#anon im so sorryy this is so late but i hope you enjoy!!!!
whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
Prompt: shipwreck/overboard/injury
HELLOOOOO DEAR ANON THIS IS LIKE A YEAR MAYBE TWO LATE. BUT. ITS DONE. I DID IT.  ITS DONE.  originally this was gonna be a 15k zolu story about zoro n luffy taking a wrong turn in the east blue, ending up in the calm belt, and like. getting stranded there in the grand line before somehow finding their way to the east blue. but. this came out instead after many tries. so! i hope you enjoy and i am SO sorry for the wait! <333 no without further wait - 
tumbling overboard, faces full of fear
- read on ao3!!! 
It’s a storm, their first after Thriller Bark when it happens. Franky is manning the helm, the only one familiar with the Sunny’s system, (the only one besides Brook whose hands don’t reach for the spokes of Merry’s Wheel instead of Sunny’s, who doesn’t swerve the ship to hard to account for a thrice broken rudder, who doesn’t have the dregs of grief in him for a beloved ship) when a wave swamps the deck.
Thunderous and overwhelming, it swallows the deck, rushing up to the trees and covering the sea-strong grass on Merry’s lawn. His crew-mates are laughing, joyous, unafraid even in this storm when –
A flash of red. A yell turned scream. Terror.
His captain, dragged overboard by the waves in an instant, Zoro reaching out but collapsing half way through because he was too injured to move, to breathe, to get his captain –
No one else sees. No one else sees the widening of Luffy’s eyes matched in Zoro’s, the panic as an outstretched arm just misses the railing, as Zoro is too slow, too injured to grab on, the wrenched scream out of Luffy’s throat, drowned by the wind – no one.
No one but Franky. 
“NAMI!” He yells, grabbing Usopp by the collar as he does so and pressing the wheel into his hands. “KEEP US STEADY!”
Nami, hair plastered to her face, eyes wide, has confusion and rage etched on to her features, mouth opening to give a sharp retort but –
Franky points, to where red is quickly sinking beneath the waves, and doesn’t wait for Nami’s expression to change. 
A step, two, three, up onto the railing, and then a lunge upward and outward, arms over head.  Franky dives, like he’s dived a thousand times before, into the heart of the storm where nothing awaits but water and rage and crashing waves.
His captain is down there, sinking, drowning, because of the fruit he ate. 
Like hell if Franky is going to let him die.
The water presses against his eyes, digging in and choking the breath out of his chest. The currents try to drag him around, grabbing at his ankles, his arms, his perfectly coiffed hair, but Franky has faced off against the world and demons alike. The waves have nothing on him.
Still – the air tries to escape him, hurting, his chest becoming painfully tight. He wants air. He needs air. The panic, human instinct, is setting in, but his captain is still down in the waves without a fighting chance. Franky doesn’t breath, and presses on.
It’s… dark down in the waves, the flashlights in his eyes that he installed doing little to abate it.  
He presses on, peering in the dark.
Luffy – come one! He thinks, almost desperately. Where are you? 
Looking, looking, looking – 
Something slaps against his face. Reflexively, Franky tries to swat it away before his hands land on worn straw and soft ribbon. Luffy’s hat.
Which means –
Franky kicks, harder and harder and harder, arms helping after one hand places the string around his neck.
Luffy! I’m coming for you!’
A second, two seconds – Franky is running out of breath.
Another second, four – he’s not going to make it.
Five, six and –
There’s red.
Franky reaches out and grabs his captain’s brilliant shirt, quickly hauling his captain, limp and drowning, into his arms.
Luffy’s so light. Dead weight but barely anything in this giant ocean. Barely anything when compared to Franky. 
(His face is gentle in the dark depths, as if the ocean took every crease and worry in his face, every laugh line and scrunched Shishhishi! And smoothed it out into something as empty as the sea floor. Franky doesn’t like it. Not at all.)
There’s no time for any more contemplation. They have to get up. 
The sky is dark above them. Franky can only tell its up by his internal altimeter. 
He’s not going to make it with what breath his has now. Only one chance.
Franky breaths in, salt water pouring into his body. It stings, it stings, it stings but –
It’s a coup de burst. If there’s no air to use, he’ll use the water. 
(It burns, but Franky once took a melding iron to his skin and never looked back. This is nothing.)
A second, two, precious when Luffy is still sinking, still drowning, here in his arms.
