#anyway third day in a row of charging station being up. we love to see it.
illidan · 2 months
person who provided the spare parts but not the energy cell to the charging station i gotta ask. why
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occasionalrpmemes · 4 years
Will Wood: the Normal Album Sentence Starters
lines taken from the 2020 album.  edit as desired.  tw: violence, disordered eating, gender dysphoria, mental illness, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, death
01.  Suburbia Overture: Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
“Trick or treat.  Merry Christmas.”
“Howdy neighbor!”
“Thank you Jesus!”
“It don’t look like survival, but buy now or die.”
“You’re not alone.”
“The lights are on, but no one’s home.”
“Takes a village to fake a whole culture.”
“Home is where the heart is- You ain’t homeless, but you’re heartless.”
“It’s the safest on the market.”
“You still gotta watch where you park it.”
“Give me your half-life crisis.”
“I can tell that you know where paradise is.”
“Parasites don’t care what your blood type is.”
“A snowflake only matters in a blizzard.”
“Everyone knows that nobody knows that.”
“Well, word gets around on hit number stations.”
“Smile and wave, boys, kiss the cook, live laugh and love, please pass the pills.”
“It’s only culture.  It’s only culture.  It’s only culture.”
“Didn’t they want your blood?”
“Why apologize when you turn blue and cold?
“Hey, fuck your culture.”
“Do you know the difference between blazing trails and slash-and-burn?”
“Hey, you’re only mortal.”
02.  2econd 2ight 2eer (well, that was fun, goodbye)
“The devil made me do it, but I also kinda wanted to.”
“Forget bored stiff, I got rigor mortis.”
“My third eye’s open and I like what I see.”
“If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see- ”
“But I got facts and I’m not afraid to use ‘em.”
“I’m getting better one forever at a time.”
“If sick is defined by what’s different, well then pull the plug out and let me die.”
”Who I am, I choose through all the things I do.”
“If it rhymes, it’s true, but I hate poetry.”
“Well that was fun, goodbye.”
03.  Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People?  Hurt People!)
“Have you ever died in a nightmare?  Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate?”
“Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis, and collapsed and threw the planet away?”
“Nobody dies agnostic.”
“Nobody dies agnostic, but we still dial 9-1-1.”
“Am I really that bad?”
“Whatever you think of me, if you were in my shoes, you’d walk the same damn miles I do.”
“With my head up in the clouds, I can see so much ground.”
“From up here, you look like ants in a row.”
“It doesn’t take a killer to murder.  It only takes the reason to kill.”
“The difference twixt fate and free will is whether you’re singing.”
“You wash your hands of where you’ve been until you flood the second floor.  Neatly fold your skeletons, but still can’t shut the closet door.”
“The only ones in need of love are those who don’t receive enough.”
“You could break an angel’s fall, and ignore the Devil’s call.”
“It’s a small hell after all.”
“Man, no more than animal, is made of moral chemicals.”
“If you were in my shoes, you’d see I wear the same size as you.”
04.  I / Me / Myself
“I’ve been feeling lightheaded since I lost enough weight to fit back in my skin.”
“Am I pretty now?”
“For some reason, I find myself lost in what you think of me.”
“I wish I could be a girl, and that way you’d wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend.”
“Am I pretty enough to lie to?”
“Just little old me in a big, big world.”
“I’ve been feeling lighthearted since I gained enough weight back to cover my bones.”
“You’ll be walking out early, but the show must go on.”
“No, I know that I’m wrong.  But I love how you’re on my side when I cross that line.”
“It’s been a point of contention between myself and this body that they stuck me in.”
“The privilege of being born to be a man.”
”I am quantum physics; my witness brings me into existence.”
”Am I pretty enough to love back?”
“Am I pretty enough to fucking die?”
“I wish-”
“Don’t you think that there’s a chance that you could live without it?”
05.  ...well, better than the alternative
“My daughter’s growing up.  She’s gonna be a lot like me, but I don’t wanna be at all like me.”
“I don’t wanna be at all like me.”
“You’re telling me I’m holding up eleven fingers.”
“Stranger things than death can happen.”
“Everybody knows that nobody knows that.”
“Everybody’s in on everybody’s business.”
“This isn’t my first Christmas, I know mistletoe when I see it.”
“Baby, could you play along with me?”
“Baby, would that be alright with you?”
“When we find out what’s wrong with me, could you tell me how I’m right for you?”
“Could you tell me how I’m right for you?”
“Could you tell me if I’m still pretty?”
“If they could see the future back when times were simple...”
“If everyone’s sick, well then, nobody can catch it.”
“Everybody’s all up in my god damn business.”
“This isn’t my first kiss.”
“It’s better to be lost than loved, now, isn’t it?”
“Everybody’s all up in my motherfucking business!”
“This isn’t my first anything.”
“After all of that’s been done to me, could you tell me how, could you tell me how, could you tell me—”
“What’s so wrong about what’s wrong with me?”
“I’m just trying to do what’s right by you!”
06.  Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples
“Did you know that the hole in the apple didn’t come from the outside in?  It was eaten from the core and out to the skin, and that’s why you’ll never find the worm in it.”
“The disease is defined by its treatment.”
“You people make me sick.”
“Who’d want to be human anyway?”
“Why’d you come into this world or come out that way?”
“Isn’t it funny?  Well, not "ha-ha" funny, but y’know, funny.”
“I doubt that you would even if you could change.”
“You think it makes you special, but it makes you strange.”
“The things that make you special are the things that make you strange.”
“I am the shadows cast aside by gallows, and you the red-hot sky.”
