#and tuesday thrusday schedule
spyderschaos · 27 days
Also my US school knowledge comes solely from shows and movies so if smth is wrong it’s either because of shows and movie or because i took it from my school
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bengaly · 5 months
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January slots for timed commissions open !
◈ Those are artistic freedom, speedpaint commissions in which you can buy 1-3h for me to work on a picture. Example pictures are 1h works, last one is 2h. ◈ Timed commissions are done instream thrusdays and tuesdays on scheduled dates. You can see the schedule and available slots here.
◈ More info such as prices, forms, examples, how to inquiry etc can be seen in this document. ◈ I only accept inquiries via email.
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illusoryfem · 3 months
Tuesdays & thrusdays I have a class that ends at 18:00 & another that starts at 18:00 in different campuses in different parts of the city so basically one class ends I have to rush to the other as fast as I can to minimize lateness. Not gonna explain how this scheduling conflict happened bc it's embarrassing for me. But bottom line is the desperation + driving at maximum speed will probably result in me crashing the car for the first time ever. So excited guys. #davidcronenberg
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kelmcdonald · 1 year
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I'll Be at Emerald City This Weekend!
Crossposted from my newsletter.
Hey everyone! Hope you had a good February. I'll be at Emerald City Comic Con this weekend! Cautionary Fables and Fairytales will be at table 20815! There is a nice map up top (I took Kory Bing's image of our booth because I didn't have time to make my own.)
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Emerald City is the big thing this month. But Failure to Launch is still crowdfunding! It goes until March 9th. Me, Spike, and Amanda will do a special Iron Circus Geekshow to close it out. That will be Thursday March 9th, at 6pm PST. Grab it while you still can!
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My discord is still doing the full moon movie will be March 7th at 5pm PST. We will be watching the movie Cursed (2005). It's not a good movie but it is a fun movie. Anyone who wants to join, is free to sign up for my discord and join us.
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As always I'll be streaming art on Twitch. My schedule is currently the following:
Tuesday 8pm-10pm PST
Wednesday 8pm-10pm PST
Thrusday 6pm-9pm PST (during the Iron Circus Geekshow)
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Last month I was a guest on War Rocket Ajax. I was promoing Shards of Reflection and the Fame and Misfortune live reading. But really we mostly talked about videogames.
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I also did a live reading on twitch of Fame and Misfortune. It was fun and I want to do more live readings. But it turned out my mic was broken. So I'm gonna redo it. You can give the first try a listen, but it will get auto-deleted in about a week.
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I got a bad sinus infection last week. So I haven't really had time to work on Blue Moon. It's getting to the point where I think I might have to put You are the Chosen One on break again. I don't want to, but right now it's the comic that takes the most time (mostly because it's in color). I'm gonna see how much I get done this month when it comes to Blue Moon. Then I'll decide. If it goes on break, it will be after the current chapter is done posting (in July).
Getting sick really threw off my exercising. I'll get back to it after Emerald City. Kinda a double whammy of sickness and then con to mess up the routine. It's a shame because I was getting used to/forming a habit until I got sick.  But sick meant I watched more stuff. Last month this section was kinda long. Maybe I should post these on my blog more frequently and just link to those posts? Anyway here's what I watched and read:
Posthumous Education (book 8 in The Utterly Uniteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred the Vampire Accountant) by Drew Hayes - The vampire accountant series is one I always grab as soon as it comes out. It stood out to me because most urban fantasy books are about magic cops or magic detectives. The series as a whole are episodic short stories and I like that they are mostly small stake conflicts. Like this volume the main character is teaching a business class at a supernatural college. The first story is about him trying to convince students how important learning basic contract knowledge is, not just for dealing with humans but also the fae and really any supernatural that makes deals. The series as a whole has bit about how higher ups abuse these legal tricks to control the inexperienced. I'm definitely gonna keep up with the series because small scale stories like this are harder to find.
