#and she writes Zelink fanfictions
sheikfangirl · 1 month
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Post-BotW - When Paya met Zelda 😅🤷‍♀️
She's hot for them BOTH! Paya is the ultimate Zelink shipper representation lol.
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demiboydemon · 6 months
I don’t wanna write rn but I want to connect with the characters in a way I can only do through writing ughhhhhhh why can’t I magically have already written the fic and just be able to read it and not know what’s going to happen next but everyone is written exactly the way I write and perceive them 😭
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skyward-floored · 1 year
@telemna-hyelle the other day you said you were in a hyrule Warriors zelink mood... this is Sheik and Link (and ended up not being quite as fluffy as I was going for oops. sorry about the redeads), but I hope you enjoy <3
The fading light of the sun cast the battlefield in an almost eerie glow, the liquid gold flashing off of armor on both man and beast alike. This particular fight wasn’t as large as some of the battles that had happened over the war, but it was by no means a small skirmish.
Link was fighting off the usual hordes with his typical speed and efficiency, slashing through groups of bokoblins and the occasional bigger foe without too much trouble.
He’d been separated from the majority of his allies, monsters and terrain pushing them apart, but he could see Sheik fighting nearby, her long braid twirling out behind her as she fought. She alternated using a few small knifes and the harp on her back, and blasted enemies backwards with various magical songs she pulled from its strings.
The music provided a faint background to the screams and clashing sounds of the battle, and when Link found himself with a moment to breathe, he paused to listen to it.
He found himself watching Sheik as well, and tried to ignore how his heart skipped a beat when she defeated an entire group with a single strum.
She ended up a little closer to where he was catching his breath, and he caught sight of the look that always appeared on her face whenever she played a song in combat, equally serene and intense. Her hair was ruffled and coming loose from its braid as she wove through the battlefield, a few splatters of monster blood speckling both it and her one shoulder, and a large smear of dirt coated her cheek.
Link couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Link! Watch out!”
Proxi didn’t even finish her warning cry before something screamed, a horrific sound that froze Link’s entire body with an unnatural terror. His heart rate spiked and he sucked in a gasp through suddenly paralyzed lips, a cold wash of fear sinking into his limbs.
Readead, he thought in horror, and fought the paralysis with every inch of his being. But he couldn’t move at all. Not even wiggle so much as his pinky finger, and his chest tightened as something began to approach him from the corner of his eye.
No no no no no—
He‘d been paying attention to his surroundings, but had neglected to cover his flank, and the redead had caught him completely unawares. Proxi had fallen onto a nearby tree stump, her wings quivering with the same dark magic that was keeping him locked in place, and Link felt dread roll over him as the lumbering form of the redead knight grew larger in his peripheral.
A blade abruptly swung towards him, and Link managed to break the grip of fear just enough that he could tilt his head back, the weapon merely slicing his cheek rather than plunging into his neck.
A pained noise escaped his frozen lips, but it was drowned out by another deafening scream, this one so close it seemed to pierce his very soul with terror. His ears rang as his slowly fading fear returned in full-force, and he wheezed in a gasp, darkness freezing him inside and out.
And then another scream pierced the air, this one from a slightly different direction, and Link thought he might pass out from the utterly crushing terror that was pounding through him.
Two redeads screaming at point-blank was too much, and a tear escaped down his cheek, eyes still blown wide with unnatural fear. Any resistance had been replaced by nothing but mind-numbing horror, and all he could think about was how much he wanted to curl into a ball and hide.
The blade of the first redead Knight swung upwards, and with what cognitive thought he had left, Link cursed himself for being such a fool.
But then a light tune trilled through the air, a wave of magic throwing the blade and it’s wielder backwards with an angry groaning noise. A blur ran past him, but Link couldn’t turn his head to see where it or the redead knights had gone, terror still holding him captive. Two more screams rang out at the same time, but they were abruptly cut off, a wave of music rippling past his ears.
A few grunts sounded behind him, then the thud of a body hitting the dirt, shortly followed by another.
Link choked in a gasping breath, and hands suddenly settled onto his shoulders, carefully pulling him downwards into a sitting position. His frozen limbs were coaxed into something more comfortable as he was settled on the trampled grass, and the terror ebbed, just a bit.
Link managed to look up and saw Sheik kneeling next to him, one hand still resting on his armored shoulder.
“Captain, I’m so sorry I couldn’t reach you sooner,” she said in a regretful voice, crimson eyes quickly scanning him and wincing a little at something. “Are you okay? Can you respond, Link?”
He managed a weak nod in reply, and felt his stiffened body begin to shiver, slowly at first, then growing in intensity. Sheik noticed, and pulled the trailing edge of his scarf off the ground to set more firmly over his shoulders, her fingers sending warm little sparks over his skin wherever they touched him.
“Redead screams are not to be taken lightly,” she sighed, watching him continue to shake.
“D-don’t seem to b-be too affected y-yourself,” Link managed to get out, hating how shaky the words came. “H-how’s th-that?”
Sheik’s eyes crinkled from behind her face covering, and she hummed, adjusting her position a little. “I have a... natural defense against them, so to speak.”
Link huffed. “Well count me j-jealous,” he shuddered, heart still pounding with leftover terror.
Sheik looked at him, her gaze concerned as he continued to shiver. He hated how weak he felt, barely able to move, fear still coursing through him. He knew it was merely the dark magic that redeads possessed making him feel this way, provoking an unnatural response from his body that manifested itself as soul-crushing terror. And especially since he’d been right next to two of them as they’d screamed, but he still hated it.
And he felt so Din blasted cold.
“You’re still rather pale, Captain,” Sheik said softly, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He shot her as reassuring of a grin as he could manage, but the effect was ruined when the motion made his cheek sting. He winced at the sharp pain, and shivered again as an icy chill ran up his spine.
How could he have been caught so unawares?
Something suddenly brushed his cheek, and Link flicked his eyes back over to Sheik, who‘s face was much closer to his than it had been as she studied the cut.
“You’re lucky this wasn’t worse,” she said, a frown in her voice at the blood he could faintly feel dripping down his chin. “Or hit your eye. It’s deep, but not too bad.”
“You uh, m-made sure of that,” he chuckled weakly, then froze as her fingers brushed his cheek, carefully skirting her finger around the cut.
Oh... her hand was really warm.
A sigh escaped his lips without his permission, and he almost leaned into her touch before realizing what exactly he was doing. He twitched back, but Sheik put her hand back on his face, carefully studying his injury.
A blush rose unbidden in his cheeks as Sheik continue to brush her fingers along his face, focus only for the cut that was dripping blood down his chin. Concern was bright in her crimson eyes, and Link couldn’t help but stare a little dazedly at them as she worked to staunch the bleeding. She happened to meet his gaze as she wiped away some blood, and they looked at each other for a few silent moments, red against blue.
Then Sheik suddenly dropped her hand from his cheek and reached for the pouch at her hip, the smallest hint of a blush coloring what of her face he could see.
“You’ll need to have the medics look you over back at camp, but this should do in the meantime,” she murmured, and Link thought she almost sounded flustered as she pulled some bandages out.
“H-hey, I can do it,” he interrupted, and Sheik raised an eyebrow at him.
“Hero, can you even raise your hand?”
Link lowered his brows in concentration, and attempted to raise his trembling arm. He managed to move it a few inches, which he counted a success, but Sheik shook her head in exasperation.
“You’re not steady enough to bandage yourself,” she said, and Link sighed. “And besides, I don’t mind.”
Her voice softened at the end, and Link risked meeting her eyes again, watching as she raised her hand up towards his cheek once more. She hesitated before she touched him again, but gave herself an almost imperceptible shake, and began to clean and wrap the cut, her hands still warm against his icy skin.
He tried to focus on calming the fear still making him shake, fighting stubbornly against the magic still tight around his chest. But it didn’t seem to want to listen to him, and he soon gave up, focusing instead on Sheik’s fingertips brushing his skin.
The regular motions of her fingers against his cheek, disinfecting the slice as well as she could and making sure the bandages would stay, were calming despite the sting, and Link felt his terror actually start to wane a bit.
“You’re freezing,” Sheik murmured at some point, and Link swallowed, his heartbeat still quickened with leftover fear and adrenaline.
...it was definitely just racing from that.
“We need to get you back to camp, you’re too cold,” Sheik continued with a sigh, finishing with his cheek. Her hand lifted off his face and Link mourned the loss of the warmth it had brought. “It’s obviously going to be a while until this wears off. Can you stand?”
Link managed a shivering nod and after a minute, forced his feet underneath him.
Then nearly fell flat on his face when his legs refused to comply.
Sheik shot out a hand and stopped him from face-planting, then carefully pulled his arm around her shoulders, her own arm warming his back where it was supporting him. Her side ended up pressed against his as she held him up, and his blush came roaring back, sending an admittedly pleasant warmth up his face.
He was still trembling, even with Sheik’s help, but he was standing at least, and could mostly support his weight. Her head was rather close to his though, all of her was rather close to him, and that was making it hard to focus on staying upright. Or much of anything.
Maybe that was still just the effects of the redead’s scream.
Yeah. That had to be it.
A thought abruptly occurred to him and he flicked his eyes over to the stump where Proxi had been, just in time to see a bright blue sphere rocket towards him.
“Link! Oh Link, are you okay?” Proxi cried, fluttering a bit wobbly to perch on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you sooner!”
Link managed a smile as she worriedly sparkled at him, leaning his head down a little so she could brush against it. She made a worried noise at the bandages on his cheek, and Link let her look him over.
“It’s okay,” he said softly, feeling her shiver a little. “Those things ca-ame out of n-nowhere.”
“You were a lot closer than me though, and they kept screaming at you! You’re all shaky and cold, are you really okay?” Proxi continued to fret, and Link saw a smile in Sheik’s eyes from next to him.
