#beakley is just there counting how much time until her next day off
Thinking on the triplets calling Goldie as "aunt Oldie"
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How Mervana shows Louie’s response to trauma.
I made a super short post basically saying “Hey I like how Mervana highlights Louie’s trauma and it’s effects on him” and people seemed interested in hearing more about it so here’s that post.
Now, it’s no secret (generally) that Louie really hates adventures. That’s obvious throughout the show, up to the most recent season. He never seems to want to go on adventures, always objecting to them or not going or changing his mind and wanting to go back half way through. The show never fails to remind us that he hates them. What’s more, the show never fails to remind us exactly why Louie hates adventures. In Glomtales he was actually happy to be missing the adventure at first, commenting “Well, at least I can skip out on another insanely dangerous adventure”. Something that only changed when he realized they were going somewhere not only safe but actually fun, something very rare. In The Golden Armory Of Cornelius Coot he rocks back and forth trying to convince himself of why the adventure was worth it, clearly extremely distressed. “Do not laugh in the face of my danger” he shouted when Dewey starting giggling. Later in that episode he basically sobbed out “I wanna go home”. In Challenge Of The Senior Woodchuck he says “I’m cold and terrified, this sure seems like an adventure to me.”
Most of the family isn’t actually affected by the constant stress and danger they’re put in. Huey, Dewey, Webby, Della, and Scrooge all find it incredibly exciting, Donald used to once upon a time and he stopped adventuring after it stopped being that. Nobody else has really gone through what Louie has. He isn’t built for adventuring. He’s been kidnapped, physically and mentally hurt, almost killed. Constantly. According to an article I read, “Trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening and that can have lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and physical, social, emotional well-being.” and well, that absolutely fits the bill here. Below i’m going to put some symptoms of trauma that are in line with what we’ve seen from Louie throughout the show
Anger, irritability, mood swings
Anxiety and fear
Guilt, shame, self-blame
Withdrawing from others
Feeling sad or hopeless
Feeling disconnected or numb
Being startled easily
Edginess and agitation
Extreme alertness; always on the lookout for warnings of potential danger
Detachment from other people and emotions
Emotional numbing
Throughout the show there are many instances of Louie’s trauma being very obvious to anybody paying attention. However I think the episode Mervana actually showcased the effects outside of just Louie being visibly distressed over actively being in danger. Other episodes have shown his symptoms, obviously. His anxiety and fear are always on during at adventure and when they aren’t he’s shockingly, almost unusually numb to the situation. He’s almost always very fatigued (although the line between what’s fatigue and what’s just ‘laziness’ is a bit blurred), and he’s almost always a bit too hostile towards others. But Mervana showed a really direct ‘cause and effect’ type relationship with the things they’ve been through and his behavior throughout that episode.
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Starting off the episode, we can see Louie seems very detached. He’s texting throughout Huey and Scrooge’s monologues. As I said earlier, when it comes to adventuring he’s always either in fight or flight mode or he’s completely detached, maybe offering occasional dull but volatile remarks here and there. Eventually Louie makes a comment about how “Now there’s two people putting us in constant danger” before sitting like this for the next minute or so
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The other’s are mid conversation but he just kinda sits there blankly for a while before turning to make another remark. “Yeah, I definitely can’t wait to find a bunch of lost undersea monsters who definitely won’t have a dark secret that almost gets us killed”. And it’s important to recognize that Louie isn’t just being a pessimist here. He may not be in panic mode at the moment because he tends to emotionally detach himself until it’s time for his fight or flight responses to kick in (likely a way to cope with the constant anxiety that seems to follow him) but he’s still got a very good point because they are put in constant danger and this episode really, truly, is no different. Webby even asks “Why do you always have to assume the worst?” to which Louie pulls out his running list of the times they’ve been offered as a sacrifice. He’s almost died countless times. He’s watched his brother’s and sister almost die countless times. No, not countless, he’s counting. He’s literally keeping count of the number of traumatic experiences he’s gone through, which is at least one hundred and twenty. And that’s just the amount of sacrifices, which is to say nothing about kidnappings or non sacrifice related straight up murder attempts. 
Let me just say, though, that his suspicious nature, while completely natural due to his past traumatic experiences, and while somewhat grounded in reality because they did end up in danger during this episode, wasn’t completely accurate. Most of the Mervanan’s were genuinely good people but Louie immediately assumed they were going to hurt him and his family. He was on edge. He was immediately suspicious, even before he met them, even before he was given reason to be suspicious. The only person who read into things as deeply as he did was Beakley, who’s a secret agent. She will have been trained to be suspicious and pick up on small signs that something isn’t right, but Louie wasn’t. Louie was just on edge and suspicious of everything because those are big signs of trauma. He was right that something wrong was going on, but it wasn’t observational skills on his part as shown by the fact that he was sure they’d be put in danger before they ever met the Mervanan’s. 
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A few times this episode we see the flip from Louie being on edge and suspicious to him actually genuinely being put in danger. And you can see clear as day that he gets no satisfaction out of it. Everyone else is usually proud or energized. Excited to fight, smug when they win or get away. It’s not the same for Louie.
And you can see there’s a difference even between Beakley’s suspicions based on genuine observation and valid doubt when compared to Louie’s which are based in the fact that he’s a traumatized individual who’s had his brain rewired in a way that makes him suspicious to an unhealthy degree. “You have no idea weather or not they’re going to feed us to their monster king?” Beakley asked The Harp. She was suspicious because she knows how the world works and realized something was wrong (because something was wrong) but she was rational about it. They didn’t have solid evidence, she didn’t know for sure. But Louie immediately replied by saying “they definitely are” which isn’t a rational thought process when he really, truly had no evidence to believe so other than his deepseeded instinct to trust nobody.
And when Beakley admitted that she didn’t trust the Mervanan’s either there was very little smugness in the way he handled it. Louie didn’t insist as hard as he did that something was wrong and that you can’t trust anybody just to prove a point to Webby. Immediately he interrupted Beakley and Webby’s situation by jumping in with “We need to get the harp down to the Mervanan’s or we’re all going to die!” Louie was truly in panic mode throughout this episode. He wasn’t just being a pessimist trying to crush Webby’s bright optimistic hope, he was trying to protect his family. When he first set off to find the harp he said “I’m going to find the harp before we all get sacrificed”. Then when he was debating weather or not to tell Webby the truth he pointed out that “If she doesn’t (find out the truth) she’ll be fish food!”. Then when he’s trying to move the harp down to the other’s his biggest concern is “Gotta save family”. It’s not just pessimism, it’s fear and suspicion, which are very different things. 
Later on we see that Louie’s ideals don’t fully match up with his behavior either. “The king turned himself into a monster, but you’re not him.  You built a society based on truth, and the truth is you don’t need Mervana to be good.” before turning to Webby and telling her “Somebody once told me that you have to look for the best in people and not assume the worst” and honestly, I don’t feel like this is abnormal thinking for him. Believe it or not, Louie is the kind of person to believe in other’s positive traits. He does very often see the good in people and obviously on a level of principal alone he doesn’t think all people are bad.  
However principals and logic are often overcome by the brain’s natural response to trauma. And those natural responses often aren’t as idealistic as “anyone can be good and you shouldn’t assume the worst in people”. Fear and anger and anxiety. Seeing danger everywhere. Always being on guard. They’re not something you can control. No matter how much you believe people can be good that instinctive urge to trust nobody spurred on by trauma is often much stronger. Especially when you’re not getting any professional help and have someone to protect. Even if Louie wanted to believe in people (and I think he does), his survival instincts are stronger than that. Even if he didn’t care about his own safety, he has a family who are too dumb to care about their own so he has to do that for them.
