse than what you have now?” Genesis repeated impatiently. “If you ask him out, whether he says yes or no, will it be worse than the miserable pining that you’re doing now?”
Zack fidgeted under the redhead’s glare. “Well… no, but-”
“But nothing!” Genesis threw up his hands in exasperation. “Just ask him! You’re anxious and distracted, which is worrying Angeal, which is negatively impacting my life.”
“My misery is detracting from your life,” Zack repeated skeptically.
“Yes,” the redhead snapped, crossing his arms. “Angeal keeps worrying about you, which means that he doesn’t pay as much attention to me. You are negatively impacting my sex life, and I do not appreciate it!”
Zack stared at him blankly for a minute, then groaned. “I should have known.” He shuddered. “Ugh, I don’t want to know about your sex life.”
“I don’t have one right now because of you!”
The brunette cringed. “Alright alright, I get it. I’ll be miserable more subtly.”
“Good,” Genesis nodded, then swept off at the 49th floor. Zack leaned against the wall with a pout as the doors closed and the elevator moved up a floor.
He started grumbling about annoying meddling redheads as he got off on the 50th floor and moved to his apartment. He swiped his keycard and stepped inside, immediately slipping his boots off inside the door before moving towards his room. He just wanted a shower and a nap. Maybe he could see if Cloud was free to hang out later-
He opened his bedroom door, to be met with an… interesting sight.
Cloud froze from in front of the mirror, staring at Zack in abject horror, purple halter-top dress flowing down his body and around his legs.
Zack’s lips parted slightly as he took in the sudden sight, eyes scanning the blond with stunned amazement. “Holy shit.”
“Z-Z-Zack,” Cloud stuttered, wrapping his arms around himself, “Y-You’re back early. I-” He glanced down, panic in his eyes. “I can explain. I- This is-” He faltered helplessly.
Zack shook himself out of his reverie, shooting a crooked grin at the blond. “You’re an awful liar, Spike.” He stepped fully into the room, resting his hands on his waist. He eyed Cloud appreciatively. It was a good color on him, actually, and while he didn’t exactly have a feminine figure, he wasn’t exactly the most masculine person either. The dress fit the curves of his body very nicely. “It looks good on you. I like the color, too.”
Cloud’s jaw dropped, and he stared at Zack in shock. “You… you don’t…”
“Don’t what?” Zack tilted his head curiously, sending another smile at Cloud. “Think it’s weird? Not really. I’ve definitely seen weirder. I’m half-convinced that Genesis does the same thing anyway. Don’t,” Zack added hastily, “tell him I said that. He doesn’t need another reason to set me on fire. Anyway, it’s really no one else’s business anyway.” He shrugged. “It does look good on you.”
Cloud was still staring at him, that same stunned fragility about him, as though he was expecting it to be a joke. Zack’s gaze softened and he moved closer, reaching out and tugging gently on one of Cloud’s bangs. “Gaia to Cloud,” he teased. “You in there?”
Sucking in a breath, Cloud suddenly reached out and flung his arms around Zack. The SOLDIER caught him, looking down with surprise.
“Cloud? You okay?”
With another shuddering breath, Cloud nodded. He remained where he was for another few moments then reluctantly pulled away, wiping at his face. “I- Yeah. I-I’m okay. I just… I didn’t expect…”
“What? Didn’t expect me to be fine with it? Why wouldn’t I be?”
Cloud shrugged uncomfortably, hand gripping his opposite arm unconsciously. “A lot of people aren’t. If anyone in the infantry found out…” He winced. “It would be… unpleasant.” He scoffed bitterly, “Back in Nibelheim, I’d be lynched for it.”
Zack winced as well. Small towns were not known for their progressiveness. He reached out and ruffled Cloud’s hair. “Well I think you look hot as hell.” He winked, “Who cares what the haters think, right? As long as you enjoy it, it’s none of their business.” With that pronouncement, and a sagely nod to himself, he plopped back on the bed, jostling the boxes as he did so. He glanced over them curiously. “What’re these?”
Cloud flushed, though he was still beaming happily from Zack’s words and acceptance. “Ah… a couple more dresses, some make-up. Y’know. Stuff.”
Zack sent him another grin. “The whole nine yards?”
“Pretty much,” Cloud admitted, practically glowing from unexpected happiness.
“Can I see them?” Zack asked eagerly, sitting up and folding his legs on the bed.
A blush overtook Cloud’s face and he ducked his head. “You actually want to see them?” He peeked at Zack timidly from beneath his bangs.
“Absolutely,” Zack’s grin was wide and warm. “I wanna see if all look as good on you as that one does.”
Cloud’s cheeks were painted red, but he nodded slightly. “If you really wanna see them…” He moved over to the bed, picking three of the boxes up. A small one and a middle-sized one were left. Zack raised an inquisitive brow and Cloud flashed him a quick smile. “The small one is make-up, which I’m not going to go through the effort of putting on right now, and shoes, which I’m not going to wear yet.”
“Ah,” Zack nodded in understanding. He waited until Cloud slipped into the bathroom, then peeked into the shoebox. He eyed the sandals within with appreciation. They were pretty. Gold, with crisscrossing straps reaching up to and around the ankle.
