#and what about the other two?? jingliu and baiheng??
watevermelon · 1 day
Practiced Patience | Yandere Jing Yuan x Reader
✧ Summary: Close friends with members of the High-Cloud Quintet, you wished every day was filled with peaceful sunsets and drinks, even if you and Jing Yuan bickered at every occasion. Who would have known it would all come crumbling down?
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➳ High-Cloud Quintet!Jing Yuan x Reader ➳ Notes: LONG ONE SHOT; Forced Relationship, Emotional, Dark Angst, Lemon with Plot, dubcon, possessive, abuse of authority, hate sex ➳ Navigation
You knew better than to trust someone like Jing Yuan.
Jingliu claimed he was nothing to worry about.
An ambitious boy with no known birthplace, a thorn in their side as he often bickered with the rest of the Quintet. But you knew what you saw, a quiet tactician more meticulous than the others gave him credit for. 
You stood to the side, not as a member of their infamous group, but rather a friend to both Jingliu and Dan Feng. They were both private in their ways, but remained steadfast when their minds were focused on a mission. It was clear that it was working, notching many glorious victories under the belt.
With only one notable issue…
After each triumph, Jingliu and Dan Feng were unabashedly transparent in their feelings, their one weakness that never failed to elicit an amused roll of your eyes.
Nonetheless, you found yourself in the unofficial role as matchmaker of the hopeless High-Cloud Quintet. It was almost amusing, how you rushed to sit in the middle of the table and beckoned Jing Yuan to your side, forcing the two couples to sit together. 
Jingliu shot you a withering glare that could have pierced steel, her warning palpable in the air. Meanwhile, Dan Feng and Yingxing exchanged a knowing glance before simultaneously rolling their eyes at your antics. Without missing a beat, they moved to sit together, Jingliu and Baiheng on the other side.
Whatever, at the end of the day, you were the successful one with each couple sat together instead of pretending that the last few days of pining looks and flirtatious quips were nothing. Another night under the moonlight with your friends - it was perfect.
“I must say, watching you scurry around like this is nothing short of amusing.”
Almost perfect.
“Must you, Jing Yuan?”
“Mock me if you will, but they will appreciate it in time.”
Fortunately, the man remained silent, content to sip on his drink while his gaze remained fixed on you. Despite your attempts to feign disinterest by gazing up at the night sky, he refused to look away, the unwavering attention in your peripheral unnerving. Enduring Jing Yuan's company was a small price to pay if it meant facilitating the blossoming romance between your friends. Glancing to the side, you couldn't help but smile as you observed Dan Feng leaning closer into Yingxing's space. 
You closed your eyes, allowing the moments to slip by as you savored the peaceful ambiance of the night, accompanied by the gentle sway of the breeze and the comforting presence of drinks in hand. Their voices, though soft-spoken, enveloped you in a comforting embrace as you absently listened to their murmurs with quiet reverence.
“And when will you finally appreciate my attention?” A sudden whisper startled you out of your reverie, the warmth of his breath against your ear sending a shiver cascading down your spine.
Time and time again, Jing Yuan had made his peculiar infatuation with you known, yet it remained just that — an infatuation, devoid of any deeper significance. You couldn't help but notice the way his gaze trailed up your form, lingering on the curve of your bosom with a hunger that bordered on unsettling.
“Back off, boy.” You stated clearly, quietly shoving him out of your space.
"You see me as a boy, but it's been quite some time since I've surpassed even you in height," Jing Yuan remarked, his tone laced with a hint of amusement and a touch of defiance.
He was right, undoubtedly so. 
Yet, clinging to the image of him as the young boy who first joined the Quintet served as a tether, keeping you grounded amidst the whirlwind of his affections. Despite the low timbre of his voice and the undeniable presence of his newfound muscles, you refused to dwell on such details. 
This was Jing Yuan, the boy who often found himself embroiled in arguments with the others — the very same one you staunchly refused to entertain any romantic feelings for.
Jingliu called you an idiot on multiple occasions, stating that there was nothing wrong with getting involved with the now up-and-coming warrior.
Jing Yuan was a far cry from the boy you met eons ago, but even back then he had already made a name for himself. A troop member who had somehow led a bloodless victory aboard the Navis Astriger. It was no surprise that he was appointed quickly to a position of importance within the Cloud Knights.
And while he and Jingliu were not particularly close, they had mutual respect for one another as mentor and student. She had mentioned to you multiple occasions that the warrior was not a bad catch.
Rumor had it that Jing Yuan was going to be named the Arbiter-General of the Luofu Cloud Knights, not that any of that mattered to you.
But your friend did not see it , not like you did.
Beneath the surface, beyond the facade of a valiant hero defending the Xianzhou, you sensed an unsettling undercurrent lurking behind his golden eyes. While he exuded an aura of bravery and strength, there was an undeniable sense of something darker, something twisted, concealed within the depths of his being. 
As you held his gaze, peering into the abyss of his golden stare, you could not shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye — a darkness that whispered of hidden desires.
And worst of all, they were aimed at you.
“And yet just a boy you continue to be.” You gave him a scathing reply back, raising your glass to your lips as if bringing that conversation to an end.
But Jing Yuan easily captured it from your grasp, drinking the rest before asking. “And what must I do for you to see me?”
“There is nothing.” You said with an air of finality, standing from your seat and excusing yourself for a moment - not that the others noticed, now in their own worlds.
Thankfully Jing Yuan had not followed, instead continuing to stare at you as he drank from your glass.
There it was again.
You almost regretted rising from your seat, subjecting yourself once again to his unrelenting stare. There was a palpable appreciation in his gaze as it roamed over your standing form, tracing the lines of your long legs and lingering on the expanse of skin you exposed. Sensing his intent to meet your eyes, you swiftly pivoted on your heel and turned to walk away, leaving behind the weight of his scrutiny.
Whatever, asshole. 
It was still a fine night, even if he openly leered at you with a clear intent that you decidedly ignored. 
These moments were perfect, not even Jing Yuan could ruin them. 
And while these nights usually unfolded this way, with banter exchanged between you and Jing Yuan, you cherished these moments with your friends. 
You treasured Jingliu's gentle smiles toward Baiheng, like whispers of affection carried on the evening breeze. You adored watching Dan Feng's earnest attempts at being suave, his efforts endearing despite their failure. Yingxing’s soft smile in response, unfazed and full of quiet adoration, was like moonlight gracing the night. 
These small interactions, these cherished bonds, were the heartbeats of your evenings together.
And sometimes, just sometimes , Jing Yuan was not so annoying as usual. 
There were moments when he would casually throw an arm across the back of your seat and you would allow it. He would lean into your space, a smirk playing on his lips, his presence somehow both familiar and infuriating. Yet, inevitably, he would push the fold too far, his smirk widening just before you pushed him back, reclaiming your space and restoring the delicate balance of your dance.
At times Jing Yuan would surprise you. A cup of your favorite tea, one you had briefly mentioned in passing. The next book in a series you rambled about. A beautiful necklace from a merchant who was in town for only the weekend, one that Jing Yuan did not allow you to refuse.
Once you had even watched him train, watching the sweat trail down his muscular build as his hair bellowed in the wind. It took everything in you to fight down a rosy blush. 
But that was…
Something you did not even want to acknowledge. 
In the company of your friends, surrounded by the serene glow of the moonlight, you felt an overwhelming desire to freeze time and remain in this moment forever. With a drink in hand and laughter in the air, you cherished the bond you shared with the Quintet, longing for eternity in their companionship.
But nothing ever truly worked out the way you wanted it to.
Baiheng, your dear friend who wanted nothing more than to gaze upon endless stars, would never get a chance to even see the Astral Express.
She paid the ultimate price, sacrificing herself for the others in their fight against Shuhu. 
“The so-called heroes of the Xianzhou… And yet we can do nothing for our friend.” Dan Feng complained constantly, “How useless these titles are now.”
You could not shake the worry gnawing at your heart for Dan Feng and his deteriorating mental state. Increasingly, he voiced his anguish over the ceaseless cycle of death wrought by war, his spirit weighed down by the heavy burden of loss.
The spark that once ignited Dan Feng's eyes whenever he discovered a new book or shared a captivating story had dimmed, overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of unattainable dreams. He seemed consumed by a fervor akin to madness, his mind teeming with theories and schemes to resurrect Baiheng into the waking world.
Each member of the splintered Quintet grappled with their own demons, their sorrow manifesting in different ways, hidden behind veils of stoicism. At least Dan Feng was willing to speak to you, Jingliu appeared as nothing more than a hollow shell, her once vibrant spirit dimmed by the weight of her burdens. Yingxing refused to leave Dan Feng’s side.
You turned to Jing Yuan, the usually aloof schemer, now consumed by grief as he withdrew into the confines of his office, reluctant to emerge.
Casting aside your own hesitation, you ventured to visit Jing Yuan late into the night, bearing a steaming cup of tea procured from Tingyun's shop not long ago. At the time, you had hoped to bring it along on a night of victory.
He stood at the window, a solitary figure silhouetted against the backdrop of the moonlit sky, his hands folded behind his back as he gazed into the abyss beyond. The office was devoid of any other presence, engulfed in a palpable silence that hung heavy in the air.
“Jing Yuan?” You broke out the moment, surprised that he hadn’t moved at your appearance.
With a flick of his wrist, Jing Yuan beckoned you over, his expression tight with emotion as he silently invited you to approach. You extended the cup of tea towards him and he accepted it with ease, taking the kettle from your hands and placing it on his desk without a care for the watermarks it would leave on the papers below.
He sipped the tea slowly, his gaze fixed once again on the night sky as you stood beside him at the window. Did he truly need or even want your company in his moment of grief? With not a word spoken between you, a twinge of guilt gnawed at you for not reaching out to him sooner.
“If you need anything Jing Yuan, I’m here for you.” You broke the silence.
His golden eyes cast a glance downward at you, cloudier than you had ever seen them before. Despite the heaviness weighing upon him, a flicker of affection still lingered in his gaze, one that had always been there. Perhaps, in your haste, you had been too harsh on him, failing to recognize maybe he did sincerely have feelings for you.
You could not help the blush that spread across your cheeks, having the unabashed attention of the warrior. “Jing Yuan?”
Setting the cup down on the desk, he enveloped you in his arms, pulling you into a tight embrace that seemed to swallow you whole. Your senses were overwhelmed by Jing Yuan's presence — from his musky scent that surrounded you to the warmth of his touch. Despite the flood of sensations threatening to engulf you, you pushed them aside, focusing instead on returning his embrace, wrapping your arms around his middle and holding him close.
You felt him bury his face into your hair, inhaling deeply as if committing your scent to memory. It was a rare display of tenderness from Jing Yuan, perhaps the longest moment of gentle care he had ever bestowed upon you. It was always silly puns and flirtatious banter, never this new brand of sincere heartfelt affection.
In that fleeting instant, a wave of shyness washed over you, caught off guard by the intensity of the moment.
There was a sudden urge to pull away, but Jing Yuan moved to press his forehead against yours as he whispered. “If anything were to happen to you, I would not be able to take it.”
Your heart raced faster, his unexpected display of care contradicting the image of the young boy you had always perceived him to be. Even now, he loomed over you, his deep, husky voice sending a pang of want within your core.
Jing Yuan's hand moved to the back of your neck, holding you gently in place as he pressed his lips against yours in a tender kiss. You stood frozen in shock, never having imagined that this unexpected turn of events would transpire when you visited him tonight.
As his lips met yours in a tentative kiss, you felt a flutter of uncertainty mingled with a growing curiosity, unsure of the depths of your own feelings for him. Before this he was the one you refused to glance twice at, but now there was too much -- too much grief to think clearly.
“Jing Yu--!” He interrupted your voice, taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss and swipe his tongue across yours.
Yet, despite your hesitance, Jing Yuan's passion remained unwavering.
For a heartbeat, you hesitated. This was not the time to be making moves like this - he was transferring his guilt and his grief into something that needed more time. But as you felt the heat of his touch searing through you, igniting an ignored fire deep within you, you found yourself yielding to the overwhelming tide of desire.
With a soft gasp, you surrendered to the kiss, allowing yourself to be consumed by the intensity of the moment. His tongue danced against yours in a fervent embrace, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. In that fleeting instant, doubts and uncertainties melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled passion that surged between you.
Jing Yuan lifted you effortlessly by the back of your knees, easily done with his strength. He gently placed you on his desk, the surface cool against your thighs. His actions were fervent, his desire unmistakable in the way he moved. Yet, despite the intensity, his touch remained surprisingly gentle.
He ravaged your mouth with his, his lips insistent and demanding, but tempered with a tenderness that belied the raw emotion of the moment. His hands cupped your face, fingers splayed along your jawline as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring the contours of your mouth with a fervor that left you breathless. Each movement was precise and deliberate, as if he was savoring every second of your shared intimacy.
Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping tightly as you responded to his lips, your own desire growing with each passing moment. The world around you faded into oblivion, leaving only the two of you, locked in an embrace of unspoken feelings.
The moment was laced with a gentle urgency, beckoning you to wrap yourself around him and return for more kisses. You leaned a hand on the table as he kissed at your neck, accidentally brushing the kettle off the desk and shattering it on the floor.
Jing Yuan's voice dropped to a husky whisper, "What an uncouth tongue. Shall I punish you for it?"
You smiled at his teasing, his usual banter back in full force. “Jing Yuan…”
“Say my name again, sweetheart.”
The moonlight cast an ethereal glow over the warrior, illuminating his long white hair as you held each other in this surprising embrace. With only the soft glow to witness your intimacy, everything seemed perfect. 
Yet, you knew the truth. 
It was too soon to be acting like this — his actions were driven by grief rather than genuine connection. 
Fighting the urge to widen your smile at his response, you placed two steady hands on his shoulders to catch his attention.  “You… We shouldn’t have done this.”
His smirk faded, replaced by pinched brows, but his hands remained firm at your waist. “Do you regret being with me?”
“That’s not it at all. Jing Yuan, this is the grief speaking.” You immediately responded.
“No, no it’s not.” He was incensed immediately, running a frustrated hand through his long locs.
You tried to grab his arm, to bring him back to you. “Then let’s wait together. You fought side-by-side with Baiheng for decades, you need more time to grieve.”
“Can you not admit that our feelings for each other have been building this entire time, not just at a time of loss?”
For each other?
You hesitated, unable to refute his question in fear of making the situation worse. Before this moment, you refused to even entertain any romantic notion toward the warrior. It was always him, taking and taking until he hit a boundary you refused to let him cross.
It seemed your words were unnecessary, since the grimace on his visage grew.
“How could I forget? You still underestimate me like the others.” He spit out, frustration mounting in his voice.
“That’s not true, Jing Yuan.’
“Yes, it is. Otherwise, must you think my affection is fleeting? I have wanted to be with you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Then we should wait until after --”
“Why? Because you believe my sorrows have taken hold of me?” Jing Yuan was clear in his words, “Even now you think low of me, a boy unable to even sort out his own feelings.”
“That’s not what I meant--”
“Leave me. And do not return. It’s clear to me now that I love you, but I was nothing more than a passing fancy you enjoyed in your orbit.”
You whispered his name as he turned back to his place by the window, leaving you to sit dumbly at his desk. How had the argument progressed to this? To a nuclear proportion that he did not even want to glance in your direction?
A few minutes ago, you were lost in his touch and now Jing Yuan seemed to want nothing to do with you. Ashamed and saddened, you gathered yourself and left at his request.
Even if you wanted to make this right, to apologize and explain your thinking, the days to come were thrown into absolute turmoil.
To think it was Dan Feng that committed the unthinkable, attempting to resurrect Baiheng and betraying the whole of the Laoufu. And Yingxing, his closest confidant and possible love of his life, had even assisted him. Neither man had warned you of their plans that day, not even as it backfired in one of the worst ways possible. 
You were at the wrong place at the wrong time. 
You were not a member of the High-Cloud Quintet.
You did not even have an elemental power granted to you by a path.
In the past, Dan Feng would offer to train you in case you needed it. But Jingliu had waved him away with a reassuring smile, saying that they would always be there to protect you anyway.
And yet here and now you were rendered flat on your back, the wind knocked out of you with scrapes littering your body. Phantom pain coarsed through every limb, making you question if your arm was even supposed to bend that way. With effort, one of your eyes struggled to open, but the pulsating pain in your head made it a daunting task. Despite the haze of agony enveloping you, you fought to grasp onto consciousness, struggling to make sense of the chaotic scene unfolding right in front of you.
Jingliu's movements across the Scalegorge Waterscape were swift, but also tinged with a recklessness that you had not seen before. You found it challenging to even breathe, having been blasted in the air after Dan Feng’s failed experiment.
With each passing moment, the burden of his and Yingxing’s failure weighed heavier upon you, pushing your body to exhaustion as it tinged with an unending pain.
There was no doubt about it in your mind.
You were struck with mara.
Why had Dan Feng betrayed his closest companions?
You doubted you were the only one with this new curse. 
Yingxing was never one for the front-lines, usually a presence with the other military engineers. And yet you watched as a savage look overtook his visage and he wielded his hammer against the Cloud Knights.
You barely caught a glimpse of Dan Feng being led away in chains, Jing Yuan declaring his crimes just a few steps behind. To your shock, the Cloud Knights then turned their attention to you, hauling you off the ground and listing off accusations as you were dragged away to prison alongside him.
Drifting in and out of consciousness, the solitude of the prison cell weighed heavy on your spirit. There was no one by your side, no friendly faces to offer solace. The smaller cuts and bruises that adorned your body had been tended to, evidence of some form of care during your unconsciousness. Yet, as you cursed your own helplessness, a sense of frustration and despair settled in your bones. You were powerless here, unable to flee, unable to prevent Dan Feng's actions, and now trapped in the confines of this unforgiving prison.
The guards whispered of the unforeseen events, the heroes of the Xianzhou now a taboo topic - one dead, two in exile, and the catalyst of their ruin in his own cell somewhere in this very building.
And Jing Yuan, somehow now the Arbiter-General of the Luofu Cloud Knights.
