#and maybe formations since they're an even number
blueaiyuice · 10 months
hear me out
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consider this lineup for wakeone and yuehua's mixed project (if forced to play by wakeone's initial lineup). we get wakeonez together. we get ggang reunion. we get hwanjiti. we get variety kings. we get g group members
either seunghwan or hanbin can be the leader they’re both really good at it tbh
main vocals: junhyeon (with lead dancer), seungeon, yunseo, wumuti main rappers: jianyu, jihoo, jeonghyeon, junghyun (with lead or sub vocal for all three of them) main dancers: hanbin, seunghwan (and both of them are all rounders, might as well)
like this whole group is fucking stacked. you got all three and then variety with junhyeons existence and jianyu's silly personality and wumuti and hanbin being social butterflies and yunseo seunghwan reaction kings like hello???
jihoo would also not be the only introvert in this team which will save him from the hells of extroverts
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Hi hi! I have a question and I apologise if it's impertinent but I really didn't have anyone else to ask. I'm new to ao3 and I'm still figuring out how it works. The problem is this- when I look up a character x reader, I'll see the tag included in many works that have oneshots but since it's a side character, more often than not the oneshot for the character hasn't been written and the tag has been there for months. Is it okay to do that or is it tagging something incorrectly? They say they'll write one eventually but they never do, y'know? To me it kind of feels like they're just trying to reach a wider audience but because of this I can't even filter tags and I have to manually search through the book to check if the character is included, especially when the chapters are titled only by numbers :')
Is it okay to tag things in advance like that?
Oh boy...
Wattpad refugees do tend to use AO3 "wrong", sometimes in ways that break the rules and sometimes just in ways I find annoying and against typical AO3 culture.
I'm assuming you are coming from Wattpad based on you calling a work or a fic a "book", which is a very, very Wattpad thing to do.
I'm assuming they are coming from Wattpad given the bad behavior you're describing and the fact that they're a x reader writer.
So, here's the thing, if you start writing a fic and there's any amount of the actual fic, even if it's pretty short and bad or in a weird format or whatever, it's still a valid fanwork. Most of the time, AO3 leaves it to the author to decide how to tag (aside from a very few things like death threats in the tags or failing to use the required archive warnings).
AO3 won't stop someone from tagging a future pairing that hasn't appeared yet.
But "books" of "oneshots" are such an obnoxious Wattpad thing. This is a completely stupid use of AO3 from the "Please send me prompts" part that is usually in there to the way that unrelated fics are smashed together.
It's not against the rules, but it's a crappy use of AO3 befitting of n00bs.
Sadly, old hands at AO3 also make shitty works that are unrelated stories mashed together. They're often a whole set of kinktober fics or something where the trope tags and the ship tags are accurate, but you can't tell which ones go with which ones without searching the whole fic.
We regularly complain about that on here.
A much better way to use AO3 is to make a series titled "My x Reader Oneshots" or "All of my kinktober fics" where each separate story is its own work with its own tags.
My assumption is that this person is using the inaccurate tag both to get more eyeballs on their existing work and because they probably take prompts for that ship or something. (I'm basing this on the kinds of things people say on their oneshot books on Wattpad. Maybe they don't actually take prompts since you haven't mentioned it.)
Some people just don't care that they're annoying others and messing up the tags, but I think some actually don't realize how AO3 filtering works and have no idea this behavior is a nuisance.
On a lot of sites, both Wattpad and algorithm-driven social media, unless a post/work is very popular, it disappears out of sight. Even an inaccurate tag doesn't do that much.
On AO3, one is getting a full list of everything with the tag, going back however far. It's a library catalogue for which you should use accurate data. But this writer is probably thinking of tags more as advertising and a way to get their name out there so readers can follow them pre-emptively. They mean to write the ship in the future, so it's not really inaccurate... (And, tbh, if it were a single work and the ship just hadn't appeared yet, I would agree with them even though those are frustrating too.)
So no, they should not do this.
But it's not actually against the rules.
I would mute the annoying people who do this.
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comicaurora · 1 year
If you were to actually write a tournament arc (be it in Aurora or a future story) fashioned in your own preferences and ideas, what would it be like?
Oh boy. That's an interesting challenge, because there are so many factors to the Tournament Arc that I just don't like on principle-
Foregone conclusion. If the tournament is centered on a final battle with the Super Scary Big Bad, as they so often are, the heroes are just killing time before they get there, and at least one of the heroes is guaranteed to get to the final round. If the stakes of the tournament are too high, the conclusion is set in stone from the outset. If the heroes are being forced to participate for hostage or supervillain reasons, their victory becomes narratively assured. If the heroes aren't being forced to participate by narrative necessity, then the whole thing becomes an even bigger waste of time.
Formulaic. There's only so much you can mix up a tournament format - environmental hazards, minigames, ring-out rules - and without that, it's just a linear series of fights. Can give the heroes a chance to show off their unique movesets, but narratively they're just ticking up a progress bar before they can get to the end.
Fuckton of characters. Tournament needs meat for the grinder, let's make several dozen characters to throw at the heroes of which maybe five will be memorable enough to recur later. Better make sure they all have interesting gimmicks too - otherwise the formulaic fights will become even more formulaic!
None of these are particularly enticing for me, so in order to construct a tournament arc I actually liked, we'd need to find some way around them:
To avoid a foregone conclusion, the tournament stakes can't be a simple boolean value with "heroes win" and "heroes lose" tied inextricably to things like "heroes save hostage" or "villain destroys entire world." The easiest way to do that is to remove "the heroes" as a single unified participant. It's not a question of whether good will triumph over evil, it's a question of which characters will win and under what circumstances? Part of the reason I liked the tournament arc in MHA more than most is the actual overarching victory was basically irrelevant and our protagonist got eliminated in the quarterfinals, because it was actually all about character development inspired by that fight. So splitting the heroes up, letting them work independently and making their opponents something other than a monolithic antagonistic force would probably help to reduce that issue.
Some tournament arcs also make things more interesting by having a single loss not categorically eliminate a character from the running - the Dark Tournament arc of YYH was pretty good about this, despite being way too long, since it meant protagonists could actually lose fights without being kicked out of the arc entirely, which was a very smart way to keep the tension going, since only a few fights became foregone "either the heroes win this one or they die" situations.
The problem of fights being formulaic can also be addressed here, although I think the more relevant way to fix that is to simply make sure the tournament doesn't drag on for too long. Like, three to five fights is probably the max number we can really focus on. But we can also dodge the formulaic-ness accusations by making sure the fights have more going on than just "which action figure gets mashed harder." This is where most tournament arcs solve things by making a lot of unique gimmick characters with weird powers (so the heroes can't just smack em around the same way every time) and by giving the heroes either handicaps or new abilities/powerups they're still figuring out. This makes the choreography more interesting, and honestly even a really boring plot can be significantly brightened up by extremely cool fight choreography. "They fight and [character] wins" is a single line in the screenplay that can translate into something very spectacular in the execution. But this is, again, something they did in the YYH Dark Tournament arc, and that was still way too much tournament arc, so I think plotline fatigue is a problem that can't entirely be solved by finding new spices to pepper onto the same bracket structure.
You can, of course, also add emotional stakes like "this character's self-worth is tied in with their victory" or "this character is being manipulated by someone else" or "this character is having a personal crisis and handling it poorly" or even something really basic like "the other people in this tournament think we suck, let's prove them wrong."
The "fuckton of characters" problem isn't intrinsically an issue, because it can also be an opportunity to create and introduce a lot of very interesting secondary characters, but it does unfortunately lock them into an extremely artificially constraining plotline. The problem with a tournament arc is it is literally the same subplot template over and over again until the finale inevitably breaks the format. It's an extremely rigid scenario to lock a character-driven story into, and no matter how individually rad parts of the fights are, the overarching structure is repetitive and it limits the characters' ability to shine. Ultimately, no matter how neat or complicated a new character is, they only exist in the arc to be defeated and then get out of the way of the plot. They can have cool stories when they show up later, but in the bounds of the tournament arc they're just more obstacles.
On paper a tournament arc should be a fantastic way to elaborate on a character. The number one recipe for cool character moments is putting that bitch in a Situation and seeing how they handle it, and "a bunch of different fights with different enemies with different powers and different rules" sounds like an ideal Situation Gauntlet. But practically speaking they're all the same! Outside a tournament arc, the stakes of a fight can be anything and the victory condition can be anything. The heroes can bypass the fight, talk down the antagonist, plan a heist, turn the bad guys against each other, organize a prison break, hide and be sneaky - they can find allies, negotiate with political leaders, get captured or rescued, protect someone from pursuit, navigate a hostile and unfamiliar environment, outwit a super-persistent predator, join an underground resistance movement, run off for an angsty solo arc - but within the confines of a tournament, no matter how wacky that tournament might be, everything boils down to a fight with a clear-cut victory and defeat condition. The space of characterization carved out by this format is very, very narrow, so I think legitimately the only tournament arc I would uncritically enjoy is a short one.
