#and his acorn tiara
verkomy · 1 year
For Hobbit drawing ideas: King Thorin and Prince Consort Bilbo (because everybody lived, nobody died, and I refuse to talk about any other possibilities lolololol).
Your art is amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us ❤️
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king thorin and prince bilbo for you (and thank you so much!) <3
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world-of-wales · 2 months
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THE ROYAL CHRONICLES : The Royal Wedding of Prince William & Catherine Middleton .* :☆゚。 ・
HRH Prince William Arthur Philip Louis and Miss. Catherine Elizabeth Middleton married in a religious ceremony at Westminster Abbey on what is my favourite day ever aka 29 April, 2011.
For the day, William was in the red tunic of the Colonel of the Irish Guards uniform with a forage cap bearing the Irish Guards insignia. He wore the Order of the Garter Star and Blue Riband to which his RAF Wings & Golden Jubilee Medal were fastened.
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Meanwhile Catherine was a fairytale disney princess in a dress by Surah Burton of Alexander McQueen with the Cartier Scroll Tiara and a pair of diamond acorn earrings from Robinson Pelham. Her bridal bouquet featured myrtle, lily-of-the-valley, sweet William, ivy, and hyacinth.
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Catherine was walked down the aisle by her father, Michael with whom she had travelled from Goring Hotel. Her sister Pippa was the maid of honour.
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Will & Cat vowed to love, honour and cherish each other during the ceremony performed by the Archbishop of Cantebury.
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He gave Catalina a ring made from Welsh Gold keeping with the tradition within the Royal Family.
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Following the ceremony in true fairytale fashion, the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge travelled in a horse-drawn carriage procession to Buckingham Palace.
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They appeared on the Palace Balcony and shared TWO KISSES to the delight of the crowd gathered below and to my Disney obsessed self who'd been glued to the TV the entire time.
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A Reception was held by the Queen in their honour at Bucking Palace, after which William drove his babykins to Clarence House in an Aston Martin DB6 Volante. Another private dinner was hosted by The Prince of Wales for his son and new daughter-in-law.
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This was quite literally THE WEDDING OF THE CENTURY! Aaaahhh all those feels of the day, everything was just perfect. Honestly for me nothing is ever topping twenty-ninth of april of 2011. And I don't think there was anyone who wasn't enveloped by the happiness radiating off of these two that day.
Nobody can talk about the day without talking about the goddess that our homegirl looked like that day, KateEffect had always been a thing but THIS DRESS like >>>>
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Hi, Plant! I really appreciate your observations! Any thoughts on the much-improved social media (particularly videos) from KP? I hope that lasts because it was very impressive.
Also thoughts on their elevated role? In some ways it almost felt like their coronation—it almost seemed like we saw more of them than Charles and Camilla. I’m not sure if that is due to age, illness of C & C, or just the Waleses really steeping into their role with gusto.
Also, can we make art history degrees mandatory for all royal wives? Man, has that paid off in spades.
LOL, I remember scoffing at the art history degree. You're right, it really has paid off.
They stepped up, didn't they? I'm glad because they've been hit and miss for a while. However, I loved that video they did. It was perfect. Better than The Crown, as a Spanish journalist commented.
I felt the ceremony was specifically designed to de-emphasize the Waleses, group them with the other working royals, and keep the focus on the King and Queen. I don't mean this in a bad way. I think it was a group effort and the Waleses were trying to make it work.
However, it failed utterly. They stood out even without tiaras and wearing the same robes as the other working royals.
I think it was the eye for detail, the sense of continuity. and that gosh darn art history degree. This was Charles' coronation but it felt very much like a re-celebration of the Cambridge wedding.
That was the last big celebratory event we saw at this church. It's the same kind of television coverage. Guests were wearing the same kind of clothes. Check out their entrance with the bells ringing. It's very bridal.
You really got a sense of their development and evolution. She's wearing a robe in the colors he wore at their wedding over a gown from the same designer she wore at her wedding. She's wearing leaves from the acorns she wore during that ceremony and has the symbols from her veil embroidered on her gown. She was at the ceremony where he got the robes he's wearing. They have their children wearing the same color scheme.
All of those ceremonies, all of that history, come together. It elevates them, even when they are trying to tone things down. That's the power of the ritual. That's the power of the continuity. You can't publicity stunt that. It has to be built slowly and authentically, which is what they did.
I remember laughing at all the identical blue dresses Kate has bought through the years. Well, what's the main color of the Victorian Order robe? Blue. She probably has two dozen dresses that color. By the time she wore this robe she had associate herself with that color probably hundreds of times (it was her engagement dress!!!). Was that planned? Was it known? Probably.
That moment when she stands in front of the church and looks back, just like she did on her wedding day...it just sends chills down your spine.
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fairy-verse · 7 months
Ok, ok. But what if i try the fairy mating dance with the other firstborn fairys and the season fairys? Oh- and since without wings it could be very... Embarassing, i will put on a tiara made of flowers, sing and put fake wings made of wood >:)
You’d certainly make an entertaining spectacle for the season fairies, that is for certain. It’s not often one of the Big Folk can make them wheeze with laughter, but your hilarious attempt at a mating dance is simply too funny to resist looking at. The fake wings will make them curious enough to approach; just to have a closer look at them.
Dream finds your attempt to be humorous, though he thinks it’d be fun to dance around you as well. A certain black and white fairy might be appalled at the sight, though. Prepare to have an acorn thrown at your head before Cross steals Dream away from you, growling all the while. He’s not jealous, not at all.
Nightmare might sit and watch for a bit from atop a tree branch, quite out of reach from you. His face wouldn’t betray any emotions, but the fact that he’s looking is proof enough that he finds the sight entertaining. Killer might join in on dancing with you, which will certainly force a very small smile to form on Nightmare’s face.
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bunnymajo · 10 months
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Did an update design for Tiara B. She's definitely a sporty & adventurous character but I wanted to avoid workout clothes like Tangle's, I so I went for a jumper and did a scrunchie instead of a bow since I think Fiona pretty much owns big yellow bows imo. I also kept the wand because I like it, and decided to make more of a backstory for the giant rock on it & give it a name and explain I guess what she would be doing.
I broke it down into 3 parts & put it under a cut
1 - Harmony Diamond- Treasure of the Boobowski royal family. Only the royal family are able to wield it and the power level varies depending on it’s users state of mind (ie - if depressed or low on energy it’s not as powerful as when they’re determined & confident) It’s main ability is it’s able to heal or restore what’s broken. Including healing the sick. In combat it can absorb & nullify attacks, basically it becomes an OP shield. It’s encased in a scepter that can also be used as a blunt weapon. (I also kind of want it to look like a gymnastics ribbon while in motion. Like a beam of light that whips around whenever the wand moves) Tiara, as the last remaining member of the Boobowski family, is the only one left to wield it.
As a child her father told her to keep its power a secret because he didn’t want others coming for her, despite her protests that it could really help people in need. Gazebo starts to consider finding a way to duplicate the diamond. The real one to keep and the duplicate to try and use more publicly & possibly distribute throughout the world if duplication is successful. In his experiments of trying to convert a chaos emerald into another harmony diamond, this causes an unforeseen reaction and Gazebo suddenly vanishes without any remains. The diamond and emerald are repelled to the opposite sides of the room. Tiara witnesses the incident in horror. She disposes of the emerald and starts carrying the Harmony Diamond and Gazebo’s notes with her at all times in her quest to find him and answers on what exactly happened.
Notes: -Based on the “rings of order” concept from Sonic Xtreme of being opposites of the chaos emeralds. Shiny rocks are just more interesting than rings.
also inspired by the Silver Crystal from Sailor Moon (which culturally are the opposite of Dragon Balls, the inspiration for Chaos Emeralds)
also also tying in some of the original game drafts where Gazebo was trying to make a cure for a disease that Sonic had to transport(?)
2- The Boobowski Royal family & the Castle of Light - located in a northern region (in between Holoska & Spagonia) the Boobowski family had been its ruler for centuries, but in recent history the kingdom’s population & general well being declined. The King at the time had been more frugal with the Diamond’s use and kept its powers secret, when the people revolted to form a democracy, the royal family was cast out and lived among its citizens. The castle became public property as well but it suffered heavy damage from the revolt.
Gazebo is from the 3rd generation after the revolt. Even with the political change the population still dwindled, almost as if it was cursed. The royal family’s history remained a faint memory, and he & Tiara lived in the mountains (like the Mobian Alps) mostly staying outside of the world of politics, Gazebo as a local doctor. Tiara is a “princess” in family heritage only. Gazebo sometimes wonders what it would be like to restore the Castle of Light to its former glory. This is also what motivates him to duplicate the Harmony Diamond, so that he can get a boost of power to heal the castle & the surrounding area. Tiara has no interest in politics or being a pampered princess, but she did enjoy working alongside her father with patients and helping people.
Notes: -Castle of Light has been documented as Sonic Extreme’s hubworld & where Tiara was from so I wanted to utilize it.
Wanted to make the history distinct enough from Satam’s Acorn Kingdom (since Tiara looking for her father is already pretty similar to Sally’s story) and have its conflicts come from internal struggles vs. outside forces like Eggman attacks or whatever the heck was happening in Soleanna.
3 - Tiara’s character- Since Gazebo’s disappearance Tiara has been traveling alone. In her home village she was always wandering off on her own so she’s used to being independent. She puts on a determined face & positive attitude through this whole ordeal but doesn’t let anyone get too close & won't ever admit to anyone that she’s felt lonely & scared. She’s pretty confident in her physical abilities so sometimes she can seem hot-headed, impatient or even arrogant on a bad day. She has short patience for people picking fights in particular (so like, Rough & Tumble she would absolutely yell at & fight them without hesitation)
At the end of the day she won't give up until she finds an answer as to what happened & where her dad went. She doesn’t mind if she has to sacrifice personal relationships for herself to get there. She’s put out missing persons reports in every town she’s visited. She usually stays in town for a week to a month, working odd jobs or helping citizens from badniks. She goes to the gym a lot (into gymnastics, aerobics, rock climbing) and likes following the local sports scene. Big jock energy.
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Superstars Amy
Origin: Sonic Superstars Replaces: Anna-May Parker / Spiderling
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"It doesn't matter what challenges they try to slow me down with, for I'm ready to give it my all to save any dimension! You can count on me to do it right!"
Another iteration of Amy Rose herself, this time from a familiar voyage to the North Star Islands. Though of course, it stretches quite past that.
Her tale begins just as you'd expect; while enjoying time over at Green Hill Zone, she caught sight of Sonic and Tails flying by in the Tornado after Fang the Hunter, and knew this was the call for another adventure. She followed them straight to Bridge Island, where she discovered the usual heinous plan on Robotnik's part to enslave the island's critters.
Things went just as you'd expect for the first couple of zones, with Fang and Trip trying to interfere with the team's actions while they sent ol' Eggy up and packing each time. However, when they got to Sky Temple Zone, the team had to split up to cover more ground in the huge area, which soon led to Amy getting pulled into a portal generated by Hellsin.
She found herself in an altered version of Hill Top Zone, where Hellsin attempted to kill her using the lava within the mountain, alongside his own attempts to make her fall. However, thanks to a unique ring she found, she could neutralise him long enough to make her first escape.
As it happened, she wasn't alone in having been pulled into this world. She was also joined by five other girls; the Sonic X counterpart of Cream, Sally Acorn from Sonic SatAM, Tiara's Sonic X-Treme self, the Honey the Cat native to the universe, and OMT!Mina. All six of them had the common goal of getting back to their home universes and stopping Hellsin to ensure he couldn't continue his reign of terror.
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(X!Cream sprite by FroggyMudd, SAT!Sally sprite by E-122-Psi, XT!Tiara sprite by AkumaTh, and DΩ!Honey sprite by Xeric)
However, when they reached the depths of Hidden Palace Zone, Hellsin caught them by surprise and warped them all to differing realms he had summoned, each with their own themes that they had to escape from.
X!Cream wound up in a sub-universe known as Asymmetry Acres Zone, a land based on all the crazy memes that are abound in the Sonic community. Compared to the other girls, she got it off easiest.
SAT!Sally found herself in Deception Depths Zone, a world reflecting some of the more classic Sonic creepypastas outside of Sonic.exe. With some of the cases, like Cyber City and A Frozen Trap, she found herself sympathising for the victims of those troubles.