The guards of your cell refused to speak to you, ignoring your pleas to even identify your accused crimes or to get in contact with a Master Diviner. This felt surreal, unjust. You had never assisted Dan Feng in his plans, and if you had known of his intentions, you would have done everything in your power to stop him. Desperation clawed at you as you tried to reason with the unyielding guards, your voice echoing futilely in the cold, unfeeling corridor.
Days, if not weeks, passed in the cold, unending prison. Isolation gnawed at you, the silence suffocating. You hadn’t spoken to anyone and your mental state frayed more each day, teetering on the brink of breaking entirely. Despair settled in, a heavy blanket that dulled your senses and made time blur into a continuous, agonizing stretch.
“How pitiful you have become.”
You blinked up at his tall stature.
Jing Yuan.
Of all people to come to your lone cell.
“To think I held love for you in my heart.” He spat out, “You aided the traitor of the Xianzhou.”
“I never helped Dan Feng in his great sin.” You defended yourself, “And if you truly knew me like you claimed to, you would know that.”
"You dare turn on the one willing to hear you out?" Jing Yuan taunted, his voice dripping with cold truth. "There are a few who claim to have seen you assist Dan Feng.”
“That’s not true!”
“So all of them are lying?”
You shook your head and turned, “Of course you would not believe me.”
Jing Yuan scoffed, “Is my presence here not tantamount to my desire to see you? There is no one else here. No one else to turn to. In all your years of loyalty to the Xianzhou, only I am willing to listen to your defense." 
His words echoed in the cell, a cruel reminder of the precariousness of your situation. His eyes bore into yours, challenging and unyielding, leaving you to grapple with the bleak reality of your circumstances.
“And what? If I can’t convince you?”
“Then you will be exiled, like the others.”
To work as a slave for the IPC or end up in some other clutches, far from your home.
You felt useless, unable to fight. Unable to defend yourself.
"Nothing to say?" Jing Yuan's voice carried a mocking edge, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. 
You were always quick with your rebuttals, but now? Now that your life hung in the balance, at the mercy of someone who seemed to want nothing to do with you? He had already cast aside his closest friends; what fate awaited you?
“Then offer me one last favor Jing Yuan -- kill me.”
That was clearly not the response he was expecting. Surprise flickered across Jing Yuan's face, momentarily breaking his stoic demeanor.
Why should he be surprised?
As a Xianzhou native, you were destined to live hundreds of years of this now pitiful life. And to think that now you were struck with mara at such a young age. If you were to get caught up with the IPC, would you become their workhorse for centuries if not all of eternity? How long would it be before you decayed into a shell of who you were with nothing but a debt hanging over your shoulder?
It would mean bidding farewell to the life you once knew, condemned to an existence devoid of purpose, unable to end it even if you wished to.
“What?” His voice broke you, “You would rather die than beg me for your life?”
“You already hate me, don’t pretend. This outcome has already been decided. And if I were cast aside from the Alliance, it would be a death sentence that I would be unable to claim.” You scoffed, one last rebuttal that you could afford. 
Jing Yuan remained silent, a storm of emotions swirling behind his eyes. You could discern a few - confliction, surprise, but mostly anger simmering just beneath the surface. Had he not known that you were struck with mara?
He stepped up to the bars of the cell, “I could never hurt you.”
“Someone can.” You refused to look at him, furious at his attempt to capitalize on your lowest point. “Make the funeral private, at least.”
The general remained at the prison bars, his presence looming over you like a shadow. Despite your refusal to engage further in conversation, his imposing figure seemed to fill the room with an unspoken tension. The realization of your irreversible fate struck you like a hammer blow. 
If you were to be exiled from the Xianzhou, who else could comprehend the curse that had befallen you? With each passing century, you would grow and mutate, becoming a grotesque monster. Eventually, even the simplest acts of thought would be beyond your reach, leaving you trapped in a nightmarish existence for eternity.
You would rather end it now than be trapped in a body that would never die.
A young diviner was the next to visit you. She made it known she was only here at General Jing Yuan’s request, attempting to scry into your past to help prove your innocence at the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae.
(A part of you found it holy ironic. The Quintet had served the Alliance for decades as their hero, but now all they would be remembered for is a single person’s moment of weakness.)
And yet… 
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing of use for your trial.”
“It seems you were rather close to Dan Feng… Including the early days of when he first concocted the idea of his sin.”
“I was always close to Dan Feng.” You argued, “It was not a secret that I was a friend to all the members of the Quintet. What of the people who claimed to see me during the incident? Why are they claiming something they never saw?”
The diviner glanced at the guards briefly, her voice dropping to a whisper. “It is a member of the Quintet who is citing your involvement.”
Forget it, now was not the time to be dwelling on that. You had her attention now, perhaps the only time you would be allowed to speak to the diviner. You had one more question to ask, one more selfish request despite all he had put his friends through.
“What about asking Dan Feng himself, surely he can prove I was not involved?”
Immediately, her face looked conflicted, a frown deepening the lines around her mouth as she considered how to respond to your question. Her eyes darted away from yours, searching for the right words or perhaps the least painful truth. 
“Dan Feng no longer exists.”
She jumped at your outcry, a harsh wail contrasting her previously soft tone of voice. You did not blame her when the diviner made a swift exit after. There wasn’t much else she could do anyway, leaving you to wrestle with your anguish alone. 
The room seemed to close in on you, each shadow deepening the sense of despair. You were left with your thoughts, heavy and suffocating, attempting not to think of the molting rebirth your friend was possibly forced through.
Dan Feng had been your friend. 
And now he no longer existed.
How long ago had it been since you were joking around with him and Yingxing, sharing quiet moments as the sun dipped below the horizon? That memory felt like a distant dream now, tinged with the bitter sting of reality.
You cried endlessly, your tears only a single drop of your despair; how you wished fervently for the clock to strike backwards. To think that the kind-hearted Baiheng had sacrificed her life for her closest companions, only for her noble act to be twisted into the catalyst for one's descent into betrayal and madness. 
How could life be so cruel?
Tears flowed incessantly, streaming down your cheeks like a relentless downpour, transcending even the hours that you wallowed in your grief. The guards complained at your wailing, but you ignored them in your unending sadness.
But not even you could ignore a phantom touch that gently caressed the crown of your head. Blinking through the haze of your tears, your vision blurred by the curtain of familiar white hair that surrounded you. His lips brushed against your forehead again, a tender gesture that stirred confusion.
Jing Yuan in all his glory, inside your cell and offering small kisses to your person.
What the fuck was he doing here?
“You could have it all back — your family, your life here on the Xianzhou.” He murmured between open-mouth kisses, “I promise I will do everything in my power to take care of you.”
Jing Yuan.
Presumably the last remaining member of the Quintet still on the Laoufu.
Both Jingliu and Yingxing fled the Alliance the moment they were called to be imprisoned. Dan Feng was long gone. None of them would even have the chance to implicate you.
Jing Yuan.
The one person who could benefit from your imprisonment.
You had nothing to offer - you were not a legendary artisan like Yingxing or a formidable fighter like the others. Jingliu had always joked that you were under her protection, if anything were to come to pass, that she would always be there for you. But now she was gone and Jing Yuan’s authority was unchecked.
The boy they argued with ceaselessly.
The one whom many constantly underestimated, as if he had not already proven the power of his meticulous schemes. 
He was the cause of this. 
You had no proof, but the warning bell in your gut was at full blast as he attempted to lay more kisses on your person. 
The general was the only one with the authority to let you out of this dreary cell. And time and time again, Jing Yuan had made it known exactly what he wanted from you. Except now, you could no longer deny him. 
Jing Yuan had truly ripped apart every last defense you had. 
Face exile from the Laofu, left to wander the cosmos forever as either a slave and eventually a monster. Or, be subject to his every whim and want. 
Everything came with a price.
What must you pay?
You felt the heat emanating from Jing Yuan's body as he drew you closer, your lips meeting with a hunger that spoke of desires long held under the surface. 
His tongue met no resistance, roughly exploring past your lips to get you to succumb to his advances. The sound of your shared breaths, ragged and hurried, filled the air between you, punctuated by hungry moans. A hand threaded through your hair, holding you fast as your lips clung to each other, each kiss a promise and a plea. 
But how could you forget the true reality around you - this dingy prison cell where the person you felt the most conflicted for held the key. And with each second, he tempted you into this swirling vortex of his carnal hunger, the slickness of your mixed saliva and the dizzying sensation of his lips a constant reminder of what he truly wanted.
It was clear the silent command he was giving you. 
He had the power to grant you your life back. 
And if you wanted it, you needed to work for it.
That look on his face, the one that Jingliu refused to see, returned back in full force. It was predatory, charged with a lust that had long been at bay. And now, Jing Yuan held the reins, his eyes gleaming as he finally claimed the upper hand.
You hated him.
Why was he the only thing you had left?
Had he planned this all along?
All you felt was molten fury, wanting to spit at his face and push him aside.
You surrendered to his embrace, reciprocating his kiss with a fervent response. Waving that internal white flag, Jing Yuan had all but broken down every last barrier in a total victory. His tongue explored every contour of your mouth, leaving no inch untouched, as if staking a possessive claim over your very essence.
Suddenly he pushed you down with an unexpected force, the impact jolting through your body as you landed flat on your ass, the rough surface grazing your already tattered clothing. Gasping, you barely had a moment to gather your thoughts before the general followed suit. With Jing Yuan’s knees on either side of your hips, he loomed over you, his presence dominating as his lower garments were pushed down further and further.
Your mind teetered on the brink between shock and arousal, allowing only seconds of thought before Jing Yuan had unapologetically held his cock inches from your face.
The veins, engorged and pulsating, seemed to dance beneath his velvety, erect flesh. The prominent ridge glistened with a bead of pre-cum, its presence nearly tangible in the charged air. The sight of it, so close to your face, ignited a primal fire within you. And without thought, you licked at your lips, a reflexive reaction to the sudden craving for the taste of him. 
You had rejected him, constantly. 
Refused to look in his direction.
And yet here you were, eyes drinking in every nuance and curve of his bold offering.
The general’s smirk deepened, a predator reveling in the sight of his prey's desire. With a firm grip carding through your hair, he roughly forced your head closer to the throbbing, tenacious length of his cock. He was surprisingly gentle as he rubbed his hard dick against your face - the hot, slick flesh slapping against your skin.
For so long you only had biting words and quick rebuttals, calling him nothing more than a boy for decades. 
Even if you gave up your body to him, there was still that undeniable indignant look on your face as he rubbed his hard length against your skin. Jing Yuan would give anything to be in your head right now, imagining all the scathing words that you were surely throwing at him with each passing second.
He had broken your defenses, ruined all your plans to keep him at bay.
The general’s eyes glimmered with dark satisfaction at the sight of your submission. The absence of your fiery verbal retorts, the hallmark of your indomitable spirit, struck an unexpected chord within him. 
He wanted more.
Jing Yuan wanted to ruin you.
Being gentle and kind did nothing, falling only on deaf ears. It was only when you were cornered, trapped and alone, did you finally take a second glance in his direction.
You could barely manage tentative, small licks at the head of Jing Yuan's throbbing cock. The salty taste of his arousal danced on your tongue. With an unrelenting yet deliberate force, he pushed your head further, forcing you to take more of his length between your lips. The intrusion stretched you, cheeks hollowing as you struggled to accommodate him.
The general’s eyes raked over your flushed features, taking in the rapid rise and fall of your chest and the slight tremor that followed his shallow thrusts. How many nights had he imagined this very sight? From under his desk to the soft sheets of his bedroom, Jing Yuan must have thought of taking you over a thousand times. The dreams of you disheveled beneath his touch was nothing compared to the submissive, wide-eyed expression you were shooting him now. 
Jing Yuan knew that your apparent submission to him was nothing but a ruse, glimmers of defiance still shimmering in your gaze. He could almost hear the torrent of curses that must have been flung his way in the privacy of your thoughts. And oddly enough, the knowledge that you were harboring this fierce, passionate hatred for him held a perverse allure for Jing Yuan. He wanted to hear every venomous word from your lips, more passionate than he had ever seen you.
It was better than the cold vacuum of indifference.
“Choke on my cock, sweetheart.”
You let out a small, involuntary moan, embarrassed at how his harshness had ignited a fierce pang of want in the pit of your stomach. The sight of Jing Yuan's triumphant smirk only served to stoke it further, pushing your head down as he forced you to accept his length more fully.
Each time you tried to pull back, his hips would follow, driving himself deeper. There was no fighting his strength, especially as he loomed over you with his cock down your lips.
It was obscene, the guttural sound of his hard length entering your mouth. Your hands flew to his stomach, open palms against his clothes as he overwhelmed your senses. But it hardly held him back, more and more inches disappearing behind your lips. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to return the favor later.” He murmured appreciatively, enjoying the view.
Unable to resist, you could not help but look up at him, eyes locking as he rushed to thrust impossibly deeper.  You regretted the eye contact a second later, since you felt his cock twitch in your mouth at the connection. Of course he loved any amount of attention you would give him.
He was insatiable.
And you had been making him worse and worse, a ticking time bomb until he could forcibly stake his claim.
You could only imagine what you looked like, panting like a whore in need as you choked on his cock, the only one you had ever sucked. 
He fucked your mouth like a hole, eyes rolling heavenward as he was relentless in his movements. You could barely move your tongue, his thrusts merciless even in the face of your tears. Even worse, shame pooled in your stomach as you felt slick pool at your cunt, turned on somehow by his rough handling.  
The general lifted a knee upward, forcing an even deeper angle down your throat as tears trailed down your cheeks. The sudden, brutal change in position left you gagging, throat constricting in a futile effort to resist the invasion.
You nearly screamed for mercy before he pushed you off entirely, barely catching yourself with outstretched palms on the floor.
“I hate you.” You spit out, unable to stop yourself.
But his smirk only grew, gentle hands methodically peeling each article of clothing from your body. The tattered garments, your last vestiges of dignity, fell like a rain of defeat to the cold, unyielding floor of the prison cell.
“Get on your hands and knees.”
Pride all but shattered, you could only do as he asked as he maneuvered you facing the prison bars. Your palms were splayed out on the rough ground, knees digging into the uneven crevices of the prison. 
The bed was for lovers, Jing Yuan was fucking you like a whore.
A cacophony of curses raged in your mind. Your fury, however, faltered at the sound of a throat clearing, the interruption echoing past the prison bars. The realization of the two guards flanking the door, their attention fixed on the wall in the distance, weighed heavy on your heart. They could not see you, but surely they could hear every single moan and movement.
Fear prickled at the base of your spine, a reminder that your forced intimacy was not as private as you had initially presumed. 
Truly, there was no one in the entirety of the Xianzhou who was on your side. 
Not anymore.
Your eyes, now wide with apprehension, flickered from the guards to Jing Yuan, uncertainty and trepidation clouding your gaze. And, of course, what had the asshole done? The general simply kept on smirking, that infuriating look on his face making it clear he knew about your worry.
“All will know that you are mine.”
He shoved you further, head down ass up as he kneeled down behind you. You expected more rough handling, a vicious cock down your hole at best.  But instead a soft, wet appendage rubbed about your clit. You whined in surprise as he licked your lower pearl, fingers trailing circles along your entrance. 
The last thing you expected him to do was give you any pleasure, focused solely on him. 
His fingers, trailing gentle circles around your now-sensitive entrance, left you on the precipice between shock and arousal. The change in his demeanor, from the strong general to a teasing lover, left your heart racing, your body caught between desire for his touch and the lingering fear that their privacy was a fragile, fleeting illusion.
“ This is my greatest treasure.” He clarified, his breath felt right on your skin. 
You groaned once more, feeling him lick and prod at your hole. 
You could endure his rough handling and harsh words, but Jing Yuan’s version of love was a torment of another kind. It was a twisted, sinister force, dark and corrupted. Each kiss carried a haunting shadow, every touch a reminder of the darkness entwining his affection. 
His love was a cruel paradox, making you question every moment of tenderness you shared in the past. 
Jing Yuan cradled the skin of your hips gently, his fingers delving into your velvety depths with a tenderness that was both unexpected and disconcerting. His thumb, circling your engorged clit, teased a sweet, exquisite ache, while his tongue flicked at your entrance in delicate, probing motion, each touch drawing a guttural moan from your parted lips.
The gentle invasion of both digits and tongue, however, was hard to deny. The pleasure that blossomed within you fought against even your mental resistance. Fear and lust mingled, leaving you teetering on the edge of a precipice.
In this quiet moment, the only sounds were your ragged moans, the soft wet suction of his mouth, and the squelching of his fingers entering and withdrawing from you. The tenderness of his actions made you squirm uncomfortably, expecting more from the general. 
But Jing Yuan was deliberate in his slow actions, tongue dancing along the contours of your clit, and eliciting delicious shudders through your quivering body. Your thighs trembled, the muscles tensing around his head as he feasted on you, savoring the sight of your body succumbing to the ebb and flow of his expert touch.
“Please what, my love?”
But you refused to answer further, choosing instead to roll your hips, your body pleading for more of his touch. Jing Yuan reveled in the attention, the desperate plea in your voice only fueling his satisfaction. His fingers moved with swift purpose, exploring your depths until only his knuckles remained outside your messy hole. 
“More, more!” 
You teetered on the edge of begging, your parted lips dripping with saliva as you struggled to contain yourself. Jing Yuan heard your desperate pleas, but for whatever reason refused to yield to your words. Each repetition of his name escaped your lips like a fervent prayer, punctuated by the rhythm of your shallow breaths. The sound elicited a guttural moan from him, a raw expression of arousal as his tongue danced tantalizingly over your lower pearl.
“Who do you belong to?”
You were keenly aware of the answer Jing Yuan desired and the allure to comply with his wishes was almost overwhelming. He had you panting, your breath hitching in your throat as you eagerly rolled your hips back in time with his fingers, craving every inch of his touch. With each movement, you were propelled closer to the precipice of ecstasy, your body trembling with anticipation. His tongue traced rough circles on your pearl, each stroke igniting a fiery wave of pleasure that surged through your veins. You were on the cusp of climax, your hips rolling in rhythmic harmony with his touch as you chased the elusive edge of release.
“Who do you belong to?” The general asked again.
He had your body.
The only thing you could afford left was your mind, and stupidly you refused to give in.
“ No one .” You barely uttered a response, stubborn even as you panted like a bitch in heat.