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
based on the interview posts, it's definitely thought-provoking to consider what's going to happen next. personally i do wonder if pjsekai will become "multi-generational" if it remains popular enough to continue (which is nearly impossible not to be considering a good portion of its competitors have been going for longer than 6 years at this point), the original 5 units would be the first generation, a conceptual new number of units being the next, and so on, because of the implication that "the original 5's stories will reach their conclusions and have an end" and after their conclusions are reached then, while they could write a new story with the characters with new adult issues and seeing them grow up further, there are still a lot of opportunities to expand on the game's lore and universe with new units, how the original units affected others, and especially sekai lore, especially since a lot of the game's lore has to do with miku helping out many individuals with their problems, and currently the majority of that is only done through the original unit's sekais, which is only a select 20 people's views (minus the vs fes cards which only have little lore anyways). Maybe it will be something like lovelive where the original generation (u's) has officially graduated but are still featured in newer games and still get some content in those games. Ultimately what happens next is something we just have to see the game develop closer to, but it's a solid option that the game can technically go for.
yeah like they said it's a difficult decisions. because on the one hand you've got these beloved characters and stories that people will have grown up with at that point, and continuing them on into 3rd year/university would mean there's more things you can do with them and new ideas you could include. and i think in a natural storytelling sense it would make sense to carry on with the main 5 because quite frankly having them all achieve their dreams and that before they've even finished high school is... somewhat unfulfilling? especially with n25 i think it would make a lot of sense to carry them on into uni, maybe have Ena go to art school and Mafuyu go to nursing school. even if their stories ended before they graduated uni I feel like that would be a really satisfying conclusion for them compared to maybe just mentioning that's where they're going when they finish high school. but then there's the fact they mentioned about just carrying on because it's popular and the story going stale because they only wrote so far. and that's definitely a threat because that can happen if they've only planned so far ahead. then again, the writing team is generally top-notch and other games have proven that you can stick around without people ever getting tired of the story.
i do however think the generational format could work. as you said it could expand more on the lore, introduce new characters with new problems, and prevent people from growing tired of the old ones. on the lore side of things i wonder if they would be included in the Tree SEKAI with the main 5, or if there would be a new collective sekai for them? the only thing about having a generational format similar to Love Live (where you completely conclude the story of the previous generation before the next generation...ish) is that you have to execute it well. SIP -> Sunshine worked because there was an in-universe 5 year timeskip. it left you with this legacy that u's had left that people were trying to chase, and Aqours had to learn that they had to find their own radiance instead of trying to directly copy u's. u's was long gone from the story and never actually appeared in the present day and that worked really well and i think was the best decision they could have made because actually having them there i think would ruin the whole idea of legacies and how they can work (sorry for rambling on a bit here I really like Sunshine). even in Superstar and Nijigaku there are nods to SIP and Sunshine but the characters never actually appear. It's similar to the VBS story actually with Nagi and trying to carry her legacy (with the difference is that u's and aqours are still alive. probably.).
that got a bit rambly but what i'm trying to say is that if you want to do a completely new generation and retire the old ones completely, it has to be done in a way that doesn't rely to much on stuff like random coincidences. you need there to be solid reasons why some kid would look up to a group of 4 kids who performed at a disneyland equivalent or 4 kids who held a music event. obviously there will be development in their stories between now and new units being added but I think adding in a timeskip and saying "yeah, they went on to do this really big inspiring thing" would be much more effective than a bunch of new characters who are hugely inspired by a niche teen music group that honesly doesn't really have much of an impact on anything. the reason VBS' story with legacies works is because there's actual stakes. RADder was a hugely successful group that had CD sales, national tours and a member that became a successful independent artist worldwide. RAD WEEKEND, although more limited to Tokyo, was still massively popular and inspired many people to put on an event that will surpass it. RADder is a big name and a big inspiration and leaves big shoes to fill, and that's why it works so well because there's big goals to work towards.
also in some ways as well a bunch of characters surpassing RW2 just after we saw VBS&Co put on RW2 would be a little bit unsatisfying I think. RADder are side characters who people are less attached to than VBS, but if you were to introduce VBS2 just after the original, even if there's a timeskip, it would probably leave a bit of a bad taste for some fans of the original VBS who'd spent years following their story.
to throw my own personal wishes for the games story on here, i think doing something similar to bandori or d4dj would work best for them. as in, adding new units who kinda take centre stage but still having the old units getting events and stories of their own. we could have new characters to keep things fresh but still get to see the original 20 growing up, having their careers take off, facing more adult problems and such. you could have the OG20 around to mentor the new characters as well, and keep the whole tree sekai lore intact with that being something that revolves around the original 5 units (and actually fucking develop the lore holy shit colopale it's been 3 years don't drag it out another 3 and then actually reveal all the lore before then completely retiring it). ahaha maybe this is a bit too self-indulgent and wishful thinking because I am way too attached to the main 20 but also from the perspective of someone who has done screenwriting classes at college it does work.
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thedreadvampy · 19 days
So, wow, ok, it doesn't grant them voting rights or a seat on the Security Council but the UN has successfully voted to move Palestine from an observer state to a member state, which means it can put forwards motions and join debates.
this is. fucking miraculous. as a sign that the US is wavering in its support of Israel.
Of course they're bitching about it and the US right are already trying to pull all funding from the UN (frankly I'm in favour of this if it was unilateral can we be honest cause if the US actually shot its load and withdrew from the UN maybe the UN could be something other than an arm of US control) but this has never been allowed to happen.
(threatening to pull funding is America's favourite pasttime when it comes to Israel, and is also the only reason Israel exists at all, because America threatened to pull funding and aid if there was a single-state solution in 1947)
As long as the US puts its full weight behind Israel, as it has for over 75 years, the popular movement for Palestine will not find any expression at an international state level. Nobody who is not already in America's bad books will intervene without support, and even those who are already disliked by the US, like Iran, are afraid to risk kicking off all out war with the US.
This is all true while America backs Israel.
But I think, or at least I hope, that it's becoming less and less tenable for them to put all their eggs in the Israel basket. They're being increasingly condemned and cold-shouldered from outside, and facing a popular uprising inside to a degree they haven't seen since the 60s which they're so far unable to quash through propaganda or violence. Popular support for Israel is collapsing fast.
Now to you or I - normal fucking guys - this is a moral issue first and foremost. People are being killed in their thousands and That's Bad. But governments don't believe in people, they believe in numbers - profit margins, approval ratings, debts, how many potential enemies vs how many potential allies.
A moral cost won't change things but an economic and political one will, and when the costs of supporting Israel outweigh the benefits, America will shuffle away from it and pretend they were against Israel all along.
If you believe, as I do, that Palestine will be free, then America still has time to do the thing it loves to do - come in blazing in defence of the underdog at the end of a genocide it sponsored and nurtured, claim the title of Great Liberator, and rely on everyone remembering that more than they remember the preceding decades.
the downside there is that the US has rarely been SO publicly, loudly in support of a second party state as it is with Israel. it has LOUDLY invested a lot - money, time, political capital - into Israel and the Zionist cause for over 100 years, and it's devoted a huge amount of its internal propaganda machine to a) the Goodness of Israel and b) the Arab world being the ultimate evil. I don't know if they can pull off the America Classic here. I don't know if anyone's buying it.
as well, the global incentives that made the US back the formation of Israel are still there - which is to say, there's a lot of Middle Eastern states with a lot of (reasonable) beef against the US, and Israel presents a powerful barrier to Arab unity. Could they transfer that power over to Saudi Arabia? Maybe, but that's still Arab. I think they're very afraid of losing a foothold in the Middle East. But also they're building hostility there again by continuing to support Israel, so they might be better advised to jump ship while they still can.
(the other fear I guess is that if they pull out and Israel survives and completes its genocide, they will also have lost the foothold, and will have burned all their bridges on both sides)
like my hope is that at this point the US state's relationship with Israel is a game of chicken and I hope they're coming towards a point where the internal division, the international condemnation, the rebellion of the UN, and the weakening of the Israeli state make it more threatening to US interests to stay allied to Israel than to withdraw.
And the US is the linchpin. The only thing allowing Israel to act with impunity is that the US is standing behind it holding a big stick.
When the US caves on Israel - and it will, sooner or later - the world will scramble to follow. So we have to keep making support for Israel politically inconvenient. Keep fighting US support for the occupation because the movement isn't visible much of the time but Palestine becoming a member state of the UN without US sanctions is a jolt of movement. It shows we're moving this huge thing off course, and we can't let up - the more it moves, the easier it will become to move.
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7grandmel · 3 months
Todays rip: 13/03/2024
Nuclear Pomeranian
Season 8 Featured on: Now That's What I Call Quality! 3
Ripped by Half Pixel
Requested by Oetam! (Discord)
I've covered a number of rips featured in Now That's What I Call Quality! 3 already on here, and I maintain that it's likely the best album the channel has yet put out in terms of raw concise quality on offer. Beautiful Dreamer, Initial Deluxe (I've Just Raced on this Course Before) and Owner of a Mahjong Board are all absolute highlights of Season 7, and it feels like the entire SiIvaGunner team came together to truly show the best of the best on the album. Yet beyond featuring classics from the Season that was then wrapping up, Now That's What I Call Quality! 3 also featured a good few rips that had yet to be uploaded to the YouTube channel - that is to say, some of the first-ever rips that you could consider to be part of Season 8. Its in this category that Nuclear Pomeranian finds itself in: the seventh rip of Rhythm Doctor makes an incredible first impression on what to expect from Season 8 in the months to come.
Honestly, it wasn't as if Half Pixel had to prove his prowess in creating these sorts of dense meme medleys: Since way back when I first heard Everybody's Special Course in Season 1, I'd known the guy had an undeniable knack for these sorts of rips. It may be coincidence, but it, Nuclear Pomeranian and Siiva Lining all just have this immense energy and adrenaline to them, a celebratory party atmosphere that never fails to bring a smile to my face. So then, I suppose Nuclear Pomeranian mainly shows just how much Half Pixel has grown as a ripper in those years, how many creative flourishes are added and implemented with complete confidence. The lyrical silliness in the opening is one of my favorite examples: transitioning Infinite's lyrics of "I am the last one that's standing, don't try and stand in my way" into a simple "okay" sound, followed by a response of "and now you're in my way" from Call Me Maybe. That's so fun! That has nothing to do with Rhythm Doctor, or SiIva's own memes, or Season 8 or anything, it's just a little bit of flavor added to the rip by Half Pixel to make it a funnier listen.
