#anyway. kisses his horrible handsome little old trash man face
angorwhosebabyisthis · 2 months
fucking around with speed doodles to get a handle on present-day pericles' humanface design.... hmmmm
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irlusa · 6 years
Woo hope this works
@mysticalspacegays here’s your one-shot! It felt weird to post a fanfic after two years. I’m still getting back into the swing of my writing again, so I really hope it’s good enough!!! I took the first prompt and ran with it in a slightly different direction? Happy reading buddy!
Title: Red Strings
Word count: 2157
Rating: E
Summary: Alfred is twenty three and sick of not having his soulmate. Turns out, sometimes falling from your window can be a good thing.
              Alfred was honestly pretty sick of not having his soulmate yet. Almost everyone else he knew had those pretty little knots around their ring fingers. Heck, his own brother had gotten his during the duo’s teenage years, the image of a thin blue string right above his knuckle. It seemed like an easy enough premise: as soon as one met their soulmate, matching string tattoos appeared on their ring fingers. They never went away, and were meant (he supposed) to be concealed by the ring exchanged between two lovers during marriage.
              But, as he was reminded all too many times, he didn’t have one yet. And he was getting old, too! Well, twenty-three. That seemed pretty old to him. He almost wondered if he, or his supposed other half, had been born in the wrong place. Maybe his partner was halfway across the globe. Or, maybe- and the thought made him shiver- his partner was already dead for some reason. He knew it was possible, he had met older generations who had been left single and alone their whole lives. It seemed like a horrible fate for anyone who had to face it.
              He supposed his annoyance had gotten him to where he was now: sitting by his apartment window, a half-finished drink in his hand, with his lovely brother and his brother’s fiancé sitting across from him.
             “-and I just don’t get why this- this stupid system was put into place anyway.” He ranted, Matthew giving his fiancé that look. The look that said “hey, my brother is starting to get incredibly drunk and maybe we should get out of here at the first opportunity we get”. So, when dearest Matthew had the chance to get a word in edgewise, he managed to mention something about his fiancé and his fiancé’s family and he really felt quite bad about the whole thing but, if he was being honest he had already been made to sit through so many of Alfred’s drunken sob stories in the past that he was getting a little tired of it. So the two of them grabbed their personal belongings and made sure they were taking the alcohol with them, bidding Alfred goodbye and waving as they left. Alfred didn’t protest much, instead choosing to wander the apartment and think of what to do next. He did this for only a few seconds, as soon after his wandering began it was quickly stopped. Matthew had left his phone. Alfred snatched it up and went over to the window to see if the couple was outside yet, throwing open the window when he saw the two.
              “HEEEEY!!! MATTIE!!!” he called, leaning way out to wave and holler and show Matthew that he had his phone. “YOU LEFT THIS!!!” as he was yelling, he felt the device slip between his fingers and quickly stretched out to grab it again, throwing his weight forwards- and over the tipping point of his window ledge. Alfred could see Matthew’s expression shift from mild irritation to terror as he fell, though the only words that really came to his mind were “well, shit” before he smacked into the cold, rough concrete and felt pain spike from his arm and side. That was not a fun sensation at all. He laid there while a small crowd began to form around him, trying his best to not blank out from pain. Something was definitely broken. He groaned, vaguely aware of a man- a handsome brute of a guy- approaching him and saying something about nurses and hospitals before starting to tend to Alfred. Or, at least keep him from dying, which was always appreciated. Not dying, that is. He was vaguely aware of the ambulance siren, which the man helped him up into so that he could be taken to the hospital. The doors shut behind them, and Alfred passed out, body avoiding the pain he was feeling.
              Ivan knew he hadn’t seen everything yet. Though, being a nurse, he saw plenty of weird and unusual ways that people managed to injure themselves. He was twenty-five and lived by himself with two cats, and really didn’t mind it. He was completely content to live by himself. People asked if he was lonely without a soulmate, but he honestly didn’t think he was. At least, that’s what he kept telling himself. There was no need to feel down about such a thing when he was powerless to solve it, so he might as well not feel anything at all about the situation. It made things easier in the long run.
