#and shows for odo has been something he's always had and struggled against to do his work
im thinking about the wire again
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5lazarus · 3 years
Tear of the Prophet
was prompted by @saathiray to write about Kira Nerys repatriating an artifact sacred to Bajor from Cardassia, and this is what we got! The Shakaar cell leads a procession after Cardassia returns the Orb of Contemplation to Bajor, to collective joy. Kai Opaka says, "So I say to you my people, the survivors of atrocity and keepers of the wormhole—the Prophets cried for you millennia before you were made. They sent their Tears from their temple as a safeguard as to what was to come. And now that it is safe, now that we have won—their Tears are for all."
Featuring Latha having an Orb experience, explaining why he became a vedek.
Definitely got out of my comfort zone with this story, hope it's okay.
What the Cardassians stole the Bajorans have snatched right back. Nerys, in her old resistance clothes, laces her fingers through Lupaza’s. Lupaza holds her quick, their phasers clinking, as they march down the promenade of Jalanda City. Kai Opaka holds the Tear of the Prophet aloft as people throng the streets and cheer. The Shaakar cell holds formation, proud but on guard. The Orb of Contemplation has been returned to the Bajoran people. The Vedek Assembly, on Kai Winn’s suggestion, decreed it would be appropriate to allow the Prophets to see their people, and the people to see this remnant of their Prophets.
“Three down, six to go,” Lupaza says.
“And we’ll get them,” Nerys grins. The cheers are turning into something else now—a hymn, a song from the days of the Resistance, for the mass mobilizations they rallied in the Dahkur Province.
Behind her, Furel bellows, “I give my whole pagh to the Prophets; I tell all of your wonderful deeds. When my enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before you. You have rebuked the nations!”
Everyone cheers, and Nerys and Lupaza join in, “You have destroyed the wicked; you have blotted out their name forever and ever. The Prophets are the stronghold for the oppressed, our stronghold in times of trouble! Those who know your Tears put their trust in you in. The wicked shall depart to Kardasi, all the nations that forgot You.”
The crowd roars the final line of the hymn: “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor perish forever.” Some are weeping as they join the procession. Nerys wipes tears from her eyes, laughing slightly. The Federation is watching, of course, and she trusts the Bajoran security forces on the ground, but there is always a faction displeased with public displays of faith—or Cardassians, looking to undermine Bajor’s reconstruction.
Kai Opaka leads them up the stairs of the great temple of Jalanda City. Nerys kneels as the Kai presents the Orb to the throng. Next to her, Latha is tense, remaining standing. He always is, as quick to cry as he is to shoot. The ones they set for interrogations carry the worst burden of the Occupation, she’s always thought. She looks at him with concern. Latha bares a snarl, lean face looking hungry as a wolf. Nerys leans into Lupaza for reassurance and concentrates on the Kai’s words.
“My people!” Kai Opaka yells.
The crowd roars back.
“My people,” she says, quieter but satisfied. “Long have we struggled with our faith, in these fifty years of occupation! Our Prophets were taken from us, they shed Tears no longer!”
The crowd subsides to murmurs. Furel says, “I’m hungry.”
“Shut up,” Lupaza says.
The Kai seems to stare right at them. Then she smiles impishly. “But the Prophets understand time like no other. For us, they planned the Grand Revelation. When we wrest ourselves from the oppressors’ grasp, they gave us the greatest gift—only when it could never be stolen from us.”
“The Celestial Temple,” Nerys breathes. Her entire life, from her father’s farm to refugee camps across the Bajoran system, and finally the Dahkur Province and the Shaakar cell, she has tried to walk in the steps of the Prophets. She never thought they would open the heavens to her. She never thought she would pass through their home almost daily. She never thought she’d laugh at their Emissary, growly because Odo is being intransigent and Quark smug and Dax is of course somehow involved. Tears spring to her eyes. She has survived Gallitep for this: that the Divine has planned for her, all along, to relish in Their presence.
Lupaza puts her arm around her and says, “I know.” Even Furel, ever the skeptic, feels the awe.
The Kai says, “So I say to you my people, the survivors of atrocity and keepers of the wormhole—the Prophets cried for you millennia before you were made. They sent their Tears from their temple as a safeguard as to what was to come. And now that it is safe, now that we have won—“
Tears bubble uncomfortably at her eyes and overflow, her nose stuffing, and Nerys rubs her face into Lupaza’s arm. She lets loose a sob. Lupaza is crying also, but crying joyfully. She hears Latha sniff.
Nerys says, “I don’t know why I’m crying, I’m happy.”
“Shush,” Lupaza says. “Let Them cry through you.”
Opaka says, “Our tears are a clean river that will replenish our desert land, and with our water our fields will bloom again. I hold here the grief of our gods, in the form of a single Tear: the Orb of Contemplation—returned from the Cardassian oppressor!”
They roar, they ululate, they cry. Nerys is laughing, she doesn’t know why, she cannot even put a name to what she is feeling, because it is not giddiness, it is beyond joy.
Kai Opaka says, “The experience of an Orb has become a rare privilege, but now that they are returned, let Bajor know: the Prophets cry for you. They cry in all eternity.” She opens the door of the monstrance, and the Tear drifts out, mercury-clear. The crowd gasps. The Kai says, “Their Tears are for all.”
