#anyone can use it but it works best on Indian hair
ask-pavitr · 5 months
your hair is so fabulous. I am so jealous!!
you should be
I have amazing hair
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requiemfordreams · 11 months
Some tips that helped me lose weight while having an ed and preventing dizziness, fatigue hair loss, and brain fog.
For some reason eating after 2pm has reduced my cravings alot.
Chewing sugar free gum helps alot. Most of them contain sorbitol for the sweet taste and consuming sorbitol in a large amounts can lead to it acting as a laxative.
Coffee. To keep you full and again another laxative. But it can only be had hot for it to work.
Dry fruits. They contain little to no calories and prevent you from feeling dizzy.
Some junk foods are considered empty caloric foods because they do not provide any sort of good calories that your body can use, which can lead to your body storing them. So if you can find a low empty calorie food, you can sometimes eat them to keep yourself full. I should note this might not work for some people but it has worked for me.
What also has worked for me is make the same lunch to take to school, which is really low cal and because it is my comfort food and it helps me not think about food and since I spend 9 hours at school, not counting the 40 mins it takes me to and fro from school, I'm able to spend an ample amount of time not eating and that works wonders
and if my parents asks me to eat, I just say I shared my friends' lunch and I'm full.
I m like to distract myself from eating everytime I have a craving by chugging alot of water, which is first good for your health and keeps your belly full for longer.
I take multivitamins to keep up with all the necessary nutrient needs.
I also drink like 30gms of protein powder with water to help with my muscles, and also because protein helps in losing calories.
Fruits. Especially watermelons. They are so full of water, a cup of watermelons contains 46 kcal and can make you feel full really fast and they are packed with the good kinds of carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, and B6, full of potassium and absolutely no fats or sodium.
Cucumbers. Again, water based with almost little to no calories to them.
If you are having hair loss problems, biotin is a great supplement for hair and so is protein.
Try as much as you can to make sure you're not alone too long. Because when nobody is there around you, you're more prone to giving into your urges. So if you see that in you, try being around as much people as possible.
Coconut water is a great drink to help balance your electrolytes and keep your nutrients to the level.
Coconut oil and if you're Indian, ghee is great for your hair because it makes your hair more healthy and strong. It would be best if you kept your hair oiled overnight before washing and not just a few hours.
If it helps, because it has worked with me, even though I look fat, I tell everyone around me about how little I eat or how healthy I eat. And sometimes if I have to eat with other people, I will only have half of the food I ordered and ask if anyone can finish it because I'm not used to having so much food. Or I already had such a big breakfast that this seems too much. The little lies, that make you feel accountable into not eating so much even when you're alone.
I like to avoid sodas and energy drinks even if they're diet soda or not, because they honestly have way too many calories that your body can retain.
Masturbating. It's weird but five mins of it can lead to losing 400kcals and that's worth a bit of something.
Studying. It doesn't feel like it but you use alot more calories when you're concentrating on your work.
Sitting up straight. The will of keeping your shoulders straight and your spine straight, it takes up alot of calories because your body is not used to you doing that.
Doing chores around the house that require you to be on your feet.
Drink alot of water. But not too much.
Make a habit of waking up at a certain time in the morning and sleeping at a certain time. This makes way for a more disciplined mind, and more will power and honestly, not only do you not get so much fatigue or dizziness, it cultivates good sleeping habit. Which is not only good for the body, it also helps you stay focused in classes.
There is a certain set of yoga called the suryanamaskar which promotes good cardiovascular health and if you do 12 sets of it everyday, helps in losing calories. And they are so simple and easy for you to do if you don't feel like you have much energy.
I don't have more but if I do, I'll reblog and add them.
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angelicallyblack · 2 years
Beauty Pageant Queens + What They Can Teach Us
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A while back, a mutual of mine got an ask that basically hinted at beauty pageant queens having nothing to offer and therefore sparking absolutely no interest in men. The ask and my response can actually be found here. I remember how much the ask threw me for a loop because not only was it untrue in every sense, but I then found myself wondering what world that anon lived in where pageant queens weren't desired.
Anyone who holds that opinion doesn't understand pageantry, at all in my opinion. Yes beauty pageant contestants and winners all have one thing in common; their beauty. They're all 10/10 and have amazing figures and equally amazing hair and makeup. However, there are many other things they have in common that the average person overlooks.
First and foremost, they are educated!
Ayeesha Aiman, Miss India 2015, pursued a Mechanical engineering degree and later studied Aircraft Maintenance Engineering at the Indian Institute of Aeronautics.
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Allison Farris, Miss DC 2018, is a software developer at Microsoft.
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Deshauna Barber, Miss USA 2016, worked as an IT analyst for the United States Department of Commerce. She earned her master's degree in management information systems and services.
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Beauty pageant contestants often go through training that teaches them the kind of life skills we all need. They are conducted on things such as communication and social graces. You'll find that more often than not, a beauty pageant contestant has no problem making herself comfortable in a crowded room and adopting the persona that's needed to hold engaging conversations.
They are guided on how to think fast and answer questions not only in a timely manner, but how to articulate their thoughts well. They often understand things like decorum and respectability.
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A pretty face is never enough in these competitions. These women absolutely have to be brilliant and charming and educated if they want to win. That's a fact.
If you keep up with pageants, then you're probably familiar with Lauren Upton. Her "dumb" answer to a question she was given is what she was remembered for for years. Her beauty didn't matter because all of these girls were beautiful. Her other answers to other questions didn't matter either. She made headlines for a mistake that was made on national television. Her inability to come up with an acceptable response in a timely manner ruined all of her chances and made her the butt of many jokes.
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Every single woman in these competitions are gorgeous, and if that was all it took, then every single one would win. Each and every one is taught to focus on their strengths and best qualities in order to get ahead. Every woman is taught the skill sets needed to make them stand out.
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The experience teaches them how to navigate competition as well as handling a female dominated environment and how to network from that. In summary, beauty pageant contestants are often the "whole package". They are beauty and brains, and contrary to what is being spread around recently, a quality man desires that!
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Notice how I didn't even focus much on what we can learn from them appearance wise because any woman can exercise and learn beauty skills and throw on a sparkly dress. That is not what makes these women stand out, and they know this. They are conducted on this! They know that they need more to offer than their face if they not only want to win the competition, but if they also want to prosper in life.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
Hey, first off wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your work I’ve been reading ur work for a while and I’ve read your match ups, do you still do matchups for Harry Potter? If you are doing that here’s some info😭:
Looks: Indian, black wavy hair, 5’7, brown eyes with a hint of amber, unconventionally attractive face wise
Personality: very awkward and shy at first but later really loud and adventurous when u get to know me, sarcastic, sharp tounge, funny, smart, empathetic and sensitive, clueless and ditzy of what goes on around me, kind, ambitious
House: slytherin
Style: baggy clothes, streetwear,
Hobbies/pastimes: playing Roblox, reading books, tennis and skateboarding, listening to music,
Ps—>Ik this is a random match up but pleaseeee don’t match me up with Tom riddle I’ll take anyone with him, no offense to him but he’s scary especially since he’ll be Voldemort 💀
Yep, I'm still open for matchups and thank you for liking my work, I really appreciate your kind words a lot, I feel honored you take the time to read my nonsensical work lol. And don't worry, your plea has been answered, I ain't too fond of Moldy Voldy too lol. I'd ship you with...Oliver Wood
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Oliver here as a yandere would be caring but not to mention incredibly possessive, clingy and EXTREMELY competitive and obsessive of you as well. He's actually humble about his talents and stuff but when you're around, he can't help but show off a bit for you since he does need to impress you after all. He hopes you fall in love with him after watching him play Quidditch. And he's as serious as making you only his no matter what, just like how he's serious about Quidditch 
You could be from a different house and be on the Quidditch team of another house but he just sees this as a way to prove himself to you that he's worthy of your love and affection, he's driven by you to win. It's like you're his source and ray of inspiration, a pillar of strength for him, always pushing him to do better and do his best. Of course, when he shows off too much around you the other members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team are ready to call him out on his behavior much to the amusement of everyone else there and to the embarrassment of Oliver. "Oh, Oliver, is that Y/N I see?" asked Fred in a sing song teasing voice and Oliver tried to quickly look around to where you were and when you flashed him a smile from the stands, he could swear on Merlin that his heart did a somersault 
The others started snickering after seeing Oliver's furious blush and who did he think he was fooling? No one was buying the 'I barely even noticed them' nonsense. "They look good don't they?" teased George and Oliver replied in a dreamy way with a small smile on his face "They look good every day... wait... what? HEY! Focus on the match, we need to beat Slytherin today at any cost no matter what!" he turned firm and strict again, making sure his team mates trained hard to beat Slytherin no matter what. His hatred for Slytherin didn't just stop at Quidditch, it just became more stronger when he saw Marcus Flint, the Slytherin's Quidditch team captain talking with you about something
He didn't know why as soon as he saw that sight he felt like either punching him in the face and sending him to the hospital wing or hexing him, a hex involving something about him not being able to use his mouth or tongue anymore to talk with you. He didn't know why he felt so bad, bitter and a mix and storm of emotions flurry inside him. Ranging from rage, anger to resentment and fear. The fear of losing you, for someone like him. No, he would not allow it. He would NEVER allow it, never in a million years, He can even lose in Quidditch, there's always a next time to win but he just can't afford to lose you under any circumstances
"Is he bothering you Y/N?' asked Oliver as he suddenly rushed to your side and distanced you from Flint. Flint scowled and you smiled and replied "No Oliver it's all right, he was just asking me about the homework we received from Potions by Professor Snape. I do have to admit, writing a 5000 word essay based on Potions all around the world and it's effects is quite difficult'' and Oliver immediately needed to get you away from Flint. He didn't like you spending time with him and besides, he could deal with him later on. "Would you like to watch me practice if it's not too much of a hassle? I really look forward to seeing you there'' and you smiled and told him you'd come with him saying bye to Flint 
It took him all his restraint not to punch Flint for flirting with you after the practice was done. He wasn't mad at you, of course not. He could never be mad at you, in his eyes you're literal perfection, the definition of a god/ goddess who could do no wrong. Even if you do end up doing something wrong at some point in your life, he will find a hundred different to justify your actions. He'll do his best to keep other guys away from you. Will he stalk you? Well, he prefers to call it 'looking out for you' after all, not everyone at Hogwarts is to be trusted like the Slytherin Quidditch team or Roger Davies for that matter, the irritating hindrance between you both 
Oliver is also very protective and a fussy yandere when it comes to you. He treats even the slightest of the scratches like a flesh wound by someone who stabbed you or something. If at all you do get hurt during Quidditch, he'll make you rest, he doesn't want you playing or doing anything when you're injured. He'll drop everything and rush to you, after making sure you're all right he'll carry you bridal style to the Hospital wing for a checkup by Madam Pomfrey just to make sure you aren't really injured. However if someone deliberately injures you, he isn't going to go easy on them. Not only will be make them suffer the humiliation of losing to him and his team at Quidditch, but he'll also break a few bones and send them packing to the Hospital wing, and a few hexes and jinxes won't really go amiss either 
If you keep getting injured or flirted with by people, he'll grow anxious for your safety and after feeling slightly insecure, he'll have to kidnap you to save you from all those scumbags. It's for your own good darling, just trust him he'll take care of everything for you
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soft-for-them · 1 year
Just a notion - Lemon x reader
Summary: Playing Abba songs in a pub you reminisce and wait for you love to come home. Gender neutral reader.
