#another galtean
puppsworld · 2 years
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I drew the second piece for my alien au last night but i was so tired i just didnt feel like posting, especially since i had wicked wrist pain. 
BUT ANYWAY!!! Heres kuro <3
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callmelyc · 3 months
Galtean royalty Klance that will destroy everything the other loves as their hatred burns but they love eachother more than anything.
More than everything.
Which leaves them to destroy eachother too.
Just think about it. Two kingdoms that have ruined eachother and been at war, two kingdoms that have taken eachothers families from eachother.
Two princes rise as two kings that swear to end this war with them.
So the thirst begins, the promise to destroy all the other loves. The battle takes hundreds from either side. It's ruthless, it's bloodthirsty, it's ugly and vile yet neither stands down.
Somehow along the way the two kings meet and somehow after they fall in love with one another.
Keith looks at Lance from their secret meeting spot "if I allow myself to fall for you I will destroy you."
Lance simply intertwines their fingers, looking directly into the eyes of cosmos "then destroy me. Love me."
That kiss they share is their last.
As they stand together on the battlefield face to face they stand on opposite ends.
Their men stand behind them, an agreement has been made.
A king for a king.
A fair trade and end to bloodshed.
Lover to lover they hold their blades to eachothers throat "once we fall this war ends" was the deal.
But together face to face they promise something else:
To meet together in another life and every life after and allow themselves to love without the destruction. Should there be destruction they swore to not destroy eachother. Should they destroy eachother they swore to love endlessly anyways.
A kingdom that births reincarnation. King Keith Akira Kogane of Dibazal and King Leandro Charles McClain of Altea, red and blue, enemies to lovers.
Together in every life here after.
The blades cut, and they are born again.
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
wip wednesday 14
the loneliest series: 1 2 3 4
a mother's love: 1 2
blade lance au: 1 2 3
the applebees universe: 1 2 3
flower crown au: 1
new wips outline
racer lance au: 1 2
alien keith modern au: 1 2
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jiveyuncle · 1 year
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For a fic that only exists in my head ✨
Galtean Klance AU that leads to the rise of the Galra Empire
Alteans are wary. The Galrans first arrive as refugees, learning and studying under the Alteans after they drained their own home planet dry. A generation has settled and integrated in with Altean society, and Galrans find themselves being accepted into positions of power.
Keith trains to become a part of the royal guard, butting heads with another loud, charming Altean trainee - Lance - who eventually becomes Allura’s personal guard. When a marriage is arranged between the princess and Lotor, Keith is assigned to protect Lotor, becoming the first Galran to achieve royal guard status.
While experimenting with Quintessence, Honerva glimpses a future in which the Galrans nearly wipe out the Alteans. Lotor brings this to Princess Allura’s and King Alfor’s attention, but they refuse to send the Galra away. "To do so would be a death sentence for them." "To keep them is a death sentence for us." "Based on what? Things that haven't happened? A people that have hurt us none?" Lotor decides that, in order to save his people, a sacrifice must be made.
Lotor arranges a private meeting with King Alfor regarding the marriage arrangement between Allura and himself. Before Keith can excuse himself from the room, Lotor snatches the blade from Keith’s hip and kills the king. Keith turns on Lotor.
Allura and Lance arrive to find the King dead via blade wound and Keith about to kill Lotor - the man he was assigned to protect - with the very same bloody blade. Keith is successfully set up. The Galra are not to be trusted. Tensions and mistrust between Alteans and Galrans sky rocket, and war breaks out a few days later, setting into motion the future that Honerva warned against. A very messy rivals to lovers to enemies to lovers
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crystal-rebellion · 1 year
Meep, hello! Been thinking about how crossover VLD/DotU Lotura would react to one another and your Beyond the Stars story came to mind, and while I love how DotU Allura immediately befriended VLD Lotor bc he’s so polite and diplomatically inclined, I can’t help but wonder - how do you think DotU Lotor would react to VLD Allura?
Like yes, she has the same temperament and righteous ambition, but unlike her counterpart she’s also so freaking powerful. Of course he would admire her, but would he also feel threatened? And how would she handle his abrasive behavior, since she could easily match him physically?
Anyway, I was just curious. Love your writing and hoping to hear your thoughts!
(First of all, thank you, thank you, I'm so delighted you enjoyed that story so much - it started off as a silly crack piece that wasn't supposed to be serious, but ended up creating its own actual story.)
Second-- FUN FACT - I too, have wondered that same thing, and have a Part 2 started. I genuinely don't know if this will end up as a story in full, but I very, VERY much wanted to see what DotU Lotor and VLD Allura would do when they met.
