#ann and her snacks and she loves them bc they make her feel good (bc they taste good!!!!)
samarecharm · 26 days
Love that Ann and Ryuji both love food and bond w Akira over food…something about it is so sweet to me. The ramen shop, the crepes, the hotel buffet, the afternoon diner hangouts, the attic hotpot…Ann making the hotpot suggestion; Ryuji showing u his favorite hole in the wall restaurant…all the thieves enjoying the local restaurants and food in strikers; Akira making the leblanc curry and coffee for teammates, and Akira getting volunteer help to cook restorative food for the team….i just love it alot. I want you to eat bc i want you to be well, i want us both to be well.
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sso-montana · 5 months
🔒 [LOCK]
(Read more bc I started rambling)
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] What is your Original Characters favorite thing to do on Jorvik? Are they someone who enjoys trail rides? Are they a competitor? What is it that they love spending their time on?
Trail rides. Her favorite are the ones where you leave for a couple of days and camp outside. No worries, just you, your friends and your horses, snacks, bone-fires and silly shenanigans.
🏚 [ABANDONED BUILDING] How is your Original Character's relationship to the Moorland family and Justin, since that is where their story (potentially) started and kept coming back to?
OH BOY. EHE. I'm so glad I get to rant about this.
So. Okay. Justin and her are childhood bffs estranged who reconnected when she came back to Jorvik. As for what those two feel for each other
The simple answer is it's complicated.
The longer answer is Montana isn't sure what she's feeling. She's never had a serious relationship in her life, just some one-night-stands, so it's all very confusing for her. Sometimes she acts on those feelings, other times she tries to push them down. She gets overwhelmed when it comes to dealing with the situation and as a result both her and Justin end up hurt.
As for Justin, he knows he likes her more than just a friend. He isn't entirely confident how much he likes her, but it goes beyond best friends or simply platonic feelings. He has a hard time saying no to her because he knows she's confused and wants to help. And he doesn't mind it either, he just wishes she could give him a clear answer on what they are.
As for Thomas, he's basically an uncle figure for her. In exchange for helping out as a stable hand and generally helping out with building and fixing furniture he lets her stay in the attic (which she renovated herself, after all homegirl did do an apprenticeship as a carpenter at some point)
🔒 [LOCK] What is your Original Character's relationship to the Keepers of Aideen, the Sisterhood, and Aideen in general?
At the start she's wary of the Keepers at best. She doesn't trust them and makes no secret out of it. After that whole imprisoning Justin thing? No trust at all. A few people like Elizabeth or Evergray she still trusts to some extend, but the whole organization itself not.
The sisterhood is not as bad, seeing as her and Alex actually do get along quite well. Lisa and Linda can be categorized as good acquaintances. Anne and her managed to bond over their shared hatred of dark core. But even tho getting along with the separate members just fine, Montana doesn't see herself as part of the sisterhood or friendship. She always feels like she's just a temporary replacement for Anne in the group and keeps her distance from them as a result. They're already an established group and her suddenly being there feels like she's intruding on her side.
Aiden is like, super duper weird for her. In my story, the keepers believe Montana to be one of the reincarnations of Aideen. This goddess who she hear all about in her childhood is supposed to be her in an earlier life? Yeah, no, that's batshit crazy. (She isn't actually Aideen reincarnated, it's more like a "concept of power being passed down" kinda thing. Think the avatar being randomly chosen but instead of going through types of benders it's the cosmos choosing which Jorvigian (how tf do you spell that-) is going to be the best suited for that generation. All that info the characters obviously don't know lol)
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velvett-tearss · 3 years
When The Attack on Titan Characters Get Jobs At the Mall
a/n: I had fun making this lmaoo some of the stores included may not be at your local mall, so I provided a link, requests are open, hope you enjoy <3 (some of the links stopped working so use your imagination pls 😍)
genre: headcannons, modern au
warnings: cursing, mention of sex toys in Mikasa’s and Eren’s whoops, mention of piercings in Annie’s
characters used: Sasha, Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Connie, Jean, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie <3
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- she never considered getting a job until she found out Auntie Anne’s was hiring
- homegirl was the first applicant on the job fr 🏃‍♀️
- she kinda gets in trouble with her manager for eating the sample pretzels all the time
- but she’s a master at folding them so she always gets off the hook lmao
- cannot cook the food bc she will burn the place down <3
- definitely prefers caramel over the other dressings but she will eat them all the same 🤌
- used to have a lot of fun with Connie when he worked there, but he got fired rip
- her new source of entertainment is the new guy Niccolo who knows how to cook the pretzels to the perfect golden brown 😩
- she’s still working up the courage on asking him out on a date
- Connie goes around to tease her for her ginormous crush on Niccolo and he has such a good time watching them trip over their words <3
- steals the caramel and takes them home to use for other snacks lmao
- one time Niccolo scolded her for eating all the food and she was like wtf I’m hungry 😠
- and he said “if you’re so hungry, I could take you out to dinner”
- she choked on the pretzels, and they almost needed to call an ambulance 😭
- overall 9/10, -1 bc Connie isn’t actually an employee there and gets run off by their manager who hates his guts 😪
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- goth Mikasa supremacy!
