#and like Sayaka knows this full well a lot of her angst is about it
fma03envy · 2 years
Kyosuke is underrated I think
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urban-witch101 · 3 years
(Byakuya Togami x Reader? That's how this idea started.) - Danganronpa 1 Ghost AU - "They Failed."
Oh it's as funky as it sounds. Just trust me on this one. Also, big fat Trigger Warning for assault, s3xual assault, murder, and angst.
Hope's Peak Academy is reportedly the most haunted high school in Japan. After the Most Tragic Incident the world had ever seen, the class of 78 was forced into a recorded killing game run by their fellow classmates Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba and failed to survive. The Future Foundation, after eventually beating Despair and restoring peace to the world, established the high school as a National Monument to the pain and suffering of the students and turned it into a museum recording the history.
There are too many stories of the passed students to count, some from construction workers and some from ghost hunters. These are their sightings.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is reportedly the most active ghost, which makes sense as the Ultimate Clairvoyant.
He tends to greet visitors at the entrance.
If you drop your hat or gloves and don't notice, you'll find them by the coat rack later for you to find.
Children tend to see him the most, or they hear a whispered joke in their ear if they're particularly upset at any of the Despair history.
He doesn't tend to interact with adults a lot, but he's known to follow the descendants of all their relatives or friends to make sure they're okay.
10/10 ghost, very friendly and a chill dude. Makes sure kids are okay.
Toko Fukawa is rarely seen or heard, but if she's there you know.
She hangs out in the bathrooms with the most common sightings being in the mirrors.
She's often found playing with her braids or grimacing at guests if there are a lot of people.
The friendliest sighting was when a child got lost and found their way to the women's bathroom.
When the panicked mother finally found them, their child was calm and content while playing with a stuffed toy they know they didn't bring.
When the child was guided to leave, they turned and waved goodbye to the mirror.
8/10, antisocial but harmless.
Genocider Syo is extremely active.
She likes pulling pranks on tall, skinny men, like throwing their wallets across the room and pinching their elbows.
If said men are blonde with blue eyes, they will tend to feel watched whenever the enter the building and will continue to think so until they leave.
Children tend to be scared of her, but if she sees a scared child she'll tend to leave the room so they're more comfortable.
She likes knocking over stuff, books and coffee mugs in particular.
However, if the staff scold her she'll knock it off.
She never knocks over artifacts, but people have seen her scissors rattle in their case.
8/10, harmless prankster.
Leon Kuwata can be found in the First-Floor Dorms.
People report hearing guitar strings playing in the boys bathrooms.
If someone mentions baseball around his dorm, mirrors and glass will crack or straight up shatter.
Paranormal investigators once spent the night in his old room, but they "forgot" to take off their shoes and slept above the covers.
They woke up with a blanket that hadn't been in the room covering them and their shoes neatly placed by the side of the door.
That same investigator used a Spirit Box to try and talk to him about what happened in the school.
Of course their older generations saw what happened live, but they never spoke of it.
"Do you have anything you need to say?"
"I'm so sorry."
6/10, ow.
Hifumi Yamada can be found in the kiln room in the Art Studio.
People hear camera clicks, as if he's still taking pictures.
Pencils will roll when the floor is completely flat.
He likes messing with the kiln and knocking off the hammers.
He loves playing the flashlight game.
If anyone mentions Celestia Ludenburg, people swear the room falls into a heavy and tense silence.
When everyone leaves the kiln, they feel his conflicting pain.
Anger? Sadness? They don't know. He's still grieving.
6/10, more ow.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is silent unless he needs to talk.
He only talks if you do something wrong.
He doesn't play any of the games.
If you run in the museum, people swear they hear a loud voice telling them to stop.
If the staff breaks the rules at all, they straight up get smacked in the shoulder.
Groups of friends, particularly men, feel very welcome in his dorm room.
They all leave after a friendly, invisible squeeze is given to them on the arm.
6/10, he'll never change.
Mondo Owada has one reported sighting.
When construction to restore the building was going on, there was an incident between a worker and a girl on the street one afternoon.
He took her behind the building and attempted to hurt her.
A man in a Crazy Diamond gang jacket, which it should be noted that it doesn't exist anyore, pulled him off and hit him with a pick axe.
After the assaulter was unconscious, her savior didn't say a word; he looked at the girl up and down, presumably checking her for injuries, and passed her a card with a phone number before nodding to her and walking off.
It was the local s3xual assault line, which had been established only two years prior.
After she called the number, she was never able to find the card again.
She didn't even put two and two together until she visited the finished museum and saw Mondo's picture.
No one has ever seen him since.
10/10, badass.
Sayaka Maizono is in one of the boy's bathrooms in the dorms.
Visitors report feeling unnerved or even scared when they enter the bathroom.
She will not interact with you.
She doesn't like playing any of the games. Do not turn on the spirit box in her bathroom, the shower glass will crack.
One investigator decided to spend the night in the bedroom and turned on the shower in the morning.
When they got out, there was a message written in the fog on the mirror.
1/10, no fucking thank you.
Aoi Asahina hangs around the pool room.
She's reportedly like Hiro.
She's been seen walking the halls everywhere.
Children love visiting the pool room. They tend to feel excited and safe.
At night you can hear the pool splashing when no one is inside.
She has one recorded incident.
A child brought a small bag of donut holes to snack on.
Said child began to complain that "the air" kept pulling the donut holes out of his hands.
