#and when the og song is played he was with rose
riverswaltz · 2 years
everyone talks about song for ten but not enough people talk about song for ten (reprise)
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Happy wednesday!
So I was bored and thought I would ask a silly question.
From the bl couples we know and love, who do you think, if given the opportunity, would go completely overboard in their valentine day's celebrations? And what would they do?
Oh, Rose, what a delightful question. Now, if I may offer an observation to give context for this list: Valentine's Day is a specific kind of romantic celebration that many loving couples simply do not bother with. It's a cheesefest, a celebration of consumerism, and often a very public display of love that lots of folks just don't go in for, so a couple's absence from this list does not indicate a lack of genuine affection. Valentines Day is for simps (affectionate). And, in most (but not all) couples, there is only one simp in the relationship. With that said, let's talk about the top 10 simps in bl.
Karan, Cherry Magic Thailand
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Let's get this out of the way right off the top, because Karan has reached levels of simpitude previously unknown to man. He is exactly the kind of nerd who would make a big embarrassing deal about this holiday while Achi blushes his way through the day. I believe he has learned from his bad date faux pas, however, so he will make sure to stick to things Achi actually likes and try to reign in the worst of his overspending to avoid making his boyfriend uncomfortable. I'm picturing a homemade lunchbox with heart shaped food, a big bouquet of flowers presented at the office in front of their coworkers, a romantic klongboat ride, and a sentimental gift like a framed photo.
Kurosawa, Cherry Magic Japan
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Now you may think its cheating to include two different versions of the same character on this list, but I disagree because Kurosawa is the OG simp and their simping presents very differently. Kurosawa is going for a quieter display, making Adachi a nice dinner at home and reading him an original poem he composed on his lunch breaks. Adachi will blush and stammer and feel bad about not getting Kurosawa a gift, and Kurosawa will tell him his presence is gift enough.
Ten, Cooking Crush
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Was there any doubt he would be on this list? Ten loves nothing more than a thoughtful, heartfelt act of service, and Valentines Day gives him a perfect excuse. He's making Prem a sentimental homemade meal tied to one of their cooking lesson memories, and he's created a new magnet featuring the two of them to go on Prem's oven mitt. Prem pretends to hate it but won't stop smiling every time Ten looks away, and later reveals he made them a heart-shaped dessert.
Yai, I Feel You Linger in the Air
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Another poet for our list. Yai would love this cheesy ass holiday and take it as an excuse to dress Jom up all fancy, go dancing at the speakeasy, and whisper poetry into his ear to his heart's content. Jom with his modern POV on the holiday rolls his eyes at first, but then gets swept up in the romance and rewards Yai handsomely when they get home.
Hantae, Sing My Crush
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This holiday was made for Hantae. He loves nothing more than being loud and embarrassing about his love for Baram. He has a whole Day of Fun planned for them, which Baram goes along with, pretending he didn't get Hantae anything until they get home and he pulls out his guitar to play a new original song he wrote for his man.
Gun and Cher, A Boss and A Babe
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The rare simp4simp relationship, we have a twofer! Gun and Cher go all out on Valentines Day to the point of making it a competition for who can pull off the most surprises to make the other happiest. They do this at the office in full view of all their friends and coworkers, of course. In the end it's a draw and Gun lets the staff go home early to their sweethearts, everybody wins.
Gavreel, Gameboys
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Picture Gavreel stalking Cairo around the house trying to smother him with kisses, attempting to cook a meal that he definitely burns, ands presenting Cairo with a new body pillow with his image on it for when they are apart. Cairo protests every step of the way, but is secretly touched and loving every minute.
Lian, Cutie Pie
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Lian is a traditional romantic so he will be taking Kuea out for a fancy dinner, presenting him with a giant bouquet of flowers and the most expensive bottle of champagne available, and then taking him home for some sensual and loving missionary sex. Kuea eats it up.
Tinn, My School President
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Did you think we were getting out of this list without mentioning our most promising young simp? Ha! Tinn loves this holiday and takes it as an excuse to engage in PDA all over campus. Gun returns the favor just to see him blush, and they end the day on a cute date out to an amusement park where they take lots of couple photos and generally nauseate all their friends with all their social media posts.
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warning brendon mention + also excessive usage of brackets and like no punctuation/formatting except for paragraph breaks iM SORRY
sick and tired of ppl saying panic went to shit after ryan and jon left like yes it downgraded (compared to afycso my fave album from them) B U T ian (even tho he was only there for a few years) and dallon (who stayed on til 2017 oh how he put up with a lot of bs over the years) rlly kept it from tanking in those key years imo
like dallon is credited w writing most of v&v (with the exception of "nearly witches" - ryan wrote that) and all of twtltytd (is that even the album name idk i dont rlly listen to post ryan panic sorry not sorry) and he played bass not only for the end of pretty odd touring but also as part of the band til 2015 and then continued touring til 2017 (plus apparently brendon stopped him from releasing a song w 21 pilots which is actually why im writing this lmfao) like
dallons writing was on a similar level to ryans and it feels mean/unfair to reduce those albums that he did write to "shit" bc ryan wasnt there
and yes doab has a couple of bops (crazy = genius and also la devotee imo) but overall they dont cancel out what is mostly a shit album (ok yes dont threaten me w a good time is okay too but he did NOT make those high heels work good lord) esp cause there were literally none of the ogs except brendon on that)
and ofc pftw is ass if i ever hear high hopes or hey look ma i made it i actively try and leave wherever i am (they fucking played high hopes at a skate night i went to WHEN I WAS COSPLAYING RYAN ROSE VEST)
also side note fuck u brendon for continuing to play camisado after ryan left even tho it was like the one song he asked you to stop performing it cause it was rlly personal to him AND YOU DIDNT LISTEN (ofc all the songs were personal to him but camisado was one of the ones that he specifically drew on his experiences w/ his father to write)
also side note 2 imo panic died when spencer left (2013) but was temporarily revived til dallon left (2017) and brendons been dragging its corpse around for the last 6 years. and idc what anyone says the touring artists he played with do not count as panic cause no offence but like their title says theyre TOURING ARTISTS (like how dallon didnt consider himself a part of panic when he was touring w em til they asked him officially and then when he "stopped contributing creatively" - his words) like i rlly doubt ppl can name them off the top of their heads (altho theyre underappreciated for dealing w brendon)
if you've read this far PLEASE feel free to comment (? is taht what its called here) and/or reblog w ur additions/opinions im fairly open-minded abt others ideas!
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oh fun! 27 & fernando alonso?
Hi Anon! Thank you for the request!!
This is the last of the OG requests, from now all the rest will be from today! I’m sorry for the wait!
This one is very much inspired by the lyrics I’ve quoted, and also by my recent trip to London and how much I hate being so close to random strangers on the tube! I hope you enjoy it!
(Translations from Spanish to English can be found at the bottom of the fic!)
Song 27 - All The Small Things // Blink-182
Pairing - Fernando Alonso x Reader
Word Count - 1.6k
Content Warnings - Swearing, blood mention, injury mention (very minor)
Late night, come home Work sucks, I know She left me roses by the stairs Surprises let me know she cares
You knew from the start that being in a long distance relationship would never be easy, but somehow, you and Fernando managed to make it work despite all of the hardships that came with it. It wasn’t the fear of infidelity that made it hard for you, you trusted him completely, and for you, there could be no one else but him, but instead just being apart made your heart hurt.
The sun had long since set, and as you descended into the tube station you found your breathing becoming shaky as you struggled to hold back the tears that had been brewing since you had left your office.
Your day had been hell. From 8am you had found yourself inundated with emails from snarky clients, impatient supervisors and lazy co-workers. When the brief respite that is your lunch hour rolled around, you found that someone else in the office had eaten your lunch, causing you to go hungry for the rest of the day as you were far too busy to go and pick something up. And to top it all off, your boss had called you into his office before your shift had ended to let you know that you had to participate in ‘company-wide downsizing’ and lay off two of your staff.
Right now, you wanted nothing more than to collapse into the strong arms of your boyfriend, to bury your head in his neck and sob into the soft material of his shirt. But you couldn’t. He wasn’t there.
Your train arrives and you cram yourself into the tightly packed carriage, just barely finding the time to grab the handrail before it begins to move. You stumble forward and your phone slips from your hands, hitting the ground with a crack.
‘Please don’t be broken! Please don’t be broken!’ You repeat to yourself in your head as you reach down to retrieve it.
You flip your phone over to reveal a small crack in the corner of the screen. Luckily, it still works, and you unlock it and immediately search for Fernando’s contact, typing him a quick message before hitting send;
Work was fucking awful. I wish I was with you right now <3
You lock your phone and stash it away in your pocket, hoping to avoid any other possible mishaps on a day that, frankly, seemed to have been cursed by satan himself.
As the train arrives at your station, you push through the horde of commuters and jump onto the platform. You sigh deeply in relief, thankful that your head is no longer in proximity to a stranger’s sweaty armpit, and retrieve your headphones from your pocket. You jam them in your ears and grab your phone to shuffle your favourite playlist.
You press play, and the perfect song begins to blast in your ears, grounding you as you begin your walk home into the night.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you hurriedly retrieve it, hoping it was Fernando replying to your earlier message. You weren’t sure what time it was wherever he was in the world, it could be the middle of the night right now and you weren’t to receive a text until the next morning, but part of you hoped and prayed that it was him and not some stupid spam email or your shitty boss not understanding the concept of a healthy work/life balance.
A pain shoots through your thumb where you had grabbed the screen of your phone, and you notice a small splinter of glass from your broken screen buried in the sensitive skin.
“Fuck!” You say to no one in particular as you remove the splinter and bring your thumb up to your mouth to clean away the blood.
Annoyed but not deterred, you unlock your phone and see the first good thing to happen to you that day - Fernando had replied.
Oh no hermosa! I wish I was with you too. Te amo mi corazón <3 We will be together soon
You can’t help but grin like an idiot at your phone screen as you make the final turn onto your street. The only thing getting you through the long, dull days at work was the promise that the two of you would be reunited the following week. You’d actually have the chance to be a real couple, to do normal things that you rarely had the chance to do. You could vent to him about the stresses of work as you lay your head in his lap, and he’d run his fingers through your hair the way you always liked, allowing the stresses of the day to just melt away.
As you put your key in the front door, you hear Tina, the old woman who lives next door, tap on the window beside you. You jump, and she chuckles at you behind the glass.
She disappears for a moment, before emerging from her own front door, a smile playing on her lips.
“Looks like you have a secret admirer, dear. The postie brought these for you this morning, but since you weren’t in I had to sign for them.” She says, and she retrieves an ornate bouquet of deep red roses from behind the door.
You take them in your arms and open the attached note.
A rose for every day we have been apart, mi corazón. Te amo.
You fold the note in half and take a deep breath, before promptly bursting into tears.
“Are you okay, love?” Tina asks, and you nod your head.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I just had a really bad day at work and I’ve been feeling terrible, but I have the best boyfriend in the world. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve him. He’s away working and yet he still thinks about all these little things.” You say between sobs, and your neighbour wraps her arm around your shoulders.