It goes through so many phases, yet compared to something like Memey Hell, it feels as if each part featured is allowed room to breathe in isolation from one another. Some of the sources. such as PSY's music, feel like they're subtly in the background almost throughout the whole rip, but segments focusing on just one source at a time feel like they strike such a perfect balance in terms of how long they're featured. The rip will for instance use Bo Burnham's Bezos I for a six second segment to give you just enough time to register the song as both funny and catchy in its context, before using a snappy Among Us sound effect break to transition into an equally-as-long segment using Boulevard of Broken Dreams, repeating the cycle. Much of that is of course owed to the structure of the original Bomb-Sniffing Pomeranian itself, but it's incredibly commendable just how well Half Pixel adapted that frantic, back-and-fourth pacing of the Rhythm Doctor song into such a different format. Very few of the sources, even when focused on as the sole joke for seconds at a time, are left completely unedited: small little quips from other sources, little interjections and pieces will play alongside or over the joke in focus, althewhile remaining completely harmonious.
I realize that a lot of what I'm describing is just the standard procedure on what to think of when creating a meme mashup medley like this in general, but what I'm aiming to say is that Nuclear Pomeranian is one of the best examples of how to do things right across the board. The amount of sources featured span across the channel's entire life, from the aforementioned PSY to appearances from Smooth of 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT) fame in Season 2, the Season 1 classic Chip the Ripper closing the rip off, the Big Chungus-posting of Season 4 Episode 2 and AIN'T NOTHIN' LIKE A CHUNKY BEAT, the Among Us posting of Season 5 and Among Drip Drop Galaxy, and oh so many more. Yet compared to something like, say, the Season premiere collabs such as Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab and Bramble Blast Collab, the rip doesn't place more emphasis on these nostalgic, well-remembered sources than anything else featured in its vast list of sources. SiIvaGunner classics or not, Half Pixel uses what sounds best and what's funniest at every possible moment to create a rip that works incredibly well even outside the context of the SiIvaGunner channel, as a huge tribute to Rhythm Doctor and the art of ripping itself.
Put concisely - Nuclear Pomeranian is a banger, and was a fantastic showcase of the level of quality that we've now seen many examples of in the last month and a half. The SiIvaGunner team is truly firing on all cylinders, and I'm all here for it.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Since we're on the topic of Fluffy AU, could we have a concept for Fluffy AU with Shattered Monty? Technically any one of the shattered glamrocks would be horrifying in fluffy au format, but I feel like Shattered Monty would be a particularly gruesome sight considering his whole lower body got snapped off.
Mangle is still horrifying but this... oof- For those who are new, Hi, welcome to the AU I made that traumatizes people.
This is gonna be an odd reference but... this felt like if Monty was a Leaper from Dead Space-
Yandere! Shattered! Monty (Fluffy AU) Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealous behavior, Murder, Graphic descriptions of gore, Blood, Unneeded visuals, Trauma, Zombies, Biting, Vomit, Stalking, Possessive behavior mention.
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First you'd have to meet Monty before the whole... incident.
I am pretty vague on what exactly is the background of the Fluffy AU, so it's up to you why you meet an anthro gator rockstar.
It's implied someone tried to play God, however.
In the Fluffy AU, Monty acts the same as his normal form.
It's just he's more organic.
His skin is just like that of a gator's, leathery to the touch.
Instead of the clothes he wears being plastic parts, they're actual clothes.
He also has sharp claws and teeth with a long tail.
He's a genuine creature in this AU like all the other animal characters.
Monty is still possessive and prone to nipping, unfortunately.
He can also talk as usual.
He likes to growl and is actually really good at stealth.
He also finally can swim like an actual animal.
There's a number of ways Monty could become "shattered".
Maybe you're too scared of his possessive behavior towards you?
Monty comes off way too strong with his attraction towards you, possibly?
He does have a tendency to be easily jealous, attention seeking, and may hurt you.
He gets a bit out of hand with the sharp claws and teeth he has.
He could be so into his obsession he doesn't realize he's scaring you, or he likes it.
So you plan to kill the gator, splitting him right in half.
Then there's if a freak accident happened.
Either way, somehow, Monty is declared dead.
There's no fixing him in half no matter how hard you try-
Monty is then properly disposed of.
Oof... if you saw that?
You're holding back vomit at all the gushing blood.
Those once obsessive eyes of his dull almost instantly.
Not before you saw the betrayal in them, sadly.
You try to recover from what you saw.
But even as the blood and guts are cleared up off the floor, you still replay the image in your head.
So much for eating... you feel so sick.
Not as much as you do when night hits, however.
Days pass and you are still trying to recover from Monty's death.
It's then you hear something shifting around.
It's clawing into the floor, a wet sound following the noises.
Growls echo near you....
You just about become sick again when you see what is making the sounds.
Monty... what's left of him, at least.
He looks rotten, bits missing and still very much covered in blood.
Oh the smell...
"Am I... just garbage to you?"
You stare blankly at the undead creature in front of you.
Vomit stains your clothes as you keep your distance.
He crawls closer, you see bone showing.
You back away more....
The beast roars at you, throat gurgling in a sickening sound.
The worst part is Monty's fast even with half his body... he also likes vents.
Monty would be much more animalistic in this form.
Consumed with feelings of betrayal, he's feral and will attack anyone not you.
With you? ... he just wants you back to him.
With his rotten body he wants to hold you.
Even if it's just holding your legs, he wants to still be yours.
If he corners you, he pounces you to the ground.
Then you're left with him laying on top of you, momentarily at peace.
Except you're screaming due to the feeling of guts on you.
Monty would attempt to continue his previous behavior.
Except it's broken, like him.
He can't figure out affection anymore... or be possessive of you.
Although he still tries.
He still bites and has claws.
If he sees anyone with you, he's bursting out the vent he was stalking you from and digging in his teeth.
He still seems to get jealous.
He wants affection from you... yet you aren't willing to give it.
For obvious reasons....
Now Monty is even more of a monster than before, all because of one foul incident.
Sadly... Monty has risen again to give you more nightmares than he did before.
Despite him claiming to love you... he's still very much a rotten corpse.
Looks like you'll have to find a new way to kill him...
Hopefully he stays dead this time.
"Don't leave me... (Y/N)!"
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 3 - Top 19 jetBlue Tail Designs
(number 10 will surprise you!)
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How exciting - my first request! (Well, actually, I had a different request all written up and ready to post, but this one got bumped to the front of the line...for reasons. Keep reading to find out what reasons those are!) 
The format of this post will be a bit different. There will of course be an overall grade for the general livery, coming in a subsequent post for an extra exciting multi-part review, but what the asker is referring to are jetBlue’s various jellybean tail designs, so I’ll be weighing in briefly on each one. No grades this time, just my top 19 jetBlue tail designs.
Readers from the US are probably pretty familiar with jetBlue, but I imagine a lot of people overseas aren't as much. While they do fly to some parts of Latin America and even have two destinations in Europe, they're primarily a domestic low-cost airline based in New York and Boston. One of their more noteworthy feature, aside from the fact that they name their airplanes silly things, is that instead of having one identical livery for all their planes they use several different designs for the tails, meaning that their fleet is not entirely uniform or even close to it. (Think of it like a handful of differently flavored jellybeans.)
All of the following quotes are taken directly from the jetBlue website. Images are from visitingphx.com, and the following users of planespotters.net: Carlos A. Nieves (balloons), OMGcat (highrise, hops; spotlight), Marco Dotti (tartan), KirkXWB (streamers), Chris Pitchacaren (ribbons), and Wade DeNero (dots). The reason I use photographs when jetBlue have a page with images of all the currently-in-use tails is that a lot of them look significantly different in natural lighting vs how they are on the website.
These rankings are...in all honesty largely fairly arbitrary without a huge gap between first and last place. I'll probably completely disagree with this ranking by tomorrow, and in fact returning to the start to proofread after finishing my first draft of this post I do already disagree with my own rankings, but I need to commit to something to make the post and rearranging them would take time and effort, and I have the rest of this jetBlue extravaganza to type out, so here goes. A list of my top 19 jetBlue liveries, ranked from the one I typed out first to the one I typed out last.
Sorry, anon.
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1. Windowpane (retired)
It's very straightforward and clean. It has both the dark blue of the rest of the livery and a lighter contrasting shade. It's fairly self-contained. I think it's good to look at. No complaints.
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2. Harlequin (retired)
See above, but it has the distinct flavor of a couch cushion. This is about to become a theme. I kind of wish they'd started with the dark blue at the bottom instead of the light blue, since it contrasts more with the white fuselage and sort of makes the whole design feel more cohesive.
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3. Spotlight
Wouldn't you know it, she's a birthday girl! This "fierce" design was originally rolled out during 2019 Pride month - by complete coincidence, I would assume. I guess it would be weird for their brand, maybe, but if they have a yellow plane I don't see why committing to a rainbow plane was that far of a leap.
Despite that, I actually really like this design. The tiny bits of orange don't really overtake the rest of it, and the lighter, brighter blue really pops. It feels bubbly. It feels bubblier than the design called 'bubbles'.