DΩ!Honey uncovered Fearful Folly Zone, a land with iterations of the more classic Sonic.exe entities that she had to survive.
OMT!Mina ended up in the Crazy Creations Zone, with numerous YouTube-based Sonic works showing up in those lands. Some goofy, like the Hues of Metal or Scamic, and some an absolute mess, like Secret History Tails.
XT!Tiara fell into Analog Abyss Zone, also known as the world where Sonath resided. It took her wits and a little help from a replica of James (the victim of Lost Cartridge's first season) to escape.
And finally, SS!Amy was in Terror Towers Zone, based on the more recent Sonic creepypastas and horrorbrews from the New 20s; examples including Fatal Error (who's still so big a threat that a mass protection system is keeping him out of Sonic worlds until there's a definitive way to stop him), Eclipse and a new iteration of 2017 X.
Of course, one of her encounters before she escaped would change a lot later on. Whilst traversing through a parallel Hidden Palace Zone, she encountered an alternate Sonic standing on one of the crystals, who soon revealed himself to be none other than Crimtake before smashing through the crystal into the tube below.
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SS!Amy pursued the killer hedgehog, knowing she had to fight off at least one of those freaks before her escape was available. She eventually cornered Crimtake in an altered Wing Fortress Zone, and the two engaged in direct combat. Needless to say, she lasted MUCH longer than the Amy who perished to Crimtake beforehand did.
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Eventually, Crimtake was forced to retreat, making a leap out of the airship to continue his killing spree off-screen whilst Amy left. And after the six girls banded together to overpower Hellsin and restore the world he tarnished, they all returned home safely.
That said, the whole multiverse crossover did set off Lost Memory Sonic's ire, since it now left opportunities open for foes from different universes to end up in the wrong universe, and he felt angry at having to be part of cleaning up the mess before, in his words, "time and space collapsed".
Once Amy returned home, she arrived at Lagoon City Zone, which was full of giant fruits to get past with her hammer. She even retrieved a small apple from her entry, holding onto it for a little later on if she needed it.
During her trek through, she found Trip sobbing alone in the tunnels, having fallen into one of her own traps just a few minutes prior. Amy was really quick to sympathise with her and offered to carry her back out. Once they were out, Amy shared her apple with Trip, fully accenting that this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Trip even cleared a special route for Amy to take where the rest of Team Sonic couldn't access.
Once Team Sonic got to Golden Capital, Fang decided to steal all of the Chaos Emeralds for his uses, but was soon cornered by the team and Trip, who had finally had enough of his constant abuse. Once Fang's mech fell, Amy and Trip well and truly accented themselves as besties, and Trip could now call herself a member of Team Sonic, though she was shy on the first introduction.
With that, the five heroes worked together to continue after Robotnik and take down his space station, and a few hours after, they banded together to take on the Dark Dragon, who awoke of its own volition, and seal it inside a special gem found in Bridge Island, well and truly saving the day.
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Over the next few days, Trip's feelings began to grow for her new friends. She was most comfortable around Amy and Tails, and felt hilariously embarrassed by her universe's Mighty giving her lots of gifts and flirting with her. Amy was most happy to help guide Trip on a potential love life while they remained simply friends for now.
Some time later were the events of Into the Sonic-verse, when Trip ended up being pulled from the Superstars universe. This worried Amy immensely, which made her more relieved once she came back safe and sound, thanks to the efforts of the Blur Gang and a few Sonics from other worlds.
After sorting out Robotnik again in Press Factory, everyone had to flee before Dr. Finitevus erased the Superstars universe outright. Fortunately, they escaped safely, though Amy was deeply saddened at losing the home she loved. Fortunately, her friends were there to comfort her, and she made sure it was personal for Finitevus during the final encounter.
Once Finitevus was defeated, and the other villains gave themselves up (save for Scourge, who needed another pummelling), Superstars Team Sonic were welcome to stay in Dimension EV-2019, and both Amy and Trip were especially happy to have this as a new home for them both. They were essentially a non-timeline-damaging version of the classic cast. Errorverse Eggman must've had a headache from having another version of himself present all the time, though. XD
Trip felt very comfortable around her new Blur Gang friends and decided to stick around with them as the eighteenth member, whilst SS!Amy applied to be a member of the Quill Society to gain some new friends. She enjoyed hanging out with other Amys, and felt comfortable in the company of Milly, though her relationship with LM!Sonic was rough from the get-go, especially since him insulting Trip just earned him her frustrated scoffing and refusal to associate with him.
When Crimtake's threat returned in Many More Heroes, after the Chimera Virus broke loose from containment in Nega's base's destruction and corrupted a Powerless counterpart of Fleetway Sonic, LM!Amy and OMT!Mina were both dispatched to go after him and aim to capture him the second his power wore down. Whilst OMT!Mina spent some time with OMT!Tails, SS!Amy surprise-ambushed Crimtake, but just couldn't stop him from building his mini-energiser and increasing his strength.
The two continued their pursuit after Crimtake, arriving at Dimension BK-2009 while OMT!Tails secretly followed behind, knowing the hedgehog still had beef with him. They did their best to stop Crimtake, with a little help from BK!Amy and Pana Der Hejhog, but just couldn't stop his power boost in time, his energy levels now off the scales. While he escaped, the five worked together with BK!Sonic to help keep the surrounding area safe and avert what would've been BK!Amy's canon event.
Once they got back to Gust Planet, they began their tour of the place, which included a small visit to Sector 16; the prison area, where villains being prepared for a trip back to their dimensions were temporarily being held. Pana and SS!Amy had worked together to catch Speedy, being one of the interdimensional Emerl threats, who apparently tripped, if Speedy's comment is anything to go by.
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After the tour, and OMT!Tails and Barry working together to rat out LM!Sonic, SS!Amy met them at the meeting hall in Sector 3, where LM!Sonic was forced to reveal the reality of his canon event theory, AND the fact that OMT!Cream was scheduled to die at Crimtake's hands in the next 12 hours. SS!Amy was one of the first to jump on the call to stop this from happening, and accompanied OMT!Tails the whole way to the Transport Hub while evading LM!Sonic's insane fury.
Once they made it through, they got to where Crimtake currently was; Dimension ZONE-ANTI-1994, or Moebius, where OMT!Tails had been prior. The two took some time to breathe after the kid was under a lot of stress, and hugged it out to show they had each other's support. Alicia Acorn and Anti-Miles were on the scene as well, and both agreed to help stop Crimtake, the former out of sympathy for Tails's losses, and the latter reluctantly.
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Once they got to the depths of the tower that Crimtake was at, OMT!Tails and SS!Amy began their combined assault to stop the now-very powerful monster before he could escape again. And here, the Anti-counterparts of Sally and Tails sealed the chamber to stop Crimtake from slipping out, meaning he HAD to take them on.
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In this final encounter, Crimtake's fatal flaw came through; his belief that everybody was predictable. When he dared Tails to take the Chaos Emerald from the podium, he didn't expect him to refuse, as he had sworn an oath to NEVER use a Chaos Emerald to his advantage again. And Crimtake's bigger mistake was taunting SS!Amy about Trip, which got him a full-on battering from the business end of her hammer, which happened to be enough to burn out all that excess power.
Unfortunately, Crimtake was NOT planning to come quietly.
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He started overclocking his body as a self-destructive approach to finish the two young heroes once and for all, and while they survived, the attacks were enough to send OMT!Tails flying to Dimension BL-2017, whilst SS!Amy watched as Crimtake's body dissolved into nothing, his threat gone for good.
She returned back to Gust Planet where LM!Sonic was apprehended and banned from ever coming back to the Quill Society, and mentioned about what happened to EV!Sonic, alongside Trip, SS!Tails and SS!Mighty. You gotta hear what she said about Crimtake's fate, though:
SS!Amy: Sir, I did not murder Crimtake for insulting Trip like that. I simply healed him, but in reverse. UvU SS!Mighty (baffled): Amy, that's NOT helping! It's making Trip even more scared! SS!Amy (annoyed at Mighty): Well, what other way am I to explain it?! Trip (simply trying to defuse the argument while smiling sheepishly): Er, guys... SS!Mighty: Healing in reverse is basically saying you've got rid of his energy source! Trip (smiling): Erm... How about we have pancakes? SS!Amy (smiling too): Oh, sure! SS!Mighty: Hmph, fine. But make them strawberry-flavoured, because it really fits your pretty face~. ;) (Trip hides her face with her helmet in embarrassment) SS!Tails (snarking): Wow, what a real charmer you are there, Mighty. SS!Mighty: Save the sarcasm for later kid, I'm starving like a very hungry caterpillar. Trip: Don't worry, I'm on it! SS!Mighty: Make it snappy! I'm dying to bite into something sweet! Unless I'd like to do that with those precious lips of yours~. SS!Tails: (faceplams, finding that really corny) Oh, brother...
Afterwards, Trip made it a promise to help the Blur Gang track down OMT!Tails and bring him back to Gust Planet for safety, which SS!Amy was happy about. She also giggled when hearing about the side bet Mini Sonic and Mr. Needlemouse made during that time. Once OMT!Tails returned in Cosmic Discoveries, she learned about the early signs of him catching some of Crimtake's DNA and got him quickly cured to keep him from being corrupted like Powerless Sonic was.
Once that was sorted, they got a picnic sorted out in the gardens in Sector 24, where OMT!Tails and Blitz!Tails introduced Skye and Melody to the team and SS!Amy. SS!Amy was happy to meet them both, while SS!Tails was surprised at the thought of a version of himself being a dad. The last act I can recall SS!Amy doing for now is lending OMT!Tails one of her spare hammers to help him out against LM!Sonic in the finale, and the two have gone their separate ways for the time being.
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In London during the late spring of 1953, preparations for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation were reaching their denouement.
Couturier Norman Hartnell was completing a dress to outshine any other.
Tucked away at the back of Hartnell’s lavish Mayfair townhouse, a team of embroiderers were finishing stitching a floral garland on the ivory silk bodice and crinoline.
Pastel thread, jewels, sequins, beads and 10,000 seed pearls were sewn as Commonwealth emblems and British flora around an English Tudor rose scattered with diamond dewdrops.
Six young, aristocratic maids of honour, including 19-year-old Lady Anne Coke – best-selling author Anne Glenconner – were being drilled like guardsmen by The Duke of Norfolk, responsible for organising the coronation, as they rehearsed the walk to the Abbey altar, with his wife, the Duchess, standing in for The Queen.
“If the Bishops don’t learn to walk in step,” he remonstrated, “we’ll be here all night.”
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The photographer Cecil Beaton, well-versed in photographing crowned heads and aristocrats in the Vogue studios, was prepping a vantage point in Westminster Abbey, high up by the organ pipes, as the best location from which to capture the ceremony.
It would be a long day; he’d fill his top hat with sandwiches to sustain him.
Nearby, at Garrard, the Crown Jeweller and his team of master craftsmen were hunched over workbenches altering the Imperial State Crown to fit the young Queen’s head.
Garrard had made the Crown in 1937 for King George VI – a replica of the crown designed and crafted for Queen Victoria, which contained virtually all the same stones symbolic of centuries of Royal history, fitted around a purple velvet cap and ermine band.
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Clusters of diamond-set crosses and fleurs-de-lis linked by swags of diamonds, supported by sapphires, emeralds and pearls in the form of oak leaves and acorns, dazzled around the massive 317.40 carat Cullinan II diamond, the Second Star of Africa, cut from the largest diamond ever discovered.
Above it sat the Black Prince’s Ruby – in fact, a spinel, worn by Henry V at Agincourt – while the 104 carat oval Stuart sapphire gleamed at the rear of the band, with the cross atop the orb set with the sapphire from Edward the Confessor’s ring.
King George VI requested Garrard create an inner “hammock” style fitting, like a guard’s officer’s bearskin, to distribute the nearly three pounds of weight evenly on his head.
Reshaping the circlet for Queen Elizabeth II involved remounting the stones and motifs of which it is composed, as well as repositioning and lowering the arches, all of which required craftsmanship of the highest skill. 
The aim was to improve the strength of the crown with lightness of weight, which isn’t easy with large stones, and those which were cut nearly 300 years ago.
They were working against the clock. The new Queen required time before the ceremony to become accustomed to the crown’s feel and weight.
“There are some disadvantages to crowns, but otherwise they are very important things,” said Her Majesty, recalling its heaviness on the 65th anniversary of the coronation.
“Fortunately, my father and I have roughly the same shaped head, so once you put it on, it stays.”