- she works at Spencer’s I know she does
- it’s usually quiet so she sits at the cash register and reads her books
- Ik soooo many people have a crush on her
- stupid teenagers go in and make jokes abt the toys so she runs them off a lot of the time
- but they always come back for more smh
- if she was the cashier I would go back too 😩
- always gets compliments about her outfits from the customers 💅
- before she locks up, she looks at the toys and wonders how they work lmfao
- is too scared to try it so she just leaves 😭
-Sasha goes in and purposely asks her so many questions about the toys when there’s a lot of people so she can embarrass Mikasa 😈
- Armin is too scared to walk in there so he waits for her outside so they can have lunch together lmao
- has offered Eren a job, but he refuses her help like always smh
- she likes working there bc the customers always compliment her style and she rarely gets that </3
- overall loves her job 8/10, -2 bc it’s too cold and it’s pretty lonely lmao
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- he found out all his friends got jobs at the mall and didn’t want to feel left out so he started his job hunt
- it did not go well lmfao
- he applied for most of the jobs but he never fits what they’re looking for
- refuses to work at a food place bc he doesn’t want to wash dishes at all 🙄
- Mikasa has offered him a job at her work, but he always refuses bc he doesn’t like that she always does things for him
- Zeke and Carla have a bet to see how long it’ll take for him to find a job lmao ik they’re besties fr 🤞
- at some point, he just gives in and puts his tail between his legs and asks her for a job
- it is safe to say he loves working at Spencer’s and is a very good employee 😎
- behaves good so he can prove to his parents that he can keep a job
- asked his boss if the employees had discounts on what the store sells lmfao iykyk
- doesn’t want to lose his job bc he likes spending time w Mikasa <3
- will never tell her bc he’s too scared lmfao smh
- overall 9/10, -1 bc he hates working in general lmfao
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- he works at Barnes & Noble <33
- loves when the new shipment of books arrive and he gets first pick 😈
- he gifts his friends books he thinks they’ll like bc he loves to learn about new things 🥺
- Jean and Mikasa are the only ones that actually read them lmfao
- he is the one who supplies Mikasa her books 💅
- has gotten asked out multiple times but never tells anyone bc he’s too embarrassed awe 😪
- there’s a Starbucks next to his work so he usually gets coffee before his shift
- he prefers reading informative books instead of fiction, but he will read both lol
- Annie works a few stores across from him, but he doesn’t like to initiate conversation with her bc he has seen her shut down Reiner in 5 seconds
- is terrified of her but watches her from a distance <3
- likes the smell of his work lmao he doesn’t know why
- used to go and wait for Mikasa so they could have lunch together, but now Eren and Mikasa come during their lunch break and keep him company while they all eat lunch <3
- has to sit and watch them flirt for a few minutes before they realize he’s there smh
- overall 7/10, -3 bc it’s pretty lonely and he never likes the books people buy lmfao
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- he knows every worker at the mall literally
- it’s not bc he’s some big hot shot people person
- it’s bc he’s had almost every job there lmao
- he always gets fired for stupid reasons like being late to work or playing around to much
- his biggest regret is getting fired from Auntie Annie’s bc now he doesn’t get to eat food and make fun of customers with Sasha </3
- but he asks for a job there every week bc he’s that desperate lmao
- he just wants to work with his twin flame 🥲
- his favorite job by far was freeloading at Barnes & Noble with Armin tho lmfao
- got fired from there bc he spilled Monster or Red Bull all over the cash register one too many times
- has worked at Spencer’s but he didn’t know how to fold their shirts correctly so he got kicked out lmao
- he’s been waiting on his request to work as a security guard but he did for shits and giggles rly
- overall 4/10, -6 bc he doesn’t want to walk around the mall in a uniform and chase down thieves
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- omgg he works at Kay Jewelers
- he’s so smooth that he sells jewelry to 8/10 customers he talks to 🙏
- always has to say their catchphrase, “every kiss begins with k, am I right?”
