#antonio orefice
ablogtocheck · 2 months
These two are adorable.
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buscandoelparaiso · 4 months
un professore 3 riconfermato ma maupas cuomo e gavino non tornano manco per niente e i 3 personaggi vengono sostituiti da antonio orefice nei panni di mimmo, pirucchio nei panni di manuel e artem nei panni di simone balestra
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ochoislas · 4 months
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EN EL PUENTE VIEJO                  Antonio di Sandro orefice.
Recio maese orfebre, a la hora de maitines, vertiendo con pincel gota a gota el esmalte, en portapaz nielado o el cierre de un misal un floreo regaba de latinos motes.
Por el Puente, entre son de campanas de plata, hopalanda, cogulla y muceta se rozan; remonta el sol un campo de vitral celeste que la sien a las bellas florentinas nimba.
Al sueño ardiente atentos, que los embelesa, absortos aprendices las manos no juntan que tienden desposados en hombros de un aro.
En tanto, con buril tinto cual estilete, cincela, ciego a todo, mancebo Cellini los Titanes en guerra en un puño de daga.
SUR LE PONT-VIEUX                       Antonio di Sandro orefice.
Le vaillant Maître Orfèvre, à l’œuvre dès matines, Faisait, de ses pinceaux d’où s’égouttait l’émail, Sur la paix niellée ou sur l’or du fermail Épanouir la fleur des devises latines.
Sur le Pont, au son clair des cloches argentines, La cape coudoyait le froc et le camail ; Et le soleil montant en un ciel de vitrail Mettait un nimbe au front des belles Florentines.
Et prompts au rêve ardent qui les savait charmer, Les apprentis, pensifs, oubliaient de fermer Les mains des fiancés au chaton de la bague
Tandis que d’un burin trempé comme un stylet, Le jeune Cellini, sans rien voir, ciselait Le combat des Titans au pommeau d’une dague.
José-Maria de Heredia
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kritere · 7 months
Maria Esposito dimentica Antonio Orefice con Jey Lillo: “Insieme a Ibiza, si frequentano da un mese”
DIRETTA TV 11 Ottobre 2023 Maria Esposito starebbe frequentando da circa un mese Jey Lillo, tik toker napoletano che lo scorso anno ha partecipato a Tu SI Que Vales. Il gossip del settimanale Chi: “Erano insieme a Ibiza”. 0 CONDIVISIONI Maria Esposito è la protagonista delle “chicche di gossip” del settimanale Chi. La giovane attrice celebre per il suo ruolo, Rosa Ricci, nella serie tv di…
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jacopocioni · 2 years
Benvenuto Cellini è a Roma durante il Sacco degli imperiali
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Tra il 6 maggio e il 5 giugno del 1527 Benvenuto Cellini è a Roma durante il Sacco degli imperiali. In realtà già un anno prima a Roma, era stato presente duranti i tumulti dei colonnesi e alla loro guerriglia ostile ai Medici avvenuto tra il 19 e il 20 settembre, quando 8.000 uomini entrarono a Roma per sovvertirne l’ordine. Clemente VII de’ Medici fu costretto allora per la sua protezione e per quella della città, a venire a patti con Carlo V, per poi recedere subito dopo dalle promesse fatte, facendo indispettire l’imperatore e, dando il via a quello che poi sarebbe stato il Sacco della capitale. Benvenuto in quel frangente si era già distinto, tanto che durante le avvisaglie del Sacco, era stato posto sotto pagamento a guardia del palazzo di un suo conoscente, il Del bene, a capo di 50 uomini fidati ben armati avrebbe protetto l’edificio con tutti i suoi averi.
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Durante l'attacco imperiale invece, mentre era sulle mura con i suoi amici Alessandro e Cecchino, si ritrovò faccia a faccia con il nemico, con un fortuito colpo di archibugio colpì quello che poi si rivelerà essere il Borbone in persona. L’ufficiale stava spronando i suoi da una scala a seguirlo per scavalcare le mura della città Questo evento però non fermò gli imperiali, così mentre i romani festeggiavano la creduta vittoria, quelli intanto invadevano Roma. Il papa con i suoi intanto si ritirava a Castel Sant’Angelo, dove Benvenuto viene riconosciuto come ”familiare” del pontefice, in quanto suo musico e orefice e fatto entrare nella rocca. Scorto da Marcello Pallone de' Medici capitano d'armi, questo lo invita a seguirlo nella fortificazione senza però poter portare con sé i suoi compagni, che a malincuore dovrà lasciare al loro destino.
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Benvenuto arrampicato sulla cima della rocca, vede Clemente VII attraversare il passetto elevato segreto di corsa, per entrare nel castello. È da qui che l’artista può assistere a tutto ciò che accade nella città e ai romani e raccontarlo. Qui Benvenuto si rivelerà un abile artigliere, piazza strategicamente le artigliere e le usa con maestria. Mentre con Antonio Santa Croce un suo capo, esegue degli ordini atti a sistemare al meglio le artiglierie, un colpo nemico raggiunge le mura, pur fermato dal merlo di una torre, un tratto crolla colpendo drammaticamente Cellini. Svenuto, ma creduto morto dai suoi compagni, questi gli mettono in bocca un pugno di terra (una sorta di rito  estremo preparatore alla morte), che quasi lo soffoca. La fortuna vuole che un suo commilitone Gianfrancesco del Piffero, accorgendosi dell’errore lo salvi, intervenendo immediatamente lo medica con una tegola calda imbevuta di assenzio e vin greco e così lo salva. Clemente VII per far capire che Castel Sant’Angelo  ancora resiste, manda una lettera al duca di Urbino Francesco Maria della Rovere, il tentennante capo del suo esercito fuori città, dicendogli che ogni sera farà sparare tre colpi a vuoto. Questo è il segnale convenuto per far capire che la rocca romana ancora resiste. Cellini da buon uomo d’arme utilizza però questi colpi a salve serali, “rinforzandoli” con dei proiettili per colpire il nemico, senza sprecare così polvere da sparo inutilmente.
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Un simpatico aneddoto vuole che Benvenuto si attiri le antipatie dei cardinali, questi che per guardare quanto accade in città dalle mura, non si rendono conto che con i loro cappelli rossi attirano i colpi del nemico. È in questo frangente che Benvenuto li avrebbe presi a male parole per allontanarli ma inimicandoseli. Un altro capo di Benvenuto è Orazio Baglioni, questi lo stima molto, nonostante sia arrivato con lui quasi ad un duello per un incomprensione durante la difesa cittadina. Durante l'esercizio delle sue funzioni Benvenuto scorge il “Baccanello”, un’osteria che aveva una particolare insegna, un sole rosso dipinto in mezzo a due finestre. In essa si sospettava ci fossero nascosti dei nemici. Benvenuto dunque pensa di usare quel sole come bersaglio, ma per fare questo avrebbe rischiato sparando di rovesciare una botte piena di sassi proprio dove si trovavano due consiglieri del papa, Jacopo Salviati e il cardinal Farnese a lui poco simpatici. Per non sprecare l'occasione Benvenuto senza troppi tentennamenti fa comunque fuoco. Il colpo riesce alla perfezione, ma come prevedibile fa cadere la botte addosso ai due “parassiti e mangiapane a tradimento” come li definisce poco carinamente l’artista nelle sue memorie, ma colpendo in pieno la bettola e facendo strage di nemici. I due però malconci e spaventati si ricorderanno di questo affronto.
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Cellini in seguito in un' altra occasione, con un colpo magistrale d’artiglieria, colpirà in pieno e dividendolo addirittura in due, un ufficiale spagnolo che stava dando ordini a ridosso delle trincee nemiche, l’impossibile e bel colpo a parabola, viene definito dallo stesso vanaglorioso artista “arcata meravigliosa”. Essendo le artiglierie ritenute una rappresentazione demoniaca evocatrice di morte, Benvenuto timorosi di Dio, è spinto a chiedere l’assoluzione dei propri peccati per le morti provocate con questa arma. Assoluzione che Clemente VII provvede a dargli immediatamente, congratulandosi anzi con lui per il suo ottimo operato. In un’altra situazione, Benvenuto si accorgerà che i nemici per occultare alla vista il loro frequente passaggio in una via, hanno posto una trentina di botti piene di pietre sopra un muro. Avendo capito in quale momento avviene il passaggio della guardia, Benvenuto sistema ben cinque artiglierie con le quali fa fuoco contemporaneamente proprio nel momento giusto, colpendo ben trenta soldati nemici.