“And if you’re believers, then why would you grieve for the dead, instead of a devil that you never prayed for?”
“Too weird to love, too scared to die.  Too alien to take you home.”
“Who’d want to belong to anyone?”
“I mean, what do people even do?”
“If you love me, let me let you go.”
“Five more minutes, please?  You wouldn’t believe the dream I just had.”
07.  Black Box Warrior - OKULTRA
“Bless the torpedoes!”
“For what?  For what??”
“For what it’s worth, if it was going to kill you, boy, it would have by now.”
“There’s no more looking back, it’s looking up or looking down.”
“Wonder if Christ-Consciousness would charge a cancellation fee.”
“Auf wiedersehn!  Au revoir!”
“Hello, welcome.  Why don’t you take a seat?  Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to.”
“Now, what’s bothering you?”
“Well, why don’t we start at the beginning?”
“Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence?”
“Did you die before your day?”
“You got a better idea?  It’s about the best we could come up with.”
“What, you think ideas spread because they’re good?  No, they spread because people like them.”
“So here we are once again.  Holding, as it were, a mirror up to your mirror.”
“I guess it’s just something people do!”
“You learn to be an animal instead.”
“I never did think you better than this.”
“It’s you who are the problem.  Not the things you do, but something sick inside.”
“Boy, you really is defective.”
“Offer up your innocence, please ignore the side effects.”
“You’ve lost your mind and almost lost your life before, so you’ll be fine!”
“Why would you want to look back?  I mean, it’s no good looking back. So try to look forward now.”
“For what it’s worth, if they were gonna get you boy, they would have by now.”
08.  Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave.
“They could prescribe you any illness you’d like if you define the terms of your ailments.”
“A crow don’t know the smell of carbon monoxide.”
“How many years have you been on that couch?”
“Your draw a line in the sand where it ends and you begin, but the tide rolls in, so who knows?”
“A little identity never hurt nobody, but lately you’ve been focusing too much on yourself.”
“How many milligrams of you are still left in there?”
“Back in my day, we didn’t need no feel-good pills and no psychiatrists.  We just drank ourselves to death.  And god damn it, we liked it!”
“What’s a symptom, what’s a flaw, can it be both?”
“Well, I suppose that’s an answer.”
“Would you give up your humanity for just a touch of sanity?”
“They’ve discovered a cure for the symptoms of being alive.  It’s a painless procedure with a low rate of failure, but very few patients survive.”
“And a little conformity never hurt nobody, but lately I’ve been worried that you’re losing yourself.”
“What’s my prognosis?”
“Disease is in the eye of the beholder.”
“Tell me ‘so it goes.’”
“Better safe than sorry, and we both know the danger.”
“So doctor, could you run another test?”
“If our harmonies don’t sync, we can change our voices.”
“Don’t heed no evil wills of moral nihilists.”
“Don’t you make me waste my breath.”
“Does aspirin kill you with the pain?“
“You’re not your thoughts, you’re not your brain, you’re just the character you’ve made.”
“What seem like separate body parts come together to believe they’re you, and not just chemistry.”
“It’s not the way that you were raised, or what the advertisements say.”
“It’s not what you pay for, what you pray for, what you want, or what you say.”
“Something tells me that you need, forgive me now if I misspeak--”
“Something tells me you prefer to be sitting there flipping through those old issues of People.”
“Well, that’s our time.  See you next week.”
09.  Love, Me Normally
“In lipstick on the mirror are the lyrics to my obituary.”
“Crossing my eyes, dot my T’s.”
“I was delivered holding scissors.”
“I live deliberately, I’m a quitter.”
“I never agreed to participate in this game.”
“Won’t follow my dreams, cause they all got me waking up screaming.”
“I’d rather be normal.  Yes, so normal.”
“I suggest that we keep this informal.”
“A normal human being wouldn’t need to pretend to be normal.”
“Well, I guess that’s the least that I owe ya.”
“C’mon, c’mon, and love me normally.”
“If I could live in third person, well, I don’t think life would be much worse than it is.”
“Is it courageous or escapist to leave the quarantine when you’re contagious?”
“It may just be a cold.  And besides, I don’t wanna get old.”
“I drank myself to death to be the afterlife of the party.”
“When the afterparty came, I was rolling in my grave.”
“Now, this is the part of the song where I talk to my audience.”
“There’s something I want from you hepcats tonight.”
“I want you to look to your left.  Look to your right.  Your twelve o’clock, three o’clock, six o’clock, nine o’clock, rock around the clock tonight–”
“I want you to find those points of no return, those singularities, those burning rings of fire in the beautiful pupils and the beautiful eyes of the beautiful boy, girl, neither, both, or in-between that you brought with you tonight.  And I want you to tell ’em how you really feel!”
“Jam that square peg in the round hole in their hearts!”
“You love them exactly the way that everybody else is.”
“I was nothing before, so I couldn’t have asked to be born.  I’ll be nothing again, so what am I between now and then?”
“Is there nothing to fear?  Cause shit’s getting weird.”
“So to God who made this man: you better have one hell of a plan.”
10.  Memento Mori: the most important thing
“If you’re lucky you’ll be surrounded by the ones that you love, when the lights in your eyes fade and life flashes by.
“One day you’re going to die.”
“Heaven, hell, nirvana, nothing, no one knows how it ends.”
“Rest in peace— or pieces.”
“Read your horoscopes, your palms and tarot cards.  But either way your destination ain’t very far.”
“You could drown, or choke, or burn, or be hit by a car.”
“What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but something will eventually.”
“One day you’ll look back at the life that you lead.  No more future left to fear that you’ll have the past to regret.”