As she finishes speaking, the Celestial Temple flashes across the Bajoran sky. People gasp. Nerys prostrates herself, and so does Lupaza, but Latha raises his hands shakily, eyes wide.
Furel says, “You alright, man?”
“Shush!” Nerys hisses. “He’s having an Orb Experience.”
Tears fall ceaselessly from Latha’s sightless eyes, and his mouth gapes as the Tear approaches him. “I am not worthy,” he murmurs. “I’m not!” The glow surrounds him and then disappears. The Tear drifts back to Kai Opaka.
She says, “Behold the Tear of the Prophets.”
Latha drops to his knees. Furel touches him. Normally nervy, Latha does not react. He is weeping now in earnest.
“Come on, man,” Furel says. “It’s okay.”
Latha says, “I saw Paril, the moment when he knew we were going to kill him. I saw his last breath, I drew his last breath—and it hurt, it hurts so much.” He folds into himself and lets loose a wail. Nerys wipes her eyes. Together, she and Furel get him to his feet and pull him out of the crowd. Bajorans part to let them pass. The Kai is still speaking, and doubtless it is a wonderful, soul-shaking sermon. Latha is clearly shook.
They find a place to sit in the shadows, against a building that has had its phaser-marks painted away. Nerys gives Latha water, who nods at her shakily.
Latha says, “They don’t forgive me. The Prophets. They do not. They do not judge either. They showed me Paril’s life, from his first breath to his life—I was it! And They showed me mine.” His tone is awestruck. He says, “I died a Vedek. Painfully. But They were there. They were always there.” He looks at them, wonder in his voice. “In all our lives, They are there! In our very breath!’
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
Thoughts on a fun way to make a Star Trek/Mass Effect crossover? Or characters interactions cross-series?
like a full crossover? hmmm, certainly it’d be a parallel worlds type situation where I feel in Trek world the Leviathans didn’t evolve and create the Reapers and thus life wasn’t constantly wiped out and that’s why there’s more of an alien populace in the galaxy to explain the stark differences. And then time travel would get involved too since ME takes place before Trek.
So depending on which Trek you’re gonna go with (which for me I can pick any) there’s some wormhole shenanigans going on only what they call wormholes are the dark energy spots that Reapers use in ME time. The crew is investigating them when they go through it and end up in ME time (or if you want the ship accidentally goes through a la Voyager crossing over quadrants).
At first the crew is clearly trying to not get involved but can’t resist the chance to explore and learn the differences and when they realize this isn’t their actual past and can interact with the place more, which brings them into contact with the Normandy which has been sent to investigate the strange readings so we get to crew interactions of (which I’ll put under a cut cause it got long):
Spock and/or Tuvok, and Liara discussing the Vulcan Mind Meld versus the Asari meld and coming to the conclusion that they might have a genetic link back
Tali and B’Elanna having a field day comparing notes (and complaining) on what it’s like keeping a ship together when you don’t have all the parts you really need since Tali used to do that with the Quarian ships and B’Elanna does that now
Kirk and Shepard discussing choices made that shape worlds for better or worse despite the best of intentions and geeking out over model ships. You can’t tell me that doesn’t happen.
Bashir and Mordin are the only people able to understand each other in their speed talking and excitedly sharing notes about different aliens.
Worf and Wrex and Grunt immediately start a fight (bonus points for Wrex insulting Worf for sounding like Uvenk whom Dorn voices)
Seven and Legion (in a world where he lives, what do you mean he dies) discussing what it’s like going from a hive mind to being individuals and coming to find yourself and who you are as a person, like Legion clearly was more involved in finding this aspect for his people as opposed to Seven who had it forced on her but they share the desire now to learn and become an individual and protect those they care about
Janeway and Shepard blow something up by accident while trying to investigate something because of course they do
Samara and Deanna sitting down and just discussing life because I feel like these two would be friends and smirking at their friends antics and secretly betting on who’s gonna get into what danger
I actually have a lot of thoughts about paragon!Shepard and Michael being similar characters in the sense of having this burden of the galaxy placed on them and speaking out against things that people refuse to see except for the crew they’re apart of and trying to warn people of a war and do their best to prevent it and bring people together
Tilly and Tali and Gabby together would be a delight I feel, just talking excitedly about everything under the sun. including the sun.
Sulu and Joker arguing who's a better pilot and Sulu being fascinated how Mass Effect fields work when it comes to piloting and Joker proudly explaining it
Sisko tries to adopt Grunt from Shepard (no I’m mostly kidding, I think that Sisko and Shep have a great deal of respect for each other in caring for the crew and having in placed in an almost god like reverence in certain situations and the struggles with that. and then also Sisko brings back baseball to the Mass Effect world. Shepard absolutely hates that)
I figure the EMH would actually be most interested in biotics and the science of that and writing down to make a paper to publish as the first hologram to do so.
