#and it's basically like the texas of canada
ghoulsmuses · 1 year
me, after realizing they never specify where exactly langa is from: where the fuck should i headcanon you being from.
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Concussions and Cuddles
Lindsey’s the first to spot you as you enter the room, instantly opening her arms for you. Half asleep and cocooned in a blanket, you stumble over and settle in. 
“Hey, little buddy,” she greets you softly. “You know you didn’t have to come tonight if you don’t feel up for it. You won’t miss much, I think we’re just watching a movie.”
You hum slightly before responding, “I wanted to, Linds. I feel fine, just a little tired.”
She sighs slightly but tightens her grip around you. She was worried about you, they all were. You had a pretty serious knock in the head during the game today, but you passed all of the concussion tests. Even when your teammates protested as you wobbled on your feet, Coach still insisted you keep playing. Needless to say, you had been quickly escorted to bed once you got back to the hotel, and- with a warning to your roommate to watch over you- you were left to nap it off with a nervous Mal watching over you. 
By now, the rest of the team had noticed your entrance. The room had gone quiet as everyone watched you relax into Lindsey. Kelley, a pro at head injuries and an absolute mama bear, moves to sit in front of you. 
She uses one hand to push your hair out of your face, trying to simultaneously feel for any bump that might be forming. Your eyes fell closed at her gentle touch, your face relaxing. 
“Alright, kiddo,” she starts, causing you to blink your eyes open. Your eyes are unfocused and tired as you try to look at her. 
“There we go. I need you to be a tiebreaker, Alex and I were arguing about where we are. Do you remember?”
Somewhat confused by the odd question, you respond, “a hotel, Kel.”
“I know that much,” she says, playfully rolling her eyes, “I meant what state. I thought we were in Texas, but Alex thinks we’re in Colorado.”
That’s a tougher question. You were at camp, you knew that much. And you think that it had been cold out earlier. Deciding to risk a guess, you answer, “Alex’s right, it’s Colorado.” 
Kelley looked back to the group, exchanging a concerned glance. Rose stands up and leaves the room, no doubt to go find someone from the medical staff. 
Alex appears next to Kelley. Where did she come from? You didn’t even know she was in the room. 
“You’re close, sweetpea, we’re up in Canada.”
Your face scrunches slightly at that piece of information, you don’t remember going to Canada. You don’t really remember anything about today. 
“I played against Jessie?” you ask, trying to understand, “I want to see Jess.”
Lindsey shifts behind you, getting your attention, “no, bug, Jessie didn’t come to this camp, she’s still in London.”
Now, you’re slightly upset, you need to see Jessie. She would make everything better, just like at UCLA. She was basically your big sister. 
“I need Jessie,” you plead, eyes watering. 
The single tear running down your face causes Mal to pull out her phone before a ringing fills the room. 
“Mal? What’s wrong?” a worried voice floods over the speaker. “I can’t really talk, practice is just starting.”
Hearing the familiar voice, you let out a pitiful cry. “Jess. I need you.”
“Oh, love, why are you crying? Did something happen?”
Kelley grabs the phone from Mal, holding it out so you could see Jessie over FaceTime. She’s in the locker room, headphones in. You can see her teammates in the background, desperately trying to snoop without being obvious. 
Seeing her face, the tears start pouring out freely. Lindsey keeps one hand wrapped around you, using her other to guide your head to her neck. She rocks you as you sob, cooing softly into your ear.
The door to the room opens as Rose leads the medical staff to you. Clearly, she had given them a run down on the way there. Mal takes the phone back from Kelley, walking into the hallway to explain to her confused friend what had happened. 
The medics try to pull your head out of the safety of Lindsey’s neck, and you whine pitifully. Kelley steps in, pulling you into her arms and using one hand to keep your head steady. A heartbreaking sob leaves your mouth as you lose your comfort and are bombarded with a pen light and a variety of questions. Kelley almost breaks her hold on you after hearing that sound, but Alex slides closer, reinforcing her grip. Seeing you weakly struggle, Lindsey has to leave the room, unable to watch. 
After a quick assessment, the medics start talking with Alex and Kelley. The medics start questioning Kelley and Alex pulls you fully into her arms before standing up and heading into the hallway. Your arms and legs are tightly wrapped around her, your head buried in the crook of her neck. She bounces slightly, shushing you and placing kisses to the top of your head. 
She manages to balance you in one arm, using her other to pull her keycard out. She walks you into her room, taking you over to the bed she and Kelley share. Everyone on the team knew that you would be in their room tonight. She sits on the edge, just allowing you to cry. 
It was going to be a long night. 
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gnomewithalaptop · 7 months
What is cue the sun? 👀
I need you to know I am kissing you on the mouth rn (platonically) -- I've been rotating this plot in the microwave since like. mid-august.
It's transcendence au (obvi) but here's the basic hook:
The year is 7098. The last Mizar (Fang Wu -- and shoutout to aba_daba_do for making a kickass OC) has been dead for four years now, and Alcor has been MIA for about the same amount of time. In their absence, the North American continent has broken out into a full-on, cross-continental war, with the main players being the Greater Austinian Monopoly (formerly known as Texas) and the Alaskadian Collective (Alaska, plus some parts of Canada and north-eastern Russia).
In a last-ditch effort to find some long-forgotten piece of magical information that could win the war, Alaskadian scientist Fatima Tursynbekova (an r!Ford) is sent to the abandoned site of what used to be Gravity Falls, accompanied by her troubled teenage daughter Olya (an r!Gideon). They're expecting to find little more than scant remnants of a town that was razed to the ground over thirty years before -- not much better than an archaeological expedition if anything.
However, what they find instead is a thriving small town -- the inhabitants of which are all completely and utterly convinced that it's the year 2016 (feat. the OG Mystery Twins and an extremely sus Stan Pines).
Anyways blah blah blah romance, secrecy, interpersonal drama but COME LOOK AT THE MAP I MADE I spent entirely too much time on it and I've been dying to share:
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(Plus better quality image link for if tumblr steals all my pixels)
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race-week · 11 months
It’s basically near impossible to have the 3 US races + Canada in a way that makes sense environmentally and logistically
Montreal Canada has to be held between June and early September, outside of that window it’ll likely be too cold
Miami has to be before the end of May as hurricane season starts on the 1st June, and they are at their worst August through October. There’s also the NFL season to consider which starts in September.
COTA (Texas) and Las Vegas will be too hot June through August, the ideal time for COTA is October - March and Las Vegas and Miami will never be held at a similar time because they both cater to the same clientele.
The only thing they can do is rotate them in the future
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jksprincess10 · 10 months
Exile 2. Smartass
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Summary: After Steve Murphy's unforgivable death in the never-ending fight against Pablo Escobar, Javier Peña finds himself stuck with a new partner. A girl that they brought from Miami. Smart, devastating, strong. Nothing he would have thought her to be. Their rivalry builds up to something intense, destructive.
CW: canon violence, mentions of death, smoking and drinking, language, bullshitting my way through the Narcos plot, no y/n (3rd person), no physical and racial descriptions of the girl, eventual smut. 1500 words.
Divider by @cafekitsune
Masterlist for exile
Notification blog
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In the evening, most of her things found their rightful place. She didn’t have many dishes, but they all found a little space in the kitchen. The cupboards were mostly empty. At least, the apartment came with the basic furniture, a luxury that filled the quiet emptiness.
Her bathroom was full of her makeup items and her walk-in closet in her room overflew with clothes. Riri was still hiding in the closet. She would be hiding too, after meeting such a "nice" guy.
She got the basics for cooking meals for the following week. But she was too tired to cook anything big today, so she snacked on some cereals instead.