“Is he gorgeous as well as kind? A stunner like you must have a hunky boyfriend.” She says, and you chuckle, wiping away your tears with your free hand.
“This was us on holiday in Cancun back in December, does he pass the Tina test?” You ask, showing her the photo of the two of you on the beach you had set as your Lock Screen following the trip.
“Crikey! He’s gorgeous. A bit older, I didn’t expect that, but good on you. Does he live with you? I haven’t seen him about.” Tina asks.
“No, no he doesn’t. He travels a lot, for work, so I only get to see him when our schedules align. I hate it, I wish I could be with him all the time but… it’s hard.” You say, and Tina gives you a sympathetic smile.
“He travels a lot, you say, does this job pay a lot?” She asks, and you chuckle. Oh, if only she knew.
“You could say that, yeah.” You say, and Tina gives you a confused look.
“Then why haven’t you given up your terrible job that makes you miserable to travel with him?” She asks, and you pause for a moment.
“I guess, when we first got together, I didn’t want him to think that I was just in it for the money. I wanted to keep my own life too, I didn’t just want to be his accessory.” You say, and Tina shakes her head.
“But if work makes you miserable, and being with him makes you happy, then I see only one option, love. Life’s too short to waste it doing things that make you sad.” She says, and you nod, feeling the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle fall into place.
“By the way, he doesn’t happen to have an older brother… or a single father maybe?” Tina asks, and you laugh.
“Tina! I know for a fact your husband of fifty years is sat watching TV in the front room right now!” You say, and Tina chuckles.
“It’s always good to have a back-up plan.” She says, and you shake your head at her while laughing.
“Well, you and Fernando have certainly cheered me up this evening. Thanks for signing for the flowers.” You say, and Tina steps back behind the door.
“Any time, dear.” She responds, before closing the door.
You make your way over your own front door where your key still sat in the lock, the cogs of your brain turning at a record pace as Tina’s words play over and over again in your mind.
Dumping your work things in a pile on the kitchen counter, you immediately open your email app and add your boss’ address to the top;
You wanted the downsize, then allow me to make things easier for you.
This email is my official resignation from the company, and, as per my contract, comes into place with immediate effect.
Thanks, (Y/n) (Y/l/n)
You press send and the whoosh of the notification instantly lifts a weight off of your shoulders that you were completely unaware you were carrying. You were free. After this weekend there would be no horrible boss, no crappy coworkers who steal your lunch, no germ-ridden commutes and no more emails. It would just be you, and Fernando, and the world.
Hermosa - Beautiful
Te amo - I love you
Mi corazón- My heart (like my love or my dear)
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
which zb1 member would be which Disney prince,, I'm curious 🎤
Not cherrie giving me the best questions to answer 💜💜💜 when it’s literally 6am and my insomnia won’t leave me alone 😭
On principle, I find Disney’s portrayal of the princes as very shallow and gender-norm enforcing (i’m sorry I feel very strongly abt this😅) we are not fans so instead I’d probably go for what Disney princess movie fits the vibe of which member when I assign them to princes. I’m also going to be rewriting that movie as I go, sorry in advance to the purists
Pls note I’ve not great at headcanons and indecisive as hell so here we go ~
Jiwoong: The Beast/Prince Adam
If this man could play a Prince in a drama, this is the kind of content I’d pay for
Just like my hogwarts headcanon, man probably invited the sorceress to dinner and asked to be turned into a beast because everyone just liked his face
And he thought he’d be better off if someone liked his personality
Yes he asks for his servants to be turned into furniture for shit and giggles but not like permanently, maybe they all go back to normal at night
reader wonders why he always insist not that they don’t go to the west wing at night. It’s not just the rose but that’s where he and the servants go to like chill and be their human selves (this is getting a little Cupid and psyche lol)
Hao: Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Just the scene of him playing his violin and mer reader listening from a distance
Sometimes they sing along while Hao is playing and Hao is like woah who dat
They probably met as kids and he gave mer reader his old violin because they were curious
Definitely have it displayed in the center of their collection
Wants to be human to hear Hao play more
Hanbin: Prince Charming (Cinderella)
If this man isn’t Prince Charming, idk who is, do not argue with me
Does not have a shoe fetish
Definitely remembers reader’s face, he just wants to return their shoe bruh
And maybe ask reader out idk, not marry them right away
Just imagine dancing with Hanbin to “So this is love” and tell me u aren’t soft
Matthew: Aladdin
For the record, the genie in that lamp would probably be Keita bc he’s been training for 10,000 years (jk)
Watch me cast the whole KTL team (except Hao idk unless we want crossover)
There’s Matthew and there’s Seok Woohyun, don’t tell me he doesn’t think those are two diff people
Just…Matthew singing a Whole New World is a song cover I didn’t think I needed until now pls and thanks
Taerae: Snow White’s Prince
For all the OG Disney fans, you know that one scene where Snow White’s singing by the well and the Prince fucking jump scares her by singing back
Yes that’s Taerae, man will take the opportunity and he has a guitar
yes he will bring the guitar
Once again watch me cast all the Wake One trainees (K+ G) and Junhyeon as the seven dwarves friends who help reader out
Ricky: Prince Naveen (Princess and the Frog)
I’m sorry my eternal headcanon is spoiled Prince Ricky and reader who puts him in his place
Would probably be a bit more sus of this voodoo man turning him into a frog
It’s probably not even a villain, it’s one of the Yuehuaz who happens to know voodoo being like oh you know what would be rlly fucking funny
He gets his whole character development arc and becomes a better young and rich, tall and handsome Prince that’s totally down bad for reader
Gyuvin: Flynn Rider (Rapunzel’s Tangled)
This man steals hearts everywhere he goes (I mean he won every challenge yo)
A lot goofy like they told him during the sleepover, he’s lucky he’s got a nice face
I haven’t got that much for this one
But energy is the same
Gunwook: Captain Shang (Mulan)
He is a leader (class pres/vice pres every year anyone?)
Dude literally takes forever to realize that reader isn’t supposed to be there (literally the en garde hidden cam)
Casting the three other Jellyfish trainees as the soldiers yo
He’s slay “Be a Man” even if I dislike the title of that song, it’s hella catchy
Yujin: Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty)
He’s a baby YALL pls
Shy, literally just watching reader do their thing in the forest like how this boi literally watched taerae the whole signal song filming (pls see zb1’s bp commentary for red)
He’s not slaying dragons just yet but he be slaying my heart with Noona saranghaeyo
Gives reader an innocent lil peck and they wake up
Maybe it isn’t true loves kiss just yet, more like boy with pure intentions bc literally that’s equally hard to find
Ok thanks for coming to my TED talk and thanks cherrie for this very lovely question. Y’all need to keep asking me more stuff like that very much please and thanks in advance 💜💜💜
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
I've been in a musical mood since I moved into my apartment (Seriously, there's something very satisfying about playing these Broadway songs out loud in your own living room (when my roommate left of course)), and seeing your dark Musical AU Post made me think of musical AU's for my... Oof countless ships 😅 of course you don't have to worry about answering ^^
Smarty-Pop • Phantom of the Opera AU
I have not known peace ever since you briefly mentioned their Erik/Christine dynamic in my sad Smarty-Pop ending drabble, and i mean that in a positive way XD and this gave me the perfect opportunity to explore an actual AU.
I'm thinking maybe Poppy can play a little bit of Madam Giry's role too, being the only one who knows the Phantom's secrets, the only calm one when the Phantom of the Opera strikes and possibly even delivering messages to the opera managers for Smartass. And unlike with the OG story, I like to imagine them in an already established relationship here- just, you know, a little secretive since it's the phantom we're talking about.
It's not uncommon for Poppy to go disappear down in the depths of the Opera House, whether it be through her mirror or one of the trap doors. And if one were to look through her dressing room, you could find many pink roses in various stages of wilt, and letters personally addressed to her written in the same colored ink. She claims she doesn't know who sends her them, but her dreamy smile shows more than just flattery. She leaves her own notes for Smartass as well, leaving them in loge #5 just before a show begins. Just sweet love letters only for his eyes.
No, they don't always agree. Poppy has lost track of how many times she's stormed down to Smartass' domain after something he most certainly did, and all the attention and admirers she had been gaining as her stardom rose have been dangerously grating Smartass' nerves. But at the end of each night, she is his, and he is hers. As it should be.
(Yeah this is partially me venting how i think a Christine x Phantom relationship would have turned out if it was the canon ending XD Also I'd like to point out that you said yandere Snartass might make his S/O marry him, which also correlates with the phantom trying to force Christine's hand. That is totally not going to become part of the Smarty-pop AU) thought XD
Greasypop • Dracula AU
I did struggle with Greasypop admittedly, but then I heard the song Please don't Make Me Love You from the soundtrack and I could not get this dynamic for this ship out of my head. Besides, it gives me an excuse to use the Vampire or the Monster AU XD No matter how you slice it, Dracula is pretty manipulative when you think about it. Especially with how he convinces Mina that Lucy's death was not his doing, which does fit Greasy's more manipulative nature... Not to mention that it'd be his fantasy to have as many hotties as Dracula did 😅
I'm just imagining vampire/incubus Greasy shows up into town, looking to plant his roots here for a while, and Poppy is one of his targets. Poppy can tell that something isn't quite right with him, even when he offers her comfort after she reads about yet another attack in the night. There's just something not right with Greasy.
But even so, she's having a hard time denying what he does to her. Just like how theres something about him that isn't quite right, there's something about him that makes her head feel dizzy. Something that let's his touch linger on her shoulder or arm before she snaps back to her senses. Something that makes her wish those evenings when he shows up unannounced and they wind up sharing a meal together don't end. It's like her heart is trying to give itself to Greasy, and her mind is trying to keep her grounded in reality.
It's not long before she breaks down, feeling like she's being driven mad, and just asks her friend- if he can even be called that- what he wants. She knows Greasy is not who he says he is, and she knows there has to be a reason he keeps coming back to her even though she's made it clear she doesn't want a man right now. Something tells her she doesn't want to know the truth, and yet another something tells her she wouldn't care.
But either way, no matter what, Poppy knows one thing for certain. Her heart can't take much more of this. And she didn't want it to. She doesn't want someone to come around and ruin this tranquility she's built for herself just for his own fun. So she asks, practically begs him, to just don't make her fall in love with him. Don't make her chase after him if he had no intentions of keeping her. Her instincts tell her that this is a terrible idea, that she should have slammed the door on the Spaniard long ago as she locked eyes with him.
But there was just something about him that made her love him.
(Not exactly the Dracula route I meant, I'm still working on it, but I hope it's still fun to read XD)
Peezy • Little Shop of Horrors AU
Ok ok I know this may not sound right but hear me out- Poppy x Wheezy are the most wholesome of the ships, kind of like how Audrey and Symore are wholesome. And also share the fact that Poppy/Audrey still see Wheezy/Seymore as such a good person deep down despite knowing or finding out the things they've done. Not to mention that Wheezy would treat Poppy right just like how Seymore would for Audrey.
Poppy and Wheezy work together in the same flower shop, and they both would agree that they are the high lights of each others work day. It's not exactly hidden that the two have feelings for each other- as their boss blatantly told Wheezy that he knew he thought things about the sweet girl. Though for many reasons, one of which is Poppy's horrid boyfriend Ben, they aren't together.
