#and mike loves all his paintings and is like whoa this is amazing
beaulesbian · 2 years
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geniusgub · 4 years
north//chapter five
new chapter time!! let me know if you want to be added onto the taglist. enjoy and don’t forget to leave your feedback!
also this chapter is dedicated to @babybobbybones​ because Ruby is always so supportive of my writing and they are always willing to give me honest opinions on my writing and my moodboards so thank u sm!!!!! love u fishy!! dis is for u!
genre: fluff
pairing: season nine spencer x female oc
warnings: none
word count: 5.6k
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I fall onto the floor of my studio, leaning my head against the wall and staring up at the easel, a half-painted canvas propped up on it. I scrunch up my nose, tilting my head back and forth to try and find the beauty in the ugly flowers I’ve just painted. I sit up on my knees and reach my brush forward, adding just a few more strokes to the canvas, but my brush happens to be too saturated with water and the paint just drips down to the bottom of the canvas, ruining the entire painting. Whatever, I didn’t like it anyway.
I throw my brush into the water and sit back down against the wall, letting my eyes wander out the window to my left. My eyes dart between the window and the canvas and I wonder whether I should start over on a new canvas or throw in the towel for the day. Before I can either stand to get my keys and leave or stand to retrieve a new canvas, my phone starts ringing beside me. The name Mike flashes across my screen, so I lunge to answer.
"Hi, there!” I quip, and before Mike can even speak, I hear squeaks and screams of children in the background. The sound makes me grin. 
"Hey, Lia. How's it going over in Virginia?" He nearly has to shout over the kids around him.
"It's-" my eyes wander back out the window and to the Starbucks across the street. A couple walks out the door just at that moment, clutching cups of steaming liquid and giggling with each other. My smile only grows and my mind wanders off to Spencer and what he might be doing right now while I’m trying to work, "it's pretty amazing, actually. I'm, um, yeah, it's great, Mike,"
"That's,” he pauses, “great, but there’s something else in your voice. What's happening in Virginia? Anything I need to know about?" Mike's voice is teasing, as he always is.
"Maybe," I respond in the same mischievous tone he gives me, my cheeks turning pink. I don’t give Mike another chance to question what is going so well in Virginia, and I just keep talking about the guy that has been on my mind every second since I first laid my eyes on him. "I've, um, I met a guy and I really like him and-"
"Whoa, whoa, you've got a boyfriend? Have we entered a parallel universe? Is this even you on the phone? Whoever is talking to me on the phone- who are you and what have you done with Amelia Stark?”
"I know, I know," I giggle, and I start to kick my feet like an excited child. "I met him at this cafe, and I swear, Mike, you'd love him. He's insanely smart and he's so sweet and he's such a gentleman. And get this, if you're not convinced then this will convince you- he’s an FBI agent."
"Amelia Stark. You're dating an FBI agent?"
"More specifically, he works for the BAU," Again, I let out a dramatic sigh and fall onto my back on the floor, letting myself be pulled into another lovesick daydream. I let my mind wander off to Spencer’s smile and his laugh and his warm touch and how utterly beautiful he makes me feel whenever we are together. "I just- I know I don't really date but-"
"Telling me you don't date is the understatement of the century. You’re not a commitment girl, and you’re a one night stand girl. You've never answered my calls and told me that things in Virginia are amazing and great and you've definitely never told me that you have a boyfriend, much less a boyfriend that works for the BAU,"
"There's just something about him! He's so different from any guy I've ever met before. I never wanted him to just be a one night stand or some guy that I hang out with for a few weeks and then forget about. Spencer is just amazing- he's so gentle with me, and he indulges in the things I like instead of always forcing the things he likes on me, and he always makes an effort to see me even though he's insanely busy,"
"Wow," Mike scoffs out a laugh. "I don't even know what to say. I'm glad you found someone who you like this much. I'm not even gonna bring up the capital L word because I know you're scared of it, but I have a nasty feeling that you might be bringing up the scary L word soon. And I'm even more glad that you've found an FBI agent with a gun who can protect you,"
"Oh my gosh," I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes into the back of my head. "I've never seen his gun, actually,"
"Good. You tell him to keep his gun away from you for quite a while, especially since you’re telling me he won’t be one of your one night stands. Both of his guns, if you know what I mean,"
My jaw nearly hits the floor at Mike’s remark, and before I can even respond, he bursts into a fit of laughter. "I- oh my god, you did not just say that,” 
He chokes on his laughs as he keeps talking. "I'm only messing with you, but not really. Form emotional connections before you jump into bed. That’s what I did with Wendy and look at how long we’ve been together,”
I wrack my brain for any kind of number, but I come up empty. “How long have you guys been together?”
“Too long,” he deadpans.
“Hey! I hope Wendy isn’t home right now because she would have your head on a stake if she heard you say that,”
“She’s at work right now but she left me alone with all the little monsters. Listen, just make sure you use-"
"A condom! I got it, Mikey. I’m a responsible adult, contrary to popular belief. Can we stop talking about this? Let me talk to the kids! I’ll tell them to stop screaming,” I sit up again and my grimace from the slightly NSFW conversation turns into a wide smile, the giddiness bubbling in my stomach.
"Hey, kiddos! Gather around! Your favorite grown-up person is on the phone!" Mike shouts over the hoard of children in his house, and their shouts get closer and closer to his phone until their voices are blaring through the speaker of my phone.
"Amelia! Amelia! Amelia!"
"Hi, my loves!" I exclaim, "how's everything with Mike and Wendy?"
"Come home, Lia! We miss you!" Reese cries out, stumbling over her words in a way that makes my heart swell.
"You didn't come home for Christmas and we missed you so much!" Tyler squeaky voice adds.
"I know, I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to come home for Christmas, and I missed you guys so much too. But I’m sure Mike and Wendy made Christmas really special for everyone, didn’t they? I'm gonna try to come home soon but I can't promise anything. I have lots of pictures of you all and I think about you every day. I'll draw and I'll paint lots of new things and I'll send them home to you. Does that sound good?" They all shout confirmations back at me, and I manage to pick out a few requests for things like dogs and cats and flowers, and that request makes me remember the failed painting right in front of me. "Great. I'm sitting in my studio right now so I'll get working on those. If y’all have any more requests then tell Mike and he’ll tell me. I love you all, okay? I miss you guys so much,"
The kids all shout goodbyes at me before there's rustling on the other line. "Alright, it's just me now," Mike says. 
"I actually plan on sending you guys art, partly because I want to and partly as an apology for not coming home for the holidays. Let me know if you need anything new for the walls, whether it’s at home or at the police station. Need a new piece for your office, Sheriff?" I tease, pushing myself off the floor for the first time in almost two hours, grabbing a stack of new canvases.
"We could always use more of your artwork, sweetheart, you know that. Call more, okay? I know it's hard, but we clearly all love hearing from you. And I wanna hear more about this profiling boyfriend of yours. Maybe I'll look up his file in the FBI database,"
"You don't have access to that database, you’re not a federal agent. Just google his name. I gotta get started on these paintings. I’ll call soon.”
“Wait! I only know his first name! What’s his-”
“Oops, that sucks. Tough luck. Gotta go,” I finally get the chance to throw his teasing right back in his face, a grin coming to my face as he groans dramatically. “Love you, Mikey!”
"Love you, kid. Stay safe,"
"You too. Don't get shot,"
"I won't."
My fingers drum against the book on my lap as I listen to dial tones over and over, waiting anxiously for an answer. Maybe today is a bad day and we don’t get to talk today, and that’s okay. There’s always tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. But I was just hoping for a nice conversation today, and every time another dial tone rings in my ear, it’s like another stab to the chest.
I perk up at the answer, grinning and setting my book onto the coffee table in front of me."Hi, Mom,"
"Spencer, I've been waiting for you to call me for weeks! You can’t ignore me for that long! You can’t leave your poor, old mother in the wind like that!”
I chuckle at her, happy that today seems to be a good day and she’s even capable of joking around. "Sorry, Mom. I've been really busy with work lately, but I wasn’t ignoring you. How was Christmas? I'm sorry I couldn't make it out,"
"It was good, Spencer. I would've preferred to spend it with you, but I enjoyed it," Mom tells me. "We watched movies and made gingerbread houses and some of the nurses got us gifts,"
"That sounds wonderful,"
"So tell me how you've been, honey. You know I hate talking about me and this dreadful place. I'd much rather hear about you,"
My eyes wander over to the coffee table in front of me, or more specifically the scarf that Amelia had left here when stayed over. It must have slipped off of her head when we were sleeping and fell under the couch, and when she rushed out so I could get going, she didn’t realize she wasn’t wearing it anymore. I hadn't gotten a chance to return it because I got whisked away on a case and I haven't been able to see Amelia yet. I reach for it, feeling the soft silk between my fingers. "Um, it's- huh, it's actually pretty great over here,"
"That's wonderful to hear! What's so great about it?" Mom doesn't get much entertainment in her facility and her main contact comes through me. I'm always open to telling her everything and I try to write her at least one letter every day so she can have something to read if I can’t call her, but I was so hell-bent on keeping Amelia a secret. I thought that maybe if I kept her a secret from everyone, then I'd be taking one more precaution at shielding her from my world, but I know that's useless. It's not worth it to keep Amelia a secret and to lie about the source of my happiness, at least not from my mother.
"Well," I look down at the scarf and picture the way Amelia uses the square of fabric to tie back her unruly curls and the way she always seems to look like an angel, "I've met a girl,"
"I’m sure you meet many girls, Spencer. You’re going to have to be a little more specific than that.” 
"Her name is Amelia and she's an artist and I swear, Mom, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. We met at the cafe where I get coffee before work and we got coffee together every day that I was home from a case for two months and we spent Christmas together. I just,” I fully expect my mom to cut me off and start rambling about Amelia and how I should pursue a relationship with her if she is making me this happy, but she doesn’t say anything and it forces me to have to finish a sentence I don’t want to say, “she's the first girl I've liked this much since, you know, since Maeve, and I knew I liked her right away and that’s just- it’s really scary,"
"Spencer, it sounds to me like you might even love her," Mom's voice softens. "I'm not going to try and tell you what you’re feeling, but like I always tell you, a mother knows. I'm happy for you, I really am. You deserve to be happy and have someone in your life to look after you and make sure you're healthy and take care of you. Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, last week. But we've known each other for almost three months and every time I look at her, I just feel so, I don’t really know. Whenever I get to see her, I never want to leave when I have to and-" I lay down on the couch and throw my head onto a pillow, the scarf resting right in front of my face. "Maybe I do love her. That's so scary though. I haven't known her for long at all. Can you fall in love with someone after three months?"