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Avvicinandosi il momento della resa, Clemente VII chiamerà a sé Benvenuto e lo pregherà di fondere tutto l’oro rimasto per poterlo nascondere e di togliere inoltre tutte le pietre preziose poste su questi tesori. Pietre da trafugare, che poi lo stesso orafo cucirà all’interno della veste del papa pronto per la fuga. Altro evento in cui troviamo implicato Benvenuto, è il ferimento del principe d’Oranges. Caricata l’artiglieria con dei “passatoiacci”, ovvero dei ferri vecchi trovati in giro abbandonati, Cellini spara in prossimità delle trincee, a quello che sembra essere un capo, colpendolo in pieno volto e ferendolo gravemente. È Filiberto di Chalons, il principe d’Oranges divenuto capo dell'esercito dopo la morte del Borbone, che ferito viene portato immediatamente al riparo in un’osteria, prontamente scoperta da Benvenuto e dal Santa Croce. Orsini però si oppone a ché si spari su quel luogo, perché proprio in quel momento si stava incontrando una delegazione papale con il nemico per discutere la pace. Poteva il Cellini farsi sfuggire un’occasione simile? Contravvenendo agli ordini e rischiando di far saltare la trattativa, colpisce l’osteria provocando sicuramente morti e feriti, ma anche il risentimento dell'Orsini. Alla capitolazione dell'Urbe Benvenuto lasciando la città, sarà invitato da Orazio Baglioni a comandare una compagnia, ma Cellini preferisce andare dal padre a Firenze portandosi dietro onori e i molti denari guadagnati come soldato, ma anche la convinzione di poter essere un buon uomo d’arme, cosa che turbò non poco il vecchio padre che ancora sperava diventasse un musicista. Benvenuto manifesterà un grande interesse dopo questo fatto per le armi; una passione grande come quella per l’oreficeria. Tutte capacità non comuni che lo faranno sentire superiore sia in campo artistico che in campo bellico, alimentando sempre di più il suo grande e smisurato ego.
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Riccardo Massaro Read the full article
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uriello-bello · 4 years
"A historical chronological depiction from an imaginary Italy: a guess the reference game". 100th Anniversary
Unknown: Pdor Mythos Unknown: Appears the superheroes gene "Vip" 10'000 A.C: In the Mediterranean basin lives a society of amazoness 89 A.C: Marcus Aemilius Scaurus is born 71 A.C: Spartacus leads a slaves rebellion 55 A.C: Tros of Samothrace takes the parts of the Breton resistance against the Roman conquest of Britain 50 A.C: Julius Augustus Caesar's complete conquest of Gaul finds resistance against a village in Armorica 11 March 44 A.C: Julius Augustus Caesar is murdered 80: Barbarian Ardarico's conquest of Rome miserably fails; Flavian Amphitheatre is inaugurated and Timo becomes a gladiator 128: Architect Lucius Quintus Modestus repeatedly travels through time until the 21st century and visits the modern Japan 536: Martinus Paduei, a mysterious genius ahead of his time, leaves his mark in history as inventor, business owner, strategist and politician 569: King Alboin befriends and welcomes a sly and smart peasant to his court in Verona 726: Girolama Pellacani is raped by the Longobards 1050: Brancaleone of Norcia is born 1076: The saint hermit of Bismantova is sent to Aquileia in search of allies at the behest of Pope Gregory VII, but is hindered by the devil 1080: Brancaleone of Norcia takes part at the first crusade 1141: Baudolino is born 1150: Various supernatural events take place at the castle of Otranto 1249: The company of Selva Bella participates at the mission to free Enzo of Sardinia 1271: Marco Polo begins his travel toward the Orient 1280: Marco Polo reaches the court of Kublai Khan and tell him about the 55 cities 1295: Marco Polo returns to Venice Early XIV Century: To win the maritime war against Venice, the Genoese captain Luigi Gottardi builds the underground canal of Meloria 1300: Poet Dante Alighieri visits the afterlife in a week 1327: William of Baskerville is involved in a murder case sets in a benedictine abbey 15 April 1452: Leonardo da Vinci is born 1478: Takes places the quests of the "Company of the Gallows" 1506: Arte Spalletti becomes an artist 1534: Two english brothers find a passage for a subterranean world where the time flows more slowly and is populated by a society of pygmies 1537: During the battle of Turin a french soldier mysteriously survives to several deadly wounds 1570: To save her lover, war-prisoner at Famagosta in Cyprus, the duchess of Eboli wears an armor and under the alias of Captain Storm fights several battle against the Ottoman Empire 1595: The suicide of two lovers leads peace in a longtime feud between two Veronese families 1630: The black plague continues its killspread, Spanish local lord Don Rodrigo is found dead 1643: Nobleman Roberto de la Grive is presumed lost after a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean 1650s: Alchemist Girolamo Fumagalli develops the basic technique of thanatography 1660s: Viscount Medardo of Terralba returns changed and maimed in a strange and impossible way from the Ottoman wars in Bohemia 1686: After losing his brothers during the Franco-Spanish war at the hand of Duke Wan Guld, the Lord of Ventimiglia Emilio of Roccabruna promises to avenge them and becomes the notorious Black Corsair 1711: A group of alchemists evoke a demon to gain eternal life 1713: Sir Frances Varney commits suicide by throwing himself into Mt. Vesuvius 7 January 1730: In Siena is approved the Notice of Violante of Bavaria 1741: Antonio Salvatore "Totò" Sapore invents pizza to bring peace between French and Neapolitan armies 1750s: Armando "The Scorpion" Catalano seeks the Templar treasure 1762: Reverend Yorick, friend of Tristram Shandy, visits France and Italy for a health issue 1764: Father Schedoni is involved in a conspiracy 1767: Cosimo Piovasco of Rondò, future baron of Ombrosa, climbs up a tree and will live his entire life on the trees 18 October 1775: Carlo Altovivi is born 1790: Scandal of the fallen noble family Mazzini 1798: Nobleman and soldier Fabrizio del Dongo is born 25 March 1799: Jacopo Ortis dies 1801: Vampire Giovanni Nosferatu is born 1812: Soldier Lazzaro Scacerni is one of the survivors of the retreat from Moscow and, after returning in Italy, becomes a wealthy miller 1825: History professor Mercurio Loi disappears 1826: Dr. Weiss solves the Fritzheim case 1829: A frenchman discovers the Spada family's treasure located in Montecristo Isle 1850: Count Isidor Ottavio Baldassarre Fosco reaches England to plan a political conspiracy 1855: Princess Teresa Uzeda of Francalanza dies 1860: The wooden puppet Pinocchio becomes a real children 1863: Three persons, claiming to be part of a scientific expedition, are spotted been ejected from Mt. Stromboli 1864: Countess Marina Vittoria Crusnelli of Malombra gets possessed 1870: Enrico Bottini is born; Edwin Drood mysteriously disappears leaving a secret still unsolved 1874: As social experiment some prisoners are released in a deserted island to create a self-managed isolated colony; Arsène Lupin is born 1878: Rosso Malpelo dies 1885: A frenchman from Tarascon survive to a fall during an attempt to reach the peak of Mt. Blanc 1887: Professor Sandrelli develops a substance that cancels gravity 1888: Full of remorse, baron Carlo Coriolano of Santafusca admits of being a killer 1889: Masked hero "Hidden Face" and Ugo Pastore take part at the Treaty of Wuchale; Escorted by english explorer Adam Wild, Count Narciso Molfetta explores Africa 7 December 1891: Vito Andolini is born 1893: Marco Pagot is born 1895: Architect Emilio Varelli starts the construction of the Three Mothers' manors September 1897: Giannino "Gian Burrasca" Stoppani is born 1898: The suppression of Milan riots are sabotaged by Tommaso Reiner 1899: Vadim Vadimovich N. Storov is born 29 May 1899: Giuseppe "Peppone" Bottazzi is born 30 May 1899: Don Camillo Tarocci is born Early 1900s: Paolo Zeder hypothesizes the "K-Zone" theory; Actress Maria Sarti gains notoriety under the stage name Ninì Tirabusciò 1910: Architect Emilio Varelli finishes the construction of the Three Mothers' manors; Aldovino reaches the moon to marry the princess Yala; Count Emilio Ponticelli partecipes at the Daily Post air race 1911: Famous composer Gustav von Aschenbach dies during a holiday in Venice WWI: Flying ace Marco Pagot turns into an anthropomorphic pig and assumes the identity of the bounty hunter Porco Rosso; Aviator Luciano Serra, aviator Matteo Campini, Private Lazzaro Scacerni and Private Italino take part at the conflict; Baron Cesare Stromboli helps the Triple Entente; Private Piero dies 1915: Air piratess Filibus terrorizes southern Italy performing several thefts 15 October 1915: Emilio Largo is born 1919: A man dressed in red and constantly speaking in rhyme becomes one of the richest italian 1920: Famous film director Guido Anselmi is born; Pugilist Furio Almirante