It was late when she heard Javier coming back home, door slamming shut. Great. The apartment wasn’t well insulated. She can also vaguely hear his TV.
She decides to sleep it off, not wanting to think too much about her new coworker who already seemed to despise her.
In the morning, she slips on a white shirt and black slacks after forcing herself to eat and drink coffee. She looks at the clock on her wrist. 6:58. She grabs her bag and goes outside to meet Javier in his Jeep. He’s already sitting, waiting for her, a cigarette between his lips.
“Morning.” She says.
“Almost late.” He responds as a greeting.
“I had two minutes to spare.” She argues as she rolls her eyes. “Your TV was loud yesterday.”
“Get used to it, princesa. Walls are thin here.”
She can almost see the hint of a smile around his cigarette. He’s wearing a light yellow shirt, a leather jacket, and dark jeans. The yellow looks good on his tan skin.
“Where are you from, Agent Peña?” She asks as he drives away.
“Texas.” He responds dryly.
“Fun. I wouldn’t have guessed.” She finds a cigarette pack in his car console, takes one and brings it to her lips and lights it up. He glares at her in the rear-view mirror, but she smiles like a wolf she takes a long drag on her cigarette. She would need to take a lot of fucking nicotine to endure the grumpy man. “I worked in Miami. But I’m from Canada.”
“I don’t care. I only care about the fact that you can do your job.”
“Lovely.” She rolls her eyes and keeps smoking in silence.
When they finally get to work, he shows her the empty desk in front of his. She would get tired of his presence pretty fast if he didn’t miraculously become nice. He puts a pile of files on her desk.
“That’s what we have so far. Read all of it and then get back to me.”
She puts her thick rimmed glasses on her nose to read. “This will take me all day.” She complains.
“You have to start somewhere, new recruit.” Says another man she didn’t know. He’s middle-aged and large. “I’m Chris, welcome.” She offers him a smile and tells him her name.
“What he said.” Javier responds. And then, just like that, he’s gone.
She flies through the files in just a few hours. She knew most of the information already, except the most recent breakthroughs that were still under wraps. And that last report. With everything that went wrong. Faceless people who died under an attack by Escobar’s men.
Maybe that’s why Javier was such a dick. Maybe that’s why he underestimated his new partner so much.
Javier comes back to his desk for a smoke break, eyebrows shot up as he sees that chiquita is done reading and she’s laying back in her chair, legs up on the desk.
“You’re a fast reader.”
“One of my many qualities.” She responds with a grin.
She watches as he lights up his cigarette and gets a glimpse of his teeth. She wondered what he looked like when he smiled. If he ever did.
“Let’s see if you actually retained any information or if you’re bullshitting.”
Javier tosses his cigarette pack at her, and she notes that she would owe him later. They smoke face to face, vapors of their cigarettes intertwining between them. She holds his gaze, defiant.
He quizzes her from the beginning of the case, and she responds flawlessly, with numbers and dates when needed. He feels himself getting smaller and smaller with every response, like he finally met someone better than him.
And then, he talked about the latest report.
“What went wrong, you think?” His eyes are suddenly distant, far away, as he remembers everything that went wrong. The way he almost lost his job when he came back with the news. He had failed miserably.
“You underestimated the fact that La Quica could call reinforcements with a phone you couldn’t track. And how close the help was from him. You thought you had framed him. But he framed you.”
“Smart girl.” He says, lips curled around his cigarette in what resembled a smirk.
Her thighs closed at the praise. She damned her body for getting aroused at his words. She tried to remember that he was an asshole.
“You need more help from the inside.”
“And how you suggest we do that?”
“You have to find someone who’s willing to sell them for immunity.”
“Or I could send you as bait. Make them believe you’re a whore sent to please them.”
“Fuck you, Javier.”
There it was the reminder that he was an asshole.
“It’s Agent Peña for you, chiquita.”
“I’ll call you trou de cul if it pleases me. Let me see if we got more intel on the phone if you’re done bothering me.” She gets up, the cigarette she stole from him still dangling from her lips.
When she’s gone, Chris shoots an amused look to Javier.
“She’s something else, isn’t she?”
“She is.” He agrees.
“What does… trou de cul means?”
“No idea, man. But I think it’s French.”
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After the last incident, it’s like everything had went quiet and Escobar was even more careful. So, she didn’t find much as she sat on the phone, listening carefully to the fast-paced Spanish. A veiny hand grabs the phone from her grasp and sets it down. She looks up at Javier.
“Hope you brought comfortable clothes. We have physical training today.”
“I don’t. How nice of you to tell me in advance.”
He shrugs. Cocky bastard. A cocky bastard who had already changed in shorts and a tight kaki t-shirt.
“Guess this will have to do.” She mutters as she gets up and rolls up her sleeves to free her arms.
She follows Javier to the gym, where a few people are already in duos practicing close combat. There was also another room connected and separated by a window, where they could see people training to shoot.
“Who am I fighting?”
“Me.” Responds Javier. “And I won’t go easy on you.”
“I was hoping you’d say that. How do we determine the winner?” She asks as she takes off her shoes while Javier positions himself on the carpet, taking a solid stance.
“When one of us successfully disarms the other.” 
She nods and observes where his gun is ridiculously poking out of his pants. Some people had stopped fighting and were starting to stare in their direction. A lot of the men thought that the fight would be unfair, and the girl would lose.
She noted that she also had a small knife hidden in her bra. She always had one. It would be useful against Javier.
The man strikes first, and she falls to the ground in a loud thud. She tries to ignore how heavy his body feels on her. She also ignores the public’s reaction.
She lets him think he’s winning, until the moment he’s reaching for her belt. Her hands grab his wrists in a solid grasp, her legs roll him over and he’s stuck under her as she puts all her weight on him. She lets go of his wrists and holds her arm against his throat, making it hard for him to breathe. He looks up at her, anger filling his gaze or… something else.
“You have to stop underestimating me.”
“You’re just a girl.”
A few boys let out a “woooo”.
Javier pushes her away and she falls on her back. He uses his legs to immobilize hers, trapping them in an impossible position. His chest presses against her back, trapping her on the ground. She fights with all she’s got, and when he reaches for her belt again, she pulls out the knife from her bra, still in its case, and she aims for Javier’s arm, grazes it.
The surprise destabilizes him, and she feels him weaken just long enough for her to take over again. He falls on his back and she sit her ass on his stomach. She takes off the case from her knife, aims for his balls but she plants it in the carpet between his legs instead. She turns just enough to see his stunned face as she takes his gun from him and gets up. Everyone starts clapping.
She holds her hand out to him and he takes it to get up. She swears she can see redness creeping up his neck, a deep feeling of shame settling in. She grabs the collar of his shirt and brings him close to whisper:
“Always protect your balls and expect your opponent to have more weapons on them.”
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The Large Tolype Moth: these moths have only vestigial mouthparts and an incomplete digestive tract, meaning that they are unable to feed; their entire adult lives are instead devoted solely to the search for a mate
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The large tolype moth (Tolype velleda) belongs to a family of moths collectively referred to as Lasiocampidae. Moths in this family are also known as "lappet moths," because the caterpillars are equipped with bilateral skin flaps that hang over their prolegs, making it look as though they're wearing tiny little lappets (sort of like the Pope, only buggier).
Most lappet moths are incapable of feeding once they've reached adulthood; they simply get their fill of nutrients as caterpillars, and when the adult moths later emerge from their pupae, they have only vestigial mouthparts, with an incomplete/non-functional digestive tract. No longer focusing on the search for food, they are entirely focused on finding a mate and producing offspring, and they end up devoting the rest of their lives (which are admittedly brief) to that singular purpose.
