#and these are the ones that i have narrowed to most active wip mind you
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
I was tagged in this a couple weeks ago by @cosmicalart @valeffelees @run-for-chamo-miles and @wellbelesbian, but didn't know what WIPs to share until now. But I'm currently lying on the floor very tired and sleep-deprived, so why not. The answers are across several fics, but the fics aren't really specified because I'm sleepy.
🦈 Tell us the name of one of your WIP(s)
Stressed? Write porn!
🍄 Describe one of your WIPs in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
Sex + EDS = The OuchiesTM
🌍 What tags or warnings will your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
Violence, graphic descriptions of hearts, probably a tag for Simon being a serial killer, dead dove
🧭 An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
No idea, honestly, I'm bad enough at titles as it is.
Edit to update my answer: Chaotically violent and horny immortal husbands Simon and Baz in love
⚠️ Which WIP you’re most likely to finish or update next?
Maybe that one where EDSer Runaan is relocating his joints after sex.
💾 What is the document of your WIP called? (Not the story title, but what you’ve saved it as.)
smutty snowbaz smut (part of me wants to post this one, and the other part of me worries it won't be as hot as I think it is, or it'll lose its hotness once posted)
🖍 Post any sentence from your WIP
Baz throws his hands up in the air.
“Smut!” He slams his fingers back on the keyboard and continues typing, assuming a voice like he’s giving a sales pitch. “Are you stressed? Do you need to get your shit together? Just write porn!”
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
I don't have many scrapped ideas--I usually just run with whatever comes to mind.
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
An autistic Runaan fic or other neurodivergent character fic with the title being a line from the song People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson.
🤡 How many WIPs are you actively working on?
Actively? None. WIPs that I come back to from time to time? Many.
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
A lot of scenes... I don't have the spoons to actually write right now. I guess to narrow it down, I've been stuck on that smut scene in my "chaotically violent and horny immortal husbands Simon and Baz in love" fic for... probably over a year now. I have no idea where this smut scene should go.
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
No idea who's done this already, but tagging @bazzybelle @hoothalcyon @stitchyqueer @youarenevertooold @no-cinnamon-for-synonym
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @iamamythologicalcreature @yellobb <2
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chameliyun · 7 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
thanks for the tag @spacejammie-eimmajecaps!
How many works do you have on ao3? Officially 8, but I have one on anon and one currently unrevealed in a fic exchange
What's your total ao3 word count? 61,996
What fandoms do you write for? So far I've written for Death Note, Tangled the Series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Haikyuu, plus a couple of crossovers. Haikyuu is definitely my main rn though
What are your top five fics by kudos? #1: Frosting and Freckles: 69 (nice) #2: Draw Me Near: 39 #3: [embarrassing anon fic]: 35 #4: Varian Is Not a Wizard: 25 #5: Midnight Coda: 21
Do you respond to comments? Yeah, I love to! I don't get a lot so they always make me happy :)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably the anon fic sdfsk but other than that, Midnight Coda is kinda bittersweet because of what happens later
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? hmm idk but the sappiest is definitely Frosting and Freckles
Do you get hate on fics? Not so far, thankfully! I don't think I have a big enough readership for that haha
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have not; not sure what kind it would be if I did
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I love writing crossovers! A PJO/HP crossover was actually what got me into fanfic. Unfortunately most of them are merely concepts or abandoned (for now), but as for crazy, I think my Lunar Chronicles/PJO one is the craziest in terms of how the plot grew out of control from a simple "what if these two characters interacted" to "I could rewrite most of this series," which is why I got stuck and put it on hiatus lol but I do want to get back to it someday. Maybe once I finish my other active crossover
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest? Uhhh well if we count "working on" as "having it in the back of mind to get to but haven't worked on in months," probably Sent from the Heavens lol. If not, then Varian Is Not a Wizard (just over two years since I published the first chapter). Shortest is definitely Midnight Coda, since I wrote that pretty much in a day iirc
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds like it could be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms? Dude I have no idea how to narrow that down. Best I can give you is my current fave is Tsukkiyama from Haikyuu
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably my "Leo Valdez ends up in the ATLA world" one :sob: It never made it past the word doc and about three pages of story and I haven't looked at it in like two years
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at dialogue and grammar/spelling
What are your writing weaknesses? Everything else (jk). I am awful at describing scenes/settings; I get bored writing them so I don't put as much effort in as I should haha. I also tend to ramble and use passive voice too much
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I haven't done it, but I think it's fine as long as it fits the context
First fandom you wrote for? Published: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Unpublished: Percy Jackson
Favorite fic you've written? I think it's still Bent Out of Shape. It's so niche, but I had an idea and I executed it, and I'm proud of what I accomplished. Although once I finish Varian Is Not a Wizard, that might take the top slot.
No-pressure tagging: @supermarine-silvally @starrynightarchive @litterateur97 @palant1r @soreiya @lilac-writes @oloreandil @kandybarkreepshow @ellegamgee and anyone else who wants to!
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thecouchsofa · 8 months
Trick-or-treat!! 🎃
I was going to put a few of my most recent lines in here, but they're from an anon fest fic, so a different WiP will have to do!
Behold, never backing down in the face of adversity (or cock), a marathon of Harry and Draco getting competitive over Quidditch, men, desserts, and dates, all while being in denial about liking each other.
Snippet is unedited and straight from my brain.
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
“Those brooms were shocking. Got to be the worst thing I’ve ever put between my legs.” Ron smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, then at Malfoy.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. He swallowed his bite of cake and set the plate down on the table. “You, I’d believe. We all know that’s not the case for Potter.”
“What the fuck?” Harry asked, raising his eyebrows at Malfoy. “What does that even mean?”
Malfoy pursed his lips. “That Beater from the Arrows that you took home a few weeks ago comes to mind. Bald head, face like a thumb?”
“Fuck off,” Harry said. He chuckled weakly. The bloke had indeed been a shite lay, but Malfoy had no way of knowing that. “He’s a current player in the league. As if you could you do better.”
“Is that a challenge? Because I’ll win.” Malfoy snatched the plate of cake out of Ron’s hands, holding it against his chest.
“You won’t.”
“I will.”
“You won’t.”
“Who’d you pull that weekend, Malfoy?” Ron asked. He grinned at Harry when Harry shot him an exasperated look.
Malfoy smirked, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Whitegood. Puddlemere Chaser.”
“Fuck off,” Harry snorted. “You did not.”
“I did.”
“He’s fit, there’s no way.”
“Should I go and get a Pensieve?” Malfoy asked. “Oh, bloody hell, alright, Ronald.” He all but threw the plate of cake into Ron’s waiting hands.
“Yes,” Harry said. He needed evidence to believe that Malfoy had managed to pull one of the fittest blokes in the league.
“Reckon that’s illegal,” Ron said through a mouthful of cake. “Should we have a do-over?”
“No,” said Harry.
“Yes,” said Malfoy.
Harry scowled at the pair of them, both grinning like loons.
“You’re just don’t want to admit that I date better looking men than you do,” Malfoy said. He smirked at Harry, leaning back in his chair.
“You don’t date better looking men than me.” Harry turned to Ron, his eyes wide. “He doesn’t date better looking men than me, does he?”
Ron held his hands up, palms facing out. A bit of cake fell from his fork onto the grass. “Results are inconclusive.”