I do feel the need to point out that the description on jetBlue's website seems to just cut off abruptly.
"bold splashes of color continue to steal the spotlight on our ne"
Your ne? Your ne is what? Please, how am I supposed to properly assess this design if I don't know what this livery is stealing the spotlight on? I'll rank it really high just in case I'm missing something crucial.
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4. Plaid (retired)
I'm honestly just a big fan of plaid generally. This has a nice three-dimensional feeling to it. The main reason I ranked it so high is that I got the mental image of airlines knitting little jackets to put on their planes' fins so they don't get cold in the winter and can't stand how adorable that is.
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5. Ribbons
The ribbons tail is used on A321neos with Mint, so the fanciest planes the airline has. I like this design. The blue shades feel like they fuse into something nice and eye-catching. It feels weird that they cut off abruptly, but I still like this tail design a lot.
That said, jetBlue's website has goofed again:
Ribbon has colorful tied up with (count ‘em!) THREE hues of blues.
Has colorful...what tied up? Or is colorful the thing being tied up?
jetBlue. jetBlue, the company jetBlue. I am talking to you. I know you're reading this. jetBlue, this is just sad. I feel legitimate pity for you. Can I please proofread your website? Please? You don't even have to pay me in money. I'll do it for TrueBlue points. I'll even do it for a couple scale models. Please don't let yourself live like this, jetBlue. You can do better. You literally have so much money. You can pay like dozens of people with fancy degrees way more than the retail price of a few small model planes to proofread your website but I am one individual with a tumblr blog and this is like seeing a wounded animal thrashing around on the ground. I'm being condescending but I'm also completely serious.
Now, if the next time I go on your website I see that you've changed it without contacting me I'll assume you're ripping me off and I won't do anything about it but honestly, jetBlue, I'll be hurt. So think about your actions.
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(Jokes aside, though, two typos on one page of a major airline's website is two more than there should be. Also, if anyone is reading this after they've fixed it, here's an archive to prove it happened. That said, this was posted in July and I'm editing this in on the second of September - bad look!)
(Also, three hues of blue is a weird thing to tout as a benefit considering a lot of the other tails have three or even four different shades of blue.)
Anyway, the ribbon tail is pretty nice. I like it.
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6. Mosaic
This design looks really washed out on their website for some reason but in person it's pretty nice. I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thing other people observe or just a me thing, but it sort of reminds me of how panels on airplanes overlap each other a lot with a bunch of adjacent square edges. But it also just looks nice. This is also one of the older ones but I feel like I wouldn't have guessed that if asked. Nice and simple in concept but not boring in execution.
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7. Hops
This is a bit embarrassing, but until I actually looked up all the tail patterns I never connected the 'hops' name with an image. I just saw it written in passing and thought 'huh, like, the plant? That's a bit of a weird name but alright'. Even when I saw it I immediately was put in mind of a field of wheat, which is not the intended effect.
(It also looks like waves.)
It is, in fact, hops as in several consecutive short jumps, and is the standard tail on their A220 fleet. I do like it a lot regardless of if it's several short jumps or a wheat field or the ocean. It has some nice forward motion and the colors are nicely staggered and create some interesting depth. My one issue is that, like with the ribbons tail, this feels like it really needs to be released from the confines of the tailfin.
I know they're phasing out their E190 fleet, but there are definitely hops tails on E190s as well as A220s. The one I use as an example, for instance, is E190 N323JB "Only Blue".
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8. Balloons
A 20-year anniversary livery. Ribbons might be higher on this list but balloons kind of fundamentally shreds it by having an entire five shades of blue.
This looks more like scales than balloons to me, but I still enjoy it. I feel like the variety of shades here actually makes it feel lighter because the very darkest shade is present for less of it, but a nice vivid blue is always good in this case. I'm also fairly sure this is the most recent regular tail variant, and it fits right in with the rest.
The reason I rate it so high is that it's a very overtly fun concept, and the website claims that the five shades are meant to stand for jetBlue's five core values - Safety, Caring, Integrity, Passion and Fun. And you know what, sure. Balloons are definitely fun. That's a nice theming choice. I like it.
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9. Tartan
It's very funny that the description on the website says that they're 'mad for plaid' even though they retired the plaid livery. Still, this looks nice. I think it ended up here for personal reasons, those being that I'd die for a jacket or something made from a fabric with this print. Green and midnight blue are one of my favorite color combos for some reason. I'm a sucker for it. Like I said, these rankings are largely just based on mood and my opinion of the tails doesn't significantly vary, so I can do what I want. I can say that this is my ninth favorite jetBlue tail livery because I want to wear a jacket made of it. I think it would also be very cute if they made, as described earlier in the section on the plaid livery, a little cap for the plane out of said fabric, and gave the jacket to the pilots so that they could match. I think that would be really good.
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10. 100 (special)
Obviously, this was going to end up at tenth. It was never not going to be at tenth, even if I hated it beyond words.
I actually do like this tail too, though. It follows the general jetBlue trend of kind of looking like fabric but it also sort of looks like a plastic bag like you'd get from a corner store. I feel like the fact that I think this is probably down to some sort of repressed memory of a specific corner store I've been to.
Bag or fabric qualities aside (you know what, I think this design would look good on a pillowcase) I do think that it's almost sort of subdued due to the smallness of the shapes and the large amount of dark colors and it sort of obscures the fact that this is a special livery to celebrate a milestone, but it is. (I'm including it here because the only change is to the tail, plus a bit of writing under the logo - not exactly a new design for the plane as a whole.)
This livery is actually to celebrate jetBlue's 100th A320, N655JB. It was a little bit startling realizing that this plane was acquired all the way back in 2007. I mean, they have a big fleet, but not big enough that that isn't shocking. She wore this (and the 'Our 100th A320' sticker) until 2013 and currently has the highrise tail, but is still named "Blue 100".
I wonder if they're going to do something similar for their 100th A220, given that if nothing changes about their order they'll end up with exactly 100 of them. I hope they do.
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11. Highrise
The main thing I really like about highrise is the way that the green catches the light. At different angles it can look almost like it's shining and it stands out very nicely against the blues in the background. I know it's not part of their fundamental brand, so to speak, but I do find the combination of blues and green jetBlue uses sometimes quite striking, and the highrise design shows that off extremely well.
I actually think, in terms of representing jetBlue's history, this livery does the best job. It's meant to represent the high-rise buildings typical of New York. It's a nice touch. Again, though, stop holding back her power! Set her free from the confines of the fin!
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12. Streamers
"as in Jetstream and as in let’s jet the party started", according to the website. This livery is for their A321LRs, which fly transatlantic flights. It's fine. It's nice. I can't say 'streamers' is what came to mind immediately - it was more like 'oh, nice abstract blue pattern' - but it's definitely not bad.
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13. Prism
Very similar to highrise, with the colors and all, but I find that it shines less from the same angles. Also, a bit less thematically potent. Still nice. I'm running out of ways to say "still nice". Sometimes nineteen is a lot more than you expect it to be.
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14. Dots (retired)
Cute, sweet, simple...much like windowpane, but I prefer graph paper with actual squares versus the dotted version and have ranked them accordingly.
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15. Bubbles (retired)
This looks like it has that sort of three-dimensional plastic bottom-of-a-rug texture. I don't hate that, but boy does it make it hard to try and read the text!
This is officially the point where my opinions actually have somewhat started to drop off and we're getting to ones I'm less jazzed about, but it's still entirely fine. I don't mind it.
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16. Blueberries
The idea behind blueberries is really cute, but the bit of empty white space irrationally bothers me.
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17. Stripes (retired)
I owned a sweater with this exact pattern when I was in middle school and I wore it until there were too many holes to justify it anymore because it was very soft and comfortable. Much like my sweater, this livery is retired now. That's good, because you don't want holes in your vertical stabilizer. That would absolutely not be comfortable, and I doubt the landing would be soft.
Seriously, jetBlue cannot stop making tails that look like they're little hats somebody knitted for the airplanes.
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18. Barcode
I don't know. The orange just...doesn't work for me when there's this much of it. Sorry. Still not like, awful or anything though.
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19. jetBlue Vacations (special)
Not enough blue. Too many colors that aren't blue. You had one job.
Okay. That was all nineteen of jetBlue's tails. That said, having given my verdicts on all of these designs, I do feel like I'm at the end of a life-changing journey and have just realized that what I was searching for the whole time was just a hollow mirage. Why must we judge? Is it not enough to share in the joy of many variously-tailed airplanes mingling together under a shared ICAO designator?
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When I see these flocks of bluebirds grazing on the tarmac together, embracing each other not just despite but because of their differences...all of them are beautiful in their own ways, and all of them lift each other up instead of putting each other down. They rise together, separated by at least 1,000 feet vertically and three miles laterally, and we should all be inspired by that, not try to tear them down.
Well, I think I've learned a very valuable lesson today. And that lesson is that I'm not going to be able to go over all the jetBlue tail variants and the general livery in the same post, or that post will be very very long. So, why the expedited pace for this request? There's no space left in this post, but I'm not going to take a jetBlue Vacation just yet. You'll have to read about it in part two of my jetBlue special...which is approximately 1,000 feet vertically and three miles laterally away.