Overall a LOT of Louie’s storyline during Mervana was obviously highlighting his response to the trauma he’s had to deal with over the course of the show. And sadly I don’t think he’ll stop having these reactions anytime soon because it takes more than just knowing people can be good to deal with changes to your brain’s chemical makeup.
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lettheladylead · 4 years
a quick visit
characters/ships: goldie, scrooge, beakley, scrooge/goldie, (slight) webby/lena word count: ~3500 summary: Goldie stops by the mansion shortly after The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!  ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27023359
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we’ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and could barely understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we’ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della here, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and couldn’t understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
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peggydoodles · 5 years
Pain Day - Ducktales Drabble
Where Scrooge McDuck has the first bad pain day he’s had since Della’s returned home. 
Scrooge has gotten hurt A LOT over the years and I can only imagine all that pain and scars and bad memories getting piled up and hurting from time to time. I wanted to write a little thing with him and chronic pain since I talk abt that headcanon a lot w/ my discord friends. My first time trying to describe chronic pain, hope I did a good job! 
So I thought who’d be better to handle it than Della? She’s known him the longest after all. So I tossed her in there, plus a lil pain from when Scrooge was separated from everyone. Place this within the first week or so that Della’s back.
words :1325 triggers: chronic pain grammar errors: probably a whole bunch
As Saturday mornings go in McDuck Manor, this Saturday morning was a pretty calm one. No explosions, no zombies raising from the dead, no evil forces trying to take over and kill the entire McDuck family. It was just a calm morning. And Della sat down at the breakfast table with her three children (plus Webby) as they all ate a meal of scrambled eggs and bacon.
The only thing missing from his perfect, calm morning was her Uncle Scrooge. It wasn’t like him to miss breakfast. He usually woke up with the sun.
“Hey, Mrs. B?” Della said, mouth still full as she spoke. “Where’s the old man? He’s not dead, is he?”
Mrs. Beakley, who was pouring a cup of tea for herself, shook her head. “No, he’s quite alright. Well, as alright as he can be right now.”
“What’s that mean?” asked Dewey.
“It’s nothing to worry about, dear. It’s just a few old injuries from his more reckless days coming back to bite him in the tail feathers.” The old woman answered.
“He’s having a pain day, Dewey.” Whispered Huey, followed by an ‘Ooooh’ from his brother.
Della paused for a moment. She remembered a lot of times from her youth when Scrooge would get hurt protecting her and her brother (mostly her brother) from dangers when they went on adventures. Scrooge always put his family first, not caring if he got hurt in the process, but she knew that even before he took care of her and Donald that he got hurt a lot.
“It’s cool, kiddos! I’ll go check up on him!” She said valiantly, standing up from her chair.
“Oh boy, um, Mom?” Louie spoke up. “You haven’t been her for a while, so I don’t blame you for not knowing, but uh … Scrooge gets really grumpy when he’s like this. He doesn’t like us going in his room.”
The mother simply smiled and ruffled his head feathers. “Sweetie, I’ve been dealing with McGrouchie even before you were born. Ten years has got nothing to do with the fact that I know the best way to deal with it. Huey, how about you go get some heating pads for me and meet me upstairs?” And with that, Della Duck set her path for her uncle’s bedroom.
Once there, Della’s determined smile faded just a bit. She wondered how much worse her uncle’s pain had gotten over ten years. She recalls a time when she was younger and asked about what chronic pain meant and her uncle had described it as his body remembering all the times it got hurt. It was a good explanation for a child, but now Della realized how much it really sucked.
Della quietly cracked open the door to her uncle’s room, a stream of light from the hallway entering the darkened chambers. There she saw her uncle in the position she remembers when she was a child. He was still in his pajamas, his blankets in a ruffled mess, he laid flat on his stomach with his pillow pulled over the top of his head, where he held onto it tightly. It was a tough sight, seeing the man who conquered half the world be bed ridden by a couple of nasty joints.
“Hey, Uncle Scrooge?” Della walked in, closing the door behind her. She was greeted with a muffled ‘mmmggghhh’ from the bed. She quickly made her way over, hoping her leg didn’t make too much noise and knelt down beside his bed.
“You doing okay?” “mmmghh.” “Yeah, I hear ya. How’s it on the scale?” She waited for a moment before Scrooge responded. “Eight.” “Yikes. That bad, huh?” Della stood up and took a quick look around his room. Everything looked the way she left it, but she couldn’t be too sure.
“Hey, Donald didn’t move your medicine at all while I was gone, did he?” She asked. Donald always carried around their uncle’s medicine, he was practically a walking pharmacy. He used to remind her where Scrooge’s pain meds were whenever he would go out of town on a college trip. She was lost in thought that she didn’t realize Scrooge hadn’t answered her. “Scrooge?”
It took a moment before the old man squeezed his pillow to the back of his head, and let out a more pained grumble than before.
He must’ve been more hurt than she thought. Della quickly went over to a drawer beside the bed and pulled out a small orange container. “You’re due for a refill, Unc. I’ll go out and get some later. Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it.” She reassured him with a bit of humor in her voice. She took the amount Scrooge was supposed to take and set it down on the end table next to him. “Take those when you’re cool.” And she then sat down on the bed next to him, careful not to move it too much.
“Man,” She started, trying to take her uncle’s mind away. “How Donald managed to take care of you and the boys, I’ll never know.” She laughed. “Must’ve felt like he was taking care of four kids. Well, five if we count Webby.”
There was silence for a while, then her uncle’s body began to shake. He pulled the pillow harder and gripped the case so hard Della was afraid it might rip. It wasn’t until he made a sound that she realized he was crying.
“Oh! Oh, Scrooge no! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, I swear!” Della quickly moved over so she was next to him and grabbed one of his hands. “I know how much you helped. I’m sorry if I made it sound like you didn’t. You’re not a burden, you know that right?” She told him. “You have no idea how happy I am that my boys got to know you.”
“Della?” With his one hand off the pillow, Della could see her uncle’s face as he turned to her.
“Hey there. I’m right here. I’m not gonna go anywhere, I promise. I’m gonna stay right here until you feel all better.” She waits until her uncle regains a normal breathing pace, then she gave him a great big smile. “See? A little better already.”
Scrooge looked like he was going to say something else. And by the look on his face it would’ve been important. 
“Mom?” A little voice peeped from Scrooge’s door. Huey stood nervously with a few heating pads tucked in his arms.
“Hey, honey. Come on over. He won’t bite. Not while he’s like this.” She joked and waved Huey over with her free hand. Whatever it was, it could wait for now.
Once her son had made his way to them, Della took the heating pads and put them over her uncle’s right foot, his back, and under the pillow on the back of his head.
“You know, when I was your age, I used to give Scrooge chocolate when he was like this. Duckworth hated it; said I shouldn’t be giving him any sweets.” Della said, kneeling back down so she could be her son’s height.
“I know, right? The Junior Woodchuck Guidebook says it’s good for reducing inflammation, but the old dog wouldn’t take my word for it.” Della shrugged.
“I have chocolate on me.” Huey stated, reaching into his shirt pocket and pulling out a wrapped, one bite piece. “I have them for whenever Louie gets upset.”
“Ooohh!! Look at you, my little responsible man!” Della wrapped him up in a hug before turning to her uncle. “Scrooge? I’m gonna leave this next to your medicine. Try to eat it okay? Huey and I will be right outside if you need us.”
“We will?”
“Sure! You’re definitely someone I should to talk to. I need you to fill me in on everything about your brothers.” She ushered Huey out the door before turning back to Scrooge. She lifted up the pillow so she could give his head a small kiss.
Scrooge cracked one eye open to see her.
“I’m right here.” Della told him. “I’m gonna be here from now on, I promise.”
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kiddoryder · 6 years
Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for liking my first Ducktales story I really appreciate it!
 Anyway, this story is about Scrooge getting an amulet that have deadly consequences.
So, relax and enjoy the story!
