#and then when they wanna come crawling back omg he sucks he cheated i want your shoulder to cry on and im like well you didnt even text
faunandfloraas · 22 days
i love being friends with girls and then they get a boyfriend and then he becomes the center of her entire existence and all she talks about and all she focuses on and i sit there and i smile and i nod and i feel myself becoming genuinely evil
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borathae · 3 months
their bickering please oof
sometimes they are my babies sometimes they are my parents
I’m a plank once I sleep WHOEVER WHO SAYS THAT, ARE DEFINITELY NOT PLANKS *source me bro. also my cousin said 'i sleep like a dead body' in a sleepover and her sister said nah you sleep like the body getting possessed and its been forever her nickname. 😭
Lies. We’re equal me and dad sharing chocolates or sweets be like
They contain silly and funny one liners which are exactly Jungkook’s humour. genz humor in a nutshell
there was one time where the fan stopped working due to power cut during a sleepover (5 in one bed💀) and guess what we did, we moved the smallest on to the table 😭😭 and 1 slept on the floor
wow to be in an amajin relationship where u dont continue bickering cuz its turning to argument, i wish i would be in one like that
You never know, sleep paralysis demons EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS
“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
“Not even if you could watch? Imagine waking up to me getting railed by a sexy, hot demon.” oh no IDK WHAT TO DO NOW AAAH
“Aww sweetie, don’t be. It’s just my sleep paralysis demon.” yeah very normal shit what do u mean it doesnt happen everyday
“Mhm? Are you gonna manage to be quiet? MOMMY STOP AAH
but getting him to beg some more is way too much fun not to do it. He is so delicious when he is desperate.  AAAH HER MIND 🤩🤩🤩
you can’t deny him when he is hitting you with The Good Boy. THE POWER OF GOOD BOY™
His tits are pressing into your arm like this. dont know if its the flu dizzy or reading this dizzy BUT IM DIZZY AAAH
“And out”, he whispers, “get it? I WOULD HAVE FULL ON STARTED CACKLING * i mean night, the time where breathing is funny
You want to tease him for being loud? You dare to call him a whiny baby? AAAAH
he chooses his childhood bed. poor bed, its definitely the top g
“My good girl”, he whispers who is a dom? what is a dom? idk, USE ME DADDY
do the unthinkable crime of sliding your fingers between his buttocks just to rub his hole. UR GOING TO MAKE THE BABY LOSE IT HES GONNA BE TOO LOUD LOL
“See? Told you, someone gonna poke your hole tonight “ STOP
“Ah, ouchies my head.” I- at least its better than getting leg cramp while rubbing one out
and hits the headboard softly stop he is such a cutie pie STOP THEY WERE JUST SOO HOT AND DRIVING ME CRAZY NOW THEY ARE SO CUTE AAH
Okay fine, teamwork come on.” THE REAL SHIT GUYS
mystery of the universe, but you managed. FUCK I WANTED MY PLAYSIT TO PLAY MY UNIVERSE that i even cheated by going bathroom, so that next song plays & i can say omg my universe played when i read this BUT THAT THAT STARTED PLAYING I-
“There we go. Right where you’re supposed to be.” FFGFHGRRRRRAAWR M FERAL
his childhood bed croaking from the movement.  please tell its not their last night on it
No other words, no matter how nasty and dirty, could get his cock as hard and leaky as your confession of love could get him in those moments. dont know if i should cry from eyes or between the legs
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
closes his mouth around your digits, sucking on them with pouty lips and big doe eyes. I NEED TO MEDITATE THIS IS KILLING AND RESURRECTING ME BACK TO LIFE
Tears run down his cheeks, he is arching his back even more. Yeah, you’ve really got him good.  THE DESCRIPTION IS SOO GOOD I NEED A PRINTER FOR MY BRAIN
“I kinda feel like your parents must have heard something.” “Please don’t say that, I’ll cringe to death.” THEY WERE PLAYING UM WRESTLING YEAH DOING YOGA NORMAL SHIT U KNOW?? DECIDED TO JAM TO SONGS ON BED
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
we fucked in a motel only to realise we didn’t have tissues?” i will definitely have this haunting me everytime i listen to hotel motel pitbull
THE SMUT WAS GOBSMACKING AS USUAL and fucking delicious *insert that licking fingers tiktok audio
they were so in love they were my parents, my babies, i cried i lost all my uwus i also wanted to gobble them
good fucking night *shudders and sigh whistles
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“I’m sure the demon is hot, so they can poke my hole if they want to.” I- understandable have a nice day
FELT AGAIN FANDSFN lmaooaoa all your reactions to the smut parts are so funny I am living for them <3
He has such a pretty birthmark on it. You love to kiss it. HIS NECK MOLE KILLS ME LIKE I WANNA KISS IT SHUT UP
“Please ignore the noises, air sometimes has its own mind”, THANK U I WAS SHOOK ONE TIME WHEN I HEARD IT OUT OF MY OWN HUHA LIKE BRO U OK?? (ik why it happens but that was loud?? give a warning bruh)
GIRL YES OMFG and then you can't stop it like 😭 when I was with my ex it happened like one time and then I laughed and it got worse cuase the movement squeezed it out more like whY WOULD YOU DO THAT COOCHIE??? 😭😭 (he didn't even laugh he just stared weirdly like- fucking weirdo, that dude was so stiff)
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | pjm (3)
pairing: jimin x reader
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 1.7k
warnings: dry humping, sleep sex/wet dream, feverishly rough sex, choking, technically dubcon but she was genuinely fine with it, slut shaming, cheating (?), basically jimin fucks you hard but he thinks he’s dreaming, creampie, unprotected sex
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                  masterlist
You woke up, the events of the morning seemingly like a world away. You became conscious suddenly to a warm presence snuggled up behind you. Jimin and you had talked for a while before returning to the party. You stayed back late helping him clean up until you both passed out from exhaustion.