It was always heart-wrenching and rage inducing whenever Poppy would come in with fresh tears in her eyes, or when she would brush it off as just 'typical relationship struggles'. Wheezy has tried to just keep it to himself, and offer Poppy any comfort she needs. Though the night he got to actually see how that bastard treated her, he decided enough was enough. That bloodthirsty plant was the one who suggested it, but it's not like this wasn't a long time coming anyway.
The next morning, when Poppy is crying out of guilt rather than heartbreak, Wheezy keeps a cool head as he wraps an ashy arm around her and assures her that she shouldn't waste another second on that boy. He was never worth it, not if he couldn't appreciate what he had. Everything is alright now...
(... This was meant to be more fluffy, as fluffy as the original was, but it turned out a bit more manipulative than I intended at the end? I think? 😅 but hey, no one's gonna miss Ben either way-)
Pocho • Sweeny Todd AU
This one is special because here, Poppy is playing the role of Anthony, and Psycho Johanna. Specifically, I'm imagining the part of the play where Johanna is stuck in the asylum and Anthony is trying to break her free. Poppy in the Tiny-Tots AU is trying to set her friend and love free the second she finds out about him being locked away. Even if she has to employ the help of criminals to get him out.
Or, if we want more horror, Psycho is Sweeny, and Poppy is Lucy. Falsely accused of crimes he didn't commit just so the accuser could take his wife. Despite the fight he put up, Psycho and Poppy were separated, and she... Got hurt badly. And Psycho only finds out later when he comes back, now driven over the edge of sanity after all these years. And now, it's time for revenge.
Popshine • The Count of Monte Cristo AU
Another odd choice, I know. I almost gave this AU to Peezy in fact, but... Honestly I don't have too good of an excuse, I just want Shiny to sing Hell to Your Doorstep.
Also, just- can you imagine these girls using threads from their clothes in placement of engagement rings?? Shiny coming back years later, a shell of her former self but still being in love with Poppy despite how angry she is?? Poppy recognizing her immediately despite all that's happened and does her best to convince Shiny she still loves her???? My heart-
(Also I have a strong lesbian need to imagine Shiny in count clothes-)
Griny • Bonnie and Clyde AU
C'mon, how was this not going to be them?? Now granted, the only song I know from that musical is Buck you're going Back to Jail, but I do know the story of Bonnie and Clyde.
Shiny and Greasy would absolutely be criminal lovers on the run if it was just them. They would be such an infamous duo on the road, as they both can get mean when they need to.
(I would add more details to this, but I've been working on this ask for literal hours and I can't just save it as a draft so I'm trying to finish this 😅)
Bonus! Kingston X Poppy • Heathers AU
Ok ok ok I'm not sure if this musical would fit them honestly. Mainly because Kingston is your OC and you have broader musical knowledge than I do, so you know what would fit Kingston best. I just like the idea of Kingston singing I was Meant to Be Yours while Poppy is panicking in a closet.
What Musical would you say fits these two best, if you want to add onto this?
This is a very long ask, I apologize 😅 but I hope it's fun to read! ^^
Smarty Pop Phantom of the Opera AU: I love how you set this up!! Pink roses at different stages of wilt? Poppy reading 'secret admirer' letters with a dreamy smile?? Ahhhhhhhhh
Greasy Pop Dracula AU: Ooooooh i love this.
please just dont make me fall in love with you, poppy breathes, heavy eyelids tired with life hanging heavy over her pretty eyes. Greasy's in her bedroom (vaguely she notices that he looks caught, for a moment. Eyes a smidge rounder and stock-still). She was sleeping until she had a bad feeling and woke- and saw him there. She should be terrified, she should try to run. She knows this. And yet she feels overwhelmingly calm, even with his wolf-like smile on her in the enclosed space; sleepiness from just a moment ago acting like a sedative. That, and that thing about Greasy that... always just makes everything go s l o w, around her.
(her will, her instincts to get away, her common sense, her movements... )
his smirk in the dark is definitely a warning as he straightens up, the sharp glint of his teeth making her feel a primal discomfort- almost fear.
i make no promises, hermosa. go back to sleep now. and in the morning try to resist; id like to see you try~
poppy watches the nightmare disappear swiftly, inhumanly gracefully, out her open window and only once he's gone- does she start to feel scared.
Peezy Little Shop of Horrors AU: I LOVE THE IDEA OF WHEEZY AND AUDREY II INTERACTING XDD I JUST KNOW IT WOULD BE GREAT XDD Also also-- Wheezy calling Ben 'boy'??? Sarah do you want me dead????? XD
Pocho Sweeney Todd AU: Ahhh, I love how you twisted this one around!! And the second one- woah XD Psycho is, of course, a great Sweeney. Plus they have kids so that works out, too (Imagine Turpin in this sent Percy away to boarding school or something, but kept Penny) I have to admit though that when I first saw the title here I thought Poppy was gonna be Joanna and Psycho was gonna be Anthony- and I thought, Rena would make a g r e a t Judge Turpin 😏 (i'm sorry, i'm thinking about rena in the turpin costume now XD the tight pants?? whoops- )
Griny Bonnie & Clyde AU: I LOVE BONNE & CLYDE I'M LISTENING TO IT RIGHT NOW. And- obviously- yes, this is absolutely perfect XD
Popshine Count of Monte Cristo AU: 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕
(Also I'm very happy we both have the urge to put our mean bisexual oc's in periodwear XXD )
*just after they conspired to break greays outta jail*:
Seeing you mention You're Going Back To Jail though made me think XDD- who would Buck and Blanche? XDD Buck, Clydes brother who also broke outta prison and Blance, Buck's hardass wife who 's snide towards Clyde and Bonnie and sends her husband back to jail so they can one day be happy? XD My vote is for Jane Doe and Wheezy XD Can you imagine Wheezy gettin' told by his girl to turn his ass back the hell in??? 'what the hell are you talkin' about!??' *audible panic in his tone*
Bye, baby~
See you soon, sugar~
Kingston and Poppy Heathers AU: Oooooh, I could totally see this in the Highschool AU! XD
Hmmmmm, which musical AU should I go dor with King and Poppy... I donno, but I'm thinkin a Beetlejuice AU for Poppy and Rena XD Poppy is Adam (Or Lydia more like. But like grown adult Lydia who gets just as uncomfy as Adam does.), of course, and Rena is BJ XDDD Rena is such a gross femme fatale XD
I think we're a perfect fit, lets make out a bit-
Bigger, further, harder-
C'mon, drop your panties, I'm trynna fill you with wisdom and skill and the instinct to kill-
Gotta haunt til it hurts through the night~
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thepalaceofmelanie · 5 months
Martell Week- COTD: Oberyn Martell
Tag: @elvinaa @adriennegabriella @morby @candycanes19 @wingsoftheangels @tashastrange89
(A/N: Okay so we had a House Martell music task...well, I want to do that for just Oberyn. So the first ten are songs with my reasoning, while the last ten are certain lyrics that fit him without my reasoning. Plus, this helps me get a playlist for Oberyn started for use. Enjoy the ride! Also am working on Day 2 and 3, so hopefully I can get those done tonight.)
1- “Unholy (Japanese Version)” by: Shayne Orok, Curserino & Ali Orok
Reasoning: Alright, pick any version of Unholy; I don’t care if it’s the OG to a cover or whatever else, this version screams Oberyn. It’s slow and sensual and sexy, to say the least, I recommend this song for any smut/lemon playlist.
2- “Oberyn” by: Daenerys and Targaryens
Reasoning: Please, do yourself a favor! Go and listen to this song. It’s so fun and a bit funny but it’s about him! So enjoy fellow Oberyn fans.
3- “Letter To A Friend” by: Robert Gromotka and Chiharu Bley Violoncello
Reasoning: I feel this would be his theme song back in Dorne. More so when he’s in the Water Garden writing poems for his daughters. It’s just something that would make you think of him feeling calm for lack of a better term.
4- “Bow Down” by: I, Prevail
Reasoning: Basically, this song is could be his theme song when trying to avenge his Sister and her children. I did have this one down in the lyric area but switched it because, of how it just works more so as a whole.
5- “Crossing Over” by: Five Finger Death Punch
Reasoning: So, after watching the Bills game, I was trying to think what else to add and remember this old gem. This song is about loss and grieving and well, he lost Elia. Also you could use this song for Ellaria as well, when the second verse.
6- “Adrenalize” by: In This Moment
Reasoning: If I had to give Oberyn’s “infamous for his sexual appetite” as the wiki puts it, a theme song, it would be this. It’s hard, heavy and well a sex song.
7- “Tonight” by: Fozzy
Reasoning: “Then everyone is missing half the world’s pleasure. The gods made women… and it delights me. The gods made men… and it delights me. When it comes to war, I fight for Dorne. When it comes to love — I don’t choose sides.”
8- “One Of The Girls” by: Jennie Kim, Lily-Rose Depp, and The Weeknd
“We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight
We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight, oh”
9- “Emperor’s New Clothes” by: Panic! At The Disco
“I'm taking back the crown
I'm all dressed up and naked
I see what's mine and take it
(Finders keepers, losers weepers)”
10- “Love You To Death” by: Type O Negative
“In her place one hundred candles burning
As salty sweat drips from her breast
Her hips move and I can feel what they're saying, swaying
They say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya, get ya, get”
11- “Hangman” by: Rev Theory
“Take your places please
You’ll need to sit for this one
It’s a simple plan
With a mangled conclusion”
12- “Go Girl” by: Pitbull
“I party like a rockstar
Look like a movie star
Play like an all star
Fuck like a pornstar”
13- “The Whims of Fate -King Side” cover by: FamilyJules feat Kuraiinu
“Give into another vice
See where it might lead
Come on, let's just enjoy the spice
Life and feel so free
Give into temptation”
14- “So Far Away” by: Staind
“This is my life
Its not what it was before
All these feelings I've shared
And these are my dreams
That I'd never lived before
Somebody shake me
'Cause I
I must be sleeping”
15- “Young Gods” by: Hasley
“He says, "Ooh, baby girl, don't get cut on my edges
I'm the king of everything and oh, my tongue is a weapon
There's a light in the crack that's separating your thighs
And if you wanna go to heaven, you should fuck me tonight"”
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Tumblr media
So, uh... Lazytown was a thing during my adolescent years, but for me, only a thing I was aware of rather than a thing I was into. Even years later as I was becoming an adult and it had a revival, I only knew it through The Memes(TM). But late last year, partially on a whim and partially because August this year will mark the fifth anniversary of when a truly special, wonderful, and irreplaceable human being named Stefan Karl Stefansson tragically left this world, I decided to give Magnus Scheving’s original Icelandic stage play Áfram Latibær! and its direct sequel Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ (which introduced Stefansson as Glanni/Robbie) a watch. The first one was unironically fun but also super hokey and cheap in a lot of ways. The sequel was superior in almost all ways. Both of them got me in the mood to give a look to the TV show and see what I’d slept on (ha ha) for so long.
