#and then della got it and said “oooh so you two are the mr and mrs McOld”
Thinking on the triplets calling Goldie as "aunt Oldie"
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writebackatya · 1 year
Scrooge: Everyone, I have terrible news, as it turns out my trusted colleague, Bradford Buzzard, has been secretly working for FOWL this entire time
Della: {raises hands in the air} CALLED IT!
Donald: You did not…
Della: Yes I did! Ever since we were kids, Donnie, I did not trust him! I always said he was evil!
Donald: No, all you ever said was that he was a stick in the mud with a stick up his butt
Della: Well I’m wasn’t wrong there! Freaking bald bastard
Scrooge: Della! Please…
Della: What?! He’s officially a bad guy now! I’m just insulting him with straight up facts about him
Scrooge: Well some of us here are still processing the fact that a close colleague of ours would do something like this
Louie: {sudden realization} …He tried to kill me.
Della, Donald, & Scrooge: WHAT!?!
Louie: When I was the richest duck, he suggested that I turned off the magical defense system that was holding the Bombie as a way to save money! There’s no way he didn’t know about the Bombie, right? So yeah, I’m waaaay past the whole “processing” part. I’m ready to start making fun of the bald bastard
Donald: Louie!
Della: Wait. Bambi tried to kill you?
Scrooge: Getting back on track, all of us need to stay alert! We cannae trust anyone anymore, so be aware of anyone suspicious
Louie: Like Uncle Donald’s new girlfriend?
Della & Huey: WHAT!?!
Dewey: Yeah, you guys didn’t hear?! When Louie and I executed our brilliant plan to help get The Three Caballeros on Ms. Glamour’s It List, Uncle Donald fell in looooooooooovvvvve!
Della & Huey: OooOOooooo!
Louie: {shows the two a pic of Daisy} She’s like a 9 while he’s a 5 at best
Della: {looks at the phone} Hmmm…Oh yeah that is suspicious…
Donald: Oh gee, thanks everybody
Louie: Okay, sorry. High 5
Dewey: {slaps his hand against Louie’s}
Huey: Uncle Donald, we’re all just surprised AND happy that you found someone!
Della: Yeah. Wish you told us sooner, that’s like major news there! That’s like if you never told the boys about me when you and Uncle Scrooge were raising them Webby: Well actually- Scrooge: {jumps in before Webby can say anything while Donald silently mouths the words "Not now!" as he shakes his head at Webby} We all need to be extra careful these days. Gyro, how is security at the Bin? Gyro: Better than ever, Mr. McDuck! Nobody will be able to break into the bin without my knowledge Huey: What about Mark Beaks? Gyro: No! That was a fluke... Dewey: Glomgold? Gyro: He had the stopwatch! That doesn't count! Louie: Gee, I wonder how he got his hands on that... Gyro: Oh I don't wanna hear it, Green Nephew Della & Donald: Louie... Webby: ...Oooh! What about Agent Dee? We haven't heard from her in awhile and she might break in! Fenton: Ha-ha, whaaaaaat? Gyro: Like I said, security is better than ever and it is impossible for anyone to break in. Right, Dr. Intern?! Fenton: Yeah, right...{phone buzzes} So is this meeting over, I gotta go... Della: OooOoo. Got a hot date? Fenton: YES! I MEAN NO! I MEAN...I gotta go! {walks out of the room} Della: {whispers to Donald & Gyro} Oh he's seeing someone. And they're totally doing it Donald & Gyro: {exasperated sigh}
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eastofthemoon · 3 years
Feathered Friends
A silly one shot that wouldn’t leave my head.
Archive of Our Own
Rating: G
Series: The Owl House/Ducktales 2017
Summary: Luz tries something to get her back to the human realm, unfortunately the human part wasn't present. 
Luz rubbed her hands eagerly as she looked over the handheld mirror. “Alright, mysterious device of arcane mystery, let’s see if you can bring me back to the human realm!’
“Are you sure you want to do this, kiddo?” Eda asked as she crossed her arm. “We know even less about this thing than your last portal attempt.”
“But the inscription says it leads to another world when you twist the handle,” Luz said as she clasped her hands.
“Doesn’t mean it’s the human realm,” Eda added. “There are plenty of bizarre worlds out there. For all we know this thing's connected to a world of man eating toe bats or something.”
“Where did you two find this outrageous ornament anyway?” King said as he poked the mirror.