The tension had been uncomfortable. Jimin decided not to bring up Taehyung’s outburst, and you too avoided the topic entirely. It was too confusing.
Jimin’s arms were wrapped around your hips tightly, his fingers gently stroking your stomach. He was totally knocked out, you could tell by the way he whimpered slightly when you tried to move. You sighed, trapped by him completely. You tried to wiggle your way out but as you shook your hips you felt something graze against your ass.
He was hard. Really hard.
Your eyes widened, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t his fault, you knew morning wood was a thing, and seeing how pressed up the two of you were, it was bound to happen. You tried to move again, but it only caused him to press even more into your soft flesh. A shaky breath left his lips at the contact. His hands loosened and slowly began sliding down your bikini bottom. You gasped.
“Jimin what are you doing” You hissed. No response was heard, all you felt was Jimin’s cock desperately prying for freedom from his trunks, now against your bare ass. He slowly rolled his hips, humming in pleasure. “Jimin. JIMIN.” He was still asleep, you realized.
You could move, but you knew if you moved now he would wake up, and then he would ask what happened. And you really didn’t want to have to deal with that. Or maybe. You liked the feeling.
You wondered what Jimin must be thinking about. Was it you he was fucking in his dreams? He had denied you earlier. Your heart dropped as you recalled his cruel comment about Taehyung having came in you, and that grossing him out so much he refused to have sex with you.
As you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize the way Jimin’s hands had found your breasts, pulling you back into him with all his strength. You moaned in surprise. The feeling of his hands, slightly dry from the day in the pool but so large, covering the entirety of your breast and clutching it as if he was holding on for dear life.
You could feel his heart pounding against you. You wiggled your ass against him, seeing if he would react. He let out a high pitched whine, which cause goosebumps to spread across you. He sounded hot. You felt yourself getting wetter.
Apparently so did Jimin, because his hips bucked into you, his bulge dancing past your entrance in a quick thrust. You squealed at the sensation. The fact that he was acting involuntarily, following nothing but instinct, turned you on beyond reason. You felt him exhale heavily, his hot breath tickling the nape of your neck. He bucked his hips again, harsher this time, whining incessantly.
You could feel how bad his cock wanted to tear through the fabric and feel you. He thrust again. Then again. Harder. And harder. His hands clutching your breasts more aggressively each time. You couldn’t help but scream. It felt so good. He was like a dog just humping you so aggressively in heat. You felt animalistic and you loved it. You pushed back into him more, spreading your legs so he could rut right where you craved him.
His pace quickened. If anyone had walked into the room at that moment, they would see Jimin, eyes shut and lips parted, humping into your ass like there was no tomorrow, and you, pretty much naked, a moaning mess with your eyes rolling back in bliss.
“Jimin” You exhaled, turning your head as much as you could to try to see him. “Fuck, Jimin baby you feel so good”
His face was blushed pink, sweat forming at his forehead. He groaned as you spread your legs even more, allowing your wetness to seep through the fabric of his shorts. He let out a low growl.
Suddenly his eyes flew open, but he didn't stop. He was completely gone, you could see it in his expression. He his were lustful, almost frightening. He met your eyes briefly, not even comprehending who you were or what was happening before he flipped you over and yanked down his trunks. He grabbed your neck with both of his hands as he shoved his cock inside of you without any warning. You screamed out, not expecting the large girth. You were luckily wet enough for him to get inside you without too much resistence, but the speed had you crying out.
“Jimin—“ You tried to choke out but Jimin’s grip on you tightened. He fucked himself into you harshly, groaning at the way your pussy clenched down on him. He lowered himself so his chest was flush against your back as he continued to roll his hips into you. He grazed his teeth across your jaw before sucking it harshly. “Holy fuck” You muttered under your breath.
