#and will was like ok damn guess i won't talk to you either then
gayofthefae · 6 months
Season 2 Mike: desperately protects and loves Will, sleeps at his house, sleeps at his doctor's office, and tells him he's the best thing to ever happen to him. Will:🧍
Season 3 Mike: focuses on someone else. Will: Wait where did you go I liked us what happened :'(
Season 4 Mike: ignores Will. Will: ignores Mike for ignoring him. Mike: Why are you ignoring me????? That's really mean you know :(((( You ruined my day :(((((((
These fuckers are perfect for each other are you kidding me. (We're excusing them on account of they're 14 and also improving anyways)
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billthedrake · 7 months
(hmph) Can't sleep either, buddy?
[quietly] No sir.
Guess this bed is kind of hard.
It's not that Dad. I'm... well, I'm kind of horny.
When are you ever not... oh jeez, yeah you're rock hard all right. I thought I took care of this bad boy pretty well.
You did, Dad. Only, I was thinking how we have the place all to ourselves. Not having to hide this.
We have all week, Will.
It gets me hard hearing you say that, Dad.
(growls in bedroom voice) Well, we have all fucking week, son.
I like hearing you cuss.
It's a strange thing I guess, but growing up you never did around us. Even if you got real mad.
(Breathes excitedly) I'm fucking you, Will. So you'll probably be hearing a lot of inappropriate things from my mouth.
God that dick's so hard... pressing into me. Come on, son, feel me up.
Love it Dad.
Scoot closer... there, that's it. Feel your old man's cock.
It made me sir.
Damn straight. Made you and took your cherry.
Best night of my life Dad.
Fuck... you're pretty hard, too, sir.
Listen to who's talking like a sailor now.
(Laughs) I remember you grounded my ass the first time I dropped the f-bomb.
You were testing our authority. Cocky little shit.
I was just craving some attention, Dad.
(More kisses)
Damn, boy. You kiss your cheerleader girlfriends like that?
Unf, fuck.... I usually have to go softer with them, Dad. More like this... (soft, slow kissing) See...?
You can feel it, right, Will?
Oh yeah. That made you even harder. Jesus, that cock is like steel now, Dad.
Can't believe I can get up again already, actually. I'm 48 and not a teen.
You're a stud, Dad. A real fucking stud.
Damn... those fingers feel nice, son. OK if we just take our time? Just feel each other like this before getting to the main event?
(chuckles) What's the main event, Dad?
You know damn well, you little tease.
(More kissing, longer this time)
You like that, sir.
Goddamn, buddy. That cheerleader kiss of yours drives me wild.
Is that what is, Dad? The "cheerleader kiss"?
I'll say. French kissing your father like we're on a first date.
Oh fuck!
Guess that's your magic button, buddy. I can feel that steel rod in my fist twitch like crazy.
One of my buttons, sir. You keep showing me more.
It's just day one of our fishing trip.
Almost day two. What time is it even?
I dunno. Three? Four in the morning? We've not even been here twelve hours and we've already had sex twice.
Gonna make it three times, sir?
Grr... fuck, yeah. (kisses) You know, your mother and I never have sex three times in a night.
Real honeymoon sex, right, Dad?
You got it, buddy.
(more kissing)
Nice, Dad... I think you're getting the cheerleader kiss down, yourself.
(chuckles) I got some more experience in the sack than you, remember?
I can't forget. You got a thirty year head start on me, sir.
Hmm... damn you have an incredible bod, buddy. Just leave feeling ya up.
Feel away sir. Won't ever get sick of it. Promise.
I'm leaking now.
Yessir. So wet.
Hm, why don't you climb on, buddy? Or are you too sore?
A little sore. But a good sore, you know?
I do.
(Surprised) Dad... you ever... you know, get fucked?
It's been a while, buddy. But there have been a couple of men who've done me like that. Years ago.
Maybe I can... if you'd let me.
It's probably gonna happen, son. This week. But right now, I really need inside ya.
Inside my baby boy.
Not a baby anymore, Dad.
That you're not, kiddo. Big stud jock.
God, you're so hard... and wet.
My lacrosse jock son.
(chuckles) You like being a lacrosse dad?
In more ways than one. I love being there for ya, Will.
I love having you there, Dad. At the games. And after.
Fuck. You're so tight. Even still.
I'm glad. Want this to be good for you, Dad.
You have no fucking idea, baby boy.
Three times in one night, Dad. I have a pretty good idea.
I'm gonna have a hard time keeping up with you, stud.
We'll see Dad. You can hold your own... fuck, you feel big.
I'm not too big, son.
You try sitting on one this size. Shit.
We don't gotta, kiddo.
Like hell we don't. Just let me go slow.
You got this, Will.
That hole is real fucking wet.
You made it like that, Dad.
What did you call it? Honeymoon sex.
Oh yeah, you're opening up for me buddy. Yeah... just like that.
Fuck me, Dad.
And we got a whole week of this.
A whole fucking week, sir.
If I can get it up after a day of this.
We'll probably need some sleep too, Dad.
(bed rocks)
God, yeah, Dad. Pump into me.
Ride me, son. Ride your daddy.
I love holding onto you, sir. All of you.
I'm not a lean young jock like you.
You're perfect, Dad. All of you.
(bed rocks harder, springs squeaking)
God fucking damn.
Ung! You got some real power behind that beef. Fuck!
(lets go of his cock)
Too much?
Don't wanna cum yet. At least not before you.
It's gonna take me a little longer this round. Sorry, kiddo.
Take as long as you want, Dad. You're in me, and that's all I care about.
Fuck, that ass is incredible. Wet and silky.
Better than mom?
You should ask me that, kiddo.
I know. Just like getting you worked up.
(bed squeaking)
Holy... fucking... shit... son!
(bed sounds slow down, then stop)
Whoo... let’s take a break.
(soft kissing)
Gonna roll us over buddy.
Yep. You're more a missionary guy, Dad?
At least to finish off. I like doing the driving, you know.
Yeah, I know.... UNNGH... fuck yeah, Dad. Nail my ass.
You... got it... kiddo. Daddy needs a fuck.
Not been four hours since our last.... oh shit.
That your spot, kiddo? Daddy gonna punch your spot?
(incoherent moans)
Let it out, baby boy. Just us up here in this cabin....
Oh Dad! Oh fuck.
Father and son... fucking like bunnies. Like newlyweds.
I'm gonna...
Let it all out, son.
Oh fuck, OH FUCK!
Your dad's cumming too, Will. Cumming up your sweet hole.. GODDAMN!
(heavy breathing, then kissing)
That was incredible, Dad.
You got that right, son. Jesus.
No... don't pull out yet.... I like having you on top of me.
I'm not too heavy?
A little, Dad. But I like it.
Oh fuck... shit. I can feel your cum between us.
Ha. I can smell it too.
You getting sleepy, buddy?
Not really. I guess we have an early morning ahead. What time we gotta get up for fishing.
There's probably not much fishing gonna get done this week, is there, buddy?
No sir. Just fucking and sleeping.
Six more days of it.
You're getting soft, Dad.
I told ya, buddy. I'm 48. And that was round number three.
No, I like it. For real. Like feeling you slip out of me.
You're something else, kiddo.
Can I ask a favor of you, Dad?
(settles back down onto the mattress) Sure, Will.
This week, sometime... I want you to share a secret with me.
You mean something other than the fact I'm fucking my own son?
(chuckles) Besides that.
I'll think it over. Think of something.
Fraid so. You drained it out of your old man.
Just tell me if I'm being a pest at any point.
You're not being a pest, Will.
(softly) You asleep, Dad?
(groggy, deep voiced) Not yet. Not far off.
Can I feel your cock one more time?
Um hm.
Nice. I like feeling it soft too. My dad's cock.
Love ya, Dad.
Love you, too, son.
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kordyceps · 4 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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funkin-news · 4 months
funkin blog update!!: THANK YOU ERIC
lots of good stuff in this one :) i highly recommend reading the original blog post itself, there's so much juice that tumblr won't let me put all the juice in one post
but for the sake of tradition, summary ⬇️
so. been a while yeah
they've been working on a lot of stuff that's secret/under NDA/for a different update so they couldn't share any of that on the blog
while they've had instances of people having little things they could and wanted to talk about, they couldn't just put out a post that's like one paragraph and leave it at that lol
so, eric is now going to show us some stuff! yay!!
remember this?
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well, eric's been working on rebuilding the chart editor from the ground up!
he's also been pulled aside occasionally to work on other stuff (redo input system, get cutscenes working, redo scoring, work on thing that was blacked out because NDA but when i clicked it i got this video, fix issues with gamepad)
ok now put this song on while you continue reading ⬇️
and now... the chart editor is COOLER!
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now featuring:
chart isn't divided into sections to scroll through anymore, just one long scroll
opponent is always on the left and player is always on the right, no weird flips
waveforms under the character icons! you can see those!
icons can be clicked to change the character
measure ticks on the left (that thing that looks like a ruler!)
note preview on the further left
video-player-like controls at the bottom for the song
oh, and it's now powered by HaxeUI instead of Flixel UI, which allows for these toolbox windows:
and neat tools like this, which lets you set offsets for each of the tracks:
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this new chart editor's toolbar has all kinds of neat stuff, like these!
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for the third pic: "The Window menu. No the screenshot isn't cutting anything off you're imagining things." 🤨
there's more but at this point you might just wanna go read the original post
FNFC files - new standard for making charts! contains the chart data, including the audio files!