"When you first meet someone, you get a first impression, right? Sometimes you can be put off, or you can be instantly intimated by someone, or be intrigued, and so on. Love is a feeling, right? It’s a feeling in the same way that fear and intrigue are. Who’s to say you can’t feel love when you first meet someone? Who's to say you can't fall in love with someone in that same amount of time that someone can scare you? Love is complex and, yes, it’s scary and you've been scorned by it in the past, but don't let that get in the way of this good thing you've got with this Amelia girl,"
"I've never thought of love like that before."
Mom laughs gently. "Like I said. A mother knows," she pauses. "Oh, Spencer, I've gotta go. The nurses need me."
"That's fine," I breathe out a sigh, pushing myself up to a sitting position and pulling the scarf into my lap again. "Thanks for the talk. It was really helpful. I love you, Mom,"
"I love you too, Spencer," Mom says before hanging up, leaving me alone yet again in my apartment.
I push myself to my feet, leaving the scarf on the coffee table, making my way into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for myself. I lean over the counter and check my watch, counting down the seconds until Amelia is set to show up at my door. And as if the universe is answering my silent prayer, there's a soft knock on the door just a millisecond later. I leave my coffee on the counter and rush to let her in, throwing the door open. 
Amelia is standing there, looking as beautiful as ever, wearing a white dress and her black peacoat, camera hanging around her neck and one strap from her backpack draped over her shoulder. She’s beaming at me, almost emitting rays of sunshine from her body, shuffling her way through the door and throwing her arms around my neck in a tight hug. It nearly takes me by surprise, but if I’ve learned anything about Amelia by now, it’s that she’s affectionate and she loves to hug, and I can’t seem to find a single fault in that. I whisper a greeting in her ear, reaching around Amelia’s waist to shut the door, keeping out the cold air that blows inside from the hallway.
"Hi, dove," she chirps, sinking down on her heels when we pull away from the hug.
I cock my head to the side like a puppy, trying to hide my confusion but I’m positive it’s evident on my face. "Dove?"
"It’s just a pet name. Do you not like it? I could call you something else, or I could just stick to your name if that’s-”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Amelia unravels her arms from around my neck and shrugs off her backpack, hanging it right beside my jacket, then crouches down to take off her shoes. “I like it, actually.” 
“Noted,” Amelia jumps back up to her feet, now noticeably shorter without her heels, and gives me a cheesy smile. She opens her mouth to say something else but her mouth snaps shut when her eyes travel downwards just a bit. “Spencer, you’re still in your work clothes.” 
“Oh,” I follow her line of sight and look down at my trousers, button-up, cardigan, and tie, my gun holster on my hip (but my gun is locked away in a hidden place) and my credentials in my pocket, “yeah, sorry about that. After I got home, I was on the phone with my mom for a bit and I just didn’t get a chance to change yet.”
Amelia’s lips settle into a pout as she follows into the kitchen. “I hope I didn’t interrupt your phone call.”
“You didn’t, don’t worry. Do you want a cup of tea? Anything to drink or eat or-”
“I do but why don’t you go change? I can handle a cup of tea by myself. Put on something other than a dress shirt and a tie. Be comfortable,” she breezes right past me and reaches into the cupboard for a mug, already grabbing the kettle and filling it with water. I just watch her for a moment, slowly unclipping my watch from my wrist and watching the way her white dress slides across her legs with every tiny movement. But she doesn’t turn around again to check on my location and just looks between the box of Earl Grey tea and camomile tea, mulling over which to indulge in tonight. So I leave Amelia to her seemingly challenging decision and hurry off to my bedroom, ridding myself of the work clothes I’ve been wearing for almost thirty hours. I change into plaid pajama pants and a sweatshirt, only glancing in the mirror for a split second to check if my hair is an absolute mess before returning to Amelia.
She’s leaning against the counter with her mug in one hand and her camera in the other, and when I re-enter the room, she looks up at me and grins at the sight of my more relaxed state. “You look cozy. Guess I should have worn my pajamas today.”
I go and lean against the counter beside her, picking up my cup of coffee and looking over her shoulder at the pictures she is flipping through on her camera. At first, most of the pictures are of a redhead I’ve never seen before, posed in a park and modeling for the camera. Then the pictures turn to the sights I see every day and I conclude they must be pictures that Amelia took this morning or on her way here. “These are really good.” 
“Oh, thanks,” Amelia’s cheeks turn pink at the compliment as she tosses the camera aside, clutching her cup of tea instead. 
“I’d love to see more of your art sometime. I haven’t seen that much but the things that I have seen, I really loved.”
“Maybe one day, when you’re available, you can come to my studio. It’s just a couple of blocks away. I’d love for you to come and see some of what I do when you’re gone,” her head falls onto my shoulder and she scoots closer to me, her arm slowly moving around my waist, pulling me even closer to her. “It’s what I did all day. But speaking of all day, how was your day? How was the case?”
We move into the living room and get under a blanket as I give Amelia vague details about the case we solved this past week. She sits just as close to me as she was in the kitchen and tucks her feet under my legs to warm herself up, and once I’ve decided I’ve told her enough about the serial killer that we captured last night, she starts telling me about her last few days and how she went out to see a bad movie with her group of friends. She keeps moving closer and closer as the sun gets lower and lower and soon enough, Amelia is laying over my lap and my hands are in her hair, brushing the strands out of her face. I can confidently say that it’s the most relaxed and the most comfortable I’ve been this past week, and maybe even in the last few months. Every time Amelia is around and we get to just sit and talk, it’s a breath of fresh air. I don’t get to do this enough. I look up at the clock after being on the couch for a long time, seeing that it’s almost midnight. Thank god I don’t have to work tomorrow.
“Hey,” Amelia hums and looks up at me, her head in my lap and the blanket wrapped mostly around her, “it’s late. Do you want anything to eat?”
She hums once more, sitting up and keeping the blanket pulled up to her chest, her eyelids fluttering like a child fighting off sleep. “Yeah. I could really go for some ice cream. Do you have any?”
“I do, actually. But just chocolate, I think,” I stand from the couch and hold my hands out to Amelia, lugging her off the couch when she puts her hands in mine. She follows me one more time into the kitchen and pulls out bowls and spoons while I grab the gallon of ice cream from the freezer. 
“So,” Amelia draws the word out, bumping her hip with mine when she reaches over me for a bowl, “will you tell me about your BAU team? I know their names, but they’re your best friends and basically your second family so I wanna know about them.”
“Oh, really? What do you wanna know?” She grins as I slide the chocolate syrup over to her and she quickly steals it to drizzle it all over her bowl of ice cream. 
“Mm,” she hums, far too concentrated on her ice cream at first to give me a proper answer. But when she finishes with the syrup and hands it back to me, she hastily grabs spoons from the drawer and returns her full attention to the conversation, “just about your history with them. I’m not sure, whatever you wanna tell. Whatever’s important.”
We retake our seats on the couch, both of us now evenly draped in the blanket with our ice cream bowls in our hands. Amelia slings her legs over my lap and scoots as close to me as she can get, pressing her cheek to my shoulder. Despite wearing pajama pants, I can feel Amelia’s thighs, exposed by her dress, pressed against mine and it takes my breath away for a moment. I have to shift my position in the slightest so Amelia isn’t too on top of me, and once I’ve moved and I’m more comfortable, I start to let my mind race over what I could tell her. 
“Well, Morgan is one of my best friends and he was one of the first people I met when I started working at the BAU. He’s loud sometimes and a little overwhelming but he’s always there for me. For example, during a case, I got anthrax poisoning and-”
Amelia nearly drops her bowl at this revelation and she reaches for my arm, squeezing tighter than ever before. “I’m sorry, what? Did I hear you correctly? Anthrax poisoning? And you’re still alive?” She practically throws her bowl onto the coffee table, quicking whipping around and grabbing my cheeks, pulling my face closer to hers until our noses are touching. “Am I speaking to a robot right now?”
My eyes practically roll into the back of my head. “A robot? Amelia, I can’t even use my DVD player. What makes you think I’m a robot, which is essentially a being made completely of technology?”
Amelia narrows her eyes at me, dragging her thumbs down to my jawline. She looks away for just a moment to eye the DVD player and then returns to me, just as close as she was two seconds ago. “Why do you have that thing if you don’t know how to use it?”
“It was a gift from JJ,” my lips brush against Amelia’s as I speak and even though we’ve kissed a million times by now, the feeling of our lips touching still makes the butterflies in my stomach act up. But her lips taste like chocolate and I can’t help it when I pull her closer and into a kiss. Now, it’s almost like it’s second nature to want to be constantly touching Amelia and kissing Amelia and just being around Amelia all the time.
Amelia abruptly pulls away from our kiss and lets out a loud yawn, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. “Sorry, sorry. It’s impossible to hold back a yawn while kissing.”
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” I wave my hand at her casually, and when she rubs her hands over her eyes and then pushes her hair back, my heart seems to pound just a little bit faster. She’s a little bit bleary as she inhales sharply, falling forward and pressing her temple against my shoulder. “Hey, it’s really late. I can tell you about my coworkers another day. Do you wanna get to sleep?”
“No,” she shakes her head but her body language strongly contrasts her words as she lets herself melt further into my embrace, “I don’t wanna leave you. I missed you a lot today.”
Okay, Spencer. Being bold with Amelia has yet to fail me so why should it now? Just ask her if she wants to spend the night for the first time. It’s with innocent intentions, anyway. No funny business. Just a couple sleeping in the same bed- what’s wrong with that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So just ask. Ask! It’s one night and I’ve recently cleaned my bedroom and washed the sheets so everything should be fine for a girl to sleep over. Sleep over? You’re not a ten year old, Spencer. Don’t ask her if she wants to sleep over like you’re a group of girls planning on eating candy and watching movies until three in the morning on the living room floor. Is that what girls do at sleepovers? I don’t even know. Nope, don’t get sidetracked. Just ask. 