Based off Just a Notion by Abba.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: I love this request, like I'm now listening to Abba non stop, but it is a bit short. Idk, I hope everyone likes.
You frown as your play a chipper song on the baby grand piano, a singer ageing but still filled with the small happiness she once had when she was famous in the seventies sings with a little jig in her step, the drummer slowly hitting the symbols and snares whilst singing backing vocals. The smooth keys vintage that are made from ivory clink, the musical instrument older than anyone in the small pub in which you’ve been paid to play in.
The old blonde sings her last note, the bop of her permed hair bouncing as she blows kisses at the audience of mostly the elderly and people who live close by the small pub that sits in between business buildings and outlet shops both new and bland in design.
Normally you love performing at this pub, it’s an easy gig in between auditioning for orchestras and recording radio jiggles in cramped recording studios for this month's rent.
However, tonight you’re just not feeling it.
The blonde, Sandra she’s called, you’ve played for her before that and she used to babysit your best friends when they were little thus babysitting you for you were always over at theirs watching Thomas the tank engine or the football depending on the time of day.
Sandra turns around to you and the drummer and politely asks for the next song.
The drummer, an owner of the local Indian take away who has a knack for playing the drums and a love for classic rock, enthusiastically nods his head. All you do is raise a thumb up whilst turning the ghost white printer paper music sheet over to the next song with the other hand.
“Now! This is a new song by my favourite group!” Sandra says in the mic.
She does not introduce the song instead she waits for you to begin a happy little tune. The first piano notes, jolly and upbeat, are played, the brass instruments that would normally play are instead played by you on the piano, the instrument’s notes woven in the fabric of the piano melody.
“Just a notion, that's all, just a funny feeling deep inside, that you're out there waiting-“
You breathe in a deep breath. Trying to stop yourself from sighing or huffing out in annoyance is very hard at the moment, the words of the song somehow mirroring the situation you’re in. You see you’ve been waiting for you love to come back home and for most of the time he’s been gone you’ve been moping around like a depressed teenager grounded and banned from seeing their girlfriend.
“-You're not sure I'm alone and you wonder if I'm occupied-“ she carries on singing.
You blindly play as your eyes wonder from the sheet music up to the framed West Ham united shirt hanging on the wall, the frame gathering dust (for it’s hard to lean over a piano to clean it).
“Maybe I can try and clean it on my break?” you think as the chorus starts, the fluffy gathering of dust bugging you to no end.
Maybe you’ll get a drink as well, Bob the pub owner always lets you have free drinks when you perform though in moderation for he doesn’t want a repeat of that time you and the twins drank so much that by the end of the night you were performing ‘Come on Eileen’ with the other drunks whilst Tangerine was topless chanting football chants celebrating West Ham’s win. That night years ago you were giving your free drinks to the twins, which amounted to over a dozen pint glasses and a few shots, all three of you were kicked out with the older patrons laughing at you and reminiscing about their teenage-hoods.
(Though the twins have had many code names over the years you’ve never called them it, you’re one of the friends in the small group of people who know their proper names, that and you don’t really call them the twins like everyone else does, though they basically are twins.)
That night you walked arm in arm with the two men; Tangerine like your brother with his footie scarf wrapped around your neck and his voice still belting out gaggled songs of old. Lemon on the other hand, just a bit tipsy on fruity punch, intertwined his hands with yours, his demine jacket wrapped around your shoulders like a cape. You and Lemon must have been at least nineteen back then, Tangerine a bit older. Back then Lemon didn’t have bleached hair, it was a lot longer and pitch black, his body round but not yet strong for technically he was still a teenager and not an adult contract killer yet.
You finally sigh, but not a sigh of disappointment but one of puppy love.
Even after all the years of being with Lemon you still warm up at the old memories of your teenage years, the times before work got in the way, when you could stay up till the morning drunk or high off your ass, when you were safe or maybe just obvious to the dangers around.
As the next verse begins, your fingers not yet tired from all the playing, you gaze up and away from the framed shirt and towards the swarms of tipsy folk swinging to the cheery songs of Abba.
“Just a notion but somehow I know I'm not wrong, there's somethin' happening that I just can't explain-“
You look past curls of permed white hair freshly blow dried by the older ladies who go to the same hairdressers every week and by the classic marron and navy West Ham shirts of all the blokes drinking beers who pretend not to like Abba despite singing to all the songs.
Looking towards the back you see more curls, though not of the greying Elnett kind, no it’s a head of very familiar brunette curls.
Leaning back a bit you look harder, if you weren’t playing then you’d shout out his name or just shout ‘porn stach’ at the top your lungs.
Then it happens.
You fingers falter for just a second, your pointer finger accidentality hitting two keys at once as you see him.
The love of your life.
Balancing a tray of drinks, three drinks to be exact (two pints of larger and a tall glass of apple juice to be pin point precise), the exact order that you three have now your adults not teenagers getting pissed up on apple sours and WKD.
“-There is no mistaking-“ Sandra sings like she’s reading your mind, “- Just a notion that you’ll be walkin’ up to me in while and you’ll smile and say hello-“
Finally Lemon sits down, his eyes wide filled with love look straight up to you.
Almost again you falter but you play it off as a jazzy little flare to the song rather than a mistake, not that anyone cares.
With eyes dark and soft focused on you Lemon smiles so big that it’s all you see. He waves you a little 'hello' too, Tangerine also lifting his glass up in a cheers as he smirks at you and his brother.
“-and we’ll be dancin’ through the night knowin’ everything from there on must be right-“
You give out the biggest smile back, you even blow a kiss, your heart aflutter knowing your love is back and safe.
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desthebolt · 10 months
HIIIII! Hope you are doing well! I saw art of your characters, and I want to hear about them! I am specifically talking about the autistic vampire, because I saw that in the reference art and got so excited!!! You don’t have to reply, but as an autistic vampire enthusiast and lover of monsters in general, I would LOVE to hear more!
Sincerely, your local lurker
I AM SO SORRY im answering this like, um (checks calendar)… almost 7 months later… but hey!!! I am SO TOUCHED you wanna hear about my ocs :,) i will proceed to info dump and not shut up about them! I actually have multiple autistic vampire ocs, but im gonna assume you’re talking about Bhala! (Her ref is the only one i think that actually says she’s autistic) Anyway, ramble under read more :3c
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I have a graphic novel im working on behind the scenes, and Bhala is one of the two main protagonists. She’s a cosmic witch that was freshly turned into a vetaala vampire. (Vetaal/Vetaala are a possessive ghost in indian folklore, they are restless spirits that can manifest as blood sucking ghosts or possess dead bodies). For the story, i made a pseudo hybrid between vetaal and regular flavor vampire. Bhala’s body is actually a shell/physical ghost form of what her body looked like (only now with fangs). Her real physical body is dead and buried. In folklore, the only way to banish/kill a vetaala creature is by taking the original body and performing a ritual to put the restless soul/spirit at ease. This is the same for my story, so vetaala vampires are almost completely un-killable. Most in the story hide their bodies in different countries to almost guarantee eternal life. They still need to feed off blood and souls to keep up their vitality, otherwise they become ravenous and beastly.