“I’ll be f-fine Proxi,” he said, trying to sound reassuring.
He directly countered his words when another huge chill ran up his spine though, sending shivers wracking through him. Sheik’s hold on his shoulders tightened, and maybe it was his imagination, but he thought she might’ve pressed against his side a little more tightly, imparting more warmth.
“I think the sooner we get him back to his tent the better,” Sheik put in. “He’ll be okay with some rest Proxi. This will just take some time to wear off.”
”Okay... if you’re sure,” she said a little hesitantly, giving Link’s cheek a little nuzzle. “Thank you for helping us Sheik!” she glimmered happily, and the smile in the sheikah’s eyes grew just a bit. “Those redead knights are awful.”
“Think w-we can all a-agree on that,” Link chuckled weakly, and Sheik gently nudged him forwards.
Proxi jingled as she settled down a bit, and nestled herself into a fold of Link’s collar, giving him a little warmth of her own. They started to walk, and between Proxi’s warmth on his neck and Sheik’s from beside him, Link slowly began to feel a little less cold. His shivers started to ease, and the terror that still lurked in his chest lightened a bit.
“Thank you,” he whispered in Sheik’s direction. “For saving me, and patching me up. And... this.”
She hummed in reply, and Link had a feeling he was being smiled at. “Someone has to keep an eye on you. And besides, you would do the same. And have done the same.”
The blush on her cheeks returned, and she gave his shoulder the lightest of squeezes, one that sent warmth all over him.
“You’re welcome, hero.”
And this time, when his heartbeat sped, Link knew it had nothing to do with the redeads at all.
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What Your Favorite Zelda Ship Says About You (for the games I’m familiar with)
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent beauty of two souls coming together, again and again, through reincarnation after reincarnation.
Hylia x Hero: …see above. Also, you read the Skyward Sword manga.
Ocarina of Time:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You think classic Disney Princess movies are more feminist than given credit, and that Cinderella is more badass than she’s given credit.
Link x Sheik: You were absolutely fucking pissed to learn that you can only play as Sheik in Super Smash Bros. Also you are almost definitely some flavor of trans.
Link x Dark Link: Looking back on your childhood, you can pinpoint Ocarina of Time as the beginning of your crippling addiction to “Enemies to Lovers”.
(Child) Link x Saria: You really like Disney Channel movies where the popular kid’s girlfriend is nice to the loser protagonist.
Link x Malon: You just want good things for Link. And really, who wouldn’t? Also, you’re a horse girl.
(Adult) Link x Nabooru: Your favorite Champion is Urbosa.
Link x Ruto: You love the scene in Dragon Ball where Goku accidentally proposes to Chi-Chi but holds up to that promise when they’re adults.
Twilight Princess:
Link x Midna (MidLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting dunked on. 
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome. 
Link x Ilia (IliaLink): You believe that the Hero of Time settled down with Malon.
Midna x Zelda (Midzel): You hypothetically want a girlfriend who can kick your ass but realistically you just want to be bridle carried. Also, you read the manga.
Midna x Zelda x Link (Midzelink): Your solution to a love triangle is ALWAYS polyamory.
Midna x Zant (MidZant): Your AO3 history is about 50% Reylo fanfiction.
Zant x Ganondorf (Zandorf): You definitely got your start in the Star Wars fandom by writing Kylo x Hux slash fic.
Skyward Sword:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You have gotten into at least five heated Internet arguments about Skyward Sword being underrated. Also you cried at that ZeLink shot in the Tears of the Kingdom trailer.
Hylia x (Original) Link (Hylink): You cried at that other shot in the Tears of the Kingdom trailer of maybe Link’s metal arm holding maybe Hylia’s arm. Also you read the manga.
Link x Ghirahim (GhiraLink): You are still pissed Ghirahim wasn’t in Smash.
Link x Groose (GroosLink): Your mom told you that that mean boy on the playground pulled your hair because he likes you and you never let go of that.
Zelda x Groose (Zeloose): You are painfully heterosexual. Alternatively, you are Groose.
Breath of the Wild:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent romanticism of shared trauma and Knight x Princess dynamics.
Link x Mipha (MiphLink): Your ideal relationship dynamic is one-sided, tragic pining. Press F to pay respects.
Link x Paya (PayLink): You just want good things for Paya. And really, who wouldn’t?
Link x Sidon (SidLink): You’re always a slut for beautiful cinnamon rolls, too good for this world, too pure.
Link x Revali (RevaLink): You love the Tumblr meme that’s like “You want to fuck me so bad, it makes you look stupid.” Also, you think people are too mean to Revali.
Zelda x Revali (ZeReval (?)): You are heterosexual.
Urbosa x Zelda’s Mom: You are a strong supporter of two women who are sick of a man’s bullshit.
King Rhoam x Literally Anyone: You think Endeavor deserves a redemption arc.
EDIT: the sequel
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steveybucky · 2 months
Here’s a little about me and what to expect
I’m Anna, she/her, 27. Welcome!
I’m on AO3 as kingandlionheart
I’m currently going 16 years strong with my love/hate relationship with the MCU (I was obsessed with Ironman after watching it lol)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have a special place in my heart and I cry over them daily. I have an arsenal of headcanons about them in my drafts that I’m sometimes brave enough to share.
I don’t ship much else in the MCU except Clintasha. You may see the occasional bitterness I still harbor over AOU.
This is not multi shipping blog. Personal preference is that it HAS to be Stucky or nothing 😂 If I reblog other ships (where Steve/Bucky are concerned anyway), it’s platonic because I love friendship.
I am very anti Endgame. I am not anti Peggy, but I am anti Steggy. Expect a lot of Endgame rants until further notice.
Other fandoms I love:
Star Wars
Legend of Zelda
Harry Potter
Other random things idk
Anti JK ✌️
Here are the other ships nearest and dearest to my heart:
Jily and Wolfstar
Zelink (BOTW/TOTK mostly)
Other things may appear but not frequently. I love broadway musicals so there may be some of that here and there.
I went dead on tumblr in 2018 but recently reappeared after I found a fanfiction on Reddit called These City Walls that absolutely destroyed my life and made me come crawling out of my grave. Seriously read it. Amazing.
Expert fanfic reader but novice fanfic writer. I am working on getting back into writing fanfiction so I talk/post a lot about writing. I want to finish my stories first before posting because I know from experience that when I post a WIP, writing becomes more of a chore than for fun.
Minors DNI/DNF
Feel free to talk to me about anything! Cry about Stucky, share headcanons, or just rant about whatever.
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flutefemme · 11 months
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"The Minstrel and the Prince"
A Zelink Week Fanfiction for @zelinkcommunity
“What if this was the real me?” He began to move their dancing closer to the edge of the large open area. “Would it make you happier?” He spun her out, stretching their arms taught, fingers clinging to the others so as not to separate, and then whirled her back in, spinning, until she was coiled up inside his arms, her face so close he could feel her breath on his lips. She let out a keening sort of sigh as her chest hit his, and a switch flipped in his mind. His eyes grew wide, and he walked them backward until his back hit a tree, and he stopped with a grunt.
“I–I was happy with who you were when I met you,” her eyes searched his. “This side of you is not unwelcome, and I rather cherished you for who you were before,” she confessed, still a breath away from his lips.
The fic is now complete and available on Ao3! I had so much fun writing this!
Start from the beginning here!
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Fanfic Masterlist
Hi! I realized I never made one of these and that I really should cause it would be helpful if someone decided to click on my blog~ Here is a master list of my fanfictions up on A03 with links and descriptions. Also, to be extra safe, all M rated fics will be listed under “NSFW” regardless of if they contain sexual content or not! I will try to keep this updated as I continue to make stuff! :) 
Legend of Zelda
An Ode To Yesterday [complete] 
Rated T (suggestive themes), zelink oneshot, Hurt/Comfort, gift fic, Post Calamity
Zelda, enthralled at learning one of her favorite traditions is still alive after a hundred years, helps Link learn to accept the love and happiness he desperately yearns for.
Advice for Aryll [complete]
Rated T, zelink oneshot, “make Fate cry competition” (2021), Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Post Calamity
Link struggles with recovering memories of his sister while living with Zelda in their Hateno home. Distraught that he forgot her and having to digest her subsequent fate disrupts their lives and leads Link to take drastic measures when something strange happens to Zelda’s slate.
I Need You At Night [complete]
Rated T, zelink, oneshot, Post Calamity, Hurt/Comfort, very soft
Her smile rivaled the sun. Lying amongst the wheat she was one with the earth. With Hylia. She was the soil and the grain as much as she was the wind and the sky, happiness and hope, expectation and reality. She was all. All but one thing.
It tunneled its way through the garden. Followed the song of unbridled joy until it loomed above her like predator on prey.
"There's a flower hidden near. Might you find it?"
Stress- Zelink Oneshot Collection [ongoing]
Rated (varies per entry but set to M just in case), zelink, oneshots
Oneshot collection (mostly Zelink) to help encourage myself to write more. Each entry is a different story, so feel free to skip around chapters since they do not have any bearing on what gets uploaded next. Themes and writing styles will vary from prompt to prompt. This could be rated T but I'd like to play it safe and keep it rated M based on more mature themes.
The Woman in Hateno [Complete]
Rated M (language, alcohol, graphic depiction), zelink, multi-chapter, MCD, alcoholism, post Botw, canon divergence, SAD
Zelda struggles to come to grips with her current reality despite having successfully vanquishing Calamity Ganon. Spending her days mostly in a drunken haze, it takes a lot of convincing from those who care about her to find her bearings to reach catharsis.