             It was really quite a shock when he finished a shift and took his quick break to spot a small red knot around his ring finger. Wait, when had that popped up? He stopped and stared at it, trying to remember who he had met today. There were quite a few, as he’d found that man on the way to work and then from there had constantly gone from room to room to help others at the hospital. He couldn’t exactly just stop working to go find who had the matching string. He finished gulping down his water and crushed the flimsy paper cup to toss in the trash, resigning himself to his work again. If he was meant to find his other half, they would meet up again. He was sure of it.
 ------------------- days passed------------------------
                Alfred had to be in a near frenzy right now. He knew he had met his boyfriend/girlfriend/other-person-friend, the proof was on his finger right there in front of him. The fact that he still had no clue who it was was eating away at him. How was he supposed to find them again? He had his suspicions, of course, but since he had no memories from a solid chunk of that day it was hard to tell. He spent his spare time staring out the window and calling his friends (and brother of course) to complain, which had backfired after Matthew had chewed him out with some lecture about making smart decisions with his alcohol intake. Really, though…. He felt awful. Finding his soulmate had been so incredibly important to him, and he had managed to let it slip through his fingers like silk. Doubt gnawed away at him again as it had once before, worries of spending his life alone and depressed.
              After planning a get-together with his friend Kiku, Alfred bundled up to go out into the cold autumn weather with difficulty. It was hard to do so with his arm in a cast, but he managed just fine. He snagged his keys from their hook, going through his wallet as he walked and pulling out a five-dollar bill when he stepped in line, just half a block down for some coffee. Hey, it was cold out. He deserved it. Alfred put his attention forwards again, nearly dropping his wallet. It was the guy! The guy who helped him after his fall. He was quick to tap his shoulder, sticking out his hand to shake the other’s so that he could thank him. Ivan of course turned to see who was tapping his shoulder, recognition dawning on his face. Oh, it was this guy. He looked down at Alfred’s outstretched hand, holding out his own before he paused.
              Wait a minute.
              Alfred looked down as well, the two stopped in line.
              “……Dude, what the fuck.” Not the most eloquent way to introduce yourself to your soulmate, but it worked well enough. “Whaaaaat the fuck.” He had always imagined this sort of thing to be more romantic. It was even worse that he knew their first encounter was with him falling out of his apartment window while drunk, which was just about the least romantic thing he could possibly do.
              “I see we’re matching.” Ivan said, seeming as calm as he usually was. The discovery did have huge implications though. “Then, I suppose I’ll have to ask you on a date, yes? Next Sunday?” the two would definitely need the time to get to know each other. Alfred was still left a little speechless, but he nodded nonetheless and pulled out his phone in order to get Ivan’s number plugged into it.
              “Yeah, yeah…. Sunday works just fine. Wait, uh, what’s your name?” He should have asked that first thing, and now he felt like an idiot.
              “Ivan. I do know yours, though.” Which seemed a little creepy had Ivan not been a nurse in the hospital Alfred had stayed at. Alfred finished putting in Ivan’s number, not really sure what else to do.
              “Right, so, I’ll- I’ll see you next Sunday.” He was just making a big ol’ fool of himself now, wasn’t he? “Anyway, good luck at work, I’ll see you later!” He took a few steps back, awkwardly waving at Ivan before turning to leave.
              After a few moments of thought he decided that, somehow, he had ended up with a soulmate who was really, really attractive.
              Alfred was pretty convinced that this date was the best one he had ever been on. That wasn’t saying much, since it was also the first date he’d been on. He had been worried at first, but the two soulmates had clicked together within just a few moments- as they were supposed to. Alfred talked and talked, and Ivan was happy to receive the other’s chatter. It was as though they were meant for each other, and that was because they absolutely were. And if they were being honest, each was quite taken with the other’s looks. Ivan enjoyed Alfred’s youthful vibrancy and energy, and Alfred was more than taken by Ivan’s rougher features and how he was able to ground Alfred’s own energy. Their bond grew faster than he had ever experienced before, and soon enough they were making plans to visit each other’s homes. It was an incredible feeling, like he wanted to see Ivan every day. Alfred never wanted to leave his side. How was such a sensation possible? There was still so much he didn’t know about Ivan. The date ended with small touches and smaller kisses, Alfred playing with the candle on their table and doing his best to stall his inevitable leave from their outing.
              “Don’t worry Alfred, you know we’ll see each other soon.” Ivan said, already the voice of reason in their relationship. “And you have my number if you need anything.” Which was true, but it didn’t make him feel any more eager to leave. Alfred nodded, getting up for a tight hug before he went home.