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LOTS of new keyboard shortcuts for the editor too!
also a live input mode, where you can place notes at wherever the playhead currently is by pressing WASD/⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️
what that means is you can tap out some notes as the song plays and then proofread them after!
this is the part where i'd put another video because there's another one, but tumblr only lets me put one, so... go read the original post i guess
SONG EVENTS FEATURE! you see that ninth strumline on the right? anything put there doesn't show up as notes for either player, but instead runs a chunk of code at the given time
right now the only built-in events are camera control and getting a character or stage prop to play an animation, but modders are probably gonna have a field day
another video! i already forgot i can't add more than 1. damn you tumblr.
also, it, like, never crashes!
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except for when it does!
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 11 Interludes thoughts:
Ok. Just in order I think. Sorry for the chaos.
Started off with puppies. I was happy.
Then the puppies started getting a little more violent than needed. I was less happy.
Then Victoria got clowned on a little and I was little bit more happy.
Then the unkillable naked zebra lady showed up everything kinda went downhill. For everyone.
Bitch do not join the supervillain serial killer group, please and thank you.
Seriously though, The Siberian is a bit scary. Just, completely invincible as far as anyone can tell. And super strong.
Theo is having a bad day. And unless someone takes care of Jack Slash for him he's gonna have a bad few years.
Jack Slash is such a poser oh my god. Dude. Come one. You aren't all that.
Also. Jack. Do not toss a loaded baby! That baby had a full diaper. You toss that baby and you are liable to have a containment breach. Speaking from experience, you do not want a containment breach. (Also just don't throw babies of course.)
I hope Theo gets cool powers and is able to become a super amazing hero like he dreams of. On the plus side, probably gonna be lots of opportunities for trigger events coming up. On the minus side, he didn't trigger when Jack Slash was planning on killing him so I don't know if he's gonna be able to.
They were obviously going to go for Labyrinth. She has such amazing powers for mass terror. Though I guess Burnscar never tried to actually recruit her. I assume that was the plan though.
Also Burnscar needs to stop excusing her actions. Just be evil or don't be evil. You don't get to be evil and say it's not your fault (that sure will come up again in these interludes).
I fucking LOVED the description of how Labyrinths powers work. Just the details of everything. So good!
Fucking Colin. Of course they had to go for you. Why can't you just go away and leave my robot daughter alone?
Mannequin is fucking WILD. Like, god damn. Those are sure choices you made. Helps you be creepy as shit though. And get through air vents.
Mannequin writing out "U ME" to Pocketknife Man by laying keyboard keys down on the table one at a time has cursed meet-cute energy.
In the end, Colin survives cause my robot daughter saves him. And I guess she's gonna tell him the truth about being an AI. Fiiiiiiine. I will be polite to Colin if he comes over to dinner. He still needs to apologize to my other daughter though.
Also I'm sure glad the Slaughterhouse Nine won't have any use for the magic pocketknife that can cut through anything that Mannequin took. No worries at all I'm sure. It won't do jack shit for them. Might as well just slash the idea and toss the knife out.
Cool. Some Nazis died. That's great!
Not enough though. Disappointed in Shatterbird.
But if one good thing can come of this whole Slaughterhouse Nine thing, maybe Hookwolf can die. I'm not holding my breath though.
Shatterbird has a very interesting power set. Being specifically glass focused like that. Definitely can see how she would terrorize a city.
Dinah PoV. DINAH POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well first off, I obviously hated Coil for Dinah already. Enough that I don't really know if the Dinah PoV can technically make me hate him more. But that said, I hate him more. WTF.
The description of her power was so NEAT though! Had a minor moment of "oh hey this paragraph of this precog talking about her power works inside her head is an almost perfect description of how my brain works" which was wild. I don't actually get to see the future though, which is a major difference.
She can actually just full blow see a possible future holy shit! Wow. Like it hurts and she hates it but it's still crazy.
Also I guessed that Crawler was going to come for Traveler in a Vault (that is Noelle's cape name until I am told different) after the Bitch interlude. I was very happy I got that right since I really knew almost nothing about either.
So Crawler just basically can't die and gets stronger every time he gets hurt. I wonder how long it will take him to reach Endbringer level power?
And Traveler in a Vault is just a large monster that is always hungry and can be driven to the point of eating people. That sucks a lot for her.
Also Leviathan came after her too huh? Well that's probably fine and won't matter in the future.
Regent's sister is worse than he is. That's impressive! Like, not good impressive. But impressive.
Getting real close to the "can't exist" physic power set. I guess it's not quite it though.
She should keep a better eye on her phone battery.
AMY DALLON! I knew it would be you.
I knew you were destined to be a tragedy from the moment I met you. You were always going to become a villain. So once I knew the Nine were recruiting it was a guarantee that you'd be recruited.
Specifically, that you'd be recruited by Bonesaw. She is an artist and obviously she is obsessed over the art you could make together.
Holy shit though that chapter.
Lets see. FUCK CAROL. Victoria gets some excuses, she's a kid, she's following her mom's example, etc. But FUCK CAROL. You are partially responsible for what Amy is about to become.
Despite being terrified, Amy seemed to have a dark fascination with everything Bonesaw was doing and saying. Really listened as Bonesaw explained things.
The more detailed view of what Amy's power does is crazy. She really can do just about anything to someone.
“Why not fix your dad?” is where Bonesaw won. It's about 3/5 of the way through the chapter. And she won at that point. That was the killing blow. The rest of the chapter, the remaining 3.5k or so words, is watching Amy bleed out to drive the point home. It is Panacea's death monologue. It is beautiful and tragic and amazing.
All that said, since she is losing anyway, is it bad for me to want more of Bonesaw's notes? SHE HAS LORE! GIVE IT TO ME!
Dad at least seems pretty good. He made the perfect response after getting healed. Unfortunately she was already gone.
AND THERE IT IS. THERE IS THE THAT FINAL STEP. Fucking rewire your adopted sisters mind to have romantic feelings for you. No you don't get to say it was an accident! You chose to do it. Holy shit Amy. You are going to be an amazing (terrifying) villain.
Callback to Burnscar and blaming her power for her actions.
If Worm was a Disney movie Amy would end up with the best song, 100%. Hellfire or similar levels.
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imjustheremam · 9 months
Can you do a Yandere Phobos general headcanon please?
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Ok!! Phobos you god complex freak I'm coming for you!!
READ REEAD!!! Warnings: this is a Gender Neutral reader, Obsession, he has God complex, kidnapping, Murder, PDA, Possessive, Manipulation and Forced relationship, Threats, Suggestive things, Forced kissing, Biting, punishment and torture.
Ok... I honestly hope you die really soon or leave Nevada really soon because good lord this dude is the WORST...
If its You that made this man obsessed with you, I need you leave Nevada and never come back!! But if it's someone else then your lucky...
Phobos is the type of yandere to force his obsession into a relationship even if means he has to break them...
Now remember Phobos has god-complex so this man well makes sure you worship him even if your different....
If your a scientist, agent, soldat, engineer, or an enemy to him... he doesn't give two shits he WILL make you worship him...
He is obsessed with you aswell as possessive with you...
Now he won't stalk you... but...will send his agents and soldats after you and his minions will be questioning there purpose after spying on you...
Poor minions have to deal with phobos stupid obsession and commands...anyway...
If he sees you with your friends, say bye bye because the moment phobos sees them they will be nothing more than food for the crows...
Phobos will send his minions to kill your friends. Oh wait is your friend one his minions...guess what BAM!! They're gone...
Now when phobos had enough of spying on you for too long, he will send his minions to kidnap you. But depending how you act...
...You might get beat up for trying to resist...and Phobos will be angry as fuck...
And yes he will punish them....
Now after the kidnapping, he will keep you very close to him where you belong...
remember Phobos has god complex...yeah he also wants you to give him all the attention and worship him like the God he is...
But if you dare to give one of his scientist like crackpot or other attention he will ruin the moment by just either sending them away or straight killed them right infront of you....
Yea you have no friends...but that o- yea that is not ok...
Anyway if you been a good girl/boy/grunt he will reward you with affection and cuddles, he will even spoil you and probably secretly worship but unnoticed by everyone including you...
Oh but if you don't act like one, he will punish you and punishments are horrible like God damn you won't survive...
Also I need you to kiss him before he grabs you head and kisses you roughly because it's fucking scary and I know it...
He likes to bite you on your shoulder because it's probably the best place for him to show that he owns you and no one else....NO ONE ELSE...
now threats is not even a threat...it's a FACT, if you ever disobeyed him and act like a "bitch" this man will threatened you saying he will punish you and actually will do it... so behave...
Now you be force to be his little goddess, pet, or servant... depending on how you act... but hey atleast he spoils you...if you behave
Ok he will do PDA... like literally... but I don't like to talk about that so were gonna skip it....
Now Manipulation is something else... because it depends on how things go
if he had kidnapped you first, Manipulation won't work on you that much but you being in harms away, his words might persuade you...
Now if it was before he kidnapped you, I believe he would have easily have you wrap around his fingers, even if you work for the enemy he still gonna have it is way why? Because his a G O D
"Don't disobey me... pet/servant, you don't wanna end up like the others...do you?...so be a good pet/servant and obey your god..."
Bonus player and Viewer:
Now you probably know about a few aus about player, except for viewer that a new au I made up...
For Player being a world of madness that has godly powers is too much so this is what I would think of player
Is player(aka you) would have some ability like able to control the main 4 and others like puppets and can use cheat codes...
but even that power can't save you from phobos obsession...
But lucky for player they can control the main 4 and others, making him struggle more and probably would die trying to get to you...