“No one, huh?” Jing Yuan chuckled, not surprised by your continued resistance.
He would enjoy making you take that back.
Your whines of frustration filled the air as he abruptly ceased his actions, leaving you dangling on the precipice of cumming. You were on the brink of finishing, the tantalizing edge of release just within reach. His chuckle cut through the silence, mocking your desperate movements as you shamelessly thrust your hips towards him, consumed by a primal need to release the building tension. 
With a firm grip, he lifted your hips, pressing your front against the unforgiving ground as you struggled to muster the strength to support yourself. The unmistakable sensation of his cock against your backside sent a pang of short-lived happiness, his arousal pressing against the tender skin of your ass, a silent promise of what was to come.
Your desperate whimpers filled the air as his girthy length continued to evade you, teasingly rubbing against your heated skin. A surge of need flooded through you as he toyed with your clit, his hand wrapping around your front to caress your cunt with tantalizing strokes. With agonizing slowness, he traced the outline of his erect cock against your slick entrance, each time making you moan. The teasing friction left you trembling as you yearned for him to finally plunge into you fully.
“Please more--!”
“Perhaps you can take a lesson in patience.” He murmured against you, leaning in to plant kisses along your back. His white hair grazed your skin, causing an involuntary tremble to ripple through you.
“Need more, please please please…” You repeated absently.
“Then give yourself fully to me.” He commanded.
But you, in your stupid brain, refused yet again to give in.
With calculated precision, Jing Yuan teased the head of his shaft at your entrance, eliciting gasps of pleasure from both of you. The yearning for more was undeniable, a mutual desire to envelop him whole. 
His heated moan reverberated in your ear, sending waves of arousal through your body as his free hand explored your form. With a fierce grip, Jing Yuan seized the soft skin of your breast, his touch both demanding and electrifying. With each shallow thrust, his urgency grew, pressing against your skin with an intoxicating intensity.
“Give in, my love.” He whispered in your ear hotly, his deep voice making you clench around nothing. “I am the only one who can make you feel this good.”
You shook your head in denial, but you were unable to convince even yourself anymore that this was the right choice.
“Fine, I can make this night much worse for you.”
Before you could even rethink your refusal, Jing Yuan seized your hips once more, exerting pressure to push the plush curves of your ass together as he slid his hard cock between them. 
You wanted to scream as he rubbed his cock against between your ass cheeks, the sensation brought little pleasure for you. The only source of arousal stemmed from his wandering hand, which continued to caress circles on your sloppy clit.
“This is enough for me, is it enough for you?” Jing Yuan goaded you, still an asshole even as he slowly lost himself to your body.
His escalating moans filled the air, matching the quickening rhythm of his thrusts against the skin of your ass. The sight of him, sweaty and panting, was undeniably enticing, his deep voice resonating as he indulged in pleasure. The seductive allure of his arousal made you yearn for more, already regretting the decision to withhold your answer.
“Please, I take it back! I take it back…!”
He ignored your pleas and thrust against you with a relentless force, showing no signs of stopping. The general harshly pulled your waist back to meet his hips, rubbing the contours of your ass against his throbbing cock. The controlled rhythm of his thrusts dissolved into frantic urgency, his panting breaths a sign of his hurried pursuit of release.
In a final act of cruelty, Jing Yuan positioned himself at your entrance and prodded the head of his shaft at your tight entry. Immediately you clamped down on him, receiving a moan in response as you wanted nothing more than to be fucked. 
Finally were you about to experience relief? 
Or was he about to--?
“Jing Yuan…!”
His cock pierced you with little reprieve, the slap of his balls against your thighs as his warm essence spilled into you. You were hardly close to the end, having been denied by the pause of his teasing hands. His hips pressed firmly against yours as he reached the peak of his ecstasy, an uncomfortable wave coursing through you like a sudden tide.
Jing Yuan indulged in a few more shallow thrusts, relishing the sensation of your hot pussy clamping down on his cock. You could not ignore the uncomfortable sensation of his cum dripping out of your hole, surprised at how much he released inside you. Despite the lingering need for more, you doubted that anything less than total surrender on your part would be acceptable to him.
“Have you made up your mind? If not, I’m not against pushing together your tits and making you watch as I fuck your--”
“Fuck me, Jing Yuan.”
The general notably paused, gently lifting you by the waist to face him. You were effortlessly drawn into his lap, his powerful arms guiding you as you instinctively wrapped yours around his neck. Close to him now, his voice was low and intimate as he spoke.
“What was that, my love?”
“My body belongs to you, do whatever you want with me.”
“Uh-uh, that’s not the right answer and you know it.” He tsked at your words, “You know what I want. Give all of yourself to me.”
You pouted at the general, always astute even as he was losing his sanity.
“All of me is yours.”
“And all of my love is yours.” He replied back, connecting your lips together in a much more intimate embrace.
Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as he kissed you, his lips fervently exploring your skin. He feasted on you, leaving red splotches along your neck and collarbone before descending lavish attention to the soft skin of your nipple. A moan escaped your lips at the sensation, earning a reciprocal groan from Jing Yuan as he reveled in the pleasure you shared.
“ Fuck .” The general murmured this time, a wandering hand going to your pussy to rub circles there yet again.
His firm fingers, hard and calloused from battles, circled your entrance, feeling the remnants of his earlier creampie drip out of you. A moan of appreciation escaped Jing Yuan as he pushed some of his cum back in, eliciting a mixture of surprise and pleasure from you. Despite the odd sensation, he silenced any protests with his passionate tongue on yours.
At the end of your sanity, you rolled your hips against his in a desperate plea to finally feel his hard cock inside you. His groan of approval echoed loudly in the room, happy to see you finally take some initiative.
“Fuck yourself on me, my love.”
Not one to be told twice, you aligned yourself with his erect length and immediately shoved yourself downward. 
A simultaneous groan of pleasure escaped the both of you as you joined together, throwing your head back as you barely managed to maintain your grip around his neck. Jing Yuan enveloped your nipple back into his mouth, his tongue teasing the sensitive skin as you lifted your waist up and down, setting a rhythm that drove you both to new heights of ecstasy.
“That’s it; lose yourself to me.” He encouraged you loudly, his moans resonating in your ear, yet you reciprocated with equally vocal responses.
You watched as even he arched his head backward in sheer pleasure, his eyelids fluttering as he stared at your bouncing tits. With every movement, you fought the urge to release a scream, the sensation on the verge of overwhelming you completely. Sensing your desperation, he effortlessly lifted his hips to meet yours, assisting you as you rode his length up and down.
It was hard to remember your hatred for him as he brought you to new heights never seen before. His long cock hit all the right places, prominent veins running against your slick walls. It beckoned you to give in, to lose yourself and beg for his cum.
Your body glistened with a sheen of sweat, legs locked around his hips as your core enveloped his leaking cock. The cell was alive with the primal sounds of your coupling, the slap of flesh against flesh punctuating the air in a rhythm that mirrored the pounding of your heart. Encouraged by his support, Jing Yuan intensified the rhythm, urging you to delve deeper and move faster, propelling you both towards the edge of euphoria with each relentless thrust.
“I’m.. close! More more more…!” You babbled without thought, making his dick twitch at your unabashed whine.
“Cum around my cock.” The general urged you on, “My sweet, sweet love.”
The frenzied pace of your hips accelerated, bodies colliding in an undeniable chase of raw want. In that moment, time seemed to stretch and warp, as the crescendo of your climax blinded you like a flash of lightning. The world around you dissolved, leaving your body to writhe and buckle under the euphoric onslaught. The spasms of your orgasm rippled through you, each contraction of your inner walls like a vice around Jing Yuan's shaft.
You felt your essence mix in your belly, spilling out as Jing Yuan continued in his onslaught. You cried out in a mixture of pleasure and new pain, your senses overwhelmed by the stimulation as he continued to fuck your womb with unbridled fervor, treating you like an abandoned, wet hole. Desperately, you pushed at his hard abs, pleading for him to cease, but he remained undeterred, thrusting into your pussy with the unstoppable determination of a man possessed.
“Less, less! No more Jing Yuan!” You begged between tears.
“You gave yourself up to me. Which means I decide when you are done.”
“Open your mouth.”
You mechanically followed his request, your body bouncing in rhythm with each forceful thrust into your tight cunt. The inches of his hard cock rubbed deliciously against your velvety walls; you barely grasped his movement as he leaned closer, his dominance palpable as he spat down your throat. It was a visceral display of his control, leaving you breathless under his commanding presence.
You swallowed his saliva without question, your mouth opening wider as if beckoning more. His moan of approval reverberated throughout the room. Meanwhile, his cock appeared to swell even larger inside your sloppy pussy, responding eagerly to your submissive display.
Possessed to get a deeper angle, he seized your hips and swiftly flipped you around, placing you on your back on the unforgiving ground. You grimaced momentarily at the sudden movement, but before you could protest, he lifted a single knee to rest on his shoulder, positioning himself for better access. The angle was torturous, his thrusts delving further inside you, amplifying the already heightened sensitivity of your dripping wet pussy.
“Jing Yuan…!” You repeated his name continuously, singing high praises that stoked his ever growing ego.
“What do you want me to do, my love?”
“Cum inside me..!” You screamed out this time, sure that all the other prisoners could definitely hear you.
He smiled like a man overtaken by desire, before crashing his lips onto yours, a hand behind your head steadying you against him. Lost in the overwhelming pleasure, you could barely respond to his open mouth kisses. The harsh slap of his balls against your skin barely registered amidst the cacophony of pleasure coursing through you. All your focus was on the hard length of his shaft disappearing further into your eager cunt, each thrust driving you further into a blissful oblivion.
All you could hear was your name, spilled eagerly from his lips.
It was somehow too much and not enough, all at once. 
He maneuvered another one of your legs above his shoulder, ensnaring you in an unyielding mating press from which there was no escape. Drool escaped your mouth as he thrust downward into you, his movements devoid of rhythm as he relentlessly pursued his own climax. Your shared essences splashed disgustingly with each roll of his hips, the slick sounds loud as his cock pierced you. He was a man driven solely by desire, his golden eyes darkened as he fucked you with reckless abandon.
Abruptly, Jing Yuan's body stiffened, his hips jerking forward to press against yours. Once again, he released his hot cum deep within your stuffed pussy, the scorching liquid overflowing into your womb and cascading onto the floor below in a torrential rush. You felt many dribbles down and across your trembling thighs. Despite your overflowing cunt, Jing Yuan refused to part, plugging up your still-quivering entrance.
“I love you more than I know how to love. And I will spend every day reminding you of that fact.” He murmured on your skin, breath warm as he spoke.
Your senses returned to you immediately, a wave of shame and embarrassment washing over you. You berated yourself for succumbing to Jing Yuan's advances, feeling foolish and naive for allowing him to cloud your judgment. There was no way the general would ever let you forget the day you begged for his cock like a whore.
And now, it was highly possible that this coupling would connect your fates together in a future child forevermore.
The weight of regret must have been evident on your face, as Jing Yuan responded by rolling his hips and pressing his lips to your neck in a tender gesture. Despite the discomfort brewing in your lower regions, he only responded with a deep, satisfied moan, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil raging within you.
You were in awe at the sudden realization.
There was undoubtedly still a hard, erect cock inside you.
“Oh my god.” You could not help but comment.
“Perhaps I am better off fucking you within an inch of your life?” He punctuated his question with another shallow thrust, “This seems more to your liking than gestures of my love and affection.”
You hated him.
You hated how well he knew every inch of your soul.
And you especially hated how the veins of his cock felt against your messy pussy.
But Jing Yuan remained indifferent to your pleas. 
He was determined to demonstrate just how much he loved and wanted you, his actions speaking louder than words ever could. Despite your constant begging for reprieve, for him to pause and give you a moment's respite, Jing Yuan showed no signs of stopping. He continued to fuck you relentlessly on the floor, heedless of your tears. He lifted you against the wall next, adjusting your legs wide above his shoulder to reach an even deeper angle.
“No! No more please…!”
“I will make you regret ever seeing me as less than a man.” He whispered against your skin, balls slapping against you.
And you cried even more as he brought you to the bars of your prison cell. Your heart sank as you caught sight of the guards stationed at your door, the sole witnesses to the scene unfolding before them. Desperately, you begged Jing Yuan to stop, to consider the audience to his actions, but he remained unfazed. With a callous disregard for your pleas and ears of the guards, he pierced his cock into you against the cold metal bars, his climax marking yet another instance of his dominance over you, uncaring of the audience as he released himself inside your womb.
Jing Yuan claimed he was making you pay for your freedom. 
He subjected every inch of your body to his abuse, leaving a trail of red hickies adorning your skin as he claimed your body. From your sopping pussy to your small hands to your bruised tits, his mouth had explored every inch of your flesh, leaving you unable to keep track of the countless times he spilled his cum inside you.
In hindsight, you doubted there would be a single night henceforth that did not end with him emptying his balls in your hot cunt. 
Perhaps being sold as a slave to the IPC was a more merciful fate than this.
You woke up in an unfamiliar place, sprawled on a vast bed covered in layers of plush, fluffy blankets. As you sat up, the luxurious feel of fine silks against your skin caught your attention. The loose robe you wore was exquisite, its fabric whispering against your freshly cleaned skin. 
Despite the soft, decadent surroundings, the marks Jing Yuan had left on you remained, stark reminders of the previous night's intensity. 
Your hair, now free of knots and tangles, flowed smoothly over your shoulders, a far cry from the disheveled state it had been in during your imprisonment.  The room around you exuded opulence, a stark contrast to the cold, harsh cell you had endured for a seemingly unending amount of time.
“‘Morning, my love.” Jing Yuan greeted as he entered from the other room. 
He had that same infuriating smirk on his face, his eyes glinting with satisfaction as he approached the bed. Placing his palms firmly on the mattress, he leaned over to you as he brushed his lips against your forehead in a soft, lingering kiss.
“Perhaps we can go clothing shopping together today.”
The audacity of Jing Yuan to sport such a carefree smile, oblivious or perhaps taking joy in the turmoil he had inflicted upon you. How could he possibly pretend that everything was alright after coercing you into surrendering your very existence?
Your simmering anger must have been palpable, evident in the tightening of your jaw and the quiet fire smoldering in your eyes. Yet, instead of recoiling at your fury, Jing Yuan's smirk only widened, his demeanor remaining infuriatingly composed as he observed your seething discontent.
“Or would you rather stay here?” He tapped the bed with his fingers, “I’m sure we can think of plenty to do.”
You pushed away the blankets and stood, “I’d rather go out.”
“Without me, right?”
You held your tongue, eyes ablaze with tapered fury. In the face of Jing Yuan's smug demeanor, you feared that silence was the only retort you were allowed to show.
The general leaned over the bed, catching your elbow and shoving you back onto the bed.
“Say it.” He goaded you as he loomed over your body, a hand caressing the cascade of hair that spilled around you.
“I can almost hear those scathing comments you once graced me with. I want to hear it.”
“I hate you.” 
You seized the chance to finally speak your mind, refusing to hold back as your statement held every ounce of hatred you harbored towards him. Perhaps you would express yourself more in as many ways as he would tolerate.
“Again, my love.” He whispered against your skin, lowering himself to nip at your neck.
“I hate you more than anything and anyone.”
“How passionate you must feel for me.” How infuriating his tone was, if only because Jing Yuan was being genuine. “I’ll be what inhabits your mind for all time. Your love, your hatred - this is enough for me.”
“I will never love you.”
His tongue traced a path along the curve of your collarbone, leaving a lingering sensation that you decidedly chose to ignore. With a slow, deliberate movement, he then brought his nose to your neck, inhaling deeply as if to fully appreciate your scent, the creep.
Foreheads pressed together, your gaze locked with his, unable to look away from his golden gaze.
“And I cannot wait to prove you wrong.”
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daimaoryu · 11 months
jing yuan working with blade and kafka to unlock dan hengs memories and his true form.... dan heng stressing that hes not his previous incarnation, that hes a different person.... jing yuan telling him that the only way he can just forget about the past and the crime he committed as dan feng is by helping him right now.... them working together... jing yuan saying they still work well together.... dan heng seeming uncomfortable by it......
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alchemiclee · 8 months
been looking in tags for a few days now to see if anyone else found the whole high cloud quintet and related story to be a bit.....poorly written, nonsensical, contradictory, full of plot holes and loose ends, etc. apparently i'm not the only one. (and i'm not even talking about shipping stuff, because any time I saw someone mad about bad writing, someone always replies to be homophobic and laugh about failed ships. weirdos.) it could have been so good but was thrown into the garbage for the most part (IF you noticed all the plot holes and contradiction. if not, then it's a fine enough story tbh. I expect most people to see it on surface level and not read all the little hidden lore bits and try to piece it together like my autistic brain did. which is ok! enjoy it if you liked it and ignore me 😆)
#apparently one of the writers did it on purpose. wont explain here. you can find it elsewhere. but it makes sense now#that's why it fell apart and didnt make sense in the end#ive seem people say anyone mad about it is a shipper and thats why. they use it as an excuse to be homophobes#youre gross get out of thos fandom. im here as someone upset about the story who was very skeptical about any ship theories and focused#more on plot theories and overall friendship and stuff so its not even about shipping you het weirdos!!!#the contradictions and plot holes are bd regrdless of who you ship lmao stop reducing it to that#aure its fine if you ignlre those plot holes. but it happened to be the little plot holes that interested me the most so its obvious to me😅#cant wait until a talented writer in the fandom rewrites the whole story a lot better and fills in the holes and ties up the end better#please someone do this 😭#lee text#hsr#i just wanted a close found family who met a tragic end#my idea for a better way to write it is dan feng wanted free from the high elder cycle and yingxing helped him create a new elder#but it went wrong and failed because the preceptors fed him wrong info hopong it woukd destroy dan feng since they hated him#instead it was yingxing that died and dan feng selfishly brought him back somehow and thats why hes immortal and hates dan heng now#they created a monster in the process that made a mess and baiheng died trying to kill it maybe but hit its weak spot#so it was weaked enough for jingliu to slay it#maybe for a plot twist jing yuan somehow knew the preceptors were up to something and didnt stop the two because#they were too stubborn and he knew it would do nothing#we know the dragon heart disappeared so either it ended becoming bailu in the end#or it could be inaide blade bow. another fun possible plot twist. they never explained where it went so it coukd be a n y w h e r e#i had other ideas but i forget now. bht baiheng deserves better as well. just being a plot mechanism to make two dudes be stupid#is kinda bland and boring and wasted her character. she deserves better too!!!!#id write this if i had the time and brain power but ill hope someone else does it instead#OH yeah i forgot a big idea. dan feng and yingxing perhaps try to also kill the arbor and end the abundance and long life/reincarnation#and maybe that was one part that led to it all going wrong or something. since yingxing wanted revenge on the abundance for destroying#his home and family???? and dan feng wanted to escape the cycle? similar wants that worked together snd failed#these are all ideas from past theories i read and my own ideas i came up with all of which are better than what that bad writer did!#these are very incomplete ideas that im sure someone else can write better#lee rambles
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rosequarzo · 4 months
hello, I see the request are open *˙︶˙*)ノ
how about yingxing x tailor!reader? reader want to surprise yingxing by making something, but then yingxing also thought about the same thing, they didn't find out about it until the day they were about to give the gift (that surprisingly match)
great minds think alike.
