#anti onision community
onisiondrama · 4 months
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"Why Onision Was Framed (Finally Explained)" Jan 22, 2024 Onision
Anon Gene claims he is responsible for everything that's happened to Onision.
Gene keeps doxing him and his family.
Gene texted Onision they day before he was served with legal documents, claiming he knew ahead of time because he was a direct player in the case.
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Gene sends Onision unhinged, messed up messages through text and twitter. I'm not going to repeat or post them.
Gene offered to pay Onision's $35,000 interview fee for Chris Hansen to interview him. Another text.
Gene texted Onision screen shots of him coordinating Onision being served legal documents.
Onision believes Gene's claim that he is the leader of the anti-o community.
He claims Sarah begged for his forgiveness at the airport before she left. I don't recall him ever claiming this before.
Someone claims the first follower on almost every anonymous Gene twitter account is Hansen.
Shows messages from Vincent saying Gene is close to Hansen. Claims Gene gave Hansen Onision's locations, accounts, passwords.
Onision says Gene is Hansen's right hand man.
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Onision says someone told him Gene is someone who worked with Hansen on TCAP (Xavier Von Erck).
Gene contacted some of Onision's neighbors with this message:
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He's been ignoring Gene for the last 6 years. Tells viewers to report any information to authorities.
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opinated-user · 1 year
So let me see if I got this straight... Does Lily really expects me to believe that she was stabbed, raped, stalked offline and had a concussion because of her bad takes on media? How. How does she expect people to actually think that a third rate youtuber like she, that isn't that famous all things considered, to have events just happening to her worse than many other bigger youtubers with worse opinions?
tbf LO has so many stories about all the alledged bad things her "stalkers" have done to her specifically because of her cartoon reviews, that it would be easy for a regular fan to lose track of or completely forget they happened at all. if LO herself can't keep up with the multiple incidents she atributes to her "stalkers", then how could anyone else?
but when you put it all like that, it's hard to believe. if not because of anything else, because LO's presence online seems to be reduced to the "that one person who made the two hour long video about SU who also wrote stockholm" and little else. we have made a lot of comparisons between LO and Onision but Onision at least had a very big audience and influence on the internet on the level of Shane Dawson (however briefly) before all the allegations came in. the anti-onision community became so widespread because Onision was already a big figure. LO just has one SU bad video.
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shoujoboy-restart · 1 year
Remember when dragon maid fans were rightfully mad at one of the translation script writer's in Dragon Maid because she kept defending a bizarre decision to add a #feminist line critising the fan service designs of one of the characters while also staying weirdly silent about the removal of the lesbian undertones of the show? Well, we have something new and even more bizarre, the brazilian Chainsaw Man fans are bullying and harassing one of the voice actors for the portuguese dub of the anime adaptation because the translation...is going to be accurate to the actual japanese manga.
Yup, I'm not joking or being the slightest bit sarcastic, apparently the Brazilian CSM community is obcessed with fan scalations that just...don't actually accurately translate the manga, and more specifically, make an worse version of south park style comedy, filled with mysogynist, sexist, homophobic, racist and anti-semitic jokes, one of the infamous "translations" being a panel where one of the character calls her employer a Jew for saying he's going to discount from her salary for coming up to work late and then repeatedly calls him a Jew again after he tells her work instructions
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I have yet to read anything CSM so i don't even know if there's any sort of accuracy to this, but some fans on the comments of tweets of panels "calling out" or just exposing these translations claim the fanscalators don't seem to care about actually translating for the fans to connect with the original intentions of the work, but to use the manga as a platform to have their out of context jokes and their 15 minutes stand-up validate, with fans who criticize these innacurate translations receiving condescending responses of some variation of "boring person detected".
Now going back to the situation at hand, decades old Brazilian voice acting veteran Guilherme Briggs, know for in a moment having a deep mellow voice for characters like Kronk from A Emperor's New Groove, hysterical clowhonk infactuation for the likes of King Julian in the Madagascar Franchise and a high pitched feminine primadonna in a moment and a commanding deep roar in the next for the iconic HIM from the Powerpuff Girls, together with multiple anime characters in also accurate but inventive translations of other animes before that, so basically, this man made the childhood, teenhood and adulthood of many fans of cartoons, anime and movies across age ratings.
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The scanlation fans started attacking the voice actor for the Future Demon at first because instead of him using/referencing a infamous un-official translation where the character is made to say "o futuro é pica"(which would roughly translate to "the future fucks!") the actor decided to make a small creative change from the official translation which is "o futuro é show!(the future is (a) show!" which he changed to "o futuro é top!(the future is top(notch)!".