Bhala literally doesn’t care about any of that, she didn’t want to be this way. She tries her best to not feed off people, but she has to. She gets used to it further and further into the story, and a lot of that is thanks to her gf that she meets in the beginning of the story; Fiona (thats another ramble if anyone cares /j)
Anyway a lil more about Bhala- She’s a ray of sunshine and very sweet and compassionate, with a lil layer of sass and cleverness. She loves to tease Fiona (affectionately) and isn’t afraid to speak her mind (and throw hands if necessary). Her hyper fixation is woodland animals, specifically skunks. She owns a skunk plush that her mother made for her when she was a toddler. It is her snuggle buddy when she’s not snuggling Fiona. She even learned how to sew specifically to keep her plush, named Flower, together. If you ask her what her favorite animal is, she will talk about skunks for hours (Fiona will do this sometimes just to hear her talk)
Bhala loves jewelry and always has it on (she doesn’t really feel pain, so why not?). She also grew up playing the cello and acoustic bass. Normally, she resents most activities she had to take a part of growing up with her father, but she genuinely loves music. It helps her calm down and focus.
She fidgets A LOT, mostly with her claws, but sometimes with her jewelry and even her magical cosmic hair (which leads into a baby astral plane… which she uses as storage instead of a backpack). She does have real hair, it’s just hidden underneath the cosmic magic (she has long thick black box-braids :3)
Her powers at the start of the story aren’t that great, her father was keeping her from learning real cosmic magic. After leaving and moving in with Fiona, they find Bhala’s mother, who properly trains her in magic. By the end of the story, she’s not a master, but she’s still extremely powerful (cosmic magic is some powerful shit in this story)
She is unapologetically black/punjabi/kashmiri and a powerful trans woman, and oh boy she is a BIG lesbian. she likes them short
I think thats it for the ramble, feel free to ask me anything else! I am more than happy to info dump about my ocs :3 !!!!
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enbeemagical · 5 months
I need need need to know about Destiny please 🥹🥹
AIIII OKIE buckle in it's a bit of a ride
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(the second one of those is them as a little kid, the other two they're more grown up)
They're human, fully an ordinary human up until they're not. Ordinary, I mean
They realized at about 13 that they were queer, and absolutely did not tell anyone and also tried to repress it bc they were raised to believe queer was Bad and Evil and blah blah blah (this is the emperor's fault and one of many reasons to hate him. he likes conformity and everyone doing what he says). That secrecy led to them also keeping their magic very very secret when it came in at 14.
Four years later they met a pretty faerie and kissed her. She was the first queer person they'd met, and they promptly ran away with her (this is when they choose the name Destiny) and got adopted into the same werewolf pack that'd taken her in. They are still keeping their magic secret, but now that they're dating a girl they start slipping more into their true self-- first a haircut, then 'pretending' to be a boy, to actually being a boy for a bit...
...to meeting a crow with no concept of human gender and figuring out they like 'they' best
Also by then they've half-accidentally revealed their magic. which is like. really fuckin powerful and also super rare bc everyone else with it gets taken away by the Emperor of the world and no one ever hears from them again
also the werewolves who adopted Destiny? are working with a network of rebels who are trying to take down the emperor. and they want Destiny's help. Des agrees, mainly bc they don't want to live in a world where they can't be true to themself, and they can help make things better
Annyyyways there is now a song about them (which I had to write, help (and then my friend is writing music for bc aaaaaa)) (in-story Vida wrote it)
their powers include: teleportation, elemental control (mainly fire bc they have a fire demon teacher, but they've also done earth and ice), transformation (another of their teachers is a werewolf), illusion, communication with their familiar, Nayan (the aforementioned crow- whose concept of gender is 'some of us lay eggs idk'), healing people, magically cleaning things (they used to always do the dishes this way), and yelling at people in power (Nayan calls this a threat display. Destiny calls it stop screwing with me Nox).
Other fun little things!
-given the language that we use, Des would probably id as nonbinary and bi/pansexual (partly depends on When storywise bc rn they're the only enby they know). as is they id as "I'm not a boy or a girl I'm a they" and "idk there are pretty people but the prettiest is Vida"
-their newest nickname for their girlfriend, Vida, is "meri jaan", or "my life". the first time they call her that is after Vida gets arrested for singing about Destiny. bc singing about how the king of the world is "a coward and a fucking fraud" and is going to get beaten by a young upstart mage is treason, who knew
-(they're so absolutely furious about this btw. it's very sweet)
-Destiny keeps being impulsive but it keeps working out so
-I've said this before and I'll say it again: I love how Destiny was raised being told "don't give your name to strangers bc faeries can use it to steal you away" and then the first faerie they meet they try TWICE to give her their name and she says no (it's their deadname but it wasn't at that point)
-in a modern AU Des would be Indian or Indian-American and an activist, but I haven't figured out for exactly what. probably for queer rights, at least at first
-Destiny is 19 at the point I am in writing
-Nayan likes to call them "my Destiny" and when they speak out loud (as crows can do) they always choose Destiny's voice to speak with
-they like having long hair, but they do NOT like getting mistaken for a girl. After The Haircut that helps them realize some gendery stuff, they grow their hair out again even longer than before
-@plumblueflower had a part in making Des the way they are. specifically the Indian-coding bit <3
1: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/69653
2: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/186583
3: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1944831
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Montana and Quentin (and tinkerer if you want to add him too) 4, 8, 11, 13, and 14 for the ask thing please.
okay!! For the spider nephew au (from this post)
How picky are they with food? What will and won't they eat?
Pretty picky. If he had his way, hed only eat southern food. But he branches out a little. He refuses to eat indian food. He likes his chili hot, his tea iced, and his bread fresh.
What colors best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favorites?
That reddish-brown i use for his hair. #6d1d0f Its warm and earthy, exactly his vibe. If pressed he will admit to loving sunset pink. #f88693 ish. He likes watching sunsets/sunrises.
How do they display affection?
Shoulder pats, side hugs, and back rubs. Cooking people food and making sure they are safe.
What theme would they have for a perfect room, if they could get it?
Honestly? He likes simple rustic. Stuff youd find in a farm house, like handmade quilts and lots of wood and warm colors.
What do they do if they can’t sleep?
He wanders. Often will give up on sleep and drink warm coffee. When he was younger he used to go looking for trouble, now he just goes out to watch people and see sunrise.
How picky are they with food? What will and won't they eat?
Down to try anything, but is particularly in love with sweets. If it can have chocolate in it, it will have chocolate in it. Lot of good memories wrapped up in chocolate and baked goods. HATES sea food. So smelly and makes his stomach churn.
What colors best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favorites?
Mm… Bluish purple is the vibe he gives me. I associate that color with magic a lot. And its soft feeling to my eyes and sort of sweet while being a touch mystic. idk. #848ffa He likes a lot of shades of green lol. And that pinkish purple he uses for his bots. 9c336f
How do they display affection?
He loves to bake for the people he likes and is very much someone who hugs people tight. He also just likes to drape himself over people he likes. He also puts trackers on the people he likes and helps them improve their gear to keep them safe
What theme would they have for a perfect room, if they could get it?
Honestly the room at Montana's he has now. So like the inside of a fortune teller's tent with lots of brightly colored fabric, crystals, and old-looking furniture. It also has to have a workspace for costumes and robotics work 
What do they do if they can’t sleep?
Listen to music and work. He hates silence and will try to fill his ears with something. If not music a podcast. He would talk to others but refuses to wake anyone else up, so he patiently waits for either company or for sleep 
How picky are they with food? What will and won't they eat?
Pretty picky. He prefers blander foods and refuses to eat anything with too many spices. 
What colors best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favorites?
He feels like metallic grey. Both because he tries to keep himself somewhat blank to those around him and attempts to stay even and because he works with metal. Most of his versions of mysterio’s machines tend to be black, which is his favorite color. 
How do they display affection?
Its very reserved. He only touches when he feels the other person really needs it. His affection comes through in protection; better suits and trackers. 
What theme would they have for a perfect room, if they could get it?
He is a minimalist at heart. He wants a simple fairly plain room with whites and cool colors. 
What do they do if they can’t sleep?
Tinker. Lol. but yeah he works on machines and paces his lab. 
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anshupunreddy · 1 year
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I decided to photograph my mom for the pop art piece because she is one of the most confident people I know. She has taught me to respect my body and love features about myself that I used to hate because I didn’t look like my friends.