Ahem - since it may end up being a sequel story at some point, and it's a little long, I'll drop it under the cut. But, here we go 👇👇
“What is this, Princess?”
“I believe the boys call it popcorn.  It’s something from Earth,” the princess gowned in pink explained, passing the striped bin between her palms to the Galtean emperor beside her.  “It’s good to see you again,” she added with a warm smile.
The strange man from beyond the rift smiled calmly down at her, clawed hands accepting the strange offering of food.
“Our paladins often bring strange delicacies as well.  I’m surprised they haven’t mentioned anything like this. I must ask them,” he conceded, popping a fluffed kernel into his mouth.  “It appears my advice has served you well,” he added, blue irises sliding to glance down to the blushing blonde beside him.
“I won’t say we haven’t had our differences, but yes.  I… shortly after you left, I corralled my courage and spoke directly with Prince Lotor.  We negotiated a cease-fire, and I agreed to offer to help him take his throne.  You were right.  About everything,” she added with a blush.
“And now you are his queen,” he observed in between bites of popcorn.
Allura’s shoulders rolled in a shrug and she gestured to their surroundings.
“It seemed natural.  It took… quite a while to prepare for the strike against King Zarkon, by the time we finally succeeded, we had become close enough that… well, at least I realized I didn’t want to just stay friends.  Or simply allies.  And now here we are, Castle Doom,” she grinned cheerfully up at him, in stark contrast to the gloomy surroundings.
The Emperor wordlessly popped another kernel past his lips, studying her quietly.
“Your husband has a curious taste in decor,” he murmured, his eyes leaving hers as he swept their surroundings, taking in the vast number of empty seats in the coliseum.
The two sat alone alone atop the pedestal marked for royalty, the only spectators to the match below.  The two competitors were none other than their very own partners.
Allura winced as a silver haired-woman hurled her husband across his own coliseum.
“...He’s going to feel that tomorrow,” she murmured, reaching over to steal a handful of popcorn from the emperor’s hands.
“It does indeed leave a bruise,” he murmured, watching his counterpart stagger to his feet and charge back at the woman, a warcry echoing from his lips.
“Are you worried for her safety?”
Allura’s bright blue eyes flickered up to her friend.
“No,” he answered simply.  The statement of faith marked as the warrior woman quickly dispatched her challenger effortlessly.  “Are you worried about him?”
“A little.  I had no idea there was an Allura of such strength on your side of the rift,” she murmured in awe.
Lotor dragged himself to his feet and glared angrily at his opponent.
“He’s certainly determined,” the emperor observed.
Allura coughed before popping a piece of popcorn past her lips.
“You have no idea,” she groaned, drawing a soft chuckle from him. “I’m pleased you’ve returned,” she added.  “It’s been fascinating to meet her.”
“It was very much her idea.  Not,” he paused, his eyes popping wide as he realized the implication and he quickly corrected himself.  “Not that I didn’t wish to return and thank you myself, but she was the one who spearheaded the research to figure out how to control the rift technology once I explained what had happened.”
“It’s such a relief to know it worked.  I had no way of knowing, on my side.  You know, that you had made it, or that she had found you.”
Galtean eyes glanced down at her and he could only exhale for a moment.
“Oh my stars,” she muttered after a moment, her hands covering her lips when Lotor landed on his backside, only to glare across the stadium.  “Please just give up,” she whispered to herself.
“Do you think he will?”
Allura returned his curious look with a flat one.
“Absolutely not.  At some point I’m going to have to go down there and drag him away before he gets a concussion,” she grumbled.  With a huff, she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“They aren’t so bad.”
Allura’s eyes popped wide as his words, coupled with his prior statement, clicked in her mind.  Slowly, she turned her gaze up to the calm man beside her; so vastly different than the one she called her husband.
“Has… did she…?”
A grin split across his lips.
“We had a slight disagreement about something.”
“Are you alright?”
His eyes widened in genuine surprise as he stared down at her in surprise, touched by her concern.  He studied her expression for any trace of derision or jest and found none.
He swallowed.
“I am now, yes,” he answered honestly.
Allura’s worry melted into delight, another cloudbreaking smile splitting across her features.
“Good,” she praised, looking away from him to regard the combat of wills on display below.
Slowly, Lotor returned his attention to the spectacle as well.
“After this, could we…”  He trailed off, hesitant to ask for such favors from his host.
“Would you like to return to Altea?”  Allura grinned, not even needing to hear the rest of his request.  “We wouldn’t even be here if King Lotor hadn’t challenged the Empress to an Honor Duel,” she added dryly.  “Of course he would want to do it here.”
He exhaled weakly beside her.