“But your worries will be over if you truly realize— one day you’re going to die!”
“Take it away, hands!”
“In the fabric of time and in the vastness of space, a billion amounts to nothing in infinity’s face.”
“Your life never mattered, so who cares if it's a waste?”
“Well, one day you’ll be not even a faint memory.”
“You’ll never know what it all means.”
“Just keep this in mind: that everything and everyone goes with the passage of time.”
“No need to fear, ’cause when it’s here, you won’t be alive.”
“Try not to think about it!”
“So if you only have one chance, you oughta try your best to live as you like.”
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sceosource · 4 years
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That’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone that participated in Sceo Week 2020! There were a lot of amazing works this year and we couldn’t be happier with the participation! Please continue to follow us for future Sceo events. :-)
Below is the round-up post for all the content that qualified for the event.
FICS (General - Mature)
Boardshorts and Bandsaws by Numendar Loss is not a fine cut thing, sometimes you have to lose to become more than you were.
I'd Give You My Sunshine by tiniestawoo (thosewhofall) Scott wasn’t exactly surprised that, of all the people who might call him from jail, it had been Theo’s voice on the other end of the line. What had surprised Scott, though, were the long silences and out of character insecurity in his voice. Stiles would undoubtedly have hung up the call and left Theo to face the consequences of whatever he was calling ‘wrong place, wrong time stuff’. But that just meant Scott knew he shouldn't.Ignoring someone who needed help had never really been Scott’s strong suit. For all the undeniable wrong Theo had done, when Scott asked him to step up and help them, he had.-Or the one where Theo Raeken used to be a sex worker, gets arrested, and throws a kink into Scott's carefully crafted sense normalcy.
tell me somethin' i ain't heard before by CerinityKS “So that alpha…” Scott started, voice tense. Theo nodded.“Not sure what, exactly, he would have done but it likely wouldn’t have been… pleasant.”“And when he said you belonged to me…”“Well,” Theo hedged, knowing his next words likely wouldn’t help. “He wasn’t completely wrong.”(or theo lets scott in on some truths about being an omega, scott loses his damn mind, and theo is annoyed but secretly loves it, really. as long as it doesn't kill him first.)
Under the Stars by TheKingsChimera First ever submission for Sceo Week. Hope you enjoy. Prompt is "First Time".
Matched by xartificialsweetnerx & DemonzDust Valentine’s Day is around the corner and Scott is in charge of his animal shelter’s holiday-themed adoption event. Little does Scott know that his perpetually single existence is preventing his best friend from finally tying the knot with his own match. And as for Theo? Well, he is just plain unable to admit he needs a match of his own.
What Should Have Been Ours II by DemonzDust After being kidnapped and tortured by Mr. Douglas, Theo has learned the truth about why the Dread Doctors chose him as a child. He now knows that Scott was supposed to be his soulmate, and that the Dread Doctors intentionally corrupted him to keep them apart. Now Scott saved him from Douglas's clutches, but the True Alpha has no idea what Theo learned and Theo plans on keeping it that way.
I shouldn't have ask. by Elit3 This is the third part of my series. This will explore Theo's childhood and his encounter with the dread doctors. There will also be Stiles' feelings about the chimera. Will the elders of the group finally accept Theo in the pack?
These violent delights by Prospero_Caliban After Theo has a very normal surgery Scott wants to start a relationship with him. Theo wants to make things right even if that means saying no. Making decisions is hard now that he thinks about others. give me your heart cuz i ain't gonna break it by CerinityKS “She said it was a gift,” he continued.Deaton glanced up in surprise. “A gift? Now that is interesting.”“Why? What is this stuff?” Liam asked.“A double-edged sword,” Deaton explained, then continued at their confused and, in Scott’s case, frustrated, expressions. “A gift is one way to describe it. This substance,” he swiped a finger through the powder coating Theo’s neck in demonstration, “is a type of hallucinogenic,” he explained.“So Theo is hallucinating right now?” Malia asked as she wrinkled her nose, clearly not seeing what was so bad about that.“In a sense,” Deaton agreed. “But it’s a very specific type of hallucination. See this substance is used to give the victim a glimpse of their soulmate.”(or theo gets whammied, scott freaks out, get jealous, and somehow the only two who don't see whats happening are theo and scott.) Dear Scott by DemonzDust SummaryIn a dusty shoebox tucked into the back corner of Scott’s closet there’s a box of letters from his secret grade school crush.
Damn be the body temperature. by Prospero_Caliban SummarySince his body temperature is lower than others Theo has to think about sharing this problem with Scott. New Wolf in the Old Guard by liliaeth SummaryAfter Scott is killed by hunters, he somehow manages to recover from what should be unsurvivable, even for an alpha. The worst part though, are the dreams, as he keeps dreaming of a woman locked in a coffin burried in the ocean. Termination Shock by Escalus Termination Shock: The point in space where the solar wind -- the pressure generated by the sun -- is finally overwhelmed by the strength of the interstellar medium. Often used to mark the end of our solar system.In other words, it is the point where everything you've ever known -- everything you could have possibly known -- has ended, and every step you take after that is into some vast new darkness, where the only source of light and comfort is that which you bring with you.Scott McCall, permanently blinded by his fight with the Anuk-Ite and ravaged by indescribable tragedy, embarks on a quest to stop Monroe from ruining any more lives. He won't risk anyone else he cares about on this dangerous mission, but he can't go alone. Who cares about Theo Raeken anyway?
FICS (Explicit)
Alpha Needs by DemonzDust As Scott turns into the six month anniversary of his eighteenth birthday his body begins to undergo a new transformation that threatens to drive him mad. After advice from Derek, he seeks release in the form of a chimera that’s been trying to worm his way back into the pack since summer started.