“<i>We</i> didn’t,” Eda said with a deep sigh, shoving King’s paw away. “Hooty coughed it up and apparently doesn’t even remember where he picked it up.  Not that he remembers much to begin with.”
King grimaced. “Yuck, he really needs to be more aware of what he eats.”
“Anyway,” Luz continued as she put her hands on her hips, “it’s still worth trying.  Worst case it should lead back here, right?”
Eda sighed as she ruffled her hair. “All right, but I’m coming with you. King, how about you?  Up for a little interdimensional exploration?”
“Naw,” King said as he left the room. “My tummy is craving hot chocolate and I’ve decided to graciously fulfill its demand.”
“Save some for me,” Luz said as she picked up the mirror. “This shouldn’t take long.”
“Well, those are some ominous last words, but let’s give it a go,” Eda said as she placed a hand on Luz’s shoulder.
Luz bit her lower lip as she gave the mirror handle a hard twist.
The mirror sparked madly, before suddenly erupting with blue energy.  The mirror seemed to shine, and the energy formed into a swirling portal.
“Alright,” Luz said with a deep breath. “Here goes.”  Holding the mirror close to her chest, Luz stepped through the portal together with Eda.
They found themselves in a room. A very normal human looking room with a bunk bed and human style clothes scattered around it.
Hope flickered in Luz's eyes. Was it possible? Had she made it home?! Did she-
Someone, not Eda, cleared their throat and Luz turned.
Her joy evaporated.
Four pairs of eyes were staring at her. Eyes belonging to what seemed to be humanoid ducks. One was wearing a pink dress with a cute bow, another wore a blue shirt and a stunned expression. The third wore a red hat and shirt and seemed to be working out what question to ask first, while the fourth wore a green hoodie and held a soda can.
“Um...Hi,” Luz said slowly with a nervous smile. “Please don’t freak-”
The duck in green growled as he rubbed his eyes and set down the soda can.  The actual soda can, Luz found her eyes drawn to it. “Dewey, I thought you promised not to invite extra-dimensional beings into our bedroom again!”
“It wasn't me!” the duck, likely named Dewey, objected. “I mean, it was me that other time, but in my defense the number of views for my show have never been higher.”
“While that may be numerically true, that is strictly relative,” the duck with the red hat replied dryly.  "The number of views were even higher that time you left the camera on for twenty minutes of Mrs. Beakley cleaning the carpet."
“Uh….” Luz said as Eda looked around.
“Talking ducks? Hey, I think I’ve been to this world,” Eda muttered.
Before Luz could ask what she meant, the duck with the cute bow bounced up to her.
“Hi, I’m Webby!” she greeted and pointed behind her. “That’s Louie, Dewey and Huey! What’s your name?”
“I’m Luz, and this is Eda the Owl Lady,” Luz replied, slightly amazed by her chipper attitude. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to barge in-”
“Boys, what was that noise?!” shouted a female voice with a British accent.
“One second,” Huey said as he poked his head out of the room. “A portal opened and now we've got visitors from another world.”
There was a brief pause. “Are they dangerous?”
Huey pulled his head back. “Hostile or non-hostile?”
“Well, some call me a foxy mama and I've slain many a heart, kiddo,” Eda said with a wink.
Huey raised an eyebrow and glanced at Luz. “Non-hostile then?”
Luz nodded as Huey poked his head out again.
“They’re not dangerous, Mrs. Beakley!” he shouted.
“Alright, I’ll be up once these dishes have been dealt with,” the voice shouted back.
“You guys are oddly calm about this,” Luz said as she tilted her head.
Louie scoffed as he shoved his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie. “Please, on average we get at least one weird portal opening in our house a month.”
“It was twice last month,” Dewey replied and shivered. “I still can’t get that centaur’s song out of my head.”
"Averages, Dewford!"
“Okay, then,” Luz said, wondering to herself exactly what kind of life these ducks had.
Huey pointed to the mirror in Luz’s hand. “So, given the evidence, my hypothesis is that this is what created the portal.  It wasn't red, so I'm assuming it doesn't use the same method as the Solego circuit - is it magic?  Runic designs, or some sort of divine blessing?”
Luz blinked and blushed realizing she had almost forgotten she was holding it.
“Uh, yeah, again sorry, we kind of just found it and were experimenting,” Luz said as she held it up. “I’ll just turn so we can-”
“Now, hold up, kiddo,” Eda said with a smirk. “I’ve been to this world before and it’s actually pretty fun. A lot more accepting of avian people than the Boiling Isles, if you catch my drift.  It might actually be worth having a short visit here.”