After having watched a few episodes here and there, I can say that this show...is basic. That’s really the best word for it. Worse childrens shows have been made, but better ones exist as well. Sometimes the writing is solid and will get a laugh out of me, other times it’s just dumb and eyeroll-inducing. I’m not a fan of the puppet characters and kind of check out when the focus is on them, the song and dance numbers can be hit or miss, Stephanie’s pretty cool when played by Julianna Rose Mauriello rather than Chloe Lang (more the material’s fault than Lang’s, she was a better Stephanie in her TikTok videos), and on that note I’m not even touching the Cartoonito Era of the show beyond the meme-worthy Robbie Rotten content it gave us. Also, how dare the show leave out Officer Obtuse, that is a crime!
But none of that matters because this post is really about the two characters pictured above - Robbie Rotten, played by the late and great Stefan Karl Stefansson, and Sportacus, played by Magnus Scheving himself. These two are what make the series for me. In the plays and the show, they’re the strongest elements. The actors’ portrayal of them is obviously a huge part of it (seriously, how the Hell was I sleeping on Robbie for so long? The guy’s legit hilarious!), but there’s something deeper that strikes me about them - they’re the best example of a Role Model VS an Anti Role Model I’ve ever seen.
What I mean by that is that Sportacus is the guy you like, you root for, and want to emulate in life. He’s there to make kids want to get more active, eat healthier, and make wiser life choices. Hell, he makes me want to get more active, eat healthier, and make wiser life choices! His athleticism and acrobatic abilities are like I’ve not seen since John Stork AKA Hyper-Strike on Who Wants To Be A Super Hero?, and his positive attitude and affable personality marks him as the Good Guy, the one you wish you could be like. ...But there’s always that awareness in the back of your mind that unless you are a very dedicated and talented pro gymnast like Magnus is, you will never be anywhere near as cool. You can follow in Sportacus’ footsteps but you cannot actually walk in them, it’s beyond you. Meanwhile, you’ve got Robbie Rotten, the guy you boo and hiss and enjoy watching as he gets thwarted, ridiculed, and bested every time he gets up to no good. You like him because he’s funny and not all that evil or dangerous (in the show, I mean - OG Glanni Glæpur was quite a different story), but do NOT want to emulate him and his lifestyle because it’s not at all subtle that he’s in the wrong, that sloth and gluttony are sins not to be encouraged in children. ...And yet, if you’re to be honest with yourself, you either know this guy or are this guy. You identify more with Robbie than with Sportacus because aside from the Jim Carrey-esque cartooniness and villainy, he’s more feasible. Any child could prefer to live more like how he does, and carry those preferences well into adulthood. It may not be healthy, but it’s easy, relaxing, self-gratifying and comfortably routine. Even if you’re better adjusted, you can’t help but find Robbie to be relatable in various ways at various points. Your want to not be like him is in part because you recognize in yourself qualities that he displays.
Yeah so basically I stan. These are iconic and immortal characters for a damn good reason.  
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Have you seen the prequel movie? If yes🌹>>>
A. In your opinion, please rate TBOSAS movie with 1-10 scale.
(1 = I hate it, 10 = I love it.)
Things that you like :
Things that you don't like :
B. For people who also read the novel.
Your opinions about the difference between the book and the movie :
Thank you 🎼
<333333 yes yes yes 🌹🌹
A) hmm im gonna say 8? im not very good at number ratings. i had read the book already so i went in with the context of everything and coryo's internal monologue so i very much enjoyed it for the visuals and being able to see everything i read on screen + hearing the songs. biggest pride point is that ballad of lucy gray baird sounds exactly like i thought it would -- i have a recording of me singing how i thought it sounded and its nearly the same as in the movie so i was VERY haunted by that bc it felt like it was taken out of my mind. however, if i hadnt read the books, i dont think i wouldve enjoyed it as much bc it took away from a lot of the story to not know what snow was thinking -- it just didnt have the same impact
things i like: the dress was gorgeous and very realistic (and the touch of katniss and primrose designs on the bodice was chefs kiss), and the color symbolism was very fun to watch unfold, both with the obvious district blue/panem red as well as the colors of the roses and just the color imagery in general. i love rachel zegler and am very happy with her as lucy gray, but sejanus was perfect casting for me; he looked EXACTLY like i thought he would. also when i was reading the book, i knew what took place where and when that matched up with places in thg, but being able to see it was a whole other story.
things i dont like: um nothing much really for the movie on its own? like i have Opinions on the changes they made, but as it's own thing, i only wish we had more of coryo's internal thoughts -- and if not, a heavier emphasis on lucy gray. without either, it just felt like the dynamics fell a little flat, especially compared to the dynamics of the og movies.
B) OOOOOOOH okay so i was fine with most of the changes to the story for the movie -- theres only so much time and so many ways to show something and its a different medium, so i understand why things had to be different. BUT! i very much did not like two changes. one, that lucy gray wins the games by not being killed by the snakes. its a lovely scene and great to watch, but i feel like it almost takes power away from lucy gray. we, as the audience, know that it isnt her singing that keeps the snakes at bay, and so all it really shows us is how easy it is to make the capitol see district citizens as human like them, if only they get past their own blinders. and since she survives bc coryo gave his handkerchief with her scent to the snakes, it just makes it so he won the games, not lucy gray. the way it played out in the book mightve been less cinematic to watch, but it was much better in my opinion. like, the fact that lucy gray had to resort to using reaper's humanity against him in order to kill him, and that it was a suicide that led to her survival was very poignant and i feel like we missed out on that.
the other change i disliked was how we didnt see arachne's funeral and the spectacle it became. again, i know that with the movie's age rating, it might not have been entirely possible to show the parade of brandy's body but i very much wish we had to be forced to confront the dehumanization that was prevalent in the capitol -- i feel like we hear it a lot in the movie, but we dont ever really see it in a way that isnt excusable by the games. i also think it wouldve been a very intriguing parallel for coryo's to sing the anthem (also bc he sings it in the books twice i think, once in a group and once alone) and have his performance be a stark difference to how lucy gray and the covey perform. one thing the movie did well was letting the art stand for itself -- the music, sure, but also the designs of the clothes and the city, as well as the statue at the end. i think adding coryo's singing wouldve been awesome to see.
i also kind of wish we saw the plinths get close to coryo just bc it was so important to propel him into who he became, but i understand that there just wasnt enough time and space to show that. although, when they played the jabberjay recording at sejanus's execution? GAGGED. i nearly started screaming right there. that little sequence will haunt me forever.
i do wish ballad was split into two movies despite any backlash to give more time to tell this story -- the book itself is absolutely packed, so to make it one movie under three hours long almost feels like a disservice? but i honestly went in to put some visuals to the book and to watch the arc play out on a screen, and so im pretty happy with what i got! im definitely rewatching it when i rewatch the other movies and thats all i really need :]
thank YOU nonny<333 i'd love to hear your thoughts as well !!!!!! i dont have many people to talk to about ballad so its awesome to be asked these questions! love you<33
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merp-blerp · 2 years
Movies that Might Make Good Musicals in My Opinion & Why
So I made a list of musicals that might make good movie musicals before, so now I'll do vice versa. Just like most list I make, this will be long, detailed, and possibly edited later. Sorry, lol.
Dead Poets Society
So I've heard talk of this already existing or being in development, but I haven't seen anything, so this might just be more of a “what I hope for” thing. The movie was also already a stage show. This should have a John Patrick Shanley’s Prodigal Son type vibe, not just because Robert Sean Leonard is in that show too, but the sense of the script and feel of the show. I can see the music having a Spring Awakening sound to it. I think a musical would be a great way to improve upon the film in some areas, like Knox and Chris’s romance that bordered on creepy (and underdeveloped), and the Nuwanda stuff that was pretty insensitive to Native Americans. Also, maybe change how... white the film was, in terms of cast and extras. Brown v. Board had happened by 1959; there could've been students of color (maybe the casting reflected how rigid Welton Academy was, but that should be acknowledged, which it wasn't, if so). And please keep Neil and Todd’s queer subtext, or better yet, make the queerness explicit. And I don't know if he can sing or anything, but I'd die to see Ethan Hawke, or really any of the og poets play Keating. Ethan now just reminds me the most of Keating for some reason, and I think it’d be touching.
Wild Nights with Emily
Emily Dickinson’s poems are famous for being pretty musical, so a musical about her would be cool. Wild Nights with Emily is one of my favorite piece of media about Dickinson because it doesn't portray her as a boring shut-in who wrote boring poetry, a far cry from who she was. It was also the right amount of silly for me personally (I love Apple TV’s Dickinson, but the modern humor could be a bit much for me sometimes. But that's just a me thing, not an inherent flaw of the show. It's storyline is also a bit too long for a musical, it being a series). Turning Emily’s poems to songs would be easy (?) because of how she wrote them; they already fit songs like "House of the Rising Sun", "The Yellow Rose of Texas", etc. Dickinson’s “Split The Lark” song kills me every time (straight up cast Ella Hunt in this hypothetical show would be a cool idea). And I could see Mabel singing lines from Emily's poems and warping them as a villain song since she seemingly did that in real life.
The Sandlot
I love musicals staring a bunch of kids. I like feeling impressed and like they're more talented than me. The Sandlot would be fun. I could see it being performed in the round. I don't have many detailed thoughts about this one right now honestly. I just like the idea. And I love this movie.
This one feels like it was supposed to be on stage from the get-go. The movie, especially during the title number, felt like the world’s most detailed proshot. Not a flaw to me, but to some.
The Iron Giant
I'm glad this once underrated flick has gotten more attention over the years. Even though it's amazing, I always felt like there could be more to it. Like we could develop Dean and Annie's relationship beyond one or two-ish scenes of bonding and boom! Relationship. Or maybe cut out their romantic connection entirely, as it's not necessary. And include the deleted scene (that was included in the extended cut) of Dean seeing Giant’s dream projected on the his TV so that his views on Giant changing when he almost attacks Hogarth make a bit more sense. I think it wouldn't hurt for the story to be longer. I don't know how the technicalities of the show would work with Giant and how big he is. There's a King Kong musical, so maybe something like that, or of course scaling down Giant in the process but still making him big. It’d be an impressive puppet.
Secondhand Lions
This film should be a classic! If you haven't seen the it I recommend it. It has a similar-esque story to The Iron Giant, being about a boy making friends with a non human creature (a lion if you didn't guess). The film just deserves more attention. EDIT: So I recently rewatched this film and notice what might be the actor playing young Garth (who's white) with a painted face to look darker during one of Hub’s backstories. It might've just been the lighting on the scene, but it might not be. This would obviously be really bad, so some kind of musical remake could be an opportunity to fix this issue. Just a heads up that it might be there.
Pippi Longstocking
If you can't tell, kids' movies to me would be the easiest to turn into musicals. I grew up with the Swedish version of Pippi (English dubbed) thanks to my dad. I loved it, along with the American film, cartoon, and even the Shirley Temple Show version. It could work as a musical. The films and show already had their own different theme songs.
