#anyway idk if its working or not because we havent had anyone in game comment on it lmao
mild-mirror · 9 months
neuvillette is really out here trying to beat the hydro dragon allegations by otter-coding himself. incredible
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technowoah · 3 years
Dating The Dream Team Headcanon(s)
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Dream! (Clay)
Our supposed golden retriever
He loves you with his whole heart and he'll tell you that every second he gets.
He loves showering you with affection on and off camera
Mostly off camera
Pda isn't a problem because no one knows his real face.
He'll kiss you, holding hands, hug you, piggyback rides when your feet hurt, locking arms, arms around eachother when you're walking. All of be above
Just hugging you from behind all of the time. And always wanting to be around you
But if people know who you are and know you're dating Dream you two rarely go outside in public areas.
But home dates are amazing too!
Blanket forts even though its so cliché, he insists.
Watching horror movies on the first date was his choice.
Ya know for somone to cuddle, just in case they get scared. It worked.
You guys dont need "dates" because you always are around eachother.
But Clay likes to have formal dates every now and then
At first you didn't know what to call Clay.
You had called Clay, Dream for the first month you two started officially dating.
One day he asked you why, and you said that you watch videos that he's in and gotton used to people calling him Dream
He melted on spot when you mentioned you watched his videos and videos with him in it.
Except for the minecraft cheating ones
He always asks if you like the video first before anyone else because he values your opinions.
He'll sit you on his lap while recording or editing and sometimes, I emphasize sometimes, your voice will make it into a video.
He was very protective of you, and still is. Especially because of the place he is in popularity.
In the beginning your conversations while speed running would always be either muted from his audience or either cut of from the extended manhunt videos.
Now he takes pride in having his significant other's voice in videos. He dosent cut out your conversations, except if they're too personal.
Or the kisses
Dream bought you roses on the first date, and now roses are such a special thing between you two.
Those little rose pendants for jewelry, fake roses to keep around his place, gifts things that reminded him of your first date with a rose that comes with it.
He gives you merch of course!
Your closet is full of Dream hoodies and a box full of milestone coins.
You always either get the prototype one or the first one made. Idk how he made that happen, but take his word for it.
You've meet "Drista" before, and you had met his family too!
His family adores you.
He has yet to meet yours, but one day he promises he will make a great first impression.
I would do into more detail, but Dream is one of the most caring, sweet, boyfriend's you'll ever have.
My boyyyy
I love sapnap srs
He'll treat you like royalty
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but further into your relationship he got more comfortable with showing you love in public.
He loves hugs, lying together, just hugs and sitting you on his lap and resting his head on your shoulder.
You guys mostly have home dates for him to have an excuse to hold you all day.
The dates are mostly movie marathons with one of you laying ontop of one another
He loves cheek kisses btw.. all the time
Conversation between you two flows so naturally you could talk for hours about anything.
You try to convince him to have a podcast.
When you get too riled up his voice calms you and he knows that so he uses it to his advantage.
You two play fight alot, its never serious you two barely fight.
Also calling him his real name was the strangest thing to him.
Like Dream, it had to take some getting used too because their friends wouldn't call them by their real name (most of the time)
He adores nicknames for the both of you. You both have too many nicknames but the most popular one between you is 'angel'
You never sit in the same room while he plays video games, because he can scream very loud.
There probably has been noise complaints. And you wouldn't be surprised.
You'll always defend him no matter what. Even when the twitter stans get to him, he knows you'll be there without a doubt. Always ready to defend your man.
You're kinda protective of Sapnap, but he's more protective over you.
You two would defend eachother to the ends of the earth.
You trust him with hanging out with other people, but you just dont trust Twitter.
He loves showing you off to his community. He kept you a secret at first then gradually started saying "my significant other" and they caught on.
Sapnap isnt that much of a gift giver. He loves to spend more quality time with a person.
He likes to spend more time with you than buy you material things all the time.
But he gives you his merch, but then the rest of the clothes you get are his actual hoodies.
He's actually starting to miss his clothing so he asks for them back for them to inevitably end up back in your closet.
You and Sapnap are planning to take a trip to meet his parents and then make a weekend out of it.
Then the next stop is to meet yours and out of all the relationships you've had you're not nervous for him to meet your parents.
We love sapnap in this household and he would just be the best boyfriend srs
GeorgeNotFound! (George)
This man is so annoying
But like in an endearing way ya know?