“I can’t help but note you’re not asking our opinion here,” Louie asked.  "I should really start charging tolls on interdimensional travel..."
Dewey stepped forward and pointed. “More importantly will you or will you not come onto my show for an interview?”
“How much are you willing to pay?” Eda said.
“Nevermind that,” Webby said as she grinned at Luz. “Are you a magic user?”
“I’m, er, a witch in training,” Luz said as she rubbed the back of her neck. 
“Oooh, I should introduce you to Lena and Violet,” Webby continued. “We can compare notes - do you have a scrapbook of arcane secrets too?!”
“Oh really,” Luz said as her eyes sparked. That did sound like fun.
“Kids,” a female voice called out and another duck - female-sounding, wearing a pilot uniform - entered the room. “Beakley mentioned something about a portal-”
Suddenly, she gasped and pointed.  “Eda Clawthorne! Is that you?”
Eda frowned and tilted her head. “You look kind of familiar? Do I know you?  You're not a debt collector, right?”
The duck laughed and pointed at herself. “It’s me, Della Duck! Remember? I took your staff for a joyride? We had a bonding experience over nachos?”
Eda blinked, and a smile appeared as she snorted. “Della?! Ha! Wow, it’s been ages! You got old girl!”
Della laughed. “You're one to talk! Didn’t you have red hair?”
Eda snorted as she ran a hand through her hair. “True, but I am still a foxy mama though.  Silver is in.”
“I have several questions,” Huey asked.
“And I smell the start of a delicious backstory,” Luz added as she rubbed her hands.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Della said. “Scrooge, Donald and I ran into her once during one of our adventures.”
Eda chuckled. “Yeah, that was a fun ride. Hey, did Scrooge ever get over the ‘you know what’?”
Della paused, and suddenly sucked air in and looked anywhere <i>but</i> Eda. “Yeah, about that. Great catching up and all, but you should probably leave before he hears that you’re here?”
Eda froze. “Y-you've got to be kidding.  Don’t tell me that old coot is still alive-”
All heads turned and Luz spotted an old duck wearing a red jacket, a top hat on his head and an angry scowl on his face as he pointed a cane at the visitors.
“Oh boy,” Eda said as she grabbed Luz’s arm. “Time to go, kiddo!”
“What?” Luz cried. “But what about-”
“Oh, no you don’t!” Scrooge yelled as he wrapped his cane handle around Eda’s wrist. “YOU AREN’T GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL YOU RETURN THE COPPER PIPES YOU STOLE YOU SHIFTY SHORTCHANGING CHARLATAN!”
“Copper pipes?” Louie asked in disbelief. “Really?  In this economy?”
Eda rolled her eyes as she wrapped her hands around the cane. “Aw come on, Scroogey no need to be so hostile-”
Scrooge snarled. “I have every right to be horrendously hostile you-”
“Even when I specifically came here - across the dimensional void - just to bring back those pipes?” Eda gestured to the corner of the room. “All six of them, right over there!”
“What?” Scrooge looked. “I don’t see-”
Eda kicked Scrooge off his cane and watched the duck tumble flat on his face.
“And that definitely makes it time to go!” Eda said as she took the mirror, twisted the handle and sparks started to fly. “Say your goodbyes, kid, because we are out of here!”
“Uh, okay,” Luz said as Eda pulled her towards the emerging portal. “Sorry about this!”
“No worries,” Webby said as Dewey helped Scrooge up. “Send me a letter! I've always wanted an extradimensional pen-pal!”
Luz could see Scrooge rallying to give chase, but her view was abruptly eclipsed by the swirling blue of the portal as she was pulled through. Both Eda and Luz collided at the foot of the couch as the portal disappeared behind them.
King sipped his hot chocolate as he peered over them from the couch.
“So!  How was the site of my future conquest?” he asked.
Luz pointed an arm up. “Not the human realm, but we met some friendly talking ducks and I got Eda backstory so I'm still calling it a win.”
“And I got a free cane,” Eda declared as she waved the cane up in the air.
Luz narrowed her eyes. “You should really give that back.”
Eda snarked. “Luz, trust me, that guy has a ton of these things.” She held up in the air and fiddled with the handle. “I wonder if-”
A laser blazed out of the cane's tip without warning. Hooty yelped, spiraling out of the way it shot through the wall behind him.
“...Oooh, Mama like,” Eda cooed, eyes sparkling as she raced outside. “Let’s see what this bad boy can do!”