              “I’ll still miss you.” He promised.
              As much as he had been comfortable with it before, Ivan was really starting to get used to not being alone. Alfred had taken to spending the night at his house, and even Ivan’s cranky old cat seemed to adore the man. As the days went by, he realized that Alfred had even made it into his bed much faster that he had planned. It was comforting, though. He liked waking up and feeling a now-familiar warmth next to himself. Today, that warmth wasn’t there. He sat up, rubbing his eyes a few times and looking around for Alfred. As he grew more aware, he noticed the smell of food coming through his open bedroom door. Ivan pushed the covers off of himself, getting up and lazily pulling on some pants. The worn wood floors felt cold under his feet, but he still followed the familiar path to his kitchen, where he heard a few mild curses. Alfred stood in front of his stove, a slightly messy platter of pancakes and eggs resting on the counter beside him. What a sweetheart. He wandered up to Alfred, arms slipping around the other’s waist.
              “Morning.” He grumbled, chin resting on Alfred’s shoulder. Alfred smiled, twisting slightly to kiss Ivan’s cheek.
              “Morning, big guy. Breakfast is ready if you want it. It’s not the prettiest thing, but it tastes good, I promise!” This just earned a little chuckle from Ivan, who nodded.
              “I would love some.” He reached to take the spatula from Alfred’s hand, setting it aside and turning the blonde around to kiss him. “Though I’m certain I love you much more.” He laughed again at Alfred’s painfully obvious blush. He would say that he could get used to this sort of thing, but he was already used to it.
              “I love you too.” Alfred said, his hands going up into Ivan’s hair to keep him close.
               It felt fantastic to finally have his soulmate.
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twinkluffy · 7 years
[AO3] TodoDeku fanfiction recommendations.
Hi there, this your local shipper trash with a longpost for TodoDeku fanfiction in AO3. 
Fanfics with Smut/lemon will be rated with an “T” or “M” beside the tittle. I know we have people under 18 in the fandom and i want it to be a safe space for them (but I also know you little sinners will read it anyway because i was young once too)
all the link + summary under the cut.
She boils a pot of water and blinks away her tears 
Oh my, oh my goodness!
He had been too absorbed in his own thoughts to even notice how dangerously close they got, young Todoroki had pushed his student against the wall and they seemed to be whispering, young Midoriya didn't look too freaked out and his face was definitely red. All Might watched as Midoriya's eyes softened and his hands came to rest upon Todoroki's shoulders, gasping when the other only pulled him closer for a warm looking embrace.
Oh my.
Clandestine [Rated M]
These dorms are a double edged sword, especially with the dual consolation and obstruction named Midoriya Izuku.
Crispiness of a fucking nerd 
Awkward boyfriends have to practice after their first kiss goes horribly awry.
When he was young, Shouto knew the meaning of kindness. Then he manifested his Quirk. He became Todoroki after this. He locked his younger, naive self in the strongest safe box his mind could muster. Then he met Midoriya and remembered who he was.
Tie the knot [Rated M]
Todoroki and Midoriya's Bedroom Adventure.
Red Rope [Rated T]
Todoroki takes up an ancient, but beautiful form of art to practice. Midoriya slowly falls into it.
knock it back [Rated M]
Midoriya reads the label and his eyes bug out. "I know he's getting old, but your dad's going to notice this missing."
He grins. "So?"
or they waste some expensive wine.
(nothing really gay about it)  [background pairs tsuchako and momojirou + sweet precious Kirishima]
If anyone had asked him what he thought he’d be doing at three that morning, Kirishima probably would have said “playing angry birds” or “making popcorn” or something. Definitely not playing wingman-slash-relationship-counselor to a hopelessly confused Todoroki Shouto.
And yet...
How would you feel 
It’s Wednesday morning when Izuku’s mother texts him to remind him about his cousin’s wedding coming up the following weekend, and it’s Wednesday evening, when Izuku’s back in his room after classes and has time to call her, that she tells him she can’t go to the wedding with him.
An arrow to a blunde [AU]
In which Todoroki Enji tries to screw around with Shouto's life (again), but fails to account for the fact that his son's boyfriend has both backup and determination to spare.