“...I like the aesthetic of your Castle of Lions better.”
Allura erupted in a fit of giggles.
“As do I,” she agreed.
“...Allura, I believe, would prefer Altea as well.  She… she couldn’t stop talking about it once I mentioned I had been to a place where it still existed.”
A strange mixture of both a warm happiness and a chilling dread settled across the queen’s heart.  While pleased she was able to offer such a thing to the Empress from beyond the stars, it was a chilling reminder that her planet - her people - in some places had not survived Zarkon’s warpath.
“Of course,” she said, her voice tight with emotion.
She blinked suddenly at the duel.
“Oh, this is finished,” she murmured, rising from her seat.  Gathering the folds of her pink and white gown, she bustled swiftly down the staircase toward the railing edging the wall of the pit.  “We concede,” she called out.
Lotor’s head snapped at the sound of her voice.
“I do not,” he called out.  “I’m not done!”
“Yes, yes you are,” she said delicately, smiling gently at her war-bred husband, her palms delicately folding on the railing.  He stared at her for a moment before looking back at the Empress staring at him coolly.
“I can’t lose to her!”
The queen stifled a giggle behind her hand and she shook her head once.
“You already have, Lotor.  I want to go home now,” she added with a pout.
Unable to deny the sunkissed woman anything she wanted, he exhaled and nodded once to his opponent.
“I… yield,” he ground out, the last word twisting in his throat as if it were something vile.
“Thank you.” 
Serpentine eyes flickered back to his wife as she spoke, extending her hand out toward him.  He wasted no time in mounting the wall to stand beside her.
“You were magnificent,” she praised when he only gave a disgruntled look over his shoulder at the silver-haired woman who scaled the wall to curl into the arms of her emperor.
“I lost,” he pouted.
Her fingers curled around the skull belt at his hips and tugged him closer.
“Yes, yes you did.  And that’s alright.  I want to go back to Altea.”
She turned and snaked her arm around his, leading him toward the other couple.
“The Emperor has requested a return to Altea, does that sit well with you, Empress?”
Allura tilted her head to the side as her elfin mirror glanced her way.
“You need not address me so formally,” she spoke, the lilt and cadence of her voice matching her husband’s.
“It seems strange to speak my own name, but, as you like, …Allura.”
“Thank you.  Come, I wish to explore this planet that is both so similar and yet so different from the one I grew up on.  I am pleased it exists still, at least somewhere in the universe.  In… a universe, I suppose.”
“Have you found other realities?  With other… people?  Like us?”
Brilliant blue eyes were riveted on her spirit sister in wonder, fascinated by the technology they had unearthed.
“We have not yet looked, though we suspect yes.  Lotor mentioned he’d left you the blueprints for the modulators… have you not… tried?”
Allura bit her bottom lip and she turned her gaze forward, continuing to glide side by side with the Empress, their partners trailing silently on their arms.
“I was a bit… intimidated by it.  Besides.  The rule was not until we had taken the Empire from Zarkon’s control.  This… peace across the galaxy now is very, very new.”
“My dear, I’ve been offering you the galaxy since I met you.”
The queen scowled at Lotor.
“Yes but I couldn’t trust you, with all your beastly mannerisms and conquering sprees.  What was I supposed to think?”
His nose wrinkled slightly in a scowl as the blonde turned her attention back to a smirking Empress.
She didn’t reply to her blonde haired proxy, but instead swiveled her prismatic gaze to an equally bemused Emperor.
“They suit just as well as you predicted,” she murmured, eliciting a blush from the woman on her other side.
When her warlord husband only laughed triumphantly on her other side, her flushed deepened and she smacked his arm lightly.
“Hush,” she scolded. “We’re here.” She released the king’s arm and proudly strode up the ramp to the Altean ship that had brought them to Daibazaal in the first place mere hours ago.
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
Ok. So. I've been adding things to the Ginormous-Multichapter-Fic-of-Doom. I have settled on 10. So there will be ten randomly rotating fics in one compendium worthy of any half-decent mage. In alphabetical order by working title or whatever random bullshit I've named the folders just bc that's how I organise them (and hiding them under the cut bc I'm adding *・☆descriptions☆・*):
The long-awaited Galtean Leakira fic that I first posted about on my main so many months ago. tl;dr version - cyberpunk version of the Galra Empire takes over Marmora, Altea, and the human city-state of Garrison, no one's fully human if at all, Shiro and Keith's dad are missing, and Lance is on his own but also has a Very Important Thing that might be able to help them get rid of the Galra.