emigrates in America 1927: Dr. Artemio Zacchia founds a medicine and natural science academy and starts his studies on immortality March 1927: Detective Francesco "Ciccio" Ingravallo solves the Via Merulana mystery June 1929: Fascist militia suppression at Fontamara 1930: Dominetta Vitali is born; Scientist Pier Cloruro de' Lambicchi creates a substance that gives life to the images 1933: Gastone Uliani investigates the faun's case 17 July 1934: Ugo Fantozzi is born 1935: Italy's invasion of Ethiopia is obstacled by local spy Bara 1936: Lawyer Gino Motta is locked up in an asylum after claiming that in the sea near Levanto lives a colony of mermaids 29 September 1936: Lolito B. Lassica is born 1938: Benzino Napaloni signs an alliance with Adenoid Hynkel; The launch of hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli's expedition for Mars takes place; Primo Cossi chooses to undergoes at the EPRA experiment; Dr. Emilio Lizardo and Professor Tohichi Hikita build the oscillation overthruster, Lizardo trying to enter into the 8th dimension becomes insane; American archeologist Martin Padway travels through time until 535 1939: Count Zero becomes a fascist agent; Film director Salvatore Di Vita is born 10 May 1939: Hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli and his troop land on Mars WWII: Captain Alberto Bertorelli, Captain Antonio Corelli, Major Oscar Pilli, Sergeant Nicola Lo Russo, Lieutenant Gino Rossati, Marmittone and Galeazzo Musolesi take part at the conflict; Partisian Johnny loses his life; Partisan Natalino "Capellone" Tartufato saves the life of the english spy Charles Harrison, Private Antonio is considered as straggler in Russia 1940s: Marcella Valmarin becomes a famous actress under the stage name of Alba Doris 25 December 1942: Photographer Valentina Rosselli is born 1943: The Finzi-Continis family is exterminated in a German Nazi lager, along with other jews 1944: In a hidden palace in the Republic of Salò, tortures takes place by hand of four wealthy personality of the republic 1945: End of World War II in Europe and the prison camps are freed, Giosuè Orefice is among the survivors 3 March 1945: Nicola "Nico" Giraldi is born 6 July 1945: Roberto "Rocky" Balboa is born 1950s: Bianca Castafiore is recognized as one of the best soprano in the world; Amelia Bonetti and Pippo Botticella become two renowned tip-tap dancers 6 September 1950: Salvo Montalbano is born 1952: In a laboratory comes to life a creature made of rubber 1953: Michele Apicella is born; During a diplomatic visit in Italy a princess escapes through the streets of Rome 1955: Criminal and con artist Mr. Ripley lands in Italy 1956: Painter Buono Legnani commits suicide 1957: Exorcist Don Zauker lands in Livorno 19 September 1958: Renato "René" Ferretti is born 1959: Topo Gigio debuts and becomes a television star; Detective Nero Wolfe moves to Rome after some "problems" with FBI 1960: Authoress Enrica Valldolit wins the Nobel Prize in Literature 1961: A british spy agent kills the terrorist Emilio Largo; A cemetery man has a close encounter with the Death 15 August 1962: A young university student loses his life in a car accident caused by an overtaking 1963: Medic Duca Lamberti loses his license and is imprisoned for practicing euthanasia; Calimero is born; "The Alphabet Killer" is caught 1966: Criminal Mastermind "The Fox" evades from prison 4 October 1967: Deboroh La Roccia is born 1968: Diabolik is presumed dead; Primo Cossi wakes up from hibernation and becomes a hitman related to the events of the Years of Lead 1969: A british criminal gang robs the FIAT industry 1970s: A criminal uses the sewer of a metropolis as hiding place and house; At Milan a group of bounty hunters form the C.T Association 1971: Fumagalli's thanatography is used to solve the four flies' mystery; Alberto Valle becomes the new Avio Motor CEO 1972: Somewhere in northern Italy, inside the Military Area 36, Professor Endriadi and his research team build the first AI February 1973: Four men commits suicide through planteration in a villa near Paris 1 June 1973: A terroristic attack blows up the Madonnina statue atop Milan Cathedral 1974: Andrea Straniero is born; Approved the healthcare reform "C.M.G"; Camilla Cagliostri is born 1975: After months of shipwreck on a deserted island in the Mediterranean sea, the wife of the industrial Lanzetti and a sailor are saved; The corpses of the Crespi d'Adda cemetery are resurrected; At Rome, German psychic medium Helga Ulmann is brutally killed 1976: For having inflicts severe damages to the organized criminality all over Italy in just few years, mysterious killers murder the police commissioner Betti 1977: Virginia Ducci survives at a murder attempt thanks to her clairvoyance 1978: Science fiction writer Della Spigola is abducted by the martians of Phobos; Discovered a breed of talking dog with a particular white fur with red spots; Famous chef Fausto Zoppi is killed by drowning; It ends the Filippo Carducci's kidnapping case; Riccardo Finzi begins his career as P.I 1979: 1980s: The ministry of the Great Hunt is founded; 1980: "Caterina" an American brand of robotic housekeeper goes on sale; Neapolitan camorra boss "The Marseillaise" and his gang are killed after a showdown; Rocky Giraldi is born, so named in honour of the famous boxer 12 August 1980: The Matchstick Man is spotted near the Abruzzi countryside 3 October 1980: Leonardo Zuliani is born 1981: The criminal known as "The Human Beast" loses his life in a gunfight 1982: The "K-Zone" theory is confirmed and Paolo Zeder is resurrected as zombie 1983: For the first time, alive people witness the "Palio di Siena of the dead contrade"; It is archived the case of the serial killer known as "The Killer Dwarf"; Naples F.C pays three billion for the acquisition of Brazilian footballer Paulo Roberto Cotequinho, he'll lead the Naples to the victory of its first championship four years later. 1984: Two men inadvertently travel through time back the 1492 August 1988: The first issue of "Bloody Eye" is published 1989: During a conference in Rome, experts try to discover the truth behind the Edwin Drood mystery; Deboroh La Roccia becomes Rat-Man 20 March 1989: Commissioner Corrado Cattani is killed in a mafia ambush 1990: FIFA World Cup scandal, the Italy team hires two pornstars to win; Salvo Montalbano becomes a police commissioner 1991: 1992: Sicilian gangster Johnny Stecchino uselessly resort to a person exchange to avoid death; During the annual Milan Film Festival, mystery fiction writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher resolves a murder case; During the quadrennial pallastrada world competition the St. Catherine prophecy comes true burning up the entire state of Gladonia November 1992: Daria Marchesi is jailed for the Baldacci murder, thus Marino Strano becomes Bloody Eye's head writer 1994: "The Florence Monster" is finally arrested; A feud between two families ends with the use of a low-potential atomic warhead; After various vicissitudes experienced in India, Marco Donati is exposed at the Aquarium Berlin as "The boy with the gills" 1995: Marco Buratti aka "The Alligator" starts a new career as P.I. 1996: After his death Ugo Fantozzi returns to life until 1998 1997: Police agent Napoleone di Carlo abandons his profession and moves in Switzerland 1999: Ugo Fantozzi is cloned; "The Fish in Love" becomes an international bestseller 2000s: Jimi Dini works at the development of his videogame "Nirvana"; Dr. Bartolomeo Zacchia continues his father's studies 2001: A romanian vampire is sighted in Rome April 2001: Giorno Giovanna becomes the Gangstar of the mafia association "Passione" 2005: Police agent Rocky Giraldi enters in service 2006: Rise of nationalism in Italy brings to the birth of Captain Padania July 2006: Activist Leonardo Zuliani disappears 2007: Mater Lacrimarum is killed 2009: During a spiritual séance, Gualtiero Marchesi conjures the Emily Ann Faulkner's spirit 2013: Long Wei becomes a local hero for the chinese communities in Italy; Celestine VI becomes the new pope 2014: An amateur gang of smart drugs dealers is arrested; Michele Silenzi gains superpowers 2015: Low-grade criminal Enzo Ceccotti gets superpowers and becomes the superhero Jeeg Robot; Arsène Lupin's grandson is spotted in Italy 2016: Benzino Napaloni is cloned; Intellectual Mario Bambea survives at his suicide attempt, contemporaneously begins the rise of popularity of the comedian Fabrizio "Bizio" Capoccetti 2017: In Calabria a farmer befriends a rare specimen of unicorn 11 September 2077: An asteroid falls in northeast Italy sweeping away Padoa, Vicenza and Verona while Venice is half submerged