The Lorax
I know this might sound odd. Of all the films on this list, I want this one the most. The Illumination film, while fun, had a lot of flaws (no shame if you still liked it), such as marketing for the film contradicting its own message, the film being too safe, etc. But that's exactly why I think a stage show would work. It could improve on the film. Like having better characterization and being less gimmicky. I would also want it to be a bit more faithful to the book/TV short film in a few ways. If it's possible on stage, I liked the idea of obscuring The Once-Ler’s face to symbolize that he could be anyone, including the audience if they let themselves. Maybe even make Once-Ler a gender-ambiguous role to reflect that more. And the story ending with the child (Ted in the film, unnamed in the book/TV short) being given the tree seed and walking away from The Once-Ler’s home, reminding the audience that there is hope to save the trees, but it hasn't been done yet, as the trees are still in danger unless people care to help the trees. The film’s very happy ending arguably only serves as inspiration porn rather than actually teaching people to care about the trees. I could see “Let It Grow” staying in some way as a song sung by The Lorax and his animal friends in the beginning when Once-Ler first arrives at the forest, trying to convince him to not harm the trees. Maybe even obscure the child’s identity and gender to symbolize that they could be anyone as well. Make the Once-Ler’s rise to greed longer than just one song. You don't destroy the trees in a day. You don't become a monster in a day. It would hit better. And make Once-Ler’s destruction a conscious choice rather than blame his unawareness of the trees' deaths. Maybe even have him lie initially about his awareness of the trees to Thneedvile till he confesses to the kid that he did know, but didn't care so he could make money. Companies lie like that all the time. Imagine a scene immediately after his full transmission to evil (“How Bad Can I Be?” in the film) where he looks upon the treeless land and actually looks apathetic towards it and only cares when he realizes it will ruin his business since he can't find an alternative to tree fluff/leaves; he doesn't express true care till he talks about it to the child/Ted, as he's only realized his folly over the years. There are some things from the film that could be saved, like the memorial Lorax and the animals have for the UNLESS tree. That was the best addition the film made. And include the cut song “Biggering” rather than “How Bad Can I Be?”! That was a masterpiece and should've never been cut. Or better yet, have bits of “How bad can I be” performed at the beginning of Once-Ler’s poor decision-making, and have “Biggering” be this sort of final crescendo before his complete downfall. Like “How Bad Can I Be?” is a cut-up as a prologue(s). The demo version of “Thneedvile” also added to Ted/the kid more, so I think that would stay too. All the cut songs actually add a lot to the story and have great humor, but the film wanted to be marketable and as inoffensive as possible rather than good (and was made by one of the most money-hungry, Once-Ler-like film companies ever). I would want a slightly more dark approach to the massaging. Show more of the effects of the world losing trees rather than just talk about how bad it is. Show us why we should care. Maybe include an endangered animal in the story and have it go extinct thanks to The Once-Ler’s practices. Just something. The message could even be extended to not just care about the trees, but the natural world as a whole, as global warming and other issues like it are still as big of problems as ever.
Jennifer's Body
I think we need more horror musicals. We have Carrie The Musical, Starkid’s Hatchetfield Universe, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jekyll and Hyde, etc. so a horror musical isn't as odd as it might sound at first. I liked the film, but there were some things that if feel could us an update. Like the dialogue being very cheesy and dated (nothing wrong if you like that, I get its appeal; it's just not my thing unless done in a particular way). Or Needy and Jen’s attraction to each other being treated more as sapphic fetishization to get guys to see the movie rather than it being there for representation (especially in the trailers for the film). I think it would be nice to see more pre-succubus Jennifer, and her friendship with Needy pre-succubus, so that it could be a bit more sad when she's changes and so that the change is felt more. It would also make it more sad when Needy has to kill her. I want more pain or hesitance from Needy having to fight and kill Jen. Even though she knows it's not Jennifer anymore it still can't be easy to deal with your best friend/crush dying twice. They were friends from childhood, it has to be a least a little painful. I guess I just want a bit more heart behind it than the film had (not that I thought the film didn't have any).
The Invisible Man
We have Jekyll and Hyde and Frankenstein musicals. Griffin might as well join his mad scientist bros. This would almost definitely have to be a musical movie because I have no idea how you would make Griffin look invisible on stage practically. I really like gothic musicals and I think this could have a similar vibe. Griffin’s more blatantly asshole-y behavior when compared to Jekyll and Frankenstein’s well-meaning but flawed natures could make him and the musical stand out against its other mad scientist processors.
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
My School President Live Blogging
Wow, am I finally getting to this show? The last episode comes out in a week so this is perfect timing for me technically. I'm still pretty caught up on Beyond Evil and Lee Dongshik/Han Joo Won but I believe the show can hold my attention still.
I've seen so many gifsets of this and clips and GeminiFourth tweets/tiktoks as well and it's all been soooo adorable, so I'm expecting to really like this.
Episode 1 (Feb 18)
damn not me having to see that random girl get harassed within the first 5 minutes
pls then just hitting each other on the head cuties
pls Gun so funny and annoying along with his friends
girl they nearly burnt down the school 4 times?! jk 3 times
agh Tinn ordering food for the music club and now I’m craving fried chicken so bad
Tinn always declaring something and looking off into the distance and his friends looking with him or wondering what he’s looking at
so cute Gun’s mom to the rescue and Gun being like “that’s my mom”
plss Gun speaking cutely with Tinn to get him to extend the deadline
The last name change during the prayer really was so early on ah Tinn
Why are they being so rude at the beginning when Chinzilla are playing smhhh
noo Tinn giving the garland to the other team
oh how did Chinzilla win then?
pls I saw this clip of Gun being like "Smile, Mr. School President. Good boy"
oh dumbass Tinn not giving Chinzilla his own garland but working triple the amount to make sure everybody else votes for them ah you fool
I haven't watched any BL since the start of this month and haven't watched any Thai BL this year except NLMG once a week, so it took a bit to get into the right mindset for this comedic high school BL after watching and being obsessed with Beyond Evil. This was really fun though, glad to see Fourth and Gemini's faces, as well as Chinzilla friend group
Ep 2 (Feb 19)
plssss Tinn's voice when speaking to Gun vs his squeaky voice when speaking to his mom
pls Tinn obsessed as fuck with Gun
I usually don't like the same scenes repeated with a different perspective but this is fun because Tinn's so ridiculous
as cute lil grade 10 Tinn with his glasses and Nobita-lite outfit
my god nerdass Tinn with the Love and Gentleness and Peace in his crossword (it's scrabble?) game
(Linguistics) Tinn referred to Gun as nai in this scene - what do they use now? I would think gu/meung
pls Tiw with the teasing Tinn and also poking fun at the dynamic "time to tell him that the cruel school president has a crush on you, baby boy" lmfao
noooo poor Tinn's confession ruined by the instruments being taken away and his rose getting stepped on
plsss Gun coming to beg Tinn similar to Tinn's dream
So silly, I love the "act as my servant/errand boy" trope
pls rascal Gun when giving the shaved ice to Tinn is so cute, I'm in love with Fourth's face
Tiw with the imaginary umbrella ah I love friendship
Tinn fr giving away his dad's guitar to silly kids for the time being
"not even a 4 year old would fall for that" and indeed Gun and friends fall for that
(Linguistics) Also fun that Tinn's pretending to be a nong and calling the music club members Phi as the lion
Tinn has become aware of the Hot Wave contest rule
plsss Tinn singing City to Gun to rescue him as Gun had done years ago and made him feel happy
the lyrics were translated when they were singing City and i can totally see why that song was chosen for Vice Versa and PuenTalay, sucks that it didn’t make much of an impression in me on the actual show as it did in the VV OG mock trailer
Gun grabbing Tinn's chin ah
Ep 3 (Feb 19)
pls Tinn lacking braincells momentarily while being like "no I'm not watching" and Gun and co. also not having even 1 braincell to pass around because they all fall for it. ah these kids
(Fave) plsss I've seen this tutoring scene so many times cuz I've replayed it to death. Tinn daydreaming about the love equation when tutoring Gun vs yelling at him by momentarily forgetting that's his boy bc Gun can't do 7th-grade math. Tinn threatening with the "I'm gonna smack you" lmfao
ohhh that's how they end up sleeping in the same bed or whatever. because of this safe house
"Don't you want to spend nights with me, Tinn?" lmfaooo and Tinn's face afterward so funny
Bye! as Gun disappears
plssssssss Tinn's father being like yo yeah let him go so that we can finally fuck <333 do you want a bro or a sis or a baseball team <3 dead ew
Tinn dying as he watches Gun do the homework
Tinn whining like I just wanna be his boyfrienddd
Gun seems fond as he's listening to Tinn go on about what'll be the consequences of Gun not sleeping on the bed lol he says that Tinn's annoying but it's a liee
Bad Buddy flashbacks with the way they're lying with Gun on the bed and Tinn on the floor
pls Tinn misinterpreting what being partners means
ahh Tinn's heartbeat and inability to dance when it's with Gun
a clear Bad Buddy reference and Mark Pakin lmfao along with the Bad Buddy intro music my beloved
pls daydreams with the printer ink refill ad
Tinn daydreaming of Gun teaching him to chop veggies and calling him cutie pie so cute only for Gun to make him move away and call him a Khun Nu spoiled prince
(Linguistics) It's fun how they keep referring to Gun as Phi and Tinn as Nong like first with Nong Lion and now when Gun's calling himself Phi cuz he's talented and better at cooking
yaas one of Tinn's daydreams coming true, though the other way around, with Gun cleaning the rice off his face but i doubt Tinn cares which way around his fantasies happen
wtf this chinzilla chant killed me
Tinn's soul leaving his body over Gun hugging him
beautiful Fourth
plsss Gun: have you ever used that line to hit on anyone? Tinn: You. uhhh wanna rehearse? you wanna do the dance rehearsal right now? because Tinn panicked but did Gun seem a bit disappointed that the answer wasn't actually Meung? did he hmm
honestly congrats to Tinn for managing to dance instead of bursting into flames considering he's also holding Gun's bare waist
Tinn brave as hell to lie there and ask Gun to make extended eye contact with him considering he can't even interact normally with the guy
ahhhh Gun being the one who lets go of the staring and turns around and curls up in bed with an excuse, my guy is feeling feelingsssss
(Fave) ahh Tinn's speedy stuttering heartbeat and him trying to convince himself to do well because Gun won't get to go to Hot Wave otherwise but then Gun telling him to close his eyes and him having the best, cutest, most beautiful daydream of ever ah Though I do wish they wouldn't do so many flashbacks like both here and with the staring moment, we got to see a lot of the past 3 ep moments again lmao
(Fave) ahhhhh the heartbeat thing coming back but this time for Gun!! Gun's racing heart after the eye contact with Tinn and the pencil case ahhhh it's so fucking good
also beautiful beautiful Fourth and his expression and Gun's blinking ah so good cute beautiful makes me so giddy
I'm gonna chew on glass, such a good episode. I'm so fond of all the characters and am so smiley and giddy while watching. We're getting Gun's POV again next ep I think
Fave Scenes:
Tinn's tutoring daydream vs reality
Tinn's daydream of the dance with the tuxedos and live music
Gun's racing heartbeat as we realize he's starting to catch feelings as well and his expression!!