Likewise EDI is fascinated with hologram technology that Trek’s have and if the ships have ever developed sentience in any way and if she can incorporate some of that technology into the Normandy to further her own development
I think Kira gets along with Wrex and is angry at Salarians on his behalf once she hears what was done to the Krogan because the genocide of a species hits hard with her
Tilly and Samantha are even worse than Bashir and Mordin at talking so fast no one gets it but them and they very much do enjoy talking to each other
Tom and Steve have shuttle races until they’re ordered back by their bosses because really guys
Geordi has a lot of talks with EDI, some about his friendship with Data and the human side of interacting with a being that’s trying to learn about humanity themselves but most about the ship and the benefits of integration with it that allow you to be aware of everything that’s happening on it
also Data and EDI tell the worst jokes and everyone regrets this
Picard and Thane drink tea together and discuss philosophies and Thane talks about his species old artifacts and how they were lost to his culture and Picard just listens with interest and some ideas on how you could maybe get those back
Jadzia and Jack get along surprisingly well, they have a holodeck fight at one point and Jadzia takes tricorder readings of biotics and then they go out drinking together
on the flip side Ezri and Miranda get along in terms of being forced to live up to unreasonable family expectations (all though far less harsh in Ezri’s case) and having to carve out your own identity and also like...weirdly everyone hating you for no other reason than your character exists
Bev gets into playing poker with Kaidan and Steve and now they’re all trying to beat each other constantly at it
Saru and Liara get along the easiest at first and discuss the wild things their crews get up to and how they eventually just started to go along with the madness
Kasumi keeps trying to steal from Tuvok but can’t manage it and thinks it’s the best challenge she’s had in years. Tuvok just wants to talk to Thane and get back to the Delta Quadrant already captain.
Harry and Jacob get to talking about having to prove themselves and always being looked over and the troubles of trying to get your own command
Bones hates all of this, Kirk what the hell have you done now. That said he and Zaeed get to drinking and talking about the bullshit that comes from space travel. All though Zaeed’s is more about how annoying it is to try to kill someone in it. Bones thinks he’s just over exaggerating and not a mercenary at first.
James keeps showing off for literally everyone and turning things into a competition with whoever he can when it comes to physical activities, he’s still sulking that Data beat him until he finds out that Data is an android and then calls foul on it.
Odo and Zaeed grumble about everything together
B’Elanna and Ashley have a book club that they don’t tell anyone about and share romance novels and poetry while complaining about how everyone doesn’t expect it from them and that’s part of why they don’t tell people those parts of themselves
Uhura gets the translators turned off on the Normandy to listen to everyone’s dialect and language and is quick to pick up on it, she’s especially good with Drell and enjoys conversing with Thane in it
Liara is absolutely freaked out that Deanna sounds like her mother and Deanna is absolutely using this to troll her whenever she can because it amuses her
Grunt and Chekov get into arguments about history of all things despite that people keep pointing out that they’re from alternate worlds and therefore it’s different anyway
Chakwas and Chakotay sit down to talk about what it’s like sorta taking care of the crew and just ridiculous stories of things they’ve put with
Riker at one point talks to Miranda about clones and dealing with someone who is the same genetically as you but isn’t you and do you have a relationship with them or leave them be (they don’t come up with an answer really)
Mordin gets banned from taking samples of other aliens
Nog and Gabby talk one point about being sorta new to the experiences of war and frontline suddenly and the horrors that come with it and share their experiences of being trapped by the Reapers vs being in a Jem’Hadar fight and coming back from that
Guinan doesn’t care much for Javik but they do have one good discussion about what it’s like being one of the last of your species and seeing so many of them die due to a machine race (and worse, converted to serve that race) that you just can’t fight back against no matter how much you try (or that’s what they thought at the time)
Samantha and Spock and Kirk and/or Airiam have strategy game nights and really get into it and Spock will typically leave while Sam and Kirk are still geeking out over it until the morning
Quark is banned from the Normandy point blank
Worf tries to get everyone to appreciate Klingon opera, the only one he manages to get into it are Grunt and Legion
Scotty is especially fascinated with the drive core of the Normandy and talks to Adams about it constantly
Chakotay and James having a boxing match at one point
Jake interviews like everyone and is thinking about turning this experience into a novel and enjoys listening to everyone’s stories
O’Brien and Garrus get caught up in calibrations, can you come back later
okay this literally is getting too long already but I could keep going. I think then there’s a group discussion about the Borgs vs the Reapers and the troubles everyone faces in those fights and a lot of back and forth about things that have worked for one crew that may help someone else out (like the Changeling cure to maybe help the Genophage cure or vice versa)
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1908.12: Missions Reviewed, “Return to Grace,” “Sons of Mogh,” “Bar Association,” and “Ascension.”
In “Return to Grace,” Major Kira is on her way to a summit to share intelligence against the Klingons with the new Cardassian government when the freighter captain who is taking her there shows up…and it is Gul Dukat, shamed and demoted having brought his half Bajoran daughter Ziyal back home.
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 He still smarms quite a bit, but is frustrated trying to get the old freighter he’s captaining to act like a combat ready ship. Kira bonds with Ziyal on the flight however, even if she can’t bring herself to like Dukat. When they arrive at their conference, the Klingons have already attacked and destroyed it, but the Bird of Prey responsible doesn’t see Dukat’s ship as enough of a threat to even destroy. Kira talks Dukat into taking ground defense weapons from the destroyed outpost and mounting them in his ship. They chase down the Bird of Prey and disable it with the new weapons. After a switcheroo with the transporters, Dukat’s gang captures the Klingon ship, abandoning its crew on his freighter which he promptly destroys.  Without Cardassian backing though, he can’t bring the war to them with his new ship, so he decides to become an underground fighter after Kira’s example.  Kira convinces him to leave Ziyal on DS9 though, and Dukat and his crew go off to harangue the Klingons.