Harry groaned, pressing his palms against his face. He could feel Malfoy’s smirk.
“Oh, Harry, are you alright?” Hermione crouched down next to him, the skirt of her poufy dress spilling across his lap. “Is it the sun? it’s a little bright, I know.”
Malfoy snorted. Harry dropped his hands so that he could glare at him.
“No, Harry’s just having a crisis,” Ron supplied, very unhelpfully.
“Hermione, tell me the truth.” Harry sighed, clasping her hand between his own. “Does the one and only supreme tosser known as Draco Malfoy date fitter blokes than me?”
Hermione pursed her lips, looking between the three of them with a disapproving expression on her face. “This is what you three are talking about at my engagement party?”
“Answer the question, Hermione.” Malfoy’s smirk would have been obvious even if Harry wasn’t actively glaring at him.
“I think you’ve both been with some objectively attractive men,” Hermione said.
Pansy appeared behind Hermione then. “To answer your question, Harry, yes, Draco dates fitter men than you.”
Ron cheered, punching a fist into the air. He lowered it when Harry glared at him.
Malfoy waited until Hermione and Pansy had been dragged off by Molly Weasley, Ron in tow, before he smirked at Harry again. He leaned back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other. “So that settles it then.”
“No,” Harry said, shaking his head. “I want a rematch. Whoever pulls the fittest bloke wins.”
Malfoy narrowed his eyes, though his smirk stayed firmly in place. “Fine. Time limit?”
“This time next week at Hermione and Pansy’s.”
“Perfect dinner table conversation,” Malfoy said. His fingers stroked up and down the stem of his champagne flute. “Any ground rules?”
Harry thought for a moment, his leg bouncing up and down. “No stealing blokes from each other. Finders keepers. And no sabotages.”
“Fine.” Malfoy rolled his eyes, clearly less than pleased. “We need evidence though. A picture or a magazine spread or something to verify.”
“Fuck off, you know that I hate that shit.” Harry detested the thought of actively trying to get into the papers, particularly when he was bringing home a one night stand.
“Deal with it.” Malfoy stood up, brushing down the front of his robes. He reached a hand out towards Harry. “One last condition: no reusing of old partners. Newly sourced only. Agreed?”
Harry sighed, but he took Malfoy’s hand. His palm was warm and soft, his fingers long as they clasped around Harry’s. “Agreed.”
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
2022 writing wrap up
tagged by my beloved @possumteeths MWAH ILY
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Total Words Published: 
Additional Words Written: 
about 9k of assorted other wips lmao
and about 4k for a random non-fic writing project that I kinda......abandoned......but maybe we’ll pick it back up idk
Grand Total of Words: 
about 44,000!
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house of wax exclusively. smh. bc I lost my mind in october over it and have published nothing BUT content for it
however!! I would love to branch out eventually and write some other shit lmao!!
I have a bride of chucky fic in the works and I’d love to dabble into other slashers PERHAPS
none of them own this ass quite like those wax losers UNFORTUNATELY
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Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
it’s my first HOW fic, poacher’s dream...which is a categorically nasty and weird lil house of wax oneshot about bo sinclair bein nasty w/beer bottles.
glad to know that all of u are intrigued @ the thought of being debased w/a budweiser bottle by this hick loser bc same tbh
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Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
pumpkin guts! a silly lil halloween romp in which the reader carves pumpkins with the worst men in america! spooky!
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New Things I Tried:
x reader fics lol!! I never thought I'd write anything in that format! tbqh, I didn't think I'd return to writing fanfic at all! bc for years I’ve had this cycle of getting into something, writing one (1) fic for it, losing all interest in fic writing, and disappearing off the face of whatever fandom I scuttled into lmao
seems like the only thing that motivates me to semi-regularly post fics is the concept of screwing the vilest fictional men?? interesting!! I love my neurological functions
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Fic I Spent the Most Time On:
it feels like it was sanguine lmao
I wrote 9.5k words of weird cerebral EDGING porn for this deranged elvis impersonator and his mechanic LARP
I really did 
and it���s 100% the least accessible of my fics bc it’s Peculiar™. but when I tell u I sat and absolutely labored over that fic rfhsdjwjfedskrfjwds
I put a lot of time and energy into it and it knocked 7391932 years off my life tbh
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Favorite Thing I Wrote:
something borrowed! 
I think it’s the strongest fic in my catalogue tbh. Just pacing/format-wise. I really like the overall structure and tone! It’s this strange little foray into Bo’s demented little pea brain and has several scenes I love a lot 
I’m also very fond of miss ambrose, my lester fic! it’s just GOOFY fluffy nonsense!!! I had SO MUCH fun writing it 
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Favorite Thing I Read:
everything LITERALLY EVERTHING that my fuckin INCREDIBLY talented friend @possumteeths​/ @raccoonspooky​ wrote!! like I’m actively trying to narrow down my favorite and I am having the most DIFFICULT time bc they are all works of fuckin art lmao
I literally just reread obedient dogs the other day. go read that. have u read the SOUL SHATTERING and AWARD WINNING they'll pay you a thousand for a kiss & .50 for your soul ?? HAVE U?? BESTIE if U HAVE NOT??? 
basically, go gargle down all of poki’s content idk man IT’S ALL SO GOOD 
@visceravalentines​ wrote THIS incredible piece and it made me clinically fuckin insane. edit: AND THIS ONE. HOLY SHIT. I have reread both of these 7382817983 times!!! meg ily!! u just wait I’m gonna attack ur masterlist like a frenzied bear after a long winter hibernation I swear
regrettably, I didn’t consume a ton of fic this year!! granted, I only got into this fandom in october so I have time to catch up lmao!! definitely plan to have a more extensive list next year 
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Writing goals for 2023:
write more nonsensical insanity and just have fun lmao
as for concrete plans!! I’d love to write a whole series of x readers with horror ladies (final girl/villain/what have u)! carly and tiff are already on that list, but if you have any other ideas, I’m all ears! I need to brush through my horror lady mental catalogue and give them some ao3 rights lmao!
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New Works:
The previously mentioned Carly x Reader fic! It’s been my super self-indulgent brainchild for the past couple months, and I love it a lot! I really want to hammer it out this month and toss it out into the internet void......but we shall see. 
If only I can get the weevil that is Ho Binclair out of my goddamn scriv doc..........speaking of him.......................
☢️💥🤡 I’ve got 37171984918342 Bo WIP’s bopping around my skull at all times yikes🤡💥☢️
I don’t need those. u don’t need those. I’ve already written enough for this man. what else is there 2 say!!! and yet
I’m also writing bits and pieces of this multi-chaptered Vincent slowburn. that will be out..............................at some time? in the future jfrdsjhrjhwfdskrwfds who knows
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tagging the writer moots that I haven't already seen tagged!! no stress of course mwah 
@visceravalentines, @venus-haze​
also consider urself tagged if u read 2 the bottom of this hell post 
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
I just got out of a VERY exciting campaign session, which doesn't have anything to do with void-walkers, but I just wanted to share that.
Anyway, I have a new void-walkers development for you, and that development is that I'm starting to narrow down the supernatural abilities that void-walkers have!
I think I might've mentioned this previously, but void-walkers have funky powers based on a wide variety of factors, such as how successful the ritual was and also when it was performed. I haven't worked out all the nitty-gritty of that, but I have some ideas.