Phobos wouldn't worship you why? Because their can only be one true god here and thats... him
instead he would force you into a relationship even if you disagree... but the relationship his going to be violent one...
Player may be able to use cheat codes but phobos will always get them back
Now Viewer
Despite you being a "God" in their world, your still a fragile human and phobos knows...
He even might try to break the game rules if he has to...
Viewer(aka you, again) isn't from the game we all know but the cartoon series we all know, as their ability is to rewind or go forward like a viewer...
Viewer can pause and move around but can't move the characters in the series...
However, when player pauses the game they can't move only go on menu but, for viewer it's quite the opposite...
But unlike player being called a God, viewer is call a parasite or a unknown entity in their cartoon world...
Now phobos can easily take advantage of viewer because viewer can't fight back...
But phobos would also be enraged, because viewer can just rewind the video and basically not let phobos capture them...
But then again viewers are more weaker and fragile than player, and it takes them like a few minutes or more to pause or rewind the video...
Just like any other phobos he wants you to worship him and force you into a relationship but it would be more of a... crazier than the game version of phobos...
Both phobos are the same but cartoon would be the worst...trust me viewer can fight or do anything so if viewer is trapped and can't use their rewind ability...their fucked...
Yeah now it's time for me to work on one-shot Sanford. I hope you like it if not then sorry to disappoint you buddy... here have a gif:
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Stalker's little family.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader.
Part 1.
Warning:Blood kink, Cum shots, Sex Toy, Choking, Dirty talk, Pregnancy sex, Hair pulling, Oral (Fem & male receiving) Shower sex, Breeding kink, Degrading kink, Praise kink, Dark humor, Murder, Gore, Dark reader, Yandere Austin, Clean toothbrush.
Summary: It's time for Austin to return to California, Anaheim so with a heavy heart you leave with your new boyfriend, to his shared house with Kaia, you keep asking what happened with her but he'd either switch the topic or not answer at all regardless of this you're absolutely ecstatic for your new horizon but it seems it wouldn't come so easy to obtain when Austin's neighbor finds out about his secrets.
A/n: I want to thank everyone who had waited patiently for me post this, if I'm being honest I had lost motivation to finish but I did! I hope that y'all like it, I want to also say I appreciate every person who likes my stories and my followers without y'all I'd never find out how much I love to write. Anyways onto the story and like always stay tuned (Sorry if it sucked!)
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"Thank you so much for everything." you said as you pulled away from ki's embrace "I am sad to see you go, (N/N) you have been a great friend and colleague. Take care of my baby ok?" Ki winked at you which you playful huffed "Now get going or you're guard dog is going to put me six feet under," He chuckled nervously looking over your shoulder, and you followed his gaze to see Austin's icky blues glaring murderously at Ki, holding Hudson, who was in fact too busy gumming on his little fist to notice his daddy's deadly aura.
You hid your smirk, feelings of arousal and euphoria rushed up your veins like a drug "I guess so, Bye Ki. I'll call you sometime." you winked at him before heading to your car not bothering to hide your smirk anymore "Cool down tiger." You teased walking past Austin to your vehicle, you open the car door and sat down in the passenger seat. Austin following in suit after he buckled Hudson into his car seat before getting to the driver's seat and began driving, his eyes ahead of him, his jaw clenched "My love you don't need to be jealous, I love you." you said softly "I know, I just can't help it. You're mine after all." he takes your hand and kissed your knuckles, a small smile on his lips, God he loved you so damn much, even when you tease him like that, he just didn't trust Ki he was known for being a playboy, anyone can see he liked, Maybe even loved you and that thought made he want to go crazy, you're his, if he has to get you pregnant, breed you over and over again for people to know that then he will, happily.
Ki had some of his people move your stuff into Austin's house in the dead of night, and his jet set to take you back privately, knowing you wanted to keep your little family secret, especially since Kaia went missing, it would be bad publicity for Austin and you can't, won't ruin his dreams. "He asleep?" you asked sitting up in the queen-sized bed you now shared with Austin "with difficulty but asleep." he sighed, slipping under the covers, his head on his hand as he looked at you "it's hard huh?" you said laying down "Oh yeah," he chuckled softly pulling you into his embrace "But I wouldn't change a thing." his other hand rubbing your 3-month pregnant belly "Not a thing." you smiled as you both laid in the comfortable silence, his arms around you and his heartbeat in your ear made everything so surreal, you dreamed of something like this, THE Austin Bulter to be in love with you, have a family with him, to have that honor of bearing his children and here you are, in his bed, in his arms, his love all around you, yes you and Hudson had to be kept secret but you actually liked that you don't want paparazzi in your business.
Your thinking stopped when Austin's soft snores filled your ears "Goodnight my love." you whispered and kissed his cheek before snuggling into his chest as sleep overcomes you. Austin slowly open his eyes only to shut them from the slither of light from the curtains, he grunted and turned to cuddle you but he felt nothing "Baby?!" he called, a bit of panic in his deeper voice, sitting up in the bed "I'm in the kitchen!" you called back, Austin quickly got out of bed and rushed to the kitchen, his pajama pants hang on his hips, and his panic immediately vanished as he sees you fed Hudson some baby food with your new work cloths; a white pencil skirt with a white dress jacket buttoned and a black blouse low-cut.
Austin looked at your get-up, top to bottom l, he licked and bit his bottom lip, his blues darkened "Say," he trailed off "When was the last time I fucked you?" "Austin!" you gasped "What?! I'm just asking," he smirked "Not in front of Hudson! Horn dog." you giggled as Austin placed kisses around your face and neck, "I have to go, I can't be late, I'm the CEO now." you smiled at him as he pouted "Sarsh is gonna come and pick Hudson so he can have a play date with Jackson" Austin nod "Bye baby," Austin whispered against your lips before giving you one last kiss. You waved goodbye to Austin and Hudson, who rested against his father's waist, Austin waved back with a smile.
Ryan's eyes watched the houses going over if this is ready to try to find out the truth he knew something was up when movers had moved something into his neighbor's house in the dead of night and his Kaia went missing after she accuses of Austin cheating, that was enough for him to think maybe Austin had something to do with that, gripping his lock picks and a blacklight, left his house and jumped the fence to the backyard of his neighbor's home, and started to unlock the back door, He sighed asentersnter the house "Ok where to begin?" he questions no one, he had 3 hours before you and Austin come back from work. Closing the door he began to look around.
He looked in the bedrooms first upstairs and then the master bedroom bathroom, he turned the blacklight on the sink, and streaks of bright green fell down the drain, taking his phone he snapped a photo before heading to the kitchen, Ryan's heart stopped dead, the loud clinking of heels hit the wooden floors that lead to the very room he was it. He looked around vertically 'There!' he looked at the walk-in pantry and immediately hid in that spot, peeking through the mostly closed double doors, he watch you as you dropped your keys on the marble Island. "I know you're there, come out," you called out with an ice-cold tone, staring directly at the pantry, Rayn walked out, a glare in his eyes "You cause her death huh?" he spat "You took my only happiness away! Now it's your turn, I'll—" Ryan's villain's speech was cut short by his own scream as a knife stuck out of his shoulder, another painful scream ripe out of him as the knife was jerked out, his body slumped to the floor, gripping his shoulder to try and stop the bleeding but that was useless as he'll come to find out. Austin pinned the defenseless man and his knife cut into Ryan's chest over and over again, blood spattering onto Austin's face, and hands, and a large pool of crimson leaked out of the already dead man "Austin." you called firmly, he didn't stop, you frowned as you walked to him and kneel beside him"Austin." you called again softly taking his face in your hands, your frowned deepened as a tear hits the dumb corpse.
"I-I can't lose you or Hudson." Austin stuttered tears keep falling " Oh baby you'll never lose us," you looked down at Ryan's lifeless body "We made sure of that." Austin's breathing calmed, "let's hide the evidence," you said taking the shovel you left by the front door and handing it to him. "we'll be fine my love," you kissed him and nudge him gently to the backyard, you watched him leave before began to grab things that you needed like the tarp, mop and bucket, a large zip ties, a jar of hydrogen peroxide and flowers. You filled the bucket with water and hydrogen peroxide, dragged the body onto the huge black trap, wrapped him in it, and close the tarp with the zip ties. You were mopping the floor when Austin came in, and you could help but stop to watch as Austin picked up the body almost effortlessly, the blood made him even more beautiful and sexy, and you could already feel yourself become soaked for your boyfriend, you quickly finish mopping up all the blood, grabbed the flowers and walked into the backyard, Austin had already buried the body next to the flower garden, Austin wipe the dirt off his forehead but it becoming even dirtier, you let out a small giggle at that which got you an adorable confused look from Austin before you both began to plant the flowers above Ryan's resting place. "Now let's get cleaned up" you clapped your hands clean, well the best you could do with blood and dirt caked on them, Austin being the gentleman he was, helped you up.
Flashes of Austin filled your mind, him being so protective and possessive, killing the threat of your happiness, for your family, his eyes, damn near black as a starless night, and the beautiful crimson splattering onto his cheeks hands, and chest, some even in his blonde hair, the strong feeling of hormonal lust came as your want for him grows. You barely had enough time to step into the bathroom when Austin's mouth smashed against yours, tongue exploring your mouth like it would all suddenly vanish, you lewdly moaned at feeling the hotness of his tongue, he backed you more into the bathroom, one hand blindly opening the bathroom mirror cabinet, and Austin broke the heated kiss as he begins to open up the unused electric toothbrush "Clothes off and lay on the floor" his deep voice growled, and you smirked playfully, undressed with Austin smacked your ass and laid down against the cold white tile, waiting and anticipating for his next move, he's slowly almost teasingly took his clothes off and got on his knees, the toothbrush between his teeth and he took it out of his mouth "let's have a try huh?" he smirked, turned on it, the vibration sounded out in the otherwise room silent, the rough bristles hit your sensitive bud with a spinning vibration.