So they ran an experiment.
They dropped one on purpose and watched it roll away towards the pool room. After that, they didn't feel anymore pulls.
Now it's a tradition to leave a donut for her on Obon by the pool room or her dorm room.
Staff report donuts pulling themselves apart to share. If staff take a half that is offered, the treats are always gone by the next morning.
9/10, a whole mood.
Chihiro Fujisaki is relatively quiet.
They can be found in the boy's locker rooms by the pool.
People will smell a slight perfume over the chlorine.
Muscular men in particular will feel an odd sense of guilt when entering.
There was a guest, who was a muscular man, who took out their phone to record the room and listened back to it to find bits and pieces of the audio were gone.
They took it to a friend who deciphered it into a message in Morse code.
"I forgive you."
9/10, holy ow.
Celestia Ludenburg is only active in the kitchen.
Investigators have put on a full pot of tea water with no heat on the stove.
If they leave and come back, they'll find the pot whistling with the heat still off. The water is always the perfect temperature.
She is never active at night.
She'll only use the spirit box on Obon, but you have to make her a cup of milk tea first.
She's very picky about it.
There was one who got it right on the first try.
"Well finally," the box picked up. "Have some."
She will share details only she would know.
"I don't want to be rude, but do you have any regrets?"
A moment of silence. The cup on the table left for her shakes for just a moment.
"I have too many."
6/10, talkative but be careful.
Kyoko Kirigiri has never talked, but you'll hear her.
Staff will hear her heels clicking in the halls at night.
She likes writing in people's notebooks.
Random strangers will enter with an empty pocketbook and leave with a full one.
She loves to write.
She tells her side of the story.
If the mirrors ever fog up, she's there scratching out letters and numbers.
She also turns on the coffee pot in the kitchen.
Intuitive teenagers tend to know when she's there because they feel safer in rooms that people normally aren't comfortable in.
She writes clues to all the murders that she was never able to solve.
She's not done yet. She's made it very clear that she is not at peace.
9/10, talkative and informative.
Sakura Ogami is said to be hanging around in the recreational room where she committed suicide.
Children feel safe in there, but they never play with the old equipment.
There is an unspoken rule among them that they all know and have never discussed as soon as they walk in.
Some thrill-seekers sit in her chair.
They report feeling their head throbbing and intense nausea, some even passing out from the pain.
They also report intense guilt.
One child sat in the seat without thinking about it and they reported being fine but feeling a little sad.
She plays the flashlight game with investigators, but only if they're nice.
One turned on a spirit box and gave her a cup of tea on Obon.
"Thank you."
8/10, don't sit in her fucking chair you dumbass.
Mukuro Ikusaba is heard rarely.
Like Mondo, she has one reported calling.
In the gym, late at night, you can hear a quiet sobbing.
Children will hear a crying girl in their head:
"I didn't want this."
3/10, how is this even more ow.
Junko Enoshima is heard in the execution room.
Staff used to think there were multiple ghosts in there, but it turns out it's just her.
She laughs, cries, and shrieks.
The story is that she killed herself with her own executions after succeeding in the killing game.
At night investigators play the flashlight game with her.
Every visitor is always unnerved by her.
There is an unspoken bitterness towards her.
She doesn't deserve her success.
0/10, scary bitch.
Makoto Naegi is seen everywhere.
The Ultimate Lucky Student loves telling his story.
He's seen in windows and mirrors with his hoodie and a warm smile.
He's always kind and welcoming.
People leave him popular snacks at his dorm room on Obon.
He never speaks, he just likes watching everyone learn about them.
If children ever get lost he leads them back to their parents.
They'll always tell their family about the "nice boy with brown hair" who takes their hand gently and leads them to safety.
He feels a duty to protect the staff. They never feel alone at night. He's always there to keep them safe.
The descendant of Komaru Naegi, who happened to be a paranormal investigator, once spent the night in his old dorm room.
She reported hearing quiet crying and sniffling that morning before she opened her eyes and was flooded with a sense of relief.
Oh thank god, she was okay.
10/10, heart of gold.
Byakuya Togami is seen in one room and one room only.
He is the only one that people regularly see in the flesh as a full figure.
He's sitting in the library, reading a murder mystery novel.
He has never acknowledged any of the guests, except for one.
A small child, a descendant of Togami's old butler, gently knocked on the table to get his attention and waved politely. They thought he was a staff member.
He looked up at them, gave a little wave back, and went back to his book.
When they turned away and looked back, he was gone.
Staff will see him walking back to his room when the museum is closing up.
He's snobby, sure, but he has his manners. He won't purposefully get in the way of the staff.
9/10, super chill.
There is an unknown ghost that has one known/recorded interaction.
One night a paranormal investigator spent the night exploring the building.
They walked in the library to see Togami with a book and a lamp on that was previously off.
They nodded at him politely and went to the bookshelves to "find a book". They turned on a spirit box and stayed quiet.
The library door opened and closed.
They hear a passing conversation.
"Hello love."
A kiss, presumably on the knuckles.
"How was today?"
"Tiring", says a voice. "Lot of cleaning. Did you get any visitors?"
A chuckle. "Too many. I think they can see me."
A pause.
"Do you think they'll ever figure out what really happened here?"
Hesitance. "For their sake, I hope not."
Feedback would be lovely. Thank you for your time!