Where There’s a Waiter, There’s a Way by ColetheWolf Scott McCall and Derek Hale are celebrating their first year anniversary at a fancy restaurant, but Scott finds himself venturing into the realm of infidelity for the first time with the hot waiter, Theo Raeken. now all i want is your body close to mine by CerinityKS Theo had no idea how the fuck he’d gotten himself into this situation.This situation being Scott mouthing at his neck, the hot press of his body behind him as his hands worked their way under his shirt. Theo whined, heat racing through him as he pressed back against Scott, erection straining against his jeans.He could hear yelling in the other room, raised voices and the scent of anger attempting to penetrate through the haze of lust and want clouding his head. Scott, sensing his attention drifting, bit down sharply on the crook of his neck. Theo gasped and shuddered, going limp in Scott’s arms and trusting the alpha to keep him upright. Scott rewarded him with an apologetic lick at the angry wound as one of his hands dipped beneath the band of his jeans.(or the boys get whammied by sex pollen and uh, help each other out - including theo typical angst and a scott more in tune with his emotions than theo expected, but he's not complaining.)
There's Only One Van by TamerOfPickles Scott, Theo, Stiles, and Liam are on their first tour as an up and coming band. Their gigs don't pay much yet, so they save money sleeping in the back of their van while one of them drives to the next location. Being cooped up in a small space causes things to get a little more intimate than they expected.
Finding Something to Do by TamerOfPickles While searching the Dread Doctors' complex, Scott and Theo accidentally get trapped together in a bunker with a twenty-four hour lock.
The Trouble with Portals by VolsungartheMighty Stuck in quarantine, unable to visit each other, Theo and Scott are desperate for sex. Weeks locked away with only their hands for company, Theo manages to find something that might ease the tension.
i'm not tryna be your part time lover by CerinityKS “Whatever McCall,” Theo sneered, “suck my dick.”Not the best comeback but at this point Theo just wanted this confrontation to be over so he could head over to the gym and pound his frustration out on a punching bag. He didn’t expect Scott to stop, give him a considering look, then close the distance between them in a blink and drop to his knees. Theo stumbled back into the row of lockers behind him, eyes wide and ready to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing when Scott reached out, grabbed the band of Theo’s shorts and underwear, pull them down in one quick move, and then dart forward to take Theo’s into his mouth.(or theo and scott are dumb high school jocks who start blowing each other after school - featuring pining, dumb boys being dumb, jealousy, and their captive audience the rest of the beacon hills high students) See Me After Class by TheorianDG SummaryIt's not that Scott is surprised, there were always certain types that flocked to dating apps and truth be told he hadn't expected much. The first few he'd ignored but then came Theo, who on top of being genuinely interesting just so happened to be a student at the university. Christ, why did he let Stiles talk him into this?
It's a Long Way Home (When You're On Your Own) by clotpolesonly “I didn’t, like, come looking for you,” Scott finally managed. “I just caught your scent over at the…”At the gas station. Around behind the gas station, where all the most questionable smells were concentrated. The ones Scott had opted not to examine too closely. He still wasn’t sure that he wanted to.Instead, he blurted out, “Are you living in your car?”Theo’s pink cheeks grew pinker. His sharp eyes narrowed dangerously. “No, Scott, I’m putting myself up at the Hilton with the fortune I have in the bank.”It was Scott’s turn to flush.
Mistaken at first sight by Notsalony One time doesn’t mean anything, two times, usually means something, but three times, that clearly means something right? At least that’s how the pack feels. One Size fits my Boyfriend by Notsalony Scott and Theo are dating and they’re roughly the same size. So why shouldn’t they share clothes? Theo can’t think of one good reason either… even if it ends up with him naked a lot of the time.
Tyler Posey & Cody Christian on Wolf Watch by @sceosource
I’d Give You My Sunshine Promo by @tiniestawoo
Sceo  Stydia Edit by @demonzdust
Theo staring at his salvation by @sceoedits​
Alpha Needs Promo by @demonzdust
Sceo Commission for What Should Have Been Ours by @akimao
peace.  // folklore by @tiniestawoo
First Time by @sceosource
Scott Protecting Theo, Teen Wolf 6x07 by @sceoedits
totally correct sceo texts by @demonzdust
Matched Promo by @demonzdust
Theo ‘Heart Eyes’ Raeken looking at Scott by @tiniestawoo
softer world by @tiniestawoo
Scott & Theo, Teen Wolf 5x09 (Ouroboros) by @sceoedits
Scott x Theo by @prrtnrr commissioned/posted by @demonzdust
What Should Have Been Ours II Promo by @demonzdust
Tyler Posey and Cody Christian Flirting at Comic-Con by @sceosource
When you’re thinking about your crush in class by @sceoedits
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH2 Promo by @tiniestawoo
Dear Scott Promo by @demonzdust
Lovestruck Theo by @sceoedits​
Sugar, we’re going down swinging by @tiniestawoo
Sun and Moon by @testostones​ commissioned by @princeescaluswords
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH3 Promo by @tiniestawoo​
IT’S A LONG WAY HOME Promo by @tiniestawoo posted by @clotpolesonly
A Hogwarts AU by @tabbytabbytabby
Saturday Night (Music Video) by @nyxelestia​
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cyberstabbing · 7 years
Sci-fi/Dystopian future/Danger Days/idk
Heaven’s Not About Your Reputation - Desolation Row AU. The Tipper Laws have consumed the nation; more and more freedoms are being restricted every day. After getting thrown in jail for causing a riot with their illegal punk show, My Chem decides to do the logical thing: cause even more trouble. 28k
In Repair - "Shit,“ Frank mutters, and shoves both hands through his hair. He looks around the kitchen like he’s gonna find what he should do scratched into the old linoleum, then looks back at the bot. He gnaws on his lip. Fuck it. He already knows what he’s gonna do. He’s just gotta do it.