(And I'm starting to think it might work best to have it be a power system where powers are... not necessarily UNIQUE to each character but there's so many possibilities that it's hard to narrow down what each void-walker can do for the most part, it's just a matter of how powerful they are.)
So generally the powers void-walkers have are limited to like. Supernatural type shit, not any kind of physical superpower type things. So you're not gonna get a void-walker with super strength or shapeshifting (as much as I love shapeshifting). I'm just gonna list some powers that my void-walker OCs so far have:
Juno is telepathic, allowing them to glimpse into the minds of those around them and also "speak" telepathically to others. Unfortunately, their telepathy is very unstable and they can't peer very deeply into others' minds unless they're really concentrating. Generally, they only see surface-level thoughts. (Also this ability is extremely overwhelming and they can't turn it off, so they get overstimulated around large crowds easily.)
Asher is one of the stronger void-walkers around so I think she has multiple abilities, but her main one is that she can look at another void-walker and say "no" and completely nullify whatever power they have for a time. Juno can't read her mind, for one thing, and she can just decide to "turn off" Juno's powers for a bit (which she does whenever they have to be around a lot of people, so her friend isn't too overwhelmed). Asher doesn't really advertise that she can do this, but she can! It has its limits (like I think she can only limit one person's powers at a time), but still.
Aeneas essentially has fucky mind-control powers, wuh-oh! She can't completely take control of another person, but she can very strongly influence them to do her will, and they're 100% aware that they're being controlled the whole time but they can't do anything about it. This doesn't work on other void-walkers, but it works very well on humans.
Apollo is telekinetic, but its telekinesis is very limited and generally speaking it can't lift objects that are over five pounds. However, it can lift a bunch of objects at once, as long as those objects are less than or equal to five pounds total. (If Apollo REALLY concentrates, it can lift heavier things, but that takes a lot of energy so uh. That's pretty rare.)
[Redacted Bastard Man] can quite literally drain the energy and life force of those around them. I haven't developed this ability too much just yet, but it's a large reason why even other void-walkers don't like being around him. Actually while typing this I just got the idea that it could very much relate to touch--physically touching others (as in skin-to-skin contact) allows this character to drain energy from those around him, which he can then use for whatever bullshit he wants. That's very similar to the main antagonist of an old kinda-sorta-WIP I haven't touched in a while, though, so. Hm. Will have to think about that.
Jason actively tries to ignore everything about him that is affected by him being a void-walker, so I'm thinking a lot of his story would center around the fact that he doesn't know what abilities he has and not only is he afraid to ask but he's simply not going to ask. He doesn't know what's happening and he is perfectly fine not finding out. Jason just wants to get through his week and watch sad romance movies while crying on the couch.
Anyway this took longer to type up than I thought it would!
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Gingerbread! Beloved!
It's Storytell-me-many-facts-about neat-stuff-in-your-wips-er Saturday so please indulge and educate me on those so I can make informed and excited comments on your posts later. Thanks.
It's my dear Sleepy-friend! Good to see you again, thank you for stopping in. Here's some tea to sip on while I answer. It's a long ramble ^^
I have several WIPs going on at any given moment, and trying to talk about all of them in their full, far more complicated than I ever intended, detail would take us both a great deal of time so I shall narrow it down to my two most active projects at the moment.
The most active project is the one I'm posting right here to Tumblr, The Shackles of Time. It's turning 1 year old on either the 20th or 21st of this month. Still boggles my mind that I've been working on it so long.
The basics of it is that it's a high fantasy story set in a very ancient world that has seen the rise and fall of several civilizations. It has dozens of magic types, dragons who have such strong innate magic that their very presence changes the landscape around them, spirits that thrive in places with strong magic, floating islands, the ruins of countless civilizations, dozens of different species many of which have variations, Shadowed Gates which have been used by fiends and monsters to invade the world multiple times, a pantheon of Gods that have basically been exiled from the world by mortals because of an event called The Mad War in which the Mad God waged a war on humanity.
The story mostly follows the newest team of adventurers in a famous adventuring guild called The Dawn Isle Guild (named after the floating island it was built under.) These would be the main characters - Merle, Arlen, his familiar Cherrenth, and Night, and their quest to become legendary heroes. Each one has their own reasons for this goal - Merle wants a special kind of vengeance on a corrupt guild and to achieve true honor and glory. Arlen wants to actually experience life instead of rotting away in the moon elf towers. Cherrenth just wants to keep Arlen from dying and to fulfill the contract they made. And Night, despite probably being the most intimidating of the trio, really just wants to save people.
I have also just finished writing the first chapter of a second team that the story will be following as well made up of more veteran members of the guild - Drusilla, her familiar (whose name eludes me at this moment, I'm so sorry buddy), Lucien, and Azalea. They won't be the main focus, but they will be exploring different aspects of the world and some plot stuff that came up while I was playing with the original trio.
There's also tons of side characters, from legends who fought in The Mad War and even actually fought The Mad God head on, to villagers who need quests done, to Bramble the lovely little quest keeper for the guild, Glenn and Zephyr who are teaching the new kids the ropes of adventuring life and guild rules, Emlyn the dwarven blacksmith, and so many more, and I love them all.
I'm particularly please with the character dynamics in The Shackles of Time. The way the characters interact with each other really gives the guild this very close found-family feeling. The implied histories and inside jokes really make them feel like they've known each other for a long time too. Though the tension and chaos that's slowly rising in the world also brings out the old griefs and fears in those who experienced it and this desire to protect the young ones. It's very sweet and a little bitter, just the way I like it ^^
My second most active project at the moment is Dream's favorite: Forgotten Gods. I'm currently working on draft two of it, between mad dashes of writing Shackles of Time.
The basics of it is it's a high/slightly dark fantasy world where hundreds, if not thousands, of Gods are very much real and very invested in mortal's lives, be it helping raise a little village into a paradise for their favorite mortals or just make one poor dude's life miserable forever just for the fun of it. There's monsters, ruins, like lakes and black oceans, cute fluffy rainbow creatures and dark shadow monsters, basically if you can imagine it there's probably a God who got bored and made it. Magic is 100% dependent on the Gods because it's divine energy and the only ones who can cast spells are Gods' champions.
The main characters of the story are two champions and an elf on a mission to find himself who cross paths during very unlikely circumstances. Which annoys Silver at first, but her cat, Thyme loves it.
The first one you meet is Silver, the grumpy, anti-social forest hermit who ran away from her old village to start a new life. She doesn't know why these people keep coming to her abandoned tower to talk to her, but the law of her first God demands she gives them tea before kicking them out so she entertains them. She's the champion of a different God who forgot he was a God at first, he's been having a rough several hundred years and is just happy to have someone to talk to even if she isn't very sociable.
The second one is Reuven, an elf monster hunter from the Great Southern Forests. He's tall, wears scales, furs, and armor made of a mix of metal and bone, people think he's scary because of it and the fact he's quiet, but he's really a nice guy who enjoys learning about other people and traveling around to various places. If people have a monster problem, he'll do his best to help them even if they can't offer him a fair trade for his services. He's the first one to find Silver and she's weird and quiet like him, so he likes hanging out with her.