Another episode that feints at Dukat’s redemption, and even teases his romantic feelings toward Kira.  It works because the writers never write Kira as gullible enough to believe him. A lot is put in place here that will be picked up later; Dukat’s BoP, Ziyal on DS9 with Kira, and even a certain new Cardassian bridge officer named “Damar,” who I am sure is just a background extra. (Narrator: “He wasn’t.”)
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Worf’s brother Kurn comes to DS9 to reunite the “Sons of Mogh.” The happy part of that reunion is short lived however as Kurn, based on Worf’s loss of status at the beginning of the season, is similarly discredited. 
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He asks for a Klingon ritual where Worf will kill him and in his death, Kurn will regain his honor and can enter Sto-Vo-Kor. Jadzia realizes what they are up to and intervenes just in time to beam Kurn to the infirmary with Worf’s knife in his chest. Needless to say, Sisko is not amused, and they try to find a new way for Kurn to move forward in life.
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 Kurn takes a job as one of Odo’s deputies, and in spite of early success, allows some criminal schlep to shoot him.  Worf then catches him considering suicide. Worf is able to reach out to a family friend in the Empire and with Bashir’s help they wipe Kurn’s memory and change his face allowing him to become the son of Worf’s friend believing he has lost his memory in an accident.
We can all talk about “proud Klingon warriors” but the fact is there is one thing they have always had in common- all the way back to TOS, and all the way forward through Discovery:” Klingons are always drama queens, and none more so than the House of Mogh. This is an effective episode though for showing Worf there are more consequences to his actions than just being stuck on a station.  Tony Todd is back, having last been seen as the older Jake Sisko in the exquisite “The Visitor” and is unrecognizable as Kurn versus Jake. One neat thing they do here is demonstrate family resemblance with Kurn’s nose, forehead, and facial hair being just like Worf’s. Then, when he has been altered for his new life, there is a contrasting crest.  Worked nicely.  Stand by for more Klingon drama soon too!
First though, some Ferengi drama! In “Bar Association” the Bajoran verison of Ramadan is killing business at Quark’s and he decides he has to cut wages. There are some complaints, and Rom hears about this neat little Earth concept called “a union.” He assembles his fellow employees and proposes they form a collective. 
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Lita is immediately ready to don a Che’ t-shirt, but the other Ferengi are not as eager. Unions are a huge taboo on Ferenginar. Rom is convincing though, and soon there is a union, a list of demands, and a strike! Even O’Brien gets in on it talking about his family’s Union history, while Worf breaks the picket-they have an altercation that lands them in one of Odo’s cells. Worse, Liquidator Brunt with the Ferengi Commerce Authority shows up with two Nausicaan enforcers who initially try to intimidate Rom, but then beat up Quark to get the Union to break. 
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With his brother wounded, Rom still won’t budge, but then Quark agrees to meet all demands if they make it look to Brunt like the union is gone.  Rom agrees, and all is well…except Rom will not go back to work for Quark. He takes a job as one of the station maintenance techs instead.
A cute episode that gets more serious in how Ferngi culture deals with fairness. I’ll avoid any political commentary here, but as I have said before, Star Trek is always relevant. Rom continues coming a long way since just being the “Ferengi Pit Boss,” and they begin to allude to something between him and Lita. According to Memory Alpha, that was supposed to be for just this episode, then the chemistry between Chase Masterson and Max Grodénchik was so good, it influenced where the characters went! And of course, the indomitable Jeffrey Combs is back as Brunt. It always amazes me how subtle a dig the producers through in here with him being the enforcer of Ferengi business values…and having the smallest set of lobes of any male Ferengi we see.
In “Ascension,” Sisko has just finished blessing a married couple as The Emissary when a Bajoran light ship like the one he built comes spilling out of the Wormhole. They beam the lone occupant on board, and it turns out to be a man named Akorem, a famous Bajoran poet who disappeared 200 years earlier.
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 He has been in the wormhole all this time, and has come to believe that HE is meant to fulfill the role of the Emissary. Sisko is initially happy to pass the role on, but when Akorem begins to preach that Bajor must return to its former caste system to truly find healing after the occupation, that could endanger Bajor’s petition to join the Federation. 
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When a Vedek kills a monk because he is of too low a caste to be a monk, Sisko challenges Akorem. They fly into the Wormhole to ask the Prophets what’s up. As non linear beings they imply who entered the wormhole first is irrelevant, and Akorem was sent “for the Sisko.” They return Akorem to his own time and Sisko takes his place as Emissary once again.  Kira looks up her favorite unfinished poem by Akorem to find the man has now finished it, leaving a message of faith in the prophets.