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cobaltusami · 3 years
May I request some naegiri, with lee!makoto, cause we all know that Makoto is babey
Hi! Yes, Absolutely! I love Naegiri, and lee!Makoto Is super adorable! ^^ Makoto Is sweet sunshine child who must be protected.
I had fun writing this! for some reason my mind immediately jumped to Angst/Comfort for the topic.
I’m also sorry If this isn’t long enough, This Is the shortest fic I’ve written...
This takes place either right after the school went Into lockdown before the killing game started or in the middle of a non despair AU, It’s open for interpretation :)
Hope you enjoy!
Words: 1395
Characters: Lee!Makoto, Ler!Kyoko
Weight of the world
“Good morning.” Kyoko greeted her classmates as she entered the dining hall, met with greetings in return she scanned the room, she noticed It was more quiet than usual this morning. Her purple eyes fell on an empty chair, one that was usually occupied by… 
“Where’s Makoto?” She asked.
“He said he wasn’t feeling well.” Sayaka answered, hand In front of her mouth as she spoke. She swallowed her food and set her fork down. “He said something about a headache.”
Hmm… That’s not like him. He doesn’t ever skip breakfast. 
Kyoko lingered for a moment longer before wordlessly going to the kitchen and preparing a plate of food for Makoto, Grabbing a bottle of water on her way out. “I’m going to go check on him.” She said over her shoulder as she made her way to his room.
She pressed her elbow against his doorbell and waited patiently.
Inside the room, Makoto groaned and pulled himself out of bed.  “Just a minute.” He called to whoever was standing at his door.
After realizing he was still In his pajamas, He quickly pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt before shuffling over and opening the door. “K-Kyoko?” 
“May I come In?” She asked politely. He nodded and stepped aside so she could.
She set the plate down on his table and turned to him. “I wasn’t expecting you to get dressed, You must be feeling a little better.”
Makoto’s cheeks flushed. “Uh, Not really. I just thought you might appreciate It if I answered the door wearing pants.”
Kyoko smiled a bit to herself In amusement. “I know that Sayaka said your stomach was hurting, But I brought you some breakfast. I think you should try to eat some of It.” 
She purposely threw out the incorrect ailment, trying to trip him up.
Makoto, Being a terrible liar, forgot what he told Sayaka to get rid of her this morning. So he just nodded and went along with it. 
“Makoto. What’s really wrong?” She asked, Stepping closer to her boyfriend. “You can tell me.”
“W-What do you mean? I just--”
“You told Sayaka you had a headache, And then just agreed to telling her you had a stomach ache.” 
Makoto bit his lip and looked away, knowing better than to lie any further to the Ultimate Detective. “Alright. I’m sorry for lying to you, But I just didn’t feel like eating and I didn’t want everyone to make a big deal out of it.” 
Kyoko put her gloved hands on his shoulders and guided him over to the bed where they sat down. “What’s bothering you?” She asked, setting her hands in her lap.
“I don’t… It’s just…” The brunette looked away from her warm gaze, biting his now trembling lip. “I feel… Hopeless.”
His eyes filled with tears as the feelings he’d previously pushed aside came festering back. “I’m supposed to be the Ultimate Hope, But I feel so…”
“So full of Despair.” She whispered.
He nodded, blinking away the tears.
“It’s hard being locked up here, I know. I can’t imagine the weight on your shoulders, You feel like you always have to uplift everyone and give them Hope. Even when you yourself don’t feel Hopeful.” Kyoko started, prompting tears to spill down his cheeks. “You feel alone, Isolated. You might even be angry to an extent that no one can see past that to your pain.”
She took his trembling hands in hers and stared Into his eyes as if searching the contents of his very soul. “But you aren’t alone, I’m here. And I see your pain. Your feelings are valid.”
Makoto wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and cried into her shoulder.
Kyoko ran her hands over his back in a comforting manner, not saying anything else so he had some time to process his feelings.
After a few minutes he calmed down and pulled back, wiping the tears away from his face. “S-Sorry about that…” He meekly apologized.
She offered a small smile in response. “It’s okay. Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He mustered up a smile and went to stand up but was pulled back down.
“No you aren’t.” She saw through his lie yet again. “I don’t like being lied to, Naegi.” 
She spoke In a stern voice, However there was an unnerving edge to her words. Something that resembled playfulness.
Something that resembled ‘Makoto’s in trouble and about to get wrecked.’
“I-I’m sorry Kyoko! I didn’t even realize I was doing It!” Makoto panicked, His words flooding out like a waterfall. A very panicky waterfall. 
Kyoko pushed him down and straddled his legs to stop him from getting up and running away. “I think you need to be taught what happens when you lie to a Kirigiri.” She smirked, shoving his shirt up.
“W-Wait! Can’t we talk about this-- Pfft n-no! Kyohohohokohoho!” He dissolved into a fit of giggles as he felt her gloved fingers scribbling all around his sides.
She smiled, The air In the room felt ten times lighter now that he was laughing. “Sorry, But no. We’re done talking for now. Now you get to laugh and think about how unwise It is to lie to me.”
“I’m sorryehehehe!” He giggled, writhing underneath her. He didn’t try to stop her though, subconsciously he must have realized he needed this attention right now.
“It’s too late for sorry, Makoto.” She teased, fluttering her fingers across his stomach. “Does this tickle?”
Makoto squealed and arched his back, which only pressed her fingers further into his ticklish stomach. “KYOHOHOHO!”
