akatsukitrash · 4 months
No but @ ppl who absolutely want Madara to be with a woman, instead of making him date a girl he met when she was 16 and didn't give a shit abt (Sakura), we have 3 ADULT women who attacked him and two who almost won : Temari, Mito, and Tsunade. Let them spank him
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maoam · 6 months
i was rereading naruto and realized after sakura attacks madara and the whole embarrasing ordeal happens, he calls her a sideshow after that.
exact quote: enough with the sideshow.
Yeah he wasn't exactly impressed. And then Sakura stans think Madara would be interested in her romantically LOL
There was once a fanart where Madara got interested in Sakura during the war and Naruto and Sasuke were jelly. In reality, no one gave a fuck about her and she was often reduced to pouting in the background, or left behind by Naruto and Sasuke.
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slowlysointernet · 11 months
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sasukebabygirl · 1 year
Don’t you find it annoying how Sakura wankers ship both Sasuke and Naruto with their precious self insert then get really triggered when someone ships Naruto and Sasuke with each other or with a kunoichi that’s not sakura. Then they find stupid reasons to ship sakura with any male character regardless of their age especially their pedo ships like kakasaku and madasaku
they want sakura to be a part of something so bad not even stopping at pedophilia they are living proof that every day we stray further from god
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himitokhanh · 1 year
Anime lover, basketball player, history addicted, meme lover, cat person, countryball
Only BG, no BL and GL
- Bungou Stray Dogs:
Waifu: Kyouka Izumi
Ultimate OTP: AtsuKyou
Hardship: AkuHigu, RanYosa, MarkLucy, HawkMitchell, KenKyou, AkuKyou, TachiGin, BramAya
NOTP: AtsuLucy
- Naruto:
Only bias: Sakura
OTP: SasuSaku
OK with : SasoSaku, IndraSaku, ItaSaku, MadaSaku, GaaSaku
Don't care of all BG couples
NOTP: AllmaleHinata
Hateships: The rest of male x Sakura
Anti: Hinata Hyuga
- Spy x Family:
Like: Yor
Support: LoidYor
- Slam Dunk:
Waifu: Ayako
Husbando: Ryota, Mitsui
Ultimate OTP: RyoAya
Like: HanaHaru, RukaHaru
- Tokyo Revengers;
Waifu: Emma, Yuzuha
Husbando: Mitsuya, Draken
Ultimate OTP: DraEma, MitsuYuzu
Like: MiHina, KokoAka
Anti: Takemichi
NOTP: AllTakeAll
- Others:
Love: Kacchako, TodoMomo, GureMahi, ChiLumi, DanMarch, KosGri, BladeKafka, Hinny, Jily, IzuOcha,
Hate: Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape
- Fan of my anti and hate characters
- Only BL/GL
- Reactionary
- Homophobic, alpha male, pick me girl
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
Hello! First of all I adore your blog and I personally love your views on your multiple OTP's with Sasuke. But I have to ask you a question, what is your opinion on a ship like ItaSaku? I personally can't see them together, like honestly the only thing they have in common is their obsession with Sasuke... Anyway, please continue you're amazing blog!
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First of all thanks for your nice words.
Now let me change tone and reply to your question. I hate Ita/saku with a passion. 
(anti-Itas*ku and anti-S*kura under the cut. anon wrote the entire ship name. if it shows up in the search pages it’s not my fault. it’s my personal opinion and it’s properly tagged as anti)
Rare/crack pairings are interesting to imagine, write or RP, but I have a problem with S*kura.
She’s the female character most fans self-insert/identify with, since she’s an average person who gets stronger thanks to her hard work. If only she were just this, I’d find her uninteresting but I woulnd’t dislike her that much. I find her funny moments very funny actually, and I like the way she is around certain characters when she acts like herself and not like an idiot. 