|Cities&Places| The Seven Cities  Meloria Canal  Gualdana Pine Forest  Nepente Isle  Stranalandia Island Desolation Isle  Pescespada Island  Malapunta  Clerville  Porcionia  Bacteria Kindaor  Gladonia  Tristalia  The Land of Toys  Gerolstein  Lotto Valentino  Bassavilla  Lancimago  Vigata  Montelusa  Loquasto  The 55 Invisible Cities  Pratofungo  Ombrosa  Pineta Sagunto  Pista Prima  Frittole  Sevalio  Brigantes  Sompazzo  Monzurlo  Salsiccia  Acqua Traverse  Buffalora  Roccaverdina  Nofi  Norbio  Solara  Scasazza  Ponteratto Idrasca  Giancaldo  Pieve Lunga  San Michele  Borgo Tre Case Borgo Dieci Case  Accendura 
|Fiction in Fiction| Urban X (Pope) Astrubal I (Pope) Pius XIII (Pope) Celestine VI (Pope) Luke I (Pope) Libero I (Pope) Teomondo Scròfalo (Painter) Dùdron (Painter) Amos Pelicorti (Sculptor) Jep Gambardella (Writer) Cornelio Bizzarro (Writer) Leo Cordio (Writer) Ulisse Isolani (Writer) Ubaldo Terzani (Writer) Vincenzo de Fabritiis (Writer) Thomas Prostata (Writer) Giovanni Pontano (Writer) Giuseppe Marchi (Writer) Morgan Perdinka (Writer) Antonio Casella (Writer) Enrico Puzzo (Writer) Arturo Vannino (Writer) Edoardo Lasagnetta (Writer) Ugo Redy (Writer) Carlo Sperato (Poet) Giancarlo Santini (Film Director) Lippini Bros (Film Directors) Gambalesta (Actor) Enzo Melchiorri (Actor) Franco Melis (Actor) Saverio Crispo (Actor) Marco Salviati (Actor) Sofia Barlow (Actress) Giorgio Fini (Tenor) Carlo "Vitalis" Balzani (Tenor) Tony Corallo (Singer) Pat Rubino (Singer) Luca Pappacena (Singer) Quartetto Basileus (Band) Martino Piccione (Guitarist) Mariottide (Songwriter) DJ Vomito (Rapper) Bud "Bomber" Graziano (Boxer) Franco Fibbri (Soccer Player) Antonio Pisapia (Soccer  Player) Gli occhi del cuore ("The Eyes of the Heart") (Tv Series) Medical Dimension (Tv Series) La Bomba ("The Bomb") (Tv Series) Redenzione ("Redemption") (Movie) Paura d'odiare ("Fear to Hate") (Movie) L'usuraio licantropo ("The Werewolf Usurer") (Movie) Thor e le regine nude ("Thor and the Naked Queens") (Movie) Il vortice equestre ("The Equestrian Vortex") (Movie) La regina del pianeta nero ("The Queen of the Black Planet") (Movie) La palude del caimano ("The Caiman Marsh") (Movie) La vendetta del cobra ("Cobra's Revenge")  (Movie) I ragazzi del Bronx  ("The Bronx Boys") (Movie) Il caimano ("The Caiman") (Movie) Cataratte ("Cataracts") (Movie) Mocassini assassini ("Assassin Moccasins") (Movie) Maciste contro Freud (Maciste Versus Freud") (Movie) La mamma di Freud ("Freud's Mom") (Movie) Natale con la casta ("Christmas with the Caste") (Movie) La Febbra ("The Fever") (Movie) La polizia s'incazza (Movie) Sinite Parvulos (Movie) Margas (Movie) Il terrore di Parigi ("The Terror of Paris") (Play) Space Queen Vega (Videogame) Amedeo's Revenge (Videogame) Il codice indecifrabile ("The Indecipherable Code") (Novel) L'albicocco al curaro ("Apricot with Curare") (Novel) La paura del giorno ("Fear of the Day") (Novel) L'apparato umano ("The Human Apparatus") (Novel) Evoluzione digitale ("Digital Evolution") (Novel) Cortocircuito ("Short Circuit") (Novel) Folgore su Policastro ("Thunderbolt over Policastro") (Novel) La ninfa e il cadetto ("The Ninphe and the Cadet") (Novel) Il pesce innamorato ("The Fish in Love") (Children's Book) Bloody Mario (Comic Strip) Bloody Eye (Comic Book) Megaditta (Company) Nosferatù (Company) Finmor (Company) Centovetrine (Company) Auto Avio Motor (Company) SOFRAM (Company) Tekne (Company) Wondercomics (Company) Tondello Spa (Company) Digitex (Company) Sbav (Company) Famburgher House (Company) Trattoria Aldini (Company) Smack-O-Mat Corporation (Company) Partito Regressista (Politic) Partito Socialista Unificando (Politic) Italia in Marcia (Politic) Grande Destra (Politic) Longobarda (Football Club) Borgorosso (Football Club) Marchigiana (Football Club) Olimpia (Football Club) Eat it! (Product) Fido Uomo (Product) Io Cane (Product) Pandoro Sauli (Product) Cacao Meravigliao (Product) Cioccolato Spagnoli (Product) Marmellata Puffin (Product) Acqua pulita (Product) Coralba (Product) Sarchiapone (Animal) Colombre (Animal) Jaguar Shark (Animal) Tropelio (Animal)
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sinapsinews · 6 years
Bob & Marys - Rocco Papaleo e Laura Morante - Criminali a domicilio
Una commedia leggera magistralmente interpretata da: Rocco Papaleo e Laura Morante
Napoli, 06 aprile 2018
Servisio di: Sergio Angrisano
Cast: Rocco Papaleo, Laura Morante, Massimiliano Gallo, Giovanni Esposito, Gianni Ferreri, Francesco Di Leva, Simona Tabasco, Antonino Iuorio, Andrea Di Maria, Enzo Restucci, Antonio Orefice, Tony Laudadio, Graziella Marina, Biagio Forestieri, Enzo Salomone
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opera-ghosts · 3 years
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Edoardo Garbin (1865-1943) was an Italian lirico-spinto tenor who made a specialty of verismo roles during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  Born to a farming family in Padua, the young Garbin showed musical promise from an early age.  He began working with celebrated bass Antonio Selva (creator of Silva in Ernani and Count Walter in Luisa Miller) in the mid-1880s.  Following Selva’s death in 1889, Garbin continued his vocal studies with Vittorio Orefice (teacher of Aureliano Pertile), who continued to build the young tenor’s technique.  Garbin’s debut occurred on September 6, 1891 at the Teatro Comunale in Vicenza as Don Alvaro in La Forza del Destino.  Within four months, Garbin was singing the Duke in Rigoletto at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples and in October of 1892, he was entrusted with the role of Don Fernando Guevara in the world premiere of Franchetti’s much heralded Cristoforo Colombo at Genoa’s Teatro Carlo Felice. Garbin continued his meteoric rise.  Less than a year and a half after his debut, he created the role of Fenton in the world premiere of Verdi’s final opera, Falstaff.  Was the young tenor really ready to take on such an assignment, though?  Verdi, it seems, had his doubts.  The great composer had originally tried to secure Angelo Masini for the role of Fenton but had to settle on Garbin when the legendary tenor proved to be unavailable.  Verdi coached the role with Garbin for a solid month, during which time the composer fired off a letter to publisher Ricordi, expressing his dissatisfaction.  Verdi complained that the tenor was simply not picking up the part quickly enough.  The composer stated that Garbin needed, “…a pedant who would teach him notes, tempo and clear words well.”  Verdi also complained to Ricordi of Garbin’s habit of spreading his final vowels.  “For example,” he wrote, “when he pronounces ‘che gli risponde alla sua parolaaa’, the ‘a’ is so open that his voice changes and seems to be somebody else’s.”  Somehow, composer and tenor managed to find the right mutual wavelength and Garbin sang in the opera’s premiere at La Scala on February 9, 1893.  Incidentally, the Nanetta to Garbin’s Fenton, Austrian born soprano Adelina Stehle (1860-1945), was to become the tenor’s frequent singing partner, as well as his wife. Garbin built a major career in Italy, but was never invited to sing in North America.  In fact, the English-speaking world seemed to have little use for Edoardo Garbin.  His one season in London (1908) was a total disaster, with one critic describing his Cavaradossi as “miserable”.  Luckily, much of Europe, including Germany, Austria, Russia, Poland, Spain and Portugal (not to mention South America) had a much greater appreciation for the tenor’s talents.  His repertoire included leading roles in such works as La Bohème, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, Manon Lescaut, Fedora, Adriana Lecouvreur, Andrea Chénier, Cavalleria Rusticana, Iris, Loreley, Mefistofele, La Gioconda, La Traviata, Rigoletto, Carmen, Manon and Lohengrin.  Garbin created the role of Milio Dufresne in the world premiere of Leoncavallo’s Zazà in Milan in November of 1900.  He also had the honor of creating four roles in operas which never entered the standard repertoire, Spiro Samara’s Rhea (Florence, 1908), Héllera by Italo Montemezzi (Turin, 1909), Giocondo Fino’s La Festa del Grano (Turin, 1910) and La Dubarry by Ezio Camussi (Milan, 1912).  After passing the age of 50, Garbin began to curtail his operatic performances.  After a final La Bohème at Florence’s Teatro Pergola in 1918, Garbin left the stage for good.  He retired to Brescia, where he passed away in 1943 at the age of 78.   Edoardo Garbin’s death marked the end of an era.  The tenor was the last surviving male singer to have premiered a Verdi opera. Edoardo Garbin made dozens of recordings between 1902 and 1913 for The Gramophone and Typewriter Company, Fonotipia and Columbia.  The tenor runs the gamut from truly stellar to almost hopelessly inept in these discs.  Some of Garbin’s recordings reveal careless musicianship (late entrances abound), a dull and colorless timbre (bringing to mind Verdi’s complaint about overly spread vowels) and painfully flat notes.  During introductions or between phrases he can frequently be heard coughing or clearing his throat.  When he is at his best, however (which is much of the time, to be fair), the tenor offers phrases of vocal and artistic eloquence that are truly breathtaking.