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nyehilismwriting · 1 year
Hey! I wanted to ask for your advice. I was a minor part of the IF community, specifically the COG community, back in 2020. Mostly as a reader, but I dabbled in sharing some of my own writing too. For... reasons we are both well aware of, both in regards to COG, the larger IF community, and the start of COVID I eventually quietly left. Now, three years later, I've been quietly picking up writing IF again as a way to share my story with others. I was wondering if you think, in your opinion, it's worth officially re-joining the IF community on tumblr. On one hand, I feel like things have improved in that the larger community has matured (somewhat). I would like to make more friends, get advice, and maybe even share some more of my art. On the other hand, my project as it stands is... very non-traditional compared to a lot of other IFs (IE: No character customization, no romance, focus on a singular story with emphasis on worldbuilding, etc.). So I don't know if I would even be able to build a community around it even if I did officially rejoin.
I've followed your blog since 2020, including Project Hadea (although I think I originally started following you for your urban fantasy project, although I cannot for the life of me remember if that was you or another author!), and thought I'd come to you for your advice.
I chose to send this ask publicly so that you could choose to answer it privately, if you wished, since it is a longer ask. But I'm okay with you posting it publicly if you would like to! Additionally, no pressure or obligation to respond. Have a nice day!
hi there!! thank you for thinking of me - and welcome back! i'm glad to hear you've been writing again<3 it's such a good feeling, especially when you haven't been able to be creative for a while.
i think i'll start by addressing your game itself. personally, I think this community could do with some new blood in the form of games that are non-traditional; some of the best IFs I've played, ones that have really stuck with and inspired me, have been ones without romance, or cc, or otherwise outside of the typical format that gets popular on tumblr. honestly, i think we could all stand to get a little weirder with it. having said that, there is a very clear type of game that gets popular on tumblr (long-form, narrative-driven, usually with romance, usually with some kind of emphasis on character creation), so if you're a number-go-up kind of person (or someone who is susceptible to that mindset), I would be braced for your audience to remain small, particularly when you're just starting out.
that's not necessarily a bad thing. while I do agree with you that this community has grown and changed shape a lot since the late 2010s, and in a lot of ways for the better, it's definitely not perfect. I can't, in good conscience, say that this is the friendliest or most comfortable community: lots of people are absolutely lovely, and very very kind and enthusiastic; however, and this is absolutely not limited to IF but endemic to any online community, there are ongoing issues with Boundaries, and Respect, and the ways people interact with work and authors they're fans of. certainly, when you share your work you're giving up some control, but it's hard to predict exactly how that's going to go, and how the audience are going to react.
not saying this to put you off, but it's something I think everyone needs to be aware of before deciding to share. it's good to remember that you're not beholden to anyone. this is tumblr dot come, and you're quite free to start a blog, decide it's not for you, and delete; you're free to turn off anon, or asks altogether, or to never post anything save for updates; this is not a corporate space (and while there are considerations if you plan to open a patreon etc, but if we're just talking tumblr) and you are not obligated to do or provide anything you haven't promised.
my other bit of advice - and i think one of the ways to keep any interactions as pleasant as possible - is to be honest, and transparent, and manage expectations. if you make it clear what kind of game you're writing, you're less likely to get people who are disappointed that it's not what they were expecting and taking it out on you. likewise, setting boundaries is important.
i can't really tell you if it's 'worth' rejoining: i've definitely questioned if it's worth it, myself. i've seen some people, ostensibly in the same community as me, doing and saying things i find utterly reprehensible, and i've made some incredibly close friends who i adore and wouldn't give up for the world. and, after all, i am still here and answering asks, so i can't hate it that much. communities are made up of people, and like any group, there's gonna be people you can't stand and people you can. it's about finding your corner, and making it a bearable space for yourself.
i can't tell you if you'll have a positive or negative experience; I can't tell you how to control that. all i can say is that this is an online community, and ultimately you can control when and how interactions occur.
finally - again, i'm glad you're writing again! if you decide not to step back into the IF scene on tumblr, there's plenty of devs who keep purely to itch.io or the cog forums and seem to do fine; sharing your game does not necessarily mean sharing anything else. do what makes you most comfortable <3
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usagiverse · 6 months
I need to ask in the panel after they talk about the clothes and before choosing a job, those waves were the "twin sense"? Was it?
Yes! I did not make it subtle at all lol. Here's an explanation of how it works based on my personal experience (I am an only child, but my mother and I tend to have "twin sense", so I'll explain the best I can!)
"Twin Sense" is not a literal telepathy type thing, but a feeling, or intuitive thing. When Yui and Shu looked at the newspaper, they both had their own individual thoughts on what they wanted to do. They both, at different times, thought about the same type of job-- cleaning tuxedos. Not because they wanted to actually clean a tuxedo, but because they didn't like the other options or associated "tuxedo" with high-end and fancy. When they look at each other here-
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-they are confirming what the other wanted to do. This is basically a shortened, sped of version of a "jinx" followed by an "I knew it" or a second jinx "I thought the same exact thing!". (This also makes dialogue easier because then I don't have to draw jinx panels lol). Yuichi looks at Shuji, and Shuji looks back, and they already know what they want to do, they are in sync, but they don't know that they will choose the same thing. It's irony for us as the reader, because WE know they are thinking the same thing, but if you are ever in this situation, you actually DON'T know what the other person is thinking, and then you're surprised or pleased that you were on the same page when it happens. This is what happens with my mom, we usually are on the same page on a lot of things without actually knowing what the other is thinking. Sometimes a situation is set up so perfectly that we even talk in sync, and say the same thing, which is what can happen with these twins, too.
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Since we are reading a comic in left - right format, whichever character is on the leftmost side of the page will be the first to have the thought, then the character on the right will have that same thought. I call this a transmission of thought (even though they aren't actually telepathic, they're individuals, like us) which shows the viewer they are having the same thought or checking up on each other in some way. The number of points just dictate how far away the characters are from one other or how long it takes for them to have that thought. Maybe Yuichi doesn't catch on as quickly, so his receive will be longer than Shuji's, and vice versa. They may even take a much longer time to receive. The twins are unique in that they can have the same thoughts like this somewhat regularly, but everyone has intuition or what's occasionally called a sixth sense.
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Mizuki for example is very sensitive to those around her because of her very empathetic nature. When an Usagi is hurt, she can tell, even if they were trying to hide it. She can also tell when their mood changes, when the weather changes, and she believes in spiritual energy stuff, too, so maybe that has something to do with it.
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Even Miyamoto has a sixth sense, but it's intuition again. He's more intuitive about incoming danger, secondary presences, and intention. Miyamoto is Shuji's son, so even he could have some similar habits to his dad that Yuichi picks up on, and being a primary caretaker and figure in his life, Yui could easily "twin sense" his nephew even if Miya's unaware. It could also be a paternal instinct, since Yuichi could think of Miyamoto as his own son, too. I like to think Miyamoto uses his intuition in such an intentional way as shown with Donnie here, though. He's just a silly little guy!
Long post, but I enjoyed answering! It also leaves room for some comedic panels down the line, and some interesting scenes. Thanks for the ask, Nerish!
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months
Imagine if Krone had mocking Isabella's fate during his discussion with Emma and Norman?
Like telling them that ALL the sisters have to had children, the only difference is that the ones becoming mama (like Isabella) can have only one
(i headcanon that the Sisters in the Headquarter have generally maybe two or three kids, maybe more for some… …considering that there are 5 houses at Grace Field …and 1 child shipped every 2 months by house. It mean 6 by house every year. So the whole Grace Field facility ship more or less 30 children by year. …so yeah i really think that some sisters have to had more than one child, especially considering how the Sisters Formation is hard and that not a lot sucess)
And then Krone would mocking Isabella like "Her child must be almost 12 now…hum if they have not been shipped yet, they'll be very soon, i wonder how she felt about it, not knowing her baby's fate since six years." in a kind of "lol"
(also because her own child is probably too young to be shipped since she is only 26 and so her child can only be younger than 6. She thinks that, unlike Isabella, SHE is sure that her child is alive)
Norman would maybe feel some little sympathy for Isabella, even if feeling stil betrayed and angry toward her. And he wouldn't like that Krone finds hilarous the idea of Isabella not knowing her child's fate.
Emma would wonder how a mother can do that. And wouldn't like that Krone finds that funny too.
Krone would be like "you really think we have the choice? that's cute" because a part of her doesn't like the way Emma judge her. Like she would say to her that it's easy to judge when she has not been at her place.
And later, Norman and Emma speak about it with Ray and is internally panicking. He's also kinda pissed that Krone finds that funny and hopes that Isabella suffers because of it. How petty this woman is to hope that? (for real, a part of him also hope that Isabella suffers at the idea to ship him because a part of him hope that she loves him but he's kinda in denial about it)
I wonder if Krone's child is at Grace Firld. what if it's Chamberlain?
Isabella is an anomaly when it comes to Moms in that she's the youngest one to ever be selected in the history of at least the current incarnation of Grace Field that's been around for roughly 400 years.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 181.2 | Chapter 181.3)
Her excellent test scores at the farm and later at headquarters combined with favoritism from Sarah led to her placement being expedited. With there being an extremely limited number of Mom positions, most Sisters (because they're all Sisters first, Isabella being the exception and not the rule) are left waiting for years, and this is what results in them having multiple children if they don't retrain for another path, not that Moms are limited to having a single child. If anything, you'd think they'd want more children bred from those who reach that position, so the time spent waiting for spots to open up would be beneficial for the demons. Sarah had enough sway to persuade those in charge to get a recent graduate of the Sister training in there, though, so Isabella was able to skip to the front of the wait list.