The media demanded constant updates on Garrard’s work, with the coronation making broadcasting history as the first service to be televised, adding to the sense of pressure.
In addition, two gold Armill bracelets of sincerity and wisdom, symbolic of the monarch’s bond with the people needed to be finished, which were replacing the 17th-century enamel bracelets dating from the coronation of King Charles II.
In previous ceremonies, the Armills had been carried, but these were made for the Queen to wear, decorated with two rows of engraving and Tudor rose clasps with red velvet linings.
Garrard was also inundated with cleaning requests.
“No one had worn their jewellery or tiaras during the war,” explains Lady Anne.
“People were queuing to have their tiaras, which were like great fenders of diamonds, stomachers and necklaces cleaned.”
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On the day, 2 June 1953, it poured with rain.
Lady Anne remembers arriving at the Abbey:
“It was pretty dark and cold. Our dresses weren’t lined, there were clothing coupons after the war you see.
A tiny thread of blue cotton had been placed on the floor in the Abbey, so the Queen knew where to stand.
When the procession began, we walked past row upon row of tiaras, as well as people in their National dress.
The Queen walked a bit faster than the Duchess had in rehearsals, so we had to adjust our steps.”
The ceremony ended at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
Hartnell left after watching his historic dress sweep down the aisle followed by the procession of royal pages, maids of honour, peers and peeresses sparkling with diamonds, looking, he remarked:
“Like a lovely hunk of fruitcake, the damson jam of velvet bordered with clotted cream of ermine and sprinkled with the sugar of diamonds.”
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Beaton rushed to Buckingham Palace to photograph the Queen theatrically against a painted backdrop, holding the orb and sceptre and wearing the Imperial State Crown.
The Crown Jeweller Garrard remained until The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had taken lunch in the Abbey annex, in case any last-minute adjustments to the diamond-encrusted Crown were needed.
“Cecil was waiting when we all returned from the Abbey,” Lady Anne continues.
“He had everything set up for the photographs, and that’s when I really noticed the Crown and jewels glittering under the bright lights and took note of it all.
The Queen looked so young, beautiful and vulnerable, so the contrast of seeing her crowned with all the regalia was extraordinary.
She was weighted down a bit, but I remember thinking it was terribly poignant.”
A tense moment followed.
“The Duke of Edinburgh was fussing around, and Cecil got irritated, put his camera down and said, ‘Oh Sir, would you prefer to take the photographs?’” Lady Anne laughs.
“The Queen looked a bit horrified, and The Duke wandered off. You see, The Duke would have liked the photographer Baron, but it was The Queen Mother who adored Cecil.”
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Later, it was still rainy and dark outside.
When the gleaming, crowned figure of The Queen appeared on the Buckingham Palace balcony, she shone with a sense of tradition and permanence.
With the Imperial State Crown, she wore the Coronation necklace and earrings, made in 1858 by Garrard and worn by Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary, including 25 brilliants suspending the Lahore diamond drop.
Time will tell if the Armills will return to being carried at the Coronation of HRH The Prince of Wales, and if he has inherited the Windsor head shape, but should substantial adjustments be required, the crown will appear once more unchanged.
The historical continuity of the regalia, and the fact the crown is still in constant use, makes these jewels created in the Garrard workshop the most potent in the world.
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sparky-x · 3 months
Hey guys. No art today, but I’m here to talk about an idea for a Sonic Reboot that I conceptualized.
It was originally titled Sonic Neoverse. This was made to, well, fix many of the problems plaguing the franchise. I had this 2 years before Sonic Frontiers came out/announced. Most of the events and characters were lifted from the games, and comics, but with a few major adjustments. Keep in mind that this topic will be in two parts. In Part 1 I will be discussing about the characters in the reboot, and then I will talk about the world and setting in Part 2.
Let’s start with the face of the entire franchise, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Sonic’s personality would be a mix between Adventure, Toon, and a bit of modern.He Would have his family back. It is composed of Aleena, Manic, and Sonia from underground. Because he had two separate moms, I did some alterations and made Bernie the hedgehog Aleena’s daughter. 
After his parents disappeared, the Oracle of Delphius sent the triplets to their respective adoptive parents. Sonic’s caretaker would be Longclaw much like in her movie incarnation.
Knuckles may at times not be the guardian of the Master Emerald because……. The Echidnas from Archie would be present in the neoverse; therefore, Knuckles is no longer the last of his kind. Locke, Knuckles’s Father will be the one to look after the Master emerald.
Amy Rose would be drastically different in Neoverse. I turn Amy Rose into a tomboy in this version. I also had her like a female counterpart to Sonic similar to how Batgirl is a female counterpart to Batman. Changing her would mean getting rid of her Piko Piko hammer. I have to come up with many alternative weaponry for this new version of Amy from dual blades to axel’s disc weapons from Kingdom Hearts. The latter that I kind of gone with to coincide with her ‘surname’.
Silver the Hedgehog would be a lot smarter and wiser in Neoverse unlike his original incarnation (‘A well thought out strategy’).
Shadow the Hedgehog would be the same as he was in Sonic Adventure 2 but he’ll later have a personality like Jak from Jak and Daxter.
E-102 Gamma? Well, I’ve had him rebuilt by Rotor and teamed with the Freedom Fighters along with Big the Cat and Amy. It was to match the main cast of Sonic Adventure DX. and since Cream was part of the Freedom Fighters in Archie, Team Rose had been merged with it.
The freedom fighters would return in the neoverse having a massive role during eggman’s invasion of Mobius. Most of the characters like Tangle from IDW, Tekno from Fleetway, and scrapped characters like Tiara Boobowski would be brought back in Neoverse. Talking about an all-star franchise….. that would never be realized as the Sonic Franchise is as good as it is. 😔😔😔😔😔
Every original Sonic media had to have some new things right? Well the secret is that the entire Sonic Neoverse all started with remaking Sonic 06. By that, I mean the one character everyone seemed to dislike, Princess Elise.
What I did with Elise was that she was going to be much more serious and warrior-like than her original self (In a natural way). Unlike her original counterpart, She has a deep hatred for the humans/overlanders especially when Eggman attacked her kingdom. Elise in Neoverse is now a Mobian Sphinx, a mythical lion with wings and can shoot energy blasts. She’s also physically strong given that her lion race were warriors. I will discuss more of Neoverse Elise’s history for part 2.
With the heroes said and done. Time to talk about the villains of the neoverse starting with Dr. Eggman
In Neoverse, Dr. Eggman was formerly a GUN member when he fell into his own Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor. It corrupted his mind making him hostile toward the Mobians, and during the Overlander war, he joined the opposing faction. When the war was over. He overthrew King Acorn and launched the attack on Mobius. At one point he retired from his quest and hid for 2 years. After he decided to get back on his quest again after learning that the creature (Chaos) was a powerful creature.
All of his henchmen from Metal Sonic to Dingo would be in the Neoverse.
Time for some other villains beside Eggman himself.
Starting with Zavok. Instead of being, well, generic, I’ve turned him into a massive manchild who would fly into fits of rage when he doesn’t get his way.
I saw the Zeti or the deadly six as Bowser Koopalings knockoffs, so I did some adjustments to make them standout. The Zeti would be more reptilian with a primitive, cavemen-like personality.
Mephiles and Iblis would return and both would fuse into Solaris like in the original instead Solaris would be along the lines of Darksied from DC.
Ifrit from Sonic Rivals would join a reborn Mephiles’s team. The two along with Iblis would become a more powerful Solaris.
Remember Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric? Remember its antagonist, Lyric the Last Ancient? Well, I’ve made him a member of the order of Ixis, a group led by Ixis Naugus. He specializes in necromancy. When he was accidentally revived by Eggman, he used parts of the doctor’s aiding Egg Pawns to create a temporary body similar to his original counterpart.
Now for everyone’s hated villain, Infinite the Jackal. Rather than a generic shadow wannabe, He would have been a disgruntled scientist from Soleanna. ‘wrongfully’ rejected by Elise (due to his poor research). Infinite would later join Eggman in his effort to overthrow Elise.
Emperor Metallix would return in a saga based on the Metal Virus arc. About that along with the Zombots? Stay tuned for part 2.
Mammoth Mogul would also return along with Ixis Naugus, who would have ties to only Sonic’s missing parents but also the Phantom Ruby from Sonic Mania………..
Some people were unaware that in the Archie reboot era, Dr. Eggman had Egg Bosses, a group of robotic used Mobians who controlled each of Sonic’s world’s regions. These guys would now work for Mammoth Mogul rather than Eggman. Like their original incarnations, they are assigned to the regions of Mobius for global domination. Some members like Nephthys the Vulture and Thunderbolt the Chinchilla would be excluded from the group.
Nephthys would be among the heroes along with being the leader of the Midesta Freedom Fighters (AKA The Desert Raiders From Archie). I based Thunderbolt off of a particular Sonic fan who wants to ‘merge dimensions’…….
Great Battle Kukku/Battle Lord Kukku would be a greedy corporate boss who tried to deforest Coco island so he could build an amusement park. He would do the same to the Babylon Gardens.
Lord Mordred Hood from Archie would become Amy Rose’s worst enemy. Why? We shall find out in part 2.
Now lastly the final two villainous groups. That is The Nocturnus Clan, and the Dark Legion from Archie.
 That one point, because of the similarities these two had, I decided to mix the two together, that means Imperator Ix may be Dimitri’s ancestor. Dimitri himself would be Enerjak like his Archie Counterpart. Kragok would be the legion’s leader and Dr. Finitevus would return as a member of the clan.
Most of the characters I’ve reimagined seemed to be a lot better than we think though the other half remained the same as they were. I have intentionally left out major details of the Neoverse characters like Ixis Naugus. These will all be explained in part two.
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pandhora · 7 months
Premise of Sonic Mars was recycled for Sonic Frontiers.
I discovered that the game's story: Sonic Mars had its premise idea recycled by someone at Sega.
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(Photo Official of The Sonic Fronteirs)
• Sonic Mars = Sonic Frontiers: Sonic has to save his friends from being trapped in a virtual world.
Sonic Frontiers Story: Following the trails of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, Tails and Amy fly in the Tornado towards the Starfall Islands, an archipelago of islands forgotten by everyone. As they approach the islands, a wormhole suddenly appears in the sky, sucking Sonic in and separating him from his friends. Upon waking up, Sonic finds himself trapped in Cyber Space, a digital space that resembles places from his memories. He escapes and finds himself on Kronos Island, one of the Starfall Islands. Guided by a mysterious voice, Sonic must now gather the Chaos Emeralds.
When Sonic tries to save his friends, he gains Cyber Corruption. This corruption causes him great pain, but also gives him new powers that he uses to defeat the gigantic Titans that protect the emeralds. Sonic encounters a holographic girl named Sage who wants him to leave the islands. She was created by Dr. Eggman, who is also trapped in Cyberspace after tampering with the Ancients' technology. On Ares Island, Sonic encounters his friendly rival Knuckles, who was teleported here from Angel Island. The mysterious voice that guided Sonic through the islands is released from cyberspace on Rhea Island. This monster is a planet killer that the Ancients tried to stop long ago by sealing it away. Eggman reluctantly teams up with Sonic to stop him and save the world.
What was Sonic Mars?
(Image edited by me imagining what Sonic Mars would be like)
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(Real photo from the Official Sonic Mars game)
The game's proposal was prepared on May 17, 1994 by then-lead designer Michael Kosaka with assistance from Chris Senn and Don Goddard. Opting to frame the game in the Saturday morning show that was still on the air at the time, the hope was to make the first fully 3D game about Sonic and his world. Presented to the management of Sega of America, they gave the green light for the Sega Technical Institute to move forward with the project. When shown what the American side of STI was coming up with for the next chapter of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Yuji Naka, one of the character's creators, could only shake his head and say "good luck", not being very impressed with what was shown and knowing firsthand the difficulties involved in making a Sonic game.
Shortly after the proposal was accepted, Michael Kosaka left Sega due to problems between him and Dean Lester, the producer of Comix Zone. Without a lead designer, Chris Senn was thrust into the role, with Don Goddard reworking the Sonic Mars script. Eventually, the Saturday Morning premise was abandoned due to disinterest, and the game was completely reworked once it changed systems, becoming the more familiar Sonic X-treme.