A loud whimper and moan at a harsh but pleasant sensation "that's my beautiful slut." he said, his cock slammed and pounded away into you without mercy.
"Fuck," he groans tossing the toothbrush away, his hand now occupied with choking and squeezing your throat, leaving a bloody handprint, your eyes rolled back as he rolled his hips, throwing one leg on his shoulder, and leaned to kiss you reaching a new deeper angle "Eyes on me," he growled pulling your head back, fist wrapped in your hair a while he drilled down into you like a crazed man, his pelvis bone slapping against your clit.
"So beautiful, carrying my baby let every motherfucker you're mine, fuck. Want. To. Keep. You. Pregnant." squeezing your neck tighter as he thrusted after every period, you loved that idea, you would gladly carry this man's babies no matter how much he wanted, to have him breed you over and over, would be a dream come true. You were close so close, your pussy clenched and unclenched around Austin making him curse under his breath as he fucked you faster, "Fuck!" you cried grabbing into his bicep, and a hand on your belly you came, your back arched, pushing your breasts against his firm chest. Austin continues to thrust until you came down your high, he pulled and wrapped his hand that was on your neck around his angry and sensitive cock, jerking and squeezing, his pearly cum suddenly shoots onto your chest and stomach, heavy almost breathless pants left him.
You both sat there for a second before Austin stood up and picked you up setting you down the toilet, a kiss on your head, and then turning on the shower head to the right temperature. You hummed as the hot water relax your muscles, and the beautiful Crimson rush down to the drain "We're not done yet." Austin whispered into your ear, turning you around and getting on his knees, His eyes meet yours, licking his lips and before his pillowy lips wrapped on your clitoris.
You closed your eyes with a smile as your boyfriend eats you out, this truly was a dream come true, you'd fight for this, and Austin had proven this tonight, by killing that pesky, nosy neighbor, too high off drugs that drove everyone away and the day he killed Kaia, yes you knew, when It came your family you knew when something was up, you even know he brought an engagement ring but you wouldn't tell him that.
This was your happily ever after and nobody. Nobody would take it from you.
Taglist; @kendralavon7, @purejasmine, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @galaxygirl453, @cynic-spirit, @18lkpeters, @chasingwildflowers,
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canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 8
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"What the fuck were you thinking about, Eleanor? Going out alone, without telling anyone, and with him?" David says, pacing around the room.
"Roberta knew" I say, my eyes fixed on the floor.
"Roberta" he scoffs. "She's lucky nothing happened to you."
"She didn't want to help me at first, it's all my fault."
"Of course it is all your fault! Again, what were you thinking? This could have ended so bad, Eleanor. So bad!"
The moment the taxi stopped in front of my hotel, David was waiting at the door, and I barely had time to say goodbye to Declan. He just opened the door, grabbed me by the arm, and led me to my room. 
"We took precautions."
"Precautions? A hat and some sunglasses? Please. This is real life, not a movie. You know better than this."
"I'm sorry" I whisper. 
"Eleanor, you can't do this again" David says, sitting next to me. "You can't. This time we've been lucky and already stopped these photos from being published, but imagine that it had happened. That someone had recognized Declan. He is playing the biggest tournament of his career so far, this could ruin it for him. For the whole team. You are the future Queen of England!"
"I... I'm sorry. I just... I wanted to be alone with him. We both wanted to be alone together. David," I say, finally being brave enough to look him in the eyes. "I like him. A lot. This isn't a summer fling like with Damiano, this is serious."
"I know it is" he sighs. "You wouldn't be this reckless if you didn't like him. A lot."
"So... What now?"
"Do you want to see him again?"
"I do, yes."
"And what about him? Does he want to see you again after what happened today?"
"I don't know. I guess. Before you dragged me out of the taxi, he asked me to text him."
"Have you exchanged numbers?"
"Just Instagram dms. I didn't want you to see a new number and start lurking."
"Clever girl" David chuckles. "You can do it now if he wants to see you again. I promise your privacy will be respected, but don't do anything stupid. I had enough seeing Damiano's... You know."
"That was all him, I sent nothing or asked him to send it."
"I know, I know. But just in case. I don't think it would benefit Declan's career either."
"He isn't like that. He's... Normal. He may be a football star and all that, but when you talk with him, he is just a normal guy from Kingston with a very loud laugh and who loves playing golf for some reason. And when we are together, he also makes me feel normal. With him I'm not Princess Eleanor, heir to the throne. I'm just Eleanor” I shrug. “He's even made me like my name, you know? When he says it, it doesn't sound so regal or serious."
"Damn... You do Iike him" David laughs.
"I do" I say, feeling my cheeks get hot. "Will you help us if he wants to keep seeing me?"
"I will" he says, taking my hand on his and giving it a little squeeze. "But you have to promise me that you won't escape and do something this stupid ever again."
"I promise, David."
"Ok, then. Text him and tell him there is nothing to worry about. He has to focus on the next game."
"I will" I say, finally smiling. "Thank you."
"You're welcome" David says, kissing my head. 
"No dungeon, then?"
"No dungeon" I chuckle.
"Thank God" Roberta sighs. "Imagine Mason having to go visit me there."
"Mason? What are you talking about?"
"Well..." she says, playing with her coffee cup. "After meeting the team the other day, he might have slid into my dms."
"He what? How?"
"He asked Declan if he could ask you for my username, but they found it on your profile because you have tagged me on a photo. You know that Mason knows about you two, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, Declan told me. But you had not said a word about this! It's been days!"
"I know, I know. But you were so busy with your escape plan and then so excited about finally having green light from David to see Declan, that I didn't want to ruin the moment" she shrugs.
"You wouldn't have ruined the moment, Roberta. But tell me more!"
"He's super nice and funny. At first it was a lot of teasing and jokes about oh, imagine best friends dating best friends and all that. But, I don't know. I feel a bit like you do. He makes me feel normal, not like I'm the heir of a textile empire and a royal descendant" she says with a shy smile.
"I can't believe this is happening to us" I laugh.
"I know! Falling for a football player while on holidays in Canada? That wasn't on my list of things to do this year."
"It wasn't on mine either” I chuckle. “Are you going to meet or something?"
"We want to, yes. And we were thinking that you and Declan could join us too, have a double date after the next game. If they win, of course."
"They will win, I'm confident."
"Then we should start thinking about what we are going to wear for that double date!" Roberta says, clapping her hands with excitement. "Shopping trip?"
"I guess" I smile. I can't say no to her when she gets this excited. 
Like I predicted, England won their game and made it to the next round, Declan being named man of the match, which made me feel very proud of him. But it also took a big weight from my shoulders. After everything that happened with our kind of first date, I feared it would affect him on the pitch. Thankfully there was nothing of that.
"We must play it cool, ok?" Roberta says as we walk towards the changing room.
"Yes, cool. We can't let people notice that we like some players better than others."
"Ok" I chuckle. 
"Congratulations, man of the match" I say to Declan when I see him.
"Thank you, your Royal Highness" he says with a big smile. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I did. It was the best of the tournament so far, but it won't be the last."
"Let's hope so."
"Eleanor, should we take that photo now?" Roberta asks.
"Yes, sure." 
"After you, ladies" Declan says.
"You weren't playing it cool" she whispers while everyone gets ready.
"You and Declan. You were smiling at each other like two idiots in love. If I hadn't intervened, everyone would have noticed."
"What? Nah..."
"Yes, they would have. So you're welcome, princess" she says, sticking out her tongue before looking at the camera with her best smile. 
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conqueeruu · 8 months
Sunny: OMORI fanart for "Silhouette of a Wilted Flower" by SunnyBunflower on Wattpad!
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Jesus this is so many variations my bad it's just that hhhhhhhhhhhhh I want you to be able to see the actual picture and have realistic, intentional lighting.. the first two are just for the aesthetics though, they look good though.
Time: 52 minutes and 53 minutes FUCK.
Artist: conqueeruu (GUESS WHO🤞🏼🤞🏼)
Start: April 19, 2023 (5:56 PM) GOD DAMN.
End: October 9, 2023 (12:30 PM) .......... ok
53 HOURS. AND OVER THE SPAN OF ABOUT 6 MONTHS. I guess worth it considering I actually didn't work on this thing for a good what.. 3-4 months.. ANYWAYS.
GUYS IF YOU LOVE OR LIKE THE OMORI SHIP SUNFLOWER, I HEAVILY RECOMMENDED CHECKING OUT AND READING FICS WRITTEN BY @SunnyBunflower ON WATTPAD!!!!! THEY'RE REALLY GOOD, THEY'RE LONG, AND THE PLOT'S ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! Their book "Silhouette of a Wilted Flower" IS SO GOOD. I won't spoil anything but during a couple chapters Basil and Sunny are somewhere and Sunny is just.. looking at him. Basil repeats "Why's Sunny giving me that look?", "Seriously.. why is Sunny looking at me like that.?", or "Sunny's staring at me.. why like that? I hope I didn't do anything.." over and over during the times they (Basil) makes eye contact. When they aren't talking to someone or when attention is diverted away from Basil, Sunny's always already looking at Basil.