“Yes, Makoto?” She asked innocently.
“IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” He whined, covering his quickly reddening face.
“Does It?” She smiled in amusement. “I had no Idea.”
The smooth texture of her gloves tickled like hell, and she was well aware of this. Kyoko wasn’t even tickling that fast or hard but Makoto was damn near In hysterics, Especially when she suddenly dipped down and blew a raspberry on his belly.
The Ultimate Hope screamed, Unable to form words as he laughed his heart out. After the third raspberry, He began pushing at Kyoko’s head In an attempt to escape. “KYOOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!”
“Hmm. How can I be sure you really want me to stop?” She asked coyly, Dipping a finger into his belly button. “You keep lying to me, So for all I know… You want me to keep going.”
Makoto girlishly squealed and tried to suck in his stomach. “I’M SOHOHOHOHORRY FOR LYING TO YOUHUHUHU!” 
“I don’t know, That could be another lie…” She smirked, Wiggling her finger faster. “Are you really sure?”
“YEHEHEHES! I’M SOHOHOHOHO SORRY!” Makoto cackled, Tears slipping down his cheeks for a second time today, Though this time It was for a happier reason. “PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!”
Kyoko pulled her hands back and climbed off of her giggling and panting boyfriend, coming to rest right next to him. “Are you feeling any better now?” She asked, turning over onto her side to look at him.
Makoto nodded slowly as he wiped his tears away with the heels of his hands and pushed his shirt back down. “Yeah… Thank you, Kyo.” He turned his head to look at her for a moment before leaning closer and planting a soft kiss against her lips. 
“You’re welcome. Just remember, You may have a lot of weight on your shoulders, But you don’t have to carry It alone.“ She smiled, her cheeks tinting a pale pink. “Now come on! Let’s go get some breakfast.” 
Kyoko got out of bed only for Makoto wrap his arms around her waist and pull her back down into the bed with him. “Can’t we just stay here for a while? I’m kind of tired…”
She giggled as he nuzzled into her neck and closed his eyes, gently she pushed him back. “No. I’m hungry, And you haven’t eaten either.”
“You can have the plate of food you brought me.” He offered.
“Nice try. It’s cold by now. Come on, Get up. Everyone Is probably wondering where I am.”
She had to practically drag him behind her, but at least he had some life back In him.
While things may still be super tense and stressful for Makoto, It comforted him to know that he wasn’t alone, And didn’t have to shoulder all of this responsibility alone.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Ayyy porcelain anon here! THH girls (including Junko and Mukuro pls) +Chihiro who accidentally kill their s/o pls bc angst brain go brr-
hehehe my angst brain go brr too--
I honestly couldn’t figure out anything for Sakura (bc I can’t see her killing anyone at all hnggg) so you get the other ladies!
Watching her “Ultimate Punishment” take place hurt to see..
Despite everything she’s done....you just couldn’t stop loving her.
You and Makoto even convinced her not to die! But she refused to listen to either of you.
At the final part of the execution, she was just waiting for the trash compactor to slam down onto her.
She could escape anytime, but...she waited with a smile on her face, a hand in the air, and Monokuma in her lap.
You wanted to give her chance to live...a chance to change her ways, even! If anyone deserved that..it was her.
So you ran to the end of the conveyor belt, pushing her out of the way just as she goes under the machine (which, oddly enough, stopped for some time).
For a moment, you see Junko’s shocked face, and you could only smile at her-
Before the compactor crushes you instantly.
As she stares at the blood pooling out...her teary eyes turn to dark swirls as she laughs softly.
This was suppose to be her punishment to relish in, not yours.
How cruel....one of her own devices killed you as you looked straight into her eyes: not with despair like other victims....but with hope.
Even in your final moments, you held onto to that stupid four-lettered word.
In her disguise (which she told you about beforehand), she provoked Monokuma as part of her plan with her sister.
You tried getting her away from him, but to no avail.
And when he called upon the Spears of Gungnir..you used all your strength to finally push her off the bear-
Right as you were impaled by the large spears from all sides.
“No..[y/n]...why did you do that..?”
Suddenly, to everyone’s confusion, “Junko’s” voice wasn’t high-pitched and annoying; instead it was quiet and full of distraught.
You just looked at your soldier gf with a bloody smile, only managing to say “Mukur-”
Before the spears retracted, ripping out of your flesh as you collapse into a pool of blood.
The despair Mukuro felt in that moment was too much....
Not only was Junko going to betray her, but...you gave your life for hers.
Had she just listened to you....you’d still be standing here.
It’s all her fault.
You found her walking back to her room with a kitchen knife and a bleak expression.
In concern, you followed her, holding the door open when she tried closing it behind her.
“Sayaka? Why..do you have that knife? You’re not planning to..do something with it, are you?”
“[Y/n]..i-it’s not what it looks like!” She insists, though it’s clear she’s panicking.
She doesn’t let it go when you ask, so you try wrestling it from her grasp, demanding to know her intentions.
But all she does is panic more--you weren’t suppose to find out about this! She had a plan and now it’s-
However, the struggle comes to a sudden end when there’s a pained gasp from you.
Sayaka opens her eyes, horrified to see the knife..now in your chest, the handle still in her shaking hands.
‘Oh god..no..no, no, no!!!’
Despite the agonizing pain, you look at her with a smile, cupping her tearstained face.