“Lia?” She hums in response, not even lifting her head from its spot on my shoulder. I’m used to her being boisterous and loud and positive when I’m anxious so I guess I’ll have to muster up enough courage to ask without her encouragement. “It’s really late already and, well, I don’t know what you’re doing tomorrow but would you wanna stay the night? It’s just- it’s past midnight and, you know, 40% of all fatal car accidents happen at night. 60% of adults have driven while drowsy and 37% of adults have fallen asleep at the wheel. I-“ I let out a breath, my chest deflating at her overall silence. “You don’t have to stay over and I could drive you home so you don’t have to drive but, you know, I would just like to know you’re safe.” 
I pause once more and wait for some confirmation or rejection from Amelia, but all I’m met with is quiet breaths across my chest. I duck my head down and find Amelia fast asleep on my shoulder and one of the straps of her dress falling down her arm from the odd angle she’s laying at. Of course, what else would happen? I go on a nervous rant and Amelia sleeps through it. 
“Hey, hey, Amelia?” I card my fingers through her hair and luckily, it’s enough to rouse her from her quick nap, and she lifts her head from my shoulder, eyes half-lidded. “Did you hear what I said?”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t. I’m really tired.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was talking about. Do you want to stay the night? I gave you a bunch of statistics on car accidents at night but I’m sure you’ll fall asleep again if I repeat them.”
Amelia lets out a small laugh, pushing herself to a sitting position and rubbing her eyes yet again. “Could you lend me some clothes? Sleeping in a dress is not really my vibe.”
“Sure, I can give you some clothes. But let’s go to bed before you fall asleep again,” I grab onto Amelia’s hands and pull her off the couch, leading my half-asleep girlfriend to my bedroom. She waits patiently as I open my closet and reach for a pair of sweats, handing her sweatpants and a hoodie from Caltech. “Here. I’m gonna go clean up the ice cream while you change.”
“Thank you,” Amelia lays a kiss on my cheek before I can leave, and the tingling on my skin persists even when I get into the living room and clean up our ice cream bowls, putting them into the dishwasher. 
I suppose that after tonight, there will be plenty of nights spent together. I won’t lie and say that sleeping in the same bed as Amelia isn’t a bit scary. I don’t know what kind of sleeper I am. Will I steal all the blankets and leave her freezing all night? Will I kick her relentlessly and leave dark bruises all over her pale skin? Will she just plainly hate sleeping with me and thus would begin the end of our relationship? 
“Spencer,” Amelia’s voice rips me out of my anxious spiral, and when I turn to look at her, my breath is knocked completely out of my chest. Amelia wearing my clothes is quite a gorgeous sight, even if they’re hanging off her body and pooling around her feet. Her hair is up and her face is washed of any makeup and she just looks wildly beautiful. She pops her head into the kitchen and gives me a tired smile, maybe the millionth of the night. “Do you need help with anything?”
I shove my bowl into the dishwasher and then slam it closed, shaking my head at her. “No, I’m good. Let’s just go to bed.” I shut off the kitchen light and swing my arm around Amelia’s waist, bringing her back towards my bedroom and shutting the door behind us. 
I watch with wide eyes and a stupid smile as Amelia crawls onto the bed, but right when she gets onto her knees, she pauses and looks over her shoulder at me. “Is there a side of the bed that you prefer?”
My eyes dart between Amelia and the pillows on the bed. Is there a side I prefer? I wouldn’t know. “I don’t think so. I mean, honestly, I’ve never slept in the same bed as anyone before,”
“Me either,” Amelia pouts, her eyes locked on mine as she debates which side to choose. “Well, we’re technically already on different sides of the bed.” She gestures to her place on the right side and me on the left side. I just shrug in response to her suggestion. It’s not a big deal to me whatsoever, just as long as Amelia is comfortable and she doesn’t wind up hating me after tonight. 
Amelia, completely exhausted, flops onto her stomach on top of the duvet, wiggling up just a little bit further until she can rest her head on the pillow. I shut off the lights and then crawl into the bed, on my predetermined side, tugging the duvet from under Amelia so she can join me under it. And as soon as she’s under the duvet, Amelia rolls over and curls up beside me, laying her head on my chest and slinging her arm over my stomach. “Thank you for letting me stay over,” she whispers, craning her head to kiss my cheek. “Goodnight.”
The feeling of laying in a bed with another person, especially a person who I feel so strongly about, is such a warm feeling. I’m sure I’ll literally be warm soon, what with Amelia on top of me and a duvet covering my legs. But my chest feels tight and I can’t wipe off the smile on my face, no matter how hard I try. I just beam, knowing that Amelia will be beside me all night. 
So I sink further into the duvet and tug Amelia as close as I possibly can, receiving a small snicker from her. But she doesn’t seem to mind the closeness since she curls into me even more and then presses another kiss to the center of my chest. Maybe she can feel my pounding heart under her lips. Her affection comforts me enough to allow me to close my eyes and force out a goodnight, drifting off to sleep with Amelia in my arms.
@babybobbybones​ @thematthewgraygube​ @anepiphany​ @goldenalvez​ @reidscardigan​ @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto​ @stxrryspencer​ @rxseinbloom​ @penelopecult​ @nastyhar @whollytaciturn​ @thegingerfairchild​ @matthewreid​ @shrimpyblog​ @garcias-batcave​ @anamelessfacelessnerd​ @gublergirls​ @wonderlandhatter​ @matthewgublerswife​ 
(I’m pretty sure I messed up this taglist so if you weren’t tagged and you should be OR you’re tagged and you don’t want to be, then lmk and I’ll make the appropriate change)
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formerprincess · 6 years
A tale written with fangs and claws || Chapter 29
Chapters: 29/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar/Theo Raeken Characters: Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: Alpha Liam Dunbar, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Dunbar Pack, Bisexual Liam Dunbar, Werewolf Theo Raeken, Alpha Theo Raeken, Canon-Typical Violence, Smut, Mates, Liam and Theo are mates Series: Part 1 of Morning Dew Pack
Liam shares the new about his full shift with the pack, and then he and Theo have some things to sort out.
Liam had said he wanted to keep it between Theo and himself that he could fully shift because he needed time to wrap his head around it. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his pack or wanted to exclude them but it was overwhelming. Although Liam had not expected it to be that hard and almost impossible. Because the minute his Betas saw him during the morning, they pounced and demanded to know how he felt. Liam was in such a good mood after the great morning run and his time with Theo in the bathroom, but they still worried about their Alpha.
 “Are you okay?" “Do you feel better?” “Did you sleep enough?” “Guys, whoa, deep breaths! Don’t forget to breathe, you all need air.” Liam said and raised his hands to calm the group down. “Are you still feeling sick? Do you feel worse? Will you die?” “Nobody dies here!” Liam said firmly. “I am feeling fine, great even. I....” He sighed and looked at Theo who chuckled and put one arm around his waist to pull him close. “Tell them.” He whispered into Liam’s ear, lips brushed the shell softly, but loud enough for the others to hear.
“Tell us what?” “Are you getting married?” “Are you adopting?” “Did you broke up? Don’t tell us you broke up!” “Look at them, as if they would ever break up. They smell even more in love this morning!” That one was true. Since they both could shift and had their run and their wolfy cuddles this morning, Liam felt an even deeper connection to Theo than before and he knew his mate felt the same. The mated couple now smiled at each other. Liam’s blue eyes shone with happiness. “I fully shifted last night for the first time!” He blurted out and the Betas got quiet.  
“That’s not what I had expected.”, Maya said stunned. The others were not less perplex than her. “You really can do a full shift? Like Theo?” Nolan asked. Liam nodded and smiled. “Yeah.” He said happily. “It’s amazing.” The Betas were quiet for a moment, processed what Liam said, and then: “Show us! Show us! Show us!” 
Liam and Theo shared a look and laughed at their Beta’s excitement. Liam pushed himself off the counter where he had braced his arms on and pulled his shirt over his head. It was still strange to undress and be naked in front of others, but the counter gave him a bit of privacy to completely undress. When he finally had dropped his clothes on the floor, he concentrated on his wolf and not long after felt the sensation he grew familiar with. 
The pack gasped when they saw Liam in his wolf form for the first time. Theo knelt down and gently kissed the bridge of Liam’s nose. “Look at this beautiful wolf! Isn’t our Alpha the most beautiful one?” He raved and Liam grumbled pleased by the compliments. Who would not like to hear his mate fancy about his wolf form?  “He is really pretty. Can we pet him?” Tim asked Theo. “Why are you asking me? It’s still Liam. He can hear you just right and his animal may be closer but he still has his human way of thinking. He just can’t answer with words.” Theo said with a laugh and Liam snuggled into his mate. Theo chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around his mate to kiss Liam’s neck. “My pretty Alpha.” He mumbled softly. “My beautiful mate.”
Liam loved to hear those words and would have loved to return them but right now he could not really do that and just brushed his nose against Theo’s cheek and grumbled happily. Then he stepped forward and allowed his Betas to pet him.  “This is so cool. A real fucking wolf.” Mike whispered devoutly. Yet after a while, Liam realized why Theo didn’t like to be touched when he was shifted. Liam touching him was okay and Liam had no problem with Theo touching him but too many people grew to be pesky and he pulled away to shift back. 
When he stood on his two human legs again, he heard Theo’s growl and smirked. “I don’t know why you’re gaping. Yes, my mate is attractive and gorgeous but he is just that: Mine! Eyes up!” The chimera snapped at the Betas. “I remember a similar situation months ago. The roles were just reversed and you had absolutely no problem with parading around butt naked.” Liam mocked his mate when he put his clothes back on and Theo glared at him. Liam just smiled innocently.  “I was single at that time.” Theo reminded him.  “So?” Liam asked, still keeping that innocent act up. “I didn’t like it either.”  “You are now taken and Betas or not: Mine!” “You two are really possessive of each other. Is this a wolf trait?” Nolan asked curiously.  “It’s a Thiam trait.” Liam and Theo said at the same time while they still looked at each other. Liam smirked and winked at Theo. Theo chimera held his glance and then his eyes dropped to Liam’s lip when Liam playfully bit it. Liam felt quite proud he could get this reaction out of his boyfriend. 
