#andy's rants
Nothing like seeing privileged people shit on the rest of us for how we celebrate the people we love
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Like seriously. Fuck you, Lindsay. This screams tone deaf privileged asshole.
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the-grave-of-andrew · 19 days
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Nothing like some pre-teen paranoia to get your heart racing.
Designs are based on pesudo-memories
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Something something “we were a hammer to the statue of David” “smash all the guitars ‘till we see all the stars” “like a sledgehammer to a disco ball” something something “what is there between us, if not a little annihilation?” something about how the art of Kintsugi revolves around breaking something valuable in order to make it more stable but also more beautiful
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ssunshineriptid3 · 8 months
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totally fine rn ;p @falloutboy
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giac222 · 3 months
Me trying not to tweak out when I see people reduce Ashley to fap material and “omg hot crazy girl with mental issues I can fix her” 🤪 :
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I honestly can’t stand people who fetishize mental illness but that’s a whole other post.
If you’ve seen my posts before, you know I have beef with the Reddit TCOAAL community 😂. (I’m not being serious, I just get annoyed with some of the behavior there). This is one of the reasons I ultimately left recently, but the main reason was that someone posted a picture of Leyley (little Ashley) and asked what you’d do if you found her in your house. Most of the comments were about physically harming her and some were even making sexual remarks 🧍🏻‍♀️. I’ve seen them do it to Andy (little Andrew) too. I wish I was joking. Sorry but I just find it weird to speak about children that way even if they’re fictional. I just got really uncomfortable and I was like ok I don’t want to be in a community with y’all anymore 💀.
I think a lot of people on the subreddit like the game for the incest and nothing more, like they’ll say “omg I can’t wait to see them have sex in ch.3” 🤪 but then they’ll completely miss the mark on Ashley and Andrew as characters.
I’ve gotten downvoted on there before because I said supporting real life incest isn’t a good idea and that it shouldn’t be encouraged… like wtf?
Honestly it’s a shame that they only like the game for that reason, because the story is so interesting, the characters are well written, and the art style is great. That’s why it sucks to see people label it “the incest game” because there’s actually a lot more to it than that, anyone who’s played the game and watched a play through of it knows that. That’s why the controversy never made sense to me.
So yeah, no shade, and I’m not trying to be mean, but I can tell the Reddit community is filled with a bunch of annoying horny teenage boys 😶, and also some… strange people. Sorry if that’s mean to say but 😂. I was like yeah I’m out of here lmao. Thank god for the Tumblr community.
Ashley’s backstory is so tragic. She’s such an interesting character, I just love her 💕. It sucks when people ignore that and completely downplay her character.
This is all just my opinion. I’ve been meaning to make a post about this because they’re some thoughts I had for a bit. Thanks for reading :)
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perform-turn · 3 days
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example-report · 4 days
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ashleygraves1 · 11 days
A friend of mine made this meme after the devlog drop
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Like, yeah the kids you call a Disappointment and an Embarrassment are hostile towards you and talk about a show they watch, that obviously means S O M E T H I N G is happening. /s
Goddamnit, Renee, just because your children fell asleep next to each other rambling about a show they like doesn't mean they're fucking. Kinda fucked up you would think that. Is that how you ended up pregnant at 15 years old, Renee!?
Oh, and you even admit that you're overthinking it until the moment Andrew bites his finger.
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Like, of course he's nervous, you're staring at him like he's a weirdo for ✨FALLING ASLEEP✨ plus you quite literally neglected your children and forced them to depend on each other, then sometime after this: you sell them to an organ harvesting conspiracy.
No wonder Ashley and (Burial) Andrew had no remorse about killing you, Renee.
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I think sometimes plants end up growing on shadow knights because nature tries to claim their bodies as part of it due to them being theoretically dead and slightly decaying, and also there's obviously a magic factor it.
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the-grave-of-andrew · 3 months
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A little comic/animatic thing I made based on one of my favorite songs right now, Clean by Noah Floersch.
I dont know if this video will works, but i put the comic to the music for easier viewing.
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activity-however-pm · 1 month
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the-grave-of-andrew · 1 month
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Trying to find something that isn't sponsored or made by Toxisoda is almost impossible.
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giac222 · 4 months
I have to be honest, the Reddit TCOAAL community has some of the worst takes on the game I’ve ever seen. 💀 I kind of talked about this already in a previous post I’ve made on here. That’s why I like the Tumblr community sooo much more.
This post will probably be kind of long and messy, so sorry in advance. Anyway, let’s get into it.
Here’s a screenshot of the comment that inspired this post. 😂
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This was in response to someone’s post about the vision in the questionable route. After seeing Andrew’s relationship with Julia and how little he cared about her, I don’t know how anyone could think he’d be able to have a normal/healthy romantic relationship with someone. I’ve literally seen people make excuses for him defending Ashley the way he did in the flashback with Julia while she was raising genuine concern. I saw someone say “well Ashley had him by the balls, if he said anything else he would have been screwed.” like be serious, he defended Ashley because he wanted to and has always cared about her more. I mean he literally lied to Julia’s face about Nina’s death, her best friend. 😬
This is what bothers me, when people act like Ashley is solely the problem and that Andrew did nothing wrong at all. Let’s be real, Andrew is the one driving Ashley’s worst behavior. He blames her for “making” him do things. He obviously can’t be guilty, so he needs something from the outside to blame (Ashley). As I’ve said in my previous analysis, they are both flawed individuals, they are the same. They are both toxic but they do really love each other.