The game was to be a tie-in to the TV series Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM), but the idea was scrapped as the TV show was never released in Japan. The game had several playable characters that would have Sonic as the default for Player 1 , while Player 2 would choose from five other characters, such as Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Tails, Knuckles, and Tiara. There would be several endings where Sonic would have to choose between Sally and Tiara. Some special stages were designed as minigames, like the one where Sonic plays air hockey with Robotnik.
In this game, Sonic would save his friends from a virtual world of Dr. Robotnik.
Summary by Michael Kosaka (1994):
While Sonic checks a security alarm in a remote corner of the Great Forest, his friends Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Tails, Tiara and Knuckles discovers a strange message from one of Dr. O.mad scientist is trying to take control of Micro Mobius, a virtual world, and the message is a cry for help from your peaceful inhabitants. The hedgehog returns to Knothole and discovers that Eggman captured his friends and took them to the virtual world. Sonic sets out to save his friends and stop Eggman from reformatting Micro Mobius.
(The information where I found that the premise of Sonic Mars was reused in Sonic Frontiers was through the "Tv Tropes" website where you have all the curiosities about the franchise: Sonic The Hedgehog.)
(If you saw that Sonic Frontiers has references to Sonic SatAm, it's because the premise was reused and also because Ian Flynn wrote both Sonic Archie and IDW.😊)
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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HRH Prince William Arthur Philip Louis and Miss. Catherine Elizabeth Middleton married in a religious ceremony on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London.
Will and Cat were married by the Archbishop of Canterbury, while the Dean of Windsor conducted the ceremony and the Bishop of London gave the address.
Catherine wore a dress by Surah Burton of Alexander McQueen. The Royal School of Needlework's hand-made lace applique for the bodice and skirt incorporated the rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock. She was lent the Cartier Scroll Tiara by her grandmother-in-law and gifted a pair of diamond earrings featuring acorns from Robinson Pelham by her parents for the special day. The bridal bouquet featured myrtle, lily-of-the-valley, sweet William, ivy, and hyacinth.
William doned on the red tunic of the Colonel of the Irish Guards uniform with a forage cap bearing the Irish Guards insignia and motto, "Quis Separabit?. He wore the Order of the Garter Star and Blue Riband to which his RAF Wings & Golden Jubilee Medal were fastened.
Upon their wedding they were conferred upon the titles of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Earl & Countess of Strathearn and Baron and Lady Carrickfergus by Queen Elizabeth II.
Following the ceremony in true fairytale fashion, the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge travelled in the 1902 State Landau in a horse-drawn carriage procession to Buckingham Palace. They appeared on the Palace Balcony for a RAF Flypast and shared TWO KISSES to the delight of the crowd gathered below and my 11 year old self's.
The official wedding photos of the couple with their families and wedding party were taken by Hugo Burnand in the throne room of Buckingham Palace.
A Reception for the couple and their guests was hosted at Buckingham Palace by The Queen while the then Prince of Wales hosted a further private dinner. The couple'a guests had two wedding cakes to choose from - a multi-tiered traditional fruit cake crafted by Fiona Cairns & William's favourite chocolate biscuit cake.
William and Catherine drove to Clarence House following the lunchtime reception in a blue, two seat Aston Martin DB6 Volante which was originally a 21st birthday gift to the then Prince of Wales by the Queen.
William and Catherine have three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. The family of five they divide time between their official residence at Kensington Palace in London and their two private residences Amner Hall in Norfolk & Adelaide Cottage in Windsor.
They became The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay after King Charles III's accession to the throne and were made The Prince and Princess of Wales by him on 9 September 2022.
As well as undertaking royal duties in support of The King, both in the UK and overseas, The Prince and Princess devote their time to supporting a number of charitable causes and organisations with some of their key areas of interest being Early Childhood Development, Mental Health, Conservation, Arts, Sports etc.
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Random Coronation Thoughts.
The "called to serve" theme was beautiful. I was skeptical about the dress code, but I feel it worked. It wasn't super glam, but it projected confidence and professionalism, as well as tradition and heritage.
The Order Robes were the main visual, which highlighted the service theme. Anne's uniform (and the feather!) was iconic. Penny Mordaunt was epic. Bryn Terfel was amazing. There was a beautiful organic element to the event. You could sense that the participants had internalized the "called to serve" theme, and were contributing their own interpretation. That is rare.
I think the headdresses were part of this. They're tiara equivalents, but based on ancient symbols of achievement and recognition, not privilege. They also recall the headdresses of QEII's coronation attendants and the POW's own acorn-based coat of arms. "From little acorns mighty oaks do grow" indeed.
There was a lot of thinking behind this. Someone sat down, thought about the ritual and what it symbolized, and hammered down what they wanted to communicate. It was layered and deep and meaningful. The Waleses in particular coordinated everything carefully--the colors, the hair, the video. Everything was planned, down to the tiniest detail. I saw some controversy on Twitter about Kate wearing two different dresses--one to fit the cape and one to fit QEII's necklace. I'm usually Ms. Frugality, but I'm not bothered by that. This was an archival occasion that warranted two dresses. Also, I would not be surprised if one dress was kept for the archive (the one that fit the cape) and another (the one with the necklace) was reworn by Charlotte (maybe with mom's headdress?) in a future coronation. This was not about fashion, this was about history.
There were some misses. I thought the carpeting was a bit off. Andrew got to wear his Order, which was a bit disappointing. The embroidered dogs and family names were lovely personal touches, but I feel national flowers would have been more appropriate for someone who wants to be seen as Queen and not Queen Consort. That's just me though. The balcony also seemed...uneven? I'm not sure how to explain it. The element were all there, but I feel they could have been placed in a more coherent manner. It was not the best visual. Usually the sovereign is surrounded by supportive adults in full regalia to project strength and stability then the children crowd the edges to signal growth and rejuvenation. This time they chose to surround the King and Queen with children and the adult support was relegated to the margins. It was very odd messaging. I don't think the balcony worked.
But everything else did. Fantastic job.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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The royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton ♡
The wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton took place on Friday, 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London, England. One million people lined the route between Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace and the ceremony was viewed live by 162 million people worldwide, with a total of 36.7 million watchers in the United Kingdom alone.
The bride wore a dress designed by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen. The gown was made of ivory satin and featured an overlaid long-sleeved V-neck lace bodice and appliquéd full skirt with box pleats, as well as a nine-foot train. The motifs in the lace included roses, thistles, daffodils and shamrocks to represent England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Catherine wore the Cartier Halo Tiara, lent to her by the Queen, as well as custom-made diamond earrings given to her by her parents (the piece features oak leaves similar to the scrolls of the Cartier Halo Tiara and an acorn, in reference to the Middleton's coat of arms). The bride's bouquet contained myrtle, lily of the valley, ivy, hyacinth and sweet William.
The groom wore an Irish Guards mounted officer's uniform in Guard of Honour Order with a forage cap, as well as the star of the Order of the Garter, his RAF wings and Golden Jubilee Medal.
On the morning of the wedding, it was announced that William was to be created Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn, and Baron Carrickfergus, with Catherine becoming Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge after the wedding.
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 11 months
Sonic Odyssey
I tried to mesh the Archie and Underground stories together along with other ones.
Aleena had to hide her triplets from Robotnik by handing them to 3 people from her court to find a home for them. Charles gave Sonic to his brother Jules and Bernadette who lived in the Acorn Kingdom. Manic was accidentally kidnapped by Fang. Sonia was raised by Tiara Cyberowski (forgot how to spell her name).
The amulets are not magical and instead are family heirlooms. I probably won't include the prophecy. I'm still figuring stuff out
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If I dissapointed you (chapter five - english)
Chapter 5: War at the party.
Princess went out to receive her guests, after a few quick and unkind greetings to some people, she went up the stairs to something that pretended to be a stage, on the wall there was a huge screen that, of course, had caught everyone's attention. presents.
Princess, next to a microphone, smiled at her guests with pride. She was wearing the simple gold dress that she had bought, despite it being a simple dress, the gold color of hers shone like a candle flame, small and concise. The dress itself may have been simple, but Princess would never allow herself to look simple, she put on a necklace full of tiny diamonds, black boots with heels that almost reached her knees, long black gloves, and of course , a golden tiara with a precious crystalline diamond.
"You're all welcome to my wonderful party," she spoke into the microphone, receiving a frustrated look from Blossom and some applause from Bubbles. A party organized by me, in honor, of course, to me.- She felt so important at that moment-. Oh, and let me thank some special guests, my dear friends, The Powerpuff Girls.
-Friends?- the two Powerpuffs wondered at their table, why did Princess call them that? They weren't friends at all.
Princess fixed her eyes on the table of the Powerpuffs, there were only two of them! where was the other one?! She had seen Buttercup, she had come too but where was she? She decided to ignore him, after all, Buttercup or not, the one who gets humiliated will mainly be Blossom. The elegant girl gave a very long speech about "how wonderful she was and how lucky they must feel to be able to attend her party"
-Lucky to come to your party? Lucky because at least when it comes to food, it does have good taste. - Bombón joked in a low voice, so that only his sister would hear him. Bubbles started giggling.
After her boring speech, Princess set about putting on a video of "her great and wonderful life of hers." That girl really had self-esteem above the clouds. Blossom and Bubbles had a boring time throughout the video.
But, while this was taking place, in the dark hallway where little baby Jimmy had gone and Buttercup had followed him…
-There are many, too many.- Acorn murmured, observing the corners with her x-ray power. More than two dozen, no, many more, what is going on here? Surely Princess has something to do with this.
"Heh, no, you're wrong, Princess didn't plan any of this." A voice spoke in the shadows, Acorn immediately turned defensively to face the mysterious man who appeared.
"What?!" She said, alarmed to see that this man had little baby Jimmy in his arms. What are you…?! What are they doing?!
"Ssshush, Acorn," he hissed. There is no need to alarm other people. - The subject who had appeared and was now holding Jimmy was Snake, a member of the old Gangrene Gang, now he is a dangerous mobster -. It doesn't suit us, neither does it suit you.
"What are you doing?" she asked sharply. Why have they invaded the Princess party?
"Boom!" the baby shouted with great joy. Boom! Boom!
"Let Jimmy go, now!" She ordered with a threatening voice.
"Oh, Buttercup, do you ssseriously think I would harm my own little nephew?" She hugged the baby and looked at the dark-haired woman mockingly.
-What are they trying to do? What are you doing here? - She spoke, furious to see Jimmy with that greenish guy, who she well knew was not her nephew.
"We're not going to kill anyone, if that's what you want to know," she said seriously, but her ridiculous hiss made her not take him seriously. We're here to… help you.
-Help us? Help us with what?" She asked, feeling somewhat offended. What would we need your help with?
-I can't tell you much about it but…Princess planned something.
-That damn! She knew it!
-Shh.- he silenced her-. Trust me, the fewer people who know about it, the better.
"What is Princess planning?" She asked, or rather, she demanded to know.
-I don't know, the only one who knows is…
"Oh, for heaven's sake!" she exclaimed, kicking the wall, leaving cracks in it. That man and the ridiculous mystery of him! He is an idiot!
-Please, Buttercup, we all know it's not what you think, hehehe- she mocked.
"Shut up!" She punched him hard in the face.
"Yes, you will never change." Her blow really hurt him, but he didn't say anything more about it, he always received blows from her. We will take care of foiling Princess Morbucks's plans, he told me not to say anything to your sisters until it's all over. According to him, Princesa's plan could finish you off.
"Is it that bad?" She asked, surprised.
-Leave it all to us. Although he didn't count on them bringing his son to the party. - He shook Jimmy's straight and soft hair, the baby hadn't stopped paying attention to the conversation of the elders."I wasn't going to leave him alone at home, you know he's a rascal, he would have caused the Professor a lot of problems," he spoke, smiling a little. At least Jimmy was something they both really wanted to protect, that thing in common was what made them get along more or less.
-Well, I ssjust came here to tell you this and to take Jimmy to his house.- she answered, although she seemed a bit bored since he wasn't going to be part of the action, rather he had come to babysit.
-Let him go to bed early.- Bellota spoke with a somewhat overprotective voice, sometimes she seemed like her mother.
-Don't worrysss.- he got ready to leave, as stealthy as he arrived-. Oh, and don't forget Buttercup, Ace never fails.
Meanwhile, outside that fancy party, the Rowdyruff Boys were patiently waiting to make their move, well, at least Brick and Boomer were patient, Butch couldn't wait to go and humiliate the Dumbbells anymore.