“Come on, I’ll make you breakfast. Somebody wants to help me?” The young Alpha asked and when he walked past Theo, he brushed his fingers over his boyfriend’s chest in a teasing manner.  “We’ll help you.” Maya and Sadie said. “And you tell us how you managed to shift, okay? Every detail.”  Liam laughed and opened the fridge. “Okay.” 
Liam kept his promise and told his Betas what happened. How his condition yesterday led to him shifting into a full wolf. They all marveled at the story and Liam felt the pride rush through the mating bound and when he looked over he saw Theo smile. Something Liam had to mention later when he and Theo were alone. 
“You really like the fact I can fully shift now, hm?” He asked while he grabbed his laptop and settled at the desk in their room.  “It takes a lot to fully shift and it’s an admirable work. Of course, I am proud of you.” Theo said and kissed Liam’s cheek. “You are amazing.” He muttered into Liam’s ear and sucked on the earlobe. Liam moaned softly and tilted his head when Theo kissed his neck.  “You are amazing as well, T.” He mumbled and felt Theo smile against his skin. “And I love you.” “I love you too.” Theo muttered. 
He leaned his head against Liam’s. “Do you want to work or why did you grab your laptop?” “Well, it’s Christmas break but I still need to figure out what to do with my major. Yes, I said I will stick with history as long as I don’t know what I rather want but I still want to try and figure it out, you know?” “You have to do what makes you happy. I want you to be happy.” Liam tilted his head back so he could look at Theo. “And what about you? I know you’re not happy with your job currently as well. So, have you thought of switching?” Theo shrugged. “Not really. It’s just a rough patch. I handled worse.” He smiled at Liam. “Don’t worry, okay? I can handle it.” “I know you can. You’re a tough cookie.” Theo rolled his eyes. “You’re lucky I love you, puppy.” He muttered and patted Liam’s shoulders. “if you need me, I will be in the library.”
“Okay.” Liam smiled and when his boyfriend left, he turned his attention towards his laptop. Before Winter break started, he had scheduled a meeting with the counselor and got a list of potential majors that might be interesting for Liam and now Liam planned on working through that list.  He read through that list and at some point got joined by Koda who curled up next to his person and had Liam pet him from time to time. 
“Cooking. Am I a chef?” Liam asked the little fella and Koda blinked at him. “Right. I like to cook when I have time but I hate to get stressed in the kitchen.” Liam scrolled further down the list. “What about game design? I like video games.” Koda yipped. “But I’m not artistic enough.” Liam muttered sadly and Koda put his front paws against his leg and looked up at the Alpha. Liam picked him up and put him on his lap, eyes still on the screen.  “Mathematics?” Koda yawned. “Literature. Maybe I could become a writer.” Liam asked out loud and raised Koda so they could see eye to eye. The puppy licked his nose and Liam laughed. “Thanks for the support, buddy.”
“Literature? You want to major in literature?” Theo asked when Liam talked about his choices and possibilities later on during lunch. He still had not decided on anything but maybe it wasn’t so far-fetched and he shared his thoughts with his pack. Theo chimera had an eyebrow raised and looked at Liam. “It’s a possibility. Why not?” You look at me like I completely lost my mind.” “It’s just....” Theo shrugged. “You don’t like to read.” “Do I have to read in order to write?” “Would be useful, yeah. You are also not very good with words.” Being brutally honest with each other was their thing. Didn’t mean Liam had to like what he heard. “Wow, thanks, darling. Always nice to get a compliment from you.” He said sarcastically and Theo rolled his eyes. “I’m just being real, sweetheart. That’s almost as if I would switch to major in Spanish.” Theo hated Spanish with a fierce passion. Liam could remember the many tests Theo almost failed and just passed because Liam sat him down to study.
Liam narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend and Theo held his glare relatively unimpressed. “What else do you have?” Liam shrugged. “I’m still working through the list.” He mumbled and continued eating his food. Maybe history was the best for him.  “What about Med? Following in your dad’s footsteps?” Tim offered and Liam grimaced.  “I wouldn’t be a good doctor and besides I have enough blood and pain in my daily life, I don’t need to add to this.” “The second reason agreed, but I can actually see you being a great doctor. A pediatrician. Kids would love you.” “Speaking of kids: Kindergarten teacher, how about that?” Maya suggested. “Ah, yes that would be a great fit.”, Tim said with a nod. “No! No job for Liam where he has access to finger paint and glitter!” Theo strictly said and Liam snorted into his water he had been drinking. “I smell a story behind that.”, Sadie responded with a grin and Liam chuckled. “Uh, I know that one.” Nolan remembered. “The blue handprint on Theo’s truck door.” “On the truck door. On the seats, On the freaking window. With glitter!” Theo growled and Liam laughed “That was a fun day!” “Not for me.”, Theo said dryly. “I even had a handprint in blue on my cheek and glitter in my hair because Liam felt the need to touch my face.” “You looked good.”, Liam said innocently and Theo growled again. “Save it!”
****** Liam had been bored after lunch and decided to clean up a bit. While he started, he had found a box full of things belonging to Theo. He cradled it to his chest and carried it in the library where Theo had moved back to after they ate. 
“Baby?” Liam asked and Theo raised his head from his book with a sigh. He hated to be interrupted when he was reading.  “I’m cleaning up a bit and found this box. Do you want to keep those things inside?” He asked. “It stood in the closet.” Theo sighed again but put his book aside and moved closer to look through the things. It was various stuff and he shook his head. “Not really. If you want something from it, you can keep it, but if you want to throw it away, that’s fine by me too.”
Liam put the box on the ground and sorted through the things. Some old and empty pens, old notepads, papers, two art magazines, things you gather over time.  “And you’re mocking me for being chaotic?“ Liam asked while he sorted through the box of things Theo kept but never really needed. “We don’t live in this house for so long, how did you manage to gather all this already?“ “I gathered it over the years and just stored it there.“ Theo defended himself. “Can I continue reading or do you insist on continue mocking me?“
Liam grinned at him and Theo rolled his eyed before he raised his book again and began reading again. Not for long because Liam found something.  “You have drawing chalks?“ Theo groaned and Liam knew he was stressing it and really going on his mate’s nerves but he couldn’t help it. It was interesting, to say the least, and he was bored but also wanted to spend time with Theo, even though they were not doing something together per se.
“I got it sometime, think it was in a set I once brought.“ Theo drawled. “Why?“ “Nothing. Can I have it?“ Liam asked and grabbed a large drawing pad. “And that one?“ “Sure. I don’t need it. I don’t like drawing with chalk and I rather draw on smaller pads than that. Feel free to do whatever you want to do with it.“ “Kay, thanks.“
Theo hummed and returned his attention back to his book and Liam settled on the floor underneath the window to spread out everything and have enough space to work. He opened the box carefully and marveled at the array of colors before he picked the black chalk and started with the outlines. He didn’t have a complete idea but a vague image in mind. Enough to get him started and give him something, to begin with.
“If you were a hero on a quest to save the kingdom, what kind of companion would you like?“ He asked while smudging some lines with his index finger. He didn’t even need to see it, to know Theo rolled his eyes because he heard the deep sigh from his boyfriend. “An Ork.“ Theo grumbled but didn’t elaborate. “Okay. Thanks.“ Liam said and continued drawing and Theo huffed and turned a page in his book.
It took two minutes and Liam spoke again. “Which shade of red is prettier?“ Theo tilted his head back and let it thud against the backrest oft he couch. “Liam, I swear!“ “I’m sorry, I’m just curious!“ Liam knew Theo wanted to read in peace but he couldn’t help himself. “Liam, I love you, but you are annoying. Like a really overexcited puppy. Think you can let me just read? Pick whatever color you like and let me finish my book!“ “Okay, sorry, sorry.“
Liam decided on one red chalk and began to color what he had drawn before. He stopped every once in a while to rub the chalk and create a better look. Some particles of the chalks got in his nose and she sneezed. “Liam!“ "I sneezed!“ Liam defended himself and tried to refrain from rubbing his nose with his stained fingers. Theo just growled and moved into a better position to read. It didn’t need their deep connection for Liam to know his boyfriend was mad. That wasn’t what he wanted and he bit his lip while he tried not to make too many sounds from now on. When even his sneezing set Theo off, the chimera was pissed as hell. Liam was sorry about that. He knew he could be annoying but he wanted to just tease Theo a bit in the beginning. That it was all serious now had not been what he wanted to achieve. 
“Theo, I’m so….“ “For fuck’s sake, Liam, just shut up! All I want is to read, is this so hard to understand?“ “I just wanted to apo…“ “You’re still talking!“ Theo snapped and looked at him. “And you have chalk on your cheek. Seriously, sometimes you’re worse than a little kid and I feel like your babysitter.“ Liam rubbed his cheek where he supposed the chalk to be and it came back stained with black. Theo’s words hurt but he knew he had brought this upon himself. He nodded and said nothing to his defense. Theo was right, he was annoying and it was better when he stayed silent for a while now. He just had been excited to be a bit creative and be with Theo. Since his full shift, he felt an even stronger connection to Theo and wanted to be around him. Guess for Theo he just came off as clingy.
He quietly grabbed the drawing pad and the chalk and slowly got up again and sneaked out of the room. He walked upstairs into their bedroom and moved in front of one of the window seats to work there. That way he didn’t disturb Theo too much. And to tune out the silence, he grabbed his music player and plucked in his headphones. 
Liam drew what came to his mind and was currently working on a set of beautiful hummingbirds with vibrant colored feathers. He had an idea where he wanted to go with it but it was also fun to play around with the various colors the box had to offer, mix some of them together and create something entirely new. When it was time to cook dinner and Maya called him for help, Liam’s hand were stained with chalk dust and he spent a minute scrubbing them in the bathroom before dutifully cleaning the sink ere he walked downstairs into the kitchen and started cutting potatoes and helping Maya preparing her potato gratin. “Are you okay?” She asked him.  “Yeah. Why?” Liam said with a brave smile.   “You are so quiet. Sure everything is okay?” Liam nodded and obviously, he got better at lying because his Beta didn’t pick up on the lie. Liam was not really okay, he was more or less avoiding his grumpy mate. 