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა • ! yingxing + reader reader is not part of the high cloud dan feng being a wingman the high cloud being a family and rooting for their relationship ☆ warning not proofread . . . !? & 940— catalogue
notes. hi anon, this was a cute idea and i had fun writing it! hope you like it <3
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And it’s done! 
Your eyes sparkled with pride and satisfaction as you admired the meticulously crafted hanfu you made from scratch. You had spent the past two months making the outfit, pouring your blood, sweat and tears into it. Moving back, you rested your hands on the side of your hips as you admired the result of your hard work. 
The deep, enchanting shade of dark blue envelopes the garment, reminiscent of the night sky’s elegance. Intricate gold details of cranes and flowers adorned the edges, weaving through the fabric like glistening constellations. It helps to add a touch of regality to the masterpiece.
You glanced at the clock, only to do a double take when you realized there was only thirty minutes left before the agreed time. Quickly, you sprinted to take a quick shower and changed out of your dirty clothes, wanting to make yourself look presentable. 
You hurriedly folded the hanfu, dumping it into a bag and made a mad dash out of your home. You could only pray that you weren’t the final person to arrive and how the others won’t get mad at your poor punctuality. However, it seems like luck wasn’t on your side as you were the last to arrive; much to your hidden dismay and embarrassment. 
“Look who’s finally here. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about today?” Yingxing was the first to acknowledge your incoming presence and of course, he was the first person to make fun of you the moment you joined their group. 
Rolling your eyes, you placed the bag down on the stone table. “Haha, very funny, Yingxing. How could I forget about today?” 
That’s right, today was the day of Lunar New Year and it was thanks to Baiheng’s suggestion of visiting the Aurum Alley together, as a group. The High Cloud Quintet had recently returned from a long-term mission and they wanted to celebrate the yearly festival with their people. Yingxing was the one who extended the invitation to you and you accepted without a second thought. After all, how could you miss out on an opportunity to spend time together with your crush?  
“Wait, it looks like you bought something with you,” Dan Feng spoke up, his eyes fixated on the bag placed before you, faint curiosity seeping into his voice. 
His statement alerted the others and they tried to look inside the bag but you pulled it closer towards your chest. Your cheeks flushed red when everyone’s eyes landed on you, with matching expectant expressions on their faces. You didn’t dare to glance at Yingxing, choosing to stare at the table instead; like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. 
“Ah, I made something for Yingxing and didn’t know if he’ll like it or not…” You mumbled under your breath but thanks to his heightened sense of hearing, Dan Feng was able to pick up your words with ease. 
A ghostly smirk flashes across his stoic face before it vanishes in a blink of an eye. Dan Feng rose to his feet, his sudden movement making the rest turn towards him. “I see, it will be best to give you two some privacy then.” 
“Huh? Dan Feng, what- wait! What are you doing!?” Baiheng questioned, confused, only to shriek when his tail coiled itself around her waist and roughly tugged her out of her seat. Jingliu and Jing Yuan obediently followed The High Elder out. Your left eyebrow twitched when Jing Yuan gave you a thumbs-up and mouthed ‘good luck’ before walking round a corner, vanishing from your sight. 
“Huh, I wonder what’s that about? But never mind them, I’m assuming whatever’s in this bag is for me, right?” The craftsman inquired, getting straight to the point. 
You meekly nodded, pushing the bag towards him. Until now, you were still avoiding eye contact but your ears picked up rustling sounds as he picked up the hanfu, lifting it out from the bag. The next three minutes passed in awkward silence and at this point, you swore your heart was about to leap out of your throat with how anxious you were feeling. 
“I know it’s probably not your taste but it’s fine. You can return it to me if you don’t like it,” you nearly fumbled over your words as you spoke up. 
Yingxing blinked, his eyes darting between your face and the hanfu he was holding. “What? No, I like it. It’s just that I made the same outfit for you too.” 
Your eyes widened; shock and surprise was written all over your face when he pulled out a neatly-folded clothing from his side. You accepted the outfit, unfolding it to get a better look of the whole thing. True enough, it was exactly the same: starting from the color to the designs and so on.
Yingxing chuckles, reaching out to lower the clothing so he could look at your face. “I guess that means we’re matching outfits now.” 
Meanwhile, the other four had witnessed your entire conversation from the sidelines as they hid themselves from your views. Jing Yuan sighed when he saw how both of you are being painfully oblivious to one another’s feelings. 
“How long do you think it’ll take for one of them to confess?” He asked the other two. 
“Bold of you to assume they might confess,” Dan Feng retorted, rolling his eyes. 
Jingliu merely hums, nodding in acknowledgement. Baiheng on the other hand, was squealing as she coos over how adorable they are. 
“I can’t believe Yingxing has grown up! I still remember when he was a shy kid!” 
“Baiheng, you’re going to expose us…” 
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nqmonarch · 4 months
hihi! I want to say that I really LOVE the way you write Blade <33 and also what do you think about Blade with a reader who was part of the hcq in the past being reincarnated and joining the stellaron hunters in the present timeline but they don't remember anything from their past such as being Yingxing's lover
Yeah! Of course :) Didn't know if you wanted Yandere Blade or normal Blade assuming the former because it's the only Blade, it's not anything hardcore tho, I've written so far but let me know if this doesn't suit you, and I'll try again :)
Warning: High Cloud Quintet Spoilers,
TW: Kidnapping, Yandere
Note: Reader is a vidyadhara (think that makes the most sense in terms of reincarnation)
You knew everyone fairly well but you knew Yingxing the best. The two of you spending evenings next to each other in the same bed and days by each other's side. You weren't much of a fighter but he made you a weapon nonetheless and you carried it everywhere.
You would laugh as you saw Jing Yuan and Yingxing train while Jingliu would make them run laps every time they messed up their stance. You would stare at the skies with Baiheng and speak about worlds you'd only heard of in stories. Dan Feng was the one you knew the least but as everyone else became rowdy the two of you would stand in silence, both of you smiling with equal understanding of each other.
Then Shuhu, an emanator of abundance, attacked and those happy moments drifted off as dandelion seeds in the wind. You focused on evacuating citizens, fighting off mara struck with the knowledge you'd gained from watching Yingxing train. Your eyes were always on his body. Jing Yuan had been with you initially, the two of you had been talking about what to do for Yingxing's birthday. Beneath Jing Yuan's aloof exterior there was still a child, he was young after all.
You weren't sure where everyone else was but you only hoped they'd be okay.
Baiheng died. Dan Feng and Yingxing committed a sin, which would lead to both of them being banished. Jingliu returned but was struggling with mara. Jing Yuan was left to deal with the consequences as you left. You couldn't leave your lover on your own could you?
So you followed the mess that Yingxing was, making sure he never got hurt too much, trying to keep him safe. He didn't look the same, white hair turned to a blueish black and cool gray eyes turned a burning hot red. You still loved him, he didn't remember you, and whenever he did it was followed by a bout of pain. Part of you didn't want him to remember, if it was that terrible.
For the majority of the time you stayed by his side he was in and out of it, struggling to even move at points. You weren't around to see when he was able to fight time and again, when he went and hunted after Dan Heng, and how every time he was slain he came back stronger anew.
You had to leave, otherwise you likely would've died. You did it while he slept, otherwise he would've realized and maybe you would've felt too guilty to leave. But you had to go through the rebirth process. You left behind a journal for yourself to read and so you would go back to Yingxing but you never got the chance. After all if anyone else read it, why would they want a Vidyadhara leaving and risking their life, when population numbers already dwindled? Especially if they were risking their life for someone who almost ruined everything.
You were told you took a hundred extra years to hatch. You learned everything anew, deciding to pick up a weapon, it felt comfortable in your hands. Sometimes you'd dream of fighting mara struck off with it, sometimes the weapon was idly by your side as you felt joy course through dream you's body as you spoke to a friendly white haired male.
The thing was throughout a hundred years of living you'd never found a reason to live. The only thing you longed for were your dreams. You'd heard of a land called Penacony, where you could live in your dreams, and you'd smuggled your way in but it wasn't what you thought. You wanted to live in your memories, not some idealistic world. So you wandered planet from planet in search of something, anything. Your only purpose became finding a reason to live.
Everything changed when a woman called Kafka recruited you, she was all smiles and charm, and promised you the thing you were looking for. You'd been skeptical and challenged her but when she elaborated that you'd be able to live within your memories, you decided to join her. Whether Elio's plan worked out or not mattered naught to you, so long as you were able to live in your memories again.
Your dreams got fuzzier harder to reach with time, as if your past life was slipping away from you. This wasn't supposed to happen. But things improved slightly when a man with long navy blue hair eagerly joined the Stellaron Hunters. He looked at you with a strange longing gaze, it was honestly rather pathetic. Pathetic looked good on him though, well he looked good in general.
"Blade," Your voice held no extra emotion to it as he walked over to you, he felt strangely familiar, as if existing by his side wouldn't be that bad.
So you hung around him often, you weren't sure why he hung around you but he didn't speak much to you. It wasn't that there was nothing to say but too much to say, to the point he couldn't say anything. Instead he often clung onto you like you were his lifeline, in bouts of mara, his grip hurt but it wasn't the worst pain you'd experienced. Being a Stellaron Hunter meant you'd faced your fair share of fights. Now that Blade was here, you got hurt less and less, he'd tank blows for you and annihilate whoever you were against. There were always large stains of blood left in the place of your battles but you never got dirty.
You wondered what he would do if you died, go insane? From the little sanity he had left, "What would you do if I died?" You asked a slight smile on your face before returning to your usual silence.
You didn't have a moment to speak before you felt your back crash against the cold, hard floor knocking the air out of you. Normally you'd be able to keep up with Blade while sparring, although you doubted he had the heart to go all out against you. Now he gripped your biceps with no regard for your feelings, yet, it only lasted a few seconds as he loosened his hold to remove the pain yet keep you still. His knees rested next to your hips, and you could feel the heat of his skin through your clothes.
"...You don't like that question?" You spoke with a grin on your face, was he really so attached to you?
Hot red eyes glared at you, as if you'd just committed a sin, "No. You... don't understand anything now. You... you've done far more than you should've." He forced himself to let go of your arms, standing up and walking away as stiff as a board. It was as if the very process was agonizing.
You stared at his back in puzzlement, "...Blade did you know me?"
He didn't answer.
Which led to your turn to chase Blade, always a step behind. When you weren't following him, you knew he was nearby, somewhere you couldn't see him. You could feel his gaze rest on your head, it felt very unique. You'd beg Blade for any clue about your past but he would remain quiet, as if ignoring you. He'd still step into all of your fights, blade itching to be used.
You only made progress on the mission where you'd been ordered to go to the Xianzhou Luofu, as someone who'd been raised there you happily snuck along even if it wasn't your mission. You were sure Elio knew anyway. Blade was on his own mission and for once you were alone. On the Luofu you met a man that gave you the same familiar feeling as Blade, a young fellow by the name of Dan Heng. He didn't recognize you at all though, so you assumed you didn't know him. He was the only one to catch a glimpse of your face without your cloak.
You traveled with him, Luocha, and Sushang for fun before dashing off to the streets, cloak covering any distinguishable part of your body, to buy some snacks. You ran into a short dragon girl, who felt somewhat familiar, but you doubted you knew her too. But then there was the general of the Luofu, a well spoken man, who put on the appearance of a slacker.
Did he sleep because he could no longer stand life? He felt familiar as well but you also empathized with him and that was why you went up to talk him. Putting on the act of a fortune teller, you saw a hint of recognition when he heard your voice. He agreed to let his fortune be read, and you did so staring at him for any other hint of your past. He looked at you very sorrowfully.
You weren't sure what compelled you to say it but you shared some thoughts with him, "I sleep a lot too," you suddenly remarked, uncaring that it gave away you having watched over him for a while, "Less now. But in the past the only place I could live was my dreams, memories of my past life. I yearn for them, dearly."
The general looked at you his smile waning, "Then perhaps one day we can discuss them." So he did know you. Who... exactly were you in the past? How did you find so much happiness, in the simplest things? How could you do that now?
But the two of you were never able to discuss that as the final act of Blade and Kafka's plan came into fruition you found yourself between a mournful Jing Yuan and Blade, who'd reappeared. You didn't mind Blade's company, he just got in the way sometimes.
Especially when he was holding the blade of his sword to the only person who'd been willing to help you recover your past. Jing Yuan didn't put up a fight, it was rather strange, instead he spoke in a wistful tone, "The two of you found each other again." Perhaps you'd been closer to Blade in your past life than you thought.
You'd unceremoniously been brought back to the ship the Stellaron Hunters were currently using. It was not by choice. Blade held you in his arms as you kicked and bit and scratched. He didn't mind in the slightest. He may have even liked it which dissuaded you a bit from continuing. You didn't scream, he'd probably kill any bystanders who cared anyway.
It was annoying. Even once you were back on the ship he was always by your side, literally. One part of his body had to be touching yours at all times, otherwise he'd begin to panic.
"...Tell me about my past." You demanded, glaring at him, concerningly more upset over this matter than him kidnapping you and his constant clinginess.
"Of six people, three must pay the price... why did you waste your time caring for someone like me? You love me..." then in a pitiful voice, seeking for confirmation he asked, "right?"
You looked at the mess of the man before you, had you loved him in your previous life? If so, then wasn't he part of your happiness... So you'd have to learn to love him again, "Right," You lied with a smile, resting a hand on his back as he embraced you burying his face in your neck.
The moment Blade couldn't see your face the smile dropped from it.
Imo Blade would hide his own sinful past and actions from the reader and not want them to have to embark down the road of pain, since he knows how terrible it is.
Reader is also lowkey a two faced person, don't know how much you guys noticed, but they put on one of those facades but inside they're like i'm dying inside yay... ._. i like two faced characters :) they're so fun to read in stories, haven't really written one before though
I honestly think reader is more unhealthy than Blade like yeah he's kind of obsessed with you but at the same time reader just concerning like highly fucking concerning. Did not mean for reader to be so concerning just happened.
Anyway as much as I love like that I waited 800 years for you troupe! I'm not a big fan of it, personally, with Blade's character just because he's a very big red flag for a relationship even as a non yandere. Being in love with someone from the past can turn out good but I feel like with Blade it would turn out so horribly and he would just see a memory as opposed to the past, present, and future of the reader.
I like the idea of him falling in love with someone while he's Blade because Blade feels like a very different person from Yingxing.
That being said the idea of reincarnated lovers always has its own kind of charm :)
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artheresy · 4 months
No but I don’t think anyone understands how deeply I need to witness Blade identity crisis content like, the focus on identity usually with the HCQ and the struggles usually centers around Dan Heng because of course! We get the content in canon touched upon, expanding on it with your own view is so much fun and I want to do it myself at some point.
But the potential of Blade? And exploring his fucked relationship with his identity and with Yingxing? MWAH, delicious, and not done enough compared to something I do see a bit whenever the topic comes up which no hate to anyone for but I have my own opinions on it
Like, shit Blade has HUGE issues with dehumanizing himself as a result of Jingliu’s teaching in which she projected her own self dehumanization onto him and taught him to turn his body into a weapon and remember the feeling of death. He doesn’t view himself as being a person, he is nothing more than a sword for slaying, a weapon whose path is soaked in the blood of both his victims and himself. And UGH listen, I’ve already ranted about this so many times that y’all are probably tired of hearing me talk about it.. it truly is one of my favorite topics, the disconnection between Yingxing and Blade that does exist in canon to certain extent. Though he takes on the weight of his sin as his own and his duty to repay it (and make sure Dan Heng repays it too), the ways in which he doesn’t connect to Yingxing in other matters is used in such a tragic way when you peel back the layers upon layers that can relate to the simplest things. Like fucking hell, not to mention it again but the use of craftsmanship between the two of them is heartbreaking as crafting represents not only what he happened to do as apart of the HCQ and in the end his legacy, but how it is used as a representation of his passion that Blade does not share, how it represents the revenge that dominated his life as Yingxing built on the pain and trauma of losing his entire family and home while still such a young child which Blade probably doesn’t even fully remember anymore let alone connect with. I swear, that hurts, it hurts me every time I think about it.
I also just have a lot of my own headcanons that I firmly don’t think are canon, but are things I instead sprinkle in like finishing salt into my wounds to make myself even more sad. Like thinking about Blade in a way constantly being in mourning, not solely for Baiheng, but genuinely in mourning for Yingxing as well. Although he used to be Yingxing, that man is still dead and gone and never coming back, never in a way that will actually be Yingxing. So I like to imagine he mourns for him as well. Not just his death but mourns the severed connection between them. The passions he cannot submerge himself in, the pure dedication he cannot fathom, the love and happiness he cannot even begin to imagine the feeling of. Or at least not the warmth of them, he only feels the bitter shards of those feelings left within him, making his hatred all the more agonizing and deep set.