I'm Yours (yes, after the Jason Mraz song) which I posted the outline to here a little while back. Writer/barista/bartender Keith and musician Lance with not-so-supportive parents, getting together, and working through their issues
This one doesn't have anything close to a name yet, just marked as klangst al/ok (alpha Lance/omega Keith) in my wips folder. But this is the plot bunny I've talked about before. The one with the stress, and the drama, and the angst, and the Klance spawn. I'm not sure how spoilery I should be with this one, so I'll just leave it here. There will also be two prequel parts to cover a few of the things in canon that I judiciously remodeled
Let Sleeping Lions Roar is next. This oddly enough was inspired by a cover of a song from Warframe of all places (holy shit that game is so goddamn pretty). This one's a little weird as it's 10,000 years post-canon with some significant changes. Allura didn't sacrifice herself, and the castle still stands, the lions sleeping in their hangars, and the legend saying that the paladins will return when they're needed. And they're needed.
The reverse fake relationship one with alpha Keith and omega Lance. Instead of trying to pass off a fake relationship as the real thing, they have to convince a planet on the fence about joining the Coalition that their relationship is real, starting with what led up to their mating in the first place all the way back in the Garrison (it's Lance's parents, mostly his mother)
Another one without a name (sensing a pattern here), but this is part royal au, part magic, a little Victorian/Steampunk and has an assassination attempt, a secret plot to usurp the throne, a surprise reunion, and a couple dumbasses falling disgustingly in love
The Single Parent Klance au where they're both 32ish, Keith trans and has a 16 yo daughter, Lance's little girl is only 4, both are painfully single for different reasons, but a 16 yo getting a new babysitting job might just fix that last problem, even if there are a few bumps in the road
Currently, and most likely temporarily, named The Howling, next is a werewolf au. Alpha Keith and omega Lance have a brief fling during an inter-pack meeting, leaving Lance with a surprise souvenir. Meanwhile another pack is planning something, no one knows what, and Lance is trying to keep his secret from his family. Let's see how that one works out for him
Ok, so, this one is entirely self-indulgent. I was actually a barista for the siren for ~3 years, and while talking about odd and/or regular customers, I got to thinking about a loosely connected oneshot/drabble series of Tales from the Coffeeshop. I will not allow them to work for a soulless corporation, so instead, it's an independent coffeeshop/bakery owned by Coran and run a bit more cooperatively. Some of the stories will be things that actually happened to me, some will be things that are totally plausible (trust me, I've seen things)
And last, a slightly more D&D-oriented Thunderpike soulmate au. I've made Pike into a bard, partially bc I felt like it, and partially bc I think it fits a little better. Keith (sorry, his emo-ness Thunderstorm Darkness) is a dual-wielding ranger with a celestial wolf animal companion. He's been tracking Pike for a while, ever since he first noticed the intangible silver thread connecting him. But this is them, and nothing is ever allowed to go smoothly
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itsmochichu · 4 years
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klance-dreams · 3 years
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This is for Day 1. (of #Keithtober) Red Paladin & Day 2. Galtean (Galra Keith) and maybeeeee even for Day 7. Hurt/Comfort but I might do another one for that prompt ‘cause i’m a hoe for angst :’)
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yelmor-boots · 2 years
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Another before and after (or redraw)
This time, redesigning(?) Altean!Keith and making him more Galtean!Keith. I already posted a recent picture of Altean/Galtean!Keith but that was a last second art that I had to make. This one is made over a much longer period.
So I’ll just put a repost of the other Galtean!Keith to join these pictures.
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corvus--rex · 3 years
Ok, so, y'know how I said I wasn't sure when I'd start the Galtean Klance Royal Au? Well. . .I might have started it already. Here, have the ~850 word prologue. I decided that it is going to be an Omegaverse after all, but secondary sexes have yet to be entirely determined. Also, just a brief single entry glossary: rakhai - a large, dark-furred cat that makes its home in the temperate forests of Daibazaal. Their fur is of varying shades, but always streaked another color to blend into their woodland home.
Prologue: Escape
Keith woke to his mother’s voice. Rubbing his eyes, he realized that it wasn’t yet morning and couldn’t understand why his mama was in his room and in traveling clothes.
“Mama? What’s going on? Are we going on a trip?” he asked, still not fully aware.
“We are,” Krolia answered softly, “But we have to be quick and quiet about it. Here, get dressed and pack your friends while I gather your clothes.”
She handed him a set of clothes and immediately turned to his wardrobe, pulling a pack out from under it. Keith sat in his bed, clothes in his hands, not understanding why he needed to be quiet, but then a thought came to his five-year-old mind.
“Is the trip a surprise, Mama? Is that why we hafta be quiet?” he asked in a loud whisper while yanking his nightshirt over his fluffy head.