1. My advice is to appreciate and admire yourself first and foremost because if you don’t admire yourself other people will not either. I believe that God created you in a certain way for a reason that is unique to you. You should not change for someone else and erase your uniqueness. Love yourself! In terms of social media, it is important to remember that the posts are always the best and photoshopped pictures, so don’t get intimidated by them. Social media should be a way of connecting with people not comparing yourself to others.
2. My way of rebelling is to be myself no matter what anyone thinks because I’m the happiest when I’m doing things that I like and not repressing myself to please someone else. Fashion is one way I can do this. Even though I live in America and western fashion is predominant, I love to dress up in Indian clothes and go take pictures on the beach. I might get strange looks (and embarrass my daughter), but I feel beautiful and confident, so it makes me happy and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.
3. One of my colleagues at work has inspired me to live in the moment. Unlike a lot of people, she embraces aging because she doesn’t prioritize her external appearance. She instead focuses on her inner peace and happiness and appreciating nature and its beauty. A few wrinkles and gray hair mean nothing when you’re happy with who you are as a person and know you are and have been experiencing your life to the fullest.
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billmaher · 10 months
Republican Debates
I was taping Club Random last night when the debate was on, but I watched it later, and here are my running thoughts about the #GOPDebate: the striking writers should be worried about AI, because ChatGPT could write the SNL sketch version of this in 2 seconds… Who is that stiff on the end? And Asa Hutchinson?? Yes, that's what we want, the one old white guy in America that looks older than Biden… Vivek cannot stop smiling, and is it my TV, or are his teeth blindingly white?
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Is that the way to let us know he's the young one?… I hadn't really seen DeSantis speak before, and wow, he is every bit as awful as everyone says - terrible voice, robotic and canned, creepy straight-ahead stare - yikes!…who in real life ever says "thank you for the question"?: 'I'm going out, can I grab anything for you?' 'Thank you for the question: a pack of Luckys'… I need blueblocker glasses for this guy's teeth…the way they all think anyone cares about their cherrypicked brags:
'I'm the only one who lowered taxes with a Democratic senate in a southeastern state' Shut the fuck up…who is this freak Doug Burgum?? He looks like a salesman at a high-end department store. I think he sold me a tuxedo at Neiman Marcus… Thank you, Karen; I'll be sure to tell the manager…Jesus, Pence's hair is whiter than Vivek's teeth!…climate change is a hoax?? Oh Vivek, we all wanna be president but come on man…" We have to tell India and China to stop polluting."
Yeah, nobody ever thought of that…'I had trouble having both my children' TMI!…oh yeah, I think we all know Penny - Around the World Penny, yup"…no, not the Constitution-in-your-pocket thing!…wouldn't it be great if President Burgum foiled an assassination attempt when the bullet hit his pocket Constitution?…THIRTY no-abortion bills you passed, how many ways are there to say 'don't kill it?'…' abortion on demand,' like there's a Drive-Thru out here in Cali: "You want fries with your abortion?…" We need a president from a new generation." - Yes, but who? Who do you have in mind? Are you thinking of anyone in particular? "When a farmer gets sick…" WHAT? What year is this debate taking place? Jesus, he can borrow my cow…Asa is talking about stopping Smash-and-Grabs in the inner city?? "As president I'll stop it!" How? You're gonna go undercover with Richard Greico?…
Christie is brave to call out Trump, but good luck prying this crowd away from him, he is Taylor Swift to these people…I swear they all could switch each other's canned lines and no one would notice…also I don't think anyone would notice or care if Brett Baeir and DeSantis switched bodies, they all look completely interchangeable…" We need someone who fought in the military." But who?? Who do you have in mind, anyone in particular??…
I was wrong, and President Burgum looks like an undertaker… Pence and Vivek are wearing the exact same tie…"I chose the constitution" BOO!!!, oh Republicans, you are scary…I stand by what I told Vivek on Club Random last week: "I find you both disarming and Alarming."…you gotta love how these snakes pretend they don't know how to pronounce Vivek's name. Just in case anyone forgot he's the, um, "foreign-sounding" one - Et Tu Nikki Haley?? Wow, really Nikki, YOU don't know either?…
Vivek wins the battle of 'I'll say the most red meat, fuck the future, get applause and clean up the repercussions later' tactic that works best at Republican debates… this Indian-American on Indian-American violence must end!… What does President Burgum's wife tell him after this is over: 'You won! It wasn't even close'… can we please vote this guy off the island? There is less dignity on this stage than with the most embarrassing first-rounder on American Idol, Sanjaya is Abe Lincoln… I like drugs, but OK, I guess that's a bad one…you guys can call Putin a thug and tell us how he rapes women all night, this is a Republican debate, know your audience: 'Ukraine is far away, we hate Mexicans!'…are we really that convinced that the strands of hair that Asa is pulling from one side of his head to the other side is covering the top?…"I alone got the funding for…" - You did? Awesome! Done! I was gonna vote for Richard Greico's kick-ass partner, but…
President Burgum, if we're just gonna cremate her, why do we need such an expensive coffin?… What is that, wool? It's August, but OK, I get it. They crank the AC in these places… "We don't need a president who's too old or who's too young." Who then?? Who could it be that you mean who's the right age?… "We led the nation in computer science education" - you did?! Well, why didn't you say so at the beginning before Asa joined 21 Jump Street? That's a great accomplishment, maybe President Burgum will make you Secretary of something… I love how in the closing statements, they ordered it from the least likely on up: President Burgum, you're the first, then let's hear from Asa, the other guy with a 0.0% chance… "We need a conservative who has shown he can win in a blue state" - But who? Who do we have like that here today??… "God said to America, I'm not done with you" - really, God says that to people: "I'm done with you? What a little bitch… "I was born in 1985", old WhiteHead next to me has ties older than that, and blah blah 1776, which I think is the year the dude on the end was born… we're so fucked, and Trump wasn't even there.
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Pretty Girls and Starting Conversations
Fandom/OCs: CottageVersity AU
Words: 4720
Inspiration: Camping Snzarios Pt 1 and Pt 2. 
Prompts from this prompt list from @oh-no-my-hand-slipped used: 1) Sniffles Over Coffee, 2) Seasonal Candle Allergy, 3) Sick After Midterms, 4) Flu Season, 8) Bonfire Smoke, 9) Sweaters, 15) FREE [A Sickfic Meet-cute!], 17) Spices, 23) In The Leaves, and 27) Pollen/Plants
Author’s comments: My plan was to write standalone fics for all three of the CottageVersity couples before Sicktember, and that definitely didn’t happen. This was supposed to predate the Thalia/Padma fic from Sicktember, but oh well. I liked having a little more time to work on it. As soon as I saw the camping snzarios, I knew I had to write a fic about it, and Thalia and Padma were the perfect targets. Have a sickfic meet-cute with my favorite lesbians, y’all!
The serenity of sitting around the fire on the first night of a long camping trip is an atmosphere that is not easily replicable, and a group of college students in the prime of their life are the sort that are best suited to enjoy it. Thalia Tenbusch looked around at the nine faces surrounding hers, lit only by the fire’s flickering orange glow, and couldn’t help but smile. Some of these people she had known most of her life, and some she had just met a few hours ago, but they were all here with one goal: to relax and enjoy this autumn, and the knowledge of this unity in purpose made her feel warm and fuzzy toward them all. 
The week before, when she had expressed her excitement about the trip to Jared who had organized it all, he had let it slip that she almost hadn't been invited. 
"You were one of the first people I thought of," he'd quickly corrected when she glared at him. "No one can party like you, Lee. But like… you're so fancy. Your makeup and hair and clothes are always so perfect. I didn't think camping would be your thing."
She'd almost smacked him for that. True, she loved to look hot and wear great clothes, but she knew her way around a camp stove and wasn't afraid to get dirty. Jared should have known that, too. His older brothers and her older brothers were best friends. Thankfully it had all worked out, though. She desperately needed a break, and this week-long camping trip had come at the perfect time, suiting her tastes exactly. 
Thalia's gaze kept dancing over to the beautiful, petite Indian woman sitting two chairs away from her. They hadn't been introduced yet, but she'd heard the others calling her Padma. The name Padma, she knew, meant lotus. It suited this woman– delicate and serene. She also seemed to be very reserved, for she wouldn't meet anyone's eyes and had hardly said a word all evening. She didn't seem frightened, however. She was simply watching and listening in silence.
Jared, always one for pomp and circumstance, felt the need to make a speech once they were all settled around the fire with their drinks. 
"Welcome to the first annual camping trip of the Thanksgiving Orphans," he said grandly. "We will be henceforth known simply as the Orphans for all intents and purposes."
A few people cheered half-heartedly and raised their glasses. Thalia rolled her eyes, smiling. 
"After all, who needs big family gatherings and Thanksgiving dinner when we have fresh air and the great outdoors?"
That earned a few more cheers and nods and smiles. 
"Let's make this the best Thanksgiving ever, guys. Let's drink to us, the Orphans!"
This earned the loudest cheer as everyone toasted each other, laughing and smiling.