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orbiscomunication · 4 years
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Volley in Maschera, Progetto Giovani sostiene Save The Children
ORTA DI ATELLA. Carnevale e sport. Un binomio che diventerà realtà il 24 febbraio 2020, a partire dalle 9:30, presso il palazzetto dello sport “F.Papa” di Succivo, in via Eugenio Perrotta. E’ grande, infatti, l’attesa per l’evento “Volley in Maschera”, organizzato dal consorzio “Progetto Giovani”, di cui sono componenti società sportive dei paesi Marcianise, Orta di Atella, Succivo, Capua, Parete e Lusciano (Red Volley Marcianise, SFdP Centro Volley Orta, Atellana Volley, Gladiatore Capua, Polisportiva Felix Parete e Polisportiva Felix Lusciano).
Le donazioni ricevute verranno devolute a “Save the Children”, organizzazione internazionale che da oltre 100 anni lotta per garantire un futuro ai bambini in condizioni di povertà. Il fine ultimo è rendere possibili progetti per l’infanzia in Italia e nel mondo. Sponsor ufficiale  “Valfrutta”.
“Il rapporto con Save the Children è nato due anni fa – afferma il presidente dell’ASD Centro Volley Orta,  Antonio Orefice -. Finalmente si sono presentati i presupposti per lavorare insieme ed abbiamo ricevuto pieno consenso per la raccolta fondi. La nostra è una società sportiva di pallavolo, anzi è una scuola Federale di Pallavolo nata nel 2002. Come evidente in questo caso, ci occupiamo anche di attività sociali che riguardano direttamente o indirettamente il nostro territorio. Infatti, da anni siamo a fianco  di ragazzi e ragazze che vivono in condizioni di difficoltà economiche e sociali. In passato abbiamo collaborato anche con case famiglia e cooperative sociali; abbiamo, inoltre, aderito a progetti promossi dalla Regione Campania per la lotta contro la dispersione scolastica, oltre che preso parte a progetti CONI, come  ‘Coni Ragazzi’ e ‘Sport di Tutti’ (quest’ultimo in procinto di avere inizio). Tali iniziative vanno sostenute per rimarcare quanto siano indifesi e martoriati i bambini nella nostra società. Forte è la nostra collaborazione con le scuole elementari e medie dei comuni di Frattaminore ed Orta di Atella: con loro abbiamo partecipato ai campionati federali di pallavolo Under 13”.
L’accento viene posto su quanto i giovani abbiano a cuore iniziative di stampo umanitario: “I giovani sono molti sensibili e sono ben felici di partecipare, anche in modo materiale - affermano unanimemente i componenti del consorzio -. Il nostro territorio può  dare un aiuto concreto, assicurando pieno rispetto dei diritti dei bambini e dei luoghi da loro frequentati. Credo - concludono -  che il Carnevale possa essere una buona occasione per promuovere un approccio umanitario”.
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sciscianonotizie · 5 years
La compagnia “Ricomincio da tre” presenta
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Saviano (Na) Mauro Romano - "Olimpo Napoletano" - commedia comica in due atti scritta da Francesco De Cenzo e Antonia Tudisco con l’intento di dar vita a vari personaggi del mondo classico, di attualizzarli e renderli moderni – andrà in scena il 3 febbraio per la 15a edizione della Rassegna Festival Teatrale Città di Saviano, memorial Carmine Mensorio. A presentarla la compagnia “Ricomincio da tre”, con la regia di Raffaella Orefice e scenografie della Bottega Tudisco.
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Adottando Napoli come sfondo per la scena,  gli autori hanno inteso esporre vizi e virtù di alcuni degli Dei più famosi della Mitologia Greca, adattandoli a stereotipi contemporanei. Il tema generale resta l'amore nelle sue più svariate sfaccettature, per strappare tanti sorrisi ma anche un pizzico di riflessione sullo sfondo del magico mondo dell’Olimpo Napoletano. E così Zeus - interpretato dallo stesso Francesco de Cenzo, neo diplomato al teatro Totò di Napoli - famoso per le sue scappatelle, si ritroverà in un vortice di imbarazzanti equivoci, quando viene scoperto dalla moglie Era - Raffaella Orefice, presidentessa della Compagnia, nonché regista. Sulla scena si interfacciano vari personaggi: Bacco, Dio del vino (Giovanni Ciaramella),  Eros, Dio dell'amore (Daniele Fiorentini), Ares, Dio della guerra (Antonio Mocerino), Ade, Dio degli inferi (Carmine Camardella), Discordia (Mario Bracigliano). I ragazzi, diplomati e diplomandi al teatro Totò di Napoli, proveranno a condurre gli spettatori in questo particolare “Olimpo”, in un crescendo di risate e divertimento! In questa variegata cornice non poteva di certo mancare Afrodite, dea della bellezza interpretata da Antonia Tudisco che, con ironia, toccherà il tema del dilagarsi dei social e dell'apparenza come valore fondamentale. A completare il cast quattro new entry nel mondo teatrale: i piccoli Ermes (Alessio Buonocore) e Pollon (M. Rosaria Buonocore) entrambi di anni 8 e le due giovani "mortali" Elena (Rita Tramontano) e Psiche (Carmela Russo). La compagnia intende ringraziare per la preziosa collaborazione i main partner:  Tipografia Scala di Nola, Merenna Ristopub di Nola, Buonocore trasporti di Napoli e Boutique del Casaro di Saviano. TRAMA: È il 18esimo compleanno di Eros e tutto è quasi pronto per i festeggiamenti, quando inavvertitamente Era scopre del tradimento di Zeus avvenuto la sera prima, in una festa in maschera. La ragazza misteriosa non è altro che Discordia, sorella di Ares, molto amica di Afrodite. Quest'ultima, per evitare uno scandalo, convince Discordia a mascherarsi di nuovo, per convincere Era che in realtà tutto è stato un equivoco.  In questa situazione si inserisce Eros, dispettoso fino al midollo, che trovandosi in possesso di due pozioni, quella dell'odio e quella dell'amore, decide di mescolarle entrambe nella brocca d' acqua. Prende vita una serie di equivoci, innamoramenti e litigi che dureranno per tutto il corso della commedia e termineranno solo quando Eros, resosi conto del guaio fatto, chiederà scusa. Seguirà una breve riflessione sull'amore e di tutto il suo potere. Inizio spettacolo, quindi, alle ore 20:00 presso il teatro-auditorium di via Falcone e Borsellino in Saviano (Na), con il consueto saluto del sindaco della Città del Carnevale Carmine Sommese e del consigliere della città metropolitana di Napoli, Francesco Iovino. Ad introdurre la serata Maria Grazia Esposito con patron Giovanni Palladoro. Read the full article
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kido-232-blog · 7 years
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Sandro Botticelli nacque nel 1445 a Firenze in via Nuova (oggi via del Porcellana), ultimo di quattro figli maschi e crebbe in una famiglia modesta ma non povera, mantenuta dal padre, Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, che faceva il conciatore di pelli ed aveva una sua bottega nel vicino quartiere di Santo Spirito. Numerosi erano infatti nella zona di Santa Maria Novella (dove si trova via del Porcellana) gli abitanti dediti a tale attività, facilitata dalla prossimità delle acque dell'Arno e del Mugnone[1]. I primi documenti su Sandro sono costituiti dalle dichiarazioni catastali (dette "portate al Catasto"), vere e proprie denunce dei redditi in cui i capofamiglia erano obbligati a dichiarare i propri beni, le rendite e le spese descrivendo lo stato della propria famiglia. In quello del 1458 Mariano Filipepi citò i quattro figli maschi Giovanni, Antonio, Simone e Sandro: quest'ultimo ha tredici anni e viene definito "malsano" e che "sta a leggere", annotazioni in cui alcuni studiosi hanno voluto desumere un'infanzia malaticcia che avrebbe portato a un carattere introverso, leggibile poi in alcune sue opere dal tono malinconico e assorto[1]. Il fratello Antonio era un orefice di professione, per cui è molto probabile che l'artista avesse ricevuto una prima educazione presso la sua bottega, mentre sarebbe da scartare l'ipotesi di un suo tirocinio avvenuto nella bottega di un amico del padre, un certo maestro Botticello, come riferisce il Vasari nelle Vite, dal momento che ancora oggi non esiste alcuna prova documentaria che confermi l'esistenza di questo artigiano attivo in città in quegli anni. Il nomignolo pare invece che fosse stato inizialmente attribuito al fratello Giovanni, che di mestiere faceva il sensale del Monte (un funzionario pubblico) e che nella portata al catasto del 1458 veniva vochato Botticello, poi esteso a tutti i membri maschi della famiglia e dunque adottato anche dal pittore[1].
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senseofdetachment · 4 years
Life is Beautiful
This film takes a different view of the Holocaust during WWII. Roberto Benigni uses his humor to show the human spirit of life. When the Nazis take Jewish Italian Guido Orefice along with his wife Dora and son Giosue to a concentration camp, Oferice does anything possible to keep his son happy and safe. He makes it seem like they are part of a game and the winner gets a big tank as a reward. The movies manage to make you laugh and at the same time to make you feel for the character’s suffering. It is hard to watch a man whose spirit cannot be broken for the love of his son, even though he is in pain. Near the end of the movie, the prisoners are set free, but unfortunately, Guido is killed. Giosue still believes that they’re still in the game, so it is beautiful to see that one father could cause so much joy and happiness to his child despite all odds. Some believe that this movie is quite controversial for using humor to deliver such serious events, but it does it flawlessly and it is easy to feel the love that the characters have for one another.