"Wait, Butch, we'll leave when Morbucks told us," Brick said, frustrated by his brother's constant complaints.
-Let's go! You know as well as I do that it doesn't matter when we do it! -He shouted, angry-. Also, remember, we're going to betray her in the end.
"Yeah haha, she really is a fool to think we were going to be allies all along," Boomer said. Brick snorted, resigned.
"Okay, let's go." Butch prepared to go on the attack.
"Shut up!" Brick ordered him, alerting himself.
"What happens now?" asked the green, frustrated and anxious.
-I think…- he didn't know exactly what was happening, but he sensed that something was wrong-. Up!" He exclaimed, but they didn't have time to escape.
A strange network fell on them, being immobilized. It was not a common network, it gave off a peculiar light blue glow, with a slight sound like that of an electric current, that's right, that network caused an electric current to run through their bodies, leaving them almost unable to move. Neither with their super strength nor with their laser beam were they able to free themselves from that trap, that trap that was clearly intended for them.
"But what joke is this?!" Butch yelled, totally mad with anger. I can't move, damn it!-He tried to get up as much as he could but that strange net wouldn't let them.
"But who would do something like that to us?" Boomer spoke, looking distraught.
"I don't know, but he'll take it out on me!" Brick said, almost as furious as his brother Butch. If something went wrong with his plan, he really wouldn't forgive the person who did that.
"Oh, are you serious, Brick?" someone spoke, coming out of the bushes. The brothers managed to look at the person who had appeared, they were frozen with shock when they saw him. I want to see you try it. - His voice was safe and mocking.
The Rowdyruff Boys weren't afraid of him, of course they weren't…they just didn't want him against him. That person approached them, coming out of the shadows, appearing before them, smiling victoriously. Boomer bit back a scream, Butch frowned, Brick was sure he didn't believe it.
"The boss of the Mafia," the three murmured, each with his individual reaction, but all three were surprised.
"Ace, what does this mean?!" Brick hurriedly asked.
-Nothing, nothing, little boy.- Even he had an air of grandeur, that the three of them did not like. I have nothing against you guys, believe me.- He crouched down to look at them mockingly as he spoke to them as if they were little children-. I like you very much and you know it, but unfortunately what you are doing bothers me.- he explained, like someone explaining something complicated to preschool children-. And they know that bothering me can't be.
"Why are you interested in what happens to those Silly Ones?" The redhead didn't understand, but he didn't care much either, he just felt like destroying that man.
-Hum… I don't know.- he answered without interest-. I guess even criminals like me have certain priorities. I don't expect kids like you to understand.
"Those priorities make you weak!" Butch snarled, glaring at him. They soften you up, that's why we don't need them!
"Aha, aha, to each his own." He stood up and pulled out something that looked like a remote control. But, being who I am, my priorities should matter to everyone. - He pressed a single button on the control. Or they will face my wrath.
As soon as he pressed that button, the net that imprisoned the boys gave them an electric shock. Out of his pride, they resisted crying out, but the pain was so excruciating that Boomer gasped. It is not to exaggerate, but if they listed the attacks they have received, this would be in the third or fourth place of the most unbearable and painful damage.
"You're in luck," he said as he turned off the power grid. I no longer entertain myself by bothering children… Oh, wait, you are not such small children anymore, right? - He pressed that button again, he was making fun of them.
"Bastard." Brick insulted, while he closed his eyes with fHe strained and writhed in pain.
-That's enough.- she returned to deactivate the network. She brought her hand to her dark glasses and pressed a small button on them. Ah, I see, so that's where they hide it. - She approached Brick, reached into his pocket and snatched a digital camera from him. So this is the evidence that incriminates Blossom? I'll keep them.
-You're an Idiot! I'll make you pay for this humiliation! - the redhead threatened.
"You guys humiliate yourselves, you're so desperate you sided with Princess Morbucks." What he said was so true it made Butch start cursing out loud. But don't worry, his plan won't be completely unsuccessful, of course we're going to ruin this party.
"Why?" asked the leader of the Rowdyruff, cautiously.
"Because Princess surely has a copy of the evidence, we will take it from her." He smiled triumphantly. How does it feel to always fail in your plans, children?
"Shut up, you bastard!" Brick yelled at him, furious.
-It doesn't matter that they are the most powerful villains in the city, if they always fail, that makes them other criminals of the bunch, unlike me.- he walked away from them, with firm steps, smiling, he had already won-. Remember, Ace never fails.
Ace left the place, disappearing into the night, leaving the boys still trapped in that powerful web.
"And how do we get out of this now, Brick?" Butch asked, as if he blamed his brother.
"Ah…" he really didn't know what to answer, he had already tried everything in his hands, he couldn't move much. Have they already tried to bite the net?
"I did, but he stung my tongue," Boomer replied.
"Let's try it," the leader said firmly.
Inside the party, Princess had already finished showing that annoying and boring video. Blossom and Bubbles yawned a little, the other people were distracted, everyone at his table, they didn't seem to have paid much attention. Bellota arrived and sat down with her sisters, she had a thoughtful expression and at the same time seemed to be defensive.
"Why did you take so long?" asked Bombón.
"And where is Jimmy?" Bubble spoke.
-He was sleepy and I took him home to sleep.- she lied, it was believable, because Bellota, thanks to her powers, has enough speed to go and come from her house to the party.
"Are you sure?" Blossom wasn't very convinced.
"Yeah, sure!" Buttercup crossed her arms, making the redhead a bit suspicious.
On stage, Princess was waiting, annoyed. She had told the Rowdyruffs that when the video was over, they were to enter through the huge colored glass window and start causing a ruckus, which they were taking a long time to do. She muttered meaningless things, with hatred, seeing that they took so long, those guys really were a nuisance.
Princess is not stupid, she is obnoxious and annoying, but she is not stupid, at least not too much. She realized that something was wrong, maybe she realized it too late. From one of the windows she could see that hidden behind a bush there was a mysterious shadow, she did not take long to identify more hidden people, people that she had not invited and that she did not think would attend. She didn't have to think about it much, she realized what it was, and in response to this thought, chaos broke loose.
A couple of shots rang out, threatening shots, but none to hurt anyone. Shots that warned the guests of the criminals who had arrived without being seen. They were literally surrounded, men with dark masks and suits of the same color, all armed, they came jumping through windows, bursting through the front door, appearing through the kitchen door, some fell from the chandelier very ninja style, pathetic thing For Princess, it was even weirder when she saw some of them come out from under the tables. At what point had they arrived, entered and hidden under the tables of the guests?
The armed men fired at the ceiling, causing the chandeliers to fall, which fell and destroyed several tables. The people were very scared, they ran in all directions like excited little ants, but these armed people prevented them from going out. This, of course, upset both Blossom and Bubbles; Acorn knew that they did not come to harm anyone, at least she was certain that they were not the orders they had received, but she did not know how much to tell her sisters, in the end she decided to ignore what Snake had told her before and told them her sisters what was going on.
-Girls, listen.- she called them in whispers-. It seems that Ace discovered a plan that Princess had to destroy us, they are here to help us.- he explained to them.
-Oh…- Bombón didn't need any more explanation than that to understand, after all it was to be expected that Princess planned something and, of course, the Mafia always finds out about everything. But he also knew that it doesn't matter that the Mafia is on his side, the citizens of Saltadilla shouldn't know that they were in league with them, with criminals.Let's humor them, but if things get bad, don't hesitate to hit them for real.- she ordered, sensible as always.
"Don't move and no one will get hurt!" ordered one of the armed men.
All those hundreds of men, they were nothing more than pawns in the power game that Ace had built for himself, it was likely that none of them knew that the Mafia and the Powerpuff had, so to speak, an "agreement", only the people who Ace was confident they knew it, you don't have to be a genius to know who.
-Stop, ruffians!- Blossom spoke firmly, always with that voice of leadership.
Princess, on stage, saw this with great bitterness. How those armed men threatened their guests, even stole the valuable items that were spread out in that great hall. She looked at the Powerpuffs, so smug and confident. There was no trace of the Rowdyruff Boys. He knew that all this was Ace's doing, now he hated that guy, he hated him for ruining his plans, he hated him because of the interruption of all these pawns who surely didn't even know the reason for their actions, who were only dedicated to obeying like dogs ridiculous, they had ruined his best chance of humiliating the Super Dumb.
-Nobody ruins my party more than ME!-She shouted, so angry and with such force that everyone present heard her, but all of her decided to ignore her, making her even angrier.
No one, no one was ever going to ignore her. The plan had already been ruined, now it only remained to destroy those who had screwed it up. Everyone knows that her Princess would never look simple, and her own clothes were a deadly weapon, her dark gloves weren't just for decoration, these gloves that she wore on her hands were… special. In both hands she formed a golden energy, produced by the technology of these powerful gloves, she aimed first at one, then at another, then she had shot down several men with that laser she fired.
-Geez, his aim has improved.- Bubble commented, surprised.
But there were a lot of armed guys, he had to do more than that and the Powerpuffs, strangely, weren't doing anything. Princess took her jetpack, like the one she always used when she was a child, put it on and used it to skillfully fly. She went straight to those armed men and without stopping to think that they might shoot her, she shot forward to throw hard kicks at these guys, hitting those who were close to her and firing lasers at those who were far away. Those men began to shoot her with their machine guns but the princess pressed the diamond on her precious tiara, thus activating a shield that protected her, she fired lasers at them with her hands, destroying their weapons, she went to attack them and with a few kicks she had already defeated them.
Meanwhile, the Powerpuffs stared at the scene with faces like… well, they didn't know how to react to that. At what point had she learned to fight like that?
"Don't just stand there, you silly Powerpuffs!" The girl yelled as she fired lasers at everyone who tried to get close to her. Don't just stand there looking useless and do something!
-Ah, right.- Bombón said, who seemed to wake up from her thoughts-. Bubble, get the guests out of here! Acorn!" He approached her sister, just so she would hear him. Let's give these guys a beating, they are not included in our "deal", plus they don't know much about the situation and surely won't hesitate to hurt people if things don't go well. And we don't want anyone to suspect anything about our alliance with Ace.
-What about Princess's plan?
-Ace knows what he's doing, I'm sure all these guys are just a distraction, the others, the important ones, must already be ruining his plan, if they haven't already ruined it.
-Well, I hit those on the left and you hit those on the right.- said the green one, animated, she always encouraged him to hit criminals.
Bubbles continued to evacuate all the people while the other girls continued to beat up those criminals. Princess wasn't sure what to do at that moment, she didn't know whether to continue the plan, all the people were already leaving and so she couldn't humiliate the Powerpuffs, she didn't know where the hell the Rowdyruff Boys were either. Princess kept a copy of the photographs they had saved, of course, she carried it with her, but she would no longer make much sense, all the people had already left, nothing made sense anymore.
Oh, but finally, after a few long minutes, the Rowdyruff Boys, barely released from the net, made an appearance, coming in through the window, albeit… too late.
-We're here! We're going to ruin the party…- the three fell silent when they saw the place. Nobody was there anymore, all the guests had left, the floor was littered with half-dead armed criminals, the place was a mess, things were broken everywhere, tables overturned and glass broken. What did we miss? - Brick spoke, staying almost in shock.
Of courseThe Powerpuffs didn't expect them to appear, they stared at them with an expression that said something like "And what are these crazy people doing here?" or "As if the situation couldn't get more absurd" but ultimately, their presence did nothing but alarm the three sisters.
"Where the hell were they?!" Princess went towards them, managing to levitate up to her thanks to her jetpack. I told them to come when I told them to! but not! they arrived too late! they were so ridiculously late that it even looked pathetic! I should have asked a donkey for help, surely he is of more use than you three stupid clowns!
"Don't talk to us like that!" Brick grabbed her roughly to threaten her. Ace set us up, stole our pictures, we barely got away! And what happened here?! what a mess!
-I had to deal with Ace's damn subordinates! Who do you think he beat all these third-rate ruffians?!" She pointed at all the fallen men.
-Hey, we help.- commented Bubble, who floated further and lower than them.
"You shut up, you silly girls!" she yelled at them. Why can't they just disappear?!
"So you, Princess, are in league with the Rowdyruff Boys," Blossom stated, trying not to get sidetracked from the important point. What are your plans?!
-Or it was your plans.- Buttercup said with a sly voice-. Since apparently Ace ruined everything.- At times like this, she was grateful to be friends with that guy.
"No, I still have plans!" she yelled, her arms shaking from how furious she was. I still have a copy of the photographs!