His pace picked up relentlessly, as if it were even possible for him to fuck you faster. Each thrust was practically splitting you opn. You tried to spread wider but you physically couldn’t. You were ruined under him, and you loved it. You felt yourself teasing your own edge with his cock hitting you in all the right ways. You cried out, nodding your head like an idiot, knowing full well that Jimin did not know nor care what you were doing.
You came like an avalanche, your body twitched and writhed under Jimin. You felt like you were going to lose your voice with how loud you were screaming as his pistoling cock did not give you a second to breathe. You gushed against him, your slick cum making his thrusts even easier. Before you knew it you felt him shoot hot com through you as he let out a loud moan. He buried himself as far into you as he could, pushing your face up against the headboard as his hands practically stopped your breathing. You felt dizzy, but so so good. He recoiled, laying down on top of you then, the full weight of him crushing you.
“Jimin!” You shouted as your ribs felt weak under the pressure. He blinked a few times before he suddenly jumped off of you.
“Oh my god” He whispered, looking at you, with his cum messily dripping down your legs and on your ass. You turned slowly, the soreness beginning to catch up with you. “What the fuck happened”
You exhaled, laughing slightly, “You tell me”
He shook his head frantically, worry filling his eyes, “Oh my god y/n…fuck…no. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. I had no idea I…” His face reddened, “I thought I was dreaming”
You giggled, curling your finger and motioning him towards you. He obeyed, crawling into your embrace. He held you like you were a delicate piece of glass that he almost shattered.
“I know. You were wild”
“I didn’t fuck” His frustration was evident as you stroked his back calmly, “I didn’t want our first time to be like this”
“Yeah I mean, being conscious is definitely better” You joked. Jimin shook his head.
“I can’t believe my dick has just been where Taehyung’s has. EW” He shuddered, looking at you in horror. Your face dropped.
“W…what? That’s still your issue?”
Jimin sighed, stroking your hair, “Would you wanna suck my dick if I had it stuffed in someone else’s vagina the day before?”
You shrugged. You guessed you understood his perspective, but that didn’t make his words hurt less. Jimin kissed your cheek.
“Please don’t take it the wrong way baby. It was so good. You felt so good. And I want you so bad. But it’s…too soon. I still just can’t believe you’d just let someone so random touch you like that.”
You nodded, wanting to put the discussion to rest before you bit his head off in retaliation. You reached over for your phone, seeing a few missed messages.
tae: im so sorry princess
You chuckled, raising your eyebrows. Taehyung was the last person who needed to apologize here. You glanced at Jimin, who was also on his own phone, hand caressing your thigh absentmindedly.
y/n: don’t be sorry omg. wanna hang?
“Do you wanna grab lunch?” Jimin asked softly, without looking up, “There’s a new taco place that opened up near here. I know you love Mexican so”
Your heart clenched.
tae: yeah i can pick you up. u still at jimin’s?
“Jimin” Your voice wavered. You had never been so conflicted in your life. Jimin was amazing, you adored him. He knew you better than anyone else and was so so sweet. But somehow this whole sex thing was making you question your willingness to redefine your relationship into something more. You weren’t sure if it was because of how amazing it felt to fuck Taehyung, or because Jimin was being an unapologetic little bitch about your promiscuity. “I think I need some space”
y/n: yeah, sounds good. b out in a few
He turned quickly, his eyes sad. You hated that you even had to have this conversation at all, “I just need some time to myself to figure stuff out. I’m not leaving you, I’ll come back. I’m just not sure if I wanna jump into this right now”
His eyes darkened and he pursed his lips. “Oh, okay” He faked a smile and kissed your nose again, lingering. “Just text me okay. Whenever. Whenever you’re done…doing what you need to do” You nodded. You got dressed and Jimin gave you some clothes. As you walked out the door his grabbed your wrist lightly.
“Y/n” His eyes were watery, “I’m still here for you okay. Please…” He inhaled sharply, “Don’t leave me”
You gave him a small smile, “I won’t Jimin”
You swallowed your guilt and nodded. You walked out to the street and looked at your phone.
tae: i’m down the curb. same car.
You grinned, turned and waved one last time to Jimin, before walking away, your fingers excitedly tapping your phone.
<-----previous                                                                               next----->
A/N: ~sips water~ 
taglist: (lmk if you wanna be added!!) @honeyspillings @hollowtree10
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Texts From Henry 2 - Henry Deaver x Mistress
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Warning: 18+ smut/sexting/forced masturbation/teasing/mentions of cheating/mature themes.  Please read at your own discretion.
Note: Hello, loves. I’ll just leave this here. Let me know your thoughts and all that jazz. I don’t have much to say except enjoy! Comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated! Many kisses.