The last of our merry little disaster trio is Kitan, a champion of a very popular Sun Goddess from the coastal region he grew up in. He's a cat-boy, fluffy tail and ears and all. His super friendly and talkative, but suffers a great deal of self-doubts and insecurities. He's mostly traveling to try and prove to himself that he can be a good champion, but the problem is is he doesn't really have the skills to be a good adventurer, which is how he finds himself lost in the forest where Silver and Reuven are and almost dies, gets scared of Reuven, literally runs face-first into Silver's door, and somehow makes friends with both of them. He's a mess, but I love him. <3
The story itself is kind of hard to explain, but the basics are that it follows the lives of these three after they cross paths and accidentally set some things in motion that there was no way for them to possibly know was going to happen before it did. There's a village that's had an unusual amount of monster activity, old Gods that have held grudges for centuries, and some interpersonal drama, pasts coming back to bite characters (and their Gods) in the butts, mysteries to solve and power of friendship stuff, and also some magic-related triumphs and failures.
I'm also playing around with some ideas
I think that's the basics of everything. If you have more questions about anything specifically, Sleepy-friend, feel free to ask. @writingonesdreams has asked a lot about both of them, so I might already have some pre-written rambles about various aspects of these two projects I can toss you. If not, then I'll write out new rambles for you that I'll tag our favorite enabler in so you both have something new to read. ^^
Thanks for stopping in~! I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
hi! for your writing game: 3, 5, 18 :]
From this!
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Oh see, the problem is actually that I DO write That One Scene (or Several) I Want to Write and then I am Never Ever arsed to write any of the set-up and context! My brain concocts some silly ass dialogue and/or scenarios and I FEVERISHLY jot them down and SOMETIMES I luck out and get a finished fanfic out of it but more often than not when it's time to build the actual framework my brain simply chucks itself out the window, which is why I have 67 published works on AO3 and upwards of 240 WIPS sitting in google docs and a very narrow completion rate of, what, 30ish%?
My brother keeps telling me "Just post them as WIPS if you’re not going to come back to them!" but I CAN'T….! "Just write out a paragraph for context and let it go, it doesn't matter!" YES IT DOES LMAO
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Listen, yeah, it’s Alberto and take from that what you will lmao Rejection sensitive dysphoria? Daddy issues? Refusing to ask questions and pretending to know what’s happening at all times? I'm fine thanks for asking!
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
In general, some of them do! I think this happens to every writer to some degree, especially with longer fics, where you start out with certain ideas in mind and as the story actually progresses, things shift around and sometimes come out completely differently! It can be frustrating when a story doesn’t organically grow in the direction that you want, but it can be exciting too!
*clutching my face* Crowned With Laurels has literally so many alternate versions/scenes that I had to make a brand new subfolder for the "drafts", which consists of several branch-off story lines that I didn't pursue but almost fully fleshed out anyway.... I don’t really want to get into them atm, though, because I’m still actively working on CWL and I’m still fleshing out some things, but if y’all are curious about them after it’s all finished I’ll be happy to share!
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
for your wip ask games & for any of your current wips that you’re working on !
How do you feel about this WIP? Is it frustrating? Fun? Strange?
ASK MEME ( accepting ! )
Fanfic WIP Ask Game
9. How do you feel about this WIP? Is it frustrating? Fun? Strange?
i have a lot of wips ( five active at the moment ^^'' ) but i have narrowed down my focus to two that are the most completed & will be posted soon !
wip #1 - i adore this one so much , usually i find myself frustrated when a wip exceeds my estimated word count because it means i cannot just post it agdjfkglg but i find that i truly love writing this one & describing every detail that i am able to. it's as well very tender & soft with an element of hurt / comfort thus it is something i enjoy writing already , the characters too are a favourite pair of mine so i am just melting for them ! plus it is a one - shot of a missing scene , thus i do not have to worry over plot or keeping to a timeline / goal / aim / etc. i can just fill the gap & focus solely upon the characters & the dynamics between them.
wip #2 - this one i too adore , but it is one i am stressing over because of the level of research i have placed into it & am still doing for it ! truly i know i can never gain the level of knowledge to be wholly accurate since i can never be in this situation in this time period , & i know fanfiction is free so who cares if something is inaccurate right ?? but as i write my mind asks questions so then i search it up & fall into the rabbit hole because then more questions come up & it spirals. bUT i am having such fun laying out the dynamics , developing the relationships between the characters , & this one too has elements of h/c which is my favourite so i am excited for those bits !
thus overall good feeling about these two wips ! i just need to turn off my compulsion to research the hell out of everything before i write certain scenes agdkflgh xD
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cristinuke · 1 year
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I've been tagged by @renai-chan! ❤️❤️❤️
This is multi-fandom, and I've narrowed it down to only the ones that I have put a modicum of effort into (other than just an idea). The ones with an asterisks are the ones that I'm actively/recently working on. All the others I come back to occasionally when the mood strikes):
Gilded Cage For Horus*
Who We Are*
Hooker Fic*
Heaven and Hell Were Words to Me*
ATYD- After*
Halfway House*
A Prevaricative Paracosm
Catching Bullets In Our Teeth
Lick Honey; Boil Seas
Defrost Story
Gradient Ascent
CC Ds Hooker AU (yes, I have two hooker AUs, no, I'm not sorry)
CC Ds series
The Good Year
Tragedy in Three Acts
Some are the actual titles, some are not. I didn't include the fics that are "finished" and are just waiting for one or two things before they're posted. I think it's only three fics in that specific category haha.
Also bear in mind that some of these may never actually see the light of day, but I haven't given up on them yet!
I'll stick to 5 people to tag: @icemav86, @artgroves, @peppermintwhisp, @scienceiswickedcool, @sereshace!
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attickit · 7 years
WIP sentences...
Tagged by @angustdtt! Thx, thx. Made me realise how unorganised I am. lol. my works in progress is a huge mess so dont mind me. Also you shall see lots of hoseok involved fics. This is me trying to remind myself I do have a bias (and jimin you can sit down from being the main muse for a long moment)
Rules: write the first sentence from your work in progress, then tag as many people as there are words. (iambadatproppertagginpeople)
Only one sentence so these are gonna get confusing and boring quick.
These are drafts in progress. (adding when tired)
Project: Quake. OC x Jung HoSeok a type of fantasy au genre: ??? "The sun dips its toes into the horizon of the ocean."
A clock ticking in day of no time. OC x Jung HoSeok Time au (what kind of time? It's complicated) genre: Fluff, Angst "My hands reach out to the image on the back of my eyelids."
Can't you look at only me? OC x Jung HoSeok Geeky BF hobi au (non idol) genre: Fluff "The bustling sounds around you does not bother your little escape into social media."
Only you (forever coming to you) OC x Jeon JeongKook Prequel to Pained Longing and it is disturbingly long genre: Angst, angst, angst (trigger warning to be applied) " “Kookie!!” You leaped into the boy’s arms."
Main focus
Falling Stars Kim NamJoon x Jung HoSeok (as best friends) Hogwarts au (series on AO3 :3) genre: Slice of life (?), Twinge of fluff, no proper plot Percentage of completion: 93% "NamJoon can feel his face reddening from the embarrassment."