“Mass destruction! Untold mayhem! Unfettered obliteration!  It's my turn next!” King shouted as he gave chase.
Luz sighed as she put down the mirror. “Alright, so...I can check off the mirror at least.  Not a way home, but not bad.  Maybe leave the Owl Lady here next time.”
Luz heard more blasts being fired, and the growing sounds of rampaging fires. She briefly considered going outside to reduce the carnage, but decided it might be better to write that letter to Webby instead.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
. There’s a difference between being brave and being suicidal Louie webby
“You excited for tonight?” Webby asked as she adorned a set of her Granny’s pearls and styled her hair into a nice and neat updo that reminded Louie of old photos of a younger and happier Beakley, but God knows he’d never tell her that.
“Excited? Try ‘kinda dreading’. I have to stand around for at least a half-hour saying hi to countless, and I mean countless, duck cousins. Nothing could be more dreadful about this wedding,” Louie complained.
“Oh come on Lou. Where’s your bravery? It’s your family, what is the worst that could happen?” She asked.
“There is a difference between being brave and being suicidal Webs. I am not going to say ‘hi’ to every single one of those weirdos. I swear, some of them might actually be lunatics. I just don’t understand them,” Louie shook his head.
“You’re so dramatic,” Webby rolled her eyes, “I’m sure it’s just your lack of understanding that makes you paranoid. And besides, one could very easily consider Donald or your brothers lunatics so maybe don’t be so quick to judge,” Webby warned.
“Alright, fine. I’ll at least shake hands but I swear if they try to say more than small talk I might have to leave,” Louie said.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Webby kissed his cheek before heading off to the bathroom.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you have to try to talk to Granny like a human being tonight. No being an awkward robot around her,” She added.
“What?! You never told me I have to do that! She scares the crap out of me,” he proclaimed.
“Louie, she’s gonna be your Granny-in-law tomorrow. I think it’s best if you start having normal conversations before it’s too late,” Webby sighed. Louie pondered what exactly she meant by that,
but he still couldn’t grip a reality where he wasn’t at least a little bit afraid of Mrs. Beakley at all times.
After all, she wasn’t necessarily the warmest person when they told her they were dating, or when they told her they were engaged.
“Fine, I’ll... try. But only for you,” Louie sighed.
“My hero,” she popped her head out the door just to smile at him. That stupid cute smile made him want to actually actually mean it, but Beakley really was scary.
This was going to be a long, and difficult evening.
They stood at the door for what felt like an eternity, even Webby couldn’t deny that. Her one regret was wearing heels, bringing flats, but not bringing them to the dinner because “she’s endured torture before”. Biggest lie she ever convinced herself of.
There were somehow many, many more members of the Duck family than Louie remembered. There was Gladstone and whoever he was dating today, Fethry and his brother Louie had never met Abner, this guy named Gus, Donald and Daisy, Della, this old lady who he vaguely remembered someone telling him was his Great Aunt or something??? Her name was Lulubelle and she was a lot like Fethry. Figured they were related somehow. There were also a ton of other people that he just straight up couldn’t recall. He glanced at Webby every once in a while for support but it didn’t look like she knew them either.
The biggest problem of the night though? Dewey was drunk before he even got there (along with hypeman and apparently boyfriend Dante) and Della and Daisy were having some sort of squabble about arm wrestling, which put Donald in the most awkward position in history. Also, Launchpad crashed into someone's car
"This is going to be fun, right Louie?” She asked him, elbowing him slightly when she saw the grimace on his face as he was flipping through what was going on in his brain.
“Right,” he gave back a very forced smile. Webby rolled her eyes.
“Just behave yourself. We don’t need two drunk Duck brothers. And if I have to wake you from a hangover, I swear, I will use a bucket of ice and make it as painful as possible,” she threatened.
“Okay, okay, I get it,” He chuckled, but Webby was not assumed. “I’ll have fun, it’s cool. I can be charming. I bet I can fix all of tonight's problems in no time.” That made Webby laugh.
“I’m sorry Lou, but there are just some things you can’t fix. Besides, we have a schedule. Toasts and food and stuff, remember? Just keep it cool,” Webby reminded.
“Right, keep it cool,” He nodded slowly. Together, Louie and Webby took their seats in the middle of a long table that allowed them to look at the ocean of guests (some that he honestly didn’t recall inviting to the dinner because this was supposed to be smaller than the wedding, but he had let Donald send out the invitations so maybe that was his doing). He had sat down for no more than three seconds when a drunk Dewey stumbled towards him and swung his arm around his brother.