Brigg's after the attacks and complaints decided to express the obvious that he was there to working with the official and accurate translation of the manga for the adaptation, adding the also obvious fact the scanlation was homophobic, sexist, racist, antisemitic and had no interest in actually accurately portraying the manga in a way Brazilian fans can connect with it.
Which caused the complaints to escalate to full on harassment 24/7, ranging from death treats on social medias and attempts to hack his Instagram and Twitter, again, because he was dubbing based on the official and accurate translation of the manag instead of random nobody loser on the internet with Onision level humor, to the point Briggs went on his now locked twitter account and announced he's considering quitting his role as Future Demon.
Crunchy Roll Brazil, which is managing the dubbing together with Som de Vera Cruz studios wuc Briggs is working trought, came in support for Briggs and said they won't entertain these weirdos
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Google translate: "There is no room for cyberbullying within the anime community. Crunchyroll fully supports the voice actor Guilherme Briggs and condemns the attacks directed at him and his fantastic dubbing work with the Som de Vera Cruz studio team. We'd like to thank the fans who have expressed their support for Briggs, as well as the voiceover team for their work and professionalism. It's your work that makes the industry strong" today, and the community
TL;DR THE Morherfucking G.O.A.T. of Brazilian voice acting is being harassed by a bunch of south park fandom rejects jerking eachother off about how boring the official and accurate translation for CSM is because it doesn't attack minorities on every other panel.
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Somebody’s not taking quarantine well. What’s wrong Greg, can’t take being stuck in a house with your own family that you’re supposed to love and care for?
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Why don’t you have a cap in your ass?
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basement-critics · 4 years
Here are some of the most positive comments!
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Okay what the F U C K is going on with Twitter???
Someone deadass tried to expose The Right Opinion as Onision. I....
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Watching more Onision drama recaps and I just wanna shake Chris Hansen’s hand tbh
He knows something’s wrong, and he sees that no one else who can do anything about it is, and he knows that he has the influence to do something. He’s been dedicating himself so much to this and I know that someone as well-known and experienced as him will be able to get something done about this and I’m just so grateful for everything he’s doing
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vilucaicai · 5 years
Friendly reminder that being Anti Kai is not an excuse to be biphobic or transphobic
don't be like Onion man!
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I don't wanna jump to conclusions or anything but I just remembered something my mum told me a couple of weeks ago that has me thinking. She told me she's seen a lot of people who do bad things try to deflect onto other people and accuse them of doing the same bad things to make themselves feel better and take the focus away from them.
Remember when mr onion was borderline obsessed with 'proving' that Shane Dawson is a pedophile/predator, and he would make all his accusatory videos and statements with no evidence to back it all up? And he would try to sound really educated and like he was a lot better than Shane because of reasons like he knew all the ages of consent in each state and "uwu im only joking guys, Shane isn't" ?
I think he was trying to shift focus because deep down he knew he was the real predator, and maybe by accusing Shane of being one it would take all the focus away from him and thus he could get away with everything for longer.
(That and his jealous ass couldn't handle how successful and respected Shane is, but that's just a given.)
This is probably hella obvious but like. still. I've been thinking about it all day and it checks out.
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wow39472820 · 4 years
400 of you agree that women hate onision
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rotten-onions · 5 years
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He feels so out of control with all these girls outing him that he feels the need to tweet disgusting dominant things to 13 year olds to trick himself into feeling in control again
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riaxaraco · 5 years
I’m watching the Chris Hanson live stream with Shiloh (watch it here) and turns out James has been to Pennsylvania and I just have one thing to say.
Stay the fuck out of my state Greg
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kaiavaroe · 5 years
The damage control he's trying to do is so pathetic.
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That’s insane.
But no suprise that Discount McDonald’s Grease Trap would have that many sock puppet accounts, and for those reasons at that.
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Ok I have a serious question that I cant figure out for the life of me: what's Onision's name??? Why do people keep calling him 2 names?? WHATS HIS NAMEEEEE
Hey! So, Onision’s real name is Greg Avaroe. He recently changed it a bit ago to avoid any trouble associated with his real name from employers, and his “new name” is James Jackson.
It’s really your preference on what to call him, most people call him James Jackson to not let him escape the shit he’s done simply by going under a new name. I call him both, but since he tried to essentially compare getting called Greg to being deadnamed as a trans person, I sorta call him both just to piss him off ;)
Hope this helped!!
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