A great message about not going backward in the name of one person’s interpretation of a religion (because Star Trek is always relevant), this episode builds well taking Sisko from reluctant icon to a man who sees what his duty is in the Bajoran faith.  Actually reminds me a little of “Last Temptation of Christ” in that way- seeing the alternate path, but understanding why one must make the sacrifice and play their role. The political ramifications along with the social results are interesting as the “farmer” Shakaar may not be elected to run Bajor again, and poor Kira turns out to be from a line of artists…and she is not particularly artistic.  
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The episode lets her shine a few times as she struggles with what the right path his for her faith.  Not bad at all.
NEXT VOYAGE: In a pitched battle Worf has destroyed a Klingon civilian passenger liner. His trial will show if it was Klingon bloodlust or if he followed his “Rules of Engagement.”
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ameerawritesstuff · 6 years
That's a big one, feel free to ignore me 10, 20, 30, 36, and 40 for garashir? :3
Took forever but I did not ignore you! Just busy with finals so still working on prompts I’m getting (but I’m open to getting more because heck, why not) but here you are!
10: “We can’t keep this up forever.”
“We can’t keep this up forever.” Garak sighed as he looked up at the ceiling.
“And why not?” Julian said, probably a little more sharply than he’d intended.
“Someone will find out about us eventually.” Garak shook his head. “It’s only a matter of time if we continue on like this.”
“Find out about us?” Julian furrowed his brow. “It’s not exactly a secret.” Garak looked at Julian in shock. “I mean, it’s not like I go around telling people we’re sleeping together, but it’s not something I’m hiding.”
“You’re not?” Garak blinked in surprise.
“What made you think I was?” Julian asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Common sense.” Garak scoffed. “Only a fool would want it known that he was lying in bed repeatedly with a Cardassian exile.”
“Mm,” Julian nodded. “I must be quite foolish then.” He smiled and rolled over to hold Garak. “I wouldn’t be with you if I were ashamed. I like you.”
“That…” Garak paused and tried not to be too subdued by the warm embrace Julian had him in. “Was not something I had considered.”
“Why did you think I’ve been sleeping with you?” Julian chuckled.
“Pity…” Garak confessed quietly. Julian snuggled closer to Garak’s back.
“Well, you were wrong.” Garak could feel Julian’s smile against him. “I’m here because I love you.” Garak froze and he could tell that Julian did as well. “Garak?” Julian’s voice was suddenly so timid, it was like a small squeak.
“Yes, my dear?” Garak didn’t move. He knew Julian was going to take that confession back and he couldn’t blame him for it.
“I mean it, Garak.” Julian whispered. “I think I’m in love with you.” Garak turned over to face Julian, his expression one of awe.
“I love you too.” He breathed, unable to come up with some witty remark. Instead, he spoke the absolute truth.
20: “Please don’t hurt me like this.”
“Please don’t hurt me like this.” Garak sighed once Julian exited the changing room in what could only be described as a ghastly ensemble.
“They’re your designs!” He protested before looking down at himself. “If you don’t like them, why sell them?”
“My dear, the clothing pieces are not the problem.” Garak shook his head. “It’s your insistence on pairing them together in such a horrendous manner.” Garak gave a small smile, admittedly finding Julian’s hopelessness with fashion charming. “I understand that purple is your favorite color, but unlike black, it doesn’t go with everything.” Julian then had a huge smile on his face. “Why do you look so pleased? Don’t tell me you committed this atrocity as a joke.”
“No, no, I was quite serious about all this.” Julian motioned to his clothing. “But that’s just it. I failed miserably despite trying in earnest.”
“And that delights you?” Garak asked, suspecting the doctor had lost his mind.
“Frankly, yes.” Julian grinned. “Come on, Garak. My augments have been revealed, you have to realize how often I’ve had to pretend I’m not as capable as I am.”
“So having something that you’re genuinely terrible at is refreshing?” Garak asked, amused by the whole concept.
“As long as it’s not incredibly vital I get it right.” Julian shrugged. “I wouldn’t want to be struggling if there were lives on the line.”
“But offending my eyes is of little consequence to you.” Garak scoffed with a smirk.
“Oh, come on, Garak.” Julian laughed. “I’ve always been able to be myself around you, that’s why I like you so much.” Garak blinked in surprise at that.
“Well,” He thought. “I’m glad that I was so unimportant that the risk of my discovering your secret has never bothered you.”
“What?” Julian asked with a laugh. “Garak, I just mean that I don’t have to dumb myself down with you ever.” He shot Garak a fond smile. “You’re an incredibly intelligent man and a joy to spend time with. Our lunches are almost like a game where nothing is off-limits.” He stepped toward Garak and bit his lip. “We don’t get mad when one of us trumps the other’s argument, we become proud.” Julian shrugged with a blush. “I don’t know if that makes any sense.” Garak sighed wistfully at how well Julian was describing proper flirtation, yet still missed it completely.
“No, no, your description is very apt.” He nodded. “I’m fond of our lunches as well.” It felt weak to admit, even though Garak had done so before during his withdrawal. “I’m also flattered to hear you’ve been unrestrained during our debates.”
“When it comes to you, Garak,” Julian smirked, “I play to win.” He ended softly. Garak then realized how close Julian had moved to him. Garak could feel the heat radiating off of the Human and he had to resist the urge to lean into it.
“How competitive of you.” Garak breathed, trying hard not to betray his thoughts.