“You know what I love about you bro?” He grinned cheekily.
“Dewey, I swear to god-”
“It’s that you jsut.. you’re so... you so natural. Like no other. Original gangster right here. you lie like legend. I lovvvveeee that,” he said.
“That’s great Dewey. Drink some water,” he handed him a water bottle, which Dewey accepted before Dante swiped it away.
“Uh uh uh! No water til’ 12. We made a deal,” Dante teased.
“A deal?” Louie’s eye twitched as he turned to Dewey.
“Sorry brosef. I’mma gonner,” he kissed his fingers and did a peace sign before running off with Dante. Louie shook his head.
“Guess I’ll just ask Huey to give tonights toast instead of Dewey tonight,” Louie sighed.
“That sounds fair,” Webby nodded along, eating a piece of bread.
“I’ll go tell him. Text me when the food gets here, I’m starving,” Louie stood.
“Good luck. I believe in you,” they shared a brief kiss before Louie found his brother with Violet and Lena in the corner.
“You guys still working on those bets?” he asked snidely.
“What do we look like? Of course,” Huey rolled his eyes.
“What’s the status?” Louie asked.
“Lena has won three, with a total of $25 since the shrimp doesn’t suck, I won one for a total of $5 for Donald only tripping once in the past 5 hours, and Violet is holding the lead with a total of $35 for one bet of Gladstone finding over 10 20 dollar bills today alone. I’m really hoping Dewey leaves his drunk shenanigans to tomorrow because I really need this win,” he whispered that last part to Louie.
“We can hear you, you know that Red? And you’re right. You should be afraid. Be very, very afraid,” Lena smirked.
“Speaking of that, can I borrow fifty dollars?” Huey grinned to Louie.
“No, ask Gladstone if you want money, he always has a lot to spare. I do need to talk to you though,” Louie grabbed his brother’s arm and pulled him aside.
“I need you and Dewey to switch when you’re doing your best man speeches,” he explained.
“Wh-what? Why? It’s not like Dewey is dead, he’s just drunk. He’ll be fiiiiiine,” Huey tried to escape.
“No no, it has to be you Huey. This is our event and Dewey cannot give a speech that hammered,” Louie said.
“My speech isn’t even ready! It’s only one paragraph so far!” Huey pulled out a crumpled and sweaty piece of paper from his suit pocket.
“Bro, I don’t care. If that’s what you have to work with, it’s what you have to work with. If you don’t want to give the speech, sober Dewey before dinner is done,” Louie challenged.
“You and I both know that’s a fool's errand,” Huey scoffed.
“Fine, then give the speech,” he crossed his arms.
“Okay, okay. I’ll fix Dewey,” Huey decided.
“Great, you’re fantastic,” Louie shot finger guns before quickly getting out of there and back to his seat.
“So? How’d he take it?” Webby asked before taking a drink of water.
“He said he’d rather sober up Dewey so I’m letting him,” He grinned at his fiancee.
“You’re insane,” Webby noted.
“Oh, I’m not insane. Just... a visionary on a mission. I did say I could fix all of tonight's problems,” he grinned even more.
“That’s what that was about? Alright, go ahead. I’d like to see how this all turns out,” Webby held back a laugh, but Louie noticed.
“Why? Do you not believe in me?” he questioned.
“Louie, of course, I believe in you. Just not about this,” she quickly took another drink.
“Oh yeah? Bet.”
“Excuse me?” Webby turned her head.
“Bet. If I don’t solve all of tonight's problems then... I won’t wear my favorite hoodie for two whole months. And if I do... you can’t pick all the restaurants we go to on our honeymoon. I’ll at least pick every other night,” he proposed.
“Oooh, that’s intriguing...” She pondered it. “Make it three and we have a deal.”
"What about the schedule?" Louie asked.
"That's on you hon," she raised her hands in the air. Louie considered this deal a moment longer before nodding.
“Fine, it's a deal,” they shook hands.
“You’re so gonna lose,” she smirked at him.
“No, you,” Louie smirked right back. He kissed her on the cheek before running off to who knows where.
“Webbigail, where on earth is Louie running off to?” Beakley asked, appearing to have been just within earshot the whole time.
“To go do the truest of fool's errands; Try to calm down and fix the Duck family.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Across Another Dimension Ch.25
The gang finally finally arrived at the castle's entrance, where two Beanbean Knights stepped out of the way, allowing the heroes to enter and immediately bow their head in respect.