“It is, kit. We can’t let anyone hear us. Now be quick.” She tossed another pack onto his bed. Krolia knew what was really happening, but she couldn’t deny her sweet boy his favorite stuffed animals and bedding.
What she wasn’t telling her son was that the castle had been attacked and the Galra army stationed there was making a valiant but failing attempt at repelling the forces. Krolia was to gather her son and meet her mate outside the castle walls with their personal guard where they would make their escape, knowing they couldn’t win this round. The battle hadn’t yet breached the keep, but she couldn’t risk any possible spies hearing their plan, something made that much more difficult when Daibazaal’s prince was so young.
Once Keith had finished dressing himself, he started on the stuffed animals on his bed. He had more then he could count, but the favorites were the only ones allowed in his nest. He was always gentle with them, and stuffed one of his favorite blankets into the bottom of the pack before lining the interior with the assortment of Daibazaal predators made soft and cuddly. His top favorite animal, a dark purple-streaked black rakhai, and favorite deep blood red blanket he left out, opting to carry them in favor of leaving space in the pack for a few things not in his nest he wanted. Padding over to his child-sized desk, he retrieved his drawing paper and enchanted pencils that never dulled and became whatever color the user thought of. Those were carefully added to the pack, a few other enchanted and mundane toys tucked inside before Krolia finished and turned to help her small son.
“Do you have everything you want to bring, kit? We’ll be gone from home for a long time.”
Keith thought for a few seconds, then nodded as decisively as a five-year-old could. He handed the still-open pack to his mama, and gathered his blanket and rakhai in his little arms. She tied it off, securing the flap, and then gathered her kit in her arms, locking the door behind them. The halls of the castle were still quiet, but she knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Krolia could only hope that her family could make it out in time.
Kolivan, the captain of the guard, met the queen and prince at the end of the corridor in front of a partially open secret passage. He glanced down the hall behind them, then waved the pair forward. Krolia hurried silently, passing her guard captain when he held the passage open for them. No one spoke until they were safely inside the passage and making their way out.
“Kolivan, where’s Davvik?” Krolia asked.
The guard captain sighed a little. “The king is still with the soldiers. His orders were to get you and Prince Kierryn out to the carriage and he will join us. If he does not, he will meet us further along the road to Altea.”
Krolia’s jaw clenched. She knew her mate all too well. Davvik wouldn’t leave his men until forced. She had a sinking feeling that she had already seen her beloved Alpha for the last time. Preemptive grief gripped her, and she held Keith just a little tighter and walked just a little faster.
“I am sorry, my Queen.”
“It’s alright, Kolivan. We will meet the king on the road.” Both she and Kolivan knew they wouldn’t, but maintained the illusion not only for themselves, but for Keith as well.
The passage wound through the castle’s walls and finally an underground tunnel, eventually opening just beyond the castle’s rear walls. Kolivan ushered the Queen and Prince into the waiting carriage, leaping gracefully to the open seat beside the driver once the carriage was secure. They had only just turned to leave when an explosion rocked the castle and shook the ground, painting the night sky in reds and golds. Krolia jumped, but it was enough to send her tiny kit into scared tears, and she held him close, willing her own tears to remain unshed. She knew for certain that her mate had fallen. Altea was their only hope for safety.
Intro | Prologue pt 1 | Prologue pt 2
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
wip wednesday 12
some links for your convenience (and a list of some of the wips in question):
space whale au: 1
the loneliest series: 1 2 3 4
a mother's love: 1 2
MIA lance au: 1
blade lance au: 1 2 3
the applebees universe: 1 2 3
flower crown au: 1
and a list of the potential wips:
galtean au w a sprinkling of tangled inspriation
team has to secure an alliance with a planet that is like a giant ancient rome basically and has the military prowess to match and it is delicate enough that keith and lance are not allowed to help with negotiations and instead must just sit around and look pretty and amuse themselves in a big ass villa via falling in at least 40k of slowburn in love and aware but not letting ourselves yet love canon fic based off that taylor swift song. uh. the one with the spilling wine in the bathtub. dress
adult klance shoved together in a cross canada train car simultaneously going through a quarter life crisis modern au
keith really hates his dumbass realter job and his realter job hates him and gives him dilapidated ass houses to sell and in one such house he meets a newly created and very angry about it ghost named lance who has a Personal Problem with keith as if its his fault he's fuckin' dead modern au
journey to the centre of the earth au ft. keith who just wants to keep the memory of his brother alive thru geeky geology, his very emo thirteen year old niece hana, and a very intelligent but highly competitive mountain guide who seems to hate him a little for some reason and unfortunately looks very good doing so. this au is already partially written
superman keith lois lane lance au
mad chemist youtuber lance and awkward but hugely famous actor keith who like a dumbass tells the entire internet that he has the hots for said youtuber who then proceeds to play hard to get bc he is a shit nilered au
unbelievably insane and heavy period piece circa venice 1492 with emotionally agonised and Falling angel lance and cathedral stonemason keith who treats him as if hes holy
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kosmo-mckogane · 3 years
That anon made me curious about another headcanon or Au idea.