“I-It’s okay...d-don’t...blame yourself. I-I love you..Sayaka...”
But she can only scream as she frantically pulls the knife out, holding your now lifeless body as she sobs, apologizing and begging you to come back to her.
This shouldn’t have happened.
Why you?
It was a classic case of “wrong place at the wrong time”.
You saw Hifumi and Celestia together, though..you noticed something was off with your girlfriend.
She was sneaking up behind the fanfic writer with a hammer...and murderous intent in her eyes.
You didn’t know why she’d target him, but instinct took over in that moment--to protect your friends and stop more meaningless deaths.
So you rush in to push him out of the way...taking the full impact of the hammer.
When Celestia realizes who she hit instead, she drops the weapon in horror.
There was only one final step to complete for her plan....and now it all came crashing down.
She screams at Hifumi to get medical supplies while she kneels beside you, cradling your head.
“Why did you do that, you idiot?!! S-Something so stupid and...!!!”
For the first time ever, you see her crying.
Your heart ached, not only because of that..but also because you realized why she attempted to murder Hifumi...
“All...for a castle..? Well, if you do get out, Celeste...I-I hope...your dream comes true...”
“Awh c’mon! The pool isn’t that bad!”
After much persuasion, you join her for a fun swim.
It’s definitely a lot nicer than you expected. It was the break you needed from the stress of the killing game.
Aoi gets out soon, but you stay in a little while longer.
She encourages you to jump from the diving board, just one time, even though you’re worried that it’s so high up.
“C’mooonnnnn, I’ll give you my share of donuts later if you do!”
Finally, you give in...but little did you know that would be the first and last time you tried the diving board.
When you dove headfirst..you miscalculated how shallow the water really was.
And after the splash, your skull is cracked open.
Aoi immediately sees the blue water turn pink, and screams your name as she dives in to save you.
But by then it was much too late...you were killed instantly.
She pressured you to try the diving board...and because of that...you were gone forever.
Although not directly...she murdered you.
It started as an argument you had with Sho.
She was teasing you about your relationship with Toko, claiming all she cared about was “Master Byakuya” and no one else--not even you.
You tried staying calm...but you could only take so many insults before...
You snapped and tried to wrestle the scissors out of her grasp.
She fought back, though you proved to be strong, too.
But just as you shoved her against the wall....
You were sliced in the neck.
She hits the back of her head upon impact, dazed for a few moments.
When Toko finally comes back, it takes her a second to see the bloodstained scissors at her feet...
Before finally seeing you collapse to the ground, blood gushing from your neck.
She shrieks in horror, frantically covering the wound.
With tears streaming down her face, she yells at you, asking you why you didn’t just run from her
But..she never receives an answer.
Another love of hers.....was claimed by Sho.
“Chihiro? Do you need help getting that dumbbell?”
“Oh no! I got it! I promise!”
You just sigh and decide to go back to reading the magazine, sitting against the shelf’s side as you looked for workout tips.
Meanwhile, Chihiro’s trying his best to grab the dumbbell that was on top of said shelf.
He wanted to prove to you he was strong! And he wouldn’t let his height define him as feminine anymore.
But just as his fingers touched the dumbbell, the shelf begin shaking, causing them to accidentally push it.
It rolled over the edge and fell....right on top of your head.
Directly on top of your head.
When he heard a splattering noise, he looks at you, realizing what he’s done, and breaks down into tears, horrified by the sight before him:
Your body was slumped over, blood streaming down your face and dripping onto the open magazine.
And beside you laid a bloody dumbbell
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takerfoxx · 3 years
happyandstupidotter submitted:
Oh man, this took me long. Long story short, I had a lot of work and I wanted to have time to read the chapter again and review. So here we are 2 weeks later.
Before I start I want to talk about that dream Oktavia was having. Even though it was quite simple and straight forward it reminded me of Stuff TM.
I don’t know if you know about this one fun fact, but one of the interpretations of Kyoko’s witch version was that she was named Ophelia as a reference to the character with the same name from Hamlet. In Hamlet, Ophelia fell in the water and embraced death by letting herself drown.
Hamlet!Ophelia’s death has some similarities with Kyoko’s first witch out in the PSP game. In that route, after Sayaka witches out and Oktavia is killed, Kyoko survives, but witches out after realizing that Sayaka is indeed dead and that she wouldn’t be able to escape having an horrible death. So, we have Hamlet!Ophelia letting herself drown to stop being a tool being used by Hamlet to meet his own selfish ends and we have Kyoko letting herself fall to despair after Sayaka/Oktavia’s death to be free of the circle of suffering she found herself in after she made the contract. I quite like this interpretation of Witch!Ophelia’s name.
And the other thing it reminded me of was of the special ending after episode 8 in which Kyoko reaches out for a drowning Sayaka. Ahhh, love that ending.
Anyways. Plot.
I’ll be serious with you, I read Kazumi many years ago and I barely remember it. I had zero memories of a dead girl and clones of said dead girl for instance. Even though that’s the case, I am enjoying the clones very much. They are weirdos full stop, but that is what makes them charming. In their own way. That and the fact that their simple existence makes Kyoko think hard about what it means to like two girls who share one body and how she should approach it to not fuck up things with the girl that is currently driving the meat sack. Soul vapor sack. You get it.
Seriously, this is the most complex and angsty love triangle EVER. I love it. My heart was full and content with all the KyoTavi content from this chapter, thank you so much.