I'm not entirely sure what Krone would gain from mocking Isabella in this manner? There's the melodrama for the readers who are aware of her connection with Ray and then later seeing his reaction to it, but it seems counterproductive in how it not only generates sympathy for Isabella when Krone wants the children on her side, but also, and the more important reason, it's being done at the expense of an innocent child. She's openly reveling in the demise of a child for the perceived harm it does to Isabella and her reputation. The being petty part in itself is fine and serves as commentary on infighting being used by oppressors as a means to prevent class solidarity and systemic change, but it seems like a disservice to Krone's character that she'd indulge in it in front of the people she's trying to form an alliance with when she knows her being a Sister and what that says about her is already upsetting to them.
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(Chapter 20)
And then on the meta front, it would be too direct in hinting at the Isabella-Ray connection with how forward it is in reminding the audience Isabella was required to have a child to become a Mom instead of leaving it as a thread lingering in the background.
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(Chapter 31)
Isabella talks with Emma about becoming a Mom after having a child in what is one of the most harrowing moments of the series for me (the way she so calmly and casually tells this eleven-year-old to submit to systemic medical rape, to surrender her child to the same system and perpetuate the cycle of cruelty and violence, because she genuinely believes it's the best path for her, wrecks me on so many levels), and the imagery of a pregnant Isabella is there for the reader, but she never explicitly mentions her own biological child. The in-universe reasons for why are up for debate, but the meta one is to not be any more obvious about her connection to Ray than what's already been implied with the lullaby, their shared physical traits, and the spy arrangement.
(also because her own child is probably too young to be shipped since she is only 26 and so her child can only be younger than 6. She thinks that, unlike Isabella, SHE is sure that her child is alive) wonder if Krone's child is at Grace Field. what if it's Chamberlain?
It is interesting how Krone never spares a thought for her child during all the time the reader has with her, but that might be a nod to the compartmentalizing all Sisters and Moms do in order to avoid cognitive dissonance.
And later, Norman and Emma speak about it with Ray and is internally panicking. He's also kinda pissed that Krone finds that funny and hopes that Isabella suffers because of it. How petty this woman is to hope that? (for real, a part of him also hope that Isabella suffers at the idea to ship him because a part of him hope that she loves him but he's kinda in denial about it)
Definitely agree about the conflicting feelings Ray has toward Isabella and the self-loathing he holds for caring when he knows logically nothing good can come of it.
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akuneko-tls · 5 months
Main Story Ep. 2 / Part 2 / Chapter 3 - Mysterious Girl
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Note: this chapter contains violence & some swearings
Angel: " 'Die. For life.' "
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Shunk…! *Cutting/stabbing SFX*
Angel: " 'D...Die… F, F-Fo…' "
Lato: "How nice~ ♪ This is a pleasure."
Boschi: "Good grief... When did these guys start flocking together? It's such a hassle…"
Haures: "Certainly...there's no end to it."
Lato: "Please come more… more... This feeling of crushing angels... It's just… the best feeling ever."
Lucas: "Maybe they're trying to wear us down?"
Miyaji: "Hmm… no matter how many there are, it's not a problem. I've got plenty of stamina left."
Lucas: "You're still as strong as ever in that form, Miyaji."
Miyaji: "Shut up… Lucas. Don't talk to me about anything other than the mission. I'll kill you."
Lucas: "In that form, you tend to speak more, but your hostility towards me is also more apparent…"
Berrien: "Are you all right, my lord?"
> "Yeah…"
Berrien: "Please rest assured. There are quite a few angels, but... no problem. All of them are very strong butlers."
> "Yes" > "I'm feeling reassured"
Mysterious Voice: "Somebody, help…!"
> "Hm…? Whose voice was that?"
Berrien: "What's the matter? My lord?"
Mysterious Voice: "S-somebody...!"
> "I can hear a voice asking for help!"
Looking at the source of the voice... There was a child sitting down with her head in her hands.
Haures: "Th-that's...!"
Lucas: "A child…?"
Boschi: "Tch… What's a kid doing in a place like this!"
Berrien: "I-Is she lost?"
Miyaji: "Is it even possible to get lost here?"
Haures: "A-anyway! I'll go help her! I will leave the formation for a moment! Please attend my part."
Lucas: "Roger… ♪"
Miyaji: "Leave it to me."
Mysterious Voice: "Sob… sob…"
Haures: "Hey! Are you okay! It's okay now. Come, let's go over there. It may be scary, but raise your head…"
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Mysterious Child: "Th-thank you… I…"
Haures: "!? W-why…  are you... here?"
Boschi: "Hey! What are you doing! Haures! Quickly bring that kid back!"
Haures: "T-Tricia...!"
Boschi: "Tricia? Isn't that… your sister's name…"
Haures: "W-why are you here…"
Flap, flap
Haures: "Ugh…"
Boschi: "Wh-what...!? This strong gust…"
Intelligent Angel: "All riiight~ Stop right there…"
The intelligent angel has seized the mysterious child.
Mysterious Child: "Ah! H-help me!"
Haures: "Hey you! Let go of that girl!"
Berrien: "It appeared. That is the intelligent angel."
Lucas: "I've heard of it... So that's the intelligent angel."
Miyaji: "It really talks."
Lato: "Ooh~… It's quite beautiful."
Scout Leader: "Is that the intelligent angel from the report…"
The intelligent angel is flying while holding the mysterious girl.
Berrien: "This is an unexpected situation."
Lucas: "Hmmm… First, should we prioritize rescuing that girl?"
Berrien: "But the problem lies in the number of angels. If we break formation to pursue them… it might leave the lord vulnerable."
Miyaji: "That's what we need to avoid the most."
Berrien: "For now… don't break the guard formation… Keep hunting until there are fewer angels."
Lucas: "Roger… ♪"
Lato: "I want to take that guy down already… but if our priority is the lord's safety, I'll hold back."
Intelligent Angel: "Oh well? What's with all the tension? Show me some flashy fighting. Humans like to fight, aren't they? Since we've been killing each other for a long, long time… Now, now... don't disappoint me."
Flap, flap…
Angel: " 'Die. For life.' "
Boschi: "Shit… A lot more angels… Haures! Retreat for now! Let's rearrange the formation!"
Haures: "B-but… At this rate…"
Berrien: "Boschi is right...! First of all, let's focus on defeating regular angels! Once the number of angels decreases, we will move on to capturing the intelligent angel!"
Haures: "W-wait… Let go… of that girl."
Boschi: "Hey! Haures! Can't you hear me? Go back quickly!"
Haures: "I, I… will rescue that girl…"
Boschi: "Hey! Stop!"
Berrien: "Haures!?"
Boschi: "Tch...that guy... He's completely out of his mind. He's going to go in there no matter what…!"
Flap, flap...
Angel: " 'Die. For life.' "
Lucas: "It's dangerous to be alone when there are so many angels around."
Boschi: "Mr. Lucas! Mr. Miyaji! Lato! I left this to you for a bit. I'm going to deal with Haures!"
Lucas: "Understood, but please make it quick. Handling this with just three people is tough given their numbers…"
Miyaji: "Our primary focus is protecting the lord."
Boschi: "Understood!"
Lucas: "Now… I'll guard the front. Miyaji, I count on you to cover the rear."
Miyaji: "No need to tell me, I'm already doing it. When in danger, ask for help. I'll help you if I feel like it."
Lucas: "How reliable you are~ Miyaji… Lato, please deal with the angels coming from above. It's a wide range, but I'm sure you can manage, right?"
Lato: "Kufufu... absolutely. I'll go wild as long as my stamina holds."
Angel: " ''Die. For life.' "
Haures: "Get out of the way!"
Angel: " ''Die. For life.' "
Haures: "Move! Don't get in my way!"
Flap, flap…
Haures: "Dammit…" (What am I so fired up about… I... I have to return to the formation quickly…) (Even though protecting my lord is my top priority… My body... won't stop... Even though there's no way...)  (Even though there's no way Tricia would still be alive...!)
Intelligent Angel: "Oooh~... That's amazing~... How devilishly terrifying. As one would expect from a man who has a devil in his body. Now then, can you make it this far? Haures."
Mysterious Child: "H-help me...!"
Haures: "Damn... There are 12 angels, including the intelligent one...  Dealing with all of them at once is incredibly dangerous... But... Still…"
Haures: "Urgh…!"
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Boschi: "Hey! Cut it out already, Haures!"
Haures: "Bo-boschi...!"
Boschi: "Calm down! How reckless are you, moving on your own!"
Haures: "But... Tricia…"
Boschi: "There's no way Tricia is still alive! Isn't that just a similar-looking kid?"
Haures: "That's…"
Boschi: "Tch... you're so distraught... No matter what happens, control your emotions when fighting! That's what you always teach your juniors!"
Haures: "Ugh…"
Boschi: "Anyway! Let's rearrange the formation! Don't you understand that your selfishness is putting our lord in danger!"
Haures: "The lord… …… S-sorry, Boschi. It's okay now... I've calmed down."
Boschi: "In that case, let's quickly return to formation! Hurry up! Haures!"
Haures : "Y-yeah…"
Lucas: "Oh…! You're back ♪"
Haures: "I-I’m sorry…!"
Lucas: "We managed to hold out somehow ♪ Miyaji and Lato are doing a great job."
Miyaji: "Shut up, Lucas. If you've got the breath to talk, use it for moving your body instead…"
Lato: "More… more… ♪ I want to tear apart more angels!"
Intelligent Angel: "Sigh... I guess it's not that easy after all. Even though he is a devil butler, he is still a human being. I thought playing with his emotions would be effective…"
Flap, flap
Haures: "Hey! Wait!"
Intelligent Angel: "I'll take this child along."
Mysterious Child: "H-help me!"
Haures: "Dammit...!"