Franky grips tight to his captain, and rockets upward. Water presses against his face, trapping him, wanting him to stay in the waves, stay in her embrace, welcome him and the person who ate of the devil with opening arms, but Franky has a dream. 
His captain has a dream. 
He won’t stop now. 
Luffy’s face lolls against his shoulder, unconscious, unalive here in the dark waters. Hang on, Franky wills, desperation aching in scrap metal bones.
Then –
Glimpses of something lighter, a grey instead of black, illuminated by flashes of light. 
The surface! He thinks, triumphantly, and breaks the tumultuous, crashing surface with a thunderous, victorious gasp, sucking in air like a drowning man.
Which, to be fair, he almost was.
The air is wet and still rainy, the air mixed with water, choking him, but her forges onward, trying to find somewhere steady to breath. It’s hard.
In his arms, laid across his shoulder, Luffy still isn’t breathing.
And the Sunny isn’t anywhere insight. 
He doesn’t have the chance to check for a pulse, no flat surface to pound his captain’s chest back into breathing, so Franky does what he can. Luffy’s rubber, isn’t he? 
(Not in the water, something whispers.)
He can take it. 
Franky pulls his captain from his shoulder as waves push him up and down, giant swells carrying him across the sea, far away from their crew, far away from their ship. He takes his captain in his arms and crushes him, close to his, squeezing him and all the water in him out.
It takes two tries.
Two tries for the panic to set in.
Two tries for his captain to start breathing.
But – a choke, a gasp, and Luffy is moving, coughing out sea water against his back even as the waves swamp them, as the storm presses down, as everything, everything is too much.
Luffy is alive, breathing slowly against Franky’s chest, and they’re lost in a storm, in the middle of the Grand Line  -
But they’re safe.
They’re alive.
They’re breathing.
Super, Franky thinks, and focuses on keeping him and his captain alive.
When Franky was a child, he had drowned, once. Fallen off the rail tracks with a bag of tools and nails tied tight around his waist, too heavy for him to swim with, too heavy to do anything with. 
He had thought he was going to die then, without telling Tom how thankful he was, without telling Iceburg he was actually kind of cool, without teaching Yokozuna how to swim or Kokoro how to make a super cola float. It weighed on him, then, the absence of a  dream achieved.
Then – Tom had wrapped his arms around him, dragging him upward, upward, upward, with sturdy arms and reassurance, with a heartbeat resting next to Franky’s head. He had had fear in his eyes – it’s a look Franky will never forget. A look of fear, terror, absolute love. 
You frightened me, Franky, Tom had told him that night as Franky rested against his side. Frightened me. Never do that again. 
Franky hadn’t – not till a train was coming towards him with his father on it, slashing him to pieces and leaving him to sink on an isle of scrap. 
Now – Now Franky isn’t thirteen and terrified of water anymore. Now, Franky is 34 and desperate, cradling his captain in his arms, half swallowed by the sea. 
He wonders, looking at Luffy, if. Luffy would see the same eyes in Franky that Franky saw in Tom. If he would see the fear and desperation, the terror, the love Franky has for his captain, even as Franky risks life and limb for his captain.
(It’s not much for a man who is made of metal rather than flesh, but it’s all he can give.)
The waves have calmed around them, swells dying down to gentle ocean waves, a miracle in the Grand Line. It’s still drizzling, but the last of he storms have disappeared.
For now, at least.
It’s still the Grand Line.
Franky still isn’t sure how he managed to survive the storm, managed to keep his legs moving and Captain secure. He’s attributing it to some minor miracle now, some moment of truth, some blessing – something like his captain, and the wonderful order he pulls the world into, like a final piece clicking into a well-oiled machine. 
He’s floating now, carefully inhaling enough air to keep him more buoyant, careful above the waves, arms spread eagle and captain laid out on his chest. He shifts, trying to keep Luffy out of the water as much as possible, but his hands and feet still trail in the water. 
(The straw hat hasn’t left Franky’s neck, though it has shifted to his front. He’s too afraid to shift it, to let it go.)
The water takes a lot out of him, Franky knows. Like Luffy had just used all his gears, all in an instant, all dragging him down. He’s lethargic after baths, eyes sleepy, body sluggish until he dries off.  
Luffy’s quiet now. The only sound Franky can hear that of his breaths, puffed against his chest, the sound of his own inner mechanisms, and the waves, lapping at his side. It’s not right.
His captain shouldn’t be this sluggish. This quiet. Franky shouldn’t be this useless.
But he’s alone in the middle of the ocean, with nothing but his own body to use, useless. Useless.