The inside of the castle was pure luxury: the floor was made of different shades of green checkered tiles, the walls were aqua green, there were lamps attached to the columns and glass chandeliers were hung at the ceiling.
"Now that's what I call a castle!" Louie exclaimed.
"It's just as luxurious as Boy Princess Donald's castle!" Panchito commented.
"Yeah! Except that there aren't many statues around." Jose added.
“This way please, his royal highness is waiting for you all in the garden with three unknown visitors.” Lady Zan smile as she lead the group to the royal garden. When they reach the garden, they see a goose with curly blonde hair and wearing a white prince charm-like outfit with a white cape with a red bottom. He’s talking with three unknown visitors.
One is a white chicken. He is about four feet tall and rather skinny. He wears a green dress shirt, a yellow hat, glasses, a pink bow tie, a black belt, brown pants, and darker brown shoes. In his shoulder was a lightbulb with arms and legs. This thing is about a foot tall probably a about size as a tv remote.
Another was a light brown duck with unruly pompadour hair. He is about three-and-a-half feet tall. He wears a cream colored dress shirt and a light purple necktie.
And last one is a gray horse with a black tail. A brown saddle is on his back.
Lady Zan curtsy to the Prince of the Beanbean Kingdom. “Your highness. His royal highness Boy Princess Donald and the Super Caballeros have arrive.” She said.
The prince turn his head away from them. Then, a smile appears. “Well I'll be. Hey here cousin Boy Princess Donald. Good to see you huh?”
“Yes, indeed dear Prince Gladstone.” Boy Princess Donald said, he have no time to be fooling around as he close his eyes. “Look, have you read my letter that I sent you?” The pink duck ask. But when he open his eyes, his cousin is gone.
“Hey Josie!!!”
Boy Princess Donald let out a groan, he turn and saw Prince Gladstone flirting his man.
“Olá Prince Gladstone.” Jose sigh, not happy to see Prince Gladstone like he is.
“Oooh, I love the way you talk.” Prince Gladstone giggle like fangirl. “Say it again!”
“Prince Gladstone!!! Are you even listening to me!?” Boy Princess Donald exclaimed.
“Yeah yeah, blah blah blah. Dimension stuff, blah blah blah. Crystal star, blah blah blah.” Prince Gladstone scoffs.
Prince Gladstone jump behind Jose as he use him as a shield while his body was shaking in fear and terrify. “Y-yes Princess D-Della. W-whatever you said!”
“Good.” Princess Della went back to their normal voice.
“Mr. McDuck!” A white chicken walk up to the old Duck.
“Ah Gyro. I am so glad that you four are alright.” Scrooge McDuck was happy to see them again, healthy and alive.
“You too Mr. McDuck.” Fenton smile but that smile soon fade away. “But where are we exactly?”
“Oh boy, here we go again.” Donald start explain the whole thing with every details that he can remember.
“So the only way to get home is to collect all the pieces of the Rainbow Star Crystal. And Professor Gyro in this world will power up the machine by using the Rainbow Star Crystal?” Gyro try to understand if Donald say was correct.
“Yes,” Donald nodded his head. “Professor Gyro alright built his machine but it need to be full power up so we have to find and put all the sharp pieces back together.”
“And they already got three Rainbow Sharp so there are only three more left. And we have to find the other too. They are probably somewhere in this world.” Huey told them.
“And the next one is on HooHoo Mountain.” Dewey added as Louie walk beside his brothers, nodded his head.
“Will, we better head there before King Zeus men got it first before us.”
And so, Prince Gladstone is willingly happy to help as he lead them all to the HooHoo Mountain. Lady Zan wishes them all a good luck.