He closed the box and leaned back, waiting for Cloud to come back out. Staring at the ceiling, he allowed himself a wry smile. Cloud was absolutely adorable, and finding out he liked this wasn’t actually as surprising as he’d thought. There’d been hints already, in their many excursions out. Eyes lingering on a pretty dress as they passed the storefront, looking at a lingerie advertisement with appreciation, watching women trying on make-up at boutiques they passed, trying on various high-heels as a “joke”. Little things, subtle things, but they were still there.
He looked down as the bathroom door opened, and inhaled sharply as Cloud stepped out.
He was wearing a sky blue dress with long sleeves, except that the sleeves and low curved collar were lace with flower designs. The rest of the dress had a silky texture, though only the torso was covered in lace. The front reached about halfway down his thighs, while the back reached to his knees, and the bottom was ruffled slightly. He was flushed, looking embarrassed and nervous, though there was an excited spark in his eyes. His hands were curled together, fidgeting slightly, and he had one leg folded behind the other.
In other words, he looked absolutely adorable and breathtaking. Zack found a lump in his throat, and swallowed harshly to try to get rid of it. Cloud bit his lip nervously at his silence.
Zack took a deep breath, trying to focus his scattered thoughts. At was fine, he would play it cool and-
“You look gorgeous.”
Shit. So much for playing it cool. Though there was something to be said about blunt honesty, Zack mused as Cloud lit up at the compliment.
“You really think so?” Cloud asked, smoothing the front of his dress shyly.
“You have no idea,” was out of his mouth before he could stop it. Shit, was all he could think as Cloud looked at him with surprise and curiosity.
The blond tilted his head, “What do you mean?”
“Ah,” Zack felt his face heat up with embarrassment and mild panic. “I- Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Zack?” Cloud moved forward, sitting down next to him. “What’s wrong?”
He opened and closed his mouth for a moment, trying to gather his courage. Then he glanced over and saw Cloud’s blue eyes watching him worriedly, and he was lost.
“Doyouwanttogoonadatewithme?” he rushed out, then clamped his mouth shut nervously.
Cloud stared at him for a moment, trying to puzzle out what he’d said, then his eyes widened as he realized what Zack was asking. His mouth dropped in shock. “Wh-What?” he stammered out. “You want to- Me?!”
“Yeah you,” Zack’s cheeks were heated as he looked over at the gaping blond. “I’ve been trying to ask you forever, but…” He rubbed the back of neck. “I was worried you’d say no, so…” He shrugged, looking away.
Cloud spluttered in shock. “But- You- I’m- Why?”
“What do you mean why?” Zack frowned. “You’re awesome! You’re sweet but kickass, you laugh at my jokes and go along with my crazy ideas, but you also call me out on my shit which is awesome, plus you’re absolutely adorable and hot and- and- and-” Zack’s cheeks turned red. “And I’m gushing again. Sorry, but I mean…” He faltered helplessly with a small shrug.
Cloud was staring at him in abject shock. “You… you really mean it. You actually want…” His lips parted breathlessly, before a smile broke out across his face. “You actually want to go out with me.”
“Of course I do,” Zack pouted, crossing his arms.
The blond ducked his head with a shy smile, peeking up at Zack. “So…” He played with edge of the dress. “You… want to go get dinner?”
A bright grin broke out across Zack’s face. “Hey,” he protested cheerfully, “I thought I was asking you out!”
Cloud laughed, “Well, you can pick the restaurant then.”
“Deal,” Zack grin turned wicked, and he reached out to tug on the end of Cloud’s dress. “You gonna wear this?”
The blond’s eyes widened. “You… think I should?”
He shrugged, “It’s up to you.” He winked at Cloud. “I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to. But if you’d rather go out in like, pants and a button up or something, that’s cool too.”
Cloud’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully, and a smirk crossed his face. He had that expression that always preceded a fun and mischievous idea. Zack perked up in interest. “You know what? I’ll wear this… but you have to wear your Second Class uniform.”
“Deal!” Zack grinned brightly, catching Cloud’s hand and bringing it up to kiss the back. The blond flushed, but his smile didn’t disappear.
“You get changed, and I’ll go get make-up on.” He raised a teasing brow, “Any suggestions?”
The brunette’s breath caught, and he examined Cloud’s face thoughtfully. “Hmm…” He brushed his thumb over the skin next to Cloud’s eye. “Maybe…” He leaned in and kissed Cloud’s cheek. “Gold would look good on you.”
A blush had overtaken Cloud’s face, but he nodded in agreement. “Good suggestion.” Standing up, he grabbed the make-up box and hurried to the bathroom. Zack watched him go with warm amusement.
Then he leapt up and moved to his closet to get his uniform. He finally had a date with Cloud, he was gonna look amazing.
. . . . .
This didn’t turn out at all like I was planning. Oh well. This didn’t focus much on either make-up or uniform, but… Meh. Cloud looks amazing in a dress and Zack is very happy to finally get a date from him.
(I’ll do a continuation of the date itself another time.)
I know it doesn’t exactly follow the prompts, but… I hope you like it anyway?
Wings, out~!
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