Rated M for language, alcohol use, and a graphic description (in Ch.5)
OnlyFandom [ongoing]
Rated E (suggestive themes, sexual content), zelink, long fic, slow-burn, modern au, college au
Not much thought had ever been put into thinking about the body in non-platonic circumstances. Between a heavily structured home life and strong personal aspirations, this whole format was completely out of her comfort zone. It wasn’t so much of an infatuation as much as it was a thirst for knowledge. More of a curiosity that had the scientist in her screaming to observe and to learn. But to learn WHAT? Urbosa probably had an answer for that… but messaging her was out of the question. Not after waking up to a conspicuous text containing nothing but a winky face.
Control [complete]
Rated E (sexual content), zelink oneshot, zelinktines 2022 (prompt “smut”), modern au
When Zelda's friends can't take their eyes off of Link all morning, she makes it a point to prove just how valuable her companionship can be.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Fanfiction master post
I have an Ao3 account now!! :D I’m Skye_the_Lofty_Nutcase over there, you can find my profile here.
This has not been updated in a while, sorry, I write too much lol. *sweating* However, you can find all my writing using the tag #writing on my blog and you’ll find not only the stories below but snippets, bonus scenes, and all kinds of stuff! I’ll eventually try to update this post to make things more accessible, sorry it’s a mess. >_<
A general note on my fanfiction: I work in healthcare, so sometimes injuries or illnesses might be more detailed than people are comfortable with because to me it’s just normal, but I don’t make things excessive or gratuitous. I will also never write any explicit sexual content. At best things will be steamy, but nothing will ever be NSFW.
My story tags! You can find fics and their bonus content with these :) I also have some extra highlighted tags that you can find by clicking the search bar at the top of my blog.
Breath of the Sky // Blood of the Hero // Elastic Heart // LU in Healthcare // Dad Squad // Good Ganondorf // Imprisoning War // Fierce Dadity // Secrets of the Shadows // Forsaken AU // Wild Spirit
Skyward Sword stories
A Dragon’s Care - 5+1 chapter Skyward Sword Sickfic
Summary: After the defeat of Demise, the dragons of the realm find a very sick Chosen Hero on their doorstep with no explanation and have to scramble to deal with it. Hurt/comfort. Starring Link, Faron, Eldin, crimson loftwing, and Lanayru, with a small helping of Zelda, Groose, Owlan, Eagus, Pipit, and Gaepora.
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Bonus chapter
Sleeping Dove - Two part general Legend of Zelda story with emphasis on Skyward Sword characters
Summary: When the Spirit Maiden Zelda finally passes on, she finds herself in an unexpected situation.The true nature and cruelty of Demise’s curse is revealed, and reality crashes down. Angst and more angst, with a small bit of comfort. Starring Skyward Sword Zelda, with appearances from OoT/MM Link, Fi, SS Link, Sages, OoT Zelda, BotW Zelda, and BotW Link.
Pt 1
Pt 2
Scenes from a Wedding - Couple vignettes from Link and Zelda’s wedding. Absolutely pure fluff. Starring the lovebirds.
One Last Look - Vignette, Zelda POV of a pivotal Skyward Sword scene, angst
Sparring - Zelink Vignette
Summary: Zelda hasn’t sparred in quite a while since their adventure. She decides the best way to dust off the cobwebs is to duel her chosen hero. Fluff, fun, bonding.
Adventure of a Lifetime - Vignette
Summary: Being a Hero is difficult and filled with trials. However, it isn’t all bad, and while on his quest, Link takes a moment to appreciate everything around him. Link, Fi, fun and fluff and highlighting the joy of playing this game.
For a Better Tomorrow - Vignette
Summary: On the day of Demise's first defeat, Hylia tries to find hope as she succumbs to her injuries. Starring Hylia and Fi, angst and bittersweetness and hope
Breath of the Wild stories
A Promise of Armor - Miphlink oneshot
Summary: Mipha planned on giving Link the Zora armor, yet 100 years later it was found in Zora’s domain in her family’s safekeeping. So what happened on that fateful evening when she was to offer it? Did she gather the courage or decide to keep her feelings to herself? Mild angst, romance. Starring the lovestruck champions.
The Hero’s Guide - quick cut scenes, oneshot
Summary: An idea about a fun possibility for botw 2, featuring familiar characters serving in a mentor role. When Link finds himself alone again, Hylia sends him a guide to help him along. Adventure, starring BotW Link, Hylia, and a link from the past.
Breath of the Sky - pre-BotW canon divergence, BotW characters meet up with SS characters! Multi-chapter story
Summary: When Princess Zelda goes to the Spring of Courage to pray, accompanied by her appointed knight, a giant magical cog spitting out a goddess is the last thing she expects, but it is what she gets. Meanwhile, the Spirit Maiden Zelda is trying to figure out what the heck is happening and where her missing husband/chosen hero is. This story is set pre-calamity and is my way of comforting poor Princess Zelda and Champion Link because their destinies made them an absolute mess, and I just get to play with my favorite SS couple too. Starring Sky Link, Sky Zelda, Wild Link, Wild Zelda, co-starring the king and the Champions. Angst, adventure, romance, fluff, all of it.
Rainy Days
- Hylink oneshot
Summary: Every year, Hylia remembered her original chosen hero, and on that day every year it rained. One year, though, she finds a surprise in the form of a connection to the newest Hero. (this story goes along with the my headcanon about how Demise’s curse works, but it can be read without knowing it) Angst, emotional hurt/comfort.
Age - Vignette
Summary: After finally defeating Ganon, Link and Zelda take an excursion to Gerudo Town to celebrate. Very brief vignette. Silliness and some bonding.
Healing - Zelink vignette
Summary: Link takes care of Zelda after defeating Ganon. 100 years locked in a fight is draining, after all. Starring the traumatized teenage team. Hurt/comfort.
Great Expectations - Oneshot
Summary: When the time comes to finally face the Calamity at the castle, Link finds himself faltering. Doubt and old anxieties suddenly drown him. Amidst his spiraling, however, a voice from the past arrives to help him, and he learns a valuable lesson about self-worth. Starring Link, a ghost from the past, and mentions of family and friends long gone. Angst, emotional hurt/comfort.
Blood of the Hero - Multichapter story, also known as Link’s Parents play BotW
Summary: The Soul of the Hero will always be there to save Hyrule. But when Calamity Ganon is nearly victorious in killing him, it's those that bear the Blood of the Hero who will prevail. Ten years after the Great Calamity, the Shrine of Resurrection is damaged and Link's parents fight to save their son and Hyrule along with him. Starring Til & Abel, Link’s mom and dad! Also starring Link, as well as many characters from the AoC and BotW eras. Adventure, angst, family kicking butt and taking names, protective parents.
Ocarina of Time stories
Statue - Zelink vignette, Zelda’s POV upon meeting the Hero of Time. Angst, romantic undertones.
What is Lost and What is Bound - Post Oot/MM oneshot.
Summary: Everyone makes mistakes. When Link’s mistake costs him an eye, a fierce deity decides it’s time to take things into his own hands. Featuring Link, FD, and Nabooru, set after Link’s game adventures. Leans heavily into my HC that FD is a Soft Dad but also bears in mind that lore and fanon believes him to be dangerous and dark, so it’s like Soft Dad with an Edge lol. Blood and gore but nothing excessive, some angst and silliness and body horror because I’m weird and can somehow mix all of those together.
Veiled Eyes - Two chapters, Zelink and Malink, and complicated feelings
Summary: Link lives in a world where he feels he doesn't belong. Zelda doesn't understand. Link looks past the princess, but all she sees is him. Heavy angst, Link dealing with the emotional ramifications of living in two eternally separated timelines and learning how to move on from it. Can be viewed as either Zelink or Malink. Starring Link, Child timeline Zelda, mention of Adult timeline Zelda, and Malon
Wind Waker stories
Ritual - Telink vignette
Summary: Link is getting his ears pierced. He’s excited, Tetra is hell bent on ensuring it’s done correctly. Quick vignette, fluff and fun.
Twilight Princess stories
Secrets of the Shadows - Wolf Link Reveal, multichapter story
Summary: When Link goes missing shortly after his adventure, Rusl is worried. Preparing to leave and search for him, he stumbles onto a wolf. This has to be a sign of trouble, right? Rusl thinks it is, and the swordsman attempts to eliminate the threat... and then realizes that there is far, far more to this beast than he thought possible. Featuring Link, Rusl, Uli mostly, with appearances from other TP characters like Renado and Colin. Heavy, heavy angst and whump and hurt/comfort.
Winter’s Bite - Ordon family hurt/comfort/fluff oneshot
Summary: Link usually shows up at Rusl's house every day. When no one has seen or heard from him in the middle of a sleet storm, Rusl goes out in search for him. i.e. Rusl gets to take care of his fluffy boy <3
Hyrule Warriors stories
UNDER CONSTRUCTION (i.e. I’m too lazy to put it in right now lol. Feel free to check out my Fierce Dadity series on AO3 and that’ll have all of them!)
Linked Universe stories
Day Trip - Oneshot
Summary: Legend and Warriors are tasked with going into town to get supplies. Their dynamic and their baggage makes the trip go about as well as one might expect. Slice of life, basically, little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, a fair amount of banter. Starring Legend and Warriors, with the other boys in the background.
Homesick - Oneshot
Summary: At the end of another day, Twilight finds Sky by himself, aching for home. Little emotional ache/comfort, Twilight being a nice big brother. Starring Twilight and Sky, with the other boys mentioned. Inspired by twilight-linkess’ lovely art of Twilight and Sky!
Mild Adjustments - Oneshot
Summary: When the Chain steps through a portal and ends up on a seemingly floating piece of rock, they suddenly realize that there was far more to the Hero of the Sky’s title than they previously thought. Starring Sky and Wild with Twilight, Legend, Warriors heavily involved, and a speckling of Wind, Four, Hyrule, and Time. General, mild angst and illness, Sky being feral and not bearing in mind how his insane actions affect others.