Ep 4 (Feb 20)
4-1 and 4-2
i was eating so not many comments
at least Gun's friends were loyal to him but also Sound's not wrong. They probably could've come up with a solution that doesn't involve Gun quitting but yknow teenagers, so it makes sense and I'm assuming he'll be back in the band by the end of the ep
The humour for this show really works for me like Sound being like oh you want me to not join? I'll join or sure! and Sound making Win come around with the "P'win nalak" comment reading and our lovely cute Gun, esp at the Booth Checking
(Linguistics) Tinn calling Gun Khun Nu as the customer/waiter ah
I should also become thick-skinned
aw Tinn and Gun heart-to-heart cuteness
pls Sound trying so hard not to smile
the cute Chinzilla hat blankets ah
Sound learning to become softer through the power of Friendship
Gun getting some food for Tinnn and then we ofc get the Bad Buddy like makeup remover ad
The pinky hold! I don't quite like the editing of that scene but it's so cute T.T Tinn's shaking hand ah
Ep 5 (Feb 20)
I think this is the first ep where I started slightly avoiding spoilers, so idk much about this conflict about future plans
I did see this jealous little Gun in clips heh
damn Gun really going for the "Does the school president take care of all his friends this good?"
D: where is this show going? Why are we dealing with Gun having to skip school to look after their restaurant and them being behind on bills oh no and Gun considering giving up Hot Wave to study
Tinn getting Gun out of bed sooo cute
cute Tinn in his glasses + I really like Gemini's smile
bro Gun's father and his reason for wanting to do music why is this ep sad
loll Tinn managing to ask if Gun has found someone he wants to date after the contest but Gun escaping
pls Sound doing nothing and Win getting freaking worked up is so funny
aw Gun didn't get the job
do i feel like watching this rap battle... no. I'm watching just the talking bits
:< Gun sobbing while hugging Tinn
I want Gun's sweater
ah they all found their way back to the music club
does Gun know that the one in the music club that Tinn likes is himself... does he know?
D: This show was supposed to be pure joy and shenanigans but now there are sad touching parts :< with the parents and financial situations and future endeavous
I knew there were sad parts apaprently that made people cry but so early? I esp can't deal with uncertainties of the future and jobs and such
Ep 6 (Feb 21)
"Who in my club do you like? ... I can be your matchmaker" oh Gun
plsss last ep Gun had Tinn as Ai'Mr. Student President or something and Tinn has Gun has Chinzilla Baby
Tinn dying over wanting to tell Gun he likes him but then agonizing over his daydream gone wrong vs Gun wanting to hear Tinn say he likes him but being too nervous and having the most frantic call ahh
Gun's so funny "Friends are friends, what kind of friend wants to be a lover? >:(" and then smiling :D while listening to the lyrics and thinking of Tinn
oioioi keeping eye contact
also I love Fourth's smile that's like kinda frowny sometimes. upside down smile
lmfaooo does Tiw actually think Sound's tryna steal Gun or is he just tryna motivate Tinn
lmfao Tiw shipping king with TinnGun and SoundWin
pls going from SoundWin angry at each other to Tinn softly asking Gun the question
pls Tinn's best memory is Gun singing on his birthday when his parents weren't there
aw Gun :<
girl pls SoundWin is so funny what's going on
Satang so beautiful though and also Soung touching his lips and looking over at Win leaving ah he was so confident when in front of Win and everybody but mans is falling
oioioi poor 'friends'
lmfaooo dramatic Tinn
Gun making everything cuter and lovey dovey in the MV and Tinn going through it fr
oh noo Tinn getting upset and "friends don't do this" :<
Friendzone line cross and cheek kiss sooo cute
oh just being friendly MV
Ep 7 (Feb 22)
Tinn suddenly so confident in his flirting
Gun so silly getting jealous over this 1 far-away interaction
girl wtf Yo why are you a child on Tinder? and why are you catfishing with Tinn's face? They were clearly hinting at him being into somebody with his questions about the dating ban rule but I wasn't expecting this lol
pls Tinn being so dreamy about their first date
girl why tf are we even going through with this pretend date T.T Yo can't even date her after he confesses his lies even if she does like him back
pls Gun being so violent toward Yo is killing me
pls Jealous Sound?
what the fuck is this SoundWin pee situation this is killing me so bad what's going onnnnn why
yaas lesbians <333
aw TinnGun first date cuties
dumbass Yo fr
lmfao I'm dead leave Nook aloneeeee, she has him blocked
I think it's fun that Gun bought Tinn that QR code from their first date hangout and uploaded photos of Tinn on there; so his reciprocity and interest
This episode was so ridiculous like the SoundWin tied up and pee scene?! Yo's whole entire catfishing storyline?! and all the ridiculous things like the aquarium date + yard dance to help Yo?!
Ep 8 (Feb 22)
oh it's already Hotwave day? are we gonna flashback? or it's just the next round but not the final round right
plsssss Gun has Tinn so wrapped around his finger
no actually Tinn's horny little daydreams and expressions are killing me so bad ah cuteee
also Tinn saying he hasn't started studying for the exam whatever next month is a bit hmmm
ahhh Gun drinking all that sake
pls not Tiw witnessing a hand kiss between Sound and Gun
pls this Indian serial style editing of Tinn becoming aware of Sound and Gun killing me so bad
TinnGun cute swimming and cute convo :< and soooo cute when Tinn's jealous and Gun finds it endearing
ahh Win caring about Sound okay okay
"trying to bug me?" "yeah I am" that's really cute
(Linguistics) I loveee the way they say "really?" like "lohhh?" like I've noticed it each time and love the little whiny or indulgent way it's said
okie cheering on Gun for his competition and Tinn for his meeting with the doctor - each person doing what's best for their own future but supporting the other as well
noo Tinn why are you running to see them perform after you've already let Gun know that you won't be here T.T go introduce yourself to the doctor (or maybe he'll realize he really doesn't wanna be a doctor. then that's okay ig)
lol I think I'm just Going Through It in terms of school and career and internships but Tinn passing up that networking opportunity that other people don't even get is killing me so bad like why did you doooo that. though at least it's not like he actually missed an interview or something.
though I'm also still happy that TinnGun get to have a cute moment. cute teary Gun T.T
forehead kiss cute
Actually the fact that Hotwave is like so many rounds is killing me so bad bc the more rounds you pass, the more you anticipate actually winning. These fucking internship interviews with like OA -> phone interview -> 2 hour-long interviews is really fucking me up because the further you get into the chain, the more you hope you did well and will get the job but that doesn't mean shit :> you could still be 1 of 10 or 20 in that last step and you could just be not chosen
Ep 9 (Feb 23)
died when Tinn's mom started naming girls that Tinn might like
TinnGun soooo freaking cute my beloveds
I love Prom's face and also Ford's character's outfits
Yak has graduated bruh why is he haunting these kids
(Fave) pls this Gun and Sound convo killed me so bad
and then Gun escaping when Sound asks if he should confess to Win
(Fave) sooooo cute when Gun's tickling under Tinn's chin and promising to announce their relationship if they win the next step
SoundWin have also gotten so cute >.< Sound being like do you feel anything after reading that? And getting prissy when Win says it doesn't suit Sound at all
Sorry but Tinn's flinchy face when Gun's threatening to flick his forehead got to me so bad and then the end of the scene when he turns his face as Gun flicks him
i love whiny lil Tinn
oh yeah I'm worried something's very wrong with Gun's mom's health pls
Tinn and Gun's moms knowing each other is gonna be trouble maybe
oh Win teasing Sound with the oh why's your heart beating so fast
"Did you write that song?" "No, you wrote it in [my heart]. I just sang it out loud" is an insane line. good job Tinn
also this I need somebody to love song reminds me of a song from the True Beauty OST or is it 18 Again?
Ep 10 (Feb 23)
pls Gun getting Tinn to clean the classroom
oof Tinn witnessing Gun's mom in pain
bruh why'd she make Tinn stay T.T now he knows about how severe her migranes are and I think people said there's gonna be about Tinn knowing but Gun not being told
pls tutor P'Aof
pls TinnGun are sooo cute, I'm gonna be so sad when they have angst cuz of Tinn having to keep the mom thing a secret
loll Tiw's genius plan to introduce Chinchillaz to the school
a;kldfjs Sound getting so worked up at the possibility that Tiw could like Win
anyway is Tiw/Por a thingggg
aghhh Tinn's not wrong for keeping it from Gun because Gun's mom told him to and it's her responsibility to tell her son but Gun's not wrong for being mad that Tinn knew and kept it from him
my poor beloved Gun T.T he lost his dad without a chance to say goodbye and now his mom has a brain tumour T.T
okay well at least Gun's mom tells him to not be mad at Tinn and also tells him about things that Tinn has done for him in secret so far
awww the "I just bought some food and drinks for you. In case you're hungry" T.T I knew Tinn didn't leave but the way Gemini did his little acting really hit it
lovely Tinn getting to hear Gun say he's thankful for the things that he's done
broooo I thought Gun was gonna call and she was gonna see, not that Tinn's mom would actually go through his phone D:
oh i see she had 1 moment of resistance and then fucking Chinzhilla Baby with Gun's face comes up ahhhh
the parents are really making me go through it this ep
also you know something else haunting me is a gif from ep 11 probably of Gun being like "yeah! fine I'm the reason we lost" or something like ah fuck
ah okay at least his mother's okay, though of course they're making us wait for winner announcements but like is the "will you be disappointed if i don't win?" and tinn saying "not at all" foreshadowing
I like how Tinn and Gun switch being the nervous one and flirty one. like they're both into each other and want to hug and kiss cheeks/on the lips and want to make the other one be flustered but also they each can get shy or get flustered
Ep 11 (Feb 24)
ohhh it really goes to Chinzhilla interesting
wtf was that real or no
fucking fuckkkkkkkkk it was a bit dreamy but I was like hmmm
poor sad Gun :< my beloved
why is Tinn just going to the student council my guy
aw hopeful optimist Por. he doesn't even have a funky sweater on today to get through this
oh maybe TinnGun are just avoiding each other at school or something but are fine together at the hospital
sorry why is Tinn's dad kneeling on the ground beside the couch after getting his wife a drink like this is so the plot of the PWPs I've read
nooo poor Gun getting nervous
aw Win believes it's his fault that they lost Hot Wave
yes Por/Tiw but it wasn't a secret relationship the way everybody was hoping
pls Por's foot being broken because he didn't redeem his wish of making no mistakes during the Hot Wave performance. the whole group's coming together through this though
ahhh preview of Tinn's mom asking Gun something,- I thought it was her asking Tinn something at first cuz we could only see her but then Gun nodding...
oioioi Gun revealing so much about Tinn's help to his mother but he's so endearing pls Tinn's mom, love him pls <3
pls Tinn's face when he realizes his mother went to Gun's mom's milk bar
okayyyy Tinn told his mom it was Gun who invited him to the beach trip and le thim go
pls not this Oishii ad
TinnGun you silly goofs with the hugging
wait wtf what's going on D:
oh pls Win why is he saying that to Gun
scary Gun? I'd like to see him play smth angry again
damn who is making up so quickly after saying such harsh words and almost fighting physically
all their wishes came true but what did Tinn and Gun wish for?
bro Tinn seek help. he wished that whatever Gun wished for comes true?