"Very good, silly princess!" Butch said, smirking.
-Photographs? What photographs?! - Acorn asked rudely.
"Something that will make them look ridiculous!" answered Princess, with a cruel smile.
"What is it about?!" This time it was Blossom who spoke, unaware of what it really was.
"Soon you'll know, Bombón!" exclaimed the freckled girl, and then laughed triumphantly.
-Hurry up, Morbucks! Let's continue with this! - Brick ordered, impatient.
Princess set out to pull out the evidence to later show on the big screen that she hadn't been harmed in the earlier rampage…but oh, she couldn't find it anywhere.
"What happens now?" She demanded to know the redhead.
"He's not here!" she yelled in panic. No this! it was stolen from me!
Were you looking for this? - spoke a peculiar voice that came from the railing of the second floor, because that place even had a second floor. That voice was…
"Arturo!" Acorn exclaimed, surprised.
Arturo was another member of the Gangrene Gang, he was the smallest and he still looks exactly the same. He even now he keeps following Ace everywhere. Just like the other members of the gang, he is also a mobster. Arturo was watching everything from the second floor, along with two other men (taller than him, of course), in his hand he was holding a USB memory, in it was the file where Princesa had put the photographs and the video.
-But how?!- Morbucks exclaimed in disbelief.
"It took only a second of distraction for me to take it away from you," she explained, almost kindly.
"Damn elusive dwarf!" She insulted with deep hatred.
"Well done!" exclaimed the three Powerpuff sisters, making Princess even more furious.
"Don't stay there!" she yelled at the boys. Go after them!
The Rowdyruffs were annoyed that she sent them around like that, but they were already planning to go beat the crap out of those guys. But they trusted, too much, since they thought that their weapons would not hurt them, well no, they did not hurt them, but for trusting, even a small thing made them look ridiculous. Those three subjects, including Arturo, each took out a bazooka and pointed it at the Rowdyruffs, they really did not expect it and received the impact, it did not hurt them much, but the bullet from that powerful weapon threw them far away to crash into the wall and destroying it on impact. Arturo smiled when he saw that those boys had fallen, he threw a smoke bomb and the next second they were gone, taking the evidence with them.
"Noooo!" cried Princess, already almost sobbing from her terrible defeat. It's all your fault! -She pointed to the girls.
Us? - Bombón spoke.
"We've barely lifted a finger in all this mess," Buttercup said.
"We don't even know what those pictures were of," Bubble added.
"Shut up!" she yelled, forming golden energy in both hands. I don't know how but I know Ace wanted to help you guys somehow! I don't know why but I blame them for that! - He launched a laser beam at them with both hands, but it was extremely easy for them to dodge it.
-You know that your fake powers don't work on us, right? - Bombón said, although, honestly, with no intention of offending, but rather to make the girl reconsider.
-Yes, better leave your silly toys because you're not a baby anymore.- Bellota said, she did want to offend.
-Shut upYou!- Princess lunged to punch Buttercup but Buttercup caught her, stopping her blow and knocking her down sharply to the ground.
"Don't you understand?" said the green one in an annoyed tone. Your hits may have worked on the other criminals but we have superpowers and that's something you're not going to have, ever.- Well, that was too cruel, even for Buttercup, but well, Princess deserved it, right? ?
"Aaahhh!" She yelled like a little girl throwing a tantrum. It's okay! They won't deal with me, but with them!-She pointed to the Rowdyruff Boys, who were approaching, furious at the humiliation of a while ago.
"It's over!" Butch yelled through clenched teeth. I will destroy them right now!
Quickly the green one went to attack the green one of that group of girls, Boomer did the same, he went to attack Bubble. Brick, not rushing, stepped in front of Blossom and she watched him warily. Brick wanted to destroy her, he wanted to see her suffer, he wanted to cause her the worst possible damage… he came close to humiliating her in public but in the end it didn't work out. Why didn't she see it coming?
He hated her, now he hated her more than ever, because that girl appears to be perfect when she is not, she had a dirty secret. She hid in her disguise of perfection and everyone believed her, she, she… She, Bombón, is not what everyone expects of her, she is not the perfection that everyone sees her with, no it's what she had already established, she changed, everyone thinks what they want her to be but she's not, she's not what others want, she… she's just what she wants… and by hiding in her perfection nobody would reproach her for that. She was envious of him.
She shouldn't feel this way, she shouldn't, but she couldn't help it. Not only that, he had been through this same scene so many times, them about to have a fight, him always wanting to destroy her, her fighting for justice. He wasn't going to give up, he was going to fight her, but he knew he was useless, Blossom was going to beat him anyway. He had no case.
And once again, everything is under control thanks to The Powerpuff Girls!
"Nonsense!" cried Princess, in the garden. Can not be!
As expected, the Powerpuffs beat the Rowdyruff, after their victory, they left smiling and happy. This was the last straw, the best plan ever created and thanks to some inconveniences everything was ruined. They really were pathetic!
-Stop whining! You break my ears!- Butch yelled.
"It really was pathetic," Boomer said despondently.
-Why are you following me?! Get out of here, you bunch of useless people!" He didn't turn to look at them, he just kept walking without stopping.
"I knew that allying with you was a total waste of time!" the dark-haired man yelled again. Girls only bring trouble!
-Go away!- It was clear that the boys only wanted to annoy her, they were taking it out because they also felt bad-. Go away or you'll pay!” He turned to face them, pointed at them with one hand, making an attack with her powerful weapon, but Butch dodged it and closed in on her at high speed.
"What is this thing?" He examined Princess's glove, the one that caused that destructive energy. You should pay attention to the Powerpuff Girls, you are no longer a baby to play with toys.
"They're not toys!" She pulled her arm away from him. They are very expensive and my daddy gave me money to buy them!
"Oh right," she scoffed. You can't do anything for yourself, you don't have any power and that makes you pathetic and using ridiculous gadgets to pretend to be a Powerpuff makes you even worse.
"I'm not trying to simulate anything, dammit!" She began to shoot at him like crazy that laser beam that she made with that "little toy" but Butch couldn't stop laughing as she dodged it with minimal effort.
"Stop it now," said Brick, who had stayed out of the situation because he was immersed in his thoughts, or rather, because he thought his life was crap. He held her up to stop her. Don't make yourself even more ridiculous.
"Let go!" She pushed him away. He activated his jetpack to fly above them and pointed both hands at them. I'm going to finish you off!
The three brothers laughed out loud, that girl was really stupid.
"You're not serious," said Brick, who couldn't stop laughing.
"I'm serious!" He answered, but his face showed that he was hesitating. Come on, Brick, come and fight me! Or are you afraid of me?! - This only caused them to laugh harder than before.
"Come on, Brick, fight her," Butch said, the more he listened, the more he laughed. Give her what she deserves! LOL!
Brick, in a blink, appeared behind Princess, she barely had time to turn around.
-In the end, you're more pathetic than me.- He held her hair tightly and she didn't stop screaming.
"Let me go!" She cried, not only because of her defeat, but because of what the redhead could do to her.
"Oh, of course I'm going to let you go." He threw her backpack on the ground, now she couldn't fly.
-Nope! Put me down!" He yelled desperately.eration, he already knew what he was going to do to her.
Brick, without stopping pulling the poor girl's hair, took her to the top of a huge pool that was in the mansion's garden. He smiled cruelly and then dropped Princess, from that great height, into the water. She just screamed as she fell, her brothers didn't stop teasing her.
-LOL! She deserved it for a fool!-Butch said, not containing his laughter.
-You really overdid it! Hahaha! - Boomer also laughed.
Brick just smiled proudly, pleased at the cruelty he had done. When Princess managed to get out of the water, she just started screaming.
-Ah! They wet my dress! -He shouted, despite everything, that was what mattered to him.
-They threw you twenty meters into the water and you worry about your dress! You're pathetic! - Butch mocked, who couldn't believe the girl's idiocy.
It shouldn't be like that, but hearing that, Boomer felt slightly guilty, after all he had helped him choose her dress. After that, Boomer stopped scoffing and just watched.
"Tell me, can your money save you from this?" Brick spoke, descending on her. It was true, her money could no longer protect her, her weapons were useless now that they had gotten wet. What's wrong? you will cry?
The truth is that Princess was already crying, but she was so soaked that she didn't even notice. She already had her pride on the floor.
"You have ruined my birthday!" he yelled, sobbing bitterly. I hate you all! I hate them!
"The baby started crying," Butch continued to mock.
"Shut up!" He got out of the water, going in the opposite direction of those guys. Just leave me alone!” He ran off, wetting everything in her path.
"You're always going to be pathetic!" Butch yelled. You will be all your life! - Princess left and everything was quiet. They stayed a few seconds in silence, not knowing what to say. She messed us up.
"It was the perfect plan!" Brick yelled, unburdening himself. If it wasn't for stupid Ace!
-Those stupid Powerpuffs! Stupid Bombón, she managed to save herself!
"Hey guys," Boomer spoke up, drawing his brothers' attention. Maybe we can try again, Princess had told me that she keeps three copies of her pictures, the ones she gave us, the ones she was carrying and others she has kept in a secret place.
"And why did she say that to you?" Brick asked. arching the eyebrow.
"I guess… we could have gotten along… a little well," he said shyly. Butch hit him for saying that.
"Wait," Brick intervened. Maybe we can try again, but this time without the help of that stupid Morbucks.
"I like the sound of it!" Butch exclaimed, eager as ever.
"We're going to force her to give us those pictures." said the leader, but his brothers, for some reason, were discouraged.
"Brick, if I have to hear any more from that obnoxious thing, I swear she's going to blow my head off," Butch said, playing the victim. Better tomorrow.
"I'm not in the mood for anything," Boomer muttered. We still haven't fully recovered from the blows the Powerpuffs gave us.
-Oh! They are crybaby! - the redhead complained -. Okay, go to sleep or something! I'll take care of that annoyance! -He said, resigned.
-Okay, bye.- and the two flew away, leaving Brick alone there.
Yeah, sure, leave the job to Brick. Brick only had to look for Princesa and force her to give him those copies of the photographs, it would be very easy for him, she was good at threats from her. It wasn't going to be very difficult to find her, he just had to follow the trail of footprints that she had left when her boots were so wet.
He walked leisurely in search of the billionaire girl. He couldn't stop thinking about Blossom, her facade of perfection, despite everything she did, she still looked like a normal (superpowered) girl, Brick couldn't understand. He also couldn't understand that he had agreed to continue with that plan, in fact, and any plan that they came up with to defeat the Powerpuffs had meaning for him, he felt that it was useless. He couldn't stand it anymore, his life had no meaning.
He found Princess, kneeling on the floor, covering her face with both hands, sobbing loudly. What a stupid rich girl, what does she know about suffering?
"Boomer told us that you have other copies of the photographs," he spoke bluntly, approaching the girl from behind.
"Go away!" He ordered, without getting up and without turning around.
-Look, I just want you to give us those pictures and we'll leave you alone.
"No!" he yelled.
-Why not?!
-Do you think I'm stupid?! I know that you planned to betray me.
"How did you know?" he demanded to know. Did Boomer tell you?!
-Don't be silly, it was quite obvious.- he said, as if it was something logical.
"Then why did you follow the plan with us?" He asked, just out of curiosity.
-I dont know! I don't know! -He shouted, he began to cry again. Brick couldn't bear to listen to her ridiculous wails anymore. I think deep down I no longer carertaba, I just wanted to see the Powerpuffs destroyed, just that. I don't want this anymore, I don't want to keep trying, this was my last plan, and even if it went wrong it's still the last. I don't want to continue with this nonsense anymore.
-Whatever.- The redhead spoke, frustrated because she almost told him her whole life-. You don't have to put up with it anymore, just give me those stupid pictures and we'll leave you alone.
-I already told you no!
-Dammit! stupid girl! If you don't want to destroy the Super Dumb anymore, then what use are they to you?!
-You bothered me a while ago! They wet me, they made fun of me! I hate them for that!-She shouted, with a hoarse voice from so many screams he had launched and from the tears that wouldn't stop coming out.
-You know that if you don't give them to me by the good ones, they will be by the bad ones.- he threatened with a severe voice-. I don't care if you're a girl, I don't hesitate to hurt people.
-Come on, hit me! They can't hurt me any more than they've already done to me!" She bellowed bitterly, leaving Brick shocked. I'm already tired of this!