Theo had several moods, one when he was in a really bad one, where he needed to get pushed to the point where he exploded and just yelled out his frustration; but there was also the mood he currently was in, when he was annoyed and pissed, and Liam knew the best thing was to avoid the chimera when he was like that. It hurt, even more, because he was the reason Theo was so mad right now, but that’s how the twenty-two-year-old worked.
When Ever called Theo for dinner, he grumbled about disturbing his peaceful time but he followed her towards the table and sat down to grab something to eat. During dinner, Liam thought Theo’s mood was slowly getting better, but right at the end, Theo received a text from his boss with his schedule in the new year and his mood reached a critical point. He gritted his teeth, scoffed, and slammed the door to the library shut behind him.  “Let him.”, Liam said. “He’s in a bad mood today. We all have those days. It’s human.” 
And he followed his own advice and left Theo to his books. He returned to their room and kept on drawing for a while longer until Theo suddenly stepped into the room and went straight to changing into his pajamas.  “You literally have chalk everywhere, even on your shirt.” He said with a sigh but it wasn’t really fond. More like he was exhausted and fed up with Liam’s antics. “You know, I can wash, that’s not a big deal, and I will clean up after I’m done.” “You look and act like a toddler, you are aware of that? So much for strong Alpha. It’s so exhausting sometimes.” Theo shook his head.
“Okay, I am aware you are in a bad mood, we all are aware of that. But calm down now, okay?” Liam said. He really tried to keep his voice calm, even though his hurt feelings and his anger issues were starting to boil inside him.  “Maybe I wouldn’t be in a bad mood if I had managed to read in peace without some hyperactive human puppy always interrupting me!” “I wanted to spend time with you!” “Well, I wanted to read. But let me guess, if Liam wants something, we all have to drop everything, right?” “I never said that!” Liam called out. “Right. But that’s what you are thinking.” “It’s not. Stop telling me what I think and what not!” Liam snarled. Theo just smiled smugly. “Is the little wolfy getting irritated?” “Stop that.” Liam said with a shake of his head. “You’re being mean.” “I’m just keeping it real. Something you obviously don’t like that much.” Theo sneered. “But really, this is not how I will spend my night. Curl in the bed and cry yourself to sleep because everybody is being so mean to the poor little Alpha wolfy. I think I’m going to sleep in the library! As far away from you as possible.” He grabbed his pillow and his blanket and rushed out. And Liam was left standing there.  “Fuck you!” He shouted after Theo and slammed the door shut. Moments later the door to the library slammed shut too.
It was hard to fight with Theo, Liam knew it would always be hard. But they both were stubborn, they both had their pride, and both could be emotional. Their fights were meant to be nasty and hard. And devastating when the anger receded and the sadness came up. Liam hated fighting with Theo, always had hated it since they became friends. Theo and he had this connection and now they only deepened this connection by becoming a couple and sharing the mating bond. 
And like always when he and Theo fought, Liam felt cold. He put his drawings together and cleaned up, then he washed his hands again and changed into PJs as well before he slipped under the covers. The bed was way too big for him alone and Theo’s side looked strange without pillow and blanket. Liam turned around and decided to ignore this as well as the ache in his chest. He wrapped himself in the blanket to be as warm as possible and tried to fall asleep. 
But the longer he laid there, the more it became prominent he couldn’t fall asleep. His thoughts were with Theo downstairs and he thought about everything. Did Theo feel sorry too? Or was he still mad at Liam? Their mating link was blocked since their fight, he had no idea who Theo really felt. Liam sighed and rolled on his back, stared at the dark ceiling. He missed the chimera, missed his body beside him, his arms around Liam, his scent, his heartbeat, his warmth. He even missed Theo’s smile and the fond way he looked at Liam.  Liam groaned an pulled the blanket over his head, hid from the world. He swallowed and curled up under the covers, hands grabbed the pillow so tight, his knuckles turned white. It felt like his whole body shut down and even swallowing hurt right now. Every bone ached but the worse was his heart. His heart which felt like an ice cold chain was wrapped around it and squeezed every drop of life and every ounce of happiness out of it. It hurt and the longer he laid in bed, the worse it got until he finally couldn’t take it anymore. He threw the covers back and got out of bed. 
Liam struggled a bit on his feet, which was new for him and when he walked towards the door he bumped against the doorframe with his shoulder. It was a short numb pain and he rubbed his shoulder while he tiptoed down the stairs. The house was dark and empty, everyone seemed asleep, and Liam moved carefully.
He hesitated in front of the library and thought about knocking but then decided against it and just opened the door to slip inside. The room was dark too but he could make out Theo curled on the couch. His heart ached when he thought Theo was sleeping peacefully and seemed to not have the same problems as Liam, but then Liam noticed the small whimpers, stifled by the blanket pulled over Theo. The young Alpha slowly walked over and then simply lifted the blanket to slip behind Theo and immediately wrap his arms around him. 
Theo let out a startled sound but Liam didn’t stop, tugged the covers over their heads, and hid his face in the crook of Theo’s neck. Even if Theo kicked him out again, he needed this short moment of being close to his mate. God, he sounded so needy and clingy again... “Liam.” Theo murmured softly. Liam didn’t butch. He wanted to make this last as long as he could. “Liam.” Theo tried again. He moved softly in Liam’s grip, so Liam was forced to move his head too, yet when Theo finally faced him, Liam didn’t dare to meet his eyes. Against Liam’s fears, Theo reached out and softly stroked his cheek. “Please, don't cry.” Was he crying? Liam had not really noticed but now that Theo mentioned it, he realized his cheeks were wet and the tears were rolling down his cheeks. Theo wiped the tears away with his fingers but new ones were falling down immediately. 
And then Theo engulfed him in this tight embrace and a strangled sob escaped his lips before he clung to Theo like he was drowning and Theo was his lifesaver.  “I didn’t want to annoy you.” Liam sobbed and Theo buried his head in the crook of Liam’s neck while he shook his head.  “Theo.”, Liam mumbled. “Theo, please. I’m sorry.” His voice broke at the end and he whimpered. He needed Theo to say something! “Theo, please! Kick me out! Punch me! But talk to me!” He begged. Theo remained silent and Liam grew desperate. Was Theo that mad at him? Did he hate him so much? Liam could not bear this any longer but then Theo suddenly did speak. “I am sorry.” He whispered and swallowed harshly. “I am sorry for being such a terrible mate and making you cry.” “You are not terrible! I am sorry for making you so mad you snapped.” “I’m sorry for snapping.”
Liam sighed. He knew them both, this could go on and on. So he simply pulled Theo tighter. “Come here.” He whispered and hugged Theo as tight as he could without hurting his boyfriend. Theo hugged him back and for a while, they just laid there and hugged it out. 
“I missed you.” Liam murmured after a while. “It’s why I came down. I couldn't stand being separated from you any longer.” “I couldn’t stand it any longer either but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to come back. If you wanted to see me.” Theo confessed. Liam pulled back and made Theo look at him. “Hey, look at me! I always want to see you. No matter how much we fight, no matter how angry I am, I always want to see you, okay?”
They stared at each other and finally, Theo nodded. “Good.”, Liam said with a small smile. “Can I kiss you?” “You can always kiss me. Even in the middle of a screaming match. You are always allowed to kiss me.”
And so Liam did kiss Theo. Soft and sweet and full of love and it felt like his broken heart snapped into one again. He had his Theo back for good. Maybe it was just imagination but this kiss tasted sweeter than any other kiss they ever shared. Theo sighed into the kiss and returned it as soft as Liam started it and when they finally broke apart, he smiled.  “I love you.” Both muttered at the same time and laughed.  “Everything okay between us again?” Liam asked and Theo nodded softly.  “I had enough emotional drama to last a few months.” The older replied and yeah, Liam could get behind that. 
“So, do you want to sleep?”  Theo shook his head. “Can’t. I’m too riled up. Too many emotions to calm, down and just sleep, you know?” “Yeah, me too.” Liam thought for a moment. “We could build a blanket fort in our bedroom. That way we have something to curl up in, have something to shield us from the world, and it’s a fun thing to pass time. It’s also years since I last build one.” "The last one was on our first Christmas together, right? After the war.” Theo remembered and Liam smiled. “When we watched How to train your dragon and discussed which dragon we would like to train.” He added.  Theo chuckled. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s go build a blanket fort.”
He slowly untangled himself from Liam and the blanket and the stood up and held out his hand for Liam. Liam took it and let himself get pulled off the couch. He grabbed Theo’s blanket and Theo grabbed his pillow before they sneaked back into their room hand in hand. 
In there Liam got pulled against Theo again and he received another soft kiss. “I love you.” The chimera muttered and nosed along Liam’s jaw.  “I love you too.”, Liam said and gently squeezed his arm. “Now, come on, let’s build the fort, then we can cuddle.” Theo chuckled and kissed his cheek but then he let go of Liam to gather everything they needed. If you asked Liam, he would say he didn’t have many talents but building a blanket fort was one of them. He knew what to place where to get the best and coziest blanket fort ever seen. Theo was a great helper and soon enough they had the blankets strapped to the wardrobe and the bed and had created a comfortable and fluffy base with lots of blankets and pillows. 
“Those?” Theo asked and held up a string of fairy lights. Liam looked up from where he had fiddled with his laptop and nodded. “Of course. No blanket fort without lights.” He said and Theo grinned before he got up and hung up the lights on the makeshift ceiling of their little hideaway. Liam had managed to get the laptop running so they had some soft music playing in the background while they worked. 
When they were finally done, Liam was proud of their fort. “It looks awesome!” He said with a proud nod and his hands on his hips while he surveyed what they had done. Theo hummed his approval and then pulled the blanket aside that they used as curtain fo the entrance. “Get your sexy ass inside.” 
Liam chuckled but then crawled into the fort and slipped under the blankets there. Theo joined him not long after and when the curtain fell, it became darker and only the fairy lights and three bigger lights that looked like candles but were LED lights Liam had placed on the side, gave them light. It was cozy, it was secluded, it was everything. 