Cinema Paradiso
This film tells the story of an unusual pair of friends that share the same love for cinema. Eight-year-old Salvatore befriends projectionist Alfredo and spends most of his time with him at the cinema house where Alfredo works. Throughout the film many important events happen; Alfredo loses his vision, Salvatore is the new projectionist, and he eventually moves out of his town to become a filmmaker. Blasco Giurato’s cinematography is vivid and it makes you feel the love that the characters have for cinema. Even though our main characters go through many difficult motions their friendship only becomes stronger. When Alfredo tells Salvatore, now a young adult, to pursue his dream you can see that he has his best interest at heart. It makes you think, how amazing it must be to have that type of support from those closest to you, even if it meant you never get to see them again.
This film tells the story of a young boy named Renato whos is in love, and in lust, with the town’s most beautiful woman Malèna. Malèna’s husband was fighting for the British during WWII. Because of her beauty and the fact that she lives alone, Malèna is often seen as a threat to the other women in her town. Renato becomes obsessed with Malèna, and can’t stop thinking about her. When Malèna learns that her husband dies she turns to prostitution and is even more slut-shamed than she was before, because of this Renato was willing to protect her at all costs. Malèna’s husband eventually returns and he tries to find her with the anonymous help of Renato. After a year Malèna is a completely changed woman, simple and plain, Renato wishes her good luck, which is the only time he spoke to her throughout the movie. The story has bizarre character developments for both Renato and Malèna. Renato finally matures and grows out of his obsession with Malèna, even near the end of the story he was starting to realize the things that matter, like helping Malèna’s husband find her. Malèna is harassed, humiliated, isolated, and raped throughout the movie. She goes through the motion of being hated, because of her beauty to being respected because of how reserved she was forced to be. It makes you think about how women are expected to look and behave.
This movie tells the story of Samuel, an aspiring skateboarder who dreams of living in California and follow the footsteps of Tony Hawk. He falls in love with a beautiful girl named Alice who gets pregnant by him. Alice decides to keep the baby and Samuel sees his hopes and dreams go down the drain. This is a funny, heartfelt coming of age story. It really emphasizes all the hopes and dreams we all once had as teenagers, and its really easy to relate to Samuel when he believes his life is over. It is fear and a sense of loneliness and failure that makes everyone learn from their mistakes and grow as a person. Slam is surprisingly very relatable to today’s teenagers; it has big ambitions that could seem a bit unrealistic, the fear of teen pregnancy, the fear of disappointing your parents, and the fear of losing your dreams.
My Mother
This story follows Margherita, a very successful film director whose life seems quite difficult to handle. Her newest film is not turning out the way she wants it to, she just broke up with her boyfriend, and she's divorced from the father of her daughter.  Margherita’s brother often goes to visit their mother, which makes her feel guilty since she doesn’t connect with her mother anymore.  Margherita then realizes how dry and emotionless her relationships with the people around her really are. This movie felt really long, and it felt like it kept going in circles, personally, it was very hard to stay attentive during this movie. I feel like the moral of the story is an obvious one, and it took too long to get there. The moral is to not lose yourself and to appreciate the things you have because once they’re gone, you’re going to want them back.
Two Women
This film follows the story of a mother and a daughter during WWII. Cesira is a widowed shopkeeper, mother of twelve-year-old Rosetta. Back in her native rural town, Cesira falls in love with Michele, a communist intellectual, and Rosetta finds a father figure in him. When Michele is captured by German soldiers, the two women flee back to the city where they came from. On the way there they are both raped and experience lots of suffering and trauma. This movie shows a very strange relationship between all the characters. Rosetta is portrayed as a youthful innocent young girl, but after she is raped, she becomes more promiscuous by going out with an older boy and receiving silk stockings. It feels wrong the way the made it seem like the rape made her feel like an adult when going through something like that is traumatic and heartbreaking. Trauma finally kicks in when she finds out that Michele has died. The scenery of the movie was amazing and it really showcases the beauty of rural Italy.
La Dolce Vita
The film follows Marcello, a journalist who writes for gossip magazines over seven nights in Rome. The film is divided into seven episodes, a prologue, an intermezzo, and an epilogue. Marcello’s purpose in the movie is the pursuit of love and happiness. He is engaged to Emma but he cannot accept her maternal and smothering love, and because of this he s constantly having affairs. He looks up to a man who ends up killing his children and himself, so Marcello is constantly in a lost state of mind. Marcello never seems to be satisfied with his love life and is often looking for more from the women around him. The plot is a bit hard to follow since it is three hours long. The relationship between Steiner, the man Marcello admires, and Marcello is often lost and is a bit disinteresting. Otello Martelli’s cinematography is absolutely outstanding and aesthetically pleasing, especially the scene with Marcello and Sylvia at the Trevi Fountain.
Bicycle Thieves
Italy was devastated after WWII and BicycleThieves showcases that flawlessly. The movie follows Antonio a poor man trying to provide for his family along with his son Bruno. Antonio is able to find a job which was very rare for that time, the only requirement is that he must have a bicycle. On the first day on the job his bicycle is stolen, so he and his son go on a quest to find the bicycle. The movie uses non-professional actors, and it contains scenes showcasing real-life locations of Rome after the war. Poverty was very common and people were usually tired and hungry. Watching this movie almost felt like watching a documentary about the effects of war and the harshness of being poor. Italy was never the same after the war, and many Italians were heavily impacted. It is emotional and heart-wrenching to see how relevant this movie is to today’s society.
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kritere · 10 months
Maria Esposito e l’amore per Antonio Orefice: “Spero di poter recuperare, sono ancora innamorata”
DIRETTA TV 5 Luglio 2023 “La nostra è stata una storia molto intensa”, racconta la giovane attrice a Novella 2000. “Sono fatta così: quando amo mi concedo totalmente, per me l’amore è tutto”, continua confermando che la sua relazione con il collega di set ha subito una battuta d’arresto, nei mesi scorsi. 1 CONDIVISIONI Mentre i fan di Mare Fuori sono in trepidazione per l’uscita della quarta…
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lospeakerscorner · 6 years
PORTICI (NA) – Oronero – dalle scritture del fuoco e l’evento Eruzioni del gusto, ospitato al Museo di Pietrarsa nei giorni del 26, 27 e fino alla mattinata di domenica 28 ottobre. Cinema, mostre, convegni, una fantastica cena in collaborazione con Villa Signorini, e al centro l’enogastronomia … vulcanica, in tutti i sensi
Una iniziativa volta a sensibilizzare il rispetto dell’ecosistema e il recupero delle tradizioni agricole, favorendo così lo sviluppo della cultura nei luoghi vulcanici. Sono peraltro stati i temi affrontati nel corso di Archeologia, agricoltura, salute e sicurezza: la sostenibilità all’ombra dei vulcani, uno dei tanti convegni che hanno caratterizzando l’evento enogastronomico  promosso dall’associazione culturale Oronero – dalle scritture del fuoco.
Docenti universitari, ricercatori, imprenditori, rappresentanti di aziende si sono confrontati sulla necessità di preservare la terra e le risorse non infinite limitando quanto più possibile sprechi e impatti ambientali. La plastica, uno degli elementi più utilizzati in ambito domestico e oggi sotto osservazione, presenta dei lati positivi.
«Un contenitore  di vetro a rendere è più impattante della plastica a perdere perché ci sono problemi di massa: per imbottigliare un litro in vetro occorrono circa 350-400 grammi di massa ma neanche 20 grammi per la plastica», ha spiegato il consigliere  delegato della Ferrarelle spa Giuseppe Cerbone.
Dal rispetto dell’ambiente alla valorizzazione dei territori campani. È il caso della Masseria delle Sorgenti Ferrarelle nel Parco Fonti di Riardo. Nel cuore dell’alto casertano dove nasce la più famosa acqua effervescente naturale del nostro Paese, è attiva una collaborazione con il FAI, cui è stato affidato un progetto di riqualificazione paesaggistica e di gestione turistica rivolto al pubblico.
La valorizzazione dei luoghi però non può prescindere dal rilancio delle culture, soprattutto di quelle dei popoli che vivono nelle terre vulcaniche. Sul punto Giuseppe Orefice del comitato esecutivo Slow Food Italia, ha sottolineato: «Ho notato, nella mia esperienza, che i popoli delle terre vulcaniche hanno un qualcosa in più che ha a che fare con l’identità. Pensate alle popolazioni vesuviane: loro si descrivono come vesuviani e a tal proposito mi viene in mente un progetto che anche nel nome esprime questa identità come ad esempio nei Campi Flegrei io Campo Flegreo, un gioco di parole ma anche uno stile di vita».