Fierce Revelations - Three part story
Summary: When a battle spirals out of control, Warriors finds a familiar mask in Time’s arsenal and decides that desperate times call for desperate measures. Time then has to confront what it’s like to be on the other end of the mask, and the repercussions that come with it. Emotional hurt/comfort, some introspection of a few characters, angst, and family bonds. All the boys are present but the stars are Time, Warriors, Sky, and the Fierce Deity.
Surf’s Up! - Oneshot
Summary: When the Chain settles in early, Legend seeks out some peace and instead ends up having a very eventful evening. Because where Wild’s concerned, nothing can be peaceful... especially when you throw Sky and Warriors into the mix. Fluff, fun, and chaos with the knights and the veteran.
In the Library - Vignette
Summary: The boys find a library and chill. Featuring all the Chain! This vignette was just made to accompany the lovely art by sky-squido. Fluff and silliness.
On Display - Vignette
Summary: When Warriors is pressed into using his attractiveness as a distraction, Four steps in to save him from the discomfort of the situation. Starring Four and Warriors with Legend, Sky, Wind, Wild, Time, and Hyrule as supporting cast. Inspired by a post by skyward-floored, who always has great ideas. Mild angst and comfort and background silliness.
Beautiful - Vignette
Summary: After consecutive days of battle, Warriors sees Twilight struggling and reaches out to help. Starring Warriors and Twilight with Time and Wild on the side. All the boys are there, just not the focus. Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff.
Paradox - Oneshot
Summary: When Sky suddenly falls deathly ill with strange markings, Time has to piece together the cause and save him. Starring Sky, Time, Warriors, Twilight, with Legend on the side and the rest of the boys in the background. Sickfic, Dad Time to the Rescue, Sky having a 0/10 experience, Wars, Twi and Ledge being scared and caring brothers.
Elastic Heart - Multichapter fic, curse reveal story
Summary: When Sky goes missing, the Chain scrambles to figure out where he is and what happened before it's too late. Featuring Sky as the centerpiece of the story, even though he’s not always actually in it, and then starring all the Chain. This story is designed to act like a LU arc, with lots of character interaction and highlights around a central plot. Angst, humor, hurt/comfort, drama, fluff, adventuring, and fun. Also featuring a sprinkling of Twilight Princess characters as the Chain explores Twi’s Hyrule.
Numb - Oneshot
Summary: Nearly losing Twilight was devastating to the entire Chain. Sky managed to hold it together the best, though, and seemed to be doing fine. Until he wasn’t. Starring all the boys with Sky at the center. Heavy emotional angst and with some mild comfort to soften the blow, Sky has a mental breakdown and it isn’t pretty.
The Caregiver - Oneshot
Summary: Twilight tries to be there for everyone, and he usually doesn't need any kind of help in return. Except on some days. Too bad he refuses to reach out. Angst and mild emotional hurt/comfort, starring Twilight being the Big Brother who decides to tough things out on his own and comforts himself
Final Hour - Oneshot
Summary: When everything goes horribly wrong, Time desperately attempts everything in his power to fix it. Wind instead chooses to be the self sacrificing Hero, but the end result isn't what Time expected it to be. Based on art by kikker-oma. Heavy angst, emotional hurt/comfort, Time throwing caution to the winds (har har) when everything falls apart. Starring Time, Wind, and the Fierce Deity. 
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bahbahhh · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @novantinuum and @marimbles. thanks friends! <3 I loved reading your responses.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda. I like what I like. I have dabbled with FFX, too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the killing moon
begin again
desire path
like someone would
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Honestly, it means so much that people take time out of their day to let me know their thoughts/reactions to my stuff. I love the interaction, and I've shared this story before, but it was @embyrinitalics outreaching to let me know she enjoyed the killing moon (which had been on hiatus for YEARS) that help spring-boarded me into creativity again. A lot of these comments keep me motivated and energized, so I want to let people know I pay attention and care.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOL this is hard. Angst is my jam.
I'm tempted to say the Killing Moon but probably almost beautiful? It's the death memory from botw and it's a oneshot without any resolution whatsoever.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tie between begin again and desire path.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some coldish comments, but not direct hate. I don't understand it. If you don't like something, just move on by? It's free content. It literally takes so much more of your previous energy to generate hate. Put it somewhere else. Find something else you actually like and pour love into that. Or as my kid's favorite book right bow Teeth are not for biting (send help) says "Try this instead: take a break, drink a cold drink, take a rest, get a hug!"
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written ONE smut fit. I was possessed by an idea. It is not my wheelhouse for sure. It was porn with plotish and I had more fun with the dialogue between the side characters than the actual sexy stuff. And I'm me, so it was sexy yet depressing LOL
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a FFX x BotW oneshot a few years ago that I actually took off my ao3.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I feel like this would be fun with the right idea. I really like doing collabs for events.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm a little worried about currents. I love the idea in my head, but its very VERY specific writing and of course I started it right before linktober and now my brain is all about the depths au. It's hard for me to switch gears.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love a good turn of phrase, man.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get BIG ideas and a lot of them and a lot of the time, I get lost in them. This happened in The Killing Moon. Of course, it was my first stab at fanfiction and I decided to write a massive multichapter monster, and perhaps, that is evidence enough for you, but I had so many ideas for the story/conflict/direction and I didn't spend enough time organizing it and weeding out what I don't need. I think it translated okay because of the mystery leading up to TotK and the fact I was working with characters that were trying to make sense of lost, incomplete, and inconsistently reported history over 10,000 but
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think the most important question a writer can ask themselves when doing this in a fic is "why am I doing this?" And then close follow up to that is "how can I do this correctly and respectfully?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I really, really love like someone would. I love the complex characterization of Link and have carried it forward into other pieces. It's one big love letter to botw side quests and zelink and was also written in tribute to two of my favorite fanfiction pieces by others.
tagging: @embyrinitalics @fioreofthemarch @zeldaelmo @flutefemme
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
Can we stop moralizing writing characters that compete with your preferred ship like total assholes?
It's fine if you prefer not to read fics in which a character you like is kicked around like a football just because the author is annoyed at a canon ship or something.
But as long as the author isn't being shitty to PEOPLE who like that character, I thought we agreed that fiction is just FICTION.
An example: Yona from Tears of the Kingdom.
Listen, I like her well enough. I still think it would be fun to write a fanfic when she's actually an evil mastermind pretending to be nice to get access to the Zora kingdom.
That's not because I think people who enjoy the canon ship (keeping it vague) are bad people. I mildly suspect the actual Nintendo company might have been influenced to put her in due to homophobia surrounding a popular ship for her partner, but I don't think that people who like the canon ship are homophobic.
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And my gods, it's not fucking misogyny. Sometimes it's fun to take out your feelings on a character because they LITERALLY DON'T EXIST and you're hurting NO ONE by doing so. This is an/ti shit! I've seen people do it with every gender and both het and nonhet ships. It's literally not a big deal.
Like I said, it's your prerogative to choose not to read those fics if they are not to your taste, but maybe just admit it's a preference and stop making a big moral issue over your own likes and dislikes? You're falling for the classic internet trap of "what I like has to be Good and Pure (Tm) and what I dislike must be Bad and Evil And Sick (Tm) to be justified".
Nah, you can just not like that. Meanwhile I'll be over here happily putting my grubby little paws over shipfics that treat the odd character out from a different pairing like Satan.
And again, like I said, this does not extent to disparaging actual ships or the people who like them. Saying "why would you ship Yona with her canon partner, that's a terrible ship" is still shitty. Saying "you're a weirdo if you ship idk Miphlink instead of Zelink" is not okay.
But saying "ehehe I'm gonna torture this blorbo from my videogame because I prefer this other ship and I think it's fun to do so" is part of what fanfiction is all about. You can make any character, from universally beloatheds to fan favorite darlings, into your personal torture subject for any reason (and yeah sure, some reasons could potentially be motivated by shitty things like bigotry, but unless the fic itself is saturated with the same, then you're not going to be able to tell from ONE fic or even necessarily a collection from ONE fandom when it's always the same character that this is the case).
I'm just getting tired of "how dare people mistreat this character, they don't deserve it, this is obviously bigoted!!1" when it's like 1 you can't mistreat a concept 2 a concept does not DESERVE anything and will not be hurt by this 3 this is LITERALLY completely fictional 4 why the fuck are you taking fiction as a personal attack on your preferences and 5 "bigotry is when someone writes a character I like in a way I feel is out of character" have you ever in your life experienced real bigotry or do you just feel so helpless against the real bigotry in your life that you're attacking random strangers for something that's none of your business?