- but the customers eat that shit up 😩
- his last three dates he met at his work I’m not kidding
- always gifts his friends jewelry bc he’s such a cutie like that <3
- was invited to Historia’s birthday party and gave her a necklace to match her eyes and his friend group was convinced he was in love with her
- had to stay away from Ymir and Reiner for a little while after that 😀
- Eren had asked him for discounts when he buys cute jewelry for his new girlfriend every month
- but he hasn’t come around since he got that new job with Mikasa
- and Jean doesn’t know why 🤔
- Connie hangs out a lot at his work so he has fun from time to time
- actually has good taste when it comes to jewelry
- overall 10/10 bc he loves it there ✨
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- he works at Dick’s Sporting Goods
- has made several friends that are old men who play golf bc they all have bad knees rip 👎
- know he knows how to do his taxes correctly so he sees it has a win lmao
- Eren asked for a job there, but he didn’t make the requirements and the group teased for a week about it 😭
- he keeps up with the latest sport’s news so he can make conversation with the customers <3
- Bertholdt and him FaceTime a lot bc they work on opposite ends of the mall smh
- Reiner likes working there bc he thinks he looks amazing in the hunter green uniform
- and he stands 100% correct 💅
- has found out he has a thing for athletic people 😏
- his work is pretty close to Kay Jewelers, so he eats his lunch with Jean lmao bros for life <3
- overall 9/10, -1 bc he wishes the pay was better /:
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- works at Foot Locker lmao
- knows a lot about shoes and sneakers so he always has the best style 😩
- Reiner and Eren always ask about when the new shipments are coming in lmao
- people always ask him if he plays basketball bc he’s so tall
- and he’s kinda like 😀 “no sorry”
- he feels bad about it so he asks Reiner if he can teach him a few things about it lmao
- Connie comes over a lot to look at the shoes
- Historia and Ymir bought some cute matching sneakers one time and Reiner was heart broken 😭
- when a bunch of people are in the store, he gets overwhelmed
- makes an excuse to “go look in the back” for their shoes but stays there for a breather before going back awe
- he feels he might be promoted to manager, but he is petrified of having sm responsibility on his shoulders 😪
- overall 6/10, -4 bc he always feels out of place </3
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- works at Claire’s lmfao
- hear me out tho
- she works there bc she likes piercing people for their piercings 😏
- ik modern au Annie has a bunch of piercings
- trying to work the courage up to give herself her own piercing lmfao
- it’s a few stores across Barnes & Noble, so she kinda stares at Armin from the cash register
- will not admit to it that she thinks he’s very pretty
- she doesn’t want to inflate his ego bc she sees how many people give him their numbers and refuses to be one of them 😭
- she is trying to convince Eren to get a tongue piercing bc Jean made a bet with her that she couldn’t convince their friend group to get some
- she has pierced Historia and Ymir matching bellybutton rings, so that’s a start 🙏
- overall 6/10, -4 bc she doesn’t like looking at people’s ears
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mego42 · 4 years
1x10 discussion questions
one season down, two to go!!! this has been so much fun y’all. i've watched s1 all by my onesies a totally normal amount of times but watching with all of you is it’s own kind of delight. your jokes and your takes are a+++. truly enhance the experience. and i know i say it every week but a sincere thank you to @pynkhues​ for organizing and all the work you put into it.
ANYWAY enough of the gross emo stuff.
1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
this is a question with an objectively correct answer and it’s when dean gets hit by a car. the last scene is p good too i guess.
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
the line dancing scene chills me to my core but that says more about my feelings about line dancing than the scene itself. it’s not so much that it misses the mark as much as i consider it a personal attack on part with repeatedly saying sauce arms and making me remember the bandaid.
3. Let’s start from the top! That scene with Rio and Turner! This is our first ever Rio POV scene, and a lot of crucial information is delivered in it – from what Rio’s like as a crime boss to the situation with Eddie. What do you make of this scene? And do you think Rio ever saw Turner as a real threat?
rio saw turner as a whole ass snack and he was right
4. It’s Beth and Dean’s twentieth anniversary! Beth warms to him again over the course of this episode before the cancer lie is revealed. What do you think the trajectory of Beth and Dean’s relationship would’ve looked like if the lie hadn’t been revealed?
eventually beth would’ve taken out the trash. i don’t think there’s a version of the two of them that would work long term as long as beth is coming more and more into herself through crime and dean is, you know, dean. would’ve totally derailed the brio pacing though so someone get that doctor a medal.
5. Annnnd on a related note, do you think the cancer lie is lost to us forever, or that the show might still throw it back on the table at some point?
i have deep seated tv-related trust issues so i’ve convinced myself that no we won’t so i can’t be any more disappointed than i already am
6. Ben has his first few days at St. Anne’s, and it goes well, despite Annie’s reservations. Do you think Greg was right to change Ben’s schooling? Do you think Annie was right in having her reservations? Or is it some combination of both?
as a product of a catholic school elementary environment i feel extremely qualified to say that catholic school kids will fuck you up and annie was absolutely justified in her reservations. that said, clearly the public school kids were also fucking ben up so greg was in the right too. the moral of the story is kids are assholes. 
7. What do you think the show might be saying with the fact that Annie’s son finds safety at a school called St. Anne’s?
you know i never connected those dots before. it’s a little on the nose but it makes me go awwwww so i’ll allow it.
8. What do you think of the Fine & Frugal job overall? Do you think it was a good idea to set Rio up in the way that they did? Do you think it was a good way to get the money for Sara’s transplant?
the (second!! second!!!!) fine & frugal job was, to put it mildly, extremely stupid. just the fact that they robbed it for the second time is enough but oh my GOD the rio portion of the plan tips it over the edge. it’s too many levels of stupid i can’t list them all. it’s the girls at their most short sighted and it makes me want to bang my head against the nearest flat surface.
