#and they're OCs too????
this fic will actually murder me into tiny pieces, I don't think this novella will cover this couple enough I NEED THEM ON MY SCREEN
snippet under the cut
“Sometimes,” he admitted quietly, “I do not believe that I deserve a wife or children. After what I said to Cedrik…” He shook his head. “Perhaps he had a point.” Clementia did not shift her eyes away from him. Her knuckles stroked against his beard, and she sighed when he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “No,” she disagreed. “You are an honest, flawed man. I do not expect perfection. If I did⎯I would love a statue. You are a good man. Any woman would be honored to love you.”
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azurityarts · 10 days
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I am once again praising the 3D PMD games for blessing my ears with sweet strings, woodwinds, and brass
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chalkrub · 2 months
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been doodling some bri'ish wildlife - love seeing these guys. because they are the classics aren't they?
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wombywoo · 1 month
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v+q 🖤
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medicsmalewife · 5 months
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they're just besties, your honor ☝🏻
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this is the reference
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zivazivc · 12 days
a collection of old doodles and forgotten wips
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iizuumi · 4 months
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silly silly guys
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rawdough · 3 days
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This is Crimson Jelly Cookie! Careful not to get too close, those stingers are said to be deadly when he wants them to be.
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caffichai · 1 year
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@weeeeps 's Vera
This probably isn't very biblically accurate, but your characters are so cute I wanted to draw them!
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starrysharks · 1 month
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"it's *not* some fake fairy dust bullshit, onion. it's witchcraft, and it's real."
jaundice myers, a companion to onion, punching bag to the big fish of postmortem high, and one of the supporting characters of reassassination. a self proclaimed witch, she spends her days listening to goth music and practicing curses to finally thwart her enemies.
+ inspo sheets for her and onion!
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It's the beginning of a wonderful friendship. In case you don't know Clone Trooper Fancy Pants yet, check the tag.
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wis-art · 1 year
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hot girl moment
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kirisclangen · 1 month
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She/they, 62 moons, nonbinary
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deeva-arud · 4 months
Ohh Playful Land Deeva save me
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rebouks · 4 months
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Previous // Next
Hey Bird Boy!
I promised I’d write didn’t I? I’m missing you already, which is kinda stupid and cheesy, but true! There aren’t any other kids around now the holidays are over, so it’s just old people and super outdoorsy people who walk really fast with weird sticks and stuff, lame! Daddy lent me his crappy polaroid he uses for work so I can send you pictures and stuff so at least I’ve got something to do, they won’t be as good as yours but it’s better than nothing.
I tried to get a good picture but it’s hard to hold this huge thing with one hand and this is the best I could do but my teeth are totally starting to grow back so maybe I won’t look so dumb soon.. you can’t really see em but I can feel em poking through!!! It kinda hurts but I suppose we only have to grow em once so it’s not so bad. Growing teeth as a baby doesn’t count cos you can’t remember it.. how many teeth does your little sister have?!
I’m super looking forward to getting to know you properly since I can ask you stuff now! I’ll try n remember to ask you things instead of talking about myself the whole-time cos that’d be annoying to reply to, wouldn’t it?
By the way.. I took a bunch of pictures of my dad until I caught him laughing just to show you that he can be fun and nice, not always grumpy! He thinks he looks cool with his gold teeth but I think they make him look goofy, like a wannabe pirate haha!! YARRR!
I set Amber free cos I started to feel bad about keeping her cooped up in that tiny plastic box and I don’t think I’d like it if I were her, like how I’m starting to hate this stupid tower! I miss looking at her but I decided to start collecting fancy rocks instead since they’re not alive and don’t have any feelings. Dad digs up stuff for work sometimes so it makes total sense!! He said I’m not allowed to join him for that but we can do it on our own instead.. he bought me a big pretty one to start my collection, even though it’s kinda like cheating it still counts!
We found a birdwatching book stuffed in the back of the bookshelf looking for this notebook and dad said we should put some food out to see which ones we could spot.. they attacked him whilst he was putting the seeds out though so he said it was a stupid hobby and that he didn’t want to do it anymore. GET READY FOR THIS!!!
Ahahahahaahaaa I almost dropped his camera laughing at him and he took it off me for a couple days but it was totally worth it, please please pleaaaaase keep this picture cos I almost didn’t wanna send it to you so I could laugh at it forever and ever hahahaha!!!!
Oh, and I told daddy to take some pictures of me whilst I wasn’t looking like you do cos I thought it’d be neat, but I forgot I asked him to do it and got mad at him cos I was in my pj’s and my hair was all crazy.. it’s kinda funny I GUESS!! Plus, he said it made us even for me sending you the picture of him with the birds so here you go BUT DON’T KEEP THIS ONE!!
I got carried away and forgot to ask you stuff so here’s a list!
How old are you?
When’s your birthday?
Do you have any pets?!
What’s your favourite food?
Do you have all your big teeth yet? (it totally looked like it but you never know!!)
I was gonna think of more stuff to ask you and now the back of this page looks really empty but my brain farted and I really wanna send you this so you can send one back! I’ll think of more I promise!! I’m looking forward to “talking” to you so I guess you can write about whatever you want.. and I wanna see your house!! I bet your pictures will be way better than mine!
Yours excitedly, Alex :]
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expiredsoda · 3 months
more old sketchs of donna/mc ✨
and oh wow these are like drawn out even before the game was released, they're really old asf 💀
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@banananutmuffin28 here ya go the full panel
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ngl thought angie would be more annoyed about "her roommate rizzing up her aunt" situation lol, imagine my surprise finding out angie's the one setting em up🧍
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p5 was posted here before but it was probably shadow banned so I'm mixing it in this post (doggo covering
p6 was re8 donna/oc with their rl version
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