Getting down on his knees, he braces a hand on the edge of the crate and leans over the bot. It’s dressed in a plain white tee and matching drawstring pants like an escaped mental patient. Frank rolls his neck and cracks his knuckles, shaking the ache out of them before carefully laying his palm against its cheek. He’s pretty sure his voice is steady when he says, "Activate.”
Nothing happens. Fucking shitty packaging– the thing’s busted. But Frank keeps his hand where it is, jumping a little when he feels the surge of energy beneath it. The robot’s skin goes from room temperature to lukewarm, then warm. Frank watches it open its eyes, the light behind them adjusting until they’re a pale sort of brown. It looks at him and asks, “Am I dead?” 33k
sing it for the n00bs - Gerard would be killing twice as many dracs right now if his fucking spacebar would quit sticking. (Gamer AU, wherein the Danger Days universe is an MMORPG.) 17k
I was rereading this on a bus in France with my stepsister. She asked me what I was reading and I just squirmed around in my seat. So she shouted “FANFICTION??” And I was like … Well, I mean, yes–but hear me out!! And so I told her about Danger Days, the Killjoys and the whole gamer au concept.
She actually thought it sounded pretty cool. Or maybe she just wanted me to quit gushing about it and leave her alone.
The point is, if someone who just heard a second-rate description of this fic still thought it sounded interesting, that means it’s HELLA RAD. And it is. So. Read it.
The Way They Fly - Frank is a robot. He is in love with his genius creator, Gerard, who doesn’t realize that Frank is capable of real feelings. Frank starts breaking down, getting ill, and Gerard doesn’t know what to do to fix it - all his methods are completely useless, none of the programming explains why this is happening to his Frank - but it’s because Frank has a broken heart. 17k
Of Another Kind - Gerard is an alien on a mission–to find a human mate on Earth. He’s decided on Frank Iero, but his database doesn’t give him all the facts he needs to win over his future companion, and there are just some things he will have to learn on his own. 17k
Let The Darkness Lead You Home - Vampires are in charge and most of the humans on earth are prey, so Frank Iero’s parents have him train as a cyber tech to protect him. Leaving the family he’s born into may have saved his life, but his parents never could have expected the lengths he’d go to in order to find a new family to call home. 49k
The Chasing of Moons - The biggest dilemma in all of this is that Frank slept with his future husband. Now Frank’s just got to make sure that the future with him stays intact, but it’s not so easy when present day Gerard seems to hate his guts. 110k
Might I Have a Bit of Earth - Gerard took things. He didn’t used to take things; he used to ask before, say please and may I and other things his parents taught him, because that was what you did. You didn’t just take. 14k
Space pirates :D !!
Are You Broken? (from the Robot!Gerard series) - Frank gets sick and Gerard doesn’t understand. <1k (the series is 7k)
Lovely Way to Burn - Frank is no stranger to sickness. He’s been wheezing his way in and out of hospitals since he was a kid, but things are different now. He was already pulled from two assignments due to illness, and the third time is the charm. Three strikes and you’re out. 4k
video girl - This is a space AU that has more random worldbuilding than actual porn in it. In which Frank wanders into a virtual sex video booth. 1k
Reaching Through The Mirror - The one where Party Poison and Basement!Gerard have sex. 5k
(part one of Time Travel ‘verse)
James Cameron Got It Wrong - In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019. 56k
(part two of Time Travel ‘verse)
yoooo i just found some really really REALLY good fanart. .. unbelievably good. and six years after the fic came out! that’s amazing!! anyway, here it is.
EDIT #2: found some more! Man, that fic just keeps giving.
EDIT #3: Damn it, the artist’s blog (second one) is marked as having “sensitive content”, so I couldn’t view it anymore on this account. So here is the post reblogged on a sfw blog for y’all youngins, and here is a screenshot juuust in case the sfw blog deactivates and that link stops working, too. 
The Science of Sleep - It’s 2011 and Frank Iero’s life is pretty average until the night where he starts getting dreams about a strange, apocalyptic California where there’s rayguns, grey corporations and terrorists who use art and color as a weapon. Interesting and fun at first, but the more he dreams about this world, the more he starts to wonder if it really is a dream… and the deeper he gets into this futuristic world, the more it seems to affect his life in the present day.
And just how exactly does everything all seem to link in with that douchebag black-haired artist who sits in Starbucks every day?
(Set in the Danger Days world but not necessarily following the cannon established by the album and music video’s.) 93k
Killjoys Never Die - No description. 2k
i want to die i want to die i want to die
Up Against Your Will (HERE is the chapter index) - Stepping into a world so different from their own, Frank and Gerard struggle to survive. 18 chapters
this was amazing, but also hard to read in some parts, bc of the non con and gore :/ not my cup of tea, but I did love the word building and the fic overall.
Fogs, Sheets and Thunder - Not as grey as it seems. A post-apocalyptic postal service AU. 5k
And ze art!