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Woke - This is a hulu show that is loosely based off the K Chronicles by Keith Knight. I didn't know much going in and wanted to see how Keith's work was turned into a TV show. I ended up really enjoying it. The first season is about what an artist's responsibility to the world. Like if you have an audience, how much do you have to use it for talking about important topics vs using it for escapism? And then how does commerce tight into an artists work. It was very funny and clever. It also uses Keith Knight's hand letterer for all the captions, text messages, and another another thing that needs a pop up label. It gave the show a unique look that helps tie it more to the comic it is based off of.
Baby Driver - Another thing with a unique look was Baby Driver. I like Edgar Wright movies but never got around to see Baby Driver until now. Basically, when it came out I was only interested in it because Edgar Wright was the director. Like everything I heard about it made me think that it might not be for me. And my instincts were right. While Baby Driver was a very pretty/stylish movie, the story and characters kinda fell flat for me. I might revisit it if I want to mimic it's specific look in an illustration, but for now it just made me want to rewatch Hot Fuzz.
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Puss in Boots: Last Wish - To continue the line of stuff that is stylish and looks interesting, Puss in Boots: Last Wish is much better than it has any right to be. I mostly saw it because everyone was telling me it was much better than you'd expect. That is 100% true. The usually Shrek style was dropped in favor of something that is more stylized like Into the Spiderverse. The whole cast is after a fallen star they can make a wish on is the main driver of the story. That's a simple plot that allows for a lot of cool action and slapstick humor. So they can put the new style to good use. Then since the plot is so simple, there is also room for the characters to grow and change. Which means, unlike Baby Driver, you have a very strong sense of who everyone is and why they are involved in the story. Maybe I like it so much because I had low expectations, but it was very surprising in how good it is.
The Banshees of Inisherin - My favorite stories are ones that are funny and sad at the same time. The Banshees of Inisherin is just that. I think it's also a great example of how you can make something that seems small feel like the most important thing in the world. If you don't know, it's about two men in a small Irish town that have been friends for years. The starting incident is one telling the other he doesn't want to be friends anymore. The other can't accept that. I like that while you watch these two men argue about whether or not they should be friends there is an underlying heart and sadness that isn't spelt out. The man who doesn't want to be friends says the other man is dull and he is wasting his life listening to the other guy. So he is clearly wrestling with how short his time is on earth. And for all his desire to do something "important" with his life, he is spending a lot of it arguing with this former friend now. And the other guy is so upset that he is bringing his donkey into his house. The donkey is making a mess of his house but it's something for him to cuddle while depressed and lonely. Both situations are a combo of sad and funny. This is a movie I'll probably think a lot a bit and will revisit.
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Aggretsuko Season 5 - I have some mixed feelings about Aggretsuko's last season. I really liked the first 3 seasons, but the more the show pushed Retsuko and Haida as a couple the more I lost interest. So season 4 and now season 5 giving him more scene time made me lose interest in him. It seems like a shift to try and justify him as a love interest. Also Haida's brief bit of being homeless felt like something the show wasn't prepared to properly address. Like the show wasn't to be sympathetic, but gives reasons for why the homeless characters are "stuck" that way. So it wants to be sympathetic while blaming the homeless for their situation. And then that story line is kinda tossed aside for Retsuko to run for office. I like Retsuko running for office, but didn't really like that she was strong armed into it. She has been repeated pushed into important plots each season. I wish the last season changed that. It would have been a nice way to end a series of her being so passive. Like the whole show has been realizing her unhappiness with the system and seeing others also unhappy under it. I would have liked her to make an active choice to try and change the system. And then maybe tie the homeless plot line into that more. As is, the two plot lines don't mesh with each other super well.
I've also been listening to the podcast Mangasplaining. It reviews manga and guides people through a wide variety of series. It makes me want read more manga. But only so much time is in the day. Either way, there might be more manga in these write ups. I at the very least should reread Akira (it's been like 15 years). 