pls Gun's cute little wish >.<
but so funny that not a single one of them wished to win Hot Wave
okayyyy we're getting hesitancy but now quite homophobia from Tinn's mom
TinnGun soooo cute
free Nook from Yo
these non-kiss things are a bit annoying like either kiss or stop eluding to it
TinnGun my beloveds soooooo cute
I love Gemini's little smile his toothy grin
I wish the friendship fights were either less intense or had more of a falling out that was fixed through some time and conversation. it gave me whiplash to get from such harsh words to hugging and cuteness
Ep 12 (Feb 24)
People have said it's the perfect ending, so I'm looking forward to it.
plss so cute T.T Tinn's mom wanting to talk to Tinn about him and Gun but backing off when she realizes how anxious and scared it was making Tinn. And Gun's cute convo with his mom who gives her full approval <3
aw Tinn saying his family isn't like Gun's :<
sorry Tinn and this girl doing a shooting as romantic partners so funny like first of all she has a gf and he has a bf
loll Gun finally aware of Tiw's help with Tinn. also lol I feel like Tiw's "nobody except me knows" is gonna be untrue
I love lesbians so bad
ah we're really getting into the societal acceptance of queerness
TINNGUN ARE SO FUCKING CUTE T.T I saw a clip on twitter of their kiss scene but it's still making me so giddy
these fucking showssss and their fucking photo spreading of 2 boys kissingggg first NLMG now this ahhh
pls everybody but Por knew about TinnGun but Pat didn't know about SoundWin
I mean Jorn's not wrong about him joining to help every club, not just help Tinn hit on Gun but also you could seem less homophobic
nooo my beloved Gun, trying not to cry by pinching his nose the way Tinn told him
my beloved Tinn so willing to tell everybody T.T and be beside Gun
I hate the students fangirling over the TinnGun hug aghh like we were just having a heartfelt moment wtf is this
lol Win calling Sound 'pumpkin' so cute and flustered Sound so cute
wtf 'this can make the school look bad?' these teachers need a kick. i hope the mom remains to be strongly supportive of Tinn
we will never be free of name position debates like even in this fucking show we getting TinnGun GunTinn discussions you're killing me
ah that's why we had the switch to hand held camera - showed the shakiness of overhearing your teachers be homophobic towards you
oh so true Jorn punched the teacher? Everybody was talking about Tinn punching him in the preview from ep 11 so this is more shocking
yay Tinn mum!
TinnGun cute as hell once again, the performance at Prom of the new song is also cute
pls this PDA and shipping comments making me die so bad like these are in-canon high school classmates but Tinn is dying at being so publicly loved on, so I'll let it slide
cute SoundWin. I'm not super into them because Win's too much and I skipped most of their kissing as I tend to do but their dynamic is fun and cute
aww my poor beloved Pat with no faen. not to worry my guy, you have a beautiful face
plsss so cute both Tinn's dad and Gun so nervous
D: Gun going straight to 'mae' and Tinn's mom being taken aback and being like let's start with 'Aunt' is killing me so bad, I'm so embarrassed
soooo cute TinnGun so cute
we will never be free from name position debates x2 though it's def interesting that GMMTV is going in a way where there's even debate now rather than clear cut answers. like FirstKhao vs KhaoFirst. TinnGun vs GunTinn. Nueng and Palm's dynamic is weird and flippy but not flippy.
Very good last episode. Gave us some angst and tied up some loose ends in the first half. Made me sooo giddy in the second half.
I really liked it, especially for what it was: a cute, endearing high school BL with really endearing leads and good acting and sometimes turning tropes on their head.
I didn't love it or obsess over it the way some people seemed to but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I also loved so many of their faces lol Fourth and Prom my favourite beautiful faces but Gemini and Satang are beautiful too, not to mention Gun's mother whew!
This made me giddy and the OSTs are great and there's clear effort from the cast and crew. I liked the dynamic between the characters, whether it be how Gun and Tinn took turns being bold and shy or the parent-child relationships or Chinzhilla band. I might increase the rating by 0.5 if the characters continue giving me brainrot.
Fave Ep: Probably Ep 3
Rating: 7 7.5/10 [April 4, 2023 Edit: The characters did indeed continue to give me brainrot, as well as actors, so +0.5]
Let's Talk BL video podcast: S3 EP23: Gemini & Fourth
Open House Open Heart - Behind Special
Posts I Made
Tinn, Gun, and Tinn's father in ep 12
Public Confession at Prom
Ep 1 Tinn manipulating the folk song contest to favour Gun's group
Ep 0 Open House Open Heart FourthGemini
[Fave] Ep 3 Gun falling in love (bg: Labyrinth - taylor swift)
Ep 3 Tinn getting frustrated tutoring Gun and momentarily forgetting that’s his boy lol
Ep 4 finger locking tinn hand shaking
Tinn not going who Gun likes and dying over it
Ep 7 girlfriends !
“I guess I’m the only one who’s whipped”
MSP Ep by Ep
Ep 11 Gun and the girl being jealous of Tinn and her gf acting
Edit: Can't Help Falling In Love With You
This was so funny because most of the tiktoks, I'd liked and tracked before having watched the series and I didn't know who Gun and Tinn were so I just guessed during every scene lmfao and sometimes I was referring to them with wrong names
Old Trailer: GMMTV 2022 | แฟนผมเป็นประธานนักเรียน [My School President]
Ah, it has certain of the same parts but the new story is so much better. The trailer showed some of the usual tropes of pitfalls of high school BL and I'm glad the final show managed to make them fresh and interesting. Also Fourth looks like a babyyy. I guess he was 17/18 during the final filming and so was probably 16/17 during the trailer but he looks more than just a year younger - aw child
New Trailer: [Official Trailer] แฟนผมเป็นประธานนักเรียน My School President
ehhhh it's an alright trailer. I wish instead of 4 minutes of showing way too much, they'd have a 2-minute snappy and succinct trailer that better showcased the silliness and endearing factors of the show. it's an okay trailer but not great.
Edit Mar 30: Episode 12 behind was released yesterday and me and twitter have been losing our entire heads over it. all the kisses and also fourth insisting said kisses 'are nothing' is so...
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For the roleplayer, what got you into Star Wars?
[ The Author: Me? ]
[ Uhh, hmm ]
[ I don't know what exactly got me into it, probably KOTOR (Knights of the Old Republic) or Dark Forces: Jedi Knights. See, thing is, when I get into something I generally need something or someone or some concept to attach too--and it was one of the franchises, for the longest time, where I simply didn't. ]
[ I liked watching it tho, on occasion, but actually it used to annoy the hell outta me. Cos like i said, I had nothing that attached me to it, nothing that got me invested beyond the surface ( Well fuck I'm more like Anakin than I thought-- shit XD ) ]
[ So how bout I go into a long spiel, and vomit a word wall? I don't talk often without playing Vader, so might as well have at least a small break. ]
[ So let's get personal, hm? ]
[ Whenever I think of Star Wars merits, I think of the song "Kiss from a Rose" by Seal. It probably has something to do with Tim Burton's Batman being around before the Prequels, and the line "you became the light on the darkside of me" ]
[ And I remember the first time I saw Star Wars. ]
[ I mean, bits of it. I was real little, back in the ancient days of Cable Television, and Dad was flipping through channels--and the Sci-Fi channel was playing "New Hope" (Probably in preparation for the Prequels--I was baby at the time ), and it was the one before it became a New Hope--so we're talking unedited OG title drop "Star Wars". ]
[ And it was the Garbage Disposal scene. I remember seeing three people, two dudes in armor and a lady, surrounded by garbage and water, and seeing the *thing* pop out and pull one (Later to be known as "Luke") down into the water. ]
[ And I thought he was dead. I was uh, exposed as a baby to old films where, if you see someone pulled into the water by a monster--you knew they were dead. But no, he popped up fine afterwards. Then the walls started caving in ]
[ And as a child, when the walls start coming in, you knew they were dead. But no, the walls stopped in the nick of time and they cheered. ]
[ And then dad changed the channel not long after. ]
[ The only other times I got exposed to Star Wars after that, was watching Dad play Star Wars video games, like KOTOR or Dark Forces or that one old video game where you get to fly an X-Wing ]
[ I think it wouldn't be until just before the prequels really started coming in, that I was allowed to watch the full original Trilogy. And I mean, the unedited ones, with Han Solo firing first and Boba Fett as played by Jeremy Bulloch with his Clint Eastwood attitude. ]
[ I remember the Prequels too. I remember how off they were--as a kid, the style of the prequels contrasted with the OG Trilogy, they didn't seem to fit even though everyone insisted they fit. Hell, they still don't fit--two different styles with two different eras of writing and lore ]
[ And I remember how Bored I was. Like, they were Boring. Like, if I wanted bad CGI Action with good thrills, I'd go to "Men in Black". If I wanted Star Wars, I'd go to the OG trilogy. If I wanted prepetual whining and complaining quirky characters, I'd turn to Nickelodeon ]
[ Frankly, after a recent rewatching... I'm still fucking bored of em. ]
[ Even with the Clones, they were... Well, Redshirts. Nothing in the films really made you care about them. Nothing in the films really made you care about much else either, so eeeeh ]
[ But Thousands of Years Ago, in the year of 2005 or 6, I watched Revenge of the Sith, and I saw Order 66. And I cognizant enough of events in movie enough to wonder "Now hold on. The clones and Jedi were friends for years, how would a single order cause this? It has to be Dark Side Mindcontrol"... and before TCWs was even a twinkle in my eye, or even a twinkle in the network's eye, it was one of the only things that really got me thinking in the Prequels. Cos, you don't just randomly turn on your friends based on something vague and stupid, not with all of Star Wars' buildup a the time ]
[ Then, in... hmmm, I was in highschool at the time I think... I saw a commercial trailer on Cartoon Network, for The Clone Wars show. And I wasn't interested in Star Wars like that, like I said it annoyed me. Especially this trailer. ]
[ Cos it was weird worm things that went up your nose. ]
[ And to a teenage me, that was just Dumb. ]
[ Now, cut to billions of years in the future, in the far off distant planet of 2020, and I working a dull stressful job (that eventually drained my sanity dangerously in that following summer), and I was thinking about that trailer for one reason or another ]
[ And I decided, I was gonna look up the Clone Wars show. There was something I wanted from it, I don't quite remember what it was right now, I might later. ( It might've had something to do with Homestuck) ]
[ and, I fell in love with it. ]
[ The animations style reminded me of an old CGI favorite, ReBoot (and probably Code Lyoko), the personality of the Clones immediately caught my attention, then there was the short thoughtful stories and arcs of adventure. It expanded so much, made mere boring concepts in the prequels into full blown elements that you could touch and feel ]
[ and hell, it got me through some dark times. ]
[ So I found my first real attachments to Star Wars-- the Clones. Not the Live Action Clones, not the Prequels--the show's Clones, in their CGI voice acted glory. ]
[ And that's where I ran into the concept of the Chip, and that, was brilliant, it reconciled a long time question I had for the Prequels. ]
[ And wouldn't you know, that same spring came Season 7 of TCWs. Cos to remind, the original TCWs started prior to the Star Wars sequels, in the year of 2009, and was canceled in the first year of the Sequels, 2014. So TCWs was apart of pre-Disney Star Wars. ]
[ So Season 7 was a full on 6 years after Season 6 ]
[ And... that's where I found my second set of attachments. And its extremely rare for me, to love a full group of characters all at once. Usually its niche ones here and there that gets me attached to a full series. ]
[ And like most of us doing these blogs--that group was "The Bad Batch", long before their series. Gods I could go on about them, but we're not here for an analysis ]
[ And then came the Order 66 episodes, and I was in utter hurt for the longest time. Cos well, I had attachments, (which is a no no in Jedi code) to the Clones, and Order 66 became the worst thing imaginable. It was... so unbelievably unfair, knowing that those I loved were in the worst place imaginable, and were not only not saved, but were unsaveable. ]
[ Worst kind of broken heart ]
[ Then, billions of years later, the universe ended, the big bang happened, galaxies were formed and I started playing Darth Vader. Cos, I remember the OG, I remember from my childhood what I thought and felt about Darth Vader. He was a helluva of a presence, and I remember that I fucking hated how Disney played him. ]
[ He wasn't an overly fantastic presence, some symbol of power or representation, he was a grounded armored combatant with issues and years behind him. He wasn't some whiny jedi farm boy, he was a soldier who's both gone through some shit and done a lot of bad shit. ]
[ He isn't going to walk in a room and tear a ship apart from around him to throw at you, no, he was gonna walk up and fucking stab you, because someone who's on a constant march across a galaxy isn't gonna waste energy on petty magic warriors with laser sticks. If you backtalk him, he silents you. If you're proud beyond your merits, he snarks at you. ]
[ And if he's redeemed, inspite of all he's done, he's going to have some unique perspectives, and a whole of self reconciliation to do ]
[ He's a great way to have humor, history, a way to explore star wars from start to finish, and to bring to light and life what one little child watching a garbage disposal scene saw, when they first entered the Star Wars. ]
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fitzpirations · 8 months
broadway flea!