THAT SAID one thing that i’ve always really loved about the show is the girls are like, truly awful at crime in many ways and fairly consistently reap the consequences of that. i love that they’re sort of bumbling their way to success with their individual talents and determination but not being like, smooth criminals or whatever. i’ve watched the version of this show where that happens (*stares in weeds*) and it’s infuriating.
9. What do you think of the scene with Tyler at the end and how he let the girls off the hook in exchange for getting to be the hero? What do you think this tells us about the overall themes of the show?
i love the hell out of tyler that pure hearted himbo. i know there are deeper thoughts here around male entitlement and how it’s seen through characters like boomer and dean and turner and rio but it’s late and my brain is there. i do like how it’s mmmmmm underscored? subverted? by tyler basically asking annie to make it seem like he’s someone to be taken seriously. it reminds me of a little kid asking for help playing dress up or make believe. idk idk idk pretend i said something smart.
10. Mary Pat discovers Boomer’s been spying on her! It leads to one of my favourite fights of the entire series between Mary Pat and Boomer! What do you think that fight told us about Mary Pat and Boomer’s relationship so far, and who each of them are as people?  
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mary-pat was deeply wronged and in a different ‘verse is bffs with the girls. JUSTICE FOR MARY-PAT
11. On a related note, what did you think of Mary Pat going to Beth with the news?
i love it, for as much as mary-pat tries to walk tall and carry a big stick or whatever, as soon as stuff starts falling apart her first instinct is to run to her crime mom for help. THEY SHOULD BE FRIENDS DAMMIT. 
12. Beth throws down a pretty big bluff with Annie and Ruby about going to Canada to take over Rio’s business. Do you think she actually intended to go through with it? Or do you think she was just joking? Or was it something in between?
you know how sometimes people tell jokes that are so funny hahahaha but also omg you guys what if we really did it? it’s one of those. 
13. In 100 words or less, please describe your emotional journey in watching Stan find out what Ruby had done for the money to save Sara.  
N O 
14. Annie and Greg have a pivotal moment together as co-parents at the end of this episode. Do you think this is a satisfying culmination to their arc across this season? And do you see any sort of future for them as a couple overall?
probs not any time soon bc i think zach gilford got another job but i hope so bc i love them lEaVE mE aLoNE
15. That! Final! Scene! Between! Beth! Rio! And! Dean! So much emotion! Give us all your thoughts, comments, feelings! And pretend you were yet to see s2 - what would you predict the outcome would be?
i love literally (like, actually literally) every single thing about this scene. truly god tier and we haven’t even gotten to the dean gets shot/face-touching/E L I Z A B E T H stuff. i’m trying to remember what i thought when i first watched this but honestly i think i was just mashing the next episode button over and over like some kind of psychotic chimpanzee on meth bc netflix wasn’t loading fast enough. 
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brokenhardies · 3 years
🌻 💐 🍄 🍂 for madoka? (@theseowleyes)
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
She pays close attention to how people smile, or their little bits of body language when they’re excited, such as how Ryuji flails everywhere, or how Ann closes her eyes in bliss, or how Morgana jumps up and down on his little paws in excitement. She loves finding new books to share with her friends, or new movies to watch with them -- she dragged Yusuke to the Cake Night Rises once, they hated every second of it, but Madoka enjoyed laughing at the cheesy lines with them
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Madoka is the WORST at self care, and hates feeling unwell and useless. Typically her Dad cares for her, and he tries very hard to dote on her and get her back in bed but Madoka is the WORST patient. Literally the only person who can get her to rest is weirdly enough, Yusuke, making up for all the times Madoka got them to rest up lmao. Madoka’s much better at taking care of others in need than she is at taking care of herself
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Madoka LOVES seaweed! Fresh seaweed, crunchy seaweed, any type of seaweed! Her favourite comfort food is either Katsudon OR her dad’s Beef Stew! She loves making Katsudon or sushi and is also a whiz at making brownies. She’s very good in the kitchen, she takes after her grandpa and her dad on that!
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?
Hugs are more for those close to her, and even then she’s very chaste about it. She and Yusuke will often hold each other in various different ways bc Yusuke feels uncomfortable with hugs and Madoka can relate. Arm holding or hand holding is her preferred physical show of affection, and often locking pinkies with people is how she shows she cares. Also kisses on the forehead and cheek. She’s not great with overdramatic shows of affection but she loves the small stuff!
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muzzleroars · 5 years
what if igors the one who turned him ?:0 also yusuke being a servant from a noble house that they free? maybe?