By dawn (I Lost you) OC (Nameless) x Kim NamJoon another disturbingly long prequel to another fic (I am missing you) genre: Angst. Percentage of completion: 32% "You listen. You listened to broken voices." (i gave you two sentences cause it's not fair to just give you two words)
Realm: Rectification. Kim TaeHyung centred Realm au genre: Angsty angst. Percentage of completion: 76% (80% if im generous to myself) There are nine parts so I'll give you a sentence to each part. 1. " "Tae, stop. You can't do this anymore. It's ridiculous." " 2. "The sun begins to rise." 3. "The boy with the swing smiles at the moon looking down on him." 4. " "Ouch." Yoongi clutches his hand in pain." 5. " "Run!" The hand on his shoulder pushes his body forward." 6. "Looking in to the glass, he tilts his head in soft wonder." 7.       unfinished 8. "The earth is soft under his feet but there is no care for the nature that surrounds him right now." 9. "HoSeok finds himself conflicted as he got up."
I dont really have people to tag unless I ask but i dont wanna seem to be bothering people so here is an empty list... Soz.
also if you have one that catches your eye and want me to finish first, shout at me for it. helps in the motivating.
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jacobseed · 2 years
jumping at the chance to do this bc i started a new fic but seriously thank you @quentinbecks @johnnycranes @gamer-purgatory @hoesephseed @marivenah for tagging me!
tagging: @cameronburke @aartyom @aleksander-morozovas @indorilnerevarine @shallow-gravy @aceghosts and uuuuh anyone else who wants to do this i’ve been tagging a lot of people lately.
Neve fic (AU Neve and bat/man are not friends but friendly...)
Gotham City was filled with blinding lights and neon signs, crowded streets and more crime than the officers of the GCPD could keep up with. It certainly wasn’t on the list of cities tourists should visit. In fact, it was most likely already on the “Top 5 Places You Should Definitely Stay Away From” list, if one looked hard enough.
However, with the uprising of criminal activity, it came with only one consequence and he had a name and the reckless abandon of a daredevil. The Batman was on everyone's mind, if you happened to have any reason to encounter the elusive vigilante. That applied to most of the citizens in Gotham and not to those who lived in their secure mansions and slept peacefully at night without worrying about those on the streets.
In a backstreet and off the main roads, there’s a small coffee stand that’s open even in the dead of night, waiting for people like Neve Davenport to stop for a drink and a chat before a late shift at the Iceberg Lounge. 
Neve sets down the newspaper and rolls her eyes, thanking the man who hands her the coffee.  A commotion causes the two to turn their heads and she frowns as she sees a man being held by the front of his shirt and a large shadowed figure looming over him. The barista shouts for the two to stop, they were scaring away his business.
Yet, she wasn’t scared at all when she made eye contact with the Bat and took a sip of the scolding liquid. It takes a moment, but he averts his gaze and she smiles. “That’s two, Bats.” She laughs as she walks away, grinning at her success of having won another staring contest against him. 
Her heels click against the concrete and she pulls out her phone as she walks, checking her texts in case anyone is looking for her. A noise beside her causes her attention to turn and she stops in her tracks, narrowing her eyes at the man lurking in the shadows. She shifts her weight and places her hand on her hip, tilting her head slightly. 
“You can’t win if I’m in the middle of something.” 
Neve smiles and sticks her tongue out at the Batman. “Of course I can. You should stop starting them then if you’re busy.” She continues walking again, taking another drink. The burn is familiar now and doesn’t bother her. “Don’t be a sore loser.”
Theo/Jacob - Frozen Pines
The world wasn’t ending. Nothing was happening and Theo felt a twinge of anger as she glances down at Joseph- on his knees with his arms raised to the sky, waiting. Waiting for God’s wrath to descend upon the citizens of Hope County in a fury of fire and storms. 
But nothing happened. 
Theo lets out a feral scream as she decks The Father in the face, watching him drop to the ground and ready to connect the bottom of her boot to his head, but Whitehorse and Pratt stop her, dragging her back.
“People died, you motherfucker!” The adrenaline from moments before comes rushing back and it takes everything the two men have to hold her steady as she fights them off. 
Her thoughts drift to Eli - Wheaty screaming at her with tears in his eyes. To Jacob smiling, and to John and his sorrowful blue eyes. To Faith holding her hand as she steps into the water and Tracey’s cries as she clutches Vergil as he takes his last breaths. Fuck, even Burke holding her gaze as he pulled the trigger. So much bloodshed - and for what? A deranged mans obsession with God and his desire to save people from damnation, even if it meant lying to those that trusted him the most?
“I’m going to fucking kill you myself!” The deputy breaks free, dropping down on top of him and wrapping her hands around his throat, squeezing tightly. 
It’s Hudson’s turn to try and remove her from the false prophet, but it doesn’t help. Theo can only see blood as she glares down at Joseph, waiting to see the light leave his eyes like she had to do with so many others. At least this time, she’d find a purpose from it. 
Except, that doesn’t happen as Joseph decides he wishes to live and reaches for her knife at her side, pulling it from it’s sleeve and burying the blade into her side. 
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wickedscribbles · 2 years
4 and 14 for the writer’s ask 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
Hi, Belle! 👋 Thanks for asking. 😊
4. What piece of writing are you most proud of?
Ooh, this is a tough one. With all the stuff I wrote this year, I had so much fun with so many different pieces. But if I’m going to narrow it down to one or two things, I would say that I’m proud of the longer-form narratives -- particularly Come What May and When the World Stopped Making Sense.
In the past, I was never the type of person to have the patience for that kind of massive project. So the fact that I not only wrote a novel-length, multiple chapter love/smut story set in the Star Wars universe, then developed an almost 30,000 word spin-off of that based off of a lovely prompt sent in by an anon, blows my mind. 
I’ve said it a lot, but Come What May was supposed to be a horny little oneshot throwaway to satiate my Obi-Wan needs 😂 And then, of course...it wasn’t. All at once I was overwhelmed with idea after idea for this little OC in my head named Ziva... and I knew I couldn’t keep the main character faceless. I’m still so flattered that people have grown to love her as much as I have. 
That’s the big reason why I love When the World Stopped Making Sense as much as I do. While the plot is all about finding Obi-Wan and getting back to him in the aftermath of Order 66, this is very much Ziva’s story. Writing this helped me learn so much about her -- what she’s like in a crisis, how she would react if she lost everything. It made me love her so much more than I already did. 
14. How many wips are you taking into next year?
Ohhhhhh boy. A few 😅😅 Actively working on two for Red Dead, and I’ve got two for Star Wars archived away. I try not to overwhelm myself by working on too much at a time. It can get a little crazy. There are a lot of ideas on the backburner, too. 
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Catharsis (A Satan x GN MC Fanfic)
As it would turn out, moving is hell, and tensions are high in my house for the moment... I can't work up enough of a playful mood to look at my other WIPs right now, so here's another episode of "I'm Moody and Need to Work Through Some Stuff... w/ Jazzy." Funny enough, I wrote this while listening to Kartharsis (yes with a K) by TK from Ling tosite sigure (yes the Unravel guy).
Warning: Angst, Verbal Abuse
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Catharsis: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions
Satan could never claim to have the healthiest anger management strategies… To some extent, it's not exactly his fault. He's a being born from rage itself and for most of his life, it's tinted his every thought… Even after cooling down some, his temper remained exceedingly short. And worst of all, his wrath could burn looong… If given a chance, he could stay mad for days unless given some kind of release…
His brothers usually knew to steer clear if getting Satan that pissed. The only surefire way they had of calming him down was to let him destroy something and that wasn't doing all that great for the House's walls… But brothers do what brothers do. There will probably always be a day where they're bickering or fighting with each other… which means that Satan could never be off the hook entirely...