was planning on going into the city & meeting a friend @ the flea the other week and then also ended up winning the Some Like it Hot lottery! I didn’t purchase anything crazy and ended up passing up on some v cheap Leopoldstadt props because they just seemed impractical to own offstage (an e-cigar and prop newspapers printed in Polish I believe? Very cool but I was really on the hunt for general merch).
Anyway, it was a nice day and my first time at the flea- always very cool being surrounded by people who like the same sort of things you do & love supporting the arts. Some Like It Hot was fantastic, although we snuck way forward in our mezzanine seats because capacity was LACKING. Such a shame it’s closing because this is the kind of show that deserves to have a long & happy life on Broadway for the choreography and sheer talent alone :// still thinking about random holes in the book but also got my mini Jack Lemmon DVD haul when I got home that night (Jack Lemmon you will always be famous) and will have to consult w/ the OG film. Smh if someone did Promises, Promises this season and SLH wasn’t closing before Days of Wine and Roses opens the Jack Lemmon musical universe we could’ve witnessed… anyway!
Below are the bad pictures I took of my haul. You would also impulse buy bdj paraphernalia if you saw “vintage” playbills for $1. I’ve been meaning to read Harvey’s memoir since it came out and someone had it at a table for like 5 bucks. Realized Harvey was oh,,, feet away in one of the autograph areas all day later as I was walking around with his book and a torch song playbill only a few days later,, it was a screaming-into-my-pillow revelation. Not like I’d approach him, but!!
I am enjoying the book though! It’s getting me out of a terrible reading slump. Irl I only have a general idea of his work, so it’s been a great dive into the industry at the time he came up (he was in a production of a play Andy Warhol did?) and the craft and culture. Anyway anyway, always good to get into Manhattan and pretend I’m part of it all & not working two jobs with annoying hours that regulate me to being a strictly Sunday matinee attendee where I write my bad play in my free time. Ah well! I’d like to make posts that aren’t terrible in the future too- but who has the time!
Had a free Sunday last weekend and was like boy I wish She Came to Me was playing in a slightly closer theater because I don’t wanna go into Manhattan for it unless something is going on,,, and when I tell you that night as I was trying to go to sleep I saw that the writer/director and bdj were at a screening that had a q&a afterwards,,, bummer to say the least!! truly every win I have is followed by comical losses because I’ve been loving Title of Show recently and was thrilled (and saddened) that there was like a box full of sealed CDs from their Broadway run at the flea. The next day I went to put it into my car player that houses some other cast albums and,,, it didn’t get eaten but it won’t go in :// I’ve got things playing now on it now, but the 3 cds in my car are not ejecting… cursed to live in a 2003 SUV!!
My little haul, complete w/ cursed bdj in my bag on the train, Jack Lemmon classics not readily avail on streaming (woohoo physical media!). I will have a different strategy next time but also the price u pay liking random, smaller shows! Although the guy at the Dancers Over 40 table who had me looking in the binder with vintage playbills from the ‘60s for Titanic,, it’s not that old!!! Please, that would make me about that old! I promise u it’s not! Also my OG seat vs the one I snappes during intermission after we moved up. We were like the 10th people to do so but I was scared the usher was going to murder us in cold blood. (She didn’t). Not pictured is the other part of the order which came the other day, the Sweet Smell of Success & short stories book I got too. the intersection Musical theatre and classic films,, maybe I am having a hyper-fixation!!
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pblumpkins · 10 months
I'm gonna be real... the McCarter choreo was really fucking good.
except for space age bachelor man. NOTHING can beat the original. like the producers are so shitty #saverickypotts but I have to admit the cast I saw were all amazing (except for Noel... I'm sorry but he wasn't fit for the role.) and had a lot of passion. I just wish OG Ricky was there. however I will be real here, the stand-in did good for what he had. he was enjoyable, though I really wish he was in a different production because of how unfair it was what they did to OG McCarter Ricky. I wish him well on ALL future plays because he's an amazing actor.
I was actually surprised on how they improved on the choreo A LOT. Especially with sugar cloud. they had light up cloud pillows that the cast all held and constance would run into them and bounce off like they were trampolines, it was ADORABLE. Constance played the flute instead of the recorder (I'm guessing the actress was just better at the flute than the recorder) and they referenced when Lizzo twerked while playing the flute it made me so happy. and at the end of the song Jane hugged her pillow I WANTED TO CRYYY.
Also the choreo for Noels Lament was SO GOOD they had Mischa carrying Noel the whole time and the kiss part had Noel stick out his hand after he got pricked by the rose and Mischa kissed it as an apology I just liked it more than the OG it definitely made the "He says I think I am in love with you" part make more sense just bc Mischa (playing the John) was being more tender and usually that's the situation where guys say that 🥴🥴 that and it was just
it was just sweet mostly bc you could see the real Mischa slipping into the choreo (as in his real personality with how he's really sentimental and a very caring partner) and I just rlly like when characters actual personality / mannerisms slip into the choreo Karnak made!
Ocean danced way more in her song and as we all know Oceans moves during her song are legitimately REALLY cute I hate her she's so mean but her little jumps and movements are adorable and I love it.
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sapphiremcguire · 10 months
miraculous movie live reaction (its mostly negative tbh so just scroll away)
I already hate marinette
IS THAT THE FRENCH VOICE ACTOR? either way thank god they god someone else to sing bc I was so scared about chats song I can't wait
then again its so out of place like why is this even a musical. idk I'm already complaining too much.
"get rid of that sash" and it disappears???
I am hating the popular girl stereotypes for Chloe
why'd the recorder make mic feedback
omg juleka and luka look so good
why is he talking like that
long hair gabriel is cursed
oh shit
not enough Gabriel angst there is no room for empathy
oh my god. plagg. oh my god. PLAGG. i. i don't even know. PLAGG????? plagg.
omg I love tiki so much shes so quirky here she's like og tinker bell
"i wet the bed !!!"
tiki can sing and mari cannot lmao
is he being voiced by two actors while he not even singing what is going on
the yoyo is alive?
oh how I wish I were a citizen of paris in the miraculous universe
don't you dare play careless whisperer
I like Fu giving them their names instead of them just being uncreative.
this is a completely different melody I'm so sad
She... [Flatulence]
nvm about plagg.................
why are they making plagg fart what are they doing to him
omg Natalie has a house?
"wait! I can explain!" girl no u can't hes stalking you
god this is just boring it really should not be a musical
they don't even have motivations they're taking all of the origin out of the origin story
I love a classic "ooh shiny" adhd representation
"the louvre, good point" I LOVE HIM
they're selling Volkswagens
what in the high school musical is going on
gabriel is being hot
setting the city in flames is cool as hell, they haven't had a setting this actually scary since chat blanc
we haven't even established what cataclysm is and we're using it as this big moment. who is this movie for? it's not taking the time to explain anything for a new audience but it's not doing nearly enough for the old one either.
since when does hawkmoth have telekinesis
gabriel has been in this situation before but he didn't give a shit that adrien was chat. why does he now?
ohhh my GODDD i hate this. i swear if the actual show tried to do some cheesy happy ending bullshit like that I will throw up.
:( I'm so sorry I just hate it so much
I'm so disappointed :,(((
are they teasing a sequel rn please don't make a sequel I'm so sad
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
Yea it does get a bit boring playing minecraft alone, though if I'm on a server with games and such its not as boring as there's actually pretty fun things to do. I also watched the anime as a while but I havent watched the newest ones like sun and moon and x and why and so fourth but I loved watching them as a kid. I remember playing them on my ds as a kid, somehow getting through the game with underlevelled pokemon and then getting stuck on the pokemon league. Fun times. Fantasies are a genre of mine I like so I might end up liking it. It's good that its hooking as that means it's a very good book, I love it when something has be hooked. Yea Im very glad I have good reading memories, though I cant remember every book I read. OOOHhh that sounds cool, I have nothing tattooed on me at the moment but I do plan on getting one done in the near feature of something. oh my- thank you for sharing it to your friend I'm glad she likes it!! Yea, I love her music but I havent looked into her tiktoks as im not on tiktok as much. I know right, so many and I cant remember all of the ones I like in one go. yea me too, there's no point in rlly focusing on grammar in casual conversation imo
Trueeee! Though I have to admit I sat and played Minecraft last night when I couldn't fall asleep, ended up making a treehouse before passing out hahaha and ah yeah, I haven't watched many of the new ones. I'm a sucker for the OG T-T I might have to rewatch it now that I'm speaking about it haha I used to watch it whenever I would get migraines, I would just have it on the tv while I slept. I remember having cards as a kid, me and my cousin used to collect them together. We had these giant folders and pencil cases just filled with cards T-T But when I moved from my hometown they all got lost (destroyed because my stepdad was an arse)
I really do want to get into fantasy. I just bought "A court of Thorns and roses" which is supposed to be good! I need to get around to reading it but I've been in a bit of a slump lately. Think I'm slowly coming out of it though as I'm reading "praise" on my kindle which is making me a bit more open with reading haha. OOOO If you do get a tattoo you'll have to let me know!! My guy is now officially doing them again, he moved houses so he stopped for a while. So happy he's back though
I think wonderland is my fav song atm because of Alexa, I just love listening to it whenever I'm doing something. I should add it to my running playlist haha
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