 It was just another day in Duckburg, but today was different because today was the annual Swap Meet. Scrooge and the kids were there looking for something good to either keep and sell. Donald would have come with them, but he wanted to fix the houseboat again because he feels more comfortable living there and in Scrooge’s pool. They also just wanted to do something normal and a break ever since they defeated Magica and save the town.
 Webby - *amazed* “Wow. My first annual swap meet. I haven’t seen this much people since...ever actually!”
 Huey was noticing a lot of people selling and trading things. They were trading stuff like old clothes and toys or new junk. They were even selling stuff you didn’t expect like a boat or even a tank.
 Huey - “Man the annual swap meet gets bigger every year.”
 Dewey - *excited* “Yeah well that because they have this awesome stuff they want to sell! I mean I just bought this cool shirt that plays sound when you pressed a button.”
 Dewey put on the shirt, pressed the button, and it played some wacky noises. It made his brothers and Webby laughed while Scrooge just rolled his eyes in annoyance.
 Louie - “And look at all the other cool stuff they have! It’s cooler than the garage sale.”
 Scrooge - “Yeah But make sure they aren't expensive junk. Or some useless magic junk because that stuff is nothing but trouble and the lazy way to live life.”
 Then he noticed a golden amulet on some mystery hooded wearing guy was selling. He was selling a bunch of other weird stuff too like eyeballs in jars, spell books, dreamcatchers, voodoo dolls, etc.
 Guy - “Would you like to buy the Golden Amulet? It’s the special one I have.”
 Scrooge - “Oh please that rubbish. I bet it’s just a worthless fool’s gold jewelry.”
 Louie however, looked amazed at the amulet and picked it up. He examined it and said:
 Louie - “Ooh! yep, that's real gold, not like that fool’s gold.”
 Guy - “It's a special amulet. Some say it have something inside that can change everything. It can even change your heart and mind
Scrooge - “Well I guess buying it wouldn’t hurt. How much is it?”
 Guy - “105 dollars.”
Scrooge - *shocked* “What?! 105 dollars for that amulet?”
 Huey - “Come on Uncle Scrooge think of the mystery that amulet can have.” Dewey - “It can unlock a new house or something.” Louie - “Plus it made of gold and you can sell it for more money.”
 Scrooge - *doubtful* “Hmm…” Webby - “Plus I bet you will like it. Just like the drawing I made for you and you like it.”
 Scrooge - “Well I guess buying it wouldn’t hurt me.”
Scrooge took out his money and bought the amulet. It started glowing a little, but they didn't notice. Then they arrived home and while Scrooge wasn't looking Webby takes it secretly and exams it to see it closely.
 Webby - *suspicious* “Hmmm this amulet does look familiar.”
 Webby see some strange symbol on it and was about to question it, until she it glows like the dark purple color. Webby was shocked about it until she heard:
 Scrooge - “What are you doing with the amulet?”
Webby did a jump scared and saw Scrooge crossing his arms.
Webby - “Uhh nothing.”
 Scrooge - Well it's getting late. I think it's time for you to go to bed.”
 Webby: alright She goes to bed but was puzzled about the amulet but shakes it off as it was nothing and went to her room. Then Scrooge was getting ready for bed as he puts on his pajamas and brush his teeth. He went to his bed, put the amulet on his table near his bed and he fell asleep. However, the amulet began to glow and a shadow with red eyes and evil smile came out and went inside Scrooge's body. The next morning, everybody was waiting for Scrooge at the table, but he didn’t show up.
 Dewey - “Man what's taking Uncle Scrooge so long? Huey – “He’s probably still sleeping.”
 Louie - “Yeah I mean it's a Saturday I mean it's a perfect day to sleep in.”
Webby - “Maybe he's also counting money. I read in his book that he likes to wake up early in the morning to do that and swim in it.” Then the door opened, and Scrooge came in. But he looked emotionless and cold and was wearing the amulet. He sat down in his chair and read the newspaper.
 All - “Good morning Uncle Scrooge!”
Scrooge just looked at them and didn't say a word as he began to go back to reading his paper. This made the kids a little surprised because he always happy in the morning and say good morning back to them. Mrs. Beakley came in with his tea and toast and seat it on the table. Scrooge didn’t say anything which annoyed Mrs. Beakley.
 Mrs. Beakley - “Well? Aren’t you going to say something?”
 Scrooge - *cold* “Yeah. Beat it! I’m reading the paper.”
 Mrs. Beakley growled in anger and left the kitchen to get the rest of the food for the kids and Donald. They were all surprised by Scrooge’s mean attitude because he’s never like that with Mrs. Beakley.
 Huey- *concerned* "Uhh are you feeling okay?" Scrooge - “I'm fine.”
 Louie - “You sure? You look like Uncle Donald when he woke up cranky.”
 Donald - *offended* “Hey!”
 Scrooge - “I said I'm fine child.” Dewey - “Uh, you do know his name is Louie, right?”
 Scrooge - “Meh.” The kids and Donald looked at each other in confusion, though Webby notice the amulet's glow a little and she knew something isn't right.
 Donald - “Will you excuse us for a minute?
 Donald took the kids to the other room and left the kitchen. Then he said:
 Donald - “You boys noticed your Uncle Scrooge been acting weird right?”
 Huey - “Yeah he’s acting so..., cold.”
 Donald - “It’s probably cause it’s Friday the 13th: Bad luck day. But there is good news, a full moon comes out and before the incident...Your Uncle Scrooge and I would watch the full moon together. Maybe that would cheer him up. I’ll go get my telescope and some snacks to be ready.”
 Donald left to the houseboat to get the telescope and snacks ready for the full moon. Webby however thought differently about Scrooge’s new cold personality.
 Webby - “Something isn’t right.”
 Huey - “What do you mean?”
Webby - “I just saw the amulet glow.” Louie - “Huh. Well the guy did say that it does things to your heart and mind.”
 Huey - “It’s probably one of those opposite amulets. It can change your personality the opposite.”
 Dewey - “If that’s the case then we need to get the amulet off of him.”
 Louie - “But how?”
Huey “Easy: We can distract him, and one of us can ask him if we can see it, and when he takes it off, one of us can take it.” Webby - “Oh that’s good idea!”
 Louie - “Let me do it. I got the perfect charm.” Louie goes in and sees Scrooge reading a book and eating his toast.
Louie - “Hey Uncle Scrooge what are you reading.”
 Scrooge - *rudely* “Edgar Allen Poe poems what does it look like?”
 Louie - “Oh cool...Anyway, the amulet I noticed you brought can be worth more money that usually, so I can get take it off your hands- “
Louie was about to grab it, but Scrooge grabbed his wrist and squeeze it hard. Louie looked surprised and scared because Scrooge never did that to him.
Scrooge - *threaten* “Don't. Touch. The amulet.”
 Scrooge roughly let go of Louie’s hand and Louie held on to his wrist and left to the others. They were shocked on what they just witness.
 Louie - *scared* “Okay my charm didn’t work. All it did was has my wrist nearly broken.” Huey “Don’t worry let me try. *goes to Scrooge* Uh, hey Scrooge why don't I polished that amulet for you? It looks filthy.”
 Scrooge - “Its fine. Don’t touch it.”
 Huey - “But I- “
 Scrooge - *threaten* “I said it’s fine.”
 Huey looked scared and ran to the others again.
 Huey - “Okay this is getting really scary.”
 Webby - “I do have this one last idea.”
 Webby took out a homemade fake amulet. It was made of fool's gold and have glitter, fake gems and stickers on it.
 Webby - “I made it and wanted to give it to Scrooge for some time now but didn’t find the right time. I think maybe this will help him.”
 Webby goes to Scrooge and he looked mad and annoyed that the kids are still bothering him.
 Webby - “Hey Uncle Scrooge I was thinking why you don’t try this *shows him her homemade amulet* I made it myself you know.”