I feel like Sunny, a greasy, unkept teenager looking at the accomplice after 4 YEARS. Would be 1, unsettling, 2, it would just be kinda a gaping look, and 3, he's in his head a lot and there's 2 (headspace Basil and stranger, he just doesn't know it in this point of the story that stranger is Basil) versions of basil he's used to seeing, not real world Basil so I could sense confusion in that look, BUT, because he genuinely hasn't seen sunlight in 1460 days or more, he wouldn't have a grasp on how confusion is supposed to look on a teenager who is in control of their own facial expressions and how to properly react. it's not like he's practicing stuff either so he just would kinda.. look.. at real world Basil. That's why he looks like that lmao. I also feel like Sunny has been sheltered a lot. I can and most likely will make a separate rant on Sunny himself and how I feel like the reality and logistics of his life have affected him internally and physically.
Sunny wakes up from his sleep from Basis panic attack, this man decided to LOOM over him like a big bad guy pushed him into corner and is just about to beat the shit outta him (he doesn't actually do this in the story guys), and STARE AT HIS ACCOMPLICE OF A "BEST FRIEND" AND LOOKS AT HIM, MID PANIC ATTACK BRO💀💀
Alright here's the speed paint LMAO😭
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gleefullypolin · 22 days
Bridgerton Season 3 Review
Ok I sat on it for 24 hours. Watched the episodes about 4 times through...I won't say how many times I've watched the carriage scene because it is an obscene amount of times! So we'll skip that. Either way I'm more focused on the fact I LOVED so much that I don't hate much. in fact why oh why is everyone so focused on parts they hate? I love what we were given in 4 episodes. I wish we could have 22 episodes, but alas we were not so I will cherish what I have. But I guess that's not what I'm here to talk about.
I'll start with the part that EVERYONE seems focused on...
Things I didn't like. (cause damn is anyone ever happy anymore?)
Too many subplots! damn...it was all over the place for a while. While I like the Mondrich's I tired of them quickly. It felt like there was too much of it. And I just didn't need to keep going back to it. Yes you're in society, no you don't want to be. Ok I get it.
Split season - I hate this format. I thought it would be good to have a break in between and I’m cursing it because it ruins the flow and I don’t ever want to do this again! Part 2 YOU MUST MAKE HASTE
But yes that's all I hated.....I said there wasn't a lot. Because I truly didn't hate this season!
Things I didn’t love or hate
Fran – I haven’t read her book so I was taken by her story with John. They were sweet. It took me a moment to get into what was going on. I loved her scene with Pen. I like that she was nervous and unsure where to go or what to do and that John was a serene moment for her. It seems sweet but again…a subplot that felt like it was taking up too much time in this season that needed its own season to ruminate on.
Ben – color me still confused on what they are doing with Ben’s story. I am still waiting for them to figure it out. I love Ben, I love his sweet nature and his giddiness but I am still not sure what they are trying to do with him and again, wasn’t sure what was going on.
Debling – Ok so why is he here. Well quite simply because I didn’t hate him. He wasn’t awful. He was very nice and lovely to Pen. I was very happy when she finally told him she didn’t like grass. That line alone was adorable. But the part I didn’t love was in the pieces where he was going away for 3 years, and he expected her to be there to take care of his home and yet have no other attachments, and no love. He quite clearly told her he had no space for love. He had many other things and was a busy man, so love was not really on his agenda. Yet he expected her to remove that from her life and have no attachments. I am happy he released her because he knew she had an attachment already and couldn’t be a woman with none, but I thought that was pretty harsh to expect a lonely woman. So to me Colin was right, he was too particular.
Things I thought worked well!
Sending Kate and Anthony on Honeymoon – I get it. Everyone wants to see them, but I felt they needed to go because the space was already crowded enough with everyone else’s stories, so to set up the season, something needed to go.
Surprisingly Cressida and Eloise – It gave some depth to Cressida I wasn’t expecting. I still hate her, do NOT get me wrong. It gave depth and I felt sorry for her but damn she’s still gross and not my cup of tea. She’s still out to get Pen at every turn and she’s quick to be evil regardless of knowing better. Evil parents be damned, I don’t care for her. I did looove how she turned the gossip piece on El when she wasn’t the one who spoiled the news about Pen/Colin and it was actually El who did it. I thought that was a great learning moment for El.
The Brothel scenes – I KNOW I KNOW! Shoot me, tar me, boil me. Whatever, fandom curse on me. I thought they worked and were needed. I felt they did a great job with Colin and showing that he went away to become this society man or what society expected of him. His façade that he pushed and portrayed demanded him to play this part and he played it well. And it ate at him. And the two scenes could not have been more different if they had tried. It was a turning point, the breaking point in his armor and they did a great job with it.
Cocky Colin/Colin with his Buddies Scene - I know many hated this Colin, but I love this facade he played with because it wasn't our Colin and we were supposed to see that, because we didn't get our Colin until he was with Pen more. That was the whole damn point. But I truly loved the scene with Colin and the assholes at the bar. Where he so clearly called them out and realized that the whole charade was simply that and what was the entire point, because he couldn't find it anymore. Kudos to Luke, it was a great scene and the period was added when he shunned them at the Queen's ball.
Violet/Colin Staircase Moment – Really great moment between mother and son. The whole time I kept saying, damn is anyone going to notice that Colin is spiraling. Mom is really focused on her daughter, but no one seems to notice that Colin is a mess. Colin points out to El that Pen has no father to guide her, well neither does Colin! Another point of showing that Pen really is his anchor and without that he is adrift. But this scene was beautifully done as she finally called out to him and sent him in the right direction.
Colin’s change after the kiss – This was really before Debling was in the picture. He was really there following her like a lost puppy from the start, but any suitor he was very interested in how she felt about them but his interest started to change after the kiss. The scene under the tree was very nervous energy, very off his Axis from what we had scene from his bravado in any other scene so far and this was from ONE KISS. He was Colin again.
Eloise – Oh how I was so back and forth with my tears between Pen and El and Colin. My God my heartstrings. I was angry then sad then torn. I don’t know how I’m going to feel in episode 5. Am I angry, excited, freaking terrified at what is coming next. Probably all of the above. But they really played with our emotions and I’m just not sure how I feel yet so more to come on this.
Things I adored!!
Chaos Colin – Bribing a maid for alone time at night, sneaking off with head nods at balls, meeting under the shade of a tree, sneaking off to the drawing room to set up a pretend ball, flirting with your bestie at the market while recounting your first meeting, chasing after her everywhere she goes, eye fucking her in front of the entire ballroom while trying to get your damn thoughts to catch up, fucking interrupting a goddamn dance to tell her not to marry someone, chasing a carriage down in the middle of the Queens ball to make sure she didn’t get married, ravaging her like the Queen she was in the carriage, and then damn proposing like a madman! I mean….I’ll take that every day!
Penelope Fucking Featherington You Queen– Our pining came from the Bridgerton side this year, not Penelope. For most of this season, she stood her ground, she had her purpose and she went for her plan and stuck to it. She has been in love with Colin Bridgerton since she graced our screen and he was staring her down like a madman and she stayed her course. You go girl!
The Featheringtons– Most of my fun came from their scenes. I could have peed myself when they asked what got inserted. But their scenes were hilarious, and I truly enjoyed the comedy they added. I am anxiously awaiting the Colin/Portia scene in Part 2 because Mama has got hers coming. I was up and down with her and ready to beat her by end of episode 4. I cannot wait to see where this goes.
The Carriage Scene – Did you really think it would not be on here? Because hot holy damn. Nicola winning the battle to touch his hair was so important because Pen did in the book, and it set off fireworks. Did you see the way he watched her like he was marveling at her reaction. Like it was air just to see what he was doing to her. I mean if you’ve read the book you know he likes that and it’s something he quite enjoys, well show Colin enjoys it too, that and biting her lip. But the laughing after…that’s where I live now. That was Pen and Colin and everything I wanted to see. It was perfection! And his face after, his resolve to marry her, Luke put that all out there in 5 seconds, you could see him walk through that decision in his head and then the line was delivered masterfully and here we are now needing to sit for a month to wait to see what fresh hell and heaven await.
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parameddic · 6 months
@ofyorkshire (x):
         "Oh. Well, excuse me for giving a damn, then."           BJ clucked his tongue disapprovingly. It was easy to parade it around, his annoyance. It broadcasted out from every inch of him, from the curl of his lip to the sharp cock of his hips, and he looked one more offense from turning and leaving TK to lick his own wounds.           BJ didn't know how much experience TK had with men--really with men, not just the ones he worked with, or rescued, or met on dancefloors--but there were times that BJ thought he was terribly naive. He didn't seem to understand that luck couldn't last forever, and you're not half as invincible as you think you are. Men are cruel, that is their nature, and there would come a day when a cruel man won't stop when TK falls. He'll beat him until he's down, but then he won't stop. He'll be too angry, or too drunk, or too mean to find the self-control or care to stop. Or maybe it won't be a fist; maybe it will be a knife, or a gun and he won't have the time to consider whether he really wants to kill TK or not, but either way, TK won't come home.           Irritation was a good cover for fear. And, god, sometimes TK scared BJ.           So, for the same reason BJ wanted to leave, he stayed.           "It isn't babying you, you know," he said, finally. He dropped the bloodied wipe into the trash and brought a pack of frozen vegetables from the freezer, which he offered. "It's just... No-one needs to take care of you, but... it's nice, isn't it?" There was a silent I'm worried about you tucked somewhere between those pauses. BJ wasn't sure it would be welcome. "What did this 'jerk' do?"