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lost-technology · 1 year
Saw someone praising the little gems of Vash-whump in Ao3′s Trigun Stampede section, while complaining that they have to sift through a lot of the stuff they aren’t into to get there.  I relate.   Didn’t reblog / reply to them specifically because I thought that I would be seen as weird.  It’s just, I’ve realized that I have very specific tastes* in this fandom.  I have officially written my first Stampede-based fic:  A story about Rem being a good mom.  I have A SHITTON of old Trigun fic from my fandom years ago that I am thinking of going over, editing where necessary and posting.  Most of them aren’t the kind of “usual fandom-pleasers,” either, but kind of specific things.  Like, there’s this one I wrote about an OC who sees Vash as a hero and sets out to live by Vash’s ideals only to find out that he can’t... I wrote that for an erstwhile friend.  Was NOT a “Reader x” or a self-insert, was just a random guy.  I have...ghost stories, including an alternate manga-ending.  I have a hard horror involving Midvalley doing something truly horrific with his murder-music.  One of my early ‘98 anime specific stories involved “Knives wins, but ends up killing Vash in the process, regrets it, decides to travel across the lonely planet to bury him next to his friends.”   I wonder which of my old fics the new fandom would like to see...  In any case.... as I’ve said before... sometimes when a ship is really popular in a fandom, I’ll tune it out like background-noise.  I even do this with ships I like.  I mean... in my other fandoms, I’ve written a bit of catradora and zelink, but most of the time I’m like “boring,” and pass up others’ fics because they’re dominating.  And then with, well, I’ve never vibed with vashwood.  I’ve always seen them as a brotp, not an otp.  Plantcest is too...rapey...for me (and when people transform it to make it consensual, it weirds me out. I won’t bother you, just not my thing).  I’m honestly wondering where doublewood / wolffang is at, I haven’t seen it, I thought I would by now... the “Reader / Vash” stuff is kind of cute, but I’m not huge into indulgent self-inserts, they never feel true enough to the world for me.   I feel like entering this fandom again I’m going to be kind of lonely in my fanfiction-tastes.   *Not like I haven’t been before... I mean, over in She-Ra fandom, I wrote a bunch of stories about a couple of Horde-clones (members of the random mook-race that shows up at the end of the series) and instead of writing them being adorable and being doctors and cooks like everybody else who wrote this stuff did, my OCs were undertakers.  Fire Emblem: Awakening fandom, of which I was briefly a part?  I was passionate about the rarepair of Lissa x Libra because I’d set it up in one of my games...  I wrote an extensive Super Smash Bros. / Hunger Games crossover UNIVERSE once.  I wrote a huge-ass Legend of Zelda Western (that was heavily inspired by Trigun), so... yeeeeep... I write (and prefer to read) some weird, hyperspecific things.  
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thecagedsong · 1 year
For the ask game: 🍦💖🙋‍♀️
Sorry it took so long to answer, my sister finally convinced me to play Fire Emblem 3 houses and I've been obsessed. THank you! I'd love to answer~!
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Posted work? It's a tie between "By Candlelight" which is the most romantic thing I've ever posted. And probably this zelink fic, Link's girl, as so fluffy it might rot your teeth. Wait, Trainer's in Love, my pokeshipping second fic ever, posted on ffn (so bad I'm not going to link it) might be sweeter.
Unpublished but written? I have an Inuyasha story where Inuyasha just describes Kagome as his home and it's short and probably the sweetest thing I've ever written total.
💖 What made you start writing?
I was the kid that always read books. Usually had three in my backpack throughout middle school. At least one in elementary and highschool. I loved the way writing connected me to other people, to characters, the way that stories made sense of a world that didn't make sense at all. I thought that if I could touch someone like those authors touched me, made them feel less lonely, it would be a worthwhile life.
Now my hometown was pretty small, even if we neighbored bigger towns.
But my hometown did have a bookstore when I was growing up. And that bookstore was run by someone with a lot of connections to the publishing industry, so we had way more authors come visit the bookstore and the nearby schools that my hometown had any right to. I'd listen to their stories, why they made their characters the way that they did, what parts of the book that I connected with that felt real were actually real.
James Dashner wrote a protagonist with a mother that baked cookies because his mom did.
Brandon Mull wrote about kids riding bokes to the downtown candy shop, because that's what he did.
Frank Beddor wrote about Alice in wonderland not understanding the violence of the world she walked through until she was an adult because he remembered being a kid and not seeing it either.
In middleschool I started planning a trilogy, got to chapter five, it was handwritten in a binder that mispelled the word "story" and eventually figured out that fanfiction was a much better place for me with the benefits I wanted but none of the drawbacks that come with being a writer full time.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
My little sister is the sounding board for most of my fics. I get to a problem and I don't know the answer, she hears about it and either gives good advice that I take or bad advice that helps me find out why it's bad for the story, and therefore what it needs to be good. I'm not sure she's actually read any of my fics because she's gotten the breakdown of all my plots before I ever post them, lol.
My family knows I write fanfic, though they don't know my penname so they haven't read any, (except my little brother, he accidentally found a flashdrive that had a bunch of old fanfics on it from a time my computer was broken and I was living on the flashdrive alone).
My best friend knows. A friend from college that introduced me to Full Metal Alchemist knows. A couple other friends learned along the way, I think.
So only my sister knows my fanfic writing habit and my penname, but I guess quite a few people know I have the hobby.
Thank you so much for asking!
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silentprincess17 · 1 year
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I posted 739 times in 2022
That's 151 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (6%)
694 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 651 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#zelink - 60 posts
#legend of zelda - 43 posts
#silent writes - 42 posts
#zelda - 40 posts
#link - 40 posts
#botw - 38 posts
#breath of the wild - 38 posts
#zelink fanfic - 30 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 30 posts
#zelink fanfiction - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#don’t worry about the sword op we can pretend he’s left it by the stump of a nearby tree so he can dance freely with the princess :)
My Top Posts in 2022:
One word prompt- Feather with Ocarina of time Zelink 👀. Also CONGRATS ON 350!!!!
Hi Ace! Thank you so much! :)
So, your prompt is chapter 2 of my OoT fic: A Map of Memories!
Summary: A Masquerade balls hides more facades than just those covered with a mask. Child time fic continued with now Adult!Link and Zelda :) Read Chapter 1 on AO3 | Tumblr AO3 Link:
A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight
Smoky fumes coloured the ceiling of the ballroom, burnt amber lighting from torches on the walls below illuminating the shadows. They allowed Zelda to catch glimmers of jewels, and reflections of satin fabric worn by the occupants.  
Her emerald mask, decorated with the feathers of the Kokiri and emeralds of the Goron, stretched across her cheeks, curving down on one side of her more heavily than the other, her eyes lined with kohl and golden shimmer eyeshadow. Gold velvet gloves covered her hands, extending to her elbows, with one hand extended along the staircase decorated with flower strands. The other hand folded shut a cherry blossom fan gifted to her by Ruto, slipping it into the secret waist band she’d kept from her childhood…
Even if the reason why she’d started to use said secret pocket was no longer with her. 
Swallowing, she moved from the final step, her golden heels echoing across the floor, delightfully anonymous, with the small trial of her dress following. The dress itself was emerald in colour, the bodice formed from a corset, with gold trim and embroidered foliage detail, flaring out at her hips, the details continuing in lazy swirls down to the end. 
After all, a princess in disguise still had to dress to a standard worthy of one. 
A waiter circulating with wine reached her, and she lifted the flute to her lips, knowing she’d need the alcohol to get through another, seemingly endless, night. Was it too soon to escape to the balcony? Probably. 
The feathers tickled her forehead and it made her smile. That had been such a fun adventure. She’d never climbed up roots from trees before. Or crawled through crevices of land. And then – 
She downed the rest of the glass. 
Twelve years had passed and she still thought of him. Hell, she had even dressed in his colours, wearing the last set of feathers they’d collected together, before his gaze set on the Lost Woods and in the hope of seeing him, one more time, she’d given him the Ocarina. 
Why? Twelve years later and she still held to the same wishful hope that he’d reappear? He’d show up again? He’d- 
“Mademoiselle, you look delightful tonight.”
Here we go again. 
“Why thank you.” Now she had no excuse, her glass was empty and so there would be no escape. “You look-” It was a concoction of lilac frills and yellow lace, toppled with an atrocious lime green hat. It was disgusting. “...Floral.” Is what she settled on in the end. 
“Of course! That’s the pinnacle of fashion, my mademoiselle. Can I have this next dance?” 
Firstly, she wasn’t his. Secondly, it was may, but idiots never bothered to learn the language. Sighing, she agreed. It was necessary for the charade after all. 
She winced for the first, but certainly not the last time that evening when his hands annoyingly found her waist to begin the dance. 
“Mademoiselle, you are very beautiful and gracious indeed. Isn’t it a shame the Princess has effectively obliterated our social calendar? We have been denied the chance of meeting sooner!”
Zelda had to fight not to roll her eyes. Then again maybe she could and in the dark the fool wouldn’t see. “Surely, Monsieur, you realise such an adjustment had to be made for the greater good of the People?” 
It was a miracle that she’d managed to cut down on so many of these stupid, idiotic parties for the nobles, limiting it to one every season. She’d reinvested the money saved into an emergency fund, helping those affected with poverty and starvation. Obviously, the rich had never faced these problems. But Zelda had. Oh, Zelda had seen what Hyrule could have been, in fact, what Hyrule was in a timeline just next to theirs. Reality could have flipped and she was not going to squander the blessings the other Princess Zelda and her Link had fought for. 
“Oh… yes. Indeed. I’m sure the Gerudo are very thankful.”
Zelda bristled, angrily twisting out of his hold, and watching him splutter across the dance floor trying to keep up. Yes, she was the one who had broken the boundaries with the Gerudo, offering aid and support, but the olive branch she’d extended hadn’t only benefited them alone! “Again, Monsieur, I have good intel that suggests the trade has proved fruitful for as many Hylian merchants as it has for the Gerudo people. We should never take excessive advantage of the resources we happen to have and use it as leverage against those who do not. And would you rather”- she turned aggressively to the right- “we risk war or we live in peace and prosperity?”
He gulped like a fish in response, flailing to keep up.  
She wasn’t a fool. Her trade deal had ensured the Gerudo wouldn’t cross the provider of the sole source of reliable food income, and even if they developed ideas of invasion, she had Sheikah hidden in and amongst them. 
Regardless, her council was based on the Sages of Hyrule. She had representatives from each land join, each land present their problems and together, cumulatively work together to find solutions. She had sourced resources, education, health and defence treaties from all the races within Hyrule, unifying them as a nation and as a stronghold in the wider world.  
Hyrule was a protected sanctuary of countries, of flourishing cultures, of people living good, lawful, peaceful lives and it would remain that way under Zelda’s control. 
See the full post
56 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
Hi hi people of zelink tumblr. I have briefly escaped exam shackles and thus present a very random wip because this has been bugging me for days.