There are many other moth species that are similarly unable to feed after reaching adulthood, especially among moths of the Lasiocampidae family.
Tolype moths have a characteristic "mohawk" made of tightly-curled, metallic scales that are clumped together along the back of the moth's thorax; the color, texture, and iridescent sheen of these scales can often make it look as though the moth has a patch of steel wool sitting on its back. The rest of their bodies are covered in layers of fluffy white setae with a fur-like appearance.
The genus Tolype contains several different species spread throughout North America, but this particular species (T. velleda, i.e. the large Tolype moth) is generally found in forested areas of the Eastern United States and Canada, ranging from Nova Scotia down to Florida and as far West as Texas.
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Tbh, these moths always just look like flying bison to me, which is basically the main reason why I wanted to post this
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Sources & More Info:
Butterflies and Moths of North America: Tolype velleda
Moth Identification: Tolype Moth
Fontenelle Forest NatureSearch: Large Tolype
The Caterpillar Lab: Prolegs
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universal-casey · 20 days
hey quick question
I know I’m basically making an Au on top of YOUR AU but in reality I want to clarify and still have a couple more cities
How are the States reaction to the Soviet takeover? Also what are their plans? Also are there citie humans (hehe) just wondering
I’m not gonna list out all 50 states but I’ll name a few lol.
Out of the ones that already have a design:
Pennsylvania is paranoid and has locked himself in his house with the last few remaining American artifacts (declaration of independence, some old revolution stuff, etc). His house is decked out home alone style and Soviet nor his soldiers can actually get in.
Oregon was originally a set of twins, eastern and western Oregon (I did this because Oregon actually has two different sides to its flag :) ). Western Oregon was killed in the Liberation and replaced with Soviet Oregon, who is now one of the western military hubs. Eastern escaped being killed and is still alive. He is currently in hiding and planning a Revolution.
The ones with no design:
New York is now production-heavy. NYC escaped that fate and is still a big tourist attraction/propaganda machine. Kinda like Moscow. New York constantly coughs smog and has become very brittle from the factory production.
Texas hates Soviet and doesn’t hide it. He’s managed to keep a lot of Soviet occupation off his back, despite still being a part of the USA (USSA in the AU lol). He is working with a lot of the midwestern states that also escaped Soviet’s main focus for a rebellion.
Hawaii was able to escape occupation thanks to Pearl Harbor and various other American Navy ports. Soviet is very upset with this because Hawaii is such a good spot for navy ports. Much like the Philippines, she’s been able to heavily lean back into her og Polynesian roots, but is also pretty militarized.
Alaska also escaped occupation solely because her people are just as scary as the bears. Just one town with a population of like 1,000 people fucking obliterated an entire Soviet invasion army. Canada offers her help, too, since Soviet is still wanting to get at that sweet, sweet oil.
Many of the original 13 colonies have been stripped bare of American history and are shells of their former selves.
Florida’s heat and gators are surprisingly effective at keeping Soviet soldiers at bay. Plus the absolutely cracked out populace lol
And yeah, Cityhumans exist. I just won’t talk much about them cause that’s a lot to think about lol
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irithnova · 11 months
Very basic notes I made on this book if anyone else is interested in reading it:
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- The book explores the relationship between the professionalisation of nursing and the migration of Filipinos to the United States in the twentieth century.
- It focuses on the creation of an international Filipino professional nurse labour force within the context of U.S. imperialism.
- The book challenges cultural assumptions about nursing and women's caregiving abilities, as well as assumptions about U.S. immigration and assimilation.
- It highlights the historical role of nursing in U.S. colonialism and the racialisation of Filipinos in the United States.
- The author aims to address the legacies of U.S. imperialism and enhance understanding of contemporary U.S. migration and labour dynamics.
- Nursing in the United States has seen a shift from being predominantly practiced by white and Black women in the past.
- Between 1965 and 1988, a large number of foreign-trained nurses, mostly from Asia, migrated to the United States.
- The Philippines became the leading supplier of nurses to the United States, surpassing other Asian countries like Korea, India, and Taiwan.
- In the late 1960s, Filipino nurses started to outnumber foreign-trained nurses from European countries and Canada in the United States.
- Filipino nurses played a significant role in the foreign nurse workforce, with an estimated 25,000 migrating to the United States between 1966 and 1985.
- By 1989, Filipino nurses comprised the majority (73 percent) of foreign nursing graduates in the United States.
- Filipino nurses are concentrated in large metropolitan and public hospitals in states like New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Massachusetts.
- They also cluster in Midwestern urban areas, particularly Chicago.
- The international migration of Filipino nurses is connected to global restructuring processes driven by the increased demand for services in developed countries and the export of manufacturing to developing countries.
- The United States, with its colonial relationship with the Philippines, has been the leading destination for Filipino nurse migrants historically.
- The majority of international nurse migration, including Filipino nurses, is focused on a small number of countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
- The Philippines has the largest outflow of nurses among nurse-sending countries.
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chaosintheavenue · 8 months
2023 Fallout OC Census- Results
At long last, it's here! This time, we had 593 usable responses.
(There are a few categories I haven't analysed just yet, which is mostly because I have Ideas for how to display that data. Please stand by…)
Getting right into the numbers...
Fallout (original): 18 Fallout 2: 8 Fallout 3: 59 Fallout New Vegas: 214 Fallout 4: 160 Fallout 76: 28 Fallout Tactics: 2 Van Buren: 13 A spin-off, AU or mod: 14 A TTRPG campaign: 13 Multiple of the above: 41 None, just the Fallout universe: 22
Are they the in-game protagonist?
Yes: 328 No: 203 It's complicated: 61
Unmutated human: 444 Ghoul: 51 Synth: 41 Ghoul-ish: 13 Other mutant: 9 Supernatural/spiritual being: 7 Robot (non-humanoid): 7 Super Mutant: 6 Cyborg/android: 5 Unknown/it's complicated: 2 Other: 7
Definitions of a few categories, just to clarify exactly what's in there:
Ghoul-ish: Refers to all characters who are partially ghoulified, ghoulify during their storylines, and unique characters with primarily ghoul-like traits
Other mutant: Refers to all characters who are specified to have unique mutations from any cause, unless they better fit into the ghoul-ish category. This is a very diverse umbrella category, and in past surveys has included everything from characters specified to have 76-style mutations that basically function as perks, to a character similar in form and nature to the Master
Cis woman/girl: 217 Cis man/boy: 154 Trans man/boy: 76 Nonbinary: 47 Trans woman/girl: 27 Agender: 16 Genderfluid: 7 Genderqueer: 6 Man/boy, unknown or varies if cis or trans: 5 Transfeminine: 3 Bigender: 3 Demigirl: 3 Woman/girl, unknown or varies if cis or trans: 4 Butch: 2 Demigender: 2 Questioning: 2 Intersex: 2 Lesbian: 2 Māhū: 1 Multigender: 1 Queer: 1 Transmasculine: 1 Unlabeled: 1
Bonus answers I enjoyed: [redacted], a man in a certain sense of the word, cat, doesn't care for this, eh, God knows, a link to the Wikipedia page for Stone Butch Blues, it's complicated, man of questionable gender, no gender left beef, lost their gender in the war, people assume she's a woman but she doesn't really care, whatever's funniest, yeah
Where are they from?
In previous OC survey location maps, I've only included a single data point for each character, regardless of how many places they may have connections to. However, this time I've decided to include each place that a character has lived as one data point.