(He’s only been useless once in his life, unable to do anything has his parents tossed him overboard. Even with the train, he had been able to stand. Been able to fight.
He misses the Sunny. Staring up into the drizzling rain, he misses his ship, his crew, his family. His misses his captain, he misses solid deck beneath his feet he just… misses not having to wait. 
That’s all there is now, though.
Waiting, and waiting, and waiting, just for the ship to –
A stirring on his chest.
“Mhm… Fran… Franky?”
“Luffy!” Franky shouts, craning his head to see his captain blinking blearily on his chest. Luffy’s eyes are hazy but slowly locking on Franky. “You’re awake!”
“Wah – Franky? Where... where are we?” Luffy lifts his head, trying to view Franky himself, before thumping down on Franky’s chest, too tired to keep himself up. 
Franky drifts his hand up, letting the waves ripple to rustle Luffy’s hair. “Out at sea, waiting for the Sunny, Bro! You went overboard in the storm.”
Luffy blinks twice, before letting out a quiet “Oh.”
He slumps down on Franky’s chest, still tired, still exhausted, and Franky thinks that’s the end of it. He contemplates sending up a plume of fire, a flare, but realizes that would be useless with no ship in sight. 
Then –
“You saved me.” Luffy says, voice stronger but sentence simple. “From the water. Thank you.”
Something in Franky’s chest constricts. He remembers watching Zoro dive in to save his captain, coming out soaking wet and Luffy clinging like a limpet. Remembers Sanji throwing shoes aside and placing drinks down in an instant to lunge overboard, entering the water in a perfect swan dive. Remembers countless saves, drags out of the ocean, chests pressed and breathes giving, each to save their captain from a watery grave.
Franky remembers.
But never- never has that look been directed at him. 
It’s – trust. Affection. Adoration. Surprise - for saving his own captains life. A look that should never have crossed his captain’s face, who selfishly selflessly gives his blood and bones and life and will to his crew without a second thought.
Past the tightness in his throat, Franky manages to choke out a “No problem bro! You’re the captain! ‘Course I gotta save you!”
He attempts to strike his signature pose, almost toppling them both into the sea as it does. Luffy laughs though, stumbling himself upward to sit on Franky’s stomach, feet crossed and finally out of the water now that he is conscious. He smiles down at Franky, bright as the sun even as rain drizzles down on him. “Shishishi!”
(Suddenly, Franky is glad Luffy didn’t see his face then, half drowning, and fully terrified. He wants the endless faith Luffy has in his crew – faith he knows he already has, but faith he still feels he has to earn.
His captain is 17, with a dream of the world on his shoulders. He deserves nothing but the best from Franky, and if that best is the super! protective shipwright that Franky knows he can be then – 
That’s what Luffy is going to get.)
They drift for a bit, Luffy settling on Franky’s chest and starting to chatter endlessly, Franky keeping them afloat with careful moments. A sea king approaches, slammed down with a single fist from Luffy, echoed by Franky’s shout of super shot bro! 
It’s still raining, but the drizzle seems to be lessening. Franky is soaked and Luffy is too, but instead of the fear of the waves and storm, the fear of being lost forever at sea, there’s just peace.
“Shishishi! Franky! I’m glad I got stuck out here with you!”
“Yeah bro?”
“Yeah! Being alone hurts the worst, but when I’m with you guys I’m never alone! Shishishi!” Luffy says, carefree smile despite the words that fall from his lips. Franky’s smile freezes on his face but before he can ask what Luffy means by that, Luffy starts shouting, jumping up on Franky’s stomach and almost rocking them over. “LOOK! THE SUNNY! GUYS!!! GUYS!! OVER HERE!!!”
Franky grabs on to his ankles, shocked out of his crisis. “Woah! Hang on, bro!” But Luffy’s right – in the distance, floating before them, small but most definitely there – is the Sunny. 
They’re saved. 
And Franky knows what he’s going to do now. He takes the straw hat from his neck and sets it down on Luffy’s head with a ruffle before giving Luffy a devilish grin. “Hang on tight, bro!” Luffy gives a laugh, and grips hard to Franky’s chest. And with that, Franky sucks in another breath, larger, just like he used to explode out of the sea, using the last of his cola and – 
They’re flying, flying, flying, soaring through the air with sea spray around them, sun finally peeking through the sky, Luffy laughing with Franky and –
It’s beautiful.  