He never fails to brighten up your day
Making you laugh
repeating phrases over and over again
poking you nonstop to get a reaction out of you
giving you long hugs that never seem to end
kissing you all over your face.
He is just so bright.
Hes the neighbors kid
George loves giving you affection whether its kisses or holding your hand he wants you to know he's there.
Even if you dont want him to he'll always want to be around you.
He loves skinship.
George loves walking around London finding stuff to do for dates.
He loves taking small roadtrips too so you get to see stuff around the area you wouldn't normally see.
Just walking around holding hands while making fun of anything you can see.
You two are out in public a lot so when George does his meetups with his friends and brings you along people would stop them and want to take pictures.
He'll introduce you as his significant other in public to fans who ask or notice, but online when his friends ask about his relationship he says "what relationship?" Even though his whole fanbase knows you two are dating.
His fanbase loves you two together, but sometimes they can get too much.
George couldn't care less about what his fanbase thinks if him and his relationship and he wants you do think the same because its not worth it.
Your voice sometimes appear in his videos when you comment on something he does in minecraft.
George doesn't like to put his personal life out on the internet so he still keeps secrets about yall relationship
All his community knows is that you're his significant other and you're "really cool" in George’s words.
You stay in his room when he's recording because he insisted that you stay.
Also he doesn't give you his merch, he refuses to and everytime you ask he just says "because I said so" and "I need the money"
He ends up giving you merch, you knew it was a bluff anways.
Dreams love language is gift giving
Sapnaps is quality time
and George’s is skinship like I said.
Hugs and kisses all the time. Even when your mad at him
You guys have so many inside jokes its ridiculous.
You say them around your friends and laugh just to annoy them.
You guys love to flaunt your relationship around. Showing off that "this is George’s jumper" and "oh this is y/n's necklace"
One time you threatened to cut George’s hair and he didnt speak to you for like an hour.
You already have a good relationship with him and his friends, but you havent met his family yet.
If your family lives out of the country you both plan to travel for him to meet your family.
If your family is in the same country you guys plan a month where you both meet eachothers parents in that same month.
George would be so proud that he got to meet your parents. And the same goes for you.
After all you both love a little road trip from time to time.
Anyways being georges significant other would be a 20/10 experience.
Dream Team Imagines: @bozowrites
MCYT Imagines: @annshit @bobaducky @malfoysslutt @egorldevi
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mayabruhbruh · 4 years
Stranger Things 4 Analysis and Theory
I don’t know if anyone else has done posts on this stuff yet (it’s really likely, but i’d not want to take the credit if i’m not the only one who’s thought of this)
I know @kaypeace21 has made tons of posts on the s4 movies from Video Store Friday, and many others have theories and analyses, but back in July I took it upon myself to research more into the very last few scenes of s3. Specifically the three months later time stamp, where Steve and Robin are in search for a new job.
My main focus was the four movies that they mentioned for Keith at the counter. “Animal House”, “The Hidden Fortress”, “Children Of Paradise”, and “The Apartment”.
(reminder that if you read this, it could be spoilers for the final cut of the actual show if i end up being correct about some of this, so read at your own risk)
My first theory, which I’ve already discussed in a separate reblog, is about The Hellfire Club. But i’ll say it here too.
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(sorry for the sucky quality)
Animal House is about two awkward freshmen going into college and joining a fraternity of rejects. It matches Mike, Dustin and the Hellfire Club perfectly! Personally, my lowkey theory is that they’re going to have to go though an entirety of initiation activities (possibly drugs too, if what we’ve heard is correct) and Lucas and Max will be in their own storylines up until the supernatural threat brings them back together again. This could be wayy off, but still its my idea.
As for Max and Lucas...
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I’m not sure about the entirety of the plot of this movie, but the last line sounds a lot like something that would happen between Lumax. Lucas is a basketball jock now, I think that’s crystal clear now seeing from the Pep Rally poster, and how he’s always been the one in the group to be able to mask his nerdy side. For Dustin and Mike, I know it’s much harder for them. Anyways, Max, I’m pretty positive by now, is going to be extremely distant and defensive from everyone just like she was in the beginning of s2, since she just had a big change happening in her life. It’s the same now, except with the grief and loss of Billy. My guess, from the hints of this movie and other stuff, is that Lucas is going to come face to face with his reputation as a popular kid, and his love for Max. Like the summary says, he must decide between the advancement of his career or the girl that he loves. Real hard hitting stuff.