The person who actually got his nerves this time was Belphie. The co-members of the Formerly Anti-Lucifer League don't butt heads very often, but it's bound to happen occasionally… Particularly when Lucifer was concerned. Belphie had promised to get Satan a book he needed for a curse the two of them had been scheming for months. It was supposed to be so intricate and difficult to undo that it'd have the eldest struggling for weeks… Unfortunately, Belphegor had decided to sleep in on the day he was supposed to bring it... This made Satan miss a crucial time window to put the finishing touch on their curse. They'd have to wait another century for the planets to align again…
To say that Satan was irritated would only be the start… truthfully, he was furious. Days of effort and planning went to waste because his lazy brother couldn't be bothered to get out of bed! Perhaps even more unfortunate, though, was that Belphie wasn't one to take someone else's anger lying down… He may be lazy, but he had wit far beyond his rank and venom to match it in equal measure... All fights between these two were like verbal pit matches, a vicious dance of jabs and insults until one of them finally throws a punch or someone else steps in to break it up... 
Today's unlucky contestant was Beel, who hollered at them loud enough to shake the walls... Satan knew that Belphie was more than happy to leave the situation as it was… The lazy bastard could always hide in the attic and sleep away his problems… but it wasn't that easy for Satan. His anger doesn't just "go away" like everyone else’s... Sure, he may appear to simmer down.. but it lingers. It festers. And he hates it…
He hates being mad… There's nothing pleasant about anger. Breaking people under your feet in righteous fury? Well, there's some fun in that. But just being angry with nothing to do about it...? Whoever asks for that…?
Which is why he was trying to indulge a suggestion the MC gave him some time back to take his mind off it… Stress cleaning. Apparently, it wasn't unheard of for humans to use cleaning to vent emotional frustration through physical activity... The concept didn't sound unreasonable to him at the time. So when he passed by the kitchen and saw the dishes from Beel's last meal stacked up high, he decided to roll up his sleeves and give it a try.
… He should have known that a little bit of cleaning wouldn't have been enough for him, though. With each dish that he scrubbed clean, his sponge's pressure against the porcelain increased ever so slightly… Building and building until he was very nearly cracking the plates beneath his fingers… 
No… the rage wasn't leaving him. He kept replaying the fight again and again in his mind… always producing new comebacks to words that were never said and spiraling farther down into his own resentment… Hadn't the human said this would work? Why wasn't it helping…?? If anything, he just felt more worked up than before! Why was he listening to them anyway? What would they know about helping him, Wrath made flash, control his anger?? What kind of idiot was he for even considering-!
"Satan…? Are you okay…?" The tentative, yet familiar, sound of said human's voice called to him from the kitchen entrance. He didn't bother turning back to face them and just kept his eyes trained on the filth in front of him...
"No." There wasn't any point in lying, was there? They could see him practically slamming the plates down on the drying rack by this point…
"Ah…" He heard them shift their weight as an awkward beat passed. They no doubt knew it wasn't a good idea to approach Satan when he was angry… but that meddlesome streak of theirs must have been begging for them to intervene in some way. Typical human… sticking their nose in places it didn't belong…
"Well… Beel told me about what happened… You and Belphegor, right…?" He heard their footsteps finally enter the room and stop somewhere close to the kitchen island. Trying to keep some space between him and them, perhaps? Oddly reasonable coming from such a reckless creature… But it didn't stop his shoulders from tensing up at the meer sound of Belphie's name.
"Don't bring him up." His words snapped out like the crack of a whip, menacing and sharp. Though he couldn't see them, he was sure the MC flinched, and he felt a perverse sort of satisfaction in that thought… There was a pause before the MC continued, clearly considering their next words carefully...
"Satan… I just wanted to tell you that it's my fault Belphie slept in… I kept him up last night, and you know how he gets when he can't sleep." Their words were slow and careful like they were trying not to startle a wild animal. He still didn't turn back as he waited for them to continue.
"... Okay. I just thought I'd let you know, I guess… It wasn't really his fault…" There it was. His simmering temper had been wanting, no begging, for him to find something, anything, to let it go on... And this was just what he had been looking for… an opening.
"Oh. So you're taking his side then?" Pausing, he stopped abusing the glass in his hand and let an eerie calm build from his lack of motion... He knew just what he needed to do to scare them. He's done it to other people hundreds of times...
"W-what? No-I never said that…!" It didn't matter that they were right. He wasn't in the mood to be reasonable right now.
"You may as well have. You're already down here coming to his defense, aren't you? Did he put you up to it? Holding that precious 'cuddle time' you two like so much hostage, I bet..." He threw them a sidelong glare from over his shoulder and felt yet another wave of satisfaction from seeing their confused face. It was like he just swept a rug out from under them, and they were failing to catch their balance.
"That's not what I…!" They stopped themselves mid-sentence as it seemed to dawn on them just what they had gotten themselves into… Satan wasn't looking for a reasonable conversation right now. He was looking for a punching bag... But they weren't looking to be one.
"You know what… No. I don't appreciate your tone." He could see their eyes narrow as they found their resolve once more, stronger this time. He hissed softly at the loss of his easy mark...
"What does it matter? You're the one who started this in the first place. You just said as much a bit ago. Don't you know to leave me alone when I'm pissed off anyway, or are you really just this stupid?" That one must have hurt because he saw them flinch this time…
"I'm only here because I knew you were upset-"
He cut them off sharply. "And you didn't think I needed the space?" Again, they flinched at the growing volume of his voice, but they didn't appear to back down either. They only responded in a tone much softer than his own, patient but strained from invisible wounds...
"It passed my mind… But I just wanted to help…"
Help? Oh… Right. He must have forgotten who he was speaking to… Help was all the MC ever did. Even when they had no idea how or when their ideas were so crazy, they'd put Mammon to shame… He always knew they meant well… Did his anger really just blind him to why he was even washing dishes in the first place…?
The two stared at each other for a few moments while Satan battled over what to say next... Their earnest answer had re-awoken a bit of sense in him, yet he could tell his temper still wasn't satisfied… An overwhelming part of him, one he loathed to acknowledge, was calling for more vitriol… It just wanted to fight and be petty for satisfaction's sake… to have an enemy to stomp over, no matter who it was…
But just looking into the MC's eyes was keeping those hateful words down his throat… He could see that they were hurt and worse, he was well aware that he caused it… Sure, he may not have raised his fist, but he had still done plenty of damage with his voice alone… They didn't deserve his rage, and even now, he hated to have released it on them in the first place…
His internal struggle must have reached a peak without his knowledge because he hadn't noticed his grip was tightening around the glass in his hand. At least, not until it suddenly shattered all over him. The MC jumped back with a yelp at the unexpected explosion, and even he shouted a swear or two as he felt the shards lodge into his palm.
"Shit!" It didn't take a doctor to know that having glass embedded in your skin isn't ideal, and he could claim to at least have a little first aid know-how. As he used that knowledge to inspect his hand, he almost completely forgot that the MC was in the room until they made a noise.