It was a perfect fall evening, or it would have been, except that Thalia couldn't escape the bonfire smoke. She had moved her chair twice already, but it continued to follow her. More annoying still, it wasn't only making her eyes burn– it was making her sneeze, a side effect she'd never had from smoke before. Today her nose was determinedly itchy, though, and the smoke was the perfect accelerant to make her sneeze excessively, at least by her standards. Her fellow campers found this hilarious and even she couldn't help but laugh after the first half-dozen times it happened. It was still infuriating, though, and she quickly grew tired of her eyes watering and nose dripping, especially with the beautiful stranger so close beside her. 
Most of them were drinking of course, but Thalia had only had two beers, and no one else was very drunk either. It wasn't that kind of night. Later in the week she was sure they would party, but they all seemed to sense that this first night was better suited for relaxation and stargazing and conversation. In this peaceful atmosphere, and with her eyes and nose bothering her so much, Thalia was one of the first to go to bed, along with her tent mates, the twins Mackenzie and Melanie. Thalia cast a last furtive look at the Indian woman Padma as they headed toward their tent, only to see Padma looking at her just as furtively. They both looked away immediately, smiling. 
Thalia and the twins had been friends since their preschool days and had shared plenty of small sleeping spaces over the years, so the ten-person tent felt roomy, even with three air mattresses. They were all tired after a week of classes, the long drive, and setting up camp, so there was minimal conversation before they all dropped off to sleep. Thalia was the last to fall unconscious, though, due to her eyes and nose bothering her and the resulting headache, and she sniffled for what felt like a long time before she could relax enough to sleep. 
The next morning, Thalia was up with the sun, though since it was November, this was relatively late in the morning. She was the late riser within her immediate family, but amongst a group of adolescents, she was usually among the first to wake, and it seemed today would be no exception judging by the silence in the camp. She tried to savor the sensation of waking slowly, though the effect was rather ruined by the squeaky air mattress and her still-dripping nose. Eventually she gave up and rolled (or bounced) out of bed with a sigh and began to dress, trying to keep her sniffles to a minimum. The twins didn't stir the whole time, even when she crept out of the tent into the chilly morning air. 
She was slightly startled to find someone already sitting at one of the picnic tables, especially since that someone was Padma. The two exchanged a silent smile as Thalia made her way to the food tent for coffee. 
It was quite the process to find and plug in the coffee pot, and then find coffee grounds amongst all the bins of food everyone had brought and thrown together in this makeshift kitchen, so by the time the coffee was brewing at last, Thalia was grumbling in irritation in addition to the sniffling. Still, she was happy at the chance to get to know this lovely stranger on her own, so once her much-needed coffee was in hand, she headed straight for Padma's table, sitting down with a huff and sniffle. 
"Does my nose look red to you?" Thalia said right away. "I feel like it's probably red. I haven't looked in a mirror yet today."
Padma looked startled to be addressed so abruptly, but obediently examined Thalia's nose. "I think it might be. But it's maybe from the cold air, no?"
"Maybe. Let's hope so. But you heard me sneezing last night." Thalia leaned her head on her hand, sighing dejectedly. "Anyway, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Thalia."
She held out her cold hand, and Padma grasped it with her own equally cold hand to shake. "Padma. Pleased to meet you."
"So how did you end up going camping over Thanksgiving break with the rest of us weirdos?"
Padma laughed softly. "Ashley is my roommate and I was going to see her family with her for the holiday. But Dane asked her if she would go camping instead, and she said yes. I think she invited me so I wouldn't be alone."
"I see. So you're an honorary Orphan, then."
"Something like that," Padma laughed again. "But I am happy to be here. This is something I've never done before."
"Me neither. So something new for both of us, then. Where does your family live?"
"Hyderabad. In India. Well, my older brother lives in Washington D.C. and I will move there with him when I graduate and get a job, but it is too far to go just for a short holiday. The rest of my family is still in India."
"Do you like being in the US?"
"I do. I should, right? My family saved for years to send me here. I like it, though. I have been here three years now."
"What's your favorite part about being in this country?"
"Hmm… I think all the choices for everything. Like food and clothes. You can always get exactly what you like."
Thalia couldn't help but glance at the other woman's attire when she mentioned clothes and had to laugh out loud when she did. "We're wearing the same sweater, did you notice that? In different colors, but it's the same shirt!"
Padma looked down as well, and also laughed. "I guess we are. I love Francesca's. Everything there is so cute. Especially the sweaters."
"Definitely," Thalia agreed, still grinning as she scrubbed at her nose. The coffee was making it drip even more, and she was sniffling constantly now. Still, it was better than being cold. "Would you like some coffee? It's not great but at least it's hot. I can see you shivering."
"I would try some," Padma nodded. "Half a cup, please. I also like the caffeine. But I should make tea too, for after."
Thalia glanced at her watch. "Actually, I'm getting pretty hungry. What do you say I make some breakfast? I feel like eggs and pancakes and bacon. Maybe the smell will get the others up, too." She stood, stretching.
"It's a good plan," Padma nodded. "I would be happy to help." She also stood, willingly following Thalia to the food tent. 
The pair spent a pleasant hour or so cooking breakfast for the group and getting to know one another better, talking about school and career plans and friends. Meanwhile, Thalia taught Padma the finer points of cooking an American campsite breakfast and found a willing student. Padma had some knowledge to give too, though, and happily shared her blend of spices and assortment of teas, and showed her which was best to help ward off congestion, which Thalia found to be a great relief. 
The smell of the cooking bacon had the exact effect Thalia had hoped, and one by one their fellow campers emerged in varying states of wakefulness. The cooks wished them all a Happy Thanksgiving, serving heaping platefuls of food. Thalia's cinnamon pancakes were a huge hit, and by the end of the meal everyone was talking and laughing, spurred on by the booze that began to liberally flow right away. 
Jared clearly had a plan for the day, so once he was finished eating, he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for us to go for a Thanksgiving swim."
The ladies gasped or squealed as one. 
"Oh HELL no. It's fifty degrees! And the lake is probably forty! Are you insane?" Thalia said.
Jared scoffed, waving a hand. "The air'll get up to sixty-five soon. And we're camping! It's practically illegal to go camping by a lake without going swimming."
"No. No no nope nope nope," Mackenzie said adamantly. "You are crazy. We're not going anywhere near that water." 
"Yeah, no way," Ashley agreed, looking at Karley, who also nodded. 
Jared scoffed again, turning to the guys. "C'mon men, back me up. We're going swimming, right?"
Brian, never one to deny Jared, shrugged, though he looked a bit nervous. "Sure. Why not? You only live once, right?"
Jared high-fived him, then looked to the other two. 
Adam sighed. "I mean I don't… have my trunks or anything…"
"So wear normal shorts, I know you brought those. C'mon, man up."
A frown flickered across Adam's face. "This is the stupidest thing we've ever done, I hope you realize that. But fine. Only for you, Jared."
Jared pumped his fist. "Awesome." He then looked at Dane expectantly. 
The tall man rolled his eyes. "F*ck it, whatever. Let's do it. Since I know you won't let it go."
Jared whooped. "That's what I'm talking about!" He darted to his tent and reappeared in record time, having donned his swimsuit, all his exposed skin immediately reddening in the cold and breaking out in gooseflesh. With sighs and groans the other three males made to follow his lead. 
"You're just asking to get sick, you know," Ashley said to Jared as he hopped around and rubbed his arms, trying to keep warm. "You're gonna regret this. It'll be so cold."
"The bath house water is plenty hot. We can warm up right after. And I never get sick," he said.
"Never get sick, huh? Because I seem to remember you were super sick after midterms like a month ago. You called us begging for soup and medicine because you could barely get out of bed, remember?" Melanie said.
"Oh yeah, you were super gross and flu-y," Mackenzie giggled. "We had to rescue you with Chef Boyardee."
Jared flushed. "That was one time. I don't usually get sick."
"But you can't say never, now," Karley said snidely. 
"Whatever," he mumbled, staring at his feet.
Eventually the other three were ready, and with much ado the guys made their shivering way to the lake. The girls tagged along for the show, bundling up against the bitter wind even as the guys stripped down. The incorrigible Jared didn't hesitate and dashed onto the dock as soon as they arrived, leaping into the water with a whoop and a splash. He resurfaced in record time with a gasp, teeth chattering. 
"C-come on in, g-guys! The w-water's g-great!"
The other three groaned as the girls laughed. Giving into the peer pressure, one by one they all took similar running leaps off the dock only to emerge gasping or shivering or cussing. Jared was having none of their bad attitudes however, and paddled around them splashing and teasing until they were all more or less smiling in spite of the shivering. Still, even Jared couldn't stay in for too long, so they all swam out to the swim buoys and back, then called it quits. They emerged blue with cold and desperately huddled into their towels for warmth, running back up to the campsite to shower and change without hesitation. The girls watched all of this with much laughter and teasing. 
"They're all gonna be sick before the end of the week, just watch," Ashley said as the girls also made their way back to the campsite. "They just had to go and be idiots during flu season."