Onto the next one. MIKE WHEELER. (or will byers)
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I watched an analysis video on this movie, because I haven’t seen it yet, but again the very last line is what I’d like to focus on.
My. Jaw. Dropped.
I’ve read many analyses of Mike Wheeler being gay (courtesy of @kaypeace21 @hawkinsschoolcounselor and MANY others), but I dunno, I was always just so skeptical no matter how much it made sense. But when I saw this WHAT THE HELL?!?’);/&? It’s stupid of me to not have believed it sooner, but I hope this is the movie that foreshadows Mike’s storyline this season. I’m assuming Mike will have to “prove his expertise in battle”, or perhaps prove he can go through with all of the initiation shit for The Hellfire Club, while hiding his growing revelation that he might be gay/bisexual.
BUT a possibly more likely scenario would be that this movie connects with Will Byers’ storyline this season instead. Perhaps the hardships of a new school and a new town has Will shaken up, and he also has his sexuality awakening that he has to hide from new people. I say that it’s more likely for him, because Will has always been more heavily queer-coded (not exactly heavier, but just extremely much more apparent and obvious opposed to Mikes queercoded subtext that we really had to dig for).
I also didn’t mention this in my reblog from earlier, but I want to address my opinions on the apparent cheerleader that meets Mike and befriends one another. One of my friends on twitter said Chrissy (her name, or so we think lmao) might be a key component to Mike being able to discover and come to terms with his sexuality. But then again, a different friend of mine thinks that the amount of content were getting is oddly suspicious, and that the Duffers are feeding us all the wrong information to lead us to all the wrong conclusions. But, at this point, why not both. At the moment, everyone thinks that Chrissy is Mikes new love interest, but what if she really isn’t, and they’re pulling a Robin on us (i call it a robin because it was technically straight-baiting in s3 LMFAO). I’m not saying that she might be a lesbian (although 👀 it says on her character info that she’s 18 (robins got some game to work with now ahaha)) but it could be a straight-bait up until she helps Mike realize his sexuality (i would have said realizes his love for Will😍😍 but recently ive been trying not to input byler into everything i fucking say, so theres how that’s going). Anyways. Last movie!
Now, I’m currently not super concrete on this one to be completely honest. I have a few in mind...
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Okay, so don’t attack me, but this could possibly be a mileven storyline. It sort of fits. They have an undeniable connection, but “their fortunes shift considerably and they’re pushed apart” aka the misfortune of the mindflayer and hawkins not being safe for them leads them to moving away and literally being pushed apart. I don’t know about the pursuing other relationships, but we still have no idea what’s going on with El Hopper tbh, i havent a single clue what’s going to be happening with her storyline atm. But either way, that could be it.
ORRRR the MUCH more likely scenario, Jancy :)
Bloggers on here have already predicted that they wouldn’t be endgame, and I was only slightly skeptical because although their relationship was built on shared trauma, a very unstable foundation to have for a ship tbh, i still hung onto the fact that they cared for eachother a lot :,( But the entirety of their season 3 bickering and this summary kind of sealed the deal.
Just like Mike and El, Nancy and Jonathan have been pushed apart aswell. It was already seen in season three that they’d be better of leading separate lives, aka Jonathan was doing fine at the internship, whereas Nancy could have been somewhere better for herself. I doubt they broke up at the end of season 3, but there’s bound to be new relationships for them seperately. It sucks bc I love Jancy, but s3 showed how badly they snap at one another when there isn’t a life threatening event at hand. Jopper on the other hand, I thought their bickering was adorable, but i’m getting off track, sorry lmfaoo.
Once again, I probably am not the first to talk about these, but jsyk if you steal this from me specifically i will track you down and end you. I’ve been speculating about these things since April and July, which is pretty weak tbh, but that was when i had nothing better to do LMFAO. i hope i got at least something right, but i haven’t seen many of the video store friday’s movies, which sucks bc those could really help. But whatever.
(i wrote this really late at night, and it’s poorly edited bc my eyesight sucks lmfao, but i hope you get what i mean)
And that’s it! I hope you like it, or had some sort of impact from it idk, just sharing my thoughts tbh. Anygays, if you have any questions/added ideas/thoughts of any kind, my inbox is always here, you can private message me, and comment if you want!! i love y’all sm lmfao, so excited for the upcoming content were about to get soon, byee!