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janetbrown711 · 6 years
“Just give me one more chance Donald and daisy
"Just give me one more chance," Donald sat across from Daisy at a café. He hadn't quite expected all of his old feelings to resurface the moment they started talking, but they did. "Well... Alright then," Daisy nodded. "Wait- what?" Donald blinked. "I'll give you another shot," Daisy smiled. "You don't have a boyfriend?" Donald baffled. Daisy laughed."Nope. Not at the moment, but that can always change," Daisy's eyes sparkled and Donald just laughed like an idiot, which made Daisy laugh too. "So, what do you want to do?""Well we could uh..." Donald about it, "We could take a walk by the docks," he suggested. "Just like old times hm? Alright," Daisy grabbed her purse and stood up. Donald adjusted his hat and they left the café together. "So what have you been up to?" Daisy put on her favorite white sunglasses. "Oh you know, working and taking care of the boys," Donald said."The boys? Oh, you mean your nephews. How are they?" Daisy asked. "Oh you know, wild and sneaky as little boys can be. They're more like their mom every day," he laughed. "Oh speaking of their mother, how is she?" Daisy smiled at him, and his smile faded. She didn't know. It had been ten years and he forgot to tell her. How could he have forgotten to tell her?! Maybe he was just too distracted at the time- whatever. He had to tell her now. "Della... Is gone," was all he said. Daisy's smile faded and she nodded. "I see... I'm so sorry Donnie," she spoke softly. "I should've told you sooner. You two were really close," he looked out at the docks. "Its alright, you were busy," Daisy nodded. They walked quietly for a bit before he decided to change the subject. "So what have you been doing?" Donald inquired. "Well I opened up my own boutique in St. Canard, so that's always keeping me busy," Daisy shrugged, "though as much as I love it, I do appreciate a day off every now and then," she smiled. Donald blushed. "Hehe... No problem," Donald scratched the back of his head when he thought that he heard laughter of three little ducks. Donald turned around, but saw no one besides sailors. "Something wrong?" Daisy turned. "No, just thought I heard someone," Donald returned and they continued on. "Someone huh? Is it the police? Did they finally catch you?" Daisy put her hands on her hips and chuckled. "Still sassy as ever," Donald chuckled too. "I should hope so. I did win 'Most Sassy' in the yearbook," she smirked. "And you wear it with pride," he smirked back. They looked at eachother and started laughing. "Just like highschool," she laughed. "Just like highschool," he reminisced. Their laughs faded into smiles. "Actually, there is one difference between now and highschool," Daisy took off her sunglasses, and Donald saw a shimmer in her eye. "And that is?" Donald raised an eyebrow."I haven't kissed you yet, but that's easily fixed," she smiled. "Yes- wait what-?" Donald didn't have time to think before Daisy grabbed him and they shared a passionate kiss. "There we go. Now it's just like it was," she turned back toward the sunset looking quite pleased. "Hahaha... Yup," Donald laughed dizzily. He could've sworn he heard the snickering of children coming from behind one of those benches..."Hm... Maybe it's time to get you home. You seem a bit dizzy there," Daisy looked at Donald. "Hm? Oh no no I'm fine," he reasurred. "How about start heading back anyway? Where do you live?" Daisy turned off of the docks so he followed. "Oh uh... On a houseboat at McDuck Manor?" Donald bit his lip. "McDuck Manor? As in your uncle Scrooge McDuck?! Man, it must be amazing to be related to someone that famous and glorious," Daisy jumped. "Sure..." he nodded along. "You have to introduce me!" Daisy grabbed his hand, "c'mon lets go! This will be amazing for my business," she started running. "Gah! Slow down! Slow down!" Donald quacked and they stopped at a cross walk. "Sorry there, got excited," she started panting. "That seems like something you would do," he nodded, "so have you kept in touch with anybody else from highschool?" Donald asked. "Well me and Minnie Mouse still keep in touch, even though she's basically a celebrity now. Don't even get me started on Mickey. I can't look anywhere without seeing something with him on it," Daisy waved her hand with sass. "Ah, I see," Donald nodded again. "What about you? Did you keep in touch with anyone?" the light turned green and they kept walking. "Well... I was in touch with Goofy and Mick for awhile but I was busy going on adventures with Della and Scrooge until I had to take care of the boys," Donald shrugged. "Ah," Daisy nodded, "just a few more blocks until we get there?" "Yep," Donald said. As they walked Donald kept looking over his shoulder but saw no one. He couldve sworn he heard snickering and whispers. Daisy stopped as they approached the gate of the manor. "Woah... Is this even real?" Daisy walked right up to the gate. "You can touch it. It's not electric," Donald said. "Wait really?" she looked at him. "Go ahead," he gestured. Daisy smiled and touched the gate. "Wow! This gate even feels rich! This is amazing!" Daisy