Land and sea [AU]
Midoriya Izuku never expected to be the victim of a plane crash. He never expected to be trapped with nineteen other teenagers on a deserted island, either. Izuku also didn't expect to form such a strong relationship with Todoroki Shouto.
Painting the night with the sun 
Heroism is not a low-risk occupation. Hospital waiting rooms are not pleasant places. Ochako's clothes are stained with her best friend's blood.
Today has not been a very good day.
Just a fantasy [Rated M]
Todoroki can't help but think about Midoriya even when things start to get hot. He wonders what it would be like if he were around for real to touch him. His imagination just goes wild with the thought of Midoriya being near him. 
from somewhere within
Todoroki wants. He always wants. 
Lace  [Rated T]
“Welcome home, Izuku,” Todoroki says. 
His radiance in the dark 
In other dreams, the words they pass between them were minimal or at least indecipherable, with only the whisper of each other’s given name over and over. But now, Midoriya looks in Shouto’s eyes, says his name, and says, What are you so afraid of?
fake it till you make it 
“Your d-d-d-date?” Izuku swears he’s overheating. He can almost feel the steam coming out of his ears. He’s lucky they’re the only ones in the room, because his face is so red, it could rival Kirishima’s hair.
“Yes. I would like it if you could pretend to be my boyfriend for the duration of the wedding,” Todoroki deadpans. “It would piss off my father.”
Up the wall
He was told love makes you weak.
Well, Todoroki would like to disagree.
I won’t just buy you a rose 
Shouto decides to visit his mother for the first time in years, and decides to stop at a flower shop along the way.
He freezes in place, and before he can move again someone is bustling through the door behind the counter, all messy hair and wide green eyes. It’s a teenager, a little shorter than Shouto but probably the same age. He’s got a wide smile and there’s a smudge of dirt on his cheek, which instantly draws Shouto’s attention. His fingers itch to rub it off.
Bedroom escapade [Rated M]
The sheets underneath them bundled and creased under the weight of their bodies. Midoriya grasped at the thin, white linens as Todoroki trailed his tongue ever so slowly down the other man's chest. Midoriya's back naturally curled at the feeling, Todoroki's tongue running over his lithe form and prominent ab muscles. Hands clung to Midoriya's waist, squeezing lightly as the younger man squirmed slightly. 
I wish i could say all these things to you  
Todoroki couldn’t help but want more, knowing his life means more with Midoriya in it. Wishing he could say how complete and whole he feels with him in his life. But willing pushing that aside for Midoriya to stay by his side for as long as possible.
Until one evening, a stinky dumpster cat aggressively entered their lives.
Plum blossoms
Todoroki visits Midoriya after an accident that takes a good chunk of his memory away, specifically his memory of All Might.
He knew it wasn’t a good idea, but he just couldn’t help himself. 
Study sessions
“My scar. Is it that bad, or something?”
The silence that followed was killer, making him wonder if asking was really worth it. Midoriya looks on at him with a mix of emotions before huffing out a sigh, sagging in his seat, coming to a conclusion. “You’re going to think I’m weird, Todoroki-kun.”
“Try me.”
Fight Club 
In his defense, Izuku would mention the fact that they are fifteen and that sparring with an extremely attractive male – it‘s just the adrenaline rush, really - is bound to result in this. Social media had taught him that much, at least.
It‘s just his rotten luck that his 'handsome sparring partner' happens to be his friend Todoroki Shouto. Which is entirely unfair and really bad for Izuku‘s poor rabbit-heart.
(alternatively: Midoriya fights his sexuality, inferiority complex, feelings, and his crush)
a burger and extra salty fries 
In his third year at UA, Todoroki Shouto works in a burger place, catches on fire and falls in love. Only two of those things are on purpose.
Or...Todoroki Shouto's exciting adventures in customer service.
Todoroki sees the glimpses of the future that he yearns for and he finds himself afraid.
"If I die first, could you cremate me?"
Or, in which Midoriya has thoughts and Todoroki is a good boyfriend.
Let it go [Villain!Deku]
He’s got him this time. This time for real.
Carnations and delphiniums
The awkward atmosphere had dissipated, and Todoroki felt a bit more vulnerable like that. Just him and Midoriya, hands intertwined, sharing some new unspoken secret that neither of them really knew what it was.