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myriadimagines · 3 years
End Of The Year Faves 2020!
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
i was tagged by the lovely @lxncelot & @musicallisto !!!
i’ve only written 10 one shots this year since i stopped taking requests rip. i only ended up picking 5 of them bc i didnt like the rest. also i love talking about the behind the scenes of writing like its just so fun. i literally went through my revision history in my google docs to see how i wrote these akjsdhasjd so literally........... if anyone wants to talk to me about a piece........... just shoot me an ask bc i will gladly tell u all about it
1. Lifetimes (Sebastien le Livre) 
this might be my number one bc it’s the most recent and i havent decided i hate it yet but wrote this as an alternative to therapy lmfaooooooo and it’s been a month but um. it still hurts. but anyway, i started off with the below paragraph:
And Booker has centuries of pain under his belt. Endless years of trauma that he cannot even begin to unpack. But you don’t have centuries. You don’t have lifetimes to reconcile with all the cruelty in the world  —  you just have one, and Booker knows he of all people should know just how much hurt one lifetime can contain.
and just worked around it, bc i was just really obsessed with the concept of having multiple lifetimes and all that, and just the fact that life has so much pain and hurt and it just sucks. i edited the first sentence for the final but otherwise it’s the same. i think i came up with some pretty good lines in this if i do say so myself, and i mentioned it in the a/n, but i intended for it to be longer but didn’t want to push it after i feel like i had written all i wanted to. i just wanted someone to hold me and comfort me clearly. 
2. Cursed Blood (Renfri)
i am obsessed with renfri as a character and her whole story, and the whole concept of her being cursed just felt like something that i really wanted to explore and write about. these were the first lines i wrote for the piece:
But every time you kiss her, you swear that it’s impossible her lips could be poison. Or perhaps you grew so used it, that the poison tasted sweet. 
i ended up editing this a lot for the final version, but a trend in my writing seems to be i always come up with how to end a piece and just work around it. i really enjoyed going into depth into renfri’s character and it kinda felt more like a character study than a reader insert? but eventually i found a way to work the reader in there and i liked where the story went, bc renfri deserves happiness and someone to be there for her.
3. Roadside (Robin Buckley)
still in shock at how many notes this one got and i am forever grateful to everyone who reblogged/left comments!!! this was for lacey’s ( @moonlit-imagines ) writing challenge, and idk why when i saw the prompt i immediately decided to use robin. for this one, i actually started with the beginning, which was the prompt, “Let’s take a walk. Just you and me.”
i mentioned this in the a/n, but i planned it to be a lot more angsty and wasn’t even planning on ending it on a happy note askjdhaksd the original plot i had in mind was that robin and the reader were into each other but were dancing around each other’s feelings. so one night, the reader drunkenly kisses steve at a party to try and make robin jealous, but it ends up just causing a rift between robin and the reader even after they confess their feelings. here is a part i wrote for the original plot before i decided to scrap it and go with the final plot.
“Look, I don’t even care if you and Steve get together.” Robin waves her hand, and you’re not used to seeing such disappointment on your best friend’s face as she lets out a shaky breath. She looks as if she’s struggling to collect herself before she asks, “I just… why did you lie to me?”
“I didn’t.” you desperately blurt, and Robin’s eyebrows furrow. Shaking your head, you take a step towards her as you explain, “I didn’t lie, Robin, I swear. I don’t like Steve. What happened at the party meant nothing—”
Robin scoffs. “Then why—”
“—because I wanted you to see.” you finally confess, and Robin stares at you. You’re shaking, tears welling in your eyes as you continue, “Because I thought I could make you jealous, because I was just too afraid to make a move and wanted you too. And I know that’s silly of me, and I never meant to hurt your feelings—”
i changed the plot because i didn’t think i could pull it off, and i didn’t know how to fully end it. i liked where it ended up going anyway after the change of direction so all good!!