The list of assumptions I use when creating these maps:
Arroyo = Oregon
Mojave Wasteland = Nevada if no more specific locations provided
Capital Wasteland = DC if no more specific locations provided
Vault 101 = DC (I feel like this one isn't geographically accurate, but it's to fit in with the above assumption)
Washington unqualified = Washington state, not DC (even for Fallout 3 characters, especially since I know of a Fallout 3 character who is intended to be from Washington state)
Appalachia = West Virginia unless otherwise specified
NCR = California
Legion territory with no other information given = Arizona (this feels like the biggest generalisation of all to me. Maybe take the Arizona count with a pinch of salt?)
'Near X place' = in the same state as X place
I go by the current fifty US states. No splitting of California or considering Canada to be part of the US
Locations that could not be easily defined or placed in a specific state/country (examples: the US as a general answer, multistate regions of the US, continents, or extraterrestrial locations) have been excluded for the purposes of this map
The map for the US:
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Massachusetts: 104 California: 79 Nevada: 77 DC: 74 Arizona: 32 West Virginia: 25 Texas: 17 Utah: 15 Oregon: 14 Colorado: 13 New Mexico: 7 Virginia: 6 Maine: 6 Idaho: 6 Pennsylvania: 5 Illinois: 3 Washington: 3 Louisiana: 3 Florida: 3 Wyoming: 3 Tennessee: 3 New York: 3 Rhode Island: 2 North Carolina: 2 Minnesota: 2 Vermont: 2 Alaska: 2 Missouri: 2 Nebraska: 2 Michigan: 2 Indiana: 2 Kentucky: 2 Oklahoma: 2 Maryland: 2 Montana: 1 Connecticut: 1 Georgia: 1 New Jersey: 1 Wisconsin: 1
And the map for the rest of the world:
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Canada: 7 Mexico: 7 UK: 7 Russia: 4 China: 2 Australia: 2 France: 2 Brazil: 1 Ireland: 1 Israel: 1 Finland: 1 Germany: 1 Japan: 1 Panama: 1
Further breakdown of characters from the UK: Wales: 4 (…these are all my guys, what can I say?) England: 2 Unspecified: 1
Has this character ever lived in a vault?
Yes: 223 No: 366
Minutemen: 99 Railroad: 86 Followers of the Apocalypse: 80 Brotherhood of Steel: 77 Yes Man/Independent Vegas: 63 NCR: 50 Caesar's Legion: 38 Original faction: 36 Institute: 26 Kings: 16 Great Khans: 14 Nuka-World raiders: 13 Mr House: 13 Raiders in general: 13 Goodneighbor: 11 Enclave: 11 Arroyo: 9 Think Tank/Big MT: 8 Reilly's Rangers: 7 Underworld: 7 Ciphers: 7 (would you believe me if I said the majority here are not mine? XD) Responders: 6 Acadia: 6 New Vegas Strip in general: 6 Lyons' Pride: 5 Children of Atom: 5 Megaton: 5 Gunners: 5 Boomers: 5 Powder Gangers: 5 Cult of the Mothman (all variations): 4 Crimson Caravan: 4 Chairmen: 4 Mojave Express: 4 Necropolis: 3 Shady Sands (pre-NCR): 3 Vault 13: 3 Twin Mothers: 3 Diamond City: 3 Freeside: 3 White Glove Society: 3 Vault-Tec: 3 Bishop family: 3 Regulators: 2 Tunnel Snakes: 2 New Canaan: 2 Gecko: 2 Settlers/Foundation: 2 Abolitionists/Temple of the Union: 2 Galaxy News Radio: 2 80s: 2 Desert Rangers: 2 Unity/Master's Army: 2 Vault 76: 2 US Government: 2 Broken Hills: 2 Sanctuary: 2 Blue Ridge Caravan Company: 2 Goodsprings: 2 Cutthroat raiders: 2 Feral ghouls: 2 Hub: 2 Ghouls in general: 2 Nuka-World in general: 2 Little Lamplight/Big Town: 2
And the list of factions with one response, allegedly for the sake of something called 'brevity': Boulder scientists, Vault City, Littlehorn & Associates, Jacobstown, New Reno, Brotherhood Outcasts, Marked Men, Mole Miners, Treeminders, Forged, Junktown, Triggermen, Free States, Vault 101, Vault 81, Slags, Hubris Comics, Bunker Hill, Rivet City, Van Graffs, Ug-Qualtoth, West Tek, Vault 95, Novac, Atom Cats, The Outer Worlds factions, Commonwealth Super Mutants, caravan companies in general
I was initially planning to include a separate 'ish' category for each faction, to account for characters that are aligned with factions unwillingly/temporarily/out of necessity, but looking at the dataset, that sort of situation was so much more prevalent than I realised and quickly made everything very clunky.
Main approach to problems
Diplomacy: 211 Combat: 147 Stealth: 101 Technical skills: 79 Avoidance: 53
And finally for now- preferred weapon type
Small guns: 191 Melee: 128 Energy weapons: 91 Big guns: 82 Avoids combat altogether: 49 Explosives: 27 Unarmed combat: 24
As always, thank you to everyone who participated and gave me a little information about your OCs! If you'd ever like to talk more about them, my inbox is always open :D. Getting to learn about everyone's brainchildren is definitely my favourite aspect of my tangential foray into the Fallout fandom sphere.
My future plan for this dataset includes… a lot of pie charts, to put it mildly. As I've done for past survey datasets, I'll be compiling pie charts for each question, separating responses by the game that the characters are from, and we'll see if any trends emerge!
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
What’s whiteman’s burden on the chart?
In Volume 5, multiple characters have allusions related to characters from the Jungle Book. Ghira, Kali, Ilia and Sienna in particular. The first two are the privileged and good family, meanwhile the latter are both villains, with Ilia having been orphaned.
The Jungle Book was written by Rudyard Kipling. In 1898, Kipling wrote the poem titled “White Man’s Burden”, which detailed that it was the White people’s own duty/“burden” to imperialize, govern and civilize those who were nonwhite, for they were seen as “less civilized” and “underdeveloped.” Also tying into the concept of Social Darwinism, aka, Racism.
This poem and it’s messaging would be used as a general excuse to get people on board with colonization and imperialism, seeing now that it was their right to take over lands such as Africa, India, and other places they deemed in need of their saving.
What does this have to do with the show? Well, Ghira and Kali, the good guys, are both virtually white. Their methods of bowing down to their oppressors are deemed good, and right.
Sienna is coded as south-Asian, and is much, much darker than the Belladonnas. She is also a tiger Faunus. She is a villain, whose methods of fighting back against their peoples’ oppression and demanding their basic rights are demonized after she’s been murdered and thrown down some stairs.
Ilia? Ilia is a Lakota girl. She’s an indigenous character. I’m sure you know where I’m going.
Ilia is redeemed when her privileged, white friend, tells her that she was protesting wrong this whole time. She shouldn’t fight against her oppression, she should just… be nice. Let it happen, because maybe that’ll make things better. The native girl was just being too aggressive!
No wonder this show’s made in Texas. Though honestly, sometimes it sounds like it comes from fucking Canada.
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“So! You are the fag meat for the weekend.  Get your cunt in here and remove those goddamned clothes.  You are to be naked whenever a real man is around.  We’ll be going upstairs to the garage behind the saloon soon enough.  You will be naked there too.  But first, this weekend you belong to me.  We need to go through some things.  Get over here and kneel in the middle of the room, knees spread arms behind you.  Let me give you something to stare at.  I like for my cunts to look at the dick that will fuck them up while I talk to them….
“A lot will be happening to you this weekend.  I want to go over what you are offering us.  You paid us a lot to bring you out here to submit to us.  We want to hear you say what we can and cannot do to you.  Give us your limits.  Speak!...