The Earth could have split in half right then and there, and Todoroki wouldn't have ever noticed.
Petals for you [Hanahaki au]
“You’re pretty.”
Shouto’s eyes widened, as he looked at the boy sitting opposite of him. Midoriya was staring at him with such concentration, that he felt overwhelmed.
just like falling asleep (or falling in love)
From the very beginning, Todoroki's always been walking on unsteady ground. He thinks of falling and he thinks of landing, and he isn't sure which he's more terrified of.
I’d fight for you
“What the hell is this?” Todoroki shot up at the voice, causing Midoriya to lose his balance, and tumble off his boyfriend and back onto the couch. It would have been quite comical, had the situation not become deadly in mere seconds.
“You’re not supposed to be back yet.”
Look out your window
“Izuku.” Todoroki placed a kiss on the tip of Midoriya’s nose. “Izuku.” His cheek. “Izuku.” His mouth.
They'd finally decided to call each other by their first names and Todoroki didn't know how he'd survived until now not saying it.
He leaned down and kissed Midoriya again. “Izuku.”
If you’re looking for something more specific send me a message/ask! ❤ 
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He saved me, now I save him
Word Count: 3,651
Pairing: Reader x Tony Stark, with mentions of Natasha Romanoff
Story includes: Intro to meeting Iron Man and the budding relationship between the two of you. A bit of angst, violence, but fluff at the end though. This will be a chapter story I think…It’s so good I want to keep with it!
 You had heard a lot about the Avengers being stationed there in New York but you never thought much of it. Everyone always seemed to buzz if one of them was spotted out on the streets, but you just shrugged. Your luck was never good so the chances of you meeting one always seemed slim to none. Or so you thought.
Stuck in your day to day job, and a rough breakup had left your spirits a bit low. You decided tonight was the night to get out of the house, even if it was for pizza. Scratching behind your cats’ ears as you gave him a soft kiss between the ears, grabbing your coat as you headed out the door. Getting there was no problem, it was just a couple of blocks down and always had the best pepperoni, well in your eyes anyway. You quickly paid and had your box in your hands walking back was where the problem started. Briskly walking past this bar you heard a few guys cat calling you and you simply nodded and smiled, going on your way. It’s when you heard their chairs screech back is when the terror started to set in. Okay they are probably are just leaving and it has nothing to do with you. Their voices slowly started getting louder as you stepped up the pace, knowing your apartment wasn’t much farther away. In your purse was a small can of pepper spray but you knew you couldn’t get them all with just a tiny can, scanning the street for any other pedestrians walking it was a ghost town all of a sudden, little did you know help was on its way.
“Hey beautiful! What’d you walk away from us for? Are we not handsome enough?” One of the men spoke to you, his voice was gruff and you could sense a bit of anger as the others laughed along with him. You knew you couldn’t lead them back to your apartment so you walked a block down and around, hoping they would stop. As you passed by an alley everything just happened so quickly, one of them ran up to you and grabbed you, putting his hand over your mouth as the other pushed the pizza from your hands and ripped your purse away. Great there went your pepper spray so you thought of the other alternative and bit down on the large hand over your mouth, you could taste the dirt and grime, struggling not to throw up. He screamed and pulled his hand away from your mouth and you screamed as loudly as you could, hoping it would at least wake someone! This was New York, it couldn’t be completely empty during your time of crisis. Suddenly you felt a hard slap against your face, and another hand came over your mouth as the three men standing around you smiling.
“She’s a beauty isn’t she? What should we do this time around?” The smallest one shrugged and looked up to the one holding you. He was large and had wild eyes framed by dark long hair. Struggling against the grip on you it only made them slap you again. Out of nowhere you saw a red and gold figure standing at the end of the alley way, your heart thudding out of your chest in pure hope.
“ Now guys. I don’t think that’s the best way to treat such a beautiful lady. They should always be respected don’t you think?” You could hear the smirk in the mans voice, it took you a moment to realize it was Iron Man…coming to save you out of all people.
“Get out of here you freak, we don’t want to hurt you. Just keep on with your business and we will keep on with ours.” The smallest one noticed who it was and quickly ran past him and away.
“JOHN! Get back here! You coward. I never liked him anyway. Good riddance.” The tallest one definitely seemed angrier at this point his grip on you tightening, you knew there would be bruises for at least a week.