"Um… Satan?" They were hesitant to speak, which he didn't blame them for. He did have a habit of breaking things for intimation value, but he guessed that they noticed he was as shocked as they were for once. "Need this?" In their hands was the first aid box the family kept in the kitchen. Though it was really only intended to bandage up the occasional knifed finger... it would do for the moment.
"Yes, that would help… thank you…" Though his appreciation was genuine, his words were stilted and hollow… He couldn't even meet their eyes considering how this whole exchange started… He felt terrible before, but now it was more than enough to finally overpower the wrath within him… He hates knowing when he's been a total asshole too…
He gestured the MC to put the box on the counter then began treating his wounds. They helped him as he worked nimbly, but he could feel an awkward tension between them… Not undue, but still uncomfortable. He knew he had to remedy it quickly...
"MC… I'm sorry… That was wrong of me…" They glanced away from his hand for only a moment before responding with a strained smile.
"It's alright…"
"No. It wasn't…" He paused only to grunt as he removed the largest glass shard from his palm. "...I was looking to let off some steam and targeted you unfairly… I didn't mean what I said; I was only searching for a reason to be mad… None of this was your fault… I hope you can forgive me…"
The MC shook their head as they searched the box for bandages. "No, I have some fault here too… I really should've given you space to cool off before talking to you… I just saw that you were doing the dishes and thought you were simmered down already…" He stopped what he was doing a moment and glanced back at the sink's drying rack, now half full of still soapy and partially cracked dishes.
"... Well, I don't know how vigorously you wash those, but I don't think I'm ever going to find that to be a relaxing activity." Their soft chuckle relieved a bit of the weight in the air, much to his solace.
"Fair enough… Though I'm not sure what I was thinking telling you to try cleaning in the first place. I should have just asked you to break every vacuum in the House instead." They both snickered over the image of him ripping the handles off of their hoovers by accident, and, slowly, Satan could finally feel the anger in his chest fading away... Of course, it'd be the MC to do it… It always was. Why hadn't he found them to start with…?
"And just so you know, I'm not taking sides with Belphie or anything. I'm sure he turned off his alarm or something." He snorted slightly as he finished the bandaging. Were they really still on that?
"I know, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter what side you're on to me anyway." He took his newly bandaged hand back just in time to see their puzzled expression.
"What? Why not…?" He chuckled some as he let his undamaged hand come to rest on top of their head, stroking back any bangs in an affectionate pet of sorts. He then caught the back of their head to tilt it up towards his, meeting their wide eyes with a devilish grin.
"Because you'll always be mine, kitten…"
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
hey friends! well it’s been a minute since i’ve been around here LOL — but ya know, school, life, college, the works — but i have some time today to pop on and do something i’ve been wanting to do for a while. in my bio it says that i like to spread that WIP love and it’s true! all wips deserve a chance no matter what and most importantly YOU deserve every chance you can take! so HERE WE ARE THIS FINE SUNDAY CELEBRATING THAT. from my own personal experience, i remember being terrified to share my first work Sunshine Soldier and now on my 3rd work, it’s not so scary! :)
SO — for today’s lil activity: i’m going to post a moodboard, snippet and song just for funnsies to tease a few upcoming chapters of my Band of Brothers fic; Landslide; AND in return, you come into my askbox, comment on my little snippet or moodboard (and only if you want) and then you send in a moodboard you love that you made, a snippet you’ve been dying to share, a song for your fic that reminds you of a scene (feel free to describe it), a piece of artwork you drew, and ANYTHING, literally anything about your fic or art or imagine or short that you’ve done that you just want to share somewhere and i’ll leave a comment myself!!!
i really want to spread some love for the absolute works of art we have here and since i have some time today, it’s time to do the thing aha! so STOP ON BY IF YOU WANT!!! leave a comment, drop a work of art, and i’ll follow up with my own and we’ll continue that cycle of spreading that WIP love! we all need it, we always do!! 💛 (AND THIS COULD BE LITERALLY ANYTHING FOR YOUR WIP ANYTHING!!) ANYONE CAN DO THIS!!!
tags (ONLY IF YOU WANT FRIENDS!): @sunnyshifty @alienoresimagines @vintagelavenderskies @julianneday1701 @huenoclue @liebegott @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @sunflowerchuck @tvserie-s-world @wecomrades @easy-company-tradition @pxpeyewynn @rogue-sunday @stressedinadress @pierrespandas @jalapeno-peaches-andhersheybars @legally-devorak @lovingunderratedcharacters @sgtxliptons86 @alejodi0nysus @mrsalwayswrite @heffrcns @curraheewestandalone @xthefourthx @hopelesreader
and of course if you want to be added to the taglist, just shoot me an ask or message! :D
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" Fidel, look." Lip whispered, and Natia immediately looked towards the crossroads. Her eyes narrowed.
" The enemy." she whispered. Her eyes widened and carried her back to the rogue group of 4.
" They'll be spotted." Natia whispered. Lip looked at her, watching her eyes focus, wheels turn, her mind spiral. Without second thought, Natia let the radio slide off her back, down onto the ground beside Lip, the helmet and Thompson following.
" What are you doing?" Lip managed out, watching her with wide eyes, as she brushed hair behind her ear.
" Improvising." she said, and then took off, up along the side slope of the dike, pistol withdrawn, as her neck craned upwards.
" Cmon," she muttered, picking up her pace a bit as she leaned up against the dirt side of the dike, watching for a head to poke over the edge. Slowly, she brought the pistol up from her side, and lined it up with the moment the roads diverged. Holding her pistol steady, sweat trickled down the side of her cheek, hair sticking to her face as she waited in the hot sun, watching for one of the enemy to poke their head over again.
" Oh come on, asshole." she muttered. She knew what she was doing, an act of pure impulsiveness. But HQ was down that road, and so was the rest of Easy Company. The second a head moved above the dike, she pulled the trigger and watched with satisfaction as a bullet lodged into the man's head. Pushing up from the dike, she trailed up the side and came above to the crossroad within seconds. And on the other side was the enemy staring right at her, weapon pointed at her head.
" Don't shoot." she spat in German.
song! warriors // 2WEI
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blissfulalchemist · 3 years
WIP Friday
Tagged by @consumedkings Thank you for the tag as always. I’ll share from two pieces that I am determined to have at least one done soon to some capacity.
Tagging: @belorage @strafethesesinners @faithchel @tomexraider @shallow-gravy @vasiktomis and anyone else that wants too! brain kind of dead sorry
First up is our boy Chance
Chance turns away from her shaking his head, she swallows, nodding away the tears, “I’ve waited this long for you to return to me and I can wait a little longer for you to get your mind wrapped around this.”
This all had to be a lie, a hallucination like the ones Faith’s put me in, Her warm hands against his skin speak otherwise. There’s a comfort in her touch, one he fears, and if he lets himself feel it, embrace it even a little, he’ll just fall right into that comfort never wanting to leave. Maybe I’m already too far gone, all of this too reminiscent of those first encounters with Faith. He kept thinking it was just the drugs, Just like how it’s the alcohol now, only to soo realize that it was something real. Those shadows of memories of a life he loved and wanted to go back to, back when things still made sense in the world. 