4. Games (Michael Gray)
so this was inspired by a gif imagine request that @fangirlsarah16 sent me, which you can find here!! you can literally see me already plotting for the piece in the tags aksjdha i just loved how angsty the situation was, and i love michael, so i decided to just run with it. i put what i had already written into a document and just pieced everything in around it. this is definitely one of my more dramatic pieces, but i just loved how the story came together and how all the other characters were included. 
i already planned to write a part 2 while i was still writing this piece, but obviously that hasnt happened yet. also i got discouraged bc i thought it would do better in terms of notes but oh well. i wrote around 300 words of where i wanted part 2 to go, and i still have it saved, but i dont want to share it in case i end up writing it. also, i have 2 plots in mind for where i want part 2 to go, and haven’t decided which one i want to go with. we’ll have to wait and see i guess >:)
5. Off Limits (Cassian Andor)
ah yes, the first in my rewrite project that is going along very slowly. basically, im planning on rewriting my super old one shots in hopes that i’ll like them. i swear i’ve got the next one shot in my drafts but i just havent had the time to finish it yet. anyway, the original piece, which i wrote 4 years ago (!!!!), was the piece that really got my blog started and helped me get activity/attention, and it has around 500 notes, which kinda makes the new version look depressing bc it only has 97 and it’s definitely a lot better in my opinion. 
i don’t really have a detailed process for this one, seeing as i was just improving upon an old piece, but one of the main things i did want to change was cassian’s characterisation. i felt like i just made him too mean in my old piece, and i wanted to loosen him up a bit. i managed to bang this one in one day and i just think it’s some cute content and i miss the rogue one squad!!
i’m tagging @moonlit-imagines @emcon-imagines @lotsoffandomimagines @dannyboy-writes @murswrites @randomfandomimagine @sonsofeorl @spxder-mxns & all other content creators that see this!! i’m definitely missing a lot but everyone should share their favorite pieces from this year :’)
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this is all so crazy.. the fear is there, the acceptance is there, the restlessness is there. i cant figure out what to feel or how to cope, i guess the “mom” energy is more prevalent right now. i dont exactly care about this whole situation for me and my situation but i worry about my family, my friends, my sisters. it makes you realize just how fragile and short life can be. i feel like i’m torn, i cant tell if ive accepted my death after so many years of being on the edge or if ive just lost my sense of self completely. ive gotten back into manga, anime, games, art. all things i distanced myself from for a while to try and figure out who i was. i tried being girly and dresses and feminine, i tried long hair, short hair, i tried overly sexual and complete monogamy, indie, country, folk, soul, all over. i still dont know where i fall. i just want to know who i am. i have no idea where i sit, its hard finding my identity. especially after my whole life has been determined by other people, be it parents, spouses, or even my mental health distorting who i was. i have things i love, but i always question it. do i love it or have i just spent years being told i love it? or, even worse, do i dislike it deep down but have spent so long trying to justify it because i wanted to try something out and had to fight tooth and nail to express myself in any way. i loved purple as a kid, my mother llikes purple, and all my sisters do too, but because my family takes no time to get to know me they think i only like black. my aunt gets bags, mugs, cups, blankets the whole nine with my sisters and moms names on them every year. ive been excluded from this for years because they refuse to believe i like anything but black. its a horrible feeling. theyve never wanted to see me. my home. my life. they dont care. no one wants to know me and im still struggling to figure out who i am but that doesnt excuse the lack of effort from those around me. but i also feel like i am not entitled to their love or care. they complain that i dont make the effort to check on them, or go visit, but on the flip side, my grandparents on my moms side have my number, they have never called me to checkup on me, to see if im even alive. why is it on me to make that effort? they can watch my sisters anytime my mom asks, they practically raise my cousin, and my other cousin lived with them almost her whole life. i dont understand how they can do all that for them but i have never once received a “hey how are you doing? we miss you” idk. i just need a space to vent and thats what this is right? a space for me to express the feelings i cant tell anyone else because theyre too far up their own ass to even begin to understand anyone elses problems. anyway. i did a crazy work out today, actually pretty proud of myself. my roommate watched me for the first time and was amazed at what i could do even tho i work out every day and i was happy that i could out last him even tho he likes to think hes stronger than me i have much stronger endurance. i havent been sleeping. i can count the good nights of sleep on one hand with fingers to spare. its been tough. lots of intrusive thoughts, lots of fear and anxiety. i really want help. i want to stop feeling like this i want to feel peace and calm for once in my life and that feels like it may never even happen. i have thoughts of the guy i always post about. he was here yesterday, the more he comes over the more i see just how human he is, its reassuring because even though i am flawed and i have my issues he still texts me and comes over and he