​The World Famous Extraterrestial Diner - Sure the menu had a picture of literally everything in it, causing the menu itself to be ten pages in total, but that was for the foreign visitors. And not just the ones from other countries, according to the owners.Gerard worked at a diner located directly on the famous ‘extraterrestrial highway’. The pictures were more for if any actual aliens ever came by Earth for a good meal and couldn’t speak English. They had the pictures to see exactly what was on offer. Even the beverages had their own separate pictures.Not that they had had any extraterrestial visitors since, like, ever. 8k
Born to Motorbabies - Here's the thing with having a crush on a mysterious DJ; it's kind of an inconvenient place to hang your affections. 12k
The person who’s rec list i snagged this from (can’t remember who, sorry!) added “​affectionately referred to as the dishwasher fic” which is v cute so I’m putting it here too.
...the weapon - Tattoos are one of the ways they measure out the time between getting ghosted. Inspired by Art is... 0.2k
Code Red - In the fall out of a fire fight, Party Poison goes looking for medicine, and finds pretty much the exact opposite of that. 2k Ship: Party Poison/Korse
Workplace Appropriate Attire - Korse is a creepy boyfriend. 1k
Ship: Party Poison/Korse
This was fun to read, but some lines made me go OH SHIT, because ...... well if you read this you will know what I’m talking about.
We Got Machines - There are questions on the lips of everyone with eyes or money on the arena. Who is this kid? Where’d he come from? Who trained him? BLind’s got no records on him, meaning he’s a Zonebrat returning to the grasp of the city of his own volition. Another anomaly. That a 16 year old nobody could waltz in out of nowhere and turn the system on its head is... concerning to BLind. <1k
Part 1 of KJ/Griefers 'verse (3.5k in total)
Ship: Deadmau5/G3rard
xoxoxoxo - Party Poison wakes up somewhere he's never been - but there's plenty that's familiar here. 1k
Ship: Party Poison/Korse
Looking for Satellites - Galaxy-hopping alien trader Gerard has business on space station Perseus Four. Getting to know station administrator Grant is a nice bonus. 25k Ship: Gerard/Grant Gerard is a sexy, telepathic and open minded (heh) alien and it’s great.
the only hope for me - Korse has never been one to show his emotions. 1k Ship: Korse/Party Poison
your kicks don't hit, so we remain the same - a battery city ambush goes somewhat wrong. korsepoison. 0.8k Ship: Korse/Party Poison
Methane Skies - Run, run, bunny, run. 3k
Hot damn this is some creepy and suspenseful stuff. Ship: (implied) Korse/Party Poison
mutilate, maim and destroy (just a tad) - For clarification, this fic is about Gerard Way the actual person being tortured by Korse in the Killjoys universe. Like. Hnng, you'll see nevermind. Ship: Gerard/Korse
A Room Full Of Suicides - His jaw was clenched and his whole body quivering. He looked right at Korse with those huge, transparent eyes. “Do what you want to me. I don’t give a shit, Korse.” He drew in a breath that shook. “You wouldn’t understand. It’s about standing up for what you believe in.” God, the kid was adorable. Korse couldn’t wait to make him scream. 4k Ship: Korse/Party Poison, Fun Ghoul/Party Poison (implied)
Of All the Places in the Universe - Gerard, an alien with a severe case of anomie and wanderlust, crash-lands in Jersey while traveling the galaxy. A chance meeting with a creature his studies had told him didn't exist leads to a surprising turn of events. With time, Gerard comes to call Earth home, and finds love with the adorable punk who found him--Frank, an energetic puppy of a werewolf who's really more bark than bite. 30k
"You know The Smiths?"
Gerard grinned. "Oh, yes! They're one of my favorite Earth bands."
Thank You For The - Just an alien in New Jersey, looking for a mate. 0.5k Ship: Gabe Saporta/Mikey Way
"Have fun," Gerard said, even though he'd just told Mikey he couldn't have fun because he needed to be careful. Mikey wished his venom sacs were fully developed. He would spit on Gerard's shoes.
Double Exposure - “The worst part was the confession. Well, the explanation sucked too.” Written for prompt 38. Frank/Mikey - Frank and Mikey bodyswap during tour and have to play shows as each other. 2.5k
Frank isn’t part italian in this fic. He’s part alien! :D Ship: Frank/Mikey
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justsimplylovely · 4 years
* President claims Democrats ‘in real doubt’ about evidence * Trump tells troops he has yet to buy a present for Melania * US and China to have signing ceremony for trade deal, Trump saysDonald Trump has launched fresh attacks on the congressional architects of his impeachment, even as the standoff intensified between Democrats in the US House and Republicans in the Senate over the president’s impending trial, and appeared set to last well into the new year.And on a less grave note, Trump revealed in a video conference with US troops to deliver Christmas greetings that, despite it being the morning of 24 December, he had not yet bought his wife her Christmas present.And as for North Korea’s warning of a “Christmas gift” for America amid stalled nuclear weapons talks, Trump said the US would “deal with it”.Then he left for his golf course.On Tuesday, Christmas Eve, Trump accused the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, of uncertainty over the articles of impeachment, voted on in Washington last week, that charge the president with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.On Monday House lawyers signaled in court filings that they were mulling an additional article of impeachment against Trump relating to obstruction of justice during the Trump-Russia investigation. They demanded that the former White House counsel Don McGahn testify and requested the release of grand jury material from the investigation.The current articles of impeachment center on Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate the president’s US political rivals, chiefly 2020 candidate Joe Biden, in return for crucial US military aid to the former Soviet republic.“Everything we’re seeing … suggests that they’re in real doubt about the evidence they’ve brought forth so far not being good enough, and are very, very urgently seeking a way to find some more evidence,” the president tweeted early on Tuesday.Trump continued: “The only way to make this work is to ... mount some kind of public pressure to demand witnesses, but McConnell has the votes and he can run this trial anyway he wants to.”Trump’s effort to recapture the conversation came after Pelosi last week triggered a showdown with the Republican Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, by delaying the official delivery of the two impeachment articles from the House to the Senate in an attempt to negotiate terms for the resulting congressional trial. McConnell has already declared that he has no intention of being an “impartial juror”.Speaking to reporters in Florida on Tuesday, Trump said of Pelosi: “She’s doing a tremendous disservice to the country” and claimed Democrats “had no evidence at all” about presidential misconduct.Other Republicans protested about possible moves for additional articles of impeachment.