What are your thoughts on Altean Lance as a concept? (Definitely not how canon vld handled it, EW). Personally I have mixed feelings cuz it takes away from his heritage, being a poc character and all. But it’s also really interesting to me. Same as Keith being galran. However, a personal favorite of mine is Lance being Galran and Keith being altean. It’s different.
Yeah, I mean, I have the same mixed feelings about it taking away from his heritage - I definitely would have hated to see it in canon. 
That being said, when we put canon aside, it is interesting to explore it in fanon. I know people love making those Galtean aus, and I think we can headcanon that Alteans have different races and cultures just like humans do - so in that sense, it can be nice to have a Galtean au every so often, especially since Keith is already canonically Galra.
One thing that I do dislike, though, is when they give Lance white hair? Like what is the reasoning behind that? To make him look more Altean? We already know that Alteans can have all different hair colours, there’s no reason to change his. Idk it just annoys me. 
And yeah, I’ve seen a few aus where it’s the other way around, and it is quite interesting! Exploring all those different dynamics can be fun.
But, aus aside, I definitely think that making Lance Altean in canon would have been terribly detrimental to his character. Like I said, it would greatly take away from his heritage as a poc, and make it seem like who he is as a cuban boy is ‘less important’ than his Altean side. It would also feel like we were changing a massive aspect of who he is to make him more interesting and important. 
Which is why I hate those canonverse fics where, somewhere along the canon plot, Lance “discovers” that he was Altean all along. Like?? No. He isn’t. Being Altean wouldn’t make him more important than being who he is right now. You’re literally changing his race to try and improve him. Stop.
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mottainaiiii · 3 years
promise me (that you’ll be mine) is now completed!
Klance Galtean Royalty! AU, Arranged Marriage/match! AU
Achingly slowly, Keith lifts the branch up off his shoulders and kneels, laying it at the feet of the Altean royal family. “King Alfor, I land here in good faith,” He says, his voice ringing through the courtyard. There are cameras somewhere hidden, Lance knows, broadcasting this moment throughout Altea and Daibazaal. “To deliver this gift and begin my courtship to your son, Lance, Prince of Alvarez.”
Altea and Daibazaal may be on the brink of another war. A solution is found.
Excerpt from final chapter:
He thinks of the day Keith came to him with the Atmos branch to begin the courtship. Then, he had walked up the Altean steps to Lance. Now, Lance was walking down the Galran steps to Keith. 
It’s both an eternity and not enough time when he finally reaches Keith. The Marmora blade glows, growing in size. Keith swings the blade up, other hand reaching for Lance’s-
The hilt of the blade is warm in Lance’s palm. Keith steadies his grip, then draws his hands back, holding the blade level with his chest. Keith steps forward, pressing the tip of his own sword into the bare skin over his heart.
At another time, this could be the scene of a battlefield, the prince of one planet leveling a sword at the other. A tragedy.
Read on AO3 here
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Yeah I never understood why people say Allura is racist she's perfectly fine with Keith AND Krolia who is in fact FULL Galra
Hi, anon! Thanks for your note. Yeah, that’s a good point! Honestly, I think some people pick up on the show’s implicit narrative biases, which are largely unsympathetic to genocide survivors while sweeping under the rug the visceral level of brutality that a significant number of Galra enacted point-blank against so many civilizations. The narrative and visual “lens,” if you will, even in s3 flashbacks, focuses more on the instigators and their motives than it does the victims and their traumatic experiences. And the narrative lens throughout the show continuously demands that genocide victims unquestionably forgive and accept oppressors into their lives without said oppressors/groups vocalizing empathy. But we see Allura going above and beyond with accepting Galra!