“…Well, that’s pretty much what you had indicated.  Nothing to your face, nothing noticeable when wearing street clothes.  Got that.  We can hurt you in other places.  No shit.  That’s easy to do.  You had indicated you want no safe word.  Is that correct?...  Great.  Stupid, but great.  That starts now.
“Ok.  Look over at my worktable.  On the wall next to my drill press, see that box with a hole in it, the one with the camera in it.  To cover ourselves, we got you stating your limits, or rather lack of limits, on video.
“What?  You are going to balk over that?  Faggot get back in place.  Faggot!...  You are not going anywhere other than back on your knees…. Officer Ross!...  Well that stopped you.  You weren’t expecting that to come out of my mouth, now, were you?  Now do the right thing and get back into place on your knees.
“I can see the gears going on in your head.  But before you do something really stupid, you will want to hear what I have to say.  There’s a lot more I need to tell you.  A LOT more.  Go on kneel.  Knees apart.  Keep looking at my cock.  Hands behind your back.  Keep them there.  Just to let you know, my men are outside that door.  Should anything happen to me, they will come in and be merciless, and they won’t avoid your precious face.
“Your name is not Garrett Monroe, like you initially told us.  It’s Declan Francis Ross.  You have been a member of the Dearborn Police Department for over twenty years.  You have a beautiful wife Miranda Ann.  She’s your second.  You have two kids from her.  Your daughter Melany Lynn age 21 attends the University of Texas at Austin studying multimedia communications.  Basically, she wants to be an influencer, whatever the fuck that is.  Your son Logan Daniel Ross just started The University of Michigan.  It’s his first year living alone.
“None of them know that Daddy is a cock hound that seeks use and abuse from big men with big dicks.  You travel all over to seek them out.  You have no problem going into Canada or driving to Chicago.  You also cruise the truck stops and rest areas looking for truckers and blue-collar men.  You have your thing, and you travel to get it.  It was easy to bait you here.  A casual comment in a chat room you frequent, and you were hooked in. 
“Oh, none of this was coincidental.  None.  I have been following you for years.  Look at my cock, my fat cock.  It’s nine inches long and eight inches around.  I know how to inflict pain with it.  The thing is, you know that pain too.  This dick has been up your cunt before.  Don’t remember?  Oh, I do.  This was twenty-three years ago, between your two wives. 
“You had just joined the force.  I didn’t know you were a cop.  I took you home from the park we connected at and fucked you up one side and down the other.  I can’t remember how long it was, but it was a good part of the night.  I shot a huge load in your cunt.  You shot too.  But once you finished you started babbling on about how wrong this was.  That was some major regret on your part.  I told you that I had to take a shower and for you to see yourself out.  Big mistake.  Worst of my life.  See a few days later, I get cops at my door saying that I was selling drugs in my apartment.  I was arrested with they found cocaine in my kitchen cabinet.  An anonymous tip and all.  I have never done coke in my life, then or now.  Six and a half years in prison and parole.  My life was ruined.
“It was only a year into my sentence when I heard the story from another convict.  He too was convicted of possession only after a few days of hooking up with a cop.  The story was nearly identical to mine even down to the cop acting all weird afterwards.  I had my lawyer investigate the similarities, and yes it was you.  I recognized you immediately.  My lawyer’s pleas went nowhere.
“When I was released, I sought you out.  I saw you and your perfect family.  I was livid.  I wanted to shred every bit of happiness you ever had.  But it wasn’t going to be something thrown together.  It needed some time.
“Since I couldn’t get a job anywhere, being a felon, I reconnected with some of the guys from when we were in.  One knew of my wild kinks and brought me here.  Whatever twisted shit I want to try out on the fagmeat we get, they are all cool with it.  They know my story, and they all want a piece of you.
“But it wasn’t going to be just this weekend.  No, I had plans to fuck your wife.  I connected with her at the gym.  We chatted a few times and she turned down my advances.  She’s really a good woman.
“Unlike your whore daughter.  I contacted her through Instagram and told her that I will be in town and would love to meet her and whatever friends she wants to bring.  I gave her an address to the glitziest restaurant in Austin and told her to take photos of her and her friends.  I reassured her that this was all in public spaces.  We chatted a few times later.  Then on a return visit, I was staying in San Antonio and asked her if she wanted to do some more photo shoots at an around my hotel.  This time she came alone.  This time—here let me show you on my phone.  That’s her, and if you notice, that dick going in her mouth is this one here.  Your daughter knows how to take care of a man.  Oh, this is my favorite part.  She just swallowed a mouthful of my load.  With my jiz running down her face, she says, ‘I love you, Daddy.’  Awwww.  Isn’t that nice.  It warms my heart.  It probably does something to yours.  I let her stay in my hotel room that night as I left early.
“Oh, don’t even start crying now.  There’s still more….  I even left her some spending money on the dresser, like a true whore, an expensive whore at that.
“Now, on the other hand, your son was cheap as shit though.  All I had to do was flash my nine inches his way in second floor bathroom in Mason Hall at The University of Michigan.  The boy loves older men.  We struck up a thing.  He’s been there for what six months?  I’ve been fucking him at least once a week.  And here’s his video with my load on his face….  Did you hear that?  He said, ‘I love you, Daddy.’  Just like his sister.  That’s not my favorite part.  No this is.  I’m asking about you…. 
“…Wow!  Did you hear that?  It must be a punch to the gut when your only son tells me, a man he barely knows, that he hates you and that he wishes that I was his daddy….  If it makes you feel better, he was loving life this morning after I flooded his guts with my dick spit.
“There’s one final video I must show you.  This other phone does not belong to anyone here.  I am not going to explain how it magically came into my presence.  But the video shows a then 15-year-old with a big dick going in the ass of… that does look like you.  It’s totally disgusting.  Hell, I had the decency to wait until Logan was 18 before I pounced on his ass, and the age of consent in Michigan is 16.  But that’s just me.  Imagine if this got out.  A respected City of Dearborn police officer getting cornholed by a 15-year-old at a rest area on I-75.  Your family would disown you.  The other members of force would think you are a pervert, which you are.  You would be ridiculed, and rightfully so.  Everyone would turn their back on you.  Not good.  Not good.
“So, now I have the power to casually destroy your life the same way you did mine two decades ago.
“Gunner! Get in here....  This is my associate Gunner.  He’s going to take the phone of you being a pedo and deliver it to your captain.  Here you go.  Now go.
“So, Shithead! Let’s discuss your options here.  That video is going to take down your world pretty soon.  Oh and, don’t assume that this is the only copy of this.  Attacking me to go after it will be both pointless and foolish.  So you are going to jail.  But unlike what you did to me, you actually broke the law.  You would be and should be thrown in jail so fast.  A police officer pedo would not fare well. I would love to watch that.
“You will never be able to get back to your life.  It’s over.  Gone.  The question that remains is what next?  Well, your kids and wife will get copies of me fucking Logan and Miranda.  Between you and those videos, your family will be a pile of nothing.
“It doesn’t have to be that way.  They don’t have to deal with this last part.  That all depends on you deciding how you want the rest of your life to be.  Do you want to face the music as a pedophile?  Or do you just want to just end your life here and now?  All you have to do is write a suicide note….
“…Jesus Christ!  You should see your face right now.  Ha!  No, I am not talking about your actual life ending, rather your life with your family, your life as a cop, your life as Declan Ross.  Rather, you know the service you were looking for this weekend, to be used and abused hard by a bunch of hung men?  Well, that’s still going to happen.  Some of those men I met way back when, when I first started thinking about coming after you.  They offered to take you after I was done with you.  They know men, usually overseas, that will pay a pretty penny to own an American cop as their sex toy. 