They land perfectly on the deck, to screams of joy from the crew. Luffy bounces off of Franky chest into the waiting arms of the crew, gathering each of them in long rubbery arms. There’s still the dregs of fatigue on him, etches of sunburn on his cheeks, and Franky, even with synthetic skin, is no different. Still – Franky clings tight.
They’re safe, they’re home, and Zoro is standing upright without that look of desperation, now that Luffy is clinging to his arm, and Luffy looks vibrant and loud instead of gentle and peaceful so –
Everything… everything is alright. 
(Five weeks later, Franky finds himself alone and burnt, newspaper in hand with that awful, terrible, terrified look on his face, the kind he never wanted Luffy to see, the kind he saw on Tom’s face. 
Being alone hurts the worst! Echoes in Franky’s mind, and he can’t, he can’t he can’t – Luffy is alone. 
And this time, Franky is useless to save him.) 
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lesmismignon · 3 years
replying to anon messages
In this post I shall reply to the messages that have been sitting in my inbox for a regrettably long period of time. (It is loooooong. Please click “keep reading” at your own risk.)
I’m not a very good correspondent. I’m very sorry. I never know what to say right off the bat, and then during 2019 and 2020 when I was mostly on hiatus, I would just post a chapter or two and poof back out, and on Tumblr I would browse a few things and then poof back out. I do not have a good track record with social media and online presence in general. And with real life problems (mostly due to work), at worst it was impossible to muster even the strength to write. It was maddening.
But there is something about Hellsing and its fandom that reels me back in even when I am far away. Excuse me if this sounds cheesy, but for me fandoms are like the orbit of a comet. If it is something that you loved, and will continue to love even when you are not “active” on it, you will come back to it, someday, somehow. I’ll always be grateful to Hellsing, for being an inspiration to write, for being a bridge to some of my dearest relationships, for some of the kindest messages I’ve ever received in my life.
you freed yourself for a job that was not good for you and related to toxic people (Integra-like – demanding the respect you deserve). That is badass brave – and that doesn’t become less by that fact that maybe the next job you got is not the end of the journey but still part of the way. And you are brave by sharing your work, sharing your stories revealing parts of your emotional world to the outside – that is totally bad as too. I think you can be very proud of you, really. So maybe right now, you might be in situation that does not yet make you happy in way you deserve it. But you know- there is big chance that this is part of your journey to this place – imagine, in some time from now, you may be a successful (brilliant you are already) author and in an interview you say something like “yes, back there in 2016/17 I went through some tough times, that influenced the work very much I got this price for today”. So just in case you maybe cannot see it right now yourself – please allow me to tell you – you are brave and wonderful. And re. the brave decision you mentioned – I know I am not in the position to tell you anything – but please do not do any harm to you. So, thank you so much for your work you share with the world, my life is better with it. Take care for yourself, you deserve the best. (so sorry, I am really not good with words, hope you get my point….)
Anon, this was the kindest thing you could have ever done for little 2016/17 me. Oh God. Time does fly by so fast. I want you to know that I read this message a long time ago, and it gave me strength to go on, even though I’m not sure if I am so brave, to be compared to our lady Integra >< I hope you are happy and safe, wherever you are. I hope you know how brave and wonderful *you* are. Thank you so much.
just wanted to drop by and say I love all your fanfictions! You capture Integra and Alucard's characters so well; I LOVE it. Take all the time you need updating. You deserve it. And good luck at your job! <3
Ah, I probably changed jobs like twice since then. But they have been all good and meaningful in their own ways. I really did not mean to take THIS long in updating but I hope that you enjoyed the recent updates if you are still reading, thank you so much!
Why can I not write here? I just wanted you to know I am grateful for the reading joys that are 'Snow White' and 'Satis'...
Thank you Anon! I am so glad you enjoyed them!
Thank you Anon! You give me too much praise, but I shall indeed try to keep it up!
Hey so please don't take this as me pressuring you but I absolutely adore Satis! Is there any chance we might know when the next update is coming in? Totally understand if not- it sounds like work is taking a lot out of you and I understand that you're writing fan fiction purely for fun but DAMN IF I DON'T WANT TO READ MORE OF YOUR FIC OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH ASDFGHJKL!!!
I’m sorry it’s been ages! I’ll tell you my schedule(???) for this year instead! For this year of 2021 I really hope to average maybe at least 1 chapter a month but I don’t know how I’ll fare during the busy months. I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters if you are still reading!
@fierce-little-miana Can you believe that I have just noticed that I had given you any kudos for Snow White or Satis?! Sorry! Your stories are really worth all the praise we can give them. (so I corrected it) Have a nice day!