always asks me if im doing okay before we do anything and after he asks me if im okay and if im good, no man in my life has ever cared enough and thats how i now hes a good person but it breaks my heart because he is good man who i cant have. hes not mine and i know he never will be but im thankful for him. i think about all the little things that make me smile. i was once having the biggest panic attack and he came over, held me, and distracted me from the world, that isnt his place im not his responsibility and i feel weird saying this but i am sad that his ex wife left him when their child was born, and i dont know the circumstances of their life back then but damn he would be an amazing father. he is safe. i cant have it, and i tear up thinking about it. i want that, i want a man i trust wholeheartedly. he makes me feel attractive, sexier than ive ever been. beyond that i literally cant help but smile around him, i feel aware of everything around him, his smell is intoxicating, truly the first man ive ever looked at and i cant find a single flaw, i would listen to him talk forever, sitting on my counter in a lace top and panties talking to him leaned against the wall and hes casually eyeing me, makes a comment about how i must be easy to shop for. thinking back i crave his eyes on me. he likes the things i hate, ive found acceptance in a way i have never known. my insecurities, my physical flaws, my ugly faces, ugly sounds, they become my strongest assets because he likes them, i can wrap him around my finger and the man who never looses his cool is melting under me. but on the same note he can ruin me, he makes me feel content like ive never known, i crave the touch, the passion, the last look he takes before walking out my back door, the hop skip and a jump i do through my kitchen after locking the door. he leaves me laughing every time, god i could talk about him forever. i fucking hate it, i hate that i cant have it. i cant have a man like that. fine. i tap out, ive ranted a whole novel and i know itll just devolve into sad thoughts and trauma that should be unpacked with a therapist, not written on a platform for me to look back on and regret. maybe one day i can write about my progress, how im getting better, how sex is a healthy thing, how im in a stable relationship that will last the rest of my life, how i can trust, how i can look at a strong man and not cry at the thought of not having a father figure in my life. maybe one day...
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bbgleeproject · 7 years
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[2/8/17, 8:26:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: so basically my plan this week is to win veto and pull zach down and put up nic!
[2/8/17, 8:27:18 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: nic and dom are a power duo and they keep making snide comments at me and julia and its getting kind of annoying. i KNOW that they would target me if they won hoh so i might as well take the first swing!
[2/8/17, 8:27:39 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: while i do want to see if zach is actually here to play, i do want to keep him around
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[2/8/17, 8:38:26 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: dr: ok whew so obvs i was not nominated and im a lil bummed i dont get to play in veto but its alright since i know im 100% safe and so now i can just rest up all of my energy to hopefully win next week’s hoh and just pass it back and forth between nicholas and so we make it to the end!
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[2/7/17, 11:03:24 PM] Ruthie: (*) NICHOLAS WON HOH.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT THAT? (*)
[2/9/17, 12:03:41 AM] Sydney Dianne Hickery Dickery Dock: IM HAPPY NICHOLAS WON HOH WOO
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[2/9/17, 8:51:11 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: GUYS I AM SO NERVOUS FOR THESE RESULTS!
[2/9/17, 8:51:15 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ANYONE BUT DOM
[2/9/17, 8:51:17 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: CAN WIN
[2/9/17, 8:53:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IF DOM WINS POV MY PLAN IS SPOILED
[2/9/17, 9:05:32 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IVE TURNED INTO SUCH A BITCH SOMEONE HELP DSMFKMDFSS I FEEL SO MEAN
[2/9/17, 9:06:58 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: its probablyfoolish of me to be playing so hard this early
[2/9/17, 9:07:11 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: but i need to make sure what i want to happen happens
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[2/9/17, 10:09:45 PM] zach: On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)
On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)
[2/9/17, 10:09:47 PM] zach: its for my friend
[2/9/17, 10:17:12 PM] Ruthie: :O
[2/9/17, 10:17:24 PM] zach: im just asking i promise
[2/9/17, 10:17:40 PM] jeffery: i hope he says “now i am"
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[2/9/17, 10:35:21 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: I WON VETO
[2/9/17, 10:35:23 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: OH MY GOD
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[2/9/17, 10:35:34 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ME RIGHT NOW
[2/9/17, 10:35:36 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IM SO HAPPY
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[2/9/17, 10:41:47 PM] zach: dr:
honestly my dad won veto so he’s going to use it on me and nic’s being backdoored like im actually happy my kink! nicholas is honestly one of my fav people ever and like im so glad i met him literally first wheen i joined this community
[2/9/17, 10:43:04 PM] jeffery: nicholas nominated you and he’s using veto on you?