Intelligent Angel: "It's okay... You can always come here again. Because I'm here. Haures."
Flap, flap
Boschi: "They're gone…"
Haures: "T-Tricia…"
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
oh hey... while poking around google for reference images at work, I bumped into something i made ages ago when I was still posting on /a/ as Bleach was still running. I realized that I probably never posted any of my old ass character rosters here, because... i mean, really, why would I?
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Originally I had a big roster of just everyone that was in the TYBW arc as they appeared that I kept updating any time someone died or got KO'd or jut mysteriously vanished offscreen without explanation. Eventually I had to split it up into sternritter and shinigami specific ones, and then from there I went back and made one for the Arrancar. They're all based off the format of the tankobon index's character portraits.
I technically lost the original files for these when the laptop they were on bricked, and that was probably 2, maybe even 3 computers ago? So i did end up having to dig them up, but go figure I couldn't find the shinigami+humans one because it's the only one no one ever stole and reposted anywhere.(I say "stole" but it's not like I care about being "credited." In fact I'm kinda proud of the fact that they've stayed in circulation this long.)
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Oh incidentally I did this one too, although it looks like someone else went in and edited Robert's name into it(?) in this surviving version I fished out of an old archived thread
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Also this one that wasn't originally mine, but someone stopped updating it midway into the arc so I picked up filling in the blanks since i was updating like half a dozen different charts every week anyway.
Anyway that was a fun little trip down memory lane, if a somewhat disorienting one to realize i've been idly cropping bleach junk for over a decade... Ironically a number of images I've chopped up and slapped together actually all have surprisingly good SEO by sheer virtue of me being the only idiot posting about some of the more obscure Bleach b.s.
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thebibliomancer · 5 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers West Coast #48: THIS ANCIENT EVIL
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September, 1989
Captain America and She-Hulk have found the Scarlet Witch... Maybe not the smartest thing they ever did...
Still love cover text.
So Wanda just wears ooze now.
Interesting fashion choice.
Wasp will probably have something to say about it, though, if the West Coast Avengers ever rejoin the A-plot in their own book.
I know the allure of having two linked books so characters can cross over as needed but this is still Avengers West Coast, the Avengers book occurring on the West Coast. Since I guess there aren't separate teams anymore.
Last times on Avengers West Coast: all the governments disassembled Vision for trying to take over the world that one time. Hank Pym put him back together but now Vision's brain isn't the same. No emotions. None of the other Avengers seem to care so Scarlet Witch takes Vision to Absolom College which offered to help. 'TWAS A RUSE and Dean Random dumps a bunch of evil ooze on Wanda!
This time: a lot of worldbuilding exposition.
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Yup, that's right. The backstory is so extensive it goes back to the formation of Earth.
But the take-away is, like I said, Byrne is doing Sublime before Sublime.
The longer of it is that the Earth cooled, there was big rain, cellular life started to form, and the very first cell undergoes mitosis EXCEPT ONE OF THE COPIES IS EEEEEEEVIL AND EATS THE OTHER.
Except mutants. Remember how that's the whole thing? The evil ancient gene or whatever wants to assimilate mutants and needed one that was easy prey? And since Wanda is having an emotional crisis currently...
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Hey. You can see her toes. And she noted last issue that the ooze was dissolving her cape. Is she only wearing ooze now?
Byrne, why?
Also, what the fuck is a classic mutant type? What does that mean? And the later retcon that Wanda isn't even a mutant just makes this funny. These guys aren't good at their job.
Apparently, aside from just zonking her mind, the ooze and the tube are trying to understand the mutant gene and also reconstructing Wanda's memory and dumping the big exposition dump right into her brain. She needs to know this stuff, I guess.
Lady bad guy estimates that the process will be done in 72 hours.
Meanwhile, Captain America and She-Hulk and only Captain America and She-Hulk fly a Quinjet to Absolom, Texas to check on that Quinjet distress signal they got.
I wonder where this crossover fits with what's happening in Avengers. Cap went right from his announcement that he now ruled all Avengers to that whole Lava Man thing. And they're going to go right from that Lava Man thing into another story arc, to try to get help for Gilgamesh. And that's going to be a number of issues.
Avengers West Coast has to be way ahead of the Avengers East Coast timeline right now.
But I'm wondering because why is it just Cap and She-Hulk? Was everyone else on vacation?
She-Hulk calls to advise the traffic controller that they're going to be landing at Absolom College. In a nice touch, the traffic controller hears that the Avengers are emergency landing at a university and asks if the police or military need to be contacted too. Because Avengers deal with all kinds of shit!
But Cap tells the traffic controller that it's Avengers' business.
A bad guy informs Dean Random that another Quinjet is approaching, to Random's consternation. He thought that Wanda had severed ties with the Avengers before coming.
(Really, all she did was steal a Quinjet and hide her destination. That's not quite severing ties.)
While the assimilation process on Wanda continues, Mr. Random goes to meet with the Avengers and see what the hell they want on his college.
When Cap tells Mr. Random that they're investigating a possibly crashed Quinjet, Random spins a story that is partially true and also bullshit.
He tells Cap that Scarlet Witch and Vision visited, that Wanda left Vision with the college, and then took off. And he hopes that nothing happened to her after she left! He then offers Cap and She-Hulk a visit with Vision who will surely corroborate the story.
Meanwhile, SPAAAAAACE.
Starfox is searching an ancient planet for Nebula. Even though the Avengers told him that Nebula fell into a time warp and was lost in time. Because a mercenary told Starfox he'd seen Nebula.
Yeah, so I was wondering at what point the Nebula Kang thing got retconned to not be Nebula and apparently the time is now.
Guess Byrne decided he had a better idea for her than where Simonson left her. AND TO BE FAIR.
Nebula Kang wasn't interesting enough that I can muster up annoyance that the story is being retconned.
Anyway, Starfox does find Nebula and Gunthar of her space mercenary crew.
Gunthar found some stone tablets for her which have formula on them that will help her become more powerful than Thanos ever was!
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Is it the Anti-Life Equation?
Don't call attention to Thanos' pretty direct inspiration!
Over in another subplot, there's a lady named Ann Raymond at a homeless shelter in Denver who is delirious and keeps telling staff that she needs to get to Los Angeles. She's carrying a newspaper clipping with the headline "Avengers Confirm Vision is Not Torch" which seems to be making her distraught.
Um. Whyy did the Avengers announce that to the news media? For one thing, that's personal biz and I'm sure Wanda did not approve having it blasted to the press since she still thinks Professor Horton is a lying sack of shit.
The way the Avengers are handling the Vision situation makes them feel more inhuman than the emotionless robot man.
Meanwhile, Captain America and She-Hulk meet with Vision. They ask him where Wanda is but he has no idea. He can only report that according to Mr. Random, Wanda took off.
The evil bad guys who are full of evil ancient bacteria or whatever decide they need to accelerate shoving exposition into Wanda's brain, in case the heroes cause problems. Sure, it might break Wanda's brain but surely they have no other choice.
So more past times exposition flashbacks. Life continued to develop on Earth. There were forests. Also lizards. And then dinosaurs. Should stopped there, dinosaurs were great. But while there were dinosaurs, there was also mammals.
This will be important later.
Cap and She-Hulk finish their tour with Mr. Random and Cap has some questions.
Sure, the Absolom College of Robotics looks pretty impressive but it's nothing compared to the tech that the Avengers have. So why did Absolom think they'd be better at fixing Vision's noodle than the Avengers were?
Mr. Random handwaves it that Absolom's robotics experts are providing a different perspective on the problem but Cap is skeptical.
Captain America: "Still, you would agree it is a great shame that Wanda should feel the need to turn to strangers after we did all we could do."
Diiiiiiid you though?
The Wonder Man elephant is still in the room. An additional thing that they could try but nobody seems interested in it except Wanda and everyone else has seemingly washed their hands of the situation and decided Vision is Good Enough.
Mr. Random gets called off to attend to something (probably something Wanda related) and tells Cap and She-Hulk they can finish the tour.
Both of the heroes are actually pretty skeptical of the situation, this facility, and all these people.
The Absolom robotics facilities looks more like a set designer's idea of what an impressive robot factory would look like and less like the real thing.
But rather than confront the peeps now, Cap decides they'll finish the tour like they're not massively suspicious and then sneak back later at night to poke around.
Meanwhile, back at Seattle, the Avengers West Coast (minus US Agent who has never done any Avengers business with the Avengers at all so far despite ostensibly being in charge and Tigra who nobody has noticed hasn't shown up, sigh) interview Professor Horton.
Horton reiterates that Vision could not possibly be the (robot) Human Torch.
For you see, the Human Torch was an artificial human and definitely not mechanical at all in any way shape or form. Just a human ass human except 100% synthetic parts. Meanwhile, Vision has robot bits.
I don't know whether this is true of the Human Torch or not. I don't know whether this is closing a plot hole since Vision has been shown having mechanical parts. But I do remember that several times people have said that Vision is a synthezoid, meaning an artificial man with synthetic parts. But Horton seems to be redefining synthezoid to mean a mix of artificial organs and machine parts.
We're pretty far into this subplot by now. Why are we still rehashing this part of it?
Is it because I keep yelling at the comic how much I hate this subplot?
Anyway, Hank Pym tells Horton that he went on a Fantastic Voyage through Vision and sees his point. Probably should have seen it sooner.
I think that Fantastic Voyage is the story that did the art fail of showing Vision as more roboticy than he's supposed to be. He's supposed to be basically a man but artificial.
Anyway, Hank also reflects that they believed all of Vision's backstory Human Torch stuff because of Immortus.