Read more Henry x Mistress imagines here > Masterpost
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Henry was breaking the rules all day long. Rules he set out when you first started working for him. From the moment he strutted into the office, to the last minute on the clock, he toyed with you. You weren't sure why Henry was in this peculiar mood, but you had a feeling it had something to do with the holidays being everything he wanted and more.
They were long gone—the holidays—and everyone was back to the regular grind. No more Christmas music played over the radio, no more decorations around the office, but still, a hellish amount of tinsel remained ingrained into the carpets. As Mr. Deaver's assistant, your winter holidays stretched just as long as his, and you came in refreshed and ready to work.
Henry had other plans, which started during his first meeting of the new year.
You sat at your desk, changing your planner and sending out confirmation calls to clients. With your phone pressed against the side of your face, all notifications went unchecked until you finished.
I'm so bored... and horny.
Aren't you in a meeting right now?
You're horny sitting around a table of older men talking about how much money they made over the holidays?
Hey! I'm one of those old men!
Mr. Deaver, it's 10 in the morning. Maybe you need some coffee?
I need my tongue on your pussy.
Your face scorched, and you sucked your cheeks in to keep a sly smile from creeping along. Henry told you before that you often looked at your phone like there was porn playing and how it might alert others to your inherent deviousness, but it was always his bold little messages making you grin. Another text came in not five minutes later.
Is that a no? Or can I eat you for lunch?
Are you dissatisfied with the blowjob I gave you this morning?
Lol, not a chance. I just can't stop thinking about you. I can't get up from this table because I'm so hard thinking about ripping open that nice new blouse I bought you and cramming my face between your beautiful tits.
You're being wildly unprofessional today, Mr. Deaver. I'm going back to work now!
Can you do me one favour?
Go to the bathroom and send me a naughty pic?
I can't! I have real WORK to do, unlike you, Mr. Big Shot.
I'll give you a big shot, alright.
You set your phone down and pictured your boyfriend in the conference room seated around a board of men with his head full of nasty thoughts. It seemed like a week had passed since he was a stranger in a café, ordering coffee in the morning and whiskeys at night. When he was a mysterious businessman writing in his planner with a silver pen, you never once pinned him to fantasize. It was a silly assumption, everyone had dirty thoughts, but his quiet demeanour and big duo-toned eyes skittered across the walls in deep thought reserved for important things. He was, after all, your good Christian boy.
Henry hinted all morning about going out for lunch. You suspected it meant he wanted to get into his car for a quickie, but you had other plans. He was easy to tease and easier to frustrate. You required payback for the distractions and to remind him that, when it came to naughtiness, you'd always have him beat.
You received a lucky hand when Henry got roped into another long meeting. He had settled down somewhat into the early evening, texting you to head home without him. You did not argue and set your plan in motion as soon as you returned to the condo and got undressed in the master bedroom. Henry would receive those naughty pictures he requested.
You snapped the first one, a playful pose with your hand and forearm covering only nipples. It took a bare minute for Henry to respond.
Omg now you decide to be a dirty girl? When you're not even here? Evil.
How much longer is your meeting?
Not sure. Hopefully over soon so I can come home and devour those beautiful tits. 😝
Too bad. I'm already in bed playing with myself.
He received another picture of your hand between your legs against the backdrop of his bedspread. It was for show, but the image of him getting aroused and squirming in front of his coworkers excited you. You needed a moment to work yourself up, planning what you would do the moment Henry charged through the doors with high expectations.
Sure enough, he raced home. By a quarter to seven, Henry was up the stairs, shed of his jacket and already loosening his tie. When you saw him come through the bedroom door with an outline pressed on the front of his trousers, wildness sparked in his eyes.
"Okay, no more teasing, understand?" He crawled onto the bed, stilled by the sole of your foot pressing against his chest.
"Not so fast."
"What is it?" He giggled.
"Take your clothes off for me," you demanded.
Henry paused, let out a small, exasperated chuckle and sprung off the mattress. He unravelled his tie, hanging it over the foot bench, and then worked the buttons of his dress shirt open. His long, graceful hands made short work of his belt, and when every zip, button and lace came undone, he peeled his clothes off, tossing you knowing looks like once he was naked, the game would be on. But you had plenty more in store for him as your legs parted, and your hand snuck down.
Angling your gaze at his boxers, you nodded. "Your underwear, sir."
He hooked his thumbs under the waist and pushed them down around his ankles. When he stood stark naked beside the bed, you hummed and let your fingers do a bit of wandering. Gaze fixed, he barely noticed your devious smirk.
"Mm, Daddy wants," Henry purred.
The word struck him like a soft slap, not enough to sting but quick to make him flutter his lashes. "What do you mean?"
"You were so very bad today. I think a bit of punishment is in order... Sitting in your meetings, texting me all those naughty things, being unprofessional at work. That's not how big boys act."