[2/9/17, 10:43:16 PM] zach: yeah bc he promised everyone safety
[2/9/17, 10:43:20 PM] zach: so he put me up bc i offered
[2/9/17, 10:43:27 PM] zach: and he and i were going to try hard in veto
[2/9/17, 10:43:30 PM] zach: it was a plan
[2/9/17, 10:44:07 PM] zach: also ill post tea here
[2/9/17, 10:44:14 PM] zach: [2017-02-09, 11:58:22 AM] Madison: Zach i hope you dont get evicted so i can take your crusty ass to f2
[2017-02-09, 12:07:55 PM] zach: ilysdfdsfns
[2017-02-09, 12:08:57 PM] Madison: If you dont get taken off I'll vote to keep you even tho you're on the block with my best friend
[2/9/17, 10:44:15 PM] zach: i love her
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[2/9/17, 10:46:39 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: dr: woohoo ok so nicholas won veto which is great and means dom is probably going but i kinda want to just get zach out anyways bc like the sooner i can get some of my friends ive had before the game started the better because the longer theyre in the game the more chances of us having fights are gonna happen so i want to not fight them and just have them be out of the way. i accidentally exposed that nicholas is my duo f2 to madison but i think most people know already because everyone knows we know each other irl its not a secret anymore and like i finally had a chance to be on the detention call and so i think i bonded a lil more with matthew colin and madison and so thats good but either way i just dont trust people enough so i do wanna win hoh and since its over the weekend i should have enough time to try and do whatever the comp is and if i dont win hopefully another warbler wins idk im going to message more people after work and just keep being me and hopefully slide under the radar considering i know a lot of these people know i can do really well in orgs
[2/9/17, 10:47:16 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: also i wanna do vl shout outs but im going to do them tomorrow considering ive told ppl i went to bed already when in reality i wrote a dr fjldksafjslakfj
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[2/9/17, 10:47:24 PM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): I don't have anything to dr about except dom and Zach are on the block and that's crazy but I am split on who to vote at the moment lol idk
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[2/9/17, 10:48:41 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:50:43 PM] Matthew Henning: PoV went just fine, I knew that the outcome didn't really matter, Nicholas said I'm safe. Two of the three in my clique I think are going to be deadweight, I think Sydney will probably carry the group if she's active enough. Otherwise it's going to be me using Elijah and Nic as meatshields.
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[2/9/17, 10:50:59 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:51:53 PM] zach: i fucking love my dad like idk he is literally the nicest person and unless he memes the fuck it and doesnt save me idk dsfosudbf id laugh still but i love nicholas and i trust him and he’s like the greatest person i met from this community and im so happy he won like idk its fun and i kind of dont want to leave this game??? im ready to?? win??
who’s in my clique again
[2/9/17, 10:54:07 PM] zach: ok so
daniel? walked bye i guess he’s gone but thats sad bc he was an obvious target but was annoying zz
rhea? i love her she’s precious and my memequeen but like idk i havent messaged her once in this game and tbh i forgot she was in this game till i just read that chat and saw she was on my clique??
madison? i love her so much omg no like she’s such a good person and wants me safe and i love her i am just worried that if i have to cut her later it’ll get messy bc i am a GLEEK!
[2/9/17, 10:54:58 PM] zach: i dont think i’d actually ever cut madison bc i like her too much and im such an easy person to manipulate but
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[2/9/17, 10:47:50 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:52:16 PM] Madison: Nicholas winning pov is great because now I know that my alliance has full control over this week. I'm hoping the rumors are true and he uses it on Zach and puts up Nic because I would like for both Zach and Dom to stay this week and Nic to go because he annoys me and could be very dramatic. As for my clique, I feel a lot better about them now that Daniel is gone, and I'm hoping that we don't lose any more members this week!