I lavori, moderati da Raffaele Sacchi, ordinario di Industrie Agrarie del Dipartimento di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, sono stati introdotti dai saluti del presidente di Oronero – dalle scritture del fuoco, Carmine Maione: «Abbiamo iniziato insieme un percorso in un luogo simbolo del viaggio. Siamo nel punto in cui c’è il primo esempio di rivoluzione industriale:  le ferrovie che favorivano scambi culturali, viaggi, trasporto di derrate alimenti.  Pietrarsa sembra una nave pronta all’abbrivio e in qualche modo ci sentiamo in movimento».
Non solo convegni, ma tante degustazioni di prodotti tipici (dop,igt,igp) e dei vini campani a cura dei consorzi di tutela. Inoltre, la Regione Campania ha presentato la Guida delle aziende vinicole e vitivinicole campane, redatta  in collaborazione con l’AIS, che poi ha guidato i visitatori in un viaggio attraverso i vini vulcanici.
Gli espositori hanno invece accompagnato l’interessatissimo pubblico in un itinerario di assaggi e conoscenza, dai pistacchi di Bronte alla Colatura di Alici di Cetara, passando per il Limoncello di Sorrento, per il Pane ricco di amore e di antiche tecniche e farine ri-valorizzate, fino al Provolone del Monaco, alla Mozzarela DOP, al Pomodoro del Piennolo, all’unicità dei prodotti della terra vesuviana esaltate dal presidio Slow Food, senza dimenticare Sua maestà la Pizza.
Da sottolineare una interessante novità: l’acqua di mare microbiologicamente pura a uso alimentare. Molto versatile in cucina, l’acqua Riservadimare®, ottenuta con un procedimento che non fa uso di sostanze chimiche, è un prodotto sostitutivo del sale, ma ricco: 92 Sali minerali, magnesio, ferro, potassio e calcio. «Il beneficio – ha sottolineato Giancarlo Gherardelli – è che il prodotto alimentare preparato con Riservadimare® a parità di peso ha quaranta volte meno sodio rispetto al sale comune».
Su tutto e tutti, ha “vigilato” l’Istituto Zooprofilattico del Mezzogiorno diretto dal dottor Antonio Limone: il funzionario addetto alle relazioni con il pubblico Luciano Ranaldi ha sottolineato l’importanza della sicurezza alimentare sollecitando ad un utilizzo più attento del cibo.
Sono stati tali e tanti gli eventi, tanti e tali gli esperti che hanno partecipato a Eruzioni del Gusto: con nostro rammarico non è stato possibile citarli tutti, ma ci rifaremo prossimamente…
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Oronero, il grande successo di Eruzioni del gusto PORTICI (NA) - Oronero – dalle scritture del fuoco e l’evento Eruzioni del gusto, ospitato al…
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uriello-bello · 5 years
"A historical chronological depiction from an imaginary Italy: a guess the reference game" Inspired thanks to P.J. Farmer, Alan Moore, John Myers Myers and Kim Newman. Edited! Expanded! Corrected!
Unknown: Pdor Mythos Unknown: Appears the superheroes gene "Vip" 10'000 A.C: In the Mediterranean basin lives a society of amazoness 71 A.C: Spartacus leads a slave rebellion 55 A.C: Tros of Samothrace takes the parts of the Breton resistance against the Roman conquest of Britain 50 A.C: Julius Caesar's complete conquest of Gaul finds resistance against a village in Armorica 11 March 44 A.C: Julius Caesar is murdered 80: Barbarian Ardarico's conquest of Rome miserably fails; Flavian Amphitheatre is inaugurated and Timo becomes a gladiator 128: Architect Lucius Quintus Modestus time travels until the 21st century and reachs the modern Japan VI century: King Alboin befriends and welcomes a sly and smart peasant to his court 726: Girolama Pellacani is raped by the Longobards 1050: Brancaleone of Norcia is born 1076: The saint hermit of Bismantova is sent to Aquileia in search of allies at the behest of Pope Gregory VII, but is hindered by the devil 1080: Brancaleone of Norcia takes part at the first crusade 1141: Baudolino is born 1150: Various supernatural events takes place at the castle of Otranto 1249: The company of Selva Bella participates at the mission to free Enzo of Sardinia 1271: Marco Polo begins his travel toward the Orient 1280: Marco Polo reaches the court of Kublai Khan and tell him about the 55 cities 1295: Marco Polo returns to Venice XIV Century: To win the maritime war against Venice, the Genoese captain Luigi Gottardi builds the underground canal of Meloria 1300: Poet Dante Alighieri visits, during a week, the afterlife 1327: William of Baskerville is involved in a murder case sets in a benedictine abbey 15 April 1452: Leonardo da Vinci is born 1478: Takes places the quests of the "Company of the Gallows" XVI Century: Arte Spalletti becomes an artist 1534: Two english brothers find a passage for a subterranean world where the time flows more slowly and is populated by a society of pygmies 1537: During the battle of Turin, a french soldier mysteriously survive to several deadly wounds 1570: To save her lover, war-prisoner at Famagosta in Cyprus, the duchess of Eboli wears an armor and under the alias of Captain Storm fights several battle against the Ottoman Empire 1595: The suicide of two lovers leads peace in a longtime feud between two Veronese families 1630: The black plague continues its killspread, Spanish local lord Don Rodrigo is found dead 1650s: Alchemist Girolamo Fumagalli develops the basic technique of thanatography 7 January 1730: In Siena is approved the Notice of Violante of Bavaria 1741: Totò Sapore invents pizza to bring peace between the French and Neapolitan armies 1750s: Armando Catalano seeks the treasure of the Templars 1764: Father Schedoni is involved in a conspiracy 1790: Scandal of the decayed noble Mazzini family 1798: Nobleman and ufficial Fabrizio del Dongo is born 25 March 1799: Jacopo Ortis dies 1801: Vampire Giovanni Nosferatu is born 1825: History professor Mercurio Loi disappears 1826: Dr. Weiss solves the Fritzheim case 1829: A frenchman discovers the Spada family's treasure located in Montecristo Isle 1850: Count Isidor Ottavio Baldassarre Fosco reaches England to plan a political conspiracy 1855: Teresa Uzeda Princess of Francalanza dies 1860: Wooden puppet Pinocchio becomes a real children 1863: Three persons, claiming to be part of a scientific expedition, are spotted been ejected from Mt. Stromboli 1864: Countess Marina Vittoria Crusnelli of Malombra gets possessed 1870: Enrico Bottini is born; Edwin Drood mysteriously disappears, leaving a secret still unrevealad 1874: As social experiment, some prisoners are released in a deserted island to create a self-managed isolated colony; Arsène Lupin is born 1878: Rosso Malpelo dies 1885: A frenchman from Tarascon survive to a fall during an attempt to reach the peak of Mt. Blanc 1887: Professor Sandrelli develops a substance that cancels gravity 1888: Full of remorse, baron Carlo Coriolano of Santafusca admits of being a killer 1889: Masked hero "Hidden Face" and Ugo Pastore take part at the Treaty of Wuchale; Escorted by english explorer Adam Wild, Count Narciso Molfetta explores Africa 7 December 1891: Vito Andolini is born 1893: Marco Pagot is born 1895: Architect Emilio Varelli starts the construction of the Three Mothers' manors September 1897: Giannino "Gian Burrasca" Stoppani is born 1898: The suppression of Milan riots are sabotaged by Tommaso Reiner 29 May 1899: Giuseppe "Peppone" Bottazzi is born 30 May 1899: Don Camillo Tarocci is born Early 1900s: Paolo Zeder hypothesizes the "K-Zone" theory; Actress Maria Sarti gains notoriety under the stage name Ninì Tirabusciò 1910: Architect Emilio Varelli finishes the construction of the Three Mothers' manors; Aldovino reaches the moon to marry the princess Yala; Count Emilio Ponticelli partecipes at the Daily Post air race 1911: Famous composer Gustav von Aschenbach dies during a holiday in Venice WWI: Flying ace Marco Pagot turns into an anthropomorphic pig and assumes the identity of Porco Rosso; Aviator Luciano Serra and aviator Matteo Campini take part at the conflict; Baron Cesare Stromboli helps the Triple Entente; Private Piero dies 1915: Air piratess Filibus terrorizes southern Italy performing several thefts 15 October 1915: Emilio Largo is born 1919: A man dressed in red and constantly speaking in rhyme becomes one of the richest italian 1920: Famous film director Guido Anselmi is born 1927: Dr. Artemio Zacchia founds a medicine and natural science academy and starts his studies on immortality March 1927: Detective Francesco Ingravallo solves the Via Merulana mystery June 1929: Fascist militia suppression at Fontamara 1930: Dominetta Vitali is born; Scientist Pier Cloruro de' Lambicchi creates a substance that gives life to the images 1933: Gastone Uliani investigates the Faun's case 17 July 1934: Ugo Fantozzi is born 1935: Italy's invasion of Ethiopia is obstacled by local spy Bara 29 September 1936: Lolito B. Lassica is born 1938: Benzino Napaloni signs an alliance with Adenoid Hynkel; The launch of hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli's expedition for Mars takes place; Primo Cossi chooses to undergoes at the EPRA experiment; Dr. Emilio Lizardo and Professor Tohichi Hikita build the oscillation overthruster, Lizardo trying to enter into the 8th dimension becomes insane 1939: Count Zero becomes a fascist agent; Film director Salvatore Di Vita is born 10 May 1939: Hierarch Gaetano Maria Barbagli and his troop land on Mars WWII: Captain Alberto Bertorelli, Captain Antonio Corelli, Sergeant Nicola Lo Russo, Marmittone and Galeazzo Musolesi take part at the conflict; Partisian Johnny loses his life; Partisan Natalino "Capellone" Tartufato saves the life of the english spy Charles Harrison, Private Antonio is considered as straggler in Russia 1940s: Marcella Valmarin becomes a famous actress under the stage name of Alba Doris 25 December 1942: Photographer Valentina Rosselli is born 1944: In a hidden palace in the Republic of Salò, tortures takes place by hand of four wealthy personality of the republic 1945: End of World War II in Europe and the prison camps are freed, Giosuè Orefice is among the survivors. 