Despite what these people say, Ashley is the love of Andrew’s life. He would never just leave her in the dust even if she doesn’t sleep with him. Mind you the two of them have never slept together and you can still see how devoted Andrew is to her, even if Ashley herself doesn’t see it yet.
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This is literally how he looked at her when she woke up after he thought he was going to have to take her to the hospital 🥺. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about him ditching Ashley or how he should leave her for good. 💀
In the Decay route vision when Ashley lets him kill her, he says “then I’ll see you in a bit.” Meaning that he’s going to follow her in death. Andrew wouldn’t want to live without her. Anyone who’s played the game knows one can’t live without the other, period. We know that they have a toxic codependent relationship, but it’s not only that way because of Ashley. It’s very annoying to see people act like it is. It’s literally both of them that contribute to it.
Are people just casually forgetting that even back when they were kids the game shows us that Andrew didn’t really care about Nina’s death, he was mostly worried about the consequences they would face if they got caught. Plus him grabbing Ashley and saying “guys and girls don’t go to the same prison, they’re going to take you away from me!!”. Also, before their blood oath Andrew literally contemplates if killing her would be worth it like hello??
In the game after Andrew brings up how their parents had friends, Ashley calls their parents whores and asks why they couldn’t be happy with just each other. He then responds by saying he never implied that they had sex, which causes her to say that it doesn’t matter and that it’s all the same. Ashley doesn’t see a difference between platonic and romantic love, to her it’s all the same. So yes, technically she does want romantic love from Andrew, she just wants his love period. In Decay when they’re on the bridge at the end of ch.2, she says something along the lines of “I’ll start when you love me with half of the heart that I love you with.” To say she only wants his attention and not his love is a damn lie. 💀
Anyway, when it comes to Ashley’s reaction to the vision in the questionable route, I didn’t see her as confused. To me it seems like she wasn’t expecting to see that as a vision, but at the same time she’s not really surprised. I mean she literally tells Andrew she assumed it would happen between them eventually anyway, so she’s definitely thought about it before. Earlier on when he gets her the Toxi Soda she asks him “What do you want in return? My virginity?” 😂 obviously she could just be joking there and nothing more but 👀… girl. LOL
Andrew’s reaction to the vision shows that he also wasn’t expecting it, except he was blushing harddd. He reacted the way he did because his thoughts just got exposed. The demon really said:
👁️ Andrew Graves I know what you are 👁️ lmao.
I think it’s fair to say that sex isn’t a big deal to Ashley, if her and Andrew never slept together I don’t think she’d really care, she also views sex as transactional. We see that in the questionable Burial route she thinks “the demon showed me one way to keep him around.” I’ve seen people on Reddit try to use this as a way to show that Ashley would never sleep with him out of love, and that she’d just do it so he’ll stick beside her, basically implying that she doesn’t actually love him….. 🤦🏻‍♀️ As I’ve mentioned already, sex isn’t a big deal to Ashley and she views it as transactional. However, her views on sex might change after her and Andrew fully cross the line. I hope what I’m saying makes sense. That maybe she’ll start seeing it as something out of love instead of something she has to do in order to keep him in her life, especially once she realizes that he loves her just as much as she loves him, and that he will always stick beside her.
I mean look at the way she’s looking at him in the vision. 😭
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That is a look of pure love fr.
I talked about this in my last analysis, but people who act like Ashley is the big bad villain and that Andrew is an angel who’s done no wrong are just in denial, and dare I say misogynistic. 😶 I mean to go as far as implying that she doesn’t actually love Andrew…. be serious right now, you have officially lost the plot 💀 like that boy is literally the center of her world and she’s terrified of losing him. As she said herself, he’s her pride and joy. These people sound like those Breaking Bad fans that act like Skyler White is worse than Walter.
Most of these awful takes about the game stem from Reddit, then again Reddit is a total cesspool on it’s own. If people on the game’s subreddit aren’t sexualizing the shit out of Ashley (the things they say never fail to make me die of cringe), they’re blaming her for everything bad in the game. 🤦🏻‍♀️ ughhh.
I have such a soft spot for Ashley as a character, especially after seeing how she’s always been treated terribly by everyone around her except for Andrew. Also because of her very poor self esteem and how it’s hard for her to believe that she’s lovable, like I’m sick rn. 🥲🥲 So, I hate how people are sooo weird about her, like leave my girl alone please. 😭
I feel like this post was all over the place oops. Thank you for reading. ❤️
Also, thank you to everyone for all the notes on my previous analysis post about TCOAAL. ☺️ I’m glad you guys agree with me!
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