Power was the superior triangle. It lorded over the foolish courage and wistful wisdom. It knew it’s place, was proud of its identity, and most certainly, he, the one who wielded it, knew of its unyielding, unflinching, never ending desire to succeed.
And yet.
Power was alone. It was alone at the tippermost point of a triangle whose base was strongly held by courage and wisdom.
Yes, theoretically each triangle connected to the other equally. But he’d always assumed power reigned over courage and wisdom, weaker traits inferior to it.
And yet, Ganondorf was beginning to realise, after watching another iteration of courage and wisdom defeat his supposedly all powerful power, perhaps the base of two was stronger than the might of one.
Even if that one happened to be power itself.
67 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
for celebration for hitting 200 followers! (CONGRATS) what about a snowy day?? maybe playing in the snow and drinking hot cocoa near the fire? stuff like that :) *for zelink <33
Hi! Thank you for sending in this ask! I had a lot of fun writing out snow shenanigans and I hope you like it!
Beta read by the wonderful @braidy-maidy, @zeldaelmo and @zeldadiarist :)
You can read on AO3, or on tumblr below:
When Link dared to stick his toe out of the incredible mound of blankets covering Zelda and him, and it immediately froze, he realised that the weather had finally taken a sharper turn into winter.
He was very glad he’d stocked up on wood for the fireplace and the stove, so there would be no need to set foot outside into the glacial temperatures. Ah, he could just move the blankets from here to the soon-to-be-roaring fire downstairs, sit and relax the cold away.
This was so much better than his last winter in the frigid mountains of Hebra trying his best to find shrines during snowstorms that left icicles along his boots, snow encrusted on his eyebrows and a terrible sense of being truly alone, lost in the grips of a blurry white, freezing cold, haze.
An arm shuffled through the blankets, found his waist and pulled. He felt an icy cold hand back track up his shirt. He shivered and tugged her closer. The left side of her was absolutely freezing! He started to rub up and down her arm, and she huddled closer. “What did you do?”
“Well, you’re very warm, Link. I took to sticking an arm out. But then I fell asleep like that and now it’s cold.”
He bopped her nose, tinted red from the chill. “I’m going to start the fire okay? We’re going to freeze otherwise. Even my extra warmth won’t be enough.”
She clung tighter, “I don’t want you to go.”
He hauled her into his arms whilst she squealed, wrapped both of them in a separate blanket and then unceremoniously chucked her across his shoulder, at which point she began to properly laugh. He made his way downstairs, by which point Burrito-Zelda had offered to help, and so he put her down, eyes bright and shining with mirth. Goddesses, it was at moments like these that his heart pounded extra loud. He hadn’t kissed her yet but oh, how he wanted to.
Maybe sometime this holiday. They’d been so busy with all the reconstruction, with organising the council… It'd been an endless stream of work and whilst they were more or less together, he hadn’t quitemanaged to tell her how he truly felt.
“Distracted, Hero?” She was already tugging pieces of fresh wood into the fireplace and he snapped out of it, moving to help her. Soon enough they had a pleasant fire going, and Link set about making wildberry crepes and hot cocoa for breakfast.
She washed up the dishes from last night, too fatigued to do them at the time, as he made the batter and started to cook.
Link often fell into a happy place as he cooked. It was a world where he tuned out and focused on creating something with his hands. Cooking took a whole new meaning when he started to prepare food specifically forZelda. It was a different kind of fulfilment to make good food that gave others as much joy as himself. All of that to say, he really wasn’t expecting her to suddenly gasp, and he quickly dropped the pan-
She’d opened the door. Well, attempted. It only pushed a few inches, before hitting a thick ledge of snow.
Hateno, from what he could make out, was dusted in white.
A copious layer had blanketed their entire front, the sign with their names half covered, the bridge elevated by a few inches with a fresh white top. Good thing they had all their supplies at the ready and didn’t need to head into the village proper.
The morning sun was half clouded, with more snow slowly falling and adding to the quiet, undisturbed landscape. “It’s gorgeous Link. I haven’t… I haven’t seen snow for so long…”
He suddenly remembered they hadn’t yet reached Hebra diplomatically, so to speak. It was the final one on the list, simply because they were waiting for the worst of the winter to pass. Chuckling, he plated the crepes, and put the cocoa into mugs with extra cream for them both. He came to hand them to her by the door. “We’ll go out in a bit. Eat up first, you’re going to need the energy.”
An eyebrow raised at him, as she nestled the cup in her hands. “Why?”
“You’ll see.”
Link was having the time of his life.
He’d given the snowquill set to Zelda, he was wearing the Sheikah armour, plus the warm doublet. And this would work out in his favour, because right now, Zelda was hiding behind the tree, half covered in snow from all the snowballs he’d thrown at her discreetly from his vantage point, and she had yet to hit him. The Sheikah set worked perfectly to mute his movements and hide him away.
He scuppered down from the roof, a volley of snowballs at the ready and-
A giant bright shield lit up, as soon he launched the first.
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69 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Hair brushing and/or braiding with BOTW Zelink? Congrats on 200!!!!!!
Hi @sweetlystarry! Thank you so much and here you go!
This fic that follows is a continuation of A smile in the rain, but I've linked everything from that underneath.
As always, kindly beta read by @zeldaelmo, @braidy-maidy and @zeldadiarist :)
Read on AO3 here or continue on tumblr below:
Link briefly thought about an answer to her question, before deciding it was irrelevant, and not where his immediate focus should lay, no, that should lie solely in the change in her demeanour, the gloominess and downcast look that seemed set in her face.
Nothing would threaten her smile as radiant as the sun if he had any say, and he sheathed his sword, walked across, and gently tugged her up, ignoring her queries and dragged her out, beyond the protective branches of the tree, into the pouring rain.
He twirled her once, twice, three times before a small, sad smile appeared, and he decided to do something stupid to change it to a real one.
He guided her into the classic pattern of a jive, featuring a series of high-speed, ridiculous leg flicks and kicks that had her properly laughing, and ended with them inevitably slipping in the mud.
But at that moment, he didn’t care, for her smile was back… and that was all that mattered... Until he realised they were now in a right state. Not at all suitable for presenting back at the castle.
So, after making a thorough mess of themselves in the mud, that even the rain couldn’t entirely clean off, Link ended up guiding Zelda to Hateno. It was probably safest to show up at his home and deal with his mother asking what mischief in the Goddess’s name had they been up to, instead of rocking up to the castle with KingRhoam questioning instead.
At least his mother wouldn’t behead him. Probably. Actually, there was no guarantee.
Still, he didn’t really allow himself to worry about all of that. It was all said and done now, nothing could reverse time and alter them back to how they were before it started pouring anyway.
And Hateno wasn’t far from here, the Bridge of Hylia, if they rode hard and fast. Hopefully they’d arrive in 4 hours.
The Princess hung tightly onto his back, her clothes soaked through and he was worried about her catching something, but he didn’t have any spare clothing. And that was useless. Hylia had decided to drown the world in her tears that day, there would be no real escape from the steadily increasing torrential downpour.
“This rain… it is rather strange Link.”
Rain? Strange? He pondered briefly what she meant.
Words flowed easily between them now, she’d coaxed him into a level of comfort he had with few people. Although… their newfound closeness wasn’t doing him any favours with restraining the growing bud of feelings he was starting to realise existed solely for her. Recently, it was starting to feel like it could erupt at any given moment. Just now, dancing in the rain, he’d been so tempted to- her arms cinched tighter around his waist, her fingers outlining his tensed abdomen as she adjusted her position and he choked out a “Hm?” as a response, mind derailing for the thousandth time in her presence.
“This rain has not stopped for three hours now, if anything it’s increasing in vigour. Hyrule Field has never experienced such eccentric weather patterns. Normally, the rain would be a light drizzle. Certainly, for the spring time that we’re in, I’d expect a lighter load, not this sort of deluge.”
Link was still torn between where he had wanted to press his lips on her skin as they slipped into the mud in a fit of giggles, and where her hands were currently pressing into him to really lend much brain power to such a statement. He decided for something open-ended, to give him time to recover his wits. Goddesses, this was happening much too frequently for it to be a good thing. “It’s almost like we’re in Faron.”
“Precisely! You see! It’s the same volume you’d expect for a summer, humid monsoon type of rain. And yet, it’s quite chilly! Not warm by any measure of the sort. Most confusing.”
He remembered Daruk mentioning that Death Mountain hadn’t experienced this sort of activity for centuries. He wondered if that extended to the rain. He wasn’t going to bring it up though, not after he’d only just managed to pull her from that depressing stream of thought.
“You never mentioned where we’re going, Link.”
Well, he’d been distracted. “Oh right! Sorry. Hateno.”
She stiffened, head popping across his shoulder to stare at him, “Link! I can’t meet your mother like this! What will she think of me?!”
Goddesses above, now she was even closer. NO, FOCUS LINK. He had to look away, back to the road to guide Epona even though Epona knew it like the back of her hoof and didn’t need guiding. “She won’t think poorly of you, Zelda. And we can’t exactly go back to the castle like this.”
She simmered back down, slammed her forehead in between his shoulder blades. “Fine. I accept your point.”
“Are you going to have a strop now,” he teased.
“None of your business, Sir Knight.”
He chuckled as she muttered something about her hair and how it was in a rightful state and how she did not look appropriate at all.
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85 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
TP Zelink healing from trauma
Hello @dontasknotyourconcern thank you for sending in this prompt! It sort of ran away from me and ended up being quite a bit longer than I expected! I hope you like what I’ve done with it! 
This was kindly beta read by @braidy-maidy, @zeldaelmo and @zeldadiarist.
AO3 Link or continue on tumblr below:
It didn’t really sink in, what Midna had done, what it truly meant, that it really was the end and he’d never see her again until they reached the gates of partly collapsed Hyrule Castle, and Zelda delicately shifted off Epona, and slid to the ground.