6 July 1945: Roberto "Rocky" Balboa is born 1950s: Bianca Castafiore is recognized as one of the best soprano in the world; Amelia Bonetti and Pippo Botticella become two renowned tip-tap dancers 6 September 1950: Salvo Montalbano is born 1952: In a laboratory it comes to life a creature made of rubber 1953: Michele Apicella is born; Exorcist Don Zauker lands in Livorno; During a diplomatic visit in Italy a princess escapes through the streets of Rome 1955: Criminal and con artist Mr. Ripley lands in Italy 1956: Painter Buono Legnani commits suicide 1959: Topo Gigio debuts and becomes a television star; Detective Nero Wolfe moves to Rome after some "problems" with FBI 1960: Authoress Enrica Valldolit wins the Nobel Prize in Literature 1961: A british spy agent kills the terrorist Emilio Largo; A cemetery man has a close encounter with the Death 15 August 1962: A young university student loses his life in a car accident caused by an overtaking 1963: Medic Duca Lamberti is expelled and imprisoned for practicing euthanasia; Calimero is born; "The Alphabet Killer" is caught 1966: Criminal Mastermind "The Fox" evades from prison 4 October 1967: Deboroh La Roccia is born 1968: Diabolik is presumed dead; Primo Cossi wakes up from hibernation and becomes a hitman related to the events of the Years of Lead 1969: A british criminal gang robs the FIAT industry 1970s: A criminal uses the sewer of a metropolis as hiding place and house; At Milan a group of bounty hunters form the C.T Association 1971: Fumagalli's thanatography is used to solve the four flies' mystery; Alberto Valle becomes the new Avio Motor CEO 1972: Somewhere in northern Italy, inside the Military Area 36, Professor Endriadi and his research team build the first AI February 1973: Four men commits suicide by eating up to death in a villa near Paris 1975: After months of shipwreck on a deserted island in the Mediterranean, the wife of the industrial Lanzetti and a sailor are saved; The corpses of the Crespi d'Adda cemetery are resurrected 1976: For having inflicts severe damages to the organized criminality all over Italy and in few years, mysterious killers murder the police commissioner Betti 1977: Virginia Ducci survives a murder attempt thanks to her clairvoyance 1978: Science fiction writer Della Spigola is abducted by the martians of Phobos; Discovered a breed of talking dog with a particular white fur with red spots; Famous chef Fausto Zoppi is killed by drowning; It ends the Filippo Carducci's kidnapping case 1980s: The ministry of the Great Hunt is founded; The imagination of a kid leads to the creation of creatures and entities 1980: "Caterina", an American brand of robotic housekeeper goes on sale; Neapolitan mafia boss "The Marseillaise" and his gang are killed after a showdown; Rocky Giraldi is born, so named in honour of the famous boxer 3 October 1980: Leonardo Zuliani is born 1981: The criminal known as "The Human Beast" loses his life in a gunfight 1982: The "K-Zone" theory is confirmed and Paolo Zeder is resurrected as zombie 1983: For the first time, alive peoples witness the "Palio of Siena of the dead contrade"; It is archived the case of the serial killer known as "The Killer Dwarf"; Naples F.C pays three billion for the acquisition of Brazilian footballer Paulo Roberto Cotequinho, he'll lead the Naples to the victory of its first championship four years later. 1984: Two men timetravel back until the 1492 August 1988: The first issue of "Bloody Eye" is published 1989: During a conference in Rome experts try to discover the truth about Edwin Drood mystery. 1990: FIFA World Cup scandal, the Italy team hires two pornstars to win; Salvo Montalbano becomes a police commissioner 1991: During the quadriennial Pallastrada world competition a prophecy comes true 1992: Sicilian gangster Johnny Stecchino uselessly resort to a person exchange to avoid death; During the annual Milan Film Festival, mystery fiction writer and amateur sleuth Jessica Fletcher resolves a murder case November 1992: Daria Marchesi is imprisoned for the Baldacci murder, Marino Strano becomes Bloody Eye's head writer 1994: "The Florence Monster" is finally arrested; A feud between two families ends with the use of a low-potential atomic warhead; After various vicissitudes experienced in India, Marco Donati is exposed at the Aquarium Berlin as "The boy with the gills" 1995: Marco Buratti aka "The Alligator" starts a new career as P.I. 1996: After his death Ugo Fantozzi returns to life until 1998 1997: Police agent Napoleone di Carlo abandons his profession and moves in Switzerland 1999: Ugo Fantozzi is cloned; "The Fish in Love" becomes an international bestseller 2000s: Jimi Dini works at the development of his videogame "Nirvana"; Dr. Bartolomeo Zacchia continues his father's studies 2001: A romanian vampire is sighted in Rome April 2001: Giorno Giovanna becomes the Gangstar of the mafia association "Passione" 2005: Police agent Rocky Giraldi enters in service 2006: Rise of nationalism in Italy brings the birth of Captain Padania July 2006: Leonardo Zuliani disappears 2007: Mater Lacrimarum is killed 2009: During a spiritual séance, Gualtiero Marchesi conjures the Emily Ann Faulkner's spirit 2013: Long Wei becomes a local hero for the chinese communities in Italy; Celestine VI becomes the new pope 2014: An amateur gang of smart drugs dealers is arrested; Michele Silenzi gains superpowers 2015: Low-grade criminal Enzo Ceccotti gets superpowers; Arsène Lupin's grandson is spotted in Italy 2016: Benzino Napaloni is cloned; Mario Bambea survives at his attempted suicide but develops an alter ego
|Cities&Places| The Seven Cities Meloria Canal Nepente Isle Bacteria Malapunta Vigata Montelusa The 55 invisible cities Pineta Frittole Sevalio Brigantes Sompazzo Monzurlo Salsiccia The Land of Toys Buffalora Kindaor Gualdana Pine Forest Roccaverdina Nofi Iliria Stranalandia Island Porcionia Desolation Isle Giancaldo Borgo Tre Case Borgo Dieci Case Accendura
|Fiction in Fiction| Cornelio Bizzarro (Writer) Leo Cordio (Writer) Franco Melis (Actor) Saverio Crispo (Actor) Giorgio Fini (Tenor) Tony Corallo (Singer) DJ Vomito (Rapper) Franco Fibbri (Soccer Player) Gli occhi del cuore ("The Eyes of the Heart") (Tv Series) La Bomba ("The Bomb") (Tv Series) Terrazza Italiana (Tv Show) Redenzione ("Redemption") (Movie) Sinite Parvulos (Movie) Paura d'odiare ("Fear to Hate") (Movie) L'usuraio licantropo ("The Werewolf Usurer") (Movie) La regina del pianeta nero ("The Queen of the Black Planet") (Movie) La palude del caimano ("The Caiman Marsh") (Movie) La vendetta del cobra ("Cobra's Revenge")  (Movie) I ragazzi del Bronx  ("The Bronx Boys") (Movie) Il caimano ("The Caiman") (Movie) Cataratte ("Cataracts") (Movie) Mocassini assassini ("Assassin Moccasins") (Movie) Maciste contro Freud (Maciste Versus Freud") (Movie) La mamma di Freud ("Freud's Mom") (Film) Natale con la casta ("Christmas with the Caste") (Movie) La polizia s'incazza (Movie) Margas (Movie) Space Queen Vega (Videogame) Il codice indecifrabile ("The Indecipherable Code") (Novel) L'albicocco al curaro ("Apricot with Curare")(Novel) La paura del giorno ("Fear of the Day") (Novel) Il pesce innamorato ("The Fish in Love") (Children's Book) Bloody Mario (Comic Strip) Bloody Eye (Comic Book) Megaditta (Company) Nosferatù (Company) Finmor (Company) Centovetrine (Company) Auto Avio Motor (Company) SOFRAM (Company) Tekne (Company) Wondercomics (Company) Tondello Spa (Company) Digitex (Company) Sbav (Company) Smack-O-Mat Corporation (Company) Longobarda (Football Club) Borgorosso (Football Club) Eat it! (Product) Fido Uomo (Product) Io Cane (Product) Cacao Meravigliao (Product) Cioccolato Spagnoli (Product) Acqua pulita (Product)
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