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yes to all of this!! i like the idea of igor turning joker bc it could also play into why there’s something unique about him, bc i doubt igor would turn him by ordinary means. but all ppl get when they ask joker about it is “idk it was a fairy maybe? or a sprite??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” and that’s about it lmao he doesn’t quite understand it himself, but being joker he just cares about using what he’s given to affect change. but bc of his more unstable nature, he needs to have a wide network of other vampires he works with to make sure he doesn’t get in too deep (but there’s not a lot they can do about his affinity for akechi…so they just manage it lmao) 
and i like the idea of sort sticking nearby the p5 plot…but just with vampires jdfbdhgb so yusuke being in service to an old vampire is a good one. imagine them saving him, his whole existence as a vampire spent being denied the food he needs and he doesn’t know anything but serving under someone. so just like in canon, yusuke would be extremely resistant (esp if it’s joker and ann + ryuji, who i see as a newborn with such a hostile temper no one would take him, so he was essentially running rogue before meeting joker). BASICALLY as always, yusuke needs snacks and lots of love. and ann as a half-vampire is very good with her character and she would sort of be the one that can walk in daylight and get information on the human-side of things. this would be interesting too if akechi was a half-vampire (since i feel it fits with him being an orphan/being unwanted?), so ann would try to reach him as best she could bc she knows what it’s like to not really belong in either society. they’re shunned by humans and vampires, so she hates having to see others suffer the same way (plus maybe i just. really love the idea of ann and akechi bonding well)
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
Phantom thieves and hogwarts houses GO
YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. HERE WE GO FAM (I’m not finished with the game so since I don’t know much about Haru we’re just gonna go through Futaba)
Starting with my best boy Ryuji Sakamoto IS A HUFFLEPUFF AND THERE IS NO ARGUMENT AGAINST IT. I will accept that Ryuji has Gryffindor qualities (bravery, not afraid of confrontation, risk-taker, etc) but that boy is NOTHING if not LOYAL. Ryuji is sunlight incarnate I will accept no other metaphor. He cares about literally everyone before he cares about himself. He literally offers to be beat up if it would make his old team feel better (pls). He is relationship-driven and his risk-taking behaviors, his confrontations, his passion for justice all come from helping out someone else. Definitely the kinda dude that would consider the house elves in a dire situation. He’s so aggressively selfless that it’s almost like “pls care about yourself first just once.” Ryuji time and time again puts other people before his personal needs and safety without a single second of hesitation. He just DOES it. And he’ll do it fifty times if you need him to. If you call him at 3am crying he’s showing up in your room, sneaking you into the Hufflepuff common room for snacks.  If you don’t have a pencil in class, he’s giving you his without mentioning it’s his only one (s’not like he was gonna do nothin’ with it anyway). You about to head into a fight he’s got no stake in? Doesn’t matter, he’s got your back. He once punched a student for making snide comments about another student’s sexuality and he has no ragrets about it. A blushin’ fool whenever someone is tender towards him cause he’s so busy being that/doing that to everyone else he doesn’t think about being on the receiving end. He’s just happy to make someone else smile, ya know? HE IS KIND. HE IS TRUE. HE IS A HUFFLEPUFF.
Akira Kurusu is 3000% a Slytherin. Dark, mysterious, smug ass mofo. A leader of his in-group (teenagers being the in-group, adults being the out-group) and thus inclusive in the sense that anyone who joins the cause can be a Phantom Thief. Where a Hufflepuff (Ryuji) might do anything for anyone they care about impulsively, a Slytherin pauses for a second, calculating–instead of diving headfirst to save Ryuji in the first palace and ending up with nothing, he hesitates and that’s when Aresene is like “so u gonna let the boy die??” and akira is like “no gimme a second there’s a fucking mask on my face.” His persona is all about MAGIC and DARKNESS if that’s not obvious enough for ya. This boy is snakey sneaky, all cunning eyes and cocky smiles and deep, mocking laughs. He knows he’s powerful and he’s not afraid to show you that he knows it. What’s wrong with knowing your own strength? Let’s not forget he is a master of interrogation. The ultimate trickster, he’s not above pulling dumb pranks on you and blaming it on a Gryffindor for its lack of complexity. He a good dude, tho, because obviously Slytherins aren’t bad. He gives his plant nutrients to make it stronger bc he likes building something up to be more than it started (most ppl would just water it but aiight dude). He’ll casually walk up behind you while you’re getting bullied, sling his arm around your shoulders, and be like “something the matter?” Totally threatening without a single verbal threat. Secretly loves bubble baths, will give you a scathing look if you even try to tease him about it tho. 
Ann Takamaki, Gryffindor extraordinaire. She starts out kinda timid but she’s actually daring af. She keeps a relationship with Kamoshida who is the worst man alive just for her friend’s sake, but she also isn’t afraid to ignore Kamoshida’s calls (hesitant =/= afraid, ok). Fiery af, Ann is liable to go off on you at any time for a bunch of really good reasons (and some just ok). Ryuji, stop being a dick. Akira, enough brooding. Morgana, shut up for once. Just as spirited as Ryuji, but his light is like warmth and hers is like scorching. Like…literally, her specialty is fire these things write themselves i swear to god. Extremely passionate, especially for the things she believes in like The Phantom Thieves, Shiho (obviously), and giving people courage to stand up for themselves. She really wants to prove herself, seen esp in her social link, and be strong for herself and others. She’s headstrong, kind to the little guy, scathing to the big guy. She’s incredibly competitive and gets into eating contests all the time in the Gryf common room (she also wins every time, especially if the food of choice is crepes). She knows she is beautiful, and is thus confident, but avoids being vain by reminding herself how each person she comes across is also beautiful (”pretty eyes, biggest heart”). Feeling insecure? Call Ann, she’ll hype you up in under ten seconds. Spend an hour with her in a crowded room and you’ll swear it was just you two the whole time. Ann is giving, courageous, and ready to fly off the handle if need be. 