Too bad she’s not written this way, or rather, kishi/sp decided to write her differently, not following that characterization at all. So, to me she’s boring and shallow…when she’s not whiny, self-centered, narrow-minded and trying to be manipulative but not even succeeding, because on top of that she believes herself (and she’s supposed) to be smart but she’s not. She’s just your typical good student who memorizes everything but has no critical thinking. She shows this in the way by never questions anything about Konoha’s shitty system even after she gets to she know more, and by not even being curious about Sasuke’s reasons to rebel against the village, instead deciding to kill him herself, something incredibly stupid (she would have never made it), narrow minded (since she didn’t bother knowing why, despite she claimed to love him) and selfishly creepy, Marilyn Manson’s “I’ll kill you if I can’t have you” style. Not to mention something decided on a whim, because there was no indication that she thought about him this way before.
Personality aside, I don’t like her look either, so I don’t want her near my favourite characters. As for Itachi, he’s a real genius, someone who thinks in a very original way, someone whose reasoning and morals are completely his own, someone who’s not afraid to choose a dark path to achieve his goal, someone whose love for his brother was so strong and complex to drive him to go to extreme lenghts to protect him, even hurting him. I just can’t find interesting a relationship between someone like this and someone so average, so shallow, like S*kura.  
Since I don’t find her interesting, I don’t find her interactions with others interesting either, and I can’t see anyone from outside Konoha being interested in her, so the only ones I like her with are Naruto (classic couple, they kinda remind me of Akito and Miho in Bakuman, very cute together, lots of funny moments, also a positive development), Sai (they have a nice development and nice interactions) and Kakashi. Kakasaku is very interesting in my opinion, because Kakashi who’s older, may help her grow up mentally, and she might help him heal from his traumas and be less closed off. Also they have beautiful interactions in the war.
Everyone is free to ship whatever they like but when I see Itas*ku in the tags, I block the post. I don’t hate it as much as I hate SS because it’s just crack, but sure I don’t like it. Just like I don’t want to see Madas*ku, Uchi/saku, Akatsuki/saku or whatever else.
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For the character ask: Sakura Haruno 💖
favorite thing about them: she worked so hard and fucking did a medical surgery at 17? WHAT? also, her punches. always stood up when naruto was being creepy. her punches are SO POWERFUL
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least favorite thing about them: she is written from a man's perspective.
favorite line: "Women have to be strong in order to survive"
brOTP: ino!!
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nOTP: I saw someone shipping madasaku 🙂 that's a BIG NO for me. that's my most hated sakura ship.
random headcannon: inner sakura being a threat to itachi's mangekyou,
her being considered for hokage but turning it down bc it was naruto's dream,
not caring a while for sasuke (when he turned into a terrorist) when she goes to kill him, she says: "frankly dear, I don't care" and sasuke being shocked. she puts up a fight there too.
she also has a kunai strapped to her thigh
unpopular opinion: she is a queen and people love degrading queens
people disliking her made me love her more, thank u to the haters. I ask people who have watched naruto "do u like sakura" and then I suddenly know if they're a feminist or not :D
song i associate: tbh I have a playlist
but here are some songs that I only associate with her:
- brutal by Olivia rodrigo
- favorite crime by Olivia rodrigo
- rockabye by clean bandit and anne marie
- i knew you were trouble by Taylor swift
- this feeling by the chainsmokers
- so far so good
- cloud 9 by beach bunny
favorite picture of them:
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huskymaine · 2 years
For the character ask- Sakura
Thanks for the ask Anon!
1. Favorite thing about them
Her bravery, I think. For a character whom fandom often call "crybaby", multiple times she doesn’t hesitate to put herself in front of danger for the sake of other people whom she cares about, even when she's still weak, like in Part 1.
2. Least favorite thing about them
Her love-borderline-obsession toward Sasuke. I don't care for romance in general but I can see a painfully bad love story if I see one. I think it's worse than Twilight.