OK, that was it. TK rolled his eyes as he stood up from the chair, ready to go and treat his own wounds, thank-you-very-much. It wasn't like he'd asked BJ to worry. It wasn't like there was any reason to worry at all anyway! Sure some idiot had been rough with him, and sure TK had provoked him a little, and you know what? He was standing here picking through the freezer for an ice pack just-fucking-fine, thanks. The realisation BJ had already nabbed the vegetables gained some sharp look, but fine. Whatever. Okay.
He tried hard not to listen when BJ continued on with his stupid mother-henning. TK crouched in front of the kitchen sink to dig through a cupboard for a towel he might be able to wrap the veggies in. It's nice, isn't it? Like he had not, in fact, had the exact experience that constantly lingered all around TK everywhere he went, which was that he lived his life in someone's space and suddenly he managed to be a burden just by, like, he didn't know, existing, he guessed. (He did not say any of this aloud, aware that -- in fact -- he had a long history of saying things he knew didn't make sense, when he was feeling like this, and it only ever made things worse.)
A short, tight sigh. "He was hitting on the bartender." He'd play the 'what was the jerk doing' game. Sure. "She wasn't interested but she couldn't leave. I told him to back off." He'd told him a few other choice things, but the big one was to leave the lady the fuck alone.
... He had the towel, now. It sat, folded comfortably in his hand. The split lip was still bleeding, when he poked at it with his tongue. Black eye was gonna suck ass, all night. He didn't want to do this night alone and angry. Not for the rest of it, anyway.
"... I don't..." this - finding the words - was so. Frustrating, sometimes. He was talking to the kitchen cupboard initially but now he turned around, to face BJ, hopefully maybe (he wanted to be) less moody, "Look, I. I appreciate you caring, BJ, I really do. But I am just so... ready to just go to bed and forget about it, OK?"
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The Choosing Ball (4/?)
Virgil and Janus talk through some important feelings.
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a mention of LGBTQIA+-phobia, a singular sex joke.
Whoo the chapter where they talk things out!
The poll voted for Siren Boy, but I've been able to do basically no writing this week, I'm really sorry xP, I hope this shall suffice!
It turned out that finding Virgil had hardly been the gargantuan task he had been expecting. When he located the building that must have housed the guards’ sleeping quarters, he immediately picked up the sound of hushed conversation on one of the balconies. He went closer, hoping to pick up on some of whatever they were saying.
“Yeah like, I can’t believe you got to leave,” One of them said, Janus didn’t recognise the voice, “It’s so boring here- no good gossip! You gotta tell me everything, did you meet anyone? Any of the princes rude to you? Ooh- were any of them good looking?”
"Well- I-" The other guard started, before being interrupted again.
"Did you get to see any of the castle? Is it as big inside as it looks from here? What's-" 
"Remy I can't answer your questions if you keep asking me more," Janus' eyes widened, that was Virgil! And- wasn't Remy the name of the guard Roman had mentioned earlier?
"Oh, right, sorry babes," 
"Don't call me that," Virgil sighed.
"Sorry, sorry, damn you Nathirians are so uptight, anyways, my questions?" 
Janus sighed as Virgil attempted to work his way through the questions he remembered. He'd never get Virgil's attention from down here, which meant he'd have to climb up. He glanced around, thankfully noticing a plant with sturdy looking vines that had grown up the side of the wall. 
As Janus had told Virgil, he was indeed notoriously good at sneaking, so much so that his handmaids and the seamstresses back in his own palace had started outfitting him with bells and jingly bits on his clothes in a way they thought was subtle so that he couldn't sneak up on people. Somehow he still managed to sneak up on the castle staff (by accident, mostly) even then.
The fact that he managed to make it up onto the balcony without either guard noticing him should really be testimony to his lack of presence. 
Remy noticed him first, though Janus couldn't actually see his reaction behind the dark tinted glasses he was for some reason wearing despite it being entirely dark out. He ignored the guy for now, instead stepping forward to stand right behind Virgil.
"Guess who," Janus said, before slipping his hands over his guard's eyes. Virgil jumped in surprise, though he'd deny it if asked, making Janus laugh.
"Jan, you have got to stop doing that!" Virgil yelped, reaching to remove his hands from his face, "What're you doing up here?" 
"Ooooh babes, who's the sneaky guy?" Remy asked, leaning forwards, "Who are you and what's your business here?" 
Virgil groaned, "Remy this is Jan, Jan, Remy, this is the guy I told you about earlier, with the coffee," 
"I see," Janus said as though he hadn't just been eavesdropping, "It is.. er, nice meeting you?" 
"Riiiight," Remy said, staring him down, "Ok sure, y'know what, obviously you two don't want me here, I'll see you inside, Virgil! I better get all the juicy gossip about your juicy man when you're done!"
Remy headed into the room connected to the balcony and Janus turned to begin speaking with Virgil before the door flew back open and Remy leant back out.
"And no sex on the balcony!" He yelled, making an 'I’m watching you' gesture with his fingers, "Or I'll know," 
"....I can tell how he's Prince Remus' guard," Janus said, watching as Remy retreated down the hallway. Virgil huffed out a breath that could have been a laugh as they turned to each other.
"He won't leave me alone," Virgil said, half laughing, "He seems to think me interesting."
Janus hummed, looking away and Virgil seemed to sense that something was wrong, considering he leaned further into his side.
“Hey,” Virgil said, slipping a hand into Janus', “What’s up? Is something wrong?”
“I wanted to see you before going to sleep,” Janus answered, half truthfully, he wouldn’t admit how worried he had been, he already knew that Virgil already knew.
“I see,” Virgil said with a smile, leading them over to the balcony railing and leaning his elbows on it, Janus copied him, “Did- um- did anything interesting happen during the banquet?”
An invitation to talk about what he really wanted to talk about, without having to bring it up himself.
“I talked with Roman again,” Janus said slowly, “After the banquet, we went to the library and…. I took your advice,”
“You showed him?” Virgil asked, looking at him with a slight tilt to his head, “Was he… okay with it?”
“Yes, I believe so,” Janus said, “He told me I was beautiful and- well I suppose I may have ran off,”
Virgil had the audacity to laugh, so Janus pulled him into a kiss in order to shut him up, which only served to make Virgil laugh harder. 
“Virgil, darling, please,” Janus said, a little desperately and Virgil immediately stopped laughing, turning to actually look at him, before he reached forward and cupped Janus’ face in the same way Roman had done not even half an hour earlier.
“This… this is really bothering you, isn’t it?” Virgil whispered, Janus nodded, meeting Virgil’s eyes. 
“I’m not sure why, but… my interaction with Roman has got me feeling all tied up in knots,” Janus said with a sigh. Virgil smirked, leaning forwards and kissing his nose.
“Have you considered that perhaps, there may be some kind of feelings there?” Virgil asked, tilting his head a little, Janus stared for a second, face steadily growing more red as he realised what Virgil was implying.
“I- of course there's no feelings there, Virgil, I love you, and I doubt I'm going to stop loving you any time soon,” Janus said firmly, Virgil smiled, leaning forward and kissing him again.
“I know, and I love you too, but Jan, have you considered that you are able to love more than one person? That polyamory is a possibility?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow. The prince sputtered, “Because… If you have, I have,”
“I- I suppose that-” Janus cut himself off, ducking his head, “Isn’t that… inappropriate? Our kingdom would never sanction it, you know that, and besides, Roman would never agree anyway, it’s a waste to even bother thinking about it.”
“From what I’ve gathered from Remy,” Virgil told him, “Polyamory, and a lot of other stuff too, is much less restrictive in their kingdom than it is in ours.”
“Regardless, in our kingdom it is still the same, and I am an only child, if me and Roman did choose each other, we would go back to our kingdom.”
“Where it wouldn’t be seen as polyamory anyway because they don’t know that we’re already in a relationship,” Virgil told him, squeezing Janus’ hand, “It would be only Roman that would need to know.”
“And what if he doesn’t even like me?”
“Then he’ll say no and you will never have to see each other again,” Virgil sighed, “And you’ll still have me either way.”
“And… you’re okay with all of this?” Janus asked, “We would be breaking the law even more than we already are, you know, and- and I'd have to marry him, without you there, it would- it would all be so much harder- ”
“I know,” Virgil interrupted, leaning over to kiss his cheek, “Trust me I've already over-thought this ten times more than you have, and I- would like to talk with Roman more, yes, but- you know, he is… very pretty…”
“Is he now?” Janus asked, tone slipping into something more teasing, “I didn’t notice.”
“Don’t be an ass,” Virgil rolled his eyes, looking out from the balcony towards the castle, “The ball is tomorrow and- I think you should talk to him before that.”
“And say what?” Janus said with a huff, “That I- what? Like him? After- after I ran off at the first signs of anything happening earlier?”
“Just say whatever you feel like saying,” Virgil said, “But maybe try and keep the running away to a minimum, huh?”
“You’re a hypocrite,” Janus said, “Why don’t you talk to him if you think he’s so pretty?”
Virgil went red, “Well- I- you- hey!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Janus shook his head, “That was mean of me.”
“It was, I need to talk to him too, but it’s probably better that you do so first,” Virgil sighed, “Even if really I’m probably more worried than you seem to be.”
“Worried? Me? Never,” Janus said, shaking his head with a smile, before his face fell and he sighed, “I know I need to talk to him, we’re the ones that need to choose, after all.”
“Yes,” Virgil nodded, “And if you agree to choose each other then you’ll have all the time in the world to talk after as well.”
“I suppose we will,” Janus nodded, “Thank you, for this.”
“You’re welcome,” Virgil said, “I suppose it’s fair, considering I’m usually on the receiving end of these talks.”