He’d been in a blur the entire journey back. They had spent several hours just staring at the shattered pieces but he refused to believe it then. Princess Zelda was the one who had helped him slowly walk away from the mirror, build a fire for the night to ward off the cold, and corralled him into finally leaving the desert because they had no food or water. He’d deluded himself into thinking Midna had just gone for a sulk and would soon come back to boss him around. He surged down on the want to go back to the desert and pick up all the pieces and rebuild the damned mirror. It wouldn’t work. He knew enough about magic to know that simple glue and mortar wouldn’t fix it. Not to mention… the mirror could only be destroyed by the true ruler of the Twili and so… the only person who could fix it was no longer on this side of the plane.
Facts, rational facts, and yet, he still felt a gnawing need to try.
Zelda turned to face him. He realised he was probably being rude. Wasn’t it wrong to force a Princess to look up to a goat herder?
He made to move down, but a gloved hand rested on his. Much like she’d done earlier. “Hero of Hyrule. I can only thank you for all you’ve done. I…” She looked away, back down the road they’d just followed and briefly he wondered- she’d been with them too, hadn’t she? In… some form maybe, but for the second half of their journey she’d been there. Did-did she feel the same?
He didn’t know her though.
He didn’t think it appropriate to ask.
“I would like to extend an invitation to you, Hero. If ever you find yourself in need of anything, my castle will always be open for you. For now… you are going back to Ordon correct?”
Oh. Yes. That. He nodded.
She’d asked, in the silence that otherwise sat between them on the journey home if he wanted anything and he’d declined. The one person he was desperate to see was now far beyond his reach. And then she asked if he had any idea what to do next. And he’d stated he’d go back home.
Wherever home was.
She was probably right in saying ‘Ordon.’ He should go back and check if the children were okay. Yeah, that was a smart thing to do right? Maybe Uli’s pumpkin soup would make him feel better.
“I wish you well, Hero. Please, pass my regards to the inhabitants or Ordon. I bid you a good evening.” She bowed, lightly, and again, he felt that was wrong, and before he could say anything she turned and left, the broken mass of grey stones swallowing her whole.
Link clicked his tongue, gently tugged on Epona’s reins and did little else on the journey back “home”.
Link pulled the covers tighter across his head, the cold winter wind rafting in his treehouse felt like it was reaching deep inside his bones, despite his best attempts to warm up.
He should get up to build the fire.
That was the logical thing to do.
It really was.
And yet, he couldn’t stomach the idea of moving out of the small sequestered canal of blankets he’d folded himself into.
It was stupid, staring at the fire willing it to start itself. It wasn’t going to do that. The same way he willed Midna to come back. To tell him what to do next. To make him feel like he was of some use. She wasn’t going to magically appear any more than the fire would start itself.
His first week back at Ordon had been in late autumn. There was all the harvesting to do, the wheat to gather and process, the goats were herded back into the winter barn instead of the airier summer one.
Tthere was a lot to do, so he didn’t have much time to think. Link slotted right back into the farm work as if he’d never left. He kept the shadow crystal in his breast pocket as a reminder that it had actually all happened and it wasn’t just a dream.
But then… winter seeped in. Time slowed. Nights dragged.
And Link was left with nothing but his thoughts.
And his thoughts revolved around in endless loops and circles. Plot twists. Things he should have done. Things he shouldn’t have done. Things that might have made a difference. Things that didn’t matter at all.
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109 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deiliamedlini · 2 years
🎢 🏆 ⛔
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
This is hard. Like, a ride to write? To exist? The plot??! Lol! IDK! I think my guess on this might have to be Of Kith and Kin just because the chaos factor was up there in the plot, and I wanted WAYYY more chaos than I ended up with too bc I lost motivation and just wanted to get it done by the end. But it's Princess Zelda was engaged to Link as a teen, he got scared and influenced by some 'friends' and cheated on her publicly so that the king would break the marriage, then Zelda slept with his older brother and then they were both sent to fight somewhere, and when they came back, she slept with the brother again, and then fell back in love with Link and broke it off with the brother, and then she got married to an old king guy who got killed immediately, and thennnn ummmm then she married Link so she wouldn't have to be forced into another marriage, then the brother found out and was pissed and then you find out that he's a bad guy so they're all like AHH and thennnnnnnnnnnnnn Zelda goes badass and takes everyone down 😁! If I ever had to pick a fic to rewrite, I'd pick this one, honestly, and I'd make it anon, and then I'd lean even harder into the chaos because it was FUN to just be like "WEEEEEEE" with them and not actually care 😂
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
Alone With You, though Dance With Me is coming up FAST in the statistics section, so I think that will end up overtaking it by the time it's done, honestly, just because Alone didn't have this many views by chapter 14 or wherever I am, so idk, I think that will eventually be the answer, but for now, it's absolutely Alone With You.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I DID! I do this a lot with my unpublished WIPS and just recycle scenes, so I'll only count published fics! I had a Hunger Games fic that was my first ever fanfiction which I THINK i kept on FFN for posterity lol. I scrapped it and never finished.
Then I had On a Cloud and a Dream (a skyward sword fic), which I lost all inspiration for after several disparaging comments about lore-related things. I was much younger and actually cared at that point. Tell me that now and I'd be like "it's my fic and if you don't like my interpretation of game lore, go read someone else's fic." But at the time, it was enough to make me scrap it.
And then I had Threads, which was a Zelink fic set in both Hyrule and Termina, Zelda was a struggling loner in Termina who worked at the Milk Bar and the Stockpot Inn and lived there since Anju was her friend and the only one who would let her stay for so cheap. Everyone thought she had issues, but it was because she never slept, had constant nightmares, and had to use all of her pay to take care of her father, who wasn't a nice person because it was Rhoam lol. And Link was a disgraced knight because he broke the code of honor and was kicked out, so he was on his way to Termina to stay at the Inn. And the bad guys were all at the Milk Bar and it was so fun bc it was Cia, Yuga, and I think Ghirahim, and Veran? So it was like the dejected villains lol! But I scrapped it when I just....... had no plot beyond that. I might have even gotten so frustrated with it that I took it off FFN, but I can't remember.
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mossy-korok · 2 years
Moments Forgotten
#19: Versus Calamity Ganon
Summary: Princess Zelda faces Calamity Ganon alone.
Notes: What started off as some one shots ~blossomed~ into its own little collection. Thank you always for reading and supporting me! Epilogue next week ❤️
#1 | #18 | #20 | Ao3
Fire. Fire was constant. It charred the grass, stripped the trees, reduced buildings to piles of ash. The world was ablaze—no life spared.
Princess Zelda strode among the flames, her soiled ceremonial dress swaying with each step, splotches of soot covering her form. Her path was well-worn, only discernible by carriage wheel etchings, carved through the charred remains of greenery. In the distance, trees were dressed with fire instead of leaves, providing fuel for further destruction.
With a hard, unmoving expression plastered on her face, Zelda kept her eyes straight, her neck stiff. She would not turn her head to errant sparks or licks of flame, acting as if she were familiar with the sight of blistered earth.
To her right: a guardian approached, scuttling down a hill, emitting a repetitive warning. Pausing, she clenched her fists as its red laser glided over her skin. Its aim did not falter with its advance; coiling and stretching its legs, it emitted a squirming noise not quite animal, not quite machine.
A bubble of light consumed the automata, halting its advance. As the luminous attack dissipated, the guardian fell, malice sliding out of its shell and fading into the air. Zelda gradually lowered her outstretched arm, the one that dealt its end.
“I will stop you… as much as I can.”
A light breeze tossed her hair as it lifted soot from the ground, speckling the air around her. Closing her eyes, she dipped her chin like she was saying a prayer.
“You’ve taken enough from me… Calamity Ganon.”
She raised her head—high above the ruin surrounding her.
She marched on.
Zelda looked into the hazy black abyss that signified the entrance of the Sanctum.
Far behind her, beyond the castle gate, lay the smoldering remains of shops and homes and businesses. Smoke billowed into the sky, spreading as it climbed, forming a gray layer of atmosphere that hid the sunlight. Gray shrouded the castle grounds, blending the earth and the sky, turning all into one.
Craning her neck upwards, she watched the swirling beast, her eyes fiery emeralds. As if announcing her arrival, the demon unleashed an unholy bellow that threatened to rip open the sky. She barely glimpsed at the scattered stone or the gaping roof or the fallen walls around her, following every move of Calamity Ganon.
“Be strong, Hyrule.”
Her fingers curled into fists.
“May… the souls of those lost find peace.” She looked down at her left hand, the hand which controls her divine magic.
The beast roared a guttural wail, a sound akin to tectonic plates shifting. Zelda’s chest heaved, she pressed the soles of her sandals firmly into the scorched earth. Squaring her shoulders, she inhaled deeply, solemnly…
“Rest well, Link.”
With lips cemented shut, she glared at Calamity Ganon cresting above its falsely claimed fortress, unhinging its jaw to scream. She stood as tall as a battlement, thrusting her arm high above the crown of her head. Her palm glowed, expelling glimmering beams in all directions.
“You are our final hope. The fate of Hyrule rests with you.”
Ganon plunged to the ground, surging towards the princess with force that could make mountains shutter.
Suddenly, a dazzling arch materialized around Zelda. Drips of brilliance radiated from the center of her palm, cascading around her in a perfect curve, forming a solid structure. Thick wisps of translucent light danced around her body as the golden orb expanded, enveloping her wholly.
“And I…”—her voice strained, her hand shined brighter—“will NOT fall!”
Dark met light in a clash of earth-trembling strength, exerting a brutal might compounded over eternities—the combination of absolute opposite forces.
The world shook, lurching from the awesome power as two ancient entities waged their timeless war. A blur of ink black and searing pink, a flash of pure light, and then neither—for the princess and the demon had vanished.