Scrooge - *disgusted* “Yuck! You know that I hate fake jewelry because how cheap and worthless they are! Don’t be daft!”
 He takes the homemade amulet and threw it against the wall. The triplet and Webby gasp in horror at what Scrooge has done. Fed up with the kids, Scrooge said:
Scrooge - “I'm going to my office. Don't bother coming. Clean this mess up!”
 Scrooge leave the kitchen and walk pass the boys ignoring them. The boys came to the kitchen and they look at Webby whose eyes were watering because what Scrooge did and how he yelled at her. She even grabbed the broken pieces and looked hurt. Dewey place his hand on her shoulder.
Dewey - *comforting* “Hey, it's okay we will get it off of him.”
 Webby - *sad* “Right…”
Louie - “Don't feel bad I mean you know Scrooge would never turn down something like that.”
 Webby - *cheering up* “Yeah I don’t blame him…*angry* “It’s that stupid amulet’s fault! We need to get it off him now!”
 Huey - “Maybe we can take it off at the full moon sighting. He will be distracted so it would be a perfect time.”
 All of them - “Perfect!”
 It was sunset, and Scrooge just came back from his office. He still looked colder and more emotionless but was ready to go to the pool to see the full moon with Donald. He saw the kids grabbing snacks and chairs for the full moon sight.
 Scrooge - “And where do you think your children are going?”
 Dewey - “To see the full moon with you and Uncle Donald.”
 Scrooge - “You four aren’t coming with me.”
 Webby - “But- “
Scrooge - *anger* “I said no! You are staying here and that's final!”
 Dewey - Why? Scrooge - *cold* “Because children should be seen and not heard. Or better still, not seen and not heard! *pointed to a closet* Get into that closet!”
 Huey - *Scared and confused* “W-what, why?” Scrooge - *angry* “Because I said so! Now get in the closet! Scrooge shove them in the closet, close it and locked it. Then he leaves ignoring the banging in the inside. Mrs. Beakley saw this and was shocked and walked up to Scrooge.
Mrs. Beakley - *shocked* “Mr. McDuck! What you do think you are doing?!”
 Scrooge - “They will be fine.”
 Mrs. Beakley - *angry* “No they won’t! How could locked up the kids- “
 She was about to grabbed him, but Scrooge grabbed her hand and squeeze it hard. Mrs. Beakley was shocked because Scrooge wasn’t that strong but when he turned, his eyes was glowing red and Mrs. Beakley eyes widen in horror realizing who that is. Before she can do anything, Scrooge through her against the wall and she was knocked unconscious and left the room. Louie was still banging on the door.
 Louie - *shouting and banging* “Come on! Let us out! I’m too young and awesome to be locked in a place like this.”
 Dewey - “Out of all places we had to be locked in, it’s gotta be the closet. Why couldn’t it be the pantry? At least it has food.”
 Huey - “Scrooge been acting more meaner and scarier ever since that stupid amulet. We need to get it off him.”
 Webby - “Don’t worry guys. Like many other rooms, there’s always either vent or a secret passage door.”
 Webby moves some junk and saw an air vent.
 Webby - “Bingo! *opened it* Come on Guys.”
 Dewey - *confused* “What, where did that come from?”
Webby - “Have you ever watch any spy movies?”
 Dewey - “Good point.”
They crawled into the air vent to look for Scrooge. When they were in the air vent of the library, they saw Scrooge in the library and he got a crystal ball and reading a spell book.
 Huey - *whispered* “I thought he hated using magic.”
 Webby - *whispered* “He normally does but I never seen him use it before.”
 Dewey - *whispered* “Guys Look!”
 Scrooge was finished reading the spell and the Crystal ball began to glow. Then a light appears, and it was Magica who was busy working on reading spells from books.
 Huey - *shocked* “It’s Magica!”
 Webby was angry and held the air vent bars tightly. She still hated and furious with Magica for taking her best friend Lena away from her. But then she had to calm down, so she and the boys wouldn’t get caught.
 Scrooge - “Hello Magica.”
 Magica turned and saw Scrooge using the Crystal ball.
 Magica - *confused* “Scrooge? Why are you using the Crystal ball? Don’t you know only magic people like myself only use it as a phone? *angry* oh I see, you are here to gloat about defeating me and making me powerless aren’t you!?”
 Scrooge - *confused* “Huh? *realized* Oh! Excuse me.”
 He gagged two time and some a stream of inky blackness started to come out his mouth.
Louie - *disgusted* “Ew he's puking!” Huey - *shocked* “Worse! Look!”
The stream of inky blackness also began to come out of Scrooge’s eye sockets. Then the inky blackness turned into evil shadow with red eyes and came out Scrooge while Scrooge body lies on the floor unconscious. But the shadows were wrapped around his eyes and chest and his eyes was fully white. The kids looked in horror and Magica looked surprised and squeal in happiness. Poe - “Hello Magica. Missed me?”
 Magica - *happy* “Oh Poe! My dear brother of mine! I say, how long has it been since we see each other?”
 Poe - “It's been 15 years since you and Scrooge fought. He thought he killed me when we were battling. But he didn’t destroy my shadow form.”
 Magica - “Oh yes, I do recall that day. He also imprisons me in the dime but now I am back!”
Poe - “Yes, but once again, you have been defeated by Scrooge and his so call "family".”
 Magica - *ashamed* “I know. Now I have to do my magic by square one.”
Poe - “Don't worry today is Friday the 13th and once I see that full moon, Scrooge's body will be my new vessel and his soul will go in the amulet. Isn’t that right Scroogey?”
 Poe used the shadows to pick up Scrooge’s body and made his head nodded yes. Both Poe and Magica laughed at that.
 Magica - “Oh I love it when you always make shadow puppets. They were so funny! Especially when you use them to control people.”
 Poe - “I know. I manage to get Scrooge to buy my amulet by pretending to be a mystery hooded seller in that Swap Meet. It was so easy to trick him into buying it!”
 Magica - “Well you better get going cause the moon is coming out soon. Not only you would get Scrooge’s body, but I would have his number 1 dime to restore my magic!”
 Poe - “Exactly! I’ll see you soon.”
 Poe “hanged up” the Crystal ball and went back inside Scrooge’s body and left the room. The kids were horrified on what they just witness and got out the air vent. Louie - “We need to think of something fast!”
 Huey - “Well he said that if he sees the full moon, Scrooge’s soul goes inside the amulet. The only way it won’t happen if he doesn’t see the moon *gasps* I got an idea!
 “Scrooge” was standing in front the house looking at the moon. It was halfway full, and “Scrooge” did an evil smirk knowing the time is almost here. Then Dewey came out:
 Dewey - “Hey Uncle Scrooge! I just found a rare red heart diamond in the backward?”
 “Scrooge” - “A rare diamond you say?”
Dewey - “Yeah it's really cool!”
 “Scrooge” - “Hmm... *but shook his head* Ah beat it kid! Why don’t you go solve a mystery or something?”
 Dewey - “Okay here’s one: what would you do if somebody blindfolded and pounce on you
 “Scrooge” - *confused* “What?”
Dewey - *shouting* “Okay now!”
Webby jumped on “Scrooge’s shoulders and covered Scrooge’s eyes with a white towel. “Scrooge” was moving around blindly trying to get the towel and Webby off him and the boys try to get the amulet off Scrooge.
 “Scrooge” - *struggling* “Get off me you brat!”
 Louie - *irritated* “Webby keep him still!”
 Webby - *irritated* “Well...He keeps...On moving!”
 “Scrooge” - *angry* “I said GET OFF!!”
 He pushed Webby down and the boys away. He walked to Webby and his eyes was now glowing red and had an evil look on his face.
 “Scrooge” - “I should have done this before!”