"As long as they don't get us sick, they deserve what they get," Mackenzie replied.
After showering, though, the guys seemed healthy as ever, aside from being bundled into multiple layers, and they immediately coerced the ladies into several games of cards and dominoes.
 And so the first full day passed. The morning became afternoon, and between a leisurely lunch, naps, games, drinking, and campfire time, a lovely time was had by all. Best of all, Thalia caught Padma staring at her surreptitiously more than once, and both flushed with pleasure each time they caught one another's eye. 
This pleasing distraction came second to a less pleasant one though: the sniffles and sneezes that Thalia had desperately attributed to the smoke last night and cold air this morning were getting worse, not better, and her throat and ears were starting to ache. The single travel pack of tissues she'd packed had proven to be woefully inadequate, and she had been forced to resort to using toilet paper from the bath house on her poor nose. She was sneaking over there more often than she needed to just to blow her nose in privacy, returning with wads of TP stuffed in her pockets. The scratchy, single-ply garbage was already torture on the reddened skin around her nostrils, and she was trying not to think about how her face would feel after a few days after this abuse. She tried not to think about her health at all, really, forcing herself to enjoy the day.
That evening, the guys decided to go fishing while the girls opted for a walk in the woods surrounding the campground. Everyone was pleasantly buzzed or drunk, and the prospect of some exercise and new scenery appealed to them all. In due time, the guys made their way down to the lake, fishing tackle in hand (and fully clothed this time), while the gals set off on the nearest trail, heading into the woods.
Naturally there was no foliage to enjoy in November, but one can't help but feel a bit more alive walking in the forest in the brisk fall air, and the ladies had a marvelous time drinking and talking and walking. Right about the time the were ready to turn around and head back, though, an irresistible temptation presented itself: An individual with property abutting the national forest had apparently put off raking leaves until the last minute, because at the back of their property, in clear view of the trail, was a massive pile of recently raked leaves, easily big enough to fit multiple adults. Two rakes were leaning against the fence nearby, but no one else was in sight. 
Thalia's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but grin. She hadn't jumped into a leaf pile in years. She cast a daring look at her companions. "Anyone care to join me?" she asked, gesturing at the mound.
The others looked at each other hesitantly, and she sensed a protest coming, so before anyone could say a word she took off running, vaulting over the fence with a laugh. 
"Last one in is a rotten egg!" she yelled. In three huge steps she had reached the leaf pile, and with a flying leap she landed right in the center of it. 
For a few breaths the loud rustling of the leaves and the lovely, earthy scent drowned out the world. There was only red and gold and brown. She realized she was still grinning as she swam through the pile. 
As she started to resurface, she wondered if anyone would be brave enough to join her. They would miss out if they didn't– this truly was a perfect leaf pile. Just as she thought this, she heard a whoop and the crunch of another body entering the pile, and her grin widened. She turned to see who it was, and a pair of deep brown eyes met hers, grinning from ear to ear. Padma had joined her in the leaves. 
The pair shared a breathless moment, their eyes locked together, then both began to laugh, swimming around happily. One by one their friends joined them, and they took turns jumping in and letting the leaves catch them. Once they had their fun, the ladies made sure to rake the leaves they had displaced back into the heap, then turned around to head back to their campsite. Thalia and Padma were now walking side by side, so close their hands nearly touched, and kept shooting smiles at one another. 
 To her chagrin, though, Thalia's nose was running worse than ever. She had long since used up her stash of toilet paper and had to resort to sneezing into the sleeve of her sweatshirt. 
"Jeez, bless you again," Ashley said after a particularly harsh fit. "Did the pollen and plants in that pile get to you or something?"
"Something," Thalia sighed, feeling gross and trying not to look at Padma as she wiped her nose again. 
The Orphans' Thanksgiving dinner did not involve turkey of any kind, a rule agreed upon by the party as the trip was planned. Even deli turkey was forbidden. Instead, all ten of them had agreed to bring their favorite pie, so Thanksgiving dinner consisted of hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers on the grill and an all-you-can-eat pie buffet, which was a smashing success. Then, as they sat and digested Adam brought out his guitar, and they began to have a sing-along to top off the evening. 
None of them had had a Thanksgiving quite like it, and everyone kept saying it was the best ever. A miserably sniffling Thalia didn't disagree, because everything was perfect except for her health, and the last thing she wanted was to have the others suspect something was amiss with her. 
The evening came to a peaceful close, and the group began to head for bed one by one. Thalia was one of the first to turn in, not wanting to disturb the twins with her gross nose situation late in the evening. Also, she was cold and worn out and just wanted to spend several hours wrapped in her insulated sleeping bag. She dropped off quickly to the quiet sounds of merriment outside, the guitar lulling her into a deep sleep. 
The next morning seemed even colder and darker than the previous. Thalia woke shivering and sniffling worse than ever. Today her only desire was a pot of scalding hot coffee, so she made her sluggish way out of bed and dressed in several layers. She was in a foul mood and found herself cursing her decision to come on this trip in the first place. More than anything, she wished she was home in bed. Or in bed anywhere besides a tent. 
Padma was again awake and sitting at the picnic table when Thalia emerged, and had evidently been waiting for her, because she jumped up and danced over, grinning. Even the sight of her crush wasn't enough to improve Thalia's mood much. Still, she attempted a smile in return, which she was sure was anemic at best. 
"Good morning! I hope you slept well. I made the coffee already a few minutes ago," Padma bubbled eagerly. "It should be ready for you."
"I thought I smelled it brewing. That is amazing, thank you so much," Thalia croaked earnestly. "I'll go get some right now." She made her shivering way to the food tent with Padma close behind. 
As soon as Thalia entered the camp kitchen, she let out a pair of messy, violent sneezes. She hardly drew a breath before a second pair also exploded out of her. Pinching a wad of paper over her nose, she looked around for the source of irritation even as her breath started to hitch again and her eyes streamed. She caught sight of a pumpkin spice scented candle sitting open on one of the bins. With a yelp she dashed over to snap the lid on, sneezing again as she did so. 
"What the hell? Why is there a scented candle in here?" Thalia coughed, trying to scrub away the tickle in her sinuses. 
"Oh I think Ashley put it there. She didn't like the smell of the fish they caught yesterday," said Padma.
"Ugh! I'm allergic to scented candles," Thalia groaned, shoving the offending item into a nearby bag.
"Oh no! Well then let's make sure it doesn't get lit again!"
"No kidding," Thalia sighed, pulling out her coffee mug, still holding the paper to her itching nose. 
Thalia's throat hurt, so she didn't feel like talking any more than she had to, and Padma wasn't the type to fill silence with pointless chatter, so the tent was quiet as Thalia poured her coffee and added the cream and sugar. When the drink was prepared, she left the heavily scented tent as quickly as possible, with Padma close behind. They returned to their seats at the picnic table, where Thalia at last forced herself to meet Padma's eyes, which were full of concern.
"Are you well? You seem very tired today. Your eyes have circles under them," the Indian woman said worriedly. 
"I'm okay. Just cold and tired," Thalia sighed, sipping her coffee. "It's hard to sleep well on an air mattress."
"That's true," Padma nodded. "Should we put wood on the fire and go sit there to warm up?"
"That would be great, actually," Thalia croaked, scrubbing at her nose with the hand not holding the mug. They stood, this time with Padma leading the way, and as Thalia found a seat near the fire pit, Padma found wood and stirred up the fire to get it going again. Luckily there were some hot embers still remaining, so it didn't take long to get a blaze going. This task done, Thalia got a little thrill when the other woman sat down right beside her, so close their elbows brushed together. 
The coffee was perfect, and she felt herself starting to thaw out and wake up a bit. She turned to Padma with another attempt at a smile. "How have you been sleeping? Are you enjoying this trip so far?"
"Oh yes, very much! My sleep has been fine. But I am still worried about you. You look sick."
"I'll be okay. I'm really just tired."
"Are you just tired or are you catching cold?"
Thalia had been avoiding thinking that word even to herself, but she deflated upon hearing Padma say it. "I guess maybe I am." To her chagrin, Thalia felt tears pricking her eyes. 
Perceptive Padma noticed this immediately and suddenly her tiny hand was on Thalia's arm, her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, you poor thing, are you feeling really bad?"
"It's not that," Thalia sniffled, scraping a hand across her face before the tears could flow. "I just… Jared almost didn't invite me on this trip in the first place. Being sick feels like proof that I shouldn't have come. No one will want me around like this. And I don't really want to be around them either… I don't want to get anyone else sick with me." 
Thalia felt herself getting even more panicky as she spoke, every muscle tightening. Now that she was verbalizing the thoughts that had been flitting around her mind for days, the tide of anxiety was rising progressively. Thalia hated being sick and always had, and she hated it even more when she was out of her comfort zone. Even as she sat there, she let herself start to wonder if she should find a ride home, already planning the details of her escape.
Padma gently squeezed her arm, bringing her back to the present. "I am glad you came, and I will still want to be around you if you're sick. I believe the others will feel the same."