Thanks as always for your support this month. Have a good one everyone.
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Stream Schedule 5-6 to 5-12
This is a little late but I had to make some last minute adjustments as Homeworld 3 is coming out next monday!
Monday and Tuesday: I will be revisiting the Original Homeworld!
Wednesday: Warframe with all of you lovelies
Thrusday and Friday: Celebrating the return of Homeworld with Homeworld 2! Unless I get my access to the 72 hour early release
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lcstinfantasy · 2 months
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sadly, i must retire to mobile and start heading to bed cause i have work in the morning. my work schedule is weird this week so i'll we working monday-tuesday and thrusday - saturday. as always, i love you guys and goodnight. hope tomorrow is kind to you!
drafts: 1 inbox: 0 queue: 290
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0wl3tt3 · 6 months
Holidays is nearing and oh boy how I miss this account! I miss posting here but school is an absolute mess :''') the schedule of our sports fest is tiring! Exams on a monday and tuesday then sports fest on a thrusday and friday, not to mention I have a guitar concert on saturday... it's too packed for my 17 year old brain RAHHH
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peeble-pin-chinno · 9 months
Life follow up + updates about the account
Hi, i'm back for a short while. Approaching a day where i'm out of class for now with the goal of make some short updates regarding this social + my twt (ain't calling it X, fuck it):
Schedules for each social has been settled: For Twitter are Thrusdays and sundays For Tumblr are Mondays and fridays (or incase of a skip Tuesdays and saturdays)
Continuation of Bey OC week: This has been too slow, due taking care of not burnt out or even, plannificate with no sense. As i'm close of finalize it with four ilustrations remains. So when it finalizes, might try other challenges for keep it alive at least or even, trasnportate into OC related stuff/projects.
Cherimu's update - First launch (with no polish) of the AO3 book: The book has been launched, however needs some stuff for add or even polish from the dust itself. Some drawings are remain and building the second chapter (yet on hold until more news) Plus keeping hidden the date where this one launches and more details, soon to be shown.
And talking about life updates: I'm working on various projects, between these are my brand, products, how does it work, etc. Along give a good use to my abilities as an artist. Hopefully this would work out with the time i'm going to spend wisely. We see in the next post (Friday) !
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I guess I'm doing this now. After just about a year of working on it I have finished writing my story. First chapter is up and I am planning to add 2 chapters a week. Not sure about the schedule yet, maybe Tuesdays and Thrusdays.
The story is complete but I am slowing the posting of chapters because I don't want to put the whole thing put there just yet.
It had been three months since his disappearance. Three whole months since Thomas had disappeared off the face of the earth and nothing had been found. The authorities had pretty much given up by this point so there was no point in pestering them about it without evidence. So what could Tarry do to find her brother? Why not investigate his last known location herself, since no one else seemed to be willing or able to.
If Tarry was going to do this she had to be ready for anything given his work’s reputation. She filled her bag with a pair of gloves, a bunch of smaller bags, some medical supplies, tools and a stun gun.The gloves and bags were for any evidence she found, the medical supplies were in case she got hurt and the tools were to help her get through things and defend herself. And so, with a determined pace Tarry went to Thomas’s workplace, The Mega PizzaPlex.
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avid-idiot · 1 year
i felt like i was gonna cry for some reason
but a day ago i called my mom from school telling her about that i now have gym on my schedule for the semester and later on that day she said “i already called the doctors, i even left them a voicemail telling them about the whole situation and they didn’t reach back to me.” that was on tuesday. today is thrusday and i don’t think they messaged my mother about it
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southbendswimclub · 2 years
Weekly Announcements for Week of 7/10-7/16
Dear SBSC families,
Practice Schedule
Riley HS
Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-7:30
G1 Elite Monday 5:30-7:30
Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 5:30-7:30, and Friday 5:00-6:30
Group 3 PM Monday and Tuesday 5:00-6:30
Group 3 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6:30-9:00
New Prairie HS 
Group 1 Tuesday and Thursday 5:00-6:30 CST
Group 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 5:00-7:00 CST
Group 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6:00-8:00 AM CST
Practice Notes: 
No RHS Group 3 PM practice on Thursday and no Group 3 AM or PM on Friday due to the Senior State meet.  Riley families please use door #22.  This is the door on the northwest corner of the building and faces Fellows Street. If you are planning to stay to watch practice there is a stairwell that is adjacent to this door, and this will lead you to the seating area.