 He raised his cane up to hit her, and Webby closed her eyes in fear. But she didn’t feel they can strike her, and when she opened her eyes she saw Donald in front of her, struggling to keep the cane from hitting her by holding it tightly. “Scrooge” was even more irritated.
 Donald - *struggling* “Uncle Scrooge! What are...you are doing?!”
 Huey - “Uncle Donald! That’s not Scrooge!”
 Louie - “He’s possessed by that amulet!”
 Donald - *confused* “What?”
 Donald sees the amulet and “Scrooge’s eyes glowed red and had an evil smiled on his face. Donald suddenly remembered who that is.
 Donald - *fearfully* “Oh no!”
 Scrooge pushes Donald away with his cane and then “Scrooge” snapped his fingers and shadow whips appeared tying up the boys, Webby and Donald. They were struggling to break out, but they were too strong.
 “Scrooge” - “Well look at that, my powers are forming. Although it would take some time for my powers to appear in my new vessel. And guess what? The moon is nearly full and you all can witness me gaining my new body and you can saw bye bye to your precious Uncle Scrooge when his soul goes into this amulet!”
 He turned around to look at the moon and smiled evilly believing that he has won. The others were struggling to break free and Donald was trying to break free.
 “Scrooge” - “Finders keepers!”
 He saw the moon was almost full and he let out a scream, was freed from the shadows grip and tackled “Scrooge” on the ground. The kids gasp in shocked.
 Donald - “I already lost my Uncle Scrooge before, I’m not letting you take him away from me!”
 “Scrooge” pushes Donald off him and walked up to him, putting his cane under Donald’s chin.
 “Scrooge” - “You can’t do anything. I’ll already defeated your pathetic family. There’s no one left to defeat me and you’re not strong enough to beat me!”
 “Actually, there is!”
 Confused, “Scrooge” looked up and Mrs. Beakley punched him in his face. It caused the shadow whips to free the kids.
 Mrs. Beakley - “I knew you would come back and try to do something like this Poe! That’s why I pretended to be knocked out and wait for the perfect time to strike!
 Mrs. Beakley then hold on to “Scrooge” in a tight gripped and he was struggling to get free and she even covered his eyes.
 Mrs. Beakley - “Donald! Now!”
 Donald then ripped the amulet off Scrooge’s neck and threw it as hard as he can which landed on a Raven’s neck and the Raven looked at the full moon. The amulet glowed, and it caused Poe’s shadow form to leave Scrooge’s body and went inside the Raven’s body instead. When Poe opened his eyes, he saw that he was now a Raven.
 Poe - “You stuck me inside a Raven?! Ohhh I’ll will now plot my revenge on you jerks!”
 Poe then flew away to Magica and the kids and Donald cheered that they defeated Poe. Mrs. Beakley smiled, but then she noticed Scrooge was limped and wasn’t moving. Worried, she touches his forehead and realized it was burning up.
 Mrs. Beakley - *concerned* “I think we should stop cheering now. Mr. McDuck is burning up with a fever!”
 They quickly stopped and ran up to Scrooge and saw how drained, pale and sick he looked. Donald felt Scrooge’s forehead and Mrs. Beakley was right: Scrooge was burning up with a fever.
 Huey - “He doesn’t look too good!”
 Donald - “We need to take him to bed now!
 “...Is he...okay?”
 “Don’t know…. he...high fever…”
 “Look! I... waking up!”
 Scrooge opened his eyes halfway and felt ill and drained. Like his body was basically a punching bag. He saw that he was in his bedroom in bed with his pajamas on. Then he saw that his family and Mrs. Beakley was at his bedside happy that he was awake.
 Donald - “How are you feeling Uncle Scrooge?”
 Scrooge - *weakly* “Drained...What the heck happened?”
 Huey - “That amulet you bought had Magica’s evil brother Poe inside of it.”
 Those words made Scrooge eyes widen shocked. Normally hearing something like this would have made him jump in shock but he felt so weak and tired that widen his eyes is the only thing he can do.
 Scrooge - “Poe? I haven’t seen him since the battle with Magica 15 years ago.”
 Webby - “But don’t worry we managed to free you from his shadowy grasp by kicking his shadowy butt!”
 Louie - “Plus he’s in a Raven’s body now.”
 Dewey - “And won’t cause much trouble now.”
 Scrooge - “That’s good” *coughs*
 Mrs. Beakley - “Unfortunately side effect of after being possessed is a high fever and being weak. Luckily for you, you should feel better in a few days.”
 Scrooge - *weakly* “That’s...Good…”
 Mrs. Beakley - “Well come on along, Mr. McDuck need his rest.”
 They leave the room to let Scrooge recovered from being possessed by Poe. Half an hour early, he woke up feeling a little better but felt his forehead wet yet cooled down. He took the rag towel and saw it was a sailor rag towel design and remembered it was Donald’s. Scrooge realized that Donald put the rag on his forehead while he slept to cool down his fever. He looked at his nightstand and saw some liquid medicine, an envelope, and a present. He first saw the envelope, opened it and it was a get-well card made by the boys and left him three dollars in there. Scrooge smiled and when he opened the present, he saw it was Webby’s homemade amulet she made earlier, but it was all fixed up.
 This touched Scrooge’s heart because how his family still cared and loved him. He hasn’t felt this complete since Della. He puts on the homemade amulet, drank the medicine, put the rag towel back on his forehead, and fell asleep so he can recover from his fever. For the first time in 10 years, he felt like the missing piece of his heart came back, but it was better than ever because he finally got the thing he wanted:
 His family back.
 Hope you all like it!
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robinine-blog · 7 years
The Past is a Different Country
Be warned, I think I spot an emotional rollercoaster ahead
Chapter 1: The Paparazzi Attack
Dewey made his glaceless way downstairs, bouncing off a wall as he followed the smells and sounds of breakfast.
He entered the dinning room and was immediately  sure Louie was up to something.
If bumping into a wall hadn’t woken him up, he was now.
“Good Morning” he sang out cheerfully. Scrooge smiled at him and gave him a nod, uncle Donald waved but didn’t look up, Huey’s and Webby’s greetings was just as cheerful and Louie grinned.
Not his usual smirk, but a grin. There was an air of affected innocence surrounding him and as Dewey studied his brother he became sure Louie feeling rather pleased with himself.
Louie was definitely up to something.
Dewey gave Huey a questioning look, who gave him a clueless smile, then Donald, who was half heartedly making notes and referring to his phone, Webby who was talking at Huey, then finally to Scrooge, who seemed to already be halfway through the Duckburg Times.
Alright. No one else had noticed Louie was up to something. Time to distract.
Dewey served himself some porridge, upending the pot of honey, sneaking glances at his Uncles. Huey gave him a look, his eyes rolling upwards, before pushing a large glass of milk towards Dewey. Webby gave him an amused look, and she paused in her tale, perhaps sensing the mood in the room had shifted.
Dewey grinned at them he set the now empty honey pot down, and glanced at Louie. Louie considered him, and pushed the peanut butter his way.
“Dewey. Fruit.” Uncle Donald directed, waving his pen towards the bowl of fruit.
“Peanut butter counts.” Dewey waved his spoon.
“Peanut butter? On porridge?” Uncle Scrooge pulled a face, putting aside his newspaper “Really lad?”
“It’s good.” Dewey through a sticky mouthful.
“It’s disguising.” Webby exclaimed.
“What do you like Uncle Scrooge?” Huey piped up.
“Salt. Or a little cheese.” Uncle Scrooge declared.
“Eww!” Dewey pulled a face, as Louie dropped out of sight.
“Sweets are all well and good, in their place” Scrooge began a lecture.
“It’s breakfast!” Dewey interrupted. “It’s meant to be sweet!”
“And that will hardly going to carry you through the day lad!” Scrooge rose from his chair.