Yusuke Kitagawa, my darling painter boy, is a Ravenclaw. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!!!!! Yusuke is a Ravenclaw through and through. He wants to know more, wants to expand his understanding. He’s not afraid of doing whatever it takes to achieve these things: he’ll spend hours watching the river, waiting for something to come to him, or he’ll awkwardly approach a couple in love and ask them what their love life is like (he needs to know for a painting ok it’s not a sexual thing). He is elegant and fluid and his definition of “the finer things in life” EDIT i’m dying i accidentally wrote “finger things in life” the first time depends on how much he knows about it and how much value he sees in it (for example, a cup of coffee brewed by Akira is one of the most delicious things he’s ever known, much finer than any rich person food, purely for the effort it takes to think of the beans, to make sure the water is the right temperature, etc). Gets lost in his head all the time. Has an understated air of haughty in certain situations, like he’s fully aware he’s better than u but only mentions it to remind you when it seems you’ve forgotten. Uses way too many words to describe a sneeze just because he can.  Yusuke doesn’t give a shit who you are: if you came out to him, he’d nod solemnly and then ask if he could interpret your emotions into an abstract painting (that he would then gift to you, of course). He’d ask you on museum dates, historical bus tour dates (why yusuke why), planetarium dates *cough*, even if things between you two were totally platonic. He just likes discovering, especially with someone he can bounce ideas off of. 
Makoto Nijima is, brace yourself, a Gryffindor. WHAT. yes. trust. Dis girl is POWERFUL. And you can be Ravenclaw and powerful too, no doubts about it, but just because she’s top of her class doesn’t mean she’s Ravenclaw. She studies cause she’s competitive. She’s student council president because she likes the status, the power associated with it (power to protect, to serve, not corrupt power). Makoto is also fiery like Ann, but in a different way. She doesn’t fly off the handle like Ann can; Makoto calculates first, strategizes, and then fuckin’ GOES FOR THE KILL. She’s a headshot kinda girl–take em out simply, easily, quickly (metaphorically speaking obvs she doesn’t go around killing ppl). Queen is a very apt codename because Makoto’s path is a fiery blaze of ambition and strength. She’s gonna get what she wants because she’s been working very hard for it and don’t u take that away from her u piece of shit. She’s not terribly confident though, and this sometimes makes her feel uncomfortable in the Gryf common room when everyone is talking about their achievements. She’d rather just show than tell. Not really a master of stealth (lol), Makoto is your big sister in the hallways always looking out for you. If someone breaks your heart she will literally punch them in the face (and apologize profusely afterwards, but you know she’s secretly p pleased with herself). She likes learning new things about the world, always turns it into a competition with you even if it pushes her boundaries (you two went to a strip club once and even though you put a dollar on the stage, she one-upped you by putting it in a thong, face blushing so hard but determined to overcome). Her drive and determination are her biggest, most redeemable, wonderful qualities. The rest is just the happy byproduct. 
Snarky is as Slytherin does for Futaba Sakura. This girl is a nightmare in all the best ways. Somehow she figures out your weakness just by looking at you and has the ability to absolutely destroy you in just a few words. What she doesn’t show is the literal hours of research she did on you beforehand: she bugged your robe, your wand, set up a camera in your common room…a girl’s gotta have intel, alright? Futaba is an actual mastermind of everything, but the Hat settled on Slytherin because of how Futaba intended to utilize such knowledge. She doesn’t love it for the sake of knowing it, she loves it for what power it gives her. Futuba loves the upper hand and having full view of the whole picture, so Slytherin’s innate ability to lead a situation and turn tables was a huge calling point for her. If Akira is the dark mysterious Slytherin, Futaba is the loud and out of control Slytherin who nobody messes with because she’s got dirt on everyone and the means to release it widely. She prefers to stay in her room than gather with her house or other classmates, often completing assignments from there, but no one minds because it’s not like she’s really gone. She conjures up stand ins for her and speaks through them, engaging without really engaging. Watch out for when Akira and Futaba team up tho–they’re the Slytherin version of Fred and George, conniving and ruthless when it comes to playing tricks on you. Like Akira, she’s still a good girl: she understands anxiety better than anyone and is well known for comforting students who fall into a panic attack. She struggles with social situations sometimes and no one makes mention of it, this time not because they’re afraid of her but because they care about her and they know she’d never cross a line with them, so why cross one with her? She just likes to wield information like a weapon. That’s all. >:)
I forgot Morgana lmao so you can find that here
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not-kayleigh · 5 years
for that anon that said to answer all of the ask meme questions
this is for you ~ took a while bc iI had to go back and forth between my laptop and phone (thanks tumblr)
cherry - what is your sexuality?