Hank Pym: "Obviously, the 'master of time' lied. Why?" Immortus, watching this conversation on the time-a-vision: "Oh, never without good reason, my dear Doctor Pym. Never without good reason."
Oh, boy, I sure hope that good reason is really good.
Immortus suggests that it's a really good reason, such a good reason that it's beyond the comprehension of people with dumb minds. Also, he has Plans involving Scarlet Witch.
Big ones.
So he's also watching her subplot on a different time-a-vision.
On a completely different floor.
Why did you organize like this?
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I do like the room that is just sideways to the stairs. Immortus lives in an MC Esher painting.
Anyway, back at the Scarlet Witch ooze side of the plot, all the memories have been jammed into her brain and the bad guys breached the genetic barrier that kept them from possessing mutants.
Mr. Random: "The genetic barrier has been breached. Soon we shall be able to abandon the dead end street of humanity... And then homo sapiens will go the same way as did the dinosaurs before them!"
So we'd better dial E for Extinction.
This is just the Sublime stuff! Did Morrison just rip off Byrne? Why??
The evil bad guys put Ooze Wanda in a room so she can rest and contemplate.
Ooze Wanda: "Suddenly I feel very sure about everything. It's as if every doubt I've ever had in my life has been scrubbed away. I begin to understand now some of the things my father has said. Things he said in the days my brother, Pietro, and I were part of his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. In those days long before we even knew he was our father... When he was, to us, only Magneto, Master of Magnetism." "Then he spoke often of the superiority of mutants such as us. Homo superior, he called us. He said we were the future. Said that some day soon all the humans would bow down to us... Acknowledge us as their rightful masters! Now i see that he was right! More right than even he dared guess. Humankind has reached the end of its era of domination. They must be left behind, like the dinosaurs, like the lesser mammals. Left to die out. And only That Which Endures shall remain!"
Aw, dammit. Getting ooze radicalized her into mutant supremacy.
Don't do ooze, kids, not even once.
Later that evening, Captain America and She-Hulk sneak back onto the Absolom College grounds to get to the bottom of things.
While She-Hulk points out that she's not built for a stealth mission "being six foot seven and bright green", Cap impresses by acrobating all over the place and pointing out where the security sensors are so She-Hulk can avoid them.
The two break into Mr. Random's office and Mr. Random's unsecured passwordless computer and find that Scarlet Witch is being held in a sub-basement. In fact, in the building right across from Mr. Random's office window.
So She-Hulk has an idea how to expedite the journey.
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Instead of slowly making their way through the building, dodging security, and trying to find their way into the sub-basement, She-Hulk just uses herself as a kinetic bomb to plow a straight line from the roof to the basement.
And Captain America follows the path she left by riding his shield. Since its unique properties absorb the impact of falling twenty stories.
In the sub-basement, Cap and She-Hulk find a fortified structure, which Cap likens to a blockhouse. Looking like it was built to contain something.
But She-Hulk is Hulk strong and Cap asks her to knock. The door down.
Except. She plows through a lot easier than she should have if it was fortified as it looks. It's a trap!
Ooze Wanda is waiting for them and with a gesture, she buries Cap and She-Hulk in rocks.
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Well, buries is a strong word. She lightly flings the rubble at them and then they fall over unconscious despite it seeming like it should take more than that to knock out a (she-)hulk.
Ooze Wanda: "I have not been turned. I have, rather, been shown the truth. The great and ancient truth which has dwelled within all living things since the dawn of time! The truth you will come to share... once you, too, are properly assimilated!"
... I thought humans were already assimilated?
How does this thing work, anyway?
And where did Wanda's pupils go? She had them a few pages ago. Did she catch Youngblood's Disease between then and now?
Meanwhile, in Milwaukee, Hawkeye is training the Great Lakes Avengers and yelling at them for not being up to his standards. Despite him only being in charge for one day.
Maybe its tough love but saying "I have never seen a more useless bunch of misfits!" is a bit harsh considering he just barged into their lives and unilaterally decided he was in charge.
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Mockingbird interrupts his yelling at them to tell Hawkeye she caught a Quinjet emergency signal on the Avengers waveband.
Hawkeye: "All riigghht!! This is the moment I've been waiting for! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! My former teammteas are in some kinda jam... an' we're gonna bail 'em out!"
Sooo. You go from yelling at them for not being up to Avengers standards to throwing them into the field for an unknown situation that may have endangered a professional Avengers team, all for a chance to show up his colleagues?
I'm starting to think Hawkeye is some kind of petty asshole sometimes.
Follow @essential-avengers for more deep insights like that. Like, reblog, and comment maybe.
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orowyrm · 1 year
so i work at an aquarium (for those who havent gathered as much yet) and in my position, a lot of my job requirements boil down to making sure people have tickets and that theyre for the right day, right time, and in a format that our scanners can read (for example, someone who shows up with a third party ticket through a program like gociti will have to go to the ticket booth to redeem their pass for a printed ticket, because our scanners don't take their QR codes). another problem that i never would have expected to be as common as it is -- the issue of people showing up for tickets to entirely different aquariums altogether.
the biggest offenders, naturally, are the ones closest to us physically. a lot of people just google 'new england aquarium', which will bring up results for all aquariums in the new england area, not just the aquarium CALLED 'the new england aquarium'. the maritime aquarium is a common offender, as they're popular and their tickets are a teensy bit cheaper than hours, so people who google 'aquarium near me' and zero in on the price tag might not realize right away. how exactly people get all the way to the point where theyre putting their credit card number into a website and don't even realize they're on the wrong website baffles me a bit, but hey, i can't judge. everybody makes mistakes.
yesterday, towards the end of the night (on weekdays we officially close the building at 5. we start clearing the exhibits at 4:45, so we close the booth at 4 and stop selling tickets altogether at 4:30 at the absolute latest. it was maybe about 4:10-4:15 when this happened) and i'm closing the ticket scan for the night. a guy approaches me with tickets on his phone, and only half paying attention, i scan them. i get an error message. i try scanning them again, thinking maybe the scanner was acting up. still nothing. i ask him to zoom out so i can read the text on the ticket, thinking it might be for a different date (it's not uncommon for people to accidentally purchase tickets for the day after, and is an easy mistake for us to fix). it takes me a few seconds to process that these are, in fact, tickets for an entirely different facility, and one i've never heard of at that. i inform the guys that they actually have tickets for the wrong aquarium, but if they want to buy tickets for THIS aquarium they can check in at the information desk, since the ticket booth is closed for the night, but that they should keep in mind that we start to close the building in about half an hour. they're pretty embarrassed, but they thank me and go over to the front desk to buy the right tickets. as soon as they walk away, i whip my phone out to google the name of the aquarium they had tickets for, thinking it might just be a smaller one in the area ive never heard of before for some reason. nope!
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they have tickets for an aquarium in UTAH. the neaq is in massachusetts. i dont know how they even managed to get the two confused. it still baffles me.
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smolghostbot · 11 months
OC Intros: Patchwork Melody
(Remaking this since the OG post was really only accurate for their first meeting and I've had a lot of fun expanding their relationship beyond that point. Also the OG formatting sucked sorry I'm bad at this)
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Patch (They/He/Any but It) is an extremely anxious, mute borrower, (by trade, not species) with the saddest wettest backstory possible, to maybe be told later. Their story starts when they find themself being "aided" (captured) by a human who thinks of them as the poorest, cutest little creature in need of a guardian. Since they can't vocalize, and their writing system is radically different from the one used by humans, communication is a problem. Over time, they begin to work through their trauma around humans, helped as their relationship with this newest human changes over the course of a few years, from captor to friend to partner.
Patch isn't their real name, but it's a nickname given to them since they can't exactly say their real one. Their true name is something of the big mystery of the story.
Melody, aka Mel (She/They) is a huge fan of the supernatural and paranormal who stumbles upon a weak and fearful little fae-looking creature one morning, and takes it upon herself to be their caretaker and guardian. Her sometimes off-putting and overbearing personality makes the start of this newfound friendship a bit strained. Over time, Melody takes a massive level in kindness as she learns to respect her new friend's boundaries, and starts to appreciate Patch as a person rather than a spectacle.
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Five Fun Facts about each of them:
They're allergic to citrus fruits but don't understand allergies (Doesn't everybody think oranges are spicy?)
Their favorite foods are strawberries and chocolate. Discovering Neapolitan ice cream was basically the highlight of their life.
Totally normal about television (It lets them see so much of the world… they've only ever lived within like three city blocks). Easily the best way to get their mind off things is to set them in front of a nature documentary.
Their backpack and scarf were gifts from their parents, and are their most prized possessions because of that. The backpack is actually made of denim, so it's (relatively) extremely durable.
Actually a skilled poet and wordsmith… not that it's readable to humans. Their specialty is a form of poem similar to a haiku that has the same number of characters on every line.
The red eyes and iridescent hair are (obviously) contacts and dye, her natural eye color is a hazel and her hair is a very light brown. Seeing her without contacts confused the hell out of Patch the first time.
One of those kids who went hard for Halloween as a kid, they dressed as various fictional wizards every single year, and only stopped when they went to college.
Actively tries to follow fae rules and superstitions when talking to strangers, even before meeting Patch. One of those people who gets genuinely anxious when a customer service person says "May I have your name?"
She has a degree in classical mythology and folklore. Needless to say, it doesn't get much use other than putting them in debt.
Owns a Switch but only sometimes plays RPGs and strategy games. They'd be a massive Tabletop RPG buff if they had any friends to play with…
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