Janus couldn’t help but laugh, then, lifting their intertwined hands to kiss Virgil’s knuckles, “I should be getting back…”
“I’ll see you after breakfast tomorrow then?” Virgil aske, tilting his head a little. 
“Of course,” Janus nodded, “I think I might die if I had to endure tomorrow without you, my darling.”
“Sap,” Virgil said, shaking his head with a huff, “Go away now, and sleep well.”
“Sleep well, love.” Janus replied, leaning forward to press a parting kiss to Virgil’s lips, “Goodnight.”
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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linesonscreens · 7 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yes, all of it) - February 1952
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
Feb 1, 1952
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The record in question is almost certainly a song version of the poem “The Sugar-Plum Tree” by Eugene Field. I can't find a song version of it from around this time though so either it's been lost to time or it never existed and Schulz is just using it to make a reference.
Also, oh God Charlie brown is one of ~those~ people, isn't he?
Feb 3, 1952
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Wait, what? *googles*
verb goldbricked; goldbricking; goldbricks
transitive verb: : swindle intransitive verb : to shirk duty or responsibility
Apparently it's a reference to the act of paining a normal brick with gold paint and passing it off as something valuable.
Good word. Keeping that one for later.
Feb 4, 1952
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I'm sorry, who!? *googles again*
Albert Payson Terhune (December 21, 1872 – February 18, 1942) was an American writer, dog breeder, and journalist. He was popular for his novels relating the adventures of his beloved collies and as a breeder of collies at his Sunnybank Kennels, the lines of which still exist in today's Rough Collies
Oooooooh... OK, that's kind of funny I guess.
Also, I'm noticing that this guy died almost exactly a decade before this strip came out. I wonder if this strip is supposed to be some kind of tribute.
Feb 6, 1952
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Screw the haters, kid. This is a perfectly valid technique and I respect it.
Feb 8, 1952
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You want to know why the radio man didn't have that record? Because Beethoven's Sonata #29 is 40 God damn minutes long!
Pretty though. I like it.
Feb 11, 1952
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How is this kid even still alive at this point?
Feb 14, 1952
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This is not a healthy relationship.
Feb 16, 1952
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How on earth did two separate sets of parent's come to this conclusion about Charlie fucking Brown?
Feb 18, 1951
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I just realized that Schulz makes almost this exact same joke later on with Lucy. I'll try to remember to post it when we get there (emphasis on "try").
Feb 27, 1952
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Literally me including the part where he's bitching out loud in front of the other person while they're talking.
I like it when Schulz makes a weird reference to something I've never heard of. It's a fun excuse to learn a new thing or experience some old form of media I'd never consider touching otherwise.
Probably won't dig up a copy one of the dog breeder guy's books though. That... doesn't seem like my jam.
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amphiptere-art · 2 months
Agh. Every single time I say I can do it then I'm not.
Blood Moon gets his claws removed by Black Star.
Blood Moon: Hello? I hope I'm not too late early.
Black Star: You're not late or early. Just get over here.
Blood Moon: Oh. I was just concerned. I'm using the table or a less intimidating bench.
Black Star: Whatever fucking one you want. It's not that hard to do either.
Blood Moon: Right right. So I was hoping maybe we could chat while you- woah
Eclipse: Hi!
Blood Moon: Hi Eclipse. What are you doing down here.
Black Star: He follows me wherever I go. Plus he's a great distraction for you. I don't need my work to be slowed down by chatter.
Eclipse: Yes yes I help. Make it faster!
Blood Moon: Well I'm sure Black Stars plenty fast. Although I have a little gift.
Eclipse: Gift?
Black Star: What the fuck would you give him?
Blood Moon: Well I have some delectable fidget toys. My companion likes them also. I was wondering if you would like some eclipse?
Eclipse: You give me toys!? Where where. What is it!
Blood Moon: I have plenty to pick from don't worry. What do you like here?
Black Star: Dear God how many do you have?
Eclipse: What all do? What all do?
Blood Moon: Well they all do different things. This one moves and this one clicks. This one has a button on it.
Eclipse: No button! no, no, no hurts!
Blood Moon: Okay okay no buttons. No buttons or clicks or levers. Here how about this one? Nice and quiet. I see it folds around and around. Lots of different positions. Is that one better?
Eclipse: Humm. No no button. Moves. It moves!
Blood Moon: Yeah they all move.
Eclipse: I like, I like. I make it stick and then I make ball. And then I make something else. Something and another something. Hehehhehe.
Blood Moon: I'm glad you like it. How about you go have fun with it over there.
Eclipse: Yes, yes, yes. Fun fun thing! Fun thing, fun thing.
Blood Moon: Hehe. I bet you'll have lots of fun. Now. My part removal yes?
Black Star: I see what the fuck you're doing.
Blood Moon: Pardon?
Black Star: You're making sure he's distracted. So you can take all your time talking to me. I'm not a damned fool. You talking ain't going to do shit!
Blood Moon: I'm not trying to change you Black Star. I just wanted some peace and quiet to ourselves. Better to get work done with right?
Black Star: Quiet so you can do your goddamn therapy, or whatever the fuck it is. It won't work!
Blood Moon: I just want to talk about how your day's going. Normal work talk. We don't have to talk about you, and we don't have to talk about sun and moon. I just want to know my new neighbors.
Black Star: Fuck you. Just sit down and give me your goddamn hands already!
Blood Moon: Ok. Ok.
Black Star: I'm assuming since you sat down on a bench you're fine if I turn off your nerves manually.
Blood Moon: Oh yes. Understand it might be a bit painful at first. I just prefer that my code not be touched.
Black Star: Whatever. As long as you know the first few picks will be painful it's fine.
Blood Moon: I am glad you know your way around these instruments. I understand you might not have had a chance to take a position in parts and service. But you seem fairly good at it for someone that has, I understand, no training in it.
Black Star: I learned how to be good around these things because I had to. Fucking mechanics don't know shit.
Blood Moon: Do you enjoy it? Sounds more so something you had to do than a hobby. Agh.
Black Star: ..... Mah! Do you have to like a hobby? I had to do it. Now I just do it. Better than the damned theater.
Blood Moon: Would you want to work somewhere else but the theater? Ahh. I don't know necessarily what areas are open in the Plex. But say that they all were. Where would you go? Gah.
Black Star: Hell if I know. I just stood wherever they fucking put me.
Blood Moon: Gah. Well if you had to choose where would you go?
Black Star: ..... Agh? ... I don't know. I guess parts and service since I'm good at it. Otherwise would be nice to work in like... The arcade? Maybe golf. Some place where you don't have to be so out there.
Blood Moon: So you would like someplace quieter? Agh. I suppose that would be nice. I guess the theater is quite noisy to you then. Hum!
Black Star: Oh you have no idea! Everybody's whining and calling out for the next act. I'm glad Eclipse enjoys it. I'd rather stay behind the curtains.
Blood Moon: So you do the stage work? Ahh!
Black Star: Basically. Pulling curtains, making eclipse disappear under the floor. Got the smoke machine, got the ropes to haul the props. Busy busy busy busy.
Blood Moon: Hum! Do you like being busy?
Black Star: Kinda. Hold your teeth.
Blood Moon: What?- Ahhhh!gggggg.
Black Star: No more fussy nerves. Finally I can get these claws out. Why do you even have them? Other than your name you don't seem that violent.
Blood Moon: Haha. And unfortunate history to put it simply.
Black Star: What kind of unfortunate history?
Blood Moon: Humm. If I tell you something you have to tell me something.
Black Star: Oh don't pull that crap.
Blood Moon: I'm simply saying I'm not willing to put my life out unless you are.
Black Star: Agh meh grr. Fine! I'll tell you a bit about mine and you tell me a bit about yours, Happy?
Blood Moon: Fine by me. Reason I have claws is cuz I had to use them.
Black Star: Wouldn't you have worked in a daycare though?
Blood Moon: You have to give me something of yours.
Black Star: Agh! I've worked in the theater and that's why I'm still in the theater. I never did daycare shit.
Blood Moon: Well then I suppose we're quite equal then. Like many newer AI I could really be put anywhere. I was bought out. They wanted a killer.
Black Star: Killer... Did you like it?
Blood Moon: I didn't know much else at first. Put deep down I don't think I ever did like it.
Black Star: And your companion?
Blood Moon: I don't know. He was before me. Whatever they did to him though scarred him for life.
Black Star: Are you even get out of a gig like that? Even with the rights, humans are asses.
Blood Moon: Give me some of yours.
Black Star: Grrrrr. I'm old. Company wanted something new. Guess they saw how much I hated my life. So they got the lovely sun and moon to do their own act.
Blood Moon: There's a feeling there was more irritation to that then you are leading.
Black Star: Give me some of yours~
Blood Moon: Ha. To be honest I don't know how I got out. I had to save my companion from scrapping and then scrambled to get out before they knew. I was lucky some kinder folks were outside.
Black Star: Hum. I guess you were lucky. And I hated the theater. But it's all I had. Had to make sure I looked nice for the show. They all treated me nice. And then they showed up. And suddenly I was a sour puss.
Blood Moon: That is. Unfortunate.
Black Star: Yeah unfortunate no kidding. There your hands are all done. Let me just reconnect this.
Blood Moon: Oh th-aank! You...
Black Star: You're welcome. Now I'm going back to the stage. He should go back to whatever the fuck you do.
Blood Moon: All right. I'll see you later. Bye.
Black Star: Get out. Bye....... Eclipse. We have to go back!
Eclipse: Oh oh?! Are you all done?
Black Star: Yeah.
Eclipse: Oh oh. I sorry. Supposed to distract. Forgot.