“Dewey!” Dewey stood on the chair so Scrooge couldn’t loom over him. “My name is DEWEY!” No one else seemed notice the door opening.
Scrooge paused. “Dewey.” He conceded, face pulling tight, “I didnae mean…” He paused again.
“Dewey. Fruit.” Donald said, glaring at Scrooge. “And sit down. Both of you.”
Distraction successful. Dewey grabbed some blueberries and kept his head down, grinning into his porridge.
Louie had better share.
— Louie ducked out of the dinning room, tucking his hands in his pocket, tugging at the plastic envelope hidden there.
He needed somewhere private to hide and well lit enough to read. The mansion had more than enough of the first, but the second was harder, what with most of the unused rooms being shut up.
But Louie has planned ahead, scouted the lay of the land, finding an unused bedroom with a window seat. He settles in behind the curtains certain that no one is going to find him. (Except Webby but she’s wouldn’t be looking for him for a while)
Huey would cut it open, Dewey would tear into the envelope, Louie traces along the seams and pulls it apart where it’s weakest.
His heart is beating a little fast, but his hands are steady as he turns the glossy magazine over. He’s on the front cover.
“What is it like like living with the Richest Duck in the world? An exclusive interview with Louie Duck, nephew of the renowned Scrooge McDuck.”
Louie grins. It’s a good photo. But did Fergus keep his word?
He opens up the magazine, checking the contents. And pales.
‘The mysterious disappearance of Della Duck.’ ‘The most likely heir to the McDuck Fortune’ ‘Donald Duck, respected war hero or lunatic?’
It goes on and on, Louie shakes as he turns the pages, it’s his family, he recognises names and pictures. He doesn’t know these stories. His stomach twists and he wants to throw up.
How much did uncle Donald hide from them? Why do strangers know more about his family than he ever did?
Water drips onto to page as he opens the article on his Mom, the writing is too blurry to read. There’s a picture of his Mom climbing into a small aircraft.
He can’t.
This is bad. This is wrong. He made a mistake. He didn’t know they were going to do this.
He can’t breathe. The room is too dusty.
He wants Uncle Donald.
Huey was totally up for a day entertaining himself. He had plans. Louie had vanished, and Dewey had grabbed Webby for more exploring. There’s pieces of his model aircraft scattered all over his desk and he’s carefully checking he hasn’t lost anything in the move to his new bedroom when something breaks his concentration.
He tilts his head and listens.
Someone’s crying.
Oh. Oh no. His heart sinks. He was really looking forward to working on his model. He hopes Dewey and Webby haven’t gotten into something dangerous. (Again)
He sighs, knowing he’s not going to rest until he finds the source, and drops the pieces he’s holding back into the box.
It’s louder outside his room, and coming from above, so he silently makes his way to the staircase.
He doesn’t have to go far.
Louie’s curled in a ball, arms wrapped around his knees. He’s sobbing and Huey settles down next to him. Louie tries to talk, but nothing is coming out.
Huey rubs his back and waits for Louie to calm down enough to speak.
Instead, a crumpled magazine is shoved at him.
“Mom?” Huey stuttered, his heart clenching, clinging to Louie as he reads the article.
It’s horrible. There’s dozens of digs against Uncle Donald and Scrooge. It’s a full out attack on their family. Huey is shaking.
He growls, and for a moment all he wants to do is tear the horrible magazine to pieces and set them on fire.
“We’re telling Uncle Donald” Huey declares, dragging his brother to his feet and half carrying him down the stairs. It’s a good thing Louie’s his height because he’s barely able to support himself, they’re both shaking so hard.
— Donald thinks he’s having a good day. His CV has gone off to a dozen different job adverts, and he’s already had a response from two, one asking for references and another asking if he’s available for a phone interview.
Uncle Scrooge almost apologised. (He’s getting better at it.) And Mrs Beakley is having a day off, so Donald gets to cook lunch and dinner today.
He’s anticipating the look on his Uncle’s face.
Then he hears it.
“Uncle Donald!” Huey sounds strident, his voice wavering.
The hob goes off. The lid is placed on the sauce pan. He’s pretty confident  he’ll be able to salvage it.
His boys need him.
They look a mess, Louie is pale and clinging to Huey, half hiding behind his brother, his breathing coming in shaky gulps, Huey is shaking, his hands clenching around the lump of glossy paper in his hand.
“What’s wrong? Where’s Dewey?”
“They printed trash about Mom!” Huey wails, shaking the paper, a magazine Donald realises, catching sight of a familiar photo.
There’s a chill seeping into his bones, his hear shutters and everything goes grey and muted. He can barely understand what Huey is saying, and Louie is just repeating I’m sorry again and again.
They hurt his boys.
Scrooge is interrupted from his research by the familiar sound of a McDuck (or in this case a Duck) losing his temper.
“By Dismal Downs, what now?” He utters, deciding to investigate before Donald broke anything and give his nephew a good shaking if need be.
What he sees is unforgivable, the lads look terrified, and he yanks his nephew up. “Look at them” He hisses.
��Uncle Scrooge,  it’s not Donald’s fault.” Huey pipes up, there’s a thunderous expression on the lad’s face, the first warning sign that Huey is on the verge of displaying his own version of the McDuck temper. He holds something out, and Scrooge drops Donald to take it.
Smoothing out the much crumpled paper he immediately sees the problem. “I’ll handle this” Scrooge growls.
“No.” Huey said, folding his arms “First, I want to know what really happened when Mom disappeared. Not the lies they printed”
“Agreed” Dewey said, dropping down from his perch in the rafters, Webby just behind him.
Scrooge glances at Donald. It’s his decision.
“Alright.” Donald slumped, defeat written across every feather. “Alright boys.”
“You didnae need to lad.” Uncle Scrooge accent thickened.
Donald gave him a look. “They deserve to know.”
“I was there too you know.” Scrooge presses, but there’s an undercurrent of uncertainty in his voice.
Donald looks at him, and for once there’s none of the barely hidden resentment in his gaze, only grief deeper than the marine trench and their shared burden of guilt.
The silence between is heavy, and the kids inch closer to each other. Louie’s tears have dried, he’s starring at the floor and leaning on Huey. Huey has a protective arm around Louie, but his eyes are stormy, Dewey’s landed on Louie’s other side just in front of his brothers and is bouncing from foot to foot, and Webby is watching with wide eyes, her hand twisted in Dewey’s tee. They can’t help the undercurrent of excitement and dread rolling off of them.
Until Donald speaks.
“Can you tell it Uncle Scrooge?” Donald’s voice is flat, a little bit angry, but mostly hurt.
Scrooge flinched back from the open disdain.
“I can try.” Scrooge comes back with, the closest he can admit to that he’s as unready to face this memory as Donald. His hands tighten on his cane, recognizing that this could be the start of an old argument, one he’s not sure either of them will walk away unharmed from.
“Alright.” Donald looked away.
“Alright” Scrooge echoes, not sure he’s heard right. “Into the study with you lads, I’ll put the tea on.”
“Webby too.” Dewey says, clutching her arm.
Scrooge nods. “I shalt tell this tale again.”
@donaldtheduckdad and so it begins
Part 2 can be found here:
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Treasure of the Golden Sun: Three Ducks of the Condor or Now with More Racism!
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my look at Ducktales: Treasure of the Golden Suns!, the pilot episodes that started it all. This look was one of my patreon stretch goals. To explain them in case some of you aren’t familiar with patreon it’s essentially like a kickstarter stretch goal: every milestone I reach in my monthly earnings means a crop of reviews for you guys, with this being 10 and my review of the movie, and the goofy movies in two weeks and September respectively, being the 15 dollar one. So if you want reviews of the OTHER Ducktales mini series Time Is Money and Super DuckTales, then hop on aboard and help me reach my 20 dollar goal so I can keep making these reviews for a living and give you all more. Said goal also includes a Darkwing Duck review eveyr month AND a review of teh Danny Phantom special The ULtimate Enemy so hop on board HERE AT MY PATREON.  Patrons also get exclusive reviews, access to my discord server (Though if anyone would be more intrersted in me making that public let me know), and to pick a short each time I do a birthday special for a character from Looney Tunes, Disney and Beyond. And next month is my boy Donald’s so since you all already sat out goofy NOW is the time. 