“Democrats are treating impeachment as an open bar tab, tweeted the South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham. “Time to cut them off, take their car keys away (put GOP in control of the House), and end this insanity.”Article 1 of the United States constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to initiate impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments of the president. A president can be impeached if they are judged to have committed "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" – although the US Constitution does not specify what “high crimes and misdemeanors” are. The formal process starts with the House of Representatives passing articles of impeachment, the equivalent of congressional charges. A simple majority of members need to vote in favour of impeachment for it to pass to the next stage. Democrats currently control the House.The chief justice of the US Supreme Court then presides over proceedings in the Senate. The president is tried, with senators acting as the jury. For the president to be found guilty two-thirds of senators must vote to convict. Republicans currently control the Senate.Two presidents have previously been impeached, Bill Clinton in 1998, and Andrew Johnson in 1868, though neither was removed from office as a result. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 before there was a formal vote to impeach him.Martin BelamAt the weekend, Schumer said that emails released on Friday showing that military aid to Ukraine was suspended 90 minutes after Trump demanded “a favor” from Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy only strengthened his party’s demands for more documentation.With Congress out of action until early January, there is no sign of a resolution to the impeachment impasse or a date for the trial.“We’ll find out when we come back in session where we are,” McConnell said. On Monday, he told Fox News the delay in sending the articles to the Senate was “absurd” and predicted Pelosi would back down “sooner or later”. He added he had “not ruled out” calling witnesses to the eventual trial.Meanwhile, on Tuesday morning, Trump spoke by video link from his Mar-a-Lago resort with US troops stationed around the world, calling them “tremendous warriors”. He at first joked that they could decline a pay rise due to them in January, before adding: “You’ve earned it.”When one soldier asked Trump what he had bought first lady Melania Trump for Christmas, the president revealed that he is behind on his shopping.“That’s a tough question,” he said. “I got her a beautiful card … A lot of love. We love our family, and we love each other. We’ve had a great relationship, hopefully like you do with your spouses.”Then he added: “I’m still working on a Christmas present. There’s a little time left. Not much, but a little time left.”The president also said he and China’s president, Xi Jinping, will have a signing ceremony for the first phase of the US-China trade deal agreed to this month.“We will be having a signing ceremony, yes,” Trump told reporters. “We will ultimately, yes, when we get together. And we’ll be having a quicker signing because we want to get it done. The deal is done, it’s just being translated right now.” Speaking in Beijing on Wednesday, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said both countries were in close contact.“Both sides’ economic and trade teams are in close communication about detailed arrangements for the deal’s signing and other follow-up work,” Geng told a daily news briefing. He did not elaborate.Beijing has not yet confirmed specific components of the deal that were released by US officials. A spokesman for China’s commerce ministry said last week the details would be made public after the official signing.Pool reporters were invited to Mar-a-Lago to watch the president’s video address and ask questions.Trump said Democrats “ought to look back on the last year to see how they’ve hurt this country”.He added: “If you just go by what you see in the papers, it’s incredible what’s going on. We had dirty cops. We had people spying on my campaign. They did terrible things…it’s very sad.”This despite the report earlier this month of the Department of Justice watchdog Michael Horowitz that said that despite some serious errors along the way, his principal conclusion was that the FBI’s initiation of the Trump-Russia investigation was justified and was not motivated by political bias against Trump, nor involved what the Trump administration has called “illegal spying”.And the president said that in the face of any action over Christmas by North Korea, the US would “deal with it very successfully”, while joking that maybe any such gift would be “a beautiful vase as opposed to a missile test”.Later, for the third day in a row, Trump travelled by presidential motorcade to the nearby Trump International Golf Club.The Trumps attended Christmas Eve service at a Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated church before celebrating the holiday with dinner in the ballroom of his private club. The pastor of Family Church in West Palm Beach, Florida, Jimmy Scroggins, and his family greeted the Trumps as they arrived and took their reserved seats in the church’s third pew.Attending Family Church was a change of pace for the Trumps, who had attended holiday services in the past at Bethesda-by-the-Sea, the Episcopal Church in Palm Beach at which they were married in 2005. The Trumps then returned to his private club for Christmas Eve dinner. Trump, less than a week after being impeached by the House, did not respond when asked by a reporter if he prayed for Nancy Pelosi at church, but he said: “We’re going to have a great year.”
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/3984rBD
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consumatesurvivor · 7 years
Worries Redirected
I'm back home in the US.  I worried so much for the trip home and found all my worries were placed on the wrong areas.  This means that I'm now worrying about other things I didn't before.
My main concern for my flights back was my weight gained from being kept in the bedroom for 3 years.  All I had were sweatpants and oversized (which were now properly fitting) t-shirts.  Since I didn't fit in clothes I knew I couldn't fit in airplane seats.  I worried about people sitting next to me complaining and having me kicked off the flight.  I worried about flight attendants looking down on me for how I was dressed and wanting to kick me off for that and my size.  I feared the embarrassment of having to request that seat belt extension.  I never worried about anything else other than being put on different flights, long layovers, and getting back to the US days later that I should have arrived or being prevented from leaving at all.  It turned out these were the things I didn't need to worry about at all.