Theo crawled next to Liam and both laid there, shoulders touching and both on their backs, while they looked at the sparkling lights above them. “We really need to learn to cope better with our emotions.” Liam said after a while.  “We are both emotionally so invested in each other, this will be hard. But you’re right, we need to work on this.” Theo agreed. Liam hummed and slowly reached out to rub the back of his hand against Theo’s before he finally laced their fingers together. “We will work on this together because together is where we belong. And together we will manage it.” He was sure of that. “Yeah. You and me, we’re quite the dream team. We could take over the world.” Theo said with a chuckle and Liam laughed. “Seattle today, tomorrow the world.” He liked that idea and rolled on his side to face Theo. Theo turned his head and looked at him.
“Hi.” He said with a smile. “Hi.” Liam replied with a chuckle.  They looked at each other with all the love and adoration they had for each other and Liam slowly moved closer to put his head on Theo’s chest and toss his arm over Theo’s stomach. “I’m so happy to have you.” He said lowly. 
Theo wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulder and stroke over his back and between his shoulder blades. “I’m happy to have you too.” He responded and pulled Liam momentarily closer to press a soft kiss on his forehead.  “You’re my favorite blanket fort building partner.” Liam confessed and Theo laughed loudly. “Don’t let Mason hear this!” “Nah, I’m sure he takes Corey over me any day.”  “I’m sure he takes Corey...No, I’m not making this dirty joke!” Liam chortled. “You just did, if you finish or not doesn’t matter. Dirty mind!”  “You love my dirty mind.”  “Oh yes, I do.” Liam pushed himself up so he could lean over Theo. “I’m your naughty little Alpha after all, aren’t I?” Theo smirked. “Damn right you are.” 
He put his hand on the back of Liam’s neck and pulled him down to kiss him. Liam melted into the kiss and pressed against Theo to kiss him back. Soon enough Theo wrapped his other arm around Liam’s waist and completely pulled the young Alpha on top of him. It was not even sexual at this very moment, both just wanted to be as close as possible. 
“I love you so much and I actually loved it when you came to stick around in the library. It’s nice to have you that closeby. Even though I still have no idea what exactly you were doing and just wanted to read at that point.” Theo told Liam in a break between the soft kisses they shared.  “I did some drawing with the chalks, nothing important.” Liam waved it off but he had not counted on Theo now showing actual interest in his work.  “Well, will you show me?” “I can show you one other time. It’s really nothing major.” “Liam, hey. You spent hours with this, so please let me see what you did. I showed you my art too.” That was something he could not argue with and he sighed. “Okay, fine. But don’t laugh.”
He pecked Theo’s lips and then got up from his boyfriend (which sounded dirtier than it was) and crawled out of their fort. He walked to the desk to grab his drawings and carry them over to the fort. When Liam crawled back in, Theo had sat up. “I would never laugh.” He promised Liam and held out his hand.
Liam bit his lower lip and handed the drawings over. He viewed Theo as an insanely talented artist so he was afraid what his mate would have to say about his ragged drawings. Theo looked through them all and took his time to inspect every single one closely. “You drew this? I really had no idea you could do that.” “I can’t draw shit with a pencil but with chalks, it gets easier. Probably because I can smudge the lines or whatever, I’m not sure. I’m better when I can I use my hands fully. I mean, I know it’s nothing compared to your art but it was fun for today.” “This is stunning, Liam. Absolutely amazing. Those hummingbirds are certainly pretty.” Liam smiled softly. “You mean that?” Theo looked at him. “You know I’m not lying to make you feel better. Never have and never will. We keep things 100 between us.” He held up the drawings with the hummingbirds and pointed at one with bright blue feathers and a dark blue head. “I especially love that one.”
“Those are hummingbird fairies.“ Liam explained. “This is their animal form.“ “Hummingbird fairies?“ Theo asked. “They are part of a world I once created inside my head. Mason and I once thought it would be cool to create a video game like Skyrim – I know not very innovative – and I started to invent some beings of this world. The hummingbird fairies were part of that. They can either transform into a hummingbird or be in their fairy form with their little wings and all. They are very rare and most say they don‘t exist. Very shy creatures and usually peaceful, even though they can defend themselves.“
Theo looked at him the same way he had looked at Liam back then at the zoo when he talked about Mykonos. “I take back what I said about you becoming a writer. You should definitively write a book.“ Liam blushed. “This is just one idea and it’s not even very innovative. Also, I don‘t know how to design a game so it will never be a reality. And I don‘t have a good enough idea or a better idea to turn it into a book.“ “I like what you already drew and you can always develop the idea and either work with somebody to turn it into a game or turn this idea into a real book one day. Some bestsellers grew from less than that. You don’t need to have that one idea no one else ever had before you. It’s simply important to pour your heart into it and get your own twist on the thing.“ Theo put the drawings carefully aside and put his arms around Liam to bring them both into a lying position. They faced each other and Theo had one arm over Liam‘s hips, stroking him through his shirt.
“Tell me more.“ He said softly and Liam smiled. “I think it would be cool to have different dragons. But not really as enemies. I mean, of course, some you have to slay, but I think it would be cool if lots of the enemies in the game could become your friends. Like, if you feed the wild animals instead of attacking them, they don‘t kill you but join you, you know?“ “Sounds very interesting. Do you have any main storyline in your mind?“ Liam shook his head and reached out to play with the pack pendant on Theo’s necklace which had slipped out of his shirt. “As I said, it was just a crazy idea.“ “Not really that crazy. You have Mike who has money on one hand and is great with computers on the other. If you two work together, you may be able to realize this game one day, baby.“ “Are you having a fever? Are you delirious?“ Liam asked and felt Theo’s forehead. The chimera huffed. “I’m trying to encourage you here, idiot.“ “Aww, you say the sweetest things, you dork!“ Liam replied dryly and yelped when Theo rolled on top of him and pressed him down on the pillows and blankets.
“Does my little Alpha get cheeky? Guess I have to teach you some manners!“ He teased. “And here I thought you enjoyed me being your naughty little Alpha. Now you want to teach me some manners? That‘s a shame.“ “You seem to like this nickname a lot since you so often tease me with it.“ Theo noticed and grinned. “Maybe.“ Liam said with a grin of his own and then pulled Theo down to kiss him.
Their kiss was sweet and loving and when they parted, both smiled like the lovesick young men they were. “I love you.“ Liam told Theo. “I love you too.“ Theo said and kissed Liam’s nose. “More than the stars and the moon. You are my everything, Liam.“ “You sure know how to make me feel special, Dore.“ “You are special, baby.“ Theo kissed Liam’s lips this time, gently tugging at the lower lip with his teeth. Liam chuckled breathlessly and arched against him. His hands stroked across Theo’s broad back and he loved to feel the muscles shift under the skin and the shirt every time Theo moved ever so slightly. 
When they looked at each other again, Theo’s eyes glowed gold, but not with the unhidden lust and hunger as usual but with fondness. “You are the most amazing person in the whole wide world and I can’t believe you’re really my mate.” He whispered before he kissed Liam’s lips again and gently licked them. 
“I am yours as much as you are mine because no one else gets me like you. No one makes me feel like you do. You too are an amazing person, Theo Raeken.” Liam replied, eyes glowed red, and when Theo smiled at him, this one private smile he had reserved for only Liam, the happy and carefree one that made his eyes light up, his heart skipped a beat and he smiled back. 
Theo looked down and gently put his hand right over Liam’s heart. “When the ground opened again and I could crawl out, that was the first thing I heard. Your heartbeat. Not Hayden’s, not Mr. Douglas’, yours.” He suddenly said and Liam’s breath hitched in surprise. He reached up and laced his fingers with Theo’s above his heart. “Did it scare you?” “I spent my whole time in hell being scared, so yeah. But it also led me out and I knew where to go so I could crawl out. Since then I noticed your heartbeat over anybody else’s.” Liam kissed him gently. “I love you.” It was all he could say right now. He had no words for how happy Theo made him, how amazing it was to hear those words. So he stuck to the simple love confession but when he saw the way Theo’s eyes lit up, he knew his mate had understood him.
Theo curled next to him again, close as possible, and gently kissed Liam’s neck before he rested his head against Liam’s shoulder. They still had their fingers laced together and Liam stroked over the back of Theo’s hand with his thumb. “Have I ever thanked you for helping me break the whole werewolf news to Mason?” Liam asked thoughtfully. Theo hummed in amusement.  “I don’t think so. But you know I only did this to go through with my scheme around that time?” “Hush and take the thanks. Without you, I probably would have never told him. So, thank you.”
“You’re sweet, puppy.” Theo kissed his forehead. “I love this about you. And I also love that you kept your childlike excitement, even though I said differently earlier that night. I am sorry about that too by the way.” “Stop apologizing. We both did things the other didn’t like today.” Liam stroked through Theo’s hair and snuggled closer to him.
“No matter how often we fight, there is no one else I’d rather be with. You are the love of my life, Theo, I want to be with your forever.” Liam muttered and Theo gently squeezed his hand.  “I feel the same way about you, Liam, and I hope I can show you this every day.” “You do.” Liam told him. “In everything you do.”  He meant every single word. Liam was well aware Theo loved him and he loved Theo just as much. They finally got together after years and he would keep it that way for the rest of their lives. They came such a long way and had so many amazing years ahead of them.
Liam sighed. “Beacon Hills, everything we’ve been through, feels like it happened in another life. Trashing my coach’s car, transferring to Beacon Hills, getting bitten and meeting you, me and Hayden being a couple, the Ghost Riders, the war. As if that happened to different people.” “I know what you mean. It’s crazy.” Theo agreed. “I like how it turned out. Especially that you are my boyfriend now.” He sounded proud at the end and Liam’s lips curved into a smile. “Imagine if we had gotten our shit together in high school and had dated there. Imagine how different it would have been.” “Different?” Theo asked. “I’m not sure it would have been that different. Sure, I would have been a lot happier, but the main events wouldn’t have been different, would they?”
“Uh uh.” Liam raised his head so he could look better at Theo. “Take prom for example. We would have gone there as a couple, not just as friends.” “We didn’t go to prom.” Theo reminded him. “Because someone had to land himself in the hospital.” “It wasn’t my fault the hunters came after me! But that saved me the humiliation of dancing so I guess that was something good out of the whole mess.” Theo laughed. “Liam, you can dance!” “I certainly can’t. Drunk me maybe, sober me is like a turtle on ice. Not made for dancing.”