“I don’t want to embarrass you too much, so I’ll give you until the count of five to let her go and just be on your merry way.” Iron Man seemed a bit angrier now that it was taking them so long. Suddenly the other man who was available ran towards him and swung, of course his hand was grasped in Iron Mans hand and he threw him back into the pile of trash, landing with a loud thud. You looked up as the last one threw you into the wall, and ran towards him. You blacked out after hitting the brick wall so you don’t exactly know what happened after that point, all you know is you woke up in your apartment a soft glow coming from the lamp in your living room as you looked up and around.
“Hey, it’s okay. I went through your purse and figured out where you live. I hope that’s okay. Your cat is really cute and lovable by the way. F.R.I.D.A.Y. could you do a full body scan of her? Make sure nothing is broken?” You heard a voice talk back to him as you struggled to get on your feet, a firm hand landing on your shoulder keeping you down and looked up from your non swollen eye and saw the most handsome man in the world. Your heart started racing as you noticed his strong jaw line, a patch of facial hair covering his chin looking up towards his curved lips. His strong nose led up to his beautiful eyes, wow his eyelashes were long and caused you a pang of envy as you attempted to smile back at him.
“Please rest Y/N. I would rather you not rush anything.” This didn’t seem like the man you read about in the magazines. Tony Stark was such a playboy and he never seemed ashamed of it, but you knew that he was with Pepper Potts, so obviously you getting so excited about him in your presence died down rather quickly.
“You saved my life…Thank you so much.” You mumbled softly before resting your head on his shoulder and you noticed he was in a soft black cotton shirt that was tight against his muscles, and a pair of dark blue jeans that fit perfectly. Thinking back you remembered you had on one of your black concert t-shirts, a grey hoodie, and old jeans. Wow the mess you must look like in front of the handsome billionaire made you groan slightly in disgust.
“What’s the matter Y/N? Is something hurting? Do you need help?” Shaking your head slightly as you managed to sit up without your head spinning.
“I just know I must look horrible to you, and I’m scared to see what I look like.” Feeling hot tears spilling over your cheeks as you heard a dry laugh come from him,
“You have no idea the things I’ve seen sweetheart. I’ve seen plenty worse believe me. Would you like to get cleaned up? I can have my suit assist you if need be?” You shook your head slightly as you looked up at it. I think it would have spooked you to have a hollow being there helping you out.
“I think I’d like a warm shower and some fresh clothes. You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll be okay.” Getting up slowly from the couch testing your strength as you looked down at him and smiled the best you could.
“Oh no way Y/N. I’m going to stay here and make sure you’re alright. I’ll also be checking up on you. You must be hungry, so by the time you get out here I’ll make sure there’s food. I’m guessing you like Italian. They ruined your pizza sadly.” He frowned slightly as your black cat jumped into his lap you couldn’t help but smile again.
“I love Italian. His name is Noir by the way, I was thinking of naming him Shadow but too cliché.” Giggling to yourself as Tony simply nodded and you managed to walk to your room. Grabbing out a pair of soft black shorts, and a light blue cotton shirt you headed to the shower. Preparing yourself for what you knew would be terrible you looked in the mirror and gasped. Another stream of tears sliding down your face. Bruising all along the right side of your face, a huge black eye and a little bit of dried blood on the right side of your mouth, you knew it was split. Quickly looking away you struggled with your clothes, thinking maybe it wasn’t too late to ask for the assistance you laughed quietly to yourself. Finally undressed you got into the shower and the hot water burned your tender skin. Looking down the bruises on your hips were a nasty purple, shuddering at the thought of what had happened and knowing what could have happened. After twenty minutes and a few moments of crying you got out. Carefully toweling yourself off and slipping into your fresh clothes and walked out to the living room. Tony wasn’t lying. He had a fancy Italian dinner ready for the both of you on your small kitchen table. Suddenly feeling embarrassed about how plain your apartment must seem to him, he was a billionaire after all you walked over to the table where he was sitting.
“Noir has been nothing but perfect since you left. I hope you like dinner, it’s one of my favorite places. I know this must be a shell shock to you this whole thing, but I heard you through the monitors I just installed and couldn’t let you get hurt.” Blood rushed into your cheeks, and you nodded looking up you noticed a bit of red in his as you ate quietly.