“I suppose I should get out of these clothes.” Julian purred. Garak’s eyes widened and then Julian had a devious smirk. “After all, you said these were awful.” Garak remained silent, not sure what to do. “Elim?”
“Doctor?” Garak said suddenly, surprised to hear his first name.
“Your mouth looks like it’s about to hit the floor.” Julian’s smile showed he was trying to hold back laughter. Garak quickly closed his mouth and then took a step back.
“I’m simply shocked to hear you’re competitive.” Garak deflected. “You usually seem so overly generous.” Julian pouted slightly and then straightened his posture.
“Well, you must not be as good at reading people as you think.” Julian huffed. Was he disappointed? Garak pushed that thought out of his mind. That would imply that Julian wanted Garak to kiss him.
30: “So that’s it? It’s over?”
“So that’s it? It’s over?” Julian turned to Garak now that the holographic performers had taken their final bows.
“What more could you possibly want?” Garak smiled. “It’s a riveting piece.”
“But nothing happened!” Julian protested. Garak rolled his eyes but Julian spoke before he could lecture him. “Oh, yes, I’m sure you’re going to go on and on about how this is some great example of Cardassian theater, but I can’t actually believe you like this garbage.”
“If that were the case,” Garak huffed, “why would I recommend this ‘garbage’ to you?”
“You delight in being contrarian.” Julian challenged. “I bet you purposefully choose works that you know I won’t like just so you can disagree with me.”
“Surely I could recommend things you would like and simply take a negative perspective.” Garak smirked.
“But that would require you to admit that not everything from Cardassia is flawless.” Julian sighed. “Not to mention you already take the negative perspective with everything I offer you.”
“My dear, are you still upset that I didn’t like Mother Courage?” Garak had a smug look on his face that Julian wanted to slap off.
“I’m upset that I think you did like it but you refuse to admit it.” Julian stood up from his seat and glared at Garak. “Are you ready to go?”
“Of course.” Garak smiled as he stood up. “Computer, end program.” The theater was gone and they were again staring at the unadorned walls of the holosuite. “I find your assertion that I so greatly desire conflict with you to be fascinating.” Garak continued happily as they exited the holosuite. “What possible motive could I have to constantly fight with you?”
“Flirtation.” Julian said in a matter of fact way that caught Garak off guard.
“I’m sorry?” Garak essentially choked out.
“Those Cardassian scientists that were here last week,” Julian smirked as he gave Garak a side-eye. “I had a rather illuminating conversation with Miles about how one of them mistook his arguing as advances.” Garak gulped and looked ahead as the two of them began to walk down the spiral staircase.
“Doctor, you’re not intimating that I’ve been trying to seduce you all this time?” Garak was terrified to think he’d been caught. He wanted to flee but Julian sat down at the bar and looked at Garak to join him. If they had to have this conversation, Garak didn’t want to do it in such a public place.
“I don’t think you expected anything to come of it.” Julian smirked as he motioned for Quark to come over. “Blue Kanar.” Julian ordered and Quark looked intrigued but nodded and scurried away.
“Oh?” Garak sat down next to Julian cautiously.
“You’re a glutton for self-punishment.” Julian asserted. “So while you may lust after me, you’d never allow yourself to take an action that might result in your happiness.”
“An interesting theory.” Garak tried to remain cool and calm as Quark poured each of them a glass and then left. “But, tell me, Doctor,” Garak took a sip of his Kanar and let the silence linger for a moment as if he were more interested in his drink. “If I am such a masochist, wouldn’t I pursue you more brazenly? Surely your inevitable rejection would provide me with ample embarrassment.”
“But what if I were to accept?” Julian purred before licking his lips. He let his eyes move up and down Garak before drinking from his own glass.
“And what if Gul Dukat marched in here and then began dancing to Andorian ballet?” Garak scoffed. “It’s a waste of time to humor the impossible.”
“You know,” Julian laughed. “Dukat wouldn’t look half bad in a tutu.” Julian looked at Garak with a warm smile. “Don’t be so quick to label things as ‘impossible.’ They might be more likely than you think.”
36: “I’m so in love with you.”
“I’m so in love with you.” Garak turned to see who had just entered his shop. He had been expecting Odo and his Betazoid friend to enter but it seemed they only walked past. Garak was very surprised to see Julian looking positively giddy.
“Doctor?” Garak asked, confused.
“Please, call me Julian.” Julian blushed. As he walked over to Garak. “Can I call you Elim?”
“I don’t see why not.” Garak said nervously. The look Julian was giving Garak was terrifyingly fond. Garak didn’t trust it for a second.
“Why are you working, Elim?” Julian sighed happily. “You should enjoy the festival with me.” Julian took Garak’s lapels in his hands and gently stroked the fabric with his thumb.
“A Bajoran festival isn’t exactly the place for a Cardassian.” Garak gulped. The doctor was being unmistakably affectionate and as much as Garak wanted to accept it all at face value, he knew this was odd. “Besides, I can do more business when there’s this much foot traffic.”
“Excuses, excuses.” Julian chided as he put his hand on Garak’s cheek.
“Doctor, what exactly do you think you’re doing?” What else was Garak supposed to say? Julian’s lips were almost upon him at this point.