So now my very necessary plug is out of the way, i’m very poor, we can get to the review proper:
When last we left off Scrooge and the Boys went on their first proper adventure together, heading to Central America to follow the map from the first episode and running into Dr.Claw  El Capitan and his new best buddy Glomgold. Mild racisim, moonsoons and much better pacing ensued. 
So join me under the cut as my boy Donald returns, some iconic characters are introduced in Webby, Launchpad and Beakly, though this series only made one of them iconic to be fair, and we get some more mild racisim because fuck my life. Onward to the cut! 
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So yeah as I’ve mentioned a few times now this episode had a content warning.. which was fair as there is some pretty cringy stuff in here but it had the side effect of me holding my breath until the racisim came up and whapped me in the face. So i’m keeping that tension up for you guys so I don’t have to suffer alone. 
We open at the Mansion. Scrooge is trying to find a governess for the boys, but they keep scaring off all the clients because they don’t like the idea. And for once.. i’m on Scrooge’s side here. Yes I know there’s a sterotype of rich people hiring a nanny to not have to parent. and it’s sadly often true and it’d SEEM like Scrooge is doing that.. but really he just wants the boys to be safe. He’s fully grown to care for them and just wants someone cheap and responsible to look after them while he’s busy and clearly still makes time for them. As someone who is a former nanny, albeit for someone working class, I get that as much as you WANT to spend every moment with your kid you often can’t. I say all this because SO MANY kids movies and shows villianize parents for not spending time with their kid when their clearly just working to support them. There are nuanced exceptions to this and refreshingly Craig of the Creek has outright avoided this: JP’s mom is gone almost all the time due to working as an airline pilot, but while he clearly misses her he never resents her or guilts her over it, he understands sh’es supporting him and goes out of his way to make sure his friends can meet her. It’s really swee.t And while again I get it, this guys a billionare, most examples aren’t, Scrooge still really CAN’T stop working: He has more money than god and like most bilionares REALLY should give most of it to charity or to help with programs instead of hoarding it in a massive bin.. but he’s also got tons of companies, factories, investments... people COUNTING on him to make sure these are working correctly and keep their jobs. So yeah i’ts nice that the show isn’t demonizing scrooge for this or dosen’t even consider it: he’s getting help beacuse he needs it, that’s what’s important. 
So while the boys widdle down the nannies, Scrooge talks to a renowned coin collector. He does show off his collection to the guy, but his main goal is naturally to show him the coin from last time. Turns out that naturally for a five part episode the treasure they lost last time was just a fraction of the real thing and the real titular treasure is a mythical horde even Scrooge, who normally has proved something out of myth is very real 5 times before breakfast, didn’t think existed. 
Something I do love about this five parter is how every treasure hunt has ended up being important each piece of the puzzle leading to the next like any good treasure hunt. As for where this one leads the collector HAS heard of only one other coin like it, up in the Andes Mountains in a mysterious fortress whose mountain habitat and being a fortress makes it hard to get to and the owner is apparently a real piece of work.. but Scrooge isn’t afraid of a little hard work and is ready to go after it.. he just has to find a Nanny first. 
And he does as there’s only one left: Mrs. Beakley, who we FINALLY meet after two episodes. Yeah for some weird reasont his episode choose to cram the rest of the major main and supporting cast into one episode.. it still works, they all still get great introductions it’s just weird to me when you have five episodes to not say introduce Launchpad last time. 
But regardless as I said it’s a good intro.. despite the boys wilding a lasso and a snake.
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 Beakly is unphased and even dosen’t remotely fall for them trying to say she got the wrong name. And while Scrooge is a little impressed, he’s even more when she states she’ll work for free... with one condition: Free room and board for her and her grandaughter, Webby, who has been there the whole time and looking cute as a button. Scrooge is unsure but one minute of Webby being adorable later and he’s agreed. She can’t eat much right? He also hopes she’ll help the boys not be douchebags, unaware that their inherent poorly written sexisim means that was never going to work. And why yes I will call it out eveyr time it happens because it happens every time they have an episode together and only gets worse. 
He goes to Gyro for help and Classic Gyro.. is utterly delightful. While I clearly have issues with Classic Scrooge, whose a greedy poorly aged asshat and the boys, who are sterotypes of male children, Gyro? He’s nice, friendlya nd eccentric, using a delightfully wakcky pogo hat thing to think and takes only a mintue to figure out how to solve a seemingly unsolvable problem and only needs a few hours to build his cool looking bird ship, using bird legs to offset the hard to sort out landing conditions. But since it’s a fancy bitch, it needs a pilot and i’m sure we all know where this is going...but since Carol Danver sis busy he has to go with Launchpad. 
Launchpad’s intro is great, cheerful as he does a job testing a plane and naturally crashes it, and when thought dead walks out seconds later unharmed and jolly as ever. Scrooge is naturally terrified of the prospect of flying with him but dosen’t really have another choice “I hope my insurance is paid up.” Scrooge it’s you.. of course it isn't. 
So with that our hero bids a farewell to the boys and ends up unteitonally coming off MASSIVELY unlikeable. No really he leaves them behind for their saftey despite needing help... and then upon finding out Donald is going to be on leave soon in the andes, and just assumes that YOU KNOW, he’d LIKE to go on a dangerous exausting adventure instead of actually get some rest after working in the goddamn navy and STILL dosen’t take the kids along despite having a very tearjerking farewell IN FRONT OF HIM that happened at most a month ago. Granted i’m suprised Donald is getting leave this soon.. but since I genuinely like to look into this sort of thing and the last time I didn’t I was correctly reminded Gulliver’s Travels was a satire.. and found out someone HAD actually watched the Jack Black movie. I only vaugely remember a trailer.. I thinkn it was a trailer? Maybe it was the middle part of a juinor novelzation where htey have all the photos? I really don’t know. I know almost every pokemon on sight but not where I saw pictures of a forgetable jack black movie, what a shock. 
So long story short I DID google it. Here’s what I got
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So given clealry more time has passed than we’ve seen on screen, enough time COULD have passed for Donald’s three day pass to kick in. So credit to the crew for actually thinking that out. They still get all the blame though for not only not seeing how bad not taking the kids to see the uncle whose like a father to them a month after he left when he CLEARLY can is bad, but how worse it is that the first break donald gets ina  month.. is spent helping scrooge against his will on a life or death treasure hunt. 
And I get WHY they wanted to try out having Donald on an adventure: he was in most of the carl barks material.... but I also dont’ get it as Launchpad was deisgned entirely to fill in for Donald when needed, we’re only three episodes into the series and this gives the wrong impression Donald will guest star a lot more. In practice while he still did get a meaty 8 episodes on the show including this one, 2 of which were cameos and the pilot only dosne’t count because of the exnteded slapstick sequence, and dosen’t appear at all after season 1, likely because Fenton’s introduction made him reduntant as he was an even more blatant Donald stand-in. It just feels weird to shove him into the pilot movie when we should be focusing on our main cast, epsecially with so many getting intorduced this episode. It woudl’ve made more sense for Gyro to be the third man instead and it woud’ve elmaited Scrooge’s uttelry horrible actions here of depriving his nephews of their surrogate father. 
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So Uncle Dickstick leaves with Launchpad to go abduct donald.... and tha’ts not me being funny, that’s what actually happens. Donald is singing out on leave.. with his superior... weirdly doing paper work outside on the flight deck. 