Thank you! I’m terribly sorry for this late reply. You’ve been so kind and sent so many lovely messages. Thank you again for each and every one of them!
@sinish-tem Hey sorryy for bothering you but. That ALutegra fic was AMAZING!!I LOVE IT!Amazing job sport<3
You’re not bothering me at all! Thank you old sport!
So I don't mean to rush you or be annoying or anything, but is Satis still happening? (plz plz say yes)
You’re not being annoying! I’m sorry it took so long! Yes :)
Hello! So, um, I have to ask... is Satis going to be updated? It’s just that it’s one of my absolute favorite stories by my absolute favorite author!
Thank you! I’m honored! I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters if you’re still reading!
Hi! Are you still around? Are you doing ok?
Yes, I am fine now, thank you :) I hope you are doing well, too!
@aniphine Hi! First off, I want to say that I absolutely love your writing style and am so looking forward to diving into all of your fics! I just finished Satis and it’s definitely in my Top 10 Fanfics ever, which is saying something! Thanks so much for writing it. On that note, I wanted to ask if you had plans to update it? If not, that’s totally cool - what you’ve written already is fantastic. But if so, I’d pledge my life to you in order to get a chance at reading more. 😆 Anyhoo, you’re awesome! 👋
Thank you so much! You are awesome too! I’m honored that Satis is in your top 10!!
@dontfuckingfollowmeifpornblog You still around?
I am now! Thank you!
@comixqueen Hello have I told you that I really love your Hellsing fics? ;u;/ They're among the best out there and I reread them often!
Thank you very much. That means a lot to me from you. Thank you for rereading, I’m always wary of my earlier writing but I’m glad if people still enjoy them.
I have never squealed higher than when I received the notification for the new chapter of Satis. You are a true blessing <3 thank you for your words
You are a blessing! Thank you so much!
Hello! I know you're not very active around here, but I just saw a trailer for a movie based on the letters of Vita and Virginia, and I was immediately reminded of Satis and the quotes you so expertly used in the narration, and I thought I might tell you in case you're interested in the movie (the title is literally Vita and Virginia) <3
Thank you Anon! I did see the trailer! I haven’t seen the movie yet though, but I will, eventually! I am so glad you think I did the quotes justice! It’s such a beautiful quote.
Not sure how to start this, might be a little bold, and yet; let me simply say that I am in love with your written works. In fact, so much so that I read it all again, and again. It never ceases to amaze. And as for you, the person behind it all, you do seem immensely precious as well. I hope that you have the most fantastic day, you deserve no less.
Anon, you are so very kind. Thank you so much for your lovely words. I am just an ordinary person unusually invested in a particular set of fictional characters xD and I am often late to things and a bad correspondent, but I must be doing something right if you’re sending me a message as lovely as this. Thank you again, I hope you are having fantastic days as well.
Honestly ive read your snow white fic years ago but I loved it insanely much and im about to read it again today ^.^
Thank you Anon! Ah, Snow White. I am very glad you still enjoy it. It is so old, and I wish I had the courage to edit it and spruce it up, or even update an extra or two...
Are you ever planning to continue Satis? I’m in love with that piece of work.
Thank you Anon! Yes! I hope you enjoyed the recent chapters!
My literal text to a friend of mine that's also a fan of Satis when I got the AO3 mail about the new chapter was: "NOW THEY'RE FINALLY STARTING TO BE *HAPPY* HOLIDAYS"
I am very glad I was able to bring you holiday cheer. Would it be bold of me if I say I aim to bring you non-holiday cheer as well, now? xD Thank you so much!
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yunkiwii · 3 years
Olá pour toi you beautiful pessoa 💖 (muito late sorryy mas) hopefully you've already apanhado your vacina by now ✨ e also uwu kayak sounds really fun tho we stan uma rainha dos kayaks for sure ❤️ oh e i bet que you look amazing no teu prom dress, yass slay (or slayaste idunno quando it was) and i hope que you're having fun e enjoying yourself muito muito ❤️ muitos kissinhos
Hi hiiiiiii my cutie anon! 💖 (we're both sempre late, no need to apologise akjsak)
no vaccine for me yet, sadly aaahh they called me when i was already no estrangeiro 🙃 so im waiting to get it here aksj
my prom is only in september! but mil thank yous 🥺
hoooow is yoou?? enjoy the little of whats left from summer the best you can!! 💗 mil besitos for tu! MWAH
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