Hm… I wonder how we’re going to see Blade progress as the story keeps going on. I do truly hope we get more of an exploration of this. I need to see what happens to him. I need to see how his mindset ends up evolving or instead of evolving, the sheer amount of shit it ends up getting him into. God do I love this man, sorry that my love manifests in needing to see him suffering. It just comes with the territory
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topaz-witch-tea · 8 months
I'm curious about what Yanqing was like in his teenage years lol or like how was he as a student? or like any memories with his parents emememememe dbweuew sorry im not good at explaining
eat well
No need to apologize, I enjoy getting asks! They really make my day!
I'll split them into two with Yanqing as a student and Yanqing as a teenager. I sprinkled in a little mention of his parents since I wasn't sure. Do feel free to send another ask if you want some more or something different!
Yanqing as a student
Yanqing is a great student both in terms of academics and Cloud Knight training.
For Academics, he's incredibly studious partially due to his perfectionist nature but also his parents' expectations. While their expectations are not incredibly high, they were not okay with him just barely passing. As he got older, he did not need to ask his parents for help as often, but if he did, he would usually only ask Dan Feng.
Yanqing excelled in his Cloud Knight and swordsmanship training. Jing Yuan and Jingliu personally took care of training him once he was able to lift a sword. While Jingliu was the stricter of the two, she still spoiled him a lot more than when she was teaching Jing Yuan. It was very obvious from an early age that Yanqing was a prodigy when it came to wielding a sword.
However, he was also expected to learn how to fight with other weapons. While the Cloud Knights have basic training in fighting with a variety of weapons, Yanqing was expected to have an advanced understanding of how to wield a bow and spear, courtesy of Dan Feng and Baiheng. (Thank you to @ladylucina28 for helping me come up with this) Yanqing did not enjoy it and quickly dropped it once his skills were deemed passable.
Yanqing as a teenager
He is still very close to his parents. If he finishes his training early, he would go to their place of work to hang out with them. Partially for the company and partially because they will feed him whatever he wants so he doesn't have to buy it. They also give him money if he begs enough so he has developed no sense of financial responsibility.
His best friends are Tingyun, Qingque, Sushang, and Qingni. He doesn't hang out with Qingni as much once she starts her training though. He also considers Bailu one of his best friends since he'll sneak into her office so she can heal him before Dan Feng finds out about his recent batch of injuries and sends him home with no training for a week.
Yanqing, when he enters his teen years, begins being sent out to the field. While his skill has out-classed his fellow knights for years, Jing Yuan could not bear sending his child out into danger. However, there came a time when it was obvious that if Yanqing was not sent out to the field of his own free will, he would sneak out and put himself in more danger.
Of course, he does have his streaks of hyper-independence which drives his fathers up the wall. He takes on incredibly risky missions and acts without care for his own well-being. He takes his oath as a Cloud Knight to defend the people very seriously, even at the cost of himself.
As he grows older and seeks to carve his own identity, he also starts to grow insecure about his standing compared to those around him. He starts to question himself as to who he is, and what makes him valuable to his family, and it is also when comments of him getting his position through nepotism start to affect him. His self-worth also starts to tank. (sorry for the angst 😅)
This starts to put him at odds with his family who don't really know how to understand it. They all grew up too fast due to the wars and as a result never really were teenagers. There was a point where it felt as if Yanqing was on an island of his own, distant and confused. It also greatly distressed his parents since Yanqing did not want to communicate to them what exactly he was feeling since he felt it would make him ungrateful for all the care they gave him.
They, of course, do overcome it and Yanqing slowly returns to being a lot happier.
I hope you like it!!! Please feel free to send me more asks!!!
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shadowcatzone · 9 months
xingyue child angst in which:
-the high elder can lay one [1] egg every reincarnation
-kinda a/b/o dynamics.
i'm sorry, there's a lot. Not sorted.
-imbibitor lunae never in previous reincarnations laid egg.
-dan feng being the first high elder who falls SO hard for yingxing that he doesn't know up or down, deciding they could get a kid
-xingyue child hatching prematurely, everyone panics (tm)
-dan feng not letting this vulnerable thing out of his sight.
-someone gets within 10 feet of him and his frail innocent baby, now he's actively defending it
-hissing, scratching, baring his teeth
-yingxing has to lead his husband away
-cue yingxing being berated for. Not defending them
-yingxing just nodding and agreeing, there's no simple way out of this
-they haven't even left the general area of their home. Most people here are vidyadhara. They all know. Doesn't matter.
-la, lact, uuh,
-dan feng taking their baby into their bed nest with him
-he insists on calling it "nest". He didn't do that before, will stop doing it after nesting period is over.
-insists it never happened. "I never called it a nest though?" Yes you did. Anyways
-dan feng, lac, la, um.
-nesting takes three times as long due to xingyue baby being premature baby.
-xingyue baby bad ears. Good ears for human standards, bad for vidyadhara standards.
-breathing issues
-baby coughs once. Dan feng acts like the world is endi g. Yingxing claims it's just a little, you know, the thing babies do
-dan feng does NOT believe him
-doctor/ healer has to come there at 4 in the morning bc baby did baby thing (cough)
-doctor says nothings wrong. Alright. The doctor gets paid well though.
-dan feng early morning breastfeeding the baby
-yingxing falling asleep last bc dan feng would never forgive him (a threat but also a blatant lie)
-baby with learning difficulties
-dan feng being overprotective and claiming they can learn later
-yingxing, being the only semi-sane person in their group of friends (also a blatant lie) teaching xingyue baby whenever dan feng isn't looking
-"oh, you need to kick the preceptors? Alright, yeah, i'm looking after [baby]!" "Okay, [baby], what's two *holds up 2 fingers* plus two? *holds up two more fingers*" baby tapping on the floor with their tail 4 times "yes! Very good!"
-now dan feng thinks their baby might be a genius for learning things without being taught (don't burst his bubble)
-wondering why yingxing buys all these books on learning difficulties, clearly their baby is a genius?
-the preceptors don't know about the baby yet.
-that won't change for a long time.
-the artisanship commission knows. They love the baby. It's so cute. Work stops when the baby visits, though, cause there might be particles,,
-hcq know about the baby. Mixed feelings
-jingliu wonders if she can get a stronger drink somewhere.
-baiheng feels like she became a grandma. Yingxing pleads with her to consider herself an aunt instead. The family tree is confusing enough.
-Jing yuan is intrigued. thinks about teasing dan feng and yingxing. Holds the baby once and decides to be civil.
-("how can two people who look like you create somethi g so adorable" civil does not mean nice)
-baby being a little silly but altogether growing up fine
-biting phase
-baby hiding in cabinets, under tables and chairs, biting peoples ankles. Attendants/servants hate them
-baby bites tasty tasty dan feng ankles. Man keeps walking, dragging them over the floor.
-(seems rough but he's very very carefully playing)
-picking the baby up "well, are my ankles tasty?" "Nuh" "then why-"
-(disclaimer any servants attendants and other people who kick xingyue baby WILL be sent to an early hatching rebirth)
-baby almost bites jingliu ankles. Almost. But yingxing/jing yuan/baiheng ankles were faster.
-cue scolding from dan feng bc "what if you stepped on the baby you degenerates"
-one day, xingyue baby getting their own room. And a few weeks after, yingxing being able to convince dan feng to let them sleep there too.
-works for a few days.
-yingxing and dan feng, for the girst time in at least 3 years, getting intimate
-yingxing: "aww poor baby. Come here." Dan feng wishing he had locked the door. gdi. Groans.
-dan feng about to go to jail for murder, if not for the baby in his arms.
-xingyue toddler learning what shapes are aerodynamic, by throwing them at jing yuan while laughing
-(jing yuan also laughing. Sometimes pretending to fall over dead)
-is it strange that i think the child would have the entire set of hcq action figures and other merchandise of them i like to think they see dad, father, uncle, or either auntie on the ad picture and is just like "!!! auntie!!!" And will not move from this spot until they get it.
-birthdays are fun.
-jingliu wonders EVERY YEAR wether a weapon would be appropriate yet.
-baiheng putting actual thought into it like. This. Present. Must. Be. P E R F E C T. Every year.
-Jing yuan just buying whatever is popular with kids of that specific age. After xingyue baby's 6th birthday yingxing tells him to tone it down, considering the baby is getting increasingly frustrated with the toys. So he buys the equivalent of crayons.
-everything is colored with crayons. But xingyue child is having fun so dan feng can't really be mad at them.
-(any and all attendants that scold xingyue baby will have the choice between quitting or early hatching rebirth)
-xingyue baby: "i made a marshmallow jingliu! She's always angry because everyone is so much more incompetent than her."
-jingliu: "it's okay"
-the baby burning themself on the forge. Yingxing is. Tired. Puts them on a baby chair and tells them to stay there.
-xingyue baby trying to shake the chair - to get closer to the forge. Chair falls over, baby cries.
-yingxing looking back at the baby. They're not hurt. Then saying loudly "what did i tell you!?"
-baby stops crying
-waits a few more seconds before walking over to pick them up. Baby's fine. Will not let go of yingxing though.
-time to go home then. Just holding the child. Sits down at home and cries a little. Hugging xingyue baby still.
-checks up on the baby at least 5 more times before dan feng comes home.
-dan feng: "...[baby], are you okay?" "Yes" "why is daddy crying?" "I fell with a chair" "alright"
-putting the child in bed. Going back to yingxing.
-yingxing laying his head on dan fengs lap "i'm a horrible father" "...no you're not." Cue A LOT of consoling.
-baby, 10 years old, (slow grow bc premature but also hybrid), looks like 6. Gets a dagger made by daddy.
-immediately tries to stab. The ground. Yingxing thinks the child's gonna need another in less than a year if this continues.
This is where the real angst begins. (I'm tweaking the events a little)
-some short time before xingyue childs 11th birthday. Like maybe 1-2 weeks.
-dan feng returning home. Xingyue child greeting their father.
-dan feng hands the child something. A bundle. Then talks to the attendants. (Tells them to look after xingyue child and, well, bailu) child opens the bundle to find, a baby. (<- that's bailu)
-dan feng telling the child. "Do not, under any circumstances, leave the house, until i'm back."
-"circum, stan,...?" "It means no matter what happens." "Okay" "and, look after bailu. She's your sister now."
-then he leaves. And after a few days, the attendants take bailu, and leave.
-"uhm, but, bailu-" the attendants glare at the child and slap them "do not speak the high elders name, you filthy disgrace" (im fucking crying, why tf what tf)
-then xingyue child just. Waits.
-yx and df never told anyone that *fingerguns* xingyue child is their bio child. The only people who know that, at this point, are a few from the artisanship commission, jing yuan and jingliu. The preceptors probably don't even know.
-(i like to think df used cloudhymn to hide xingyue childs tail and possibly horns)
-after a few months they get thrown out. The preceptors want the building, some bullshit reason.
Don't worry, it gets worse.
-xingyue child understanding that if they get acknowledged as df's child, bailu might be in trouble. So they decide, at 15, to cut off their own horns and tail.
-(au in which these will grow back occasionally. Which makes this worse bc they have to cut them regularly)
-xingyue child kinda starving on the streets. Getting chased off by local shop owners.
-xingyue child stealing and or begging so they don't starve. And hoping that bailu is somewhat better off.
-starting work in the artisanship commission bc the current master used to work with yingxing.
-also younger people (12-18) who don't really know/remember yingxing bullying them.
-(also. Kinda footnote-ish. Jing yuan couldn't take care of them bc grief. Jingliu had. Other reasons. Yk.)
-xingyue child was just kinda forgotten in the aftermath of all that (tm)
-the luofu is large so it makes sense that none of the main characters, nor dan heng or blade, crossed paths with the child.
-at some point their eyes turned the same color as dan fengs. They learned cloudhymn. The bare minimum somewhat. They turned their hair the same color as yingxings using cloudhymn.
-buys lunches for kids who are struggling. "Children shouldn't have to starve."
-(that's how they met yanqing, 3-5 years ago, depending on how old you hc yanqing)
-they check on bailu occasionally, from afar
-if, let's see, blade ever finds out how people treated his child (only, if he remembers, that the child. Is. HIS child.) Heads will roll. People will go through spontaneous hatching rebirth right left and center.
-df probably knew he wouldn't see them again but had full trust (in a 10 year old child. Mentally and physically 6. Great)
-in canon it's been i think 20 years so xingyue child would be. 30, 31. But physically somewhere at around 15 and mentally at a very mature 20. It's the trauma.
-attendant: "oh, i've seen the reincarnation of df the other day. Think he's gonna visit df's child?" Jing yuan: "df's... child..."
-LEGIT BABY WAS JUST FORGOTTEN NOW SUDDENLY YOU GET A REMINDER "hey didnt your best friends have a child" "oh i knew i forgot something"
-nbd, the child had attendants look after them all this time, right?
-a lot of people are about to lose their jobs if not more
-spontaneous hatching rebirth is at an all time high (avoid THESE foods to reduce the risk---)
-do the "parents" remember their child? Probably not... but the uncle does (now)
-and jingliu still remembers that marshmallow probably (is... is that a good thing?)
-suddenly everyone wanting to know about xingyue child. Person of public interest nr.1 but they just. want to be left alone.
-barely noticed the sanctus medicus + stellaron issue. Just upset that they can't work until the cloud knights cleared out the place.
-cloud knights are also upset. No weapons will be fixed in the meantime. It's a loss for everyone involved.
-the good news are, since they'd rather wait at their 1-room-flat than the artisanship commission (they live outside of it), they can now be pestered by jing yuan, yanqing, or any attendants that jing yuan sends, 24/7.
___ ___ ___
Alternative ending (more angst- or something like that)
-The preceptors find out that xingyue child is dan fengs(!) Bio child.
-dan heng remembers bits and pieces of xingyue child. Including that they're dan fengs bio child.
-blade remembers. He's not in the right mind to take care of a child, he keeps telling himself.
-at some point, in scalegorge, (with dan heng IL) they find a small mirage echo.
-"!! Father, you're back!" "The attendants took bailu away... i'm sorry..." "The preceptors say that i have to go through hatching rebirth, like you did." "But, you came back, so i don't have to do that, right?" "Although... maybe you're a mirage..." "they say when hatching rebirth happens, a mirage could be created..." "father, i'm scared..." "will i get to see you again when i do the same thing? I hope so..." "i'm so scared... but i'll be brave... i promise..." "i'm sorry... i'm sorry..."
-dan heng is probably crying. Not bc he 100% remembers, but bc the voice of the child makes him sad for some reason. Kid sounds so familiar too, he thinks, as the last bits of the echo vanish in his grasp, he whispers "wait, don't go..."
-the preceptors decided to make xingyue child the next imbibitor lunae/ high elder, but they don't want them to remember dan feng. So made them go through hatching rebirth like that's gonna help somehow.
-well, dan heng is sad and angry, and decides now would be the perfect timing for that "conversation" the preceptors so desperately wanted to have with him.
-he brings blade ("out of 5-" "the preceptors unhatched your child. Do you want a piece of the action or-" "...lead the way") and they're essentially undoing the house.
-the audacity too, considering it's the house dan feng and yingxing used to live in together.
-then they hear kids laughter. They walk up to the door. Locked. So dan heng hits the door with his tail twice.
-laughter stops. Excited squeal, little steps towards the door, hits the door with their tail (and half their body) twice. "Papa!!"
-i mean, the door never stood a chance. And dan heng (IL) picks the child up, SIGNIFICANTLY SMALLER THAN THE MIRAGE ECHO
-this incarnation of xingyue child seems maybe 2 or 3 years old. And the child doesn't remember them. They do remember the horns. Dan fengs horns, technically.
-also. They have the same issues. Hearing difficulty, breathing problems, learning disability and slow growth. Additionally, now they twitch.
-the preceptors can count themselves lucky that dan feng isn't around anymore. Bc he would have killed for the child.
-now everyone finds out that 1.the child was treated badly and 2.absolutely no one looked after the child. And 3.they're gonna have to live with the knowledge that the child was terrified, absolutely miserable and possibly starving in the hours leading up to what was essentially their death.
Here, have some tissues- AW DANGIT WE'RE OUT AGAIN!!
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another-goblin · 7 months
I was reading a long deep essay about the Quintet's past and present and noticed that Jing Yuan is only mentioned passingly once or twice.
And then I realized.
He seemingly had nothing to do with whatever happened in the past. And the current day drama that resulted from that doesn't involve him also.
If Quintet was a Quartet, nothing would have changed.
His only connections with HCQ I can think of are: he "killed" Jingliu, but she got better, so it doesn't count. He's the only one who remembers his former friends the way they were then, but he refuses to talk about it. He's being sad about it all, but he hides it well, he's so slimey all the time (except for a couple of moments in Jingliu's quest when he looks like he's about to cry), so I'm not sure it counts also. He helps his friends with their problems on the Luofu (like helping Blade escape from prison), but he would have done the same if they weren't former friends, because it benefited the Luofu in the end, so it doesn't count.
And the other members, on their part, never had any special emotional connection with him, so what's the point.
I'm probably missing something, but, I mean, there are two implied romantic couples. There are diaries from Baiheng writing about little Blade with warmth, and he later considered her a very good friend. And I'm sure there is more. And the only thing I can remember about JY is from Blade (mentioning him as an annoying little brat) and from Jingliu (about how he wasn't a talented pupil).