New Prairie families use door N18.   New Prairie swimmers are welcome to attend their corresponding group's practice at Riley.
Last Day of Summer Season
Our last day of this season for all groups at NP and Groups 1 and 2 at RHS will be Thursday July 30.  We may be offering Group 3 AM workouts in August.  If we do, there will not be a charge for those practices.
Fall/Winter Season
Our first practice for all groups will be the Tuesday after Labor Day, September 6.  All swimmers will need to re-register. The plan is to have our on-line registration platform up and running by Monday August 8.   There will be some changes for the upcoming season.
1.  My role with Group 1 and Group 2 during the school year will be greatly reduced.  As most of you know Cooper is entering his senior year and Molly will be a freshman.  What most of you probably do not realize is my family has not sat down and had dinner with each other on a school night, ever.  Since Cooper will be leaving for school in about 13 months I feel it's time I change that before the opportunity is gone forever.  I say this not looking for sympathy, my choices have been my choices.  I am, however, hoping there is understanding.  The summer of 23 I plan to be back to the same level of on deck presence that I have always had.
2. We will be enforcing the 4 hour volunteer requirement for all Group 3 athletes.  In conjunction with this we will offering a lifeguarding class for all of our athletes that are 15 and over.  This class will be August 13 and 14 at Riley High School.  This class will be at no cost to our athletes but they will be required to guard additional hours at our practices to cover the cost.  If an athlete is currently a lifeguard we will pay for their recertificiation in exchange for more hours guarding our practices.  Every athlete that is 16 or over registered with the class will also certified to a USA Swimming Junior Coach. Again, this cost will be covered by the club.  More details coming over the next couple of weeks.
IA Summer Spectacular
A very fast first two days for our club.  I will post the results early this week.
Senior State -- IU-Bloomington -- July 
Our entry is attached here.  I can make changes through tomorrow.  Here are the pertinent times for next weekend's State Championship.
Thursday Pre-lims
Warm-ups 9:30-10:45 -- our athletes should be on deck by 9:45
Meet Starts 11:00
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Prelims
7:30-8:45 -- our athletes should be on deck by 7:45
Meet Starts 9:00
Finals Schedule
Thrusday warm-ups 5:00-5:45 -- meet starts 6:00
Friday & Saturday warm-ups 4:00-5:00 -- meet starts 5:15
Sunday warm-ups 3:00-4:00 -- meet starts 4:15
USA Swimming Guidelines - MAAPP/Safe Sport
USA Swimming issued a directive with regards to electronic communication and social media contact between coaches and athletes.  Most of what is being implemented is common sense and falls in line with our club's policies.  One new requirement we will need to adhere to is how your minor child communicates with me.  For several years I have asked swimmers in Group 2 and Group 3 to text/email me if they would be missing practice.  Moving forward, swimmers will be instructed to include a parent on all communication with me.

If you are the parent of a Group 2 or Group 3 swimmer, and have never sent me a text before, please text me so I have your contact info in my phone.  This way if I need to contact your swimmer about missing practice I can be sure to include you.  My cell phone number is 574-276-6057.
  I encourage all parents and swimmers to read the full policy.  We are required to keep this policy on our website, here is the link.