jumped up and down. "Would you like to go in?" Donald questioned. "Oh would I?" Daisy swooned. "Alright step away from the gate," Donald rolled his eyes and pushed the intercom. "Mrs Beakly speaking," the intercom buzzed. "Its me Donald. I'm coming with a friend," He spoke into it. "Ah, alright," the intercom buzzed again and the gate slowly opened."Wow," Daisy went and held his hand. "Shall we?" he looked smugly at her. "We shall," she returned the look and they walked up to the door and entered the manor and were greeted by none other than Mrs. B herself. "Welcome to McDuck Manor miss. What is your name?" she asked. "Oooh, he has a maid?" Daisy admired Mrs. B."Daisy," Donald said. Beakly nodded. "Welcome Miss Daisy," Beakly gestured for them to come further in and she closed the door behind them. "Wow! This place is even bigger on the inside!" Daisy looked around at all of the painting and carpets and... Well everything. "You'd be surprised... Mrs. B, where are the boys?" Donald asked. "Oh they went out and about. They should be back soon," Beakly nodded at Donald and left the room. "I should have guessed," Donald said. "Huh?" Daisy turned her head. "The boys were following us on our date," he chuckled. "Oh were they now? You weren't kidding when you said they're like their mother," she laughed. "Yep," he snickered, when suddenly he heard a loud thud come from a nearby room, followed by shushes. "Well speak of the devil," he gestured for Daisy to follow him as he opened the door to the room where all four of the children were all in a pile by the window. "Hey Uncle Donald," Huey nervously smiled at him. "We totally weren't just sneaking out to follow you just so you know," Dewey smiled too. "Hey, is that Daisy?" Louie pointed to the woman by Donalds side. "Daisy? As in Daisy Duck!" Webby scrambled up. "That's me," Daisy looked at Donald uneasily as the girl proceeded to talk about who she was to the boys "You didn't say anything about a niece," she whispered. "She isn't my niece. She's the maids granddaughter," he whispered back. "Oh, I see," she slowly nodded. "Webby, maybe you should calm down and let Uncle Donald introduce us to her instead," Huey said with a rather calm tone. "Right! Okay!" and just like that she stood perfectly still. "Okay... Huey, Dewey, Louie, this is Daisy. Daisy this is Huey, Dewey and Louie," he pointed to each triplet as he said their names. Daisy nodded. "Hello! I'm glad to meet you boys," she smiled. "Are you gonna date our uncle?" Louie raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh uh, maybe?" she flickered at Donald nervously, but put on a smile anyway. "Oh and this is Webby," Donald pointed to her. "Hi!" Webby waved. "Hello," Daisy waved back. "Well now... I'm going to take Daisy to the houseboat. Only come if you need me," Donald started walking out of the room before adding, "and i mean really need me.""Yes Uncle Donald," the three said in perfect unison. "You bet!" Webby cheerfully said. Donald nodded, taking Daisy's hand and taking her over to the houseboat, where they sat on chairs on the deck and watched the sun set behind the manor."So... Huey Dewey and Louie? That's what she named them?" Daisy raised an eyebrow. "Well... Your sister named hers April, May, and June. You gotta admit that's a little tacky too," Donald pointed out. "I suppose that's true... But are those their real names?" she asked again. "Well their real names are... Hubert, Duford, and Llewellyn," Donald sheepishly said. "Wait... Della Duck named her three sons... Hubert... Duford... And Llewellyn..?" Daisy looked at him like he was crazy. "She actually wanted to name Dewey Deuteronomy instead but I insisted otherwise," Donald said. "Oh my word, that really is Della," Daisy snorted. "Yep," he laughed too. "Well now... How long have you lived in such a luxurious mansion? And why do you choose to live in the house boat instead?" Daisy questioned. "About five months or so. I live in the boat because I want to," Donald shrugged. "Does it have to do with your uncle Scrooge? Does he keep security cameras everywhere and doesbthat bother you?" Daisy asked more. "Oh uh... Yes," he half lied. He wasn't ready to get into complete detail about his uncle and how he was related to Della's disappearance. "I can see that," Daisy nodded in agreement, "still, it must be nice living with a multi-trillionare," Daisy said."Sure, if he wasnt so cheep," he scoffed. "Cheep?" she looked at him."He doesn't spend a penny more than he needs to," Donald shrugged again. "Huh..." Daisy yawned. "Tired?" Donald asked. "Not too terribly... But I suppose I should be getting home somewhat soon," she sighed. "Alright. I'll call a cab," Donald got up from his seat. "Oh no no, there's no need for that. I can just walk," she stood. "It's fine. I'll call one now," Donald took out his phone and dialed a cab. "We should wait out front."The pair walked out to the front gate and waited for several minutes together until the cab finally came. "Well... I guess this is goodbye," Donald said."Nope, its a see you later," she kissed his cheek, got in the cab, and was driven away, leaving Donald alone and lovestruck
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