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generalsdiary · 2 months
clouds leave no trace
High Cloud Quintet w/ mentions of the Trailblazer (gn!trailblazer pov)
warnings: spoilers if you haven’t done the Xianzhou Luofu main story
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this wasn’t planned, the words just came to me, hope yall like it, not beta read hcq means so much to me help
description: high cloud quintet romanticized (lore), a quick recap from Jing Yuan’s pov – basically poetic analysis of hcq history through Jing Yuan’s eyes (fluff, angst)
if you think Jing Yuan didn't love Blade think again. he is the youngest of the high cloud quintet, he grew up beside them- he loved them all. and they all adored him as well. to say he didn't care about Yingxing is ignorant. because he loved the arrogant short-life species swordsmith. he got older knowing he might outlive him, knowing he will watch him grow old, the way he'd cling onto him and use every moment to be beside him. in his home or Yingxing’s home he'd hold him in his arms, always giving him a back hug and chatting. as he would with Dan Feng, their fingers intertwining in a gentle intimate touch, he would hold him as well. the strict, stubborn high elder softening up once they all warmed up to each other. oh, the way Dan Feng would walk at a seemingly calm, fast pace to the young Jing Yuan's home for a moment, just a minute of peace, of tranquility. the high elder would draw his fingers through the long white hair, maybe even make a braid or two. he'd kiss Jing Yuan's temple and mumble how much comfort he gave him.
the three are so soft behind closed doors. and when the high cloud quintet would gather to drink and share stories, a rare occurrence, since they're usually on the battlefield, Baiheng and Jingliu would just smile; one's head on the other's shoulder at the sight of the arrogant craftsman, the stubborn high elder, and strategic cloud knight smiling at each other.
just like Jingliu would lean to kiss Baiheng's cheek after a warm story she'd share, chuckling in joy at hearing her speak in a happy tone.
the same way the older men would gravitate to Jing Yuan, furthermore the way Jing Yuan would cling onto both of them. overlapping as they share stories and drink their fill.
so when the time would come for all of it to fall apart when one died, the second met a fate worse than death, the third one was forced to reincarnate and the new one to be imprisoned, the fourth to lose her mind, what would be of the fifth one?
of the young boy in the beginning, and the man on that day. the general. who lost it all, his friends, his lovers, his everything. he cannot even allow himself to scream and cry and angrily throw a ceramic plate on the floor otherwise he'd get marastruck. yes, fully aware of what is left for him to do but suppress all emotions. fighting that Jingliu escapes somewhere safely, making sure Yingxing is banished and not captured, making sure the same fate meets the Imbibtor Lunae reborn- to also be banished and hopefully achieve what Jing Yuan knew his previous reincarnation oh-so wanted; freedom... and making sure that what happened to Baiheng stays secret and safe, making sure that her new reincarnation is alright- going from a Foxian to a Vidyadhara- he must've been so worried. he'd check up on her often, and ask about her dreams. the easy-going smile turning down for a second when she would say she doesn't have any dreams- the hope he'd feel when she'd tell him that after visiting the Astral Express once; she dreamt of being a Foxian pilot. he'd nod with that sweet smile and turn to leave. he says he never grew close with his master, Jingliu… because it is easier to say that than admit to the reality and the pain of losing someone he cared for so much.
after the banishment and when the dust settled, long before the nameless arrived… he sits under a ginkgo tree and decides to meditate. the weight of all that history and not one of the remaining ones remembers it for what it was except for him. so he meditates, clearing his head, and calming his own memories.
so when he meets Yingxing- with his youthful appearance- where Jing Yuan remembers him with gray-white hair and lilac eyes, he is met with dirty orange-red ones and dark hair, his voice rough and raspy in comparison to what the general remembers. the sting in his heart when he sees Yingxing’s hands shake, he knows how much the fact he cannot craft anymore must hurt him. Yanqing urges the general to make the arrest, yet he lets the fugitives go. not batting an eye, there's no more love on either side, no warm emotion that used to be there. but love isn't an emotion, it is a promise. a promise to be there when it is needed. and the promise is loud when he lets... Blade and Kafka leave. there's a longing in his chest for the strong embrace of his lover when Blade turns his back to leave, and he pushes those thoughts back.
so when the trailblazer meets him and he looks so warm, the sun-bathed kind general- they can see it on him, that warmth like he was loved and that he also loved. that he was held and he also held. he'd appear so soft, cuddly, endearing.. just an aura, a mere bright shadow of what he was. just an appearance, like a shell that used to be there. ash still shining some light, unlike the warm fire that burned with love.
he is the general of the Xianzhou Luofu and that is his number one priority. he uses this leftover love which rubbed up on him as a crafty mask, a decoy for enemies of the Seat of Divine Foresight.
unprepared he walks to see the Imbibitor Lunae. in his original form. his tongue faster than his mind as he calls him Dan Feng. the small smile colored with pain when he hears the words, "I'm not him", and the grief-filled nod he offers in return. still, he uses it all to the advantage of the Luofu.
he isn't grief struck, nor mara struck, he has immense control over his emotions, but when put right in front of the man his fingers just ich to hold his hand, well of course he slips up for a second, and no longer than that. he cannot allow himself, he does not allow himself. he is never weak.
so when... Dan Heng and... Bailu walk around Luofu and go to a sacred location finding themselves in an ambush, of course, he doesn't call reinforcements- that by itself could cause more trouble. he, still injured from his fight with Phantylia, comes to aid them and fight beside them.
and of course, he hangs his head low, his bangs covering both of his eyes when a reunion after seven centuries, if one could even call it that, happens. Blade insists that Jingliu fights him. clashes of swords fill his ears, Dan Heng's shallow breathing beside him as the two of them fight until Jingliu wins. he shuts his eyes tight when Blade falls down, his body making the stone ground crack from the hit, holding his own breath to hear when Blade’s lungs rise again in his immortal body. exhaling when the man inhales. one might say Dan Heng is newly reborn and has no memories of this. yet he dreams, and like all of his species, he regains those memories through his dreams even when he tries to ignore them. he knows, he remembers… he still wears the bracers he exchanged with Yingxing. Jing Yuan regrets he cannot stop them from fighting each other, his voice shaking at the end of the gathering.
it is obvious a side of him wishes it all to go back to how it was, yet those people he knew don't exist anymore. Dan Feng was killed by Jing Yuan's tongue, Jingliu’s gone by his own spear, he watched Yingxing turn into a mindless killer and Baiheng become an Abomination. and he could do nothing about it, as they all fell apart around him like ash floating in the air after the fire had been put out. they burned so bright.
the poor general. and Blade continues to travel with the Stellaron hunters, Dan Heng hides his form and travels with the Astral Express, Jingliu goes to a prison cell – even in the end he made an effort to divert her plans of which prison to go to, Bailu keeps working as a doctor and he still comes over occasionally to check up on her, hoping she remains well in this lifetime. his past friends (and lovers) are all, as he puts it, scattered to the wind.
all the history, the memories, the hugs he won't ever get again, the soft touches, warm beds, the kind words- the harsh words, the training, the glasses of alcohol, the soft lips on his... all lost, forgotten. and with his meditation- even he remembers only fragments- perhaps only the happy ones, maybe, if they don't hurt too much as Mimi's do.
so when the trailblazer walks into the Seat of Divine Foresight they see the general of the Xianzhou Luofu, one of the seven Arbiter-Generals of the Xianzhou Alliance's Cloud Knights, one of the Six Charioteers of the Xianzhou Luofu, the Divine Foresight, the strong, incredibly smart, strategic genius and powerful Jing Yuan, and also the dozing general, they see exactly who Jing Yuan chooses himself to present as. leader of the Luofu, mentor of Yanqing, older than any general so far, in an era of peace he fought to happen. the trailblazer doesn't see the past, and what he has been through to stand there and greet them with a smile. he shines like the sun because he burns like one. never-ending, bright, warm, golden. they won't see him crack, because he won't crack. he is incredibly strong mentally and keeps his emotions in check.
with the lazy smile that everyone knows too well and the deep-toned voice he'd greet,
"ah trailblazer, I've caught some free time, would you care for a round of starchess?"
a/n: amnesic meditation is a thing on the luofu where you forget certain memories* that is what I was referring to when JY meditated- it is canon he did that to forget Mimi btw. also the “love is a promise” yes is a reference to an episode of DW whr the Doctor says that line, I loved it had to include it
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ohmeadows · 5 months
ooh for the ask game: 5 and 12 (for your ruanliu fic? i just love this fic so damn much, i need to know everything about it)
What fic surprised you with how much interaction it got this past year?
unsurprisingly, i was not at all prepared for the amount of interaction you and me are a twisted fantasy got, for better or worse. i wrote it for two people in about 48hrs and didn't think much else of it at the time. the tag enemies to milkies, added as a silly little joke, took on a life of its own for a while there.
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(apparently i also wrote most of it while in the university library? just right there in public? ok.)
i got a lot of nice dms, some really icky ones, some people behaved really weirdly around me for quite some time, it wasn't the best introduction to a fandom but i went thru it and now i'm just writing what interests me. i haven't re-read it once since i posted it, so readers probably know it better than i do by now.
What inspired the dew of dying stars?
lots of little things, amongst them a throwaway thought at the end of september of "two frosty women mmm kiss". that was it. and then i wanted to know, well, how could i make that work? under what circumstances could their paths cross? it wasn't as hard as i thought it'd be. ruan mei's writing in simuni was honestly stellar, precise and interesting: did you know she has a manual for dealing with people? that was probably the first hook: what would jingliu had given to have a manual for how to connect with and live with others? with baiheng?
a common theory before ruan mei's full lore was revealed was that she was from the xianzhou cangcheng due to her association with plum blossoms and xianzhou-like style; and though her lore hints at another planet I still like to think she at the very least spent some formative time there. this also served as an exploration point of shared trauma, what it did to them, what those plum blossoms growing out of jingliu means to them both... though now that we know ruan mei nurtured a planet it'd be interesting to see someone do ruanliu au where ruan mei reveals she nurtured the planet that devoured the cangcheng.
ever since reading jeff vandermeer's 2014 novel Annihilation (and later, watching the alex garland movie version) i have been obsessed with the potential of floral and plant body horror, but struggling to find an outlet for those ideas. instead, i let them fester for years until hsr introduced mara: an entire civilization blessed/cursed with the looming disaster of what awaits them as they grow older. delicious.
during the fall of 2023, some friends were reading a lover's discourse: fragments by barthes and sharing quotes and reflections on the daily, which informed the inclusion of baiheng's presence; I find it nigh impossible to write about jingliu without at least brushing against baiheng and the wound she represents in jingliu's psyche.
these two points served as the strongest sources of inspiration, while for ruan mei, i ended up doing a lot of research into plant biology and systematics, as well as slowly and patiently layering an extrapolation who she was from simuni lore available to us at the time. in the end, i only had to do minimal edits as her lore was revealed, which is honestly a credit to hsr's thorough writing in simuni. i spent a lot of weekends in the library flipping through plant books to gather vocabulary and further extrapolate on it.
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aha-chuu · 10 months
Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae’s Character Stories
So DHIL’s character stories leaked today and I wanted to discuss them/share them for anyone who hasn’t seen them. I’ll mainly be focusing on his Character Story III because it seems like the climax of Dan Feng’s arc. Also, I’ll be referring to DHIL as DF to denote his past self.
A note: there has been some talk of the English being mistranslated. Other languages refer to plurals on occasion, or don’t have as specific details. Keep that in mind (I’ll point it out when I find it necessary).
First, we have a proper look at the High Cloud Quintet (HCQ) in action from DF’s perspective with Character Story II:
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This provides some interesting information. Firstly, DF self-describes as a “God”, with the military beneath him as “ants” - I don’t think I need to explore that inference for you. He sees all these mortals with “icy detachment” and later does not care that they get caught in the crossfire when he attacks the enemies. He does, however, take notice of the HCQ, implying he does care about them, or cares more about them, at least. The pilot is Baiheng, the white-haired swordswoman is Jingliu, the Lieutenant is Jing Yuan (he holds the “devastator glaive” we know he owned). We can assume that the “exceedingly arrogant craftsman” is Blade, since we know from his character stories that he used to be a craftsman -
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(From Blade’s Character Story IV)
None of this is new information if you’ve been keeping track of leaks and in-game lore, but it certainly does portray DF as a much more aloof and uncaring character than I anticipated. It does make me wonder how much of DH’s separation from DF is genuinely being a new person, versus still being somewhat self-centred and wanting to avoid the sins of the past and the people that come along with them. It is still unclear, after all, exactly how DH and DF interact with one another in terms of identity. 
Then we move onto Character Story III, which appears to describe the point of no return for DF’s character. It begins as so:
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(NOTE: in other languages the person “urging the dragon to commit to the decision” is not specified to be the craftsman. It would be out of character for Blade, considering the lore from the Wandering Cloud relic set: 
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This says DF was the one to stick to the “plans” (whatever they were) and so it seems unlikely that Blade would be urging DF to commit to the plan.)
Anyway, back to the actual content of Character Story III. The sequence of events seems to be: DF and the craftsman go to the ruins, the craftsman is bloody and wounded but guarding DF and they are about to carry out some sort of plan. Because this is framed as DH’s dream of his past life, the note “whether to bury his old friend or to grant them new life — or, perhaps, those two actions were one and the same” could be out of sequence. Maybe DF and Blade went to the ruins with the intention to bury/revive an old friend, or perhaps that is DH’s memory of what ended up happening. Is the “old friend” Blade? Well... It’s unclear.
In this passage, Blade is clearly not on death’s door, despite being described as wounded, he is still walking around, carrying a sword. However, if DF is granting him immortality, he doesn’t have to be on death’s door - they might be carrying out a risky plan that will either kill him or extend his life. It could also be DH recalling what happens, so they don’t go to the ruins with the plan of Blade dying/being revived, but that’s what happens. Or, DF expects the fight (why else would he need a “guard”?) they’re possibly walking into to kill Blade and therefore is anticipating what he’ll do after.
I’m sorry I know that is confusing. The wording is not clear. There are, in fact, more options!
DF and Blade could be going to revive a different friend, not mentioned by name here. This idea of burying makes it seem unlikely to be Baiheng, as several theories suggest, because she appears later in this same Character Story:
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Baiheng didn’t have much left to be buried. It’s not impossible that it’s her, however she doesn’t have a body left to revive. On the other hand, she is mentioned in this same section, so it’s sort of ~~~ who knows?
That extract comes right after a shift in the narrative:
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“Returned” makes it seem like this whole Character Story is out of order. DF goes to the ruins with Blade, then it jumps back to a fight against a monster, where Baiheng dies. 
And that monster... well, here’s what Character Story III has to say about the fight with it:
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“The moment before his sense of self disappeared”... WTF is that? It sort of seems like transforming into the dragon caused DF to be under the control of an outside force, not that this was his final moment as DF, even though it’s a bit weirdly worded. That would make sense as to why the “dragon heart” is personified and described as the one fighting, not just “the dragon” as DH refers to DF elsewhere. He then must have returned to himself in order for the rest of the events described to occur.
And because of course this is not explained, Character Story IIII jumps right into DF being already captured for his sins, and being tortured for information on the dragon heart,
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Just fighting the dangerous monster would not constitute a crime, so the Character Stories just completely skip what happened between the ruins and the imprisonment. So, the actual important part of DF’s sins. 
So what is going on? This is the best order I can come up with:
1) DF knows the HCQ. They have a good time generally, occasionally fight big battles.
2) DF fights against an especially bad monster. He turns into a dragon to combat it.
3) The monster is somehow connected to “the god of life” and shows DF a vision during the fight. “The dragon heart” is ancient vidyardhara magic; a source of power that takes over DF and is struggling to defeat the monster.
4) Baiheng shows up and runs her starskiff through the monster, helping to defeat it and basically getting herself disintegrated in the process.
5)  Blade (the craftsman) likely also got injured during this fight, leading him to be injured in the next event.
5) DF and Blade head to some ruins, intending to revive Baiheng... Or bury the two strands of hair she has left. Possibly, DF is working from the vision he received, which was “unsettling and beautiful”, connected to the God of Life. 
6) Whatever they do in the ruins, Baiheng is not revived and Blade becomes immortal (this is the last opportunity for that to happen before DF is imprisoned and reborn). Either this was an accident, intended for Baiheng, or the procedure was dangerous and Blade got caught in the crossfire, leaving DF to pick who to save.
7) Also in the ruins, the procedure meant DF’s dragon heart went missing, which is why the Elder rebirth cycle is screwed up and why he was being tortured for information. 
8) Neither Blade nor Baiheng come up again. Baiheng is dead, Blade is missing... Along with the dragon heart. Possibly, the dragon heart is inside him and making him immortal, or all its power was used up to save him.
Bear in mind, this is speculation based on the evidence we have. My reading leaves Jing Yuan and Jingliu totally uninvolved, and still does not clarify what DF and Blade were intending to do - it’s a guess that it’s something to do with Baiheng that went wrong. Blade considers himself and DF to be sinners, so we can presume they were working together to commit that sin that DF is so hated for -
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Anyway, now for some less story related stuff that intrigues me.
Blade, DH and DHIL all have the same framing for their character stories, not seen elsewhere for other characters. Every character story starts with a repeated sentence, the same one each time -
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Dan Heng:
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(his is short lol)
Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae:
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I think this matches throughout their stories in order to emphasise that Blade and DH/DF are stuck in the same narrative loop. DH is a “new dawn begins”, very obviously a new life and a fresh start are emphasised here. Then Blade “must have died”, being an end and a consequence. It’s literally the reverse of DH. DF/DHIL gets “returned to the insides of a Vidyadhara egg” - his is the space between death and life, as an egg is both the end of one existence and the birth of another. Together, all three make up stages of rebirth.
These stages might seem more connected to the vidyardhara (death - egg - life), however it also suits Blade. Either because it’s vidyardhara magic from the dragon heart that is causing his immortality, or because his “egg” stage does not exist. He cannot be at peace because he is unable to transition between life and death, making death his end - and yet, he doesn’t actually die.
Blade and DF also both experience torture as a punishment after whatever they did, DF at the hands of the other vidyardhara so they can get information, but Blade’s Character Story I details this:
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Blade actually does not remember. Much like DH, he’s being punished for something he cannot recall. Just another connection between his story and DF and DH’s.
It does make me wonder; many people have spoken about how it is unfair for DH to be punished for DF’s crimes. Personally, because identity is so nuanced for the vidyardhara, I don’t think it is so simple as just “DH is a new person”. However, if DH should be forgiven because he lacks DF’s memories and therefore his responsibility, are we supposed to view Blade through the same lens? He cannot remember his own name, and here is mind is “empty” of the information his attacker is asking for. Yet, I would presume people would view this differently, as Blade’s body has not changed and his memories seem taken by Mara, not a cleansing forgiveness ritual.
Anyway, that was an exceedingly long post. I would be interested in other people’s interpretations of these Character Stories, because there really is a lot of vague information and unclear narrative. The whole framing of it being DH’s dreams means that a) the order of events could be totally messed up, and b) DH might not even have blank spots filled in. It does intrigue me that he has any memories, however, because it does weaken his defence of being separate from DF entirely. 
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artheresy · 5 months
My dynamic for Dan Feng & Yingxing
Hi hello, I said I would finally post this after long debating over if I show it here first or in my fic first, but fuck it. That’s a long ways away and I need to rant about them because they take up too much space in my brain.