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[2/9/17, 10:51:35 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:53:01 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): Nicholas isn't gonna use it and I'm so upset because I really want to stay and fight in this game but I know I'm gonna get evicted against Zach
[2/9/17, 10:53:30 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): and my clique is just too much for me they're not gonna save me
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[2/9/17, 10:47:31 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:54:18 PM] Colin McC: Nicholas winning hoh AND pov?? YAS THATS MY DAD AMERICA. Nicholas is such a king and an icon and the Warblers would be lost without him. As for people in my clique? I literally love them all. so. much. Chrissa is a literally like the nicest person ever, the queen of foot diseases herself. Nicholas, like I said, my dad. I can def rely on him to win comps for the clique, not to mention he has an amazing social game as well; everyone loves Nicholas. And finally, Veronica. Tbh I was kinda on rocky terms with Veronica, like we didn’t mesh super well in the last game we played but we had a long, nice conversation yesterday and??? She is so nice and fun to talk to omg.
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[2/9/17, 10:49:59 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN YOUR CLIQUE? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:54:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: omg I’m happy i won pov!!!
[2/9/17, 10:54:49 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: I LOVE MY CLIQUE
[2/9/17, 10:54:54 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: THEY ARE ALL SO PERFECT
[2/9/17, 10:54:59 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: AND I WOULD KEEP THEM SAFE EITHER WAY
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[2/9/17, 10:49:28 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:55:15 PM] Rhea <3: Diary Room
So, when I found out Nicholas and I were going to play a game together I nearly SCREAMED out of joy! He has hosted me twice, and I hosted him once, but we have never played together.
So, I think this will be lovely! And so far he hasn't nominated me which is nice. He controls all the power this week's and if he's being legit with me, that's good because it means I am going to be safe. I REALLY like him and I hope he and I can take this game and let it ride! I think he's someone I can work really well with. So I am looking forward to this!
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[2/9/17, 10:56:07 PM] Colin McC: On 2/7/17, at 10:12 PM, Colin McC wrote:
> (i’ll try to do a video of cast assessment for a dr tomorrow unless I forget kdlsgjdkg)
YIKES i forgot to do this. Ummm I promise I’ll do one tomorrow, and if not I’ll AT LEAST do it over text sakljgdg
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[2/9/17, 10:47:09 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 11:42:06 PM] elijah D: DR: WHAT A KING , and honestly I want different clique mates
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[2/9/17, 11:43:35 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): On 2/9/17, at 11:42 PM, nicholas wrote:
> whew ok first of all thanks so much for messaging me!!! this week is wild so i am going to take some time to think things over and make a decision but i will take that into consideration! have a good night!
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[2/10/17, 12:11:17 AM] andie welch: I feel good about Nicholas winningg pov!! idc about these noms that really I know dom is in a premade with madion + nic so yeah I want them #gone
ALSO people in my clique? I love Julia rae, dom is okay, Julia roxy is a FREAK and it's kinda funny but also weird.
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[2/9/17, 10:49:08 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/10/17, 12:32:42 AM] Roxy (EMVivor Host): Nicholas is bae and p I my cliwueare there
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[2/9/17, 10:48:07 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/10/17, 3:33:09 AM] julia rae: I feel good about Nicholas winning bc hes prob one of my closest allies and we best buds!! but we've been fake fighting a lot on call so it seems like we don't like each other hehehe
[2/10/17, 3:33:35 AM] julia rae: and then the people on my clique are alright, I like andie and julia but like dom is gross
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[2/10/17, 5:55:02 AM] zach: i heard tea that matthew told nicholas to use the veto on me ?? why am i so loved oh my god people want me here
also veronica has an advant. in the next hoh so she scary. her/nich f2 confirmed, ver leaked to Mad about it.
im going to be asked to be nominated every week bc that sounds fun
i think everyone wants dom out over nic but like i prefer nic bc nic is emotional and dumb zzz and i think i can forge a relationship with dom since talking to nic is like talking to a fucking wall
also i didnt know colin/rhea were in this game
andie is a king but he’ll nom me soon i know it
elijah king but will be pawned by others zzz
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[2/10/17, 7:00:19 AM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): so I can't sleep but that's not new lol so I am just here lol thinking about how I am jesse st. james trash but Sydney got him first lol
[2/10/17, 8:19:12 AM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): also I will answer: I love my clique honestly I get along with all of them.
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[2/10/17, 8:50:03 AM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ok so i'm pretty sure i made my mind up about what i might do with the veto but i'm going to brew over my decision while i'm at school today! i definitely need to lay low moving forward and do my best to not draw any more attention to myself!
0 notes