“You are in great shape; you should get a wealthy bidder with lots of money.  You’ll live well… or, well for a fag slave.  And you will get fucked by big hung men.
“Those are your two options.  Go back to your destroyed life and be sentenced to prison and serve the rest of your life as some other guy’s bitch, or to walk away from it and serve the rest of your life as some other guy’s personal fuckhole.  I think there’s really only one choice, don’t you?...
“…That didn’t take long.  The guys upstairs are going to be happy.  We are still going to have you write that suicide note.  It will be placed in your abandoned car which we told you to park near the Detroit River.  When they find it, along with the video of that boy fucking you, no one will make any conclusion other than you killed yourself jumping into the river, because you knew that video was making its way to your captain.
“The paper is over there.  Go ahead and write.  Say you are sorry to the world, Miranda, Melany, and Logan.  Keep it short.  Go!...
“Continue writing and extend your neck.  This collar is going on.  Are you done with the letter?  Let me see….  That’s good.  Leave it there.  Someone will be back to pick it up.  A snap of the lock should complete your transition.
“Ok.  Well.  It’s now done.  Your old life is over, and you are now slave meat.  That collar delivers one hell of a shock….  Like that!  Hurts?  Doesn’t it?
“You’ll recover.  Keep in mind, that wasn’t even a second, and it was on the lowest setting.  It’s going to get worse as the weekend continues.  Let me tell you what’s going to happen over the next 72 hours.  Tonight, you will be taken to the garage around back and installed under a rim seat.  You will be the full toilet.  Yeah, I know that was a limit you had.  Oh well.  Your balls will be wired up as well.  Any complaints about your performance, your balls will feel the brunt of it.  Sometime tonight you will be unlocked from under the seat and your holes will be raped by the men here.  They are told to show you no mercy. 
“Tomorrow night, you will be put up for a preliminary auction.  It’s exclusive to our top tier customers.  If none want to pay the set price, you will remain here for about a week when the full auction takes place.  Sunday, I will castrate you, brand you, superglue your foreskin shut so that it has just a tiny piss hole, and whatever the fuck I want to do to you.  That is unless you are purchased tomorrow night, and they pay a hefty price not to cut your balls off.  Most of the top tier buyers prefer slave balls to be replaced with fake ones.  I haven't decided it I will crush them into bursting, or use a castrating band, or just open a slit and pop them out.
“I’m so enjoying this.  I get to be as casual with your existence as you were with mine all those years ago. 
“Stop your fucking crocodile crying.  There’s just one final thing before we begin your hell.  Look at my dick.  All this planning has paid off.  Now I need to unload.  Get on your knees and take my cock in your hands.  Remember, I can shock the hell out of you with very little effort.  Feel how meaty it is, and it’s not even fully hard. 
“Skin me back.  Aha!  There’s the smell.  Nasty hunh?  In your mouth.  Clean me up.  Do it.  There’s going to be a lot nastier things going in your mouth later tonight.  Smells like shit, tastes like it too, hunh?  It probably is.  I surprised Logan this morning, and let’s say he wasn’t 100% clean. 
“Fag cunt shithead pussy bitch, my dick is coming in, and I better not feel any teeth….  Fuck yeah.  Fuck!  Well look at you.  Once you got over the mindfuck of the dick funk, you are going to town down there.  You ain't passing up a big fat dick for nothing! Ha! Good.  I’m so ready to cum.  It’s not going to take me long.  Fag, here it comes.  Oh man.  Flick your tongue like that.  Oh shit.  Oh fuck.  Look up at me.  That’s it!  Fuuuuck!  Urgh!  Ah!  Ah!  Fuck!  Jesus!  God damned, faggot you haven’t changed.  Well except, I'm glad I don’t have to worry about being arrested.
“Hold still.  I have to piss.  Just swallow.  If you have never drank before, get used to it, as pretty much that’s all you will have to drink going forward.  Oh man this feels so good.  I think I will train Logan to drink my piss.  You know, I will probably take him on as my boy.  Rest assured, once I sever all ties with his sister and mother, I will take good care of him.  What do you think about that?...  Why am I asking you?  You no longer matter.
“Let’s go upstairs and begin.”
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taffywabbit · 1 year
ok story time let's go
(i guess CW// religious baggage? vaguely cult-y stuff? Mormons?)
so i was laughing at that (presumably bait) tweet that got screenshotted and reposted on here, with the person claiming that y'all is a problematic term used by "bigoted southerners" and someone else dunking on them, because I'm Canadian and I say y'all ALL the time. and like, that by itself wouldn't be too notable - there ARE rural areas of Canada, particularly over in Alberta/Saskatchewan, where the local accent and slang have convergently evolved into something very similar to Texas (and I DID actually grow up in a town like that, though i never picked up the accent myself).
what makes my adoption of y'all particularly odd is that I picked it up in the Caribbean of all places. if you are familiar with my Not-So-Secret Tragic Backstory then you MIGHT know where this is going already.
I was raised in a Mormon family, so when I was 18 i was basically required to go do the missionary thing with the white shirts and ties and nametags. (this is very funny considering my current status as a gay trans furry artist and leftist, but this story isn't really about that.) I got assigned a random location in the world, and was shipped off to the Eastern Caribbean for 2 years. it was very hot and sweaty and overall not a very good time for me, the world's blondest palest scrawniest teen who would have to walk around all day every day in office attire.
ANYWAYS a few months after my mission began, we got a new mission president (the old guy assigned by the church to be in charge of all the missionaries in a region, along with his wife). while he was generally a pretty jovial friendly guy, he also had an occasional tendency to powertrip and institute random arbitrary rule changes whenever he felt that the missionaries weren't performing as well as he'd like and the numbers were down. with missionaries, there's a huge focus on "exact obedience" and "consecration" - this idea that the more single-mindedly devoted you are to Doing Missionary Stuff and Thinking About Jesus and Never Having A Single Fucking Independent Thought In Your Head Or Taking Care Of Your Personal Wellbeing Or Enjoying Yourself, the more god will bless you with like. charisma superpowers or something. to just change people's minds on the spot as you blast them with your Conversion Beam. and therefore anytime that ISN'T happening (y'know, because people have free will, and also because being Mormon is wildly unappealing to any reasonable outsider), it clearly MUST be because those darn young punk missionaries are probably thinking too much about their partners back home or drawing Pokemon fanart or collecting distractingly colourful neckties. can't have that!
so with all that context, I can finally get to the point, which is that one day our mission president decided the reason nobody was knocking on our apartment door begging to get baptized was probably because we, as missionaries, were too casual in our interactions with one another. specifically, he took issue with missionaries calling each other "dude" or "bro" or "man", or referring to each other collectively as "you guys". he insisted that this was "eroding the dignity of our sacred calling as missionaries" and that we should instead strive to call each other "Elder" and "Sister" (the titles used for male and female missionaries respectively) as much as humanly possible.
specifically as an alternative to "you guys", he suggested we start saying "Elders and Sisters" every time we addressed a mixed group of missionaries. which OBVIOUSLY sounds really fucking stupid. and I was in a leadership position at the time, so I had to deliver instruction/training to the missionaries in my area every week AND call them to check-in every night. being a missionary and constantly being commanded to do incredibly stupid arbitrary things really brought out my latent rebellious streak, and there was NO fucking way I was going to say "Elders and Sisters" if i could avoid it - the only people who actually complied with the new rule were immediately identifiable as goody-two-shoes and suck-ups and everyone wanted to push them into the ocean.
so INSTEAD, i and several other missionaries quickly realized that we could simply get away with saying "you all" or just plural "you" with like, a hand gesture to show we meant the group. which naturally just evolved into y'all pretty quickly because it's an incredibly natural contraction of words and it just feels good to say. and the mission president never complained about it, because we weren't using cool youngster slang like "guys" or "dudes" and instead it just sounded like a fun twangy rural affectation. and then i just kinda kept saying it for the rest of my mission, and continued saying it after i returned home and went off to college in the city and all that jazz.