Regarding specifically season 2′s initial plot twist with Keith—I suppose it helps to look at Allura’s sudden suspicion from the lens of season 3. Galrans and Alteans had a great relationship between them—the official VLD book “Allura’s Story” even calls Zarkon Alfor’s “best friend.” So in this past, you have a strong Galtean alliance, you have Alfor saving the entire Galra people after Zarkon destabilized their planet and endangered the entire solar system with a widening rift, thus forcing Alfor to blow Daibazaal up to save every other civilization too. You have Alfor hosting the Galran people/Zonerva’s allies while giving Zarkon and Honerva an honorable state funeral. But the instant Zarkon wakes up and demands his people massacre the entire solar system (not just Altea—in s3, the Galra extinguished their entire galaxy planet by planet until only Altea was left)….the Galra people at large accept that order? Without question? Despite all the deep friendship and bonds that came before? Literally, a single order from an undead emperor of their own kind overturned this solid interracial alliance and launched an unstoppable, galaxy-level bloodbath?
But of course, we don’t get this history until another season later, so Allura’s initial reactions to even Keith for example, feel left-field to some who hadn’t already emotionally connected to the trauma of genocide/omnicide. Specifically, Allura’s trauma was triggered with Keith because she’s 100% experienced having mass allies and treasured friends suddenly betray you in the name of pure loyalty to someone of their own race. But we don’t get that additional history until later.
So while clearly the racism accusation is not justified and Keith and Allura reconcile anyway in season 2, I think the seeds of “Allura is racist” were planted at large during this time, while waiting for season 3.
And notice as well that in the show, it’s Allura who comes to Keith and apologizes. There is zero narrative attempt to understand the “why” behind Allura’s reaction during this plot twist, and no other character (including Keith) makes an attempt to reach out to her either. They all turn into a bunch of passive aggressives. So narratively, the show champions an imbalance—you feel sympathy for Keith and are asked to join the paladins in demonizing Allura (or seeing her as the “other” for suddenly having suspicions, per her experiences). And the show champions the paladins for such riveting high school diplomacy while Allura takes full responsibility on herself to open up the conversation, make herself vulnerable by explaining her own trauma, and then begging for Keith’s forgiveness and even hugging him. She does all of this, by the way, upon seeing that—unlike the s3 Galra in the past—Keith’s revelation didn’t mean he felt an automatic loyalty-tie to the Galra, and that he was just as true and good as he always had been. And kudos to Keith, he confirms his nature again by accepting her apology and the both of them moving on together, with Allura even ultimately accepting Keith’s authority over her as Black Paladin.
So for all the trauma Allura has from actively experiencing the Galra wipe out her entire galaxy and planet, we see Keith and Allura reconcile—and we see her move onto accepting the Blade of Marmora and Krolia. She admonishes Lotor for not protecting his own Galran subjects from attack. And despite the romance and alliance with Lotor going south over his activities with an Altean colony, she still pursues alliances with other Galrans and even tries to emotionally connect with them. She’s the one who first offers an alliance with Zarkon himself into s8, ultimately resurrecting Daibazaal as equal to her own resurrected Altea. And she does all of this while fighting against an Altean who is the ultimate big bad of the series. So even if someone wanted to totally ignore Allura’s past as an omnicide victim and just wanted to crucify her point-blank for her season 2 actions, we see her acting in incredibly dynamic ways to preserve and obtain peace for the Galran people.
I think, in looking at Allura’s development arc from season 1 to season 8, it becomes clear to me that people holding onto the “Allura is racist” card are doing so for one or several of the following reasons:
They haven’t watched the show entirely to see her interactions with a wide myriad of other Galrans, so they’re cherry-picking based on a few uncontextualized scenes.  
They view Allura as an antagonist to their favored character, so they hate her anyway and are looking for any reason possible to hate her.
They view her as romantic competition for their favored ship (that old fandom internalized misogynism where gosh darn if a female character dare exist to unsettle their own personal romantic headcanons or self-ship needs, which means we gotta find a way to get rid of her and her fans).
And thanks to purity police corruption of fandom, militant antis using the “racism” card recognize that they can inappropriately hijack a social buzz word to manipulate fandom interests and obtain supremacy over other fans by de-legitimizing their voice. Because no one wants to stan a racist, right???
Either way, “Allura is racist” is definitely an inaccurate use of the word, yeah. If people want to hate on Allura, which is their right to do if they so desperately want, they just really need to find other reasons to do it.
Thank you for your note, anon! Sorry, I guess I rambled after I got to thinking about “why,” haha.
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Hi, Tumblr! Those of you who don’t know (very few of my followers here do), this is Venus, my Fairy Tail OC:
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One day, when I was playing the Sims 4, I decided to make a world that had a bunch of fictional characters as sims in it, including Kanti (who all of you know) and Venus.
In that sims world, Kanti and Venus’s sims ended up getting married. Soooo, that resulted in me realizing the two would actually make a great couple (they have some similar tragedies in their pasts that related to love).