"Oh, come on," he laughed. "You do the same."
"You just get to stand there and watch me play with myself," you informed him.
Henry had much to say in protest, but you closed your eyes and circled two fingers around your clit, awakening your own arousal with the sound of him whining next to you.
"Babe, come on. Wanna play, too," Henry prodded.
"Mm, feels so good, just doing it myself."
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Henry's arousal grow. His cock filled with blood, curving up and standing resolute. He gave himself two long strokes, but he longed for more than his palm. He wanted to plunge himself deep inside your warm wetness and feel his balls slapping against your soft, damp skin. The way you massaged yourself and spread your legs made him itch.
"Oh, don't do that. That's mine," Henry said with a pout.
He watched your middle finger disappear, slick noises and little moans driving him mad with desire. Saliva flooded his cheeks when he imagined dragging his tongue up and down your pussy lips, enclosing your clit with his mouth to give you just enough gentle suction to have your back arching.
"Baby, please," Henry begged. "Let me do it."
"Touch yourself," you replied.
His hand wrapped around the base of his cock, and he stroked himself at the same pace. You turned up the heat until he couldn't take it anymore. It amused you to watch such an important man struggling and lustful.
"Yes, stroke that big dick for me. Get yourself nice and hard. Oh, you've been fending off hard-ons all day, haven't you, Mr. Deaver?"
"Yeah," he panted.
"Been wanting to fuck my pussy while you were busy in all your meetings, huh? Thinking about how good it would feel to stuff your cock inside me?"
"Oh, fuck, babe."
You lifted your hand to your mouth, and Henry's jaw dropped. One wet finger disappeared between your lips, and he groaned as though he were in pain from watching you taste your juices. He wanted that sweetness on his tongue and took more steps until he could walk no further.
"Come on, let me taste that pussy."
"I might just make you jerk off for me while I get myself off. Perhaps that would be adequate discipline for distracting me with your nastiness."
"No," he shook his head. "Nuh-uh. I'll never get off."
"Is that a challenge?" Your eyes popped wide.
"No! Please, baby. Please don't torture me like this. I can't see you fingering that pussy right in my face. I need some. Please? Let me have my pussy. I promise I'll be a good boy from now on."
"Promises, promises," you teased.
"I do! I promise. Don't make me play by myself."
The tension building in your tummy lifted the base of your spine as your gentle flickers picked up speed. The glossiness in his eyes made it difficult to contain your amusement. Teasing him was too easy.
"Oh, it's so good. I might come soon, Mr. Deaver. Just like this."
Henry's shoulders slumped as he gave up stroking himself. "Baaaabe," he whined again. "Please, please, please. I'll be good. I'll be good, just please let me touch you."
Before he clambered onto the bed, you shot him a warning glare. "No, you don't have permission to touch my body right now."
"W-what? No! Come on. I've been waiting all day."
"That's not what you should do with your time, is it? You should have focused and did your work instead of getting yourself all hard daydreaming about dirty things. And begging for pictures. Such bad behaviour deserves punishment."
Instead of griping for permission, Henry rose his leg and planted his foot on the bed while he gripped his shaft and began pumping away. "Fine, you want me to jerk it for you? I'll give you anything you want."
His eyes closed as he worked himself into a passion, pleasured breaths filling the room. After a couple longer, slower strokes of his head, he settled at a quick pace, grinding his teeth together, trying to forget he wasn't allowed near you.
"I'll come like this. Thinking about that sweet pussy juice getting all over my cock."
"You wanna taste it, don't you?"
Henry shook his head, never opening his eyes. "No, this is fine. Plus, I can smell how wet you are and hear you fucking that soaked little hole. That's all I need."
He assumed he had bested you until you scooted closer to him, tilting your pelvis so he could see every naked inch of you and what your slick fingers were playing with. For a moment, you expected he might groan and beg again, but he drew in a deep breath, hand pumping away while he enjoyed you touching yourself.
"How badly do you want my cock?" He asked.
"I don't need it," you grinned.
"No? You don't need to feel me inside, your fingers doing it for you? You don't want to feel my hot tongue licking that little clit? You're okay with rubbing one out on your own?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Because all I have to do is remember how your face looked when I fucked your throat this morning. I don't need your pussy. I got it all up here, baby."
A shudder of air left him as he came closer to the edge. It was clear when he was getting close, as he liked to concentrate all stimulation at the tip where he was most sensitive. But he groaned in frustration, gripping the hilt of his shaft before trailing the same hand down to cup his balls—a move he had grown used to by your introduction.
"I bet you wish I were sucking on those balls right about now, huh?"
Henry pouted, eyebrows arching with desperation. A muffled groan rumbled in his throat, and he nodded his head yes. "Want you so bad."
"What will you do next time I'm busy at work?"
"I'll be a good boy."