"You really are crazy." She couldn't understand what would be the problem of a girl who hasn't lacked anything in her life. What could you be tired of?
-I'm tired of always being the dumb, the crazy, the hateful, the stupid one who is always trying to look like the Powerpuffs! I don't want to be like them anymore, not anymore, but people still think that of me! - but nobody could understand her, nobody was willing to listen, because nobody can see beyond what they want to see-. I'm tired of being what people want me to be!
Being what people want him to be, that's what Brick was, because nobody expected more from him. Life is the most curious, one never knows what others may be hiding, what they are feeling, there is always something that affects people, that makes them the way they are. The funny thing is that sometimes the feelings of two people from very different lives can become the same.
Brick's life no longer made sense, he no longer cared about anything, but now, for something unrecognizable, he wanted to try again.
"Hey!" He called the girl but… What the hell?! Princess was gone! - Damn, you ran away!
Yeah, but she couldn't come back empty-handed, she had to find her.
It was easy for him to keep track of her, well, maybe this time it wasn't so easy, but after interrogating (or rather, beating up) the Morbucks' mansion servants, she pinpointed her location immediately.
"Oh, what have I gotten myself into?" The redhead lamented when he noticed the place where she was.
She wanted to be with his brothers right now, but she had told them he was going to do it, so she couldn't take it back. Or maybe it would be better to force Princess to give him the pictures of her another day… no! He wasn't going to back down!
Brick entered that place, throwing the guards who did not let him enter, into the street. He just entered and already felt bad, the music was deafening, even more so for his sensitive ears, he couldn't hear anything but that devilish music; the lights were almost so bad, they were so bright that they almost mowed him down. Do normal teenagers like these kinds of parties? How he was glad he wasn't like them.
That party was full of teenagers and young people, all dancing to that music, some drinking and smoking. Brick just wasn't used to that environment, he hated it, he wanted to destroy the whole place, maybe he would, but he had to find Princess first. He walked through the crowd, he heard nothing but that damn music, if he found the place where that noise came from, he would destroy it instantly.
Morbucks! Where the hell are you?!-He shouted, but not even he himself heard his shout.
-Hello, cute, are you coming alone?- spoke a woman, dressed in a way too provocative.
"Move over, bitch!" He shoved her out of the way, but her annoyances didn't end.
-Hey, do you want drugs, boy? - spoke a strange subject, bringing a cigarette closer to his face.
"Get that away from me!" She pushed him away as well. Where the hell is that damn?
"Can I get you a drink?" A waiter who approached spoke.
"Everyone get away from me!" He yelled very loudly but everyone ignored him. What was up with that place? Then it occurred to him, Princess would not mix with this type of people, if he wanted to find her he had to find the place where the multimillionaire children and believed like her were. She thought that she might be on the second floor, so she headed there.
She hated that place, she hated that party, she hated the other boys who all seemed crazy to her. The lights cut him off, the noise did not allow him to hear anything. He walked through that party looking for that girl…something happened.
The music was playing, the lights were so bright, there were so many people, but Brick casually turned to the right. He looked at it, and he looked at it too. They both exchanged a look. Brick was being watched, that guyI was watching him. For a moment, she felt the music fade and the lights grow much more intense. Of all the people at that party, Brick stopped to see this boy who kept looking at him. He may have seen it for a few moments, but it seemed like minutes.
That boy, he looked about 15 or 17 years old, it was difficult to distinguish. He looked at Brick with such dark eyes, but at the same time they seemed to shine more than the lights of that party, his hair was black and seemed to disappear into shadows, his skin looked pale, even with those lights he could see it. He kept looking at Brick, with a mischievous smile, as if he was planning something.
Brick couldn't take his eyes off him from that mysterious guy, and he couldn't stop looking at him either. Brick didn't know him, he had never seen him before, but right now he couldn't look at anything else. That boy, that dark being who didn't move, who stared into his eyes, who smiled terrifyingly. He had never felt anything like this.
Brick was afraid.
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rainywerewolfmoon · 8 months
Rule of Fairyland
Ao3 link here Rule of Fairyland - Chapter 24 - Princessmh9 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 24: All Hallows Eve
{Eight Moons}
{The grand garden was a breathtaking sight on All Hallows' Eve. Glistening candlelight filled every corner, casting enchanting shadows on the stone walls. The tables were laden with sumptuous feasts, and the aroma of magical dishes wafted through the air. Enchanted pumpkins carved with intricate designs lined the path to the garden, illuminating the way for guests.
Noble guests from realms near and far had gathered in their most enchanting attire, each one bedecked in gowns and robes that shimmered with ethereal beauty. The grand hall buzzed with laughter and conversation as everyone awaited the night's festivities.
At the beginning of the garden the royals patently waited and welcomed their guests to the festivities.
Ash wore a deep sapphire-blue robe adorned with silver embroidery that depicted the night sky. His circlet was a masterpiece, studded with gemstones that sparkled like stars.
Genevieve donned a gown that seemed to shimmer with its own inner light. Her dress was a mesmerizing blend of emerald green and moonlight silver, adorned with intricate floral patterns. Her circlet was a delicate masterpiece of leaves and vines, adorned with sparkling gems.
King Oberon, was a vision in his autumn-themed costume. He wore a robe that mimicked the colors of fall leaves, from vibrant oranges to deep reds and rich browns. His crown was adorned with acorns and oak leaves, a symbol of his connection to the natural world.
Queen Titania, looked ethereal in her costume. Her gown was a cascade of flowing white and silver fabric that seemed to glimmer like moonlight on water. Her crown was a delicate tiara adorned with glistening crystals, giving her an otherworldly aura.
King Lindir wore a robe woven from the finest forest-green fabric, adorned with intricate leaf motifs. His circlet was a masterpiece of natural elements, with delicate branches and leaves entwined.
Queen Albina, wore a gown in deep earthy tones, reminiscent of the forest floor. Her circlet was a work of art, crafted with moss and tiny woodland flowers that seemed to bloom under the soft candlelight.
The twins Princess Aurora and Prince Willow were dressed in enchanting costumes that mirrored the wonders of their realm. Princess Aurora's dress shimmered with starlight, while Prince Willow's attire was adorned with autumn leaves that seemed to rustle with every step.
After greeting guests Genevieve slowly walks over to a bench to sit down her hands resting on her gently swelling belly. She smiled as she watch's the twins play with the other children as they run about the garden as guests start to dance. Ash walks over to her with smile.}
{Ash} Do you feel up to dancing my love?
{Genevieve looks up at Ash, her eyes sparkling with love. She places her hand over his as it rests on her belly, feeling the gentle movements of their unborn child.}
{Genevieve} I would love to, Ash. Dancing under the stars on All Hallows' Eve with you sounds perfect.
{Ash extends his hand, and Genevieve takes it gracefully. With a gentle tug, he helps her to her feet. Together, they make their way to the center of the garden, where a beautiful dance floor has been created under a canopy of enchanted vines and blossoms. The realm's musicians play a hauntingly beautiful melody, setting the mood for the evening.}
{Genevieve} (whispering to Ash) It's hard to believe that next moon, our child will be in our arms, dancing with us.
{Ash} (smiling) Our family is about to grow, and I couldn't be happier. Every moment with you, Genevieve, is a moment to treasure.
{They begin to dance, their movements graceful and effortless. The world seems to fade away as they lose themselves in the music and each other's eyes.}
{Genevieve} (softly) All Hallows' Eve is a magical night, isn't it?
{Ash} (nods) Yes, my love. It's a night when the boundaries between our realm and others are at their thinnest, and magic is palpable in the air. It's the perfect night to celebrate our love and our growing family.
{As they dance, their love seems to radiate outwards, touching the hearts of those around them. The guests watch in awe as the future king and queen of the realm share a moment of profound connection and love.}
{Genevieve} I would love to, Ash. Dancing under the stars on All Hallows' Eve with you sounds perfect.
{Ash extends his hand, and Genevieve takes it gracefully. With a gentle tug, he helps her to her feet. Together, they make their way to the center of the garden, where a beautiful dance floor has been created under a canopy of enchanted vines and blossoms. The realm's musicians play a hauntingly beautiful melody, setting the mood for the evening.}
{Genevieve} (whispering to Ash) It's hard to believe that in just a few moons, our child will be in our arms, dancing with us.
{Ash} (smiling) Our family is about to grow, and I couldn't be happier. Every moment with you, Genevieve, is a moment to treasure.
{They begin to dance, their movements graceful and effortless. The world seems to fade away as they lose themselves in the music and each other's eyes.}
{Genevieve} (softly) All Hallows' Eve is a magical night, isn't it?
{Ash} (nods) Yes, my love. It's a night when the boundaries between our realm and others are at their thinnest, and magic is palpable in the air. It's the perfect night to celebrate our love and our growing family.
{As they dance, their love seems to radiate outwards, touching the hearts of those around them. The guests watch in awe as the future king and queen of the realm share a moment of profound connection and love.}
{In the distance, the twins, Aurora and Willow, watch their Aunt and Uncle with wide-eyed wonder. They hold hands, their young hearts filled with love for their family.}
{Nyxen's eyes burned with hatred as he watched the joyful festivities from the shadows. The music, laughter, and dancing only fueled his anger and desire for revenge. He knew that he couldn't strike now, not with so many witnesses around. But he plotted and schemed, vowing to find a way to exact his vengeance on Ash and Genevieve. The night may have been filled with enchantment, but for Nyxen, it was a night of darkness and hatred.}
{As Kendra strolled along the edge of the garden, she couldn't help but be enchanted by the sight of the children playing near the stack of pumpkins. Their laughter and giggles filled the air, adding to the festive atmosphere of the All Hallows' Eve celebration. The pumpkins, adorned with intricate carvings and enchanted to emit a soft, warm glow, created a magical backdrop for the youngsters' joyful antics. Kendra's heart swelled with happiness as she watched them, grateful for the moments of joy and innocence in a world often filled with challenges and dangers.
Kendra looked at Winter, the majestic Unicorn, with concern as she noticed the creature's worried snort. Unicorns were known for their keen instincts and sensitivity to the magical aura of the world. Kendra gently reached out to pat Winter's silky mane, her touch soft and reassuring.
{Kendra whispering} What troubles you, dear friend?
{Winter} I sense there is danger near. I can sense it
{Kendra's eyes widened as she listened to Winter's words. The majestic Unicorn's heightened senses were not to be taken lightly, and if it sensed danger, there was likely a real threat nearby. She patted Winter's flank reassuringly, her mind racing as she tried to figure out how to address this potential danger discreetly.}
{Kendra whispering} Thank you for the warning. Stay vigilant, my friend, and keep an eye on our surroundings. I will inform the others discreetly and ensure that we take necessary precautions.
{With that, Kendra turned away from Winter and discreetly made her way toward the other guests, her heart pounding with a sense of urgency. She needed to find Genevieve and Ash and make sure they were aware of the potential danger lurking in the shadows.}
{Genevieve's conversation with the centaurs was interrupted by a flicker of movement at the edge of the garden. She turned her head slightly, her eyes narrowing as she caught sight of a mysterious figure in dark elven robes and a mask. The figure moved with an eerie grace, slipping through the shadows like a phantom.
Instinctively, Genevieve's hand moved to rest onto top of her bump. She exchanged a knowing look with the centaurs before excusing herself and silently making her way towards the intruder. She knew that the safety of her unborn child and the realm depended on her swift and decisive actions.
The masked figure seemed to sense her approach and turned to face her. Their mask concealed their identity, but their dark elven robes exuded an air of malevolence.}
{Genevieve} (firmly) Who are you, and what brings you to this celebration on All Hallows' Eve?
{The masked figure remained silent for a moment, their masked face giving nothing away. Then, in a voice that sent shivers down Genevieve's spine, they spoke.}
{Masked Figure} (sinister) You would do well not to interfere, Genevieve. The Court of Shadows has its own business to attend to, and your involvement will not be tolerated.
{Genevieve's hand rested protectively on her belly as she faced the enigmatic figure.}
{Genevieve} (resolute) I will not allow any harm to come to my child or my realm. Tell me your purpose here.
{The masked figure's response was chilling, their words laden with dark intent.}
{Masked Figure} (darkly) I have come for what is rightfully mine. The Court of Shadows seeks the child of pure magic, the key to our salvation.
{Genevieve's eyes narrowed with determination.}
{Genevieve} (defiant) You will not lay a finger on my child. I will protect them with everything I have.