“I’m trying to tell you how I feel, Elim.” Julian said with a small smirk. “But I’d rather show you.” Suddenly, Julian was kissing him. Garak resisted the urge to kiss back, though he couldn’t deny the way his ridges tingled and how his heart began racing. He pulled himself away despite all his wanting.
“Doc-” He sighed. “Julian.” Garak said sternly. Julian grinned at the sound of his name and he was looking at Garak with hazy eyes. “Is this some sort of joke?”
“I love you, Elim!” Julian insisted as he took another step forward so he was again a breath away from Garak. “Please, I’m begging you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
“You feel this way about someone constantly.” Garak frowned.
“Not like this.” Julian sighed with a smile. “I don’t think I had any idea what passion was until now.” Julian bit his lip and pressed his chest against Garak’s. Garak had never been pursued like this before. This felt like something out of his fantasies, not reality. Julian was again stroking Garak’s cheek and looking at him with those wide eyes. “I’ll do anything for you.” Garak didn’t resist the kiss this time, he let Julian take the lead and push further and further. The young man was actually serious about this!
“Sisko to Dr. Bashir.” Julian’s badge chirped, but Julian didn’t stop. “Sisko to Dr. Bashir.” Now Commander Sisko’s voice was more irate.
“You’re being hailed, my dear.” Garak breathed when he was finally able to push Julian away.
“Doesn’t matter.” Julian whispered and shook his head slightly and he began to draw Garak back in.
“Dr. Bashir, please report to the Infirmary!” Now it was evident Sisko was already not having a good day and he had no patience whatsoever.
“Julian, you don’t want to get court-martialed, do you?” Garak smiled.
“I don’t care.” Julian murmured. Garak had to stop him from getting another kiss.
“Doctor, this is highly unusual.” Garak frowned and pushed Julian away. This was simply getting more and more bizarre.
“Julian.” The young man pouted. “Come on, Elim, I’ll be good to you.” It was a plea. As if Julian were somehow beneath Garak and ready to grovel in order to be worthy. Garak was about to assure Julian that he was indeed interested, but then Major Kira marched in. She had clearly not been having a good festival.
“Julian!” She shouted. “You’re wanted in the infirmary. Now.”
“Major, can’t you see I’m busy?” Julian whined and began to run a hand through Garak’s hair. Garak quickly slapped Julian’s hand away.
“Please take him away, Major.” Garak asked desperately. Julian looked at him wide-eyed and hurt. “He’s acting… strangely.”
“All the men on this station have gone insane.” Kira rolled her eyes angrily and grabbed Julian by the arm. “I can’t believe you’re the only sane one left.” Kira scoffed at Garak.
“Believe me, Major, I’m quite certain I’ve gone mad.” Kira barked a bitter laugh at that and dragged Julian away.
40: “Will you marry me?”
“Will you marry me?” Garak’s voice trembled as he said it. He immediately cursed himself for voicing the thought aloud. Yes, things had been going well with Julian but he knew it couldn’t last forever. If he was lucky, Julian would have already dozed off or simply not heard him.
“What?” Julian breathed quietly and looked up at Garak. He was still lying on Garak’s chest but he turned himself around so he could study Garak’s face better. “Elim, did you just ask me to marry you?”
“It was merely a suggestion.” Garak looked away and tried to keep his tone as casual as possible. “You’re already living with me and there are many legal benefits. Not to mention you would have a higher status on Cardassia if you were actually married to a Cardassian.” Everything he said was true, but he knew he wasn’t fooling Julian with that being the reason.
“But…” Julian had a guilty smile. “Your status would go down, wouldn’t it?” Garak looked back at Julian in surprise. Julian’s large, brown eyes were hopeful yet he bit his lip and looked cautious. “I would love to get married to you, Elim.” Julian blushed and then broke out into a grin. “I just don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
“Trouble, my dear?” Garak gasped. “You agreed to marry me!” Garak couldn’t stop himself from smiling now as he cupped Julian’s cheek. “You’re serious?”
“Absolutely.” Julian said as he put his hand over Garak’s. “But if you marry a Human your political career will suffer. You know that, right?” Julian looked concerned but he still had a smile on his face.
“My political career can be completely forgotten if it means I get to let the universe know that you and I are forever entwined.” Garak brought Julian’s face forward and they kissed a long and slow kiss.
“But Cardassia needs you.” Julian whispered when they broke apart. “I won’t be hurt if you choose to protect yourself from scandal a bit.”
“Cardassia needs to progress if it’s going to survive.” Garak sighed. “Therefore the people will have to learn to be accepting. We’ve had leader after leader thrown out due to charges of corruption, embezzlement, and conspiracies ranging from murder to soliciting with Klingons. Do you think the Cardassian people will even view our relationship as scandalous?” He gave a soft smile. “Many will still support me by virtue that I am not as horrible as the rest.”
“And people are afraid of you.” Julian smirked.
“Not you.” Garak smiled back. “You don’t seem to have enough common sense to run away from me.”
“You’re not getting out of this proposal that easily.” Julian chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Promise?” Garak asked as he took Julian’s hand and held it tenderly to his lips.
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vortaesthetic · 7 years
Weyoun bolted out of his cot so hard, he nearly went tumbling headfirst onto the floor.