"I'll wait, and I won't bug you."
Your heat began to boil from the fake innocence on his sulking face. Henry was no angel, but when he brooded and whimpered like that, your heart faltered.
"No more naughtiness at work?" You asked.
"Only if you say I'm allowed."
A shiver skittered over your shoulders, and you stopped toying with your clit. "Promise?"
He dropped his foot back on the carpet and lowered to his knees, clutching at the blankets in hopes you would finally allow him to at least stroke your legs. "I promise."
"Come here, then."
Henry climbed onto the bed, shuffling himself between your thighs so quickly you had no time to blink before he pushed down on his throbbing erection. easing into your tightness. Once inside, he spasmed, pulled out and slipped back in fast. A large hand coasted down your leg and lifted your calf over his shoulder. Eyes screwed shut, Henry gripped your thigh, pulling it up to use it as a support for his battering.
With one arm clutching your leg in place, his free hand spread your lips for a better view. "Yes, oh, Christ, that pussy's so wet. So warm. Aw, fuck. I'm gonna come!"
"So soon?" You asked, but Henry had already slipped out and shot his cum down the back of your leg and opening. "Uh-oh. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Jesus fuck."
"Just a desperate boy, aren't you?"
"Told you, I needed you."
"I don't think I've ever seen you come so fast."
Henry tried to laugh at himself, a hint of shame tainting his post-orgasm expression. He laid down next to you, chest heaving until his breath levelled.
"Would you like to sit on my face?" He asked.
"I'm covered in cum."
"I don't care," he whispered. "Hop on, baby."
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whatnotmemes · 4 years
————————BEETLEJUICE THE MUSICAL SENTENCE STARTERS PT. 2 change as needed. mentions of death, suicide, and comedic references to, well, creepy old guys.
Girl Scout “This is it- the day I've been waiting for.” “I’m gonna sell some cookies.” “It's not their fault that they're overprotective.” “My heart is defective.” “They'd have my back if anything went wrong with me.” “When you're a Girl Scout, everything's gonna work out.” “Just gonna ring the bell of this creepy looking house.” “Hello, little girl.” “I'm here today to support the Girl Scouts by selling cookies.” “Why don’t you come inside?” “No one gets molested by a gothy teen.” “It’s so dark in here.” “Maybe I should come back another time when your parents are home?”
That Beautiful Sound “Do you hear that sound?” “The sound of a scream is music to me.” “Ain't it the sweetest noise around?” “Someone’s at the door.” “You wanna answer it this time?” “Don't oversell it, act natural.” “Come on, you're giving me advice?” “I don't live here, I'm dead.” “It fills you with pride.” “We’re ruining lives.” “You know what would make all this even more awesome?” “All we wanna do is hear that sound.” “Let’s make some more people scream!” “You know overnight delivery costs extra?” “Holy moly, a lot of people come to this house.” “New neighbors? I brought you a pie.” “No more condescending adults hanging around.” “Look at me. I’m finally free.” “You’re finally free.” “I was invisible but now they all see.”
Barbara 2.0 “Look at this stuff. God, it's depressing.” “You don't like this stuff?” “Well, then maybe we should go.” “It's the stuff of our lives and all of it's shit.” “Okay, that... wasn't as much fun as I thought it'd be...” “We are not kombucha people.” “Take it and trash it. Burn it or smash it.” “We can be fighters with fire inside us.” “We're finally alive!” “The _____ you married, she Is dead and buried six feet below.” “Say hello to _____ 2.0!” “I never even used this...but then I felt bad that I never used it.” “I think I've been hiding.” “We've got nothing to lose. We can finally begin!” “The new _____ is wiser.” “We could just walk but we've done that before.” “What we cannot ignore is _____ needs us.” “She needs people who won't run away.” “Time to let go.”
What I Know Now “I went to parties a lot.” “But I was depressed.” “I had such low self-esteem. I was a mess.” “I gave it all up for the netherworld.” “I've been here forever, girl.” “I would've stuck it out, knowing what life's about.” “Everyone here is alone.” “If you are breathing, go home.” “If I knew then what I know now I would have looked within and let love in somehow.” “If I only knew the truth back then I wouldn't have had my little ‘accident’.” “You left your whole life behind.” “Death is final and you cannot press rewind.” “Nietzsche was right, y'know, to live is to suffer, bro.” “Don't cheat on the one you wed.” “Why did it take death to see happiness was up to me?” “I thought I knew but I was wrong.” “Life is short but death is super long.” “Before they lower the curtain, be certain to enjoy the show.” “If I only knew what I know now!”