{The masked figure's laughter echoed in the night, a stark contrast to the joyful celebration in the garden.}
{Masked Figure} (mocking) We shall see, Genevieve. The night is young, and the shadows are on our side.
{With those ominous words, the masked figure turned and melted into the shadows, leaving Genevieve with a deep sense of foreboding. The peaceful celebration of All Hallows' Eve had been disrupted by a new and dangerous threat, and Genevieve knew that she would need the support of her loved ones to confront the Court of Shadows once more.
Turning back towards the garden, she couldn't help but wonder what other challenges this fateful night would bring and how she and her family would face them together.}
Genevieve's heart raced as the masked figure disappeared into the shadows, leaving her with a chilling sense of unease.
{Genevieve} (whispering to herself) I must warn Ash and the others. We cannot underestimate the danger they pose.
{With determination in her eyes, Genevieve hurried back to the center of the garden where the celebration continued. She spotted Ash, who was dancing with Princess Aurora, and her heart swelled with love for him.
Genevieve's heart raced as she saw Kendra following the masked figure into the shadows. She knew she had to reach Kendra and confront this mysterious threat, but just as they were about to step into the shadows, a haunting flute melody filled the air, freezing both the guests and the royal couple in their tracks.
The music was otherworldly, its haunting notes seeping into their souls, rendering them momentarily helpless. The guests, once filled with joy and celebration, now stood in eerie silence, their attention drawn to the source of the mesmerizing melody.
As the haunting flute melody filled the air, the guests and the royal couple found themselves unable to move. It was as if an invisible force held them in its thrall, their eyes fixed on the source of the music.
Genevieve's heart raced, and she could feel the power of the melody washing over her, pulling at her very soul. She exchanged a panicked look with Ash, who was equally entranced.
The masked figure finally spoke, their voice carrying an air of dark authority.
{Masked Figure} (sinister) Welcome, dear guests, to our All Hallows' Eve gathering. You have been graced with the presence of the Court of Shadows.
{The Masked Figure's words were laced with malevolence, and a sense of foreboding settled over the garden. They raised a gloved hand, and the moonlight caught the glint of silver on their fingers, each adorned with a sinister ring bearing an emblem of a shadowy crescent moon.}
{Masked Figure} (mocking) How fortunate you are to witness the unveiling of our grand plan, a plan that will reshape the very fabric of your realm.
Genevieve and Ash exchanged a glance, their determination to protect their realm and their child burning brighter in the face of this ominous threat. The guests, once entranced by the melody, were now focused on the masked figure, awaiting their next words with a mixture of fear and defiance.
Queen Titania, her heart filled with both motherly love and the determination to protect her children, rushed forward to gather Princess Aurora and Prince Willow into her arms. Her elegant gown billowed around her as she scooped them up, holding them close to her.
{Queen Titania} (whispering soothingly) My darlings, fear not. Mother is here, and we will keep you safe.
{Aurora and Willow clung to their mother, their young faces reflecting a mixture of fear and trust. They knew that their parents and the realm's allies would do everything in their power to shield them from the looming threat of the Court of Shadows.}
{Princess Aurora} (softly) We trust you, Mother.
{Prince Willow} (with determination) And we'll help protect our family and our realm.
{Titania's heart swelled with pride at her children's bravery. She exchanged a glance with King Oberon, who stood steadfast beside her, and they both shared a silent understanding that their family's love and unity would be their greatest weapon against the darkness that threatened their realm.}
{Masked Figure} (mocking) How fortunate you are to witness the unveiling of our grand plan, a plan that will reshape the very fabric of your realm.
{Genevieve and Ash exchanged a glance, their determination to protect their realm and their child burning brighter in the face of this ominous threat. The guests, once entranced by the melody, were now focused on the masked figure, awaiting their next words with a mixture of fear and defiance.}
{Masked Figure} (darkly) You see, dear guests, we of the Court of Shadows have long sought the power of pure magic, a power that can only be harnessed by the child of Princess Genevieve and Prince Ash. This child, innocent and untainted, holds the key to our salvation, our ascension to unimaginable heights of power.
{A murmur of disbelief and anger rippled through the crowd. King Oberon and Queen Titania, King Lindir and Queen Albina, Princess Aurora, and Prince Willow stood resolute, ready to defend their realm and their beloved rulers.}
{King Oberon} (firmly) You will not lay a hand on our family, nor shall you ever attain the power you seek.
{Queen Titania} (determined) The Court of Shadows will find no sanctuary here.
{King Lindir} (with conviction) We will stand united against your darkness.
{Queen Albina} (defiant) The forest itself shall rise against you.
{The Masked Figure chuckled darkly, their amusement cutting through the tension like a knife.}
{Masked Figure} (sinister) How valiant. How noble. But I assure you, our plans are already in motion, and there is nothing you can do to stop us.
{Genevieve's hand tightened around Ash's, and their resolve deepened. They knew that the battle ahead would be perilous, but their love and the unity of their realm would serve as their greatest strength.}
{Genevieve} (defiant) You underestimate the power of love and unity, and you will learn that we will do whatever it takes to protect our family and our realm.
{Ash} (with unwavering determination) The Court of Shadows will find that they have awakened a force greater than they could have ever imagined.
{The Masked Figure's laughter echoed through the garden, a sinister sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who stood against them. Despite the ominous presence before them, Genevieve and Ash stood firm, their hands tightly interlocked, drawing strength from their love and the unity of their realm.}
{Masked Figure} (mocking) Ah, love and unity, such fragile ideals. We shall see just how far they can carry you in the face of our darkness.
{With those words, the Masked Figure raised a gloved hand, and shadows began to swirl around them. The very air seemed to darken, and the moonlight dimmed as if in response to the encroaching malevolence.
But as the darkness crept closer, a soft, ethereal light began to emanate from the hands of the gathered royals and their allies. King Oberon, Queen Titania, King Lindir, Queen Albina, Princess Aurora, Prince Willow, and countless others joined Genevieve and Ash in a collective display of unity and love.
The radiant light pushed back against the encroaching shadows, creating a barrier that held the Masked Figure at bay. The realm's defenders stood together, their hearts beating as one, unwavering in their resolve to protect their family and their realm.}
{Genevieve} (with conviction) Love and unity are not fragile; they are the most potent magic of all.
{Ash} (resolute) We will stand together, and the Court of Shadows will never prevail.
{The Masked Figure recoiled, unable to breach the barrier of love and unity that surrounded them. Their sinister laughter turned into a growl of frustration, and they vanished into the shadows, retreating for the moment.
The garden was once again filled with moonlight, and the guests, their spirits buoyed by the display of unity, let out a collective sigh of relief. Genevieve and Ash, their hands still tightly entwined, looked around at their allies, their hearts filled with gratitude.}
{King Oberon} (with pride) Love and unity shall always prevail over darkness.
{Queen Titania} (nodding) We are a family, and together, we are unstoppable.
{As the All Hallows' Eve celebration continued, the realm's defenders knew that their battle against the Court of Shadows had only just begun. But they also knew that their love and unity would be their greatest strength in the face of the looming darkness, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united as one.
The All Hallows' Eve celebration resumed, with the realm's defenders and their allies more determined than ever to protect their family and their realm. The garden once again filled with laughter, music, and the joy of the festivities, as the guests sought to banish the lingering shadows of the Masked Figure's presence.
Genevieve and Ash, still holding hands, felt the warmth of their united realm around them. They knew that the Court of Shadows would not give up so easily, but they also knew they had the strength of love, unity, and the support of their loyal subjects to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
The night wore on, and as the moon rose higher in the sky, the garden transformed into a place of enchantment once more. Guests danced, laughed, and reveled in the magic of the evening of All Hallows Eve, their hearts filled with hope and determination.
Princess Aurora and Prince Willow, their youthful innocence undimmed by the earlier encounter, played among the pumpkins and enchanted decorations, their laughter a reminder of the beauty and wonder of their realm.
As Genevieve and Ash joined the festivities, they shared a moment of quiet reflection.}
{Genevieve} (softly) We faced darkness tonight, my love, but we also witnessed the power of our realm's unity and love.
{Ash} (smiling) Indeed, Genevieve. Our family and our realm are stronger than ever, and together, we will protect all that we hold dear.
{As Ash and Genevieve shared that tender moment and declared their unwavering love for each other and their realm, a sense of hope and determination washed over the garden. The realm's defenders and guests watched in awe as Ash, with a smile that reflected his love and confidence, swept Genevieve up into a waltz.
Despite her heavy pregnancy, Genevieve moved gracefully, her trust in Ash and their profound connection allowing her to dance with a lightness that defied her condition. The music flowed around them, the enchanting melody matching the rhythm of their hearts as they waltzed under the moonlit canopy.
The guests, who had witnessed the couple's strength and unity in the face of danger, erupted in applause and cheers, their admiration and support evident. It was a moment of pure magic, a testament to the love that bound the realm together.
King Oberon and Queen Titania, King Lindir and Queen Albina, Princess Aurora, and Prince Willow joined the dance, forming a circle of unity and love around Ash and Genevieve. They waltzed together, their spirits lifted by the power of the moment.
As the night continued, the realm's defenders and their guests danced under the stars, their hearts filled with hope and the knowledge that together, they would face whatever challenges the future held. Love, unity, and the strength of family would be their guiding light, shining even in the darkest of times.
Under the moonlit sky, the dance continued, a celebration of love, unity, and the resilience of their realm. Genevieve and Ash led the way, their graceful movements and the profound connection between them inspiring all those in attendance.
The waltz carried on, the music filling the garden with its enchanting melody. Princess Aurora and Prince Willow twirled with youthful enthusiasm, their laughter ringing out like silver bells. The other guests joined in, forming a sea of swirling gowns and robes, their hearts alight with the spirit of the night.
King Oberon and Queen Titania shared a dance that spoke of their enduring love and partnership, while King Lindir and Queen Albina's graceful movements mirrored the harmony of the forest they ruled. The realm's defenders and their loyal subjects moved as one, a united front against the darkness that loomed.
As the dance continued, the magic of All Hallows' Eve seemed to infuse the garden once more. The enchanted pumpkins glowed brighter, casting a warm, welcoming light, and the stars above sparkled with added brilliance.}
{Genevieve} (whispering to Ash) This is our realm's true strength, Ash—our love, our unity, and the bonds we share with our people.
{Ash} (smiling) You're right, my love. It's a reminder that together, there's nothing we can't overcome.
{Their waltz carried them through the night, and as the first light of dawn began to paint the horizon, the garden was alive with the joy and resilience of their realm. The Court of Shadows might have unleashed darkness, but they had also ignited a light within the hearts of all who stood against them—a light that would guide them through the challenges to come.
And so, on that All Hallows' Eve, they danced not only in celebration but also in defiance, knowing that their love and unity would be the beacon that would lead them to victory, no matter what lay ahead.
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bunnymajo · 2 years
Things about Sonic’s history in the U.S. that are very funny in retrospect
Sally Acorn getting killed off in the comics only for Sega demanding they bring her back because she was a mascot of theirs in Australia’s Sega Theme Park and they can’t have their mascot be dead
Puyo Puyo being repackaged as game about Robotnik stacking beans.
Sonic X being on TV in reruns for as long as it was (11 years) and becoming the longest sonic show to ever be in syndication, being successful enough to 4kids to even commission that 3rd season that didn’t even air in Japan. 4kids is the reason Cosmo exists.
Sonic’s love of chili dogs originating from the U.S. cartoons
Sonic X-treme having a new love interest character and naming her “Tiara Boobowski” Like. I’m not dumb, I know why this is her name, but also, why??
Archie Sonic being awarded as the longest running franchise-based comic only for it to be not in print in any official manner as of 2022 and will probably remain that way in the foreseeable future.
Sally being named after a random squirrel animal in Sonic 1 because someone translating the game booklet decided “Sally Acorn” was a good name change from Ricky
Someone with amazing taste seeing the potential of “Sonic is a lost prince and him & his siblings play in a band with instruments that turn into weapons” and then greenlighting it to make Sonic Underground
Someone translating Amy Rose in Sonic CD to “Sally” because they hate cuteness to tie all the existing U.S. Sonic media together somehow
Tails being a silly baby brother archetype for awhile before Sega was like “uh. He’s 8 and a genius”
Just Sonic as a franchise being over all more successful internationally and U.S. companies having a lot of freedom because of that. But Sonic is now mandated not to date anyone or cry like he’s some kind of 80′s pop idol
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