Since we are in the love subject… April has a girlfriend, huh? Kyoko and I shared the same shark reaction to that information. I was so not expecting it. Man, I already love April. The entire Kyoko-April conversation was GOLD from start to end. April has trouble expressing facial emotions that are deemed socially acceptable, but she’s clearly great. I’m excited to learn more about other calendar sisters.
I’m also excited for Mami to get proper professional help at some point in this arc. Or at least her meds back. Fingers crossed for the people in the city to have something for her.
And get Kyoko her cowboy hat. The poor girl will start dreaming of cowboy hats soon if that doesn’t happen.
Thanks for the chapter! It was great reading it twice.
I was wondering when I would hear from you, lol.
Y’know something funny? I of course know who the original Ophelia is (English major, son of an English teacher, grandson of a theater set producer) and even made a reference to it in Ophelia’s introduction in WN, but until you explicitly pointed it out just now, I don’t think I ever consciously made the connection between Ophelia’s death and the frequent motif of Kyoko drowning that keeps popping up in my stories. I mean, you’d think it be obvious, seeing how the WN Ophelia is terrified of water, Kyoko and Sayaka’s special ED literally shows them drowning together (which is what Oktavia’s dream was referencing), Kyoko canonically can’t swim, and I later want to also have the RD have an aversion to water as well, but that was mainly to have her be a foil to the water-loving Oktavia. I mean, I might have noted the connection somewhere in WN and referenced it, but if I did then I forgot immediately. So chalk it up to another unintentional but very appropriate connection. 
Kazumi Magica had its ups and downs, but the (SPOILERS!) big twist was interesting. Basically, Kazumi found out that she was actually a clone of Michiru, who had turned into a witch and was killed by her friends, so her friends tried using witch flesh (which I guess they could get somehow) and magic to try to clone her. Kazumi herself came out all right, but at one point she discovers where they were keeping the failed clones, and a fight ensues in which she’s forced to kill the clones. And I always felt that the clones got a raw deal, so I stuck them in RD, had them discover the original Michiru, and form a family with her.
The love triangle was one of those happy accidents. The original plan was for Oktavia to simply turn back into Sayaka at some point, kind of like how Candeloro became Mami in IM. But I realized that I had spent so much time building up Oktavia as her own character and made her identity issues such an integral part of the story that doing that would be kind of a slap in the face. Then, when I was writing Restless and had everyone turn into their opposite selves at the end of their respective dreams, I realized that this would be a great way to introduce the original Sayaka as a character separate from Oktavia and see where that takes us. And as it turns out, where it takes us is ANGST!
April was honestly so much fun to write. I’ve talked a lot about how I like to beings that are usually treated as disposable (clones, the undead, aliens, AI’s, and so on) and humanize them as much as possible. Like, okay, to me, introducing unsettling, uncanny valley clones with strong Stepford Wife vibes to creep the characters out is one thing, but I feel that once you actually got to know them and realized that they’re also people with their own lives, it kind of changes how you view them. Having April have a girlfriend was a big part of that.
And Mami getting some seriously much-needed help was a long time coming. Hell, they all need it. 
Also, obligatory:
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You ever get the feeling that the people who made the Madoka Magica Online character cards never actually watched the show?
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serahne · 6 years
kyouko, sayaka and hinata
Okay, apparently it was in my drafts all this time ? I’m so sorry !
Kyoko Kirigri
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. She is the one I blame to fall into Danganronpa as a serie, so I sort of love her, and sort of hate her. More seriously, she is everything I like in a character, especially a female character : she is smart, she is active, she is strong but she still have weaknesses that she tries her best to control. She has a great developement, through choices that are - sometimes - very very harsh for a teenager.
Is he/she important to the general plot? Uh, yeah. She is like, the most important character in dr1. You literally have a bad ending if you don’t decide to sacrifice the protagonist for her. She is the one saying 90% of the interesting stuff in the trials. She is the one who is directly linked to Hope’s Peak history, through her father.
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally? She does, in a way. Through dr1, you can feel how lonely she is fighting her battle, and how everyone except Makoto is ready to turn on her so easily. You can also feel her conflicted feelings about his dad, and it’s done in a very clever way.
Do I relate to her ? In some ways. Like how I’m always reluctant to ask for help and would rather try and manage everything myself, even when the task is hard. I’m far from having the drive that she has, though.
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic) I ship her with Naegi and that’s her canon relationship that I enjoy the most. I have other ships (Celes or Sonia) but they work more in AU and stuff. Platonically, I have a fondness for Komaeda and Kirigiri working together in FF. I’m also hella intrigued by her relationship with her dad during the year she spent in Hope’s Peak.
Is there anything about the character you would change? I’m still super mad that they made her die in dr3 to ‘prove her love’ and appease the fuckers who call her a bitch for not accepting her death in dr1, and pretty much made her useless until it was time for her to come back as Naegi’s trophy at the end.
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her? I’d probably be too embarassed to really talk to her first. She’d be the kind of girl that I get really flustered to talk with, and I would be scared to sound stupid. I might have an intellectual yeah right crush on her.
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites? Oh yes, definitely.
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom? I… tend to let people find out about characters by themselves, just so I can get their unbiased opinion. Between the two, I would hyper her up, though.
Is this character popular with the fanbase? Mostly yes, I’d say. You have a few people who can’t stand her for… reasons that I don’t undersand but respect, but most of the fanbase have positive - if not very strong - feelings about her.