Home “Tired of talking to myself here.” “Here I am in the abyss.” “Are you really in this place?” “I could search for all eternity and never see your face.” “I'm lost without you.” “No idea which way to go.” “Whichever path I choose I lose, you know.” “I don't know which way's home.” “You always saw life as a game but since you left, it sucks to play.” “Where to next?” “Terrified of letting you go.” “Speak to me and I'll understand.” “Is this the end you meant for me?” “There's no home without you in it.” “I've burned all my bridges and came.” “I don't wanna forget you.” “I promise I'm never gonna forget you.” “I'm gonna go back home.” “It's messy but they're all that I have.” “I'll make the best of being flesh and bone.”
Creepy Old Guy “Everywhere, fellas would stare out on the street.” “I felt used, kinda confused.” “I would refuse to look in their eyes.” “I really love creepy old guys!“ “Hey, baby, smile!” “They make me blush.” “Now one of them loves me, wants to be mine.” “I’m marrying my own creepy old guy.” “I’m so happy I could cry.” “Girls may seem disgusted, but we’re actually just shy!” “I am older, but I’m glad I waited.” “Get him prepared for Armageddon.” “Sure, the groom crawled out of a tomb, but hey, it’s a wedding.” “Have you guys seen Lolita? This is just like that, but fine.” “Our faith has been renewed, now love is alive!” “I wanna see a tear in every eye as I pass by.” “I know that on the outside he’s disgusting... and even on the inside, he’s disgusting.” “OMG, dressed to a T. Fancy and formal.” “I found me a wife. L'chaim! To life!” “This is so normal!” “I was ignored but now, I’m adored.” “I can’t believe some cultures think this kind of thing’s alright.” “Doesn’t he deserve a chance at life?” “I have chills.”
Jump In The Line “I tell you, friends, I adore her.” “When she dances, oh brother.” “She’s a hurricane in all kinds of weather.” “Okay, I believe you.” “Doesn’t this just blow your mind?” “I was on a mission.” “This is what I left behind.” “I’ll miss you every day.” “Seek a little strange and unusual and you will find life, beyond all comprehension.” “A little unconventional, I know.” “I’m home!”
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planetcatherine · 7 years
Ask me things 1. What’s your middle name? rose 2. What are you listening to right now? family by chance the rapper, blended babies remix 3. What was the last thing you ate? applesauce w perky bc i am currently a chipmunk 4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? brookie cookie! 5. Do you drink? socially 6. Do you smoke? weed yes and i vape bc i love nic 7. What is the first thing you noticed in someone? personality honestly, like whether they're intelligent or can hang and like their swagger and vibes 8. What is your hair color? blonde 9. What is your eye color? blue 10. Do you wear contacts/glasses? no but i think i should lol, i used to but they annoy me 11. Dogs or cats? BOTH i love animals 12. What’s your favorite animal? turtles have a special place in my heart 13. What’s your favorite television show? the office, himym, that 70s show 14. What’s your favorite movie? hot rod, silver linings playbook, ferris bueller 15. What’s your favorite band/singer? i listen to rap lol but i like chance, childish, kodak, post malone, drake, many many others 16. How old are you? 18 17. Do you have a crush on anyone? nope lol i'm done with relationships and dating until i find someone special. until then i'm just chilling and doing whatever i want. i'm not really looking rn 18. What’s your sexual orientation? straight 19. What’s your favorite color? yellow 20. What was your most embarrassing moment? when i had a bowl cut when i was little LOL like why 21. Do you ever wish you were someone else? i mean my life sucks sometimes and i wish i was more motivated to figure things out, but i'm in love w it all so no 22. What were you like when you were a kid? i was loud around family and friends but very shy, crazy, happy, smart, intrigued by the world, sporty. i was a very good kid 23. What would your dream house be like? never really thought about it to be honest. i just want a nice affordable place where i'm happy and will have everything i need like water electricity etc. that's all i really need. ideally it'd be a beautiful house and i'll be successful but money doesn't buy happiness. i'll appreciate whatever i have. 24. What last made you laugh? anesthesia 25. What is your favorite word? right now it's either rattled or sunshiney 26. What is your least favorite word? idk i like them all except the n word 27. What turns you on? moving hands, eye contact, grabbing, when someone's so into you they'll do anything to have you and like pounce on you, smiling during sex, stuff like that 28. What turns you off? loud obnoxious people 29. What is your star sign? scorpio 30. What are your favorite books? perks of being a wallflower 31. Do you have any siblings? yes, 4 32. Do you like to dance? i love dancing 33. What is your definition of cheating? not being loyal to the one you claim to love 34. Have you ever cheated on someone? no. never. 35. Do you regret anything? not a thing. i've learned from all experiences. 36. Do you have any phobias? needles but i'm getting better with it 37. Ever broken any bones? my pinky toe one time bc i was going too hard jumping on the bed when i was like 9 38. Ever come close to death? the other day i was driving and my car spun out and i was doin donuts and went off road into a pasture. i almost hit a tree. i was so lucky my car didn't flip over, bc i have a rogue and it was also windy that day. i'm so lucky. but it helped me realize some things. 39. What is your religion, if any? i don't even know man 40. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? no and i really have to but i'm scared 41. Are looks important in a relationship? i mean yeah lol you have to be attracted to the person. but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so honestly idk why people stress so much. everyone is beautiful to someone. people need to not trip so much over the way they look. other people literally don't care like at all. 42. Are you more like your mom or your dad? i'm like my mom in the idgaf and bitchy sense (that's a good thing btw) but i'm like my dad in the im a sweet and goofy person sense. but also i'm not at all like either of them. idk man i'm just me 43. What is your favorite season? summer or fall 44. Do you have any tattoos? getting one next weekend i believe 45. Do you have any piercings? first and second holes. want more but i am a broke broke person rn 46. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 1 real boyfriend but i've been in 3 serious relationships w/o labels 47. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? uh i mean no 48. Who is your celebrity crush? no one tbh lol 49. Are you a virgin? no 50. Do you get jealous easily? if i really like someone then yes i do but it's because ive been in bad relationships before. my trust is kind of fucked that's why i'm just doin me rn i don't wanna deal w anyone rn 51. What is your favorite type of food? quesadillas or pizza or sushi! prob sushi 52. Do you ever want to get married? if i find my person but i ain't rushing it at all lol 53. Who was your first kiss with? my first boyfriend Jake. it was more of a makeout and i was freaked out by it lol i wasn't ready. i cried after he left that night 54. Have you ever been cheated on? yep 55. What is your idea of the perfect date? running around doing/showing eachother things that make us happy and just talking about life getting to know one another. being fearless with it all 56. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? both idk i just chill and vibe w people 57. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? i think it's a possibility, and likely somewhere or other 58. What talent do you wish you’d been born with? flexibility 59. What is your saddest memory? how suicidal i was when i was younger. breaks my heart. also every goodbye i have had to say to people i love. it breaks my heart. 60. Do you believe in love at first sight? i mean it happened to me so yes 61. Do you believe in soul mates? yes but i think you can have a few, not just one 62. Have you ever dyed your hair? yes 63. Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? many 64. Would you go against your moral code for money? idk what this means lol wut 65. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 1. i tried to kill myself multiple times when i was younger 2. i am very unmotivated to do schoolwork although i love to learn 3. i have friends all over the country and world 66. Who are you jealous of? no one 67. Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? sometimes i sleep w my stuffed spongebob my sister gave me when i was little, or a stuffed heart my brother gave me with a picture of us in it 68. How long was your longest relationship? idk man 69. Is the glass half empty or half full? depends man 70. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? many things but smile in a happy state under stars and crawl over me and just go to town out of love 71. Who is your most loyal friend? Rachael i love her 72. Are you in a relationship? no 73. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? --- 74. Are you a bad person? i try to be the best i can be and usually succeed in that, but i am human. i make mistakes and everyone has their own perspectives 75. Are you a lover or a fighter? "i'm a lover not a fighter but i'll fight for what i love" 76. What did you do on your last birthday? my friend took me to get my ears pierced and my mom took me to the mall. it was a nice day 77. What is your favorite quote and why? i don't think i have one, sorry to disappoint 78. If your best friend died, what would you do? i would not know what to do at all. i would try to stay positive but i would be so totally and completely heart broken. i'd miss her to death. 79. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? my bowl cut when i was 11 lmao 80. If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? go to canada to see a pal and thank him. if i had time after that i'd probably go to new york to meet up with some friends. if i had time after that i'd go to cali. 81. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? i honestly don't really know 82. Are you happier single or in a relationship? single but that's because every guy i talk to makes me feel worthless. when my person comes along, i'm sure it'll be a different story 83. Who were you in a past life? i don't know wtf question is this 84. What is your happiest childhood memory? whenever i was with my sister jenn 85. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? yep 86. Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yes, tippy was the GOAT 87. If you were the president, what would you do? omg idk i'd probably smoke a lot of weed and try to forget that i was given this terrifying position 88. What is your ideal career? being an art therapist who gets to travel many places 89. What is your political affiliation? idk man idk 90. Are you conservative or liberal? both in different aspects 91. Is the male or female body closest to perfection? dafuq is this question 92. Do you like kissing in public? yes yes yes. i love when someone's not afraid to love me. i've only ever had that with one person. i miss him so. 93. If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? men that scream at women and beat them, and vice versa. i just have only seen men do it but i know women do too. it just freaks me out. if a man ever screams at me or hits me i just completely cut them off and don't deal. shit's scary. 94. Where would you like to live? everywhere dude 95. Where would you go on your dream vacation? everywhere dude 96. Describe yourself in one word. art 97. Describe yourself in one sentence. i am made up of everyone i've met and everything i've experienced.
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