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So this post, isn’t me claiming that this is the canon dynamic between Dan Feng and Yingxing or that this is the only right one or whatever. This is purely my own view of what I think their dynamic would be based upon how I see their individual characters with the little bits and crumbs we’ve been given so far in HSR. I can’t go over every single aspect of them here because I just purely can’t think of every single thing so this is primarily going to be talking about the fundamental key parts of my interpretation of their dynamic! If that makes sense, I’ll hop right in
Be warned, this is pretty fucking long, I think so much about them it actually hurts me physically, like it’s painful. This is me just letting my autism run while talking about two of my favorites, so be cautious… sorry in advance if some areas turn into tangents, again I think about them so much its actually too much I think about them too much
AGAIN, THIS IS MY VIEW OF THEM!! Based on the characterization we have so far which isn’t a whole bunch, this is my interpretation of their relationship based on how I view the bits of characterization we have and what we know about them
Okay so one of the biggest and most fundamental parts that influences how I view their dynamic and the course of their relationship is looking at how exactly and why exactly I think they became close. Jingliu in her companion quest says:
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I think this statement she makes “to see someone so arrogant get along with someone so proud” is actually the foundation of why they get close and their dynamic works rather than an obstacle that they somehow overcome. Specifically, I think that it was Yingxing’s arrogance (partially genuine and partially a habit born for the sake of his own survival) that allowed the two of them to get close. When we see lines from Yingxing via Dan Heng’s memories or via the Mirage Echo, though he uses Dan Feng’s proper title, he seems to talk rather casually to him. Even in a tense situation as secretly being in Scalegorge Waterscape for research would seem, Yingxing still is very lighthearted and in some languages, even laughs a little as he banters with Dan Feng. I have my own headcanons for why he has this casualness to him, but either way it’s a genuine part of him and a part of his canon characterization. I think that casualness, a product of his confidence/arrogance and maybe a little of his obliviousness as well, allows for them to get close. It evens the playing field, Yingxing sees Dan Feng as his equal, as a person, as Dan Feng rather than as his position of Imbibitor Lunae High Elder of the Vidyadhara. I could speculate all day whether or not other people had treated him similarly before and he shot it down (there’s a lot of the actual evolution of the dynamic that I will write I swear), but I think there was something very unique in that casualness that Dan Feng might not have experienced before, not from anyone else, not from the other members of the HCQ he had met before. Perhaps even Yingxing’s background would play a part in how shocked by his behavior DF is. Either way, it is that casualness, that equalness unlike he had ever experienced before, mixed with all of Yingxing’s other characteristics such as his cheeky nature that manages to quickly break down Dan Feng’s walls and make him feel compelled to grow closer to YX. Whether their first meeting was via Baiheng and Jingliu or a chance encounter before they eventually join the HCQ, Dan Feng is coming away from that shell shocked by the sheer audacity of this short life species, feelings he first interprets as offense before he realizes he’s actually amused/interest in him, and Yingxing walking away like “Huh? That was the High Elder I guess. Seems nice, a bit stiff tho!” There is no worship of Dan Feng from his side for any reason, not for his skills, not for his position, not even as an unattainable ethereal beauty situation. He views him as just another person, an equal, and no part of him views DF in this cocky “he’s not unattainable bc I already have him” kind of way because…
Another fundamental in my personal interpretation of their relationship is that Yingxing doesn’t truly seek anything from Dan Feng nor does he ever necessarily try to pursue him. And all of this isn’t in an insecure “We’d never work” kind of product of overthinking way of choosing not to pursue him. Rather, it’s primarily because Yingxing doesn’t feel the need to. He doesn’t need his romantic feelinhs to be satisfied or fulfilled especially with the difference in their lifespans. As long as he can be by his side and stay close with him until his time comes to an end, Yingxing is truly perfectly content with that. A lot of this additionally stems from a certain place. That being that after he gets to know Dan Feng better and learns of the sheer pressure he endures due to his position, the choices he feels he’s forced into, the level of restriction, even with all of the influence Dan Feng still has, he doesn’t want to be an added source of pressuring or discomfort. To sum it up, Yingxing leaves the ball in Dan Feng’s court so he can act as he sees fit when he feels like it. There’s an added layer to this also of Yingxing not wanting to ruin the current state of their dynamic (a topic I’ll get into more). In the end, this is just yet another part of Yingxing that utterly pulls Dan Feng in. He is very used to being distrusting of others and refusing to get close to many people, primarily out of wariness of the potential ulterior motives people may have when befriending him. Contrastly, Yingxing doesn’t expect or even want anything from Dan Feng even the closer they get. Dan Feng can see that, and it makes him trust in Yingxing. Makes him trust to the point that he feels comfortable enough to make attempts pursuing Yingxing himself rather than meeting at a stalemate, refusing to go after a man Dan Feng knows won’t chase him as to not risk pressuring him and bc he’s fine with how things are. That isn’t to say though that Yingxing won’t respond to any attempts Dan Feng makes first though, because he absolutely will. Well… that is if he can recognize any attempts from Dan Feng at all because he can be rather oblivious in the face of people making advances at him-
An added part to all of this is that Yingxing with the way he acts, both in general and in this specific regard, ends up being part of what helps influence and encourage Dan Feng to do more to take what he wants, actually follow his desires in certain aspects rather than keeping up his stiff outer image and denying himself of everything for that sake of his position. The HCQ in general all have influence helping Dan Feng open up more like this, seizing things instead of either waiting for things on a platter or never having them. However, Yingxing's bold nature is definitely the strongest factor as he ends up helping Dan Feng learn to identify what he wants for himself. Whether that want is something as complex as moving forward in a relationship when not only has Dan Feng had very little experience with close connections to others, but also is so accustomed to the stillness of long life, or something as simple as taking breaks and time to himself to live and breathe and experience life moving around him. It's through Yingxing (and the rest of the HCQ) that Dan Feng learns to be more selfish. It's through all of their care and kindness and love that Dan Feng learns that he too is not merely a pillar to stand tall for his people. That he is a person with needs and wants, and it is perfectly fine to be selfish and prioritize yourself at times.
So that previous section got into a little bit of Dan Feng’s trust in Yingxing, but what about Yingxing’s side of things? What about his trust in Dan Feng? I dunno what it is about him, but I feel like Dan Feng is the kind of person who can hear some of the deepest confessions and see the barest parts of the heart of someone he cares about and not treat them any differently like as if they are fragile y’know. Like Dan Feng is the person who Yingxing, out of all the HCQ, can truly confide in because he knows he won’t be seen different or treated in a drastically different way. Ultimately, Jingliu isn’t someone he feels he can go to for super emotional things which she likely herself knows she wouldn’t be able to help much with, Jing Yuan and him have a very light hearted joking dynamic that makes changing the tone and breaking the mood for a deep heart to heart much harder so he doesn’t often do it, and Baiheng… well, deep down Baiheng still sees Yingxing as that disheartened little boy, who had lost everything and was being told that there’s nothing he could do about it given his lifespan, that he couldn’t avenge what he had lost. If Yingxing were to tell her how he honestly truly feels about everything in his life, the traumas he still hadn’t overcome or the thoughts that plague him every day, he knows she would end up fretting over him, mother hen style. Being overly cautious as if his mind is made of glass, and as much as he loves her, he hates the idea of her changing how she treats him because of just how much she cares for him in turn.
(It’s a trait I see Baiheng having as to it being an obstacle in her other relationships like with Yingxing but works well in her relationship with Jingliu, caring for her and treating her softly, not underestimating her, in a way that others are too afraid to treat the unwavering, ice cold Sword champion! Matching DF and YX’s whole situation with his arrogance and casualness)
In the end, Yingxing feels like Dan Feng is the only one he can truly trust with the deepest corners of his heart and mind without worrying of Dan Feng either judging him or suddenly treating him like a fragile piece of porcelain. Even if he were to take note of something Yingxing told him and do something in response perhaps to ease his worries or heart ache, it would never be something out of pity or thinking Yingxing to be unable to take care of himself. Because ultimately, that’s where this all stems for Yingxing. He has lived so much of his life underestimated, whether having his skills and abilities questioned for being a short life species or sometimes intentionally sometimes unintentionally having his ability to take care of himself questioned like he needs a caretaker. Something that again is partially due to again to being a short life species. What Yingxing likes about Dan Feng is from the moment he met him, he doesn’t feel as if he is being questioned or underestimated. Dan Feng makes him feel as if he is truly seen as an equal, even with their distinct difference in power. It’s a treatment from Dan Feng that serves as a response to Yingxing’s own treatment of Dan Feng, his casualness to the other man making it clear he sees him as an equal as well.
And that? Well that is perhaps the most important part of the dynamic. In canon, they both have struggles with how they are seen and treated by others based on preconceived notions about their status. Dan Feng being in a way dehumanized as he is put up on a pedestal for being an incarnation of Imbibitor Lunae, for being the High Elder of the Vidyadhara, a position that he wants to escape because of the sheer loss of identity just a role brings. Yingxing being underestimated from the moment he stepped onto the Xianzhou because he wasn’t a long life species to the point that the other celestial masters on the Zhuming borderline bullied him into doubting himself, thinking a lot about his own death, and as a young boy (not even a teen yet), literally saying “Maybe I’ll never live to see the day my parents are avenged.” In my view of them, for them to truly be as close as they are established in canon, I think that from the start of their dynamic they make it very clear they see the other as a genuine and true equal in a way that other people haven’t or perhaps, can’t fully.
I said this before my in Aurizzm Yingxing post, but yeah, I don’t think Dan Feng or Yingxing would have come into a romantic relationship with each other with any experience at all. I know Dan Feng with no experience is a very accepted idea, and I agree with it very much given his isolated position and his proud attitude and that 100% plays into my view of their dynamic. I also however, firmly believe Yingxing came in without any romantic relationship experience too. The difference here ends up being in how inexperienced each of them are. Yingxing has had a lot more friendship experience, and he’s experienced crushes before which is how he can identify his own romantic feelings better than Dan Feng. But he’s never actually been in any relationship. He’s never had the time, he’s got his own goals in mind while being painfully aware he’s on a time limit, and let’s be real like I said before, This Man is married to his Forge. Meanwhile, Dan Feng truly hasn’t had any friendships prior to the HCQ. Knowing him and her too, I firmly believe Dan Feng and Jingliu’s relationship for example, was for maybe a few decades, maybe a literal century, just them sparring without words from time to time. So Dan Feng not only going in with no friendship experience, but I think that man also is having to recognize some new emotions and feelings he’s never experienced nor can put words to. So Dan Feng’s disaster comes in being painful aware of the presence and intensity of his own feelings… he just doesn’t have the words nor experience to recognize exactly what those feelings are. It’s an absolute disaster on all fronts, somebody pray for the HCQ who unfortunately have to experience all of this.
There’s an added layer I want to go more into looking back at the first part of why their relationship works and the thing I said about the Baiheng trait. As we saw with Jingliu admitting to her feelings towards his attitude as a child, she wasn’t… she wasn’t really a fan so to say of his arrogance. And given y’know, what we see of the people of the Luofu, I don’t doubt many people have similar reactions. Part of Yingxing’s limited experience comes not only from his own decision to not pursue anything, I think part of it comes from being for whatever reason feeling distaste for him. Whether it’s their own prejudices against Outworlders, or his bold attitude and lack of formality that makes any interest they had in him end up flying away. Which ugh, makes it even more special that this attitude of his, born out of necessity for his own survival on the Xianzhou and for his ability to move forward in his craftsmanship after all he went through, which has pushed so many people away, ends up being the exact thing that allows him to get close to Dan Feng. IT’s UGGGHHH Sorry, but I just need to scream. I NEED TO SCREAM ABOUT THEM OKAY?? THEY TAKE UP TOO MUCH SPACE IN MY BRAIN, I CAN’T HAVE A SINGLE MOMENT OF REST BECAUSE OF THEM
Again, this is my view of them and their dynamic based upon what we have been given in game so far, the crumbs of characterization we have. God I hope we get more. This isn’t me saying this view of them is canon or anything, this is just how I view them. This is the dynamic and thoughts that have grown like mold in my head from thinking about them WAY too much.
I have so much more I could talk about, certain specific things or things that don’t even immediately come to mind right now. If you want to ask more about how I view them or have some topic or aspect of them in mind, please hit me up. Either send something to my inbox or bust your way into my dms to talk about them. I love them so much. They mean the world to me.
And honestly? I could just make two whole separate posts also just about how I specifically characterize each of them, but I think I need to let my brain rest a bit.
And don’t think about this dynamic specifically in reference to how it could reflect on their current selves because you might just end up hurting yourself like I have. GOD I HATE THEM
#okay so I have so much more to say about df/yx but i wanted to take the tags to talk about rh#i want to make a separate post about them as well mostly bc of smth ill rant about here#the arguing between rh antis vs rh shippers has devolved into such a lack of nuance from both sides that its HURTING MY BRAIN#rh anti: ‘Blade HATES Dan Heng’#yeah he does#but also its not a shallow kind of hatred#it’s a multilayer complicated hatred built on past feelings of regret betrayal and fundamentally a past love from yingxing#that is what the hatred we see (mostly amplified outwardly by the mara) is all built upon that is PART of the appeal its tragedy its doomed#it’s a loss of what was and how that influences its own unique dynamic different from df & yx#rh anti: ‘DH hates Blade’ also true but again#its become a complicated kind of dislike mixed with the shock and realization of who Blade USED to be and past memories coming back#additionally there’s a little something called character and relationship development where dynamics and characters change over the story…#rh shipper: ‘You’re saying Blade hates DH lol are we reading the same game’ YES WE ARE#YES HE DOES#He does hate him yes its a complicated kind of hatred as I already said but that doesnt erase that he does hold resentment towards Dan Heng#did none of you?? read the relic lore??#if you believe that dan heng is destined to die with blade then you believe hes apart of that ‘final funeral to the unnamed’s life and#to everything he ever hated.’ …like guys why are we saying he doesnt hate him at all#it outright flies in the face of blade’s character to say he doesn’t hate him like HELLO? it’s just a complicated hatred#not nonexistent and like seriously the hatred again adds to the appeal of their dynamic#their tragedy lies in how their past forms were once close and through a shared sin plus some stuff to inspire Blade’s vengeance that#that relationship has been completely destroyed beyond repair under the weight of their sin#love replaced with an eternal hatred and remorse a betrayal grave enough to spark such violent revenge#is what makes rh appealing! makes their dynamic interesting and that dynamic developing further as threads of their past still linger but#alas arent the same as before fundamentally changed and unique to them again MAKES IT INTERESTING AND TRAGIC!! esp knowing blade will die#yingxing#dan feng#xingyue#renheng#honkai star rail
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gardenoforder · 11 months
headcanons expanding on the verse of my jingren psycho-pass AU oneshot, "for whom will you bare your fangs?" on AO3.
-jing yuan is criminally asymptomatic. sibyl system wants to include him in its network, but he's been able to dodge all threats and offers his way somehow. up until the system found out about his abnormality, he was able to camouflage and manipulate his own psycho-pass to match others' in order to not stand out. to sibyl, he is regarded as "one who borrows the mind of others and has no face of his own."
-blade was deemed a latent criminal from early on, so he spent most of his life confined. he was young enough to recall good times with his parents, but also old enough to realize that he was losing his future for things he hasn't done yet. when his family cut ties with him, he decided to discard his name as well.
-blade is aware of jing yuan keeping secrets from him, but he doesn't know what they're about. he's trusting that jing yuan has a good reason for it but uhh
their division:
-jing yuan and blade's unit currently comprises of fu xuan, their analyst, and ma yanqing (senior), another enforcer.
-their call signs are shepherd (inspector; jing yuan) and hound (enforcers; blade and ma yanqing)
-jing yuan and blade first met during a joint operation between both divisions. their different methods and approaches to the situation put them at odds with each other until they had to be physically pulled apart. not too long after, jing yuan recruited blade into his unit.
-fu xuan regularly has to deal with covering up for both of them. since she's their resident researcher, analyst, and medical expert all rolled into one, she's often the most exhausted of their group.
-ma yanqing (senior) is the oldest member in more ways than one. he is the only original member remaining; he was there to see jing yuan as a fresh new inspector and fu xuan being assigned as their analyst. he is struggling to dissuade his nephew, yanqing (junior) from pursuing a future job at the crime investigation department of the public safety bureau.
blade's old unit:
-this disbanded group was blade's first experience getting along with others, so the memories of them are something he holds fondly. the members were his friends, mentors, and coworkers, and even if this profession is all he's ever known, he still thinks highly of them.
-blade's old unit comprised of one inspector, dan feng, and two other enforcers, jingliu and baiheng. they are each officially marked as MIA. blade is still searching for their whereabouts, but it has proven fruitless. jing yuan knows what happened, but hasn't told him.
-jingliu was originally an inspector that got too close to the truth of the sibyl system and was demoted for her silence in exchange for her life. she has always regretted only taking the demotion for what happened to the rest of her former division members.
-dan feng became an person of interest for sibyl (just like jing yuan eventually did), and baiheng sacrifices herself to protect him from sibyl. after she gave her life to save his, he attempted to completely destroy himself to prevent sibyl from collecting any sort of data based on him, but both lives ended in vain. sibyl then created a synthetic being using what data is left of his brain, dan heng, to take his place.
-jingliu was not present due to an injury she received from a previous case. after learning about what happened to dan feng and baiheng, she escaped the country and becomes a renegade. she begrudgingly became jing yuan's outside source of information against sibyl. she hates blade for not knowing what happened to their old unit, but he doesn't know a damn thing what is he supposed to do
-if blade learns about any of this he will 100% go fucking nuts and he will be twice as berserk when he learns that jing yuan kept him in the dark on purpose, even if it was for his own good. like if that ever happens, jing yuan better have a good plan on how not to die
the jingren section:
-they're often found in the training room together. blade occasionally ends up breaking some equipment, and jing yuan always offers to pay for replacements.
-blade only has one tie for his suit and it was given to him by jing yuan. the only times he actually wears it are when he needs to cover marks the other man left on him.
-jing yuan didn't start smoking until he met blade and only smokes in blade's dorm.