“Thank you for saving my life Mr. Stark. I don’t know if there is enough thank yous in the world for such a thing.”
“Mr. Stark is my father, please call me Tony. It makes me feel old and weird.” He laughed a soft laugh that made your heart swell with joy. Looking up at him you smiled and nodded.
“I hope you’re okay with me staying with you Y/N. I just…couldn’t live with myself if something happened to such a beautiful creature.” Shock spread across your face and he seemed to notice, as you looked at him.
“I’m not beautiful…Look at me. Bruised and battered. I must seem like a homeless person or something to you.” Whispering softly under your breath,
“I’m no Pepper Potts…”
“Y/N. Don’t you ever say those things to me. Pepper isn’t a part of my life anymore and hasn’t been for some time. We are all battered and broken at some point, and let’s just say I’ve been at that point personally for months now. I love your apartment. It’s so warm and cozy, and you and your cat make it that much nicer.” He continued to eat watching you carefully, almost calculating what you would say next.
“I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful or anything Tony. I just feel…so embarrassed. I thought everything was going okay. I finally managed to leave my apartment after my rough break up and out of all the things that could happen it was this.” Tears spilling down your cheeks and onto your dark table as you tried to wipe them away as gently as you could.
“Everything happens for a reason Y/N. The reason may be that we would meet? I’d save you and reassure you in your time of need and all that. Everyone needs that person once in a while.” You simply nodded and looked up at him, the tears still spilling as he reached over and gently wiped it away.
“Are you finished Y/N? I’ll get the suit to clean up and help you to relax before I can even slightly feel comfortable leaving you alone. But be aware I will be here bright and early in the morning to check on you, even if I have to come in the window.” A small giggle escaped you and you nodded pushing your plate forward, as you slowly got up from the table and walked over to the couch. A gentle hand grabbing your arm pulling you around. Tony had a soft smile as he shook his finger at you and scooped you up into his strong arms. Everything seemed like a fairy tail, and your heart was threatening to jump out of your chest. You’ve always had the biggest crush on Tony, he was so handsome and everything about him interested you.
“In the bed is where you will get comfortable Y/N. No where else.” He carried you to the bed and pulled your soft pink comforter back and laid you down before pulling it up over you.
“So you’re into pink?” He smirked as you rolled your eyes and smiled a bit, he pulled one of your chairs up beside you and flicked the TV on finding some cheesy romantic comedy to leave it on. His presence instantly calmed you, and you noticed he was relaxed beside you. You both ended up making small talk, and asked questions about the Avengers and he was happy to talk to you about everything. When it came to talking about him, he got rather quiet and asked questions about you. It was about three in the morning when you both started to feel drowsy.
“Alright Y/N…I think it’s safe to leave you now because I don’t think you’ll go out and be a vigilante while I’m away. I’ll make sure Noir knows to keep you in bed until I get back.” He smiled as he gently held onto your hand turning the tv off.
“No Tony. Your place is all the way across town, you’re tired too. You could always rest here. That way you can keep an eye on me.” You had no idea where this sudden bravery came from asking this stranger to stay at your place, but it couldn’t be that bad? He was an Avenger and all that, they’re the good guys. Your face turned a soft pink, almost matching the comforter as you looked up at him, his soft eyes looking down at you.
“I see your point Y/N…I’ll go out onto the couch. I found where you keep the spare blankets when I was trying to find a towel to help get rid as much of the blood as I could.” Your hand tightened around his as you felt a pang of panic rush through you. Memories flooding back as you shook your head.
“Please don’t leave. I can’t handle being alone right now.” You felt tears threaten to stream down your cheeks again as he quietly nodded and smoothed your hair.
“Let me get my own blanket and I promise to be right back.” Tony didn’t seem bothered by your request, he understood what it was like to be left alone during a time of crisis and couldn’t see you go through it as well. He came back and went around and laid on the other side of your bed, still half way sitting up as he threw the blanket over himself.
“Alright Y/N try to close your eyes and get some rest. I’ll be here if you have a nightmare I promise you.” He smiled as he suddenly had one of your notebooks and began writing it while keeping his other hand entwined with yours as you finally drifted off, everything went black but you were grateful it was. You knew you would wake up with Tony Stark by your side.