Spring and Summer Meet Schedule/Dates of Meet/Location/Deadline to commit
Below is our spring/summer meet schedule. The first date listed is the day(s) of the meet and second date is the deadline to commit. Swimmers wanting to compete will need to commit to those meets.  The deadlines are based on deadlines that were set in previous years. They may change once the meet hosts posts the meet information.  When committing to multiple day meets if the option to select the days you want is not available, leave a message in the available notes section of the specific days you would like to attend. Meets marked with an * are meets that require swimmers to meet certain time standards.  All pool locations can be found on our website under the "Pools" tab.
Midwest Collegiate Showcase -- Our Results
DUNE Rockin' Races Invite -- Our Results
CON Buffalo Wild Wings Blazin' Invite -- Our Results
Elkhart Invitational -- Our Results
MSC Summer Splash -- Our Results
*IN Swimming Open Water Championships -- CANCELED --
IA Summer Spectacular/July 8-10/Elkhart Aquatic Center/Our Results coming soon
*IN Senior State/July 14-17/IU-Bloomington/Entry sent
*IN Age Group State/July 22-24/IUPUI/Tonight Sunday July 10
*USA Swimming Futures Championships/July 27-30/Cary, NC/Tonight Sunday July 10
*IN Divisional Championships/July 29-31/Concord High School/Tonight Sunday July 10
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
-- John VanDriessche Head Coach South Bend Swim Club South Bend Riley High School (574)276-6057 www.southbendswimclub.com
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telesthisia · 4 years
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hate to cut things short here but weeps i need to wake up six in the morning for the morning shift i have, same time tomorrow seven to three so i should be here around four to finish things up ;v; i close saturday and will be gone for the whole day but i’m off sunday!!! so i’ll see you guys till then! have a good night!
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luimagines · 2 years
your schedule is the only reason i remember its thrusday/tuesday
Glad to be of service!
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honney-boy · 3 years
Honney-boy's Masterlist: Outer Banks Addition
– here is a master list for all it my writing for OBX under the right category.
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Request→ open
Guidelines (Please Read Them!)
Add yourself to my taglist
prompt list: one – two – three – four – five
fluff - ♡
angst - ✿
request - ✧
none - ツ
last updated→02/21/21
[Posting Schedule: Tuesdays & Thrusdays]
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John B. Routledge 
— Knight In Shining Board Shorts  ♡ ✧
— Risky Busniess and Special Swims  ✧
— Red Lights (part one), Green Lights (part two)
— In Your Eyes
— Pizza Before Boys  ツ
Kiara Carrera
—  Zoo Day ♡
JJ Maybank
—  Best Thing You Never Had ♡✿✧
part one
— Dance With Me
Pope Heyward
—  I Love You And I'm Sorry ✧♡
Sarah Cameron
—  Not In The Same Way ✿✧
Topper Thronton
—  Best Thing You Never Had ♡✿✧
part one
—  Chasing Cars
— Heather
— Lost In The Moments
Rafe Cameron (c.s!)
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wooyukh · 3 years
wait has the schedule for loved always been tuesdays and thrusdays????? why did it feel like you posted everyday last week. wAAAAAH but its already wednesday here in my timezone im v confused 😹
gshsjd yes it’s always been tuesdays and thursdays, i posted once on a sunday bc i didn’t post that thursday but other than that it’s tuesdays + thursdays. i guess in some places it’s a different day heh
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An eternity later
Well... between being lazy and a fun trip for cardgames and Marvel endings and other stuff... I have left this place a bit abandoned... so time to pick the schedule back up!
Tuesdays trough Thrusdays in general (when I’m not tired): Komi-san
Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th: Yuru Camp Specials
Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th: A Place Further Than The Universe 1-2 (hopefully)
Tuesday 21st (country holiday): Komi-san pilot
And from there on either a saturday or a sunday (or both depending how much I can say for it) will do an episode of A Place Further (I wanna do 2 the initial weekend because season opener, but we will see)
So if all goes well (and given today has been quite slow at work) we will have some Komi-san shenannigans tonight, see you then :D
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