• answered already (pansexual)
lollipop - favorite makeup products?
• I dont wear makeup very much but I have a Star Wars lipstick from When force awakens came out and it’s really pretty. Also I love messing around with eyeshadow even tho I’m not great at it
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be?
• I think I’d like to be a happier, financially stable, and less existential version of myself
october - what month were you born in?
• August! My 20th birthday is coming up!
caress - do you like to snuggle?
• yes, that’s what the stuffed animals are for
ivory - describe your pajamas?
• hnnng I waver between wearing pajamas and just not wearing them. Rn it’s a pink tank top with hearts all over it and some plaid shorts
golden - favorite stationary product?
• ngl I thought this said sanitary product at first. My favorite stationary product has to be these markers I have. Idk what kind they are but I think they might be bic? They’re pretty basic but I love them
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
• currently? Probably one of my many pairs of black leggings. Behind that is my denim jacket and my pink denim jacket.
twilight - best friend?
• I have a very good group of best friends ♥️ I think I might be the last one active on tumblr but there’s Jackie, Shiwen, Kasey, Sandi, and Emilee. Love them to bits ♥️♥️
silk - do you like k-pop?
• not really but I haven’t really listened to any k-pop except what my friend (Emilee from the last question) has played. The k-pop fandom intimidates me a bit ngl
poppy - favorite pastel color?
• easy, pastel pink. It’s the same color as my pink denim jacket 💕
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face?
• I think it differentiates between every persons face but I love a good smile 😊
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
• F A L L 🍂🍁
buttery - favorite snack?
• changes all the time ngl. Rn it’s probably sour cream and cheddar ruffles. Haven’t had them in a while but they’re so good
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
• either too much or not enough. Usually not enough. 4/5 hours a night on average but I can easily stay in bed for 10 hours
pencil - do you own a journal?
• I did as a kid but I mostly doodled in it. I find writing without answering a question to be very difficult. I do try to dream journal on my phone when I have dreams though. I have two on my current phone and two on my old phone. One of them was the “falling in love” dream and the other was like a whole movie. The recent ones on my current phone are a nightmare that started pretty well and ended with me having a panic attack and the other was a very lovely dream where Dan from the Game Grumps and I became friends after trying to find buried treasure. It was a cool dream 😎
cupcake - are you a good cook?
• I think I have the potential to be a good cook. I don’t really like cooking with meat bc I feel like I’m gonna mess something up. I love baking though!!
honey - favorite term of endearment?
• honey 🍯 🐝
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams?
• done already (one where I fell in love)
velvet - who was your first crush?
• oh gosh, if we’re going really far back to my first it’d have to be my first (and only) “””boyfriend””” when I was 4 years old. His name was Tommy
paper - favorite children’s book?
• that’s really difficult for me bc I work at a library and find really good children’s books all the time. But from my childhood I have fond memories of Goodnight Moon
Peaches - do you have a skincare routine?
• skin care? Never heard of her. (I wear chapstick sometimes, does that count?)
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
• answered already (not sure where to start tbh)
backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend?
• yes! I think her name was Michelle (my moms name bc I’m very original) and she had a pet bulldog.
strawberry - favorite fruit?
• I love apples so much hnnng can’t wait til fall and I can go apple picking again
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend?,
• yes I’ve kissed at least two of my friends. One was the “let’s get the whole first kiss out of the way right now” kind of kiss and the others were platonic kisses with my oldest friend of about 15 years.
nightlight - do you read before bed?
• I used to! Reading helps make me tired and used to help me go right to sleep. Now I work in a library and when I work a double shift I get really sleepy. Also sometimes I read fanfics before bed
shampoo - favorite scent?
• I have so many it’s insane. There’s two scents that are very nostalgic to me and idk what I’d call them necessarily. One is the smell of the cabin I used to stay in at Lake George that had a very particular smell that I could never place. The other is the smell of when you’re approaching the beach and can smell the sand and ocean in the air.
skin - what distant relative are you closest to?
• I don’t really have any “distant” relatives that I’m close to but I’m really close to my cousin Becky. We’re basically sisters that see eachother when one of us visits the others state.
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
• I have a lot and it changes a lot. Right now… I really love Anne Hathaway and Keanu Reeves.
cuddles - do you have any pets?
• I used to have a cat named Bailey but he passed away a few months ago. He was a precious baby. It still hurts to think about him not being here but I’m slowly getting better.
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite?
• I wish I owned more dresses I felt comfortable wearing. My favorite dress is my first prom dress that was black and faded into a colorful ombré. It’s such a beautiful dress. My favorite dress that I wear as much as I can is this black velvety one that has skulls in the details
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters?