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embyrinitalics · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 No. 20 — Lost
Masterlist Word count: ~2090 Universe: Twilight Princess; sequel to “No. 1 — Waking Up Restrained” Pairings: Zelink Rating: K Themes: Self doubt, guilt, fear Read on ao3
Link’s recovery was slow going. He regained himself in pieces, in long, punishing battles fought in his own mind. Memories of the missing four months were scattered and incomplete, trickling back in dreams or disconcerting flashes that he couldn’t make sense of. But sometimes his lack of progress seemed less a consequence of his spotty memory, and more a result of what he could remember.
After everything he had done under the Gerudos’ influence, he found it impossible to trust himself, even when his mind was at its most clear.
Zelda was eternally patient, comforting him through the turmoil and fortifying him through spells of despair. She tried to keep him busy, presenting the reports filed by the captain serving in his stead for his inspection and whatever else would fall under his purview. More than once, he came back to himself to find her asleep at his bedside. He couldn’t account for it at all. Surely she knew better than to feel guilty over sending him on that mission, or to suppose that he expected preferential treatment.
But then, watching the first rays of sun filter through the curtains one morning, he was struck with the fleeting impression of silken hair slipping through his fingertips, of the pleasant give of soft lips under his, and all at once it made more sense.
He sunk his head into his hands and tried to call up the rest, tried to remember himself somewhere in the midst of it. But it was so hard to be sure of anything, even himself. Especially himself.
By the time Zelda called on him, he had been pacing in a fog for an hour. He tried not to stiffen when she smiled at him, tried not to stare for too long as she crossed the room, left a parcel on his nightstand, and opened the curtains. But suddenly he couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“You’re up early,” she said, and he forced his gaze away. It felt like there was nowhere for it to settle.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he frowned, his voice little more than a hoarse whisper.
She folded her hands in that thoughtful way she did, pensive, and glided across the room like a swan. She was always elegant, always poised. Had she always been so perfect? So terrifying?
“I can ask the apothecary for more herbs,” she offered, but he shook his head.
“I just had a lot on my mind.”
“Anything you care to talk about?”
He raked a hand through his hair, acutely aware of the way she studied him, trailing his movements. Probably looking for glimmers of the man she had drawn so much closer to over those missing four months. He had no idea if she found them or not.
“I don’t—” He sighed at himself, quashing the urge to fidget. “I don’t know. Maybe. I just… I remembered something this morning.”
“Oh,” she breathed, her brow drawing just slightly together, eyes brushing the carpet, shoulders falling so gently—feeling his pain with him. It felt like a punch to the stomach. He didn’t deserve it. “I’m so sorry.”
He knew what she was imagining—that he was seeing more violence, more senseless, bloody murders committed with his own teeth—and he was too quick to assure her, “No. Not that.”
A sudden, pregnant silence descended on the room like a fog over a wayward ship. He could hear the pendulum of the grandfather clock in the hallway—or maybe he was hearing the click of the gears turning in her mind, dovetailing again and again as she drew one conclusion after another.
And he knew, when she finally met his eyes again, that it was written all over his face.
“I see,” she finally said.
She waited through another stretch of that smothering silence, too composed to run, and he stood there uselessly, measuring the span of it by the deafening pulse in his ears. There was more than enough time for him to say something, anything, to salvage the situation. But he just… let it slip through his fingers. And she was left picking up the pieces. Again.
“I brought the captain’s report for you,” she said, gesturing to his end table, “and I’ll have them send up your breakfast.”
He nodded, still exasperatingly mute. And she turned to leave. Not that he had given her much recourse. She paused in the doorway, brow furrowing in that rare display of troubled thought, and met his eyes again.
“I apologize if I’ve… done anything to make you feel uncomfortable,” she said, offering him a grim smile that was too polite.
The door closed, separating them, completing the indifferent wall between them that should have left him feeling more numb than when she was there. But he didn’t unfreeze. He just stood there like a fool, reliving satin strands weaved between his fingers and the barest hint of perfume on his tongue until someone arrived with his breakfast tray.
He didn’t see her again for two days. He knew it was out of consideration for him—she was not one to be driven away by awkwardness or hurt feelings—but he couldn’t help but feel it was a sort of punishment. Not that he didn’t deserve it after how poorly he had handled the situation, of course, it was just… unpleasant.
It did give him some time to sort through the images rattling around in his head. And some of it did draw into better focus: standing at her shoulder like a shadow; watching her restrain a smile whenever some delegate or other was being particularly ridiculous and he met her eyes; staying up late with her in the library, retrieving books; asking with a smirk that was unmistakably wry, Would it be completely untoward if I kissed you?
But for all his dwelling, he was no more certain of himself than he was before.
She finally invited him to join her—quite late, and in a private, and through an extremely apologetic messenger who took pains to make it absolutely clear that he was at liberty to decline. He didn’t waste a moment deciding.
She rose from the couch when he found her in front of the fireplace in one of her private parlors, wearing a smile that he supposed was meant to be reassuring—and was, in a way, even if it was a mask.
“Hello,” she said.
Her voice was steady and perfect and elegant, like she was. He couldn’t help but envy her poise a bit. She had told him once, before all this started, that he had very expressive eyes. He took that to mean he wore his emotions on his sleeve. He hadn’t thought that a particularly detrimental quality at the time, but now he felt tossed out on the battlefield without a shield.
He swallowed his pride, crossing the room, and said, “Hello.”
She gestured to the couch (and it was a dance they were used to: he was obligated to stay standing until she sat, but it was artless to let her sit down alone, so she moved slowly and he didn’t defer, and they came down on the cushion more or less in tandem), and nearly as soon as they were seated she cleaved through the silence.
“Thank you for coming, Link. It was kind of you.”
He scoffed quietly at himself—at how miserably he had botched her last visit, and how it was he who should be thanking her for the invitation. But he didn’t bother contradicting her. She was both predisposed to and well-versed in the art of debate. And he was just a soldier. It wouldn’t end well.
He smirked at her instead, warm and wry and as reassuring as he could make it, and said, “What can I do for you, Your Highness?”
Her expression was soft, but calculating, so there was no mistaking her words as either droll or distraught. She shot straight as an arrow. But where his eyes were expressive, hers were vacant, and perhaps that was most telling of all.
“I’m not a fragile woman, and I would much rather know the truth than waste time wondering, so please be honest with me. Were any of the feelings you expressed to me over those four months genuine, or were those sentiments the result of your conditioning?”
He had to swallow before he answered, had to lick dry lips. The words wouldn’t come loose, the false starts piling up one after the other. But there was nothing for it. He couldn’t give her a truth he didn’t possess.
He finally whispered, his face all contrition, “I don’t know.”
“I see,” she murmured, though the subtle shift of her eyes and shoulders said otherwise. Her lips pursed, betraying her dissatisfaction, before she pressed a little more. “I just assumed that if those feelings had been genuine, they would still exist. And if they hadn’t—”
“It isn’t that simple.”
“Don’t think you have to spare my feelings. I can accept it if the answer is no.”
“That’s not it.”
She studied him, eyes colored with something he was sure he wasn’t meant to see—frustration, and irresolution, and helplessness. “Then what is it?”
He pressed his mouth into his hand, not really sure where to begin. His mind was enough of a mess as it was. Trying to explain that mess to someone else was another thing entirely.
“You have to understand… I’d never let myself consider a relationship with you in that way because you always seemed so unattainable.”
Her eyes softened a bit. “Was I really so frightening?”
“I herd goats for a living.”
“And save kingdoms in distress and win interdimensional wars in your spare time,” she smirked, leaning further back in the couch and smoothing an imaginary wrinkle in her skirt.
She was teasing him. He didn’t remember her smirking much before. He decided he liked it.
But she had asked him for the truth, and he meant to give it to her, even if it was unpleasant.
“If I fell in love with you, I don’t remember it,” he said, and she nodded.
“I know.”
He sighed, listening to all the unspoken questions whispering in the delicate silence that followed: Could you love her? Would you? Or are you too broken to try?
“Do you have any idea what it’s like,” he finally said, staring into the flames, “to close your eyes and see nothing but memories of hurting the people you care about?”
She said, too simply, “Yes.”
He looked at her again, bemused, and stared as the pieces clicked idly into place. Ganon. That had been clumsy of him.
“That wasn’t your fault,” he whispered.
“Neither was what happened to you.”
“So you keep saying. But I can’t help feeling like I should have done more,” he murmured, and then met her eyes. “I can’t help feeling like I might still hurt someone.”
She nodded, swallowing imperceptibly. She stared at the fire, or through it. And he was bound to her silence, to the nothing gnawing at both of them, until she took a breath.
“Link, I know I have no right to ask anything of you, or to demand an answer from you when you don’t have one to give. I just…” She sighed, her shoulders finally sagging, her eyes finally drifting aimlessly. He thought he had never seen her looking so lost. “I just need to be able to think clearly.”
He stared, wishing he could purge that uncertainty clouding her face, wishing he could earn another of her teasing smiles instead. And suddenly all he could think of was that half-forgotten sensation of her hair running over his fingers, of her lips brushing against his, soft as breath.
He reached over and pried her hand gently out of her lap where it was clenched over fabric, holding her fingers aloft with an obeisant, open grip, and then—hesitantly, wonderingly, reverently—pressed his lips to the back of her knuckles. The soft cloth of her gloves was nothing compared to the soft memory of her skin, all flawless and electrifying under his mouth, but a shiver ran down his spine all the same.
He met her eyes, warned her quietly, “We’re going to have to start from the beginning.”
She smiled again—quieter, not so teasing, splashed with firelight—and as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze, her eyes brimming with gratitude, he felt that perhaps the gods hadn’t been so cruel as he thought.
Perhaps he could be redeemed after all.
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