#and ykno we shipped them 💀
the-dungeonmaster · 2 years
Yeah, your ship is semi-canon but did your ship set an inter-dimensional demon-slash-monster-slash-serial killer on fire?
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bluiex · 10 months
hi uh. It’s 2 am, I got back from my side job two hours ago, I was planning on sleeping early BUT 🌸🐚🌹 was on some conspiracy thingies has me up, and telling about which characters like what kinda of people depending on cannon ships and our favourite ships(I love/p her but please…) So while I’m sleeping, she’s writing this with my ideas thrown in.
SCOTT pulls blonde men.
3rd life obvi flower husbands
Last life flower husbands(hinted), (one sided for now)mean gills, (one sided for now)Tango/Scott(WHATS THEIR SHIP NAME???) (-🌺🪸🥀)
Double life really hits Scott hard cause he could’ve at least flirted with Jim but now that he can’t he’s sulking. Flower husbands, (hinted) flower ranchers(-🌺🪸🥀)
Limited life I think we all know the mean gills(Martyn totally had a crush on Scott the whole time but now that he could he immediately tries to get closer to him), Flower ranchers(angst cause flower husbands angst, and Jimmy totally cried to Tango about how he messed up -🌺🪸🥀)
JIMMY pulls teal haired men.
Scott obvi, ESMP2 Scott let his demons out and flirted worth every man in a 279.58 mile radius
decked out Tango(that has him being icy like ESMP1 Scott) came through the portal and they were definitely flirting. Can’t tell me other wise.
MARTYN pulls non humans
3rd life, him and Ren were something else(they totally fucked at least once.) Ren? Werewolf.
Last life, him and Mumbo were definitely flirting. Mumbo Jumbo? Definitely a vampire, just a very awkward and kinda “UUUUHHHHH- what’s was I meant to do to get blood again?” Vibe(auto correct calls him Jumbo Jumbo)(-🌺🪸🥀)
Double life, Martyn was trying to win back Cleo. Cleo? A zombie.
Limited life, MEAN GILLS FOR LIFE BABY!(They mean very much to) Scott? Definitely a mermaid or siren. Which ever has sharper teeth. (-🌺🪸🥀)
TANGO, we aren’t sure what he pulls cause we’re still learning about how to write the hermits so we take them one at a time to ensure we know how they act and what makes them them. We haven’t reach tango yet so like- help us out?
-written by 🌸🐚🌹, storyline ideas by 🌺🪸🥀!! Okie byie!!
SO TRUE FOR SCOTT (he is like, all my comfort characters are blonde, i got a thing for blondes💀) but IDK- I dont think they have a ship name, id imagine something like majortango cuz thatd be super silly
Martyn do be pulling all the nonhuman LMAO
TANGO- tango gets all the "smol beans" for a lack of better term cuz ykno, we got Jimmy whos just so sad in the life games LOL always dying first and trying his hardest to appear tough
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lingkaranitubumi · 1 year
Hi im the indonesian friend of peonycat and what you mention about size different is what i mean by old classic bl enjoyer because is big seme x small uke kind of thing but yeah i forgot about cucking malaysia loll. Also i actually already write about Indiaindo but forgot to get uplouded (which planned to be edited!) And yeah i forgot to write about turkindo despite i aware many Ottoman simper in indonesia so Thank you for adding! And the other ship as well!! The way i can forgot about Aussinesia despite it was big in early 2012 💀
hi there hehe sorry it turned out so long and quite personal in the end oop wdym it was already personal on the first ship
ykno the ausindo one was kinda made up in my head + bisikan temen 🧍‍♂️ i wasn't that active in the core fandom anymore by that time. it looks cute tho. i hope we get to see them interacting in the future especially with canon indo's personality i think that would be interesting
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padfootastic · 2 years
Ship and let ship but remus x sirius has traumatised me forever. Their stans are also scary af and they are the majority in fandom. They are obsessed with making Sirius the bad guy in wolfstar and the way for the ship to work is sirius should grovel and snivel at remrem's feet all the time.
ahahaha it’s so funny the way we talk about fandoms/fans as if it’s a mini internet mafia setup but i get where you’re coming from 💀 i’ve seen some absolute militant fans, acting like rabid packs who go off on those with the ‘wrong’ headcanons (as if we’re all not going off of crumbs ykno?)
it’s kinda sad (for me, personally) because i’ve become so sensitive with my fictional interests like sirius (and james, and harry to a lesser extent) are my comfort characters and seeing any sort of slander for them just,,,hurts me. (ofc i know that’s a purely me issue so i keep it on my own dash and try not to enter anyone’s dms/comments)
and i used to really enjoy wolfstar a while ago, but then it just…turned into a bash fest all of a sudden? i have no idea what happened? i mean, if you shipped sirius with the wrong person, you were an asshole. if remus wasn’t written a certain way, you’re wrong. if you even read remus/tonks, you’re homophobic. it was just—too much. like i read fiction for some hardcore escapism and all this was…yeah, just kind of drove me away from marauders content for a while there. i read a lot of harry-centric stuff, time/dimension travel, hermione with basically everyone, and only recently rediscovered the marauders again.
i’ve learnt my lesson, though, because now i’m using all sorts of filters/tags, staying away from shit i know i won’t like, and just generally curating my own space so i can minimise grief. also learning to not take things personally (if i can have strong opinions, so can others, yeah?) and it’s,,,something. idk.
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