I got a cheap hotel room a block away from the train station in the city the airport was located in.  My plan was to take a cheaper afternoon train the day before and stay at the hotel.  I'd get a taxi to bring me to the airport, which wasn't far away, in the morning and not have to worry about the early morning rush to work people I'd be with otherwise.
I arrived at my hotel okay and found steps everywhere making it hard for me to get my suitcase and carryons inside.  I paid for my room and let them know I was checking out very early in the morning.  This was because I'd failed to do the online check in for my flight.  When I tried to check-in and verify my seat assignments I was told I couldn't check-in due to immigration status problems.  I'm a US citizen with a US passport.  What immigration status problems?  I thought I had typed in my passport number incorrectly and tried to go back and check it.  I was then caught in a loop on the first page with the site demanding a frequent flyer number and if none was put in it would tell me it was incorrect, fill it in for me, and again tell me it was incorrect.  I couldn't get beyond that screen.  It was frustrating.  So I decided to arrive at the airport at least an hour earlier than I planned to check-in because I thought there would be problems.
I got no sleep at the hotel because I could hear everything everywhere else in the annex building I was in.  The guy upstairs has a snoring problem.  In truth, I probably couldn't have been able to sleep anyways.  I was nervous about the flights and now the check-in.
I left my room at the time I told management I'd leave.  The building with the reception desk was locked and I couldn't get in.  The buzzer didn't work.  They would not open for another hour.  Why didn't they tell me this the day before?  I had to throw the keys in the mail opening in the door and hope they found them.  They didn't even have a key drop for those situations.
I got to the airport and did the manual check-in and decided to pay for an extra leg room bulk head seat because no one would be sitting next to me.  It was expensive, but I figured it would be worth it.  I got my boarding passes and got breakfast.  
Final document verification and checking in for dropping off my luggage turned out to be problematic.  Their computers were down and they had to do everything manually.  While I was third in line it took over a half hour for me to get to the desk.  I got my luggage ticket and was on my way.  
Because of the computer problems, they delayed us from boarding.  When they started boarding everything was done manually again so it took a long time.  My flight was delayed by over 40 minutes because of this.  It was good this was a very tiny plane otherwise it would have taken hours.
No one sat next to me and my fear of not being able to buckle up was unfounded.  The seatbelt fit just fine.  Our short trip was actually enjoyable.  It was only a half hour trip.  I thought I had plenty of time for my next flight.  I didn't dawdle, but I didn't stress.  I went through immigration control and all their procedures, and made my way to my gate.  I got there just as they announced first wave boarding.  I had no idea I had really no layover time at all.
I got in line and waited for economy class seating.  I was at the front so when it was announced I was only 6 people in.  I was immediately redirected to the desk.  I'd heard a passenger being paged to go to customer service and in my head I was thinking is that was because I couldn’t' see it.  I didn't realize that I was the passenger because of how much they butchered my last name.  
The seat I bought was given to someone else and I was given a regular seat.  Ugh.  I asked about the money I spent on upgrading and I was told I didn't upgrade.  I whipped out that receipt quickly.  I was given to someone else who told me the seat I requested wasn't a paid seat and I should never have been required to buy it.  So how much has the airline profited from that one?  I talked at length with the woman about it as she was equally concerned about it all for other reasons.  She gave me two seats so I wouldn't have to sit near anyone to make it up and told me how to request a refund.  I got on the plane and found I fit comfortably in the seat and the seatbelt fit just fine.  
The flight was fine.  Everyone had been so kind and nice to me.  The food was great.  I could nap.  I didn't feel crowded or anxious.  The entertainment sucked though.  The movies were bad.  I could only get through one.  But I didn't get antsy either.  I was pretty relaxed so that was good.
I went through immigration and everything went smoothly and quickly.  Then I hit another snag which has never happened to me ever.  I didn't get my luggage.  It didn't arrive.  When the person with a scanner looked to see where it was, we found out that my luggage wouldn't scan.  It was not in the system at all.  Who knows where my suitcase ended up?  I was given details on what to do at my final destination.
I had to wait for my next flight longer than I realized because customs immigration went a lot quicker than I realized it would.  Even security was quick and I still had to do the bomb hand test and get patted down.  During the process the TSA agent asked about my arms.  When I told her what happened, what I did, my relationship, she gave me a hug.  She talked to me for a bit about new starts and good things happening to me now.  She was so sweet and thoughtful.  
I got on my last flight and again no one was next to me because I was in a single seat in an emergency row.  There were no problems on that 45 minute flight at all.  When I landed my mother was there and instead of not being able to look at her, I just felt comfortable and at home.  
My suitcase didn't arrive by luck.  It took a while to find the person in charge of the luggage for my airline, but she created a report on my lost bag and explained what they would do for me.  We left and went to Wal-Mart.  All I had were Euros and Pounds, no dollars.  I bought two shirts, a pair of sweatpants, underwear, socks, and deodorant.  I could get the rest of the toiletries from my Mom.  I thought my luggage would be delivered the next day.
Turns out I was off by a day for the suitcase.  They found it and now the currier has it to be delivered this morning.  It's a relief because that was all the clothes that fit me in my suitcase.  I'd rebuy them, but there was one sweatshirt I doubt I could find and I loved it.  So once it gets here I'll feel much better.
I'm starting to wonder if maybe I worry and obsess about the wrong things.  Everything I took for granted as working didn't and everything I feared and knew there would be a problem with was fine.  I wonder how often I do that in other aspects of my life.  Maybe I focus on the wrong things and that's how my life got so off track.
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