Sayaka Maizono
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. I really like her ! I think that no matter what your opinion of her is, you have to admit that the twist with her character was done very well, and the first taste of what the Danganronpa serie could do best ! On a more subjective level, she is just the kind of character that I like : so perfect looking that most people won’t notice that something is off inside.
Is he/she important to the general plot? Uh, I’d say that she definitely sets the tone for the serie, though of course her actions don’t carry beyond the first chapter. She only is there for half a chapter, but her character is still used as the background of the trial ground in ndrv3 whereas Twogami and Amami are... fine, I guess, but a lot less in the serie’s DNA, in my opinion.
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally? She does, in a way. She is so young, and with so much pressure on her shoulders. She is sixteen, and has the terrifying feeling that she has peaked and that there is nowhere for her to go but down... this is really sad. I can’t say I relate to her, though. We have really nothing in common, and it’s probably for the best !
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic) Celes is my OTP for her because they are both very amibitious and deceptive in their own ways and they would complement nicely. Nae/zono is cute, Kiri/zono too. I like the idea of her, Kaede and Ibuki being friends since, you know, ~ music ~.
Is there anything about the character you would change? I would cut off this weird scene in dr3 where there is a joke about a magazine where she is undressed/wearing a bikini. Even ignoring the fact that she is sixteen, is this really what her character comes down to in dr3 ? All this angst for a stupid pervy joke with Teruteru as a guest star ?
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her? Hard to say. She is friendly on a superficial level, so we probably would have good relationships, but friends would be a strong word.
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites? For the serie, sure ! She is in my top 3 in dr1, at least !
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom? Sayaka’s narrative force is the twist behind her character, so I would probably lead this person on to make them believe she is a stereotypical character.
Is this character popular with the fanbase? ... Good question. I’d say... yes, mostly. There is this weird ship war between her fans and Kirigiri’s fans, as if these two ladies weren’t too good for Naegi on the first place. Some people really can’t understand her actions and consider that she is a manipulative bitch, I suppose. Bleh.
Hajime Hinata
What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. He is my favorite character in the franchise, and I think it’s well deserved. He is just a great character all-together : he is full of contradictions, insecurities, his growth isn’t as easy/obvious as Naegi’s, he is also a bit grumpy and snarky and judgy and all that makes him very endearing when you spend all this time in his head.
Is he/she important to the general plot? Well, he is the protagonist of sdr2, and technically the reason AI Junko took over the Neo-World Program. Despite how centered around Komaeda the game is, I still think Hinata is the one really at the core of the game, and that’s done in a very interesting way.
Can you relate to this character at all? Does he/she grip you emotionally? Oh, he really grips me on an emotional level, yes, and it’s probably also because I relate to him - or, I guess I can understand him while looking at him from an older perspective. He feels trapped, put on rails that he feels he can’t change the destination of, he feels like he is missing something, that his life is passing him by and he can’t help but feel like being someone else would make everything better. It’s a mix of teenage ridiculousness and existential crisis that we all felt at some point, right ?
Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by his/her relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic) I’m not going to rant about Koma/hina again, but yes, I might *cough* ship them, just a bit. I’m fine with other relationships, romantic or not, like Sonia, Mahiru or Natsumi. I like his brOTP with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko. I like to think about his relationship with Naegi, because I feel like it would be a lot more complicated than the canon let it on, too. And if we consider them different people, his ‘relationship’ with Kamukura is also very important !
Is there anything about the character you would change? The ‘man nuts’ scene is not only dumb but very OOC. Can we... not. Do this. Also the ending of dr3 shits all over his character’s growth, and his ‘god mode’ is a but insulting toward Hinata’s fans I think, but... whatever. It’s what fanfics are for.
If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how would you see yourself interacting with him/her? I hope we’d get along ? I feel like we would, at least a bit, haha.
Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites? Yeah, he is #1, baby.
Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about this character (if you dislike) to someone new to fandom? I mean ‘he is my favorite character in the serie’ is hyping up, I suppose ? As I aways said, I like the idea of people making their own ideas. If someone ends up not liking Hinata, then they have terrible taste, but I won’t drop dead because of it, you know ?
Is this character popular with the fanbase? Oh, he is. I’m not sure if he is the most popular protag ( the fandom is still on the Shuichi-hype train ) but I don’t think I really saw one really negative opinion of him ? Which is fine by me, haha.
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All the dr1 girls reacting to their crush giving someone else chocolates for Valentine's Day? Thank you ^^
God, if this is not relatable, then I don’t know what is. I hope you didn’t wish for good ending cause I’m feeling like writing angsts.
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~Mod Junko
Sayaka Maizono
Guess what.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that Sayaka Maizono has a crush on s/o.
Except them, of course.
This year!!
This is going to change!!
There's a valentine-themed festival in the city park.
Sayaka spent whole month on writing the perfect song for s/o.
That's it, she's gonna confess by singing.
She even personally invited s/o to her performance!
But time is going so freaking slowly...
She barely makes it until the fourteenth of February.
She arrives at the festival.
Her concert starts soon, but first she needs to make sure that s/o is here, too.
She wanders around the park, slowly getting nervous.
Where are they...?
Finally she finds them near the fountain.
She runs towards them, waving her hand in hope they will notice her.
But they don't.
Their attention is addressed to somebody else.