...absolutely no clue where I picked up saying "howdy" all the time tho. i don't have an excuse or backstory for that one lol, it's just fun to say
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tahkawtistic · 2 months
Older Nîpisiy ( =^ω^)
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Info dump/close ups + unblurred/clear verison below
Nîpisiy's usual short hair represents loss/sorry, as in certain indigenous tribes (including Oji-Cree, which is what Nîpisiy is) its tradition to cut your hair while mourning a loss. They chopped it all off in the basement out of frustration (´TωT`) After a while their hair grew out again. While younger Nîps is a fucking edge lord who watches snuff films, uses reddit, uses rotten.com, uses liveleak, uses bestgore, listens to screamo/deathmetal/grindcore and is a complete asshole who hates their life, post-game Nîpisiy is like....the total opposite. They hate the sight of blood, and even a heavy scent of iron will put them off. They hate loud sounds, and usually they self isolate to avoid it. The self isolation is also out of pure fear. They don't leave their house much. They spend every night, basically thanking the great spirit for letting them make it out alive. Nîpisiy was 25 years old Canadian heading on a road trip for the week, they stopped through Texas to get some gas, ended up sneaking behind the counter and woke up in the basement. Older Nîpisiy moved back to Canada, and they really, really don't like talking about the not-so-fun trip they had when they were younger. Anyways close unblurred ups lol
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mariacallous · 11 months
Just weeks after a third of the US population was hit with air-quality alerts thanks to smoke from climate-change-fueled fires in Canada, 100 million Americans are now under heat alerts. A cap of extra-hot air, known as a heat dome, has settled over the West and South, pushing temperatures relentlessly higher. 
The map below shows excessive heat warnings in purple and heat advisories in orange, and the forecast is that things will get worse through the weekend. Highs will stay above 110 degrees Fahrenheit in Phoenix; California’s Death Valley is flirting with 130 degrees; and Texas’s grid is struggling to keep the AC on. 
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This follows the hottest June on record globally. “With an evolving El Niño event, that is certain to further increase global temperatures,” says Howard Diamond, climate science program manager at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Air Resources Laboratory. (El Niño is a band of warm water that develops in the Pacific Ocean and influences weather around the world.) “Canada has also experienced multiple bouts of prolonged heat this summer, contributing to the worst wildfire season the country has ever seen,” Diamond adds.
A heat dome is essentially stagnation. It forms as a strong high-pressure system. As that air descends to the ground, it compresses and significantly warms up: A few thousand feet up, air might be 80 degrees, but it can reach 100 degrees once it hits the land. 
This descending cap of hot air self-perpetuates for days or even weeks. It discourages the formation of clouds, allowing the sun’s energy to hit the landscape full force, further raising ground temperatures. At the beginning of a heat dome, moisture in the dirt and plants evaporates away, somewhat cooling the landscape—it’s sweating, basically. But as the heat continues for days on end, that moisture runs out and temperatures climb higher. 
In other words, the heat dome feeds on itself. “There is no cloud cover, there is a lot of solar radiation coming in, there is no precipitation,” says Claudia Tebaldi, a climate scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. “You also trigger this feedback—you dry the soil, and there is no way for things to cool down by evaporation.”
That self-perpetuation makes heat domes extremely dangerous. It’s bad enough when temperatures rise above 110 for a single day, especially for people with conditions like asthma, because the heat leads to the formation of ozone, which irritates the airways. But if temperatures soar for days—and especially if temperatures stay high overnight—the body has no time to recover. The stress keeps piling up.
This is all the more precarious in big cities like Phoenix, Houston, and Los Angeles—all of which are baking right now—due to the urban heat island effect. The concrete and brick of the built environment absorbs the sun’s energy, launching temperatures way higher than in surrounding rural areas, which can rely on plants to cool things off. Buildings and other infrastructure then slowly release that heat through the evening, meaning nighttime temperatures stay high. That affects not only people’s physical health but also their mental health, if they’re not able to sleep night after blazing night. Low-income neighborhoods suffer the worst, as they’re consistently and quantifiably hotter than richer ones, since they have fewer green spaces like parks and gardens.
Climate change, of course, is making extreme heat more extreme. “The trend of temperatures increasing everywhere over time is unequivocal,” says Diamond. “An average summer today, for example, might have been considered a hot summer several decades ago. Likewise, a hot summer in the future may very well be considered an average one a few decades from now.”
Scientists are still debating whether climate change will make heat domes more common, says Tebaldi, since their formation depends on complex atmospheric dynamics. The severity of heat domes, though, is a different question. Because the world is generally getting hotter, heat domes start off with temperatures that are higher than before, which could boost their ability to feed back on themselves. This is similar to climate change’s effect on hurricanes: It might not make them more common, but because the storms feed on warmth in the Atlantic, higher temperatures could make them more intense.
Climate change is also exacerbating droughts, meaning there’s already less moisture in the landscape that could evaporate to offset some of the heating, at least in the early stages of a heat dome. “Heat domes are not new,” says Diamond. “But their extent, duration, and amount of extreme heat could very well be attributed to the climate change that we are seeing across the globe.”
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thegirlzkpop · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ BASICS ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ stage name. willow
 ˗ˏˋ birth name. willow bora bae
     ……❪ MEANING. 'willow' comes from the 'willow tree', noted as a graceful and beautiful tree. the name 'bora' means purple. ❫
 ˗ˏˋ korean name. bae bora
     ……❪ 배보라 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ nickname. purple ❪ by members ❫, nature ❪ by fans and members ❫ bora bora ❪ by family ❫, tree ❪ by changmin ❫ willy ❪ by a few members ❫, pretty purple tree ❪ by sunwoo ❫
 ˗ˏˋ birthday. june 14, 2001
 ˗ˏˋ zodiac sign. gemini
 ˗ˏˋ birth place. moncton, canada
 ˗ˏˋ hometown. moncton, canda
 ˗ˏˋ current residency. seoul, south korea
 ˗ˏˋ ethnicity. korean
 ˗ˏˋ nationality. korean canadian
 ˗ˏˋ languages. english ❪ native ❫, french ❪ native ❫, korean ❪ fluent ❫, spanish ❪ fluent ❫, japanese ❪ fluent ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ mbti. infp-t ❪ mediator ❫
 ˗ˏˋ description. infps can often be seen as quiet or shy, but they are very passionate and creative souls. they are often fueled by creativity and care. they are daydreamers, often losing themselves in thought. they are empathetic and caring people and take great care of their relationships with others. this personality type is very sincere and are open to those who need some care and attention. mediators are often poetic and speak their own truths, having self-expression. their imaginations and love for others are strong.
 ˗ˏˋ strengths. empathetic, passionate, caring, poetic, open-minded, motivated, loyal, valuables.
 ˗ˏˋ weaknesses. sensitive, overly, self-isolating, disorganized, introverted, easily overwhelmed.
 ˗ˏˋ habits. happy dancing when eating good food, giggling in awkward situations, zoning out, messing with her members jewelry, hands, fingers, etc, tucking her hair behind her ears, nail picking and biting, taking deep breaths when she's bored, falling asleep after eating (?).