• answered already (Gudetama 🥚)
cream - frozen yogurt flavor?
• answered already (chocolate or phish food)
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
• yes! I get attached to characters pretty easily so when there’s emotional stuff happening I might cry!!
sapphos - favorite poet?
• not sure if I have one at the moment but I used to have an E. E. Cummings poetry book that I liked
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
• answered already (too many)
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
• oh gosh I really love flowers. I really have a soft spot for hydrangeas
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
• hnnngggg I have a lot of mugs… I have to think for a second… ok so I collect mugs so I’m not gonna pick a mug but a goblet I own. I had a goblet that has unicorns on the sides. Also has a metal inside so I can put hot beverages in it?
sunset - what are your pronouns?
• she/her but I’m also okay with they/them
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punchtig3r-archive · 7 years
Ann Takamaki for the character thing
First impression: ah the Good Ol Persona Rich Girl Best Friend (TM)... the mitsuru....the yukiko.... (whomst i all love donT GET ME WRONG)
Impression now: she’s my favorite main female persona character, definitely. her design is really nice and i instantly fell in love with her during the beginning of the game. like, i never felt stuck with her (i felt kind of...stuck with most of th characters in 4), she felt like a natural part of the main character’s growing friend circle and just. naturally feels like a friend to me, if that makes sense? she’s an easy character to get attached to, imo. also the fact that she’s biracial i immediately resonate with, being biracial as well! when she talks about struggling to fit back in with people after moving hits so hard to me bc i went through that exact thing omg
Favorite moment: HER APOLOGY TO MAKOTO IS SO PERFECT....like they get on a first name basis and go out RIGHT after becoming totally chill with eachother....fucking iconic....let them be gay atlus
Idea for a story: makoto and ann being gay and happy let them date
Unpopular opinion: akira/ann is for normies its bland af.....and im not too cool w/ her fuckin....latex ass phantom suit
Favorite relationship: y’all can guess who i ship with ann....shiho though also....and the ultimate brotp of our generation is ann/ryuji
Favorite headcanon: lemmie self project a little bit   ann really likes japanese snacks/food because food is the biggest link to her japanese heritage. her parents travel all over and are more in that ‘our own culture isnt important, take in the culture of other places instead’ mindset, which is perfectly cool in its own right but it gets frustrating when you don’t know much about your personal heritage, like something’s missing almost. so when you’re being left in the dark about traditions and things like that food is a lot easier to come by and learn about. she might not know all the names but ann’s pretty much had every japanese snack and especially confectionery under the sun and is always really happy to learn and talk about that sort of stuff. if she wasn’t already modeling she’d definitely dream about owning something like a bakery or cafe
send me a character!
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samarecharm · 3 years
♣️🍬 & 💭 for Akiren?
♣️Weakness/ Soft Spot
Oh I think hes got SUCH a soft spot for kids; theyre lil sponges that absorb everything u tell them. For the most part kids love learning! My Akiren is a bookworm who will absolutely infodump about any topic if allowed to do so and Kids will not only Love this for topics they're interested in, but they also feel like They can infodump other stuff they love so its a win/win for everyone. He already has that Caretaker attitude when it comes to people hes close w, so it just comes naturally to him with children.
Also like, Canonically he hangs out and gets lessons from Shinya and really clicks with him in a way other adults(and other kids/teens) havent been able to do. I admit it kinda contradicts w the hc i have of him being an only child (is it actually noted anywhere that hes an only child or is it just assumed?); most people i know who grew up as an Only Child are...spoiled...but I like to think he was one of those kids who WISHED they had a little sibling bc the idea of him being able to Share Knowledge and Play Games w someone else was FANTASTIC in his eyes ☺️
🍬 Sweets
I dont see him as someone w a sweet tooth but I think he just Really enjoys foods and snacks all around. He has no preferences for candies like he does with other snacks (like pastries or chocolates) and will devour it all w no hesitation. Ann invites him to crepe shops and bakeries alike and they all look so good but he just lets Ann pick things out for him; shes got a palette for these kinds of things and he just follows her lead.
He does snack on things here and there. Maybe lollipops and hard candies that last a long time while hes studying or working on tools. Is it safe? Maybe not. But whos going to stop him? Sojiro? When he walks in to this kid making scrap death machines with a blowtorch? No.
💭 Daydream
I dont think hes someone prone to daydreaming, bc 95% of his brain power is allocated to thinking of Things to Do. Upcoming palaces, the exams, his meals, YUSUKES meals, tool making, that totally not black market shop hes been hustling on, the velvet room, mementos runs...He gets headaches often (another hc) and he comes off as spacey and inattentive to teachers, quiet and unresponsive to friends if theres a group of them meeting up.
Not necessarily ‘daydreaming’ but definitely spaced out. Its alot to keep track of and sometimes that manifests itself as him not answering a question in class bc he barely even registers that hes IN class.
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