 The soft light shining through the window woke you up, soreness radiating through your entire body you felt a bit groggy. It dawned on you what had happened and you quickly looked up and found Tony still sitting up but fast asleep, he snored softly as you smiled. Before you realized what you had done you had rolled onto your side resting your head on his leg as you wrapped around it slowly. He stirred slightly and you froze completely. What were you thinking?! He wasn’t your boyfriend. Yes he did save your life but it didn’t mean snuggle with the guy! He was still a stranger!
“Oh Y/N. I must have fallen asleep..I truly am sorry. F.R.I.D.A.Y. could you get in here and close these blinds and feed the cat?” His voice rose when he said his command and out of no where the suit came in and shut the blinds as you felt a large hand gently stroke your hair. You couldn’t fight the smile as you got comfortable against him again. You peeked up and noticed he was smiling down at you. Finally moving you sat up beside him, wincing slightly at the pain from the bruises. He gently rested his arm over your shoulder, pressing your face into his shirt and you tried to subtly take in his scent. It smelled a bit like oil and some sort of cologne.  It was heaven to you.
“Y/N…I think I should take you back to the tower and get you checked out. We have all kinds of equipment. Plus Bruce is there and he is a doctor. He can make sure nothing is wrong.” He gently squeezed your shoulder pressing his face against the top of your head.
“Would that be weird? I am a stranger after all. That’s like your home or something. I wouldn’t want to burden you at all.” You gently wrapped one arm around him. Being around him was as easy as breathing, which was a bit difficult with your ribs hurting a bit. He felt like home to you, and you had hoped you made him feel the same way as well.
“Absolutely not. After what happened to you…I couldn’t stand it if we found out something worse was wrong and I didn’t get you checked out. You change into some fresh new clothes and I’ll be waiting for you. He gave you a warm smile as he carefully unwrapped you from him. You couldn’t help the frown that formed and slowly got up nodding. You shuffled about your room wondering what to wear to the tower. It was your first time and of course you’d be meeting Avengers, but obviously not through the best circumstances. You finally settled on a red t-shirt with one of your favorite bands, and a pair of newer dark jeans before zipping up your hoodie. Walking to the bathroom you gasped loudly looking in the mirror. The bruises were even darker, thankfully your eye was less swollen so you could somewhat see. You couldn’t believe Tony had seen you like this and still complimented your beauty…Was he crazy or something? You brushed through the tangles in your hair before smoothing it back into a pony tail and brushed your teeth quickly. Breathing to calm yourself before you walked out to Tony who was holding your little boy and baby talking him made that breathing all for nothing.  Walking up to the both of them you couldn’t help but smile and pet Noir as well.
“He really is a beautiful cat. He’s lucky you chose him.” Tony smiled down at you and gently set the cat back on the ground as he stepped into his suit.
“You’re even wearing my favorite color…red.” You blushed and smiled as it locked in around him and he scooped you up.
“Hope you don’t mind Y/N. This is the quickest way to the tower, a cab would take too long.” You shook your head and hid your face in the crook of his metal neck as you walked out of the building and heard the voices around you commenting on Tony and the mystery girl in his arms as he took off. It all felt like a rush but you were at the tower as he set you down and the got out of the suit walking over to you.
“Hey Ton-“ You turned and saw with your own eyes Black Widow. Her bright red curls framing her face as her face quickly turned to anger.
“Please tell me you didn’t hurt her Tony or I swear I will hurt you.” He quickly held his hands up and shook his head, that’s when you spoke up.
“Tony actually saved me last night. A group of men were trying to hurt me, and Iron Man came to my rescue…” You smiled warmly up at Tony who couldn’t help it when his face turned red. The redhead turned to you and smiled.
“Well that’s a very good thing. Let’s go get you checked out…My name is Natasha by the way. Tony, you’ve got some stuff to check on. Cap is looking for you. I’ll take this wonderful woman down the infirmary and have our best check her out I promise.” She wrapped her arm around your shoulder and smiled as she steered you towards the elevator and you looked at Tony and smiled at him, he ruffled his dark locks and nodded smiling back at you as they shut.
 Little did you know that this was the point in your life where things would finally turn around.
 Hope you guys enjoyed my story! I’ve noticed there isn’t many Tony Stark fanfictions, and I REALLY wanted to do one. He’s so sweet who couldn’t help but love him?
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