-their choice in reads and philosophies repeal each other, but jing yuan has started picking up on reading blade's books whenever he visits him. blade reads as much paperback as possible.
-blade feels a lot of complex feelings for jing yuan, but he's most frustrated with him for showing him things that he's missed out on in a lot of his life for being branded a latent criminal as a child. "I would have been fine just being called a hunting dog. now that I know about all these things that I missed out on, I am growing greedy for a life I don't know of. and I resent him for that."
-their relationship doesn't have a strong feeling of romance. it's more built on the feeling of belonging, interest, and comfort, the feeling of like-mindedness despite being opposites. sometimes they use their rivaling ideologies to compete and encourage each other. they're partners that know each other well enough to understand what to do without needing to say anything, and blade will often act on his own during cases knowing what jing yuan is planning. those unspoken and unpredictable patterns have earned him the nickname of "jing yuan's wild dog"
-blade's frustrations with jing yuan often come out during sex and it's no surprise that his numbers and color go nuts. he is so damn aggressive that jing yuan doesn't really have to do anything for a while before he gets to make a move himself. jing yuan likes to satisfy blade like that, let him rage out and take his fill before giving it to him as much as he wants.
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mortrichor · 4 months
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「 ✦ QIANZHI ✦ 」
how to obtain: wilting lotus petals
⤷ name: qianzhi ⤷ other titles: the luofu's hidden trick, the quiet queen ⤷ age: she deems this unnecessary information, hiding it from public knowledge ⤷ pronouns: she/her ⤷ species: long-life species (foxian)
⤷ factions: the xianzhou alliance (on profile), the high-cloud quintet (former) ⤷ path: abundance ⤷ combat type: fire ⤷ world: the xianzhou luofu
⤷ nicknames: zhi, jewel, lady qianzhi
「 lore 」 the charioteer of the alchemy commission, qianzhi is the current cauldron master onboard the xianzhou luofu. it’s rumoured that qianzhi (despite being a xianzhou native) is not native to the luofu itself. she’s a brief former member of the high-cloud quintet, founded by jingliu. she joined following baiheng’s death. qianzhi stayed neutral during dan feng’s eternal banishment, even disappearing from the luofu after his imprisonment. there’s no records as to where she went nor does she mention it to anyone.
qianzhi is a foxian, made apparent by her perked ears and fluffy tail that never stays still. her ears are always moving, according to her colleagues, since she’s always listening. nothing gets past the quiet queen of the alchemy commission. qianzhi and dan feng were the only dark haired members of the high-cloud quintet.
she’s typically silent, extremely poised and yet unheard of unless you seek the alchemy commission out. her lack of publicity renders her the luofu’s hidden trick - a title bestowed upon her by jing yuan as a joke but the cloud knights took it personal. her alchemy has saved the luofu on numerous occasions. qianzhi doesn’t understand human emotion well despite her high bearing positions. this is what makes her reclusive, hiding away unless needed (or unless jing yuan forces her out of her lab.) she has a forward approach, doing things without a second glance (or even a word, which startles many.) due to her quiet presence and dark hair/fur, qianzhi has the ability to sneak up on people easily. as much as he wishes to deny it, this includes jing yuan on multiple occasions.
blade refers to her as a jewel and despite his attitude towards the other former high-cloud members, he doesn’t resent qianzhi - perhaps this is due to her timing of joining the quintet. in fact, he’s rather calm around her, as if she pulls him in. thanks to her title as the quiet queen, those who learn of her often think of her as actual royalty. this humours jing yuan and she’s often caught him laughing about it in front of the cloud knights, glaring at him as he freezes in her sights.
despite being seen most often with jing yuan, the cloud knights who have met qianzhi are fearful of her silent yet forward personality. yanqing is scared of the foxian yet finds her attractive - this doesn’t go unnoticed by his superior. her relationship to jing yuan ensures the alchemy commission works closely with the cloud knights as healers, although jing yuan refuses to be healed by anyone other than his long term friend - in his eyes, the only one he has left. qianzhi is neutral on all fronts but often times easily influenced by jing yuan. If you need her for something, perhaps you should speak to the general first?
on her days off, the alchemy commission members can find qianzhi at jing yuan’s side, her tail curled over her lap as he plays chess with yanqing. perhaps she is paying attention to the moves made between the two or perhaps she has her head buried in a book, her pointed ears poking above the pages. if someone tries to disturb her during these times, jing yuan will usher them away to protect qianzhi’s solace. it may seem that qianzhi pays no mind to chess but she's observant, learning jing yuan's every move. due to this, she's actually very skilled at chess and often gives jing yuan a challenge when they play together.
she takes a solemn stance upon meeting dan heng, recognising the reincarnation of her previous love interest almost instantly. his presence cracks her hard shell and turns her into an embarrassed kit that hides behind jing yuan often. jing yuan has to explain to dan heng that dan feng was once qianzhi’s almost past lover before he was banished. things are awkward between dan heng and qianzhi but he grows to understand that she was painfully hurt from his imprisonment. qianzhi learns to understand that dan heng simply wishes for a new life and she agrees to assist in his journey to do that as a new man.
「 character description 」 qianzhi is a young foxian woman of medium height with dark green eyes, a bushy black tail, long black hair that reaches her lower back and large, black fox ears. she has a few freckles dotted on her face.
qianzhi wears a sleeveless red dress that resembles hanfu with green and white accents. around her waist is a golden chain that sits loosely, it's made up of small star and moon-like shapes that hooks onto her left hip where a small, green coloured satin pouch sits. she wears a jade bracelet on her right wrist and a thin, plain black ribbon around her neck as a choker. her dress has matching detachable sleeves that are quite long in length.
for footwear, she wears black leather gladiator sandals with a slight heel that can be heard on the ground - rumour has it that she wears the additional heel so she's not so short around jing yuan.
her hanfu inspired dress appears to have floral patterns around the lowest parts, namely those of the lotus variety to match her proud experiments of creating lotuses from her alchemy potions in battle. her dress was actually designed by tingyun and jing yuan had it tailored for her birthday.
occasionally, she might be seen with a small bird's skull pinned into her hair beside her right fox ear.
「 combat 」 basic attack: love, a double edged sword. qianzhi will strike a target enemy once with her sword, dealing fire dmg equivalent to 50%-110% of her atk.
skill: splendour of a lotus. qianzhi will gift a selected party member a blessing of nelumbo nucifera, restoring their hp for 6%-12.5% of qianzhi's max hp. a blessing of nelumbo nucifera lasts 2 turns, restoring an additional 5.4%-8.75% of qianzhi's max hp.
ultimate: a gift of alchemy. qianzhi will heal all allies 10%-15% of her max hp. during a gift of alchemy, qianzhi has a 4.8%-10.2% chance of removing a buff from a random ally on the team.
talent: the bitter art of war. if qianzhi heals an ally under 30% hp, she has 100% chance of dealing fire dmg to all enemies. if the enemies are in the weakened state, qianzhi has a 40% chance of committing a sacred rite (follow-up attack) on an enemy, dealing additional fire dmg to it.
technique: experimental compatibility. qianzhi may randomly buff allies on her team dependant on what paths are with her. buff stats increase if more than one of a path is on the team. [wip.] - erudition: - the hunt: buffs atk speed - nihility: - preservation: buffs shield strength - destruction: buffs atk - harmony: - abundance: buffs outgoing healing of the other healer
「 eidolons 」 1: she, the protector of the weak. if an ally's hp drops below 40% in the first cycle of a battle, qianzhi's turn will advance forward, making her the next turn in the cycle.
2: to be fooled by a lotus' beauty. when qianzhi is attacked, if her hp drops below 30% she will trigger a sacred rite regardless of whether the enemies are weakened.
3: experiment success. skill lv. +2, up to a maximum of lv. 15. basic atk lv. +1, up to a maximum of lv. 10.
4: the queen's gambit. the amount of turns a blessing of nelumbo nucifera lasts is increased by 2, up to a maximum of 4 turns.
5: alchemy perfected. ultimate lv. +2, up to a maximum of lv. 15. talent lv. +2, up to a maximum of lv. 10.
6: a drop of blood for the lover. if more than one ally has hp lower than 30%, qianzhi will take 10% of her own hp to heal each ally. this can stack for each ally, equating that qianzhi can lose 30% of her hp to heal her allies.
「 traces 」 this area is wip, please check back later.
「 voice-overs 」 first meeting. is your presence necessary? oh, you're (trailblazer)... the general has mentioned you.
greeting. hello again... do the nameless need my alchemy? i'll have bailu take over in my absence.
parting. i have many experiments to conduct and numerous paperworks. if my expertise is no longer needed, please leave.
about self: corona borealis. she was made by an old friend, one who become a blade himself. not even she can end his torture.
about self: lotus. many onboard the luofu believe that the lotus means spiritual awakening. among people who suffer the sins of our ancestors, my work as an alchemist on the path of abundance is often seen as anything but a spiritual awakening.
about self: friends. a tedious concept. nothing will replace those once at my side, do not plant seeds in the same place more than once.
chat: the luofu's general. lousy... honestly, when will he ever win a game of chess against me?
chat: sins. i do not share their sins nor can i forgive them on behalf of anyone else but... they will never understand peace ever again - isn't that a saddening thought?
chat: the alchemy commission. the commission is much smaller in size following the events regarding the disciples of sanctus medicus... i can't believe i let them infiltrate my own commission.
qianzhi's hobbies. the lotus is an aquatic flower often found on the water's surface. that's where it blooms, decorating the dark depths.
qianzhi's annoyances. i don't have time for mediocre discussion... sadly my presence in public tends to excite many who wish to speak with me.
something to share. a foxian's ears are sensitive to sound. that's why i cannot bear to linger around central starskiff haven for too long.
knowledge. in dire times, i recommend you don't eat every plant you find for nutrition... some of them are not nutritional at all - ah, what i mean to say is... they'll kill you.
about jing yuan. he's made quite the name for himself since we were younger. he's still exactly the same however... sometimes i feel as though he needs to age finally. i should be thankful he's still at my side.
about blade. yingxing... the body of an emanator cannot be so easily killed, is this truly how you pay for your sins?
about dan heng. he is not him yet he is... he lives in the shadow of a man who's retribution will never come. nobody will ever forgive imbibitor lunae for what happened.
about bailu. the little vidyadhara in the alchemy commission... do not be fooled, i've watched her shed numerous times. as if the weight of her ancestors wasn't bad enough... poor thing.
about jingliu. of five people, three must pay a price. is this what you meant, older sister? *sigh* i miss you...
eidolon activation. somewhere, another poor soul is lost on their path.
character ascension. is this... what redemption feels like?
max level reached. you may very well be the one to complete my vindication.
trace activation. oh? another chess piece to the board - it's awfully crowded, don't you think?
added to a team with jing yuan. don't do anything rash, general, i'm tired of cleaning up your mess.
added to a team with blade. corona borealis is doing well... though you know i don't like to use her.
added to a team with dan heng. i'll watch your back, dan heng.
added to a team with dan heng - imbibitor lunae. to stand with you again... *sigh* sorry, ignore me, dan heng.
added to a team with bailu. don't worry about me, bailu. focus on what i taught you.
added to a team with fu xuan. put our differences aside, master diviner. unless you want to divinate my future for me?
added to a team with jingliu. sister... i cannot tend to your every wound now.
battle begins: weakness break. heed my warning.
battle begins: danger alert. one wrong move...
turn begins. need i be present everywhere? this is too draining.
turn idling. is this supposed to feel liberating?
basic atk. you are but a hinderence!
enhanced basic atk. qianzhi does not have any enhanced basic atk voice-overs.
skill. accept my blessing! a blessing blooms!
hit by light attack. not hard enough.
hit by heavy attack. hmph, respect me!
ultimate: activate. at ease in the darkness...
ultimate: unleash. radiate your new beginnings in the light!
talent. i'll burn... your every petal to ashes!
downed. may we reunite... at last?
return to battle. do i too suffer from his sins?
health recovery. i could have dealt with that.
technique. qianzhi does not have any technique voice-overs.
battle won. that's not a first.
treasure opening. take it, i don't need it. is this... all?
precious treasure opening. a child would find more joy in this.
successful puzzle-solving. child's play. give me a challenge next time.
enemy target found. i suppose you'll be needing my help?
returning to town. if there's nothing more to do... may i suggest a game of chess?
「 notable songs from her playlist 」 ⤷ shogeki - yuko ando ⤷ i'll be good - jaymes young ⤷ hurts like hell - fleurie, tommee profitt ⤷ if i killed someone for you - alec benjamin ⤷ lights - bts
© mortrichor 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my original characters on any form of media.
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shadowcatzone · 6 months
hcq christmas romcom highlights probably:
-in the kitchen next to the dining room-
Dan feng, carrying a raw turkey to the kitchen backdoor, then opening the door "here, thanks for borrowing me the turkey."
On the other side of the door, ardens regia "sure, no problem. Hey... you didn't season it or anything right??"
Dan feng "no of course not."
Dan feng closing the door, opening a cupboard and pulling out a black foam box. Opening it up, putting the contents (a ready baked turkey and vegetables) on a baking tray [cue laughing track] and into the oven.
-living room/entry area-
Baiheng in a full santa suit, kicking the door open, bailu by her side [cue laughing track]
Jingliu, looking questioningly "what did you do?"
Baiheng opening her mouth to speak, "well," before being interrupted by bailu shouting (and jumping) "AUNTIE BAIHENG BEAT UP SANTA CLAUS!!!" [Cue laughing track]
-dining room next to the living room/entry area-
Everyone gathered at the table, eating the turkey. Dan feng looking around, then sighing loudly.
"DAN HENG! WILL YOU GRACE US WITH YOUR PRESENCE?" cue dan heng yelling "NO" downstairs.
"COME DOWNSTAIRS AND HAVE CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH YOUR FAMILY" cue something being thrown, then dan heng leaving his room and coming halfway down the stairs "i don't consider any of these people my family!" [Cue shocked gasps track] then dan heng looking around "how the hell are you even doing that??" While pointing somewhere at the sky.
Yingxing speaking up "looks like someone played too many video games. Typical dan heng." [Cue laughing track]
Dan heng, defeated, sitting down at the table, grumbling about the situation.
Bailu, tearing up "you love dan heng more than me!!" Cue yingxing picking her up, consoling her "no, no don't worry princess, we don't love dan heng more than you..." [cue aww track] yingxing, with bailu in his arms, turns his back to dan heng. Bailu has stopped crying, and is now sticking her tongue out at dan heng [cue laughing track]
-living room/entry area-
The doorbell ringing as dan heng sits at the table, head in his hands. Yingxing walks to the door, "i'll get it."
Yingxing opening the door to reveal a big bouquet of red spider lilies, behind them ren peeking out [cue ooh and whistling track] as ren and yingxing stare at each other for a solid minute.
Yingxing motioning for ren to come in before walking towards, and past dan heng "look, dan heng, your boyfriend is here." [Cue ooh and whistling track] "my wh- SHIT!" Dan heng jumping out of his seat.
Ren moves closer in moody lighting "out of five, three..." light turns cheerful and warm again "were free! So i bought you two dozen, and i saved like..." ren visibly thinking hard [cue laughing track] "...at least half, i think?" [Cue laughing and whistling track]
Dan feng, bringing a vase, hushing to dan heng "now if only he possessed enough common sense to bring something other than spider lilies." [Cue laughing track]
-living room-
Everyone unpacking presents, yingxing exclaiming "oh, bailu made all of her presents herself this year." [Cue aww track] Bailu, handing her presents to jing yuan, jingliu and baiheng, before moving to the side, revealing three shoddily packaged presents [cue laughing track] "that was supposed to be a surprise!!" Yingxing, sighing, "right. Sorry about that. Daddy is really bad at keeping secrets."
Dan heng opening his present to reveal a book "oh, thanks-" he turns the book and reads. The title is "a former lifes sin must be repaid in this one. Learn to pay the price, a self help book on repaying sins of the past" [cue howling laughter track] dan heng, looking at the book, then at dan feng "from you, i suppose?" "I know you have issues with this sort of thing." "Thanks." [Cue aww track] (and dan heng mumbling "in what way is this heartwarming and/or cute??")
Dan heng, hitting his head against a wall, with every hit speaking "i! Want! To! Leave!! I! want! To! Wake! Up!!" Baiheng saying "classic dan heng. Barely here and already wants to leave." [Cue laughing track], dan heng groans.
Ren chimes in "well, in that case, why don't we head to your room and... get comfortable." [Cue whistling track] "I changed my mind. I really want to celebrate christmas with them"
jing yuan joining in "typical. As soon as it gets physical the boy backs out. Wonder who he's got that from?" Yingxing answering "not from me. And..." looking over to dan feng, who points a kitchen knife at him "...probably from yubie or glaciator marum" [cue laughing track]
Dan heng sitting on the couch in rens arms seeming very tense, talking to dan feng. "This is basically a comedy. And where are my friends?" "Oh, you said they also went home for vacation." "Oh yeah? Then, what about yanqing? Didn't the general-" "yanqing spends this christmas with his mother," dan heng squints, looking confused "and don't call your uncle that. Ever since the divorce, he can't-" "stop, how many things did you change for the sake of this?" "...a handful." "You didn't even remember yanqing until it was too late to incorporate him, did you?" "...i don't like your tone, young man." [Cue ooh track] Dan heng trying to get up to physically fight dan feng, but ren wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer "don't go..." he mumbles, sleepily [cue aww track]
Dan heng, waking up in cold sweat. Leaving the archives before drinking three cups of coffee. "March, if i ever want to fall asleep again, slap me. As hard as you can." "Can i get that in writing?" "get me a piece of paper, sure."
The astral express having invited the stellaron hunters for christmas. Cue dan heng, in his sleep deprived downward spiral, trying to fight blade. And losing. And being dragged to his bed by the man the myth the legend the whatever is left of yingxing; blade.
"Three must pay the price-" "YES PLEASE end my suffering" "...is yinyue-jun okay???"
Dan feng conjuring up an entire christmas comedy dinner from the 90s was inspired by my spiralling into insanity as well as SU episode "chille tid" (i think??) And many 90s tv shows with or without christmas specials.
Baiheng beat up santa. Santa was not harmed during the making of this.
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