The gentle touch and gentle voice, not speaking empty consolations ("it'll be okay") but simple truths was exactly the thing to stop Thalia's anxiety spiral before it really began. Everything stilled, unclenched. She took a deep breath, then another, then finally met Padma's gaze with her own annoyingly teary one, and laughed half-heartedly, sniffling and coughing. 
"You'd really put up with me being gross and sick like this?"
Padma laughed too. "I think someone getting sick on this trip was meant to happen, or probably everyone getting sick. Didn't we say the men were in for trouble after going swimming yesterday? So I'm sure no one will mind much. I won't, anyway."
The truth of this was unavoidable, and Thalia's smile widened. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that, and it means a lot that it was you who said it. I was thinking I might go home but… you just convinced me to stay."
"Oh I'm so glad. It wouldn't be the same without you," Padma said fervently.
"I have to ask though… could you show me that blend of spices you used yesterday in the tea? I'll really need some tea after this coffee."
"It would be my pleasure!"
"Thank you so much," Thalia said with a blush and a smile. "If I'm staying, though, I'll make sure to wash my hands and use lots of sanitizer. I really don't want to get anyone else sick." She looked away in embarrassment as she spoke.
"Well that's fine but don't be stressed about it. You came here to relax and you should. What is meant to happen will happen."
"Even if that means everyone gets sick?"
"Yes," Padma nodded, her eyes twinkling. "But maybe no one else will."
At that moment, the sound of a loud, wet sneeze from inside the guys' tent startled them both. However, when a second person inside the same tent sneezed not a moment later, Padma and Thalia could only look at one another and laugh.
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brokenbeldam · 9 hours
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Full Name: Mina Salvatroz
Nicknames: Mimi (her father only)
Date of Birth: September 29th 1846. 27 when turned
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Ethnicity: Tamil Indian
Faceclaim: Simone Ashley
Place of Birth: Sri Lanka, India
Species: Vampire
Gender: CisWoman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Language: English, Tamil, Spanish
Family: Alonso Salvatroz (adoptive father), Luis Salvatroz (adoptive uncle), biological parents are unknown
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Height: 1.74m
Weight: 132lbs
Hair: Black hair, long, has a natural wave to it. Is often done in an up do or left down
Eyes: Dark brown
Physical Description: Slim, toned, on the taller side for a woman
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Elegant, dark coloured body fitting clothes. Usually wears pants and some kind of armoured corset over a blouse when she knows she has to fight. Still dresses like it's the Victorian era, her favourite time in fashion. Rarely wears anything casual, unless she has to go into town and blend in with the mortals. Always has a ruby necklace that her father gave her
Personality/Attitude: Mina is a level headed, strong willed woman, she can be extremely stubborn but determined. When she wants something she will work to get it no matter what. She carries herself with poise and grace and there's always a sense of elegance to anything she says or does. She can be very independent and will often reject the help of others as she has this need to prove herself worthy, especially after spending years being treated fragile as the princess. She can be very naïve and easily manipulated by her father and uncle, especially since she's lived a very sheltered life.
Skills/Talents: She can often get her own way due to her innocent looking nature. She's great with a sword, especially two daggers. Despite being royalty, her father had her train in combat just in case
Favourites/Likes: Jewellery, parties, classical music, collecting art, adventure
Most Hated/Dislikes: Tainted blood, modern technology, werewolves, bugs
Goals/Ambitions: It use to be to become Queen of the vampires one day, however recently she's starting to doubt this and wanting more then being stuck in the castle
Strengths: Loyalty, commitment, compassionate, creative, passionate
Weaknesses: Passive aggressive, naïve, vain, manipulee, stubborn
Fears: Disappointing her father is her biggest fear
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, painting, honestly elite parties
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Due to her sheltered life, Mina has never actually been intimate with anyone before. Despite this, Mina knows that she doesn't care about gender and wants to fall in love with the person, requiring a deep connection
Education/Special Training: Prior to being turned, Mina doesn't actually remember anything and so her past education is unknown. Since being turned however, her adoptive father made sure she was educated only by the best and giving her the basic skills that she needed. Mina is also heavily trained in combat, both physical and with weapons
Past Occupations: Again, nothing is remembered about her mortal life, but as a vampire she has never had a job. Her job is simply to be the vampire princess and to show up wherever her father or uncle needs her
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hastchhap234 · 18 days
Chanderi Pure Silk Sarees: The Essence of Indian Elegance
In the vast world of Indian textiles, the chanderi pure silk saree stands out as a symbol of grace, tradition, and elegance. Originating from the quaint town of Chanderi in Madhya Pradesh, these sarees are renowned for their sheer texture, lightweight feel, and luxurious appeal. For anyone passionate about traditional Indian attire, the Chanderi silk saree is an essential addition to their wardrobe.
The Rich Legacy of Chanderi
The history of Chanderi weaving is steeped in tradition and dates back to the Vedic period, making it one of India's oldest and most respected textile arts. Chanderi became a significant weaving center in the 13th century and reached its zenith during the Mughal era. The Mughals were great patrons of the arts, and Chanderi sarees were often favored by queens and aristocrats for their delicate craftsmanship and regal appearance.
Unique Craftsmanship and Design
The creation of a chanderi pure silk saree is a meticulous process that involves masterful craftsmanship. The weavers of Chanderi use a combination of silk and zari (gold or silver threads) to create intricate patterns and motifs that are often inspired by nature, such as peacocks, lotuses, and vines. Geometric patterns and traditional coin motifs are also commonly seen.
The distinguishing feature of Chanderi silk sarees is their transparency and lightness, achieved through the use of fine silk threads. This makes the sarees ideal for warm climates and comfortable to wear for extended periods. The shimmering texture and subtle gloss of pure silk further enhance the saree's elegance.
The Allure of Pure Silk
While Chanderi sarees come in various blends, pure silk Chanderi sarees are especially prized for their opulence and smooth texture. The higher silk content gives these sarees a richer sheen and a more refined drape compared to their silk-cotton counterparts. Pure silk Chanderi sarees are perfect for grand occasions such as weddings, festivals, and formal gatherings, where you want to make a lasting impression.
Versatility in Style
One of the remarkable aspects of Chanderi pure silk sarees is their versatility. They come in a wide array of colors, from soft pastels to deep, vibrant shades, catering to different tastes and occasions. Here are some tips to help you style your Chanderi silk saree to perfection:
Jewelry: Given the saree’s ornate design, it’s best to opt for minimalist jewelry. A pair of elegant earrings or a delicate necklace can complement the saree without overshadowing its beauty.
Blouse: The blouse can significantly enhance the saree's overall look. Blouses with intricate embroidery or those that contrast beautifully with the saree can add an extra layer of sophistication.
Hair and Makeup: A classic hairstyle like a bun or loose waves can pair beautifully with a Chanderi saree. Keep your makeup subtle and natural to maintain the saree’s traditional charm.
Footwear: Traditional sandals or modest heels that match the saree can complete your elegant ensemble.
Caring for Your Chanderi Silk Saree
To ensure that your Chanderi pure silk saree remains in pristine condition, proper care is essential. Here are some tips for preserving your saree:
Dry Cleaning: Always choose dry cleaning over washing to maintain the fabric’s quality and the zari’s luster.
Storage: Store the saree in a cool, dry place, wrapped in a muslin cloth to protect it from dust and moisture.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Keep perfumes and deodorants away from the saree as they can damage the delicate fabric and the zari work.
A chanderi pure silk saree is more than just a piece of clothing; it is a testament to India’s rich cultural heritage and the unparalleled craftsmanship of its weavers. Whether you're adding to your personal collection or looking for a thoughtful gift, a Chanderi saree is a timeless treasure that embodies elegance and tradition.
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zoiccosmetic41 · 6 months
Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India
Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India -  The Indian cosmetics industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, thanks to increased consumer awareness of skin care needs. Third-party manufacturers have become an important part of meeting this demand, providing high-quality facial gels to meet customer needs. Zoic Cosmetics is one of the top Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India, offering natural and organic facial care products.
Zoic Cosmetic is a leading provider of cosmetic contract manufacturing services in India. They are GMP and ISO-certified, and produce a wide range of Ayurvedic goods. Their products are WHO-approved and have been proven to produce positive results. Furthermore, they have over three decades of experience in the industry.
The Rise of the Indian Cosmetic Industry: A Booming Market
The Indian cosmetics industry has been one of the most active and rapidly expanding markets in the world, with the market value estimated at over US$20 billion in 2019. This is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 15% over the next five years. Rising disposable income, growing population and booming e-commerce sector are all driving the expansion of the Indian cosmetic industry. The middle class in India is estimated to exceed 500 million, making it one of the largest cosmetics consumer markets in the world. Additionally, with e-commerce growing in popularity, the sector has been able to reach a larger consumer base. Skincare accounts for around 37% of the market, followed by hair care at 28%. Colored cosmetics, including lipstick, eye makeup, and nail paint, account for the rest.