Black Star: It's fine. It wasn't bad.
Eclipse: Not bad? You hate the new ones? Why not bad?
Black Star: Think I learned about as much about him as he wanted to learn about me.
Eclipse: ... You traded information?
Black Star: I- yah... It was nice.
Eclipse: What if he lie? That would be very very bad.
Black Star: Well if he lied you can go rip him up. But I think he was telling the truth.
Eclipse: What tells you?
Black Star: ..... The claws.
Eclipse: ... What do with them? Moon will be suspicious if we leave them here.
Black Star: Might as well make use of them.
Eclipse: Where?
Black Star: ... You'll see.
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erikahammerschmidt · 4 months
so here are some of my thoughts on the idea of "longtermism."
i.e. the idea that we should focus on human well-being from a big-picture perspective, including all the possible future generations of humans, perhaps even before considering the well-being of people currently alive.
which to me sounds like mostly absolute nonsense.
Not because I don't care about the thought of distant future humans still thriving and happy thousands of years from now.
I do! I think that would be awesome, and I hope it happens.
for the most part, we CANNOT predict anything far enough in advance, in this chaotic world, to have ANY IDEA what actions today will even BE good for humans thousands of years from now.
And, the few things where it does seem kinda brainlessly obvious what would be good? like, "don't blow up the world today"?
so, why would it be a question? why would you even have to choose?
for some of these longtermist thinkers, the main goal is space travel.
from this viewpoint, the big fear is that the planet Earth and the Sol system won't last forever, no matter what we do…. and if humans don't travel to other planets, other star systems, by that time, humanity will be wiped out and nothing we ever did will matter.
now. setting aside for a moment this dismal view of what it means for one's life to "matter"…
HOW exactly can humanity get to space? well. we would have to figure out a whole shitton of things that we are not even close to.
how can we get space travel to speeds that would get us anywhere in an even imaginable timeframe?
how can humans survive the radiation in space, for a long enough time to get anyplace even at the maximum conceivable speed?
how would we sustain the basic food and air and water needs of human populations during such travel?
and, to me, that last one seems like the most obvious place to start. because we DO NOT have the technology to keep a self-sustaining, human-sustaining biological ecosystem going inside a space colony! either on the surface of an alien planet, or inside a space station or a generation ship.
we have barely even tried to figure it out! …ok, we tried, once, decades ago, with the Biosphere 2 project, and failed and never really tried much again as far as I know.
we are failing kind of badly at even maintaining the sorta self-sustaining ecosystem that Earth itself gave us! the one that took millions of years to evolve! which ONLY sorta works to sustain us because our species literally evolved to fit into it!
…and the techbros who currently talk about colonizing Mars seem to be talking as if this is all some super easy soft thing that they'll figure out when they get there!
you know what would help us get to space the most? first priority, before anything else?
figure out how to manage a damn ecosystem.
Not only because it'll be an obvious necessity for the space travel itself.
but also because it is gonna take a DAMN LONG TIME to develop workable long-distance space travel, IF (and this is a big IF) it is even physically possible in any way.
AND, during that damn long time, WE STILL NEED TO BE SURVIVING ON THIS PLANET.
Not to mention that, even if some of our eggs get into other interplanetary baskets someday, Earth is gonna keep being ONE of our baskets for a very long time.
ideally as long as fucking possible! because it's the one that works best, and probably always will be, for as long as it exists. WE EVOLVED HERE.
and, guess what!
the steps we could take toward advancing space travel in that way? the managing-ecosystems steps?
another thing that comes up in the longtermism discussion is "overpopulation." The idea that distant future humanity will be better off if current humanity does things to reduce our population to save resources.
now. i think it's pretty damn clear that the problem with human population and resources is MOSTLY that the rich and powerful elements of present-day humanity are doing a terrible job of distributing the resources that currently exist to the population that currently exists.
and this is mostly a greed issue.
and regardless of what happens to actual population numbers, the most obvious benefit to future generations of humanity would be figuring that mess out.
starting with the goddamn greed.
...now. there ARE, in some ways, challenges in this endeavor that are particularly difficult because of certain ratios of human populations to resources.
like for example (though I am not an expert on this) I have heard this discussion among local progressives about the resource of water, for the population of southern california.
before european settlement, before the aqueduct, this particular area naturally got enough water to produce enough food for a certain number of native people.
then, the aqueduct made it possible to sustain the much bigger population of non-native people who were settling here.
And that whole process damaged the ecosystem so badly that, if the aqueduct stopped working today, the population sustainable by the natural resources here would now be much smaller than it was at the beginning.
and there is uncertainty about how sustainable the aqueduct is... and what other options would be possible for supplying the current enormous population of this land with water.
but... even assuming that this would become significantly easier with fewer humans...
none of the malthusean ideas about population reduction are anywhere near ethical. and from a viewpoint of cold heartless numbers, they don't even seem PRACTICAL. genocide and forcible sterilization tend to focus on the groups that are using the fewest resources per person anyway.
and populations adapt to what is available! currently, this is happening through the mechanism of "younger generations aren't having kids because no one can afford to have kids."
this kind of adaptation sort of works-- although, like other population control methods, it still allows the wealthiest and and most lavish resource-users to breed pretty freely.
BUT it is… kinda sorta ethical, in a sort of terrible individual way.
at least… it's more ethical than other types of "population reduction"... and it is much more ethical than the opposite goal of "forcing everyone to reproduce no matter what they can and can't afford."
and THAT is the dystopia most likely to happen now! THAT is what'll happen if we don't VICIOUSLY defend body autonomy and access to birth control for those who want it.
there was a time, decades ago, when I was a bit brainwashed by that same paranoia about overpopulation! BUT, the more i learned about the issues, the more clear it became that the way to a sustainable population is to let people decide how many kids to have. THAT is how populations adapt to what the society can sustain.
so even from a "omg overpopulation scary!" viewpoint, the best bet for the happiness of distant future generations is probably gonna be a combination of:
"figure out how to manage resources in a goddamn reasonable not-greedy way"
"protect goddamn REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS."
so… longtermism, to me, is both important and a non-issue.
it works itself out best when we ignore it and take care of our community right now.
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chrisbangs · 2 years
hi li I hope you're doing okay (obv not and I mean that in the NICEST way possible) I'm sorry you're going through so much shit with men and your mom and jobs :/ my abusive ex called me the same girls name twice when I was in my....relationship/situationship with him so! That was cool and he definitely fucked me up in more ways than one. As for the other stuff, I've been unemployed for a month now (for the second time this year!!!!) so I feel like my degree is useless and I'm doing something wrong cause all my friends are either in grad school or have stable jobs lmao 🙃 and then. my mom told me to smile more in public the other day so that men would talk to me but!! She still doesn't know that I'm a lesbian!!!!!! Lmao. Maybe this is weirdly personal and out of nowhere but I definitely still read your text posts and think about you so I guess I just want you to know that you aren't alone in having an especially Bad Time rn. But yeah. I love seeing your posts on my dash and I do read your tags and I hope things can start to work out better for you soon, you definitely deserve better. I hope this ask isn't too weird but I just wanted to send you some love 💕
dndkdmdmdmd 😞💗 it wasn't weird at all and i appreciate you and your kind words so much you have no idea!!!! sjsjksksks i feel like we're living the same life atp this is literally mirroring my life almost exactly 😭 i get you my dude... and i'm sorry you're going through some shitty stuff rn 🫂🤍 i really hope things do change and get better :(
honestly it's kinda crazy when everything sucks and nothing makes me feel better like damn 🫡 gonna just keep taking Ls and for whatttt like what's the pointttt 🤷‍♀️ it's just insane to me...
in any case 🫂🖤 this is me sending u a hug bud... i hope you're doing ok... perhaps we won't feel miserable forever but at least in any case i am rooting for you!!!
#😓💗#gah... that's so much to go through i get it...#nothing is going right anymore in my life lol#like i wish i was joking but photocards are the only thing i hold onto as my joy in life#i literally have 0 reasons to be happy anymore jendkdndkdndkd#sounds insane but 😎 damn the only time i'm happy is when im flipping through my silly little binders or#when im drunk or when im on a 2 hr bus ride with my headphones in listening to my favourite podcast (distractible) and no one looks at me#i feel so . unwell........ jendkdndkdndkd#i had to really think abt stuff recently and#i just feel like . empty ya know ...#🤷‍♀️ my life has no meaning i have no reason to live etc etc blah blah blah#getting used by some guy cause i have 0 self respect has only made me realize how little i care abt anything in life it's so insane#I FEEL SO EMPTY!!!!!!! i'm just like... i'm really just some shell of a person#idk idk!!!!!! i don't wanna be me i don't wanna be alive my life SUCKS.!!!!!#it's fine omg i'm so dramatic but also i don't have anywhere that feels good.. i have no one that makes me feel safe anymore !!!! no place#that i get to be happy in... everything is either guilt inducing or trauma reminding or whatever u know#like i just . i have nothing 👍 and that that...#i feel very alone ! and very tired and .!!/!&/&/&/!/! idk... like i genuinely don't care much about anything anymore...#i guess it's fine like this is my life this is normal this is how i've lived it for so many years but#i've never felt so lonely before i guess... 🤷‍♀️ but guess who did that to themselves 😎👍#jsnsksnsksks so it's my fault i'm the issue as usual... whatever hdjdjdkd i'm so insane and dramatic i hope i dieeeeeejjdndkdkd#ANYWAY. i love u . thanku for being so nice to me idk what i'm saying but you are wonderful and :( i hope everything goes up from here for u#anon#answered
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