 ˗ˏˋ phobias. storms ❪ astraphobia, severe ❫, heights ❪ acrophobia, moderate ❫, closed spaces ❪ claustrophobia , moderate ❫
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˗ˏˋ CAREER ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ occupation. kpop idol
 ˗ˏˋ labels. cre.ker entertainment ❪ 2018-2021 ❫, ist entertainment ❪ 2021-present ❫, kakao m; formerly loen ent ❪ 2018-present ❫, universal music ❪ 2022-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ training time. 2018-2019, 10 months
 ˗ˏˋ debut. december 7, 2019
     ……❪ age; 18 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ positions. main vocalist, main dancer, sub-rapper
 ˗ˏˋ known for. being fluent in many languages, vocals, short amount of training time, the amount of animals she has/had
 ˗ˏˋ representative number. 14
     ……❪ she chose 14 because her birthday is june 14 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ designed color. green
 ˗ˏˋ rankings.
     ……❪ singing. 10/10 ❫
     ……❪ dancing. 9/10 ❫
     ……❪ rapping. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ acting. 6/10 ❫
     ……❪ modeling. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ songwriting. 10/10 ❫
     ……❪ composing. 8/10 ❫
     ……❪ choreographing. 7/10 ❫
     ……❪ speeches. 6/10 ❫
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˗ˏˋ FAMILY ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ mom. n/a ❪ 1981 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dad. n/a ❪ 1981 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ siblings. william; will ❪ 1999 ❫ wesley; wes ❪ 2000 ❫
 ˗ˏˋ pets. medusa ❪ leucistic texas ratsnake, 2014-2020 ❫ ozzy ❪ hedgehog, 2021-present ❫ doc ❪ mini smooth haired dachshund, 2022-present ❫
 ˗ˏˋ notable family. n/a
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˗ˏˋ PHYSICAL ´ˎ˗
 ˗ˏˋ height. 160 cm ❪ 5'3'' ❫
 ˗ˏˋ weight. 47 kg ❪ 105 lbs ❫
 ˗ˏˋ blood type. B-
 ˗ˏˋ hair color. brown
 ˗ˏˋ eye color. brown
 ˗ˏˋ body modifications. 12 piercings, 3 tattoo
 ˗ˏˋ face claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ vocal claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ voice claim. yunjin ❪ korean and english ❫, eva meloche ❪ french ❫
 ˗ˏˋ rap claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
 ˗ˏˋ dance claim. yunjin ❪ le sserafim ❫
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 ˗ˏˋ likes. bread, sweets, fall weather, pools over beaches, late night walks, playing guitar, animals, apples, writing music, skinsip, back rubs, chicken, bonfires, game night in the dorms, traveling, nature, family time, cooking, playing softball, playing hockey, driving, sports
 ˗ˏˋ dislikes. samsung products, belittlement, storms, rude people, crowded areas, ordering food, phone calls, historical movies, math, beans, sticky hands, being woken up, when people change the song a bunch of times, high heels; she can't walk in stilettos, the feeling of sand.
 ˗ˏˋ favorites.
     ……❪ movies. bolt ❪ 2008 ❫, enchanted ❪ 2007 ❫, thirteen ❪ 2003 ❫ the greatest showman ❪ 2017 ❫ high school musical ❪ 2006 ❫, hairspray ❪ 2007 ❫ ���
     ……❪ shows. hannah montana ❪ 2006 ❫, pretty little liars ❪ 2010 ❫, the carrie diaries ❪ 2013 ❫, modern family ❪ 2009 ❫, criminal minds ❪ 2005 ❫ ❫
     ……❪ colors. green and purple ❫
     ……❪ food. chicken, muffins, poutine, candy. ❫
     ……❪ drinks. monster, water, coffee ❫
     ……❪ books. harry potter, the silent patient, the hate u give, it ends with us ❫
     ……❪ emojis. 🌱🍄 ❫
     ……❪ musical artists. one direction, kendrick lamar, blackpink, selena gomez, 2ne1, 4minute ❫
     ……❪ songs. wonder ❪ shawn mendes ❫,put a little love on me ❪ niall horan ❫, cinema ❪ harry styles ❫, get a job ❪ games we play ❫, allergy ❪ gidle ❫ ❫
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˗ˏˋ TRIVIA ´ˎ˗
     ……❪ she grew up playing softball and hockey and also took dance classes from time to time ❫
     ……❪ she's a directioner and her favorite member is niall horan ❫
     ……❪ she says she likes people that stay true to themselves and stand up for others ❫
     ……❪ she was named willow because the hospital she was born in had willow trees everywhere, that and the willow tree holds a lot of symbolism ❫
     ……❪ her dad chose her korean name to be bora because purple is his favorite color ❫
     ……❪ growing up her parents kept her and her brothers busy with sports and music so she learned to love being active and busy ❫
     ……❪ she likes the show glee but says it makes her cringe too much to be a favorite ❫
     ……❪ she only learned multiple languages because her brothers are competitive and wanted to see who could end up learning more languages, wes ended up being fluent in more with a whopping 6 fluent languages ❫
     ……❪ her family and friends from canada encouraged her to become a musician and her family even moved to korea with her for a few months so that she wasn't lonely ❫
     ……❪ she grew up speaking and texting in korean but she had difficulty with proper grammar ❫
     ……❪ she said eric was her first friend when she got to korea ❫
     ……❪ she has the biggest room in her dorm because she has the most things ❫
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districtunrest · 1 year
"He tells of the history of Panem, the country that rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America."
(THG chapter 1)
"In school, they tell us the Capitol was built in a place once called the Rockies. District 12 was in a region known as Appalachia."
(THG chapter 3)
Where do you think location of Capitol and Panem's districts exactly?
The Appalachian’s span multiple states. Where do you picture District 12?
How long between this time and Panem rise? 200 hundred years? More?
Thank you so much
Panem is comprised of the remains of North America, not the United States specifically. so I do imagine it including southern Canada and northern Mexico.
we know the Capitol is in the Rockies (Denver? Salt Lake City? somewhere entirely new? 🤔 Idk!).
D1 is out west, maybe past the Rockies. wherever there's gemstone deposits - Arizona? or maybe it’s the resurrected ruins of Las Vegas, lol
D2 is also canonically in the Rockies, maybe encircling the Capitol or at least buffering it from the eastern districts.
D3 is in Silicon Valley, lol (I have no idea)
D4 should have access to both the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico so I imagine it as a long strip of land that spans SoCal, northern Mexico, to like southeastern Texas. this would also include the Rio Grande, for freshwater fish.
D5 utilizes Niagara Falls, placing it in western New York/southern Ontario.
D6 is in Michigan. why? because cars. 🤷🏻‍♀️
D7 is in the Pacific Northwest.
D8 is somewhere Midwest, maybe Illinois. however way that Bonnie and Twill would have to pass D12 to get to 13.
D9 is within the 'breadbasket' of the US, basically the Midwest. it should span the wheat and corn belt - so, Kansas.
D10 is the southern part of the Great Plains, basically Texas/Oklahoma.
D11 is at least in mainland Georgia. I think that's per Collins? even though the southeast coast would most likely be underwater if sea levels rose enough to flood parts of the country, as Katniss describes. but whatever.
D12, I picture tucked in a valley, somewhere between Kentucky and West Virginia.
D13, I wish could be the former Washington DC, as that could explain all the underground bunkers, but I am sure at this point DC has been wiped off the map, underground bunker or not. nuclear reactors + known graphite deposits would place it in New York/Ontario/Quebec region, but far enough away from D5.
and I'd say there should be at least 200 years between now (well, 2010s) and Panem. there’s so much to precede Panem, what with environmental disasters, nuclear war, and government collapse/upheaval. one day I'll find a good enough reason for someone in a fic to make the passing joke, "you just avoided world war seven," because that’s the general vibe I have of Panem’s presumed point in history.
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