His skin was damp with sweat and hair stuck to the nape of his neck as his heart hammered away against his ribs.
He had been dreaming in his sleep again, twisted, confusing, awful tangles of memory and imagination that preyed on his fears like a pack of wild dogs. Weyoun struggled to remember the details now, but he could recall running as fast and as long as he could and still not going anywhere. He heard the harsh barking of the Jem'Hadar on his heels as he tried to flee down the never-ending hallway. Odo was nowhere to be found and he wasn't going to make it--!
He tried to do the breathing trick Dax had taught him. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Purse your lips, she would say. His breathing did slow, but the trembling hadn't yet ceased. He pulled the blanket off of the cot and wrapped it around him to try and stave off the worst of the trembling.
He needed to find someone. The anxiety was the worst part of it all, and he usually needed to talk about it to properly sort everything out. Usually, he went to Odo whenever this happened, but Odo was out tonight having a private evening with Nerys. He would not disturb him if he could help it. It was shameful that he had to run to Odo as often as he has about this, anyway. He felt like an impotent child.
He pulled the blanket tight around his shoulders and made his way to the turbolift, intending to go to Ops. He ran into Counselor Dax as she stepped out of the turbolift, her shift having apparently ended.
"Oh, sorry," She squeaked, startled to see Weyoun standing there when the doors slid open. "Hey, haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?"
"I have my days, Counselor."
He must seem an odd sight, a grown man waiting for the turbolift swaddled in a cotton blanket. He would be embarrassed if he weren't so frightened. "Say, Counselor? Do you have a minute to spare?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"Would you care to get some tea with me? I...I need to be with someone right now. Just for a few minutes. I promise that I won’t bother you too much. "
He was so tired, so worn raw by the constant fretting, that it seemed to be imprinted into his skin. He was sure he had the word 'defect' etched into his skin somewhere for all to see, much as his serial was imprinted into his collarbone. This was nonsense. Paranoia. This shouldn't be--
"Sure," she says with a gentle smile. "I’ve got time. Let's get some, my quarters. My treat."
Oh. That was...painless.
“That sounds lovely, thank you.” He managed to find it in him to reply with a veneer of poise and grace, despite the chaos in his head. If he were any other Weyoun, he would have been prouder about that.
They entered her quarters, the Vorta taking a seat on the couch, his fingers nervously playing with the petals of the replicated sunflowers in the coffee table centerpiece. His hands itched to hold something, to do something, to be busy. Ezri replicated two cups of jasmine tea that she brought to the table, the steam rolling off of the cups piping hot and fragrant. Weyoun wrapped his hands around the thin china cup to bask in its heat as he breathed in the steam.
He looked up, noticing Ezri’s gaze on him, a curious expression on her face. He was waiting for the inevitable question, the how-are-you-doing’s and the you-need-to-take-better-care-of-yourself’s that seemed to be rote speak every time she saw him. Instead, she said neither.
“What was it tonight?”
Weyoun stared blearily at the cup, letting the floral steam wash over his face. It took a minute to process that she’d moved beyond him, skipping well past the pleasantries to cut right to the chase. She knew why he was here.
“I was running, mostly. I’m not a very fast runner. It’s always running...but going nowhere. There were dogs. Or Hadar. Both. I... I don’t know.”
Ezri reached over to pull one of Weyoun’s hands away from the cup, lacing her fingers with his. He was still shaking, his stomach trying to crawl up his throat. She gently placed her hand on his cheek and turned his face to hers.
“Hey. Breathe, just like I showed you. We’ll do it together. In through your nose...out through your mouth. That’s it. Let it out. Relax. You’re doing wonderfully.”
She was so patient with him. They all were, really. As hard as he tried to be helpful, he knew he was a burden all his own. Odo and Dax were so good to him, even when they had no reason to be. And he was at a loss as to how to repay it.
Ezri, noticing his breathing had picked back up again, continued to talk to him in low, gentle tones. “Do you want to talk about it? Can you talk about it?”
He shook his head no. He didn’t know how to say what he felt that he needed to say. he wasn’t sure if anyone really wanted to hear it.
“Then we don’t have to say anything,” she said, putting an arm over his shoulder. He melted at the contact, throwing himself into her, burying his face into the crook of her neck. He shook like a leaf and she held him tighter, a hand lightly tracing up and down his back to soothe him. He savored this, craved this closeness, this compassion. They stayed like that for a while until his breath evened out and began to grow slow and drowsy.
“Weyoun,” she whispered. “Are you awake?”
“Mmmh,” he mumbled sleepily, nuzzling into her. Even in sleep, he was unwilling to move far from her warmth, so deprived was he of touch.
She lowered him slowly to the couch cushions as she slid out from his embrace, laying his head on one of the throw pillows and straightening his blanket to cover his body. She took an extra pillow and tucked it between his arms, giving him something to cling to in his sleep-- he curled around it immediately, pressing it tight to his chest, resting his cheek on it. He wasn’t smiling in his sleep--he was actually making a little frowny face that was kind of cute-- but he was sleeping and not flailing at the terrors of the dark, so she marked it down as a success anyway.
She retired to her own bedroom for the night, leaving him to his rest. She would call Odo to come collect him later.
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