Liam needed one look at his boyfriend’s face to know Theo got an idea. The chimera smirked and sat up before he leaned over Liam to change the song playing on his laptop to something nice and slow. He then pulled the curtain aside and left their fort before he looked back at Liam. “Come on, let’s dance.” “I will not dance with you now! This is too fucking cliché.”  “First of, nobody’s here to judge. Secondly, we are hopelessly in love with each other and when it comes to the two of us we can be insanely cliché, so don’t make a fuss.” “I can’t dance.” Liam argued but still got out of the fort and stepped to Theo. “But of course you can, even when you’re sober. You’re good at almost everything, huh?”
Theo chuckled and pulled Liam closer before he put his hands on Liam’s hips. “I don’t plan on teaching you how to dance the tango. It’s just swaying back and forth, Alpha puppy.” “Easy for you to say.” Liam muttered. Theo naturally moved good in every situation. He was very gracefully and Liam was...not. He was more forceful, had gross sensory motor skills, and graceful wasn’t really something that Liam associated with himself. He still wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck and let his boyfriend guide his hips into swaying.
“You have no idea how you move sometimes, right? When you’re out on the lacrosse field for example. You play and then you make a great shot or manage to outrun your opponent and you get this beaming smile on your face and you just ooze self-confidence. When you’re in that state, you move so amazingly and, Liam, you look hot as fuck. Hotter than usually. And even more attractive than usual. It’s not my favorite look of you but it’s in the top five.”
“How can you say something and sound sexy and sweet at the same time?” Liam was actually amazed by this. Theo grinned. “It’s a special talent.” He kissed Liam’s cheek, then his jaw, then his neck. “I just worship everything about you.”  He kissed Liam’s neck again and gently tugged at the skin with blunt teeth. Liam moaned softly and tilted his head to the side so Theo had even more space. The chimera used it to lick and kiss the skin for a while but then he pressed a kiss on Liam’s shirt, right where the mating bite was hidden, and his hands sneaked over Liam’s side and his ass and then slipped between their bodies to rub Liam’s groin. Liam moaned and pushed his hips into Theo’s grip. His mate used it to stroke him until Liam was fully hard and then he dropped to his knees. 
Liam looked down and gasped when Theo pulled his pajama pants down and right along with it his boxers. His cock sprang free, hard and leaking, and Theo’s eyes flashed. This time they had the full hungry and lustful glimmer inside them. Liam moaned again and bit his lower lip, never took his eyes away from the pretty picture in front of him. 
And then Theo engulfed Liam’s hard cock in his mouth and Liam’s moan turned into a gasp. Theo swallowed him inch by inch, tongue teased Liam’s length all along and licked the underside of his cock, trailed over the veins there, and within minutes Liam was reduced to a whimpering mess. He steadied himself with one hand on Theo’s shoulder, the other gripped Theo’s hair when the head of his cock hit the back of Theo’s throat. His mate was an absolute expert in this regard too and Liam could have come from the sight alone; Theo on his knees, lips wrapped around his aching cock. 
He raised his head slightly and looked at Liam with a mischievous glint in his eyes, then he hummed. It sent vibrations down Liam’s cock and he gasped again. Theo continued to tease him and used his tongue to it as well. “Fuck, your tongue should be forbidden.” Liam groaned and pressed his eyes shut. 
Theo hummed again and then he began bopping his head. Liam’s grip on his hair tightened and not long after Liam started to move his hips and fucked into Theo’s mouth. Theo groaned around Liam’s cock and eagerly continued to move his head. Liam’s other hand also darted to Theo’s hair and gripped it tightly. Theo groaned once more and sucked hard on Liam’s erection. Liam’s eyes flew open again and he looked down.
“You call me naughty little Alpha but I really need a nickname for you. When you do things like this...Oh, fuck...because you look gorgeous...My pretty sinful  Beta.” Liam gasped out and his grip tightened momentarily before he loosened it to not hurt Theo. “I’m going to cum, Theo...”
The chimera looked up at him with his intriguing green eyes and Liam’s heart sped up, more than it already did. Theo kept his eyes locked with Liam’s and then they flashed gold and he sucked hard again which was a point of no return for Liam. He moaned Theo’s name and spilled into Theo’s awaiting mouth. 
His heart hammered against his ribcage and he bit his lips while he watched Theo swallow his cum. When Theo pulled back and released his cock with an obscene sound, Liam reached out and ran his thumb over Theo’s lower lip. “Such talented lips and such a wicked tongue. I surely have the best mate.”  He smiled and leaned down to kiss Theo, licked into his mouth and tasted himself on Theo’s tongue. He moaned.  They were breathing heavily when they pulled apart and Liam gentle nudged Theo towards the fort. 
“Undress and get your ass inside so I can fuck you.” Theo’s eyes flashed gold. “Yes, Alpha.”
I guess it's safe to say Theo is hopelessly in love with his mate and insanely proud of his full shift♥ But as it happens in every other relationship, there are problems and it can’t always be cotton candy and roses. Theo is still relatively new to the whole feelings thing, especially feeling so deep for someone. And Liam is also very emotional. Not always the best combination. Most times it’s perfect, but sometimes it gets too much. Good thing they sorted it out. They need each other so much, I guess that chapter proved it once again.
18 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Open Mike Nite
WARNING: This may not post in time as this is suppose to take place on the last week of August.
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Hiya, folks! Welcome to Day 2 of Dream FES: Open Mike Nite! This year’s Open Mike promises to be spectacular... And a bit short. First up, we have some lovely ladies who are about to prove just how strong they can be.
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It’s just something a friend of ours wrote for us sometime ago. I know most people wouldn’t think she could do it, but she has more heart than any of us.
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Yeah. If it hadn’t been for her, there are somethings we wouldn’t be able to do.
MC: She sounds like a great person. Does she have a name?
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If you please, she wishes to remain anonymous. For certain reasons.
MC: So she’s shy? Okay, I won’t pry into it. Don’t want you Women of Power to beat me to a pulp.
>The audience laughs.
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Oh well. I guess they wouldn’t believe an AI could be capable of writing a song.
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I’m sure you’ll be getting credit someday. Just be patient.
MC: After that, we have Ryuji Sakamoto and his boy friends. So, this is the famous Skul5 I’ve heard about?
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I wish. But I already have other guys in mind. My friends are just fillin’ in. We don’t even have a fifth member. But I ain’t givin’ up.
MC: I see. Hope you succeed.
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Though I’m hopin’ Renren would consider joinin’ for real.
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Sorry. But I think if I joined, Skul5 wouldn’t make sense since you’re suppose to be the leader. Besides, I still like to try other things.
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As do I. Though, I’d like to try my hand at being an idol myself. But I think I have enough admirers to last me a long time.
>The audience laugh.
MC: A little too late for that, Akechi san. Although, one of your friends here might be showing what you mean.
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(trying to back away from some girls trying to get on stage) No doubt.
MC: Sorry, ladies, but you have to keep off stage. Partly for health reasons. You don’t want to give our performers the coronavirus... Okay, bad joke. But seriously, stay off the stage. You should control yourselves.
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Besides, he’s taken.
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Indeed. My heart is already yours, Ren.
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You heard ‘em: Access to Inari: Denied.
>All the girls whined in disappointment.
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Don’t be sad. I’m sure, if Yusuke would agree to it, you can commission signed paintings. Is that okay?
Fox: I’ll see what I can do.
MC: Looks like you dodged a bullet there. And after the Substitute Skul5 performs, we have a special treat for all of you. A performance by one of the world’s newest superhero teams, the Future Avengers!
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I don’t know how I got talked into this. I know I sang that song, but this is embarrassing.
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Hey, this is Bruno’s idea. Any complaints you have now, direct them to him.
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I just thought about doing this. I just wanted to see what it was like to be up here like this.
MC: So you signed in on a whim? (laughs a bit) Oh, man, I hope you know what you’re doing.
Bruno: I’ve watched enough of these concerts and previous Dream Festivals to know what to do. So I think we should be fine.
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It also helps that Ryuji and KUROFUNE have been coaching us for this. We owe them thanks.
Skull: (a bit proud) You bet. We’ve done a lot.
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We’ve also had help from a friend of ours online.
MC: Really? Who?
Kei: (nervous smile) You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
MC: Try us.
Kei: ...
??????: Is this proof enough?
MC: Wow! I didn’t know you could throw your voice. Is that another power besides summoning kaiju?
Kei: No.
??????: I’m right here. Or, did you forget about us.
MC: (shocked) Oops! My bad. I forgot to introduce our co-hosts who will be joining us via video phone. First up, all the way in Paris, France, teen model and heart-throb, Adrien Agreste!
NOTE: I’d like to apologize in advanced for the following image.
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Konnichi wa. I hope you all have a great show for us.
MC: By the way, Adrien san... Is that a sock floating over there?
Adrien: ... My cousin’s a great magician. I thought I’d try a trick of my own... Now watch me make the sock disappear.
>With that, the sock floats away off screen.
MC: Amazing! A model and a magician? Is there anything you can’t do, Adrien san?
Adrien: Well, the only thing I can’t do right now is actually go to Japan to enjoy Dream FES. Me and some of my friends were really looking forward to it. Especially if it were to take place at the Summer Olympics.
Skull: We actually didn’t think we were gonna have it this year because of the Summer Olympics. But D-Four said that we coulda still have performed there.
Adrien: And we all hope you will.
Skull: We will... If I could properly get Skul5 together.
Adrien: I’ll look forward to it. Me and my friends.
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Thanks. We’ll look forward to it, too.
MC: Though distance separates them, their friendship holds them close. If this were the Love Meets Bonds Festival, this would be an even bigger tear jerker. Now, all the way from America, a rocker who who’s rocked New York even more than the virus or an alien invasion, sensation Ross Caliban!
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What’s up, Tokyo! This is Dream FES!
>The crowd cheered.
Ross Caliban: Alright. I just I wasn’t trapped at home and have to watch this on screen. But no matter the distance, nothing can stop the beat. I bet even Spider-Man would agree.