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And is angry at Donald because of him taking pictures and stuff and threatens him if he’s not back exactly in time... because look he’s on a boat with a bunch of sweaty men but as the most superior officer he can’t enjoy that so he has to get off SOMEHOW and ruining donald’s life just happens ot be a thing for him. 
So yeah Scrooge straight up naps Donald via claw and Donald is angry, wondering, as you’d expect “What’s the big idea”.. and once Scrooge clairfies he did it.. still asks that because what the fuck. And the episode treats this as comical, as it does Launchpad not understanding Donald.. and don’t get me wrong you CAN make a good “I can’t understand Donald Duck” joke, the 2017 series made PLENTY. But said series also spoiled me as they did it with far more effort, while also still showing just how much it would suck to have everyone around you struggle to hear what you say and never listen to you. They actually cared abotu Donald’s well being where as this one thinks “Gee you knwo what would go great iwth a hard month’s naval work? MORE WORK HELPING YOUR UNCLE GET RICHER FOR NO PERSONAL BENIFIT AFTER HE KIDNAPS YOU”. 
So our heroes.. and scrooge, head to Andes and find the temple and it’s here “Sigh” we met our antagonist. A Conquestador Douche who DOES have a name and it is on the wiki.. but is so generic and unlikeble I’m just going to keep calling him conquestador douche, whose introduced waving his sun coin around while the natives all bow to him because of the coin.
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Welcome to the racisim! Admitely it’s not as bad as Treasure of the Lost Lamp, that’s a high bar to clear, but ti’s still not great to have the racist cliche of “character conquers a civilization because of they belivie he’s a messenger for their “silly” god”. And the saddest part is not that I didn’t notice this trope and how bad it was as a kid watching shows like this... but that as an ADULT about 4 years ago when I watched this episode how racist it and this trope in general was didn’t register to me at all. That.. really bothers me that it took me this long to pick up on things like this and i’m sorry for it. 
That’s honestly WHY we need these warnings and WHY i’m so hard on this racisim: it wasn’t necessary, it could’ve been removed and you clearly just didn’t care or didn’t realize it was racist. And even acceptable for the time dosen’t work for anymore: I learned recently that the creators of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, both white, hired black writers..and actually LISTENED, looking to them for personal stories and to check them if one of the white staff wrote something that wasn’t true to the black experience. I know that sounds like the bare minimum but this was the early 90′s, that kind of thinking wasn’t hte norm like it is in most writer’s rooms now.. and sadly not ALL writer’s rooms. Not only that but just today I ran into a MST3K skit that lampooned this kind of bullshit from not long after this episode. People clearly knew better, the writers of this episode just didn’t’t care
 So yeah, I get this was a kids show in the 80′s, I get the writing staff being almost all white.. but they still coudl’ve avoided cliche sterotypes and done something diffrent. It was was still wiithin white people like myselves power to actually think about something other htan themselves and we did not. So i’m never going to stop holding my own people accountable for just how BADLY we’ve fucked up in ways great and small because it still hasn’t stopped , likely never will so I won’t. 
But yeah.... the tribe here are portrayed as ignorant, mindless dumbasses who blindly follow tradition and a clearly corrupt leader. It’s patronizingly stupid to assume just because a belief system is diffrent than yours a person will belieive anything. Religion CAN make people act stupid, the fact many people are homophobic simply because the bible, a centuries old document written and distrbuted by humans that could of been altered by people with a clear homophobic agenda, says they should be. But there’s the very clear very gross implication here that any god but the christian god is invalid and simplifies wonderful and well thought out myths and beliviefs from various cultures into “well they belivie in da sun god because of the shiny coin”. It’s gross, i’m glad it’s stopped and it’s VERY telling that the closest Ducktales 2017 came to this was the most dangerous game night which while a tad cringe inducing at least showed the tribe it used was clever, disposed the person they mistook for a god after it was clear he wasn’t one , and were wholly sympathetic. 
Naturally Conquistadouche orders the tribe to attack Scrooge and it works briefly , though Scrogoe prepares to take on the ENTIRE villiage.. and given this is Scrooge and on this blog we’ve seen him take on an entire town before, and that was a more inexpericed less bastardly scrooge yeah their fucked, and only escape death because the coin falls out of scrooge’s coat when he tries to help donald who naturally injures himself trying to help. 
And since as per white dumbass racist logic, the villiagers thought Conquistadipshit was a messenger of the gods because of his coin, they think the same of Scrooge, this causes them to stop and bow instead and protect scrooge when Conquistadumbass tries to attack our heroes. Their given a room for the night naturally. 
Conquistadick demands they give him the coin and leave, but Scrooge has none of that: he has no reason to leave and has all the leverage so he instead demands to know wha’ts going on. 
Turns out Conquisineart is the decdendant of one of the crew from the ship Scrooge found: their captain rain off with it, leaving two of his men behind, though both had the map to the rest of the treasure and split it: one left for the Arctic, the other stayed and did the whole racist god bit. And somehow despite all the time passing Conquistadoodoohead still has his half and Scrooge aranges a trade for the coin. And why yes their is the obvious problem of “what if Conquistascoobydoo say tells them he’s the true god and attacks scrooge like he ends up doing in the climax”. And Scrooge’s plan.. is to have the plane ready and to run to it, despite Launchpad not being a mechanic and saying as much. Instead of you know... stealing the guy’s coin while he’s asleep or something or just having launchpad, whose bigger and stronger and donald whose not bigger but is also stronger hold the guy while Scrooge steals his sun coin, then simply walks to the plane with the map, the coins and all the leverage. at worst the guy tries to do the same scheme without any coins and as the end of the episode shows, that wouldn’t have worked. He was stupid. Oh and the cherry on  top of this shit sundae is scrooge objects to the guys tyranical rule.. but is okay with letting it keep going if he gets his coin and DOnlad, whose there for the deal, never call shim on it. 
We then get a bit of Launchpad being forced off a cliff to ride a giant Condor...
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Look this episode is filled with racisit sterotypes, a generic villian and Scrogoe being awful. I’ll take a fun sequence of Launchpad riding a condor, with Donald providing an assit with his camera  by blinding the beast so Launchpad can ride him properly giving them more leverage now Launchpad is popular. And a deadline to fix things by tommorow. 
The next day Launchapd and Donald have defied logic and their own tendency to screw up and fixed the bird, while Scrooge makes the deal.. and naturally it goes EXACTLY how you’d expect and Scrooge runs, though our real heroes get thigns running. 
That’s when the people arrive on condors to persue, a fight insues yoru standard hero stuff.. not bad but given the racist context I can’t really enjoy it like Launchpad flying a condor.. which had some mild racisim in them making him do that as a ritual clearly deisgned to kill him but i’llt ake mild over pretty damn obvious. Eventually douchebag looses his coins, his ctizens abndon him. Happy end. 
So with the map Scrooge decides to do the logical thing.... have launchpad drop him in the middle of the ocean in a raft and steer there
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Launchpad takes Donald home in time and his superior is mad he dosen’t give him a proper salute.. even though he CLEARLY just got home and is diisorented from a crash. Launchpad makes a quip and this episode mercifully ends. 
Final Thoughts:
This episode starts out okay.. but quickly goes downhill fast and steep. There are massive bits of racisim, massive leaps in logic, and massive amoutns of scrooge being a dick.. not his WORST in this series but it’s still bad. It’s just not very good. It’s the second worst episode of Ducktales i’ve seen, only held up by my boys Donald and Launchpad. This was miserable.
Next Time on Treasure of the Golden Suns: Our heroes head to the arctic for another offensive episode to rescue scrooge from his own stupidity.  Next Time on this Blog: We return to Green Eggs and Ham and hop on a train as our raging bitchcanoe mother and daughter duo meat our ambigiouslyg ay duo at last. 
See you at the next rainbow.
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