Sayaka doesn't mind, until she notices a big box of chocolate in s/o's hands.
For a second she thinks those are for her and she blushes deeply.
But then, to her horror, they give the chocolates to their companion.
And at this moment her heart breaks into thousand pieces.
She can't breath.
First tears are already flowing down her face as she observes s/o and their new lover walking away.
She runs away, crying hysterically.
Her concert is canceled.
Aoi Asahina
She has been preparing for this day since a long time.
It must be perfect.
Today she's going to do it.
Today she will tell s/o how she feels about them.
She jumps around, trying to fin them.
Bright smile on her face.
Box of heart-shaped donuts in her hands.
Finally she notices them.
She grins, excited.
This is her moment.
She starts running towards them, opening her mouth to call them.
Until she realises they are talking to somebody.
And that they are holding a heart shaped box in their hands.
She freezes immediately.
Could it be...?
No, no, impossible... But it is.
She can only watch as s/o gives the valentine chocolates to another person.
The box slips off her hands and falls to the ground.
Tears start to form in her eyes.
She quickly picks up the donuts and runs back to her house.
Later that night, she ate the whole box, sobbing.
Toko Fukawa
For once she hoped she could turn into Genocide Jack
It would be much easier, if Jack did it.
But she seems like she has to do it on her own.
She wrote a poem for s/o, it's full of her feelings towards them.
Her hands are shaking as she searches for s/o.
Her heart is pounding like after a 5 miles run.
Yet it gets even faster the second she notices her beloved one.
She rushes towards them, biting her lower lip...
And suddenly she stops.
Who is s/o talking to...?
Why do they look so happy...?
Then the world around her freezes.
She can't move or breath.
Watching in horror as they give the chocolates to somebody else.
She grips a poem so hard she can hear the paper getting ripped.
She doesn't care anymore.
She simply turns back and walks away, crumpling the poem in her hands.
She throws it out to the first bin she notices.
She's not even crying.
She's used to be unloved afterall.
Celestia Ludenberg
She has a dream.
Dream about s/o being only her.
She wishes she could live with them in the castle from her dreams.
But this needs to wait.
Small steps, they say.
First of, she needs to confess her feeelings, doesn't she?
And the Valetine's Day is just a perfect time to do it.
She didn't prepare any present though.
She's sure her words are enough to make s/o love her.
Searching for them doesn't take a lot of time.
When she finally founds them, she notices they are talking with another person.
Not wanting to be rude by interrupting them, she decides to wait on a bench until they finish.
After a moment, she looks at them again.
And, for a second, her heart stops as she perceives what are they doing.
S/o's giving somebody else a valentine cardboard full of chocolates.
She stares at this scene in awe, unable to move.
Then... She just stands up and walks away, keeping her usual grace on.
Though if somebody looked in her eyes righ then.
They would see nothing but pure sadness.
Sakura Ogami
She likes Valentines.
Seeing a lot of happy couples gives her that fluffy, warm feeling in her chest.
That's why she decided to take a walk.
There's a big smile on her face as she notices somebody giving their valentine chocolates to another person.
And it gets accepted.
She's really happy for them.
Until she notices who's the giver of the chocolates...
It's s/o.
The person she had a crush on for a long time now.
They just gave a valentine to somebody else.
Her happiness disappears.
Instead, she's feeling really miserable.
She decides to not interrupt them and simply lets them be.
But for a few next weeks, she's really trying to avoid s/o.
Junko Enoshima
She's not taking it too seriously.
She's sure s/o won't make her feel her beloved despair, so she doesn't care much about them.
What's the point of being together, if she won't get what she wants?
That's what she thinks.
Until she finds out s/o gave a box of chocolates to somebody else.
She was wrong.
She was so, so wrong.
S/o made her feel despair.
But she doesn't like this kind of despair.
In fact, she hates it.
She realises she wants s/o for herself.
But s/o's crush may be an obstacle...
Oh well... Seems like Mukuro's skills will be useful for once.
Mukuro Ikusaba
At first she doesn't understand.
When she finds s/o confessing their love to another person, something weird happens to her.
Her heart hurts.
Her eyes are wet.
And she feels so betrayed and sad.
She was sure s/o loves her, too.
She walks away, not wanting s/o to notice her like this.
She wants to do something about it.
She can't stop thinking about s/o's crush.
Execute them.
Kill them.
She want s/o to be with her.
But... Could she really do this to s/o?
Making them miserable for her own happiness?
She's a mess.
And she will stay like this for a long time.
Kyoko Kirigiri
Of course nobody has a clue.
When she's with s/o, she acts as stoic as always.
But inside, her heart is beating much faster than usually.
They are the only one she is slightly smiling to.
S/o really means a lot to her.
Yet she doesn't care about Valentine's Day too much.
She treats it as a normal day.
She does her business most of the day.
Until she suddenly runs into s/o.
They are holding a red cardboard box and seem nervous.
"Anything wrong, s/o?" Kyoko asks, staring at the cardboard.
It's obvious that this is a valentine present for somebody.
"Nah, I'm just looking for somebody... I finally managed myself to go and confess my feelings... Oh, wait, I think I see them over here!"
S/o passes by her and goes straight to their crush.
Kyoko watches them emotionlessly.
Her eyes go wide for a moment, but later she comes back to her usual self.
No more smiling.
No more fastly beating heart.
Just aching hole in her soul.
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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