3. Favorite line
"Cause pigs don't have hands, you big fake!" (I like the twist in english dub, in english sub she only said "shannaro" instead of "you big fake". Zetsu deserves every mockery they can get).
4. brOTP
Naruto, Ino, Sai. BroTP with Sai particularly is often ignored by fandom, which is weird since the first time Sai opened up about Shin to Sakura. 
5. OTP
I don't really like shipping in fandom (especially Naruto fandom) and since her fixation of love is pointed out as her prominent bad trait, I don't ship her with anyone.
6. nOTP
I've seen many unbelievable Sakura ships and I hate all of them (MadaSaku, SasoSaku, wtf?)
7. Random headcanon
In canon novel apparently Sakura and Ino have a joint Medical Care clinic, so I hc that they also have joint medical herbs garden, because poisonous plant is something that bring them close in the first place.
8. Unpopular opinion
I am a pharmacist student, and I adore the scene when she made antidote in Kazekage rescue arc. I know that in shonen manga healer character doesn't look so amazing among shonen reader, but my 21 year old ass struggles to learn about medicine in my damn college for 4 years so for me it's amazing that 15 years old Sakura can absorb so much medicine knowledges that surpassed even veteran healer like Chiyo. Basically, I want more Pharmacist Sakura, with Pharmacist Ino since we're in it.
9. Song I associate with them
Maggie Lindemann - Pretty Girl
10. Favorite picture of them
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(Pony-tail Sakura is the best Sakura honestly)
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stopthebig3 · 3 years
Why do Multi-Saku fans hate on Sasuke? The concept makes me uncomfortable. They make him jealous or regretful of turning her down, even worse are the men flaunting the fact that they have her in his face. Even Itachi, who apparently chooses a woman's love over his baby brother. Just...why?
These shippers are femcels, they're bitter Sakura was desperate for Sasuke's dick but Sasuke rejected her.
It's kinda scary how many people think they are owed a relationship.
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leuces · 3 years
some of y'all sakura stans are so weird. y'all romanticize the hell out of adult characters like madara knowing sakura since she was a little girl and then eventually having a relationship with her. madasaku is already a weird ship in and of itself, but this is exponentially worse. isn't this just grooming?? an adult having a close relationship with a little kid and then getting with them as soon as they're of age??
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badgalsasuke · 4 years
you’ve got to be fucking kidding me
can Sakura stans just admit they’re projecting themselves onto her????? plssss this is so cringey
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To me the most disgusting pairs in Naruto are sakura x uchiha men. Sakura was ugly both inside and outside. She's hothead, mean, rude and shallow. And yet those sakutards ship her with every uchiha men, including the ancestor of the clan. How come someone so perfect like itachi and sasuke gotten forced to be with this pink piece of sh*t. As if the uchihas haven't suffered enough already. Every time I see these pairs fanarts I feel sick and the urge to vomit. Please sakutards I beg you guys to leave the uchihas alone and stop your intolerable bullshit.
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literally i see 1 (one) image of sak/ura with an akatsuki member or something and i have the audacity to think "oh this is cool! is this an au where theyre friends?" and i click on the art blog only to get bombarded with someones weird fetishes that they projected onto naruto characters
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Reactions to MultiSaku ships because I'm bored
Before I start, if you happen to disagree with any of this, then feel free to do so but don't take it too personally.
GaaSaku :
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InoSaku :
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LeeSaku :
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TemaSaku :
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NaruSaku :
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SasuSaku :
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ItaSaku :
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MadaSaku :
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KakaSaku :
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SakuHina :
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ramiel-enthusiast · 5 years
ino, lee, and nar/uto: hey i love sak/ura and would prioritize her safety and happiness over my own
sshitheads: but uMMm sausuke wants her magic pus$$i!!???! madera wants to shove it in there!!?!?!! itachi is her souul mate??!?! i don't fuckihng care if they never have positive interactions i just want the entire uchiha clan to gangbang her
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