Crow: I’m sure he will.
MC: Next, who decided to show up here in person, famed enka singer, Misuzu Hiiragi!
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Thank you all for having me here.
MC: Now, Misuzu san, I know it’s going to sound like I’m prying, but I just herd you just got remarried. I guess that mean you and Taro Namatame really are through.
Misuzu Hiiragi: Pretty much. Though to be honest, even before the affair, Taro and I were pretty much drifting apart what with our jobs. But, we worked it out in the end and now we’re still good friends. He even introduced me to the man who is now my husband... Unofficially, of course. We’re still working some things out. He’s in the audience right now. How are you enjoying the show?
>Someone stands up.
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Real fine. It’s no End of Summer or Summer Olympics, but it’s still a great show.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I’m glad you think that.
MC: (a bit surprised) Whoa! The King of Stride? Guess that makes you the Queen of Stride.
Misuzu Hiiragi: (laughs a bit) No, I think my stepdaughter’s claimed that title. Sorry.
>The audience laughs at the joke.
MC: Well-
>Suddenly, a stagehand rushes to the MC and hands him a note. He reads it.
MC: Well look at this! It appears we have a couple of last minute guest hosts.
Ross Caliban: Are you serious? Who?
MC: (reading the note more) I’m not sure. They say they wishes to remain anonymous. They’re even sending a couple of guys with personal computers because they don’t want to be traced.
>Suddenly, two men come up to the host table, each with a couple of laptops.
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We’re here on behalf of our employers. They apologize for the sudden appearance.
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They’re even willing to make a donation to make up for wasting your time.
MC: Well that’s very generous of them, but Stark Enterprises backs us up. But I’m sure it’ll be fine... It’ll even raise my pay check... (laughing) I’m just joking.
>The audience laughs as the two men set up the laptops. They turn on.
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We apologize for the sudden appearance. You may refer to me as “E”.
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And me as “H”. We just wish to enjoy your Dream Festival.
MC: So what have to mysteries on our hands. This Dream FES is really getting more and more exciting.
Adrien: I know. Now I really wish I was there.
MC: No doubt. Anyway, aside from our first two acts, we have plenty more... Including a mystery entry. Now, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!
Panther: We’re the first to go! Are you ready?
Queen, Oracle, Noir, and Violet: Ready!
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Then let’s do this!
>The Women of Power begin performing You Are Stronger.
>After the song.
Adrien: Amazing! That performance was so cool! I bet even Clara Nightingale would be impressed.
Ross Caliban: No doubt. I’ve seen girl groups perform before, but wow... You girls really stole my heart!
Misuzu Hiiragi: You girls are no Rise Kujikawa or Kanamin Kitchen, but you five really show promising talent.
E: Yes. You all dance so beautifully. And that song about how people can be stronger than who they are? Sounds like an absolute inspiration.
H: So wonderful. I bet even the hard-hearted would be moved.
Panther: Thank you. And we thank our friend who responsible for it.
Sophie: (happily whispering) Thank you.
MC: Now on to our next group. Substitute Skul5?
Skull: It’s just the song I did last Dream FES. I hope you all like it this year.
Joker: Because it’s important to continue perusing what is in your heart.
Fox: Beauty exists in dream and your dream will not wait.
Mona: Though they may seem out of reach, this song will keep you going.
Crow: So let us sing and you will reach your goal in the speed of light!
Substitute Skul5: So, KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheer!
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Let the race begin!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Let’s cross the finish line together.
Catch Your Cheers!
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I’m flattered by your good cheer!
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Such a wonderful feeling you have given me.
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Your cheers will unlock the mystery of your dreams.
REMINDER: The following images are not in violation of the Tumblr policy as they do not actually contain sensitive or adult contain. They only show the upper half. Please do not flag.
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>We change clothes.
Cheerful Jam Series! Complete!
>With that, we perform KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM. Skull was right. If we could, we could become a real Unit with him instead of substitutes... But, we already have our paths set. Though they still go side by side, they are different, but our bond is unbreakable.
>After the song, the audience went wild.
Adrien: That was so cool! Even a close friend of mine agrees that you guys ere great.
Ross Caliban: I think you guys are awesome together. I know you guys are just armatures filling in, but wow!
Misuzu Hiiragi: My thought as well. It’s remarkable on how the song goes.
E: Yes. If my own friends could see this, they would love it.
H: Indeed. I think there may have been someone who may have had his heart touched by this... Despite him claiming that he didn’t have one.
>I can sense that’s right. But hearing about someone touching the heart of someone who claims to not have a heart does sort of remind me of Sophie creator... So why does my thought keep turning to Boss?
MC: Now, on to our next act! You know them as superheroes, but tonight, you will know them as stars. Give it up for the Future Avengers!
Bruno: I know Makoto is the leader, but are you ready!?
Makoto: We’re with you all the way, Bruno!
>Adi, Chloe, and Kei agree.
Bruno: Then let’s do it! This is a song I’ve been working on. The only down side is that we didn’t have time to pay for the Dream Festival System.* Now, let’s do this! Our song, Storms of Glory!
NOTE 2:* Actually, we forgot to add the Future Avengers act. We didn’t have time to use the Dream Festival System and I’m having trouble saving things on Tumblr, most likely due to how long this post is. But we’ll see if we can put up the song. Also, we like apologized if it sounds a bit rushed.
Bruno Little did you know, we’re not just some punks We’re what fly the air
Makoto You’ll never see it coming, you’ll be sunk Then you’ll know we’re there
Adi Don’t bother looking up, you’ll be down We bring the justice right now and here
Chloe Power and the sky will not let you frown The storm of glory is near
Kei Let’s go
Future Avengers Storm of Glory, blow your winds this way Your flight will lead us to victory No darkness will stand this day The day we shine and see
>After the song.
Adrien: It sounds a little rushed. But I suppose you deserve an A for effort.
Ross Caliban: But you do have a point, the song doesn’t really connect. But it was a good try. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I can tell that you have potential in the music depart ment aside from being a hero. Perhaps a little more pactice would be good for you.
E: I agree. It pays to practice. How about if things calm down, I can help you?
Bruno: You really mean that?
H: I believe she does.
Bruno: ... Thank you.
>A few acts later.
MC: And now for our last act. A mystery act because she wanted to surprise us. Now give it up for...
>Suddenly, the lights go out. Then, a spot light shows on stage... We were surprised by who was in it.
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Surprise, everyone!
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A- Akane!?
MC: Wow, Akane chan. I guess you had the Phantom Thieves in mind for this, huh?
Akane: Yeah. My friends helped me out with it.
Panther: I was in charge of the long socks and shoes.
Queen: The skirt, belt, and corset were me.
Oracle: I did the coat and gloves.
Noir: I commissioned the mask and top hat.
Violet: And I did the make-up.
MC: So it was a team effort? You have some great friends, Akane chan.
Akane: Pretty much. Sorry, Dad. I just wanted this to be a surprise.
Wolf: ...
MC: Looks like your pops is still having a hard time processing this. I’d explain why, but that would be entering some thorny territory. So, is the song also after the Phantom Thieves?
Akane: That’s right. This one’s for you, my Thieves!
>With that, Akane performs He’s a Trickster⭐.
>After the performance, the crowd cheered loudly. Even Wolf couldn’t resist... Then he mouths something to her.
Wolf: We’ll talk about the highly inappropriate outfit later. Right now, you did great tonight.
Akane: Thanks.
Adrien: I can really feel the Phantom Thief vibe. And I thought Cat Noir appears to be the mysterious type... Or especially Ladybug.
Ross Caliban: Well, I think the outfit’s a bit of an overkill, but it definitely shows your devotion to the group. Believe it or not, I’m a bit of a Phan-boy myself. Don’t worry, Spider-Man’s still number one in my book.
Misuzu Hiiragi: But I agree, the outfit’s overkill. However, red is definitely your color.
E: Yes. You really put your heart into this. Believe me, I know.
H: I sense it too, even though I am not there. You wanted to show your appreciation to your heroes.
Akane: Thank you.
MC: Well, that about wraps it up for tonight. Tomorrow night, we will see which Idol will make it to the Top Three and become True Idols and get a music deal. We’ll see you then!
>The audience applauded.
>Later back stage, the MC was taking some coffee when he heard someone talking in the shower room.
WARNING: Some nudity ahead, but nothing will be shown. Just the upper half. Please don’t flag.
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I think tonight was rather exciting. I think that’s the first time me and Morgana have ever used the System.
Mona: (no picture available) I know. I hope Lady Ann was watching.
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Are you seriously thinking about that? We know about your infatuation with her, but asking if she saw your magical boy transformation? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Crow: Can you blame him? It’s a whole new sensation. Is this how it always feel when you use it?
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You bet. It feels like you’re bein’ empowered by the fans and everyone else who believes in you. Kinda like our Personas.
Fox: They say clothes make the man, I think this takes it up a level.
Crow: Yes. But of course, we shouldn’t forget the actual performance. Singing and dancing our hearts out. We’ve come a long way since Dancing in Starlight.
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We sure have. It seemed not too long ago when we did that. I know we were told that it was just a dream and that we would forget about it when we woke, but the experience will always be in our hearts.
Mona: That’s right. We’ll never truly forget.
>We all smiled happily.
Skull: It’s just a shame the others weren’t here. Oka, Nobu, and Ichiro. And we still haven’t even found a fifth guy. Because of the virus, we can’t have any auditions.
Crow: You could try hold online auditions.
Skull: ...
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FOR REAL!? You coulda said so earlier!?
>We all laugh... Even the MC couldn’t hold it in... And he got an idea.
Crow: Is someone there?
Joker: (using Third Eye) I have something... It’s the MC.
MC: (nervous) Sorry! You just had the door open and I couldn’t help it. Don’t worry, I didn’t peek. But I have thought about what you said about Skul5 needing a fifth member. I know I shouldn’t be saying this because it may seem like favoritism, but... I think I might know a guy who might work out.
Skull: For real? Who?
MC: He’s this really nice kid I met while I was staying at this nice little pension... in Karuizawa...
>To be continued...
APOLOGY: Sorry. We know the MC said this would short, but it wasn’t.
Also, the Joker sprite is by Hex.
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