That ache, oh that never ending ache in his chest seemed to be disappearing now as he stays letting her hold his hand. Calling him, calling him to seek out that baser comfort of being embraced by one’s caregiver. His chemistry begging, begging, begging, for those chemicals tattooed on his hand to be activated within Andi so that he may in turn gain the serotonin lost over the years. That scar burns. Family, some kind of family, some kind of real family. The last of it right here before him.
The story she told, truth to it, yes, something….off. He rubbed the back of his neck, nails digging into that damn scar, he just needed to tear it off. The familiarity of how she told it….
He needed to go. Too much. Terrible idea. Nothing has been gained from it. Nothing….lies. So many of them wrapped in some kind of truth. The only other people to bring any kind of perspective on them long gone.
And then we got some Liz that I don’t know if it’ll end up fitting the prompt I intended it for but still might be nice to have posted maybe.
He lets out a slow breath, “It could also help.” My face mimics the doubt mom shows as John shrugs, “I know she feels….lost. Confused.” Bit of an understatement there “Dad”. “I just think she needs to see how we were. Beyond what everyone thought about us, when I could be your John,” he sets the plate to the side, lightly running his fingers down her cheek, “and you were my Catlina.”
It’s terms of endearment I’ve never heard but they must mean something if she looks at him the way she does. A lightness in her eye, the smile is one of the most genuine I have seen in my life. It’s short lived as she shakes her head, eyes focused on the sink, “It’s….more than that with Liz. Seeing us together, how we were, isn’t going to change anything.” Mom finishes the last dish, facing John head on, “She’s lived her whole life by snap judgments and she’s now just starting to see how much of her life it’s been a part of.” My arms tighten around me as I hunch over more. She’s right, “You weren’t here John, you didn’t see the way those teachers and parents looked at her. The pain Liz felt as she lost more and more family because they couldn’t get over you being her father. How much smaller her world became and she couldn’t ever understand why,” I still can’t seem to understand it, “John, she blamed herself over and over again, and there was little I could say to comfort her without having to explain all that had happened.”
He nodded, leaning against the counter, “Keeping this all away hasn’t helped her though, Catlina, it only hindered her. Hurt her.”
I watch as my mother’s jaw tightens, eyes narrowing, “She’s my daughter and I did what was best for her. A decision you supported once upon a time, John.”
“We made the wrong one for our daughter,” I feel the tears sting in my eyes as he reiterates that I’m his offspring. I’m not, I never was, I can’t be, mom was wrong and I had a different father. “We could have avoided all of this if-.”
Mom shakes her head taking a step back, “No. No, you’re not going to say that being in her life would have been for her sake. Don’t lie to me. We both know it was just because you wanted another chance for you and me.”
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copper-dust · 3 years
yet another writing meme
20 Questions: Writer's Edition!
Tagged by @pebblysand , who probably already knows the answers to these questions about me!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
235,661—but keep in mind that those words have been written over the course of seven years, so I’m really not all that prolific. I write slowly.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just 2 (Harry Potter and Rent.) I used to write for a few more fandoms, all in musical theatre, but that was before Ao3 existed, and those works are very immature. I started writing fan fiction in middle school, so I’m not exactly itching to post that stuff on my current account.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Seam Between, Snow Globe, In Search of Mythical Kings, March Hare and All Your Seasick Sailors.
What’s interesting is that with the exception of ISOMK, all of those are stories I began writing no earlier than May of 2020. It may be that the pandemic allowed me more time to practice writing and build my audience, or simply that I’ve improved as a writer in that period. I’m inclined to believe that my audience has grown mainly because I’ve been more active in the writing community since the pandemic started and so people are more likely to check out my work. Honestly, I believe my work started growing in popularity mainly because @floreatcastellumposts liked The Seam Between and mentioned it on her Tumblr, and that had more of an effect that any change in the quality of my work. 
I still dearly love my completely neglected fic The Atoners.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
It depends. I used to never respond to comments because I felt that any engagement with readers outside of the writing would kind of disrupt the world of the story and remove them from the text. For that reason, I also didn’t post author’s notes. I was very strict with myself.
I no longer believe that, and I now see that great friendships and connections are forged in the comments section. There are a few comments I won’t respond to—mainly, people that ask a question about the resolution of the plot when I’m posting a middle chapter. Obviously, I’m not going to give away the ending just because you asked for it! I also don’t tend to respond to comments on FFnet, though they’re rarely valuable comments anyways.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know, all of them? I will say that the story that most moved me while I was writing the ending would be The Seam Between. I really had tears in my eyes during the last 2 paragraphs.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmmm...not sure. Maybe it would be A Network of Spittle, one of my earliest-ever Harry Potter fics, about the night that Harry was born and how the message of his birth travelled through the secret networks of the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. That piece was written back when I was more interested in the children’s lit aspect of the series, and trying more seriously to imitate JKR’s tone and style, rather than developing my own.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t, but I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of potentially doing it if I found two fandoms with just the right kind of synchronicity.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes and no. I have received comments that were rude or worded in a way that didn’t show respect, but I don’t think the people who wrote those comments necessarily intended to be hateful. For example, I received some pretty out-there comments on The Atoners from an intense Snape fan who would lash out as if addressing James Potter or Dumbledore (rather than me.) I also received some pretty rude comments on March Hare, but they turned out to be from a minor on the autism spectrum who has difficulties with communication. I don’t think she understood how her behaviour came across, and I almost immediately recognized that she might be on the spectrum (I have special ed training.)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have never written smut, but I have written sex scenes when I felt they were necessary to the plot. They were pretty abstract and lacking in explicit detail, though. I’m not saying I would never write smut, but I haven’t yet and if I did, I probably wouldn’t share it online. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but it would be the highest compliment.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would love to, so if anyone’s willing...
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven’t—but it’s something I would consider, if I really liked the other person’s style.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Okay, here me out: I love the relationship between adolescence and trauma. I love pairing the interior growth you experience as you transition from childhood to adulthood with some kind of exterior drama that reshapes your psychic landscape just as your body as undergoing so much change. That’s my favourite ship.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It really hurts to admit this, but I think I’ll sporadically update but never actually complete In Search of Mythical Kings.
What are your writing strengths?
Oh, god. This question. It feels impolite to even answer. I suppose I do a lot of research to get my settings right, and to make my stories feel authentic to a time and place. I’ve put lots of work into learning the British dialect too.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a generally narrow range of interests with regard to themes and emotional valence. I could write the same story over and over, with minor variations, because I get emotionally fixated on one topic. I also struggle with transitioning from one scene to another, and indicating the passage of time in a way that feels authentic and organic. Oh, and I also write Really. Damn. Slowly.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I wouldn’t attempt it unless I had a person who fluently spoke the appropriate dialect to help me. But you also have to consider your audience—are you writing loads of dialect that your readers won’t understand?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, but that was back when I was 11ish and none of the documents were ever posted online, nor did they survive various computer crashes.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m not sure. They’re each so intricately connected to some personal emotional phenomenon I was going through at the time. It’s also affected me to see how popular or unpopular some fics have become. I really didn’t think The Seam Between would get much of an audience, and then it sort of broke away and became my most popular story. I really appreciated the audience engagement I got on that one. Like I said before, I’m still quite attached to the work I did on The Atoners, which is sort of a missed-connection story about teenage Snape meeting middle-aged Lyall Lupin on the night of the Prank.
Tagging @sybill-the-seer @floreatcastellumposts and anyone else who’d like to participate, but hasn’t been tagged!
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