anotherloganstan · 4 years
anyone: *is sad*
Logan, not knowing how to emotion: uh, I found a cool rock want to see it?
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ravenhilarious · 4 years
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I hope Janus is wearing plenty of sun lotion.
Based on this post by @anotherloganstan. 
Basically, Patton and Janus are little kids who are really obsessed with frogs and snakes, respectively, and they bond over their similar special interests and go to the forest together to look at these animals.
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
Consider: Patton being the weird kid too into frogs and Janus being the weird kid too into snakes, of course they become friends, and they spend their weekends in forests and ponds searching for the cute animals they love so much
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anotherloganstan · 3 years
Remus as silly evil henchman who is both violence and comic relief. And villain mage Logan who secretly (not so secretly) loves his silly little henchman who is only a little too invested in murder weapons. Then they kiss.
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
consider: Roman calling Logan ‘pretty boy’. that is all.
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anotherloganstan · 3 years
Headcanons about the Remus ships? (Except remrom pls.) (it’s cool if you don’t wanna because you don’t like Remus ships, I just thought I’d ask!)
ok hi I am alive again even just for this headcanon
~ I feel like Janus is equally parts fondly exasperated with Remus but also lovingly annoyed with him, like they will bicker and he will most likely act like a parent to the other man but in an almost teasing and fun way that Remus laughs and giggles at and Janus ordering him to take a bath before he can receive cuddles
~ but with Virgil I feel like they’re more so equally annoying arguing equals where Remus will say something gross or weird and Virgil will insult him but all in a fond way and I can totally imagine like Remus licking Virgil as a sign of affection (like a big ~slurp~ up his cheek (the face one ya nasty)) and Virgil just, deadpan, licking him back and Remus just getting flustered at his returned affections
~ with Patton I reckon Remus would become a little less reckless around him and learn to let his softer side out, even if it is still just as weird or unusual, and Patton just *heart eyes* at his quirky bf and probably makes him baked goods that look like different weird things (all i’m thinking is froggy bread) and Remus becoming delighted and more interested in what Patton likes and doing very bad attempts at being a ‘normal’ romantic (maybe he tried the whole chocolates and flowers thing)
~ and with Logan I feel like their relationship would be very weird and blunt and no room for misinterpretation, their confessions very to the point (*cough, cough* Remus’ nasty suggestions too) and they definitely have that crazy science date nights and it’s just really a strange friendship with added bonuses like kisses
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
not to be spicy or anything but consider: Roman being an absolute dumbass, complete fool, utter idiot, and Logan being so smitten with him, like, ‘hell yeah that’s my dumbass, insult him and you die’ and Roman is just :D
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
I really need more sanders sides blogs to follow. So interact with this if you post (and/or reblog) JUST sanders sides stuff (can be fluff, angst, or smut (as long as you are 18+))
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
remus hides the tiny ugly plastic babies around the mindscape
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
consider: Logan with braces
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
Consider: Janus starting to date Roman only to slowly realise he is very much like his twin brother, it gets weird but he likes it
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
consider: Logan getting all cranky and whiny when he’s sleepy and the others think it’s adorable (and, in turn, wrap him in blankets and cuddle him to sleep)
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anotherloganstan · 3 years
I realise that a lot of prompts in my inbox are merely numbers and ships which I now have no idea what they mean, so, I will delete them but feel free to send me full prompts (of your own creation or from prompt lists - with a ship, etc.) so I can hopefully work on some new stuff
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
consider: a side just going to pretend to pick Logan up and finding it’s much easier than they thought, and Logan just squeaking and blushing and demanding to be put down this instant
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anotherloganstan · 4 years
Consider: Logan becoming so infatuated and in love with someone that being around them and thinking about them makes him a little stupid
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anotherloganstan · 3 years
Important Info!
Hey, I’m El and here is some information you might want to know about this blog!
I do write mostly romantic fluff for most sanders sides ships, occasionally platonic stuff and sometimes angst. My requests are open for one shot fics, drabbles, and headcanons. I also do commissions if you are interested DM me for information.
Here is a list of what I will write and won’t write, if I haven’t mentioned something they send me an ask or DM to check it out or add it to a list. I can and will update this as regular as I can.
Will write:
Romantic relationships
Platonic relationships
Familial/friendship Creativitwins
Won’t write:
Anything with Thomas or his friends in ship wise (so no Side/Thomas or Thomas/friend)
Smut (I do have a smut blog @subloganrights but you have to be 18 or older to follow, if your age isn’t in your bio you will be blocked from it)
Strong gore/violence
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