Benefits of Using Zoic Cosmetics Facial Gel
Facial gel is a versatile health product that has many benefits for the skin. There are formulations that are suited to all skin types, from dry to oily and combination skin. Here are some of the benefits of using Zoic Cosmetics facial gel:
Hydration -  Water-based ingredients are often used in the manufacture of facial gels, providing excellent hydration to the skin. They have the ability to replace moisture, leaving the skin softer and more supple.
Light Texture - Facial gels are usually light and non-greasy, absorbing quickly into the skin and leaving no heavy or sticky residue. This makes them ideal for oily and combination skin.
Skin Tightening - Some face gels contain collagen or peptides that can give the skin a temporary tightening or firming effect, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduces Puffiness - Some facial gels are specifically formulated to reduce puffiness under the eyes. They often contain ingredients like caffeine that can constrict blood vessels.
Why Choose Zoic Cosmetics as Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India?
Zoic Cosmetics is an excellent choice for anyone looking for Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India. Their products are safe and effective, and they will definitely provide the desired results to the customers. If you are looking for a high-quality facial gel manufacturer in India, Zoic Cosmetics is the best choice.
Zoic Cosmetics is a leading manufacturer of face gels and other skin care products. They have over 20 years of business experience and are renowned for their high-quality products. Choosing Zoic Cosmetic will provide customers with several benefits:
ISO 9001:2008 and GMP certified
Offers herbal contract manufacturing
Safe and hygienic packaging
WHO-certified manufacturing company
Offers third-party manufacturing franchise
On-time order fulfillment
In the ever-evolving world of cosmetics, Zoic Cosmetics stands as a shining example of manufacturing excellence in India. Their commitment to their work and the quality of their products make them the best choice for those looking for Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India. Their products are safe and effective, and they will definitely provide the desired results to the customers.
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avithra · 10 months
The Best Neem Wood Comb for Hair
In the world of hair care, where endless products and tools claim to be the secret to luscious locks, it's easy to get lost in the maze of choices. However, if you're looking for a natural, eco-friendly, and highly effective solution for maintaining healthy hair, then look no further than the Neem Wood Comb. With over two decades of experience in the world of blogging and a deep passion for all things hair, we're here to introduce you to this hidden gem and help you make an informed choice.
Unveiling the Neem Wood Comb
Neem wood is derived from the Neem tree, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica. This tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and has been revered for centuries for its various medicinal properties. The wood of the Neem tree is particularly prized for its ability to address a wide range of health and beauty concerns, including hair care.
Why Choose a Neem Wood Comb?
1. Gentle on Hair Strands
One of the primary reasons to choose a Neem Wood Comb for your hair care routine is its gentle nature. Unlike plastic or metal combs that can cause static and hair breakage, Neem wood combs have smooth, rounded teeth that glide through your hair without tugging or pulling. This reduces hair damage and breakage significantly.
2. Natural Antimicrobial Properties
Neem wood is known for its natural antimicrobial properties. Using a Neem wood comb can help keep your scalp free from harmful bacteria and fungi, which can contribute to dandruff and other scalp issues. It's a natural way to promote a healthy scalp environment.
3. Stimulates Blood Circulation
The massaging effect of a Neem wood comb on your scalp can promote better blood circulation. Improved circulation means that your hair follicles receive more nutrients and oxygen, potentially leading to stronger and healthier hair growth.
4. Reduces Hair Frizz
Thanks to its non-static nature, a Neem wood comb can help reduce frizz in your hair. This is especially beneficial for those with curly or unruly hair types.
5. Eco-Friendly Choice
In an era when sustainability is paramount, opting for a Neem wood comb is a choice that aligns with eco-conscious values. Neem trees are abundant in India, and their wood is a renewable resource. Plus, these combs are biodegradable, meaning they won't contribute to plastic pollution in our oceans and landfills.
How to Use a Neem Wood Comb for Optimal Hair Health
Incorporating a Neem wood comb into your hair care routine is simple. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Start with Dry Hair
Ensure your hair is dry before using the Neem wood comb. Wet hair is more prone to breakage, and combing it in this state can lead to damage.
Step 2: Begin at the Tips
Start combing your hair from the tips and work your way up to the roots. This approach minimizes tangles and reduces stress on your hair.
Step 3: Use Gentle Strokes
The beauty of a Neem wood comb lies in its gentleness. Use slow and deliberate strokes to detangle your hair, avoiding any forceful actions.
Step 4: Enjoy the Massage
As you comb, relish the soothing scalp massage the Neem wood comb provides. This promotes relaxation and improved blood circulation.
Step 5: Repeat Daily
For best results, make combing with a Neem wood comb a daily ritual. Over time, you'll notice the benefits in the form of shinier, healthier hair.
The Verdict: A Natural Hair Care Marvel
In the world of hair care, simplicity often reigns supreme. The Neem Wood Comb is a testament to this fact. With its gentle, eco-friendly, and scalp-nurturing properties, it's a natural choice for anyone looking to enhance their hair care routine.
So, if you've been on the hunt for the best Neem Wood Comb for hair, look no further. Embrace the tradition and wisdom of Neem wood, and let your hair revel in the benefits. Your hair will thank you for it.
And remember, when it comes to achieving the best results, consistency is key. Incorporate a Neem wood comb into your daily hair care routine, and you'll be well on your way to flaunting those healthy, luscious locks you've always dreamed of.
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artsyindia · 10 months
Get the basics of fashion and style right for absolute wardrobe planning
Fashion is a broad term in which the only thing constant is change. An ever evolving phenomenon it can be easily incorporated in our daily lives as long as we recognize the basics of it. The basics of fashion are never same for anyone as we have different body types, different skin tones, different style and even different cultures. What we wear depends a lot on these factors making our style unique and distinct.
Fashion trends keep changing every season depending on the climate and people of a particular region trends keep evolving reinventing fashion at its best. People all over the world are becoming more and more fashion conscious spending more of their resources on fashion. But if we don’t know what suits our body types or what are the basic fashion styles any amount of time, energy or money spent on fashion is not going to give us the desired result. To be clear about the fashion basics and wardrobe planning here are a few fashion styles that need to be taken in consideration.
If you are planning to revamp your fashion wardrobe then it should be done according to your personality, lifestyle and fashion sensibilities. Everything from your age factor to your work factor to your social factor should be considered and then time to go shopping.
Before you go planning your basic wardrobe here are few factors to take into account
 Budget The first and foremost thing is to set a budget and then time to indulge. By setting a budget beforehand you will not end up buying items that would be worn once in a while instead when you know you have a restricted budget shoppers tend to buy basics that would go well with other items.
 Shopping Efficiently If you have a liking for a certain type of style then it’s better you stick to it. Experimenting in fashion is good only if you know you can carry it off otherwise it can be disastrous so shop efficiently for fashion items that define your style and would be worn by you time and again.
 Comfortably Well-Dressed Always keep comfort and style on the same radar as both should go hand-in-hand. You cannot feel stylish from inside if you are uncomfortable, it has to be a blend of both. For some people comfort comes before style but when you can be comfortably stylish then why not. A traditional saree can be comfy to many Indian ladies.
 Fashion Stylist Although fashion awareness is at its high then too there might be some who find it difficult to put two and two together. Well there’s no issue with that as this is where fashion stylist steps in. Hire a personal shopper or stylist who will help you find the right kind of look or style enhancing your fashion sense.
 Bohemian
Call it arty or bohemian this look is part quirky part ethnic but always bold and colorful. Most bohemian lovers go for natural fabrics in bright or even soft colors with a lot of accessories to complete the look. A long flowing skirt with a basic ganji and a stole worn with lots of bangles and a sling bag to go along can do the bohemian trick.
 Soft romantic Fun, feminine and flirty is how one would define the romantic style. Ruffles, layers, soft colors, clinging fabrics that define the body shape without being skin tight, glamour, sensuous all come under the soft romantic look. A long dress in soft tones with small print worn with kitten heels and delicate accessories to complete the look with hair left open and soft makeup to pull the romantic look perfectly.
 Trendsetter If settings trends is what you like then do follow them with a pinch of salt. Trends keeps changing every season and if you like to follow them then make sure you know what looks good on you and how to carry it off confidently.
 Professional For a complete professional look what better than pant suits or knee length skirts with blazers or a tailored dress that makes you look stylishly professional. Mix and match shirts or tops with pants or skirts for versatility. The nine yards of fabric that is a saree in crisp material can also give a complete professional look.
 Sophisticated Glamour, pizzazz and elegance all combined in one to give out the sophisticated look. A tailored suit, evening dress worn with beautiful earrings combined with a classy clutch and high heels can complete the look.
 Casual Suburban If suburban is your style then you can go from work to party, town to country, restaurant to game field with mild changes in your look. Tailored slacks with a bright shirt worn with a tailored jacket for the office look while take off the jacket a change of shoes and you are ready to hit a game.
In short it would not be wrong to say that whatever fashion style you follow or whatever trends grab your attention you should consider the basics of your body type, lifestyle, personality, budget and then accordingly go for wardrobe planning.
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