Soooo... I finally decided to do something with the crack ship of Kanti and Venus and I made this (the picture is of them posing in lingerie, so Minor nsfw I guess):
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Now, because of how very different the two fandoms these two OCs come from (Fairy Tail and Voltron) are, I decided to make up a slight AU that would make it so the two lovely ladies could actually meet and fall in love. I might even make more images for this fun little crossover AU in the future (I probably won’t, but I might).
Now, here’s my AU:
It’s been almost a century since humans discovered the existence of extra-terrestrial life and started the war between humans and aliens.
Kanti Draqoi, one of the most powerful Galran women in the universe, was born during the war and later participated in it, and so did her husband, Lotor. Lotor’s life was lost in that war, and Kanti became too depressed to fight anymore.
A year later, the war finally ended and peace was formed between the Earthlings and the Galtean Empire.
Kanti moved to Earth, where the humans lived- some of them were thought to have magical abilities- mages, they were called- but they lived life like any other human.
Kanti distracted herself from her mourning for her dearest husband by constantly going around to clubs, bars, etc., partying like crazy and drinking away her pain.
However, one night, she had a faithful encounter in a strip club. That was the night she met Venus “Love Goddess” Miderana- one of the strippers. The woman was outstandingly beautiful in Kanti’s eyes. She watched the woman dance her whole performance.
When Venus’s shift was over and she got down from the platform, Kanti stood up and immediately walked over to her before she could reach the changing rooms. Kanti asked Venus to go home with her. Venus, seeing just how astoundingly beautiful Kanti was- despite her being of another world- accepted the invitation and stayed the night.
In the morning, Kanti offered to go out to breakfast with Venus. The breakfast didn’t last long because Venus had to go to work, but Kanti managed to at least get the woman’s phone number first.
The two women continued to go out together, and on one of their dates, Kanti learned that Venus was a pin-up model. She only danced at the strip club as a night job- and it was mainly just to have a fun way to stay in shape.
Kanti asked if Venus’s modeling agency was looking for new models. Kanti needed a job, since most of the money she had she had only gotten by trading what was left of her species’s form of currency for Earth currencies- and it wasn’t the best method.
Venus said that her agency was always hiring, and so she managed to get Kanti a job as one of the models.
They continued to go out when they were working together and eventually made their relationship official after 6 months of going on dates. 6 more months passed, and Kanti asked Venus to move in with her.
On the 2nd anniversary of their first date, Kanti proposed to Venus.
Kanti and Venus did a photoshoot together in their house to announce their engagement on Instagram (where they were both relatively famous), and the picture I drew is one of the photos they took for that photoshoot.
Basically, this weird Fairy Tail/Voltron crossover AU is a Fairy Tail modern AU mixed with a Voltron AU where the Galra and Alteans had a shared empire and alien life was discovered much sooner than it was in the show.
A very strange way to do things, but hey, I needed to do a lot to make it possible for my OCs from two very different fandoms to meet and fall in love.
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kohklancezine · 3 years
Q & A
 Q: Will Discord be required? Some people can't use it. A: If possible, we'd prefer that participants have Discord, though if a participant is unable to, we can make exceptions and help them find another way. Mods, however, must be able to have Discord.
Q: Do you guys have Paypal as a payment option?
A: When the time comes, we will have Paypal as an option for payment.
Q: Is there a minimum age to participate? A: We ask that all participants be thirteen years old or older. Mods have different rules, so please check those out before applying as a mod.
Q: What is this zine all about?
A: "King of Hearts" is a Klance zine that centers around Royal Lance. There is not much of a limit to the theme. Creators can do fantasy, modern, historical, etc. royal AUs with Keith in a variety of roles.
- Q: Could this zine also be open to new creators? And to people who've never been in a zine? A: Of course! When the mods choose participants, the size of a creator's following and how long they've been around will not be factored in. We'll only be looking at the content itself. We encourage new creators and people who haven't been in a zine before to apply! -  Q: Can this remain safe for work? A: The main zine is SFW, but it is likely that there will be an NSFW add-on to this zine that one can purchase separately from the main zine if they are 18+. No 18+ discussions or content will be allowed in the chatrooms outside of the private Discord channels for the adult NSFW add-on content creators. -  Q: Can this zine include royal Galtean AUs? A: Yes! We do not have much of a limit on what kind of royal AUs the content creators can choose to do. Galtean AUs are allowed, as long as Lance is a prince!! - Q: Since it says it will feature royal Lance, could Keith be royal too? Or shall he be a knight? Or is everything okay? A: The only requirement is that Lance is a royal! Keith can be anything the creator wants him to be (painter for the royal family, knight, commoner, stablehand, royal, dragon-shifter, etc.) as long as it is appropriate.
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